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Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:19 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Here comes the “not-so-surprising” surprise number ½... hehe... enjoy!! :D


Honey looked around, unkowning how she had gotten herself in a place like that. She was sitting on a field, all the green grass around shiny with the sun, and around her, she came to realize, there were bubbles slowly forming, and floating like balloons. Soon the whole field was covered by bubbles.
Laughing, she started running through the bubbles, but noticing, atonished, that she could actually enter inside them. Every time she’d get out of some, the bubble would make a strange sucking noise. And every time she ran inside and out of all of them, she saw different things. Dreams.
Then suddenly, as she entered one of the bubbles, she felt a sharped pain on her head. She heard cries. High, shrieking cries, as if someone was in pain.
Her cries. And all around her, she saw blood. Everything around her was becoming sticky red, and she couldn’t get out. She was trapped inside that bubble. She heard a last cry, much more scary than all of the others. She realized she was screaming, but no one would hear her. She would never set herself free.

Max suddenly woke up, his eyes wide open in fear and worry.
“Max?”, he heard Liz’s soft, sleepy voice. “What’s the matter, Max?”
“Honey”, Max breathed. “It’s Honey”.
“What’s the matter with her?”, Liz asked, the concern starting taking over her voice.
“She had a dream. A nightmare. I saw it. I could sense everything that she was feeling”.
“Oh my God”, Liz whispered. “What could that be?”
“Those dreams are warnings. I saw it. I can feel it. She’s becoming a dreamwalker, Liz”.

~* ~* ~*

Honey woke up, her hair and face sticky with sweat, the warm tears rolling down her face. She looked around in panick, expecting to still see herself trapped inside the bubble, surrounded by blood. She pushed away the sheets and the blanket and wiped away the tears. She ran towards Max and Liz’s room.
“Daddy!”, she cried, jumping into Max’s arms.
Max closed his eyes and held her close, walking around the room to calm her down and whispering soothing words:
“Shh... it’s okay, little bee... daddy’s here...”
“I—I had a bad dream”, she sobbed, her chubby rosy cheeks wet with tears.
“It’s okay, baby... it’s over... it was just a bad dream...”
“I’m scared, daddy”, she whispered.
“Don’t be, sweetie. It went away. The bad dream went away. okay? You’re safe now...”
“I was in a field with lotsa blubbles around me and I could walk through them and then suddenly I couldn’t get out of one and I heard cries and saw lots of blood around me. It was so scary, daddy”, Honey laid her head on Max’s shoulder and stuck her thumb in her mouth, something she did whenever she was nervous.
“It’s okay, sweetie... it’s over...”, Max whispered, stroking her hair slowly, but realizing it had been the dream he had been sharing.
“Can I sleep here with you and mommy?”, Honey asked.
“Sure baby”, Max laid down on bed and laid Honey between him and Liz.
“It’s okay, little bee”, Liz whispered to Honey. “It’s okay. That bad dream won’t come back. It won’t, baby, alright?”
Honey nodded and closed her eyes, trying to be as close of her parents as she could.
Max and Liz exchanged a worried look and then tried to go to sleep too.


Next morning, to Max and Liz’s relief, Honey hadn’t had any more nightmares and went over to her grandparent’s place as always. They had decided not to talk to her or Zach yet and tell them the possibility that Honey could be becoming half-alien too.
“I gotta tell this to Isabel”, Max said. “Isabel dreamwalks too, she’ll be able to talk to Honey and... tell her the truth. I’m going to try and call her when I get to the office, if I figure I’m not too busy”.
Liz nodded.
“The description of that dream kind of scared me, Max. I hope nothing happens to our little bee”.
Max hugged her protectively, and kissed the top of her head.
“That dream was just a sign. Nothing will happen to Honey, Liz, I promise”.


“Max? Anything happened? Is everything alright?”
“Well, uh, yeah. Why are you askin’?”
“Well, the last time you’ve called to my work Lizzie had swallowed a cent while Jesse was asleep. Since then I’ve been worried everytime anyone ever calls to my office”.
“It’s okay, Isabel, nothing happened to your children. Well, actually...”
“What?! What? Speak, Max!”
“Actually, it’s something about my kids”.
He heard Isabel sigh with relief.
“Sorry, Max, it’s not that I’m not worried about your children, it’s just, I’m just glad my kids are alright”.
“It’s okay, Isabel”.
“But, what happened to your kids? Are you in your office?”
“Yeah. Just taking a break. I really needed to call you”.
“What’s the matter with them?”
“Isabel, my children are beginning to develop alien powers”.
“Oh my God!”
“Yeah. And I need your help. Last night Honey had a nightmare, and I shared it with her. Soon she’ll begin to dreamwalk, that’s my point”.
“Oh, God—but she’s so young!”
“I know. It just happened. And sometime before, Zach healed her when she fell”.
“Oh goodness. Healed her? Just like that?”
“Yeah. When we came to look, Honey was perfectly healed”.
“So what do you want me to do?”
“I want you to talk to Honey. You’re a dreamwalker too, Isabel, you’re the only one who can help her. Can you please do that?”
“Um, yeah, sure. Just let me know when you want me to”.
“The sooner the better. She was pretty terrified with that dream and me and Liz decided not to tell her anything meanwhile, while you don’t talk to her”.
“Ok. Uh, I think tomorrow I can drop by and talk to her. We haven’t had much work lately”.
“Great. Thanks, Iz. This is really important to me. To all of us”.
“It's okay, you’re welcome, Max”.


“Isabel! Thank God you’re here”, without really thinking, Liz hugged her. “Um... I’m, uh, sorry about that. But I’m... I’m kinda worried about my daughter”.
Isabel smiled simpathetically at her.
“Nevermind that, Liz. I know how’s the feeling like. And you’ve heard my... secret, and you’ve been there for me, so this is the least that I can do”.
Liz gave her arm an affectionate, thankful squeeze.
“Thanks, Isabel”.
Isabel smiled.
“You’re welcome. Now I’m gonna go find our little bee”.
“She’s in her room”, Liz said.
Isabel walked towards Honey’s room and knocked.
“Knock knock”, she opened the door and smiled at her niece.
“Aunt Izzy!”, Honey cried joyfully and jumped into her arms.
“Hey sweetie. I missed you. We haven’t seen each other since your birthday, wasn’t it?”
Honey nodded.
“Yeah. I missed you too”.
Isabel smiled and put her down.
“Honey, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Honey nodded, but looking a little suspicious.
“Uh, yeah, aunt Izzie”.
Isabel sat on Honey’s bed.
“Uh, your daddy talked to me yesterday, you know, sweetie, and he told me you had a really weird dream, wanna talk to me about it?”
Honey kept looking at her suspiciously, until she exclaimed, figuring everything out:
“Hey, wait a minute! Daddy told me you were an alien too!”
“He did?”, Isabel repeated. That was new. Max hadn’t told her he had said the truth about them to his daughter, and possibly to his son as well.
“He did”, Honey nodded. “He said Uncle Mikey was one too”.
“Oh”, Isabel said. Michael might not be too happy about this.
“He said Uncle Mikey could make stuff burst out and that you... you saw people’s dreams!!!”
Isabel sighed.
“I do”. Then she decided to be ‘profissional’ again and smiled:
“Now, sweetie, wanna tell me what your dream was about? Maybe I can help you, uh, understanding everything better. That’s why your daddy talked to me yesterday, you know, to help you”.
Honey nodded, now completely trustful.
“Well, in my dream I was in this field and there were lots of bubbles with... things inside”. Her usually transparent and joyful look darkened a little, no doubt in fear after remembering the dream that had haunted last night.
“What kind of things?”, Isabel insisted sweetly.
Honey looked down and then looked at her again.
“There were lotsa different things going on inside those bubbles, like I could see people’s lives goin on. I think that they were dreams”.
‘Oh God’, Isabel thought, biting her lip. ‘Max was right. She might be really becoming a dreamwalker’.
“Why do you say that they were dreams, sweetie?”, Isabel wanted to know.
“Bcause in one of the bubbles I saw a little boy that was flying on a horse, like Pegaso in Hercules. That can’t happen, right?”
Isabel shook her head slowly.
“Then I got inside one of the bubbles and...”, Honey went on, but her gaze darkened again and she looked down. “I got inside one and I couldn’t get out. I heard cries and I started seeing lots of blood around me”.
Isabel nodded slowly, then she smiled softly at her niece.
“Looks like someone was having a nightmare too”.
Honey looked at Isabel.
“What’s happening to me, Aunt Izzy?”
Isabel smiled.
“It means, honey, that you’re becoming a dreamwalker like me. Just like your brother can heal like your daddy, you can dreamwalk people like me, that means, see everybody else’s dreams. You understand what I mean?”
Honey nodded.
“Humm. I think so”.
“You’re developing your powers really fast, just like your brother was capable to heal you perfectly the first time he ever tried. So I wanna tell you something”, Isabel said.
Honey looked at her.
“Dreamwalking is something that can be really fun, you know, and probably no-one but you will have that... ability, but that doesn’t mean you have to check every people’s dreams and get too close of that, all right? It’s something that I think it’s better for you to do only every once in a while... for you to get the handle of it too, you know? At least while you’re a little girl. Okay?”, Isabel explained.
Honey nodded.
Isabel smiled, stroking her hair.
“That’s my girl. Now, everytime you want to talk about something or have any other dream, you know you can always talk to me. Promise me you’ll do that?”
“I promise”.
“Alright. Someday I’ll teach you how to really start dreamwalking”. Isabel smiled at Honey. “And now I better get going. Gotta go pick Leo, Anny and Lizzie up”.
Honey nodded.
“Okay. Thanks, Aunt Izzy”.
“You’re welcome, sweetie”, Isabel smiled. “Bye-bye”.


When Isabel got out of the room, she noticed Max was already home and he was standing in front of Honey’s door.
“Hi, Max”.
“Hi, Isabel. So? How did it went?”, Max asked anxiously.
Isabel smiled at him.
“You were right. She’s becoming a dreamwalker, and soon she’ll start doing the thing right, in spite of her age. But don’t worry. She’ll be okay”.
Max sighed.
“God. Thanks, Iz. Can I just ask you one more favor?”
“I want you to dreamwalk her, so you can make sure that everything’s doing okay and that she’s not having any other kind of... negative signs in her dreams. Can you please do that for me?”
Isabel nodded.
Max hugged her.
“Thank you”.
Isabel smiled, then pushed him away softly.
“Max, I have to tell you something”.
“Your... children’s alien side is developing really fast. Maybe soon they’ll be able to do everything we do just the same. You and Liz know, they already know, now I know... I think it’s better you tell Michael too”.
“He probably won’t like it much”, Max pointed out. “He’s always been afraid of somebody letting out the truth. And now it’s 4 and 3-year-old kids we’re talking about”.
“I know. But he will be even more pissed if he figures he was the last to know. So, I think that’ll be better for everyone to be aware of what’s going on right now. You do that?”
“Um, okay, then”.
“Great”. Isabel hugged Liz goodbye. “Bye, Liz. It was good to see you”.
“It was good to see you too, Izzy”, Liz replied. Then she smiled at her and whispered: “Thank you”.
Isabel smiled back, before leaving.
“You’re welcome”.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:58 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A.N.- Some sparks are gonna fly in this chapter... :wink: Stay warned!! :wink:


Max decided it would be better to follow Isabel’s advice and tell Michael the truth, and maybe even Maria, because after all she was one of their closest friends and was aware of the truth as well. So that evening, after getting out of his office, he decided to drop by Michael’s place.
Michael opened a string of the door and stared at Max as if he was seeing the Pope.
“What are you doing here?”
Max looked back at him, without understanding.
“What, Michael? It’s me. Can you please open the door?”
“Well, ya never drop by on a weekday at this hour, you always drive straight home. Are your kids with you? Because now it seems every time you ever drop by it’s only to leave your kids here with Mandy”.
“Michael, it’s okay. I’m alone. Will you open the door?”
“Well, come in. What’s the matter?”, Michael asked, opening the door completely and letting Max in.
“I gotta talk to you. And Maria. It’s important”.
“What is it?”, Michael wanted to know, smoothing out his hair.
“It’s... it’s a kind of a delicate matter”, Max began, starting to smooth out this hair too.
Michael frowned.
“Something tells me I’m not gonna like what I’m about to hear”, he said. “C’mon, Maxwell. Maria!!”, he yelled. “Max’s here”.
Maria had her glasses on the tip of her nose and flicked away one of her curls. “What? I was busy—”, she started, then smiled at Max. “Hey, Max. How’s everything? I was just sketching, and—”
“It’s fine”, Max smiled shyly. “How’s Mandy?”
Maria smiled.
“She’s fine. She’s in a little girl friend’s house. So? What brings you here, Max?”
He cleared his throat. “Actually, I’m here to tell you guys something, that just happened... some days ago”.
“What?”, Michael wanted to know. “Just spill it out, Maxwell”.
Maria gave him a disapprobation look.
“Sit down, Max. And just say what you have to say, it doesn’t matter the time it takes”, she said, giving Michael another look. He rolled his eyes.
“Well”, Max began, sitting down. “Something’s happening... with my children”.
Maria’s eyes reflected a preocuppied glance. “What? Is there anything serious happening with Zach and Honey, Max?”
“Well... I don’t know how to put it, Maria, quite frankly”, he confessed.
“Max. You know I’m really not the patient guy type, and I never really made any effort to hide it, so please, just spill it, before I start getting worried, too”, Michael hurried.
Maria rolled her eyes and shrugged.
“Michael...”, Max began, getting ready to the big truth, facing Michael. “Maria...”, he said, turning to Maria. “Zach and Honey... they’re becoming aliens”.
That’s when everything started getting out of the standards. Not what Max had expected. After all, in this case, Maria, had been dealing with aliens at nine years by now. But it didn’t go as Max thought it would. Maria gave out a high shriek and Michael stared at him with his brown eyes wide open in disbelief.
“What?”, he repeated.
“Oh my God. Oh my God”, Maria said, looking like she was about to have a nervous crisis. “That’s really true, Max?”
“How can that be??”, Michael almost fumed. “They’re 3 and 4, for Christ’s sake!!”
“I know. I know. I didn’t plan it either”, Max shrugged helplessy.
Maria was sitting tight, grabbing the couch’s arm and looking simply terrified at that possibility. Michael saw this and rolled his eyes.
“Please, Maria, get a grip, will ya. They’re still your baby nephew and niece”.
“I know. I know. But this is still—freaky”, she completed akwardly.
“I know”, Max said sincerely. “I kind of felt that way too”.
“So, what can they... exactly do?”, Michael wanted to know.
“Zach can heal”, Max explained. “Just like me. And Honey dreamwalks. Like Isabel. She only started on that like two days ago, because she had a dream, that was a sign she would be doing that. But according to Isabel, she’ll be doing the right thing completely very soon”.
“Jesus”, Maria whispered breathlessly.
“I cannot believe this. How can they be healing and dreamwalking completely alright if they’re only 4 and 3?”, Michael wondered, still in disbelief.
Max shrugged.
“I don’t know, Michael. Liz and I were very surprised too, but I guess it just came out, and the fact is, that their alien powers are developing fast and well”.
“Who else knows?”, Michael suddenly demanded.
“Isabel, Liz and I. And the kids”, Max confessed, ready for the explosion.
“So that means I was the last to know?”, Michael figured.
“Michael. Please. I bet this isn’t an easy situation for anyone”, Maria tried to calm him down, regaining her sensibleness.
“This is incredible. I’m always the last one. Always. ‘We have something important to tell, let’s tell Michael last!’ I bet it must be funny, huh?”
“Michael, please. This is not a contest of anything to see whose one knows about something first. I fear for my children’s security too, you know”, Max said.
Michael closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just—I’m still a little taken aback for this. It wasn’t something I’d expect, at least... so soon”.
“We all are”, Maria said sympathetically.
“So what are you planning to do, Maxwell?”, Michael asked.
Max shook his head.
“I don’t know. Isabel and I just thought you guys should know, now that... pratically everybody does. We’ll just have to tell Kyle too, but I guess it’s all”.
“Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You said your kids already knew?”, Michael asked, with a finger up.
Maria rolled her eyes.
“Of course they know, Michael. You can’t expect two kids doing something they pratically only saw in the movies or something, and not telling them the truth. Besides it was half of their family’s identity they were missing. Max and Liz did the right thing”.
Max smiled at Maria, then faced Michael again.
“That’s right, Michael. We had no choice but to tell them”.
“Tell them what?”
“You mean... everything, everything?”, Michael insisted.
“Well, not everything, everything.”, Max rolled his eyes. “We didn’t tell them about Tess, for instance”.
Michael rolled his eyes too.
“Good. No need to traumatize them before the time”.
Maria elbowed Michael and turned to Max.
“So what do you think it’s gonna happen now, Max?”
“I don’t know, Maria. Everything’s still too fresh, and I bet the kids are still kind of confused. It’s a complete new reality for them. After all, for all these years they believed they were... ordinary human kids”, Max replied.
“How did they react?”, Michael asked, ignoring Maria’s question and Max’s response.
“Well, better than I was expecting. I guess only Honey was a little scared in the beginning, but everything’s alright now”.
“Poor sweetie”, Maria said sympathetically. “That’s so natural”.
“I don’t know, Maxwell. I’m kinda fearing for this”.
Max didn’t need to ask him why.
“I know, Michael, bu—”
“It’s 3 and 4 year-old kids we’re talking about”, Michael went on. “For much mature they are for kids that age. After all, they’re yours and Liz’s kids”, he shrugged. Max smiled at this statement. “I mean, they’re in the age they like to pretend they’re superheros and aliens and so on, that kind of stuff. What if someday, I don’t know, they just blurt the truth out before they even realize it?”
Max nodded silently. He got Michael’s point and he knew how much Michael was still terrified somebody with not-so-good intentions found out about their biggest secret.
“I know what you mean, Michael, and I have to confess that possibility also kind of scares me. But I think I was pretty clear when I talked to Zach and Honey. I told them they had to keep this a secret and that Zach could not show what he could do anyone, not even show his hands when they got—silvery.”
“Do you think that’ll be enough?”, it was Maria’s turn to ask.
“Well, I trust my children”.
“Well, Max, I’m—I’m scared”, Michael confessed. “I don’t want to go through all we have when we were teenagers. I got sick of it. It was a pure agony time. Now I have a family, and a life, and I’m happy that way. I don’t want things to ever be the same way they were. Besides, we have our children now, and we have to protect them at all costs”.
Maria saw Michael’s little boy sensitive, scared ego getting out again. And she felt tenderness and love for the person Michael was, deep down, beneath that tough guy image he still showed.
“Don’t worry, Michael”, Max smiled. “Nothing’s gonna happen. Not again. And even if it happens... we’re together in this. But don’t worry. I think they realized this was a pretty serious issue, and I’m sure they will respect it. Because they also figured they would be protecting us. Their parents... and themselves”.
Finally Michael nodded.
“Now, Michael”, Max began carefully. “My kids already know. I don’t know when Isabel will tell hers, but I think it would be better... for you to open it up with Mandy—”
Before he could finally place a period on his sentence, he saw Michael jump up off the couch and exclaiming:
“No way! No way. Let’s not go there, Maxwell. I’m not telling anything remotely related to alien-ish matters. For Christ’s sake. I don’t want my own daughter to be afraid of me”.
Maria shook her head hopelessly, and Max kept on facing Michael patiently.
“Michael, your daughter is not going to be afraid of you... I mean, you two are pretty close, and...”
“No way. I said no, and I’m not gonna say it again, Maxwell”.
“Well, someday you’ll have to”, Max snapped. “Mandy’s not gonna be the last to know, and she won’t like it, when she grows up and figures that all of her cousins, that besides are her friends, and family know. You have to do it, Michael, for her. She’s your daughter, you owe her honesty”.
Michael bent his head down, they finally looked up at Max, chewing his lip, and slowly nodded.
“Alright. Ok. You’re right. It’s the thing to be done”. Then he raised his voice again. “But I’ll open up the matter with her. No dropping hints when we’re all together, Maxwell. This is gonna be something between me and her”.
Maria rolled her eyes.
“Well, I'm sorry for being her mother too, Michael”.
Max smiled and shrugged.
“Okay, you guys handle that the way you want, as long as she gets to know it too. Now I’ll be going, I didn’t tell Liz I would drop by here”.
“Send her love for me”, Maria said. “And kiss Zach and Honey for me, too”.
Max smiled at her.
“No problem. I will. See ya, Michael”.
“See ya, Max”, he muttered. Then he got up of the couch and gave him a small smile. “Thanks for telling me that. I guess I kinda overreacted back there”.
“Glad finally someone admits it”, Maria muttered under her breath.
“You’re welcome, Michael”, Max said, with a smile. “I’ll get going now. See ya”.


“Damn it, Isabel! I’m getting tired of all this bullshit! This can’t go on like this, we’re not living a life!!”
Isabel closed her eyes and tried to keep the tears which were welling up in her eyes from falling down.
“Stop yelling, Jesse, please. The kids are home”, she reminded, trying to keep her voice low.
“I don’t care! Today, I don’t care. You’re gonna tell me what’s happening with you, with us, right now. I’m sick and tired of all this crap. I can’t take it for another single minute”.
Isabel closed her eyes, letting a tear roll off. So, this was the time. She had no other choice. She would have to tell him about Leo’s real father... and that she didn’t love him. Not romantically. She loved him for being a good friend, a good husband, for loving her, even though she could not love him back, a good father and especially for having given Leo a family. But that was all. God, just the thought of that made her heart spin in her chest, she was so nervous.
“Isabel!!”, Jesse demanded.
“Alright!!”, Isabel yelled back. “Okay. So you wanna know the truth? The real truth??!”
“Yes! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! I know you’ve been hiding something from me, and I wanna know what and why!”, Jesse exclaimed.
“The truth, Jesse, is that—”
She almost did it. She almost blurted out that Leo wasn’t his son. But then suddenly the words got stuck in her throat. How could she do it? Knowing that all her 3 kids were home didn’t help much either.
“What, Isabel??”, Jesse yelled, getting even more impatient.
“Leo isn’t your son!!”, Isabel yelled, with the tears rolling down her face. “There, I said it! Was this what you wanted to hear??!”
Jesse sat abruptly on the bed.
“That’s it! Leo isn’t your son. When I got married to you I was already pregnant with him”.
“Who’s—who’s his father?”, Jesse asked quietly, his voice now very low and still.
Isabel swallowed and raised her head to face Jesse with her wet eyes.
“Your high school boyfriend?”, Jesse asked.
“Yes”, Isabel whispered. “He was so much more than that”, she added still in a whisper, looking down with the tears welling up in her eyes again.
“I—I cannot believe this”, Jesse said. Isabel saw his dark eyes shiny with tears too.
“This”, Isabel said, after taking a deep breath and screwing up her courage again. “Is what I’ve been hiding from you all these years”.
“Why, Isabel?”, Jesse asked, after what looked like centuries of silence. He got up and started walking around the room. “Why?!”, he yelled, punching the closet.
Isabel closed her eyes and shivered, the tears so close again, as if the noise of Jesse’s fist had hurted her. And it had.
“I had to!”, Isabel yelled back. “I just had to. Okay? I didn’t want my son to be raised with people pitying him all of his life. I wanted him to have a family. A family who loved him, who made him feel normal”.
Jesse let out a bitter laugh.
“Yeah, and I seemed just like the right guy for that, right?”
“Please, Jesse! Try to understand! You’re a parent too!”, Isabel exclaimed, starting to get desperate. God, she needed to get out of there.
“Understand??! Understand, Isabel??! Understand what??! That during 7 years you hid something this important from me?! That’s it that you want me to understand??! Well let me tell you, I don’t! What I do understand is that you’ve used me all these years and I, like the stupid I am, fell for it! And I believed you did love me, God, we had kids together... I thought we had a happy life, a happy family! But I guess I was wrong!”
Isabel broke down to tears silently, not knowing how to reply. Granted, she felt despicable for doing that. She knew that Jesse didn’t deserve it. But only really a mother could understand what she had done.
“I was 19 and I was pregnant”, she said slowly, after another moment of silence. “If you were in my place, you would understand. I only did this for love. Love for my child”.
“That didn’t keep you from using me!”, Jesse yelled.
“For God’s sake, Jesse, try to stop thinking only about you!!”, Isabel snapped. “You don’t know what I have suffered, do you? During months thinking I would be alone for the rest of my life, because I was afraid no-one would understand where I had gotten myself into, knowing I had lost the man I loved and that I was about to be alone with my child, without even being able to give him a loving family! Can’t you understand that?! I was desperate!”
Jesse seemed to calm down for a bit.
“You never really loved me, did you?”, he asked quietly.
Isabel looked at him sympathetically, when Jesse raised his head, and shook her head quickly. “I’m sorry, Jesse. I really am. I didn’t want things to end this way”.
“No. Don’t be sorry”. He snorted. “Please, don’t be sorry. I guess that’s not a very hard thing for you to do”.
Isabel felt the anger boiling inside her, as she took two steps foward and pushed Jesse away.
“How dare you? How dare you insinuating something like that?! I have feelings too, you know! And I am a mother! You’ll never understand why I did this, you’ll never accept the situation I’ve been going through! Never!”
Jesse seemed not to have heard these words.
“You still love him, don’t you? Even though he’s dead. That Alex guy”.
It was impossible to hold back the tears when the thought of Alex crossed her mind. Isabel broke down to tears again.
“Yes”, she sobbed. “I still love him. God”, she sobbed, covering her face with her hands. After a while, she slowly uncovered her face and closed her eyes, not wanting to know if Jesse was standing there. She closed her eyes and felt the rush of Alex’s memories take over all of her.

~ Flashback~

“I love you, Alex”. Isabel smiled at him, stroking his face. “I love you. And I wouldn’t do this with anyone but you”.
Alex placed a sweet kiss on her lips and then grinned.
“It’s good to know that after doing it”.
Isabel punched him friendly, then sighed happily.
“Can you believe this? Doesn’t this feel a little weird? I mean, here we are. I never thought we’d be, you know, actually doing this. We just made love”.
“Yeah”, Alex agreed. “It’s kind of weird”. He gave Isabel his sweet, funny smile. “But I don’t regret a single minute of it. Do you?”
“What do you think?”, Isabel joked.
“I don’t know, Ice Princess”, Alex joked too.
“Never”, she declared with sincerity. “I never regret being with you”.
“I love you, Isabel”, Alex said. “I love you. Thank you for being you... and for being with me”.
“And I’ll always be”, Isabel said. “Nothing will ever keep me apart from you”. She grinned. “Even if I have to use my alien powers”, and then both laughed.

~ ends flashback ~

The tears didn’t stop running down her face. It was impossible. She smiled sadly. How she had been naïve. Happy love stories never ended well. Well, they had, for Max and Liz. But that kind of things never happened to her. However, in that time, she still had the person she loved next to her, and she was happy like never before, because they had just made love for the first time and she was in love like she had never been. But then, it ended. Tess killed her fairy tale, that for once, was becoming reality. And how could she survive with that thought still implanted on her mind?
“I don’t understand this”, Jesse said, bringing Isabel back to the cruel world. “I mean, the guy’s dead, for God’s sake! He died, Isabel, seven years ago. You should just get over it!”
The anger boiling again, like it never had, and Isabel felt like she could kill. But she would not accept those words. Not from anyone, and most certainly not from Jesse.
“Don’t say that again”, she said with her voice harsh. “Never say that again. Don’t you even dare insinuating that I should have gotten over Alex by now. You don’t know what I’ve gone through. You don’t know my feelings. If you say that again, I swear I won’t answer by myself”.
Jesse believed it. He finally started seeing that Isabel’s pain was true.
“Isabel. You know that, despite of this, that makes my whole world come crashing down, I will never stop loving Leo. He is... was, my first child. I still consider him my son”.
Isabel smiled weakly.
“And I don’t want you to, Jesse. You were the only father he knew. We’re going to keep that, for his happiness”.
Jesse didn’t say anything for a while, until he finally spoke:
“But we can’t keep up with this lie for much longer, and I don’t want to. You’re gonna have to tell him the truth. He’s pretty mature for his age, and in a way or another, he will understand”.
“Don’t you think I have already thought about it?”, Isabel replied sharply. God, what kind of mother did he think she was?
Silence again. Isabel was starting to feel dizzy and sick closed in that room, with so much anger, and sadness, and tears floating in the air.
“It’s so weird to think that now only Anaïs and Lizzie are my daughters”, Jesse confessed. “That never, for a minute, crossed my mind”.
Isabel smiled sadly. She was starting to feel Jesse’s pain too, and a part of her understood his reaction. Maybe she would do the same, if someone told her the son she had been raising and loving for seven years wasn’t really hers.
“I’m going outside”, Jesse finally announced, getting up of the bed. “I’m going to tell the kids that everything’s ok... or something”.
Isabel nodded slowly, but she remained in the room. It was like now she couldn’t get out, as if that way she’d be leaving a part of her, a big part of her there. And she would.
‘What am I going to do?’, Isabel thought, her heart heavy with sadness and despair. ‘God, what am I going to do? What if everybody around me – and especially my son – start hating me?...’

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscious seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it’s like
To feel these feelings
Like I do, and I blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

But my dreams
They aren’t as empty
As my concious seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That’s never free .....

A/N.- It was kind of painful to remember poor, sweet Alex in this chapter. Also, this is my first attempt to write something (or half of it, anyway), stargazer, so I hope it went well. (I think it did! :wink:). Yeah, in Isabel and Jesse’s discussion sparks really flew, but I can’t stand Jesse :evil:, and I never supported his relationship with Isabel, so I had to make him being a bit mean. :) Hope you liked it. Feedback... feedback... feedback... (...) Well, I guess you guys get it. :wink: Oh, I don't own Limp Bizkit by the way, nor their song "Behind blue eyes", but I just love these two verses and I thought they would fit wonderfully here. :D
I know this second part sounded sad and kind of hopeless, but don’t you worry... that’s all I have to say for now, don’t you worry... :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:13 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Just a short thing… I’m not very inspired at the moment... :?


“You know you look pretty sexy when your hair’s all messy and wet like that?”
Michael was sitting on the toilet and looking at Maria with his devil look.
Maria smiled, without looking at him, and kept on brushing her wet curls.
“Well, thanks for the kind compliment”, she replied with a smirk.
“No, I’m serious”, Michael replied, getting up and surrouding her waist with his arms. “You really look...” he breathed in the scent of her blonde curls and kissed the back of her neck. “... Irresistible”.
Maria giggled.
“Is that so?...”
“Hell yeah”, Michael groaned, before joining his lips with hers in a torrid kiss.
“Michael...”, Maria mumbled when she noticed that they were stumbling towards the bathtub. “Michael, we’re going to...”
“Just forget that”, he groaned into her lips.
No sooner than that they were making out like two aroused teenagers inside the bathtub. Michael pulled the curtain closed while he was kissing Maria, starting to run his hands all over her body.
“Michael...”, she moaned. “Michael, we can’t do this here...”
“Nevermind the place now”, Michael hurriedly replied, increasing the kiss.
“Mommy? Mommy I need some—”
Mandy pulled the curtain open and her eyes got twice bigger.
“Mommy? Daddy?”
Maria shrieked, almost sliping and falling down in the middle of the bathtub and dragging Michael with her.
“Sweetie, hi!”, Maria said in a high-shrieking voice, with a big, panicked smile. “Why... did you... do you need anything, sweetie?”
“I can’t get to the cookies, they’re too high”, Mandy explained. Her gaze fell on Michael, who gave her a ‘Michael-Stivic’ kind of smile.
“I’ll go help you right away, baby”, Maria immediatly said, unlocking herself of Michael’s arms and getting akwardly out of the bathtub, holding Mandy’s hand towards the kitchen.
Michael sighed in frustration, smoothing out his messy hair where Maria had had her hands on, and stepped out of the bathtub, now that nothing would keep him stuck inside it anyway.


“I want too”, Mandy insisted.
“Mandy, honey, you’ve had candy right after lunch. If you eat more again your belly will ache”, Maria said patiently.
Looked like Maria’s food cravings had begun too soon. She was craving for non-less than candy (:P) and was hungrily stucking her hand to the bottom of a huge sack full of all the imaginable types of candy.
“But you’re eating too”, Mandy pointed out.
Maria gave Michael a look, who smirked.
“Well, sweetie, that’s different, because mommy’s pregnant”.
“Well, I want some too”, Mandy wouldn’t give up.
Maria sighed. She got up of the couch, still with the sack full of candy in her hand, and walked towards Michael, who was sitting on an armchair reading the hockey section on the newspaper.
“Michael, please talk to her”, Maria begged in a whisper.
Michael didn’t move.
“Me? You’re the pregnant woman”, he replied, without looking up from the newspaper.
“C’mon, Michael”, Maria insisted. “She always listens to you”.
“That’s not entirely true”, Michael replied, still not looking up.
“Please, spaceboy”, Maria pouted.
Michael sighed and got up of the couch, with a small smile.
“Okay, but I’ll demand something back”, he warned mischiviously.
Maria rolled her eyes.
“C’mon, Michael, I’m pregnant and there’s a 4-year-old child in the room”.
Michael rolled his eyes back at her and walked to his daughter, kneeling down in front of her.
“So, shortie. Mommy told me you wanted to have all her candy, huh?”
“Not have it all, just eat a little bit”, Mandy explained, starting to do her puppy dog eyes and pouting. “This can get dangerous”, Michael thought. As Mandy was so alike with Maria, he didn’t know if he was going to resist her.
“But you’ve already had candy, and mommy’s right, if you eat more your belly will ache”, he said tenderly, rubbing Mandy’s stomach softly.
Mandy pouted.
“Tell you what, what if we make a deal with mommy and you get to eat a little bit more after dinner?”
Mandy’s eyes sparkled.
“Really? Can I do that?”
“Yep, you sure can, once I talk to mommy and tell her”.
Mandy’s gaze darkened.
“But what if she says no”.
Michael winked at her, surrounding her tiny waist with his arm and bringing her closer. “Believe me she won’t, shortie”.
Mandy giggled.
Michael got up and theatrically walked towards Maria, starting to talk to her.
“Can Mandy eat some candy after dinner?”
Maria sighed.
“Michael, I don’t know...”
“Just a little bit—!”, Mandy urged, running towards Maria and kneeling down in front of her, her hands on her lap.
Maria sighed again.
“Pllleeeeaaase?”, Michael and Mandy pouted.
Maria sighed for the third time and laughed.
“What am I going to do with you two kids?!”
“Yessss!!”, Michael and Mandy jumped up in enthusiasm, almost scaring Maria, high-fiving each other. Maria couldn’t help but smile.
“Alright then. Just a little bit”.
“Just a little bit”, Mandy promised.
“Definitively just a little bit”, Michael emphesized. When Mandy happily went to her room, Michael whispered in Maria’s ear:
“And about my reward, huh?”
Maria smiled.
“You shouldn’t deserve a reward just for dealing with your daughter”.
Michael puppy-dog-eyed her.
“You’re terrible, spaceboy”, Maria sighed, incapable to resist.
“That means ‘yes’?”, he asked seductively, sitting on her lap.
Maria sighed, but couldn’t help grinning.
“We can say so”.
“That’s my girl”, Michael smiled, and before Maria could reply, he joined his lips with hers in a hungry kiss.


“I had already forgotten how good sex is”.
Maria giggled at Michael’s breathless affirmation.
“It’s not like a lot of time went by since we last had sex”.
“Yeah, but it felt like that”, Michael replied with a grin, holding Maria close again. “And I missed you... you know... just laying in bed with you... and sometimes... doing a little more than laying down...”
“Yeah, I have to say that too. God, this feels good”, Maria moaned, feeling Michael softly biting her left ear’s lob.
“Yeah?”, Michael insisted, now moving to her neck.
Maria sighed.
“Well, I’ll take that as a ‘yes’”, Michael grinned.
“Michael... I was thinking”, Maria began after a moment of silence.
“Yeah?”, Michael said, not so happy because he was hoping they could still move to round two.
“Have you already thought what you want the baby to be?”, Maria asked.
“Well, yeah, I was hoping we’d had the boy this time”, Michael confessed. He smiled. “But I wouldn’t mind another girl if she gets to be like Mandy”.
Maria smiled.
“Yeah, our little girl is just amazing, isn’t it?”
“It’s our daughter”, Michael grinned. “But why are you asking?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to know, Maria replied. “What would you preffer, wait till the baby is born to know if it’s a boy or a girl, or when my time is enough to know it?”
“I want to know the sex as soon as we can”, Michael said. “And you?”
“I was thinking of waiting until he or she is born”, Maria confessed. “I think it’s more exciting that way, don’t you think?”
“God, Maria”, Michael groaned. “Not again. I almost had a friggin’ heart attack of having so much to wait when you were pregnant with Mandy. This time I want to know straight away”.
“I don’t doubt it, ‘cause you’re impatient as hell”, Maria replied. “But I think it would be funner if we’d waited again until the end, sweetie. What do you say?”
“I don’t know”, Michael sighed. “I think I’m not much in the mood”.
“C’mon, Michael, it’ll be fun! We can fantasize and all of that. It’ll be way cooler. Maybe even Mandy will enjoy it”.
Michael shrugged.
“Well, I guess I can wait then”, he said slowly, like an unconvinced kid.
Maria beamed, cupping Michael’s face and smacking a kiss on his lips.
“Mmmwah! I love you, spaceboy! I know you’d warm up to me!”
“Yeah, I guess”, Michael muttered. He grinned at her. “Now it’s my turn to get what I want”.
Maria rolled her eyes, pretending she was deeply annoyed.
“Frankly Michael, you never get tired of that, do you?”.
Michael laughed.
“Well, today you were a good boy, so I guess you deserve it”, Maria replied, starting to kiss him again.
“Well, thanks very much”, Michael grinned, before deepening the kiss. He rolled over so he could be on top of Maria, ready for another wild round.
“Michael, Mandy is asleep”.
“Oh. Sorry. Where were we?”
Maria gave him a little lick on his neck.
“Does this answer your question?”
“It sure does”, Michael grinned at her, pulling the sheets and the blanket over them like a tent, causing Maria’s giggles.

A/N.- So, this chapter was only a Guerin family one, or an M/M/M one if you prefer. :P Not my dream chapter, but like I said above, I’m not inspired at all, besides I’m sleepy, and I just wanted to update a fic in which I already had a steady plan for the following chapter, so I did so with this one. Still, I hope y’all like it. By the way, this is the third time I make a child walk on her parents. Can't get enough of it. :P Oh, for those who who don’t know who Michael Stivic is (part 1, the bathtub), he’s from All in the family, that Archie Bunker show in the 70s or something. Michael Stivic, or “Meathead”, is Archie’s son-in-law... and they hate each other, of course. :D Anyway, those Michael Stivic smiles always crack me up. :P

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:39 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- I’m back. :D


Isabel stood in the tip of her toes, trying to catch a glimpse of Leo among the sea of children that were already crowding in the school’s front patio. Her heart twisted in her chest when she finally saw the unmistakable figure of her son. Despite of all her worries and anguish, she smiled. Only her children could bring some sunshine into her life. And that day, she had something very important to do. She had managed to get out of her office sooner so she could go pick Leo up at school herself. And all because... she had to tell him. The truth. Her existence with Jesse was becoming each day more unbearable. Jesse kept giving her looks that made clear that he thought she was the one to blame for everything. And she had already promised she would tell Leo the truth. She had to get that over with, the sooner the better. Only she didn’t know how to pull the matter with a 7-year-old who had no clue whatsoever about her past and what was going on.


Isabel’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Leo’s cheerful voice. Before she could pull herself together properly, she felt her son jump into her arms. Isabel took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of his hair, holding him tight. God, that hug felt so good. It could just take all her worries away.

“Mmm... that feels... just... so... good”, Isabel sighed with a smile, kissing his hair. “I missed you so much, sweetheart”.

“I missed you too, mom”, Leo replied. “Why’re you here? You don’t usually pick me up”, he pointed out.

Isabel felt a stab of guilt. That was true. Sometimes she was too busy, and sometimes Jesse would just the one who’d pick him up. Anyway, she didn't usually did it - Jesse and her had made a deal; he would be the one who'd pick Leo up, while Isabel took care of the girls. The tables would be turned, however, if any of them weren't able to make it.

“Well, I wanted to spend some quality time with my son”, she smiled, surrounding Leo’s shoulders with her arms. “Is that a crime?”

Leo shook his head, smiling.

“I’m really glad you came, mom”.

“So am I, sweet”, Isabel stroked his hair. “So. What did you do today? Tell me everything”.

“Well, we had a dictation today”, Leo explained. “I got a B”.

“Whoah, that’s great!”, Isabel beamed. “I’m really proud of you”.

Leo paused and smiled, before continuing. “And we played soccer and I got to score twice so my team won”.

Isabel’s smiled widened, and she peppered Leo’s face with kisses.

“That is so great, sweetheart! I’m so proud of being your mommy”, and she bent down to kiss him one more time.

Leo smiled, before asking:

“So, and what was your day like?”

“Oh, ordinary”, Isabel said flatly. She didn’t like to go there. She didn’t like her kids to know her weaknesses... she knew she couldn’t be invincible, but she liked to show her strenght and make the kids believe she could always take care of them and control everything... kind of like a Super-Mom. And while they believed it and felt good with it, she wouldn’t stop acting like that either. It made her feel she would also be able to keep her kids safe.

Her face suddenly became serious.

“Listen, honey, I have something I have to tell you”.

Leo’s blue eyes became concerned. He scanned Isabel’s face, who looked back anxiously at his freckled one.

“What is it?”, he wanted to know.

Isabel’s lips formed a smile.

“Not telling it here. C’mon, what do you say if you go and get an ice-cream, and we’ll talk then?”

Leo beamed at her and hugged her briefly.


Isabel smiled and, taking his hand, they started walking out of the school. When they got to the café, Leo immediatly ran inside to pick the flavors he wanted.

"Mommy?", he asked from over his shoulder. “Can I pick whichever flavor I want?”

Isabel smiled.

“Yes. Today, you can”.

Leo turned around and his eyes sparkled.

“Really? Even double chocolate chip?”

Isabel chuckled.


“Coolness!”, Leo beamed, and he immediatly turned around again to order his ice-cream. Isabel stood there watching him and smiling, and waited until Leo was already holding the ice-cream to pay for it.

They went to sit outside on a stone bench, Leo licking his ice-cream delightedely. Isabel had to fight back a laugh whenever she looked at him. It looked like he was in heaven. When he was finally done, Isabel’s face darkened. This was it. It was time.

“Leo, honey”. She prepared to tell him what she had to talk to him about, but smiled lightly when she saw Leo’s face covered with dried-out chocolate ice-cream. She giggled.

“What?”, he asked confused.

“You’ve got ice-cream all over your face”, Isabel smiled, taking a wet tissue out of her purse. Thank God she carried those around, for Lizzie was still very small and at 3 Isabel still had to clean her up a lot. She wiped Leo’s face clean and placed a kiss on his nose, smiling. “All done”.

Leo smiled back at her, and Isabel felt her heart swelling, tears filling her eyes, when she realized that smile had just been like Alex’s. She pulled herself together and took both her son’s hands in hers.

“Honey, like I said at school, I have something to talk to you about. Something... important”.

Leo looked at her worriedly.

“What is it, mommy?”

Isabel took a deep, shaky breath.

“Leo’, there’s something you have to know. It’s okay if you don’t understand, or if you are confused, or... angry, or anything like that. It’s perfectly normal. And just remember that, no matter what, mommy loves you a lot, okay? And that all I’ve done in my life was only because I love you”.

Leo frowned.

“What is it?”

Isabel bit her lip.

“It’s about... it’s about your daddy”.

Leo raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

“What about daddy?”

“Your daddy... Jesse... he isn’t really your daddy”.

Leo’s eyes were twice bigger. His jaw nearly dropped.

“W-what do you mean, mommy?”

Isabel’s eyes were starting to sting with tears again, not because of the truth but for fear of her son’s reaction.

“Jesse isn’t your real dad, Leo”.

Leo seemed not to understand.


Isabel sighed. She never thought it would be that painful. She was going to begin to talk of Alex for the first time in front of their son, who already looked like a miniature of him.

“When I was a teen, I dated this—boy. He liked me very much, and slowly I began to fall in love with him too”. She decided to skip that part. For much mature that her son was at 7 years old, she was sure he wouldn’t be really into those details.

“Anyway, we dated for three years, and I got pregnant with you”. She smiled weakly.

“How old were you?”, Leo asked in a chocked voice.

Isabel looked at him, surprised. She wasn’t expecting her son would still feel... well, strong enough to ask questions about her.

“19”, she simply replied. Leo looked down at his hands.

“You were really young”, he murmured quietly. He raised his head to look at her, confusion in his eyes. “But mommy, I don’t understand...” His lip started shaking. Isabel felt her heart sink in.

“It’s okay, my dear, it’s okay..”, she said soothingly, holding Leo’s head next to her chest. “It’s okay, you can ask all the questions you want until you understand everything”.

“So if my... daddy isn’t my real daddy, where is he?”, Leo asked, raising his head after a while between Isabel’s arms.

This time it was Isabel’s lip who started shaking. Talking about it was still stepping into slippery territory.

“He... died”, she let out in a breath.

Leo’s eyes became huge again.

“How? When?”, he wanted to know, the expression on his face undescribable.

Tess killed him. She was supposed to be our friend. But all she wanted to do was to get in your uncle’s pants and be the queen of our home planet. She killed your father out of pure selfishness. Isabel wanted to tell him this, but of course she couldn’t do it. She didn’t need to make things worse, and she was sure Leo wouldn’t understand, at least not right away. She had to take one step at a time.

“In a car accident”, she said, her voice starting to crack due to the tears she was holding back. She noticed that Leo’s eyes were starting to get shiny, too. Could he really feel sorry for his true father’s death? Even if he never knew him?

“Did you love him?”, Leo asked quietly. His pain and confusion couldn’t hide the innocence and purity in his voice. Isabel smiled lightly.

“Yes”, she whispered to him. “Yes, I loved him very much”.

“But then you married... you married...”, Leo pointed out, not able to complete his sentence.

Isabel felt a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Yes, I know I did”. She stroked her son’s hand. “I did it because I wanted you to have a father... I wanted to give you a family”.

Leo said nothing.

“Honey?”, Isabel slowly lifted Leo’s chin with a finger. “Is there anything else you want to ask? Don’t be ashamed... you can ask me anything, sweetie, anything at all. I won’t be upset”.

“Do you love dad?”, he asked then. Isabel knew he meant Jesse.

Isabel looked down sadly.

“I love him as a friend, and I think he was a beautiful person for taking you and giving you a home. And also because he loved me and is a great dad to Anaïs and Lizzie”.

“Does he know the truth?”, Leo asked.

“He knows... but not for too long”. Isabel was feeling horrible by the minute. “I told him a week ago”.

“Was it the reason you two have been fighting lately? Because he thought you were hiding something from him?”

Isabel looked at her son, puzzled. Well, well. He sure was smart.

“I guess it was one of the main reasons, yeah”, she replied. They were silent for a moment. Isabel couldn’t take it anymore. She nearly sobbed at the thought that was creeping through her mind.

“I don’t want you to hate me, sweetheart. All I ever wanted was to be a good mother to you. All I did was because I loved you too much, even before you were born. And I know I have done bad things, and lots of mistakes, but I’m not proud of them. I just want you to know that you and your sisters are the most important thing in my life. Everything I do is for you guys”.

Leo was still quiet for a while. When he finally spoke, his voice was a tired, thoughtful whisper.

“I don’t hate you, mommy”. He stood up and swang his backpack over his shoulder. “I want to go home. Let’s go home”. Isabel noticed his voice was about to crack, and the smallest tear rolled down his cheek. She knew Leo was very emotional, but he didn’t quite like to show it. He prefered to lose it on his own.

Isabel got up silently, and held Leo closer to her. For her surprise, he didn’t push her away. He just didn’t talk at all, and his eyes were lost in nowhere.

“Why did it have to go like this?...”, Leo murmured. “Why couldn’t I at least meet him? I don’t even know what he is... what he was like...”

Isabel’s heart was bleeding and slowly breaking at every heartfelt word. ‘I feel your pain, sweetheart. How I feel it. And I’m sure your father would have felt the same way. He would... he really would.’

“I’m sorry, sweetie”, she whispered sadly. “I feel like that too. I really do”.

If Leo only knew how she had cried every night, regreting that lost chance, that would never happen. How she wanted to kill Tess with her own hands when she knew the truth about Alex’s death. How she felt like she had been wasting her life away, getting married to Jesse – even though he had taken care of Leo – and pretending like everything was okay, when it wasn’t... maybe one day she could tell Leo, and show him that she truly related to him. But right now, it wasn’t the time. The wounds were still too fresh, and hers had just been bleeding again.

Silent, warm floods of tears fell down her cheeks as they walked back home. For how long would that nightmare continue? And now her son, her most precious thing, had just been let in the secret too.

A/N.- I’m sorry I was late and this wasn’t my best chapter. I guess it wasn’t too realistic that a 7-year-old would react this way to news like this, even if he is mature... you judge it. I thought it was kind of okay, though, but not completely. Anyway, Isabel wasn't still too ready to tell Leo everything about Alex and their relationship yet, but she might do it later... also when Leo got used to the truth. :) :wink: I will try to update regularly from now on. I know it’s been a while – I was just busy with school and was tired and having trouble and... blah. But I felt like writing now, so I will try to pick the story up from where I left it. hope you keep on reading it, enjoying and dropping feedback. Please?



Alright, it’s all. See you all soon I hope.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:14 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Cute and fluffy. I hope you enjoy. :P


Max was scanning some sheets of paper he would have to take to his office the following day, while he was eating an apple. Upstairs he could hear the muffled voices of Zach and Honey. When he was getting ready to take another bite, the phone rang. Leaning against the wall, Max picked it up.


“Hey, babe”.

Max immediatly smiled when he heard Liz’s voice.

“Hi. Is everything okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t it be?”, Liz asked.

“Nothing, but you don’t usually call home when you’re at work. So what’s the deal?”

“I just called to warn you I have to work ‘til late today”, she said. “Nothing I can do about it. Miranda had her labor pains this morning and headed immediately to the hospital, so I have to cover for her too”.

“I see”, Max said, a little disappointed because he wouldn’t see Liz as soon as he’d like that day. “So, where’s the part where I come in?”

Liz giggled.

“You already know me, don’t you?”

Max grinned.

“Like the palm of my hand. C’mon, so what was it you want me to do? Look after the kids?”

“Exactly”, Liz replied. “I shall be home by say 10 p.m., and I would call Maria to take them but I don’t want to bother her knowing you’re home and you can do it. So can you please take care of them until I get home?”

“Sure”, Max replied, adjusting the phone under his cheek. “Any special recommendation, ma’am?”

Liz giggled again.

“Yeah. They both had to take a bath today, but I guess we can do that tomorrow. You have to fix their dinner too because I admit I totally forgot to think about that today. And I want them in bed by 9 pm”.

“Oh”, Max whined as if he was the kid. “That early, huh?”

“Yes, that early”, Liz chuckled, even though she tried to keep her voice firm. “They’re too young, I don’t want them up until the sun rises.”

“Whoah, thanks for trusting that much in me”, Max replied, falsely offended.

Liz giggled.

“Don’t be mad at me, honey. Of course I know you’re a great dad and wouldn’t let them be up until too late”.

“I feel better”, Max joked. He lowered his voice until it was nothing but a whisper: “I miss you”.

“I miss you too”, Liz smiled. “I really wish I could be home earlier, but this time there was really nothing I could do. Miranda was already of 9 months so we had to expect this happening sooner or later”.

“I know”, Max said. “Don’t worry then, I’ll take care of the kids. But if you figure it’s okay and you can get out of there, then do and come home”.

Liz chuckled.

“I will, don’t worry. I’m already aching to see you and the kids.”

Max smiled.

“It’s good to hear that. Go back to work, then, and don’t worry, Zach and Honey will be fine with me”.

Liz smiled.

“I know they will”. She paused. “I have to go, then. I love you”.

“I love you too”, Max said softly. “You hang up first”.

Liz giggled.

“No, you hang up”.

A smile started to form on Max’s lips.

“I don’t want to”.

Liz smiled while biting her lip, twirling the telephone cord around her finger.

“Neither do I”.

Max let out a long, fake sigh.

“Okay, I’ll do it. Love ya”.

“Love you too”, Liz smiled, and they both hung up.

Max smiled and put the phone down. Taking another bite of his apple and after being done with his papers, he went upstairs to announce his kids that Liz would be late that day.

The door of Zach’s room was half open, and he could see them sitting in front of each other, focused on something between them.

“Hey”, he said, pushing the door open.

“Hiya daddy”, Honey happily replied.

“Hi dad”, Zach said without looking up from what seemed to be a puzzle.

Max sat down on the floor next to them.

“What are you guys doing?”

“A puzzal”, Honey explained. “But Zach thinks I’m doin it all wrong”.

Zach rolled his eyes, even though he wasn’t angry at her.

“She can’t see that the pieces she gives me don’t fit!”

Max chuckled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get that on just right”.

Honey nodded enthusiastically.

“We aready did! We’re amost done, look!”, and she pointed the almost complete puzzle with her chubby finger.

Zach smiled, still adjusting the final pieces, and Max chuckled again.

“Great job, guys. But I have something to tell you both”.

Zach looked up while Honey stared at Max.

“What is it, daddy?”, Zach asked.

“Today mommy’s gonna have to work ‘til late, so she won’t come back ‘til night”.

Honey’s lip trembled.

“But I miss momma!”, she protested.

Max pressed a kiss to her temple.

“I know sweetie, we all do, but she really has to stay. Don’t worry though, ‘cause daddy’s home and we’ll have a great night just the three of us”.

Honey’s eyes sparkled at that.


“Yep”, Max smiled.

“Can we order some pizza?”, Zach asked enthusiastically.

“Um, Zach…”

“Yea, daddy, pizza!”, Honey happily piped in.

Max knew he wouldn’t be able to stand for his decision against his two kids. He figured that they didn’t eat pizza that often and that, with Liz not home, just once wouldn’t hurt.

“Okay”, he sighed. “But just this one time”.

“Deal!”, they exclaimed happily.

“So what else do you guys want to do?”, Max asked, secretly hoping he wouldn’t regret having asked that question later.

“Can we see a movie?”, Zach suggested. “I wanted to see The Emperor’s New Grove again!”

“And I wanted to see Shrek!”, Honey added.

Max smiled.

“Tell you what, why don’t I rent both of them so we can watch them tonight?”

“Yeah!!”, Zach and Honey screamed in delight again.

Max chuckled.

“It’s a deal, then. Pizza and movies. Now you guys keep on playing, so daddy can get his work stuff finished and go get the movies after”.

“Aright daddy!”, Honey exclaimed with a huge smile.

Max smiled, riffling both of his kids brown hair, and left their room, ready to go downstairs.


“Dad!”, Max could listen to his daughter whining from the kitchen. He smiled patiently.

“What’s the matter, honey?”, he asked.

“Zach don’t want me to watch Shrek! He wants to watch Pacha first and he don’t let me pop the DVD in!”

Max smiled again and walked out of the kitchen towards the living room.

“Zach, stop teasing her. And Honey, we watch Pacha first, but we’ll watch Shrek right after, okay?”

Honey nodded her head, still a bit unsure. She threw her brother a stern look and walked away, sucking on her thumb, her long brown hair on her face. She pulled it away impatiently.

Max chuckled at the offense Honey had taken out of Zach’s demand, and turned to his son.

“She doesn’t look very happy to me”.

Zach shrugged, even though Max could see a pang of guilt in his hazel eyes.

“Well, she was being kind of a pain”.

Max had to hold back a laugh.

“While I slice up the pizza and get your orance juices, why don’t you go upstairs and say you’re sorry for having picked on her?”

“Okaay”, Zach muttered, head bent down.

He went upstairs, while Max, smiling, went to get the pizza and poured two glasses of orange juice for the children. When he was done, he couldn’t help his own curiousity to see how that story had ended and he tiptoed upstairs towards Honey’s room. What he saw made him feel his heart could melt. In complete silence, Zach and Honey were hugging tightly. He smiled, feeling he had accomplished his mission, and walked back downstairs before his kids could realize he had been spying on them. Eventually, a little while later, they were getting downstairs with big smiles as if nothing had happened.

“You guys hungry?”, Max asked innocently.

“Yeah”, Zach and Honey replied in unison.

Max smiled.

“Great, because it’s pizza time!”

“Yaay!”, the kids yelled happily, starting to sit at the living room’s table. Max placed a slice of pizza on each plate and the kids hungrily took a huge bite. When Zach raised his head to have a drink of his juice (Honey was still, head down, munching her pizza), Max winked at him. Smiling, Zach winked back, and returned to his dinner.

When Max, Zach and Honey had all eaten the pizza, they collected the dishes and placed them on the dishwasher.

“So, what about a movie now?”, Max suggested, already grinning at the antecipate response of his children.

“Yes!”, they squealed.

They first watched The Emperor’s New Grove (with no fights) and Zach laughed almost hysterically throughout the whole movie. Honey giggled too, but there was nothing compared at her adoration for Shrek. She burst out laughing everytime the Donkey would show up, and Max felt the sound of his children’s laughter was the most beautiful he had ever heard.

When they were done watching both of the movies, it was already 9.30 pm.

'Liz is gonna kill me', Max thought. But then he added mentally, ‘Just this one time won’t hurt anyone. At least the kids had fun’.

“Okay, guys, it’s time to go to bed”, he told the kids gently, their eyelids already dropping. Zach, though, was the one who fought harder to keep himself awake.

“Aw daddy, we don’t want to”, he protested in a sleepy whisper.

Max smiled.

“Yeah, you do. You should be in bed by now, mommy’s not going to like it if she finds out”.

After a while, they were convinced. Honey was already sleeping soundly, and Max picked her up and carried her upstairs in his arms, while taking Zach’s hand. He tripped more than once in his way up to his room.

He thought putting Honey to sleep was going to be easy, but he was wrong. Right in the moment he had gently laid her down on her bed, she opened her eyes, staring at him as if she had never dozed off.

“Hi, daddy!”, she exclaimed.

Max grinned.

“Hey, little bee. It’s time to sleep”.

“But I’m not sleepy”, she protested.

“Yes, you are. You already dozed off downstairs”.

“Did not”.

“Did too”.

“I want a bedtime story!”, she pleaded, shooting up in a sitting position.

“It’s late, and you’re tired, sweetie. Tomorrow I promise you’ll get one. But now it’s time to sleep, you little monkey,” he said jokingly, making his daughter lie down again.

“I’m not a monkey”, she giggled.

“Yes you are, you’re never still, monkey monkey monkey”, Max joked, rubbing affectuously his nose on Honey’s, and placing a kiss on the tip.

She giggled again, but didn’t put up a fight this time. By the time her head touched the pillow, her eyelids dropped again and she immediately fell asleep.

Max smiled, taking Zach’s hand again towards the little boy’s room.

“Back to you, big guy”.

“Can I get a bedtime story?”, Zach asked tentatively.

“I don’t think so, buddy. Not today. It’s late, and you’re just as sleepy as Honey”.

“No I’m not”, Zach replied quickly rubbing his eyes. Max noticed and smiled.

“You are, and you know it. Tomorrow you’ll hear one too”.

“About you and Uncle Mikey and Aunt Izzy being aliens?”

Max smiled, rolling his eyes good-naturedely.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay? Now go to bed”. He helped Zach climb into the bed and covered him with the sheets. It was too warm for a blanket.

“Daddy?”, Zach called sleepily.

“Yeah, bud?”

“I love you. You’re the greatest dad in the world”.

Max smiled, his heart swelling with emotion.

“I love you two, buddy. And you’re also the greatest son in the world”.

Zach smiled and closed his eyes. Seconds later, he was too sleeping soundly.

Max quietly walked out of his son’s room and decided to go downstairs to wait for Liz.

At 10.15 pm she was home. Max smiled broadely at her when she walked in and, spinning her around, kissed her passionately.

“What was that for?”, Liz giggled, putting down her keys.

“Just a reminder of how much I’ve missed you today”, Max smiled. “How’s Miranda?”

“Everything’s fine. She had a strong, healthy baby girl. How about you and the kids? I’ve missed you guys awfully as well”.

Max grinned.

“Everything went perfectly well. The kids had fun, and so did I”.

“And at what time did you put them to bed?”

Max looked up at her innocently.

“9.30. We rented two movies, honey, so we lost track of time. But it was just this once”.

Liz looked at Max while he was explaining himself, biting her lips to keep her from laughing, but with a serious look on her face. When Max was done, she laughed and kissed his cheek.

“It’s alright, I was just messing with you. But I hope they do go to bed at 9 from this moment on”.

“Oh, they will”, Max assured her.

Liz smiled.

“Great. I’ll just go grab something to eat and then I’ll go straight to bed. I’m really tired”.

Max smiled at her.

“You want some pizza? We ate pizza at dinner today, and there are some leftovers”.

“Pizza, uh?”, Liz cocked an eyebrow.

“It was just this once, Lizzie”, Max reminded her sweetly.

Liz grinned, biting her lip.

“I know… but I guess I’ll take your offer. It’s been months since I’ve eaten pizza”.

“Excellent choice”, Max grinned. Smacking a kiss to her cheek, he led her to the kitchen, holding her hand all the way.

A.N.- I hope you liked this chapter, it was cute to write it! Please leave some feedback! :wink: Thanks!