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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 42 2/26/19

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:33 pm
by RoswellFan68
Liz is right to follow her instincts about Sean. Maria already has Liz's wedding to Max planned.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 42 2/26/19

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:13 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn The date is coming up. Liz has always been comfortable with Max. Even when she was being cold to him. He has been part of her life for more then 20 years at this point.

RoswellFan68 Maria already has Liz and Max married off in her mind with two or three mini Max's and Liz running around, besides Ashlee that is!

Part 43

Diane looked at the photo of Ashlee that Liz had given her with the Christmas card she sent last year. She wanted nothing more then to call the beautiful little girl her granddaughter. But for that to happen Liz would have to open her heart to Max. Diane shoved the photo back into her desk as Isabel walked in. Isabel was a junior partner in the Evans and Associates law firm.

“Mom, I wanted to let you know that Max and Liz are going out tomorrow on a date.” Said Isabel
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I had dinner at Liz's last night. Sean Carson attacked Liz and my brother was there to comfort Liz afterwards.”
“He didn't come to her rescue?”
“He tried. But Liz is still walking around with that taser Sheriff Valenti gave her when she went off to college. Liz used it on Carson where it really hurt.”
“Well I guess he has learned a lesson.”
“Isabel, I am sure there is some work for you to do.”
“Yes mom.”

Diane watched her daughter go. She wished she could say that she was surprised that Sean Carson had attacked Liz. But she wasn't. It seemed that he was very much like his father. She was one of the few people outside of the Parker family that knew that Hank Carson was Taylor's biological father. Jeff's sister had been the girlfriend of her brother Mark. Mark had been murdered a few days before Hank went to prison. Diane couldn't prove it but she was sure Hank Carson was the one that had murdered Mark.


Max walked into the gift shop on a break and smiled at the woman behind the counter. Penny Hays was old enough to be his mother. Penny was a caring woman who looked out for those who worked with her.

“Penny long time no see.” Said Max with a smile
“Dr. Evans, what brings you my way? Planning to send flowers to that Doc Parker?”
“Actually I have a date with her tomorrow.”
“Damn! Looks like nurse Dina won that pool.”
“You all been taking bets on weather Dr. Parker and I would go on a date?”
“Yeah. I mean come on Max. Everybody can see that you two are into each other.”
“Penny, I am hurt that a woman your age would go along with a childish thing like bet on weather or not two people would get together.”
“What can I say. We all know you belong together.”
“Right. I came by to see if Sarah Davis is still working here.”
“No. She quit after she was raped. I totally understand.”
“Do you have her contact information?”
“No. But they should have it in HR. Why?”
“Liz thinks she knows who attacked her. But Sarah has to identify him.”
“That girl is scared. It won't be easy to get her to admit who attacked her.”
“I understand that. But he needs to pay for what he did.”
“Hon, trust me I know. But she most likely was threatened.”
“Thanks Penny. She was treated in the ER so her address should be on her medical records.”

Penny nodded and Max headed out.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 2/27/19

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:42 am
by keepsmiling7
Big mystery.......Hank murdered Diane's brother??
LOL.......the hospital has a pool going on......when Max and Liz will go on a date.
These two don't have a chance to stay apart, but Ashlee seems to hold the trump card.
It's good to see both Max and Liz trying to help Sarah identify her attacker.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 2/27/19

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:01 pm
by RoswellFan68
Poor Diane, it is shame she lost her brother. I wonder if he would have raised Taylor as his own child if he wasn't murdered.
Hopefully Liz will be able to talk to Sarah. Liz would come closer to understanding the situation that about anyone else.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 2/27/19

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:16 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Diane belives that Hank killed her brother. She just can't prove it. Yes the hospital staff has a pool going on when Max and Liz will go out. They may have more then one going! Yes Ashlee holds the trump card. Sarah knows who raped her. Max and Liz just need her to identify him.

RoswellFan68 Yes is is a shame that Diane lost her brother. This part may answer weather or not if he would have raised Taylor as his or not.

Part 44

Liz opened her address book and looked up a phone number. She dialed the Boston phone number and waited for it to be answered.

“Goldberg and Sons associates. Tiffany speaking. How may I direct your call.”
“Yes I would like to speak to Christopher Goldberg.” Said Liz
“Who may I say is calling?”
“Dr. Elizabeth Parker from Roswell New Mexico.”

Liz waited and a minute later the voice of her ex boyfriend came on. The only man she had come close to loving other than Max.

“Liz what can I do for you?” asked Chris
“Hey Chris. I was wondering if your sister Jenna is still working with that foundation that helps pay medical bills for underprivileged kids?”
“Yeah. You got a patient that needs help?”
“Yeah. Her medical insurance is running out but she still needs treatment for her cancer.”
“Email me the information and I will get it to Jenna. Just send it to my Gmail address I used in college.”
“Thanks Chris.”
“No problem Liz. I know that things didn't work out for us. But I want you to be happy.”
“I know. I hope that you are happy with your life too.”
“Liz, I heard you have a daughter.”
“Yeah, she is three. Her father is not part of our lives. But I am going out with someone that that I think will be good for me.”
“That's great. I should go. I have a client coming in any minute.”
“Thanks again.”

Liz hung up. She really hoped that his sister Jenna could get the foundation to pay little April's medical bills.

Carolyn walked through the cafeteria and right over to Max who was eating his lunch. She sat down across from him without even asking.

“So what happened to Liz?” asked Carolyn
“She is off on medical leave for a few days.” Said Max
“Yeah, I know that. I am talking about you and her.”
“Nothing has happened between Liz and me.”
“Yeah right. Liz was walking around the ward yesterday after lunch with this huge smile on her face.”
“If Liz wants you to know what is going on in her life she will tell you.”
“Yeah right. I never could get out of her why she seemed to hate your guts.”
“Liz never hated my guts. She and I have known each other most of our lives. Her twin sister is close friends with my sister.”
“Yeah but that doesn't explain why she won't go out with a hunk like you.”
“Carolyn, Liz has her reasons for not dating anyone. She explained them to me. I will not betray her by telling you what she seems to not want you to know.”
“Max, I am worried that Liz spends way too much time working. I mean she won't even go out for drinks with any of us from the hospital.”

Max realized then that Liz may not have mentioned her daughter to Carolyn. Not that he was surprised. He hadn't known about that little angel until Liz told him.

“Liz doesn't drink. She had a couple bad experiences in college with drinking. Besides one of her aunts was killed by a drunk driver when she was like ten.”
“I didn't know that.”
“Well you aren't from Roswell originally. It is pretty well known how Ashlee Lynn Parker died shortly after her daughter's tenth birthday.”
“Who is Ashlee Lynn Parker?”
“That was Liz's aunt. Her cousin Taylor's mom. If my Uncle Mark hadn't been murdered Taylor may have been raised as my cousin. My Uncle Mark was dating Taylor's mom. He wasn't Taylor's father. But my mom told me that he would have been a father to her. He loved Ashlee Lynn. He would have loved Taylor as if she was his. But then again her first name wouldn't be Taylor. It would have been something else. My mom's maiden name is Taylor. Liz's aunt chose Taylor in his memory.”
“Who is Taylor's father?”
“Ashlee Lynn Parker was raped. I don't know who her father is. Liz isn't even sure of his name. The name was left off of Taylor's birth certificate.”
“So no one knows who her father is?”
“Well Liz's parents do. I think my mom does but I can't be sure.”

Carolyn nodded. She was beginning to think that what she was learning explained some of Liz's behavior.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 2/28/19

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:52 pm
by RoswellFan68
Hopefully April's family will get the financial help they need.
Max and Liz would have shared a cousin if Diane's brother had not been murdered. I would like to know what Diane did that could get her dis-barred.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 2/28/19

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:39 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz is seeking help for Sarah's medical needs.
It appears to be a small world that the Parkers/Evans/and Carolyn share.
Now Carolyn understands Liz a little better.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 2/28/19

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:48 pm
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Yes hopefully April's family will get the help they need for her medical bills. Yes Max and Liz would have shared a cousin had Mark not been murdered. What Diane has done may not get her disbarred. She really just over stepped getting some paperwork ready to file way before she should have.

Carolyn Liz was actually getting help for her cancer patient April to pay her medical bills. It is a small world the Parkers and Evans share. Carolyn does understand Liz a little better.

Part 45

Taylor smiled as she watched Liz get ready for her date. Ashlee was off with her grandparents and had been since around ten that morning. Liz seemed like a nervous wreck.

“Liz, chill out. You are going out with Max.”
“Taylor this is my first date since Ashlee was born.”
“All the more reason for you to relax. Liz, Max is the perfect man for you. Max knows about your history with boys, and Liz everyone one you ever dated was a boy. They never cared about your feelings. Well except for maybe Chris. But he wasn't right for you.”
“Tay, I know Max accepts me for the way I am. That I am damaged and have a lot of issues with letting people close. I love him and admitted it to him. But I am still scared of being in a relationship with him.”
“You do know your daughter is in love with Max. That she wants to start calling him daddy.”
“In case you forgot I was sitting right next to her when she asked Max to marry me and be her daddy.”
“That was great.”
“So when are you going out with Ryan again?”
“Nice change of subject. Tonight if you must know. We are going bowling.”
“I enjoy bowling.”
“Yeah I know. You were on the bowling team in high school.”
“Does Ryan know that you have bowled five perfect games?”
“Uh that never came up.”
“Right. Tay come give me a hand with my locket. It's a little hard to put on with this brace on.”
“Sure. So where is Max taking you?”
“Um Señor Chows.”
“You going to challenge him to a game of pool?”
“I have a sprained wrist. It might be kind of hard to play.”
“Then he would have a chance against you.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Only that you are a pool shark.”
“That is not true.”
“That is bull shit. I am good at bowling, Serena is good at poker and you are good at pool.”
“Good thing Ash is at my parents. I don't need her repeating that language.”
“I'm sure in about ten years or so she will be saying it on her own.”
“She better not! Or she will never be aloud to go on a date.”

Taylor just laughed. Ashlee would just get Max to over rule Liz on that. That girl was very fast wrapping Dr. Maxwell Evans around her little finger. Just then the buzzer on the building door went off.

“You finish getting ready. I will find out who is at the door.” Said Taylor

Liz sighed. Tonight was hopefully the beginning of something special.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 3/1/19

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:09 pm
by keepsmiling7
I hope this night is the beginning of something special.
Can understand Liz's strange feelings with her first date after her daughter was born.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 3/1/19

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:39 pm
by SmileeUk
Woohoo!! What a treat! A few chapters to read in one go :D

Hope the charity can help April’s medical bill.

So much of Hank’s dark side is to come out :twisted:

Glad Max & Liz are going on a date at last :) Can’t wait to read more :wink: