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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 100 Pg12 4/1

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:21 pm
by L-J-L 76
Princess Of Antar
Chapter 101

"The queen needed Liz to stay and help with some things," Max said.

"When will Liz be home Max?" Mrs. Parker asked.

"I don't know; all the queen said was that Liz would be home as soon as they're finished with their project," Max said

"That doesn't tell us much," Mr. Parker said.

"I know it doesn't and I wish Liz was here with us but she's not," Max said

"Max come on, let's all go home. You guys need to rest," Mrs. Evans said

And they all agreed.

As the days passed everyone was concerned about what was happening on Antar and with Liz. Since Max had been home he didn't eat much and he slept most of the time. His Parents and friends were getting more worried about Max and Liz everyday.

A Month later

Everyone was gathered at the Evans house for a get together and as Max, Isabel and Maria were sitting on the couch talking and laughing the door bell rang and Alex went to answer it. There was a Fed Ex delivery man holding a package; Alex signed for the package and walked back into the house and went into the living room where Max, Isabelle and Maria were seated. Alex opened the box and saw 2 video tapes and a letter. He read the letter and approached Max...

"Max?" Alex asked

"Yeah, what is it?" Max asked

"Play this," Alex said.

"What's on it?" Max asked

"I don't know but we need to play it," Alex said.

Max took the video tape from Alex and put it into the VCR as Alex went and sat down on the couch. They all looked at the TV; the screen was black for a second and then there was a picture; it was of a room on Antar. They all watched as Liz appeared on the TV; the room got very quiet.

"No. I won't do it. You can't make me," Liz said.

That is when a man grabbed Liz on the arm and squeezed.

"You will do as I say," Kivar said

"Why should I? You killed my husband, my brother and my friends, you can just go to hell kivar," Liz said.

They watched as Kivar pulled Liz closer to him.

"Look, if you don't I'll kill your family; and you will watch them all die," Kivar said.

Liz got mad and spit in Kivars face. Kivar raised his hand and slapped Liz on the face and then he punched her in the stomach. Liz stood up and glared at kivar.

"You will never replace my husband, my brother, Zan and Rath. They were much better men then you will ever be," Liz said.

Kivar back handed Liz. She flew across the room and hit the wall. Liz stood up and looked at Kivar.

"Leave. I have funerals to plan. And don't think about showing up," Liz said.

"I will be where I want to be. You can't stop me princess," Kivar said.

"Oh I will. If it is the last thing I ever do," Liz said

Liz watched as Kivar walked out of the room. She walked over to her bed and sat down. A few seconds later Larek and Serena walked into the room and saw bruises,cuts and blood on Liz and they rushed to Liz's side to help her.

"What happened?" Serena asked

"Kivar paid me a visit. He is coming to the funerals. He is up to something. But I don't know what it is," Liz said.

"Good thing Max and the others are not here. Who knows what they would have done." Larek said.

"Larek?" Liz said.

"Sorry," Larek said.

"Liz do you want me to heal you? These bruises and cuts look bad," Serena said.

"Um, yeah, sure," Liz said.

Serena waved her hands over Liz and a few seconds later Liz was healed. After Serena healed Liz she stood up and walked out onto the bacony and looked out towards the woods. Larek and Serena stood behind her.

"Liz you need your rest. Tomorrow is the funerals," Larek said.

"I know. God I hope we can do this," Liz said.

"We can. Max and the others are safe. No one will find them," Serena said.

"I know that. But I just miss them," Liz said.

"I know you do, I miss our brother too. But as long as he is with the others he's safe," Serena said.

Max, his parents and his friends all looked at each other and wondered who they were talking about. They turned and looked at the TV again.

"You know Michael has been looking for his family since forever; then he comes here and finds out he has 2 sisters but when he leaves for home he forgets," Liz said.

"We wanted him to be safe. I think he will understand when he knows the truth," Serena said.

"No Michael is going to be very mad when he finds out" Liz said

"Well lets hope he will forgive us when he finds out," Serena said.

"Um, yeah right," Liz said

"We better get some sleep since tomorrow is the funerals," Larek said.

"Yeah," Liz said.

Liz turned and watched as Serena and Larek walked out of the room. she went to her bathroom and changed into a slip and then went to her bed and laid down, pulled the covers over her and went to sleep.

In the morning

When Liz woke up she went to her closet and chose a black short sleeved gown and headed into her bathroom to take a shower. She got dressed and went into her room and chose to wear her Antar choker and also her necklace that had a cross on it. After her jewlery was on she looked down at her wedding ring Maxhad given to her on their wedding day when she was on earth with him. She started to cry as she thought of Max and the others and then there was a knock at the door, Serena and Larek were standing there waiting...

"Ready?" Larek asked

"Yeah," Liz said.

They walked down the hallway to a room where all of the caskets were and made their way to the front row of seats and sat down. A preacher took his place in front of the mourners.

"Today we are gathered here to say our good byes to our loved ones. Where they are there is nothing but peace now. They are with God, and are watching over us. Now let us pray: Dear God in heaven please keep our friends with you and protect them. Be with us in spirit we pray. Amen," The Preacher said

Everyone walked up to the caskets and said their good byes. When Liz went to the caskets she touched and kissed each one of them. Liz cried as she touched Max and Michael's caskets and right at that moment Kivar walked in. All the people turned and looked at him and then they turned away and said their goodbyes.

After everyone said their good byes the Preacher, the people and the pall bearers left for the grave sites. When they got to the graves the towns men put the caskets into the ground and covered them with dirt; Liz walked up to the graves.

"We are going to miss you. You were always there when we needed you. You were easy to talk to; please watch over us and protect us. I will always love you. You were my family and you will always be my family. You will always be with me and everyone else." Liz said as she laid roses on the graves.

Everyone laid roses after Liz did, when the services were over Liz went back to her room and laid on her bed and cried. She cried all day and night til she fell asleep.

That is where the video ended. Max, Parents and friends all looked at each other.

"What happened next?" Maria asked.

What no one knew was Liz, Larek and Serena were hidding somewhere on earth