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Post by isabelle »


I remember the night of the Mariachi band. How could I forget? I spent weeks practing in secret, almost more afraid that Michael would catch me than I was about Liz finding out. And the the things she said about starting to feel like it would work, that's just what I had wanted from her. But she'd never told me that. She'd given me speeches about Romeo and Juliet. It was all I could do to convince her to go to the concert with me, and then ... and then...

My mind shuts down, refusing to finish the thought. It was a lie. She didn't do it. She told me so. But still...

"Me from fifteen years in the future..." I repeat, but the words don't make any more sense the second time than they did when she said them the first time. "What are you talking about? Time travel?"
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Post by KatnotKath »


"Me from fifteen years in the future...What are you talking about? Time travel?"

I can see that Max is confused…I don’t blame him, I still have trouble comprehending it sometimes… I guess the most important thing is that he seems to believe me though…or at least believe that I think I’m telling the truth…even if he does this I’m crazy… I take a deep breath. “Yeah I guess…he told me that the Granolith was very powerful…it isn’t designed for such use, but if you know what you’re doing, and apparently they did, it is possible to use like that…” I shake my head, aware that I’m not managing to give him much of an explanation. “I don’t know how…I just know that he said it was possible… He said he came back to change things…to prevent the end of the world…” As I say this, the whole scene starts to replay in front of me…


*Me with a cloth over my head like a veil*

*The flash outside*

*The figure of a man who looked like man…yet was different…*


However much I try to block them out, his words keep coming back to me and I begin to wonder if I’m making a huge mistake telling him all this… Can I honestly put my happiness in front of the safety of my friends…? I shake my head, the internal debate in my head continuing as I try to work out what I’m going to say to him.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I listen to Liz's explaination and I'm trying to understand, but you have to admit, it's a pretty strange concept. Sometime fifteen years from now, I used the Granolith to come back in time and visit Liz.

"He wanted to prevent the end of the world," I wonder aloud, knowing I must sound particularly dim-witted to be repeating everything she says. I can certainly see why preventing the end of the world would justify a trip through time. And if it were me, why wouldn't I visit Liz? Although I'd think that meeting with me and Isabel and Michael would be a good part of that plan, too. But instead...

"He told you - or I told you - or the future me told you -" Argh, I can't even make sense enough to talk about it. I keep trying anyway, stumbling forward over the words. "To sleep with Kyle - rather to pretend to sleep with Kyle, and -"

"Uh no. That was actually my idea," Liz interupts.

"Your idea." I shake my head waiting for this conversation to make sense again. I can't even begin to imagine asking Liz to do something like that. Especially when I might be looking in on them. Couldn't they have chose another time? What did she think was going to happen?

"And this was supposed to prevent the end of the world? How? Why?"
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Post by KatnotKath »


If the situation was anything other than what it is, I’d laugh as Max keeps repeating what I’ve said. It sounds quite weird but from the tone of his voice I know it’s because he’s having trouble getting his head round this still. I wish that I could make it simpler but the fact is I can’t… My second thoughts about going through this are too late now though, I can’t just tell him this much and not the rest…

Max looks at me, clearly still confused. "He told you - or I told you - or the future me told you - To sleep with Kyle - rather to pretend to sleep with Kyle, and -" He’s stumbling over his words but continues and I can’t bare to hear him continue.

"Uh no. That was actually my idea…” I interrupt him, putting him out of his misery…or at least that’s the idea…it’s clear from his expression that I’ve probably just made it worse…

"Your idea." He shakes his head and I know he’s trying to work out why I would decide to do something like that.

I take a deep breath and start to try and explain. “You have to believe me when I say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do…well except maybe lie to you after and see your face…” I shake my head, this isn’t coming out how I would like and I’m afraid that this is only going to make Max more angry. “Hang on a moment…I guess I should start from the beginning… This future Max told me that in his time, the world was ending, you’d been defeated and you and I were the only two of the group who were left alive…” I pause a moment to let him take this in. “The reason for all this…? He said it was because we were together…” I tell him softly, waiting now to see if he will have any response before continuing.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »

I was in the midst of watching a Bewitched Marathon when Maria decided she was going to not only interrupt but shut of the television and threw my remote across the room. I couldn't help but gape at her, trying not to let anger get the best of me.

“Now that I have your undivided attention” She began. “Could you please listen to me.?”

“Fine” I responded. “What do you want?” I knew my voice sounded gruff and didn't care.

"Have you talked to Max about the summit meeting yet?" Maria asked me and I frowned. I should have known it would be something like that. I stood and moved over to the fridge taking out two cans of soda and a bottle of tobasco.

Without answering right away I opened my soda and started mixing some hot sauce into it, taking a sip before looking over at her, seeing the impatience building in her expression. "A little bit." I responded.

She gave me that look that told me she was expecting me to say more and I sat down beside her as I continued, "I spoke to him when he first returned and he simply said that the negotiations bombed because they wanted something we had. They weren't planning on letting Isabel and I go with when they returned to Antar." I shrugged, "I didn't ask for anymore details. They tried to kill him, he got away. That's basically all the rest I know."

After a moment I went on, "We'll probably all find out more later or something." I wasn't really wanting to think about that sort of stuff at the moment as I looked at Maria. "Now, can we not talk anymore about Max or his trip?"
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »

KatnotKath, I borrowed Liz a bit. Let me know if it's too much. I'll be happy to edit.


I try my best to listen as she starts explaining again.

“Hang on a moment…I guess I should start from the beginning… This future Max told me that in his time, the world was ending, you’d been defeated and you and I were the only two of the group who were left alive…"

Defeated? Everyone dead but me and Liz? My eyes go wide and my jaw drops as I begin to imagine my nightmares come true. Our enemies come to destroy us, and them winning...

"The reason for all this…? He said it was because we were together…” Liz finishes.

"But WHY?!?" I know I'm shouting, but I can't seem to help it. With an effort I lower my voice some, but it's still louder than normal. "How could us being together be the start of something bad?" I just don't know how we could possibly cause that, just by being together.

“Tess,” she says. “She left because we were together, and you needed her here. Because she was gone, then…”

“The end of the world,” I say, starting to understand. She'd let me catch her in bed with Kyle so we'd break up. And she wanted us to break up in order to 'save the world.' "You wanted me to stop loving you..." I barely manage to say.

Liz nods, and I can see how bright her eyes have become, as 'though she's about to cry.

I think about it for a moment longer. I can still feel it. How completely crushed I’d been. How lost and alone. But she's still Liz. And I couldn't, just couldn't, ever, hate her.

I force a smile as I look at her. "It didn't work."
Last edited by isabelle on Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »

Storm, I hope this post is okay. Let me know if I need to change anything.


I don't know whether I want to scream from joy that Robbie is safe again or from anger that Nexes had come so close to destroying him. Unfortunately, I can't do either. I have to pretend I'm a GR. Always happy and sunny. Hardly a thought in my head.

I'm glad I work nights, that way I don't have to deal with too many people, but I still can't let the GR act slip, ever. If anyone from Nexes realized that it didn't work, - Well, I can't let them realize it. So I'm mopping up in laboratories that I should be working in. I see some of their notes and theories on the board and sometimes its all I can do from working it out for them, or adding a helpful suggestion, but I can't afford to do that. Can't let anyone know.

So, I concentrate on how glad I am that Robbie is okay and the happy GR act becomes a bit easier. Robbie is only doctor I really trust with my brother. Robbie and Hart had been friends since before I was born and I know he'll do the right thing for my brother. I keep hoping that some day, I'll be able to talk to him again. That he'll be out of that body cast before the P.A.S. takes him completely. He's too young for that. He's only 17. Nowhere near 30. It's just not fair.

I catch myself before that thought shows on my face, looking around. Nope, still nobody here. Good.

I put my things away and wonder what to do next. I head back to the dorm before heading to the Lumina for something to eat. Just as I get there, I turn and see a small movement just ahead of my field of vision. Quixote. She's here. I can't see where she went, so I run inside my room.

There's a picture on the table by my bed that wasn't there before. It's Hart. I run my fingers over the image of his face before picking up the medallion. I hardly need to look at it; I know what it'll be. It's the medallion Mom gave him before she disappeared.

I put the medallion over my head, tucking it into my shirt so nobody will see. Looks like I won't be heading over to Lumina's for something to eat, afterall. I'll need to go see Zeus, and visit Hart again. With practiced ease, I slip from the building and head out not quite in the direction of Storm HQ. I'll use one of the the old entrances.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: Isabelle, hope this is ok for you. I know it doesn't take us much further in the conversation but I was struggling for where to go next and your last post gave me plenty to work with anyway :wink: .



From the look on his face I can see that Max is horrified by what I’m saying. I don’t blame him, I was too when FutureMax told me… I suppose that I’d always known that there was the possibility of a war emerging since the day they used the orbs…but until then I guess I was always of the opinion that good would triumph over evil…or something like that… I guess FutureMax shattered those thoughts… They lost…and it was because Max and I were together… I’ve told Max and the words repeat over and over in my head.

"But WHY?!?...How could us being together be the start of something bad?"

Max sounds just like me when I was told…I just couldn’t believe that us being together would have such a major consequence… Well I couldn’t until he explained, and now I guess I have to do the same for Max.

“Tess,” I explain after a moment. “She left because we were together, and you needed her here. Because she was gone, then…” I trail off, unable to continue but Max finishes my sentence anyway.

“The end of the world…You wanted me to stop loving you..."

Finally he understands…finally he knows what really happened, and why I allowed him to think what he did… I’ve thought about doing this so many times but I always came to the conclusion that I couldn’t… The truth is that I don’t really know whether I should be doing now, but I just couldn’t lie to him again… The lies are eating away at me…they’re destroying my soul and I can’t continue like this. So now he knows… Slowly I nod. I can feel tears swelling in my eyes but I blink them back as I look at him, almost afraid to see what he’ll say next. I know that I hurt him…so badly…I wonder if he’ll ever be able to forgive me…?

For a few moments he makes no response, and I’m afraid that what I’ve done is beyond forgiveness. I continue watching him and then suddenly he looks up at me. I can see that he’s still struggling with this but he gives me a smile…it’s not a natural one, but still, it’s a smile and that’s more than I’ve had from him in a long time…

"It didn't work."

I look down, unable to meet his eyes for a moment. I know what I was told about us being together, but right now, hearing what he said…there’s a tiny glimmer of hope rekindling inside my heart, wondering if there might possibly be any chance of us having a future. Forcing myself to look up, I face him again. “I’m sorry Max…I did what I thought I had to do…I n-never wanted to hurt you…seeing you that night, allowing you to believe what you saw…lying to you…these have been the most difficult things I’ve had to do…” I chew my bottom lip nervously. I know that I shouldn’t dare say what comes next…I hurt him so much… “I never stopped loving you though…I never could…” I tell him in almost a whisper. I don’t really know what response I expect or want to get from that, but I just know that it is something that I have to say…something which has remained locked inside for long enough…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »

~~~~~~~ JP between Isabelle and Storm for Robbie, Rome, Zeus and Jakki~~~~~~~~


I know that we said we wouldn't go back into the city for a while, unless there was a need to get some more information but I still decided that after checking with Robbie and learning only a little more that I was going to try to see what I could at the Lumina, not to mention I had to check in with a few of our operatives. Zeus was gone to his workshop and I didn't feel it necessary to inform him of where I was going since I wasn't on an assignment at the moment.

With a shake of my head, I walked into the Lumina, careful to keep the hood of the cloak I always wore in the city pulled up over my head until I was certain there were no officers from Med Sec there. Seeing one of the operatives I walked over and sat in a table behind him. "The darkest bird that flies at night, is not a bird at all."

"Says bats with wings and everything, that is a winged mammal." He finished the greeting. Of course, we weren't always this corny, it was more of a joke between him and I. "How are things going in the search?" He questioned, keeping his gaze away from me.

"Not bad, still nothing concrete but we are working on it. How do things look on your end?" I asked glancing toward the bar to make it seem like I was deliberating on what I wanted to order.

"Grey. Things are not moving along at all. I can't seem to find anything concrete that will assist us in convincing her that we need her on our side. Though, I have been extra careful not to let things seem strange." He informed me and I nodded though he couldn't see.

"Well, keep trying. I've got someone else digging, we might find something else to help. Defrag and I'll meet with you again same time and place as always." I told him before I casually stood and moved out of the Lumina. It was time to return to HQ and I planned on visiting with Victor before getting back to pouring over things having to do with Dax's tattoo.

It didn't take me long, I went to one of the entrances which was covered by an old race car. I always got a kick out of the fact that Nexes didn't seem to have any suspicions about the old car being altered in such a way as to house a secret entrance into The Storm HQ.


I left HQ and made my way to my workshop which is also my hideout. Most simply think it's a dump and in many ways, that's exactly what it looks like to the untrained eye. Walking in, the first thing I did was walk to my vid screen and check out whether I had any pending messages from contacts I had in other country sectors. "Vid, message mode."

"You have received twelve recorded messages from untraceable sources."

"Play in order of code." I told Vid and waited.

An image of a blonde girl with traces of peach tints appeared on the screen and spoke, "Spiked local entry has been detected among the current Nexes facility here. There seems to be something big happening, but we have no idea what it could be. Transmitting coded image, could use your assist in decoding memory message."

The first message ended and while the next played I began working with one of my devices that hid me from any camera's when activated. I was planning on making several more, although I had plenty. "Zeus, trouble Down Under mate, Nexes tuber facilities have begun having extra security due to several malfunctions, even PAS centers. Word has it, that they have had this happen all over the Asian sector as well."

I listened to the rest of the message along with the other's, hearing basically the same thing. "Vid, download coded transmissions and set for save file." I said as I tested one of my dampener's. Looking back over the feed, I noticed that it had definitely worked.

Walking over to my components table to check on another device I was surprised by the sight of a baseball. "Quixote." I muttered before walking to place a save bar into the computer set up, "Alright, Vid save." After waiting for the cylinder to stop flashing, I picked it up and placed it in my pocket. Going to one of the tool boxes that doubled as being my back-up cases, I removed a few different things, stuffing them in pockets.

Time to return to HQ and see what the hell Quixote wants, since obviously she took the coils I had and a couple of other things and replaced them with a damn baseball.


I'd been spending the day going over everything that I'd missed in Hart's recovery over the last month of being gone along with running diagnostics of the gene map that Dax had tattoo'd on his arm. So far, I could seem to find a match of the G Map and it was frustrating me. There had to be a reason why Dax would be so filled with desire to have a tattoo created and never explain it or show it to Jakki before his disappearance. Or as we knew now, abduction.

I'm glad though that Nexes no longer has a hold over me, I made some huge mistakes betraying Hart, Jakki and Rome in the beginning. Of course, I can see clearly that Maxine Rich was a very convincing bitch who ended up having me doubting my own best-friend. Still, I'm surprised that Hart was willing to rush out and end up injured in the process in order to attempt a rescue. I know I had helped them get Jakki out safely when they removed her chips, but I still hadn't expected Hart to have forgiven me enough to risk himself.

Then, returning to find that Rome had informed Jakki that she was certain I was the one that could help Hart, saying I was the best doctor she knew and that she had risked herself trying to find out my where abouts, I was even further surprised. Stupid me, I thought after Susik came on board that I would be free to go elsewhere and work as a Doctor in a small community in the Outer Region, thinking that with a different name I could be safe.

Rat ruined that, and now here I am once again. I can be a doctor, but not the type I'd wanted to be, though if I was able to help save Hart then I would be happy. I can't say working beside Susik has been a charm because it hasn't. I hate the guy and have no trust for him.

Currently I was there, looking at the stats on Hart as I tried to determine a few things. "Vital's are still regular, composition is rising." I told Susik as I looked at the other man.

Susik nodded, "I'll leave you to this for a while and get started on some more tests."

I shrugged and watched him leave before walking over to stand next to Hart and speaking, "Hart, we will get you back with us." I looked down at the body cast.


I slip quickly into the tunnels and race down the half-mile slope to HQ. I came in on the far side and now I'm racing through hallways past labs and meeting rooms to finally get to the hospital. I should probably find Zeus first, but I head for Hart, anyway.

I stop myself as soon as I've put one step in the door. He's not alone. In the next split second,
I realize that it's Robby and Suzik. I ignore the Nexes tuber and head straight for Robby. "How is he?" I ask biting my lip.

I take another step closer and look down at Hart as I await Robby's response.


I look up as I hear Rome questioning her brother's condition and smile, "He's showing improvement, Rome." I waited until Susik had actually walked outside and headed off before I added anything else.

"He will be alright, Rome." I walked over to her to hug her as I often did. She was like a sister to me, just as Hart was a brother. I'm just glad that I don't have Dr. Rich pulling my strings anymore. That I am able to not only trust myself, but have the faith of my friends back. I still feel guilty that I hadn't been able to keep Rome from facing the threat of being a GR, but finding out that it failed had been a blessing.

"How have you been?" I asked her, stepping back only slightly. It was hard to remember that she was younger then Hart and myself when she was nearly as tall as I am and I still remembered when she was still a baby.


"Same as always," I smile at him. A genuine smile. Robbie is the most wonderful friend and a great doctor. Just seeing him makes me feel better. Even happy. "I'm so glad to have you back here to look after him for me."

~ Robbie ~

"I'm glad to be back. I feel like this is my fault, I heard how much he wanted to return for me when I was caught." I told her, remembering when I was injured while helping Hart escape with Jakki and I told them to go, getting myself caught in the process.

~ Zeus ~

It didn't take me long to make my way through to the lab where Hart was located. I was simply tossing the baseball up and down as I walked. When I came to the entrance, I smiled. Robbie and Rome were both there, and now we just needed to wait for Jakki.

I stepped in and spoke, "Hey, Rome, Robbie. How are things going?"


"It's not your fault, Robbie," I tell him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "This isn't something either of us could do anything about," I wish it were. That there was some way to have avoided it.

Before I can figure out how to continue, Zeus arrives. I grin and spin towards him as he casually asks how things are as if he were expecting to see me.

"Zeus!" I say. "I was just going to come looking for you when I was done visiting Hart."

~Zeus ~

I smiled and stepped forward, "Well, I was actually going to call you in if I didn't run into you." I told her as I tossed the baseball towards Robbie and saw him catch it with a look of surprise.

"That was a gift from Quixote." I explained and watch Robbie nod, suddenly understanding.


Rome's words of encouragement caused me to smile and I was about to give her another hug
when Zeus came in and questioned how we were. "Doing fine," I said after Rome finished speaking.

As Zeus threw the baseball however, I amazed myself by catching it. Looking at Zeus in confusion he explains that it's from Quixote and I sighed and nodded. Now what was she up to?

"Should I get Jakki?" I asked, figuring that if he was going to call in Rome, that usually meant something that Jakki would be involved in it at somehow.

In case he said yes, I walked over to Vid and got ready to see if she was still in HQ or not.


I'd decided to go see Victor even though he was no longer able to give us his usual speaches. He was out of commission until we figured out how to heal him. I just wished that he was able to impart some words of wisdom to me. I still couldn't believe we were so close to Dax and not able to save him.


"Sure Robbie, that would be great. I'm sure she's going to be here somewhere, but I think we all need to get the chance to talk and figure out what Quixote is trying at." I tell Robbie and watch as he clicks on Vid.

"Vid, locate Jakki Kaan." I hear him say and watch as the glass screen lights up to show Jakki sitting by the chamber where we'd been forced to place Victor in a Chryogenic (sp) state. I let Robbie speak, "Access transmission line to cry lab." At the resounding beep that told us that the line was set, Robbie continued speaking, "Jakki. Zeus, Rome and I need to see you asap by Hart."

I heard Jakki's response, "Be right up."
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


“I’m sorry Max…I did what I thought I had to do…I n-never wanted to hurt you…seeing you that night, allowing you to believe what you saw…lying to you…these have been the most difficult things I’ve had to do… I never stopped loving you though…I never could…”

I watch as Liz apologizes and I can see how much she'd been hurting, too. She broke my heart that night, but I think she did the same to her own.

"Liz," I whisper, stepping closer, intently. I reach for her shoulder with one hand, and slowly, gently move it down her arm, barely touching her until I reach her hand. She follows it with her eyes. My other hand moves up to her neck, capturing her attention, as I run my thumb along her jaw, my fingers buried in the hair cascading down her back.

She blinks, and I can see a bit of moisture, not quite big enough for a tear, creeping from the corner of her eye. I blot it out with my finger.

"Liz," I say again, but no more, before leaning my face close to hers for a kiss.
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