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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 6/8/17

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:58 am
by keepsmiling7
Ava went through a terrible ordeal with Sean, but now her life will be much better since Zane will step up and take care of her. That's a win-win for both of them.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 6/8/17

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:12 pm
by Natalie36

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 6/8/17

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:45 am
by max and liz believer
Jo Do you really think I am going to leave poor Ava with the SOB that nearly killed her?
No, not really :mrgreen: I have complete faith in you :D

Looking forward to Sean finding out that the King doesn't have very good news for him…

Let's hope that the Granolith has decided to end Sean's bloodline. That would probably be for the best.

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 6/8/17

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:22 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Ava did go through something terrible. But Zane will be there now to take care of her.

Natalie36 Thanks!

Jo You are going to enjoy this part! Lol! We will have to wait to serif the granilth has ended Sean's bloodline with him.

Part 37

Sean walked into the King's office and bowed.

"Lord DeLuca, I have heard from a number of people that you have been mistreating your wife." Said Philip
"Sire, I don't know what you mean." Said Sean
"Don't play dumb with me boy! Did you or did you not beat the hell out of that girl? Mind you I will know if you lie to me!"
"The bitch was mouthing off to me! I was just putting her in her place!"
"What place is that Sean? Women have the same rights as men!"
"No woman will ever be my equal! Women are only good for one thing!"
"Oh and what is that?" Asked Diane walking in.
"Women are only good for providing a proper heir." Said Sean
"Tell us what is a proper heir in your opinion?" Asked Diane glaring at Sean

Sean swallowed hard knowing he had to choose his words carefully. It was a known fact that you didn't cross Queen Diane. King Philip was a teddy bear compared to his wife. The current Queen was worse then a mother bear protecting it's cub.

"A proper heir is as my father taught me is a son." Said Sean
"Oh so if you only ever were to have a daughter she couldn't be your heir?" Asked Diane
"That is right."

Diane's eyes flashed with anger and she sent a bolt of energy at Sean. Philip just smiled knowing that Sean had pissed his wife off. The bolt of energy sent Sean flying into the wall hard.

"Sean here is the deal. You will agree to having you farce of a marriage ended. You will move to Zarken 6 and take over the running of the penal colony there, which by the way women are barred from setting foot on. You also will never set foot on Antar or in the capital again. Or you will face exaction. Do I make myself clear?" Asked Philip
"Sire! This is unfair! It is that bitch's fault!" Said Sean
"Oh one other thing I ever hear you refer to another woman as a bitch again I will let my lovely wife here practice her gifts on you." Said Philip
"Fine I will take the deal. She wasn't a good wife anyway." Mumbled Sean

Philip pulled out some forms and Sean signed them. In one month Ava would no longer be married to Sean.


Liz laid next to Max in their bed. She knew that it wouldn't be long before they would have to end their honeymoon. She loved the feel of Max's arms around her. She loved how he treated her when they made love. Because that was what happened between the two of them. Max was always so loving and sweet to her. Hell he had been that way that night before she went away to school on the beach by the lake.

"Liz is something on your mind?"
"Just thinking about how lucky I got to marry my best friend."
"I am the lucky one. I am lucky that the woman I find to be the most beautiful in the world loves me. But not as much as I love her."
"You don't think I could possibly love you as much as you love me?"
"Liz, don't get me wrong I know you love me a lot. But I want you to know that I will never love anyone the way I love you."

Liz kissed him and snuggled closer to him.


Carolyn laid in bed with Chris's arm drapped over her with his hand resting on her stomach. She knew that he was happy about the child they were going to have. She had to admit that she was happy too. But she was scared. What few people knew was that she and Kyle were actually twins. Something that was rare on Antar. Kyle was older by ten minutes. Their mother died while giving birth to her so she was scared she could also die in child birth.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37 6/9/17

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:42 am
by max and liz believer
Yay for the King! Good work! And the queen is kick-ass :mrgreen: :twisted:

Now… Carolyn;
What few people knew was that she and Kyle were actually twins. Something that was rare on Antar. Kyle was older by ten minutes. Their mother died while giving birth to her so she was scared she could also die in child birth.
I think she should tell someone. Preferably her husband, but also Max so that he can be around to help out if something were to go awry.

Great part!

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37 6/9/17

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Don't make Queen Diane angry! She is scary when angery. Chris knows that Carolyn's mother died in child birth. Don't worry if need be Max will be there to help her when the time comes.

Part 38 Three Months later

Liz walked through the garden and smiled when she saw Zane and Ava talking on one of the benches. She was glad that Ava was getting a shot at happiness now. Sean was gone to that distance penal colony. Serena had finished her training a few days ago and would be arriving at the palace soon. Liz was going to make sure that her sister knew what their father was going to announce next week a head of time. She hoped that Serena would be OK with the fact that she would marry Kyle Valenti.

"Hello sister."

Liz turned and smiled at her sister dressed in the white robe of a guardian of the granalith.

"Welcome home Rena."
"You look happy Liz. So married life is agreeing with you?"
"Yes. King Philip ended Ava and Sean's marriage."
"I know. Zane Guerin is a much better match for Ava. She needs someone like him in her life."
"Yeah. Rena, is it possible for the granalith to make it impossible for someone to have a child?"
"Ava is in perfect health. She will be able to have children with Zane."
"Kara told me that much."
"You are wondering why Sean could not get her pregnant?"
"Sean was born to be the last of his bloodline. The granalith saw the darkness in him and chose to stop the darkness before it was to late."
"Maria is his cousin by birth."
"True, but tell me do you feel darkness in her?"
"Then I believe that she and Michael will have a large family. At least four or five children."
"Liz, you know that Michael loves her and has for a long time. He asked his father to go to Lord Valenti and arrange for him to marry her when he was thirteen."
"I guess not everyone's father is like ours. Arranging marriage at such a young age."
"Liz, if you had been able to chose would you have chosen our prince?"
"You know the answer to that Rena."
"Yes. I do. I know father will announce my engagement soon."
"If you were able to chose who would that be?"
"I don't get to chose. But the granalith has told me that my husband will be a kind and loving man. Though he will spend time in danger for his job."
"Do you want me to tell you?"
"Father will not be pleased."
"Do you think I really care? I took more of his abuse then you did. I am your big sister. My job was to protect you."
"Yes I know. You got rewarded for it too. You ended up with the only man you could ever give your heart to. Why do you think you and Max have a connection that does not come about very often?"
"Never thought about it."
"Liz, you remember the night before you left for school?"
"Don't you find it odd that the only one that discovered what you and Max were doing was Isabel? The granalith shielded the two of you. Liz, you may not want to hear this but it is destiny that you and Max are to be the next King and Queen. It is also destiny that your daughter will be the first female heir ever."
"I don't have a daughter."
"Maybe you should have Kara check that for you soon."

Liz looked at her younger sister in disbelief. It was very possible that she was pregnant. Hell it was a surprise it had taken this long.

"Are you saying I am pregnant?"
"No. Liz, all the granalith has shown me is that your first child will be a daughter who will be the first blood born Queen. Liz, I only say to get checked by a doctor because I am picking up something from you."
"Your empathy?"
"Yes Liz. Now you want to tell me who I will marry? You told me you would before your wedding. But then you got pulled into your honeymoon and I had to finish my training."

Liz smiled and told her sister. Liz watched as Serena's eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 6/10/17

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:16 am
by max and liz believer

I had a feeling Serena would be happy to hear who she was going to marry. And it's great to "see" Ava and Zane together. And Sean won't have any offspring; love that.

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 6/10/17

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:28 am
by Natalie36
oh happiness love our queen diane

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 6/10/17

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Serena is happy about who she will marry. It is good to see Zane and Ava together. Sean will never have a child!

Natalie36 Queen Diane is great isn't she? Men in Max's family seem to like very strong women!

Part 39

Chris walked into the bedroom he shared with his wife to find her laying on the bed. He sat next to her and gently pushed her hair off her face. He frowned when he felt how warm she was.

"Care, talk to me. Are you OK?" Asked Chris
"I'm scared."
"You are afraid that what happened to your mother will happen to you aren't you?"
"Care, I understand that you are scared. I am too. I love you. I mean I really love you. I love you the way my sister loves Max."

Carolyn looked up into his warm brown eyes. She could see the love he had for her in them. She reached up and placed her hand on her husband's face. Her blue eyes soft and shining with love.

"I love you Chris. I think part of me always has. Even when we were kids."

Chris leaned down and gave her a soft sweet kiss.


Liz paced in her room after leaving her sister. Could Serena be right? Could she really be pregnant? Not just pregnant but with the first born Queen by blood? It had been Max's grandfather King Zander that changed the law. That it didn't have to be the first born son that was the heir to the throne. But the first born child be it a son or a daughter. She placed a hand over her stomach and tried to use her her powers to pick up if there was a life growing inside her. But either she wasn't pregnant or she just couldn't use her powers that way.

"Liz are you OK?"

Liz turned to see that Max had walked into the room.

"Uh yeah. I am fine."
*Liz you don't have to keep anything from me.*
*Don't worry. I am going to see Kara in the morning to have something Serena said checked out.*
"It's nothing bad right?"
"Well if my sister is right then it will be very good news not just for us but for everyone on Antar."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you trust me?"
"You know that I do."
"Then wait until I see the doctor."

Max leaned down and kissed his beautiful wife.


Michael walked up to the door of the home of Lord James Valenti. He wanted to see Maria. Their engagement had just come out in the papers. He wanted to see how she was handling the news. He was let in and led to the garden porch to wait for her. He stood staring at the setting sun and didn't notice when Maria came out.

"Hey Maria."
"So I guess it is official now."
"Yeah. You ok with this?"
"Michael, I have known for a while. Jim isn't like that asshole Lord Parker."
"Yeah I know. Liz was really pissed that she hadn't been told."
"Yeah well she has always had a temper. I take it you were the one that knocked some sense into our prince."
"Well you trained me well. Love you Ria."
"Love you too Spaceboy."


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 6/11/17

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:08 am
by Natalie36
:D :D :D