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Post by Itzstacie »

okay guys its going to be a couple of days before the next part is ready, I need to work on my other story...I've been neglecting the poor thing.

Chapter 11

Liz’s Pov

Truth or dare is she nuts, no way…no how am I playing.

‘I’m not playing’

Kyle looks at me ‘what are you chicken Parker’ he says grinning.

“No’ okay really I am, I mean what if they ask me questions, like who do I love, who do I want to be with, I cant very well answer these questions, Maria and Kyle know the truth I couldn’t get a way with lying.

‘Oh come on’ Alex says walking up and putting his arm around my shoulder.

For some reason I am letting myself be drugged into the other room, I keep telling my feet to stop but they wont listen to me.

‘I’m serious I’m not playing’ someone please tell me why my feet are still walking in the direction of the room.

‘Why not’ Max asks walking up next to me, I look at him and he has this shit-eating grin on his face.

What the hell is smiling about, doesn’t he know that this could only lead to disaster?

‘Because every time we play this stupid game, someone gets mad because someone else had to kiss their boyfriend/girlfriend’

It’s true last time we played this Pam Troy and Shelly Winters got into a huge fight because Shelly had to kiss Steve who happened to be Pam Troy’s boyfriend at the time.

It turned out to be one big catfight, with Shelly holding a big chunk of Pam’s hair and Pam ripped Shelly’s shirt off, of course the guys didn’t mind.

‘Remember what happened last time between Shelly and Pam’ I say hoping that someone would agree with me.

Of course not everyone else thinks it’s a great thing, I Liz Parker am on my own here.

‘Its just going to be us’ Tess says sitting down on the floor, and that is supposed to make me feel better how?

‘Well it’s still not right, everyone here is a couple besides Kyle and me’ I am going to talk my way out of this one way or another.

‘That can be changed’ Kyle says smiling, over my dead body I hear someone mumble low, I look around the room trying to find out who said it.

My eyes land on Max and he’s looking at the floor, I look down to see what’s so interesting but find nothing there.

‘Lizzzzz, come on’

‘Mariaaaaaa, NO” I say stomping my foot down.

‘Oh come on stop being a baby’ Michael says as he plops down next to Maria.

‘Please play’ I hear Max say and that’s it I’m a goner.

‘Fine’ I throw my hands up and start to sit down when I hear ‘LIZ WATCH OUT”.

It’s too late, I sit down and suddenly my ass is wet, shit that’s cold. Jumping up I see someone left their cup sitting there and of course yours truly had to pick the spot where it was left to sit down.

Everyone is laughing at the girl with the wet ass now ‘you guys suck’ I glare at everyone ‘yea yea laugh it up enjoy the show now that my ASS IS FREEZING’.

Max gets up and walks over to me, he’s trying to hide his smile ‘I can uh fix that for you’ he whispers.

Awe he is so sweet, hmm I stand here thinking, wet pants or Max’s hand on my ass.


‘Um you know, I’m okay it’ll dry on its own’ I know what your thinking I should have let him dry them, but the idea of Max’s hand on my ass is…. well you know what I don’t know, I just don’t think it’s a good idea okay so leave it alone.

I’m serious.

I’m talking to you yes you leave it alone. I know your shaking your head at me and if I you don’t quit I put a curse on you.

Now that is settled let’s get back to this story okay.

Okay so where was I, that’s right me being sucked into this truth or dare game.

So now that I am sitting here waiting for them, Kyle looks up ‘okay everyone ready’.

‘I’ll go first’ I hear Maria say; I glare at her she better not pick me. She’s drunk and no telling what will come out of her mouth.

She looks at me and I stick my tongue out at her ‘don’t stick it out unless you plan to use it’ ‘only you’ I say back to her, the look on Michael’s face is priceless.

She’s laughing as she pats Michaels’ head ‘don’t worry baby’, I cant help it but tease him ‘oh come Maria don’t lie to him’ as I look over to Michael smiling ‘you don’t think she really sleeps at my house all the time for the ice cream do you’.

Michael, Kyle is sitting there opening and closing there mouths while Max is choking on his drink. I know what they are thinking they are tying to get a mental picture. Alex is the only one that knows the truth and I can see his smile hiding behind that cup.

Michael closes his mouth and I see his eyes light up, ut oh he’s getting ready with a comeback ‘I’m okay with that, I mean it’s understandable that you would need ah…relief after Max has spent the night’.

Oh shit now I’m the one with an open mouth, okay Michael 1 Liz back to 0, ‘Maria are you going to ask Alex or not’.

I glance over at Max and he’s staring at me, and there goes those ears again bright red.

Maria is hunched over laughing, the girl looks like she is pain she is laughing so hard, oh god she just snorted.


she’s waving her hand at me ‘hooolldd …on.’ she’s trying to get out ‘Maria just breathe’ I look over to Michael ‘help her’.

She is trying to wave him off ‘oh…god…just…. just’. ‘Fine someone else go till the laughing hyena over there can get herself under control’.

‘Alex truth or dare’ I hear Kyle ask.

Alex looks at him ‘Truth’ yep leave it to our dodge ball king to be chicken to take a dare, Kyle grins as he looks at Isabel then back to him ‘how far did you and Isabel go last night’.

‘NOT LISTENING’ I hear Max shout as he throws his hands over his ears, I cant help but laugh having to listen to the details of his sisters sex-life must be torture for him.

I watch as Alex chokes on his drink and mumbles ‘second base’.

“What was that Alex I didn’t hear you’ I shout smiling, I really want Max to hear so I can tease him about it later.

He glares at me “SECOND BASE’ he yells, I look over and Isabel is blushing. Wow didn’t know she could do that, and Max looks like he is ready to kill Alex.

The alcohol is still reaping its effects in me and I cant help but be in a playful mood ‘did you hear that Max, Second base’

He’s glaring at me ‘little Alex feeling up your sister’ I laugh and then I yelp as I feel a jolt ‘that is so not funny Liz, I don’t want to know’ he says narrowing his eyes at me.

‘Okay moving on’ Isabel says getting serious, dam she spoiled my fun.

Alex looks at Tess ‘Tess truth or dare’.

She looks wide-eyed like she’s not sure ‘Dare’ she stumbles out.

‘I dare you to kiss Michael’ and it begins, I look over to Maria at least she’s not laughing anymore. Michael looks horrified, I can’t blame if I had to kiss a blonde gerbil I would be horrified too.

I watch as she gets up and walks over, quickly she bends down and plants one on his lips, Michael looks like he wants to gag and Maria looks like she’s ready to kill, see why I didn’t want to play this game.

Tess sits back down and now she looking for victim, I’m currently hiding behind my cup praying she doesn’t see me, when I look up and her eyes are planted on me and she grinning, oh god that’s actually a scary site.

‘Lizzie’ she says.

I groan ‘yes’ please someone shoot me now and put me out my misery.

‘Truth or Dare’.

I sit here and ponder, do I really want to take the chance of her asking me about my feelings, or do I want to do a dare and embarrass the hell out of me.

“Dare’ Hey I can always blame it on the alcohol the next morning if it’s something really bad.

She’s grinning bigger and somehow I get the feeling I am in big trouble and whatever it is its not going to be good.

‘I Dare you to’ why is she looking at Max.

‘Kiss Max’ that’s it? I can do that; I mean what’s a peck on the lips between friends.

‘For four minutes’ okay there is still no reason to panic, I mean I can do this. I am strong I can just close my eyes and pretend to be kissing Alex.

I get up and start making my ways towards him; looking at him he’s squirming an awful lot and looking around the room at everything but me.

Here I come standing right before him, okay I can do this, then suddenly the other shoes drops ‘with tongue’ lord please let the floor open up now and swallow me whole.

‘Tongue’ she can’t be serious, I mean does she actually have any idea what she is doing to me ‘yes’ she says smirking.

I glance back to Max and he’s staring at me wide eyes, the poor guy looks worse than I feel. I can see him shaking, and that’s when I start getting nervous just staring into those eyes of his.

Now I’m standing here thinking what’s the best approach should I stand and do this, then I think you know what, the hell with it I’m going to make him squirm.

I look back at the others ‘timer’ as I sit straddling him, oh yeah I’m about to have some fun.

I can see him gulp when I look at him, ‘you ready’ I can see him shakily nodding his head; he looks like he is getting ready to faint.

‘Okay Go’ I hear someone say.

I close my eyes and place my lips on his and in that instant I am struck with the most amazing feeling in the world, his lips are so soft and this is where I want to stay forever.

I open my mouth as he slides his tongue into me, oh god I just want to die right now, right here just like this, I can hear his breathing escalating and is that his hands roaming towards my butt.

Yes world I Liz Parker am sitting here kissing the love of my life with his arms wrapped around me kissing me back wet ass and all.

Hello… his hands just moved lower and oh my god his hands are on my butt, his hands are on my butt. I don’t have a wet ass anymore but that’s besides the point his hands are on my butt, ‘mmmm’.

Was that him or me, I cant tell I am so lost right now all I can think about is getting closer, as I push my body towards his to get closer I suddenly feel like I am falling.

Oh yeah falling right into this dream come true, somehow my mind registers that I am no longer sitting up but rather laying down and guess what…yep you did right on top of him baby.

How the hell we got on the floor I don’t care, I just want time to freeze just like this. ‘Time’ I hear someone say, nope –no way I didn’t hear that, nope go away people.

Apparently he didn’t hear it because he still has his hands gripping my ass, and he’s still kissing me.

‘Guys’ ‘go away’ I mumble out not taking my mouth off of his, I feel Alex’s hands on my shoulders, go away buddy or there wont be anything left for Isabel to get a home run with.

I feel him pulling me back, noooo my mind is screaming out. I let Alex pull me up and I look at Max, he’s lying there motionless with his eyes closed and panting.

I’m right there with you buddy, right there with you.
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Post by Itzstacie »

okay guys not really happy with it but wanted to get atleast something out before I leave tonight to on Vacation..I wont be back until the 5th next week...so sorry if it kinda of sucks.

Chapter 12

Max’s POV

Truth or dare all right let the games begin.

I hear Liz saying she’s not going to, she has to play how else am I going to get inside of her beautiful mind.

I see the others dragging her into the room and I can’t help but smile, my mind is already conjuring up dirty little dares for her do, all of them with me as the test subject.

‘I’m serious I’m not playing’ she says and I look at her ‘why not’ her eyes narrow at me and I try my best to hide the dirty images playing across my mind right now.

She goes on about what happened last time; I have to admit that was a pretty wild game I remember it like it was yesterday. Hell when you have a pair of tits no matter whose they are bared to your face your gonna look.

I tired to hide my smile when I see her losing her battle quickly, then as fast at it appeared I lose it.

‘That can be changed’ I hear Kyle say and I growl ‘over my dead body’, shh you didn’t hear that. I’d tied Kyle to the ground and drive over him twice before I would let him get with Liz.

I watch as Maria and Liz argue back and forth, she’s just so cute when she’s trying to be stubborn, the way her eyes narrow at you, the way her lips form this pout where all it makes you want to do is suck on them.

I grin big when I see that we won and watch as she goes to sit down, I don’t see it until I hear the others screaming watch out.

I can’t help but bust out laughing when I see that she has sat on a cup and now her ass is wet, being the nice guy that I am I get up and offer to fix it for her.

Get your dirty minds out of the gutter I don’t want her to have to suffer with a wet ass all night.

‘Alex truth or dare’ I hear Kyle ask him, I raise my eyebrow as I wait to see what Kyle is going to do.

‘How far did you and Isabel go last night’? Oh God the mental picture of Alex deflowering my little sister in the back of a car pops into my mind “NOT LISTENING’.

My poor sister mauled by tall lankly Alex…my sweet…wait a minute why do I care I’ve had the same dirty thoughts about Liz a thousands times a day.

’Second Base’ way to go buddy maybe it will help with that stick she has shoved up her ass, I’m hoping for a grand slam myself with Liz.

I hear Tess dare Liz to kiss me I feel like jumping up and down, I was happy enough with just getting to feel her lips on mine until I hear Tess say ‘with tongue’

She gets up and starts walking to me my mind keeps repeating Liz is going to kiss me, Liz is going to kiss me…did you hear me…just in case Liz is going to kiss me.

Oh God please let me keep my hormones in check, please…please…pleaseeee I’ll do anything, I’ll go to church, I’ll get on my knees and pray every night.

I watch as she gets closer to me, Oh the way she’s looking at me, no NO don’t look at me like that, she licks her lips, those sweet luscious lips, I’m never going to survive this.

I can already fell my body saying ‘oh yeah come and give it to daddy baby’ I gulp loudly as she straddles me ‘you ready’ she whispers, Oh God NO, No I’m gonna combust I know it.

I’m gonna die from this I just know it, I have one request please when my body bursts into ashes make sure they spread them all over Liz’s bedroom.

This is so not fair I’m gonna explode while kissing the love of my life; I can already feel my heart beating triple time. I can see the headlines now ‘Alien King Boy meets his doom by the lips of his dream girl’.

At least I can do something productive before I go I start to inch my hands lower to dry her jeans; I know she must be uncomfortable walking around with a wet ass. I know what you’re thinking thou I just want to cop a feel.

Okay so maybe your right but what better excuse is there to use, wow her butt fits perfectly into my hands, just the right size…did she just moan???

Somewhere my mind is registering that I’m making out with my best friend and while were at it I’m groping her in front of everyone.

But ask me if I care, hell no I’ve dreamt about this for so long there is no way I’m stopping now…someone’s going to have to pry my lips off of hers with a pair of pliers. I’m already thinking of a hundred different ways to thank Tess for this dare.

I hear someone saying time… not in my universe buddy just back the hell up. I feel her being pulled off me; someone is going to wake up tomorrow missing a few body parts thanks to my alien powers.

“Max’ I hear Isabel faintly calling my name, don’t speak to me right now I’ve died and gone to heaven.
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Post by Itzstacie »

Okay all dont shoot Max and Liz just yet...I promise its going to come out soon.

Part 13 Liz's Pov

Whoever invented breakfast really needs to be shot.

I mean come on don’t people know that you are suppose to stay in bed on Sundays until at least noon, and if your up earlier than that you should be at church.

These are things I am thinking about while my mother is currently yelling at me to get out of bed because I am late for my shift.

So I know you want to know what happened last night after I kissed Max, well I can tell you that Maria winded up throwing up on Jim’s favorite chair, and Kyle winded up wearing a skirt and lipstick (thanks to yours truly).

After that pretty much nothing, I personally think a cat came and stole Max’s tongue because for some reason the rest of the night the boy couldn’t seem to talk, if he got more than two words out without stuttering it was an accomplishment.

But let me tell you again WHAT A KISS, that boys tongue was magical I tell you, I would like to personally shake the person or aliens hand that cloned him because boy did they get it right in ALL the places.


You know its funny when parents say that, what do they actually mean by it. Big Trouble? How, I mean they yell at you and sometimes barge into your room but do they actually do anything... No, do you get grounded..., No, they stand there tapping their foot and glaring at you until you move your butt.

I guess I better get up.

Walking downstairs I see Maria is already here leaning her head against the locker, she looks at me.

‘I am never drinking again’ she groans, ‘awe poor little Maria’ as I pat her on the head.

‘How come you don’t have a hangover, you drank as much as I did’.

“Shh do you want my father to hear you’.

‘Well it’s true’ she says as we walk out front.

I see Kyle and Alex sitting at a table, don’t these people know the meaning of home.

‘Hey Alex, Kelly’ that’s my new name for Kyle, he looked so cute last night in his little skirt’.

‘Not funny Parker’ he looks like he’s getting ready to kill me.

I see Alex trying to hide his laugh, I pat Kyle on his shoulder ‘but you make such a cute girl’.

‘Cut it out, it was bad enough I had to sit there and get a lecture from my father who wanted to know if I became gay’.

I can’t help but laugh, I can picture the poor sheriff sitting there thinking his son is gay and trying to figure out why.

‘It’s okay if you come out the closet’

‘I’m not gay’

“I mean we wouldn’t think of you any less’.

‘I’m not gay’

‘I know someone who-‘

“LIZ I’M NOT GAY’ he shouts, everyone is now staring at us.

‘I’m joking VALENTI, don’t have a cow’.

‘You know I never understood that expression’ Alex says ‘how does one have a cow, I mean you can eat a cow but to have one?”

‘Alexxxxxxxxxx’ Maria and I both yell as we shake our heads.

Maria follows me as I make my way behind the counter, ‘you know we need to come up with a plan’ she says.

‘A plan?’

‘To get Max to admit his feelings’ she says

‘How can he admit feelings, when he doesn’t have any’

‘Honey I think its time your mother changed your medication because you’re in denial’ she says as she pats my head.

I watch as she goes off into Maria-land, she’s probably going to be there for a while so I just better go make Alex and Kyle’s drinks.

If I were you I wouldn’t worry about her too much, she does this a lot. Where she just stands there deep in thought not noticing anything else around her.

One time when she was there, Alex tied her shoelaces together and the second she came out of her trance she fell flat on her face.

‘I got it’ she suddenly yells.

‘What’ that was a record for Maria; she generally takes about twenty minutes for her trips.

‘You are going to go on a date’.

Oh no the last time she tried to set me up; it was with Chuck from the chess club. The guy sat there the entire night giving me pointers about how to get checkmate.

Let’s just say if I wanted to join the chess club I would have no problems getting in now.

‘No Maria’

‘Yes Liz’

She walks off before I can argue with her anymore; she heads straight for a table full of jocks.

Sometimes I wish I could just disappear with the snap of fingers, or the wiggle of my nose. I mean noone would really miss me.

As I bring Alex and Kyle their drinks the bell goes off, Ahhh there is my tall, dark and green alien now. Hey you never know they might have actually been green before they came here.

My mouth automatically forms in a smile, I can’t help it, whenever I see him instant smile.

He sits down next to Alex ‘Hey’.

Hey yourself handsome ‘Hey’.

Maria comes walking up ‘Okay Liz I landed you a date for tomorrow night’.

Suddenly I hear the guy from The Twilight Zone in my head you are traveling to another dimension not only of sight and sound…but of mind.

‘Huh’ is all I can say.

‘What’ Max said?

‘A date tomorrow night’ Maria says.

“Who’ I say.

‘When’ Max says.

‘With Jimmy Spencer’ Maria says ‘tomorrow night’ she tells Max.

Who’ I say again.

‘Jimmy’ Max frowns.

‘Jimmy Spencer, quarterback, football team, brown hair, blue eyes’ she says.

Meanwhile Alex and Kyle look like they are watching a ping pong game with their heads going back and forth listening.

‘Huh’ I say

‘Why’ Max says.

‘Because Liz is young and she needs to go out and have fun’ Maria says.

As I’m standing there still trying to process all this information I hear ‘So Liz is seven okay’.

‘Uh-huh’ I say.

‘Great I see you then’ he says.

‘What’ I say.

When my brain finally catches up with my mouth, I realized what just happened.

I turn and glare at Maria ‘your best friend card just expired’.

‘You know I just remembered I have to do something’ Max says and gets up leaving, I watch him walking out the door, I tilt my head to the side; man that guy has a fine ass.

Once he’s gone I glare at Maria again and stomp off, she following me ‘No renewals allowed’ I tell her.

‘Come on Liz’ she says.

I turn my back to her waiting for Jose to put my orders up.

‘Liz’ no go away, I’m mad at you.

‘Lizzzz’ she whines, nope not going to work, go away you’re evil.

I glare at her and take the orders stomping past her, as I ask the customers if they want anything else, I notice Alex and Kyle laughing.

I turn to see what’s so funny and oh my god Maria is on her knees in the middle of the floor clasping her hands together in front of her ‘ELIZABETHHHH PLEASE FORGIVE ME, PLEASEEEEEEEE’.

I can’t help but crack a smile ‘get off the floor’.

‘Do you forgive me’?


‘Well then I’ll stay right here’

‘You cant you have customers’.

She looks around at the people staring at her as she gets up ‘tell me what to do to make it up to you’


“You would miss me to much’

Hell she got me there ‘okay your right, but I’m still not forgiving you’

Fifteen minutes later

‘Forgiven me yet’


Five minutes later

‘Forgiven me yet’


And this is how the rest of our shift went and well into the night she called me like sixty times in two hours, ending status Maria still begging.
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Post by Itzstacie »

Part 14 Max's POV

‘Stupid preppy boy’ these are the words I mutter under my breath as I stab at the piece of chicken that my mother made for dinner.

‘What did you say dear’ my mother asks as she looks up at me from across the table.

I glance up and see my mother staring at me and Isabel sitting with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face.

‘Nothing mom’ I say as I look back down pretending that my chicken breast is Jimmy Spencer’s face.

‘Dumb no dick jock’
I mumble again as I stab at it, grr I feel like taking this piece of chicken and flinging it into outer space.

‘Max you do know that piece of chicken is already dead, it’s not magically going to come back to life’ Isabel smirks. ‘Shut up’ I growl as I stab it a little harder this time and shove it in my mouth.

‘MAX!’ my mother screeches ‘don’t talk to your sister that way…what did Isabel do to you’, Isabel looks over ‘Its okay momma…Max just has his boxers in a twist because Liz has a date tomorrow night’

My head snaps up and I glare at her ‘how did you know that’ she smiles and takes a bite of her food ‘small town’ she just says.

‘Liz’ my mother looks at me ‘why would you be upset dear that Liz has a date, I think its great’ I scowl as I put my head back down ‘I’m not---

‘He’s in love with her but he’s too stupid to tell her’ Isabel says cutting me off. ‘Ohhh’ my mother smiles ‘why don’t you tell her sweetheart, I think Liz is a wonderful girl’.

‘It’s not that simple mom’ I mumble as I kick Isabel under the table ‘He’s a wussy’ Isabel says as she kicks me right back.

‘I’m not a wussy’ I say as I reach down and rub my shin, damm she can kick.

‘Well I think you should tell her’ my mom carries on not noticing the war going underneath the table.

‘Can we please not talk about this’ I yelp as I feel myself being zapped in the knee.

Only then does my father decide to finally join in ‘well I think if you feel this way about her then its time to stop the sleepovers’ WHAT he can’t do that, he had to realize I cherish those moment, if I don’t get to wake up next to Liz you might as well shove me back in my pod.

‘But Dad---

‘Max son you are a teenager, I know all to well what it was like when I was one. I know very well which parts you start thinking with son’.

‘Dadd’ I whine, remind me to kill Isabel when she goes to sleep tonight.

‘I think after dinner you and I will have the talk son’.

The talk…that talk oh god please just shoot me now. I look up and see Isabel gloating over there behind her glass, oh yeah if she thinks she’s going to make me go thru this alone she has another thing coming.

I sit back and grin wide ‘well maybe you should have Iz there too, after all she’s already making out with Alex Whitman’.

I smile trumiphfully when she starts choking on her drink and she sends me death glares across the table.

“Oh dear’ my mother clutches her chest ‘my babies, I can’t believe this…Isabel please tell me your being careful’.

‘It’s not like that mom’ she whines not liking the tables turned, I forge ahead ‘oh yeah she’s already rounded second base pretty soon she’ll be sliding into home’.

‘Bases?’ my mother asks me, she looks at my father ‘they have bases….what are bases…oh good god do I even want to know what bases are’ she carries on.

‘Thanks a lot…be afraid…be very afraid’ she tells me, I cross my arms over my chest ‘anytime’ I say smiling.

‘Max this is no time for joking…sex is a very serious thing…if you are going to joke about it then you have no business doing it’ my father says.

I quickly lose my smile and pick my fork back up “I’m not having sex dad’, geez I don’t even have the girl to have sex with, the closet thing I have right now is my hand and it gets a good enough work out.

My father puts his fork down and pushes back his chair ‘I think dinner is over for now, let’s go have that talk Max’

My head shoots up ‘what about Isabel’ I know I sound like a five year old who is being told he can’t have a cookie.

‘Your mother will talk to her’ he says, I slump my shoulders as I push back I look at Isabel and she’s glaring at me, something tells me I shouldn’t fall asleep tonight.

I come back two hours later horrified and find Isabel sitting on my bed waiting for me ‘ you do know that I am going to do horrible things to you when you sleep tonight’ she tells me.

‘You asked for it…why did you have to open your mouth about Liz’.

‘I can’t help it if you’re a moron Max; everyone else around knows how you feel about each other’.

‘What are you talking about’?

‘You two are just too stupid to see it, I mean why don’t you just do us all a favor and tell the girl how you feel’

‘Because she doesn’t feel the same way okay, and I don’t want to mess up our friendship…It would make everything awkward if she knows’.

‘I can’t listen to this anymore…its bad enough I had to listen to mom talk about taking me to the doctor for birth control…birth control Max we don’t even know if we can use that’

I flop back on to my bed ‘well at least you didn’t have a clerk asking you what size and what texture of a condom you needed’.

She breaks out laughing and I glare at her ‘it’s not funny she even asked if I knew how to put it on and dad told her if I didn’t he would show me’.

She laughs even harder and walks out of my room stopping before she gets to the door ‘just in case…don’t go to sleep tonight Max’ she says then leaves the room.

Do you have any room at your house to hide an alien king who is afraid of his sister?
Last edited by Itzstacie on Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Itzstacie »

I'm sorry about the long delay guys, just in case for those that didnt see my note on my other story I am moving in about three weeks plus dealing with end of the year closing at work, So I have been very busy. Those waiting on an update for PMAP I swear I am trying to work on it bewteen packing...hopefully I will have something soon. There is only one more part after this and will be getting to the new parts that I know some of you are waiting on.

Chapter 15 Liz’s POV

Have you ever noticed when you live in a small town how fast news travels thru the street.

So it’s Monday and I’m walking down the halls and yes you guessed it the whole school knows about my date tonight.

‘Good for you Liz’

‘Heard about Jimmy’

“What a catch’

‘You are so lucky’

by the time I make it to Biology I think half the female population has stopped me and given me their comments.

Max is already sitting there staring at his book, he doesn’t even say hi when I sit down next to him.

After forty minutes of him staring at the same page, I lean over ‘What crawled up your butt?’

His head snaps up ‘nothing’.

I stare at him watching the way he avoids my eyes and stares back at his book, I know Biology is not that interesting.

“You didn’t even say Hi’ I point out.

‘Hi’ he says not looking up.

Okay this is weird usually when it’s just him and I; he usually talks my head off on some days.

‘So Wednesday night, I was think-‘

‘I don’t think I’m going to make it’ he says.

Okay where did that come from?

‘Why’ I blurt out, I mean I know I said things were changing, but in the back of my mind I really wanted things to stay the same.

“I don’t know, maybe your right, we are getting to old’ he says.

Before I can say anything he gets up and leaves when the bell rings leaving me sitting here with my mouth opened wide, when did these damn classes start getting shorter.

So now it’s like six and the only thing I have gotten done for this date tonight is take a shower.

I’m standing here naked looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, what happened with Max at school is really bugging me.

I mean logically I know that we are to old to spend the night by each other’s house; it’s only a matter of time before the ragging hormones kick in.

Not that I wouldn’t mind, nope not one little bit, but I want more than just sex, I want the happily ever after and somehow I just don’t see that happening with Max.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom, I am suddenly hit with the fact that I am not alone ‘MAXXX’ I scream as I quickly grab my robe to cover myself.

He’s just standing there with his mouth open and his eyes bulged out ‘turn around’ oh god I can’t believe this.

‘So…rrr…y’ he says and quickly turns around.

‘What the hell are you doing here’?

‘I…I just wanted to come ask you to not go out with Jimmy tonight’.

‘Why’ I ask as I tie the straps around my waist.


‘Yes why, give me a reason’ I ask as I walk over to get my brush.

He turns and looks at me ‘I don’t like him’.

“You don’t like him’

‘I don’t like him’


‘I just don’t’

‘That’s not good enough’

‘You are too good for him, I don’t want you going out with him’ he says sticking his hands in his pockets.

I don’t know why but suddenly I feel my blood boiling.

‘OH I see, well excuse me but last time I checked this was my life’.


‘Max go home, I don’t care what you think, I see how this is. It’s okay for you to do it, but not me. You know I don’t really like Tess but that doesn’t stop you from going out with her’.

‘That’s different’

‘Just go home’

He’s getting ready to say something else but right now I am just so mad at him, how dare he tell me what to do ‘Just GO’ I yell as I point to my window.

His shoulder slump and he crawls out of my window leaving, I know I should go after him and not really be mad at him, but right now the only thing clear in my mind is

Max Evans just saw me naked.

I’m still reeling over this fact when Maria comes barging into my room twenty five minutes later to let me know that Jimmy is here.

After rushing around to finish and telling Maria what just happened and picking her laughing ass off the floor,I finally make my way downstairs and manage to leave sneaking a quick look at Max who is sitting in a booth.

Twenty minutes later

“I have to say you look hot Parker’ I groan out a thank you before turning my attention back to the menu, I am really really going to kill Maria for this’.

‘Valenti’s been holding out on us’

What the hell is that suppose to mean

‘Excuse me’

‘Kyle he usually lets us in on who the hotties are since he throws all those cool parties…he’d been keeping you all to his self, who knew underneath that nerdy exterior was a true babe’.

I snap my menu down ‘First of all there hasn’t been nor will there ever be a Kyle and me and secondly I am not a piece of meat that all you pretty boys can toss around’.

He throws his hands up ‘Whoa Parker…I didn’t say there was I just meant that you cleaned up really nice, I never knew the class brain could look so hot’.

‘I’m not but thank you anyways’

‘Besides I don’t think Valenti is the one we guys would have to worry about’.

The waiter comes up before I can ask him what he means, and I do just that as soon as he takes our order and leaves.

‘Evans would grind our asses in the ground if we tired’.

‘Max’ why would Max care about it…then again he did seem pretty desperate tonight…he actually looked heartbroken when I left the Crash down.

Nah that’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

‘What does Max have to do with anything?’

He cocks an eyebrow at me ‘Liz please tell me you’re not that blind’.

I stare at him blankly.

‘Oh God! Women can be so dense sometimes’ he says laughing.

‘Explain yourself before I show you just how bitchy a woman could be too’.

‘We all see how he looks at you…that’s what I meant when I said you looked hot. No offense but we just couldn’t figure out what he was so infatuated with’ he flashes me a really big grin ‘now I know’.

‘Your crazy’ I mumble ‘okay say that’s true then why did you go out with me tonight’.

He leans back as the waiter places our plates down and asks if we need anything else, picking up his fork ‘besides that I like the company of a gorgeous woman…Jealously baby…works every time.

I’m still blushing over the fact that someone actually thinks I’m hot when I start to hear people whispering around us.

Oh look at the poor boy

I wonder if he’s homeless

Stupid bum…..they need to do something about them.

Being the nosy person I am, I of course start looking around to see what people are talking about, as I catch a glimpse of the person outside with his nose and hands pressed up against the window in the pouring rain, my eyes widen and I immediately put my head back down ‘oh God please kill me now’ I groan out.
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ok everyone this is the last part I had from previous, new parts will follow this one.

Part 16


10 minutes 25 seconds that’s how long I have been sitting here staring at my Blood of alien smoothie with Maria glaring at me.

I know this because exactly 15 minutes 30 seconds ago Liz left on her date.

30 mins ago I walked in on my best friend naked, a site that will forever be planted in my mind, if she wouldn’t have screamed at me to turn around I am sure I would have exploded in my pants right then and there.

I had this whole planned speech I was prepared to give to stop her from going out, but one look at her naked body and the only thoughts I had running in my head were prepare yourself the missile is hot and ready to seek out its target.

As soon as she kicked me out of her room I came downstairs and slouched in a booth and that’s what I’ve been doing, I’m sitting here sulking; I want nothing more than to crawl back inside the pod I was hatched from.

Maria is mad at me, Liz is mad at me, I’m sure if I go home Isabel will be mad at me…how about I just add you to the list too.

Maria comes over and plops down across from me “Go away Maria’ can’t see she I just want to sit here and stare at my shake.

She throws the rag down on the table and folds her arms ‘you know I am so glad that I’m not from your planet’.

I raise my eyebrow at her, somehow the thought of Maria being an alien scares the hell out of me, she’s a pretty intimidating human, can you picture if she had powers.

‘Because if you made the stupid choices that you do here, it’s no wonder you were killed in your first life’.

I bang my head on the table as I groan ‘is there a point’

I look up at her out of the corner of my eye I can see her rolling her eyes at me ‘You really are blind aren’t you’ she says.

I just wish she would get to her point and go away; I know she knows what happened upstairs. I saw her and Liz talking before she left.

I look up at her and stare ‘I can see just fine’.

She reaches over and slaps me in the head, Dam for such a small women she has a powerful thwap behind her, no wonder Michael is afraid of her.

‘That was to knock some sense into you’ she says as I rub my head.

‘Why didn’t you stop her’ she asks.

‘Stop who’

‘Hello…Liz’ she says.

‘Why would I’ I know she knows I did because I know Liz and I know Liz would tell her, and by the way they both looked at me when they walked thru the door I actually started to slide underneath the table.

‘Because she loves you’

what, no way, Liz in love with me either she’s dreaming or she sniffed too much cedar oil or something.

‘Liz doesn’t -’ she reaches over

“Dammit Maria stop hitting me’.

‘No, not until you wake up”.

‘You have no idea what-‘I grab her wrist before she can do it again ‘Max come on you can’t be that stupid…well maybe you can but I am telling you she loves you, she has been in love with you’.

‘Why hasn’t she ever said something’?

‘Hmm well see there is something… oh yea because your going out with Mrs. harmonica, why do you think Liz has been acting like she has lately’.

Suddenly things are starting to make sense, the speeches, the distancing, it’s like someone finally turned on the light switch in my head. Liz Parker is in love with me, and I love her.

Maria must have noticed because she smiles ‘why are you still sitting here, go get her’.

I jump up from the table ready to ride in and Wisk her away, but then suddenly I am hit with insecurities, what if I’m to late, what if she-‘

‘GO” Maria yells and points to the door, and I find myself running out of the door straight for Liz.

I stare at her thru the window of the restaurant with my hands and nose pressed up to the glass.

I know I must look like some poor fool looking for food because I can see people whispering and pointing and to top it all off I am getting soaked because it decided to start raining.

Hmm I wonder if this what a puppy feels like when you see them in the pet store looking up at you.

I am determined to do this, I have to tell her how I feel, I know she sees me because her eyes widen and quickly looks away.

‘LIZZZ’ I scream pounding on the glass.

I see her bury her head in her hands trying to her best to ignore me, Jimmy is whispering to her and people are looking around to see who I am talking too.

She’s not going to get away from me this time.

I turn and stroll right thru the door not caring that I’m suddenly freezing or I’m leaving a wet trail behind me.

As I get close I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, this is it I’m either going to get the girl of my dreams or lose my best friend.

I ignore the snotty manager chasing after me, I ignore the waiters walking towards me, I ignore the other customers pointing, and I am zoned in on a certain brown hair girl sitting a few feet away.

I can see her eyes pleading to go away and not do this; she nervously looks around the restaurant.

‘Liz’ I say as I stand in front of her, breathless and dripping trying to get my heart under control.

“Max what are you doing here’ she says glancing at everyone in embarrassment.

‘I need to talk to you’.

I see her eyes harden I know I pressed my limit, but I have to do this while I have the courage.

‘I’ll talk to you later’ she snaps and looks away.

‘No...Now’ I say grabbing her and flinging her over my shoulder before she can say anything else.

I look at Jimmy ‘sorry this order is no longer on the menu’ I turn around with Liz screaming at me and stroll out.
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Look at what I finally have and its the new parts, I'm sorry its taken a while...right now I'm suprised I'm still standing between all the moving, school starting, my daughter's cheerleading practice and my son's football practice I'm running myself into the ground..It's like I have no time anymore. I"m sorry its short but I wanted to get something out and I really need to work on my other story.

Liz’s POV

Omg I can’t believe this is happening to me, he’s lost his mind that has to be it or maybe an evil alien possessed him…you know it could happen I’ve seen invasion of the body snatchers.

I mean what kind of lunatic waltzes in on your date and slings you over his shoulder like a five pound bag of sugar, besides freaking out the thing running thru my mind is

Oh God can you see my underwear?

‘Max what the hell are you doing’


‘Just what’


Wait he says to wait, what the hell kind of explanation is that and the worse part is I cant do anything but that seeing how he has me hogged tie to him.

He walks in the opposite direction and I yell out ‘where the hell are you going, the jeep is the other way’.

‘Just be quiet for two seconds’

‘I swear to God Max put me down or…or…’

‘Or what’

‘Or…I don’t know but when I think of something you’ll be sorry’

I hear him chuckle, why the nerve of him to laugh at me while I’m pissed…okay okay I’m not really pissed I do have a perfect up close and personal view of his ass.

I wonder what would happen if I sunk my teeth into his tight little jean covered ass. Probably nothing so what do i do...I just prop my chin into my hand and let him carry me.

I feel like we’ve been walking forever and in the rain no less.

‘You know I do have legs, I do know how to use them’.

‘Can’t take the chance you’ll run away’.

‘Have you been drinking’ oomph ‘you know it would have been nice if you set me down on feet and not dropped me on my ass’.


‘And let me mention the cold wet grass’

He puts his hands out to help me up ‘I can do it’

Once I’ve righted myself and smoothed my dress out, as much as I could seeing how it’s clinging to me.

‘Now what is soooo important that you felt like you had to interrupt my date’?

He stands there blinking at me forgetting the fact that we are both standing out in the pouring rain. I watch as he opens and closes his mouth several times’.

‘If you were thirsty all you had to do was ask for a drink and not make me stand out here so you could catch rain drops’.

His silence is really starting to bug me ‘that’s it, you can stay out here all you want and play in the rain, but me Hello human girl remember I can get sick I don’t have your incredible little immune system…I’m going home’.

I turn to leave and I feel a strong arm whip me back around and suddenly I feel a pair of lips on mine…a soft pair of lips…my best friends lips…a pair of hot alien lips’.

And do I care? Hell NO I’m not even questioning his motives right now, all I can think about is the way they felt when I kissed him at Kyle’s party.

What do I do? I attack his right back, lightening could strike me down right now… I could burn to a nice little crisp but nothing is going to get me to let go.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him and I throw my arms around his neck holding on for dear life. I feel like I’m drunk I’m so high right now from the feel of his tongue battling with mine for control.

He breaks away breathlessly as we stare at each other, I can feel and hear my heart pounding inside my chest.

He’s still holding onto me and it’s a good thing too because his next words out of his mouth cause my knees to buckle and give out.
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Part 18

Max’s POV

This should be the moment of my life right?

Where I just told the girl of my dreams that I loved her, she should be holding and kissing me. We should be professing how stupid we’ve been about not telling each other sooner.

So what does Liz do after I kiss her and tell her I am in love with her? She looks at me and laughs, not one of those cute little giggles she does sometimes, but a full out rolling around stomach hurting laugh.

And me? I’m standing here like an idiot with my mouth opened wide from shock.

‘Liz you’re laughing’

‘Nice joke Max’

Joke??? What the- ‘you don’t believe me’

She stops laughing but she’s still smiling and trying to hold it in.

‘God Max…you must really hate Jimmy to pull a stunt like this one’.


‘I have to admit even thou it’s a good one, it’s not nice, but if it will make you happy I won’t see him again’.


‘I mean I really had no idea you felt that way about him’.

‘I’m not joking’

‘Sure you not’

‘Dammit! I’m not okay…I love you, I’ve been in love with you, and I know you feel something too, I mean your knees weakened when I kissed you’

“My foot slipped on the wet grass’


I can’t believe this, I put my heart out on the line and it’s breaking into a thousand pieces, God I can’t believe this happening.

‘So you don’t feel anything for me’

‘Were best friends Max of course I feel something for you’

“But you aren’t in love with me’

‘I didn’t say that’

‘So you do love me’

‘You want Tess’

‘You didn’t answer my question’.

“If you were in love with me, why did you wait until now to say something?’

‘Because I’m stupid’

She stands there looking at me biting on her bottom lip, I should be on my hands and knees begging her to believe me and demanding to know if she feels the same way, but all I can do is stare back and think how sexy she looks standing there drenched.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

She shakes her head ‘no I don’t…I have to go, see you Max’

She turns and runs leaving me standing there, I know I should go after her but my feet wont budge and its seems the only thing I can manage is shouting out ‘but you never answered my question’.

An hour later I make my way into my room, my head and heart is hurting. Tonight was nothing like I planned it; I should just go seal myself back up in my pod and disappear.

I fine Maria and Isabel both in my room making matters worse, “Go away’ I mumble as I make way over and flop on my bed between the two of them.

‘No way, I want the dirt…what happened, did she jump into your arms and your going to live happily ever after, did you get it on the back of the jeep, or did you two run off and get secretly married’’ Maria babbles on.

I turn and look at her ‘you and your big mouth’

Maria shrieks and points to herself ‘me?’ she asks.

‘You and your tell her how you feel, tell her you love her, she loves you too’ I mimic in a whiny voice ‘I should have never listened to you’.

‘What Happened?’

‘She didn’t believe me’

‘She didn’t believe you?’

‘That’s what I said, didn’t I’

Isabel looks over ‘why’

I wonder if I could get away with zapping her right now.

‘Why?...I don’t know why, I told her how I felt and she laughed at me’

‘Oh man that bites’ Maria says.

‘Oh that’s got to hurt the ego’ Isabel says.

‘I know can you just imagine telling someone you love them and they laugh at you, that just like stepping in something and wiping it off on someone’ Maria says

‘I know, I mean-‘

“HELLO I’m right here you know’

Man if I didn’t feel bad already having two girls talk about your pride and ego in front of you takes the cake.

‘Well then were just going to have to prove it her’ Maria says.

‘Prove what’

Why do women feel the need to hit a man when they feel like it, do they take you aside into a special class and teach you these things?

‘That you love her you idiot’ Maria says.

‘It doesn’t matter, she doesn’t feel the same way….I swear to God Maria if you hit me one more time I’m going to make your hands disappear.’

‘Then stop being stupid…Look Liz is in love with you too, we all know it. Why she doesn’t believe you I don’t know’

Isabel cuts in ‘so your going to show her your serious, its got to be something that will her get attention-‘

‘Something big and make it so everyone else knows it too and then she can’t deny it’ Maria adds.

I look back and forth between the two of them ‘what do you have in mind’.

I watch as they look at each other and smile, God I hope I don’t wind up in jail.
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Part 19 Liz’s Pov

Oh God…Oh God….Oh God is all I can think of as I pace my room back and forth.

Where the hell is Maria when I need her, I’m having a nervous breakdown and she’s no where to be found.

Normally it would be Max calming me down but seeing how he is the reason I’m in a turmoil I can’t very well call him.

I can’t believe this, the one time I actually need her quirky brain I can’t find her, she probably off boffing Michael.

That idea has me pacing more, she cant be boffing him, she has to be here calming me down, giving me advice, talking a mile a minute taking my mind off this thing.

Max has set my whole world off axis; tonight was like all my dreams and nightmares coming true. He’s in love with me…I can’t believe it me mousy Liz parker has Max Evans in love with her.

It has to be some sort of joke, somebody must have put him up to it, maybe Maria that’s why she’s avoiding me tonight, picking up the phone.

‘Maria where the hell are you…I’m having a nervous breakdown and your off boffing Michael aren’t’ you…I know that’s what your doing when you should be here’.

I slam the phone down, what if he said was true, and what if he really does love me, where do we go from here. I mean now I don’t know how to act in front of him, do I just pretend it was a really good joke or do I actually put my heart on the line and believe him. Grr where is she.

‘Maria it does not take this long to get it on, tell Michael to speed it up like a jack rabbit and call me back, I need my whacky friend’.

God I think I may actually pull my hair out, how could he do this to me I mumble.

“Honey…Its not a good thing to talk to yourself someone might think your crazy’.

I stop and look at my mom ‘huh’.

She walks in my room all the way ‘you were talking to yourself out loud honey. Are you feeling alright she asks me’?

‘Boys’ I let out a huff and flop down on my bed, she comes and sits down next to me ‘awe honey what’s the matter’.

“Mom’ I whine ‘I can’t talk to you about it’ she gives me this look ‘why’ ‘because your mother’ I say flinging my arms over my eyes.

“Well I may be your mother but I was a girl once your age, I do know a thing or two…just pretend I’m Maria if it will help I’ll start talking really really fast’.

She actually makes me laugh as I give in ‘fine’ I say as I roll over “Max told me he loved me tonight’

She breaks out in a smile ‘Awe that’s so sweet’ “Mom’ I say before she can break out into a chorus.

“What I know you have feelings for him’ I sit up with my mouth hanging open ‘God does everyone know’.

She pats my head ‘I may be old sweetheart but I’m not blind, I remember when your father-‘‘Mommm please I don’t need a trip down memory lane about how long it took daddy’.

She laughs and lies down next to me propping her head in her elbow ‘okay…okay so what’s the problem then, Max told you he loved you isn’t that what you want’.

‘Yes…no…I don’t know’ I whine “Lizzie I’ve never seen you so confused before….if he feels the same way you do then give it a go…but no more sleepovers, dating is one thing but having sex is another’ “mom’ I yell out ‘sex is the furthest thing form my mind’.

Not really but she doesn’t need to know how much I want to find out if Max could take me to the moon and back, not to mention how curious I am to see if he’s as big as he feels.

And No I haven’t touched him but I have felt him pressed into my thigh or butt a few times when we were sleeping.

“That’s good to know honey’ she places a kiss on my forehead and gets up ‘I think you should take a chance honey… you never know and besides if I’m right many…many’ she presses ‘years from now I’ll have the most beautiful grandchildren in the world’.

‘MOM” I exclaim. She just laughs and leaves my sputtering.

The next morning I’m not surprised nor do I question why Maria is picking me up instead of Max as I open the door to the jetta.

‘For your Info I was not boffing Michael last night, and if I was Honey the earth could have exploded and I wouldn’t have stopped’ she says the minute I get in.

I roll my eyes and look over at her ‘where the hell were you then, I need you last night I thought I was going to pull my hair out’.

She smiles and puts the car into drive ‘I was busy’ is all she says.

I narrow my eyes and look at her, ‘what are you up to’.

‘Muah’ she asks

‘Yes you…what were you doing last night’.

‘I told you I was busy… now what was so important that you felt the need to call my cell phone twenty times’.

I fold my arms across my chest ‘I’ll tell you later’.

‘Tell me now’

‘No I don’t want to talk about it now’ I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do about Max, I think I’m more frustrated with myself because I didn’t get any sleep over trying to figure out what to do and in the end I’m still right where I started.

I narrow my eyes at her as she chuckles ‘what are you so happy about this morning…your never happy this early’.

She just shakes her head ‘nothing’ and then she cranks up the radio so I can’t get it out of here.

As we pull up to the school I notice how everyone is looking at me and whispering, I turn and find Maria with a big grin on her face, I look down at myself trying to find out what they are staring at.

‘Do I match’ I ask

She looks at me confused ‘uh yeah’

‘Do I stink or something’

She cracks up laughing ‘no’

‘Then why is everyone staring at me like I’m the new kid’.

She just shakes her head and loops her arm thru mine ‘you’ll see’.

‘See what’ she starts dragging me towards the school ‘Maria what will I see...’ I trail off as I get my answer my eyes getting big as saucers, Oh My God!
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Part 20 Max’s POV

I have detention for two weeks!

Do I care? No just the look on her face was worth every minute, I know later I’ll be saying stupid teachers don’t know romance if it bite them in the ass but right now I’m just too damn happy to care.

This smile is going to be plastered to my face, I bet you are dying to know what I did aren’t you, I bet your sitting there on the edge of your seat screaming at me to tell you.

It was something wonderful, romantic and something that finally convinced her because if that kiss she gave me was any indication then I don’t know what would be.

That was kiss was the kiss of all kissed and I’m surprised I didn’t blow my load while standing there in the middle of the hallway.

I was so dazed that I didn’t even get embarrassed when Kyle so nicely pointed out just how much that kiss affected me.

I should have been running and hiding in the bathroom or at the least wondering how I was going to face everyone again for getting a boner in the middle of the hallway packed with students and teachers.

But I don’t care, I finally got the girl and nothing is going to ruin that moment.

I know…I know enough already you want to know what I did, what little plan Maria and Isabel came up with.

I wasn’t too thrilled about the idea at first, mortified that I would be making a complete fool out of myself for nothing, but now I plan on making it my life’s mission to find someway to thank them.

Okay…Okay I’ll tell you stop twisting my ears, I know their big and their just there but they are sensitive and I would rather have Liz’s mouth on them than your fingers.

So I’ll tell you, last night was when we actually started to put the plan in motion, we had to wait and make sure no one was going to be at the school mainly the janitors, so after securing the hallways, Isabel and I got to work filling the hall with dozens and dozens of flowers, we had to use or powers so don’t tell anyone.

Being a guy I hate to admit it looked really beautiful a rainbow of colors covered the floor as you walked in the doors; Have to give ourselves a pat on the back for that one.

It took us most of the night and as we finished I knew then there was no turning back, and in the morning as I stood there holding a sign that said I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU LIZ PARKER, I prayed for the first time that this would work.

Even the crazy stares and whispers weren’t going to make me move from my spot, and surprisingly the teachers didn’t say anything. At first the male teachers tried but the females one overrode them saying how romantic it was and wanted to see how it played out first.

‘Finally grew a pair’ Kyle says as he pats me on the back.

‘Go away Kyle’.

‘No way man, I want to be front and center for this’.

‘Kyle take a step back or I’ll make sure your sitting down peeing for the rest of your life’ Thank you Isabel she gives me a smile ‘this is going to work’ she reassures.

I give a weak smile back, I’m starting to get nervous, more nervous than last night and I actually feel like I might pee in my pants.

‘You do realize you are drawing attention, I mean I’m all for getting the girl Maxwell but this far from laying low so people wont get suspicious’.

‘Shut up Michael, I think its romantic and Liz is going to be stunned when she sees it’ Tess says walking up.

‘She’s probably going to run screaming for the hills’ he says.

‘No that’s Maria specialty’ Tess says winking at me.

I manage to smile as I tighten my hold on the sign ‘Guys can we please just shut up, I’m nervous enough’.

‘Don’t worry Max this is going to work…I have to say this plan is so much better than the lets try and make Liz jealous one’ she says.

‘Hey that was your plan’ I protest.

“Whatever you went along with it…hey do you think I could borrow the flowers when you’re done’ she says glancing over at Kyle.

‘Going to grow a pair too’ Michael asks.

‘Uh no…That’s gross I happen to like my feminine parts very much thank you’ she says smacking him once.

‘Do I even want to know why you are talking about Tess’s body parts’ Alex asks as he joins our little circus.

‘NO’ we all shout.

He shakes his head chuckling then slaps my shoulder ‘nice work Max If I was gay and wasn’t already in love-‘

‘Don’t even finish that sentence’ Isabel cuts in.

‘Awee honey you know I only go for girls’ he says.

She raises her eyebrow and he quickly adds on ‘I mean I go for only one girl…a tall bodacious bomb shell’.

‘That’s better’ she says smiling’.

‘Suckup’ Michael coughs behind his hand causing Kyle to bust out laughing.

Isabel glares ‘What was-‘‘Guys Please either go away or shut up she’s going to be here any minute’ I scream.

“Sooner than you think’ Kyle says and I jerk my head towards the door.

She’s standing there with her eyes wide and her jaw dropped open, Maria is standing there next to her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I stand there waiting since I feel like If I attempt to move I’ll fall flat on my face seeing how my knees are shaking and my palms are sweating up a storm.

The entire school is watching to see what happens and I think she is feeling the same way I am being that Maria has to give her a hard nudge to get her moving.

I take a hugh gulp as she comes to stand in front of me ‘hi’ I squeak out.

She just stares at me opening and closing her mouth trying to form a word, I clear my throat and then look her in the eye.

‘I meant everything I said last night, I love you Liz Parker and I have for a long time and I…I want. .. I mean…I hope that you would want to be my girlfriend’.

I hear a bunch of awes and sighs and even some dumb jocks muffling wimp and other choice words behind their hands.

She still stands there blinking her eyes at me and not saying anything.

I tug nervously at the collar of my shirt suddenly feeling like its a hundred degrees in here.

“Liz’ I ask nervously.

Before I can get another word out she launches herself at me, I drop the sign I’m holding as I wrap my arms tightly around her waist and kiss the hell out of her.