Lost in You (UC,K/Ma,Mature) - [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 11

Back in San Francisco…

Maria opened her eyes and looked over at Kyle. He looked amazingly hot when he was asleep. She wanted to jump on him and fuck his brains out, but being that she was 8 months pregnate, she couldn’t.

Maria was so proud of Kyle. Since the baby was likely to be of an extra-terestrial nature, he had researched delivering babies to the extent that he could deliver one in his sleep. Also, Kyle had been practicing his newfound powers everyday. She was happy that he baby would be able to have a father that he could relate to on his alien side.

The only way Maria could be any happier, would be if her long lost friends would come and be apart of their lives. She knew it was just wishful thinking, bu she couldn’t help it. Her hormones were out of whack and she missed them.

Kyle’s eyes fluttered open and he turned to Maria. He grinned at her. God she was beautiful, especially when she was pregnate. There was a glow about her. They stared at each other for a while, and then finally Kyle got out of bed and walked over to Maria’s side of the bed to help her out.

She got into the shower while Kyle went down stairs to make some eggs for breakfast.

After they both had showered and gotten ready, Kyle left for work and Maria headed out the door to do some baby shopping. They had gotten a lot of stuff already, but they still needed a stroller and some more clothes.

She headed towards the Super Wal-Mart. When she entered the store she grabbed a cart and headed toward the baby aisles. She loved seeing all the cribs and strollers and baby stuff. It made it that much more real to her that she was about to be a mother. A thought that both excited and terrified her. But mostly excited her.

Maria found the perfect stroller. It was blue and retractable with a sun visor. She loved it. Next, she headed for baby clothes. She walked down the aisle passed the electronics, and as she looked over at the CD section terror rose up in her. She told her self to stay calm for the baby. She looked back over to the person she saw that filled her with such anxiety.

She couldn’t belive it. She left her cart in the middle of the aisle and left the stor immediately. Se got into her car and dialed Kyle’s number. Come on, come on, pick up. He finally did. “Hey baby.”

“Kyle…” She said with tears welling up in her eyes.

“What’s wrong” Kyle asked, fear racing through him.

“Well, I wa at Wal-Mart and I as picking up a stroller, and umm, uhhh I walked past the CD section. And he was there. Right there. Here in San Francisco.” She was getting a little bit hysterical.

“Maria, baby, you got to calm down. You can’t get yourself worked up. Now slow down, who did you see in the CD section at Wal-Mart?” Kyle was very worried at this point.

“Michael…I saw Michael.”

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 12

“Are you sure it was Michael?” Kyle was floored. He had not expected this at all.

“Yeah. It was him. I got out of there quick. I didn’t want him to see me.” She didn’t happen to mention that she was trn because she also wanted to run to him and give him a big hug.

“Well, why don’t you go home and I’ll clock out and meet you there.” Kyle said.

“You don’t have to leave work.”

“I would feel better if I was with you. It’s fine, we are dead here.”

“Okay. I love you”


“Bye.” She hung up and pulled out of the shopping center. When she got to the apartment Kyle was already there. Damn he drove fast. She walked in and he was waiting for her.

He gave her a big hug and they sat on the couch. Maria was trembling, but Kyle’s soothing words were calming her down. She took a deep breath and wipped her face and gave Kyle a slight smile. She was going to be okay. Kyle would protectr her from any harm, she knew that. She decided she was not going to worry about the Michael situation anymore.

Maria got up off the couch and said to the love of her life, “Let’s make dinner together tonight.” She had actual excitement in her voice at the thought of being able to pitch in with dinner.

“I think that would be fun,” Kyle said, glad that Maria had calmed down. He wasn’t going to let her out of his sit for a long time though. Even though he didn’t want her to know, he was pretty worried about the idea that Michael was walking around in their city.

Maria decided she wanted to take a nap. She was pretty tired and just needed some rest. Kyle hadn’t been sleeping well the last few nights so he joined her. They spooned and quickly fell asleep.

At about 5:00 Maria woke up and slipped out of Kyle’s embrace and walked down the hall to the kitchen and looked through the cabinet finally decideding to make mastacoilli in vodka sauce. She got the stuff they would need out and walked back to the bedroom.

She looked at her lover and walked over to him giving him a light kiss on the lips. As he woke up he deepened the kiss parting her lips with his toung. They kissed for a little while then Maria broke the kiss and said, “Get up, time to get to work!” and slapped his ass playfully.
He rolled his eyes and got out of bed and put his shirt on. They walked down the hall together and started on dinner. Kyle loved italian so he was pleased that Maria’s cravings weren’t wacko tonight. They worked in perfect syncrenicity. Kyle made the sauce while Maria boiled the water and prepared he salad. As they worked, they lightly touched each other and laughed and told stories about life back in Roswell.

As Kyle was putting the garlic bread in the oven, and Maria was making the oil dipping sauce, the doorbell rang. They both looked at each other surprised. Niether were expecting company. And it was not like they had a whole lot of friends. Kyle hung out with a few guys from work once in a blue moon and Maria had lunch every once in a while with a woman she had met at lamaz classes.

Kyle walked to the door to answere it. Maria fallowed behind him. What was behind that door shocked them both causing Maria t grab Kyle’s arm fr support.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 13

“Max.” Kyle whispered in disbelief. He couldn’t belive that Max was standing her in front of them in the flesh. But Kyle’s surprise quickly turned to anger as he was furious that he had come to ruin the happy home he and Maria had made. “What are you doing here?” He said in a harsh tone. Maria left his side and sat on the couch within view of Max and Kyle.

“Listen Kyle, I know that i have made a lot of mistakes with the two of you.” Max said as he looked at Maria. “And I’m really sorry, but I don’t want to be blocked out of your lives forever. None of us do.” With that Michael, Isabel, and Liz popped out from behind the corner.

Kyle didn’t know what to say. He was still very pissed at them for the way they treated Maria. He wasn’t so upset about their behaviour toward him, he could get over that. But he knew it tore Maria up inside, even though she didn’t like to admit it. He looked over at Maria to see what she thought. She smiled at him and nodded in affermation. So he turned to the group and said, “Fine. Come in.”

The group slowly and quirtly shuffled in the apartment and stood in the living room. Kyle motioned for them to sit and they did. Everyone remained silent. A little unsure of what to say next. Max fidgeted with his sleeve, Liz stared at Michael who was staring at Maria’s swollen belly, and Isabel stared at the ground.

Finally Kyle spoke up, “So what is up?”

Liz answered with tears in her eyes, “We needed to see you. We were really out of line for the way we acted.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

Isabel picked up, “I know I was the worst to you two, and I hate myself for the way I have acted. Can you ever forgive me? Us?”

Michael now felt the need to speak. “I don’t regret any of the time we spent together Maria because I know that even though it had to end, we were happy once. I just hope you can forgive me for what I have done and we can be happy again, as friends. I have been in hell without you.” He spoke directly to Maria.

By this point Maria was openly crying and Kyle was holding her hand in an act of support. Maria paused for a moment and tried to collect her thoughts. “Ummm, I don’t know what to say.”

Kyle thought he cuaght her meaning and interpreted, “ Yeah, why would you expect us to forgive you all of a sudden? You were so cruel to us.”

Maria stopped him, “No Kyle that’s not what I ment.” He looked confused. “What I ment was that I would love to forgive you. And I would love to have you all back in my life, but I can’t go back o Roswell, and I can’t just forget everything that happened. So maybe it’s better for us to just cut ties because I finally found happiness and I don’t want to leave it.” She said all this bewteen tears.

Michael answered, “I know that this isn’t going to be easy to begin with, but I care about you. We all do. We will do what we have to but we want to be back in your lives…and the baby’s. I want to be a father to this baby; and Max an Uncle; and Liz and Isabel, Aunts.”

“Are you sure?” Maria said looking at all of them. They nodded in unison. She was so happy. “I’ve waited so long to hear this.” She said and they all smiled, pleased that she was accepting their appologies. Maria then looked at Kyle. He looked confused, as if he didn’t know what he wanted.

“Kyle, what are you thinking?” Maria said as she sqeezed his hand.

He looked up at her and then the rest of the group. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m thinking. I guess I’m thinking that I don’t want Maria to get hurt again. I don’t want to be looked at as the guy who fucked up Michael’s relationship forever. But being with you seems to make Maria glow and I like that. I want her to be happy but I’m not sure if you guys will end up disappointing her in the end. And on a more selfish note. I don’t want to give up this baby. I’ve been looking forward to this since the day I found out.”

Max began speaking, “I know your concerns. If I were you I’d be just as confused, but I promise you our motives are noble. We know we have been stupid, but we are trying to make it right.”

Michael felt he needed to speak on the baby issue. “I understand that you don’t want to give the baby up. I’m not asking you to. I want to be the father of this baby, yes. But I don’t want to do it without you. You will always be like a father to this child, I promise you.” He then gave a reassuring smile to Kyle.

“If I try this, if I begin to forgive, and you hurt Maria or this baby, I swear to Buddah I will kill each and every one of you, and that is a promise.” Kyle said with all seriousness and then he lightened up. “But I will move on, I may not forget, but I can forgive.”

Maria hugged him tight and rose off the couch to hug everyone else. Relief swept over the room. They all knew they were not worthy of Maria and Kyle’s forgiveness, but luckily Maria and Kyle were better people then the rest of them.

Then Maria smelled burning. “Oh Shit!” She exclaimed, “the bread.” With that she ran to the kitchen and removed the, now black, bread from the oven. “We were in the middle of making dinner when you guys came over.”

Isabel said, “Oh we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt your meal.”

Maria dismissed her with a flick of her wrist. “No you are fine, I’m so glad you guys came. If you can wait a few minutes I can whip up some more food and we can all eat together.”

“No. You shouldn’t go to any extra trouble. We will just go to Mc Donalds really quick,” Max offered.

“I would really like to do this. Please.” Maria said.

Everyone looked to Kyle for what they should do and he finally spoke up, “Hey, how about we all go into the kitchen and help out that way it will get done faster.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Michael answered and they all made their way to the kitchen.
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 14

The gang began on pasta salad and new garlic bread as Kyle marveled at the joy in Maria’s face. He hadn’t seen her this happy since before the great schism. He he had to admit, that while he had resevations about his former friends, he was extatic that they were making his love so happy.

Isabel worked dutifully on the salad as Michael boiled the water. Maria made more of her signature sauce while Max buttered the bread, and Kyle set the table. Liz put herself in charge of tunes. When everyone was done with their jobs, they sat in the living room waiting for Maria to finish the sauce. They were catching up and telling Kyle all of the latest gossip in Roswell when they hear Maria let you a painful moan. Then they heard her drop to the floor.

Michael, Kyle, and Max stood up immediately and ran to the kitchen. They found Maria curled up in a ball clutching her stomach. She was surrounded by a puddle of water.

“Whats going on?” Michael screamed.

“Baby, whats wrong?” Kyle asked.

Maria regained her composure and sat up. “Its time. My water broke. I’m not ready. What am I gonna do.” She was getting more hyserical by the moment.

Max and Michael helped her up and Kyle soothed her. “It is going to be fine. We can handlt this. It’s a little earlier than expected but it will be fine.” He secretly was scared but he couldn’t let Maria know that. He looked at the rest of the of the group who looked terrified. “Can you all help me?” He asked.

They all nodded. “Ok, Max, Michael, can you take Maria to the bed room and put her on the bed?” They did so without flinch. “Isabel I need some warm wet towels, they are in the bathroom down the hall there.” She moved quickly to her destination. “Liz, honey, I need you to bring me a bowl of warm water.” She snapped out of her trance and did as she was told. Kyle then made his way to the bed room.

Maria was laying there holding Max and Michael’s hands. She looked scared, but calm at the same time. It was weird. She looked like she had control of the situation, but at the same time she was worried about something.

Kyle immediately went to work. Maria wasn’t fully dialated, so they had to wait. It was so heartbreaking to watch Maria go through all the pain of contractions withough any drugs. Just then Michael had a thought. He was sick of seeing his once love in such pain because of his doing. “Maxwell, do you think maybe you can heal her pain. You know like a wound?”

Max perked up, he hadn’t even thought of that, but he was glad to be of assistance and immediately went to work. He found where the pain was coming from and healed it. Maria breathed a sigh of relief.

Time seemed to stand still as they waited for her body to become ready for delivery. Isabel paced the room, Liz brushed Maria’s hair out of her face, Max stood behind liz with his arms around her looking at Maria, Michael held on to Maria’s hand for dear life, and Kyle waited at the foot of the bed for the baby.

Finally Kyle screamed to Maria, “Ok baby, this is it. I need ou to push. Harder baby. Just a few more.” He saw the baby’s head and gently guided the baby out of his mother. When he was fully out the room filled with the sound of baby’s cries, and Maria slumped over. Everyone’s joy was immediately followed by a sick feeling of fear.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 15

Kyle promply handed the baby to Michael who took the child and moved out of Kyle’s way. Kyle grabbed Maria’s hand that was previously occupied by Michael’s and screamed, “Wake up baby…wake up.. Common, you have a son, now.” Tears were streaming from his face as he pleaded with her to wake up. Everyone else was crying as well.

Kyle then looked at Max and pleaded with him, “Please Max, can you help her. I can live without her. I need her, the baby needs her!”

Max immediately moved into action. He layed his hands on her stomach finding her internal hemmoraging and concentrated. It was a wound so he could fix it he thought. He put all of his energy into it and finally slouched over Maria’s body. He wasn’t strong enough. He looked up at Kyle, tears in his eyes. “It’s too much. I cant heal it.” He said voice cracking.

Kyle fell to the floor as the wheels in Michael’s head started to turn. He couldn’t lose Maria. He knew they would never be what they used to be but he still loved her and he wanted his son to know how wonderful him mother was. Finally an idea popped into his head.

“Well, ummm maybe…” he said, “I know that none of the rest of us can heal, but we all have power, maybe if we channel our power into Max, we can give him the strength to heal her. I mean we cannot lose her, it’s worth a try.”

They all nodded simultaneously, and gathered around the bed. Michael held his newborn son in one arm and put is ther hand on Max’s sholder. Liz, and Isabel followed this action, and Kyle put his hand over Max’s. They all concentrated. Suddenly they were all flooded with a myriad of images from Maria’s mind. There was the day she found out about the pod squad; her first kiss with Michael, the first time they made love, Tess’s betrayal; Alex’s death and funeral; the granolith; the first time she made love to Kyle; her watching Kyle play football; the day she found out she was pregnate; the day she confronted the group; Michael in Wal-mart. And after the flashes ended, Maria sat up and inhaled deeply.

The Group stepped back, and then immediately wrapped her in a giant group hug. They were so relieved that she was okay. “Thank you guys so much,” Maria squeeked out.

“Can I see the baby?” she asked in a small voice.

Michael broke from his trance and immediately put their son in her arms. “He is so beautiful,” she said.

“He looks like his mommy,” Isabel said with tears in her eyes.

“And his Daddy,” Kyle said looking at Michael.

“Yeah, ummm Kyle, about that. I just want you to know that I understand that you and Maria are together and I know you have been the real father to this baby for a long time, I just want to have a role in his life.” Michael said with tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

“You are his father, and you will act as such. I am his step father and will always think of him as mine, but I know he is your child and I wouldn’t ever take that from you.” Kyle said as he gave Michael a masculine hug. Isabel, Maria, Liz, and Max watched them with joy.

“So have you thought of a name?” Liz pipped in after the two men had finished their moment.

“I think I have one.” Maria said with a smile. “Michael Maxwell Valenti-Guerin. You think it’s a mouthful?”

“I think it’s perfect,” Michael said kissing Maria’s forhead.

“Just like you,” Kyle finished.

The gang moved to San Fancisco soon after and moved into Maria and Kyle’s surrounding apartments.

The End.