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Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:06 pm
by StarGazing101
I did say about your challenge, Trude! I would, but I have EoaS and I haven't seen the movie...


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:18 am
by Biged
this is probally a crappy idea put i am gonna throw it out there anyways....

Alex is a Astronaught (or how ever u spell it) and on a mission something happens and he is taken accross the galaxy to...yep u guessed it Antar.
At first Vilondra (or isabel if u like) doesn't not like him, thinks of him as a lesser species. but then she gets too know him and starts to get attracted to him..... (any rating)

(well that is my challenge lol)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 8:08 am
by Sternbetrachter
sounds like a great challenge but I'm damn lousy when it comes to writing stories that are longer than two or three parts :(

and don't worry, kiddies: I was only joking about being sad that my challenge went "unnoticed" ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 5:38 pm
by ~Ruby~
Sternbetrachter wrote:Oh! I have a challenge too! :D

You all have probably seen "What Women Want", so what if after Wipe Out, Alex can read women's minds too?
Imagine the thoughts Maria might have and poor Alex has to hear! :lol:

He uses his ... "gift" to get closer to Isabel again who is dating Grant at that point and manages that they get together again, after all, he knows now what Isabel wants from a guy ;) and also learns about Future Max and tries to help M/L too.

somehow, he then loses his gift again - maybe he gets hurt and when Max heals him, his gift is gone too

I know, this is not a very defined challenge and rather loose but I hope someone takes it :) because I think it would be fun if sweet innocent Alex learns how women's minds work :twisted:
I really like this idea, I might take it but I'll have to think about so no promises since I don't think I could do it much justice.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 1:26 am
by Biged
How about this one... (TAKEN)

They are all in Vegas and when Isabel leaves that guy (i don't remember his name, the best man from the wedding) in his hotel room she goes to find alex and finds him in the room alone and then it heats up.....(any rating nc-17 would be better, but is ur choice)

biged (yea that was a crappy one too i just can't explain them very well :(...)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 9:26 am
by Sternbetrachter
Biged, that actually sounds like a great idea :)

Ruby, knowing you and your writing style from the role plays, the story can't be anything but funny and a success :)


Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 5:00 pm
by ~Ruby~
Ruby, knowing you and your writing style from the role plays, the story can't be anything but funny and a success
lol, you sweet talker you.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 5:10 pm
by Sternbetrachter
yeah, I know - the things I do so I can read a Stargazer story :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 4:22 pm
by Jadeling
I have a couple of challenges posted in the fanfiction discussion thread two are A/I challenges the first one goes like this:

Challenge 1: Blind Date series A/I, K/T, M/M and some J/A on the side

We've all seen the episode, and I'm sure most will agree that it's probably the funniest episode out there besides "I Married an Alien." I was thinking, "why should Max and Liz have all the fun?"

Apparently although Liz's blind date was one of the most bizzare broadcasts it was one of the most popular, talked about, and highest rated for the station, so they hold the contest again, and once again Maria enters Isabel, and Tess into the contest, although the other two don't know about that until the winner is announced to be Isabel.

Isabel stating that she didn't enter the contest when she finds out (again at the Crashdown). Maria stating that she entered because Ice Princess needs to get over Grant and Alex.

Liz patting Isabel on the shoulder offering Isabel her room when she needs to hid from guys, or someone to talk to about the incoming insanity.

Alex pretending that the news doesn't affect him and then does something comically embarrassing in front of Isabel, like walking into a door, or running into someone.

Michael is the guy who "attempts" to comfort Alex by Maria's command. In otherwords, he's taking Kyle's place and probably ends up making things worse than better.

Alex admits to Michael that he's devestated by the good looking guy the radio sets Isabel up with. Michael tells him to go prove to Isabel that Alex is the one she wants to be with.

Then let the games begin!

Okay, this is where the writer can have fun. He/she can decide if they want to make Alex or Isabel loose their inhibitions. If you make it Isabel try to decide on a different catalyst besides alchol, like her date that the radio station decided on, is a bit of a sleeze and spiked her drink with a drug (like Ecstasy ) to "loosen her up" because she was acting a bit like an Ice Princess.

Above all, have fun and angst free.


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:45 am
by Biged
That sounds like a great challenge i wish somebody would take it....