Page 13 of 14

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:00 am
by KatnotKath

Max replies to me this time, although I'm hardly surprised to find that he still doesn't want me along. He conceeds that I'm strong, but uses this as an argument for me staying with the children, before mentioning the baby too, laying his hand on my belly.

I bite down on my lip, wanting to object and yet at the same time knowing he's right. I was thinking earlier about keeping the children safe... My worst nightmare is that something could happen to them, and that's no different when it comes to the baby.

How can I insist on going into what is a potentially incredibly dangerous situation when I'm pregnant? I don't want to let max go in without me but...

What would the FBI do to our child if I got caught...? It doesn't bear thinking about, and deep down I know that Max is right about this. *Alright...I guess...* I conceed defeat reluctantly on this issue. *Be careful though...and make sure you come back to us - we need you...*

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:22 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming
OCC: I can someone give me idea, what I should do with Lexi?


Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:47 pm
by Athenea

"What can you and Dreakus do -- besides the memory sharing?" Max...I mean my Father...I mean Max asks me and me and Dreakus look at each other. Rule #1 on our planet is never letting anyone-besides those you trust- know the extent of your powers. Its been a rule drilled into us since birth. Dreakus shakes his head just enough to let me know what he thinks we should do.

Let them know just enough but not everything is probably the best way to go for now. Its for the best-for now. “Well you saw what Dreakus can do but he doesn’t have very good control over his power yet he could take out communication systems and things that have electricity.”

“ I can...well the...ah... memory sharing power can distract people.” I say not wanting to say how it can be distracting but maybe its best if they see it first hand and then the situation will be to dire for it to be the focus of.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:29 am
by isabelle

There's something odd in the way Zaria talks about the 'memory-sharing' -- or maybe it's just because of the odd way it felt -- like there was something a lot more too it. something familiar. Not like mind-warping, because she was hunting for memories. More like ... More like what Nicholas could do. I guess that might make sense, concidering what her mother could do, but I just don't want to think about that.

"Okay," I say, trying to figure out who's going along. Zaria is the oldest and she is the closest to Zan -- although that might be a good reason to leave her behind. I don't think she needs to see Zan where he is. Besides, what would Alexis think if I brought Zaira and not her?

Dreakus, on the other hand. I'm pretty sure he doesn't trust me. He claims he's got all this military training and maybe he does, but I know this world and these people. And then there's Tess -- who can't mindwarp but still has other powers -- and who doesn't even seem to care about Kivar raping our daughter, as long as she still gets to be Queen. Can she be trusted on this mission? Maybe not, but I'd rather have her where I can see her. I don't want her near my children.

"So Liz can guard the children. I'll go with Tess, Isabel and Michael. Michael's with me. Tess, you stay with Isabel."

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:41 pm
by isabelle

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:26 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: it's not much, but hope this is okay


I want to object says about me staying behind, pairing himself with Michael, and Tess with Isabel... I don't like feeling so helpless, and yet I know that he's right... How much chance would I have of moving quickly like this - none! If I'm there, I'm just a liablity and a problem, everyone's going to be looking out for me and as much as I don't want to admit it, I know it's the right decision to stay behind.

Of course Max is saying that I'll be looking after the kids, but I'm not sure they'd look on it that way... Nor, from the way Zaira and Dreakus look, do I imagine they're going to agree to being left behind as Max seems to want, without a fight of some sort... I eye the two of them cautiously, expecting any minute for one to object loudly to the plan which is being suggested.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:31 am
by isabelle
*bump* for Xaira and Dreakus...

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:53 am
by Athenea
Does anybody want to continue this?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:07 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
I do

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:06 am
by isabelle
I do too! Definately. :D