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Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:49 am
by girl afraid
dreamer19 wrote:I don't think that Michael and Maria's relationship was abusive at all. I can't remember any time that Michael as ever verbally abused Maria. There definitely was no physical violence. I think Majandra and Shiri were right about not presenting relationships in a more positive way. I think both Maria and Liz just let themselves get walked all over. The guys at times would treat them crappy and they would still take them back. I think it sent a message that girl's will have low self-esteem and low standards for themselves. But, I still don't think abusive is a good term to describe Michael and Maria's relationship.
Absolutely, I agree. Michael did push her away initially because he was afraid she would get hurt if she were with him but he was never ever abusive, god no.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:11 pm
by area52
Michael was a kid with a tough life. He didn't know how to express himself except through anger. Being a jerk was who he was, whether he realized it or not. But he wasn't abusive.

Nah, not Michael. (Then again, I am partial to the guy...he's so beautiful.)


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:30 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
No. I never thought Michael was abusive to Maria. I loved their witty banter. It was why I watched the show. Yeah Michael put Maria through hell but has anyone seen season 3. She wasn't exactly all love dovey to him all the time. They definitely had the love/hate passion going on which to me is what was so interesting. I love Candy

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:24 am
by AngelicFairy
No. I never thought Michael was abusive to Maria. I loved their witty banter. It was why I watched the show. Yeah Michael put Maria through hell but has anyone seen season 3. She wasn't exactly all love dovey to him all the time. They definitely had the love/hate passion going on which to me is what was so interesting. I love Candy
I agree with this. And I love Candy too. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:17 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
yay! I got quoted. I feel all big and important now. Okay ego deflating. I was a little disappointed when I watched the episode Sexual Healing and heard the M&S commentary. They said they had a really hard time understanding the plot lines, and they never knew what was going on. That made me sad. I love the show therefore I kept up with the plot and it wasn't my job. Did it bother anybody else even a little bit?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:05 pm
by Aura Guerin
I agree I don't think Michael was abusive, I just think that since they both didn't seem to get enought love in their lives as kids they didn't really know how to love each other. I think they did it the best way they new how which was arguing. And I also don't think it helped any that they were both extremly stubborn.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:04 pm
by Spacegirl04
Sex was on t.v. way before michael and maria had sex just wanted to point that out, he wasn't abusive, and if he was then why did she keep going back to him, and vice versa, i think for the most part they used each other...just how i saw was a weird relationship, which I for some reason seemed into it was that or being a max/liz shipper and that relationship just didn't cut it for me...

anyway hope i didn't go way off topic don't shoot me just my opinions...


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:13 am
by girl afraid
I don't think they used each other. M&M's relationship was different to M&L but they still loved each other. I doubt Michael would have stayed on Earth for someone he was merely using.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:08 am
by AngelicFairy
I don't think they used each other. M&M's relationship was different to M&L but they still loved each other. I doubt Michael would have stayed on Earth for someone he was merely using.
I agree, totally. There are some relationships that I didn't like on the show, but I don't deny that those people loved each other just because I didn't personally relate, like or understand that couple.

M/L and M/M were two very different couples. But both loved each other throughout three years of the show, and ended up together in the end. It's as simple as that.

As for the ongoing "Was Michael (or the Michael/Maria relationship) Abusive" stuff. Again, no he/it wasn't.

And BTW I recently listened to the commentaries again and Shiri & Maj were definitely talking about BOTH the M/M and M/L relationships being a bad influence for teenage girls. Because of the way Liz and Maria took their crap and chased around after them and everything.

And apparently that was the reason that Sean & icky Billy were introduced.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:18 am
by Aura Guerin
Ok this more of my opinion on the couple thing. I think that Max was more abusive, of course not in the physical sense, because he went to Liz and then said that he couldn't be with her. He was toying with her. And then the whole thing with Tess he couldn't decide but was sort of playing both of them. Now with Michael I'm not saying that he didn't do a little toying but most of the time he was trying to protect her. And he was confused and didn't really see that what he was doing to protect her was really hurting her more.