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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 6/11/17

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:34 pm
by keepsmiling7
Lots has happened while I was away.
Best of all, Sean sent to oversee a penal colon after agreeing to end his marriage to Ava.
That smart granolith took care of ending Sean's evil bloodline.
Is Liz really already pregnant with this special first born blood Queen?

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 6/11/17

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:43 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 :D

Carolyn Yes good bye Sean! We will see if Liz is pregnant.

Part 40

Liz laid on the exam table in Kara's office exam room. Kara did a full exam without saying much.

"Kara is something wrong?" Asked Liz
"No Princess."

Liz looked at her friend wondering what was going on.

"Kara what is going on? You have never been hung up on that title crap."
"Nothing is going on Princess."

Kara then leaned in close dropping her voice.

"Sorry about the coldness Liz. But there is someone spying on me. Reporting things to Lord Kivar. Said I am too close to my patients."

Liz could see fear in Kara's eyes.

"I understand. I will inform the King when I return to the palace."

Kara gave Liz a small smile as a young nurse came in with some papers for Kara. Kara looked over them and waited until the nurse left only after looking at Liz coldly.

"Uh Doc isn't that Jada?"
"As in Lord Vincent Kivar's daughter and Nicholas's half sister Jada yes. I believe that she is the spy."
"Wouldn't put it past her. How in the hell did she get chosen to be a nurse? I mean she is a mean and cold bitch."
"I think her dear old dad is the one responsible. I can't prove it."
"I will have it looked into."
"So how am I doing?"
"You are healthier then you were when I did your pre wedding exam."
"Yes, I have to say married life more then agrees with you."
"That is good. Now what about that test I asked you about?"
"There will be cause to celebrate in six months. You are most defiantly pregnant. You should be able to form a psychic link in the next week or so with the child you are carrying."
"That is good news."
"Liz, you do know that you don't have to do it. Most parents don't these days."
"I know. My mother never did with any of us. I want to. I want to know my children."
"That does not surprise me at all."
"I should get back to the palace and tell Max he is going to be a daddy."
"Yes that would be good. Though I admit I wish I could see the look on his face when you do."

Liz smiled knowing that Max was going to be in for a shock.


Serena sat in the palace garden thinking about the coming months. Soon she would be married and have a niece. She knew that Liz was at the doctor learning of the new life that she was carrying. As a guardian she couldn't tell anyone anything. That would change their lives. But she could give them clues. She smiled as she thought about the man she would marry. Kyle was the prefect man for her. The only match that had been screwed up had been Ava's but now that had been righted. Serena looked at the crystal she now wore around her neck. A small granalith crystal. She closed her eyes and focused. She got up and ran into the palace. She had to find Max. He was needed at he medical center. Lives may depend on him being there.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 6/12/17

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:27 am
by keepsmiling7
Good news for Liz......can't wait for her to share it with Max.
So we have spies all around........will we learn more about Jada?

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 6/12/17

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:19 am
by Natalie36
happy news and a new twist

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 6/12/17

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes good news for Liz. Yes there are spies around.

Natalie36 Yes happy news!

Part 41

Carolyn cried as she was hit with another contraction. Chris sat at her side wiping the sweat from her face.

"Care, you are doing great sweetie." Said Chris
"It hurts so much. Chris promise me that you will make sure that our daughter knows how much I loved her."
"You can tell her. You aren't going to die."
"You don't know that. This past year as your wife has been the happiest of my life."
"We are going to have many more together."

Just then an alarm went off and Kara ran in a long with another doctor and two nurses. Chris was pushed out of the room and out to the waiting room. He fell into a chair and all he could do now was wait.


Serena ran through the palace halls only stopping when she crashed into someone. She nearly fell to the floor until a pair of strong arms stopped her. She looked up into Kyle's warm blue eyes.

"Kyle, where is Max?" Asked Serena
"He and Liz just headed for their rooms. Is everything ok?"
"No Kyle it's not ok! If he doesn't get to the medical center fast both Carolyn and her babies will die."
"Come on let's get him."

Serena followed Kyle into a part of the palace she had never been before. Normally the family quarters of the palace were off limits to anyone unless escorted by a member of the Royal family. The only exception was their personal guards. Kyle walked up to a door and started pound on it. Liz opened the door and glared at the two of them. Serena noticed the sparks jumping between Liz's fingers.

"This better be important." Said Liz
"Max needs to get to the medical center. It's a matter of life and death." Said Serena

Liz looked at her sister letting the sparks die.

"Care?" Asked Liz

Serena just nodded. Liz went into the room and pulled Max out.

"Liz what is going on?" Asked Max
"Max, sorry to do this but Carolyn and her babies lives are in danger." Said Serena
"Are you sure?" Asked Liz
"Yes! The granalith sent me a vision. It wants you to save their lives." Said Serena

Max looked into Serena's eyes and the four of them took off for the medical center.


Kara ripped the medical gown Carolyn was wearing open and placed her hands on her chest. She forced a connection and found that Carolyn's heart was starting to fail. She started to pour energy into her friend. The other doctor was watching the fetal heart monitor.

"Kara, we need to do something and fast. We will lose all of them if we don't."
"Damn it! Don't you think I know that Stacey? I am doing everything I can to keep her heart going!" Said Kara

Just then the door opened and Max, Liz and Serena came in.

"Now is not the time to visit Serena." Said Kara
"This isn't a visit. Let me at her Kara." Said Max

Kara nodded and let him take over.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 6/13/17

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:54 am
by keepsmiling7
wow......this is tense

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 6/13/17

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:10 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes it is tense!

Part 42

Liz left Carolyn's room and went to find her brother. She found him in the waiting room crying. She went over to him and pulled him into her arms.

"Lizzie please tell me that I am not going to lose my wife and babies." Said Chris
"Chris, Max is going to do everything he can to save all of them."
"It's just I love Care so much."
"I know you do. Chris, you need to be strong for her. Care's mother died right after she was born. But her father never blamed her or Kyle."
"I know. How did you know to come?"
"It is a good thing our baby sister is a guardian of the granalith. There is some unknown plan to come for your wife and children. The granalith let Serena know that Max was needed at the birth of you children."
"Tell me something. When did my little devil of a sister get so smart?"

Liz looked at her brother and gave him a small shock and smiled.

"I have always been smart. You just never noticed."

Just then they both heard crying of a baby. They turned and watched as Serena carried a baby wrapped in a pink blanket over to them.

"Big brother meet your daughter." Said Serena
"Daughter? Serena what about the other baby and Care?" Asked Chris
"Carolyn will be fine. Your other daughter will be fine as well. Max is finishing up fixing the other baby's lungs which are not as strong as they should be."
"Thank god. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost any of them." Said Chris

Kara came out and smiled tiredly at the siblings.

"Is everything ok?" Asked Liz
"Yes. Max wore himself out. He is resting in a private room. Carolyn is doing well." Said Kara
"Kara what happened?" Asked Chris
"Carolyn, had a weak heart that had never been picked up on. Max has fixed it." Said Kara
"Kara how was that missed?" Asked Liz
"I don't know. I am going to look into it. I have a feeling that she inhairited it from her mother. That is the reason Lady Michelle Valenti died in child birth. But that shouldn't be a problem for your daughters Chris." Said Kara
"Kara, if there were signs and it was ignored let us know." Said Liz
"Of course. So Liz did you tell Max yet?" Asked Kara
"I was about to when we were told that Carolyn needed us." Said Liz
"Ok little sister what is going on?" Asked Chris
"I just have some news. But I need it to share it with my husband first."

Serena smiled. The vision was right. But she was not about to tell anyone that.

"Chris why don't you go see your wife and other daughter?" Said Kara
"Right. Liz, tell Max thanks for me." Said Chris
"Sure. Take good care of your wife and daughters. Chris make sure that those girls of yours know that they are just as good as any boy." Said Liz
"Lizzie, I am not our father. I will teach them to be just like their Aunt. Strong and independent."

Liz smiled and hugged her brother. Chris then went to see his wife and meet his other little girl.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 6/14/17

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:25 am
by keepsmiling7
Max had lots of repair work to he will need lots of rest after that.
Can't wait for Liz to share her news with him

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 6/14/17

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Max did have a lot f repair work to do.

Part 43

Liz walked into the room that Max was resting in. He was laying on the bed watching the door. He smiled when Liz walked in.

"You OK Max?"
"Yeah. Just tired. But Carolyn and both babies are going to be fine."
"I saw the one. Are they identical?"
"As far as I can tell."
"Then they may get lucky and look like their mother."
"You are evil Lizzie."
"No I am not!"
"So there was something you were going to tell me. But we got called here."
"Yeah. Uh well it seems that those two baby girls are going to have a cousin close to their age."

Max looked at her and let her words sink in. If he was understanding Liz right then she was telling him that they were going to have a baby.

"Liz, are you really pregnant?"
"Yeah I am."
"This is great!"
"Well if Serena is right then our first child will be a daughter."
"Well then I hope she is as beautiful as her mother is. I love you Liz."

Liz leaned down and kissed him. But she had a feeling that they were being watched. That feeling made her scared because she knew whoever it was, was a danger to all of Antar.


Carolyn held one of her daughters while Chris sat by her side holding their other daughter.

"We need to name our daughters." Said Carolyn
"I know. I have always liked the name Jessica." Said Chris
"I like that too. How about Natasha?"
"I like it. Your mother's grandmother was named Natasha right?"
"Yeah. I never knew her."
"Care, are you OK?"
"I am fine. In fact I am in better health then I have ever been in my life. Max fixed my heart. It was a something that I was born with. My mother had it. That is why she died in child birth. She may have had a chance with only one birth. But the fact that Kyle and I are twins the pregnancy and child birth of twins was too much for her heart."
"Why wasn't this picked up in before now?"
"Because the doctor who Carolyn's care was under was an idiot." Said Kara
"What?" Asked Chris
"Dr. Quinn was an idiot. Carolyn's heart problems were right on every scan from birth. If I had been the one to do her pre wedding health scan I would have picked up on it. It wasn't until I took over after she had come in today in labor that I saw it on the scan. I went back and looked at all her scans then and saw it had always been there."
"Kara, if Max hadn't come today would I have died?" Asked Carolyn
"Most likely yes. The babies were in danger as well."

Chris was speechless. He wasn't sure what he would have done if he had lost his wife. Not to mention his baby girls.


Jada Kivar hated that she was being forced to work as a nurse. But her father needed information on the Royals health. It was the only way that he was going to be able to go through with his plans. Most of what she had learned was unimportant. But the fact that the stupid prince's new wife was pregnant was. All her father had to do was kill everyone but the new princess and then force her to marry him. He would then raise the brat to rule Antar with an iron fist.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 43 6/15/17

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:34 am
by keepsmiling7
Max seemed thrilled with Liz's news.
I'm sorry they are being watched.....but it appears that Jada the nurse if the spy.
Care is so lucky that Kara discovered her serious heart condition, and that Max was able to correct it.