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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 10 b

Back with Maria and Max…

Max drove Maria to his house. There was really nothing better to do, so he figured they could hang out and watch a movie or something. He wanted to do something in the living room with the lights on, so that he wouldn’t be tempted to touch her.

Maria sat down in the couch next to Max. As she sat, her thigh touched Max’s. She knew she should move further away from him but she couldn’t help herself. Max noticed her too, but he decided to put it in the back of his mind and start the movie.

They decided on Dirty Dancing. Actually, Maria decided on Dirty Dancing. Max didn’t really care what they watched as long as he was with Maria. Maria loved this movie. She knew that it probably wasn’t one of Max’s favorites, but the family’s other choices of movies kind of sucked.

As the movie continued, Maria could no longer pay attention to the love story of Johnny and Baby. All she could focus on was Max’s body next to hers. She wasn’t going to be able to deal with this sexual tension much longer. She needed to talk to Michael. She just hoped that Michael wouldn’t hate her.

Max was thinking about the same thing. He had just found Michael and he didn’t want to ruin their new relationship, but he was falling for Maria. He knew that in some way she felt the same about him. He would have to talk to Michael, and try to get him to understand.

About ¾ the way through the movie, Maria’s eyes felt heavy. She hadn’t gotten really good sleep in a few days. Slowly, but surely she slipped out of wakfulness and into sleep.

Max felt Maria’s hair brush his neck as he lips brushed the collar of his shirt. God, she smelled so good. He felt the heat radiating off her body. He wanted to kiss her so bad right then. But he knew he couldn’t. Not until he could talk to Michael. But damn did she feel good against his skin.

When the movie was over, Max shook Maria awake. She was surprised to see that she had been practically laying on Max. And more surprised that he had let her. She knew that he liked her, but still she was surprised.

“I’m sorry, Max. I guess I was just more tired than I thought.” She said to him.

He shook his head, “No, you are fine.” He said. He had to admit, he was glad she had fallen asleep on him.

“Well, I guess I better be going.” She said.

“Well, Michael is coming over here. You could wait for him, and he could give you a ride.” Max said. He didn’t like the idea of Maria walking home alone.

Maria smiled and nodded. “Ok, I think I left my phone in your car. I’m going to go get it.” She said and walked out the door.

Maria was startled by the site in front of her. Isabel and Kyle were going at it on the Evans’ front porch. She couldn’t help a giggle escape from her lips. Isabel and Kyle looked up at her embarrassed. Then they grinned at each other.

“We were just, ummm,” Isabel started.

Maria stopped them, “Hey, I’m not here to judge.” She said and went to the car to get her cell phone.

Back at the Crashdown…

Michael and Liz had, had a long workday. After the gang left it had been pretty busy. Michael was having a tough time keeping up, but finally he got the hang of it.

They worked in syncrinisity at closeing time. Michael’s powers helped in the process. The whole time they worked together, the sexual tension between the two grew. Michael would watch as Liz wipped down the counters and think about all the things he would like to do to that tight little body. Liz would watch as Michael cleaned off the grill and pray that one day those rough hands would be all over her.

As the two were taking he trash out together, Liz tripped and fell over the curb. Michael caught her in his arms just before she smacked her face on the cement. Liz let out a nervous giggle. She was embarrassed. He smiled back at her as if to day, ‘Don’t worry about it.’

He held her in his arms longer than necessary. They looked into each other’s eyes and saw each other’s passion and desire for one another. There was no hiding that these two more than liked each other. They leaned into each other. Michael’s lips brushed against Liz’s.

Suddenly, he realized what he was doing, and Michael pulled away. “I can’t…I mean I want to, but I can’t do this.” He said helping Liz to her feet. He could see the rejected look on Liz’s face. “I mean I have to talk to Maria. I won’t cheat on her.” He said. Maria had been through so much, and she was not about to be the one to hurt her more.

Liz understood. She was hurt and disapointed, but she understood. She had come to respect Maria, and she didn’t want to hurt her either.

To make sure Liz knew he did in fact like her, Michael turned to her and said, “Maria is at Max’s, we can go over there and I will talk to her.”

Liz smiled and nodded. She hoped Maria would take it well. She didn’t want there to be tension in their newly formed group, but she also couldn’t deny the attraction she had to Michael.

The two sped through the rest of clean-up and got into Michael’s car. They headed to Max’s house. They were both nervous, especially Michael. He did not think that Maria DeLuca was going to take the news of his falling for someone else very well at all.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 11

Michael and Liz rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answere. Isabel came to the door and welcomed them inside. Tess and Alex had gotten to the house a few minutes before Michael and Liz and they were making themselves quite comfortable on the couch. Kyle was sitting in the lazyboy. After letting them in, Isabel made her way ot Kyle and sat on his lap. Maria and Max were sprawled out on the floor.

Michael decided that it was now or never. He wanted to talk to Maria as soon as possible. He was not one to put things off. Liz took a seat next to Tess and Michael bent over next to Maria. “Can I talk to you for a second, Maria?” he siad.

Maria shot a glance at Max, who looked back at her. “Yeah, Michael.” Maria said and got off the ground.

“You guys can go up to my room,” Max offered, “it’s upstairs. 2nd door on the right.”

Michael nodded and led Maria to Max’s room. When they got there, he shut the door behind him. He took a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you too, Michael.”

Michael put his hands up to stop her. “No, can I say this first.” Maria nodded and Michael continued. He motioned for her to sit down on the bed. “Well, you know that we have been through a lot together. And I really do love you.” He siad. Maria started to get nervous. He was not making it easy for her to break up with him.

Michael went on, “But I think that the love we have for each other is more of a friendship love, than a romantic love.”

Maria’s eyes went wide. Was he saying what she thought he was saying. “Are you breaking up with me?” she asked surprised. This wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

Michael was worried that he was hurting maria’s feelings, “I just think that we are better friends. And I have to tell you something else. I have feelings for…Liz. I am falling for Liz.” Michael finally got out.

Maria’s reaction surprised Michael. She grinned and ran into his arms. “Oh Michael, I’m so happy for you.”

Michael looked confused, “What?” he asked.

It was Maria’s turn to explain, “Well, I have something to tell you too. I was going to pretty much give you the same speech you just gave me except I would have inserted Max for Liz.” She said.

Michael was shocked. She wasn’t hurt, and they could still be friends. But he was still stuck on the fact that she had fallen for Max. They just seemed so weird together, and yet they oddly fit. “I’m happy for you too, Maria.” He said and wrapped his arms around her.


Michael and Maria walked down the stairs into the living room full of their friends. Max and Liz met their eyes and saw their smiles. They both hoped that ment what they thought it ment..

Maria disengaged herself from Michael and sat next to Max on the floor. Michael took a seat next to Liz. The group sat around and talked into the wee small hours of the morning. They were all so happy. No one understood why the two groups didn’t get together before.

As the night wore on, Maria mentioned that she was getting tired. Isabel perked up, “Why don’t you guys spend the night! I mean it’s late and our parents aren’t here.” She really wanted them to stay. It would give her more time with Kyle.

Maria looked at Tess, Michael, and Kyle. They seemed to be ok with it. She looked at Isabel, “Yeah, we can stay.” She said.

“Great!” Isabel said. “You and Liz can take the guest room, Tess can sleep with me, Michael can sleep with Max, and Alex and Kyle can…”

“We can take the living room,” Alex offered. Isbael smiled and nodded.

“Ok, well I’ll get some blankets and stuff,” Isabel said and got up.

Tess and Alex went back to making-out while Maria turned to Max. “Can we talk?” she said. He was surprised but nodded. They made their way to his room.

Meanwhile, Michael took Liz outside to tell him how his conversation with Maria had gone.

“So, what did she say?” Liz asked.

“Ummm she was fine with it. She actually has fallen for someone else.” Michael said. He didn’t know that it was his place to tell Liz who.

Liz’s grin grew. “Max.” She said to herself, but Michael heard her.

“Is it obvious or something?” Michael asked.

Liz laughed, “Um well, it is from him. He has liked her for a while, I guess she just couldn’t help but fall for him with his sensitive muscular brooding.”

Michael laughed. He had picked up the ultra-serious vibe from Max. “I guess.” Michael said. He had to admit he felt a little awkward. What was he supposed to do now?

Liz took the lead, she grabbed his hand and led him over to the porch swing. Michael felt a rush when their skin came into contact. “Michael, I don’t want you to feel weird.” Liz said. She was worried that he would.

“I don’t. It’s just that, I don’t know where to go from here, you know.”

Liz smiled at him and decided to go for it. She leaned into Michael and pressed her lips onto his. He immediately returned the kiss. Her lips parted to allow his toung entrance. Nothing felt more natural than his mouth on hers.

Michael’s hands went to Liz’s hair. He had wanted to rin his fingers through it for days. It was just as silky and soft as he imagined. Then he pulled back. He didn’t want this to be a purely physical relationship. He wanted to get to know Liz. He hadn’t felt like that about any other girl, except for Maria.

“I want to do this. Trust me, I do. But I don’t want to rush into things, you know.” Michael said to Liz.

Liz smiled and ran her hand through Michael’s hair. “Ok, why don’t we talk for a few, and then tomorrow we can go on a official date.” She said. He was too cute.

“Sounds like a plan.” Micahel said putting his arm around Liz’s shoulder.

Meanwhile in Max’s bedroom…

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Max said nervously. He didn’t know what to expect.

“Ummm I don’t really know how to say this.” Maria started. She sat down on Max’s bed and motioned for him to join her. He did. Maria continued, “I ummm…I…god its so hard to say.”

Max placed his hand on Maria’s thigh. He wanted her to know that she could tell him anything. “Maria, you can tell me anything.” He said before he could censor himself.

“I have feelings for you, Max.” Maria rushed out. Max’s eyes bugged. Maria continued, “I wasn’t sure if it was just because you healed me, but now I realize that my feelings are more than that.”

Max was beyond shocked. She liked him. He was not expecting that. He was extatic, but all he asked was, “What about Michael?”

Maria was surprise that he asked. She hoped that he would admit to liking her too. But she said, “Umm, we broke up. It seems he has eyes for Liz Parker.” Maria grinned. Those two were a random couple, but they oddly looked good together. “I told him about my feelings for you and he was happy for me.” Maria continued looking down.

Max didn’t say anything for a long time. He felt like an ass. He wanted to sweep her into his arms and kiss her sensless, but his body wouldn’t let him. Maria finally spoke, “If you don’t like me like that, I understand…” then she began to get up.

Max pulled her back down to the bed. “No, it’s not that. I have had feelings for you for a long time. I’m just surprised. I didn’t think that a girl like you would ever be into me.” Max said looking at his feet.

Maria was surprised that Max thought she was too good for him. If anything, it was the other way around. She decided to show him how she felt. She leaned in and crashed her mouth onto his. They kissed for several minutes with all the passion in the world. Finally, Max reluctantly pulled back. “Wow,” he said in a husky voice.

Maria giggled, “Yeah, I know what you mean.” She said.

“Maria, do you want to go out on a real date tomorrow?” Max asked.

She threw her arms around him. “I would love to!” she said. He loved that about her. Maria could get so excited about everything. She was so much different than him. Maybe some of that passion would roll off on him.

“Great,” he said and pulled her into a kiss once more. “But you better get to bed.”

Maria rolled her eyes, “Ok,” she said pecking him once more on the cheek. She ran into Michael and Liz on the way to the living room.

“Everyone is already going to bed.” Liz said to her.

“Ok, wanna head that way?” Maria asked. Liz nodded and they went down the hall to the guest room together.

Michael entered Max’s room hesitantly. He wanted to talk to him about Maria, but he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. He closed the door behind him. “Hey, Max I want to talk to you about something.” He said.

Max looked up at him. He was hoping that Michael wasn’t going to kick his ass. “Ok,” he said.

“It’s about Maria. I’m really glad that she is happy with you, but I just need you to know that if you hurt her, fellow alien or not, I will be forced to kick your ass.” Michael said.

Max laughed, “Deal. I wouldn’t dream of hurting her. I’m really fallen for her.”

Michael smiled and continued, “Because Maria has been through some tough stuff, and I would hate for her to be hurt like she was before.” Michael said. He wasn’t going to go into the whole story, but Max needed to know that he was serious.

Max looked at Michael. HE knew whatever Michael was talking about had to do with the flashed he saw when healing Maria, but he also knew that he would have to wait until she was ready to find out what happened. “I understand.” Max said.

“Ok, let’s go to bed,” Michael said.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 12

“AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Maria screamed as she bolted up in bed.

Liz woke up and turned to her, “Maria, whats wrong,” she asked with worry in her voice. Maria looked terrified. She didn’t respond, so Liz ran down the hall to Max’s room where he found Michael and max already awake.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked panicked.

“It’s Maria. She is hysterical. I think she had a dream or something. She won’t snap out of it.” Liz said in a rush. Michael and Max pushed by her and to the guest room. At that point the rest of the house had woken up.

Kyle, Isabel, Alex and Tess all congregated in the halway asking what was going on. After Liz explained what happened, Tess and Kyle moved to the guest room.

Michael and Max found Maria currled up in a ball on the bed, sweating and shaking. Her eyes were open but she seemed to be in her own little world.

Michael approached her and kneeled next to the bed. “Maria, what’s wrong?” Michael said trying to sound calm for her. Max looked on. He was petrified. He didn’t know what was wrong with Maria, but whatever it was scared him.

Maria didn’t respond to Michael’s voice. “MARIA!” he yelled. Finally, she looked at him.

She seemed to snap out of it enough to talk, “Michael, he was there. He was hurting me again. Make him stop!” She said as tears streamed down his face.

Michael wrapped his arms around her. “He’s gone. I promise, nothing is going to happen to you. Ok?” Michael said and he rocked her.

Maria finally came back to reality. She looked around and saw Max, Kyle, and Tess standing in the room, and the rest of the group at the doorway. “Oh…ummm…I’m sorry,” she said. She felt horrible for waking the whole house up. She had, had another nightmare. She hadn’t gotten one in a while, so she was surprised she got one now.

Max walked over to her. “Nothing, to appologize for. Are you ok?” he said as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Maria smiled at him and looked at Michael. He gave her a look telling her to tell the group what had really happened. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just I’ve gotten these nightmares ever since…” Maria did not want to get into this with her new friends. What if they were disgusted by her?

She looked up at all of them, “You guys don’t want to hear about this. I’m fine now.” She said faking a slight smile.

Isabel walked over to the bed and sat next to her brother. She took Maria’s hand in hers. “We are here for you. We want to know.” She said looking up at her friends who were all nodding.

Maria took a deep breath and looked down. “Tell them, Maria. They are your friends too.” Kyle said. He knew this was hard for her. But he also knew that their new friends should know.

Maria looked up at Max and then Michael who both gave her encouraging smiles. “Ok, well…ummm…last summer I was raped.” She said. She let that sink in before she continued. She felt Isabel’s grip on her hand tighten. “That was how I met Michael. He found me in the street and brought me back to his apartment and basically nursed me back to health. My mom is never home so she never found out. The only people that knew before this moment here Michael, Tess, Kyle, and Sheriff Valenti. They havn’t found the guy who did it. And I have nighmares that he comes back sometimes. I hadn’t had one in a while. The dreams are weird though, because its like I can feel him hurting me all over again.” Maria finished and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Oh Maria,” Liz said. She felt so bad for her. Maria had put up a great front because they never would have guessed that she had been through all that. Maria was always smiling and happy.

Max was still letting everything sink in. He was dumbfounded. He wanted to find that bastard and rip his heart out. He just rubbed Maria’s back in an act of comfort.

Alex held onto Tess who was crying. He could tell that the four friends had been through a lot over this. He couldn’t understand why any man would do that to a woman. What kind of asshole rapes and beats someone.

Isabel was also crying. Kyle put his arm around her. It still hurt him to think about what Maria had gone through. She was still going through it.

Michael sat next to Maria remembering how he found her. She was laying half naked in the street crying. She couldn’t even walk. He swore that day that he would protect her from anything. And he had, until the shooting.

Finally, after a long silence, Michael looked at Max. “Umm, Max. I know that when this used to happen before it would help her if I slept with her. Do you think that she could sleep with you tonight?” He knew that it would be best for her, and it would give them a chance to talk about all of the crap privatly.

Max wrapped his arms around Maria and nodded. “We better head back to sleep.” He said.

“I’m sorry I dumped all of my crap on you guy,” Maria said still feeling stupid. She hated for people to see weakness in her.

“Don’t ever,” Isabel said to her seriously, “We are all friends and we are in this together. If you think it was bad having 3 baby sitters before, get ready because you just got 4 more. We are with you.”

Maria smiled and hugged her. “Thank you guys.” She siad and then followed Max into his room.

Everyone else went back to their beds. Michael bunked up with Liz, but he took the floor. He wanted very badly to feel her body on his, but he knew that was a bad idea if he wanted to take things slowly. Liz rolled her eyes but agreed. He was so adorable.

In Max’s room…

Maria turned to Max. “I understand if this changes things between us.” She wasn’t sure if he would want her anymore now that he knew she was damaged goods.

Max shot her a look of horror. “What? Why would this change things. I feel the same way for you now that I did before. I might even feel MORE for you.” He said.

Maria was surprised and smiled. She hugged him. He kissed her and led her to the bed. He got under the covers and she joined him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her. She could feel his tight muscles on her back. She fell asleep feeling more safe than she ever had in her life. There would be no more nightmares that night.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 13

Maria woke up with her face against Max’s chest. Their legs were intertwined and he was still holding on to her for dear life. She breathed in his scent and listened to his heart beat for a half hour before he too woke up.

He loosened his grip on her slightly as she looked up at him. She grinned at him and he returned her smile. He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead. She giggled and detached herself from him.

She sat on the edge of the bed and looked a Max. “Thank you for staying with me,” she said in a serious tone. That was exactly what she needed after the dream she had, had.

He squeezed her hand, “I will stay with you anytime you need me.” He said honestly. He was falling hard for Maria, and he never wanted to see he like she had been last night. If he ever found the man who had hurt her, no one would be able to save that bastard.

“Common, let’s get downstairs. It’s 11:00.” Maria said as she pulled the reluctant Max out of bed. He groaned but smiled and complied.

The two walked down the stairs hand in hand and noticed an inticing smell. Max grinned, “Alex must be cooking,” he said.

They made their way into the kitchen and found Tess and Alex cooking. Isabel and Kyle were flirting at the dining room table and Liz and Michael were cozy on the couch watching TV.

Everyone looked up and Max and Maria entered the room. “Good morning.” Isabel said with a big smile.

“So nice of you two to join us,” Alex joked as he scrambled some eggs.

Maria smiled and disengaged herself from Max. She looked up at him, “I have to talk to Michael. I’l be back.” She said.

Max reluctantly let her go and she walked over to the couch. She leaned down to Michael and asked him if he could talk for a few minutes. He nodded and followed her outside.

Meanwhile in the kitchen…

Max couldn’t help but feel a pang in the pit of his stomach. He wasn’t exactly jealous that Maria wanted to talk to Michael, it was just a weird feeling. Liz was feeling the same way.

Kyle noticed the looks Max and Liz were giving each other and said, “Don’t worry guys. They both really like you two a lot. It’s just that those two have been through a lot together, and it is easier for them to relate to each other.”

They nodded back at him. They knew he was right, they just wished that Michael and Maria could talk to them that freely. They figured it would happen in due time.

Back outside…

Michael put his arm around Maria’s shoulder. “What’s up, ‘Ria?” he asked.

“I didn’t want to talk about the dream in front of everyone last night, but this one was different.” Maria told him with tears coming to her eyes again. The dream last night was more real and a lot more scary.

Michael sat on the porch swing and motioned for Maria to join him. “Tell me what happened,” he said.

Maria took a deep breath and looked at her hands before looking back up at Michael. “I felt everything Michael. It felt so real. I was so helpless. I couldn’t wake myself up this time. I thought he was going to kill me.” Maria said as tears streamed down her face. Michael wrapped his arms around her for comfort. “And he kept saying these things to me.”

“What did he say, Maria?” Michael asked. He knew that she would feel better once she got it off of her chest.

Maria could not longer control her tears. She sobbed as she spoke, “He kept telling me that Max would never love me like he did. That I belonged to him and that Max would be disgusted by me. He said everyone was secretly digusted by the fact that I’m damaged goods.”

Michael was shocked. This was a dream, so it had to be something she was thinking in her sub-counscious mind. “Maria, look at me,” He said, “No one is disgusted by you. Everyone in that house loves you. They would do anything for you. Including me. I’ve never been digusted by you. You have been hurt a lot in your life, and I’m so sorry for that, but none of us are going to let that happen to you again.”

Maria wrapped her arms around Michael. “Thank you so much for putting up with all my shit. It has to get old.” She said to him.

Michael smiled, “Never,” he said.

Maria regained her composer and said, “Well, enough of that. How are things going with Liz. I can tell she is totally into you.”

Michael couldn’t hide the grin on his face, “We kissed,” he said, “And we are going to go out tonight.”

Maria giggled, “That’s great!” She was ginuinely excited to hear that. If anyone deserved to ‘get the girl’ it was Michael.

“What about you and Maxwell, in there?” Michael asked. He hoped that things were going as well for Maria and they were to him. She deserved it after all that she had been through. HE knew that every guy at school wanted to be with her, but he was honestly glad Maria had fallen for Max. He was a honest guy. Michael could trust him.

Maria grinned, “Hmmm…” she said.

“Oh common, ‘Ria.” Michael said playfully pushing her.

“We kissed too,” she finally gave in. Then she blushed. Michael smiled at her.

“Well, we better get back before they think we got back together,” Michael said jokingly.

Maria nodded and they walked back into the kitched finding everyone getting their plates ready. They joined them and Maria lightly pecked Max on the lips. “Ewwww, that’s my brother,” Isbael said.

Tess giggled, “Well, you have been making out with my brother for the past day.” She said.

Everyone laughed as Kyle and Isabel blushed. They all sat down to eat, and Maria said, “Thanks for breakfast guys.”

Alex bowed his head and they continued eating. When they finished eating, everyone headed to the living room. Maria said, “I’m gonna head home, ok?”

“I’ll drive you,” Max said. He didn’t want her to walk home, even though it wasn’t far. Maria nodded and said her goodbyes and then left.

The rest of the group broke up after that too. Liz had to get ready for work, Alex had to go to Las Caruses to work on the computer there, Isabel and Tess were going shopping, and Kyle had a good deal of TV to watch.
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 14

That night Isabel and Alex went over to Kyle and Tess’s. Jim wasn’t home so they were going to have a little movie and make-out session. Max went to Maria’s house because her mother wasn’t home, and Michael picked Liz up for their ‘date.’

On the date…

Michael took Liz to Senor Chow’s and a movie. They had a great time. During dinner Liz told Michael all about her life and was not surprised that Michael was gaurded about his. She knew that about him already. Half the fun of being with him would be breaking down those walls. She knew that Maria had already done that, but she wanted a shot too.

Michael wasn’t comfortable relveling himself to her, and she didn’t push. He liked that about her. As much as he loved Maria, if there was one thing she was it was pushy, and yes she did get him to open up and he was glad. But he liked being with a girl who let him be mysterious.

The two spent most of their time at the movie theatre paying attention to each other as opposed to the movie. Michael watched Liz tuck her hair behind her ear and watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed out of the corner of his eye. While Liz breathed in the familiar scent of Michael. He smelled beautiful.

After the movie, Michael dropped Liz off at the front door of the Crashdown. She looked up at him. “I had a really great time, Michael.” She said blushing at how high school she sounded.

He smirked at her and leaned in. There lips met and she immediately returned the kiss. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours when in actuality it was mear minutes. Finally they broke apart and grinned at each other.

“Good night,” Michael whispered into Liz’s ear.

“Night,” she said as she made her way inside. That was by far the best date either of them had ever had. Michael could feel his emotions growing for her in a way he never thought possible. He loved Maria with all his heart, but he had never loved her in that way that he was beginning to feel about Liz.

Meanwhile at Maria’s house…

Max followed Maria inside her house. She led him into the Living room and they sat down. “So, what do you want to do tonight?” Maria asked. She was still a little uncomfortable. She really liked Max, but she was embarassed about the fact that he knew everything about her being raped.

Max could sense her uneasyness. He didn’t know how, but he could always seem to sense her strong emotions. “What’s the matter, Maria?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing. I’m fine.” She siad trying to sound honest. She didn’t succeed. Max knew better.

“Common, Maria. You can tell me anything. I promise I would judge.” She said in a soothing voice as he took her hand.

She looked down at his hand on hers and smiled. He was so sweet. He made it impossible to lie to him. “I’m just a little freeked out about telling everyone, especially you, about the rape.” She finally said. Honesty was the best policy, right?

Max took a deep breath and stroked her hand. “Maria, I don’t want you to be embarassed. It is not your fault, what happened to you. You are an amazing person, and if I could find this guy I would kill him myself. Isabel, Alex, and Liz care about you very much and they are not judging you.” He said, then he got really serious. “And as far as I’m concerned, you couldn’t do anything to make me ashamed of you, but you didn’t do this to yourself. Some, cowardly bastard did it. And I want you to know that I care about you more than I think you realise.” It was hard for him to say because he feared her rejection, but he had to let her know how he felt. Honesty can be a bitch.

Tears began to stream down Maria’s face. She lunched at Max and fell into his arms. “Max, I care about you too. That’s why I didn’t want you to find out about what happened. I figured you would see me as damaged goods, and I don’t know if I could deal with that.”

She was now sitting in Max’s lap. “Honey, I could never see you like that.” He said sweetly as he wiped the tears from her face. Then he leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on her lips.

As he pulled back, Maria pulled him back to her mouth and kissed him deeply. He opened his mouth to grant her entrance. They kissed like that with passion and need until air became and issue. Pulling back, Maria looked into Max’s eyes and he looked back. They could see the emotions in each other’s eyes. Max saw happiness, confusion, sadness, and caring in Maria’s eyes. Maria saw Passion, intensity, happiness, and clarity in Max’s.

“I’m sorry,” Max said, “I didn’t mean to push you?” he was concerned by the confusion and sadness in her eyes.

Maria giggled at him. “As I recall, it was me pushing you, and I liked it.” She said with a grin.

Max grinned back. “I just don’t want to push too far to fast.” He said. He knew that Maria had to have problems with intimacy due to the tramatic rape she had endured, and though he wanted to pick her up right then and have his way with her, he knew that was a terrible idea. But the waiting could be nice too, it’s not like he had ever had sex before. He had waited this long. He could definatly wait for Maria.

“Max, I know that you are a great guy who would never pressure me. If I do something, it’s because I want to. And right know I want to kiss you.” She said seriously. She knew she could trust Max.

“I have no objection to that,” Max said with a smile. Maria crashed her lips onto Max’s. She used her toung to push her way into his mouth. He returned the favor and their kiss became heated and passionate. He felt like he was born to kiss her. Her toung against his created an uncomfortable tightness in his jeans.

Maria was lost in Max’s kisses. She had never felt so right in her life. She reached for the hem of Max’s shirt and slipped her hands underneath, messageing his tight muscles. Maria knew that Max had a great body, she had laid next to it, be feeling it under her fingers was something else. God knew what he was doing when he put this boy together, she though.

As Maria caressed Max’s abs and chest, he slipped a hand behind her and up under the back of her shirt. Her skin was so soft and smooth. She felt like velvet.

Suddenly, Maria jumped back with a look of horror on her face, “What’s wrong?” Max asked concerned.

“I can’t do this. I mean I want to, but we are just going to fast.” She said looking at Max, hoping he would forgive her. She just couldn’t get comfortable with his hands on her skin like that.

Max was now the one to look horrified. He had fucked up. He moved to fast. DAMMIT! “I’m so sorry, maria. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t of…I’m so sorry.” He said.

Maria silenced him by placing her finger on his lips. “No, it’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. There is nothing I want more than…this. But I just have trouble being touched…intimatly. It’s just going to take me a while to adjust. I still want to see you, we just have to let the sexual things progess at a slower pace.” She said. She didn’t want him to beat himself up over something that was her fault anyway.

Max smiled, “I’m in no rush. I’ve waited 17 years and I can wait 17 more if I have to.”

Maria smiled too, “Thank you, Max. What did I ever do to deserve a great guy like you?” she said.

“You deserve everything you desire,” Max said before kissing her cheek and standing. “I better go. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” he siad

Maria nodded, “Most definatly.” She said.

Max left still feeling bad for moving too fast, but he decided to let it go. If Maria could. He could.

Maria walked to her bedroom. She felt so lucky that Max felt the same way about her that she did about him. The whole time she had been with Michael, she had never felt this passion. She never felt the desire to lunge on him like she did with Max. She did love Michael, but more as a brother than a lover.

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Chapter 15

Maria was in a dark room being held down by constraints. "Where am I?" she screamed.

"You are with the one who truly loves you, Maria. HE can never love you like i do. I've been watching you. You will be mine." A voice with no body said.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" MAria screamed. She didn't liek the way this sounded. And that voice. It was so familiar.

Finally the man appeared in her vision. She let out a blood-curdling scream at the sight of him. "What do you want?" she yelled thrashing against her restraints.

"You. I only want you. Of course Zan, Rath, Vilondra, and Ava would be the frosting on the cake." the man said.

"Za...Ra...WHO?! What are you talking about?" Maria was beyond confused. Who the hell were these people he was talkign about? And furthermore, why was she in a room with the man who had raped her so long ago?

"I must say," he continued, "Zan has amazing taste. You are the hotties little thing i've found on this god-forsaken planet."

Maria processed waht he said. Did that mean...? Maybe he was an alien. SHe kept her mouth shut. She was going to try to get as much imformation from this man as she could.

The man continued talking, "Oh Maria, Maria, Maria...you are so beautiful. You dont know how much i have missed that tight passage wrapped around my cock. It's good to see you arn't giving it up to Zan. I hate sloppy seconds. But our love with have to wait for anouther time. My dear."

"Our Love?" MAria screamed, "Love is not an emotion i feel for you, ass-hole."

THe man walked over to Maria and punched her in the eye, "Love me you will. But we will deal with this later. For now, just remember that you belong to Kivar."

With that, Kivar left and Maria woke up screaming. She winced at the painful bruise forming around her eye.

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Chapter 16

Maria woke up extra early the next morning, not as if she could get much sleep after that dream anyway. She had to figure out a way to cover her black eye.

As she sat at her vanity caking on the concealer, she realized it was useless. There was no way that people wer not going to notice it. What would she tell people. She could tell Max, Isabel, Michael, Liz, Alex, KYle, and Tess the truth, but what about everyone else.

Finally, Maria put on some hige sunglasses and walked out the door to wait for Tess and Kyle to pick her up. He mom still had the Jetta so she was bumming rides.

Tess pulled up and noticed the glasses. "Hey Movie Star. What with the shades?"

"I have a head ache" Maria said. It was a lame excuse but she didn't know what to say. She needed to talk to Max first.

At school, Maria walked in the doors and looked for Max. She finally found him at her locker. He must have been waiting for her. He smiled as she walked towards him. "Hey, babe." he said.

Maria gave him a slight smile. "Hey" she said weakly.

Max could tell somthing was up. "What's wrong, Maria?" he asked. She didn't look good.

"I need to talk to you, But not here." she said as she grabbed his hand and dragged him into the eraser room. She flipped on the light.

Max chuckled. "All you had to do was ask." he said. Not understanding what she was getting at.

Maria frowned and removed her sunglasses. Immediatly Max noticed the bruise aaround her eye. "What happened?" Max asked, his anger rising in him. Whoever did this to his Maria was going to pay dearly.

Maria's eyes filled with tears. "This is really weird Max. I got this from a dream. The man who raped me. He came into my dream and did this to me. He called himself Kivar. I think he is an alien. He kept calling you Zan and he referred to Tess, Isabel and Michael as Ava, Vilondra, and Rath. I'm really scared Max. He said that he was going to take me. That he wanted me like he had me before." At this point, Maria was all out crying.

Max wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ear. "Maria, its going to be ok. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. We can figure this out. And when we do, i will make sure that this, Kivar, never sees the light of anouther day."

Max was beyond pissed, but he knew that Maria needed him to be her rock right then. But so many things were going on in his head. Kivar. That name was so familiar, but yet he couldn't place it. And Zan. Why did that seem like it really was his name. There were so many questions that needed answering.

Max pulled back and lifted Maria's face to look at him. "Maria, listen to me. I know you dont want to be babied, but i don't want you to be alone. Today we are going to skip school and after school i'm calling a meeting where we will figure all of this out."

"Max, i can't let you skip class. You are on your way to being valdictorian and everything. Besides, Michael never goes to class. I can ask him to come home with me." MAria said.

Max couldn't help the pang of jealosy in him as Maria mentioned spending the day with Michael, but he knew that they were just friends now, so he nodded and walked with Maria to Michael's locker.

Michael noticed the two stern faces of Maria and Max walking toward him. What was going on now? He wondered. When they reached him, he asked, "Maria, what's with the glasses?"

Before she could answere, Max spoke, "Umm Michael. We kind of need a favor. Maria can't be alone right now. And i dont think school is the best place for her to be. She can explain everything to you, and i'm calling a meeting at my house today after school, but could you take her home and spend the day with her?"

Michael looked at MAria. She looked scared. He hadn't seen her that scared since...Oh God! "Yeah, no problem. Common, let's go." he said to Maria and they made thier way out of the school.

The ride to Maria's house was silent. Maria hadn't taken her sunglasses off and Michael didn't want to push. But he didn't know that he didn't like the look on her face. If that ass-hole had come back and threatened her again, he was going to kill him.

Finally, after they both walked into the house, Maria turned to Michael and took off her sunglasses.

"Jesus! What the hell Happened, Maria?" Michael Exclaimed. He could feel his bood boiling.

Maria explained the dream she had to Michael and he sat down and thought. "Rath. Kivar. Rath. Kivar." Why did those names stick out in his mind.

Maria sat on the couch and watched Michael. Finally, as if comming abck to earth. HE looked at Maria. "Oh God, Maria. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for what? You didn't do this." She asked.

"Well, this is an alien problem and i am the one who got you involved with us." HE said looking down.

"No, Michael. I think god everyday that you and Tess and Isabel and Max are in my life. Besides, Kivar raped me before i knew you." There was noway he was going to blame himself for this one. She looked at him again. "Look, Michael. Why dont we just hang out here and watch some Montel and Oprah and just foget about all of this until the meeting. OK?"

Michael smiled at her. She always amazed him. She could make light of any situation. And that was just what he needed. So he nodded and they ley down on the floor together and Maria flipped on the TV.

Somewhere in between Maury and Jerry Springer, they both fell asleep. And When Max walked into Maria's house that was how he found them. Asleep. Michael had his arm around Maria's waist holding her close to him and a very protective mannner.

Max didn't liek that. He felt jealous and he didn't liek feeling liek that. Maybe Maria and Michael still had feelings for each other. Maybe they were ment to be together. All these questions were going on in his mind but he knew that he most importnat thing was finding out about Kivar. So he woke them up and they made thier way to the Evans'

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Chapter 17

When Maria and Michael walked into the house behind Max they could see that everyone else was already there.

"What is this about, Max?" Isabel asked. Max wouldn't give any of them the details of what was going on, and they were all really worried. Max never called meetings, so this had to be serious.

Then the room's attention was focused on Maria. "Oh My God, Maria what happened to your eye?" Kyle asked as he rushed to the girl who was like his sister.

"I'm fine, Kyle." Maria said. In truth her eyes still hurt and she was scared shitless. But she couldn't let the others see that. They were all worried enough as it was.

"YOu are not fine, Maria. What the hell happened." Kyle said, this time getting angry.

Michael led Maria to the couch and the others joined them in the living room. Max started the meeting. "As you may have guessed, i called this meeting about what happened to Maria last night."

"What exactly happened, Max?" Isabel said trying to stay as calm as possible.

Max looked at Maria silently saying that it would be better if she explained. Maria nodded and took a deep breath. "Well, that guy i told you guys about. The one that raped me..." Maria felt tears in her eyes as she remembered the dream. Michael grabbed her hand in comfort which did not go unnoticed by Max and Liz. "His name is Kivar. Well, he came into my dream last night. But it was different. He was really there. He told me that he was going to take me back to his planet and kill Max, Michael, Isabel, and Ave. Only he called you guys by different names. When i wouldn't let him touch me, he punched me in the face. That's where i got the shiner."

Everyone in the room digested this news. Then Kyle spoke up. "So, this is an alien thing. Some alien did this to you. Well, he is fucking dead. I dont care who he is." He said as he paced around the room.

Isabel went to his side and tried to comfort him. Though, she was really battling with her own feelings of rage. This was her fault. Well, not her's, but her alieness.

"Kyle. Calm down. Getting pissed isn't going to help anything." Maria said. Then she turned to Max. "Do you think you could heal this? It really kills."

Max nodded. He felt like an idiot for not offering to heal it before. When he was done Maria stood up and looked at her friends. Kyle was still fuming while Isabel rubbed his sholders. Alex was holding a crying Tess. Liz was sitting next to Michael, but a little further from him that usual. Max looked worried and Michael looked confused.

Maria took a deep breath and began speaking. "Look, you guys. This is my problem. The only reason i wanted to tell you guys was to tell you that Kivar is an alien and he is your enemy and that your names are Zan, Rath, Vilondra, and Ava. But the rest of this i can handle. Don't worry about it. I was scared. But now i realize that it's my problem. I'll deal. Just dont worry about it, ok?"

Maria really didnt want to see her friends like this. They were sad and worried and upset all because of her and her stupid problems.

"WHat?" Isabel asked outraged. "Maria. You have to stop beliving that you can do everything on your own and that you arn't worthy of help. I dont know how gave you that mind set, but i'll like to kick thier ass. Look, we are all in this together. There is not way that i'm going to let you go through this alone. So you better just deal with me being up your ass. I think the same goes for the rest of us."

Everyone nodded in unison. Max felt the same as Isabel. He didn't know who made Maria belive that she was worthless, but he would sure like to find out and kick his or her ass.

"Thank you guys." Maria said as she began crying, "I just dont know where to start. I dont know when Kivar is going to come back or what he is going to do."

Max had been thinking about that very thing. He walked over to Maria and held her as he said to the group. "Ok, this is what i think we should do. I think we should have at least one of us with Maria at all times. Her mom is out of town again. So she needs someone to stay with her. Isabel and i can't becuase Mom and Dad are making us do the family thing. What about you guys?"

"Alex and i have to work at the Crashdown tonight." Liz said.

"Well, Kyle and i have to go to Santa Fe with Dad." Tess said. They all looked at Michael.

"I can stay with Maria." Michael offered. To be honest he felt better being the one to protect her. It was natural to him.

Max didn't liek the idea but he didn't have any other choice. He would just have to talk to Maria before they left today. "Ok," he said. "That's settled. So tomorrow, we will just meet at the Crashdown and try to figure out who this, Kivar is."

Everyone nodded. Then began to go thier seperate ways. Max turned to Maria, "Hey, can i talk to you for a minute?"

"Of Course," she said.

He led her out to the back porch. "What's up, Max?" she asked slipping her arm through his. He immediatly backed away. "What's wrong?" she asked. Why was he being so distant?

"Do you still have feelings for Michael?" he asked getting straight to the point.

"What?" MAria asked. Where did that come from?

"I saw you guys together today. I can see that there is still somthing there. Jsut be straight with me." Maz said almost pleading.

"Max. I dont know waht you think you saw, but i can tell you that i have no romantic feelings for Michael. We are friends. He is like my brother. Yes, we dated. But he is falling for Liz and i've already fallen for you. YOu are the one i want Max. If you weren't i wouldnt be with you. I'd be with him. Michael and i ahve a strong bond, but it isn't the same as what we have." Maria confessed to Max. How could he not see how head-over-heels she was for him.

Max breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to lose Maria. She was the only one for him. He knew that. He didn't want his heart broken, but he could tell that she was being honest with him. Seeing her with Michael was still going to hurt and be awkward, but he would get though that knowing that she wanted to be with him. "OK, i just needed to make sure," he siad.

Maria smiled and kissed Max passionatly. "FOr the record, i wish it was going to be you wrapping your arms around me tonight."

Max groaned. She was going to kill him with that talk, "Hey, just make sure that Michael isn't wrapping his arms around you too tightly." He said.

Maria rolled her eyes and smiled. "Bye, baby." she siad kissing him one last time.

"Bye, Maria." he said and he watched her leave with Michael. God she was perfect.


At Maria's house, Michael sat down on the couch and started to watch TV. Hockey of course.

"So what do you want for dinner?" MAria asked.

"DOesn't matter to me. Don't put yourself out." Michael called back.

Maria ordered a pizza and they talked all night. They hadn't done that in a long time. It was nice to talk to someone who had been through so much with her.

Around 10:00 Maria yawned. "I'm kinda tired. I'm going to go to bed. You can stay up 'till whenever and sleep in my room whenever you are ready."

"Ok," he said and kissed her on the top of the head.

Michael watched TV for a couple more hours and then went up to Maria's room. He opened the door and didn't see her. Maybe she was in the bathroom.

He knocked on the bathroom door. No answere. Oh God. She barged the in door and found the room empty. SHIT. HE ran through the house and couldnt find her. "Ooh MY God! Where is she?" he yelled to the empty house.

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Chapter 18

Maria woke up, strapped to a table, in a cold and unfamiliar room. Oh God this had to be another dream. Only, Maria relized that it wasn't a dream. This was real.

Maria began screaming for help. She screamed for Max and Michael and Kyle. She screamed for her mother. She screamed until hey vioce gave out and the door burst open.

"Well, well, well, Maria. It's so nice to see you in the flesh again." Kivar said as he walked over to Maria's side. "I've been wating for this for a long time."

"What do you want?" Maria bit out. "Why can't you leave me alone?"

Kivar laughed at her, "I want you. And i can't leave you alone becuase i always get what i want."

Maria closed her eyes, trying to find her calm place. She was so scared, she didn't know what to do. Then she felt hands, lots of hands, untieing her from the table. Strong arms lifter her up and placed her on a softer surface. A bed.

She opened her eyes to see Kivar make a place on the bed next to her. His gaze burning a hole in her brain. "Please, dont" she pleaded, for she know what was next. She was going to be forced to have sex with the man who had forced her once before.

"You'll like t this time, honey. I promise." He said. Then he quickly liquified her clothes and his. "Now be a good girl and this wont have to hurt."

Tears sparng from Maria's eyes. What was she to do? Fight and get hurt and still be forced to have sex with this man, or give in? Reluctantly she decided it would be best for her if she didn't fight him. The sex was inevitable.

She took a deep breath and relaxed her body. "That's a good girl," Kiver said and he reached inbetween her legs and began to rub her clit with the pad of his thumb.

Maria tried to supress a groan. She would give in to him, but she refused to get pleasure from it. The only problem was, that unlike thier first rondevouz, Kiver was doing everything in his power to make her orgasm.

He had forplay down to an art and as he was thrusting into her she felt her legs shake. He smiled as she orgasmed. She could supress the look of pleasure on her face and in her voice, but her contricting walls around his cock gave her away. After she came, so did he, spilling his seed into her.

Then he rolled off of her, handcuffin her to the bed and pulling the blanket over her exposed body. He got up, and left her there to rest. She was his now.

Maria felt dirty. Not only, had she given into Kivar but she also got pleasure. It wasn't that she liked having sex with him. She jsut couldn't control her bodies reactions to his minstrations. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Eventually, she cried herslef to sleep, thinking of all the people she had let down, and how her new life with Kivar was going to be.

Meanwhile...At the Evan's:

After family night, Isabel and Max had the rest of the gang over just to hang out. They invited Maria and Michael, but she was already asleep.

Everyone could see in Tess and Kyle's eyes how much the Maria situation had shaken them up. They both kept thier distance from Alex and Isabel. Almost afraid to touch them.

"What's the matter, Kyle?" Liz asked. She obvioulsy knew what was wrong, but she wanted him to elaborate.

"Well, for starters, my best friend, and the girl i know as my sister was attacked by an alien." He bit out.

He saw the look on Isabel's face and felt bad. "I'm sorry, Liz. I ddin't meant o yel at you. It's just that, Maria has been delt difficult situation, after difficult situation, and i thought all of that was over. But i guess not."

Max's interest was peeked. "What has she gone through Kyle? I mean why does she have jsut low self-esteem?"

Kyle and Tess looked at each other and Kyle spoke. "Well, he father left her and her mother when she was 7, which did a real number on her. As you can tell from going to west roswell high, she has never dated the right kind of guys since. Well, until Michael and now you. She doesn't feel worth of love, becuase he father didn't love her. Then there is the fact that her mother is never around, and when she is, she is with some man. Plus, after the rape, she wasn't the same. Her vibrance and spunk died a little bit that day. Now, she can't escape this man, becuase he comes to her in her dreams. It's like when is she going to have been put though enough?" Kyle hated that Maria had been handed such a raw deal. It sucked. She deserved it least out of anyone her knew.

Max had known some of what Kyle told him through flashes, but he didn't know that it was that bad, and he didn't know that Maria felt worthless.

As everyone was digesting the knowlege Kyle had just given them, the phone rang. "Hello?" Isabel answered.

"Oh MY God. No. Oh my GOd. Ok, we will be there." she said and then hung up. She looked at the worried faces of her friends and said, "That was Michael. Maria is gone. Kidnapped. We have to get over there right way." She couldn't hold back the tears. A shoked Kyle comforted her as he ploted the ways he would see Kivar die.

Max went from worried to inraged in about 2 seconds. He grabbed his coat and stopped out the door, his friends close behind him. Liz and Alex were scared and worried for Maria. Isabel and Tess couldn't stop crying. Kyle and Max were so inraged that someone had taken Maria that they couldnt see straight.

When they got to Maria's they opened the door to a pacing Michael. "SO what happened?" Max asked.

Michael explained to the group what happened. How she went ot bed adn then he cam up 2 hors later and she was gone. Everyone could tell that Michael blamed himself for this. As he always did. That was one thing Michaela dn Maria had in common They constantly blamed themselves.

Liz made her way over to Michael and rubbed his back to sooth him. She hated seeing him like this. But she could understand how he felt. She too felt guilty for the thoughts she had had about Maria when she saw her holding Michael's hand.

"Well, we have to get her back! Any suggestions?" Max asked the room.

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Chapter 19

Back with Maria...

Maria's eyes snapped open as she felt Kivar's hands on her again. He made her sick. She wanted to be in Max's arms. Sure Kivar was an attractive man, but he was not Max and he had raped her. That pretty much cut him off from being attractive to her.

"Morning, baby," Kivar whispered in her ear. That word made her cringe, along with the feeling of his breath against her ear.

"I'm not your baby," Maria said weakly.

Kivar back handed her. "Now, i thought we talked about this. You go along with this, and you won't get hurt. You fight or back talk me, and you will get hurt."

Maria's eyes filled with tears. She was never going to escape this man. She felt his hands unhook the handcuffs. Kivar ripped the sheet off of her and flipped her over.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Maria was afraid to ask.

"I'm going to fuck your sweet ass now." Kyle said with a grin. Maria was pertified. She knew that it was going to hurt even more than being raped.

"Please don't" she begged.

"Oh, it will be real sweet," Kivar said and ignored her. He proped her limp body up until it was were he wanted it. He slid into her and she screamed. She couldn't help it. It hurt. The louder she screamed. The harder he pounded her until his sweaty body collapsed on her and he came inside her.

She was bleeding and buised and lay there for what seemed like hours naked and sobbing.

Meanwhile at Maria's house...

"I don't know what to do!" Michael screamed. "We need to find her. Who knows what that ass hole is doing to her!"

Isabel tried to intervien. "You guys, we have to stay calm. Yelling at each other won't help us find her."

Michael backed down. Max continued, "We need a plan. Isabel, can you dream walk her?"

Isabel hadn't thought of that. "Yeah, I can try. Does someone have a picture of Maria?"

Kyle pulled her class picture out of his wallet and handed it to her. Alex and Tess sat down together while Kyle and Isabel made thier way to Maria's room. Max paced the room and Liz tried to comfort and inconsolable Michael.

Isabel laid down and Kyle wrapped his arms around her. She placed her finger on the picture. She slipped into the dreamplane.

Isabel saw Maria laying naked, hancuffed to a bed. She had a black eye and was bleeding from her nether regions. Isabel rushed up to her. "Maria, where are you?" she was panicked.

Maria looked up at Isabel dazed. "Help, me!" she said. And then she passed out from the pain.

Isabel shook her, "Maria wake up. You have to tell me where you are."

Isabel looked around the room in deperation. She couldnt tell where she was. Suddenly she saw a man enter the room and she was pushed out of the dreamplane.

Isabel gasped as she woke up. "WHat? Did you find her?" Kyle asked.

"She is hurt. God Kyle. He is hurting her." She sobbed into Kyle's chest. Kyle was beyond livid. HE helped Isabel into the living room.

Every one looked at Isabel expectantly. "Well?" Micahel asked impatiently.

"Kivar has her. I saw him," she sobbed, "He is hurting her. I think he's raped her again. More than once. And he had beaten her too. She is so scared. I couldn't tell where she was and she was so out of it she couldnt tell me." She fell to the ground crying.

Kyle wrapped his arms around her. He wanted to kill this bastard. Michael stared off into space. Liz helped him to the couch and rubbed his back as she cried from MAria. Tess broke down in Alex's arms. Max was pissed he ran out the door slamming it behind him, and down the street to the park. He had to think.

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