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Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:57 pm
by Kes_ALF
OOC Yeah right, Max took off the ring JUST because of Issy :wink: :lol:


I start really worry about them all. Noone reacted at the radio, when back home i would be probably alredy dead, actually my own ears starts hurting, and they just sitting ther. I look worriedly at them through a rear view mirror. Even Maria didn't react... well besides covering her ears.

Right now I thing that's good I never have a family besides Max and Is, I suppose now it's easier for me, 'cause I'm not leaving anyone. That's not quite truth, I also miss Evans, sheriff Valeni, and even Amy, they where the closest thing to family i ever had, but I refuze to admit that.

I look at Isabel again. Oh yes, i definytly miss Jesse, whit him Issy was happy.
"If you're tired, I could drive for a bit." is sais.
"No thanks, I'll be fine. Besides I can't sleep in the car anyway, behaind the wheel I'm at least usefull."
I'm turning down the volume a little bit, afterall I'm not heartless.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:27 am
by nickimlow

"No thanks, I'll be fine. Besides I can't sleep in the car anyway - behind the wheel I'm at least useful," Michael turned down my offer. I noticed, thankfully, that the volume of the music had been turned down a little. My eardrums relaxed slightly.

Resting my head back on the glass, I thought, I just need some form of a distraction, something. The impact of our leaving Roswell had not proven quite so evident to me until Max and Liz got married in the chapel. That was when I remembered my own wedding.

The van went over another bump and I hit my head on the windowpane. Lovely.

How much farther? My legs were stiff now and I needed to walk, badly. There was nothing in the van that I could occupy myself with. Groaning inwardly, I picked up a book, knowing that if I read it, I would get a headache. But I was most likely not going to read it anyway, for the words weren't making sense to me.

The open book was just for show, I guess.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:57 pm
by AntarPrince04

I guess you can say I'm lucky. I don't feel like it. You're all loved by someone...I'm not. Only my dad, but that's a cold comfort, I hear kyle say in reply and yet again I have this nagging guilt by the fact that this is all my fault. Liz is always telling me it's not and I know she's right, but....

That's another thing about all this too, Kyle's right and I know he is. It is a cold comfort, he really hasn't got anyone but his dad and Jim's not here. I've got Liz and as much as they fight it Michael has Maria; I know that has to be like a slap in the face for kyle as well as Isabel.

Fact is we can be here for them as much as they need or want, but that doesn't replace the feeling of having a love, something that is specifically for you. It has to bother him and that's why I don't say much when I see him glaring at Liz ((Yeah righ, we all know why I don't lol)). This is something he has to work though on his own and me jumping down his throat isn't gonna help him.

I was kinda hopping he and my sister would get together. They both need the comfort and kyle seemed kinda infatuated with her not too long ago, but... I sigh and pat kyle on the shoulder understandingly before carfully shifting upfront so I sit behind Liz between the Driver and Passenger seats. "Hey, Michael I think it's about time for a break. Find a rest stop would you?", I ask.

Saying this I bend to whisper in Liz's ear so only she can hear. Given the cercumstances I don't think Kyle would appriciate hearing me. "Kyle need's an ear, he's alittle down. I'm gonna go talk with him when we stop", I whisper kissing her.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:41 pm
by Anna-Liisa

Michael found a place to stop and I was the first one to get out of the van. I hated the life I had now. Sleeping in the van with the others, driving all the time. I could've stayed with dad, but I ended up following Max. Max...who then got married and I had no longer reason to follow him. But what can I do? I can't go back to Roswell on my own. Besides, there's probably a 'wanted' sign for me too.

I walked somwhere further so I wouldn't get caught up in a conversation with anyone. I wasn't in the mood for talking.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:57 am
by nickimlow

. . . condemnation . . . revolutionary changes . . . past century . . . I read the words, but I couldn't quite understand them. I sighed as Michael came to a stop. Maybe getting out of the van would help me clear my head, though I doubted it.

I hopped out after Kyle, who walked, sour-faced, away from the rest of us. I saw a row of shops and wondered if it was safe enough to wander around without getting spotted by the Special Unit or the FBI or whatever.

Oh, what did it matter?

I didn't even wait for the gang to arrange a time to meet up - they could drive off without me if they wanted to. I let my feet take me in the direction of the shoplots, but already I found them unappealing. A music store, a lingerie shop, fast-food.


Then my eyes caught something: a telephone booth. I wanted to hear Jesse's voice again, so much. Could I risk giving him a call? What hurt would it do, anyway?

I neared the phone, making sure that the gang didn't see me. My brother would yell at me for sure if he caught me on the phone with my husband.

My husband. I laughed at myself. My brother disapproved of my husband. What was he, my babysitter?

My hands trembling, I picked up the receiver and inserted a few coins. I pressed the first digit. Then the second. And third. The next few came swiftly, and I began to feel more confident.

One ring. Then two. Three. Four. Five.

"You have reached Jesse and Isabel Ramirez . . ." I heard my husband's voice say. He hadn't changed the automated message, I noted. For a moment, I just listened to his words, trying to imagine that he was right in front of me. But then the beep sounded, and my fantasy was dashed.

I considered saying something, anything. But my lips were frozen, my tongue tied. For a reason that I couldn't explain, nor comprehend, myself, I couldn't speak to him now that I had the chance.

My brother wasn't stopping me. Neither was Michael, nor the others. It was myself. Ready to whack my head against the wall, I slammed the receiver and just slid to the ground, crying.

What's wrong with me? I demanded of myself, angry, frustrated.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:57 pm
by AntarPrince04
Ok ok I know Impure evil it seems, but there is purpose behind this. I'll get back to Kyle in a sec.


Michael stops shortly after I ask and I kiss Liz one last time. "Be carful, I'll be back soon", I tell her getting up. It seems everytime we leave eachothers sides now I'm saying that, or something like it. It's odd because I know she can take care of herself, but with the Special unit over our shoulders I'm worried. I've been through it and god help me I don't want Liz too. I still get shivers down my spine.

I hop out of the van hearing my shoes squelch on the wet asphalt. I notice Isabel heading off toward the shops and smile, some things never change.

I start off toward kyle following him at a leasurly pace knowing he probably wants to be left alone for a minute. So I walk behind him slowly, minding my own business. As I do I look around me causually serveying our surroundings. This in itself is something I never thought I'd find myself doing, but cercumstances change.

As I do this my eyes fall on Isabel as she walks out of one of the shops and stops. I deside to go talk to her while I give kyle time. As I do I see Isabel heading for a phone and quicken my pace. I know what she's doing and I don't blame her but....

As I reach her I hear Jesses voice and a slight beep very faintly. I hesitate beifly curious as to what she might say despite myself. Only when she hesitates do I act placing my hand lightly over the hook making the line go dead.

"No", I say simply and quietly. It's obvious she hadn't seen me because when I did She jumps slightly and snapes back an angery retort and I can hear the hurt in her voice. I hate doing that to her, but I have no chioce. "No Isabel", I maintian my calm quiet vioce. "I'm sorry but you cant. Public Lines are monitored, you call him and I garantee the SU will find us in no time flat."

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:43 am
by nickimlow
Actually, Isabel already slammed the phone down, but that's okay.



I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice. It was Max. I let myself breathe again and yelled, "For God's sake, don't sneak up on me like that!"

"No, Isabel," he said in that annoyingly calm and authoritative voice. Didn't he abdicate his Antarian throne? I supposed old habits die hard. "I'm sorry, but you can't. Public lines are monitored; you call him and I guarantee the SU will find us in no time flat."

Of course, our favourite group of people - the Special Unit. They were the reason why we were all running for our lives. I drew a mental image of them and imagined blasting them to bits.

"I got it, Your Majesty," I replied coldly, glaring at my brother. "Now just get off my back."

He took a step closer, as if he wanted to make things better, to console me or whatever, but I moved backward, out of his reach. "Go back to the lot of them, Max. Your precious wife, your second-in-command and his lover, the Zen-master of calm. But leave me alone. My life sucks as it is - I don't need you breathing down my neck with your superiority."

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:09 am
by Anna-Liisa

I watched as Max looked like he wanted to follow me, but then went to Isabel who was just trying to call Jesse. I shook my head. Now they'd probably argue the rest of the stop. Good for me because I got a feeling that Max wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to say anything to him. I was hurt enough when I was close to him and Liz. Sigh. I wanted to get away from them. Really get away.

I walked to some bench and took a small book out of my pocket. Some buddhism book that I grabbed before going to the graduation ceremony. I guess I meant to read it to calm myself down, but then I didn't read it at all. I didn't even remember it being there until we left Roswell. I opened the book and looked for the page I was at.

I needed to get my mind of Max somehow and buddhism was a great way.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:30 pm
by Dominicana

I look around, and I feel sorry for Isabel. I would never know what I would do without Max.

Well I guess I do, but still it's all different when you're married.

I sit back in the seat, and decide I should get some shut eye. Its been a while since i've been able to really sleep, with things being so hectic.

So sorry i haven't posted ma computers been stupid and got messed up.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:04 pm
by Kes_ALF

I see Zan and Is arguing, i heard part of the conversation and can guess what happend. I walk to them and lie a hand on Max's shoulder.
"Come on, give her a break, she didn't do anything wrong, we will be far away from here before special units could come in here." I pull Max few steps away. "Max, live us alone for a minute, let me talk to her, you know it's been hard for her, she doesn't need one of your lectures."

Max nods and going away, while I'm turning to Isabel. I feel sorry for her, i would want to do something for her so she wouldn't be so sad, but there isn't much i can do, i can ony be here for her, like she was always there for me. I actually don't know what to tell her, she always seemed to know what to do, and what to tell me when we were kids, so I would feel better. But I realize it wosn't really matter what she was telling me, it was just that she was there.

She looks at me sadly and a little confused, and I do the only thing cames to my mind, I hug her.
"Issy... I'm sorry. But you're not alone, I love you and I'm here for you whenever you need me, you know that right? And Max too, he didn't mean anything wrong, he just trying to care about you, about all of us.... Issy i promise you, it will be allright again, I don't know when but it will be, I'm sure of that. We will get through this like we get through everything else... Just remember we're here for you, I'm here for you." I know that all of this probably sound stupid but I hope she will understand, I'm not great at speaches.

I brush strand of hair from her face, and smile to her. "You know I liked you better when you were blond. I must have a thing for blondes." that's a lame atempt to change the subject, but maby it will cheer her up a little.
