Crazy On You (UC,Mi/L,Mature) [COMPLETE]

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 11

Michael carried Liz and put her in Jim’s Jeep. He and Kyle rode with them to the Police station. Max, Isabel, Tess, Alex, and Maria all stayed back at Michael’s apartment, too stunned to leave.

They sat in silence for the longest time, and then Max said, out of the blue, “She never slept with Kyle.”

“What?” Isabel said cautiously.

“When I healed her, I saw it. She pretended to sleep with Kyle to save us. All of us.” Max answered. Everyone was very confused. He explained to them what he saw happen with Liz and future Max.

“And we were so horrible to her,” Isabel thought outloud.

Alex was steaming in the corner. “We should all be ashamed of ourselves. Even before finding out about Future Max. I mean God. We treated her like crap. Even if she had slept with Kyle, we hd no right to throw her out like trash.” He was nearly yelling at this point. Then he turned his attention to Maria, “And we are the worst, Maria. She has been out best friend since 1st grade and we treated her like crap just to get in good with the aliens.”

They all knew he was right. They were so ashamed of themselves. It was too bad that Liz had to nearly die before they realized what she ment to them.


At the Polices station, Liz told Jim everything with Deputy Hanson present. Michael wasn’t allowed to be in there, but she really wished he could. She needed his support. Jim decided that Liz needed to be checked out at the hospital.

Michael went with them and stood outside the door. The doctor came out of the room almost immediately. “Are you Michael Guerin?” Michael nodded. “Well, I don’t normally do this, but Ms. Parker is asking you…and I thought under the circumstances that this could go a lot smoother is her boyfriend was in there with her.”

Michael nodded and followed the doctor. Liz looked up at him, still looking in a lot of pain. “I’m sorry Michael. I just feel safer when your with me.” She said. He sushed her and held her hand.

After the doctor examined her, he went to give a statement to Jim. When they were finished, Jim walked over to Liz and Michael, “The doctor wants to keep you over night. I called your parents. They want me to watch you until they get back. K?” he said.

Back at the apartment…

Max’s cell phone rang. “Hello,” he answered.

“Hey, it’s Jim. Look, Liz is pretty banged up. They are keeping her overnight. I just thought you all would like to know.”

“Ok, thanks.” He said, and hung up. He turned to his friends, “She’s staying the night in the hospital.”

“We should go.” Maria said.

“No, lets let her have some time with Michael. It’s got to be impossibly hard to find out the woman you love have been raped and beaten.” He said. Everyone was shocked that he used the word, ‘love’ but he had seen how she felt about Michael, and it was definatly love. Everyone went home soon after.

Back at the hospital…

Michael sat with Liz. She still hadn’t fallen asleep. He knew she needed her rest, so she was trying to talk her into going to bed. Liz needed to get something off of her chest.

“Michael,” she began, “I wanted to sap I’m sorry.”

“Liz, this was not your fault. You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” He said.

“No, I know. I mean…” she didn’t know how to say what she wanted to say, “I mean I’m sorry that I can’t give you the one thing that I have to give you.” She was building up steam, “I wanted so bad for you to be the one I gave my virginity to. And now I never can. That was all I had to give to you and it’s gone.” She cried.

Michael was shocked. “Liz, you have already given me so much. I can’t belive that you don’t see that. As far as I’m concerned you still have your virginity. Your first time will be with who you want it to be with.” He said honestly. He couldn’t believe that she had actually emplyed that she wanted to have sex with him.

They cried and hugged, and then Liz drifted off into sleep.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 12

Liz stayed in the hospital for 2 more days. She had a fractured rib and some pretty bad cuts and bruises. Mack and Jeff were brought in promptly by Sheriff Valenti and held without bond.

The worst seemed behind Liz and Michael. She was having nightmares, but she had been staying at the Valinte’s so Kyle usually stayed up with her until she could get back to sleep.

The second day that Liz was out of the hospital, her old friends decided to go and talk to her. They felt really bad for the way they had treated her. They knew they didn’t deserve forgivness, but they had to let her know that they felt bad.

When they got to Kyle’s, Liz was sitting with Kyle and Michael watching television. Michael looked up at them and turned his attention right back to the TV, squeezing Liz a little tighter.

“Can we talk?” Max said.

Liz looked up, “Talk.”

Max moved in front of Liz. The rest followed. Liz turned off the TV. “We wanted to come by to apologize for how we treated you. I know what happened with Kyle.” He said.

It was Maria’s turn, “Liz, I feel horrible for how I treated you. I had no right. You are my best-friend and I should have stuck by you. I’m really sorry.”

Isabel spoke up, “I know I’ve made this the worst on you. I was just worried about my brother, and you were the first girl I’ve ever opened up to. And well I felt betrayed. I had no right.”

Tess hesitantly began to speak, “I know we have never been friends, and we don’t even really like each other that much. But I do know that the way I acted after we thought you slept with Kyle was rude and unfair. I’m sorry I didn’t act with more class.”

Finally Alex stepped forward, “I’m not even going to aks you to forgive me because what I did was unforgivable. If I were to die tomorrow, I’d go to the lowest level of hell with the rest of the betrayers. I hope you can forgive me, but I know I don’t deserve it.”

They all waited for Liz’s reaction. “Well, I hope you weren’t planning on coming over and apologizing and things would be all ok again. My life has been a living hell for the past 2 weeks because of you. And the only reason you are all here is because you know I didn’t sleep with Kyle. Well, what if I had? And what if I hadn’t been raped? You would still be ignoring me and giving me hateful looks. Max, I can see you being mad about the Kyle thing. I mean that was the desired effect. But I honestly thought you knew me better than that. I guess I over estemated you.”

They all nodded, knowing she was right. They looked at each other and shuffled out of the house. Liz did want to forgive them, but it was just too hard. They had hurt her pretty bad. It was going to take time.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 13

Liz took the rest of the week off of school and work. She had to recouperate and think. Finally, that Saturday, after she caught her parents up on the recent events, she called a meeting with everyone. She wanted to talk to them now that she had had some time to think.

Everyone met at Michael’s apartment except for Jim. He wasn’t really into the teenage drama. When everyone sat down, Liz began. She sat down in Michael’s lap, more for support than anything else. “OK, I’ve been thinking a lot about everything that has happened since Future Max came, and here is what I’ve come up with. I’m still very hurt, but to hold grudges against all of you is just as bad as what you did to me.” Michael looked kind of surprised. “I probably will never beable to forget what you did to me, but I can forgive. And I’m going to try. I just want to let you all know that I will try.”

Then she spoke to each of them individualy. To Max she said, “When I broke things off with you, and pushed you away from me, I did it because that’s what I had to do. But looking back on it, it was the right thing to do. I love Michael, and I wouldn’t have found that out otherwise. Don’t get me wrong, I did love you once, and I always will in a way. But we just don’t have the same spark we did. I still want to be in your life because I do care about you. But I’ll understand if you cant do that.”

He answered, “I saw the two of you together in the flashes. I know how much you love him, and how much he loves you. I could never stand in the way of that. Maybe it’s just time for us to move on. But I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I already did once, and I was miserable.”

Next, Liz turned to Tess. “Tess, you are right. We havn’t been good friends. But I think that is because we were always plotting for Max’s attention. Now that is a non-issue, so I’m hoping we can put that behind us.”

Tess answered simply, “I’d like that.”

To Isabel, Liz said, “I was hurt by the comments I heard you make about me. And I did feel a great sense of loss when you wouldn’t speak to me, but if I’m being honest, I understand where you were coming from. If I had a brother, I’d probably be as protective of him as you were.”

“Thanks, Liz. I’m really sorry.” Isabel said.

Finally Liz turned to Maira and Alex. “You two hurt me the most. I still don’t understand you motives, Maria. But I do want to be able to go back to what we were. It won’t happen right away, but hopefully one day it will. Alex, I appriciate that you tried to stick up for me. I really do. It just really hurts still.” She said tearing up.

Maria spoke first, “I know. Lizzie, I’m sorry. God, you don’t know how sorry I am. I can never justify my behavior.”

Alex said, “I hope we can go back to before too. Just take your time.”

“Ok, so do you think I could get a group hug?” Liz asked with a smile.

“Of course, chica.” Maria piped.

And that was how the healing began. Weeks passed and the group grew tighter again. It only took 3 weeks for Maria and Liz to go back to eating ice cream and dishing. Things progressed with Liz and Michael as well. On their 1 month aniversary, she gave him her ‘virginity’ and he gave her his. They always related their relationship to the Heart song ‘Crazy On You,’ because their love wasn’t easy and almost didn’t happen, but they did love each other very much.

The End.