From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 42 Complete 10/12

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 27 9/26

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. First off I think the King and his men should have a creature bite off Kivar's manhood. Then after that cut his body up and throw it to a wild animal to eat. Sorry but I really really really really hate Kivar! Cool Maria got all the information King Philip needs to make Kivar pay for what he did to the farmers. I'm glad that Maria let King Philip know about the slave girls. Hopefully King Philip can help the women. Good Michael and the men are going to Kivars. Hopefully they will catch him before he leaves with the slave girl. Cool Liz and Maria are going to see each other again. Can't wait to find out how that will go. Love the way Max and Liz are together they can't get enough of each other.

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 28 9/27

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn It's very good that Maria was able to get the information they needed. Well it maybe a bit before Kivar pays for his crimes. Yes I am feeling a lot better! Thanks!

Eve Kivar is going to pay don't worry.

L-J-L 76 Uh remind me to stop making you mad! :lol: Kivar is going to pay just not yet!

Part 28

Michael led his squad of soldiers into Kivar's house.

"All employees are to be taken into custody for questioning. If you find Kivar he is to be arrested and I need to be notified right away. Any slaves are to be escorted to a transport to be taken for medical care." Said Michael

The soldiers nodded and started to search the very big house room by room. Michael headed upstairs to a locked door. He placed his hand over the lock and heard a click. He opened the door to find ten girls chained to the walls wearing smocks that bearly covered them.

"Shit." Mumbled Michael

He made his way to the nearest kept down in front of her. But didn't touch her.

"My name is Michael. I am going to get you some help. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl looked at him. She could see kindness in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you."
"What is going to happen to us?"
"I don't know. But you won't be hurt anymore."
"Why should I believe you?"
"Was there anyone you did trust?"
"There was a maid here until a couple days ago. Maria. She was kind to us."
"Maria, is my girlfriend. She was here working for the King. The King knew that Kivar was up to no good so Maria said she would get the proof. She hated leaving you girls here."
"How long until we get out of here?"
"Soon I promise."

Michael got up and went to get some help to get the girls out. It took over an hour to get the employees and the girls out. Michael left four soldiers to guard the house. Sent most with the prisoners and took three of his most trusted with him to the medical complex with the girls.

Michael sat in the waiting room. He was worried about the girls. He could tell that they were in really bad shape. They had to find Kivar and make him pay for how he treated these girls. He had been sitting there for an hour and half when Kara came out.

"So how bad is it?" Asked Michael
"Well, I have personally examined three of the girls. They have been abused very badly. They are in worse shape than the ones I have found in the pleasure houses."
"That bad?"
"Michael, yeah it is. Do you know what the King is going to do with these girls?"
"There status won't change most likely. But they won't be put in pleasure houses. That much I know."
"Good I will make sure that the report on each of them get's to the King."
"By the way what is going on with Max's young friend?"
"She went through the complete antarian bonding."
"A full bonding? You mean in every way?"
"She only had to do the mental."
"Yeah well it seems at some point Liz fell in love with Max. They married in the granalith chamber a couple days ago."
"I wasn't expecting that. So I will be informed when the big "Royal Wedding" is?"
"Of course. You are my big sister after all."
"So what is going on with you and Maria?"
"She just got back from her mission."
"Michael, you love the girl. Marry her will ya! Stop being such a chicken!"
"Have I ever told you that you can be a pain in the ass?"

Kara wacked him in the back of the head.

"You know mom told you never to talk to me like that."
"Love you big sister."
"Love you too little brother."
"Get back to the palace. As soon as the repots ate done I will bring them myself."
"Oh and just ask Maria to marry you ok?"

Michael hugged Kara and then headed out to give his report to the King.

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 28 9/27

Post by Natalie36 »

i want them to catch kivar so bad :x
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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 28 9/27

Post by max and liz believer »

I was wondering where your updates disappeared to... Good to hear that the cold is starting to give. I hope you'll be fully recovered quickly.

Khivar is a horrible horrible man. There's no words. He especially loves to abuse the ones that "break" and are the most vulnerable. That makes him really really small in my eyes.

Max and Liz... *dreamy sigh* They're just beautiful. As always. I'm loving the relationship b/w Michael and his sister and b/w Michael and Maria. Both Maria and Michael seem like really good people. Max is lucky to have them on his "staff" and maybe they're good friends of him as well...?

Welcome back (to updating at least) and get well soon!

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 28 9/27

Post by begonia9508 »

Where is the raper, Eh? Running away with fear I guess, or even maybe searching for news preys...

Loved Cara and what she said to Michael: It must have hurt his ego... :lol: :lol:

Thanks - EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 28 9/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Good Michael and his men freed the slaves and servants. Hopefully they will help Michael and his men find Kivar and kill the asshole. So Kara and Michael and brother and sister that is good. Love how she is with Michael. And I agree with Kara about Michael marrying Maria. Michael needs to do it really soon.

Oh by the way you never made me mad I think all men that hurt, rape women all should have their manhood's bit of by an animal and have them cut up and feed to wild animals.

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 29 9/28

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Natalie36 They will get Kivar. Just give it time.

Jo Kivar is the worst type of person. Max and Liz, so in love. Michael does have a good relationship with both his sister and Maria. Max is lucky to have them working for his family.

Eve Technically Kivar isn't a rapist. It is legal to have sex slaves on Antar. But not to abuse them. He is in hiding at the moment. Kara is Michael's older sister so she puts him in his place all the time.

L-J-L 76 Yes the slaves have been saved, but they will still be slaves they will just end up with new owners. Michael and Kara do have a very good relationship.

Part 29

Max watched as his wife slept. He loved watching her sleep. He glanced at the foot of the bed where Lucky was curled up near Liz's feet. He shook his head. That dog would only listen to Liz. Though he was a good dog. He would lay out on the balcony while they made love. But after they fell to sleep he came in through the doggy door and jump up onto the bed and go to sleep at Liz's feet. The first morning he found the dog there he wasn't happy about it. But after talking to Liz, he found out that Lucky was sleeping there to protect his mommy when she was in a defenceless state, and when Max wouldn't have a fast reaction time. Lucky was aware the whole time even sleep what was going on. Lucky lifted his head streeched and yawned. He looked at Max and waged his tail.

"Should we wake her?" Asked Max

Lucky just looked at him. Max knew that the dog would never give him answer he could understand. Liz laid there with her eyes closed listening to Max talk out loud to the dog. What Max never knew was Lucky was talking to her in her mind. Lucky just though Max was funny thinking he would give him answer he would understand. Max leaned down and kissed Liz softly. It took every ounce of control that Liz had not to respond it it right away. But she couldn't hold off for long. She soon found herself returning it.

"Morning Princess." Said Max staring down at her.
"Morning my Prince."
"Liz, I have to go into some meeting with my father today."
"I guess our honeymoon is over then?"
"Yes. Sorry."
"Don't be. In a couple days I will have to start my classes on being a princess."
"True. Liz, spend the day in the garden. Enjoy the nice weather before the storm season starts."
"OK. Let me know if we can have dinner together."

*You know I will.*
*I love when you talk to me like this.*

Max kissed her and then Liz got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Max watched her go with a shake of her hips.

*You coming? Or do I have to wash my back myself?*

Max jumped up from the bed and chased after her. Lucky watched them go. He was never going to understand these two legged ones.


Maria walked through the garden late that morning when she heard a dog barking. She smiled when she saw the golden retriever puppy running with a ball. She saw the puppy drop it at the feet of a young woman.

*You going to stand there staring all day or come give me a hug Ria?*

"Hi Liz or do I have to call you Princess now?" Asked Maria walking over to her.
"Officially I am not a princess yet. I haven't been crowned princess. Besides we have been friends for a long time."
"I missed you Liz."

Maria and Liz hugged then sat on the bench to talk. Liz picked the ball and tossed it. Lucky took off after it.

"So Liz, I hear your life has taken a major turn." Said Maria
"Yeah it has."
"Are you happy?"
"Yes. Max is so sweet and kind to me."
"Now has he always treated you well?"
"Yes. Maria, yes I spent a year as his slave. But he was never curl to me. He could have, maybe he Should have forced me into his bed. Until three days ago when I made the choice and he had already set me free did he have sex with me. Maria, I love him."
"So why did you do the full bonding?"
"Well the mental part was for my health. I now get the visions of a seer."
"I still don't get it."
"Maria, if I hadn't done the mental bonding there would have been two choices. For me to slowly go crazy, or have the guardians use the granalith to remove the gift. But in removing the gift it does leave the possibility that my personality could change. Besides I had already fallen in love. So it was the best choice."
"So what is up with the puppy?"
"His name is Lucky. Max got him because he was cute. But he didn't want to listen Max."
"Well you do have the gift of Dr. Dolittle."
"Yeah I do."
"I am glad you are happy."
"So Maria is there anyone special in your life?"
"Uh yeah. I am seeing Michael Guerin."
"The Captain that will take over the Royal Guard when Max becomes King?"
"Yeah. You have met him?"
"Yes. I don't know him really."
"He can be a bit rough around the edges but is a good guy. His older sister Kara is a doctor."
"Dr. Kara is his sister?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"She is my doctor."
"Well Max would pick the one he trusts most with you. So any plans on a Max junior?"
"Not right away. I am on birth control right now. I am not ready to be a mom yet."
"That is understandable."

Maria and Liz spent the rest of the morning talking and catching up on each others lives. Lucky and curled up by their feet to keep them safe.

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 29 9/28

Post by max and liz believer »

Oh, I just love how Liz can talk to Lucky. And it was really sweet how this whole chapter seemed to be from Lucky's viewpoint in a way; since you ended both two segments of the chapter by going back to Lucky. He'll be an excellent guard dog one day, since he's still so good even though he's only a puppy. Funny how he doesn't listen to Max :wink:

I didn't know that Maria and Liz knew each other before. Maybe you mentioned it and I've forgotten :oops: but I'm happy that they are friends. Liz needs someone to trust (who is not her family) within the castle walls. And it's a great bonus that Maria is involved with Michael; that'll mean that Michael will also naturally be around whenever Maria and Liz hang.

I'm liking how this story is coming together :D

P.S. Shouldn't we put Khivar on that spaceship you're building as well? We need to have a representative control group after all; just using Sean wouldn't cut it :wink:'

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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 29 9/28

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Looks like Maria and Michael are headed in the right direction.
And I love the way Lucky protects Liz. Max's jealousy was cute too.
Great story,
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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 29 9/28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Love how protective Lucky is of Liz when she is awake and sleep. Max better get use to Lucky be protective of Liz. Liz and Maria act like they never been apart in their friendship. Looks like Michael and Maria are going good together. Will Max and Liz be able to have dinner together? Will Liz get more visions? Will someone be with Liz when she gets her visions? Will Liz become Princess really soon? When will Liz become a princess? Will Michael and solders find Kivar and slave girl? Will Michael and solders be able to save the slave girl? Will Michael ask Maria to marry him soon? Will Max and Liz get married soon? Will Liz become pregnant soon? Will Liz's visions help Max with what is going on? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76
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