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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:06 am
by Emz80m
Hi everyone,

I would like to invite anyone who is interested in my work to take a look at my site. There are some interesting things over there and we're always happy to have newcomers to the site.

If you're an author please come and post your work too.

Write on is a forum for all types of fanfiction, come and check it out HERE



Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:01 am
by Emz80m

Hi everyone,

I know its short notice but i'm having an authors chat over at Dreaming Among the Stars on Friday 27th January 9pm EST for all you US people, which is equivalent to Saturday 28th Janyary at 1pm for anyone in Australia.

Hope you can make it.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:09 am
by Emz80m

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to drop by an update on what's happening with my fics.

At the moment I have three WIP.

Mixed Up, Love of the Land & Destiny Will Have It's Way.

Basically, DWHIW is pretty much finished and I will post every couple of days until I've finished posting it. My plan from here is now to have Mixed Up finished up in the next couple of weeks and then I will turn my concentration to finish writing LOTL.

I will update weekly until I have the writing done and then I may post more often.

After that I haven't really decided. I have a few stories started which you can check out over at Write On (follow the link in my sig) but I really haven't decided what I'm going to pursue, or if I will pursue any of them.

I am not giving up writing, I have just found that it a lot easier to concentrate on one idea at a time lately which is why I've been struggling with some of my WIPs meaning they've been on the board a lot longer than they normally are. Whether I end up sticking to my theory though is another thing all together.

Thank you to everyone reading and supporting my fics.



Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:56 am
by Emz80m

Favourite supporting portrayal of Kyle Valenti - Change of Heart

Favourite Portrayal of Serena - Mixed Up

Most Dependable Updater

Favorite Dreamer Fic - Mixed Up

Favorite Point Of View Fanfic - Where Is Your Heart

Favorite Challenge Response Fic - Some Girls

Favorite Fluff Fic - Room Mates

Most Talked About Fic - Mixed Up

Fic for Which You'd Most Like to See a Sequel - I Like Short Skirts

Thank you for the nominations :D

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:19 pm
by Emz80m
Not sure. I'm working on a short piece at the moment but I haven't really decided to work on next sorry POM

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:11 am
by Emz80m

Hi everyone

I would like to extend an invitation to you to come over to Write On and check out 10 Things I Love About Roswell.

Come over to discuss and nominate your favourite Roswell moments with fellow fans.

Got a fave episode or character? this is the place for you.

Hope you see you there


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:10 am
by Emz80m
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know about a great birthday challenge we're having over at Write On.

If your interested in joining us to write some Roswell birthday nookie then head over to Write On



Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:52 am
by Emz80m
Round 10 Nominations


Favourite Lead Portrayal of Alex Whitman - Love of the Land
Favourite Supporting Portrayal of Tess Harding - Love of the Land
Favourite Alternate Portrayal of a CC - Max in Love of the Land
Favourite Portrayal of a Child - Ethan in Where is Your Heart
Favourite Unconventional/Unique Friendship - Max & Tess in Love of the Land
Favourite Last Chapter/Epilogue - Where is Your Heart
Favourite Dreamer Fic - Love of the Land
Favourite Alternate Universe Without Aliens - Pieces of Me
Favourite Short Story - Forbidden
Favourite Fluff Fic - They did a bad. bad thing
Fic for which you would most like to see a sequel - Roommates
Fic you can read over & over - I Like Short Skirts
Fic that left you bouncing in your seat for an update - Pieces of Me

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:15 am
by Emz80m
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for my stories in the recent awards. Your support means a lot to me :D


Best Alternate Universe Without Aliens - Pieces of Me


Best Short Story - Forbidden


Favourite Supporting Portrayal of Alex Whitman - Love of the Land


Favourite Portrayal of a Child - Ethan in Where is Your Heart

Fic that Kept You Bouncing in Your Seat for an Update - Pieces of Me

Fic you can Read Over & Over - I Like Short Skirts

Fic for which you would most like to see a sequel - Roommates

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:42 am
by Emz80m
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let those of you who are interested know that i have a fic, Smile You're A Star in progress in the testing/preview forum of my site Write On.


Follow the link on my sig to make your way to Write On.

I will eventually be posting it here on RF once i have a significant amount of it written.