Romancing The Heart{CC,AU,Mature}The End 3/7

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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L-J-L 76
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 87 Pg19 7/12

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 88

"This place is beautiful!" Liz sighed...

"Come on... I'll show you the rest of it."

Max took Liz by the hand and took her through the cabin...first the kitchen then the living room and dining room and after that they went upstairs. Max stopped at the door next to the top of the stairs and opened it. Liz looked in and saw it was a bedroom and she turned and looked at Max.

"Um, This is my room." Max said sheepishly.

"This is nice." Liz said.

They walked across the hall to another door which Max opened and the room was full of weapons. Liz turned and looked at Max

"What is this room?" She asked in shock.

"This would be the, um, training room." Max said.

"Oh." Liz said.

They walked to the room next to Max's room and Liz opened the door this time and saw it was a bathroom all decorated in black. Liz didn't know what to think of this... Max pulled Liz into the room next to the bathroom without explaining and when Max opened the door Liz saw it was another bathroom. Liz turned and looked at Max and then she turned and walked through the door behind them and when she opened that door she saw it was a bedroom. She turned and looked at Max.

"How many rooms do you have?"

"There are 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms." Max said

"Oh, wow that seems nice."

"Your room is next to the bathroom. I hope that is okay..." Max asked

"Yeah, sure." Liz said.

Max put Liz's bag in her room then turned toward Liz and Liz noticed Max looking at her.

"So what are we doing?" Liz asked

"I was thinking we should just relax." Max said

"That sounds good to me," Liz said.


"Max, what is out back?"

"Oh, um, there is a lake behind the cabin."

"Cool. I'm going to change and check it out."

"Okay. I'll be out in a few and join you." Max said.


Liz went into her room, shut the door and changed then a few minutes later she went down stairs and didn't see Max...she looked around and then yelled...


"I'm in the kitchen." He yelled back.

Max turned when he heard her footsteps and then he saw Liz standing in the doorway wearing a black bikini top and shorts, his mouth dropped open...


"N- nothing. So um what do you need?"

"Do you have a towel? And how do you get to the lake?" Liz asked.

"Um, there are towels on the case by the door just give me a sec and I'll take you down." Max said.


Max walked out of the kitchen with Liz and when they got to the door Max grabbed 2 towels and then he opened the door. They walked out onto the deck and Max turned and shut the cabin door behind him. Then he walked Liz down the steps. They walked down a hill til they got to another deck that sat out over the lake and had some chairs sitting around on it. They put their towels down on a couple of chairs and looked around. Liz walked to the edge of the deck and sat down and dangled her feet in the water. Max stood by a chair watched Liz. she turned around and looked up at Max.

"Max is anyone else out here? Is anyone near us?" Liz asked.

"Um no, no one lives near us. And no, no one comes out here.. Why are you asking?" Max asked.

"Um, I just wondered if anyone would be out here."

"Liz you know you can swim as long as I am with you." Max said.

"Good. Will you please turn around." Liz asked.

"Um. okay." Max said as he turned away from Liz.

When Max turned his back Liz took off her bikini top and shorts and jumped into the water. Max turned and saw Liz's head bobbing above the water and then he looked down and saw her clothes on the deck, he raised his head and looked at Liz.

"Liz are these your clothes?"

"Yeah why?"

"Liz, please put your clothes on?"

"No I don't want to."

"Liz you know this is not funny,"

"Yes it is,"

"No. It is not. Now come out of that water."

Liz and Max looked at each other. Then Liz ducked down, turned her body away from Max and went swimming. Max sat in the chair and watched...a few minutes later his fell to the side and he went to sleep. Liz watched Max as she got out of the water and put her clothes on. She turned and saw Max was still asleep when she had finished and she walked up to Max and sat next to him and then she reached out and moved his hair away from his face. She stood up to leave when Max grabbed her arm. She turned and looked at him.



"I was about to go in and change clothes. Do you want to go back with me?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'll walk back with you," Max said.

"Okay... lets go," Liz said.

They walked up the hill to the cabin where Max opened the door and Liz walked in. when Max entered the cabin Liz was already running up the stairs.

While Liz was upstairs Max went into the kitchen and started to fix dinner. A few minutes later Liz showed up wearing a light blue spaghetti strapped ankle length dress, Max stopped what he was doing and looked at Liz...


"Nothing. So are you ready to eat?' Max asked.

"Yeah, sure,"

Max turned and pulled a tray out of the oven as Liz watched. He put fish on plates and then he put salads on other plates. He turned and looked at Liz.

"Here's our dinner." Max said, "I hope you like fish."

"It smells really good." Liz said

Max took the plates and set them on the table. Liz turned and watched as Max got the drinks and glasses and set them on the table as well. She watched as he poured wine for them and after everything was set Max led Liz to the table and sat down. They sat side by side and Liz looked at Max and smiled.

"So are you ready to eat?" Max asked.

"Um sure," Liz said.

They ate silently and when they were both finished, they cleaned up the kitchen and then went to sit in the living room...they were both silent they didn't know what to say to each other.

"So," Max said

"Yeah? " Liz said.

"How was the water?" Max asked.

"The water was warm... Max what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting different. So what is going on?"

"Nothing is going on."

"Yeah, right..." Liz was getting a little testy..." While we're here you stay away from me until you can talk to me, and not act so strange!" Liz said and then she walked up the stairs to her room.

When she got to her room she slammed the door and went and sat on the bed. She started to cry and then laid down fell fast asleep.


Max stood up and looked out the window. He thought about everything Liz had said and all the things that have happened and he knew he wanted to be with her but he was afraid that he would hurt her. So he decided to do what Liz asked of him. Max sat down on the couch and it wasn't long before he was fast asleep also.

In the morning:

Liz woke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing and reached to the nightstand and grabbed it and said....


"Liz is that you?" A voice asked.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"Liz it's me, Beauty." The voice said...

Liz sat up and looked around.

"Beauty what is wrong?" Liz asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Beauty what is going on?" Liz could tell by her voice that something wasn't right.

"Okay. We are looking for my brothers and we are planning on coming to see you and Maria really soon." Beauty said.

"Beauty, I'll help if I can. what do you want me to do?" Liz asked

"I don't know if you and Maria can do anything."

"We will. Send your brothers' info to my computer. And we will try and help you guys."

"Are you sure?" Beauty asked.

"Yes I'm sure. Now send me everything you've got on your brothers and we'll help." Liz said.

"Liz thank you. You're the best. I'll send everything to you this evening," Beauty said.

"Okay. I'll be waiting. Don't worry we'll find them."

"I hope it's soon Liz."

"Yes. Call me if you need anything," Liz said.

"We will. Please stay safe."

"We will. You too," Liz said as she closed the cell phone
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 88 Pg 19 7/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 89.

When Liz turned she saw Max was standing in the doorway.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear your friend wants you to find her brother," Max said.

"Yeah, so."

"Liz what are you, Maria, Al and beauty? What do you really do?"

" I'm not saying anything until you tell me what is going on." Liz said.

"Liz?" Max questioned

" get out so I can get dressed," Liz said.

Liz watched as Max walked out of her room and she slammed the door in Max's face. She walked over to her bed and sat down and started to cry. She didn't know what to do about Max she hadn't even noticed that Max changed til now. A few minutes later she headed downstairs and found Max in the kitchen making breakfast. Max turned when he heard heard her and saw that she was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt, they just stood and looked at each other.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Liz, the reason why I seem a little different is because there is a lot going on... I have a lot on my mind," Max said.

"What's going on and what kind of things do you have on your mind?"

"I have to do some things for Toney and I still have things that need to get done for myself." Max said.

"You know it doesn't help you when you're acting weird."

"Liz... you know how I am."

"Yeah I know. But I like the guy that is nice, kind and caring. Not this guy who works all the time." Liz said.

"Liz I'm still that guy but I have to do other things. And I'm trying to be both guys here."

"How long are we here for?"

"About a week, why?"

"Good. For the week we are here you are to be the nice, sweet, caring, kind guy that I know. No worrying or thinking about anything! You just have fun. Deal?"

"Yes deal," Max said with a grin.

"Good, from now on you are going to have fun."

"Um OK," Max said.

Liz grabbed Max by the hand, took him out to his car, got in and Liz started the car and drove off. She took off...driving fast and passing all the cars, Max didn't know what to think as he watched Liz drive.

"Um Liz, can you please slow down and follow the speed limit?" Max asked as he reached for his seat belt.

"Max this is the way I always drive so will you please, please stop freaking me out?" Liz asked.

Right at that moment Max's cell phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Max asked.

"Hey Max how is everything going?" Michael asked

"Liz! The car in front of us!" Max all but yelled...

"Don't worry," Liz said.

"What is going on?" Michael asked.

"Liz?" Max yelled

"Max relax everything is fine," Liz said.

"Help!" Max yelled.

"Max! What is going on?" Maria and Michael asked.Apparently Michael had the phone on speaker.

"Liz is driving," Max yelled.

"Liz is driving?" Michael asked.

"Liz! Turn! A car's coming at us!" Max said.

"Max! Stop! You're making me nervous!" Liz yelled...

"I'm making you nervous? You're driving like a crazy person." Max yelled.

"Max! I'm not driving crazy! This is how I always drive." Liz said.

"You're going to get us killed," Max said.

"And you need to relax and have some fun," Liz said.

"Michael are you still there?" Max asked

"Yeah," Michael said

"Help!," Max said.

"What is going on?" Michael asked.

"Oh, lets just say Liz is driving like a maniac. She's speeding, weaving in and out of traffic," Max said.

"Wait... Liz is driving?" Maria asked

"Yeah, why?" Max asked.

"Max, she's got my driving skills. She is an excellent driver. She's just trying to get you to relax and have fun," Maria said.

"Or she is trying to kill you," Michael said.

"Michael, Liz would not do that. She is a great driver, just like me," Maria said.

"OK. Max make sure you have your seat belt on," Michael said.

"My set belt is on. Liz car... car.. car," Max yelled as he pointed in front of them

Liz shot past the car and kept on driving. Max turned and looked at Liz then looked at the road.

"Liz you're never going to drive my car again," Max said.

"Yeah, right. Max just sit back and enjoy the ride," Liz said.

"Michael?" Max asked.

"Yeah?" Michael asked

"If I live through this, please remind me to never let Liz have my keys or drive my car again...OH SHIT!!!" Max yelled.

Right at that moment the road started to curve...

"Max! What?" Michael asked.

"On a curvy road...and I don't like this," Max said.

"What?" Maria asked.

"Liz is still going too fast. Are we there yet?" Max begged.

"Twenty more minutes and we will be there," Liz said.

"Michael did you hear that?" Max asked.

"Yeah. Max just listen to her. Maybe you'll have fun," Michael said.

"I'll try, if I live. Talk o you later... hopefully," Max said.

"Yeah later," Michael said.

Max closes his cell phone and looked around. A few minutes later Liz pulled up to a carnival, they both get out of the car and looked at each other.

"What are we doing here?" Max asked.

"We are here to have fun," Liz said.


"Come on," Liz said. as she dragged Max with her.

They walked up to the ticket booth and got two blanket tickets that would take them on all of the rides and then went through the gates and walked around.

Liz grabbed Max by the arm and took him and walked over to a roller coaster, they gave the man their tickets and got on. They sat together, got locked in and then they turned to look at each other and then, as the roller coaster started its' slow take off they looked forward. The roller coaster started it's' steady climb into the air, really high, and then started to fall. As it was falling Liz was screaming and Max grabbed her hand. The roller coaster kept going down as Max and Liz held hands and Liz continued screaming.

When the ride was over Max helped Liz get off the ride... she gathered her wits and pulled Max to another ride called the scrambler. They sat next to each other once again. As the ride started Liz started to slide towards Max and when the ride started to go faster Max and Liz kept sliding from one side to the other, always towards each other. After that ride was over they got off and went on to another one. Two hours later, after riding all the rides available, some twice, they walked out of the carnival and back to Max's car.

Liz unlocked the doors but Max got into the drivers side. They drove in silence all the way back to the cabin and Max never took his eyes off the road the entire trip.

About a half hour later Max was parked in front of the cabin and Liz got out of the car and walked to the door. Max followed her to the door and unlocked it and watched as Liz walked in. He walked in and shut the door behind him. When he turned he saw that Liz was looking at him....

"What?" Max asked

"Did you have fun today?" Liz asked.

"Yes, I did, and you were right, I needed it."

"Good." And Liz looked at Max strangely,

"What?" Max asked.

"Tell me the truth, what is bothering you?"

"It's because I have a lot on my mind and I have a lot to do," Max said.

"Max, whatever it is it might be a little dangerous and that worries me," Liz said.

"I promise, whatever I have to do is not dangerous. Nothing is going to happen to me. So can we just have fun while we're here?" Max asked.

"Yes we can," Liz said.

"Good," Max said.

"Yeah... good," Liz said.

Liz looked at Max then turned, walked up the stairs and down the hall to her room as Max's cell phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Max asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 89 Pg20 8/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 90

"Max is everything going okay with Liz?" Michael asked

"Everything is fine now. What is going on there?"

"Oh, everything is fine here. Toney has been asking about you and Liz though,"

"What have you been telling him?"

"I told him I didn't know where you were but you should be back by next week." Michael said.

"What did he say to that?"

"He seems fine with it. He told Maria and me that Alice left yesterday to see her mom."

"That's good news. Is anything else going on?" Max asked.

"Everything's good. Nothing weird is going on." Michael said.

"That's good."

"Okay. what is really going on?" Michael asked.

"Liz is telling me I'm acting weird and I keep telling her nothing is going on. I have a lot on my mind but I don't think she believes me."

"Max, don't worry about Liz. You need to work out your plan and hope it works."

"I know. I'm still trying to come up with something." Max said.

"Well, let me know what you decide." Michael said.

"Yeah, okay."

Okay. Talk to you later." Michael said before hanging up.

Max closed his cell phone then turned and looked upstairs and saw no one there. He went up the stairs and then down the hall and knocked on Liz's door.


"Can I come in?"


Max opened the door and saw that Liz sitting on her bed waiting for him. He entered the room and went over to Liz...


"I just wanted to let you know Alice left yesterda and Toney is wondering about the two of us." Max said.

"What is he wondering?" Liz asked.

"He wants to know what's going on." Max said.

"Max, there is nothing going on, just like you said."



Max sat on the bed and as they looked at each other Max raised his hand and touched Liz's cheek and then they leaned in and kissed. The kiss started out to be soft and tender and soon turned hot and passionate. Liz leaned back, taking Max with her, they touched each other as they kissed and soon they were removing each others clothes. They continued kissing and enjoying each others bodies and then Max entered Liz in one quick movement. They continued kissing as they were moving against each other and then they both went over the edge calling each others name. Afterward they fell asleep in each others arms. They awoke In the middle of the night and made love a couple more times before finally falling into a deep sleep in each others arms.

In the afternoon:

When Max awoke and saw Liz sleeping next to him it put a smile on his face as he watched her sleep. Liz woke up and saw Max watching her and they smiled as they looked at each other.

"What?" Liz asked.

"You know you look beautiful when you sleep." Max said.

"Thanks." Liz said embarrassingly.

"So what do you want to do today?" Liz continued...

"I don't know. What would you like to do?" Max asked.

"I would like to stay in bed with you." Liz said.

"Oh you would." Max teased.

"Yes." Liz blushed...

"So you want to stay in bed all day and ravish each other?" Max asked

"Yes. That is what I want to do. What do you think?" Liz asked.

"I think we're already doing that and you know... this could be painful if we did this all day." Max said.

"Yeah, But it could be fun too," Liz said as she touched Max's chest.

"You know you're going to kill me if you keep this up." Max said.


"So..." Max said as he rolled on top of Liz.

"Yeah., So." Liz said.

Max and Liz leaned in and kissed again. The kiss was tender and soft. Then the kiss became hot and passionate. Max entered Liz in one quick movement. They both moved against each other. When Max and Liz went over the edge they both yelled each others name and then smiled.

For the rest of the week Max and Liz made love. They would occasionally get dressed, get something to eat and go back to bed. they would go swimming or to the amusement park or just stay in and watch TV.

Max was always the first to wake up always finding Liz still asleep.

Max pushed the covers off and stood up, grabbed his clothes and got dressed, went down the stairs, walked into the living room and looked out the window. As he was looking out the window his cell phone started to ring, he reached into his pocket, took it out and said....

"Hello." It was Michael.

"Hey, how's everything going?"

"Everything's fine. Liz and I should be back the day after tomorrow."

"Max, you sound weird what happened."

"Nothing. Liz and I are doing great here."

"Then why do you sound like something is wrong? Are we still faking your death?" Michael asked.

"Nothing is wrong. And yes we are going to fake my death and don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry. No one will know what we're up to."

"I hope you're right. How are things going with Maria?" Max asked.

"Everything is fine. We spent a couple of days together and that was fun. What about you and Liz?"

"Everything is good here as well. Liz and I are talking and... we are being friendly towards each other, so everything is good."

"That's great. Hopefully when you get home everything will still be that way." Michael said

Yeah, hopefully."

"Where is Liz?" Michael asked.

"She"s still in bed. Where's Maria?"

"She is still in bed too. Max are you sure you want to do this? Fake your death I mean." Michael asked.

"Yeah, you know I want to. I'm just worried about what's going to happen after we do this. Michael promise to keep an eye on Liz and Maria?"

"You know I will... I won't let anything happen to them no matter what," Michael said.

"Yeah, I know. That's just my biggest worry." Max said.

"So when are you planning on doing this?" Michael asked.

"We'll wait til after I'm home for a couple of weeks. Hopefully by then we'll find out something and the hit men will come out out of hiding." Max said.

"Yeah, maybe they will. And maybe whoever else is out there will come out from hiding too." Michael said.

"That's what I'm hoping for. I'm just worried about what's going to happen to the girls."

"Yeah, that's what has me worried too. I don't know why I keep thinking we need to keep them safe. But how?" Michael asked.

"Who knows. Hopefully we can work it out and no one will get hurt." Max said.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Michael said

"We'll talk more when we get back." Max said.

"OK. See you soon...and have some fun." Michael said.

Max turned and saw Liz standing in the doorway wearing a blanket around her, he walked over to her and they stood face to face.

"Max what is going on? Why do you and Michael want to keep Maria and me safe?" Liz asked

"Nothing is going on. I told Michael we'll be home soon and to make sure everything is safe." Max said.

"Max,you're lying. What are you really up to? I want the truth." Liz said
L-J-L 76
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Posts: 2543
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 90 Pg20 8/9

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 91

"Liz nothing is going on," Max said.

"Max you're lying, why won't you tell me the truth?"

"Liz, i'm worried about what's going to happen when we leave here and what's going to happen when we get home?"

"Max, everything will be OK, so just stop."

"You know I can't stop worrying. I just want to make sure everyone is safe."

"I know that but you need to stop, we are all fine. Nothing has happened and maybe nothing will."

"Maybe you're right." Max said, not really believing his words.

"So who was on the phone?" Liz wanted to know.

"It was Michael. He told me no one was at your house and I told him we hadn't seen anyone out here either."

" seems like they only want you, which we already know, but they still follow everyone, which is weird." She said, while still in thought.

"I know... it is weird...but we can't do anything about that."

"Max...we need to think of a way to find Spike's brother and stop him."

"I don't know if we can or not. Stop him that is."

"Well we need to do something before someone gets hurt or worse, even dead!"

"I know that. But I don't know how we're going to find him."

"We'd better think of something." Liz all but shouted in frustration.

"We will." Max said assuredly.

Right at that moment Max's cell phone started to ring,

"Hello," Max said

"Hey Max. This is Toney. When you get back I need you to go and check out a place for me."

"Yeah, sure. What's the address?"

"It's at a pier called Lucky. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, I know the place."

"You go to warehouse 3 and make sure it's clear. Can you do that?" Toney asked

"Yeah, why?"

"I need to make sure it's cleared out before I move anything in there." Toney said.

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Good. I was hoping you could. When are you coming back?" Toney asked.

"I can be back by the day after tomorrow. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Hey have you heard from Liz?"

"The last time I saw Liz was before I left. Why?" Max asked as he looked at Liz.

"I just wanted to talk to her. Do you know where she went?" Toney asked

"No. I heard her telling Maria she needed to get away for a couple of days. But I don't know where."

"Thanks Max."

"What's going on?" Max asked.

"Well sheI asked around and no one has seen Liz in a couple of days so I got worried. I just hope she's okay," Toney said.

"You know Liz, she'll be fine. Maybe she just needs a little break."

"Yeah, probably. I'd better go, I have a couple of things to do " Toney said.

"Okay. Talk to you later," Max said before closing his cell phone.

Max put his cell phone in his pocket and looked at Liz.

"Who was that?" Liz asked.

"That was Toney. He wants me to check something out when we get home and he's wondering where you are," Max said.

"Why is he wondering where I am?" Liz asked

"He said he wanted to talk to you about something,"

"Great. I wonder what that is. I guess I'll find out when we get home. By the way, when are we leaving?"

" The day after tomorrow, so all we have to do now is have fun." Max said, grinning at Liz...

"I wonder... just what are we going to do," Liz flirted...

"Well...we could go back to bed, or we could go swimming or watch tv, or go back to bed," Max flirted back...

"I say... how about all of the above! Are you up for that?" Liz giggled...

"Are you challenging me? Then yes I'm up for that! But the question is are you?" Max asked as he approached Liz with a grin...

"Yes..." Liz smiled.

"Then come on," Max said as he grabbed Liz by the hand and ran up the stairs.

Max caught Liz and spun her around and sat her down on the bed. They both looked at each other as Max reached down and pulled the blanket off, lifting Liz slightly as he did. When the blanket was off the bed Max took started to take off his shirt and watched as Liz walked up to him and started helping him undress. When they got to his boxers Max started undressing Liz and then they moved to the bed and lay down.

Max managed to scoot his boxers from his body before reaching down and pulling the covers over them. Then he and Liz leaned in and kissed, the kiss was very soft and tender as they wrapped themselves in each others arms. Then they became very passionate. As Max and Liz were kissing they were feeling each others bodies next to each other. Max moved himself on top of Liz, leaning on his forearms and holding her face in his hands. He pulled back, looked into Liz's eyes, and smiled as he entered her. They looked at each other as they moved against each other. When they went over the edge they moaned each others name. Max leaned in and kissed Liz tenderly as he pulled out of Liz, taking her with him as he laid on his back, Liz laying on his chest.

It wasn't long before they fell fast asleep in each others arms. They had dreams of being together and didn't worry about anyone nor anything else... as the sun was shining into the room Max awoke and pulled Liz closer to him into a loving hug and then a few hours later they awoke and looked at each other.

"Hey," Max said.

"Hey," Liz said.

They sat up and smiled at each other.

"How are you?" Max asked

"I feel great," Liz said.

"Good. We'd better get up so we can go out and see what kind of fun we can scrape up." Max said.

"Ok," Liz said as she pulled the covers off and stood up.

Liz grabbed her clothes that were scattered around the floor and walked out of the room. She went to her room and took some clean underwear from the dresser and then headed to the closet to find something to wear. She found a pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After she was dressed she headed downstairs to the kitchen where she grabbed a cup of coffee and started to look out the window. When Max came in to join her that was the scene that greeted him.

"Hey," Max said.

"Hey," Liz said.

Max grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee and joined Liz where she was standing...

"What?" Liz asked.

"Liz, what's wrong?" Max asked.

"Max we leave tomorrow and I'm not really ready to go but we have to go back, I know that," Liz said.

"Liz I know your not happy about it, but I still work for Toney and Toney still needs me to do somethings," Max said.

"Does Toney count on you and Michael for everything?" Liz asked.

"Yes he does. But . . . .,"Max said.

"But what?" Liz asked.

"Liz there is a lot going on. We all have things to do."

"What are you going to do about the brother that wants you dead?"

"Don't worry Michael and I will take care of it,"

"You know that doesn't make me feel any better,"

"Liz everything is going to be fine. What could go wrong,"

"A lot could go wrong! You could end up dead for one thing!"

"Liz, you need to stop worrying."

"Whatever." Liz said, disgusted with the entire conversation.

"Liz, everything is going to be, fine stop worrying."

"Whatever," Liz said once again.

"Liz... question. What are you going to do about the men your father has out looking for you?" Max asked.

"Max, that is my problem not yours. So don't worry about it. I can handle my dad," She said before walking out of the kithen.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 91 Pg21 8/19

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 92

Max got a weird look of his face, turned, and walked out of the kitchen. He caught up with Liz, grabbed her by the arm and turned her to face him. They just stood there and looked at each other.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Max all I am saying is I'll handle my father and his men. Like you are going to be handling that brother and whoever else comes along."

"You know that doesn't make me feel any better," Max said.

"Oh well, you'll just have to deal with it!"

Liz jerked her arm free from Max and ran up the stairs to her room where she slammed the door shut. Max looked up when he heard the door slam and then walked over to the window and looked out. Everything looked so nice and peaceful to him out there. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, flipped it phone open and dialed a number and waited for three rings before someone answered.

Hello," Maria said.

"Hey Maria can I talk to Michael?" Max asked.

"Yeah, sure hold on."

Maria handed Michael the phone...

"Hello," Michael said.

"Hey it's me... I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong?"

"Lets just say things are going a little crazy right now."

"What happened this time?"

Right at that moment Liz walked into the living room, took his phone away from him and she heard Michael's voice say...


"You want to know what your asshole friend did?" Liz yelled.

"Liz?" Michael was surprised to say the least...

"Yes. Do you want to know what your asshole friend did?"

"Um, sure. What did he do this time?" Michael asked.

"Your friend is a jerk. Do you know what he has planned?" Liz asked.

"No... What does he have planned?" Michael asked.

"So you don't know?" Liz asked.

"No. I don't know. Will you just tell me?" Michael asked.

" He is going to handle that brother alone," Liz said.

"He just said that Liz. You know how Max is," Michael said.

"Yeah, your friend is an asshole. Nothing will ever change that," Liz said.

"Liz right now Max is being very protective of all of us.," Michael said.

"Michael, he doesn't need to be protective of me and Maria. We know how to handle ourselves very well,"Liz said.

"Wait. What do you mean you and Maria know how to handle yourselves very well," Michael asked.

"Me and Maria took 4 years of self defense classes and we also took Karate, shooting instructions and also boxing," Liz said.

"You and Maria did all that? Why?" Michael asked

"We needed to be ready for whatever my father would try," Liz said.

"What do you mean, try?" Michael asked.

"Michael I don't want to talk about it," Liz said

"Liz is your father bad?" Michael asked.

"Yes," Liz said.

"Is he dangerous?" Michael asked.

"Sometimes," Liz said.

"Liz are you and Maria sure he doesn't know?" Michael asked

"Yes Michael, we're sure he doesn't know," Liz said.

"Good. I don't want to see you or Maria hurt by this guy," Michael said.

"And we don't want to see you or Max get hurt by him either," Liz said.

"So what do you think we should do?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. All I do know is something bad is going to happen," Liz said.

" I don't know what it could be. But whatever it is we will be able to handle it," Michael said.

"Handle which one Michael?" Liz asked

"Both of them if we have to," Michael said

"Yeah, whatever. Do you want to talk to the asshole?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, let me talk to him," Michael said.

"OK," Liz said.

Liz pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at Max.

"Michael wants to talk to you," Liz said.

"OK," Max said.

Liz handed the phone to Max and walked out of the room. She went back up the stairs, to her room and shut the door.

Meanwhile in the living room. Max sat down on the couch.

"Hey," Max said

"Boy you need to make sure you fix that situation up and try to have some fun tonight before it's time to leave," Michael said.

"Yeah, I'll try,"Max said.

"When are you and Liz leaving?" Michael asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Max said.

"Oh, OK. So you'll be home tomorrow between what?" Michael asked.

"We'll be there around noon, will you and Maria be there?" Max asked

"Yeah, we will be." Michael said.

"Good have you talked to Toney?" Max asked.

"No. But I might call him and check and see what's going on," Michael said.

"OK. Let me know," Max said

"Sure thing. I'd better go," Michael said.

"OK, Bye."

After Max closed his cell phone. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. It was just a few minutes later that he was asleep.

In Liz's room:

Liz walked up to the window and looked out. She didn't see anything but the trees and the lake...and then she slowly turned and went over to her closet. She opened the closet door and pulled out her bag and set it on the bed. Then she started grabbing her clothes out and packing them. After she was all packed she noticed it was already evening. She opened her door, walked down the hallway quietly and headed downstairs. She turned into the living room where she saw Max sleeping and as she was about to leave she noticed Max's phone. She went over to the table, grabbed the phone and went into the kitchen. She decided to make herself a snack and while she was eating Max's phone started to ring, she flipped the phone open and put it to her ear.

"Hello." Toney said.

"Hello," Liz said.

"Who is this?" Toney asked.

"Toney, it's me Liz. What's going on?" Liz asked.

"Nothing's going on. What are you doing with Max's phone? Where is Max? And... where are you?" Toney asked.

"I have Max's phone because he's asleep. I don't know where we are but Max and I are just hanging out. You know, as friends," Liz said.

"Oh. Um do you guys know when you're coming home?" Toney asked

"Um... no. I don't," Liz said.

"So how have you been? Are you OK?" Toney asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've been keeping busy with work and helping Maria out," Liz said.

"Oh. Well that's good," Toney said.

"How are you? Do you know when Alice is coming back?" Liz asked.

"I'm fine. I don't know when I'll see Alice."

"So... you having fun with Max?"

"Yeah. Its nice,"

"Are you ready to go to go back to work?"

"Not really. But I know I need to," Liz said,

Liz turned and saw Max standing in the door way looking at her. She watched Max approach her...

"I gotta go," Liz said before closing the phone.

"Who was that?" Max asked with a nod toward the phone...

"That was Toney. He wants you to call him when you wake up."

"OK," Max said.

"Max what's going to happen between us when we get home?" Liz asked.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"Max, I want to know about us? Are we just friends or are we friends with benefits or what? Please just tell me the truth?" Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 92 pg21 10/21

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 93

"Liz we are friends with benefits and when we get home we'll just act like friends. Like nothing happened between us," Max said.

"Fine! Just don't think anything is ever going to happen between us again," Liz said.

"Do you already have your things packed?" Max asked, ignoring her statement.

"Yes. Everything is already packed. What about you?" Liz asked.

"No. I'm going to go back now," Max said.

"What time are we leaving here?" Liz asked.

"We are leaving here at 8:00 a.m. We will be home by 12 p.m.," Max said.

"Okay... good," Liz said.

Liz watched as Max walked up the stairs and then she sat down on the couch and waited.

Meanwhile upstairs

As Max was packing his clothes he thought about what happened between him and Liz and how hard it was going to be not waking up next to her. He knew he had to do this so Liz wouldn't get hurt. As he packed he looked up and saw Liz standing in the doorway, They looked at each other...

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Max asked

"Yeah, why?" Liz asked.

"I just want to make sure. We better go if we want to be home by noon," Max said.

"Yeah," Liz said.

Max watched Liz walk out of the room then he picked up his suit case and followed her. As he walked down the stairs he noticed that Liz was watching him.

"What?" Max asked.

"I just wanted to let you know that you really know how to hurt someone by just words. I hope you don't do or say anything to hurt anyone else like that," Liz said.

"Liz, I was not trying to hurt you. All I'm saying is that we need to make sure the others are doing okay," Max said.

"I know that. And I know you've got to do things for Toney when we get back,"

"Yes I do."

"I know."

Come on we'd better go."

They grabbed their bags and made sure everything was turned off before they left, Max turned and locked the door and then he turned and followed Liz to his car and they drove off. They didn't talk as they were driving home; Liz kept looking out the window and Max kept his eyes on the road. A few hours later they were in town and were on the street where they lived. Max turned left and drove right up the driveway and he and Liz looked around as they got out of the car.

"Go ahead and go in. I'll grab the bags," Max said.

"Are you sure?" Liz asked.

"Yes, now go," Max said.

Liz walked up to the house and then she turned and looked at Max and then she noticed a car parked at Max's house. Max looked up and noticed Liz was looking behind him, he turned and saw the car parked as well and he quickly turned and grabbed the bags and ran to the door. He quickly pushed Liz into the house and shut the door behind him and when he turned around he saw Liz on the floor looking up at him. He set the bags down and helped Liz up and then they both looked at each other then turned as they heard a noise behind them.

"Michael!" Max yelled

"Maria!," Liz yelled

A few seconds later they heard foot steps and Max quickly stood in front of Liz getting ready for anything that might happen... they looked up and saw Michael and Maria looking at them from upstairs. They came down and stood in front of Max and Liz.

"God I missed you," Maria said as she hugged Liz

"I missed you too,"Liz said as he hugged her back.

Liz and Maria turned and saw the guys watching them.

"Where were you guys?" Maria asked.

"Max just wanted you and Michael to be alone for a couple of days," Liz said.

"That was really nice Max but you made us worry," Maria said.

"Michael why is there a car parked at our house?" Max asked.

"There is. Damn I didn't even notice," Michael said.

"Has Toney called or been by?" Max asked.

"Toney calls every 2 hours and has been here everyday to check on you and to see if we've heard from you," Maria said.

"Has there been any trouble since we've been gone?" Max asked.

"Not since you left the hit men disappeared. No one knows where they went and where they are," Michael said.

"Okay. That doesn't sound good," Max said.

"Tell me about," Michael said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Maria asked.

"Nothing important," Michael said.

"Liz come on. I'll help you unpack your things," Maria said.

Liz and Maria ran up the stairs to Liz's room. When Liz and Maria got into Liz's room Maria shut the door and they turned and looked at each other.

"Maria what is wrong?" Liz asked.

"I think you were right when you thought Max and Michael are planning something. I just can't figure out what it is though," Maria said.

"Maria who knows what those two could be planning," Liz said.

"I think it might be dangerous," Maria said

"Why would you say that?" Liz asked.

"Because they are being too secretive," Maria said.

"Yeah, they are that," Liz agreed.

"Come on we'd better go down stairs," Maria said.

"Yeah, I guess we'd better," Liz said.

Liz and Maria walked out of Liz's room and headed downstairs where they headed straight for the kitchen. They saw Max and Michael talking quietly at the counter, the guys didn't even notice them.

"Hey," Liz said.

Max and Michael turned and looked at the two girls...

"What?" Michael asked.

"What are you talking about?" Maria asked.

"Nothing you have to worry about. So what are we doing today?" Michael asked.

"Well I'm going to go to work. I don't know about you," Liz said.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"What? I need to get some things done," Liz said.

"What things?" Max asked.

"For me to know and for you to never find out," Liz quipped.

Maria and Michael watched as Max and Liz talked.

"Tell me," Max said.

"No," Liz said.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"Well I've got to go. I'll see you guys later," Liz said before walking out of the kitchen.

Max, Maria and Michael watched as Liz walked out of the kitchen and out the front door. Max looked at Michael and Maria.

"has it been like this while you've been gone?" Maria asked.

"Yes. And I think it might turn worse. And I don't even know why," Max said.

"Max whatever you did you need to let Liz calm down," Maria said.

"I know that. I just wish Liz would, I don't know, tell me what is wrong," Max said.

"Maybe she will, but I'm guessing not right now," Maria said.

"Did anything happen where you were?" Michael asked.

"No. We didn't get any calls or anything. It was just Liz and me hanging out," Max said.

"So the question is what are you going to do about it?" Maria asked.

"I guess I'll give her time and I'll keep an eye on her," Max said.

"How?" Michael asked.

"You'll find out. I'd better go," Max said before walking out of the kitchen and out the front door.

Michael and Maria turned and looked at each other.

"Something happened between them," Michael said.

"Yeah, But the question is what?" Maria said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 93 Pg22 11/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 94

Meanwhile at the club:

Liz was in the office cleaning when Max walked in, she turned and looked at him.

"What?" she asked.

"Liz will you please tell me what is wrong?" he asked

"Max, I know you are keeping something from me and whatever it is I just hope it's not dangerous or anything crazy."

"Liz don't worry everything will be fine."

"Well I hope your right."

"You know I'm right," Max said with a little grin...

"I'll hold you to that but if something happens then you'll be sorry," Liz said.

"OK, So what are you doing here?" Max asked

"I'm cleaning the office. Aren't you supposed to be talking to Toney?'

"Yes, but I wanted to check on you first."

"You know, that's really nice of you to check on me but I hope Toney won't be mad," Liz said.

"I doubt that," Max said.

Max walked up to Liz, they were standing close together now and Max leaned down and kissed Liz softly and tenderly. A few minutes later they pulled away and looked at each other.

"Why did you kiss me?" Liz asked.

"Because I wanted to," Max said.

"Max?" Liz asked.

Right at that moment there was a knock on the front door and Max turned and opened the office door and walked down the hallway to the front door. When he got to the door he saw Toney out there. He unlocked the door and opened it and Toney walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey! Where's Liz?" Toney asked.

"She's in the office, hold on and I'll go get her," Max said.

Max walked down the hall to the office and Liz just stood there looking at him.

"Who was it?" she asked

"It's Toney he's waiting in front for us," Max said.

"Toney? What is he doing here?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. Come on let's go find out," Max said.

They walked out of the office and down the hallway to the front and when Toney heard them he turned to look at them.

"Hey," Toney said

"Hey! what are you doing here?" Liz asked.

"I just wanted to come and check on you," Toney said

"How did you know I was here?' Liz asked.

"One of the people at the next store called me and let me know," Toney said.

"Oh," Liz said.

"Is everything OK?" Toney asked.

"Yeah, I was just cleaning the office," Liz said.

"Max what are you doing here?" Toney asked.

"I came here to see if Liz needed help," Max said.

"That's nice of you Max," Toney said.

"Thanks. Hey Toney did you need to talk to me about something?" Max asked.

"Yeah, Liz will you please excuse us?" Toney asked.

"Um, yeah. I'm just going to go back and finish up," Liz said before walking away.

Max and Toney turned and watched as Liz walked down the hall. and then turned and looked at each other.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Max asked.

"I need you to check out a warehouse for me and see if I can store things in there," Toney said.

"Yeah, sure I'll do that. When do you need me to check it out?" Max asked

"Can you do it sometime today or tomorrow?" Toney asked.

"Yeah, I'll go after I help Liz," Max said.

"OK. good," Toney said.

"Toney is anything wrong?" Max asked.

"No. I just got a lot on my mind is all," Toney said.

"Oh OK. Is there anything else?" Max asked.

"No. I'd better go. I've got to check on a couple of things," Toney said.

"See you later," Max said.

"Yeah,talk to you later," Toney said.

Max watched as Toney walked out of the club to his car. After Toney drove away he turned and saw Liz standing in front of him.

"What is going on?" Liz asked

"Nothing. Toney wants me to check something out for him," Max said.

"Are you?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Liz don't worry. I'll be back OK," Max said

"When are you going to go?" Liz asked.

"After I help you here," Max said.

"Oh OK," Liz said.

"Liz are you still mad?" Max asked.

"No. Come we'd better get started," Liz said.

They walked into the office and started to clean things up and as they were cleaning they would sneak a peak at each other and then turn away. A couple of hours later everything was nice and clean and they turned and looked at each other.

"I'd better go. I'll meet you back at your house," Max said.

"OK. You be careful," Liz said.

"I will see you later," Max said.

Liz watched as Max walked out of the club,she watched him get into his car and then drive off. She went back into the office and looked around, cheeking things out, then she turned off the lights and walked out the door. She locked up the club. and walked to her car got in and drove off. When Liz got home she went into the house and up to her room and changed clothes. After she changed clothes she went and laid down.

Meanwhile at the warehouse:

Max drove down to the pier Toney had wanted him to go to and he started looking for the warehouse. He stopped when he found the one he was looking for and as he was getting out of the car he looked around out of habit. He walked into the warehouse and looked around. All he saw was darkness and a little light coming form one of the windows inside. He turned and that is when he noticed a timer, he saw that it was counting down and then he noticed that he had one minute to get out of there. He ran to a window and jumped out as the warehouse blew up. A few seconds later Max looked up and saw nothing but fire, he dove into the water and swam to shore and hid under a pier when he heard sirens, he waited a few minutes then ran into the night.

In the morning:

Michael and Maria were in the kitchen when Michael's cell phone started to ring. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and answered,

"Hello," Michael said.

"Michael it's me Toney, I've got some bad news," Toney said

"What is it?" Michael asked

"It's about Max," Toney said.

"What about Max?" Michael asked.

"Max is dead," Toney said.

"What? How?" Michael asked.

"He went to check on a warehouse for me and it blew up," Toney said.

"Who told you?" Michael asked.

"The cops were here a few minutes ago. I'm on my way to your house now," Toney said.

"I'm at Maria and Liz's house," Michael said.

"OK see you in a few minutes," Toney said before closing his phone.

Michael closed his cell phone and looked at Maria, Maria looked at Michael.

"What is wrong?" Maria asked.

"Toney is on his way here.He has some bad news," Michael said.

"What?" Maria asked.

"You'd better go get Liz. She needs to know this," Michael said.

"OK," Maria said before running out of the kitchen.

Maria ran up the stairs to Liz's room and started to shake Liz awake,she woke up and looked at Maria.

"Liz you need to wake up, get dressed and come down stairs," Maria said.

"OK. Can you leave so I can get dressed," Liz asked groggily,

"Yeah, sure," Maria said before walking out of the room.

Liz watched as Maria ran out of her room, she got up and got dressed and after she was dressed she walked down the stairs and went into the living room. When she walked into the living room she saw Toney, Maria and Michael looking at her. Liz looked at them.

"What?" Liz asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 94 Pg22 11/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 95

"Liz you'd better sit down. We need to tell you something," Michael said.

Liz looked at Michael and Toney as she sat down and Maria walked over and sat next to her.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Liz asked

"Um, Liz I don't know how to say this, but to just say it," Toney said

"Say what?" Liz asked

"There was a fire at a warehouse, and it seems Max was there and um...," Toney said

"What happened? Is Max OK?" Liz asked nervously,

"Um no, I'm sorry to tell you this Liz but Max died in the fire," Toney said.

"No! You're lying! Max can't be dead!" Liz said softly...

"Liz, I'm sorry but he is,"Toney said.

"No!," Liz yelled as she stood up and ran to her room.

Michael, Maria and Toney watched as Liz ran up the stairs. They heard the door slam shut and then they all turned and looked at each other.

"I'd better go check on her," Maria said.

Maria was about to walk away when Michael grabbed her arm, she turned and looked at Michael.

"Maria let her be. She needs some time alone," Michael said.

"Michael I'm worried," Maria said.

"Don't worry," Michael said tenderly,

"Maria,she just lost her friend. She just needs time," Toney said.

"OK...I'll leave her alone for now," Maria said.

"I'd better go, I'll talk to you later," Toney said.

Maria and Michael watched as Toney walked out of the house then they turned and looked at each other.

"I still can't believe this," Maria said.

"I can't either,"Michael added.

"Do you want to stay here?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I think this is going to be hard on all of us,"Michael said.

Meanwhile in Liz's room:

Liz fell asleep crying. She didn't want to believe Max was dead, but she knew Michael and Toney would not lie to her. As she slept she dreamed about Max. How they became friends and so much more. How Max made her smile and how protective he was of her, she knew she was going to miss him.

In the living room:

"Do you think Liz will be OK?" Maria asked.

"I don't know. Max and Liz were good friends, we should just give her some time," Michael said.

"Yeah, okay," Maria said.

"Come, we need to keep busy or I'll go crazy," Michael said.

"Michael what are we going to do?" Maria asked.

"I don't know," he answered.

"Do you want me to help you plan the funeral?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, that would be great. I can't believe Max is dead," Michael said.

"I can't either. He was a great guy," Maria said.

"Yeah, he was," Michael said.

"You're going to miss him huh?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I am," Michael said softly.

"Don't worry I'll be here for you," Maria said gently.

"Thank you. I, um, I'd better go and get some clothes from my house. I'll be back in a few," Michael said, wiping his eyes as he turned away from Maria.

"Do you need me to go with you?" Maria asked, seeing the sadness emanating from Michael.

"No stay here. I think Liz needs you," he said.

"OK, come back soon," Maria said.

"I'll be back in an hour," he answered.


Maria watched as Michael walked out the door and across the street to his house. She watched him enter his house and then she sat down on the couch and waited for his return.

Meanwhile at Michael's:

Michael walked into the house and looked around a second and then he headed upstairs to his room. He opened the door and walked in, grabbed his bag from his closet he started packing his clothes. While he was packing he heard a noise behind him and he slowly reached into his bag and pulled out a gun. Michael turned and pointed the gun at the doorway and he saw Max standing there..Michael slowly lowered the gun and looked at Max.

"Max I thought you were dead,"

"No. I'm alive," and Max gave an attempt at smiling...

"What the hell happened?"

"Toney asked me to go check on a warehouse. I go and when I walk in I see a bomb. I ran and jumped out the window as the place blew up,"

"Where have you been?" Michael asked.

"I stayed under the pier for a while, and when things settled down a bit I came here. What is going on with you and the girls?" Max asked.

"Toney came over earlier and told us you were dead. Liz has been in her room crying and Maria can't get her to calm down," Michael said

"Oh God," Max said

"Yeah, Maria doesn't know what to do...I don't even know what to do so we just left her alone," Michael said.

"I don't know what to say," Max said sounding very bewildered and tired.

"What are you going to do now?" Michael wondered out loud.

"I'm going to stay here and try to find out who is trying to kill me," Max said.

"OK...what do you want me to do?" Michael asked.

"Here, wear this so I know what is going on with you and the girls," Max said as he handed Michael a wire.

"What am I suppose to do with this?" Michael asked.

"Hook it to your shirt. So that way I can hear what is going on," Max said

"OK fine," Michael said as he hooked the wire to his shirt.

After the wire was on the shirt Max and Michael both looked at each other.

"Good. I've got it hooked to a recorder so I can hear everything that is going on," Max said.

"Good, then you'll know if we need help or not," Michael said.

"Yeah, that's the plan and I'm going to try and find Spike's brother too," Max said.

"You know that is dangerous don't you?" Michael said.

"I know. But it has to be done," Max said.

"OK," Michael said.

"Yeah, Now I've just got to remember what his name was," Max said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Michael said.

"So anything else happening?" Max asked.

"No. I'm guessing Liz will be in her room for the rest of the day. I'd better go. I told Maria I would be back in an hour," Michael said.

"OK. Just watch your back and protect the girls," Max said

"I promise I will. You be careful. And don't do anything crazy and dangerous," Michael said.

"Yeah, right," Max said.

Michael walked out of the bedroom and headed to the door. Michael shut the door behind him and then he looked around as walked across the street. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary as he walked up the driveway to Liz and Maria's house. When he walked in he saw Maria sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong? Where's Liz?" Michael asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 95 Pg23 11/24

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter: 96

"Liz is still in her room. Michael I'm starting to worry about her," Maria said.

"Maria she just lost her friend. It will probably take her some time to get over this. Then again we never know if she ever will," Michael said.

"I know. I just hope she's OK," Maria said

"You know she will be; we just need to give her time," Michael said.

"Yeah, I know that; Michael can you stay here with us tonight?" Maria asked.

"Sure I'll stay, I want to make sure you are both safe."

"Thank you."

"No problem, come on," Michael said.

They walked up the stairs and down the hallway stopping at the bedroom between Liz' and Maria's rooms. Michael walked into the bedroom and set his bag on the bed and looked around and saw a TV on a dresser next to the door. Across from the dresser was a bed in front of the window and next to the bed was a desk with a lamp on it he then turned and looked at Maria.

"Wow this room is nice," Michael said.

"Yeah, well Liz and I decorated this room for any company that might stop by," Maria said.

While they were talking they heard Liz crying and they knew Liz was having a hard time and they both knew they had to be there for her.

Meanwhile in Liz's room:

Liz was sitting at her window seat looking out the windows, not even trying to control her tears. She was missing Max so much, she wished that he was here with her. Max always tried to cheer her up. She looked around her room for a second and then looked out the window again. While she sat there on the window seat Liz realized everything in her room reminded her of Max and that made her cry even harder. She didn't know if she would ever get over Max.

Meanwhile in the room next door:

Michael and Maria both looked at each other for a second and then walked out of the room, walked down the hallway past Liz's room and headed down the stairs. They went into the kitchen where Michael walked over to the freezer and Maria headed for the fridge. They were both looking for something to eat and a few minutes later they both came back with a pizza.

"I guess we are having pizza tonight," Michael said trying to make light of the situation.

They took the pizzas from the boxes and put them into the oven and then sat down and waited. Twenty minutes later, when the pizzas were ready Michael went to the oven and pulled them out, he cut the pizzas and put them on a plate. Maria turned and looked at Michael.

"Michael I'll be right back. I'm going to give this to Liz," Maria said.

"OK see you in a couple of minutes," Michael said.

"OK," Maria said before walking out of the kitchen.

She went upstairs and down the hallway, stopped at Liz's door, and knocked before walking into the room. She saw Liz was in bed so she quietly walked over to the bed and set the food down on the table then she turned and sat on the bed and Liz turned to look at her.

"Liz are you OK?" Maria asked with concern in her voice.

"I guess," Liz answered, as though she was in a fog.

"I brought you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry," Liz said in a monotone voice

"Liz you need to eat something."

"Fine. I'll try," Liz said.

"You miss Max huh?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I do," Liz said.

"Liz I know you're sad but please don't do this to yourself? You need to eat and live," Maria said.

"Give me time. I still can't believe Max is gone," Liz said.

"I know. Everything is going to be OK," Maria said.

"You know Max told me something before he left to go to that warehouse," Liz said.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry I didn't know," Maria said.

"How would you have known what Max said before he left?" Liz asked.

"I don't. What did Max say before he left?" Maria asked.

"He told me everything would be OK and that he would be careful and see me later. But I guess something happened," Liz said.

"Liz I don't know what to say," Maria said.

"Don't say anything. There is nothing to say," Liz said

"Come on sit up and eat something," Maria said.

"Alright," Liz said as she turned and looked at the plate.

Maria handed Liz the plate. noticing the Pizza she looked form the plate to Maria and just sat there...

"What is wrong?" Maria asked

"Nothing. How is Michael handling this?" Liz asked.

"He's doing ok. But he's in shock too."

"Yeah, I guess we're all in shock. I hope Michael will be OK," Liz said.

"You know he will. Michael is going to be staying with us for a while. I thought you should know," Maria said.

"At least he'll have us," Liz said.

"Liz I'm here for the both of you if you need me," Maria said.

"No. I think you need to be with Michael," Liz said.

"What about you?" Maria asked.

"Don't worry. I'll be OK. You need to be there for Michael," Liz said.

"I can be here for you too," Maria said.

"No I want you to stay with Michael," Liz said.

"OK. I thought you should know Michael and I are planning Max's funeral. Do you want to put any ideas in?" Maria asked.

"Um... can you make sure you let some people put roses on the casket?" Liz asked.

"Sure. What color roses?" Maria asked

"Fire and Ice roses. They are very pretty flowers," Liz said.

Yes they are. Anything else?" Maria asked

"Um... on top of the casket can you please put red and white roses too?" Liz asked

"You know we will. I'll go tell Michael," Maria said.

Liz nodded her head and watched as Maria walked out of the room. After Maria left Liz laid back down.

Meanwhile in the kitchen:

Maria walked in and saw Michael looking at some papers. He looked up and saw Maria looking at him.

"So how is Liz doing?" Michael asked.

"I don't think she is doing so good. She asked if we could have people that cared for Max put fire and ice roses on the casket. And Liz asked if we could have an arrangement of red and white roses on the casket too," Maria said

"That sounds like a good idea. So she knows we are planning the funeral?" Michael asked.

"Yes. I'm still worried about her Michael," Maria said.

"I'm worried about her too. But we need to give her some time," Michael said.

"I know but I hate how she is in her room just crying herself to sleep." Maria said

"Maria you know Max and Liz were friends. It may take a while for Liz to get over losing her friend," Michael said.

"I know but I can't help but want Liz to be ok," Maria said.

"Liz will be OK. I've got to talk to Toney and ask him if he will help with the arrangements," Michael said.

"I think that's a good idea but you need to remember what Liz asked for," Maria said.

"Don't worry I know what she asked for. I think it might be good if Liz just rests until it is time for the funeral," Michael asked.

"I don't know if Liz can do that; you know she misses him and I think it's going to take a lot of time for her to get over this," Maria said.

"Maria she might never get over this."

"That may be true."

"Maria I don't know what to tell you."

"Michael will you just please be here for Liz and me?" Maria asked.

"I'll be here for as long as you both need me," Michael said.

"That's all I ask for," Maria said.

Right at that moment Michael's cell phone started to ring
L-J-L 76
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Re: Romancing The Heart{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 96 Pg23 12/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Romancing The Heart
Chapter 97

Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone,flipped the phone open and put it to his ear.

"Hello," Michael said.

"Hey it's me. How is Liz doing?"Toney asked.

"She is still in her room," Michael said.

"God. I hope she is OK," Toney said

"Maria is going to check on her," Michael said.

Michael watched as Maria walked out of the living room and up the stairs.

"Toney what are you doing?" Michael asked.

Nothing why?" Toney asked.

"I need to talk to you about Max's funeral," Michael said.

"What about it?" Toney asked.

"Um the thing is we want to have a service for Max. But we don't know where to bury the casket," Michael said.

"Easy, we'll have a gathering before at my house, and then we can bury the casket at a place I know of," Toney said.

"That sounds good. Liz made a request about the flowers," Michael said.

"What kind of request about the flowers?" Toney asked.

"Liz requested that we give people flowers to lay on the casket and the casket be draped in white roses," Michael said.

"Wow that is a great idea. Tell Liz to call me and let me know how she wants the red and white roses to be. And I will get it done," Toney said

"OK. I'll let you know," Michael said.

Michael turned and saw Maria walking into the living room.

"Hold on a minute," Michael said before pulling the phone away.

He watched as Maria walked up to him with tears in her eyes.

"What is wrong?" Michael asked.

"Michael Liz won't eat. When I walked into her room she didn't touch her food. She is just sleeping," Maria said.

"Maria don't worry OK. Oh Toney wants Liz to call him and let him know how she wants the flowers," Michael said.

"I'll ask her in the morning," Maria said.

"OK. I'll let Toney know," Michael said.

Michael put the phone to his ear.

"Toney Maria will ask Liz in the morning," Michael said.

"OK. As long as you let me know sometime tomorrow. When do you want to have the service?" Toney asked.

"I was thinking Friday. What do you think?" Michael asked.

"That sounds good to me," Toney said.

"Do you want any info for the casket or do you want me to handle it?" Michael asked.

"Well since he was your friend I think you should handle all that. Call me tomorrow and I'll give you a place to check out," Toney said.

"OK, I guess we will talk to you tomorrow. Bye," Michael said before closing his cell phone.

"Michael and Maria looked at each other Michael noticed it was midnight,he then turned and looked at Maria.

"Come on, we'd better get some sleep. We have a lot to do for the next couple of days," Michael said.

"Yeah," Maria said.

Michael and Maria went through the house and turned off the lights and then went up stairs to their seperate rooms.

In the morning

Liz was sitting on her window seat looking out when there was a knock on the door and then there stood Michael. He walked in and shut the door. Michael walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Liz I know you are still hurting but I need your help," Michael said.

Liz turned and looked at Michael,

"Liz will you help me plan Max's funeral?" Michael asked.

"Why do you want me to help?" Liz asked.

"Because you were Max's friend," Michael said.

"And what are you?" Liz asked.

"I'm his friend too," Michael said.

"I know I just miss him," Liz said.

"Hopefully he will be watching over all of us. And he will keep us safe,"Michael said

"You know your weird when you talk like that," Liz said.

"I know but hopefully it is the truth," Michael said.

"Maybe," Liz said.

"So is that a yes? You will help me plan the funeral?" Michael asked.

"Fine... but why do you want me to help you?" Liz asked.

"Because Max was your friend too," Michael said.

"Thank you," Liz said.

"So we got the flowers decided now all we have to decide is how we want the flowers," Michael said.

"When is the funeral?" Liz asked

"The funeral is Friday," Michael said.

"Oh, wow that is like in 4 days away," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is why we need to do the flowers today," Michael said.

"OK. Um have the roses white and red in a circle," Liz said

"Do you want to call Toney and Tell him or should I call him?" Michael asked

"I'll go to his house and tell him," Liz said.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked

"Yeah, I need to get out of the house," Liz said

"OK. I'll call Toney and let him know you're on your way," Michael said.

"Thanks," Liz said.

Michael stood up and walked out of the room, made his way downstairs to the living room and sat down. He reached into his pocket and pulled his cell phone out; flipped it open and dialed Toney's number. The phone rang 3 times and Toney answered.

"Hello," Toney said.

"Hey it's me Michael. I wanted to let you know Liz is driving over to your house to talk to you," Michael said.

"OK. I'll be waiting.How is everyone there?" Toney asked

"Everyone is OK. I know Liz is still sad, but hopefully she will be OK," Michael said.

"Yeah, oh I wanted to let you know I hired a new guard. You'll meet him soon," Toney said.

"OK I'll meet him when I can though," Michael said.

Michael turned and saw Liz standing in the doorway. He saw Liz was wearing a black short sleeve ankle length dress.

"Hold on for a sec," Michael said.

Michael pulled the cell phone away and looked at Liz.

"What is going on?" Michael asked.

"I'm going to go see Toney. I shouldn't be gone that long," Liz said.

"OK. Oh Toney has a new guard at his house," Michael said

"Can you ask Toney to meet me at the door?" Liz asked.

Michael put the cell phone back to his ear.

"Toney, Liz wants to know if you will meet her at the door?" Michael asked

"Yeah, sure. Just tell me when she leaves," Toney said.

"When are you leaving?" Michael asked.

"I'm leaving right now," Liz said.

"She is leaving right now," Michael said.

Michael watched as Liz walked out the door and went to her car and drove off.
"Toney she just left," Michael said

"OK. talk to you later bye," Toney said.

"Bye," Michael said

Michael closed his cell phone and put it back into his pocket and then turned on the TV and watched Brave Heart for the 87th time.

Meanwhile at Liz's car

Liz drove up to Toney's house, got out of her car and looked around. She walked up to the house and was about to knock when someone grabbed her arm and turned her to face them.

"Who are you?" The person asked.