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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:32 am
by destinysucks

She wants comfort I can tell but to be ohnest I dont know how to comfort her this is not a good situation we dont know anything were putting our trust in Serena and Antonia we dont know if their playing us or not,I guess the best plan of action would be to be ohnest with her she isint stupid after all

"I dont know Izzy I realy dont we can only hope that Antonio and Serena are as trustworthy as they seem if not then I dread to think"

Great good going Whitman she looks terrified now

*End Alex*

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:23 am
by M

Kyle replies to my outburst and it seems as if we may break out into a full blown fight when Max approaches our table. Always the peacemaker, even without intention his calm words slow to a simmer what was about to erupt as a boil. Although Kyle is still muttering to himself Max looks at all of us as he says "The eight of us are all we really have. Antonio and Serena may be our greatest friends here, but they'll never really understand where we're from and what we're going through the way we do. We need each other now. Let's work together and help each other."

I look at him, willing him to agree with me as I state 'That was my point Max, until we have something more concrete from Antonio and Serena we are on our own. I just think we need some kind of evidence before we can trust anyone else.'

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:41 pm
by isabelle

I sigh internally at the tone of Tess's voice, challenging me to agree with her. And the truth is, I DO agree with her. I can't just put myself and my friends entirely into the hands of these strangers. But there's more to it. I can't reject Kyle's view, either. They've offered help and we can't afford to reject it. Even more, I'm not sure we even have any other options. But most important, we can't be divided...

"I don't think we have a choice, Tess," I tell her sadly. "If we were home, I'd suggest we all leave and steer clear of this place until we knew more about the situation, but right now we don't have a home and Antonio and Serena are the only ones who are offering us any answers."

I turn to Kyle then and add, "But we still need to be cautious. Listen critically to what they say. Don't let them split us up." I see the objections in Kyle's eyes and I raise a hand to still him. "I know they haven't tried that yet and maybe they won't. It's just an example. We need to keep our eyes open, here. This is a strange world and we need to know everything we can about it."

This whole argument is very familiar and suddenly I realize why. It's exactly what happened the night after Michael and Isabel and I first emerged from our pods and were wandering around the desert. We saw the car and Mom and Dad. We needed to find out more about where we were, but Michael was afraid to trust them. It turned out that trusting them was the right course, but we lost Michael for years. I won't have that happen again. We need to be together. Even if it turns out to be wrong to trust them; at least we'll have each other and we can change it together.

Turning back to Tess, I tell her. "The best way to do that is to trust them, for now. They're offering us help and we need that, but stay aware. We have to have some control over this, too. Listen, watch and stay together. We're all on the same team here." And facing Kyle, I add, "We're stronger together. We can't afford to be fighting each other."


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:46 pm
by KatnotKath

“I’ll be back…” Without warning, Max stands up, patting my hand and leaving the table. I hope that it’s nothing that I have done…or said…

I turn in my seat to watch him, and see him walk over to the other table. He doesn’t actually sit down, but I can see him talking to Kyle and Tess, both of whom look pretty tense. Not that it’s not to be expected…we all have every right to be tense in this situation… Of course Kyle is convinced that we should just trust them… Maybe that’s a sign of the fact he hasn’t been a part of this as long as the rest of us… Maria, Alex and I can understand Max, Michael and Tess’ reluctance to trust perhaps…although that still leaves Isabel who seems to trust them too…

Internally, I shake my head, not wanting to think about this. One thing that is for certain though, is that the difference in opinions is splitting the group, and that’s something we really can’t afford to happen. Whatever the truth is about this situation, we need to stick together… We’re a group, and assuming all this stuff about being a thousand years in the future is true, we’re the only people each of us have left who we really know from ‘home’… That’s important, I for one don’t want to lose that…

I’m torn out of my thoughts as I realise Isabel and Alex are finally talking. Their comments don’t exactly go to make me feel much better, but at least they’re voicing them – it’s better than bottling things up I think…

I take a breath and turn back towards them, turning my back to Max as I tear my eyes away. “I guess we just have to be careful…and stick together…” I comment, searching for something to say that might help. It’s the best I can come up with, and far from great, but at least I’m trying…

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:18 am
by Anna-Liisa
Catching up a little and making this longer than it usually is. Kyle may seem moody (changing his feelings all the time, krhm) but it's just becauser he's...Kyle...


"Kyle," Max says and places a hand on my shoulder. "I know you're upset. We all are. And I understand you wanting to trust these people. You want to be safe. I want to believe that they'll be friends too, and I hope that they are, but we just have to careful"

I sighed and though it'd be better for me to stay quiet. I didn't want to make myself furious and show of some sparkles again. Even if I was sure Antonio or Serena wouldn't do a thing. I guess I just didn't fit into the group. I was different - yet so same. I never had to be carefull. Or the only thing I had been carefull about was when dad had told me there was a killer on the loose. Until that killer was caught I was mostly looking behind me and thinking where he might appear. I shuddered and shook my head mentally at that though.

"The eight of us are all we really have. Antonio and Serena may be our greatest friends here, but they'll never really understand where we're from and what we're going through the way we do. We need each other now. Let's work together and help each other."

I still decided not so say anything, except 'Aye Aye sir' under my breath that luckily no one heard. And of course Tess had to be thinking the same thing.

"That was my point Max, until we have something more concrete from Antonio and Serena we are on our own. I just think we need some kind of evidence before we can trust anyone else."

I was going to say something, but I closed my mouth and just made a 'Hmph' noice, looking somewhere else. I hated when everyone turned against me. It just didn't seem fair.

"I don't think we have a choice, Tess," Max told Tess. "If we were home, I'd suggest we all leave and steer clear of this place until we knew more about the situation, but right now we don't have a home and Antonio and Serena are the only ones who are offering us any answers."

'That's what I was trying to say to them, but no. Don't listen to Valenti' I though.

"But we still need to be cautious. Listen critically to what they say. Don't let them split us up" Max continues.

I looked at him and was just going to say something back at him but he raised his hand to stop from doing that. Damn with him.

"I know they haven't tried that yet and maybe they won't. It's just an example. We need to keep our eyes open, here. This is a strange world and we need to know everything we can about it." he says.

I sighed again and looked at the table.

Looking at Tess he continued talking. "The best way to do that is to trust them, for now. They're offering us help and we need that, but stay aware. We have to have some control over this, too. Listen, watch and stay together. We're all on the same team here." Then he looked at me. "We're stronger together. We can't afford to be fighting each other."

I finally needed to say something. I just couldn't sit still and let him just talk and act like he's some kind of a leader. I didn't know him all too well, but even if he healed me I couldn't completely like the guy.

"Listen. I'm not saying you all should trust them. It's just me. I'm trusting them. There's no 'We'. I'm not originally part of this. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. You all may be the only one's I know here in this new world but I'm not one of you" I said and looked at Max.

I knew he was going to say something back at me. I just knew, so I hurried and continued.

"I know you might say I'm part of you, but it's not true. I'll never be part of you. I'll always be different. I was raised differently, from all of you. I had always dad besides me, I had nothing to fear....I'm different from all...even Alex, Maria or Liz. I'll never fit in.." I said and looked away again. "I'll never be one of you..."

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:11 am
by destinysucks

Lis obviously realises that were finaly talking and says I guess we just have to be careful…and stick together…”
It isint much of a help but I know she's trying her hardest and frankly I cant say that what I said was much of a help either.

"Yea...stick together...thats the most important thing we cant let the group split". I hazard a glance at Kyle and Max who are in what can only be descried in polite terms as a heated discussion it gives me a horrible feeling.

End Alex

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:00 pm
by isabelle

I frown sadly at Kyle's words. He's clearly upset by all this and moreso because he's in it with me and the others. I've never really seen eye-to-eye with him and I understand that, although I'm really trying to be inclusive here. We don't need this group divided against ourselves.

It's fine that he wants to trust them more completely than Tess does, although I hesitate to say that because I don't want it to sound like I have to give him permission to feel that way. He's used to trusting the local authority, his dad in particular, while Isabel and Michael and I are used to being in fear of them. But now we all have to trust to some extent and we all have to watch out for the others. If someone is in trouble, the rest should be there to help -- the same way they all rescued me from Pierce only a few months (and a thousand years) ago.

"Kyle," I tell him. "You may not have been part of this originally, but neither were Liz or Maria or Alex. We're together now. And after this afternoon -- well, you and Liz are a lot more a part of us than I ever imagined you could be. And if this is because of them instead of me, maybe Maria and Alex, too."

His powers could definately be a problem. If something happened and I wasn't there, would Serena and Antonio be able to help him? I may not like him a lot, but I'm still worried about Kyle.


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:06 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"Kyle, you may not have been part of this originally, but neither were Liz or Maria or Alex. We're together now. And after this afternoon -- well, and Liz are a lot more a part of us than I ever imagined you could be. And if this is because of them instead of me, maybe Maria and Alex, too."

I sighed deeply again. There he was again, talking like it could change my mind just by talking. No, this time it wouldn't. I wasn't going to just say nothing and agree. It wasn't that way. We could trust them - I was sure. Completely sure.

"They haven't done anything to me or Liz. Why would they? Four aliens is probably more than enough trouble. It's just because you healed me and Liz" I told him. "I know my dad wanted you to help me, but somehow I still think that it was all your fault that I got shot in the first place. I mean, if you hadn't come in and knocked the FBI agent --"

I paused for a while. I would really be dead. Maybe, possibly. I guess dad sent him to 'protect' me somehow.

"...I could be dead, but, I wouldn't have followed you and wouldn't have gotten shot and you didn't need to heal and change my ordinary life"

Silently I covered my hand with my sleeve. Because of all the frustation towards Max - which wasn't even completely necessary - the sparkling thing was getting back again. Slowly, but getting back. I needed to hide it. I didn't want or need Max's help with it again. I needed to control it by myself. It stinged, but it was okay. For now...

"That's why I don't trust you completely. You're the reason I got shot, you're the reason I'm here and having something that isn't me" I finished. I closed my eyes for a while. Please sparkling go away, I'm calmn... I though to myself.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:27 pm
by isabelle

Kyle's tyrade leaves me mute for a moment. It does seem most likely that his powers are my fault. It's possible that these future scientists were involved but maybe I'm just wanting to believe that because it takes the blame from me. Afterall, Alex and Maria have had just as much reason to be upset about all this and nothing has happened to them yet.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I say at last, feeling my shoulders sag slightly. Kyle does have reason to not trust me completely, just as I'm still not completely comfortable with him. Most of the time since he learned our secret, he was away at football camp. We never too the time to get to understand each other at all. Still, Kyle would rather trust these strangers than me? His father trusted me. I had hoped that would count for something even if saving his life didn't.

"I never meant to hurt you, Kyle. I didn't know anything like this was even possible... You and Liz were the only times I'd ever done anything that big... " My voice trails off as I wonder what to say next. I can see Kyle tensing up and I'm afraid I'm just not getting through. "I'm sorry."

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:30 am
by M

Listening to Max I feel a little bad for snapping at Kyle and I realize that what Max says is true, as much as I hate it. I’m about to say something to that effect when Kyle pipes up again.

I know you might say I'm part of you, but it's not true. I'll never be part of you. I'll always be different. I was raised differently, from all of you. I had always dad besides me, I had nothing to fear....I'm different from all...even Alex, Maria or Liz. I'll never fit in, I'll never be one of you..."

Immediately frustrated again I can’t help but mutter ‘Typical human’ I just shake my head at Max- after this he can’t possibly expect me to back down. Hearing Max apologise for saving Kyle's life only increases my frustration.
'Max I can't believe you just apologised. Kyle- without him you would be dead, largely because you can't follow simple directions and do what you're told.' Then having an epiphany I laugh mirthlessly. 'Actually, Max, if Kyle wants to make little friends maybe it's the perfect way to see if they are trustworthy- if nothing happens to him, great we can trust them. If something does- oh well.' Knowing Max will hate my logic doesn't stop me making it, and I am answered immediately with the frown I expected.