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Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:27 pm
by ken_r
Thank youthe position has been taken by Skittles

I need a content beta. i do not write slash and my adult stuff is pretty tame. i write canon, AU with and without aliens I need someone to look at the content and tell me how it might be received. i have someone to look at grammer.

i am dreamer oriented but i try to make all of my characters strong

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:34 am
by fadedblue
Taken by OrangeSky!

Hi, I'm looking for a beta for my current fics. The links for those stories are in my sig -- I Wish You Were Here (CC, M/L) should be finished soon, but Stranglehold (AA, M/L) has a ways to go.

I'm also starting to work on a new fic, AU w/o Aliens that will cover all the CC couples with a bit more focus on M/L...the couples also start out a little UC though I'm definitely going to bring it back to CC. Some background -- the gang are all in college in the Midwest. They're split up a bit more unconventionally: Max, Maria, and Alex are in one group of friends. Liz and Michael are best friends. Isabel, Tess, and Kyle will play more peripheral supporting roles. The basic jist is this: Max is an arrogant aspiring singer/songwriter/performer who's waiting for his big break to come -- he's a voice performance major in the music program. Liz is a biology major and dance minor who has been forced by her parents to study something she's good at, but not necessarily passionate at. When these two finally meet, sparks fly and whether they like it or not, they discover things about themselves through being together...for example, Liz gives Max more depth about his songs...Max shows Liz that her true passion lies in dance, not bio, etc. This is a pretty pared down, M/L focused summary though. I'm planning on using the other characters as pretty strong supports in order to create some more complicated relationships. AKA this isn't just gonna be Max and Liz meet, fall in love, the end.

For my current fics, I need someone mostly to provide some constructive criticism and check for inconsistencies. If you're willing to have me bounce ideas off of you, even better. For the AU fic I'm working on developing, all of the above still apply, with the stronger focus on giving feedback on my ideas, etc.

Let me know if you're interested in any of the above :).

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:59 pm
by Cocogurl
Hey, I'm looking for a beta. This the very first story I've ever posted or let others read. It's going to be Max& Liz centered. It's inspired by the movie Skinwalkers with Jason Behr. I only saw the preview of the movie, but it made me wonder what it would be like with a little Max/Liz action. Like I said, it's the first story I've ever posted and I'm pretty nervous about it. I could use all the help I can get. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:27 am
by Bubblegal
I'm looking for a beta for my story Colourblind.

It's a Max/Liz fanfiction with some Michael/Maria/adult bashing on it.

I need someone who can check over grammer, spelling and basically help me with the situations.

If you feel you can take this up - PM Me.


Got one!

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:58 pm
by Behrsgirl77
Hey guys,

I'm here to put in my desperate request for a Beta. I'm looking to finally start and finish a CC fic I've been toying with for a good 2 years.

I need someone who is very familiar with all 3 seasons (of course) as well as strong with grammar and story placement (past, present, future).

Overall I have the ideas, I know what I want to write but I need help along the way. And since this will be full blown CC attention to detail is really important for me.

So...with all that said, anyone who is interested can PM me and we can discuss it.



Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:57 pm
by Lorastar
'Ello peeps!

I am in need of a beta for a new story I'm working on. It's called "The Cage" and is M/L, AU w/o Aliens. Just need someone to catch my errors, bounce ideas with me, and keep me on track! I'd like to post once a week at least!

Please help me!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:44 am
by Swamy
Hi, I'm looking for a beta to help me with a short fiction based on the episode Summer of '47, it's a dreamer one, I wrote the story months ago, I want to stranslate it but I'm afraid I'm not so good with english, so I need someone to help me with grammar, spelling ecc. Of course if there's any suggestion to make the story better I could do some changes.


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:09 pm
by Tears_of_Mercury
Hi all, I'm here looking for a beta for my one or two part entry for Avante Garde over at Roswell Heaven. It takes place sometime after EOTW and Harvest but before Wipeout and is centred around Courtney. Here's the summary:

Liz moved toward her with a practiced balance, pausing momentarily in front of her before leaning in to embrace her. “God, Courtney, what hell did you live through on that planet?”

“I don’t – I,” she stuttered, shifting her arms so that she could push Liz away. Instead, she found her arms moving of their own accord and encircling the small girl’s waist. “I saw worse than hell. I saw the end of an entire world.”

With her wiry arms digging into Courtney’s ribcage, Liz leaned into her ear and whispered, “So did I.”

So basically, it's not going to be very long - at the most fifteen to twenty pages, likely much shorter. I'd just like someone to correct my grammar and give me suggestions. You can PM me if you're interested. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:24 am
by Behrgirl21
Hi I've started writing something that I just can't get out of my head.
So it's A/U w/o Aliens. It's mostly Max/Liz with maybe some M/M, I/A. Although there will be some U/C during it.
A basic summery is that two life changing events has Liz parker fleeing from Roswell, leaving her boyfriend, friends and family behind, never to go back again. Liz gets on with her life as best she can, running her own business, new friends etc...Then one day someone from her past finds her and tells her she's needed back in Roswell. Will Liz face her past finally or keep running from it?

Ok so I need a beta to check spealling grammar etc etc, to bounce ideas off of and to keep my butt in gear! lol!
Like I've said, I've started writing it and I've still got a lot to go...
So if you're interested let me know!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:45 am
by LizNdAlec4eva
Hey, just wanted to offer my services for being a BETA! I would prefer XO's and Liz centric fanfics, as it would keep me pestering you for the next part!!!

PM me if you want me. :D