Sternbetrachter's Alex/Isabel stories - Updated 7/21/07

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Post by Sternbetrachter »


By Trude (
Disclaimer: I am pretty sure that you all know that Roswell doesn’t belong to me.
Spoilers: up to “Wipe Out”
Rating: Teen, I guess
Pairing: Alex/Isabel
AN: Thanks to Mt Gazer for being my beta and to Stargazing101/Winternymph87 for writing “Island in the Dark” from where I have the idea for this story.

Seeing the familiar house, Isabel subconsciously quickened her pace, needing to see Alex after everything that happened that day. Isabel looked around carefully and felt like a criminal, sneaking into the Whitman’s backyard in the middle of the night. She constantly expected someone to call out to her to see what she was doing there, tonight even more so than usual.

Approaching his window, Isabel couldn’t help the smile that was blossoming on her face. And when she heard Alex play his guitar, it gave her a much needed feeling of normality and of coming home.

For a moment she pondered how to get to Alex; knocking on the window and letting him do the gentlemanly thing – helping her through the window – or just opening it with her powers and launching herself at Alex without letting go of him till the morning. When she thought back on what had happened today, she realized that she was not in the mood to use her alien powers again – she had already used them too much for her own liking.

Knocking resolutely on Alex’s window, Isabel waited impatiently for Alex to appear. After what felt like hours, Alex finally stood in front of Isabel, giving her a big grin that made her stomach do flip-flops.

“Hey.” Alex greeted Isabel softly before offering her his hand and helping her into his room. Isabel silently watched Alex’s every move as he closed the window, as if to memorize everything about him.

When Alex turned back to Isabel with a smile, he was knocked back onto the window seat when Isabel launched herself at him. Holding Isabel just as tightly as he was held, Alex whispered, “I already thought you dumped me tonight when you didn’t show up at the usual time.” Shaking her head but not loosening her tight grip, Isabel replied, “No, of course not. I would’ve called you if that were the case. I just wanted to spend some time with my parents after,” she let out a shaky breath, “ … after everything that happened today.”

Alex stroked Isabel’s hair in a calming manner, “Yeah, Maria called me and told me about everything – with lots of details, of course.” Somehow, Isabel managed to tighten her grip on Alex even more. “God, Alex! I was so worried when I called you and you didn’t answer.”

“Wait!” Alex interrupted, “When did you call me? Maria didn’t mention that and she mentioned a lot.”

Isabel moved back a bit, so she could look at Alex. “It was before we met up with the others at the Crashdown. Mom had just disappeared and Max came back from the neighbors, reporting that they were gone too. I didn’t think, I just grabbed the phone and called you. God! I thought I had lost you, Alex!” She said in a tone that was increasingly starting to panic.

Isabel put her hands on either side of Alex’s face and brought her lips down on his for a desperate kiss. Alex moaned into Isabel’s mouth and let his hands roam her back when the kiss deepened. Isabel felt Alex pull her closer to his body – so tightly that it seemed as if every part of her body was touching Alex’s. Letting out a content sigh, Isabel put her hands on Alex’s neck, playing with the soft ends of his hair.

But like all good things, the kiss had to end eventually. Isabel put her forehead against Alex’s for a moment before backing off a bit, but not moving off of Alex’s lap. ’When did I get to sit here?’ Isabel asked herself without really caring about the answer. After all, she was where she belonged.

Looking down at their intertwined hands, Isabel continued, “Max was with me when I tried calling you, but he didn’t ask whom I called and I don’t think he suspects that it was you.” Alex moved one hand up and rubbed Isabel’s shoulder to calm her down. “I really had to bite my lip, so I wouldn’t just blurt out to the others that I already called you when we saw the Whit’s CD at the Crashdown and Maria suspected you to be gone too.”

Isabel laid her head on Alex’s shoulder, letting his scent invade her nose, while finally coming to terms with today’s events. “Do you know what happened with you when you guys were gone? Or do you know where you were?” Isabel asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.

Alex briefly shook his head before he answered. “No, it was like no time had passed at all. One minute I was sitting in the Crashdown, wanting to eat my hot pancakes and the next minute, the pancakes were partly eaten and ice cold and the sheriff acted as if he hadn’t seen me in years.” Alex let out a chuckle. “If Maria hadn’t told me what happened, I probably would have thought that the sheriff had lost his mind.” ‘Except for the fact that someone had eaten my pancakes when I wasn’t looking.

“Don’t joke about this, Alex!” Isabel snapped, looking into Alex’s eyes. “I could have lost you today and if something had happened to you, it would have been my fault.”

Alex brought his hand up and wiped away the tears that were running down Isabel’s face. “How could that be your fault? That’s crap and you know it! It’s not your fault that the skins pulled that stunt.” Alex quickly placed butterfly kisses on Isabel’s eyes and nose. “And don’t think that Maria didn’t tell me that you ran into the lion’s den when going to Nicholas and Co. What were you thinking, Isabel?”

“I … I just …” Isabel stuttered. “I just thought that after everything that Whitaker told me about Vilandra,…” Alex was the only one Isabel had told about what she learned when facing the congresswoman, even though Alex tried to make her tell the others about it too. “I thought with everything that I did in my last life…”

“Vilandra’s life.” Alex cut in dryly. Isabel smiled at him, thinking it was endearing that Alex constantly insisted that she and Vilandra were two totally different persons.

“Anyway, I thought that with everything that went on up there, I could get to their leader – which I managed – and to find out what they wanted and … find a way to stop them. Well, that part of my plan didn’t work out as planned.” Isabel said guiltily.

Alex put his chin on Isabel’s head. “You should have told the others – aliens and humans. We work best as a team, after all.”

Isabel let out a sigh, having heard this already a few times but she couldn’t bring herself to believe Alex when he said that the others wouldn’t hate her for what Vilandra did on that other planet.

“Please, Alex. Lets not talk about this. At least not tonight.” Isabel pleaded with her boyfriend.

Her, secret-no-one-knows-about-him, boyfriend. When Tess came to town, everything changed between the six friends. It soon got obvious that Tess appeared when Alex and Isabel spent time together and that she just joined them without asking whether her presence was welcomed or not.

Hearing about destiny, Tess became like a dog with a bone – having learned about the alien’s destiny that day a few months ago, Tess never stopped telling Michael and Isabel how important it was that they drop their human friends and that they get together as a couple. And after two weeks of this, Isabel had enough and was tempted to blast Tess; but instead, she told Alex that it would be best to keep their relationship a secret, without telling anyone that they were still together and acting as if they were apart.

Alex was against the idea at first, because he believed that Isabel was ashamed of being seen with him, but after Isabel had told him of her reasons for that drastic step – being able to be together without having to deal with Tess and the others who might be against them – Alex reluctantly agreed.

At first, it was hard for them to keep their distance in public, especially for Isabel when Alex started his “puppy in love” routine all over again. He enjoyed “torturing” Isabel like this, knowing how hard it was for her to act indifferently when in reality she wanted to jump him. Isabel had made a huge mistake when she told Alex about that and he even intensified his efforts, which made Isabel – just like Alex hoped – more sexually frustrated and most importantly often the one to initiate the making out whenever they spent time together.

They both had hoped that Tess would stop believing in destiny when she spent more time with the humans but their hopes were short lived when she started commenting that Alex obviously didn’t get the hint that Isabel wasn’t interested in him anymore, like she, Tess, and everyone else thought.

When Isabel and Alex were discussing the Tess problem, Isabel quickly made it clear that she didn’t want to stay even more apart from Alex and was extremely shocked when Alex voiced his idea, “Why don’t you start dating again?”

It took some time for Alex and Isabel but finally they came up with a way to possibly make things work. They decided that the best candidate would be someone who didn’t go to school with the group, so the others wouldn’t have too much contact with him.

When Grant Sorenson had shown up in the Crashdown, one look passed between Alex and Isabel and they knew that they found their perfect pawn. Isabel did go on some dates with him, but most of the time when she was “officially” out on a date with Grant, she actually spent time with Alex.

Since Max and the others didn’t like Grant, they didn’t talk with him and never knew that he and Isabel were only going out once every two weeks, and for very short dates without kissing or anything. It was rather frustrating for Grant.

No matter how well their plan worked out, Isabel was worried that Alex might feel jealous and Alex was worried that Isabel might feel horrible since Maria and Liz made it rather clear that they weren’t happy with how Isabel treated Alex in public. Alex and Isabel’s relationship surely wasn’t easy but they knew that together they could manage it.

“I think we should stop this act.” Isabel announced after a few moments of silence. “I’m sick of meeting with Grant and I’m sure that aside from Tess, nobody will mind us being together again. They’ll most likely be happy that I’m over my infatuation with older men.” She shook her head at the thought of her brother’s possible reactions, while she chuckled softly to herself.

Alex looked a bit shocked at Isabel’s sudden out-burst. “Isabel, I know what you mean but …”

“No buts, Alex! I don’t want to pretend anymore. I’m tired of keeping my distance in public, not being allowed to touch or kiss you. Can’t you understand that?” Isabel asked.

Alex let out a sigh and pulled Isabel closer. “I do understand, believe me, I do. But … honestly, I’m unsure how we should break the news about our hidden relationship to the others without them being angry and hurt.”

”We don’t have to tell them, Alex. I’ll just stop seeing Grant – as if that would be a problem.” Isabel rolled her eyes. “And then, we’ll just spend more time together and your charm will soon have me captivated again.”

Alex seemed unsure. “I don’t know Isabel. Sure, your idea sounds reasonable, but ... I don’t know … it’s one thing to keep “us” a secret for now but to keep it a secret forever …” Alex trailed off.

“Not forever.” Isabel quickly assured him. “Just till things about destiny and “who’s dating whom” are over … in a few months maybe.”

When Alex still looked doubtful, Isabel went in for the kill. “Do you enjoy sitting next to me without touching or kissing me when we are in public? Or are you happy when I’m pretending to like Grant?”

“NO! Of course not.” Alex answered immediately.

“Then why ..” Isabel started but Alex interrupted her. “I know what you mean, Iz. I guess you are right, it’s really better to end this and tell the others later about what was going on.” He let out a sigh. “We have to tell them one day anyway, so if we are able to be “officially” together till then it’s way better than this hidden thing we have going on.”

“Thank you.” Isabel whispered into Alex’s ear, quickly kissing his neck up to his cheek.

“You really don’t have to thank me, Isabel. I’m happy about ending this secret relationship as well.” Alex groaned, finally managing to capture Isabel’s lips with his after she had teased him with little butterfly kisses. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Alex asked, “Won’t it be strange when you suddenly stop seeing Grant?”

Isabel let out a short laugh. “Don’t worry about that, Alex. It has its advantages to be the Ice Princess.”

With his arms wrapped around his girlfriend, Alex walked them over to his bed and lay back, pulling Isabel down with him. When they got comfortable, Alex started to twirl Isabel’s hair between his fingers. “Do you want to watch TV or do homework?” Alex asked.

Many of their “dates” were spent at Alex’s home; since his room was a bit separated from the other bedrooms in the Whitman house because it was on the first floor and even soundproofed because it used to be some kind of garage long ago. Isabel and Alex used their time together doing homework, watching TV, listening to music – happy that they actually were able to be together.

“No.” Isabel replied with a yawn, snuggling closer to Alex. “Lets just fall asleep, okay? It’s been one hell of a day, and one that I would like to put as far away from us as possible.”

“Yeah.” He sighed wearily. “As long as you are in my arms, I don’t care what we do.”

“Sweet talker.” Isabel muttered, but secretly she couldn’t wait for the day when they could be like this around their friends too.

“I love you.” She heard Alex say as she drifted into sleep. “Love you more.” She replied, groggily just before she fell asleep, dreaming of her and Alex’s future.

The End
Colin Hanks
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Half Truths

By Sternbetrachter/Trude
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Early S2 – up to Wipe Out, I’d say.
Summary: Sequel to “Hidden”. Isabel and Alex have a little (forced) talk with their friends. Takes place shortly after MitC.
AN: Thanks to Rhonda and Anla for betaing the story and giving me a few hints and for Cheri who sent me my little Roswell book over the seas where all my fanfics are being written.


“I tell you, Max. We have to talk with them.” Michael told Max.

“Once again, I have to ask ‘Why’? I mean, they don’t run around talking about aliens, do they?” Max fired back, getting tired of this conversation. Ever since Isabel stopped dating Grant – Max still had to grin every time he thought about that – Isabel and Alex had been spending more and more time together, which made Michael suspicious about Isabel’s sudden change of heart. It really annoyed Max no end.

“I thought you couldn’t stand Grant either?” Max asked the boy opposite of him.

“Of course I couldn’t.” Michael answered disgusted. “He’s a creep.”

“Then what’s your problem with Isabel and Alex getting closer again, I thought you like Alex?” Max asked, confused.

“I do.” Michael answered, not saying anything else.

“He already knows about our secret, so Isabel seeing him is safe.” Max continued, not knowing what else to say.

“I know that Maxwell.” Michael said with a sigh.

“Then what?” Max questioned. “Are you jealous of Alex?”

“WHAT?” Michael cried – so loud, that almost everyone in the Crashdown, including Alex and Isabel turned to look at him. More quietly, Michael continued, “Hell NO! I’ll be the first to congratulate them when they tell us that they are getting married and …”

“WHAT?” This time, it was Max who got everyone’s attention. He moved uncomfortably in his chair, staring hard at the table. “You think they want to marry?” he whispered.

“No!” Michael groaned, once again not believing that the guy opposite him was supposed to be his king. “I meant that as an exaggerated example. I’m not interested in Isabel in that way, or Alex for that matter.” Michael quickly added before Max could once again jump to conclusions.

“Okay, then please tell me why we should have a talk with Alex and Iz.” Max almost begged.

“It’s weird.” Michael said, “I mean, Isabel lost all her interest in Sorensen within a day. That’s strange.”

“Michael, do the words ‘Ice Princess’ mean anything to you? Isabel has always been like that.” Max explained slowly, as if talking to a three year old.

“Yeah, I know about the famous Ice Princess.” Michael answered, secretly sure that Max hadn’t heard of Isabel’s other title ‘Ice Bitch’ yet, which she got from rejected jocks and envious girls. “But she’s never been so infatuated with someone like she was with Sorenson.”

”True.” Max admitted. “But luckily that passed. The Ice Princess hit back.”

“Yes and the next day, she and Whitman acted as if Sorenson never happened. Having their cute and sweet relationship thingy going on again and … What?” Michael asked when Max smirked at him.

“Sweet and cute relationship thingy?” Max questioned with raised eyebrows.

“That’s what Maria calls it.” Michael said hastily. He narrowed his eyes. “If you tell anyone – especially Maria that I talk like her, you’ll … you … you’ll wake up green one morning!” Michael threatened.

Max raised his hands in surrender. “I won’t tell a soul.”

Michael gave him one last suspicious look but decided to let it go.

“Like I said,” Max continued, “I don’t think it’s bad that Isabel and Alex are together and I still don’t know what your problem is.”

“Isabel drops Sorenson all of sudden – which is awesome – and then is suddenly all over Whitman, even more than when we had those dreams last spring.” Michael said.

“Michael, they are only spending time together because they are friends and she isn’t all over him.” Max replied with a shudder at the thought of his sister being intimate with a guy, quickly looking over at the pair to make sure he was right.

“Maria caught them in the janitor’s closet yesterday.” Michael said, folding his arms over his chest.

“What were they doing in the janitor’s closet?” Max asked dumbly.

Michael briefly wondered if Max really was that naïve. “I guess the eraser room was already occupied.”

Max just stared at Michael in disbelief, opening his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Michael tried to fight off a smirk because Max looked like a big fish with his mouth opening and closing again. After two minutes of utter shock on Max’s part and immense fun on Michael’s, Max managed to get out a, “What?”

“Yeah, it looks like the two ‘friends’ seem to have a rather unique hobby for friends.” Michael said smirking at Max. “Well, as much as tongue wrestling counts as a hobby and … well, for them it’s probably already a sport since they didn’t even notice Maria opening the door.”

“Michael! I so don’t need the image of Alex and Isabel making out in the janitor’s closet!” Max cried out.

“So, you understand why we have to talk with them?” Michael asked once again.

“No, I still don’t.” Max said and put his head in his hands, still shocked by what he had just learned. “They are obviously together again and didn’t tell us. That doesn’t give us the right to have a serious talk with them.”

“So, you really don’t want to talk with them?” Michael asked.

“I wouldn’t know why.” Max muttered.

“Soooo, it doesn’t bother you that your 18 year old sister is obviously very serious about a 17 year old guy who has been lusting after her for years and already managed to get her in a dark room to make out with her, stripped for her and is spending time with her alone – in dark rooms, I might add – and … what would you think and want to do if you and Liz were alone in a dark room?”

“Oh my God!” Max said, his brain coming up with horrible unwanted images of the horn dog Alex and his little innocent sister alone in dark rooms.

”That’s what I thought.” Michael said under his breath.

Max glanced over at Isabel and Alex with narrowed eyes before looking back at Michael who had an unusual look of utter innocence on his face. “Let’s have a few words with Whitman!” Max said standing up before making his way to the booth where Alex and Isabel were sitting way to close for his liking.

Michael stood up slowly, allowing himself to grin for a second. ‘I knew this would be fun when Maria told me about it.’ He said to himself before following Max, barely able to hold back a smile when he thought of getting to see Max in big brother mode.

A few minutes earlier behind the counter in the Crashdown:

Maria let out a wistful sigh while refilling the straw holders. Liz looked up at her from where she was recounting the money she made in her shift. “Everything okay, Maria?”

Maria let out another sigh before turning to her best friend. “Everything’s fine. Perfect actually. I mean, look at them – aren’t they absolutely cute together?” she said, motioning towards Alex and Isabel who were sitting in one of the booths in the Crashdown.

Liz joined Maria at the counter and looked over at Alex and Isabel. They were sitting next to each other, quietly talking while constantly making eye contact or touching each other.

Liz and Maria grinned at each other. “Looks like our boy is finally getting his dream girl.”

“And it’s about time.” Liz agreed. “It took his charm long enough to work its magic, after all.”

“Yeah, but now that it worked, there’s no escape for Miss Evans anymore.” Maria laughs.

“So true!” Liz agreed happily and both girls grinned at each other again before they high-five. When they turned back to their two friends, they were surprised to find Alex and Isabel staring right back at them. The girls just smiled at the couple till they turned back to their conversation.

“They’ll surely be Prom King and Queen.” Maria said. Before Liz could reply to that, a cry from a booth in the back got their attention.

”What’s up with Michael?” Liz asked after a few seconds.

“He’s Michael.” Maria said as if that explained everything before bringing the conversation back to Alex and Isabel, “I just hope that Isabel doesn’t crush Alex’s heart again.”

“Me too.” Liz muttered. “It wouldn’t be good for her health.” Both girls turned back to Alex and Isabel again, looking at the blonde alien. “Surely Isabel won’t be stupid enough to let Alex go again.” Liz thought out loud.

“She’s related to Michael in a way so don’t be so sure about that.” Maria said darkly.

”Maria, I’m sure …” Liz started but was interrupted by Max yelling “What?”

Maria threw her hands in the air. “See what I mean? Max is already starting to act like Michael.”

Liz chuckled at her friend’s antics, knowing that Maria and Michael cared deeply about each other even if it was hard to believe sometimes.

“Did you notice that Alex isn’t drooling over Isabel?” Maria asked suddenly. “I mean, yes he does drool but not like he did a few months ago or even a weeks ago.”

“Yeah and Isabel is way more into Alex than ever before. It’s cute to watch how she looks at him longingly when she thinks that no one is paying attention.” Liz added.

“Yeah, they don’t pay much attention to what’s going on around them lately.” Maria said with a snort.

”Huh?” Liz said confused.

Maria threw a cat-ate-the-canary-grin in Liz direction. “Oh you won’t believe what I walked into yesterday!” Maria jumped up a bit in excitement. “Mrs. Ragsdale had me going to the janitor’s closet to get a new chair since Cindy Calen’s broke … oh, man that was so funny! Cindy just …”

“Maria!” Liz tried to interrupt her friend, knowing how easily Maria could start one topic and then start talking about another thing immediately. Of course, Maria didn’t even notice that Liz said something to her.

“… suddenly it made a loud crash and Cindy was …” Maria talked on, excitedly waving her hands around.

Grabbing one hand, Liz was able to stop Maria’s speech. “What?” the blonde asked.

“Maria, could we get back to walking in on something please?” Liz asked, maintaining eye contact in hopes of fully getting Maria’s attention.

”Oh right! Alex and Isabel! Well, when I got to the janitor’s closet and opened the door, who do you think I caught in a HEAVY make out session?”

“How would I know …” Liz’s eyes grew wide when realization hit her. “No way!”

“Oh yes! It’s true. Isabel and our sweet Alex. And they were really into it – they didn’t even notice me opening the door or closing it after a second.” Maria squealed.

”After a second?” Liz asked skeptically.

“Okay, maybe five or ten seconds.” Maria admitted with a shrug. “But come on – who would have thought that they have it in them?”

“If you and Michael aren’t careful, they might give you a run for your money when it comes to spending time in the eraser room.” Liz laughed, still not really believing that Alex and Isabel were obviously together again.

“No, they’ll hog the janitor’s closet while Michael and I cover the eraser room. I’m more concerned about you and Max – where will you be? In the bio lab?” Maria quipped back.

“Very funny, DeLuca. For you information, that only happened once and it was a purely innocent kiss.” Liz said before she realized what she just admitted. Afraid of what Maria might say, Liz raised her eyes to her best friend. She didn’t need to worry though since Maria was focusing on something behind Liz.

“I think we have a problem.” Maria said and motioned towards Alex and Isabel. When Liz turned around, she saw what Maria meant. Two very determined young aliens where standing there next to the couple, making them – especially Alex – look uncomfortable.

With an unspoken agreement, the two girls slowly made their way over to their four friends.

“God, I am so glad when this will be over.” Isabel muttered.

“Huh?” Alex asked confused. “What do you mean?”

Isabel’s sudden statement had jolted Alex out of concentrating on the feeling of Isabel’s leg against his. He had briefly contemplated holding her hand underneath the table, wondering if anyone would notice it. Isabel’s frustrated voice didn’t really fit into his musings.

“What’s wrong?” he asked again.

“This!” Isabel said. “Having to act all cold towards you when all I really want is to be with you in public. This is way harder than acting indifferent. It’s horrible to sit so close to you without being able to lean in to you.”

Alex let out a sigh. “I know what you mean. It’s like you are starving but can see food just out of your reach.”

“Yeah.” Isabel sighed.

After a moment of silence, Isabel said suddenly. “Liz and Maria are constantly looking at us.”

”Really?” Alex asked surprised.

“You didn’t notice?” Now Isabel was surprised. “They really were rather obvious with their staring. I can’t believe you didn’t take note of it.”

They both were looking at Maria and Liz now who were grinning back at them when they realized that they were caught staring.

“I have to admit that when I’m with you it’s rather hard for me to notice anyone or anything else but you.” Alex admitted, looking into Isabel’s eyes. Alex was rewarded with a beautiful smile and a loving sigh from his girlfriend

Both teens were abruptly brought out of their romantic moment when they heard Michael yell “What?”

”What’s up with him?” Alex asked.

“Who knows? Maybe some trouble with Maria or maybe Max told him that there won’t be any hockey this season.” Isabel mused with a shrug.

“Isabel.” Alex said warningly, making her look at him in surprise. “I’m afraid you are sitting a bit too close to me.” Alex told her with regret in his voice.

“God, I hate this!” Isabel said again.

After a quick look around, Alex reached out underneath the table and took Isabel’s hand into his and gave it a quick squeeze.

After Isabel looked to her brothers once again, she noticed that Liz and Maria’s attention was once again turned to the booth that she and Alex were occupying. “Now they are glaring at me.” She said, referring to the two girls behind the counter.

“Why would they first smile at us and then start glaring?” Alex asked perplexed.

“They not glaring at us, they are glaring at me.” Isabel explained. “They are probably worried about my intentions towards you.”

“Isabel …” Alex started to speak but was interrupted by his girlfriend. “It’s okay, Alex. Really. It just proves that we are great actors.” Isabel said, trying to assure Alex that Maria and Liz’s behavior didn’t bother her.

Now it was a yell from Max that vibrated through the small café and caught everyone by surprise.

“They seem to have an interesting conversation.” Alex remarked.

“I suppose. I just hope they aren’t talking about their sex lives.” Isabel muttered. Seeing Alex flinch at her words, she gave him an innocent smile. “What? You’re not keen on knowing how your best friends’ love lives are going on?”

”God no!” Alex exclaimed with yet another shudder.

“Why don’t we talk about something else?” Alex asked, desperate for a change of topic.

“For example?” Isabel asked teasingly.

“Hm, about … well, tomorrow’s Friday, so we could go out - only as friends of course.”

Isabel immediately lost all interest in teasing Alex and got excited about planning their date.
“We could go stargazing if the sky’s clear.” She offered cheerfully. “And have a picnic, so we don’t have to eat in a diner.”

Alex secretly congratulated himself for brightening Isabel’s spirit and successfully managing to get their conversation away from Maria, Liz and sex. “Or we could watch a movie and have a nice dinner or picnic afterwards and walk through the park underneath the stars.”

“That sounds great too!” Isabel said, already lost in thoughts of the upcoming date, wondering what outfit she should wear to knock Alex off his feet without it looking like she was out on a real date.

“Yeah and during that walk you can explain your intentions towards me – I don’t think you’ve done that so far.” Alex added with a mischievous grin.

”You are just hoping that there’ll be some making out after I tell you that.” Isabel shot back with a good natured smile. “I know how your mind works, Whitman!”

“Are you hinting that I have a one tracked mind?” Alex asked with a look of mock horror on his face. “I’ll have you know that you couldn’t be more wrong. After all, I’m an honorary girlfriend.”

Isabel let out a little laugh at that. “That’s exactly what’s worrying me. I mean, we both watch Sex and the City and believe me, Carry & Co. are the norm and no exception when it comes to girls talking about guys.”

Alex just stared at her for a moment, images of Isabel, Maria, Liz and Tess talking about guys flashing through his mind. “Oh god, I so don’t want to know what you and the other girls are talking about when you spend time together.” He moaned after a pause, making Isabel laugh.

“I don’t know about you, but I think we should …” Isabel began but was interrupted by her brother who suddenly appeared next to her and Alex.

“Talk.” Max finished the sentence for Isabel, causing her and Alex to jump in surprise.

“God Max!” Isabel said annoyed. “You really know how to scare someone.” Inwardly, she wondered how much her brother and Michael, who was standing behind Max, had heard of her and Alex’s conversation.

“Max, Michael, nice to see you!” Alex said cheerfully while still feeling confused, not really understanding why Max was glaring at him and Michael was looking like a kid before opening its Christmas presents. After all, it was normally Michael’s job to be the glaring alien.

Seeing Max still glaring in his direction, Alex briefly wondered whether the two boys somehow knew about him and Isabel being an item but quickly dismissed that thought, knowing that both he and Isabel had been extremely careful the whole time.

“So, what is it that you wanna talk about?” Isabel asked.

“Oh, nothing special.” Max vaguely replied. “Just … ordinary stuff, I guess.” He said while still glaring at Alex.

Isabel and Alex shared a confused look, not really understanding why Max and Michael were suddenly so intent on talking with the both of them.

“Ordinary stuff? Like our daily activities?” Alex asked, unsure what was more disconcerting, the sudden interest that both Max and Michael had taken in him and Izzy or the fact that Max was still glaring at him.

“Anything you two wanna tell us?” Max questioned with his arms crossed in front of him.

“Uh … nothing out of the … uh, ordinary is happening.” Alex got out. Seeing Max raise his eyebrows and Michael smirking, he added an uncertain, “I guess.”

“Why the sudden interest, Max?” Isabel asked, knowing how nervous Alex must feel.

“Michael and I were just talking and realized that we had no idea that things between the two of you are okay again, right Michael?”

“Indeed, Max, indeed.” Michael confirmed.

“Hey guys!” Maria said cheerfully as she and Liz joined their friends.

“Hello Maria! Hello Liz!” Alex greeted his friends relieved, hoping for the first time ever that Max and Michael would turn their full attention to the two girls and leave him and Isabel alone.

“What are you talking about?” Liz asked after kissing Max hello.

“I have no idea.” Isabel muttered.

“We’re talking about Isabel and Whitman.” Michael said at the same moment.

“Oh, really?” Maria asked her boyfriend, suddenly having a suspicion why Max was staring daggers at one of her best friends and when Michael averted his gaze, she knew that he told Max about Alex and Isabel dating again.

“What about us?” Isabel snapped, annoyed about her brother’s weird behavior while meeting Max’s glare with one of her own.

Not backing down, Max fired back, “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you could tell us how long it is that you and Whitman have been spending time in the janitor’s closet again?”

Isabel’s mouth dropped open in shock and Alex let out a surprised, “What?”

Turning his attention fully to the guy who was corrupting his innocent sister, Max said in full big-brother-don’t-mess-with-my-sister-mode, “Yeah. Maria saw you all over my sister and the two of us are going to have a talk about that one, Whitman. A very long and intense talk.”

Alex hoped for the ground to open and swallow him up so he wouldn’t have to sit here under Max’s protective gaze. Isabel on the other hand turned her attention to Maria. “You saw us in the janitor’s closet? I think I’d remember that!”

Despite the glare the taller blond sent her way, Maria couldn’t help the grin that was spreading on her face. “Well, you did seem rather occupied with Alex so you didn’t notice me and I didn’t want to force you to interrupt your … uh, activities. Besides, I was as quiet as a mouse.” Maria added the last comment as an afterthought, ignoring Michael’s snort at that for now.

Alex and Isabel shared a surprised look. They had both firmly believed that they had been careful, obviously, they had been wrong.

Trying to break the silence, Maria cheerfully said, “By the way, I’m really glad that you are together again. It’s about time.”

After sharing a look with her boyfriend, Isabel slowly said, “About that, we … I mean Alex and I, we need to tell you something else.”

“There’s even more?” Max asked surprised.

“Oh my God! Whitman knocked you up!” Michael cried, luckily not too loud.

“What?” Now it was Max who cried out but unlike Michael’s cry, the whole restaurant could hear it.

“Michael!” Maria hit her boyfriend on the shoulder for that comment.

“Hey! I just wanted to help.” Michael defended himself. When everyone stared at him in disbelief he continued, “I mean, whatever they want to say, it can’t get worse, can it?”

Letting out a collective groan, the group turned back to Isabel, anxious to hear what she wanted to tell them.

“You can relax Max, I don’t want to tell you something like that.” Isabel reassured her brother who relaxed visibly. “Max, before we’ll tell you everything you’d better stop glaring at Alex or you will have some interesting dreams about Ryan Phillippe and N’SYNC.” Isabel warned her brother sweetly.

Knowing a threat when he heard one, Max moved his glare from Alex to the table.

“What do you want to tell us?” Liz asked.

“Alex and I,” Isabel started, “have been together since …”

“Isabel’s birthday party!” Alex said quickly before his girlfriend could finish with the truth.

Everyone, including Isabel, looked at Alex in surprise. Isabel because of both being rudely interrupted and because of what Alex had said. The others because they hadn’t expected to hear something like this.

“You’ve been together since then?” Liz asked. “But that was weeks ago. Why didn’t you tell us?” She finished, sounding a little hurt.

Alex tried to avoid looking at Isabel, knowing that she’d only be confused by his actions. He turned his focus to the group, trying to explain his comments to them and Isabel.

“Liz, guys, we didn’t tell you because … well, the whole thing was complicated and telling you would have forced us to explain things we couldn’t really explain – not even to ourselves.” Alex couldn’t believe what he was talking about, hoping that his words sounded more rational to his friends than they did to him. “Besides, a certain blonde girl never seemed too fond of Isabel and me dating.” Alex hoped that the group would concentrate on that last sentence and forget about the nonsense from earlier.

“You know that she never wanted any of us to date, Alex!” Maria cried out. “What’s so special about you two?” She asked in a calmer voice.

Sharing a glance with her boyfriend, Isabel answered, “Nothing is … but … keeping it between only the two of us, meant that there was no way for Tess to even start bothering us since to her, we are only friends.”

“You could have told us.” Michael stated. “You should know that we wouldn’t have told Tess if that had been what you wanted.”

Looking guilty because of what her friends said was true and the fact that they were still lying, Isabel said, “We know that, believe me we do but … back then, it seemed the best solution. I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you or make you feel left out.” Isabel said the last in a whisper, clearly upset about hurting her brothers and friends.

“I’m sorry too.” Alex said. “We really didn’t mean to hurt you but with Tess around … besides, I really didn’t want to be cornered by Max because of his big brother status so soon, especially after my performance at Isabel’s birthday party.”

“You do realize that we’ll have that talk pretty soon now, don’t you?” Max asked.

Alex gulped, “Really?”

“Very soon.” Michael added, glaring at the musician.

“All I have to say is N’SYNC, boys.” Isabel said casually, taking pity on Alex even though he still owed her an explanation.

“So, you’ve really been together since October?” Maria asked again. Seeing Alex and Isabel nod in agreement, she continued, “And you are happy, no going out with older men again?”

“God No!” Isabel said vehemently, suppressing a shudder at the thought of Grant.

“Good.” Maria replied, looking at Isabel for a moment before nodding contently.

”What about you Whitman?” Michael asked.

“Nope, I have no intentions to meet older men either.” Alex quipped back, making the others grin.

“Haha, very funny.” Michael growled, feeling his face flush a bit. “You know what I mean! Any intentions of going out with older women?”

“Actually, since you mention it, I’m already dating a woman who’s older than me, aren’t I?” Alex answered, referring to Isabel being a few months older than him and to her initial existence since 1947.

“Are you saying I’m old?” Isabel asked surprised.

“No, no, NO!” Alex immediately told his girlfriend not believing what he had just said. Then he turned to Michael who looked pretty pleased with himself, “Thanks.”

“Chill Alex, I’m only kidding.” Isabel reassured the frantic boy beside her, then she turned to Michael, “And Sweet Dreams to you!”

Michael just groaned in defeat, causing the two human girls next to him to giggle.

After a few moments, Liz sobered up again, “Why didn’t you tell us about being a couple again?” she asked, not really content with Alex’s earlier babbling.

Having their friends’ full attention again, Alex and Isabel were unsure how to explain their actions and making it sound logical. After a brief pause Alex realized that Isabel didn’t intend to start the explanation, probably because Alex told their friends another lie when he said he and Isabel had been dating since Isabel’s birthday.

“Well, we didn’t want Tess to know. We are aware that she isn’t happy about any human-alien relationships but we didn’t want to constantly … defend and explain our decision to her so we took the easy way out. It wasn’t fair to you guys but … we thought it was the best way to deal with it at the time.”

Alex looked to Isabel who, to his relief, nodded in agreement.

Maria was the first to speak. “Okay, I understand your motivations even though I don’t agree with them. I mean, you are together and you care about each other, yet you don’t stand up for your relationship. It’s as if you are ashamed.”

Maria paused for a moment, wanting to make sure that her two friends understood what she was trying to say. Judging by their guilty faces, they did. Reassured, the smaller blonde continued, “Good. I see you get what I mean, so act on it! When you see Tess again, tell her about your relationship and don’t take any crap from her. Be proud! You have us four on your side and I’m sure that Kyle doesn’t have a problem with it either.”

“We will.” Alex answered with a smile, gracefully accepting the kiss on the forehead he received from his oldest friend.

“And we’re really sorry for lying to you.” Isabel told the group again, feeling really horrible about it and for one second she wondered if Vilandra’s betrayal had started like this too. Then she felt Michael giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze along with Alex smiling his goofiest and Isabel immediately forgot everything Vilandra related and basked in the knowledge of having these incredible people as her friends and family.

“Well Spaceboy, we better head back to work before Mr. P. starts getting nervous about all those waiting customers.” Maria said before waving farewell to the others and dragging Michael with her.

“I have to get back to work too.” Liz said regretfully.

“We are also leaving.” Isabel told her brother who was surprised about being left alone all of sudden.

Alex was equally surprised. “We’re leaving?” he asked. When he saw Isabel’s warning look, he quickly added, “I mean, yeah, we are leaving, of course.”

He quickly got to his feet and helped Isabel into her coat before waving goodbye to Max and following Isabel out of the Crashdown, holding the door open for her of course.

Alex and Isabel walked in silence for a few minutes. They were silent but happy because for the first time in months they were walking arm in arm through the town. Isabel was the first to break the comfortable silence. “Let’s sit down over there.” Isabel suggested, motioning to a secluded bench a few feet away from them.

After they sat down, Isabel took Alex’s hand in hers, unable to stop smiling because she was feeling so carefree.

“I guess I owe you an explanation.” Alex said after a moment.

”Yes.” Isabel confirmed. Her smile now faded. “I thought we wanted to tell them the truth and not start lying all over again.”

Alex was quiet for a minute, wanting to voice his thoughts correctly. “I know that was our plan Isabel but … you saw how they reacted to us, well me, telling them that we are dating since your birthday. Considering how messed up things were between Max and Liz and Michael and Maria during the summer and how at least Michael and Maria seem to be doing fine again … I … I mean, if we had told them that we never broke up and were together the whole time and lied to them for almost half a year then …” Alex trailed of, pretty sure that he made his point clear and hoping that Isabel understood him.

“Oh.” Isabel managed to slip out as she finally understood Alex’s reason for lying again. “I hadn’t thought about that.” ‘Maria would’ve killed us’, Isabel thought to herself. “When do we tell them then?”

“We don’t have to tell them.” Alex replied casually.

“What? You can’t be serious, Alex!” Isabel cried out shocked.

“Why not? It won’t be the end of the world if they don’t know that we never broke up, besides, I wouldn’t know how to explain that to them anyway.” Alex replied defensively.

“I hate lying to them, Alex.” Isabel said quietly.

“Me too, sweetie, me too.” Alex said with a sigh, pulling Isabel closer.

“Maybe they’d understand.” Isabel whispered, snuggling closer to Alex.

“And maybe they won’t.” Alex replied gravely. “I mean, they took what we told them rather hard and that was a light version of the truth. Telling them that we lied to them since May is a bit harder for them to take than telling them that we lied to them for just a few weeks.”

Isabel hated to admit it but Alex was right but that still didn’t make her feel any better about it.

“Besides,” Alex continued, “It’s not as though them not knowing that little fact is a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with the skins or something. Our relationship is mainly our concern and has nothing to do with how we deal with enemies. Compared to the importance of the Granolith or the orbs or the knowledge of where you are from, it is really unimportant.”

”We are not unimportant.” Isabel said with a pout.

“Of course we are.” Alex replied with a grin and a quick peck on Isabel’s lips. “But compared with some other things, we aren’t *that* important, that’s all.”

“I’m not happy about it but I guess you’re right.” Isabel admitted after thinking about Alex’s words. Looking up at the cloudy sky, Isabel couldn’t help thinking about Vilandra again. She was lying to her family – just like Vilandra did. She was doing it for her love – just like Vilandra did. Isabel was pretty sure that she’d do anything to protect Alex, even killing someone again if necessary but she hoped it would never come to that. Also, Alex would never want her to kill someone – unlike Kivar and the lie he wanted them to stick to was really harmless.

‘I’m not Vilandra!’ Isabel thought firmly. ‘I have different DNA and different surroundings, which makes me a whole different person. Lonnie is the best proof for that. Besides, Alex would never let me turn into a second Vilandra or Lonnie.’

Isabel shifted a bit so she could look directly into Alex’s eyes. Alex looked back at her, a soft smile on his lips. Running a hand down his left cheek, Isabel said, “I love you, Alex.” Grinning back at Isabel, Alex, of course, repeated Isabel’s declaration of love before capturing her lips in a fierce kiss. Coming up for breath again, the couple stayed close to each other, enjoying the other’s presence.

“This is nice. Being with you like this in public.” Alex said softly.

“Yeah, we should’ve told them sooner.” Isabel agreed, feeling a bit down again as she thought about the others.

Noticing her mood swing, Alex squeezed her gently to get her attention. “Hey, don’t do this! I know you hate lying to them but in a few weeks no one will talk about it anymore. Besides, we won’t do anything like that again. Concentrate on the positive side instead. We can stop the subterfuge and date openly.”

Alex’s happy and carefree attitude was infectious and Isabel had to smile back at her – now official – boyfriend. “You’re right.”

“Of course I am.” Alex stated cockily, earning himself a light elbow in the ribs for that remark. “Hey!” He cried out in mock outrage. “Careful! I bruise easily.”

“Poor baby.” Isabel mocked him and kissed his neck before resting her head on his shoulder. “No stars tonight.” She commented after looking at the cloudy sky again.

“I don’t need stars. I have you.” Alex replied, pleased when he saw Isabel smile. “So, since we are now officially dating, we should go on a date.” Alex suggested.


”Yeah. Maybe watching a movie and eating at Chez Pierre first.”

“And you’d come to my place and pick me up?” Isabel asked.

“Of course. I’ll even bring flowers.” Alex said resolutely.

“Of course you’ll also chat with my dad while you wait for me.” Isabel said sweetly.

“What?” Alex asked, sitting upright in panic. “But … but you are his daughter and he’s your father.”

“I’m aware of that, Alex.” Isabel said amused by Alex’s antics. “You do know that having a talk with my dad is overdue, don’t you? He won’t kill you.”


“Yes, I promise.” Isabel replied smiling. “Just be your normal, charming and kind self and you won’t have anything to worry about.”

“I can’t be charming enough to make your father forget that I’m going out with you and will get a kiss when the evening’s over.” Alex replied.

“Oh, you expect a kiss at the end of the night?” Isabel asked innocently.

“Absolutely.” Alex stated calmly.

“Good.” Isabel said and gave Alex a peck on the lips. “I’ll talk to my dad and I’ll make sure that he won’t do any bodily harm to you.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Alex said relieved. “Do you want to head back to the Crashdown or home or …” Alex trailed off, unsure what his princess wanted to do.

“How about we stay for a bit longer and then we walk back to the Crashdown?”

“Sure, why not? It is still warm enough to stay outside for a few minutes longer.” Alex said agreeing.

So, they stayed in the park for half an hour longer, not caring who might see them before they walked back to the Crashdown hand in hand since Isabel didn’t want Alex to catch a cold before their first official date.

The End.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Posted a short one parter in the CC section Written Words a response to the latest Stargazer Newsletter Challenge and am currently working on the following challenge by killjoy:

In junior high Isabel Evans was a geeky tomboy with braces.Other than her brother and her cousin Michael her only true friend at all was fellow geek outcast and best friend Alex Whitman.

The two were inseparable for years.

That is until the summer before their first year of high school.While Alex was away for the summer Isabel hit a growth spurt.

She lost her geeky side when the braces came off,her curves filled out and her breast came out....really came out.

So much to her surprise when she hit high school her looks catapulted Isabel into the popular crowd.But sadly this new experience of being popular went to Isabel's head and she quickly forgot her true best friend.

Now years later high school is almost over but Isabel is in trouble.She's failing a class and without it she won't graduate.So who does the teacher get to be Isabel's tutor?

Yep you guessed it old Alex.


Maria and Liz took Alex under their wing at the beginning of high school after Isabel dumped him.So there for starting the friendship trio than.

Michael is Max and Isabel's cousin.

When someone in the popular crowd is mean to Alex,Maria stands up for him.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Posted the first part to killjoy's challenge over at the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star board I Remember You
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Posted a short Adult :shock: story called "Studying" (Stargazer of course)
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Posted the 2nd part of my story "I Remember You" in the AU without Aliens section
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posted part three of I Remember You in the AU/wo aliens board
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posted part 5 of "I Remember You" :D
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Posted part 8 of I Remember You
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posted part 9 of I Remember You in the AU without Aliens section


i'll be on vacation for almost three weeks now so I won't be posting again until the middle-end of July
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