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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 2/6/17

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:51 am
by keepsmiling7
Serena is so much better off with Kyle.
Jake is just a bad memory now!

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 2/6/17

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Serena really is very much better off with Kyle. Jake is just a bad memory that she wishes she can forget!

Part 41

Liz walked out onto the set the next morning. She saw Steph looking over her script one last time before they filmed the scene. It was not going to be an easy one for them. In it "Tara" played by Steph tells "Julia" by Liz that she came looking for her father because her stepfather had raped her. Liz walked over to Steph and sat next to her on the sofa.

"You OK Steph?"
"Yeah Liz. This scene is just going to be intents."
"Yeah I know."
"Liz, you seemed more upset by it them me."
"It's nothing."
"Liz, one thing I learned in rehab you shouldn't bury your problems."
"I haven't buried anything. Steph, I had something happen to me in high school. I spent time in therapy for it. Max knows all about it."
"That is good."
"Yeah. He is such a great guy. I mean he understands me better than I ever thought possible. He was so sweet and loving our first time together."
"I told you that you that it was good to wait for someone special didn't I?"
"Yes you did."

Just then the crew showed up and they filmed the scene in one take.


Max walked up the stairs to his apartment after class. He had just reached the landing when two paramedics came down the stairs with a stretcher. He saw Jessica on it with her wrists wrapped in bandages. Her mother was right behind them.

"Mrs. Marks is Jessica OK?" Asked Max
"Oh! Max she cut her wrists!" Said Mrs. Marks in tears.
"Here let me drive you to the hospital."
"No, no I will be fine."
"Please. You are in no shape to drive."

Max walked with the woman down the stairs and over to his jeep. He helped her in and then got behind the wheel and drove to the hospital. He let her out at the door to the emergency room and went to park the jeep. On his way in he called Liz and left her a message on her voicemail about what happened.


Zan limped to his cell after being released from the infirmary. He watched the other men out of the corner of his eye. In the morning he would be back in court for sentencing. He was going to make his lawyer go after these stupid guards for letting this happen to him. He made it to his cell to find he now had a cellmate. The man who looked like a NFL (National Football League) defensive lineman just looked at him coldly.

"Just fuck off." Said Zan
"What's the matter actor boy? You scared that you will get a taste of your own medicine?"
"I only fuck women."
"From what I hear you will fuck any one with a pussy. No matter how old they are or if they want it or not."
"They don't know what they want. Women love the feel of my dick inside of them."
"Not all of them from what I here."

The man grabbed Zan threw him down on the bed on his stomach. Ripped his pants down then dropped his own. The next thing that was heard was Zan's scream as his cellmate rammed his own dick into Zan's ass.


Liz walked into her dressing room and picked up her cell phone and found a message from Max.

"Hey, sweetie. I am at the hospital down the street from home. Jessica cut her wrists open. I drove her mom here. I will let you know when I know more. Love you."

Liz felt tears run down her face. She wish she had known how bad Jessica really was. She had known the younger girl wasn't dealing well. But never thought that she would try to kill herself.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 2/7/17

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:21 am
by L-J-L 76
So very glad that Zan is getting pay back for what he did to women. He and Rath deserves whatever they get in prison. Poor Jessica. Her mom is so worried crazy about her. Jessica needs to talk to a therapist. Or find someone to help her. Glad Max was there for Jessica's mom. Hopefully Liz will go see Jessica and her mom after filming.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 2/7/17

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:43 pm
by keepsmiling7
Once again, Max is the good guy being on hand to help others when they need it.
And for brutal as that act is, I can't feel too sorry for him

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 2/7/17

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:56 am
by Lillmonster
Poor Jessica. I hope she will get the help she needs and Max is there to help her mom.

Yes... Zan gets a taste of his own medicin. :lol:

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 2/7/17

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Zan is learning that payback really is a bitch! Don't worry about Jessica she is going to get the help she needs.

Carolyn Max really does seem to be showing up just when someone needs him.

Lillmonster Jessica is going to get the help she needs. Zan is getting a taste of his own medicine.

Part 42

Max handed Mrs. Marks a bottle of water he got from the vending machine on the far side of the waiting room. She looked up at him.

"You don't have to stay here Max."
"Mrs. Marks, you shouldn't be alone. I am going to stay here until you know how Jessica is."
"I am sure that you have better things to do."
"You remember how I met your daughter right?"
"Yes. You helped Liz bring her here after those monsters stole her innocence from her."
"Yes. In the shape she was in I don't know how she made it up to flights of stairs."
"I can't tell you. I know that Zan is your cousin. But I hope he burns in hell for what he did to my daughter."
"Mrs. Marks, what he did to Jessica is horrible. I hate him for what he did to her. She is one of the brave ones. She stopped him. But there are other victims that didn't."
"Max why do you care so much about my daughter?"
"Liz, cares. I love Liz and what matters to her matters to me."

Just then a doctor came out.

"Dr. Vincent how is she?" Asked Mrs. Marks
"We stitched up her wrists. But she did lose a lot of blood. Had you not found her when you did she would have died." Said Dr. Vincent
"Oh god. Is she going to recover?"
"She has not woken up yet. But once she does I want to have her admitted for a psychological evaluation."
"I hate to do it. But it will be for the best."
"I will get the forms."

Max watched as Mrs. Marks started to cry. He wrapped the woman in his arms and hugged her.


Liz grabbed her bag and started to head out to her car when Serena stopped her.

"Liz, can I talk to you?"
"Let's go to the Malibu Grill."

They both got in their cars and drove to the restaurant. Once they were seated at a table in a back corner away from prying eyes and ordered ice teas Liz looked at her friend.

"What is going on Rena?"
"Remember when we made Camp Green Lake 2?"
"Yes. It was the only time we worked together as kids."
"Did you notice that I was quite and withdrawn?"
"Sort of. But then again I wasn't that out going either."
"What you don't know is I left home the day I turned eighteen and haven't spoken to my parents since."
"My dad use to beat me."
"Oh my god. Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I was scared. But that left me with very little feeling of self worth. That is why when Jake acted like he cared about me, I gave him my virginity. But all he wanted from me was sex. Once he got what he wanted he tossed me aside for his next conquest. He then sold his rating of me to a bunch of guys at school. I ended up having sex with a number of them. Sometimes on the first date."
"Rena, I am so sorry that happened to you."
"Jake was a big mistake the first time. A bigger one when I slept with him again. Before you ask I have told Kyle all of this. He is the first guy that I have truly loved."
"He is a great guy. I mean I don't know him all that well. But he always has treated people with respect."
"He said he is from the same town as you."
"Yeah. His dad is the sheriff. But I don't really know him. He is a little older and I was out here a lot doing different things."
"Liz, is there anything you want to talk about?"

Liz looked at her friend. She knew it was time to tell her.

"When I was sixteen, I went to a party with my friend Maria and Michael. Maria's cousin Sean was there. Well I don't remember everything from that night. But Sean some how got me into a bedroom. He was trying to undress me. He was going to have sex with me weather I wanted to or not."
"Did he rape you?"
"No. Michael and Maria came looking for me and stopped him. Michael beat the crap out of him. But what we didn't learn until nearly a week later was that he had already raped a girl that night."
"Oh Liz! That is horrible!"
"I left Roswell right after high school and only rarely go back. You know just for Christmas. I just don't want to be there any more."
"I totally understand that."
"Max does know."
"That's good. He seems like a really good guy."
"He is. He is everything I have always wanted in a man."
"You are really in love aren't you?"
"That is great!"

Liz smiled and enjoyed spending time with her friend.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 2/8/17

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:01 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Jessica is going to get better. Her mom made a good thing by admitting her. Hopefully Jessica will get the help she needs. Also so glad that Max was there for Jessica's mom. Wow Liz and Serena both went through some bad times. So very glad that Liz and Serena can talk about it.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 2/8/17

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:10 am
by keepsmiling7
Jessica had a close call.
I'm glad she will be receiving some professional help.
Liz and Max are lucky they have found each other, they will make a good pair.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 2/8/17

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Jessica is going to get the help that she needs.

Carolyn Max and Liz really are perfect for each other.

Part 43

Liz walked into her apartment to find Max laying on her couch. She had given him a key a couple weeks ago.

"How is Jessica?" Asked Liz
"Not good. She still hasn't woken up. But when she does she will be admitted into the psychological ward for evaluation." Said Max
"How's her mom?"
"She refused to leave Jessica's side. Dr. Marks is in Boston for a medical conference. He is going to try and get back tomorrow. Mrs. Marks sent me home to be with you. Said that I needed the love of my girlfriend."
"I think she is right. There isn't anything we can do for Jessica. Have you heard from Ava?"
"Yeah she and the baby are doing well. She met a guy in her single parents class he has a son a little older than her daughter."
"That's great."
"Yeah I am happy for her."
"She deserves to be happy."
"If only Jessica could be happy."
"Healing takes time. Some longer than others. Once I started to talk with my therapist about what happened with Sean, I got past it rather fast. Since the night we first made love I haven't had a nightmare about that night. In fact the nights you hold me in your arms I feel safer than I have ever felt in my life."
"I love you more than you could ever know. I hate the nights we spend apart."
"When is your lease up?"
"In a little over two months why?"
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"Then I want to take you somewhere."
"Where are you taking me?"
"It's a surprise."
"This is pay back for our first date isn't it?"
"It's a bitch isn't it?"

Max got up from the couch grinned at Liz who took off running Max easily caught her in her bedroom. He picked her up and threw her down on the bed they spent most night in. Liz giggled as Max started to tickle her. Then their lips met in in a passionate kiss and made short work of their clothes. They explosered each others body like they had a number of times before. Liz grabbed a condom and rolled it onto Max and wrapped her arms and legs around him as he sank into her. They made love slowly and passionately. Liz knew as their bodies moved in sync that she never wanted to lose this. Max looked into her eyes asking her permission to increase the pace of their love making. She could feel his need to increase the pace. She dug her nails into his back signaling him to do it. He started to pound harder and faster into her. She clung to him as each thrust ripped through her threating to send her over the edge. Finally she couldn't hold on any longer and threw her head back as her body was rocked with a powerful orgasm. She cried out his name as his mouth latched onto her neck. Max continued to thrust into her until he finally reached his own orgasm which set her over the edge once again. He pulled his now limp shaft from her and fell to the bed next to her. Liz looked at her spent lover who was breathing as hard as she was. He pulled the covers over them kissed her softly as they fell to sleep with his arms wrapped tightly around her.


Serena moaned as Kyle kissed his way down her neck. He stopped on her pulse point and nipped gently at it. He knew just how to make her feel good. He slowly made his way to her breasts he always took extra care when he sucked on her left breast. Just above the nipple was a scar much like the one on her shoulder blade from her father's belt. Of the guys she had been with he had been the only one that cared and asked about it. Tears had fallen from her eyes as she had told him the secret that she had never told anyone before. That night instead of having sex he just held her and promised her that as long as he was around no one would ever hurt her again. Tonight Kyle was going slow. He was not just thinking about himself like those boys she been with in high school, he was truly making love to every inch of her body. Not even the first time they had been together had it been sex. It was always making love. After nearly an hour of sweet torcher he finally enter her they made love slowly and passionately. Kyle never took his eyes from her. Each time he thrust into her he made sure to hit her sensitive spot. They reached their climax at the same time.

"I love you Kyle."
"Love you always Rena."

Serena snuggled close to Kyle and drifted off to sleep. Kyle reached over to the drawer in the nightstand on his side of the bed and pulled out the small black box. He opened it and smiled at the the single kart princess cut diamond ring. The ring had belonged to his grandmother. She had left it to him when she died a few years ago. He had shown it to Liz the night of her season finale when he got her alone for a few minutes. Liz told him that Serena would love it. Now he just had to work up the nerve to ask her to be his wife. He didn't care that she made a lot money then he did. All he knew was that he was in love and never wanted to lose this beautiful woman from his life. He closed the box and placed it back in the drawer. He kissed the top of Serena's head and wrapped his arm tightly around her falling to sleep with a smile.


Kate let out a gasp as Sarah nipped at her neck. This was always on of her favorite parts of their love making. Having her lovers mouth all over her body. She also loved when she got to show Sarah her love by doing these things to her. Her first lover had been very controlling. Had to always be the one in charge. But with Sarah it was different from the start. They were equals in the relationship. Sarah had moved to her breasts. Squeezing and kneeding the right one as her mouth and tongue ran wild over the left one. She could all ready feel the start of an orgasm running through her body. Something she had never experienced so strongly until she had been with Sarah the first time.

"God don't stop!" Kate yelled out

Sarah pulled her mouth away from her breast and reached between Kate's legs pushing her fingers in and pumping them in and out all while their mouths attacked each other. Kate screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body. Then it was her turn to show Sarah how much she loved her.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 43 2/9/17

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:46 am
by L-J-L 76
So Liz has a surprise for Max. Love how Max and Liz can be with each other and have fun. Wow all couples are so loving and caring with each other.

L-J-L 76