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Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:20 pm
by Assilem_1
A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this part posted . . . RL kinda took over for awhile but I’m back . . . So yeah, since it’s been so long since I posted (like 2 months +) I figured I’d post a little refresher for all those who might need a memory jog . . . Feel free to skip it if your memory’s good . . . ;) . . .


“Base I have the package, I’m in room 214. I need extraction.”

“Copy that Mountaineer. Team’s on it’s way. E.T.A. in” a pause as he checked with the team “4 minutes” came over the static in her comm link.


Too late . . .

A fraction of a second too late and time was against her once again.

She should have kept her head in the game, shouldn’t have been thinking about Vaughn

“Goodbye” Koreshnokov said to her in Russian as he squeezed the trigger, gun aimed at her chest.

She closed her eyes.



“At approximately 10:16 this morning, Agent Sydney Bristow was shot” Dixon’s voice wavered for a moment before strengthening “in the chest while on a routine mission.” There was a collective gasp in the meeting room as he continued. “She was taken to Mount Sinai hospital and is currently in surgery . . .”


“How is she?”

“Is she ok?”

“The bullet fractured her ribcage and a bone fragment punctured her heart . . . There was internal bleeding. We repaired the damage the best we could and she made it through the surgery . . .” Both men let out a breath of relief. “But she slipped into a coma soon after. I’m sorry . . .”


“Michael, is that you?” he heard called from the living room.

“Yeah it’s me” he answered solemnly, shutting the door behind him.

Lauren stepped into the entryway with a slight smile on her face that slowly fell as she met his gaze.

“Lauren, we need to talk . . .”


“...I know the last few weeks have been hard . . . Losing your friends . . . Finding out Vaughn is married . . . For everyone else the world changed gradually. For you it changed overnight . . . I know it may not seem like there’s much of a reason for you to come back, but-” his hand shook slightly as he continued to smooth her hair “but I need you here Sydney. You’ve been my silent strength all these years and I need you to wake up honey . . . Daddy needs you to wake up now . . .”


“Hey Syd” he said quietly, his voice breaking on her name. “It’s Will.” He swallowed. “Your father arranged for me to come back . . . He thought you’d want to hear from me . . .”

“...They say you might not wake up . . . But you have to . . . I know I’m in witness protection and we won’t see each other, but the world needs Sydney Bristow . . . *I* need you Syd . . . I need to know you’re ok . . . that you’re alive and you’re ok . . . So wake up Syd” he began to cry again softly. His head came to rest on their joined hands. “Wake up Syd please . . .”


“Sydney, it’s your mother . . .”

“Maybe I forfeited the right to call myself that when you were 6 years old, but I am still your mother . . .”

She stood and pulled a syringe out of her pocket.

“So I’m going to help you . . . Help you out of the place you’re in right now . . .”

She removed the cover from the syringe.

“I’ve had this lab in France for awhile now, where they work on medical experiments . . . They created this formula that combats ‘the rising dark’ . . . What the scientists there call a coma . . . I pray it will help you too . . . It’s been thoroughly tested and you aren’t on anything that might counteract it, I checked . . . I would never give it to you if it weren’t safe . . .”

She injected the contents into Sydney’s I.V. and then, capping the syringe, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on Sydney’s forehead.

“You’re going to be ok now Sydney . . . I promise . . .” she said softly.

She stood there for awhile, looking down at her daughter . . . Then she sighed and left the room. The only sounds left behind were the beeping of the heart monitor and the sound of the respirator pumping air into Sydney’s lungs. As the door shut behind her, Sydney’s hand twitched, then lay still . . .


Dr. Williams looked at Sydney’s chart and frowned at the nurse standing beside him.

“I’m noticing a spike in her temperature since this morning. Has she been administered any drugs that weren’t noted on the chart?” he asked, flipping the pages, looking for anything that might have been missed.

“No doctor, nothing new has been administered since she was admitted to the ICU” the nurse answered.

“Well, she may be getting an infection. We need to treat it before her fever gets any higher. Give her ten cc’s of sepataxime. Let’s see how she does on that . . .”


And now . . .

~Vaughn returns~

Part 10: Hush

I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire
I love you as certain dark things are loved
between the shadow and the soul
I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom and carries
hidden within itself, the light of those flowers
And thanks to your love, darkly in my body
lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth
I love you without knowing how or when
or from where
I love you simply, without problems or pride
I love you in this way because I don't know
any other way of loving
but this, in which there is no I or you
So intimate that your hand upon my chest
is my hand
So intimate that when I fall asleep
it is your eyes that close . . .

– Pablo Neruda, Sonnet XVII

Vaughn pushed the door to Sydney’s room open slowly. It slid with a soft whoosh across the floor as his gaze moved hesitantly around the room until it fell on her form lying so still in the single hospital bed . . .

He took in everything in an instant . . . The paleness of her skin, it was almost translucent, the dark smudges under her eyes, they looked like bruises, and the tube that was taped to her mouth that trailed to the respirator, the reason her chest continued to rise and fall . . .

It nearly broke his heart but he took it all in, hungrily, thankful that she was still here . . . Still tethered to this world, however faintly . . .

Not gone . . .

He blinked rapidly when her image became hazy, tears clouding his vision . . . This wouldn’t, couldn’t, end the way that day had . . .

Memories drifted to him . . .

“Earth to earth” despair “Ashes to ashes” crumbling sand “Dust to dust” the wind carried her away . . .

<<Dr. Harris to Exam room 3. Dr. Harris to Exam 3>>

The steady beeping of the heart monitor was the first thing that registered as Vaughn blinked the hospital room back into focus and dragged a hand down his face to wipe it . . . Exhaling a shaky breath, he stepped fully into the room, allowing the door to close softly behind him . . .

In the silence, Jack’s words drifted back to him . . .

“You’re not alone, Vaughn’s here . . .”

He’d heard the hushed words Jack had spoken to Sydney before he’d pulled Vaughn half into the hallway . . . He’d then informed Vaughn that he was to stay with Sydney while Jack went on the mission to retrieve the man who had shot her. Even at the mention of Koreshnokov, Jack’s features had hardened and his jaw tightened and Vaughn found himself almost pitying Koreshnokov with Jack on his trail . . . But as the sounds of the hospital seeped in, any possibility of pity for him dissapeared.

Jack had placed one hand on his shoulder even as his features almost imperceptibly shifted when he looked over at Sydney. Then, with one final order to Vaughn, “Notify me if anything happens . . .” he’d departed, his brisk stride and stiff posture carrying him down the hall until he turned a corner and dissapeared from view . . .

Vaughn shook off his memories as Sydney’s presence seemed to pull him across the room and he followed, sitting down heavily in the chair next to her . . . He was quiet for a long moment, trying to gather his emotions . . . She looked so small and pale and broken lying there . . .

Not gone . . .

He picked up her hand as he shook his head. She had to be ok . . .

He opened his mouth to speak. “Syd” his voice emerged, hoarse from emotion. “It-it’s me” he cleared his throat. “It’s Vaughn” he sighed and reached out with his other hand. “I’m here Syd . . .” he said softly, reaching over to trail his fingertips lightly down her cheek. “I’m here . . .”

His breath left him in a deep sigh as his hand slowly returned to his side . . .

“I wish . . .” he shook his head, trying to drown out the hospital sounds around him . . . “I wish things were different Syd . . . so much . . . I just . . .” His mouth twisted into a sad smile. “I wish for so much now . . . I wish you weren’t in this place, I wish you weren’t in a coma, I wish I had had more faith” his voice cracked and he paused. “Maybe we wouldn’t be here if I had . . . Maybe you would be ok, maybe . . .” his voice trailed off and he ran a hand down his face, wiping away an errant tear in the process. “You were gone so long Syd . . . Seven hundred-” his voice hitched “-seven hundred and thirteen days, six hours-” emotion choked him “-and fourteen minutes . . .” His eyes closed briefly. “So long . . .” He smoothed her hand as he inhaled shakily. “I got so lost Syd . . . without you . . . It-it’s not enough but I-I’m sorry . . . I just . . .” he looked down, drained “. . . I got so lost . . . ” His hand tightened around hers. “Syd, please . . . Don’t leave me again . . . I-I can’t do this without you . . .” His other hand rose up to cradle her pale one between his and his eyes rose to the ceiling. “I need her here . . .” His voice shook. “Please send her back to me . . . Please . . .” His voice trailed off as his head dropped and sobs shook his frame . . .

“Shh . . . It’s ok Vaughn . . . Everything’s ok . . .” she said to him softly, running her fingers, featherlight, through his hair . . .

“Syd?” Vaughn rasped as he looked up quickly, hopefully . . . only to encounter empty air and a still comatose Sydney . . .

“I’m here . . .” Her hand turned in his, solid yet light as air . . . “I’m right here . . .”

He shook his head in denial even as her voice eased some of the constriction in his heart. “I can’t lose you again . . .” he said, then softer “I can’t lose you . . .”

“Shh . . .” Her voice silenced the words he still wanted to speak and emotion closed his throat.

“Shhhh . . .”


Her phantom touch left his hair and her hand became still in his as the relative quiet of the room was pierced by a high-pitched sound and a whisper that sounded eerily like ‘I’m sorry . . .’ and Vaughn was left with a heart monitor whose steady beeping had now changed to a flatline and a single thought moving through his head:

I can’t lose you . . .


Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 7:51 pm
by Assilem_1
A/N: I am going quote crazy so I apologize in advance . . . I had planned to post this earlier but the part wasn’t cooperating (still isn’t, truth be told), but I wanted to get it posted since I left you guys with such a cliffhanger . . . Don’t hold it against me? . . . ;) . . .

Ok, on with the show . . .


Hopeless as my dream dies, as the time flies
Love, a lost illusion ... helpless, unforgiven ...
Cold and driven to this sad conclusion
No beauty could move me, no goodness improve me
No power on earth, if I can't love her . . .

- from the Broadway version of Disney's Beauty and the Beast



Her phantom touch left his hair and her hand became still in his as the relative quiet of the room was pierced by a high-pitched sound and a whisper that sounded eerily like ‘I’m sorry . . .’ and Vaughn was left with a heart monitor whose steady beeping had now changed to a flatline and a single thought moving through his head:

I can’t lose you . . .


And now . . .

Part 11: Sand and Water

We will not remember dying ~ Pablo Neruda

Sydney and Francie sat by the shoreline, watching the waves pound against the surf.

Across the sand stood Vaughn . . . He was talking but his voice was drowned out by the waves . . .

“What is he saying?” Francie asked, tilting her head at Vaughn even as she continued drawing patterns in the sand . . .

Sydney shook her head and sighed.

“He never really speaks to me anymore” she answered even as she strained to hear his words. She had tried to approach him but found that even though they appeared to be on the same beach, there were oceans separating them . . . She exhaled slowly and sent whispers of comfort on the wind, even as she resolved to let him go . . .

Her fingers delved into the sand in an attempt to occupy them, looking for answers in their depths, even as the grains slid from her hands back to their original positions in a fruitless task . . .

She looked up when there was a flash. Francie continued drawing in the sand, seemingly oblivious . . .

“What’s that?” Sydney asked, pointing at the bright light.


Francie turned to look. “What?” she asked, her voice sounding far away.

“She’s going into cardiac arrest! Prep the crash cart!”

The bright light was coming closer and Sydney stood up to meet it.


A figure emerged.

“Charge to 200 . . .”



“You’re not supposed to be here Sydney . . . You have to go back” Emily said softly even as the light enveloped her form, making it hard to see . . .

“Charge to 300 . . .”

“But-” Sydney began, shading her eyes . . .


She needed to find Francie . . .

“Charge to 400 . . .”

“I can’t lose you . . .”

The whisper, so broken, reached her ears and her heart clenched . . .


It pulled her home against her will . . .

Beep Beep Beep Beep

“Please . . .”

“We have a rhythm!”


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:53 pm
by Assilem_1
Ok, so I haven't posted in forever . . . Hope you guys are still interested . . .


Into your heart, I’ll beat again ~ Dave Matthews Band

Part 12: A Moment


The shot, when it sounded, seemed to reverberate around the room as everything went black . . .

(How did she get here?)

“There was a fire at your apartment . . .”

From her position on the floor, she pointed the gun at Francie, no, no, not!Francie (Francie was gone)...

“. . . Will survived . . .”

Her heart thundered in her chest (pounding)...

“But you . . . they found remains . . .”

Breath rushed past her lungs (breathing)...

“The DNA . . . was a match . . .”

Her hand trembled and she struggled to hold the gun steady (so tired)...

“You were dead . . .”

She shook her head in denial, memories rushing past as the muzzle flashed...

“I just woke up in Hong Kong. I don't know how long I've been here...”

... the shots left gaping holes in her best friend’s chest as she gasped, shocked ...

“. . . two years . . . You’ve been missing for almost two years . . .”

She collapsed back against the mirror...

“Why are you wearing that ring?”

Koreshnokov aimed the gun at her as his finger squeezed the trigger...

“You should know, besides being the NSA liason, I am also Michael Vaughn's wife . . .”

She sighed softly as her eyes closed, accepting.

“You were dead . . .”

...just a ghost...

“You were dead.”



Her eyes flew open and she looked wildly around the room. When her eyes landed on the medical equipment, the tubes, the wires and then Vaughn sleeping in a chair next to her bed, she began to cry. Through all the tubes and wires attached to her, slow tears ran down her face . . .

She wasn’t supposed to be here . . .

Vaughn sat up suddenly, her name torn desperately from him as his eyes snapped open. Confused, his hand tightened around hers.

She just cried harder.

‘Anywhere but here’ she thought desperately.

His shocked eyes met hers and he jumped up. “You’re awake . . . Oh god, Syd you’re awake!” he cried, blinking back tears from his own eyes. “Shh Syd, it’s ok” he wiped her tears carefully, worried eyes meeting hers. “Shh, it’s ok, you’re ok . . . Are you in pain?”

She nodded around the tube in her throat as she continued to cry. Her heart hurt . . .

He pressed the call button by the bed and continued murmurring to her and wiping her tears gently. When the nurse bustled in he said “She - she’s awake! Can you give her something” he swallowed over the lump in his throat “something for the pain?”

She looked pleadingly at the nurse . . . Something for the pain, that’d be nice . . .

The nurse increased her morphine drip and Vaughn’s concerned eyes faded away . . .

It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but it’d do . . .


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:00 pm
by Assilem_1
A/N: Ok, so I’ve been gone almost as long as Syd at the end of Season 2 {embarassed look} but I’m here with a shiny new part . . . Please read and review and let me know what you think (the good, the bad and the ugly :o) . . . For those who don't remember this story (understandably since it's been so long since I posted), there's even a summary, of sorts, between the lines . . .

Ok, here goes:


Part 13: Fear

The only sound in the empty, dust-filled warehouse was the rap of Jack’s shoes as he briskly strode down the hall. The hall went on for about 20 feet and ended in an abrupt turn but as Jack turned the corner, from a doorway, a gun cocked next to his ear...

...the action seemed to make no impression as Jack turned only slightly, his eyes skimming over the barrel to meet the eyes of the man that just yesterday had tried to kill his only daughter...

Koreshnokov froze, a cold ball of fear unfurling in his stomach as he recognized Jack Bristow . . .

He glimpsed a slow, deadly blink...

“At approximately 10:16 this morning Agent Sydney Bristow was shot . . .”

...then Jack struck.

Hand snapping from and back to his side quickly, he caught Koreshnokov under the chin, connecting with a knife strike...

“The bullet missed her major arteries . . .”

...the gun clattered to the ground as a choking sound emerged from Koreshnokov’s lips. As he staggered, Jack bent low, twisted his hips for power, and smashed his fist into Koreshnokov’s kidney...

“. . . but fractured her ribcage . . .”

...the blow landed like a sledgehammer and Koreshnokov slammed into the closed door behind him then crumbled to the ground, unable to breathe, only achieving painful wheezing. Between gasps for breath, he reached for a hidden weapon...

“. . . a bone fragment punctured her heart . . .”

Jack struck again, hard and fast…There was the cracking sound of bone breaking...

“. . . there was internal bleeding . . .”

...Koreshnokov did not reach again...

“. . . she made it through the surgery . . .”

Jack Bristow was a ruthless man. This was known by many, a lot of whom could claim firsthand knowledge.

Only a few however knew he was capable of mercy...

“. . . but she slipped into a coma soon after . . .”

...Koreshnokov’s gasp of pain echoed throughout the warehouse halls...

Now was not a time for mercy.

“Agent Bristow” crackled in Jack’s earpiece.

Koreshnokov let out a gurgling gasp as Jack straightened.

“What are her chances of waking up?”

The agent speaking in Jack’s ear turned the corner. He seemed unsurprised with the scene that greeted him but he stopped a respectable distance away. “Agent Bristow, there’s a call at the transport . . . It’s about your daughter . . .”

“She sustained major damage to her chest cavity and severe blood loss . . .”

Koreshnokov, with his right arm cradled uselessly at his side, numerous broken bones throughout his body, and though he could draw only the shallowest of breaths, still felt relief wash over him...

...until he heard the chamber of a gun being snapped into place...

“What are her chances? . . .”

Jack reached down and yanked Koreshnokov by his shoulder, causing him to gasp and then choke on a wet cough, even as newly broken bones shifted to accommodate Jack’s grip...

“About 40 percent . . .”

Jack spoke to Koreshnokov quietly and the agent watched as Koreshnokov’s pain-filled eyes widened with fear...

“We repaired the damage the best we could . . .”

Jack let go and stood, aiming the gun that only moments before had been pointed at him...

“Borov Koreshnokov, working as an agent of the Covenant, has been confirmed as the man that attempted to take Sydney Bristow’s life . . .”

...Jack pulled the trigger, shattering Koreshnokov’s kneecap...

His receding footsteps were the last thing Koreshnokov heard before he passed out...

The agent left behind looked down at the mess that was Koreshnokov and shook his head, radioing for assistance and that Agent Bristow was on his way . . .

What the agent didn’t realize, what few would, really, was that he had just borne witness to a rare phenomenom...

Some would call it Revenge, others would call it Justice . . . But the truth was that this . . .

...Koreshnokov, still unconscious, groaned as he was moved onto a stretcher...

“What has happened to my daughter?”

. . . this was how Jack Bristow grieved . . .


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:13 pm
by Assilem_1
Part 13: A little faith

Sydney was 5 years old . . . She was on her favorite swing in the park and her Daddy was pushing her . . .

“Our lives aren’t easy . . .”

She was happy.

“Seems like they never were . . .”

“Higher Daddy, Higher!” she urged, pumping her little legs to gain momentum, loving how it felt like she was flying . . .

“Injuries, Torture, Death . . .”

Her father laughed. “Ok honey.”

“All possibilities we accept going out on each mission . . .”

Suddenly she was running in the house, her father behind her carrying a stuffed animal.

“But you’ve already lost so much to this life . . .”

“Mommy, Mommy!” she called, running through the rooms.

“You lost your mother . . .”

“No running in the house honey” her mother called from the kitchen. Sydney’s sprint immediately slowed, her father still following indulgently behind her . . .

“You lost me . . .”

“Sorry Mommy” she said as she spotted her mom in the kitchen and walked quickly to her, tangling in the skirts around her mother’s legs. Her mother reached down and hugged her and then said “Sit up here honey” pointing at a stool at the counter.

“I know it may not seem like there’s much of a reason for you to come back but . . .”

“Hi sweetheart” Jack said as he entered the room, giving his wife a big kiss and a hug that had to be broken up by little Sydney . . .

“. . . but I need you here Sydney . . .”

“Syd? Syd!” Francie called. Sydney turned and blinked at her. “Can you believe Undergrad is over?”

“They say you might not wake up . . .”

The bartender handed her a beer and her and Francie clinked glasses. “We must be insane to be considering grad school . . .”

“But you *have* to . . .”

“That’s what I said!” Will said, joining them and yelling “Woo Hoo! It’s over!” to the room.

“I know I’m in witness protection . . .”

Sydney grinned, dimples flaring. Her and Francie looked at each other then turned to the bartender. “I want what he’s having” they said in unison.

“But I need to know you’re ok . . .”

Suddenly she was standing and Danny was on bended knee, “Build me up Buttercup baby, then you let me down . . . Build me up . . .”

“. . . that you’re alive and you’re ok . . .”

“Sydney . . . I can't tell you how much I hope you’ll marry me. Despite what I just did . . .”

“You’re not alone . . .”

Vaughn said her name softly as he looked down at his wrist.

“You were gone so long Syd . . .”

“This watch belonged to my father...”

“I got so lost . . . without you . . .”

“It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time...”

“I-I can’t do this without you . . .”

“When he gave it to me, he said ‘You could set your heart by this watch.’ ”

“I can’t lose you again . . .”

“It stopped October 1st -- the day we met.”

“It’s ok . . .”

He took her hand.

“You can wake up when you’re ready . . .”


Sydney’s eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the lights in the room. At least they had removed the tube from her throat, she noticed. Next her senses registered that someone was holding her hand. Slowly her eyes followed the hand to it’s holder . . .

It was her dad.

She smiled and squeezed his hand and his gaze flew to hers. For a moment he was speechless . . .

“Hi Daddy” she whispered, her throat feeling tender.

“Honey” he said tenderly as he squeezed her hand. “Hold on” he said quietly before she could say more and then reached beside him and handed her a small cup of water that she hadn’t even noticed. “Take small sips.”

The water slid cool and soothing down her throat, exactly what she’d needed. She smiled at her father as he took the empty cup from her.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been hit by a mack truck . . . But other than that, good” she smiled, dimples flaring just a little.

“We were so worried about you.”

She gave his hand a light squeeze then her eyebrows knit in a frown as she tried to grab an elusive memory. “Dad, was Will here? ‘Cause I thought . . .” she trailed off.

“Yeah, honey he was here . . . He’ll be back later” Jack said, a lightening in his features at her smile of happiness at his words.

Her smile softened . . . Seeing some of the weight of the world lift off her father’s shoulders was a pleasant experience . . .

She had almost left him . . .

“I’m sorry Daddy” she whispered as her gaze dropped to her lap.

“For what, honey?” he asked, tightening his grip on her hand. “I . . .” she looked over at Vaughn who was watching quietly. “Can we talk about it later?” she asked shakily.

“Of course, of course, honey” Jack said.

In response, she reached forward and her father's arms gladly came around her, hugging her lightly, being sure not to squeeze too tight . . . She hugged him back weakly, reminded painfully of her injuries . . .

For a moment she allowed herself to focus only on the comfort that she felt in her father’s arms, but, sensing Vaughn’s gaze, her eyes opened and met Vaughn’s over her father’s shoulder.

She looked away . . .

“My baby girl” he murmurred into her hair, so quietly that only she heard him.

“I’m ok now Dad” she said as he stepped back. Just then his pager began to beep and he looked down at it, a frown pulling the corners of his mouth downward.

He turned it off, obviously having decided that whatever the page concerned, it couldn’t be as important as spending time with his daughter . . .

“Dad” Sydney said gently “it’s ok. Go return that page. I’ll still be here when you get back” she said as she smiled at him.

“Sydney-” he started, intent on not leaving her side.

“Dad, really, it’s ok . . . I’m awake and I’m ok . . .” she said, immediately zeroing on the cause for his hesitation . . .

"Ok honey” he acquiesced in a way that only Sydney could coax from him. “I’ll be back in a few minutes” he said, and his expression darkened, thunder in it’s wake for whoever had called him away from his daughter’s bedside . . . He threw a warning look at Vaughn before he left the room . . .

Sydney slowly sank into her pillows as the door closed softly behind her father.

She closed her eyes.

So tired . . .

“Syd” Vaughn said softly, sliding soundlessly into the chair her father had vacated. He reached out to touch her but withdrew before their skin made contact. Her eyes opened to meet his gently concerned ones. “Are you ok? Do you want me to call a nurse?” he asked, hand drifting slowly down to rest at his side.

She shook her head. “I’m ok, just tired” she murmurred, eyes sliding away from his to rest on her IV. “Good drugs” she said, causing Vaughn’s forehead to smooth a little as he smiled.

They both sat in silence for a moment. Vaughn was the first to break it. “So they caught Koreshnokov . . . Actually your father caught him . . . He’s a little worse for wear after their encounter but he’s in CIA custody . . . Maybe you can finally get some answers” he said softly.

She sighed. “I realized before all this happened that getting answers isn’t going to magically fix my life . . . I don’t even think it’ll give me peace of mind . . . My life will still be broken” she said and trailed off, realizing that fatigue (and drugs probably) had apparently loosened her tongue . . .

Before the silence could stretch and become uncomfortable, Vaughn blurted out “I left Lauren.”

Her eyes snapped fully open to look at him in surprise. “What?”

“I left Lauren” he said more clearly.

Sydney inhaled a deep breath, suddenly wide awake . . . Her thoughts were chaotic and seemed to be colliding with each other, fighting for prominence . . . “When?” tumbled from her lips, not even sure why she asked that question first . . .

“Early yesterday . . .”

“It was before you woke up” he said in answer to the questions swimming in her eyes.


He looked at her for a moment before answering, his eyes caressing her face. “Because when you were in here, fighting for your life, I forgot about Lauren . . . Completely forgot that she existed . . . That I even had a wife . . . She wasn’t the last thing on my mind Syd, she wasn’t even on my mind . . . I realized I couldn’t deny my heart any longer . . . And my heart was here with you . . .”

Her heart seemed to trip and shudder as she stared at him. “B-but why would you leave Lauren? You didn’t even know if I would wake up . . .”

Vaughn smiled a lop-sided smile at her.

“It was about Faith . . .”


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:56 pm
by Assilem_1
A/N: Two lines in this part were taken from a Dead Zone ep and the lyrics and title are from Heather Nova’s “It’s only love”

~* - denotes lyrics

Part 14: It’s only love

Vaughn stood in the open doorway to Sydney’s room, quietly gazing in at her . . . Simply basking in the fact that she was awake . . . That she was gonna be ok . . .

And the lingering tightness in his chest simply . . . loosened . . .

Seemingly oblivious, Sydney sat on the bed, head turned, staring out of the window . . . She seemed to be focused on some distant point on the horizon, giving him the opportunity to observe without speaking . . .

~*I used to think that I knew what we needed*~

She was still pale, still thoroughly banged up, with dark circles under her eyes . . .

~*I just assumed we would always be fine*~

She looked tired, he thought in passing . . . but still beautiful . . .

~*Now I don't think that we lost the feeling*~

She spoke quietly without looking away from the window . . .

~*But we let everything build up inside*~

“Are you just gonna stand there staring or were you planning to come in?”

~*It's only love*~

He looked away quickly and entered the room, embarrassed at being caught . . .

~*But love…should make us strong*~

He moved to the room’s only chair silently and sat down.

~*It's only love*~

Her eyes were now focused on him and he was blown away by the emotions swimming in them . . .

~*But love…has been hurting so long*~

“Syd . . .” he said softly and then stopped, not sure what to say . . . There was so much to say. So much he wanted to tell her . . .

~*What a challenge…Honesty*~

Her gaze seemed drawn to the window once again . . .

~*What a struggle to learn to speak*~

There was so much he’d stopped himself from saying since she’d come back, he had no idea where to start . . .

~*Who would've thought that pretending was easier?*~

“You know what I’ve been sitting here thinking Vaughn?” Sydney asked quietly.

~*It's only love*~

His murmurred “no” was almost inaudible . . .

~*But love…should make us strong*~

“I was thinking that Monday could have been the last sunset I ever saw . . . I almost died Vaughn . . .”

~*It's only love*~

“Syd, I know. What-” he began in a tortured voice.

She continued as if he’d never interrupted. “I almost died. Almost left this life behind . . .”

~*But love…has been hurting so…long*~

Her grief . . . His grief . . . They stole his voice . . .

~*And it’s all a part of me*~
~*Tearing my heart*~

“But the worst part? . . . The worst part is I didn’t care . . .”

~*Only love*~

“Wh-what?” he finally managed to get out hoarsely, shock coursing through his system.

~*And it's all of eternity, hoping to learn*~

“I didn’t care” she repeated.

~*Only love*~

“I got sloppy. I wanted to die. There didn’t seem to be anything here for me anymore . . .”

~*There's a part of you I'm trying to reach*~

Vaughn inhaled a shuddering breath and let it out . . . He found himself wishing for her to look at him, an unreasonable part of him feeling that her words wouldn’t be true if she looked at him as she tried to say them.

“I’m sorry” he whispered.

~*Still a part I don't know*~

The pain in her eyes was uncamaflouged now as she looked across at him. “I’m not blaming you Vaughn, it was my choice . . .”

~*Tell me, is devotion a gift or a thief?*~

“I’m still sorry” he said, eyes now focused downward . . .

~*Do you wish I'd let go?*~

“I don’t know what we’re supposed to do now Vaughn. I don’t know if I want you to be my whole life again . . . Loving you almost killed me” she said softly, looking away.

~*It's only love*~

He inhaled sharply as she paraphrased his words of not so long ago back at him . . .

~*But love…should make us strong*~

“I know how that feels, but Syd . . .” he reached for her chin with a shaky hand and her eyes met his. “Life without you isn’t Life. It’s merely existing. Life is risk. Love is risk. Don’t throw us away because you’re scared. I won’t let you go again. I can’t lose you again” he said, his voice breaking slightly, his hand still resting on her cheek.

~*It's only love*~

She smiled tremulously through her tears and he smiled back as he wiped them away silently.

~*But love…has been hurting so…long*~

Finally her hand rose to cover his and as their hands lowered, she held on. They sat in silence . . . one that for the first time in a long time was comfortable. She looked out of the window again . . .

“We can’t go back” she said sadly.

He squeezed her hand gently. “Is that the only direction there is?”

Her eyes met his and she smiled . . .


Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:25 pm
by Assilem_1
<b>Part 15: Falling up</b>

Sydney looked up from the file she was reading as the door to her room opened and Vaughn peeked in.

<b><i>“Your father arranged for me to come back . . . He thought you’d want to hear from me.”</i></b>

“Vaughn?” she asked, not understanding why he was standing half-in and half-out of the room.

<b><i>“You know, two years ago they told me you were dead . . .”</i></b>

“Syd, we have a surprise for you. But the doctor said you shouldn’t get overexcited. Ok, maybe we should rethink this . . . Maybe you should come back another time?” he said to the still unknown person in the hall.

<b><i>“. . . I didn’t believe it, but they told me.”</i></b>

“Vaughn, what is it? What’s going on?” she asked, straining to see, even as she heard murmurring from the other person in the hall.

<b><i>“I thought . . . ‘It’s just a cover for witness protection . . . or some mission . . . She’s not dead . . .’ ”</i></b>

“Vaughn?” she spoke up to get his attention. “I’m fine, really. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”

<b><i>“Life couldn’t be that cruel.”</i></b>

He hesitated a moment longer then opened the door wider.

<b><i>“It couldn’t take you and Francie from me at the same time . . .”</i></b>

Her curiosity quickly turned to elation as a beaming Will Tippin entered the room.

<b><i>“So you had to be alive . . .”</i></b>

His hair was cropped short and his clothes were more rustic than she remembered but the smile and the twinkling eyes were all Will . . .

<b><i>“But then I took one look at Vaughn’s face . . .”</i></b>

“Will? Oh my god, Will!!” Her arms came around him as he half braced on her hospital bed and caught her in a hug. “Will? Is it really you?”

<b><i>“I saw his face and I knew . . .”</i></b>

He sat beside her on the bed, watching as she wiped her tears, even as he ignored the ones that fell from his own eyes. “Me?” he asked. “How about *you*?” he said quietly, reaching out to grasp her hand tightly.

<b><i>“You were really gone . . .”</i></b>

A short time later Sydney was being regaled with stories of Will’s life as a construction worker. The current one involved a nail gun gone wrong, a hospital, and a really hot nurse with a *really* long needle . . .

As her laughter died away, Will said softly “I’m glad you’re ok Syd.”

She smiled at him, her heart filled to bursting with the knowledge that Will had been offered the choice and chose to stay in LA. “I am ok” she said softly, even as Vaughn re-entered the room. “I really am . . .”

It was amazing . . . The world had changed once again while she was away . . .

<b><i>“Now I find out you’re alive . . .”</i></b>

But this time she didn’t mind so much.

~the end?~

<i>Epilogue coming soon!</i>

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:10 pm
by Assilem_1
A/N: Ok, so I admit it . . . I totally flaked on that last part . . . It was really bugging me so I went back and reworked it (used a different memory) and I think it flows a lot better now . . . No real content change though so don’t feel obligated to do so, but if you feel so inclined, it’s there for you to check out . . . If not, read on! . . . The end is definitely nigh . . . or whatever . . . :lol: . . . Hopefully you all will stick around (re: lurkers :wink:) for the sequel (and possible trilogy) . . . I have to say that it will most likely be a bumpy ride, but I’ll try to keep it interesting . . . Ok, with that being said, do you all remember waaaay back when I promised that you’d find out something? (vague anyone? lol) . . . Well, here it is! . . . :wink: . . .

Epilogue: Till the fat lady sings

She stood beside the entrance and watched Michael stroll happily down the hall, pushing an empty wheelchair into Sydney’s room . . . Lauren still wasn’t sure why she felt the need to see them reunited first hand . . .

“Lauren, we need to talk . . .”

She shouldn’t have been surprised . . . Her hold on him had been tenuous at best since Sydney had come back . . . It probably had been only a matter of time . . .

“We could have gone on this way for a while, pretending things were ok, but . . .”

The truth is she liked the life they had built together, even if it had been built on lies and half truths . . . Hers . . . His . . .

“This situation isn’t fair to anyone . . . You deserve someone who loves you the way I...”

‘...the way I love Sydney’ echoed unspoken around the room . . .

Ironic how she had become the third wheel in her own marriage.

The sounds of light laughter accompanied by a huskier chuckle came from the room, alerting her a moment before the door swung open . . .

With the red wig and tinted sunglasses she was wearing, she was unconcerned about being spotted and Michael pushed the wheelchair right past her as he rolled Sydney towards the exit.

“I’m sorry . . .”

He wasn’t . . . Not really . . .

She strolled confidently in the other direction.

But he would be . . .


*Sequel coming soon . . .