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Harry potter and the deathly hallows

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:04 pm
by Human-traffic-accident
hey i have just finished reading the 7th harry potter book and i thought it was absolutely brilliant!
Does anyone else have any veiws on this new book?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:22 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Hey there! I just finished reading it too. Wow is all I can say. So many things happened that I was not expecting in the least! And I don't about you but there were a couple of moments where my stomach was clenched up with dread or fear. I can't say enough about the book. Don't want to go into detail either. Wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone. As soon as this thread gets going ill feel free to discuss details! Can't wait for that. :shock:

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:06 pm
by rwllmn
i agree! i thought it was great! sad though to see the series end... :(

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:26 pm
by Queenie_Zan7

it was really awesome. my friend and i both felt nothing was going on the first few chapters, but when it picked up i couldn't put it down! :D And not to spoil but...I knew what Lupin was worrying about before Harry found out, I could just feel it and I was so excited to find I was right. (I don't think that really says anything that'd bother people unfinished).
Great end to the series, I think.


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:25 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much

I loved it too, the first few chapters I was just so filled with suspense and worrying about what was going to happen. It did really pick up though and I also coudlnt put it down. I am reading it again now because I feel that I may have missed some stuff because I read it so fast. I really liked the epilogue although I have read on the net that some people didnt like it.

I cant believe the whole thing with Snape and Lily, that caught me by TOTAL surpise. I really did find my eyes were all teary when certain characters died. Over all I loved it, and am very sad that all the books are done. At least we have the movies!!!

I cant even IMAGINE how the last movie is going to come out though!!!! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:50 pm
by Queenie_Zan7

LovinGuerin2Much, I agree the Snape-Lily thing threw me too, but the romantic in me loved it...even though it didn't work out for Snape lol. The epilogue did leave some unaswered, but it was better than not getting an epilogue :lol: and I felt it satisfied enough of my questions. It was cute too, with the kids' relationships. It really made me want a branch off with the kids, but they wouldn't be facing the same threats that drew us in.
I'm glad the way she ended it.


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:44 am
by Human-traffic-accident

I loved the snape lily thing it was so sad the way snape had loved her, the bit that really made me cry was that when snape was dying he asked harry to look at him, so the last thing he saw before he died was lilys eyes, cuz harry has her eyes,
I thought it was unnessecey to kill tonks and lupin as they had just had a kid!
I loved it that hermoine and ron were together i've been waiting for that the entire series.
I didn't like the ending, as i thought it was a bit to happy and cheesy lol although they all deseved to be that happy.

A bit that confused me was the creature near the end when harry was at kings cross talking to dumbledoor, was the creature the part of harry that was voldermort? the parts of voldermorts soul that harry had allready killed?
I just don't know does any one else have any ideas?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:44 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Hey I think that was Voldermort too. It confused me as

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:55 am
by sprayadhesive

I sort of figured that there was something like that going on with Lily and Snape, but purely because of the fan speculations. They had very convincing arguments on the internet hahahaha! I'm also glad that Snape was able to redeem his misjudgments that got Lily and James killed. He died knowing that he had done all he could to keep Lily's son safe. I'm even more glad that Harry accepted Snape's role in his parent's death and was able to accept the man that Snape became later in life, not the man that he was earlier.

JKR's been interviewed since then, and she said that she had Tonks and Lupin dying so as to sort of parallel Teddy to Harry. She said that she wanted to emphasize how horrible what was going on really was, and that absolutely no one was safe, so by killing off Teddy's parents, he was left in an almost identical position that Harry was left in. I see her reasoning behind killing them off, although I was sad to see them go. She's also said that one of the reasons she felt an epilogue was so pertinent was because she wanted readers to see that, despite Teddy being dealt such a short hand, he had Harry as his godmother and an extended family in the Potter's house. She wanted it to be clear that good things came out of what had happened. (And she's said that George would go on to name his eldest son Fred. Can I just take a moment to say how absolutely devastated I was when Fred died? Tears are in my eyes every time I read that part).

As for the thing in King's Cross, I think that it was the part of the soul that was in Harry.

I really enjoyed learning the full story behind Dumbledore and Grindlewald, especially since she kept dropping those teasing little hints that there was more to it than what was printed on the chocolate frog card. Dumbeldore's history showed his character's development and reasons for actions very well.

Has everyone been keeping track of her interviews and what she's been saying in regards to the Trio's future? Personally, I love her futures that she laid out of all of them... oh, and Ginny's and Luna's were especially brilliant. I can't wait for her to give us more little facts and tidbits like that. I don't think I'll be able to get enough.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:56 pm
by Human-traffic-accident
if you vist the following website you can find out every think rowling left out of the epilouge.