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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:09 am
by begonia9508
Wow! So nice to have you back! Thanks! :D

I can't believe that there are still people following this crazy Tess!! :twisted: :twisted:
It must be jealousy for Max's and his friends business working well... :roll:

Thanks - waiting for more! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:39 am
by keepsmiling7
It was worth the wait to get these updates.
I am worried about Liz's safety at this point.
Love that Max had been crushing on Liz all of these years. Maybe their time has finally come.
Can't wait to see what happens next,

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:18 am
by garcia88
Love it!! I hope Sean doesn't get to Liz..
So looking forward to the next chapter..

Kris :D

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:25 am
by Michelle in LA
Wow! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't get an alert on the update, so good thing I checked.

Sean is seriously deranged -- not to mention slippery as a fish, or charming as a snake. How does he do it? And as soon as he does, it's off to the races again. His malevolent focus on Liz and her friends (anyone who helps save her from him) is disturbing. You'd think he'd want to move on and find another house to haunt -- the police know just how to find him. Just stake out Liz, and he'll be along in a few minutes. Obsession is a frightening thing.

The guy taking pictures is way creepy. We know it can't be Sean, because he's at the airport (that was him, right?), so they have someone working for them, or there's someone in town who's hunting another of the gang.

Welcome back! And I'm with Ginger -- I'm eager for you to share some of those teeming ideas. I can't wait to find out where this is going.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:17 pm
by Ilonka.Green
Hello, everyone... Here's somewhat of a 'filler' chapter. It's not much, but it's important as Max tells Liz about Sean's escape from prison; while Kyle addresses new / updated security measures for the building during a staff meeting.

Chapter 36

Max and Liz’s penthouse: One hour later…

Thanking Maria and Isabel for tagging along with her to the airport, Liz slipped her key card into the slot in the elevator before pressing ‘P2’ to head upstairs. The door closed as Liz turned to look out the glass windows as the elevator took off.

Stepping out into the hallway on the seventh floor, she slipped her key card into the lock and pulling it out, turned the door knob; opening the door, stepping into the foyer. “I’m home…” Silence. “Max… Are you home?”

“I’m in the office,” Max called out.

Dropping her purse on the small wooden table, she slipped her sandals off before wandering down the hallway towards Max’s office. The door was open. “How was the trip to the airport?”

“Same as any trip… Hare Krishna and all.”

Rolling his eyes, Max chuckled envisioning the scene. “And let me guess, he was playing Kumbaya on a guitar; which Maria happened to notice thus causing her to verbally attack him.”

“Um… Something like that, except Maria didn’t get that far. Isabel managed to grab her arm before she took off.” Sitting on his lap, she glanced at the laptop screen. “Staff meeting notes… What for?”

Kissing her on the cheek, Max stood up with Liz in his arms. Crossing the room, he sat on the plush couch. “I don’t want you to flip, but there’s something I need to tell you…”

“What happened?”

“Um… I don’t know how else to tell you this, but earlier I received a call from Lieutenant Porislukski at the Las Vegas Police Department… He called to inform us that Sean somehow managed to escape from prison…”

Liz paled. “Oh, God…”

“Everything’s going to be okay… The lieutenant assured me that a search is being conducted. In the meantime, Kyle made arrangements with a local security company to boost building security.”

“Why are you having a staff meeting? He’s only a threat to Alex and me.”

“For now… We’re having the meeting to remind everyone about appropriate behavior and to discuss recent upgrades to building security.” Giving her another tender kiss, he continued. “You don’t have to attend if you think you’ll feel uncomfortable…”

“When’s the meeting?”

“In about an hour or so… I was waiting for you to return with Maria and Isabel and to give them a chance to get situated.”

“I’ll think about it and let you know.”
Two hours later in Cloud 9 (VIP lounge)…

Liz sat at the bar talking with her friends while everyone else sat around snacking on pretzels and popcorn; drinking soda and water waiting for Max and Isabel to arrive while discussing the latest club gossip.

“Has anyone heard from Tess lately?” someone asked.

Heads turned as conversations ceased. Liz paled. “Um… Nobody’s heard from her since she left.” Pam replied.

As if on cue, the doors suddenly flew open and in walked Max and Isabel. “Sorry for being late everyone,” Isabel apologized without an explanation as to the reason. Taking a glass of ice water from Courtney, she continued. “Before we start, does anyone have any issues or concerns they would like addressed?”

Someone in the back raised their hand. “Yes... What would you like to discuss?” Max asked.

“I was wondering what security measures have been taken to prevent another situation like the wine cellar incident?”

“Good question… That’s the second item on our agenda for today. But, first if there’s no other issues or concerns, we’d like to revisit the issue of abuse, assault and battery, and harassment…” Max started.

Flipping through her notes, Isabel continued. “Abuse is to hurt or injure by physical maltreatment; improper handling; and insulting or coarse or insulting language. Assault is a violent attack, either physical or verbal. Assault and battery is the threat to use force upon another and carrying out the threat. Harass is to irritate or torment persistently, to impede and exhaust by repeated attacks…” Taking a sip of her water, she paused. “This includes but is not limited to any behavior deemed inappropriate that is of a physical, verbal or sexual nature.”

“If anyone witnesses any of these behaviors, they are to report the offending individual to a manager immediately so appropriate action can be taken. These are issues we take very seriously and anyone reported being involved in such behaviors will be dealt with appropriately,” Max reminded everyone. “Anyone needing further explanation can refer to the employee handbook.”

As Max and Isabel finished discussing abuse, assault and battery and harassment, Kyle stepped to the front of the room to discuss building security. “As all of you are aware, there have been several incidents involving building security and employee safety. Let it be known that appropriate measures have been taken to prevent further incidents from occurring. Working with the city police, the building underwent a thorough security inspection immediately following the last incident. More hidden security cameras have been added along with a new high tech alarm system with motion and heat sensors throughout the building. More emergency generator lights and alarms have been added to all locations along with flashlights with spare batteries. All doors are now equipped with emergency release latches on the locks to prevent entrapment. And lastly, key cards are mandatory to access all condos and penthouses. Any and all guests of tenants will need to check in at the security desk where they will be issued a guest badge and key card for the duration of their stay…”

Someone in the back of the room raised their hand. “What about co-workers?”

“Same thing… Co-workers will need to sign in, grab a guest badge and pick up a key card…” He paused. “It will be the responsibility of the security officer on duty at the desk to contact the tenant to confirm the visit…”

“Why do we need a visitor badge if we have an employee name tag?” someone in the front of the room asked.

“The visitor badge is an indicator that the co-worker did indeed check in at the security desk.”

Someone sitting in the middle of the room raised a hand. “What if the guest arrives with the tenant?”

“It will then be the responsibility of the tenant to notify the security desk to inform them of their guest and to obtain a visitor badge along with a key card as guests are not permitted to use tenant key cards. Guests caught doing so will be dealt with in an appropriate manner as deemed fit.” Looking around the room, he once again paused. “One last thing… The only two people with complete access to the entire building are Max and Isabel as they are joint owners of the building. As before, they will use their keys accordingly; accessing areas only as needed. If any tenant sees anyone that does not normally belong on their floor, they have the right to question the individual and / or to contact the security desk…”

“Do the rules apply to everyone?”

“Yes… The rules apply to all tenants, employees, and guests; including Max and Isabel.”

Another employee raised a hand. “Is there a solicitation policy within the building?”

“You must be relatively new here… Welcome.” He paused. “The Safe House has a strict ‘No Solicitation Policy’ which includes any person wandering throughout the building randomly approaching people recruiting religious faiths, selling items, asking for donations or to sign a petition, etc. The only exception to this rule is arranged meetings between distributers, vendors, and managers. If donations are ever being collected, arrangements will have been made between Max, Isabel and the charitable organization… Signs will also be posted throughout the building listing the name of the charitable organization, the purpose of the organization, a list of specific items the organization is hoping to obtain if any, along with a drop off point for donation items.”

“Anyone needing further explanation can also refer to the employee handbook,” Max reminded everyone.

“Is there anything else that anyone would like to discuss?” Isabel asked. Nobody said a word. “Okay then, meeting adjourned… But, before everyone leaves, I would like to remind all of you that if at any time anyone has something they need to discuss Max and I make a conscious effort to be available during regular business hours…”

“If for some reason we’re not in the office, Ava will be more than happy to check our schedule to see where we are, what we are doing and when we will be available. In the case of an emergency, notify building security immediately.” Max added.

Reference: (American Heritage Dictionary: 2nd Edition, pp. 70, 134, 593)

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:25 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great new chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really Soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Max was there when Liz got home. And I'm glad that Max told Liz about Seans escape. Hoepfully with what Max is doing to the place will make everyone more safe. I think it was a great idea what Max and Isabel plan to do, Hopefully everyone will be safe and protected. What will happen after the meeting? What will Liz, Max and friends do?Will Liz go back to work? Will someone be with Liz to keep an eye on her? Will Max and Liz have time alone? Will Max and Liz kiss again? Will Max and Liz admit they have feeling for each other? Will Liz get attacked again? Will Max be there to save Liz? Will Some attack Max and Liz? Will Liz find out who is after? Will Max be able to save Liz? Will someone go after Max and Liz? Will Isabel and the others help Max and Liz? Will Max and the guys catch Sean before he hurts Liz? Are Tess and Sean going to hurt Liz and Max? Is Tess and Sean working together? Will Max and Liz go on a date? Will Max and Liz have a lot of time alone? Will Max and Liz do more kissing and more then kissing? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together?Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Again another great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what Max and Liz will do next.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:57 am
by Natalie36

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:11 pm
by Michelle in LA
Yay! Happy you're back, but trembling in my boots as to what's going to happen.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:07 pm
by mary mary
Great chapter, very informative, I hope people take it seriously and not just a story because this is a very serious subject and is not addressed often enough in the work place. Way to Go!!! :D \


Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 36, 8/17/12

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:50 pm
by keepsmiling7
At long last.......and update......even though you call it a "filler".
This is bad news.....Sean has managed to escape, and now Tess is out there, just ready to join up with him to go after Liz and Max.....
Please don't be gone long, I'm looking forward to more,