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Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:27 pm
by April
Sometimes a song just sparks such a strong idea that I can't resist making a vid for it!
Final Warning (Michael/Maria/Isabel AU)

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:35 pm
by April
Michael and Maria - I Want You to Touch Me There
Listening to this song, I just thought to myself, How could I NOT possibly make a Candy video to this song? The lyrics are just soooo them, and it's so freaking sexy. The song is technically called "A Little Death," by The Neighbourhood, but I titled my video differently for obvious (and sexy) reasons. ;)

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:10 pm
by April
Woohoo! This isn't exactly a MUSIC video, but it's still a Roswell vid, technically.

That moment where you create something and then think to yourself . . . I'm fucking awesome. 8)

It's been a while since I tried my hand at one of these trailers re-done in Roswell style, and I didn't know if I could still make it work, but I whipped this thing out last night and think it turned out pretty neat.

Premonition Trailer (Roswell Style)

It wasn't a hugely successful movie, but I liked it, and I had fun making this.

I've done these types of trailers for several movies now:

The Butterfly Effect (Candy)
The Break-Up (Candy)
Wicker Park (Dreamer/Rebel)
Cruel Intentions (Candy/Cliffhanger)
The Virgin Suicides (Dreamer/all)
How to Deal (Dreamer)
Premonition (Candy)

I need new ideas for trailers that I could try to work with. I'm thinking I might give 10 Things I Hate About You and/or Mean Girls a try. Not sure, though.

If anyone's got ideas, let me know!

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:14 pm
by morethenwords122
My new and probably last video to my Au with Aliens fic 'You and Whose Army?'

Subterfuge (You and Whose Army?

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:06 am
by April
Cool video, Michael! I watched it and left you a comment on Youtube.

Well, my summer of Candy creativity continues! Here's a new video set to Madilyn Bailey's beautiful cover of "Wild Ones" by Flo Ride and Sia.

Michael and Maria - WILD ONES

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:30 pm
by morethenwords122
Thanks for your comment on youtube and i replied to it. I'm gonna be to busy to watch your video today but i'm going to watch it tomorrow but i'm sure i'm gonna love it :D

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:06 pm
by morethenwords122
I finally broke down and made character videos for Max, Liz, Maria, and Michael. I've only uploaded Maria and Michael's but i'll have Max and Liz's uploaded by the next time i post for 'You and Whose Army?' and i'll also have a surprise video as well.

The Friend 'Maria'
The Rebel 'Michael'

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:45 am
by morethenwords122
This is a teaser to an Au without Aliens fic called 'Paradise'. I plan to begin working on it in sometime in December or near the beginning of the new year. I can't tell you much about expect it's looking to a family and relationship drama.

Paradise (Teaser)

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:04 pm
by morethenwords122
Just some small promos to my upcoming fic called 'Paradise' that show how the family dynamics will work in this story.

The Parkers (Isabel/Liz)
The DeLuca-Evans (Maria/Max)
The Guerins (Michael/Tess/Alex)

P.S. I have began working on this story :D

Re: Music Videos.... Challenges/Requests # 8 Rule Added

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:56 pm
by April
I love all the Radiohead songs in those promos, Michael. I'm a sucker for "Karma Police," especially.

When do you think you'll start posting the fic?