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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37 2/3/17

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Serena went through a lot of things. I'm so glad that Serena and Kyle can talk about it. And so glad Kyle is there for Serena too. Love how Max and Liz are with each other. So Liz was going to be dressed as a elf. Now that will be funny and interesting.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37 2/3/17

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:40 am
by keepsmiling7
That Jake was a real jerk.
I can't believe a guy selling his "ratings" of girls he slept with.......
That's the lowest of low.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37 2/3/17

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Serena has a painful past. But Kyle treats her right and is there for her.

Carolyn Jake was a real jerk. But Serena has found a good guy in Kyle.

Part 38

Liz walked into the studio just after six in the morning on Monday. She carried an extra large double mocha not fat latte with her. She smiled as she past members of the crew on way to her dressing room. She passed both Kate and Stephanie who just looked at each other. She walked in her dressing room put down her things and was about to check her call sheet when Kate, Stephanie and Serena walked in.

"Morning." Said Liz
"Don't morning us Parker." Said Kate
"What do you mean?" Asked Liz
"Liz, there is something different about you." Said Serena
"Rena, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about."
"You can't bull shit us." Said Stephanie
"I am the same as I have always been." Said Liz
"No Liz, you have this glow. Oh my fucking god! I know what it is! You had sex!" Said Serena
"Rena could you say that any louder? I don't think they heard you over on the Buffy soundstage." Said Liz sinking onto the couch in her dressing room.
"You slept with Max?" Asked Kate
"God why do you three want to know the details of my sex life?"
"Well babe unlike Steph, you now have one." Said Kate
"So tell us how was it?" Asked Steph

Liz closed her eyes and sighed. She knew there was no way out of this.

"It was amazing. Max is so loving and sweet. All he cared about was making sure that I enjoyed it." Said Liz
"Damn I wish I had found a guy like that for my first time. Hell until Kyle, I didn't find that kind of guy." Mummbled Serena
"My first time was OK. I mean the guy I was with treated me well but it wasn't great." Said Steph
"What about you Kate?" Asked Liz
"Uh I actually have never been with a guy." Said Kate
"So you are a virgin?" Asked Steph
"Well in the since I have never been with a guy yes. But I have had sexual relationships."
"I don't understand." Said Serena
"I do. Kate are you gay?" Asked Liz
"Would it change anything between us if I say yes?" Asked Kate
"Not with me." Said Liz
"Or me." Said Steph
"Kate, I don't care." Said Serena
"Yes I am gay. I even have a girlfriend. You three are the only ones that know. My parents don't even know." Said Kate
"So you had to have been really uncomfortable with that scene with Zan last season." Said Liz
"I had done that kind of scene before. I was fine with it. I can do sex scenes with guys. It at times is part of my job. My current girlfriend is great. She supports me a lot. I didn't like the fact that it was with Zan. He actually was trying to get my underwear off under the sheet and grinding into me like he was going to do it for real." Said Kate
"Well we don't have to worry about him any more. He is going to spend a long time in prison." Said Serena
"True." Said Liz
"Wait seeing Kate, you have a girlfriend does that mean I am the only one not in a relationship?" Asked Steph
"Yes." Said the other three at the same time.

Steph just laughed. It felt great to have such good friends.

"Kate, next week is the season premiere. I am having people over. These two, Serena's boyfriend. Alex and his girlfriend. Max. You and your girlfriend are welcome to come. I mean if you are OK coming out to all of them." Said Liz
"I am not ashamed of who I am or who I am with. I need to ask Sarah if she wants to go. It will be at your place?" Asked Kate
"Yeah. Just let me know if the two of you are coming. I want to make sure I have enough food and drinks. Let me know also if there is anything you or Sarah like and want there." Said Liz
"I will. I take it there will be no alcohol?" Asked Kate
"Well, Serena and I are the only ones who haven't turned twenty one yet who will be there, I can have Max pick something up if you want it. Steph, you turned twenty one in June right?"
"Yeah. I don't have a clue how you remember that stuff."
"Just do."
"I don't drink though. I have no problem with those that do as long as they don't get drunk and drive."
"You and your boyfriend were hit by a drunk driver weren't you?" Asked Serena
"Yeah. Jackson was killed on impact. I had a back injury and broke three ribs." Said Steph
"What about the drunk driver?" Asked Kate
"He is in prison. But when I was taking the pain pills I did things I am not proud of. I went to a party at Zan's friend Rath's house. I had unprotected sex with Rath. Not just intercourse, but I preformed oral sex on him and he forced me in engage in anal sex. He was rough and it was painful. He didn't care as long as he got off." Said Steph
"Everyone makes mistakes." Said Serena softly

Liz looked at her friend and wondered what Serena was holding back.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 2/4/17

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:16 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz is very pleased with this new relationship with Max.
She is one lucky girl.......some to her friends weren't that lucky.
Looking forward to more,

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 2/4/17

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:07 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow So her friends know Liz and Max had sex. So glad that Liz, Serena, Steph and Kate can talk so openly. Glad all the girls are such good friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 38 2/4/17

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz is very pleased with her relationship was the Max.

L-J-L 76 Yes Liz's friends known she had sex. The girls from the show are Liz's closest friends aside from Maria, so they can talk about almost anything.

Part 39

Kate Patterson walked into the townhouse she lived in with her girlfriend of over a year. Sarah Simon was three inches taller than Kate. While Kate had belong brown hair and green eyes, Sarah had very short blond hair and blue eyes. Both were thin. Sarah worked at a hotel as a desk clerk. Very few people knew that either of them were a couple. She found Sarah changing out of her uniform.

"Hey" said Kate
"How was work?"
"Fine, other than Donny Vince can't get it through his head I will never go out with him."
"You should go to your manger."
"Don't want to cause any trouble Kate."
"I know better then to get into it with you."
"How about you? Make out with any guys?"
"It was good. No I didn't kiss anyone. Uh Liz has invited us to her place for a little get together for the season premiere."
"You told her?"
"Yes, I also told Stephanie Larson, and Serena Turner."
"They are OK that you are into girls?"
"Yeah. They don't care."
"Who else will be there?"
"Alex Whitman and his girlfriend. Liz and Serena's boyfriends."
"Alex cool?"
"He is a good guy. Sarah, I know that trusting people to accept you the way you are isn't easy."
"My father threw me out! My so called best friend said I made her sick!"
"Yeah well you were brave enough to tell your family. I haven't my parents just think we are roommates."
"I know and you have kept it out of the media."
"True. But that is my choice. Sarah, I really want to go to this party. I love you."
"We can go. I kind of want to meet your friends from the show anyway."

Kate then pulled Sarah into a passionate kiss.


Liz snuggled closer to Max as they laid on her couch watching a movie. Her cell phone rang. Max grabbed it off the table and handed it to her.

"Hello?...Oh hi Kate. You both are going to come! That is awesome. Really? I will tell him. Do you want me to call Rena and have her tell Kyle? It's not a problem. You will tell Alex and Steph tomorrow. OK see you then."

Liz hung up the phone and put it down.

"What's up Liz?" Asked Max
"I invited Kate from the show to my premiere get together."
"That's great."
"Yeah, Max she will be bringing someone."
"Her boyfriend?"
"No her girlfriend. She is gay Max."
"You ok with that?"
"Liz why wouldn't I be? She was born the way she was born. I can't wait to meet both of them."
"Kate didn't go into details but Sarah, her girlfriend has not had an easy time of it. Her father threw her out when she came out to her parents, the girl she thought was her best friend dumped her and said that she made her sick."
"Well we just have to make her feel welcome."
"Yes we do."

Max leaned down and started to kiss Liz. Liz let out a moan. It wasn't long the kissing started to become something more. Liz broke the kiss as she felt Max's hand move inside her pants.

"Max, bedroom."

Max just scooped her up into his arms and carried her to her bed.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 2/5/17

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:40 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Kate and Sarah are going to go to Liz's house for the premier. What Sarah went through with her family and friend was so wrong. So glad that Liz, Max, Serena and Steph don't care and still treat her as a friend. Wow things are heating up between Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 2/5/17

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:09 am
by Lillmonster
I'm glad that Kate and Sarah will go to Liz and get some new and better friends.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 2/5/17

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:32 pm
by keepsmiling7
Sounds like a nice gathering for the premier.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 2/5/17

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 It is good that Kate and Sarah are going to Liz's for the permire.

Lillmonster Kate and Sarah are going to meet a good group of people.

Carolyn It will be a nice gathering.

Part 40

Kate laid in bed watching her lover sleep. Sarah had no idea what meeting her had really done for her. Kate had struggled since her early teens with her sexuality. She had come close to taking her own life that day. But she met Sarah and everything changed for the better. She knew that her father would never accept her sexual orientation. He was a firm believer that same sex relations were a mortal sin. She hid this from him when she lived in her parents house. She had a close male friend who was also gay. They used each other as a cover. But there had never been anything but friendship between them. She still kept in touch with him. He was living in New York City and was in a committed relationship. Sarah started to stir next to her. She knew that she had to settle down so she didn't wake her lover.

"Kate, you need to try and get some sleep honey." Mumbled Sarah
"I know. Just a little nervous about talking to Alex tomorrow."
"You have always said he is a good guy."
"He is."
"Then don't worry."
"Thanks. That is one of the many reasons I love you."
"Love you too."


Max laid in bed watching Liz sleep. He smiled when he heard Liz mumbled his name in her sleep. He loved the nights he shared Liz's bed with her. They always stayed at her apartment when they made love. He didn't mind. But he knew she felt safer in her own bed. He laid there breathing the salty air from the Pacific ocean coming through the window. He hadn't known before the night they made love the first time that she would be such a cuddler. He actually liked it. But it was also would be something he would never tell anyone. He closed his eyes breathing in a mix of the salty air and Liz's own sweet sent.


Serena sat out on the deck staring out at the ocean. She knew that she should be in bed but she couldn't sleep. She was dressed only in a pair of short, shorts and a baby tank top. Her mind was drifting back to that night nearly six years ago. She had only had her fifteenth birthday two months earlier. Jake Quinn was a senior in her high school. The big man on campus. He wasn't a jock but popular anyway. She had been surprised when he asked her out. She went out and had a good time. They went out on four dates over two weeks. The Friday of their third week together her parents had been out at some dinner or something. Jake came over and they watched a movie. Things ended up heated between them fast. She took him to her bedroom. She thought that they would make out more. He told her he cared about her and wanted to show her how much in the most intimate of ways. She agreed to let him.

Six years ago

She had just lead Jake into her bedroom. He was six five with a muscular build. Dirty blond hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He kissed her with passion and slowly started to undress her. Once she was down to her bra and panties he stripped down to his boxers. It wasn't long after that she found herself naked on her back with Jake over her rolling a condom his penis. Her heart was racing. He looked at her with a smile.

"You want this as much as I do right Serena?" He asked
"Yes." She whispered.

He slowly started to enter her. When he reached her barrier he pulled back and the thrusted through it hard. She gasped in pain. Jake just smiled as he pumped in and out of her fast and hard. She moaned and heard his grunts. She gripped the sheets tightly closing her eyes. She felt his breath on her ear as he leaned close.

"You are enjoying this. I can tell. You see I have slept with a lot of girls. I started at fourteen. Four years and at least one girl a month. But I got to say you are a prize. I never thought I would get to fuck let alone get to be the one to take the virginity of a former TV star."

Serena just cried as he kept up his fast and hard pace. Finally he let out a loud grunt and pulled out of her. He rolled over and laid next to her. He was breathing hard. A short time later he started to dress.

"Got to admit you were one of the better virgins I have had."
"Jake, did I really mean nothing to you?"
"You meant something. You were a lay just like all the girls before you. I mean you are one of the few I would do again. Though you will want to wait a day or so. Your pussy is most likely sore."
"Jake, is that all girls are to you? Are we just for you to use for sex?"
"I didn't force you to have sex. You made that choice. No one told you to give it up so early in a relationship. Though you weren't the easiest. This one girl let me fuck her on the first date. She was a virgin too. I rate the girls I am with. There are two categories. Virgins and sluts. A slut is a girl I wasn't the first to fuck. You rate an eight. Three weeks means you were on the easy side. But you lost two points cause it took a while to get my orgasm."
"You are an asshole!"

Jake just smirked and left. Serena laid there crying at the huge mistake she had just made. She found out Monday morning that he sold his rating of her to the football team.


Serena was snapped out of her memory by a pair of strong and gentle arms wrapping around her. She turned to find Kyle there. He didn't say anything. Just kissed away her tears and lead her back to their bed.