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Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:45 am
by isabelle

Serena’s words send a chill through me. They make me think of Pierce’s first words to me in the White Room. ‘Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?’ Even if that was a thousand years ago, it still feels like only 5 months ago to me. If these people are truly interested in helping shouldn’t they be co-operating a bit more with us?

Stiffening, I turn to her and say, “I’m not interested in the ‘easy way;’ I’m interested in the truth. Will someone please tell me what city this is and why you want to keep us here? What makes you think it would be dangerous for us out there?” If this really is a thousand years in the future, we’ll need a little time to learn how things work, how do people get around? What do they use for money? (Come to think of it, what happened to the money that was ours back then? By now it should have earned a ton of interest if the government hasn’t confiscated it.) But these concerns are the same for any time-traveler, if we did that.

“I don’t see why we’d be in any particular danger from alien hunters unless you’ve broadcast our pictures to the world in the news or in your history books.” History. Damn. If it’s really been a thousand years Earth could have space travel. They could be importing and exporting from Antar and a dozen other worlds. No, probably not, if they still have alien-hunters.

I look from Serena to Dr. McLean and back again, waiting for one of them to answer me.

We've been at this same point for three weeks. Any chance we can move forward?

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:29 am
by KatnotKath

‘Things will go easier…’ I don’t know about the others, but that doesn’t sound like a particularly friendly way to put things… In fact, it sounds distinctly unfriendly and I’m far from relaxing in their presence at the moment. They say that we ‘have’ to trust them, but I don’t quite see why we should as yet.

I feel my chest tighten a little as Tess leans over, whispering in Max’s ear, but despite appearances, I try and remind myself of what he has said in the past. He doesn’t want Tess…

From the way that Max looks, I can only imagine what sort of memories words like that might bring back to him and I reach out for his hand, looking up at him and giving him a little smile as he again tries to get the answers we’ve been asking for throughout this discussion.

He points out that unless they’ve seen pictures of us, no one would know it was us anyway… I mean it’s not like Max and the others go around in general just using their powers at will… They’re careful and cautious… If it wasn’t for me having been shot that day, I have no doubt that they would probably have remained completely under the radar of the FBI anyway…

That thought causes me to feel guilty again and as I do so, I feel the energy inside me threatening to surge again. This is completely new for me… It’s not often that I lose it emotionally, but at least when I do usually, I’m not risking taking someone out…

Of course it would be a very bad thing if Serena or the Doctor found out about Kyle and I… For now as far as they’re concerned we’re just normal humans…ones that have been healed by an alien, but humans non-the-less… I take some deep breaths and try to push away the worry and guilt which is causing me to become unbalanced. I have to keep centred, I can do this…

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:46 am
by Anna-Liisa


I watched as Serena came into the room and it all started again. 'why can't you trust us' 'we're not going to hurt you' 'you're just people who can't be trusted' I let out a sigh.

"Listen, It's your decision if you trust us or not. You know that, we know that. I'm just giving you options. Stay here and be safe and the decide what to do, or leave to the world that is unknow for you and get yourself killed there before deciding what to do. We here are trying to help you, some of you realize that" I said pausing and looking around at the group.

"Some of you" I continue and look at mr.Guerin's direction "Don't trust us at all. But that's understandable. If I were you, I would be the same. I'd freak out and wouldn't trust anyone I see, except the one's I know"

I sighed and stopped talking for a while. I wasn't good at long speeches. Then I let out another sigh.

"If you leave we won't stop you. If you stay, we can give you food and clothes and stuff. It's up to you.."

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:40 pm
by isabelle
Where is everyone????


I frown at the doctor since he still hasn't actually asked the questions I've asked three times already. Still, he has a point. We will need some guidance if any of this is true. Of course, if it's not true ... well, it would be far easier to trick out just the hospital to fool us into thinking we're from the future. They couldn't do the whole city, which would be a good reason for them to want us to stay...

Of course, even if we are a thousand years in the future, that doesn't mean that this is the best place for us... Still, we do have our powers to protect us. As long as we can stay clear of anything that impedes that, we should be safe for now. Besides, I still need to find out what they know about Kyle and Liz. Did they do something to modify their genes, or was it really me that changed them?

Maybe we can figure out the answers to the questions they won't answer...

I glance at Michael knowing he's not going to like this, but I think we're going to have to follow this path a little further before we decide what's really going on.

"Looks like we already have clothes," I comment, looking around at the others as my hand slides into Liz's. "But food sounds good." Apparently we haven't eaten in a thousand years, afterall. I'll just need to make sure there's nothing in it that will hurt us.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 9:58 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: this is probably really sucky, but it's all I can come up with at the moment. No actual speaking I'm afraid though, just thinking sorry.


The doctor sounds like he’s getting as fed up of this and he’s not the only one. We just seem to be going round and round in circles and getting nowhere. We ask them questions, and all they say is that we have to trust them…We need information, but how we get that without their co-operation is questionable… They say that they want to help us, but I guess only time will tell if they’re for real or not…

At the offer of clothes and food, I feel my stomach start to rumble a little and for the first time I realise just how hungry I am. I haven’t eaten in over a thousand years if what they’re saying is right, and if my memory is correct, I must have been taken during the night so I guess my body was already low on food anyway…

I smile at the feeling of Max’s hand in mine too, that feels…just right… Wherever we are, whenever, I guess the important thing is that the group is together… Of course Tess and Maria, or Tess and I aren’t exactly best friends, but maybe that’s gone on long enough… Of the people here, the only people we really know are each other… We need to work together, we can’t afford to be divided or fight amongst ourselves…

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:00 am
by Anna-Liisa
Okay We'll move to a situation where the group is eating at a cafeteria. Two tables for them and Serena and Antonio have their own table. Michael/Maria/Tess/Kyle in one table, Max/Liz/Alex/Isabell in the second. They can discuss about what do next or just eat. You can say that the food is normal or rather's up to you.


I looked at the food that was in front of me. Was it okay to eat it? I'm sure they hadn't poisoned it or drugged it - hey I was the one who trusted the people there - but it looked...odd. Or then it was because it probably the new kind of food. Hm. Should I eat it or not? I wasn't so hungry...but then again I hadn't eaten in 1000 years.

'I guess I'll eat. It can't hurt me...or can it? If it tastes bad then it does..'

I took a fork - or something that looked like a fork - and took some food to it. Hmm...doesn't look so bad. Then I tasted it. Hmm...yuck. Tasted like shcool food.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:23 am
by isabelle

I frown at the food in front of me. It looks normal enough although there is a serious lack of hotsauce on the table. I guess these people don't knew as much about us as they think they do, although I don't suppose there would have been any written records to consult on something like that...

My frown deepens as I flatten my hand and pass it over my plate. My practice at manipulating molecules means that I know what some molecules 'feel' like, compared to others. I'm trying to detect any long strings that could be drugs but there are so many different molecules here, I'm not at all sure.

I exchange glances with Isabel who has done the same. She doesn't manipulate on the microscopic scale as much as I do and I can see she hasn't had any clear results either. She's looking at me questioningly. I give the tiniest shake of my head and a small shrug. Isabel nods.

"Max?" Liz asks at my elbow, the worry evident in her voice.

"I guess it's okay..." I tell her. I cut a small piece and pop it in my mouth, chewing thoughtfully. It tastes bland, as always. No hot sauce. No sweets. I tighten my mouth, raising one side in an expression of uncertainty.

"Does it taste okay to you, two?" I ask Alex and Liz.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:22 pm
by CandyDreamQueen

I look over at Michael who is eyeing his food like he doesn’t trust it. Then I glance over at the other table and see Max pass his hand over his plate. Theses aliens are so suspicious.

“Come on you guys. I don’t think they would freeze us for a thousand years just so they can poison us.” I say rolling my eyes. “And besides, even if it was I don’t think Dr. Jackal and Mrs. Hide over there would be eating it too.” I lift my fork to my mouth and take a bite.

“Well what does it taste like?” asks me impatiently.

I look at him and gasp in feigned shock. “It tastes like…food!” I say as if the concept is furan to me.

Although it’s not the best tasting food I’ve ever had in my life. This beefy stuff could definitely use some salt.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:42 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"It tastes like shcool food" I corrected Maria and smirked while drank water. At least water hadn't changed.

Michael looked like he still couldn't trust the food. Like he was waiting for someone who's eaten it die.

"Michael, relax and eat" I said and put a forkfull of food into Michael's mouth when he tries to say something. The way he looked at me after that. I couldn't help but laugh at him - even if he could become mad.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:47 pm
by M
I discretely check the food for toxins, and I'm checking the water when Kyle shoves food into Michael's mouth. Although I know it's harmless I can't help but smile at the look on his face. Quickly I regain my composure, it isn't really a laughing matter. I start to eat my food as well thinking that Kyle is right- it does taste like institutional food- before quashing that thought as well. 'It doesn't matter how it tastes, it's food, only eaten for sustanence.'
I mentally give myself a shake, just because we are a thousand years in the future it's no reason to forget my training and just go off all -human.

I look over to where Max is seated with Isabel, Alex, and Liz. He looks worried about the food. I try to send him a reassuring thought, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I'm frustrated because I've been taught that he should be able to hear my thoughts, to connect with me as his mate, but he still doesn't ever seem to hear me.
shaking my head I look down at my food and concentrate on eating.