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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 30 2/8/2019

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:50 am
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Thirty
<Road to the Cabin>

“Well, did you get it fixed or not Rath?”

“Will you stop your nagging. It will get fixed when it gets fixed. She fried every wire in the system. Who the hell was it anyway?”

“I don’t know Rath. Obviously, they wanted to get to Max before us.”

<White SUV>

Toano was waiting patiently while Kyvra attempted to seduce the boy king. He may have made a critical mistake in not getting them together sooner. As soon as the king’s identity had been revealed when he healed the human, they should have returned to Roswell. It may be too late for her seduction efforts. The king seemed to be tied to the human girl already. Kyvra most likely would fail in her attempt. He felt her lifeforce leaving. She must have been discovered.

<Evans Cabin>

“Is she dead?” Liz asked Max.

“Yes, she is dead.”

“I can’t believe I killed someone Max.”

“I know but she killed Ava on Antar. She emitted to having Toano taper with your pod to kill you in this life. I also know that she wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you again. We should dispose of the body.”

“Max, that will not be necessary.”

The four watched as her body turned to ash before their eyes.

“Toano was with her in my vision. We should go and see if her vehicle is still here.” Ava informed her family.

“He will not take her death well. She was his way to the throne and the power. Their relationship was always a little weird.”

“Max, I think Zan is right. He knows way too much about the two of us and our group in Roswell. He could take his revenge out on our families.”

“Let’s go as a group. That way we can use the four-square if necessary.”

It did not take them long to find Tess’ SUV. Sure enough, Toano just started the engine. Zan quickly stalled the engine.

“Going somewhere, Toano? We have a lot of questions for you and we are expecting some answers.” Max questioned him.

Zan and Max hauled him into the house. They held him in place with their shields.

Toano appeared shocked when he saw Liz and Ava. “How? How are they alive?”

“You were not successful in ending my life or Liz’s life. I couldn’t access my powers but Zan protected me from Lonnie and Rath. We still have some questions. Are you working with anyone else? Who else have you told about us?” Ava asked him.

Toano remained silent.

“We are tired of playing your games. You have screwed with my entire life. You tried to kill Liz before she hatched. You brought Kyvra to town pretending she was my true mate. You put Liz in danger when you set your trap for the FBI. You led the FBI right to me.”

“You had to see that you were better off with Kyvra. Together you could have ruled two planets. You should have joined force with Kyvra instead the commoner that had nothing to offer you.”

“Liz has and will provide me with everything I need. I remember my life on Antar. Ava was my perfect queen. Do you have anything to say before we pass judgement on you.”

“Kyvra and I worked alone. She hated Kivar more than you ever could. I still think you missed your opportunity to rule two planets.”

He tried to fire a blast but Max and Zan quickly reinforced the shield. The four combined once again to form a four-square and Toano met the same fate as Kyvra.

<The Trans Am>

“Listen to the that engine hum. We will be at the cabin in no time now.”

“Well, what are you waiting for. Let’s go.”

<The Jetta>

“It shouldn’t be much longer Michael. It is just about five more miles.” Isabel told her group. She called Maria to let know they should pull off the road a wait until they got the all clear.

“Good, I would feel better when we get to Max and the others.”

“What do you know about Lonnie and Rath, Serena?” Isabel wanted to know about her and Michael’s double.

“Not much. I just know that Cal didn’t trust them. He really did think that they would kill Ava and Zan. Ava did not develop her powers until she was older. He said Zan and Ava were more interested in starting a life on earth than returning to Antar.”

“They sound so much like Max and Liz. Do you think they have more power than Lonnie and Rath?”

“If the couples have bonded, which I’m sure that Ava and Zan have, they will have superior powers to all of us. Zan and Ava were bonded on Antar. On earth their souls would not be settled until the soul was bonded once again to their mate.

From the way Cal talked Rath and Lonnie would have been too selfish to bond. Once you bond, you can’t be with anyone else until one of you die in most cases. Some couples form an eternity bond and they can’t be with anyone else. Cal believed that Zan and Ava had an eternity bond on Antar. Cal indicated that Rath and Lonnie maintained an open relationship.

Do you think Max and Liz have bonded?”

“Cal was to perform the bonding when they were ready. You and Michael were not expected to bond since your union was only for political purposes.”

“I guess we have to hope that they bonded, for all our sakes. We will have to worry about the consequences with the parents afterwards. My parents’ cabin is ahead on the right side of the road.”

<Jim’s SUV>

“Remember, you three are to stay in this vehicle until we get the all clear. None of us can get into this fight. Your mother would kill me Maria if I let anything happen to you.”

“I know Sheriff. I have lived with her for the past 17 years.”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 30 2/8/2019

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:17 am
by L-J-L 76
Finally the whore Kyvra and the asshole Toano are dead.
Now all Max, Liz, Zan, Ava have to handle Lonnie and Rath. Hoping Rath and Lonine have a very painful death.
So glad that Michael, Isabel and Serena are going to help
Max, Liz and others. Good thing Jim, Maria, Kyle and Alex are safe and away from the danger.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 30 2/8/2019

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:29 am
by keepsmiling7
Yes Max and Liz have you better watch out.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 30 2/8/2019

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:05 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Well good news is two of the bad guys are dead. Bad news more are on the way. But so are the rest of the good guys.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 31 2/11/2019

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:01 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Thirty-One
<Outside the Evans Cabin>

“Michael you just can’t barge in the room. Max and the others are expecting our doubles. It might be smarter for Serena to knock first.”

“Okay, I see your point. Serena please do the honors.”

This was weird for Serena. Even though she was the same age, these people were her parents on Antar and genetically on earth. She tentatively knocked on the cabin door.

“I see the Jetta, it must be Michael and Isabel. Max, I think you need to put up the shield until we verify their identity.” Liz told him.

There is a knock at the door. Zan and Max have formed their shield.

“I’m Serena, this is the Michael and Isabel that you know. I’m here at my king’s request.”

“First I’m going to verify your identities. Michael what movie did we watch numerous times on New Year’s Day last year and why?”

“Easy, Maxwell, Braveheart, I was trying to get an accurate body count.”

“Isabel, what gift did you get mom for Christmas last year that I hate and why?”

“Dear brother, how many times do I have to say I’m sorry for getting her the Martha Stewart magazine subscription. I had no idea that mom would substitute ingredients when she didn’t have something on hand. Mom spent too much time in her law books, not in a kitchen.”

“You can drop the shield Zan. This is my sister Isabel and my best friend Michael. Isabel and Michael, I would like for you to meet our doubles Ava and Zan.”

“Did you say your name was Serena?” Ava asked.

“Why, does it mean something to you?” Serena asked.

“Yes, Serena was the name of Zan’s great grandmother, Antar’s last queen. Our former selves plan to name our daughter Serena, in honor of her.”

“I was told by Cal that I was created from the essence of the child Ava was carrying. My human DNA material came from your human donors. So genetically, you and Liz are my mother and Max and Zan are my father. I know it really weirds me out to think my parents are the same age as me.”

“Why did you come to Roswell now?” Liz asked her.

“As I told Michael and Isabel, I received a letter from Max. Well, not this Max but Future Max. He wanted me to come to Roswell to befriend and watch over Liz. He was worried that Liz would still be a target and if he was with Tess, he would not be able to protect her. He had no clue that Liz was his true mate. I guess he changed enough of the future for Ava and Zan to make it Roswell for you to find out the true. I thought it was weird that he wanted me to befriend his girlfriend and not my own mother. It makes me happy to know that my parents are happy together.”

That was all it took for both Ava’s and Liz’s maternal instinct to kick in. Both women were hugging their daughter. Liz had only found out that day she had lost a child in a previous life. Ava just discovered her pregnancy the previous night. Her child would look similar to the girl standing before her.

“Ladies, I hate to break this up, but we have two would be killers head our way.” Michael interrupted.

“Michael, I swear sometimes I think you were raised by wolves. Ava, Liz and Serena were having an emotional moment. Serena just met her mothers. Maria would have smacked up the side of your head. I will have to do it for her." Isabel joked.

“That’s okay, Isabel. I understand that we need to focus on Lonnie and Rath. We have plenty of time to get to know Serena.” Liz offered to the group.

<Outside of the Cabin>

“Well, knock on the door Lonnie. You are his sister.”

“Okay, hopefully Ava hasn’t gotten to him. I’m going to that summit and I need a king.”

“What is so important about this summit?”

“I get off this planet and take my rightful place as royalty on Antar.”

“Then stop your gabbing and knock.”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 31 2/11/2019

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:36 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Trust Michael to kill a moment. Sorry Lonnie you and Rath are too late and going to get your asses kicked!

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 31 2/11/2019

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:46 pm
by L-J-L 76
Roswelllostcause wrote:Trust Michael to kill a moment. Sorry Lonnie you and Rath are too late and going to get your asses kicked!
Agree with Roswelllostcause. Can't wait for Lonnie and Rath to die. Can't wait for Max,Liz, Ava, Zan and others to go back to Roswell to see their parents.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 31 2/11/2019

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:56 pm
by keepsmiling7
So the future for Ava and Zan was changed...........
Lonnie still wants off this planet, sorry she has to have a King to do it!
Can't wait for more.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 32 2/13/2019

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:40 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Thirty-Two
<Evans Cabin>

“I’ll get it. Would you like to join me Max and give my dear sister the surprise of her life?”

“This could be fun.”

“Good evening, Lonnie and Rath. We have been expecting you.” Max and Zan formed their shield to protect the others from any attacks from Rath and Lonnie.

“Zan, it that really you. Are you really alive?” Lonnie tried to hide her surprise of her brother’s survival.

“Not that you cared, sister dear, yes, it’s me. I’m alive and well and remember everything that you and Rath did to me.”

“The duke lives. Looks like he has some fine-looking ladies keeping him company. You must be Lonnie's dupe, the ice princess herself, Isabel Evans. You must be Zan’s dupe’s bitch, Liz. But who are you, you look finer than the others, my dear?”

“It’s none of your business who she is bastard. We have business to settle with you and your partner.” Ava spoke through grinding teeth. She never cared for the way Rath treated women.

Lonnie tried to whisper to Rath but she was louder than she thought. “Rath, will you please shut your pie whole. You are just pissing them off more looking at their women like that. I swear sometimes I think you didn’t get all the DNA when the cloned you.”

She turned to the group, “I’m sorry for Rath’s behavior and comments about you all. We have been under a great deal of stress. Nicholas, Kivar’s henchman on earth, has been threatening me. He said if we didn’t cooperate, he was going kill me, Rath and Ava. I was only trying to protect the others.”

“Max Evans, true king of Antar, I would like to formally charge my sister and so-called friend here with attempted murder and collusion with our enemy, Kivar.”

“I accept your charge, Zan.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said Zan? I had to do it. Nicholas threaten Ava.”

“I don’t believe sister dear. The granolith will decide if you are telling the truth.”

Max, Ava, Zan and Liz formed their four-square. Max began to speak, “Granolith of the house of Zantar, I, Max Evans, the reborn King Zan, accept my brother’s charge of attempted murder and collusion with our enemy. How do you rule?”

The granolith scanned both the consciences of Lonnie and Rath. The granolith was seeing if the allegations were true and if the pair held any other knowledge.

A voice that they all understood talked to their minds. “Lonnie and Rath are guilty of planning Zan’s murder, for planning to bring Max to the summit and for working with Kivar’s general Nicholas. They have numerous crimes against humans while on earth. The granolith does not believe that they can be reformed so therefore they are sentenced to death.” The granolith continued to communicate to Max to tell him all of Lonnie’s knowledge of Nicholas.

Max and Zan then raised their hands and the treasonous pair crumbled to the ground. Like Kyvra before them their bodies turned to ash.

Liz and Ava hugged. Ava shed a few tears. They were out of the immediate danger. Her baby would be safe. Max and Zan shared high fives and then hugged their respective mates. All were relieved that this battle was over.

“I’m going to call Maria and let them know it is safe to come. We have a lot to go over and plan our next steps.”

The group settle into the living room to wait for the other. Max and Liz were sharing one recliner while Zan and Ava had the other. Michael, Serena and Isabel took the couch. They really felt like they were intruding on the couples.

Serena knew by witnessing this much power and connection to the granolith that she was looking at two bonded couples. This made her happy to know that her parents had united on this planet as well. She didn’t know what she should do. Should she stay in Roswell with her family or return to her life in California.

Isabel couldn’t understand why Lonnie would put the quest for power ahead of a relationship with her brother. She wanted to take a hot shower to wash the looks that Rath was giving her off her body. She knew he was undressing her with his eyes. She was happy that thanks to the shield he never touched her. Alex never treated her like that. He always respected her for her mind. He enjoyed having a conversation.

Michael was reserved. He and Max always had a sibling relationship. Where did they stand now that he had such a strong bond already with his brother and twin, Zan? His twin was working with the enemy and a common criminal. It was obvious that Max and Liz were more connected than before. Now Max has a daughter by blood. Once again, he was on the outside while everyone else had families.

All their thought ended when they heard the knocks on the front door.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 32 2/13/2019

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:59 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Good bye Lonnie and Rath. Guilty as charged. Why do I have a feeling that a serten Buddha boy Jock might peek Serena's intreast and keep her around.