Roswell Revisited (AU/CC Mature) Part 5

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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Sorry this is short!)
"Well," he ponders. "I'm taking you wherever you say you want to go, since I'm fresh out of ideas..."

I smile. "Hmm...what about the park?" I say with a smile. "Nice and quiet.... peaceful... pretty much alone..." I look at him as he drives, wondering what he's thinking.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Hmm...what about the park? Nice and quiet.... peaceful... pretty much alone..." Isabel says with a smile, and I drive on, a smile across my face as well.

We near the park and I pull in, looking for a space to park the car. Isabel's been looking over at me for a while now, so I start to feel a little self conscious.

"What, is there something on my face?" I ask quickly, pulling down the mirror. "I'm one of those unfortunate souls to which that happens a lot..."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"What, is there something on my face?" I blush immediately knowing I'm staring but I can't help it.

"I'm one of those unfortunate souls to which that happens a lot..."
"No no... theres nothing..." I murmur, looking out the window, not knowing what to say. Now I feel incredibly embarressed.

(ooc: Fehr where did we leave Max and Sophie? Is it my go?)
Last edited by madroswellfan on Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

ooc: you put max instead of isabel's my turn. i'll get it up momentarily. :D


"No no... theres nothing..." Isabel says, blushing and looking out the window. Come on Whitman, now's your chance to say something witty and save it.

"Ah, just admiring my good looks, were you?" I joke, turning the car off as I open my door.

"Come on, those swings are calling our names," I add, walking around the car quickly to open Isabel's door. I love swings. They're good for any age and occasion.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Ah, just admiring my good looks, were you?" Oh God... I know I'm blushing WAY more now....

He turns off the car and opens the door.

"Come on, those swings are calling our names," He opens a door like the gentleman he is, so I look down at the floor and get out of the car. I murmur a thank you as we walk over to the swings and I start to swing on them feeling entirely embaresed.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Sorry..."Max says, smiling briefly before making his face a blank slate. God, I hate people who can do that. I want to be able to try to guess what people are thinking...

"To be honest... and I guess this isn't the kind of thing I should be admitting but... currently I don't think my head is screwed on right... Im certainly not having the best day of my life..." he trails off, and I get the feeling there are bad relationship feelings afoot. Well, I won't bring it up. If he wants to talk about it, he can go right on ahead, so long as there is no crying. I think crying is depressing.

"This is nice." Way to change the subject. Smiling softly, I pull up our company's program on the computer.

"Thank you. It took years to get it. Maybe you're on your way to one similar. Oh, and here's the program we use, take a look."
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Isabel still looks embarassed as she climbs on a swing, and I walk over, sitting on the one next to her. "Iz, why are you blushing?" I get the feeling she's embarassed, and my joking isn't helping. And hey, I stare at her a lot too. I used to all the time in the Crashdown with Michael and Liz.

"Let the healing remedy of the swings take over." Pushing with my feet, I lean the swing towards Isabel's and smile. "You know you want to."

Her face is beautiful when she's embarassed. Her cheeks are all flushed, and she has this half smile, something between a 'god, kill me now' look, and a happiness. Smiling suits her. No matter why she's smiling.

"I'll have you know, that I admire your good looks all the time," I say with a wink, grinning.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Thank you. It took years to get it. Maybe you're on your way to one similar. Oh, and here's the program we use, take a look."

I lean over her shoulder to look at the screen. "I have to say... it looks easy. I may not have the best resume but I can certainly run and use a program like this." I look at her, not sure what I'm meant to be doing.

Whats Liz doing? Is she ok?

She left me. She left ME. I have got to get my head straight...
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I have to say... it looks easy. I may not have the best resume but I can certainly run and use a program like this," he says a bit distractedly, and I make a mental check of it. He's going to the computer department. I personally hate this program. It's so confusing, and if he can take one look and it's simple, that's where he belongs.

"Okay, let's move on to the mail room. Just for tour purposes," I say with a smile. He's spacey, so I clear my throat and head out of the room.

"Follow me."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Iz, why are you blushing?"
Hmm....because I just embarressed myself staring at you maybe???

"Let the healing remedy of the swings take over." He leans in and smiles. "You know you want to."

"I'll have you know, that I admire your good looks all the time,"
He says with a wink and a grin. I can't help but give a small chuckle. "Really?" I say still blushing somewhat. I start to swing higher. "Try and keep up Whitman," I call out.
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