Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}[Complete]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 79 Pg17 June 15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 80:
"Oh um I don't think you would know him," Liz said.

"Oh, Liz are we going to see at your club tomorrow night?" Linda asked.

"Um, yeah, I'll be there," Liz said.

"Good. I gotta go my boyfriend wants to talk to me about something," Linda said.

"Bye Linda and Mary," Liz said.

After they walked away Liz turned and looked at Jim, Max, Alex and Michael. They all looked at her.

"Jim can we please go home now?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Jim said.

Everyone got their dates and things and left the house. They walked out the door and to their cars. When Liz got to Max's car she turned and looked at the house. Liz felt as if she was being watched. Max stopped and looked at Liz. He could tell something was bothering Liz.

"Liz is everything ok?" Max asked as he looked at Liz.

"Max, um, yeah, everything is fine," Liz sid s she turned and got into the car.

Max got into his car and drove off to the club. While they were drivingno one said a word to eachother. When they got to the club Liz got our of the car nd walked up the steps to the club. When Liz gotto the club's doors Liz walked in and went up the stairs to her room and locked the door.

Meanwhile downstairs:
Max walked in the club and saw Jim and everyone sitting at the bar. Max walked up to the bar and sat down next to Jim and the guys. Jim and the guys turned nd looked at Max.

"Did Liz go upstairs to her room?" Max asked.

"Yeah, she just went up stairs a few seconds ago. Why?" Jim asked.

"Something weird happened when we were at the car," Max said.

"What happened?" Ben asked.

"When we got to the car Liz turned and looked at the house for like 10 minutes before she got into the car," Max said.

"Ok. Now that is weird," Ben said.

"I know. I sid her name then she turns and gets into the car," Max said.

"I don't know wht to tell you,"Jim said.

"I'm hoping that whatever is bothering her she'll talk to someone," Max said.

"Don't worry she'll talk to someone about it," Ben said.

Jim and the others stayed for a few more minutes. Then everyone execpt for Ben and Max stood up and left. Ben and Max cleaned up the bar and then they went their seperate ways. Ben went to the office while Max walked up the stairs and went to Liz's room. He knocked on the door then walked in. When he walked in he saw Liz was a sleep. Max walked in nd shut the door. He changed into his boxers and a t- shirt and went to sleep on the couch. A few minutes later Max was fast a sleep.

Author's Note:
Hey Everyone
I wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max, and their friends. I hope everyone will keep reading til the end of this story. I also wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 81 on Sunday June 22 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will let me know what you think of chapter 80 in feedback and let me know what you think of chpter 81 when I post it Sunday. Again hank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what ill happen next for Liz, Max and their friends. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free today, Friday and this weekend! I hope no one will work themselves to hard today, friday and this weekend!

L-J-L 76
Yes it is 5 days til my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 80 Pg17,18 6/19

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 81:
In the morning:
Liz woke up and set up. She saw Max was still sleep. Liz stood up and walked to get closet and grabbed her white flowery printed lose ankle leanth skirt with her white halter top. She turned and saw Max was still sleep. She quietly made her was to her door. She opend the door and walked down the hall to the bathroom and got dressed. After Liz was dressed she walked down the hallway and walked down the stairs. Liz wlked up to the bar and sat down. Ben walked up to Liz and handed her a cup of coffee. Liz sat there drinking her coffee and thinking what Matt and his friends were up too. She knew Matt was up to something if he was at the costume mask ball last night. But she couldn't figure what it was.

A few minutes later Max woke up and set up. When Max sat up he turned and didn't see Liz anywhere. Max stood up and put on a pair of jeans and a whit t-shirt on. He walked up to the door and opened it. Max walked down the hall and stood at the top of the stairs. When Max stood at the top of the stairs he saw Liz sitting at the bar talking to Ben. Max walked down the steps and walked up to the bar.When Max got to the bar he sat next to Liz. Liz and Ben turned and looked at Max. Max looked at Ben and Liz.

"Liz are you ok?" Max asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you and the guys taling to Jim today?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, we are. Why?" Max asked.

"I need to tell him something," Liz said.

"Liz, what do you need to tell him?" Max asked.

"Max I can't talk about it ok," Liz said.

"Liz you know you can trust me right?" Max asked.

"Yes I think I know that. But what I have to tell Jim. He has to decide if he can tell you guys or not," Liz said.

"Ok. That is understandable. So are you going to sing today?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I will. Maybe you will sing with me," Liz said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, maybe I will," Max said.

Max and Liz smiled at eachother. Then they turned nd lookedat Ben. Ben looked at Max and Liz.

"Ben I want you to go with Max when he goes into the office to talk to Jim," Liz sid.

"Are you sure," Ben asked.

"Yes . You, Max, Jim and the guys are suppose to keep us girls safe. And you need to know what is going on," Liz said.

"Is it ok with you Max," Ben asked.

"Yeah it is fine with me. I agree with Liz. You need to know hat is going on," Max said.

"Ok then. Liz I wanted to let you know I'm never dressing up as a lady again got it?" Ben asked.

"Yes. I got it. Ben you need to learn to hve some fun," Liz said.

"Me? Hey what about Max over here?" Ben asked.

"You both need to learn to have fun. But Max's fun starts tonight," Liz said.

"Max I hope you will be able to handle it," Ben sid.

"Hopefully I will," Max said.

While Max, Liz and Ben were talking Jim and friends walked into the club. Jim walked up to Max, Liz and Ben. They turned and looked at Jim.

"Max we are having a meeting in 5 minutes," Jim said.

"Ok. Me and Ben will be there," Max said.

"Good. I just wanted to lt you know," Jim said.

"Jim I need to talk to you before you and the guys have your talk," Liz said.

"Is it inportant?" Jim asked as he looked at Liz.

"Yes it is very inportant. Come on I'll tell you about it in the office," Liz said as he stood up.

Jim and Liz wlked o the office. Jim opened the door and they both walked into the office. Jim turned and and shut the door. Then he turned and sat in a chair across from Liz who was sitting on the desk.

"Liz, what do you need to tell me?" Jim asked.

"I need to um tell you Matt was at the costume mask ball last night. When I saw him I walked out the ballroom and walked out onto a boukney. When I got there Matt grabbed me and turned me to face him. We talked and I found out a few things," Liz said.

"What did you find out?" Jim asked.

"Well I found out that he wants me. And he will do everything he can to get it takes to get what he wants. I told him you,Max and the guys will stop him. Matt said you won't be able to stop him. Then he brought up what happened in college. I told him it was his fault. And i learn one thing from him," lIZ SAID.

"What was that one thing you learned?" Jim asked.

"I know how to fight like they do. So does Max and Ben. And then I told him to stay away form me and my friends or he was asking for a war I intend to win. Matt told me no one will be able to stop him. I told him that you and the guys would surprise him. And Matt said we will hve to wait and see," Liz said.

"Did he say anything eles?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I found out about the lady gaurd they are holding," Liz said.

What did you find out about the gaurd?" Jim asked.

"She is ok and alive. They still got her wherever theyare," Liz said.

"Jim with your, mine, Max and Ben help we can hve to guys trained in 2 weeks. They need to be ready for anything Matt and his men throw at us," Liz said.

"I agree with you. Do you think Max and Ben will help us on the trianing?" Jim asked.

"You need to ask them. But I think they will help us," Liz said.

"Good. You stay here for the meeting. Your involved in this now," Jim said.

"Are you sure you want me here for this meeting?" Liz asked.

"Yes I'm sure I want you here for the meeting," Jim said.

There was a knock on the door. Liz and Jim turned and looked at the door.

"Come in," Jim yelled.

The door opened and there stood Max and the guys. They walked in and sat down. Ben and Max were surprised to see Liz. All of the guys sat down and looked at Jim and Liz.

"What is going on Jim? Why is Liz here?" Michael asked as he looked between Liz and Jim.

'Will someone tell us what is going on?" Max asked.

"I just found out Matt was at the Masked costume ball last night. He wants Liz for some reason. Liz found out that the lady guard is alive. And with My, Liz, Max and Ben's help it's time to train you guys for fighting like they do. Are you guys ready for that?" Jim asked as he looked at all of the guys.

"Yes," All the guys said at the smetime.

"Liz there is something you need to know before we star," Max said looking at Liz.

"What would I need to know?" Liz asked as she looked at Max.

"Me, Alex and Michael heard you and Matt talking. We wanted to say thank you for saying what you did to Maatt about us," Max said.

"No problem. You guys need to be ready for everything and anything," Liz said.

"Trust me hen I say we will be with your, Jim, Ben and Max's help," michael said.

"Good to know Michael. You never know about Matt though," Liz said.

"What do you mean you never know about Matt thought?" Zan asked.

"What I mean is that Matt will fight dirty to get what he wants" Liz said.

"Oh, Now that is bad," Alex said.

"So your saying if we train we'll be able to maybe beat him," Zan asked.

"Yes that is what I am trying to say. So what do you guys say?" Liz asked.

"I say we do this," Max said.

"Yeah, let's do this,"Zan said.

"Yeah," All the guys said.

"Good since we all agree. Lets say we start tomorrow . Max, Liz and Ben I hope you will be ready?" Jim asked.

"I know we will be ready," Max said.

"Max I'll teach you the twistflip thing. And hopefully by tomorrow you can show the guys how to do it," Liz said.

"Wait do you mean the twistnflip?" Ben asked.

What is the twistnflip?" Alex asked.

"It is the hardest thing known to Matt's men," Ben said.

"How does Liz know how to do this?" Max asked as he turned and looked at Liz.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 80 Pg17,18 6/19

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 81:
"I praticed a lot ok," Liz said.

"You did. Wait what have you been doing since my death?" Ben asked.

"Oh, I have been taking self defence class, Karate, boxing classes since your fake death," Liz said.

"You have been taking all those alone?" Ben asked as he looked at Liz.

"No. Maria, Serena, Amy and Ava have taken all the classes with me. We also learned how to stick fight," lIZ SAID.

"Wha?Did you girls graduate from these glasses?" Alex asked.

"Yes we did a month ago," Liz said.

"Do you still remember what you learned form Matt's training?" Ben asked.

"Yes. I got Max to learn what I did in the glasses and what I learned from Matt," Liz said.

"So you taught him both?" Ben asked.

"No. Not all of it yet. But when Max and the guys know that half they add what they know to it and I say Matt's going to be very sorry," Liz said.

"What do you mean what we learn? How does that help us?" Kyle asked.

"Easy. We mix what you guys know with classes and what we know from Matt. We should be ready," Liz said.

"That is alot to mix together. But it should be interesting," Jim said.

"Good. Hopefully we know if the plan will work," Ben said.

"Max come here. Stand infront of me," Liz said.

Max walked up to and stood infront of her. Liz stood up and walked up to Max. Max and Liz were both face to face.

"Max can you stand like you are going to hit someone?" Liz asked.

"Sure," Max said before he did what she asked.

"Ok. Now twista little with the punch," Liz said.

Max did what Liz asked of him. Then Liz turned and looked at Ben. Ben loooked at Liz.

"Ben hand me the stick next to my closet please?" Liz asked.

Ben walked up tothe closet and grabbed 2 sticks. Ben turned and walked up to Liz. When Ben ws face to face with Liz he handed her the sticks. After Liz got th sticks she handed one to Max. Max looked at the stick then looked at Liz.

"Ok. Max go back and act like your going to punch someone," Liz said.

"Alright," Max said as he looked like he was going to punch someone.

"Ok. Now with your fist out hold the stick in that hand," Liz said.

"Like this?" Max asked as he did what was asked.

"Yeah, ok. Then you need to turn your wrist right," Liz said.

Liz watched as Max did what she asked him to do.

Liz grabbed her stick and acted like he was goign to hit Max. Max did what Liztold him and that is when she attacked him and then she tripped him with her stick.Max fell to the ground looking at Liz. Liz stood up and looked down at Max.

"See when the stick comes at your feet you need to jump and then try it on your attacker," Liz said.

"Ok. Now I get it," Alex said.

"Good. Are you having fun down there Max?" Liz asked with a smile on her face.
Author's Note:
Hey Everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I also wanted to let you know I will be posting Chapter 82 on my birthday June 24 between 5am - 12am. I hope evryone will read the chapter aand let me know what you all think in feedback. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free evening and next week! I hope everyone don't work themselves to hard this evening and next week!

L-J-L 76
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 81 Pg18 6/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 82:
"You know I'm not," Max sid as he stands up.

"Ready to try again?" Liz asked.

"Sure why not?" Max asked.

"Ok. Stand the way you were again," Liz sid.

"Ok," Max said as he stood the way he was before he fell.

"Ready?" Liz asked.

Max nodded his head and tries again. Liz didn't fall instead she turned and did the splits and had the stick hit Max's foot. Liz twist and tripped Max. Max fell down and looked at Liz. Liz stood up and looked down at Max and saw he was looking at her.

"Max you did a good job," Liz said.

"Thanks I think," Max sid as he stood up.

"Think what?" Liz asked.

"Liz are there any surprises we should know?" Max asked as he looked at Liz.

"No. But I should warn you now when we teach these guys the fight. We don't stop til I say so," Liz said.

"Why do I have a feeling we are going to be sorry for this?" Zan asked.

"Becuse as of now your going tolearn every trick Matt and his men know," Liz said.

"You know when you learn this it is going to help you a little more," Jim said.

"Yeah, I know that. I just feel like we're in training school again," Michael said.

"That is good. You guys better start now. Liz what are the girls going to be doing while the guys are doing this?" Jim asked.

"Oh, um, you better ask them. I need to go change. I'll be back in 5," Liz said before walking out of the office.

Max and the fuys turned and watched Liz walk out the door. Max and the guys turned and looked at Jim.

Meanwhile out in the club:
Liz ran up the stairs to her room. When she got to her room she changed clothes and came own stairs again. When Liz came down stairs she walked to the office. Liz walked into the office and saw the guys waiting for her. The guys turned and looked at Liz.

"Come on it's time you learn to fight like Matt and his men," Liz said.

Max, Liz and the guys all stood up and walked out the door. When they walked out the door they saw tables and chairs were moved around. Liz turned and looked Maria and smiled. Maria smiled back at Liz. Lizturned and looked at Max. Max turned and looked at Liz with a smile on his face. Jim walked up to Max and Liz and handed them their sticks. Max and Liz took their sticks and walked to the middle of the room. Max and Liz turned and faced eachother. They got ready to attack eachother.

"Max remember you need to follow how I told you too," Liz said.

"Ok. I can do this," Max said.

"Good. Are you ready?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, lets do this,"Max said.

"Ok," Liz said.

Max charged at Liz. Liz turned and bent down laying her stick a little off the floor. Liz was about to stand up when Max tripped Liz and she fell to the floor. Max stood up and walked up to Liz. He put his hand out for her. Liz put her hand into his and looked up. Max helped Liz up and looked at her. Liz looked back to at Max and smiled.

"Max you did great. You need to keep an eye on the person while you are getting up. Because you never know what will happen," Liz said.

"Ok. What do we need to do next?" Max asked.

"It's time for sward fighting," Liz said.

"Wait what?" Max asked.

"Max you need to remeber Matt and the guys know how to fight in every way. You guys need to know how to do that also," Liz said.

"Great. Who is goign to teach me and the guys that?" Max asked.

"Ben is going to teach you guys that. You already know all the things before and you just had your last lesson. So now Ben will be teaching you sward fighting," Liz said

"Wait who is going to be teaching the boxing and krate?" Max asked.

"I am. I know how to do both. After you learn that then you will be ready for when or if Matt and his men come," Jim said.

"Why do I have a feeling this is going to be painful?" Alex and Kyle asked.

"Becaise it will be. You guys need to know everything you there is to know by Friday. That gives us 7 days to teach you everything we know," Ben said.

"Guys from today til friday night you will be learning everything we know," Liz said.

"What time do e start this training?" Alex asked.

"You guys strt from 8am through midnight everynight til you know everything," Jim said.

"And what will the guys be doing that time?" Michael asked.

"The girls will be doing what we do best," Maria said as he walked up to the girls and the guys.

"And pray tell what will that be?" Michael asked.

"You will have to wait and see on that," Maria said.

Liz had a smile on her face as she watched Maria and Michael flirt with eachother. Maria turned and looked at Liz. Maria saw that Liz had a smile on her face.

"What are you smiling at Lizzie?" Maria asked.

"Oh just the way you and Michael are flirting with eachother," Liz said.

"Liz, there is no way I am flirting with that brainless Michael," Maria said.

"Yeah right keep telling yourself that Maria," Liz said.

"No. it's the truth I'm not flirting with Michael," Maria said.

"Whatever you say Maria?" Liz said.

"Is there anything you need before I go the stage?" Maria asked.

"No. You girls have fun," Liz said.

"Ok. You be careful playing with the guys," Maria said.

"Maria you know I will," Liz said.

Liz watched Maria walked up to th stage with the girls. Liz turned nd looked at Ben. Ben looked at Liz and smiled.

"Ben let's how them what we learned form Matt and his men. After that we can teach them everything eles. Is that ok with you?" Liz asked.

"Yeah lets do it,' Ben said.

Liz and Ben turned and looked at Jim and the guys. They saw Jim, Max and the guys looking at them.

"Ben and I are going to show you what we learned for Matt and his goons. And then we will teach you ok?" Liz asked.

"Ok. that sounds like a good plan," Jim said.

Ben and Liz walked out to the dance floor and stood in the center of the floor. Ben and Liz stood face to face. They both grabbed at stick and tried to hit eachother. But the other person blocked them. Liz bent down and trpped Ban. Ben fell to the ground. then he jumped up and attacked Liz. Liz turned and grabbed a sword and went after Ben. Liz swinged the sword as Ben went backwards. Ben stood up and turned nd grabbed his sword. Max and the guys were shocked at how Liz and Ben were fighting no one ever scene Ben and Liz fight before.

A few minutes later Ben and Liz started to box and krate fighting. Liz did a twistnturn and bend backwards when Ben tried to hit Liz. Liz then tried to hit Ben. But Ben ducked. Ben grabbed Liz by the arem and flipped her. Liz laned on her feet. Max watched as Liz and Ben threw punches at eachother while trying to side kick eachother and box eachother. A few hours lter Liz got her a drink she turned and saw Max standing infront of her. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Liz you and Ben fight good. With you both training us and what we learned at the police school should be enough right?"Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 81 Pg18 6/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 82:
"Max that should be more then enough. I just hope that we have enough time before they start," Liz said.

"You know no matter what we will protect you and the girls," Max said.

"Max about the book. It is something that is mine from high school and coolege. I'm sorry if I am protective of the book," Liz said.

"Liz I just want to know what is in the book," Max said.

"Max what is in the book is what happened to me from high school to my jounor year in coolege," Liz said.

"Wait are you tell me that th book has something that has to do with Matt and his goons,"Max asked.

"Yes there re somethings about Matt and his goons in the book. I just don't want to talk about it or let anyone read about it yet," Liz said.

"That is understandable Liz. But I hope you will let me read what you have written it the book sometime," Max said.

"Maybe I will and maybe I won't let you read it," Liz said with a smile on her face as she walked away.

"Wait a minute," Max said as he turned and looked at Liz.

Liz turned nd looked at Max. Max walked up to Liz. They were both looking at eachother.

"What?" Liz asked.

"What were you meaning I maybe will or I maybe won't read what is in the book?" Max asked.

"I'm meaning just that," Liz said.

"Ok. I can deal with that. I hope I will read the book," Max said.

"Who knows. Maybe you will and maybe you won't," Liz said.

Max and Liz both stared at eachother and smiled. Then they walked up to the bar to finish drinking their bottles of water.

"Hey Max and Liz when your finish drinking your water we need to start training," Ben said.

"Ok. Give Max and I 10 minutes then we will be there," Liz said.

"Ok. We'll be ready in 10 minutes then," Ben said.

"Max and Liz turned and looked at eachother before finishing their drinks. After they finished their drinks Max and Liz stood up and walked up to Jim,Ben and friends. Jim, Ben and friends turned and looked at Max and Liz.

"Are you both ready to finish the training?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, let's get started. We need to be ready for whenever Matt and his goons attack," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is true," Max said.

"Ok. Let's break into 3 different groups and start the training," Jim said.

"Question who goes to what group?" Alex asked.

"That will be easy to decide," Ben said.

"In Liz's group will be Max and Zan. In my group will be Michael and Ted. And In JIm's group will be Kyle and Alex," Ben said.

"That shoould be easy to remember," Alex said.

"In each group they will teach what they know. And after that we will switch to another group after learning what we can with the group we are with now," Jim said.

"Ok. Then let's get started on the training," Liz said.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. And I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 83 on Sunday June 29 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will keep an eye out for the new chapter. I hope everyone will let me know what you think of chapter 82 and 83 in feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz,Max and friends. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free evening and week! I hope no one works themself to hard this evening and for the rest of the week!

L-J-L 76
P.S Thank you for the birthday wishes. I still can't believe I am 32 years old today !
L-J-L 76
Roswell Fanatic
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Location: grayson ky

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg19 6/30

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 83:
Max and Zan followed Liz to one side of the club. While the rest went to the other side of the club. Max, Liz and Zan all turned and looked at eachother.

"Max and Zan stand infornt of me and look at me," Liz said

Max and Zan stood infront of Liz. After they were all face to face they smiled at eachother.

"Ok Max you need to stick your hands out infront of you like this," Liz said as she had one of her arms up in the air and the other arm infront of her waist.

Max did as Liz asked of him. He turned and looked at Liz. Liz nodded her head and then she turned and looked at Zan. Zan looked at Liz.

"Zan I want you to look like you re going to punch someone," Liz said.

Zan did as Liz asked him. He turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Zan and Max and smiled.

"Ok. Now that you got that I want you both to face eachother. After that Zan I want you to try and hit Max. Max I want you to block Zan from hitting you," Liz said as he took a step back.

Max and Zan did what Liz asked. Max blocked Zan from hitting him.

"Ok. Now stop. Max you know how your arms are. Ok. now Zan put your hands between Max's arms. Max you need to see if you can do anything," Liz said as she again took a step back.

Max and Zan did what Liz told them to do. When Zan's hand was between Max's. Max then grabbed Zan's arms and twisted it backas far as it would go. Zan bent forward as Max twist his arm. Liz walked up to Max and tapped him on the shoulder. Max let go and turned and looked at Liz. Liz turned and looked at Liz.

"Zan are you ok?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where did you learn to do this trick Liz?" Zan asked as he held his arm.

"Me and Ben learn to fight like that when we hanged out with Matt and his friends," Liz said.

" Liz how long did you and Ben know Matt and his friends?" Max asked.

"I have known Matt and his friends the sametime as Ben did," Liz said.

"So how long was that?" Max asked.

"Me and Ben have known Matt and his friends since our sophmore year in college . why?" Liz asked.

"So that means you know them for about 3 years right?" Zan said.

"Zan me and Ben only known them for a year and a half. No more no less," Liz said.

"So that means you learned everything you can between that time," Max said.

"Yeah we did why are you asking? Liz asked as she looked between Max and Zan.

"Liz does that mean you both know when Matt and his goons will attack?" Zan said.

"I guess. But again why do you want to know," Liz asked.

"Liz if you and Ben know how Matt and his goons attack and things then that means you both know the way they think and do before they attack people," Max said.

"Max I didn't I wasn't with them when they attacked people. But I think there is away to find out what they did before they attack," Liz said.

"How can you find out?" Max asked.

"Ben. He learned how to do something that are kinda shocking," Liz said.

"What kind of shocking things," Zan asked.

"You need to wait and see on that," Liz said.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be tricky?" Max asked.

"Well it kinda will. Because Ben has not done this since college," Liz said.

"What do you have to do when Ben does this thing?" Max asked.

"All Ben has to do is hypitize me and have me talk about the night I was with Matt last," Liz said.

"Has Ben ever does this before?" Zan asked.

"Yes he has done it before . It's why I can't remember half my sophmore year," Liz said.

"Ok. When Ben does this I want to be there with you then," Max said.

"Fine. But you have to promise me not to stop Ben when he starts this," Liz said s she looked at Max.

"I promise. When re you going to ask Ben to do this?" Max asked.

"I'll ask Ben if we could do this tonight," Liz said.

"Are you svared?" Zan asked.

"No I'm not scared. I just don't know what Ben had me block in my head," Liz said.

"What do you mean you don't know what Ben blocked?" Max asked.

"Ben I guess block or had me block everything that happened with Matt and his friends," Liz said.

"Do you know or remember everything that happened between you, Matt and his friends," Max asked.

"No not all of them. Just some of them," Liz said.

"Do you remember you meet Jim?" Zan asked.

"Yes I remember how I meet Jim," Liz said.

"That is good. So you remember everything from meeting Jim til right now?" Max asked as he looked at Liz.

"Yes I remember from meeting Jim til now. Why are you asking?" Liz asked.

"Because then that means Ben had you forgot everything before the night you meet Jim. Do you really want to remember everything before meeting Jim?" Max asked.

"Yes. I want to remember," Liz said.

"Then let's do it now," Max said looking at Liz.

Menawhile Across The Room:
Ben and Jim turned and looked at Max, Liz and Zan. They noticed that they were talking. They watched as Max, Liz and Zan talked. They saw Liz was a little nervus and scared about something. But they didn't know what it could be. Ben and Jim walked up to Max, Liz and Zan. They turned and saw Jim and Ben infront of them.

"What is going on?"Jim asked.

"Ben I think it is time for me to remember what I forgot in college," Liz said.

"Are you sure you want to remember?" Ben asked.

"Yes. I think it's time to remember," Liz said.

"Wait remember what?" Jim asked.

"Remember everything before meeting you Jim," Liz said.

"Are you sure you want to remember?" Jim asked.

"Yes I want to remember everything. It's time I want to know what happened," Liz said.

"Ok. When do you want to try this?" Ben aked.

"Right Now. I want to know," Liz said.

"Ok. Then come on let's go in the office. Jim and Max you come too. Zan keep everyone out here if anything goes weird," Ben said.

"I can do that. Good luck Liz," Zan said.

"Thanks Zan," Liz said.

Jim, Liz, Max and Ben walked into the office. When they were in the office Ben turned and shut the door behind him. Then he turned and looked at Jim, Liz and Max. They turned nd looked at Ben.

"Liz you need to lay down on the couch," Ben said.

"Ok," Liz said as he walked to the couch and laid down.

"Max stand next to Liz's face. Jim stand next to her feet," Ben said.

Max stood next to Liz's face. Liz looked up and smiled at Max. Max smiled at Liz as Jim stood next to Liz's feet. Liz turned and watched as Ben walked up to her. Ben bent down and looked Liz into the eye.

"Liz you need to relax and close your eyes. You can only hear my voice," Ben said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg19 6/30

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 83:
"Now I'm going to count back from 10. When I get to 10 you will be a sleep ok," Ben said.

"Ok," Liz sid.

"10 ... 9 ... 8 ...7 ....6 ...5 ....4 .... 3 ...2 ....1 You are now a sleep," Ben said.

Max and Jim turned and saw Liz was a sleep. The they turned and looked at Ben.

"Is Liz a sleep?" Ben asked.

"Yes," Max and Jim said.

"Good. Ok. Now Liz I want you to go back to your sophmore year in college. Are you there?" Ben asked.

"Yes I am there," Liz said.

"Good. Now I want you to remember the time you meet Matt. Do you remember that?" Ben asked.

"Yes I remember," Liz said.

"Good. How did you meet Matt and his friends?' Ben asked.

"I was walking to the class when Matt and I bumped into eachother. We both dropped all our books. Matt helped me pick up my books. While he helped me Matt asked me out on a date. I told Matt I couldn't . And then I left him standing there," Liz said.

"Tell me about the time you and Matt went back to his club?" Ben asked.

"Matt hd me blind folded when we drove somwhere. But when we got there he took the blind fold off and we walked into a building. When we got inside saw men training to fight. I was scred at first but after a while it was kinda nice," Liz said.

"What did you and Matt do while you were in the building?" Jim asked.

"All we did was talk. Matt he asked if I wanted to learn how to fight. I told him yeah sure. And that started Matt training me," Liz sid.

"What happened during the training with Matt?" Max asked.

"Me and Matt were friends when we started training. Then lter on me and Matt started dating and things were fine til one night," Liz said.

"What happened that one night?" Jim asked.

"I watched Matt, Scott and Chris go after a guy and beat him up. Then after that they went after some other people and did the same thing," Liz said.

"How long til Matt and his friends turned on you?" Max asked.

"I was fine for about month. Then they turned on me," Liz said.

"How did they turn on you?" Jim asked.

"They attacked Ben and beat him up. And after they attacked Ben they came after me," Liz said.

"Liz what did they want?" Max asked.

"They want me. Matt wnt to finish what he started," Liz said.

"What did Matt start?" Ben asked.

"Matt and his friends attacked me nd hurt me. They want to finish the job," Liz said.

"Ok. Now when I count to 3 you will be awake. You will be refresh and remember everything that happened to you your sophmore year in college," Ben said.

"Ok. Here we go 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... wke up Lizzie," Ben said.

Liz woke up and sat up. She lookd at Max, Jim and Ben. They looked at her.

"How do you fel Liz?" Max asked.

"I'm fine. What did you do Ben?" Liz asked.

"I just got you to remember everything from your sophmore year in college," Ben said.

"Everything?" Liz asked as she looked at Ben.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so very much reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope everyone will like chapter 83. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next between Max, Liz and friends. I wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 84 on Friday July 4 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will read and chapter 83 and 84 and let me know what you think in feedback. I also wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 85 on Tuesday July 8 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will read the chapter and let me know what you think. Again thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free evening and week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening and week!

L-J-L 76
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg20 7/4

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 84:
"Yeah, Everything. Liz you need to know hat happened to you," Ben said.

"Great. I was not hoping to remember everything," lIZ SAID.

"But you need to remember your college years," Max said.

"Max my college years were weird and bad," Liz said.

"How could they be weird and bad?" Max asked.

"Because I had a alot of problems and hard time with some people," Liz said.

"Liz are you glad that you remember?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I kinda am glad to remember. But I need time to handle all of this," Liz said.

"Liz, you don't have much time to handle it," Ben said.

"What are you talking about?" Liz asked as she looked at Max, Ben and Jim.

"You told us that Matt and his men are after you," Max said.

"I said that? Great now you know," Liz said.

"Liz all we know is that they are after you for not following their rules. What eles could there be?" Jim said.

"Let's just say there are things in my past that are not so great," Liz said.

"Liz there things in my past I'm not happy about. But I learn to live with them," Max said.

"Max I'm saying there are things I did. I'm just saying somethings happened to me in the past," Liz said.

"What kind of things happen in college?" Max asked.

"Things I don't want to talk about. Trust me Max you don't want to know what happned," Liz said.

"Maybe I want to know what happened to you in college," Max said.

"Maybe I don't want you to know what happened to me in colleg," Liz said.

"Liz was it that bad?" Max asked.

"Max it was bad. That is all I will tell you," Liz said.

"Liz are you ready to go out to the bar?" Ben asked.

"Yeah,lets go to the bar," Liz said as she stood up.

Max, Liz, Jim and Ben all walked out of the office. When they walked out the office they saw the girls sitting on stage and the guys were sitting at the bar. Max, Liz, Jim and Ben all looked at eachother then turned and looked at their friends.

"What is going on?" Max asked.

"Who knows. But it has to stop right now," Liz said.

"I agree with Liz on this," Jim said.

"Liz go to the girls and find out what happened. While we go talk to the guys," Ben said.

"Ok. Wish me luck," Liz said.

"Good luckwith the girls," Max said.

Max,Jim and Ben watched as Liz walked up to the girls.

Meanwhile on stage:
Liz walked up to the girls. The girls turned and saw Liz standing infront of them.

"Hey, What is going on?" Liz asked.

"We just got into talking with the guys. And then it turned into a huge arguement," Maria said.

"What were you arguing about?" Liz asked.

"The guys don't want us to go home and get more clothes and we do," Tess said.

"Ok. Um let me go and talk to Max and Jim and see what we can do about it," Liz said before walking away.

Meanwhile at the bar:
"Michael what is going on?" Max asked.

"We got into an arguement with the girls is all," Michael said.

"What were you arguing about?" Jim asked.

"It was nothing major," Michael said.

"Then tell us what you were arguing about then?" Ben said.

"They were arguing about going home and getting more clothes," Liz said as she walked up to Max, Ben and Jim.

Max, Jim and Ben turned and looked at Liz as she stood next to them. Max, Jim and Ben turned and looked at Michael.

"That was what you were arguing about?" Ben asked.

"Yes. That is what they were arguing about," Liz said.

"What a weird thing to argue about?" Ben asked.

"I know but that is what the arguement was about," Liz said.

"So what are e going to do about it?" Max asked.

"The guys will take the girls home and get what they need and the guys get what they need and we all meet back here in 40 minutes," Jim said.

"Now that sounds like a plan to me," Max and Liz said at the sametime.

"Good. We leave in 20 minutes," Michael said.

"Max are you and Liz staying or are you going to lave?" Ben asked.

""I'm staying," Max said.

"Good. I need to talk to you anyway," Liz said.

"What do we need to talk about?" Max asked.

"You need to wait and find out," Liz said.

"Well Max it looks like your in trouble," Michael said.

"Shut up Michael," Max said.

"Have fun with your talk. We'll see you both in 40 minutes," Ben said.

"Ben could you please go to my apaertment and pick up my suitcase sitting on the bed for me?" Liz asked.

"Sure, Um, where do you live?" Ben asked.

"Follow Maria and Michael. Maria is my room mate," Liz said.

"Ok. That should be easy to do," Ben said.

"What are you going to do Jim?"Max asked.

"I'm going to go check on Amy. And see if she needs anything," Jim said.

"Jim you know Amy is just trying to keep things to herself for a while," Max said.

"Yeah, I know I am just worried about her," Jim said.

"I tink it's nice that you want to see Amy. Tell her we said hello," Liz said.

"I will. Hopefully she will be home," Jim said.

"Maybe she is," Max said.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Jim asked.

"Yeah," Everyone said.

"Ok. Then lets go. Everyone be back here in 40 minutes," Jim said.

Max and Liz watched as their friends walked up the steps and out the door. When they got outside they walked down the steps to their cars. They got in their cars and drove off. After their friends were gone Max and Liz turned and looked at eachother.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Max asked.

"Why are you being a jerk?" Liz asked.

"Me being a jerk what about you?" Max asked.

"What have I done?' Liz asked.

"You started this whole thing," Max said.

"How did I start this?" Liz asked.

"You started it when you didn't talk to me," Max said.

"Max you are the one that started it when you ask questions you have no right to hear the answers to," Liz said.

"Oh yeah," Max said as he and Liz stood face to face.

"Yeah," Liz said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg20 7/4

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 84:
"You shut up," Max said.

"Make me you ....," Liz said before Max leaned in and kissed her.

As Max and Liz were kissing Max pulled Liz closer to him. Max deepend the kiss as Liz put her hands on Max's shoulders. When they both needed air they pulled back a little and looked at eachother.

"You know we really need to get along better," Max said.

"Oh, I couldn't agree more. Now shut up and kiss me again," Liz said.

"Yes ma'am," Max said as he leaned in and kissed Liz again.

As Max and Liz kissed they were feeling passion in the kiss. Max picked Liz up and took her to a table. When Max got to the table he sat Liz down. Liz pulled back and looked at Max as he put his hands on her knees. Max looked at Liz nd smiled. Liz put her hands on Max's shoulder. Max pulled Liz closer to him. As Max pulled Liz closer to him They both leaned in and kissed. The kiss became more passionate as Max and Liz held eachother. Max started to kiss down Liz's face and down her neck to her shoulder. Then Max started to kiss up Liz neck to her lips.

Liz pulled back and looked at Max. Then Liz lean in and started to blow in his ear. While she blew in Max's ear she kissed him.Max was going crazy while Liz blew and kissed his ear. After the ear Liz started to kiss Max's jaw and down his neck. Then Liz kissed up Max's neck to his lips. Max and Liz both leaned in and kissed again. As they kissed Max picked Liz up and carried her to the office. When they got to the office Max opened the door and walked in. He shut the door before walking to the couch. When they got to the couch Max laid down on top of Liz. They both started to kiss eachother. While they were kissing Max and Liz had their hands in eachothers shirts. Max and Liz both pulled back and took off eachother's shirts. When their shirts were off Max and Liz startd to kiss eachother again.

Meanwhile Across Town:
Maria and Michael were both at Michael's car. They got into the car and shut the doors.

"Maria do you ever shut up?" Michael asked as he looked at her.

"Yes. I do when I want to. Not when someone is telling me too," Maria said.

"I'm telling you to shut up for the last time," Michael said.

"Make me you big jerk," Maria said.

"Ok. fine I will shut you up," Michael said as he leaned in and kissed Maria.

Maria pulled Michael closer as they startd to kiss. Michael pulled Maria closer to him as they kissed. They pulled apart and looked at eachother. Michael leaned in and kissed Maria again. Michael startd to kiss down her neck to her shoulder. And then he kissed up her neck to her lips. Maria leaned in and started to kiss and blow into Michael's ear. Michael was going crazy as Maria blew in his ear. Michael and Maria pulled away and looked at eachother.

"I think we better go," Michael said.

"Yeah, I think we better," Maria said.

Michael started the car and drove off. It only took them a few minutes to get to the club. When they got to the club Michael parked the car anf got out. They walked up the steps to the club. When they walked into the club they saw no one was there.

"Where are Max and Liz?" Maria asked.

"I dobn't know," Michael said.

"Let's sit down and wait for them," Maria said.

"Um, Ok. Let's sit down and wait for them," Michael said.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of this story. I hope everyone will let me know what you think of chapter 84 in feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I also wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 85 on Tuesday July 8 between 5am - 12am. I hope you will read the chapter and let me know what you think in feedback. Again thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedbck to this story. Please keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free evening, weekend and next week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening, this weekend, and next week!

L-J-L 76
L-J-L 76
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Posts: 2543
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg20 7/4

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 84:
"You shut up," Max said.

"Make me you ....," Liz said before Max leaned in and kissed her.

As Max and Liz were kissing Max pulled Liz closer to him. Max deepend the kiss as Liz put her hands on Max's shoulders. When they both needed air they pulled back a little and looked at eachother.

"You know we really need to get along better," Max said.

"Oh, I couldn't agree more. Now shut up and kiss me again," Liz said.

"Yes ma'am," Max said as he leaned in and kissed Liz again.

As Max and Liz kissed they were feeling passion in the kiss. Max picked Liz up and took her to a table. When Max got to the table he sat Liz down. Liz pulled back and looked at Max as he put his hands on her knees. Max looked at Liz nd smiled. Liz put her hands on Max's shoulder. Max pulled Liz closer to him. As Max pulled Liz closer to him They both leaned in and kissed. The kiss became more passionate as Max and Liz held eachother. Max started to kiss down Liz's face and down her neck to her shoulder. Then Max started to kiss up Liz neck to her lips.

Liz pulled back and looked at Max. Then Liz lean in and started to blow in his ear. While she blew in Max's ear she kissed him.Max was going crazy while Liz blew and kissed his ear. After the ear Liz started to kiss Max's jaw and down his neck. Then Liz kissed up Max's neck to his lips. Max and Liz both leaned in and kissed again. As they kissed Max picked Liz up and carried her to the office. When they got to the office Max opened the door and walked in. He shut the door before walking to the couch. When they got to the couch Max laid down on top of Liz. They both started to kiss eachother. While they were kissing Max and Liz had their hands in eachothers shirts. Max and Liz both pulled back and took off eachother's shirts. When their shirts were off Max and Liz startd to kiss eachother again.

Meanwhile Across Town:
Maria and Michael were both at Michael's car. They got into the car and shut the doors.

"Maria do you ever shut up?" Michael asked as he looked at her.

"Yes. I do when I want to. Not when someone is telling me too," Maria said.

"I'm telling you to shut up for the last time," Michael said.

"Make me you big jerk," Maria said.

"Ok. fine I will shut you up," Michael said as he leaned in and kissed Maria.

Maria pulled Michael closer as they startd to kiss. Michael pulled Maria closer to him as they kissed. They pulled apart and looked at eachother. Michael leaned in and kissed Maria again. Michael startd to kiss down her neck to her shoulder. And then he kissed up her neck to her lips. Maria leaned in and started to kiss and blow into Michael's ear. Michael was going crazy as Maria blew in his ear. Michael and Maria pulled away and looked at eachother.

"I think we better go," Michael said.

"Yeah, I think we better," Maria said.

Michael started the car and drove off. It only took them a few minutes to get to the club. When they got to the club Michael parked the car anf got out. They walked up the steps to the club. When they walked into the club they saw no one was there.

"Where are Max and Liz?" Maria asked.

"I dobn't know," Michael said.

"Let's sit down and wait for them," Maria said.

"Um, Ok. Let's sit down and wait for them," Michael said.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of this story. I hope everyone will let me know what you think of chapter 84 in feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I also wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Chapter 85 on Tuesday July 8 between 5am - 12am. I hope you will read the chapter and let me know what you think in feedback. Again thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedbck to this story. Please keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I hope everyone will have a good relaxing stress free evening, weekend and next week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening, this weekend, and next week!

L-J-L 76