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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:56 am
by JBehr'sChica
I'm in need of a beta for a new story I'm writing. It's an AU with Aliens.

Title: Crossing Society's Borders
Pairing: Max (Zan)/Liz, Isabel (Vilandra)/Alex, Michael (Rath)/Maria
Rating: Mature

Taken by Cassie

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:13 am
by TheAntarianKing
I've recently lost the services of the person that was the beta for my CC story "Reclamation & Destiny". Therefore I am hoping that someone on this board will agree to take up that job.

I'm fairly good at writing decent english, so there shouldn't be a lot grammatical corrections.

If the person taking this up could also offer contructive critizism and suggestions for improving anything in the story it would be much appreciated.

If you want to see the start of the story before making a decision click on the story link in my signature.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:52 pm
by Queenie_B40
Hi I need a beta for my fic More Than He Bargined For.
It's already started, and you can read it here--


thanks if your intersted please pm me!!!!!
:lol: :D :)

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:51 pm
by ~Ruby~

I'd like a beta for my AU/with aliens WIP fic, The Trick Is To Keep Breathing.


Tess Harding was found in the desert by the Hardings, who fell in love with her straight away. They adopted her into their small, but growing family and planned on living happily ever after in Omaha, Nebraska. Fourteen years later and the Harding family is dealt a cruel blow when John Harding dies in a car accident. Struggling with her grief, Tess tries to find something that will fill the hole her father left behind. She decides to find her real family. With her older sister and best friend in tow, Tess heads to Roswell to find the people that left her behind.

Author’s notes

Just a couple of things that I should make you aware of before you start to read this. Everything in season one and season two happened, minus Tess. Instead, Ava arrived and caused havoc in Roswell. So, those last couple of episodes in season two, instead of Tess being the evil one, it was Ava. Alex died. Isabel graduated early, but she did not start a relationship with Jessie. Kyle and Jim are their ever charming selves. Michael and Maria are together, bickering, but together. Not too sure what is going with Max and Liz at the moment, but they will end up together and there will probably be no Tess/Max stuff at all

The rating is going to be mature and the story centers Tess and her family.



Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:35 pm
by kiwigirl
hi guys, I am looking for a beta for my new fic, The challenge is posted here



now before you respond I must warn you I really, really suck at spelling and grammar so it might be a bit much for some people

just pm me for more info

thanks jennie

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:51 pm
by indigodreams
hey guys i've been working on this story for a little bit and i've got it all hashed out in my head and have written some of the early parts but i would like to bounce my ideas off of someone who knows what i'm talking about, instead of my friends who think it's a great premise but ask me questions like "who is max evans and why is the fbi after him and his family?" i can tell you that it's gonna have a mature rating and that it's cc after graduation.
anyone that that would be willing to help please send me a pm or something. this is gonna be a big one and i just wanna see if it's something worth pursuing. thanks.... indigo.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:45 pm
by Lillie

I'm looking for a beta for some stories that I am working on. A couple of the stories are some period stuff, taking place in the 1960's, while another is one I'm attempting for a Supernatural XOver. Oh and most of the stories are a M/L coupling while the SN will most likely be L/D. I'd like for the beta to be able to help me bounce off some ideas, the grammer and stuff. And mostly a cheerleader to help me get my lazy bum in motion when I'm being slow.

If anyone is interested let me know.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:35 pm
by Tears_of_Mercury
Hey, I'm looking for a beta for my new story Trick of the Light. It's my first attempt at a Roswell fanfic, so I'm extremely nervous. I'm looking for someone who's willing to look for spelling/grammar errors, I guess, but more than anything to really guide me in my characterizations and any plot issues that might arise -- this is also my first attempt as sci fi, even if it's not really intensely science fiction. There is one UC coupling that will be a major part of the plot, but all roads lead back to CC pairings.

Summary: "The coppery liquid in her mouth, Liz thought, tasted faintly of destiny." When Max tries to rescue Liz from Nacedo's abduction, Liz ends up being taken by Agent Pierce. As the gang struggle to get her back loyalties shift and feelings change. Max is determined to rescue her, but will he find the same girl that left Roswell with Nacedo?

If anyone is interested, please feel free to PM me. :)

Beta Found, thank you Raychel!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:47 pm
by sdcheesehead
Hey, I was just looking for a beta on an ongoing story of mine. It's a Smallville/Roswell crossover called "The Pod Squad - Kryptonian Adventure" (in the crossover section). I've written quite a bit and have a plan of action, but my current beta has become really busy at work and doesn't always have time to look through my work. I'm looking for someone that can look over grammer/spelling errors as well as give me some guidance as far as plotlines and characterization, for I want to keep the characters true to form.

If anyone is interested, just PM me!! Thanks 8)

Beta Found: Thanks Jennifer!!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:54 pm
by Behrgirl21
HI I need a beta for my first fanfic ever! I'm scared!
OK the summary is...Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle are FBI agents who are sent to West Roswell High to protect the students, especially Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess.
A quick run down of the characters:
AU w/o aliens.
CC+UC Adult/Mature

Elizabeth Claudia Parker - 22. FBI Agent. Not your average Agent, she has body piercings and tattoos. Liz prefers undercover cases. Her parents were both Agents, her father was killed in a drug bust gone wrong when she was 12 and her mother has retired from the force. Liz oozes confidence and sexuality.

Maxwell Phillip Evans - 17. West Roswell High student. Max was adopted along with his twin sister by the Evans' when he was 3. His father is a lawyer and his mother is retired. Max is a typical school jock, except he is a virgin, he wants to do well in school and doesn't like it when he see people getting bullied. He is dating his on/off girlfriend for the past 3 years Theresa 'Tess' Harding. He is only with for apperances.

Maria Majandra Deluca - 22. FBI Agent. Like sisters with Liz and was her roommate all through the FBI Training Acadamey and still currently lives with her in their appartment. Only has her mother, as her father left them when she was 7. Her mother owns a vintage clothing store and is kind of a hippie. Has learnt a lot from Liz about confidence and self esteem.

Alexander Charles Whitman - 23. FBI Agent. Like a brother to both Liz and Maria. Both his mother and father own a computer repair shop. Is a definite brain but not all that nerdy. Has a friends with benefits relationship with fellow Agent Serena Mitchell.

Kyle James Valenti - 22. FBI Agent. Like a brother to Alex and Maria. His father was the Sheriff of his childhood town and his mother left when he was 8. Only living relatives are his father and grandfather. Has a friends with benefits relationship with Liz.

Isabel Evans - 17. West Roswell High student. Twin sister of Max. Is known as Roswells 'Ice Queen', she doesn't let anybody in easily. She is head cheerleader. Occasionaly dates her close friend Micheal Guerin, but she is still a virgin.

Micheal Guerin - 18. West Roswell High student. Comes from a happy home, with a father who owns a small cafe and a mother who owns a salon. Micheal is best friends with fellow jock Max. He is definately not shy and he sleeps around.

Theresa 'Tess' Harding - 17. West Roswell High student. Tess' mother died giving birth to her and her father treats her like a princess. She thinks she can have whatever she wants. She is a cheerleader and in love with Max and keeps on trying to get him to sleep with her but he refuses. She is a bitch to anyone but is a suck up to Max and Isabel.

So if someone's willing to be my beta then that would be great!! PM me. thanks!!