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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:40 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Who in the house do you feel like you get along better with?"

"I'm not fighting with anyone in the house - anymore." I tell Isabel with a wink. "I like to think that I get along with everyone. Sure, I didn't interact with Maria very much so far but I doubt there are any differences between the two of us."

Or did I do something wrong and that's why Maria's so distant? No, I'm sure that's not it ... probably something that Michael did. Yeah, that sounds more likely!

"Alex has been surprisingly cool about ... well ... everything. I do get along with Michael rather well, at least most of the time. Especially when he and some of his chicks aren't interrupting my sleep. Evans seems to be a nice guy." But I'm not one hundred percent sure yet - I still don't get what all the girls found so great about him in the first place.

"Tess is great too! Funny, sweet ... hm, I guess I get along best with her. Wow, kinda weird that I get along so well with a girl and not a guy." I muse before looking back at Isabel who seems to be thinking about something.

"You okay? You don't look like a happy camper right now?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:07 am
by KaraGail

You okay? You don't look like a happy camper right now?"

I am confused for a moment over that insight of Kyle's. I thought I hid my emotions pretty well, at least I had before coming onto this reality television show. I have always been in control over my emotions and now, for this guy to notice, I wonder if I was slipping.

"Yeah, fine." I finally respond and turn around to wave over at the group still satnding at the other smaller table. I think it's time to bring some other's into this conversation. Kyle is just way too observant, "Let's get the others over here."

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:06 am
by Sternbetrachter

Of course she's fine - and I'm actually Santa Claus. How dumb does she think I am? Or better ... how dumb do I appear to be? I mean, how could I look dumb but still ...

"Let's get the others over here."

Awesome! Turning around, I yell, "Tess! Hey!" Then I turn back to Isabel, embarrassed. "Sorry, forgot that they can't hear me. I'll ... just go and get them ... be right back."

I walk over to them, wave at the girls and tap Whitman on the shoulder as I come to stand next to him. Looking at Tess, Max and the other two, I motion towards where I left Isabel.

"Why don't you come over? We're starting to feel lonely."

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:12 pm
by Sternbetrachter
I'm leaving for a two weeks vacation tomorrow morning and won't (most likely) be able to post again till around the 18th July :cry:

don't turn Alex gay, into a player or a cheater but otherwise, use him as you want (especially you Kara ;) )

I won't be too upset if Kyle ends up gay :lol: but won't mind if he remains straight either ... maybe he ends up drunk because of the Max/Tess situation or something ... I dunno - just with Alex, use him as you need him ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:22 pm
by KaraGail
Sorry that I haven't been posting but I kind of wanted to wait for Trude to get back.... I hope you had a great time on vacation!


Kyle jumps up from his seat so quickly that I wondered if he felt uncomfortable with being alone with me. I know I haven't been the nicest to him ever since the ordeal at the sports bar, but I hadn't expected him to be so quick to get the others to join us.

I watched as he made his way across the space that had seperated us from the others and got their attention. My eyes slowly strayed from person to person until they collided with Alex's, who was now watching me unabashedly.I smiled and gave a slight motion with my head as a sign for him to come over and join me for a bit before Kyle brought the rest of the gang over. For some reason I suddenly felt the urge to reassure him that I was still interested in him and not Kyle.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:44 pm
by Sternbetrachter

Seeing Isabel motion for me to come over to her, I'm feeling quite relieved but am able to refrain myself from doing a happy dance. "Liz come on, lets go." I tell the brunette in an attempt to not appear too eager before I head over to Isabel.

"Hey." I say (or well shout with the loud music) to Isabel as I sit down, sending a brief glance towards Liz. "Liz seems to be feeling down for some reason and so does Tess. It's really weird." I finish with a shrug, looking back at Isabel who's looking at me.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:26 am
by KaraGail


I shake my head at his question thinking about how guys could be so clueless. I had wanted to talk to him alone, but I guess that is out of the question now since he brought Liz over with him.

Remembering what he said about Liz, I looked over at my room mate with worry. She did seem to be awfully quiet and sullen. I wonder what is up with her? We are here to have fun and yet half of our group seems depressed (except for Michael and Maria who were God knows where doing God knows what).

"Liz, are you feeling alright?" I was aware that she had just turned 21 recently and was probably new to this late night clubbing, so I hoped she wasn't already tired, "Do you want Alex or I to see you home?"

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:28 pm
by isabelle

I look up as Alex leaves, taking Liz with him. I can't help but be jealous at the easy way he can talk to her and she responds to him. Their easy friendship looks so wonderful. I almost thought I was starting something like that with her earlier tonight when we were talking about travel, but she was probably just being polite. If she really did mean it all the way she said it ... that would be just amazing.

I tear my eyes away and turn back to Tess. I'm not sure what to say to her right now. She's been so quiet. She's been watching Kyle and Isabel. I don't know what that's about. Still, we have a moment alone here so maybe I should try to find out.

"Everything okay, Tess? You seem a bit pre-occupied," I say.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:43 am
by Sternbetrachter

I admit, I'm very confused when Isabel doesn't answer me and turns to Liz instead. Oh well, it gave me a few moments where I could look at her without being too obvious.

I notice that one of Isabel's hands is underneath the table and get an idea. While she's asking Liz "Liz, are you feeling alright?" I look over at Liz too while slipping my hand underneath the table, reaching for Isabel's.

I reach her hand just as she asks "Do you want Alex or I to see you home?" and start to idly run my fingers along her hand, tracing some unseen patterns on her palm.


Alex and Liz left for our table after I asked them to join us, Max and Tess remain where they are. I'm unsure if I should leave them alone or not - maybe they want to be alone. Which I don't approve of.

I also look curiously at Tess after Max's question, figuring that it's okay for a friend to know whether someone is feeling fine or not without being in the way.

"Are you feeling sick? Or do you wanna leave?" I ask before I can stop myself, looking over uncertainly at Max.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:55 pm
by KaraGail

Almost as soon as I ask Liz if she wanted someone to take her home, I felt Alex's fingers brushing lightly across my hand. I was some what startled by the concealed attention that he was giving me, but quickly made sure the surprise wasn't evident in my face as I continued to wait for Liz to respond.

After a few moments, I realized that Liz hadn't heard me because her attention was focused on the group that she had just left. I wondered idly if she was upset with one of them and made myself a mental note to ask her later when we got back to the house and our room.

Glancing over at Alex, I raised an eyebrow and motioned toward Liz asking him with my eyes 'what was going on', hoping that maybe I could find out sooner than later. At the same time, I flipped my hand over and took his hand in mine, slipping my fingers through his and clasping it warmly.