Second Chance at the First Time (UC,Mx/Ma,Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 11…

Maria looked scared, “Why?” she asked.

“Because I’m going to take care of him.” Max answered simply.

“Wait, what do you mean?” She knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“Maria, he has to pay for what he has done to you. I’m…I’m going to kill him for what he has done to you.”

Maria’s eye’s widened. “No, Max, you cant do that! I mean, you will get caught and then you will leave, me and I can’t live without you! Don’t leave me!” She was histerical at this point.

Max wrapped his arms around Maria. “I’m not leaving you, I promise, but I have to teach this guy a lesson or we will keep coming after you. I’m not going to get caught, and I’m not going to leave you.” He kissed her forhead.

She looked up into his beautiful amber eyes. She didn’t know why, but she trusted him. Her the girl who never trusted anyman, not even Michael.

“But I’m going to need Kyle, Jim, Michael, and Isabel’s help. So, I’m going to have to tell them about us and what happened.” Max told her.

“Ok,” she finally said. What else could she say. She hugged him tighter. Thank god it was Saturday because Max had no class and she didn’t have to go to the studio. They could spent the whole day together.

Max’s eyes brightened. “How ‘bout I make you some breakfast.”

“Sounds awesome,” she smiled sweetly, “but do you think I could get something to wear…I really don’t want to put those back on.” She motioned toward her tattered clothes from last night.

“Yeah, love. Wait a sec.” He walked to his closet and pulled out a pair of boxers and a white tee-shirt. Maria changed into them and was amused at the fact that his boxers barely stayed on her. He grinned too. She was sexy in his clothes, but it was kinda funny how she had to hold his boxers up.

They walked to the kitchen and max began preparing breakfast. He made omelets with cheese and onion, just the way Maria liked them. She hadn’t even told him that. He just seemed to know.

After they were finished eating, Max told Maria to get in the shower, and he would run down the street and buy her some clothes. Maria was a little apprehensive about that. God only knew what the hell he would pick for her to wear, but anything was better than what she had on so she concented.

When Maria was safely in the shower, Max made his way to the H&M store a block from his apartment. He made sure to lock the door behind him. On his way, Max pulled out his phone and dialed Michael. He figured he would get everyone together in Roswell and he and Maria could fly out there. It would get her out of the city, and this was really something they should talk about in person.

Michael picked up the phone with a, “Hello.”

“Hey, Michael. It’s Max.”

“I know who it is. What are you up to?” Michael wasn’t exactly sure why Michael was calling him at 8:00am.

“Umm nothing. Look, I…we have a bit of an emergency. I need you and Isabel to meet me in Roswell tomorrow.”

“What? That’s prettty short notice.”

“Look, I’ll explain everything tomorrow. I really need you guys.”

“Alright, sure Maxwell. We will be there. Where you want us to go?”

“I’m getting ready to call Kyle and Sheriff Valinte, we will meet there.”

“Alright, Bye.”


Max hung up the phone and entered the store. He picked out a pink tank-top and some basic flare jeans. He also got her a thong, since her underwear was noticably missing. He desided against a bra because he didn’t have the slighest idea about cup size or whaever that number stood for.

When Max walked out of the store, he once again pulled out his cell phone and called Kyle.

“Hey,” Kyle answered.

“Hey, Kyle. It’s Max”

“Hey, Max!” Kyle was happy to hear from him. “How you been stranger.”

“Umm good and bad. Actually, we have a little problem. I just talked to Michael. He and Isabel are flying into Roswell tomorrow, and Maria and I are going to meet them their. We need your help as well as your father’s.”

Kyle immediately thought something was wrong with Liz. He knew that they weren’t really speaking, but he didn’t want Liz to be in trouble. “Is it Liz?” he asked.

Max was caught off guard. He hadn’t even thought about Liz. “No, I’ll explain it tomorrow. I told Michael to meet me at your house, ok?”

“Yeah that’s fine. I’ll tell my dad.”

“Thanks, Kyle.”

“Alright, bye.”


Max entered his apartment to find Maria in a towle on the couch. “Took you long enough.” She said playfully. Max was relived to see some life back in her. He handed her the bag and she went into his bedroom to change.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 12

When Maria came out of the bedroom, she had a smile on her face. She was very surprised that not only had Max picked out decent clothes, he had picked almost the right size. The shirt, was just a little tight, but everything else was perfect.

Max looked up at her and though, yeah I did good. He walked over to her and gave her a peck on the lips. Maria deepened the kiss, and then backed away. “Yeah, you need to brush your teeth.” She said making a fake disgusted face.

He laughed at her hand said, “Yeah, I bet I do… let me get a shower, k?”

“Ok,” she said.

When Max returned, Maria stood up to greet him. She kissed him again and said, “Much better, Colgate fresh.”

Max smiled at her and then got serious. “Well, we have to talk.” Maria looked worried. “When you were in the shower, I called Michael and Kyle and we are going to go to Roswell tomorrow to meet with them. I figured it was the best time, because I have fall break next week and your recording time doesn’t start back up until next month.”

“Oh, ok. Max you had me worried.” She breathed a sigh of relief that all Max had to say was that they were making an impromptu trip to Roswell. Then the thought hit her. “What about Liz?” She didn’t like keeping this from Liz, but she knew that nw was so not the time to deal with it.

“Yeah, I was thinking, that it would be best if we brought this to her after the drama with Jakk was over. You know? I mean one thing at a time, right.”

“Yeah, your right, its just so hard keeping this from her, you know?”

Max nodded. He hated that their happiness was burdened by such turmoil. He really wished with all his heart that he could just take Maria and go far away, and live happily ever after.

“So when are we leaving?” Maria spoke up.

“I have to call the airline, but tomorrow morning, probably.” He said leaving her for the phone.

As Max talked to the travle agent, Maria flipped on the TV. She didn’t want to sit for too long, or images of last night would flood her brain. She knew Max was worried about her, but she didn’t want him to. She needed to try to forget about Jakk and the whole incedent.

Max hung up the phone and sat down next to Maria, slipping his arm around her. “Tomorrow, at 7:00am,” he said. Maria let out a groan and he laughed at her.

They watched TV for a couple of hours, then Maria got up and stretched. “I better go get some stuff from my apartment, and leave Liz a note so she doesn’t get worried…Do you know how long we will be gone?”

“Ummm, I’m not exactly sure. I’d say 3 or 4 days?” Max answered.

“Ok, I’ll be back.”

“You know I don’t know how I feel about you going alone, you know?”

“Max, I’ll be fine.” She secretly was worried about the same thing, but he couldn’t go with her. What if Liz was there?

“Alright, but if anything seems even the slightest bit off, call me immediately.” Maria agreed and walked out the door.

She got to her apartment without any troubles, she pick out enough clothes for a week, just in case. On the way out, she left Liz a note:

I’m going to L.A. with one of the record executives. I’ll be gone for about a week. Don’t miss me too much, chica. I’ll call you when I get back in town.
Later babe,

Then she walked out the door. When she slipped in the cab, she let out a sigh of relief. She hadn’t run into Jakk. It was smooth sailing from then on. When she walked into Max’s apartment, she could feel his relief too. She could bet that he had been on pins and needles since she had left.

He pulled her onto the couch and kissed her everywhere. His kisses were so perfect. She felt as if he was orn to kiss her and she him. The rest of the day they lounged around. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.

They just taid around together talking. Maria told Max about the men she had dated, and Max talked about Columbia. They finally drifted off to sleep around 8:00.

The sound of the alarm pierced though their sleep like a knife and they both reluctantly rolled out of bed. Why did Max make the flight so early?

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 13

Max and Maria finally landed in Las Caruses and rented a car. When they entered the Roswell city limits, they were both flooded with memories of the town they had once known as home.

Max drove straight to The Valenti’s, wanting to get there as quickly as possible. They passed the Crashdown on the way, and he saw Maria wipe away a tear from her cheek. She had been pretty quiet during the whole trip.

Maria was worried about how things were going to go when she and Max talked to the others. She’s always been friends with Kyle, but she didn’t know how Michael and Isabel would react. Not just to Max’s plan to kill her ex-boyfriend, but to the fact that she and Max were betraying Liz. She had butterflies in her stomach.

They pulled into the Valenti’s driveway, and walked up to the door. They both took a few deep breathes and Max grabbed Maria’s hand and held it thight. He reached up to knock on the door, but Michael answered if before he could make contact.

Michael noticed their hand holding, but brushed it off. He grabbed Max and pulled him into the house. Maria and Max saw Kyle, Isabel, and Jim sitting in the living room. “So, what’s up, Maxwell?”

“Hello, to you too, Michael.” Max answered. Michael’s greeting caught him a little off guard.

Max and Maria followed Michael into the living room. They all sat down and turned to Max, except Maria who kept her eyes focused on the brown carpet. “Well, first off, this is not an Alien emergency.” Max said. Everyone breathed a silent sigh of relief. They had all been trying to think of what this emergency could be.

“We out to start at the beginning. Maria and I ran into each other a few days ago in New York City. And we… well, there is just no way to say this but to say it. We are together. We love each other.” Mouths hung open all around the room. “The reason we are telling you this, is because it leads to the problem.”

“Wait, so how together are you?” Michael asked, shocked that his ex and his brother were now and item. He wasn’t mad, it was more of a strangeness he felt.

“Together, together, Michael.” Maria spoke up. Everyone looked at each other.

“So, what’s the problem?” Isabel asked, wanting to get to the point.

“Well. Two nights ago, there was an…ummm incedent.” Max struggled dfor the words. He looked at Maria whose eyes were wide. “One of Maria’s ex-boyfriends broke into her house and…and he… well he beat her up and then raped her,” he finished.

Isabel ran to Maria and held her in her arms, “I’m so sorry, Maria.” Tears were welling up in her eyes.

Kyle looked at Maria with the same sadness that Max had looked at her with two nights ago.

Michael looked furious. “Who the hell is this guy!” he demanded.

Jim motioned for Michael to calm down. He being a person who had delt with situations like this needed to get the whole story. “Maria, I need you to tell me what happened. Everything from start to finish, ok?” She laid a comforting hand on her sholder.

Maria took a deep breath, and began to speak. She told them about her previous abusive relationships. She told them a breife history of her realationship with Jakk. She told them about her confrontation with him at the recording studio. And she told them in exruciating detail about the night she was raped. The whole time she spoke Max and Isabel comforted her. She told her story between deep breaths and many tears.

Michael seethed the whole time she spoke. He was going to kill this motherfucker if it was that last thing he did. But he also felt anger at himself. He couldn’t get past the thought that it was his break-up with Maria that had caused her to engage in these abusive relationships. How could she believe that she wasn’t worth more than that.

Isabel took the word’s right out of his head, “Maria, listen to me. You do not deserve that.” Isabel said. Maria didn’t look her in the eye.

Kyle finally sprung into action. He walked over to Maria and lifted her face to look at him. “Isabel is right, Maria. Nothing you have done would make you deserve what you have experianced in New York.”

Maria’s eyes filled with tears, and Max squeezed her hand as if to say that he agreed with Kyle and Isabel. Finally he spoke. “Well, here is the reason I came here. I am going to kill Jakk.”

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 14

Isabel gasped. Kyle looked at Max in confusion. Jim stared off into space. They were all in shock, but all of them wanted that ass hole dead too. Michael finally spoke up. “You read my mind, Maxwell.”

Maria looked up at him shocked. She needed to get something of her chest to the whole group. “Look, you guys. I know I was never completely part of the group, and I have been thinking. It’s not fair for me to let you guys risk getting caught because a guy took advantage of me. Maybe…maybe I sould just go back to New York. I can deal with it. I did before.”

They all gasped. First she didn’t think she was part of the group, and second, she was willing to go back to Jakk to save them. “No,” Kyle said, “That’s not going to happen.”

“You ARE part of our group, Maria. Sure, Liz brought you in and Michael kept you there, but we all love you on your own.” Isabel said.

Max was shocked that Maria didn’t feel that she was one of them. “Maria, I love you. We all do. And what happened to you will be avenged. You aren’t asking me to do anything we aren’t willing to do.”

Michael agreed. “Look, Maria. I’m really sorry that you felt that you needed men like that after we broke up. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.” He really felt bad. “I want to kill this… this Jakk with my bare hands right now!”

Kyle spoke again, “I want to help you guys,” he said to Max and Michael, “this guy will pay, right dad.” He looked to his father for guidance, just as the rest did.

Jim took a deep breath and talked to Maria, “Sweetheart, I have thought of you as a daughter for a long time, even before I joined the ‘i-know-an-alien’ club. And I want this boy dead. I want to actually be the one to kill him.” Then he turned to the rest of the group, “but we have to think this through. We need to get our emtions in check before we do anything.”

They all nodded at Jim. They knew he was right. Suddenly a tought came to Maria. “Wait. Why aren’t any of you more pissed that I basically betrayed my best friend and started dating Max behind her back?” She was confused at the fact that they didn’t jump down her throat.

Isabel was the first to speak, “Liz gave up on us. She doesn’t want anything to do with us, and frankly with the attitude she has had, we don’t want anything to do with her.”

Kyle clarified, “After the break-up between Liz and Max, she called us all and told us that she didn’t want to see us again. She said that she was quote ‘over the sci-fi drama.’”

Maria was shocked. Liz had never shared this with her. “I’m so sorry you guys I never knew.”

“It’s ok. We are better off.” Michael said in a harsh tone. You could tell that he was hurt by Liz’s words, but he wasn’t about to admit it to anyone, even Isabel. Then Michael looked at Max. “Hey, Maxwell. You think I could have a word with you in the kitchen?”

Max got up and followed him, looking back to see everyone else still comforting Maria. When they reached the kitchen, Michael closed the door and turned around to Max. “So, you and Maria.”

“Yeah. I really do love her.”

“For some odd reason, I understand. You guys seem right. I can’t figure out why. I’m supposed to be pissed right?’

“I don’t know Michael. I really don’t know anything anymore. All I DO know is that I love Maria.”

“Well, you just treat her better than I did. Because if I find out you broke her heart, you will stand to endure the same pain we are about to inflict on the fucking ass hole, Jakk.” With that he lightened up and put his arm around Max. “She always wanted what you an Liz had, hopefully now she will get it. She deserves better than I could give her.”

Max smiled at Michael. “She deserved better than me to…I just hope she will let me love her though.” He reached out for Michael’s sholder, “I won’t ever hurt her, Michael. I promise.”

Michael let it die there. He knew that Max wouldn’t hurt her, but if he did, Michael was more than willing to fallow through with his threats.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 15

Max and Michael walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. Max took is place next to Maria, and Michael sat next to Max. Just as they say down a cell phone rang.

The sound of ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ caused Maria to literally jump. Who could that be, she thought. Probably Liz. She took out her phone and answered, “Hello.”

A gruff voice, definatly not Liz answered, “Hello, yourself.” A look of terror flashed across Maria’s face. She looked at the group and mouthed ‘Jakk.’

“What do you want?” she asked. She was trying to sound intimidating, but it came out more nervous.

Max grabbed the phone from Maria. “Who is this?” Max asked in an angry voice, though he had already been informed of the answere. Max put the phone on speaker at the silent request of Jim.

“Who the hell is this?” Jakk answered.

“Not that it is your business, but this is her boyfriend, Max.”

“You are sorly mistaken, buddy. But Maria is mine, she will always be mine.”

Michael silently huffed. He wanted to kill this man. Jim listened intently.

Max was visibly angry at this point. “Maria doesn’t belong to anyone, especially not you.”

Jakk let out a laugh over the phone. “You know, Maxie, I feel for you. Bitch opens her pretty legs for anyone. Don’t feel like you are special.”

Isabel and Kyle wrapped thier arms around Maria.

Max had to control the urge to throw the phone across the room, “How dare you call her that! You just leave he alone. I’m warning you!”

Jakk laughed at him yet again. “Right, that’s going to happen. Anyway, why don’t you just let that little whore know that if she is planning to try and run away, she shouldn’t use her credit card to buy a plane ticket to New Mexico.”

Jim looked worried. Maria clung to Isabel and Kyle. Michael got up and started pacing. Max tried to keep his composure. “Just leave her alone!” He said.

“Sure thing, Maxie.” Jakk said sarcasticly and and promptly hung up the phone.

Max hung up the phone and grabbed Maria’s hand. “What am I going to do?” Maria asked, still stunned.

Jim was the one to answere, “I don’t know, honey. But whatever we do, we are in this together. All of us. We just need a plan.”

“Does that mean you are with us?” Isabel asked. They all looked at her. Suprized because she had yet to openly consent to involvment in the demise of that bastard, Jakk.

“Yes,” Jim answered, “but we have to do this right. I also, think that we should start ‘project: never leave Maria alone.’”

The rest of the group nodded with whole-hearted approval. Kyle spoke up, “You have any ideas, dad?”

“No, we are going to have to plan this to a T though. And I think it would be best if we did it in our neck of the woods. With me being Sheriff, it will be easier to cover up.”

Maria shook her head, “No, I can’t let you lose your job again. I remember how hard it was on you before.”

Jim dismised her with the wave of the hand, “No worries, we will plan this so it’s not a problem. Besides, you are more imortant to me than a job.” He pulled her off the couch and into a hug.

Tears filled Maria’s eyes. She had never known that these people cared about her enough to risk their lives. She was dumb-founded by this out pouring of love. She just hoped that they could come up with a plan that would leave thme all safe.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 16

After everyone had their heart-to-heart, they went to the Crashdown for lunch. When they got their, they decided that Maria shouldn’t sit next to Max. They were going to be at Liz’s parent’s house, and Max and Maria just couldn’t hide their chemistry.

They had all missed the greasy Crashdown food (Except for Kyle of course). So, spirits rose. They all despiratly wanted to be jovial until tomorrow when they would start plans for what they would do with Jakk.

They all laughed and talked about their lives so far. Maria was happy that her friends were getting along so well. Kyle was attending Roswell Community College, and working at the shop part time. Michael and Isabel had just bought a house. They were really all growing up. It was hard to believe.

They decided to have one of their famous movie nights, so on the way back to Kyle’s house, they stopped at the video store. Finally, after much debate they decided one three movies. ‘The Notebook’ for Isabel and Maria, ‘Braveheart’ for Michael and Kyle, and Anchorman for Max who thought a comedy would be greatly needed after a tear-jerker, and a bloody epic.

Back at the Valinte’s, Isabel pulled Maria aside. “Maria, I just wanted to talk to you for a second.”

“Shoot,” Maria said.

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that, well…” she didn’t know how to express herself, “I know that we were never THAT close back in high school. I know that we didn’t share a lot…but I want that to change. You are the only girlfriend I have left. I love you. You know?”

“Yeah, Isabel,” Maria answered, “I know exactly what you are talking about. It’s tough dealing with these boys,” she let out a giggle, “I want us to be closer. To tell you the truth, the only reason I didn’t warm up to you as much, was because I was scared shitless of you.”

Isabel grinned at Maria. Then she wrapped her in a great bear-hug. “Friends forever?”

“You bet, Ice queen.” Maria answered good-naturedly.

Max had been eavsdropping on their conversation. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. He smiled to himself at his sister’s revelation. He was proud of her. But more importantly, he was extatic that Maria was being shown how much she ment to everyone. Things are going to be ok, he thought.

Maria and Isabel walked back into the room and noticed Max’s grin. They knew Max had been listening to the conversation and they both glared at him good-naturedly. Fianally they all settled into seats. Kyle in the recliner, Isabel on the couch, Michel next to her, Maria next to him, and Max on the other side of Maria.

Maria knew that Michael and Max had purposly took seats on each side of her. She rolled her eyes. They were never going to stop treating her like glass. But if it made them feel better, she was more than happy to oblige. To tell the truth, she DID feel safer.

Kyle popped in the Notebook with a groan, “Do we REALLY have to watch this?” he complained.

“YES!” Maria and Isabel said in unison, giving each other knowing looks.”

“Kyle, I’ve learned that anytime you make a woman watch Braveheart…you are bound to have to sit through some weepy, chick-flick.” Michael answered. This got him a nice firm punch from Isabel. Maria and Michael laughed.

“Oh, come on, it could be good.” Max said. What a brown-noser.

“This from the eternal romantic,” Kyle joked.

“You think we couls start this shit sometime today?” Maria said with a laugh.

“Fine…Fine,” Kyle pressed play.

Maria and Isabel cried. Max got misty, but kept it inside. Kyle and Michael tried to fake disintrest, but they were infact enthralled in the movie. During the extremely romantic or sad parts, Max would squeeze Maria’s hand. She loved this man.

“Alright, next up Braveheart.” Kyle said with more enthusiasm.

“Now, Michael, if I catch you doing a body count I will kick your ass!” Isabel warned.

“Yeah, it is the most frustrating thing, ever, to watch this movie with him when he is doing that.” Maria chipped in.

“Fine,” Michael said in disgust. Michael and Kyle laughed, these women had Michael sussed.

During this movie, Max and Maria played a little kissy face, seeing as though they had seen it 100 times with Michael already, and it wasn’t their favorite movie. They knew Michael was getting frustrated at their disintrest, but Isabel had him wrapped around her little finger. He wouldn’t say anything for fear of the Ice Queen.

“I love that movie,” Michael said as the credits rolled. He glared at Max and Maria who were in the middle of an intense kissing session. Finally they broke free from eachother. They hadn’t realized that the movie was over and they had an audience. Maria giggled, she was slightly embarrassed.

By now, it was 7:00 and the crew took a break to eat dinner. They decided that the best bet was hamburgers. After all, didn’t Michael used to be the wrld-famous chef at the Crashdown?

After they ate, they plopped down in their original positions and started Anchorman. They all loved it. They laughed a lot. It was the first time in a while that Maria felt like her problems were completely gone. In the middle Jim walked in and just laughed to himself and went to the kitchen. He loved seeing them all together again. He just wished Liz could be there, but he understood why she couldn’t or wouldn’t.

At the end, Michael stretched and like magic, everyone mentioned they were tired. It had been a long day and they were beat. Jim entered the living room and tried to figure out sleeping arrangements. “Ok, how about we do this. Michael and Isabel, you take the guest room, and…hmmm Max and Maria, do you mind sharing with Kyle?”

Max did mind, he wanted her to himself, and he didn’t want to share a bed with Kyle, but he knew it was the best bet, “No, that’s fine with me. What about you, baby?” he looked a Maria.

“It’s fine with me, if it’s fine with Kyle.”

“I’m ok with it, but you will have to sleep in the middle because I do not plann on rubbing up against Evans in my sleep!” Kyle said.

“You better not be rubbing up against anything!” Max warned.

With that they all went to bed. They knew tomorrow they would have to deal with the Jakk situation, but tonight they wouldn’t worry about it. They would just get a good night’s sleep.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 17

Max and Kyle were awakened by Maria’s screaming at 3:00am. They both bolted up from their slumber and shook Maria into full consiousness. “I was so scared. He came for me. He’s going to find me! I know it!” Maria sobbed.

Max and Kyle wrapped their arms around her and tried their best to calm her down. Just then, Michael, Isabel, and Jim burst into the room. Jim had his gun drawn, ready to protect Maria if need be. They were slightly relived to see that Maria had just had a nightmare, until they saw the terror on Maria’s face.

“What happened, Maria,” Michael said in a concerned voice.

Maria was too hysterical to make sense. “It happened again! I don’t want him to hurt me! He’s coming. I know it!”

Everyone looked at each other concerned and confused. Finally Michael, Max and Isabel retreated to the hallway, and Jim and Kyle tried once again to calm the balling Maria.

“I don’t know what to do, she’s so scared, Max.” Isabel said, on the verge of tears herself.

“If we could just get into her head, maybe we could understand what she is so scared of.” Michael said. He knew it was Jakk, but they couldn’t seem to snap her out of her hysteria and make her realize that it was just a dream. That she was safe.

“Wait, maybe we can.” Max chimed in, “Isabel, after we get her back to sleep, you could dream walk her.”

Isabel brightened up a little, realizing she could be of help. “Yeah, I mean I know I promised her I wouldn’t, but I think these are extinuating circumstances.”

“Ok, well why don’t you make her a cup of tea, and Michael and I will try to get her to go back to bed.” Max said.

Back in the room, Max and Michael saw Maria leaning into Kyle crying her eyes out as Jim rubbed her back. Max moved over to the bed, and michael followed in suit. Max lifted Maria’s eye to look into his. “Maria, baby. Isabel is making you some tea. You are safe now. No one is going to hurt you. You have all of us.”

Michael continued, “You have 3 aliens, a sheriff, and a 160 pound wrestler and car machanic right here. He can’t get you.”

Maria seemed to snap out of it a little and stopped crying. She gave Max and Michael huge hugs and took a deep breath. They were right. There was no way that Jakk, even though he was built, could hurt her as long as they were there.

Isabel returned quickly with the tea, and Maria drank it quietly. When she was done, Isabel took the cup and she, Michael, and Jim left the room. Maria sighed, ready to try this sleep thing one more time. She just wanted a little more assurance.

“Umm… you guys,” she said weakly, “I know this is gonna sound weird and I understand if you guys don’t want to, but can both of you hold me? I just feel like no one can get me if you both are holding on to me.” She looked down feeling childish.

Max and Kyle looked at each other and nodded. “Yeah, baby, whatever you need,” Max said with a smile.

“I’m right here,” Kyle said. She held both of them tightly and they all drifted ff to sleep again.

Isabel laid down in Michael’s arms with a picture of Maria under her hand. She concentrated hard. Finally, she got in. Maria must have just gotten to sleep. Maria’s dream was dark and cold, but it wasn’t New York City. It was Roswell, NM. Isabel could sense that.

She was in a basement of somekind. Suddenly she heard muffled struggle. Isabel ran toward the noise and the sight she found shocked her. Jakk had Michael, Max, Kyle, Jim, and her tied up and gagged. He had Maria tied up and blindfolded. He was beating her with some sort of whip. Isabel could feel Maria’s fear rising. She saw max trying to get out of his constraints.

Then she saw Jakk take off Maria’s blindfold as he pulled out a gun and shot her five friends right in front of her. Isable wanted to leave, but she knew she needed to stay and see this through. Isabel felt physically sick. Then Jakk turned back to Maria and ripped her clothes off of her. He whipped her naked body until she bleed. Isabel began to run up to Maria to try and save her from this monster, when she was suddenly expelled from the dream.

When Isabel came to. She hears Maria’s screaming yet again. “Did you get in?” Michael asked, worried.

“Yeah…it’s bad Michael. She is so scared!”

They rushed to Maria’s room, and found that she was a little less shaken up, but still crying. Max and Kyle looked really worried. “I’m so sorry, you guy.” Maria squeeked out.

“It’s not your fault.” Kyle kept telling her.

Same drill. Isabel made more tea, and Maria fell asleep in the arms of Max and Kyle. Only this time she slept through the night. Jim was the last to leave Kyle’s room. He looked back at Maria and thought ‘Tomorrow, we will make a plan. This guy is going to pay.’

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Chapter 18

Maria, Max, and Kyle woke to the sound of laughter in the kitchen. They quickly got out of bed and headed that way, to see what was going on. They found Isabel, Michael, and Jim laughing it up as they made breakfast.

Maria giggled at the sight. While occasionally she would miss Michael, the sight in front of her was proff that he was completely happy with Isabel. “What’s going on in here?” Max asked with laughter in his voice.

“Well, there you are sleepy heads!” Jim said. It was almost 11:00am.

“Making breakfast, Maxwell. What does it look like?” Michael answered with a flipant tone.

So, the gang ate in between jokes and laughter. After they finished eating, it was Jim’s duty to pull them all back into reality. “Look guys we need to discuss a plan.”

Max nodded at the Sheriff in agreement. He hated to break up the fun times and laughter, but with them not knowing if or when Jakk was coming after Maria. He knew they had to come of with a plan ASAP.

After the dishes were clean, Everyone sat around the kitchen table. Jim was the first to speak. “I was thinking last night about some options,” he said taking a deep breath, “and I was thinking about Agent Pierce.”

Everyone had their attention on the Sheriff. “Well, you know how Max changed his bones in the centrafuge?”

They all nodded, unsure where this was going.

“Well,” Jim continued, “I was thinking, that if we could kill Jakk the same way, Michael killed Pierce…”

Suddenly Max got it, “Then we could change his bones before we bury them!”

Light bulbs went off around the room. “Yeah,” Jim said.

Everyone processed this idea. Finally Isabel spoke, “So, who will do the killing? And how do we make sure we get him here?”

Michael chimmed in with his own questions, “And do we kill him here, or in the deasert?”

“Yeah, there are some things we need to work out, any one have any ideas?” Max answered.

“Ummm… you guys, I really think that Jakk is goiong to come here to find me,” Maria spoke up, “I mean with what he said, he is the kind of guy to follow through with threats. And plus…with my dream last night…” she trailed off.

Max put his arm around her. “I think you are right but we can’t be sure.”

Isabel nervously spoke, “Well, I hate to say this, but maybe Maria should call him, to kind of lead him here, you know. Just in case.” She looked at Max.

“No, we can’t do that! Izzy, what if he threatens her again.” Michael spat out.

“Well, I mean Iz has a point. I mean we are here, he can’t follow through with any threats, and that way we could ensure that he would come.” Max answered.

“It’s ok. I’m fine with calling him,” Maria broke in.

“I also think, we should kill him in the deasert.” Jim brought up, “That way no one can hear him struggle, and also we don’t have to move the body.”

Made sense, the only problem was how to intice him out into the deasert. But they could figure that out easily enough.

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Chapter 19

After all plans were made, the group decided to go to the Crashdown for lunch. After eating, they went back to Kyle’s and prepared Maria to make the call.

Now, baby, we are gonna keep the phone on speaker phone while you talk,” Max said to Maria. He then turned to the rest of the group, “That means that none of us can say a word. No matter what he says. We don’t want him to suspect that we are up to something.”

“Ok, Max,” Isabel said. She turned to Maria, “Are you ok? Remember, we will be right here with you.” Isabel could see how nervous Maria was. But she know that Maria was a strong girl. She could do this.

“I’m fine,’ Maria said. Then she took out her phone and dialed Jakk’s cell. “Hey, baby.” Jakk answered, as if he was her one and only.

“Hi,” Maria said trying to be friendly. “I was just calling to see how you were.” She said.

“Well, I’m doing just fine. I about to cross the border into Texas actually.”

“Really,” she said, terror rising in her. “Any reason?” She knew there was.

“Just coming to reclaim what is mine.” He said. This sent Max into pacing and Michael into clinching his fists.

“Hmmm. Me I presume?” Maria had her fire back.

“Your damn right.” Jakk answered.

“Well, why don’t you call me when you get in town, and I’ll meet you somplace. That way Max won’t interupt us.” She said seductivly. She hated saying these words.

“Speaking of HIM. You are going to have to be punished for being a little whore, and sleeping with that scrub.” Jakk bit out at her.

“I know, I’m sorry.” Maria said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Isabel grabbed her hand in comfort.

“Well anyway. I will blow up your cell when I get into Podunk, MN. Oh I’m sorry, I mean Roswell.” With that he hung up.

Maria in turn hung up and let out a deep breath. She wipped the tears from her face and smiled. She was suddenly overcome with the feeling that this would all work out. Michael pulled her into a hug. “I’m fine, really,” she told him as he kissed her forhead.

Everyone basically felt a weight lifted off their sholders after the call, because they knew Jakk was on his way. After that, they waited. The group went over the plan again, and then relaxed and watched a movie. They were waiting for Jakk’s call to set the plan into motion.

Maria was nervous, but she knew that even out in the desert, her ‘family’ would never let her down. In the middle of Independence day (how ironic right), Maria’s phone rang. Everyone jumped.

She picked up the phone calmly and cool and answered, “Hello.”

“I’m in city limits. Where you want me to go?”

“I want to show you something. It’s at Pullman Ranch. Take 380 to the 285 bypass and turn right. You will see my Jetta there. Ok?” She tried to sound cheerful.

“Alright, baby. I’ll be there.” He said with a snicker.

When she hung up the phone, she told them that he was close, so the group immediately got up and headed out the door, ready to do what they had wanted to do since they found out about the rape.

Michael, Isabel, and Max got into Michael’s SUV; Jim and Kyle got into Kyle’s Mustang; and Maria got into her mom’s old Jetta by herself. Michael led the way down the road to the place he, Max, and Isabel were born.

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Chapter 20

When the crew got to Pullman Ranch, Michael parked the SUV behind the ridge, and Kyle followed suit. Maria pulled up in front of the ridge, and got out to lean against the hood of the car. They waited for Jakk to show up. Sheriff Valinte distinctly scouted out this spot because they could hide their cars and still keep their eyes on Maria the whole time.

Only about 10 minuted passed before they saw Jakk’s beat-up truck drive toward Maria. She suddenly tensed at the sight of him. He got out of the car and walked toward her, grabbing her by the back of the neck and pulling her into him. She gave in, but couldn’t help but tense p at his touch. Her companions that watched on were ready to step in, just incase things got out of hand.

Jakk pulled away from Maria, “So, what did you want to show me?”

“Do you believe in aliens?” Maria asked, ignoring his question.

“Ummm…. Ok I’ll bite. No, I don’t.”

“Well, that’s too bad,” she answered. And with that, Michael, Max, Isabel, Kyle, and Jim climbed over the ridge.

Jakk was caught off guard. “Hey, what the fuck is going on here?” He yelled.

“Oh, you didn’t think you were going to get away with beating and raping my girlfriend, did you?” Max said. He was calm he had this undercontrol.

“What exactly do you plan to do about it?” Jakk snapped back.

“Hmmm well, we’ve all talked about it, and it’s been decided that you simply have to die.” Michael chimmed in.

“Who the hell are all of you, and what makes you think you have the balls to take me on.” Jakk was furious that they had the audacity to assume they could kill him.

“Well not that it is any of your business,” Michael answered, “But I am Maria’s ex, and best friend. This is Isabel, my wife and best friend of Maria, Max here is her current boyfriend. This is Kyle, Maria’s best friend since diapers, and this is the Sheriff of this lovely town you strolled into.” Michael was quite pleased with himself.

But that self-satisfaction turned to great fear when he saw Jakk pull out something shiny and put it up to Maria’s back. Fear filled Maria’s eyes. “I highly doubt you will kill me, see I have something precious to you,” Jakk said letting out an evil laugh.

Needless to say, the group did not expect this. The Sheriff, knowing how to deal with these types of situations, kept his calm and said to Jakk, “Listen son, put down the gun. You don’t want to do this.”

“Actually, Mayberry, I do. You see, this slut doesn’t deserve to live. And when I’m done with her, I will move on to the rest of you small-town, inbeds.” Jakk answered with firey anger in his eyes.

And then, just like that. BANG! Maria slumped over and fell to the ground. Michael and Max didn’t think, they acted on instinct as Max ran to Maria and Michael blasted Jakk the same way he did with Agent Peirce nearly 5 years earlier.

Jakk flew through the air a few feet and then fell to the ground. Immediately, Valenti ran to Jakk, to make sure he was dead as Michael, Isabel and Kyle ran to join Max with Maria.

“Maria, baby, I need you to look at me.” Max said with tears streaming down his cheeks. Maria’s eyes closed, and Max shook her, “No! You have to look at me!” Her eyes opened just enough to look into his amber ones.

He turned her bdy over to find the hole that the bullet went through. Around him, Isabel clung to Michael and Kyle held her hand. Jim walked up to the group with terror written all over his face. He knew Max could heal, but he was still worried. They had set this operation up, and if she dies because of it he would never forgive himself. He knew the rest of them wouldn’t forgive themselves either.

Max made a connection with Maria. And as he repaired her insides, he caught flashes of her life up until then. He could see her love for him, and her fear that he would not feel the same about her forever. He would definatly have to do something about that. Suddenly Maria sat up and gasped for air.

“What happened, Max?” she said looking him in the eye.

“You were shot,” he said, “but you are ok now.” Then he hugged her tight. Tears all around as they helped Maria up and everyone took turns embracing her.
