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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 39 2/22/19

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:31 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Ashlee is great isn't she? She is trying hard to get what she wants.

RoswellFan68 Yes Ashlee knows what she wants and is going to keep trying to get it!

Part 40

Max stared at Liz not sure what to say to her mini me.

“Honey, you hardly know Max. Why do you want him to be your daddy?” asked Liz
“I like Max. He nice to me.” Said Ashlee
“Ashlee, I like you. I like your mom. But she and I need to get to know each other really well before we can get married. You wouldn't want your mom and me to get married then have us fight all the time right?” asked Max
“I don't want you to fight!” said Ashlee
“Then, let Max and me go out and get to know each other really well. If we decide that we love each other enough then we will think about getting married and making him your daddy.” Said Liz
“Ok. Can I call Izzy Aunt Izzy?”

Liz looked at Isabel and raised her eyebrow.

“Of course sweetie. I would love for you to call me Aunt Izzy.” Said Isabel
“Cool. Aunt Izzy can we play again sometime?” asked Ashlee
“I would like that.” Said Isabel
“We will set up a time for that.” Said Liz
“Mommy can Max read me a bedtime story tonight?”
“Honey, I don't know.” Said Liz
“Please mommy?”
“Well why don't you ask him?” asked Taylor

Isabel and Alex bit back smiles even as Liz shot Taylor a look that could kill.

“Max, can you read me a story tonight?” asked Ashlee
“I would love to. But only if it is ok with your mom.” Said Max
“Please mommy! Please! Let Max read to me!” said Ashlee
“Ok. But you need to have your bath right after dinner.” Said Liz
“Thank you mommy!”
“I'll give her, her bath tonight.” Said Taylor
“We will help clean up. By the way Taylor dinner was very good.” Said Max
“That's not necessary.” Said Liz
“Liz, let us help you. We all know that you are very independent. But you need to rest and let yourself heal.” Said Alex
“I know. Ok.”

Taylor put her dishes in the sink and then helped Ashlee to the bathroom for her bath. Max, Isabel and Alex put the leftovers away and loaded the dishwasher.

“Liz are you ok?” asked Isabel
“Yeah. I mean I was scared when Sean grabbed me. But I am ok. Sean is going to speed a long time in jail for trying to kidnapping me. Besides if I am right he will be facing other charges very soon too.”
“What do you mean?” asked Alex
“I have no proof so I really can't say anything. I just hope that he pays for all his crimes.”


Hank cursed as he watched his son led away. He had told the boy to stay away from that girl. But the boy wouldn't listen. He just hoped that the boy knew to keep his mouth shut. Cause if he ratted him out son or not the boy would end up on the wrong side of a knife. It wouldn't be the first time that Hank had killed. It was just nobody had any proof of the murder he committed days before he went to prison for rape.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 40 2/23/19

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:15 pm
by RoswellFan68
Ashlee is really working hard to get Max as her daddy. I wonder who Hank murdered.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 40 2/23/19

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:55 pm
by L-J-L 76
RoswellFan68 wrote:Ashlee is really working hard to get Max as her daddy. I wonder who Hank murdered.
Agree with RoswellFan68

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 40 2/23/19

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:50 pm
by SmileeUk
Wow! I have just caught up from start! Great story!
Love Ashlee’s innocent :lol: She is so sweet :D
All the Parker girls are strong & stubborn and it makes the story interesting. Love sheriff’s wisdom and each girl was given their own ‘Mr Sparky’ :D Very useful in this incident :lol:
Just hope Hank will be caught soon :twisted:
So looking forward to the next chapter :wink:

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 40 2/23/19

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:59 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Ashlee knows what she wants and isn't afraid to do anything to get it. Who did Hank murder? Good question my muse will have to get back to us on that.

L-J-L 76 Thanks.

SmileeUk Ashlee is sweet an innocent isn't she? Yes all the girls were given their own "Mr. Sparky" as for Hank well.......

Part 41

Liz stood in the doorway of her daughter's room watching Max with her daughter. Max was good with her. She had to smile as Max did different voices for the for each of the three bears and then for Goldilocks. When he finished he kissed Ashlee on her cheek made sure she had her teddy bear and her nightlight was working. He turned out the light and walked out to join Liz. Alex and Isabel had left right after Ashlee came out from her bath.

“Thank you for everything Max.” said Liz
“It's not a problem. She is a good kid. Kind of reminds me of this kindergartener I met a long time ago.”
“Ashlee is more like Serena then me. I was always the shy and quiet one.”
“True Rena has always been the more out going of the two of you. But she is super smart like you.”
“Serena is smart too. So is Taylor for that matter.”
“I know. But Ashlee, has the same warm heart as her mother.”
“I'm not so sure about that.”
“Liz, anyone who has been hurt like you have is bound to be scared to let others close.”
“I treated you so badly.”
“Liz that is the past. I think we should just look to the future. Are we still on for our date?”
“Yeah. I mean I want to go out with you. You do know like everyone wants us to get together.”
“I know. Liz, I should warn you. I think my mom is already planning on acting like a grandma to Ashlee come Christmas in a few months.”
“Well, I have heard she wants grandkids.”
“She does. Alex and Isabel are trying. But no luck yet.”
“I know. I know one of the fertility specialist at the hospital. I told them let me know and I can get them in for an appointment.”
“They might take you up on that.”
“Max, do you have a few minutes before heading home?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Just go wait in the living room. I have something to show you.”

Max headed to the living room while Liz went to her room and opened her keepsake trunk. She pulled “Ralph” out and carried him to the living room.

“Max do you remember this guy?” asked Liz

Max smiled when he saw Liz with this old stuff dog. He couldn't believe she still had that thing.

“Yeah I remember that. Didn't give him to you after those boys pushed you off the swing and you got scraped up?”
“Yeah. I did try to give him back to you.”
“But I told you to keep him. That you needed him more then me.”
“Liz, why have you kept it all these years?”
“I kept him because you gave him to me. Max, you were the first friend I made when I started school. Maria was in a different kindergarten. She didn't go to our elementary school until she and I were in the first grade.”
“Serena had run off with Isabel right?”
“Liz, I know you are scared to start something between us. But I promise I won't force you to move faster then you are ready for.”
“It already has moved faster then I wanted. But that is my sister and cousin's fault. If I had my way we would have gone out for three or four months at least before I let you meet Ashlee.”
“She is precious.”
“She is the only good thing that came from my one night stand.”
“Liz, you know that I am not expecting us to go out for a few weeks then hop into bed together.”
“I know. Max, I meant it when I said I am in love with you. But I need us to take this slow.”
“I understand. I want it to work between us. You know Ashlee wants us to be together.”
“I still can't believe that she asked you to marry me.”
“Well she wants a daddy.”
“Yeah that is only a recent thing.”
“Liz, you need your rest. I will see you Wednesday for our date.”

Liz walked Max to the door. Before walking out Max leaned down and very gently kissed Liz. Liz felt herself return it. Liz felt something go through her body unlike anything she ever felt before from a kiss. It felt like every cell in her body had woken for the first time in her life.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 41 2/24/19

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:32 am
by RoswellFan68
Max is a Pediatrician so it makes sense that he is good with kids. Now we had to see how the first date goes.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 41 2/24/19

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:13 pm
by L-J-L 76
Love how Max is with Ashee. Max will be a great father. Wow Liz kept that dog for a very long time. So happy that
Max and Liz talked. Wow that was a sweet kiss. So can't wait for Max and Liz's date. Hopefully the date will go great for them.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 41 2/24/19

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:28 pm
by keepsmiling7
I don't think Ashlee is going to be very patient with this deal about Max being her daddy.
She has a special way of pushing things forward......dragging everyone else along.
At least Max completely understands Liz's situation.
Great story!

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 41 2/24/19

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:41 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Being a pediatrician it does make sense he is good with kids. Though I should note mine gave me nightmares and a life long fear of needles!

L-J-L 76 Max really is good with Ashlee, and will make a great father.

Carolyn Ashlee patient? Yeah right! She knows what she wants, and what she wants is Max as her daddy! Besides how many patient 3 year olds do you know? Max does understand Liz's situation.

Part 42

Liz woke the next morning to knocking on her bedroom door. She knew it wasn't Taylor. Taylor was planning to take Ashlee to the zoo in El Paso today. That was an over three hour drive. So they would have left by six thirty stopping by the Crashdown for some breakfast burritos. Also planning on at least one bathroom stop a long the way. So it had to be either her mother or Serena as they were the only other ones with keys to the apartment. Well besides the apartment complex office. But it was too early for anyone from there to come by. Liz climbed out of bed and opened her bedroom door to find her twin standing there with Maria.

“I'm surprised you two just didn't walk in on me.” Said Liz pushing pass them.
“Maria wanted to. But Taylor wasn't sure Max had gone home. So I told her we should knock.” Said Serena
“Max and I haven't even been on a date yet.” Said Liz
“True, but then again that didn't stop you from having sex with that asshole Doug.” Said Maria
“Uh I was drunk.”
“Liz why didn't you call anyone last night?” asked Serena
“I was tired and just wanted to sleep. Rena, I am fine. Sean is in jail. There was nothing you could do. Max took care of me.”
“So is he still in bed?” asked Maria
“No he went home after Ashlee was tucked into bed.”
“Liz, what is really going on with you and Max?” asked Serena
“Nothing. Well we have a date Wednesday.”
“Really?! That's great!” said Serena
“Liz this is great. You and Max will get married and Ashlee will have a daddy.” Said Maria
“It's one date. You are way a head of yourself Maria.”
“Oh please we all know that you and Max are perfect for each other.” Said Maria
“You two need to get out so I can shower and get dressed. Besides I am under doctor's orders to rest the rest of the week.”
“Come on Maria let's leave Liz alone. I am sure we can find out about her date later.” Said Serena
“Oh please it's not like we are doing anything to wear Liz out.” Said Maria

Serena rolled her eyes grabbed Maria by the arm and dragged Maria out of the apartment. Liz took a shower and was brushing her hair when her phone rang. She smiled when she saw who it was.

“Hi Max.”
“Morning Liz. I was just calling to see how you are feeling.”
“I'm a little sore but other wise ok.”
“That's good.”
“Max, thank you for checking on me.”
“Not a problem.”
“Max will you do me a favor?”
“Sure what do you need me to do?”
“There is a girl named Sarah that was working in the gift shop. She was raped a week or so ago. I think that Sean is the one that raped her. She wouldn't say who it was. See if she is still working in the gift shop. If she is let me know when she will be there. I want to talk to her about identifying her attacker.”
“I'll see what I can find out and let you know.”
“Thanks Max.”
“Anything for you sweetie.”
“I will talk to you later.”

Liz hung up the phone smiling. Max just had away of making her feel good.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 42 2/26/19

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:31 pm
by keepsmiling7
Can't wait for that date Saturday....
But in the mean time I'm glad Liz felt comfortable in asking Max for help with Sarah.