Romancing The Heart{CC,AU,Mature}The End 3/7

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 97 Pg24 12/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 98

"I'm Liz. I'm here to see Toney," Liz said.

"Sorry, go ahead and go in," The guy said

"Thanks," Liz said as she turned and walked into the house.

The guy followed Liz into the house an Liz turned and looked at him.

"Do you know where Toney is?" Liz asked

"He is in his office down the hall to the right," The guy said

"Thanks," Liz said.

Liz walked down the hallway and turned right and walked into the office where she found Toney sitting behind his desk. She shut the door and walked over to the desk and waited for Toney to look up and acknowledge her.

"Hey Liz," Toney said.

"Hey Toney, I have a question, who is that guy standing out front?" Liz asked.

"Oh, that is the new guy I hired. His name is Pete. Why?" Toney asked.

"Because he scared me when I knocked on the door," Liz said.

"He was just being did you decide what you want to do for the funeral?" Toney asked.

"Yes, um everyone that was close to Max can put a fire and ice rose on his casket, and you can have red and white roses laying on it," Liz said.

"OK. That sounds good to me," Toney said.

"Toney where are you going to bury Max?" Liz asked.

"We are goign to bury him in the back. Where family and friends are buried," Toney said.

"That sounds nice," Liz thought out loud...

"How long ago did you hire Pete?" Liz asked

"I hired Pete 2 days ago. I think he is doing a good job so far," Toney said.

"He just seems so scary me," Liz said.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he leaves you alone,"Toney said

"Are you having a showing before the funeral?" Liz asked

"Um, Liz the police never found Max's body. We can't have a showing," Toney said.

"Oh, I didn't know," Liz said.

"Um, Yeah I thought you should know," Toney said.

" Is everyone going to gather here after the service?" Liz asked

"Yeah, I thought that would be a good idea,"Toney said.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," Liz said

"Good then everything is set and ready," Toney said.

"Yeah, okay," Liz said.

"Liz are you sure your OK?' Toney asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. I just wish Max was here," Liz said.

"We all wish Max was here," Toney said.

"Yeah, I guess we all do," Liz said.

"Liz if you ever want to talk to a friend I'm here for you," Toney said

"Thanks. I'd better go. When is the funeral?" Liz asked.

"The funeral will be Friday. All we have to do is get the flowers ready. And Michael has got to call some friends to come," Toney said

"Yeah that should work. Well I'll see you later," Liz said before walking out of the office.

Liz walked down the hallway toward the front door and just as she was going to go out Pete grabbed Liz's arm, she turned and looked at him.

"What do you want?" Liz asked

"So you were Max's friend huh?" Pete asked

"Yes, so what? We were good friends," Liz said.

"Well. I guess now me and you are going to be friends..." Pete said.

"We will have to wait and see if we can be friends or not," Liz said.

"Oh, I say we are going to be close, really close friends," Pete said as he touched Liz on the arm.

"Maybe we will and maybe not. But whatever it will be, leave me alone," Liz said as she took a step back.

"Oh, don't say that. Don't hurt my feeling like that," Pete said

"Well I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Bye," Liz said before walking out the door.

Liz walked to her car, then turned and saw Pete watching her. She turned and got into the car and drove off.

While Liz was driving home she noticed a car following her, she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed Michael's number and waited 3 times before someone picked up.

"Hello," Michael said.

"Michael, it's me Liz. I've got a problem," Liz said as she saw the car still following her.

"Liz what is wrong?" Michel asked.

"Michael there's a car following me," Liz said

"Where are you right now?" Michael asked.

"I'm about 30 minutes from the house," Liz said.

"OK I'm going to be outside waiting. Don't worry nothing is going to happen to you," Michael said

"OK. I'll see you in a few," Liz said before closing her cell phone so she could drive.

Meanwhile at the house

Micheal reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it. He dialed the number and waited for an answer...

"Hello," the on the other end answered...

"Where are you right now?" Michael asked

"I'm following a car why?," Voice answered...

"Someone is following Liz from Toney's," Michael said.

"Wait, I'm following a car from Toney's'. I think this is the second car from Toney's I'm following. Because I saw 2 cars leaving Toney's," Max said.

"So your following the car that is following Liz," Michael said.

"I guess so. Why is the car following Liz?" Max asked

"I don't know. ALL I do know is that Liz and Toney are planning your funeral," Michael said.

"I think this might be one of Toney's men," Max answered.

"I don't know about that," Michael said.

"Well someone from Toney's is following Liz," Max said.

"I don't know who it could be,"Michael said.

"I don't either. But we just turned on the road to the house," Max said.

"OK. I'm outside right now. I'll let you know who it is. Stay on the phone," Michael said.

"I hope whoever this is ready for a shock," Michael said.

"Yeah, that's true," Max said.

"Here she is. Pull back so she doesn't see you," Michael said.

"OK," Max said as he pulled back a little.

Liz pulled into the driveway and got out of the car and saw the car following pull in behind her. The driver got out of the car just as Liz turned and saw who it was and started to walk towards Michael. The other driver walked up to Liz and grabbed her arm. The driver turned Liz to face him.

"Oh, come on baby. I know you were flirting with me back and Toney's," Pete said.

"No. I wasn't. Now let go of me and leave me alone," Liz said.

"Oh come on. You don't mean that sweet cheeks," Pete said

"Yes I do, let go of my arm," Liz said.

"No. we're going to talk," Pete said.

"I don't think so. We have nothing to say to each other," Liz said.

"I think we have a lot to say to each other," Pete said.

"Really? Like what?" Liz asked.

"Oh, like I know you were there when Spike died. And I also know Max, Maria, Michael, Alice and Toney were there when he died," Pete said.

"How do you know that?" Liz asked.

"I know baby. So be ready for when I come for you doll," Pete said before walking away.

Liz watched as Pete got in his car and drove off. Liz turned and saw Michael standing in front of her.

"Who was that?" Michael asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 98 Pg12 Dec.2

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 99

"That was the new guard Michael, he scares me," Liz said.

"Don't worry everything is going to be OK," Michael said.

"How? How is everything going to be OK?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry. We'd better get you inside the house," Michael said.

Michael and Liz walked into the house and then turned to look at Liz.

"Michael where is Maria?" Liz asked

"I'm right here," Maria said, coming up from behind the two standing in the door way.

They turned to look at Maria...

"Liz what is it?" Maria asked.

"I, um,met the new guard at Toney's today," Liz said.

"OK. Why do I have a bad feeling here?" Maria asked.

"Lets just say that Pete the new guard scares the hell out of me,"Liz said.

"OK. that is not good," Maria said.

"Liz, what did he say to you?" Michael wanted to know.

"He told me he knew that we were all there when Spike died. No one could have known that? Right?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, no one would know that but us," Michael said.

"Then how did he know?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. But I'm going to talk to Toney about this," Michael said.

"How is that supposed to help?" Maria asked

"Don't worry OK. You both go upstairs, I'm going to call Toney," Michael said.

Liz and Maria went upstairs while Michael walked towards the kitchen.

Liz and Maria went to their own rooms and changed their clothes and then met each other in the hallway.

"Liz everything is goign to be OK. Michael will know what to do," Maria said.

"I hope you're right. Maria something about Pete really scared me," Liz said

"I know sweetie . don't worry," Maria said.

"You know a lot of people have been saying that to me lately and if I hear it one more time I'm going to scream," Liz said.

"OK. Come on, we'd better go see how it went with Michael," Maria said.

"I hope he'll know what to do," Liz said

"Yeah, I hope so too." Maria said.

When Liz and Maria turned they saw Michael standing in front of them.

"We were about to come and look for you," Maria said.

"Oh, yeah," Michael said.

"What did Toney have to say?" Maria asked.

"Toney said that Pete is the new guard and he followed you home to make sure you got home safe," Michael said.

"What did he talk to me and grab my arm for?" Liz asked.

"Maybe he wants to get to know you," Michael said.

"Well I don't want to know him," Liz said

"Liz?" Michael chanted...

"No. Now go away," Liz said as she walked into her room and slammed the door.

"Fine," Michael said before walking away.

"Liz please don't be mad at Michael?" Maria said as she entered Liz's room.

"Maria I'm not mad at Michael. I just don't want to be around Pete, there is something weird about him," Liz said.

"So what are you going to do?" Maria asked.

" I'm going to find out what is going on," Liz said.

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

"I'm going to try and find out what Pete is up to," Liz said.

"Liz you know this could be dangerous," Maria said.

"So. I want to know. Please promise not to tell Michael, please?' Liz asked

"Fine. I won't tell, but promise me that you will tell me what you are doing."

"I promise don't worry. Thank you Maria."

"No problem. I better go see what Michael's doing," Maria said

"Yeah, OK. I'm going to lay down for a few," Liz said.

"OK. See you a little later," Maria said before walking out of the room.

Liz walked to the door and made sure it was shut and then turned and walked over to her window seat. She looked out and saw a guy looking at the house. She couldn't tell who the person was but she knew the person was definitely looking at their house.

A few minutes later Liz watched as the person left, she turned, went to her bed and laid down.

Meanwhile downstairs

Maria walked into the living room and saw Michael sitting on the couch and walked in and sat next to him, Michael turned and looked at over at Maira.

"So what did Liz have to say?"

"Oh, she told me she is not mad at you. She just doesn't trust Pete," Maria said

"I'm glad tat she's not mad at me. I guess I can understand about Pete though." Michael said.

"Michael, just give Liz some time. She lost her friend and I know you lost a friend too but this is a first for Liz OK. Just please give her some time?" Maria asked.

"I didn't know and of course I'll give Liz time. Um, what happened to Liz's mom?" Michael asked

"She ran away when Liz and I were 5. We haven't, I mean Liz hasn't heard from her since. Liz thinks that her mom is dead," Maria said.

"Do you think Mrs. Parker is dead?' Michael asked.

"I don't know. I don't remember her. No one talks about her," Maria said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. Can we please change the subject?" Maria asked

"You don't like to talk about her do you?" Michael asked.

"No. I just don't remember her," Maria said.

"Sorry. So where is Liz?" Michael asked.

"She is upstairs laying down," Maria said.

"Liz sleeps a lot. Are you sure she is OK," Michael said.

"I guess it is going to take some time for Liz to get over this," Maria said.

"Yeah, I guess it will," Michael said.

"Michael can you be nice to her?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, you know I will," Michael said.

"Thank you. When is the funeral?" Maria asked

"It's on Friday, afterward we go to Toney's for the gathering," Michael said

"Oh, wow that is soon," Maria said.

"Yeah, I know. But that is how it is set," Michael said.

'So in two days we will bet Max's funeral," Maria said.

"Yeah, hopefully we won't have any problems," Michael said.

'We will have to wait and see about that," Maria said.

"How are you dealing with everything?" Michael asked

"I'm OK. How are you dealing with everything?" Maria asked

"I'm just trying to get through all of this. And I want to be there for you and Liz," Michael said

"Michael you lost your friend. You need to start trying to let yourself feel something for losing a friend," Maria said.

"I know. And I will but right now I need to be strong for you and Liz. I want to make sure you're safe before I feel anything about losing my friend," Michael said.

"Michael, me and Liz are safe. We're here if you need us too," Maria said

"Thanks for saying that. Question, did Liz say anything to you about the new guard?" Michael asked.

"Liz just said that she doesn't like him. And she doesn't want to be alone with the guy. Why?" Maria asked

"There is something weird about the guy. Let Liz know I will keep an eye on him," Michael said

"You don't like him either," Maria said

"No. I think he is hiding something," Michael said.

"Yeah, but the questions is what could it be?" Maria asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 99 Pg 12 1/1/

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 100

"I don't know but I would like to find out," Michael said

"But how are we goign to find out?" Maria asked.

"Don't worry, I will," Michael said.

"I don't like the sound of that," Maria said.

"Everything will be fine. And I promise I won't do anything dumb," Michael said.

"That doesn't make me feel better," Maria said

"Maria everything will be fine. Don't worry OK," Michael said.

Right at that moment Michael's cell phone rings. He reaches into his pocket and answers,


"Is it safe to talk?" Max asked.

"Hold on," Michael said.

Michael turned and looked at Maria and said...

"Maria I got to take this call. Scan you please excuse me for a bit?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go check on Liz anyway," Maria said.

"OK. Tell Liz I'm going to check the guard out OK," Michael said.

"I will," Maria said before walking out of the living room.

Michael watched as Maria left the room and then turned back toward the living room window...

"OK, we can talk now," Michael said.

"Good. What's going on?" Max asked

"What do you mean?" Michael asked

"Who was the guy following Liz? What is going on?" Max asked.

"The guy that followed Liz is the new gourd Toney hired and right now we are planning your funeral," Michael said.

"Do you trust the new guard?" Max asked.

"No, I don't trust him at all and Liz is scared of him," Michael said.

"This is not good if Liz is scared of him," Max said.

"Yeah, I know. Liz doesn't trust him or want to be around him at all," Michael said.

"That is not a good sign at all. What is Liz doing now?" Max asked

"She's up in her room, she's sure sleeping a lot while trying to handle everything," Michael said.

"When is my funeral?" Max asked

"In 2 days. I'm hoping Liz can handle it. Why are you asking about the funeral?" Michael asked

"Because I'm going to be there. And no one should know I'm there either," Max said.

"How?" Michael asked.

"Don't worry I'll think of something," Max said

"So how are you doing? Where are you anyway?" Michael asked.

"I'm doing good. I'm checking out the hit man and the other people trying to kill me. I'm staying and sleeping in my car," Max said.

"Good luck on trying to figure things out. Where is your car parked?" Michael asked.

"I'm next door in the wooded area. I'm behind the bushes. I can see whoever comes to the house but they can't see me," Max said.

"That's a good idea. Now all you've got to do is find out who is the killer is without anyone knowing you're alive,"

"Yeah, I know. For now no one knows I'm alive and I'd like to keep it that way. Hey how are you planning a funeral without a body?"

"Oh, that's easy, they think your body burned in the fire," Michael said

"OK. So I should be able to do this for a while then," Max said.

"Yeah, you should. I still think this is dangerous," Michael said

"Michael, I'm trying to get whoever it is to come out in the open so we can identify him," Max said.

"I know, but it is still crazy and dangerous," Michael said.

"I know but I need to do this," Max said.

"Yeah I know," Michael said.

"Now what?" Liz asked.

Michael turned and saw Liz standing in the doorway looking at him, he pulled the phone away so Max could hear what was going on.

"Um, what are you doing up?" Michael asked.

"I wanted to ask you something," Liz said.

"What do you want to know?" Michael asked

"Were you telling Maria the truth, that you would check Pete out?," Liz said.

"Yes. I'll check him out. So um how is your arm?" Michael asked.

"It hurts, Pete is a jerk," Liz said.

"Let me see." Michael said.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"I just want to look. Don't be scared," Michael said.

Michael lifted Liz's shirt sleeve and saw a huge bruise. The bruise looked like finger prints then he caught Liz looking out the window.

"Liz?" Michael asked.

"Don't worry I'm fine," Liz said as she pushed her sleeve down.

"Does...Are you in pain?" Michael asked.

"No I'm not in pain. Please don't tell anyone? I'll be fine," Liz said.

"Liz, this is a big bruise on your arm, how are you going to hide it?" Michael asked.

"Don't worry I'll do something," she said.

"How many times did he grab your arm today?" Michael asked.

"Twice. No one saw him do it. So it would be his word against mine. Just drop it. I'm fine," Liz said.

"You know Maria and I would believe you," Michael said.

"I know you would but other people won't," Liz said.

"Liz?" Michael asked.

"No. I don't want anyone to know. So just drop it," Liz said.

"Fine. But if it happens again I'm going to handle it. Do you understand?" Michael asked.

"I know. I just don't want anyone to know," Liz said.

"Liz, you have to tell someone. You can't let someone hurt you like that,"

"Michael don't I .... I can handle it," Liz said.

"Fine but if he hurts you again I'm going to handle it," Michael said.

"Fine. You know this is strange," Liz said.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"Your acting like a big brother," Liz said.

"Yeah, I guess this is weird," Michael said.

"Michael don't stop acting like a big brother. It's nice," Liz said

"Really?" Michael asked.

"Yes, really. Do you have a brother or a sister?" Liz asked.

"Yes I have a brother and a sister. My brother is dead. And my sister vanished," Michael said.

"If you don't mind me asking who were they?" Liz asked.

"You and my brother were friends and my sister vanished after college," Michael said.

"Wait are you telling me Max was your brother?" Liz asked.

"Yes Max and I are brothers. I'm trying to keep a promise I made to him," Michael said.

"And what promise is that?" Liz asked.

"To protect you and Maria no matter what. And to never let anything happen to either of you," Michael said.

"Oh, what about your parents and sister?"Liz asked.

"Our parents are fine. They don't know what we are doing. We call them every once in a while to check on them," Michael said.

"What about your sister?" Liz asked.

"My sister graduated high school and college. She met a guy in college and got married a year later. No one heard from her since her wedding. She calls to tell the parents she is fine and says she'll call later," Michael said

"Oh," Liz said

"What about you?" Michael asked.

"Well lets see my mom left when I was 5. And all through middle school to college my dad wouldn't let me date. I have a best friend named Maria who you know. And another best friend name Al. Al got married after college. His wife is our best friend. They are trying to hide from my father," Liz said.

"How old were Al and wife when they got married?" Michael asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 100 Pg13 1/10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 101

"Al and his wife got married when they were just 21; it was in a cute no where church and Maria and I were bride maids. It was so romantic," Liz said.

"What was so romantic?" Maria asked as she walked in.

Liz and Michael both turned and acknowledged Maria looking at them.

"Michael asked about Al and his wife; I told him they got married after college and how romantic it was." Liz said.

"Yes it was," Maria agreed.

"And I told Liz that Max was my brother and how our sister had vanished after college. No one knows where they are," Michael said.

"Wow, that is so sad; maybe one day you will find them," Maria said.

"That's what I'm hoping for," Michael said.

"Why didn't you tell us Max was your brother?" Maria asked.

"I forgot," Michael said.

"Does Toney know Max and you are brothers?" Liz asked.

"I don't know, he never asked," Michael said.

"So there is a 50/50 chance that Toney might know," Maria said.

"Yeah, probably. Why?" Michael asked.

"We were just wondering," Liz said.

"Michael honey, I'm so very sorry you lost your brother. Hopefully you will find your sister soon," Maria said.

"I hope so too," Michael said.

Liz looked at the clock and noticed it was midnight and then she looked at Michael and Maria.

"Maria we need to get some sleep, it's already midnight," Liz said.

"Liz is right. You both need to get some sleep, I'm going to the living room and keep watch," Michael said.

"Are you sure?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. See you both in the morning," Michael said.

Michael watched as Liz and Maria walked out of the kitchen and waited until he heard their bedroom doors close upstairs then he went into the living room and pulled his cell phone from his pocket...put his cell phone to his ear and said,

"Are you still there" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I'm still here. So I guess Liz and Maria know we're brothers and our sister is missing," Max said.

"Yeah, I told them," Michael said.

"Well OK, now maybe they will understand," Max said

"I don't think so. What was going on between you and Liz?" Michael asked.

"Whatever is or was going on between Liz and me is none of your business. It's just between Liz and me,"Max said.

"Well, I think you should know Liz has been crying and staying in her room a lot," Michael said.

"Michael I'm sorry you have to deal with this. But I'm trying to figure out who and why the hit men," Max said.

"I know. But Liz is not doing too good here, and I don't know what I can do to help her," Michael said.

"Be there for her and Maria," Max said.

"I'll be there for the both of what have you found out so far?" Michael asked.

"Nothing, but I'm hoping I'll find out something soon," Max said.

"I'm hoping you will too," Michael said.

"I'd better go, it's late. Talk to you later," Max said before closing his cell phone.

Michael closed his cell phone. and laid down on the couch and looked out of the window. A few minutes later Michael was fast a sleep.

In the morning:

Liz woke up fairly early and looked around, got her bearings and headed to her closet. She opened the door and started to look for something to wear and a few minutes later she found a black sleeveless dress to wear. After she got the dress she walked over to her bed and sat down, looked around her room for a minute and then got dressed and then walked over to her bedroom door and opened it. She went downstairs and walked into the living room where she found Michael was still asleep and she smiled.

As Liz was watching Michael the door bell rang and she went to the door and opened it and there stood Pete looking at her...

"What the hell are you doing here?" Liz asked.

"Oh, baby don't be that way. I know you like me. Come on tell me you like me,"Pete said.

"Oh you want to know if I like you, well this is how much I like you," she said before she punched him in the face.

Liz grabbed her hand and watched as Pete fell backwards.

"What happened?" Michael asked

Liz turned and saw Michael standing behind her.

"Pete here wanted to know how much I like him and I punched him. He is outside laying in the grass if you want to check," Liz said.


Michael looked behind Liz and saw Pete laying in the grass. He turned and looked at Liz then looked at Pete.

"Oh, boy," Michael said.

Right at that moment Maria walked in and stood next to Michael. When Maria saw a guy laying in the grass and Liz holding her hand she knew Liz did something.

"What is going on?" Maria asked.

"Oh, Liz here punched Pete...that's him laying in the grass," Michael said.

"Oh cool," Maria smiled.

"What?" Michael asked.

"Michael the reason why Maria said cool, is because we took self defense classes. They work," Liz said.

"Oh, Did Max ever knew about your self defense classes?" Michael asked.

"No I never told him," Liz said.

"Question, what is Pete doing here?" Maria asked.

"I'll call Toney and find out if he sent him. You both keep an eye on him," Michael said.

"We will," Liz and Maria said.

They watched as Michael walked into the living room,then they grabbed Pete and tied him to the railing. They sat on the steps watching Pete and looking around.

Meanwhile In The Living Room:

Michael was standing next to the couch waiting for Toney to answer the phone and finally after four rings he heard Toney's voice...

"Hello," Toney said

"Hey. I have a question, did you send Pete over here?" Michael asked

"Yeah, just to check on you guys why?" Toney asked.

"Well Pete scared Liz and she punched him," Michael said

"Where is Pete right now?" Toney asked.

"Outside in the yard. He is out cold," Michael said.

"Wow Liz must have did a number on him," Toney said

"Yeah, she did. I was surprised, but Maria said it is cool," Michael said.

"Did they take some kind of classes or something?" Toney asked

"Liz and Maria took self defense classes," Michael said.

"Does anyone know about them taking the classes?" Toney asked

"No one but you and me," Michael said.

"Not even Max knew about it?" Toney asked

"No Max didn't know," Michael said.

"Wow," Toney said.

"Yeah, hold on I'm going to check and see what they are doing," Michael said. as he walked to the door.

When Michael walked to the door he saw Liz and Maria sitting on the porch talking, they had Pete tied to the railing and Pete was still passed out. Michael was shocked at what the girls had done; he didn't know what to say...he put the phone back up to his ear.

"You're not going to believe this but they have Pete tied to the railing and he is still passed out," Michael said.

"Oh, boy that doesn't sound good. I hope you can handle it," Toney said.

"Yeah, I know. Hold on there is a knock on the door," Toney said.

Toney watched as the door opened. And there stood a person he hasn't seen in a while.

"Hello Toney," The Voice said.

"What are you doing here?" Toney asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 101 Pg13 1/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 102

"I heard what happened to Max. I thought I would come back and be here for you," Alice said.

"Where is the baby?" Toney asked.

"I left her with my mom. I'm going to go back after the funeral,"Alice said.

"You know the funeral is tomorrow right?" Toney asked

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to stay a week then go to my moms,"

"Why did you come here at all? What was Max to you?"

"I came here so I could be with you. And Max was only a friend,"

"Yeah, well it is nice to see you,"

"It's good to be back. I missed you. Did you miss me?" Alice asked

"Yeah, I missed you. You um better go unpack your things then,"

"I better see you later," Alice said.

"Yeah, see you later," Toney said.

Toney watched as Alice walked out of the office and then he picked up his phone...

"Michael guess who came back,"

"Who?" Michael asked.

"Alice is back. You better go let Liz and Maria know now," Toney said.

"I'll tell them after this. Why is Alice back?" Michael asked

"I don't know. All she said was she heard about Max and wanted to be here for me,"

"Where is the baby?" Michael asked

"The baby is with her mom. She said she was going back to her mothers in a week.,"

"Do you think she is hiding something?" Michael wanted to know.

"I don't know. But you need to be on guard. And stay with girls to keep them safe," Toney ssid.

"You know I will. I'm just wondering why Alice came back?" Michael asked.

"Who knows what's up with Alice, I just thought you should know. Be on your guard for anything," Toney said

"You know I will. I'd better go since I have to tell Liz and Maria about Pete then Alice," Michael said.

"Good luck. Hopefully it will go good," Toney said

"Thanks," Michael said before closing his cell phone.

Michael put his cell phone into his pocket and walked to the door where he found Maria and Liz looking at him...

"What?" Maria asked

"Toney sent Pete here to check on us and I don't know how to say this but to say it," Michael said

"What?" Liz asked.

"Alice came back. She is here for Max's funeral. She Told Toney she will be here for a week and then she leaves for her moms," Michael said.

"Why is Alice here?" Maria asked

"Alice said that Max was her friend and she is sorry that he's gone," Michael said.

"Why don't I believe her?" Liz asked.

"That has got to be a joke.; tmorrow is Max's funeral and she just shows up to be with Toney," Maria said.

"I agree with Maria," Liz said.

"Why?" Michael asked

"Something is not right about Alice. Why would she come back now? She has been gone for 2 months and all of a sudden she comes back now, Something is not right," Maria said.

"Yeah, but what?" Liz asked.

"OK. wait a minute. Liz you were nice to her when you first met her. Now you're against her. What changed?" Michael asked

"Oh a lot of things have changed. Like her sleeping with Toney while we were together. And I caught them oh maybe 6 times. How about when you and Max killed Spike, Alice smiled and liked it, so you tell me when I changed?" Liz asked.

"Um I ....," Michael said

"A cat got his tongue," Maria said.

"Maria. Did Max know about any of this?" Michael asked

"Yes he did; why do you think we hung out so much?" Liz aanswered.

"Max never said a word," Michael said

"I asked him not to tell anyone," Liz said

"What are we going to do about tomorrow?" Maria asked.

"I got a plan. We keep an eye on Alice and see what she does and how she acts before we do anything," Michael said.

"You know that will probably make things worse," Liz said.

"How?" Michael said.

"Because she knows we will be watching her. And that will make her act differently," Maria said

"Not if you are playing the grieving friend," Michael said.

"I hope your right," Maria said.

"Don't worry. The plan will work,"Michael said.

"We hope you are right," Maria said.

"I can't believe she is here," Liz said.

"Yeah, I wonder what she's up to?" Maria said.

"Don't worry about it," Michael said.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens," Maria said.

"Yeah, I guess we will," Liz said.

"So what are you girls going to do today?" Michael asked

Oh, we are going to the club and close it up. What are you going to do?" Maria asked

"I'm going to go with you to the club. You're not going anywhere alone," Michael said.

"Fine. We're leaving right now," Maria said.

Liz looked between Michael and Maria smiling at each other...

"Are we leaving?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, we'd better go, So that way we can come back here and rest up for tomorrow," Michael said.

Liz and Maria grabbed their jackets and were ready to go as Michael grabbed his keys and cell phone while Liz and Maria waited for him at the door. Michael opened the door and let Liz and Maria walk past him closed the door and headed to the car as Liz and Maria followed him. He unlocked the car doors and after everyone got in he drove off. A few minutes later he was in front of the club and the girls got out of the club and walked up to the door, Liz unlocked the door and turned on the light and when she walked in the club was trashed, she screamed when she saw something written on the mirror, Michael and Maria ran into the club when they heard the scream and were shocked at what they saw...

"Liz?" Michael asked.

Liz pointed to the mirror. Michael and Maria turned and looked at the mirror and there in big bold letters was written...

We want Max now!!!!!

Liz and Maria turned and looked at Michael and Michael looked at them,

"What do they mean they want Max? Max is dead," Maria said.

"Don't worry I'll find them," Michael said.

"Why is this happening?" Liz asked

"I don't know. But I will find out," Michael said.

"I can't believe this happened," Liz said.

"Liz come on lets try and clean up a little," Maria said.

"I still can't believe this happened," Liz said.

"I know. We'll will find out who did this," Maria said.

Michael was shocked as he looked around the club; he knew Maria was right. They would find out who did this and make them pay. As Michael was looking around his cell phone started to ring. He took it out of his pocket and answered...

"Hello," Michael said.

"Michael what are you doing right now?" Toney asked.

"I'm at the club with Liz and Maria. Why?" Michael asked

"We're on our way over to see you." Toney said

"Who is we?" Michael asked.

"Alice and me," Toney said

"Toney there is something you should know," Michael said

"What is it?" Toney asked

"The club was trashed and there is a note," Michael said.

"Don't touch anything and call the police," Toney said.

"OK see you in a few," Michael said before closing his cell phone.

Michael turned and looked at Liz and Maria.

"Hey that was Toney. He said we should call the police," Michael said.

"OK. Go call them," Liz said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 102 Pg 14 1/3

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 103

Michael dialed 911 and waited for a few seconds before someone answered the phone.

"Hello. What is your emergency?" The dispatcher for emergency calls said.

"Yes. I would like to report a break in," Michael said.

"Is anyone hurt?" the dispatcher asked...

Michael said "no" and then the dispatcher asked what the nature of the call was and Michael heard her say...

"What is your address?"

"Sorry I don't know. Um do you know where Pete's grill house is?' Michael asked

"Yes?" the dispatcher said...

"We are across the street from Petes grill," Michael said.

"Ok. We will send an officer to you immediately," The dispatcher said...

"Thank you," Michael said.

A few minutes later:

As Toney walked in and the cops arrived. Liz and Maria turned and saw Toney and Alice walk in together followed by the cops. The cops looked around at the vandalism that had been done and then asked...

"Who called the police?" the officer asked.

"I did," Michael said.

"Can you tell me who owns the club and what happened here?" The Officer asked.

"I own this place," Liz said.

"OK. Now tell me what happened?" The Officer said.

"We don't know. We just walked in here and found it like this and we saw that note on the mirror," Liz answered.

"Can I see the note?" The Officer asked

"Sure this way," Liz said.

Liz and the officer walked to the mirror where the note had been taped.

"Have any of you touched anything ?" The Officer asked

"No we haven't," Liz said.

"Good. I'll need to take pictures of everything,"The Officer said.

"I need to lay down," Liz said.

Come on I'll take you to the office," Maria said.

Liz and Maria walked down the hallway to the office door and went in, looked around and they saw nothing was missing and then Liz sat on the couch, Maria sat next to her.

"Liz are you sure your OK?" Maria asked

"I'm fine. I just can't believe this happened with everything else going on,"

Hopefully we'll find out who did this and make them pay," Maria said.

"I hope you're right," Liz said.

"I'm promising we will," Maria said.

"OK," Liz said.

Right at that moment there was a knock on the door and they saw Alice walking in, she turned to Maria and Liz and said...

"I thought you should know that the police officer took pictures and dusted for finger prints, they're hoping to find something," Alice said.

"Thanks for letting me know," Liz said.

"Liz may I talk to you privately?" Alice asked

"Um, sure," Liz said.

"Liz are you sure?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, if I need anything I'll yell for you," Liz said.

"OK," Maria said before walking out of the office.

Liz looked at Alice and waited...then asked.

"What do we need to talk about?"

"Lets cut the crap, what happened to Max?" Alice asked

"Why? What is Max to you?" Liz asked.

"Because I want to know. Max and me were very close," Alice said.

"Wait, are you telling me you and Max were lovers?" Liz asked.

Alice saw the look on Liz's face and smiled.

"Yes Max and me were lovers," Alice said.

"Oh my God," Liz said.

"Now tell me what the hell happened to Max?" Alice asked.

"Max went to check on something at a warehouse, the warehouse blew up. That is all I know," Liz said.

"So someone killed Max?" Alice asked.

"Yes, someone killed Max. We don't know why. Or who did it," Liz said.

"But you want to know who did it," Alice said.

"Yes I want to know who did it. I think they should pay for what they did," Liz said.

"Whatever," Alice said.

"What do you mean, whatever?" Liz asked

"What I meant is you might never find out who did it," Alice said.

"Tell me the truth, were you and Max really lovers?" Liz asked.

"Yes. It was after Eric died. Max was there for me. One thing led to another and we made love. He was so gentle and tender with me and I loved every minute of it ," Alice said.

"Oh," Liz said.

"Why are you asking?" Alice asked

"I just wanted the truth, and since I think you told me the truth please leave."


"Leave. I don't ever want to see or be around you again." Liz said.

"Fine. I guess I'll go," Alice said with a smile on her face.

Liz watched as Alice walked out of the office, turned and grabbed a glass figure and threw at the door. As the glass figure hit the door Liz started to cry. She looked down at the mess and cried harder.

Meanwhile outside of the office:

Michael and Maria watched as Alice walked up to Toney and Toney wrapped his arms around her as they stood there. Michael and Maria looked at each other. and then they heard glass breaking. They both turned and looked down the hall toward the office door.

"I'll be right back. I need to check on Liz," Maria said.

"Take your time. I'll try and hurry things along out here," Michael said.

"OK," Maria said before walking away.

Maria went down the hall to the office door knocked then walked in. She saw glass remnants laying on the floor around the door and Liz sitting on the couch. She quietly walked over to Liz and touched her on the shoulder. Liz turned and looked up at Maria.

"Liz what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Have they left yet?"

"No. The cops are leaving now. But not Toney and Alice," Maria said.

"I'm going to stay in here til they leave,"

"Will you please tell me what is wrong?"

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it,"

"Liz whatever it is you can tell me,"

"I know but I still don't want to talk about it,"

"OK. Um are you going to be okay for the funeral tomorrow?"

"No. I just can't believe Max is gone,"

"Yeah, I know. But we need to do this.We all will need to get through this."

"Yeah I know" Liz said.

"Liz if you need to talk to someone you know I'm here for you," Maria said.

"Thanks but I think I can handle this," Liz said.

Right at that moment there was a knock on the door and stood Toney was there.

"Is everything all right?" Toney asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine," Liz said.

"I just wanted to let you both know Alice and I are leaving. We'll see you tomorrow," Toney said.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Liz said.

Liz and Maria watched as Toney walked out of the office. Liz stood up and walked over to the window and looked out. Maria watched her and finally said,

"Liz are you sure you OK?"

"Maria I'm fine,"

"Is Alice going to be at the funeral?"

"Yes. She's going to be there," Liz said.

"Oh great, we sure don't need her making a scene," Maria said.

"Yeah, I agree with you," Liz said.

Right at that moment there was a knock on the door and there stood Michael looking at them.

"Everyone is gone. Are you both ready to leave?" Michael asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 103 Pg14 2/10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 104

"Um, yeah give us a few minutes," Maria said.

"Ok. I'll be out front waiting for the both of you," Michael said before closing the door.

"Liz are you sure you will be able to handle tomorrow?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I'll be able to handle all of it," Liz said.

"I hope you can. Come on we'd better go," Maria said.

Liz and Maria walked to the door and opened it and when they walked in they saw Michael cleaning up. They walked over to him and Maria tapped him on the shoulder; he turned and looked at the two girls.

"So are you ready to go?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," Liz said before walking out the door.

Michael turned and looked at Maria.

"What is wrong with Liz?" he asked.

"I don't know; but this new change is weird," Maria said.

"Come on let's follow her," Michael said.

Michael and Maria walked out the door; Michael turned and locked the door and then followed Maria to Liz's car. Liz turned and looked at the two of them and asked,

"Michael when we get to our house i need to talk to you privately."

"Liz what is wrong?" Michael asked

"I'll talk to you when we get to the house, not here," Liz said before she got into the car and drove off.

Michael and Maria got into Michaels car and followed Liz to the house. Maria watched as Liz and Michael stared at each other.

"I'm going in the house," Maria said.

"Ok. We'll be in in a few minutes," Michael said.

Liz and Michael watched Maria enter the house and shut the doorthen they turned and looked at each other.

"So what do you need to talk about?" Michael asked

"Michael can I ask you a question; and will you tell me the truth?" Liz asked.

"Of course I'll answer your question and I'll tell you the truth. Whats the question?" Michael asked.

"Was it true that Max and Alice were together when Eric died?" Liz asked

"Not that I know of. Why?" Michael asked.

"Lets just say Alice has said some things," Liz said.

"Will you tell me the truth?" Michael asked in surprise, "What has Alice been telling you?"

"Alice told me that her and Max were lovers and that they have been lovers since Eric died," Liz said.

"What?" Michael almost shouted...

"Yeah, that is why I asked you." Liz said.

"I can't believe she said that," Michael was shocked...

"She did. Please don't tell anyone?" Liz asked.

"I won't say a word to anyone," Michael said.

"Thanks. I'd better go inside," Liz said.

"Yeah, tell Maria I'll be in in a few minutes," Michael said.

"Ok," Liz said.

Michael watched as Liz walked into the house and shut the door and then he turned and reached into his pocket and pulled his cell phone out and punched in a number...


"We need to talk. Now," Michael said.

"What's wrong?" Max asked.

"I just got some shocking news," Michael said.

"What kind of shocking news?" Max asked.

"Is it true you and Alice were lovers when Eric died?" Michael asked

"No. Alice and I were not lovers when Eric died. Who told you this?" Max asked.

"Alice told Liz and Liz told me," Michael said.

"What the hell is goin' on there?" Max asked.

"I don't know. All I know is Liz is upset. Alice is telling lies. And tomorrow is your funeral," Michael said.

"Great. I can't believe all of this is going on," Max said.

"Yeah, well it is," Michael said.

"Michael do me a favor and keep an eye on Liz for me?" Max asked.

"Max what's going on between you and Liz?" Michael asked

"All I am going to tell you is that Liz and I are close friends," Max said.

"How close?" Michael asked

"Close. I don't want to tlk about it," Max said.

"Ok. What do you want me to do about Alice?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. All I know is this is getting out of control," Max said.

"Tell me about it," Michael said.

"Just be ready for anything tomorrow," Max said

"You know I will. You think your killer is going to be at the funeral?" Michael asked.

"I don'r know. But you need to keep Liz and Maria next to you," Max said.

"You know I will. Are you still planning to be there?" Michael aked

"Yes. I want to make sure you, Liz and Maria are safe. And plus I want to see everyone that is there," Max said.

"Ok. See you there hopefully," Michael said

"You won't see me but I'll see you. What time is the funeral?" Max said.

"It's at noon and after that we have a gathering at Toneys. Are you going to be hiding there too?" Michael asked.

"No. You will have to keep an eye on Liz and Maria while you're there. Will you let me know if anything goes down?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I'll let you know," Michael said.

"Good I'd better go and you'd better check on the girls," Max said

"Yeah, talk to you later," Michael said before closing his cell phone.

Michael turned and walked towards the house and when he walked in the he saw Liz on the phone with Maria standing next to her. Michael stood in the doorway and listened.

"Where do you want to meet?" Liz asked.

"Meet me at the store that is 2 blocks from the high school," Mr. Parker said.

"I can't I have a funeral I have to be at tomorrow. After that we have a gathering at a friends house," Liz said.

"Where is the funeral at?" Mr. Parker

"It's at a place called Hevan. It's about an hour drive," Liz said

"I'll find it and meet you there," Mr. Parker said before he hung up.

"No wait," Liz said.

Liz closed her cell phone and turned and looked at Maria,

"What did he say?"Maria asked

"He wants to meet and talk," Liz said.

So are you going to meet with him?" Maria asked.

"No...I mean yes he is going to meet me at the funeral," Liz said

"I wonder what he wants," Maria said.

"I don't know, I guess we will find out tomorrow," Liz said

"Liz, do you trust your dad?" Maria asked.

"No. But I want to find out what he has to say," Liz said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

Liz and Maria turned and saw Michael standing in the doorway..

"What?" Liz asked.

"Why do you have to see what your dad wants?" Michael asked.

"Because he is still my father and he wants to talk. It couldn't hurt to hear him out," Liz sid.

"Are you sure you want to hear him out?" Michael asked.

"Yes Michael. Maria and I want to hear him out. We know how to handle ourselves with my dad," Liz said.

"Ok. I know you both can handle yourselves but why talk to your dad?" Michael asked.

"Because I want to know what he has to say," Liz said.

Liz walked over toward Michael and looked at him then turned and looked at Maria and Maria looked at both of them.

"Good night Maria," Liz sid as she walked past Michael.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 104 Pg15 2/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Authors Note:
Hey everyone
I wanted to say Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback to my stories. I hope everyone will keep reading til the end of the story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz, Michael and Maria. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Yes it was good that Max and Alice was not lovers. Yes everyone is hating Alice right now.You will have to keep reading to find out. Again you will have to keep reading to find out if Liz will hit anyone. Liz knows Alice is a bitch. But no one knows how far Alice will go to hurt people. Yes Alice is with Toney. Don't worry Max will be coming back really soon. You will have to wait and see if Liz will be understanding or not.

L-J-L 76
Romancing The Heart
Chapter 105

Michael watched as Liz walked up the stairs and then turned and shut the door before looking at Maria.

"Is she really going to meet her father?" Michael asked.

"Yes, and since we are going to be there too we can keep an eye on her,"

"Yes, we can that," Michael said.

"Good now we'd better get some sleep since we have to get up early," Maria said.

"Yeah, that's true, you go on upstairs; I'm going to stay down here and keep an eye out," Michael said.

"Ok. See you in the morning,"

Michael watched as Maria went up the stairs and then he shut the door to the living room before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone. He dialed a number and waited...

"Michael what's wrong?" Max asked.

"I have some news for you," Michael said.


"Liz is meeting her father at the funeral. He wants to talk to her,"

"What did she say?" Max asked.

"She said she will meet him at the funeral. But after that she has to go to a gathering," Michael sid.

"Ok. Now this is starting to get strange," Max said

"Tell me about it," Michael said.

"Where are Liz and Maria right now?" Max asked.

"They're in bed; it is midnight," Michael said.

"I still can't believe Liz is going to meet her father." Max said.

"Yeah I know. Its a shocker to me too but maybe it will be ok," Michael said

"Do you really think so?" Max asked

"Who knows maybe..." Michael said.

"Yeah, I guess. We'll have to wait and see tomorrow. I better go get some sleep," Max said.

"Yeah, right, bye," Michael said before closing his cell phone.

After Michael closed his cell phone and put it into his pocket he streatched out and laid down on the couch. Ut wasn;t long before he was fast a sleep.

In The Morning:

After Liz had her shower she went back to her room and looked in her closet for something to wearl She decided on a black ankle length skirt and a short sleeved black shirt with a pair of bloack slip on shoes. Aftger she was dressed she made her bed and cleaned up her room and then went out into the hallway and walked downstairs and went directly into the living room where she found Michael and Maria waiting for her.

"Liz are you ready?" Michael asked.

"Um, yeah. What time do we have to be there?" Liz asked.

"We need to leave here by 11:00," Michael said.

"Then we need to leave here in 30 minutes," Liz said.

"Yeah, we do," Michael agreed.

Liz are you sure you want to see your father and to talk to him today?" Maria asked

"Yeah, I do. I've got some questions for him and hopefully he will have give me some answers too," Liz said.

"Are you talking about you know who?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I want to know what happened and where she might be," Liz said.

"Who are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"We are talking about Liz's mom. Max talked Liz into finding out what happened to her mom," Maria said.

"Wow! Liz if you need a friend I'm here or you," Michael said.

"Thanks. You know I think Max would be proud of you for being here and keeping us safe," Liz said.

"Do you really think he would?" Michael asked.

"Yes. I think he would. Michael you have been protective of us. And I think that is great,"Liz said.

"Thanks. I did promise him to keep you both safe and never let anything happen to the both of you," Michael said.

"And see you are doing that. Which is great," Liz said.

"Yeah, I agree with Liz on that," Maria sid.

"Thanks," Michael said.

"Michael I'm sorry you lost Max. I bet he was a great friend," Liz said

"Yes he was a great friend. I'm going to miss him," Michael said.

"We are all going to miss him,"Liz said

"We better go. Or we are going to be late," Michael said.

Liz and Maria walked up to the table in the hallway and grabbed their purses and headed for the door. Michael opened the door for them and followed them girls out.He locked the door and followed the girls to his car and unlocked the doors for them to get in. While Michael was driving he kept looking back to see if anyone was following and it was just a few minutes later they were at the cemetery. Michael parked the car and they got out and walked to the grave site where a couple of men handed them roses. As they stood next to the casket the Preacher walked up to everyone.

"We are gathered here to lay to rest Maxwell Philip Evans. May god take Max under his wings and help him watch and protect his friends and family from above. May Max also watch and keep us safe so we can see him and be with him again," The Preacher said.

Liz, Maria and Michael were all crying as the preacherspoke and Toney and Alice just stood there watching. None of the other people cryed either but everyone was sad. As they lowered the casket everyone laid their roses on it and after the casket was in place the sprinkled some dirt over it.

After the service Liz and Maria turned and saw Mr. Parker sitting on a bench looking at them. Liz turned and looked at Maria.

"Maria I'll be right back,"

"Ok. Be careful," Maria said.

"We'll be over here if you need us," Michael said.

"Thanks," Liz said.

"No problem. Be careful like Maria sid," Michael said.

"I will. You guys will be able to see me from there," Liz said beofre walking away.

What no one knew was Max was standing behind a tree that was close to where Mr. Parker was. Max watched as Liz walked up to her father. She stood infront of him and they looked at each other.

"What do you want?" Liz asked.

"I heard what happened to your friend. I wanted to see if you were ok," Mr. Parker said.

"Why do you care all of a suden? You never cared before," Liz said.

"Of course I care. You are my daughter," Mr. Parker said.

"Then why are you trying to find Me, Maria, Beauty and Al? What do you want?" Liz asked.

"I want to know what you are doing. You and Maria are supposed to be staying with me. The reason why I'm looking for Al and Beauty is because I needed to find you. You and Maria need to come home," Mr. Parker said.

"No. Maria and I are old enought to take care of ourselves. And we already have a home that is ours. Not yours," Liz said.

"Liz you and Maria are 19. You can't be on your own," Mr. Parker said.

"Yes we can. You're mad because you can't control us like you couldn't control my mom," Liz said.

"No... So what? Did Max know how old you were? Does Michael and Toney even know how old you and Maria are?" Mr. Parker asked.

"That is none of your buisness. And for the last time we are not going anywhere with you. You can't control us. We are not one of your men. So stay out of our lives," Liz said.

"Do you know how old Max and Michael are? They are both 21. If you and Maria have sex with Max and Michael it will be known as rape," Mr. Parker said.

"No it won't. If we ever have sex we will give Max and Michael the yes. It doesn't matter anyway Max is dead. Question, did you send hitmen after Max?" Liz asked.

"Yes. I even sent Spikes brother after Max, Michael and Toney. You'd better watch out or Michael will get hurt," Mr. Parker said.

"You did that. How could you?" Liz asked.

"I did it so you and Maria will get away from Max, Michael and Toney," Mr. Parker said.

"Well guess what it didn't work. We stayed with them. And we plan to stay with them. So guess what daddy you lose," Liz said
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 105 Pg15 2/19

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Authors Note:
Hey Everyone
I wanted to say thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone Will keep reading til the end of the story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

You will need to keep reading to find out who wants Max dead.Yes it is more complicated then this. You will have to keep reading to find out who Max's enemies are. Yes Liz has a lot or deal with like her father and Alice. You will have to keep reading to find out when Max will come back. You will have to keep reading to find out what will happen next.

Natalie 36
Yes that is true strong words for Liz.

Keepsmiling 7 {carolyn}
Yes Liz's dad is a real piece of work. Yes it is good that Michael is protecting Liz and Maria.

L-J-L 76
Romancing The Heart
Chapter 106

Liz was about to walk away when her father grabbed her by the arm and turned her to face him.

"You'd better listen and listen good; I will take you and Maria away from here and when I do you will never see Max, Michael and Toney ever again," Mr. Parker said

"You don't scare me. And you can't stop us from being here. You can't control us," Liz said.

"You are just like your mother you know that," Mr. Parker said

"Well that is a good thing, what happened to my mother?" Liz asked

"Your mother ran away just like you and Maria are doing. Some people are saying dead because she vanished. You and Maria will probably vanish or turn up dead if you don't come home with me," Mr. Parker said.

"Are you threatening us?" Liz asked.

"No. I'm telling you. When I find Beauty and Al they will also be handled with," Mr. Parker said.

"I see you are still hiding behind your shield. Well guess what? It won't work because I'm in control of my life and you are nothing but a jerk trying to control things like always," Liz said.

"I'm your father; I'm not hiding behind anything. You are not in control I am," Mr. Parker said.

"I guess we will have to wait and see who has control in the end," Liz said.

"Don't play games little girl or you will get hurt,"Mr. Parker said.

"No. you will be the one to get hurt; because I know what I want and Maria knows what she wants too," Liz said.

"Let me guess... you want your freedom from me and Maria wants to be with Michael. Well guess what, that will never happen," Mr. Parker said.

"Oh I think it will. I'd better go; see you around," Liz said

"Oh I will see you both around," Mr. Parker said as Liz walked away.

Liz walked away from Mr. Parker and over to Michael and Maria, when they saw Liz's face they knew it wasn't good.

"What happened?" Maria asked.

Ok; short verson is he sent the hitmen and Spikes brother here to get Max, Michael and Toney. He made a threat on both of them and then he made a threat about Michael. He wants us home. He also wants Beauty and Al too," Liz said.

"Why is he doing this?"Maria asked.

"He wants us home so he can control us. And he told me my mom ran away and he heard that she was dead and we could end up like that if we don't go home," Liz said.

"Liz I'm sorry to say this but your dad is really crazy," Michael said.

"Yeah, I know. He has been crazy since my mom left," Liz said.

"We'd better go. Everyone is going to Toney's now," Michael said.

"Yeah, I guess we'd better," Maria said.

The three of them got in Michael's care and drove off. Michael kept checking his mirrors to make sure he wasn't followed and soon they were at Toney's. He parked the car where it made it easy to leave and then they walked up the steps to the house. Michael rang the door bell; toney opened it up and stepped aside to let them in and took them into the living room where they saw everyone sitting, talking and eating.

They sat on a couch and then a little later Liz stood up and started to walk around noticing that people were in every room and also outside.

Liz walked down the hallwat to Toneys office where the door was open. She walked in and looked around and then she turned and shut the door. She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone, dailed a number and waited; she heard the voice mail.

"Hello. You have reached Mr. Alex Whitmen and Mrs. Isabel Whitmen sorry we are not here to take your call please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible....Beep"Alex and Isabel said.

"Hey it's me Liz. I saw my dad face to face. He said he is going to do whatever it takes to get all of us home. And under his control again. I thought you should know. Oh and Isabel I like this answering machine message better then before. Please be careful Beauty and Al? Bye talk to you soon I hope," Liz said before closing her cell phone.

Liz turned and tripped over a box; as Liz caught herself she turned and looked down, the box had opened and when she looked in the box she found files on her, Max, Maria and Michael. She grabbed the files and put them into her bag, fixed the box and put it back where it was.

Liz left the office and went looking for Maria and Michael but they were no where around. She went outside and onto the balcony where she finally spotted Michael...she went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder...

"Where have you been?" Maria asked

"I just went somewhere for some quiet," Liz said.

"Is everythign ok Liz?" Michael asked.

"No. We need to talk when we all get to the house," Liz said.

"You found something didn't you?" Maria asked.

"Yes I found something big," Liz said.

"Oh God," Maria said.

"What are you both talking about?" Michael asked.

"Lets just say that things are getting more interesting and leave it at that," Liz said.

"What are you both up to? And why do I have a feeling things are going to change some how," Michael said.

"Just wait and see what I have, I don't know what's going to happen."

"Liz?" Maria asked.

"I don't know either. But you are right he will have to wait and see what we are up to," Liz said.

"Liz, Maria I don't like whatever you're up to," Michael said.

"Don't worry it is nothing bad," Liz said.

"Whatever game your playing at I don't like it," Michael said.

"Michael honey you don't have to like it but you have to know," Maria said.

"Maria um dad said Max and Michael may have a small problem," Liz said.

"What kind of small probelm?" Maria asked

"Lets say its about our birthdays," Liz said.

"Oh God," Maria said.

"What?" Michael said.

"Michael we will talk about it later," Liz said.

"Um ok," Michael said.

"Liz where are you going?" Maria asked

"I'm going to get a drink. I'll be right back," Liz said before walking away.

Michael please follow her?" Maria asked.

"Stay here and I will be right back," Michael said

Michael followed Liz into the house. He stood against the wall and watched as Liz went to the bar and got a drink. After Liz got her drink she turned and saw Pete standing infront of her.

Meanwhile at the bar:
Liz turned and saw Pete infront of her. Liz was about to walk away when Pete grabbed her arm. Liz turned and looked at him.

"What do you want?" Liz asked

"Oh, baby don't be that way with me. I know you want me like I want you," Pete said

"I don't want anything to do with you. So leave me alone," Liz said.

"Don't say anything; let our lips touch," Pete said.

Before Liz could do anything Pete kissed her. While Pete kissed Liz she kneed him and pushed him away and she watched as Pete fell to the ground

"Don't ever touch me or kiss me without my permission. The next time you touch me it will be worse," Liz said before walking away.

While Liz was walking towrds the bacony she saw Michael standing against the wall, she walked over to Michael and smiled. Michael smiled back and when they were face to face they both laughed.

"Well I see you know how to handle yourself," Michael said.

"Yeah, I guess I do. I hope Toney won't be mad," Liz said.

"No I don't think he'll be mad. Come on we'd better go see Maria," Michael said

"Yeah, we better," Liz said.

Michael and Liz walked outside and saw Maria looking at the ground. They walked over to Maria and Michael touched her on the shoulder to get her attention; Maria turned and looked at Michael and Liz.

"What happened?" Maria asked
L-J-L 76
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 106 Pg15 2/24

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 107

"Pete grabbed me and kissed me and I kneed him. Michael saw me do it," Liz said

"You didn't try to help her," Maria asked

"No she handled it on her own," Michael said.

"Can we please leave?" Liz asked

"Yeah, sure lets say good bye to Toney first," Michael said

Michael, Maria and Liz walked into the house and into the living room where they saw Toney and Alice talking. Michael walked over to Toney and Alice; he tapped Toney on the shoulder and they both turned and saw Michael standing infront of them.

"Michael what is it?" Toney asked.

"Maria, Liz and I are leaving. I thought I would let you know and thank you for the refreshments." Michael said.

"Thanks for letting me know. You drive home safely," Toney said.

"We will see you later," Michael said

"See you later," Toney said.

Michael walked over to the girls and said..."Well come on lets go,"

They all walked out of the house and down the steps and toward their car where they all got in and drove off. While they were driving Michael kept looking behind him to see if anyone was following them and soon they arrived at the house safely. When they got to the house Liz and Maria got out of the car and Michael followed them into the house.They all stood and loojked at each other when they finally got settled in the kitchen...

"Liz what is going on?" Michael asked

"Michael stay here; you need to see something," Liz said before walking out of the kitchen.

Michael and Maria watched as Liz left the kitchen then they turned and looked at each other and smiled.

A few minutes later Liz walked back into the kitchen with a box in her hand. Liz sat the box on the kitchen counter and looked at Michael. Liz opened the box and handed Michael a file.

"What is this?" Michael asked

"Michael this file and the files in this box are all about you, maria Max and me," Liz said.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"Michael these files have everything on us. They have our whole lives in these files," Liz said.

"Oh boy," Michael said.

"What are we going to do?" Maria asked as she looked between Liz and Michael.

Right at that moment Max walked into the house and stood in the door way.

"I say we burn them," Max said.

Liz, Michael and Maria turned and saw Max standing in the doorway.

"Wait your supposed to be dead," Maria said.

"Um, yeah your dead," Liz said.

"Surprise," Max said,

Liz looked at Max and started to get mad... that Max was supposed to be dead not standing in the kitchen with them;; she walked over to Max and they stood face to face.

"You faked your death!" Liz asked

"Yes I did," Max said.

Liz punched Max in the stomach. Max leaned over breathing hard, Max looked and looked at Liz.

"Do you know what you put me through? Do you?" Liz asked as she punched Max in the stomach again.

"No," Max said as he held his stomach.

"Well guess what this did to me. I cried for days, I hardly slept or ate since Michael and Toney told me you were dead...and now I find out you are alive!" Liz said as she pushed Max backwards.

Max kept going backwards til his back hit the wall. Liz stood in front of him ready to hit him again.

"Liz I'm sorry," Max said putting his hands up.

Liz punched Max in the face and ran up stairs to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. Maria and Michael looked at Max on the floor as they heard the door slam. Michael and Maria both looked at each other.

"This is going to be fun time," Maria said.

"Maria will you help me get Max to the couch?" Michael said.

Michael and Maria went over to Max and picked him up by his arms and draged him to the couch where they laid him down and took a step back and waited til Max came too, Liz had knocked him out.

"How long do you think he'll be out for?" Maria asked

"Who knows. I've never seen Liz this mad before," Michael said.

"Well now you know," Maria said.

"Wait are you telling me that you have seen Liz like this before?" Michael asked

"Yes I have seen Liz get this mad before," Maria said.

Meanwhile upstairs in Liz's room:

Liz grabbed a bag and put some clothes in it and whatever eles she needed and when she had her bag packed she grabbed her jacket and keys. She wnet out of her room and down the stairs where she found Michael and Maria waiting for her.

"Um Maria?" Liz asked.

Maria and Michael turned and looked at Liz.

"What?" Maria asked

"Um I'm going to go. I need to um clear my head," Liz said.

'Where are you going to go?" Michael asked

"I might um stay at work or a hotel. I just need to leave,"Liz said.

"Do you think that is safe?" Michel asked

"Michael if I don't I'm going to hurt someone. I'll be ok," Liz sid

"Take your cell phone and call me if you need anything," Maria said

"You know I will. See you both tomorrow," Liz said.

Liz was about to leave when Michael grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

"Liz are you sure you don't want to stay here?" Michael asked

"Yes I'm sure. I promise to call if I have any trouble," Liz said.

"Ok," Michael said when he let go of her arm.

Michael and Maria watched as Liz walked out of the houseand they watched as she got into the car and drove off. After Liz drove off Michael and Maria looked at each other then looked at Max who was still on the couch.

"Do you think Max will handle Liz not being here ok?" Maria asked

"Who knows. We've just got to wait til morning to find out," Michael said.

"What do we do now?" Maria asked

"You go to bed. I'm going to stay down here in case Max wakes up," Michael said.

"Ok see you in the morning," Maria said

After Maria was upstairs Michael sat down on a chair and looked over at Max and a few minutes later Michael was fast asleep.

Meanwhile at a hotel:

Liz got out of her car and walked into the hotel,walked up to the counter and paid for a room for a week then she got the key and went to the elevator. She took the elevator to the third floor, found her room and settled in... a couple of minutes later she was fast asleep.

In the morning:

Michael and Maria were in the kitchen fixing breakfast when Max walked in. They both turned to see what he had to say for himself...

"So?" Maria asked

"Don't start ok. I feel like hell right now," Max said.

"I would too after Liz beating me up," Maria said.

"Speaking of Liz. Do you know where she is?" Max asked

Michael and Maira looked at each other then looked at Max.

"What? Where is Liz?" Max asked

"Liz left after beating you up. She said she would be here today," Maria asked

"What?" Max questioned...

"Max don't worry. Liz will be home soon," Maria said.

"Fine. So what can I eat?" Max asked

"Here. You can have this," Maria said as she put eggs and toast infront of Max.

Max picked up the fork and started to eat while Maria made herself something to eat. After she fixed her breakfast she turned and looked at Max and Michael.

"Where do you think Liz could be?" Max asked

"Liz said she was either staying at work or a hotel. She said she would be home today," Michael said.

"Can I have your car keys? I need some air," Max asked

"Sure here," Michael said

Maria and Michael watched as Max took the keys and left the house, they turned and looked at each other,,,

"You do know he went to look for Liz right?" Maria asked

"Yeah, I know," Michael answered...