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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 10

First Song by Serena - When You Kiss Me by Shania Twain – Album Up!
Second Song by Serena – Here With Me by Michelle Branch – Album In the Spirit Room


We finally pull up to the building and I can honestly say I feel sick.

What if Max isn’t up there? What if he his? Can I do this? What if he doesn’t ever want to see me or be in the same room as me? Okay Liz, calm down you are not even going to see him because you will be outside remember? Right, I finally breathe a sigh of relief.

“Okay Liz, wish me luck.”

I put my arms around her and give her a squeeze, “Luck.”

“I’ll just be right out here.”

“Okay.” She then turns to enter the building. I really wish I was stronger for her, she is so nervous but I know she will do good.


Serena POV

Although she didn’t come inside, I’m still glad that she decided to stay for me. I still can’t believe that it’s her Maria, I mean I guess I figured it’s LA, big enough place for someone to get lost in. I guessed wrong.

I walk up to the receptionist’s desk, boy I have seen many of these in my lifetime, those didn’t turn out so good, and I hope this one does.

“Hi, yes my name is Serena Winters and I have an appointment to see Mrs. Guerin please.” I am so nervous I need to calm down otherwise I will really screw myself.

The receptionist asks me to wait a moment while she verifies. I see her pick up this red phone on the side of her desk and proceeds to tell who ever is on the other side of it that I am here.

“You may go right up, take the second elevator on your right to the 20th floor, someone will be there to greet you.”

“Thank you.” I say already walking towards the elevators before she changes her mind.

“Your welcome.”

Once I reach the 20th floor the doors open up and I’m greeted by Maria, she leads me down this long hallway into a very large room. She told me to take a seat and that she would be right back. I take this opportunity to look around the room from my seat.

There are two glass doors that lead into the massive room. It has a long cherry oak table with at least a dozen or so chairs, what I believe is a plasma TV, DVD player and a lot of electronic equipment, wow it’s huge. Adorning the walls are pictures of artists I am very familiar with. I can only hope that one day I would be hanging with them as well.

I didn’t have much time to ponder that idea because the glass doors that are now situated behind me open up and reveal Maria and two very good looking men.

‘I wonder if one of them is Max’.

“Serena, I would like to introduce you to Michael Guerin.” I stood up and reached out to shake Michaels now outreached hand. He was a little scruffy but professional all the same, his hair was spiked at the top and it is a sandy brown color, kind of matched his eyes exactly.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” He says while smiling at me. I think I am finally not nervous, this is turning out better than I thought.

“And this is Max Evans.” Aha! Boy Liz wasn’t kidding when she said Max was fine, but no words could compare to the live and in the flesh version. The first thing you notice about Max Evans, is his eyes, then his body and then his smile.

I reached out my hand to shake his hand as well.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” I say to him


Michael POV

“Please take a seat.” I gesture her towards a chair. I would hope that she is prepared to sing, although we have heard her demo we always like to hear the live version before we talk negotiations. People have been known to fake it and have someone else sing on the demo but in reality the person we were interviewing couldn’t.

“Okay first things first we would like to hear you sing a song for us, just to be sure.” I say to her.

“Ah, okay sure, is there any song in particular?”

“No anything that you feel comfortable singing right now.” Max says and gives her an encouraging smile.

“Okay.” And she proceeds to sing…

This could be it, I think I'm in love
It's love this time
It just seems to fit, I think I'm in love
This love is mine

I can see you with me when I'm older
All my lonely night are finally over
You took the weight of the world off my
shoulders (the world just goes away)

Oh, when you kiss me

I know you miss me--
and when you're with me
The world just goes away
The way you hold me
The way you show me that you
adore me--oh, when you kiss me
Oh, yeah

You are the one, I think I'm in love
Life has begun

I can see the two of us together
I know I'm gonna be with you forever
Love couldn't be any better

Oh, when you kiss me

I know you miss me--
and when you're with me
The world just goes away
The way you hold me
The way you show me that you
adore me--oh, when you kiss me
Oh, yeah

I can see you with me when I'm older
All my lonely nights are finally over
You took the weight of the world off my
shoulders (the world just goes away)

And when you kiss me
I know you miss me
Oh, the world just goes away
When you kiss me

Wow this girl can sing and the song was amazing. I wonder if she wrote it? Questions later.

“That was really great, you have an amazing voice.” This came from my lovely wife.

“Yes, I agree but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind singing another song, preferable not a ballad, just so we can have much clearer picture of your capabilities?” Max asked he likes to put some pressure on, which is good.

“Ah, sure but would you possibly have a guitar lying around that I could use? I mean I can do it without but you will get the full impact if I do.”

“Yeah sure, Maria could you please get her one?” I ask.

“Sure, I’ll be right back.” With Maria gone we decide to ask her some of our questions.



“So how long have you been singing?” I ask her.

“Oh, ever since I was 6 years old.”

“Really that’s a long time, how old are you now?”

“I’m 21 and yes that is a long time.” She says with a slight laugh.

“So do you have a manager or agent?” I ask her wondering why she’s not here with them now, usually people come with some type of representation.

“Ah well see I…I.”


Serena POV

What the hell am I supposed to say, yes or no? I don’t know…

“Here you go.” Thank god for Maria’s timing.

She hands me the guitar and I proceed to sing another one of Liz’s songs. I wonder if he knows that first one was about him and that this one is as well? Probably not…and so I begin…

It's been a long, long time since I looked into the mirror
I guess that I was blind
Now my reflection's getting clearer
Now that you're gone things will never be the same again

There's not a minute that goes by every hour of every day
You're such a part of me
But I just pulled away
Well, I’m not the same girl
You used to know
I wish I said the words I never showed

I know you had to go away
I died just a little, and I feel it now
You're the one I need
I believe that I would cry just a little
Just to have you back now
Here with me
Here with me

You know that silence is loud when all you hear is your heart
And I wanted so badly just to be a part of something strong and true
But I was scared and left it all behind

I know you had to go away
I died just a little, and I feel it now
You're the one I need
I believe that I would cry just a little
Just to have you back now
Here with me
Here with me

And I’m asking
And I’m wanting you to come back to me

I never will forget that look upon
Your face
How you turned away and left
Without a trace
But I understand that you did what you had to do
And I thank you

I know you had to go away
I died just a little, and I feel it now
You're the one I need
I believe that I would cry just a little
Just to have you back now
Here with me
Here with me



After she was done, I was ready to fly out of my chair, the girl can sing and the songs are just…amazing. I wonder if they’re hers?

When I first heard her demo, I was blown away by the songs, it was like each word she sang was reaching out to me, pulling me into it.

“I was wondering and this is something we would need to know anyway, but the songs are they yours?”

She is looking at me but not really at me, more like through me.

“What’s that?” She asks, yup not paying attention.

“I asked you if the songs were yours.”

“No, they are not, a good friend of mine writes the songs.”

“Okay then just give us the contact information so that if need be, we can clear the deal with them about using the songs.”

“Well, I…she’s…she actually came with me today.”


Serena POV

What the hell was I thinking, why did I just say that? Oh well, too late to turn back now.

“She is? Well then where is she and does she have a name?” Max asks me. Oh no! Does he know? No that’s impossible.

I’m sure that from their end I now look like a deer caught in the headlights so I quickly answer,

“Um her name is…ahh….Honey! Yes that’s her name.” Like I’m trying to convince myself more then them. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding in.

“Oh I have heard of her before, I’ve never seen her but she writes some amazing songs.” Maria says.

“Okay well can you go and get her?” Max asks me.

“Ger her like right now?” I think I’m going to be sick for real.

“Yes, that will help move everything along quicker.” Michael added.

“Um, okay well I guess I’ll be back in a few minutes.” That is if Liz doesn’t kill me first.

“Okay great just come back to this room.” Max says. If he only knew. Okay Sere, time to face the music.

I am headed towards the elevators trying to get up enough courage to have what is going to be a very bad confrontation with Liz. Here goes nothing.



I feel like I have been standing for hours when in fact it has only been about an hour and it starts to rain. Just my luck!

“Oh great just want I need.” I say to myself and decided that I can’t stand outside any longer, I head inside to the lobby. I will just have a seat and wait for Serena.

‘I hope this doesn’t take forever.’ I am having a very unnerving feeling creeping up. It’s probably just my nerves.


Serena POV

I hope the elevator breaks and I get stuck up on this floor forever.


Damn so much for another favor.

As I step into the elevator I hear,

“Serena wait up a minute.” I groan inwardly, oh man this is going to be bad.

“I’ll just come down with you so you guys don’t have any problems coming back up.”

“Okay Maria, that would be great.” Liz is going to KILL me for sure.



I am sitting in a very uncomfortable chair in this lobby and I decide to get up and stretch my legs and walk around a bit. I am hoping that Serena doesn’t take much longer. I don’t want to run the risk of running into anyone.

A few minutes later the elevator sounds and the door opens to reveal Serena.

“Serena, finally I was starting to get nervous that I might run…” I stopped mid sentence because once Serena moved off the elevator I heard an all to familiar voice.


“Hi, Maria.” Oh God!

TBC…Thanks for reading!
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 11

Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 11

Maria POV

When I stepped off the elevator I heard a voice and I immediately knew it was her. What was she doing here?

I don’t have to wait long to find out that answer because Serena begins to speak.

“Liz, I am so sorry but they…they like your songs and wanted to use them but they needed your permission or something.”

‘Her songs?’ I am really confused…she’s…Honey?

“Liz?” I say

“Hi, Maria.” Oh this is bad really…really bad. I am in shock right now, I haven’t seen her in seven years. And things didn’t end on good terms so what else can I say but,

“Hi, Liz how are you?”

‘How are you? Should I even care? This is the girl that broke my best friends heart.

“Good, I’m doing good and you? Good, well at least someone is, oh she’s waiting for an answer.

“Great, I’m doing great, everything is great.” Yeah laying it on pretty thick Maria.

Talk about awkward conversation here. Thank goodness Serena started talking otherwise it would have turned into the world’s longest staring match.

“Liz, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah, Sere I think we need to talk.” Boy Liz looks pissed.

“I’ll just wait over here.” I say pointing to the empty chair at the end of the lobby.



I am so pissed at Serena right now, what the hell is this girl thinking? Max is upstairs and she wants me to go up there and meet with him. She must have hit her head on the elevator door or pulled muscle while she was singing, she cannot be serious!

“Liz, please just let me explain.”

“Explain! Serena, Max is upstairs, my Max, do you have any idea what that means?” I am yelling and I know Maria can hear me, but she’s doing a really good job of looking like she’s not paying attention.

“Serena, look I know how important this is to you but I just can’t go up there.”

“Liz, yes you can you said it yourself, you want to move past it…him and what a better way then to face this head on.”

“Face this head on!” I am screaming right now my hands are waving in the air and I know that my temperature has just skyrocketed but I don’t give a damn.

“You have no idea what I put him through so don’t even begin to tell me to just face this head on!” Oops did I just say that, well remember I said I had to keep something to myself? Well…

She gives me an incredulous look and I know I’m going to pay for that one.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

‘Ring Ring’ That was Maria’s cell phone. Saved by the bell…for now.


Maria POV

Wow, she’s not past him. Interesting and she still feels bad, as she should but still…

‘Ring Ring’ Damn cell phone, it was just getting good!

“Hello….Michael…hey how’s it going?” Hey I’m under pressure what else would you expect me to say... ‘Oh hey I’ll be up in a minute as soon as Liz, that’s right Liz Parker gets done ripping into Serena.’ See what I mean?

‘How’s it going Maria? You were just supposed to go downstairs not another city, where the hell are you?’ Oh no, he is not yelling at me.

“Michael, I will get there when I get there and keep yelling and you will find yourself cuddling up with the couch…in the GUEST HOUSE!”

‘Okay babe just hurry okay?’

“Much better, see you in a few minutes.”

I end the call and take a deep breath preparing myself for one of the most stressful situations I have ever been in.

I approach the two girls who are just standing there looking at one another, it seems like they are having an internal conversation with their eyes.


Serena POV

Liz is damn lucky that cell phone went off.

I cannot believe she lied to me again! Doesn’t she know that lies are what destroyed her relationship with Max? And it’s not helping hers with me either right now.

You would think she would have learned her lesson, but I guess not.

I understand that she is mad but she’s been giving me this speech that she has moved past him – What a liar! She still loves him and if she wants to live her life she needs to face him and get everything out in the open. If there is nothing left then she can walk away knowing that she tried instead of being a coward.

I know that her life has not been easy but she hasn’t ever tried to help herself either.

She writes these great songs but won’t sing them. Instead she’s okay hiding behind a fictitious name.

I know she thinks she doesn’t deserve any happiness and has lived her life in a way that doesn’t allow her to be happy or even find happiness.

I think she messed up but if she can’t be with Max, she should try to be with someone, try and live her life and experience happiness again…but she won’t…I know her.



I know I overreacted with Serena, I mean what was she supposed to do?

It was inevitable. Our paths were going to cross eventually. I was just hiding out being the coward I know I am.

But I can’t help it. I know I’ve been giving myself the ‘I’m over him’ speech, but if I’m honest with myself…I’m not.

That’s the reason why I have never seen him or even tried. I knew where he was but I knew if I saw him and he rejected me…which I totally deserve.

That would be it, I would have no choice but to really give up and I’m not ready for that…I can’t help it.


Maria POV

“Guys, I’m sorry but we really need to get going, they are waiting.” I tell them.

“Okay.” Serena says to me and walks to the elevators.

They are obviously good friends. I’m finding myself glad that Liz has had someone…

‘Why do I care? I mean after all the girl is a cheater…but a damn good songwriter’ I shrug my shoulders it has been a long time and people do change.

God, look at her she looks sick and looks like she’s going to breakdown any minute. I can’t help it, I reach out my hand to my once friend and say…

“Liz, it’s going to be okay, you can do this.” I give her a reassuring smile. Although I know that I’m full of shit, Max is going to flip out to say the least.

“I know Maria, but this is really hard for me.” She says and I can see the tears in her eyes she is fighting to hold back.

“It’s now or never I tell her.” Literally.

“Okay.” She takes a deep breath and starts walking towards the elevators, where Serena is waiting.

TBC…on next post.
Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sat May 08, 2004 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 12

Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 12


As I step out of the elevator, I wonder if this is a nightmare? If so, I really hope I wake up soon.

I hear the ‘Ding’ of the elevator. I take a very deep breath ‘this is it’ how ironic that those words are now haunting my thoughts now.

Okay Liz, you knew this would have happened sooner or later.

God, why couldn’t it be later? Focus Liz….focus.

We are walking down this long hall at the end I can see these glass doors. Through them I can see a long table and chairs…is that where we are going?

I can feel my heart in my throat and my stomach running a close second to that…literally.

As we approach the glass doors, I can hear muffled voices, which I can only assume belong to Max and Michael.

I feel the tears and I am trying so very hard to close my eyes and force them back.

Maria is in front followed by Serena, she reaches for the doors and I hear,

“Finally.” This comes from Michael.

“Are you sure you took the elevator downstairs Maria? Or did you get lost again?” Max says with a small chuckle. Well at least he still has his sense of humor, that’s good.

I turn and enter through the doors and the laughter that once filled the room became stagnant.

I see him, god he is still the most beautiful thing I have every seen…older, more mature, but still beautiful.

He takes in a loud gasp of air and says,



“What the fuck are you doing here?”



When she walks in I think it’s a dream but I turn to look at Michael’s face and then to see Maria’s apologetic expression and I know it’s not a dream.

God she still looks so beautiful, her hair is longer but I’m sure just as soft, her eyes are still as bright and expressive as I remember but they are saying so much more…what? I don’t know…just more. I say still not believing my eyes,



She used to be able to get me to do anything when she would say my name that way.

Snap out of it Max, she’s got a lot of nerve showing her face here.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Get out!”

“Max, please I’m just here for Serena.”

“Serena, what does she have to do with this?” I just answered my own question. She’s the songwriter Serena was talking about.

“I don’t give a shit Liz, get out!”

“Max relax, you wanted the songwriter well here she is.” Maria says to me and I am now giving her a death glare.

“Okay, not the best choice of words.” Michael says to Maria, I know she’s trying to control the situation but that is just not possible.

“Maria, please stay out of this.” I say to her but she’s not going to listen to me.


Maria POV

“Max, look you like Serena’s voice right? Right.” I don’t even give him a chance to answer. Max is stubborn though but I at least have to try.

He pushes his chair back with every intention of walking out but Michael holds him for a minute.

“Maxwell just calm down and hear her out.”

“Fine.” Max says through a clenched jaw.

“You wanted to sign her but now although things seem complicated, they really aren’t. Liz just needs to give us permission, which I’m sure she won’t have a problem with, right Liz?”

“Yes Maria, Serena can…I mean you guys have my permission to use any songs Serena brings with her and that are on her demo, if you need me to sign something I will.” She quickly lets that statement pass her lips. I can see she is struggling to keep it together.

“Well Liz.” Oh no, Max has lost the last of his patients.

“That’s so humble of you but what the hell makes you think we would want anything from you? For all I care you can crawl back into the hole you’ve been hiding in for 7 years, either way I wouldn’t give a damn. And since when do you give a shit about anyone else or their feelings or what they might need from you?”

He turns to address Serena,

“Look I’m sorry but this arrangement is not going to work.” With that statement he storms past me, Serena and practically runs Liz over.

Things just got really complicated.

TBC….let me know what you think! I won’t post again until next week… if my willpower holds out that long :D
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 13

Rain falls down like your alibi
Thought you held the stars in the sky
Till I found your love
Was a lie

And I lost the life
And the days with you my love

All your lines I cannot erase
Pull your fingers from round my brain
But you put this hate
In my eyes

But I love the scars
Of the days with you my love

Till I found your love
Was a lie

But I love the scars
Of the days with you my love

Fuel – Days With You – Album -Natural Selection


I had to get the hell out of there. Just seeing her again now was too much for me. I mean I had no time to react. I know I shouldn’t have blown up at her like that in front of everyone, but when I saw her again everything came back full force.

I cannot believe she picks now to show up in my life. She has lived here for years and never came around, yes I could have but I didn’t leave, she did.

I don’t even know how I feel right now, I was just starting to move on with my life, I have a girlfriend, no I’m not in love but I’m actually happy and I haven’t been for years. Why does this have to happen now?

I enter my house…alone finally. I used to live with Maria and Michael but after that last date incident in the living room with Maria I had to get out of there. It was that night that I decided, it was time to let go so I did…at least I tried to.

I mean how do you just let go when there was so much between us. I guess if we just broke up and it was mutual that would be one thing but we made plans for the future.

God, I was having a great day and then…’Ring, Ring’. That’s my cell phone


‘Hello sweetie.’

“Oh hey Nikki, what’s going on?”

‘Hey Max, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time, but I just wanted to know what time you are picking me up tonight.’

“Well I figured I’d be there about six is that okay for you?”

‘Yeah that’s great, I’m leaving work early so I’ll be ready by the time you get to my house.’

“Okay six it is then.”

‘See you then.’


I fall back against my pillows, why when I start to live a seemingly normal life everything comes crashing back down on me?

Well I need to get out of this rut within the next couple of hours, I have to pick Nicole up for our anniversary. I’ve been dating her for six months today and I thought it would be nice to celebrate. I like her a lot and we have a good time together in fact she’s the only other person I have slept with besides Liz. But it’s not love…I don’t know I can’t explain it.

I live with what she did to me everyday, I think back to that night she left. When I found out I went home and cried like a baby…I know not the most masculine thing to do but what was I supposed to do? I was going to propose to her that night.

7 Years Ago

“Maria, please will you just help me out?”

“Max, would you just give me a minute, I’ll be right there.”

I am so nervous we are graduation in two days and right now I’m hoping to recruit Maria to help me get Liz’s surprise.

“Okay Max, I’m all yours, how can I help you?”

“Maria, can you sit down for a minute, I need to ask you for a favor.” I tell her, I don’t know why I’m nervous I have thought about this for so long, practically driving myself crazy and all.

“Shoot Max, I’m all ears.” I take a deep breath and begin.

“I can’t think of another person I would want to share this with.”

“I’m glad Max, but do you want to let a girl in on your secret?”

“Well I would if said girl would stop interrupting me.” I say with a smile, she knows I’m kidding.

“Go on.”

“Well.” I clear my throat.

“I am going to ask Liz to marry me after graduation…I mean we aren’t getting married yet but we are going to moving in together and…” Here it comes, I already know that expression on Maria’s face.

“Awww I’m so happy for you!”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yes really what kind of question is that? Max you and Liz belong together, you guys love each other so much. What’s not to be happy about?”

“You’re right.” I say with a huge smile on my face, I am so happy right now.

“Okay so what’s the favor?” She says to me and she looks like a kid on Christmas morning.

“Well, I wanted to know if you could come with me to the jeweler to help me decide what ring to get her?”

“It would be my honor Max.” She said that so seriously, I wanted to laugh because that was no Maria’s style.

I spoke to soon because now she is jumping up and down clapping her hands together.

“Shall we?” I ask pointing towards the door keys in hand.

“We shall!”

It’s almost five and I need to go and get ready for my date with Nicole. God this is going to be hard, I never told her about my relationship with Liz. I try to pretend it didn’t happen when I’m with her. I guess that’s why I can have sex with her but I can’t make love to her. When I’m with her it’s purely physical not emotional at all. I know it’s not fair but I told her from the beginning I’m not ready for a serious relationship and she so far has respected that.

Okay I guess I spoke to soon because I thought my day started off great, then I see Liz and it turns to shit and then my date with Nicole ends even worse.

Let me explain, we go out to dinner, which was fine. She says that she wants to talk to me and asked if we could come back to my place. Which was fine with me, I really didn’t feel like being around a lot of people.

We settle in the living room and then the bricks begin to fall again…


“Max, I wanted you know that even though we have only been together for six months they have been the best I have experienced in a long while.”

“I know for me too.” I say, not really sure where this conversation is going.

“Well, just let me speak and when I’m done you can say whatever you feel okay?”

“Ah okay.” Oh no.

“Max I have dated a lot of guys and none of them treat me the way you do. You make me feel so special and wanted and I know that you said before that you didn’t want anything serious but….I just wanted to tell you that I think I’m falling in love with you.

No, I know I’m falling in love with you. I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything but I just want to know where you are emotionally?”

What am I supposed to say and maybe I would have had a better answer but after the day I’ve had but most I can muster up is,

“Nicole, you are special to me, when I’m with you I forget everything that’s going on in my life and I have such a great time with you but…I don’t love you. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to lie to you or lead you on in anyway, I’m not ready …” I really feel bad but I will not lie even if it hurts her I can’t lie.

“Oh, okay Max, I’m glad you were honest with me.” She looks really hurt and I can’t blame her.

“Nikki, you are the first girl I have dated semi-seriously in seven years, It’s just that I’m not ready to put myself out there again and that’s my problem not yours. So I would understand if you didn’t want to see me anymore…I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“No Max, I didn’t tell you how I feel to break up with you or give you some sort of ultimatum; I just wanted you to know where I stood. And I understand that you’re not ready but I don’t want to break up with you, that’s not why I told you. I just wanted to be honest with you, I didn’t want you guessing at what my intentions or feelings were towards you.”

“Are you sure? Because I can’t give you that now and maybe not ever and I don’t want to string you along or make you feel like I’m using you. Because that’s the last thing I would want you to feel.”

“Yes Max, I’m sure but if you’re ever ready you know where I stand.” She says to me with a flirtatious smile.

I took her home after that so now it’s about eleven and I cannot sleep. I am actually very surprised hat Maria has not called me or beat my door down yet.

I roll over on my bead and bury my head in my pillows, I really should get some sleep, I have work tomorrow. Of course thoughts of Liz won’t leave my mind. God why do I keep thinking about her? Why can I not just let it go?

It’s just seeing her again she looked the same but different all at the same time, she hadn’t changed much. Her long chocolate brown shiny hair still looks as smooth as silk. Her dark brown eyes and her lips…they were perfect. I think I forgot how perfect they were and how when I would kiss her breathlessly they would get red and swollen and I knew that I was the only one that could do that to her.

It gave me such a feeling of power, I was her first kiss, her first real boyfriend and her first lover. Although she wasn’t my first girlfriend, she was my first serious girlfriend and my first lover as well.

It was the beginning of our junior year in high school and we were at her parents house. They were away for the weekend as usual and she invited me over, we were just going to watch a movie.

Now things between us had progressed pretty far physically but we did not take it to the final level, but that night things between us changed forever…


“Hey Max come in.” She leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips. I don’t think I could ever get tired of feeling her lips doing that.

“Hey babe, so what do you have planned for tonight?”

“Well Max, that’s for me to know and for you to find out.” She says with a very sexy smile on her face…what is she up to?

“Okay, well how about we watch a movie until it’s time for me to find out?”

“Sounds good.”

I start to walk over to the living room couch and she stops me and says,

“Don’t you think it would be better if we went to my room?”

“Are you sure because…?”

“I’m sure Max.”

Then she gives me her bashful smile and leads me to her bedroom.

We start to watch the movie and she turns the lights off, she always turns the lights off she says you won’t get the full effect of the movie if the lights are on. God I love her.

The only light in the room comes from the television. I have my head resting on her stomach and she’s leaning against the headboard. I turn and look up from where my head is currently resting and say,


She looks down on me, “Yeah Max?”

“I love you Liz.” I tell her looking directly in her eyes because I want her to know I mean it with all my heart.

She has tears in her eyes but she smiles and says, “I love you too Max.”

I lift my head up to meet her lips, I love kissing her. I want to be able to kiss her forever and I know at that moment she is it for me.

We continue kissing and I move my head to kiss the soft skin on her neck and up to her earlobe and back down to her lips. I slowly move my hands up her sides and run my fingers through her silky hair.

I hear her say my name in a heated whisper and I have to smile because I know I’m the only one that makes her feel this way.

I move my body to lie on top of hers and she begins to kiss my neck and slides her hands up the back of my shirt. God her hands are so small but they work wonders on my body. I can never get enough of her.


“Yes Liz.” Our breathing is erratic and I’m trying to not loose control.

“Make love to me Max.” Did I just hear her right?

“Liz we…you.”

“Please Max, I want you to be my first. I mean if you want to because I mean if you …”

I stop her rambling; she does that when she’s really nervous, and cover her mouth with my lips for a long heated kiss. I don’t want her to do this because she thinks I want her to. I pull back and say,

“Liz, are you sure because once we do this, things will never be the same?”

“Yes Max, I want to be with you and only you Max, I never want to be with anyone else.”


We made love for the first time that night and it was by far the most memorable night of my life.

That is until her words echo in my head, ‘I never want to be with anyone else.’

Yeah right! Where the hell was that thought when she was fucking cheating on my ass?

I roll over and pray for sleep to take over because, like it or not tomorrow I have to face Michael and Maria’s wrath. I mean I would love to sign Serena, but how can I let that happen because with Serena comes Liz… it’s a package deal.

At least I was spared tonight…what is it that they say about small favors again?

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sat May 08, 2004 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 14

I’ve been lying on my bed for the last three hours staring at the ceiling, going over the events of today.

It definitely went a lot better than I thought. You are probably wondering how I could think that.

Well that’s simple, I saw the look on Max’s face when he first saw me and I will tell you what I didn’t see…hate.

I know he bit my head off but I deserved that and a lot more. After all I told you I had something’s that I kept to myself well what you didn’t know was that I left him that night without a goodbye. I took the first flight out that next morning and never looked back.

I know-bad move. But I didn’t think he would want to see me ever again. Hell I didn’t want to see myself ever again. So I know you all must hate me now, like you didn’t before but I have thought a lot about the things I did and continue to do.

I have a feeling that I have been wrong about a lot of things…for instance, Serena, she didn’t talk to me the whole ride home.

She is beyond pissed at me, not that I blame her, I lied…again.

I just hope she can forgive me.

One Week Later

Well, Serena is still not talking to me, I’ve tried to call her but she won’t even answer the phone.

She came to me two days ago and practically begged me to call Maria and see if they were willing to work with her on her album. But I can’t because Max won’t see me…I know he won’t.

Before you ask, no I haven’t tried but what’s the point? And because of that I have lost my best friend.



I really wish Maria and Michael would get off my back already. They want me to sign Serena but that means Liz comes along with the deal. And I want no part of that.

I have been going to work for the past week looking at Maria’s face, she is disappointed in me, but she hasn’t approached me yet. She must be bursting at the seams, she wants me to approach Liz, but I won’t.

I am doing the right thing…I hope.


Serena POV

This has been one of the longest and loneliest weeks of my life.

I wonder if I’m being too hard to Liz?

No! I’m not, she chose to lie to me, she could have been honest, now she holds the power to my career in her hands. She is being selfish and I told her she was, if she wants to get past him it would require that she talk to him, get everything out in the open.

I told her as much to which her response was,

“Mind your own business.”

Which is exactly what I’m doing. I won’t lie, I miss her but she needs to face her demons instead of hiding behind me or her lies.


Maria POV

Okay I gave the man an entire week to come to me but no, now I have to be forceful. So I am on my way to his house and I know this is going to get ugly.

I have Michael on my back, he really wants Serena but Max has to agree so my instruction were to,

“Set his ass straight.” According to Michael I can help Max see the situation from another angle, a business angle…yeah right!

Oh well here goes nothing.

“Maria, hey how’s it going?” Oh he want to play the don’t ask don’t tell game?

“Going good Max and you?” Two can play.

“I’m doing just great.”

“Cut the shit Max, what’s going on?”

“Maria, I don’t want to talk about it.” He’s been feeding me that line for far too long. I waited an entire week and in my time that is like 10 years and just not acceptable.

“Too bad, so here’s what’s going to happen, I am going to ask you a question and you will give me an answer.”

He sighs and drops down into the couch complete with the arm over his eyes, for a more dramatic effect…I taught him that by the way.

“Fine.” Okay I knew he would see it my way.

“What happened?”


“You know when.”

“Maria, we are not talking about this right now.”

“Yes, Max we are, I’ve let it go for far too long.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Max, what happened I mean I told you about Liz and Kyle but how did it get to that point?” Yup, it was me, I caught Liz and Kyle together.

“Maria.” He is fuming right now but I need to know. I never asked him because he took it so hard, I figured it was in the past and didn’t matter. But when I saw Max’s face when he saw Liz again for the first time in years, there was something there, and I’m not so sure that I liked it.

“Max please, I need to know.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you.” He says with a defeated sigh and lies back against the couch with his arm underneath his head providing some leverage before he begins.

“Two days before graduation Liz tells me that she thinks she’s pregnant…”

7 Years Ago

I have been sitting in my room starring at the ring I bought Liz earlier today, I am brought out of my concentration by a tapping on my bedroom window. I walk over to see who it is, probably Michael.

To my surprise it wasn’t Michael it was,

“Liz, what’s going on I was headed to your house in about an hour to pick you up for the party? Are you okay?” I ask because she looks like she’s be crying and I can’t stand to see her cry. Maybe she had an argument with her parents or something.

“Max…Max we need to talk.”

“Okay, come sit down.” I motion her to sit on my bed.

“I don’t know how to say this, I mean it’s probably nothing…I’m probably overreacting or something.”

“Liz, stop rambling and tell me what’s going on.”

“This is really hard.”

“Liz, you can tell me anything you know that right?” I wrap my arms around her to try and provide her as much comfort and security for her to tell me what’s going on.

“I know…it’s just that Max…I’m late.”

It takes me a full 5 seconds to figure out what the hell she is talking about.

“Liz, look at me.” I raise my hands to frame her face so that I can look at her. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Okay! Okay Max, this is not okay, I am seventeen years old I am not ready to be a mother!” She is now pacing back and forth throwing her hands in the air out of frustration, I know she’s scared but I need for her to calm down.

“Liz, you need to calm down, I mean are you sure? Did you take a test or something?”

“No.” She tells me and looks a little calmer than before she takes her seat beside me once again.

“Okay well let’s not get worked up, you could just be late.” I tell her trying to keep my emotions at bay just as much as hers. But it doesn’t work.

“I knew it, I should have not listened to you!” She gets up and starts pacing again but now she wants to point fingers?

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?”

“You know damn well what I am talking about!” How did this turn into an argument?

I know what she is talking about now. It was a little over a month ago we were at her parents house and we slept together but I didn’t have any protection and I told her it would be okay.

“Well Liz, if you didn’t want it then you could have said no.”

“It doesn’t even matter because if I am, I am not having it.”

“What! Don’t I get a say in it at all?”

“No, I think you’ve done enough.” Is she serious? She is insane, that’s it, that’s what it is, she has gone insane, there is no other justifiable answer to what she is saying otherwise.

“Well that’s bullshit Liz, if you are pregnant then it’s mine and I should have a say!” I am so pissed right now where does she get off?

“It’s my body Max!”

“And it’s my baby!”

“It’s my choice Max.”

“So you would just kill our child then? Glad to know your feelings about having children with me, so glad this was brought to my attention.”

“You know what Max, you are not even seeing it from my side we are not old enough to be parents Max…can’t you understand?”

“No Liz, I can’t see, I know that we are too young but it was our choice to sleep together I don’t think it should be our baby who suffers for our shortcomings.”

“Max that’s not what I mean it’s just that right now I’m not ready, can’t you understand that?”

“No Liz sorry I don’t and I’m not expected to right? I mean why bother telling me, because if you are, I don’t get a say on whether or not you keep it.”

“Max you are not being fair, I’m scared!”

“And I am too, but I’m here for you Liz, I’d be there to go through it with you all the way. But you don’t want my help Liz, you want my permission and I won’t give you that, I won’t.” I feel like crawling into my bed and falling asleep in hopes of waking up from this nightmare, but unfortunately even that won’t help.


“Get out!”

“Max please. She’s crying but right now she needs to leave me.

“Max can you just please hear me out…I just…”

“Liz please.” I say with a desperate plea, I need time to process what just happened and with her standing in my room crying I can’t.

“Okay Max, I’ll leave.”

Maria POV

“So she wasn’t pregnant?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean…you don’t know?” How could he not know I mean surely they spoke after the incident right?

“She never told me, the next thing I knew I went to her house later on that night and she wasn’t in her room and well you know why.”

“She was at the party.” Stating the obvious.

“Yeah well anyway the next day I went to her house in the morning and wanted to talk to her. She looked really tired and I asked her where she was, she gave me this excuse that she fell asleep downstairs in her parents living room and she said she didn’t want to talk about it right then because she was tired and didn’t feel good.

So I gave her time and I didn’t see her again until graduation day…that is after I saw you.”

“Max, I’m so sorry I had no idea.”

“I know Maria, I should have told you.” He leans up and puts his arms around me and begins to cry.

“It’s okay Max, it’s okay.” I was crying too now.

“It hurt so bad Maria, she didn’t want our baby, she was being so selfish, I couldn’t believe those things were coming out of her mouth. I mean why bother telling me if she already had her mind set?”

“Max, she was scared and she probably wasn’t even thinking straight at the time.” I know I would have completely overreacted if it were Michael and I, hell I overreact over everything down to the way the pillows lay on the bed, so I can relate. I’m not justifying it but I can keep an open mind.

“I know that Maria, I overreacted she was seventeen years old, hell I was terrified and I said things that I shouldn’t have…God I practically called her a murderer or something and that was so wrong, that’s why I went to her that night, to talk to her to explain to her that it was okay to be scared and that I would never leave her alone. But in the end that’s exactly what I did, I kicked her out and she pleaded with me to listen to her but I didn’t want to hear it…I owed her that much.

She was probably thinking how her parents were going to react, it was bad enough they had been arguing for weeks about her not going to college and moving to LA with me, that combined with my reaction…I should have heard her out, but now it’s too late.”

“But you deserve to know if she was Max.”

“It doesn’t matter Maria, if she was she obviously didn’t have it. Look I’m really tired and I have a head ache I will be in around 3 or so, could you let Michael know?”

“Yeah Max, I’ll let him know and I’ll let myself out.”

“Okay thanks Maria.” He heads to the staircase leading to his room.



“I love you Max you know that right?”

“Yeah Maria, I love you too. See you later.”


So now you know it was me…I told Max about walking in on Liz and Kyle. Hell I know for a fact that Liz still has no idea that I was the one.

But see I didn’t go running straight to Max, like I should have, I gave the girl the benefit of the doubt in hopes that she would come clean. I gave her until the day after to tell Max but that never happened. So right before graduation I told Max because I knew that he was going to ask her to marry him right after the ceremony and he is my best friend and he deserved the truth.

I know Max is still hurting and the only way to move past it is to face her to talk to her, get his answers and then maybe he will be able to be happy again.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sat May 08, 2004 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Posted in two parts.

Chapter 15

Maria POV

I left Max’s with a new goal to get him and Liz to talk. After I made a quick call to Michael to let him know when Max would be at work, I went and did some shopping, it’s very good for the soul…alright, alright, it’s good for my soul. Happy now?

I know I should mind my own business but obviously things have happened that can only be resolved if they talk.

So while I work on Liz, I’m going to get Michael to work on Max.


“Michael! Are you home?”

“Yeah Maria, I’m in the game room.” Of course he is, if he could he would spend his entire life in that room.

“Okay do you want me to order dinner?”

“Nah, I already did!”

“What did you get me?” I hate it lately when he orders for me because sometimes I’m not in the mood for what he chooses.

“Mexican, your favorite.” I LOVE Mexican.

“Great!” I head down the hall to find my husband in his usual spot, in front of his flat screen TV playing his X-Box hockey game.

“Michael are you going to pick up the food?”

“Yeah but it will be about a half an hour.”

“Good, because I need to talk to you.”

“About what Maria?”


“What about Max?”

“Liz.” I say and steel myself for his reaction.

“Oh no Maria! You will not get involved. If Max doesn’t want to see her then you can’t make him.”

“Oh really but it’s okay that you send me on your mission!”

“That is completely different, that was for business you know the business that provides a roof over our heads and pays for your cars…all of them. You know the ones you need for each season…every year?!”

“Michael this is serious, Max told me today that, that night Liz told him that she thought she was pregnant.”

“What?!” Ah ha, see what did I tell you, I’ve got him hooked, he will definitely help me now.

“Yeah Michael but she didn’t even tell him if she was or not, she left right after graduation and that was it.”

“Wow, that must have been so bad for him.”

“Yes it was he told me about it all and Michael he deserves to know one way or another.”

“Yes he does Maria.” Yes! Score one for Maria!

“But…” Oh no!

“It’s not your place to get those answers. Max is a big boy he can ask her if he really wants to know.”

“No Michael, he has dealt with so much having to deal with Liz and he won’t get the answers he wants on his own.”

“Oh and I suppose you will help?”

“Yes, I’m going to talk to Liz and get her to talk to him, while you go to Max and get him to talk to her.”

“No! I will not do that Maria. I love you but that is asking too much.”

“No? What do you mean? Would you rather him suffer?”

“Maria, he’s not suffering he has a girlfriend and besides it’s his choice not yours.”

“Yeah Michael but he doesn’t love her.”

“How do you know, maybe one day he will.”

“Michael he will never love anyone the way he loves Liz, ever.” Did I just say loves? Because I meant loved.

“Look Maria, your intentions are great and your heart is in the right place, but you need to leave this alone.”

“I can’t Michael, I just can’t”

“Maria, if Max finds out he will be pissed at you.”

“I know but it’s worth it besides he can’t stay mad at me forever right?” I say more to convince myself than Michael.

“No matter what I say you are going to do what you want, you always do when it comes to Max, so when he asks I will chalk it up to pregnancy hormones.”

Oops did I forget to tell you I am four months pregnant? Well I am. You can’t really tell, I guess I am tiny right now but doctor says I will expand – not really sure if I would have used that word as a description but I wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in the world.

“Okay honey, can you get the food now because baby and I are starving?”

“Of course, I’ll be right back…love you.”

“Love you too.” He kisses me before he walks threw the door and tilts his head down to place a soft kiss on my stomach.

Now back to my plan - first things first…talk to Liz.

TBC…on next post.
Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Sat May 08, 2004 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 16
The Next Day…

‘Ring Ring’

It is eight in the morning – everyone that knows me, knows not to call me before noon. So with great reluctance I pick up the receiver.

“Hello? I say in a very sleepy voice.

“Liz? It’s Maria.”

“Oh hey Maria, what can I do for you.” What is she calling me for, probably for Serena.

“We need to talk.”

“Okay Maria, what do you want to talk about?”

“No, not over the phone in person.”

“Alright, but I won’t come there so I’ll give you my address and you can come here.”

“Fair enough Liz, I’ll be over in about and hour or so.”

“Bye Maria.”


Okay Maria will be here any minute and for the life of me, what would she want to talk about if not about Serena. Oh well, no point in guessing.

I’m just brushing my hair one final time and I take a look in the mirror before I head out my bedroom. ‘Boy Liz you really messed things up.’ I thought.

I’ve had sometime to think these past couple of days and I realize that all the problems in my life, I caused.

I know, I know big revelation, but for me it is. All this time while I blamed myself I never realized that by messing up my life with bad decisions, it would ruin the lives of so many around me.

In my head regardless of the fact that I told Serena that I was with Kyle because I was upset from a fight with Max, that’s not the whole truth. But I used that as an excuse.

I was terrified, I knew that I loved Max but the thought of graduating high school and going into the real world pregnant was just too much.

I went to Max’s window that night I was shaking all over.

He came to the window and invited me in and I told him I thought I might be pregnant, although I hadn’t taken a test I was late, and I was never late.

I then proceeded to blame him and tell him if I was then I wasn’t keeping it.

I really didn’t mean it then, now that I look back I could never do that regardless of how scared I was. After all it would have been a part of Max and I together and that in it of itself would have been amazing.

I hurt him with my words, doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure that out, but my emotions were running high and I didn’t realize what I was saying, but when he blew up at me and then threw me out, I was so hurt. I wanted to tell him I was sorry and overacted but he wouldn’t let me speak or even put himself in my position for just a minute. With Max things are always black and white, never gray…never.

So I left his house and went straight to the store to pickup a pregnancy test. After I took the test I sat on the edge of the bathtub for a few minutes, then my phone rang. I thought it must be Max, but it wasn’t.



“Hey Liz, it’s Kyle!”

“Oh hi Kyle, what do you want?” I am so not in the mood to hide my emotions right now.

“Liz, what’s wrong?”


“Liz stop lying.”

“Look Kyle I’m having one of the worst days of my life and I really don’t want to talk about it, so just leave it alone.”

“Well how about accompanying an old friend to a party then?”

“I’m not in the…”

“Come on Liz, I haven’t seen you since I left for college and you’re going to be graduating, then I’ll never see you, besides it’s my brother’s party, I know you haven’t seen him in awhile. Just come with me and when you’re ready to leave, I’ll take you home.”

Boy he’s really making me feel guilty, not that making me feel anything less right now would take great effort.

“Okay Kyle but I don’t want to stay long.”

“Deal, I’ll be there in ten minutes so be ready.”


How ironic, I was supposed to go with Max to that party. Why the hell did I go?

We get to the party and it was a full house, it was at Kyle’s parents house and of course they were away.

As soon as I got there, drinks were offered to me left and right. I refused at first, that was until Kyle brought up Max.


“So Liz, you still dating Evans?”

“Yeah.” I start to fall apart, I really messed up, I so do not deserve him.

“Liz are you okay? Here have a drink it will help.”

“Okay but just one Kyle, I can’t hold my liquor.” I say with some amusement in my voice.

“What are you talking about Parker, I don’t think you have ever even had a sip of alcohol in your life.”

“Shut up!” He was right I never have.


I take that first drink and by the time I’m done, I start to relax so I had another and that made me not care, then another, that made me forget, another that made me incapable of walking or standing upright anymore and another made me completely disoriented from what I can recall.

I tried to find Kyle to take me home but as I stumbled along the house I tripped on one of the rugs and Kyle caught me just in time, he took me upstairs to his old room.

I don’t really remember much at all but afterwards I was instantly sober and I felt sick, so sick that I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach and then I cried for what felt like hours before Kyle came to me.


“Liz, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t Kyle, just don’t, I have ruined everything…EVERYTHING!”

“Calm down Liz and stop crying, you’re just making yourself sicker.” I tried but that was impossible.

“I shouldn’t have given you anything to drink.”

“No Kyle, this is my fault, I never should have come and I could have said no to the drink.”

“Oh God! Kyle did we…did you…use…”

“Yes Liz, I used something.”

“Thank you.” I breathe a little sigh of relief.

Now I say something I know I will regret.

I walk out the bathroom to get my clothes and turned to Kyle,

“You can’t tell anyone about this ever, you have to promise me…please.”

“I promise Liz, I won’t tell anyone ever.”

“Thank you.”

I went to leave the room but Kyle’s voice stops me.

“Liz, I’ll take you home.”

“No, I’ll walk.”

“Liz, it’s like ten blocks!”

“Trust me I have a lot to think about in addition to the fact that I need to sober up some before I go home and before I face Max.”


That was the longest walk home of my life. I was about two blocks from my house and I was going over everything, that I could remember that is, that lead to me doing the dumbest thing of my life. And that’s when I made an even worse decision.

I decided that since Kyle and I were the only ones who knew about it, there was no reason for Max to know – now that I look back I must have still been in an alcohol fog because that was stupid as hell. And if I really think about it I would have eventually cracked, I couldn’t lie forever…could I?

Anyway, that is what I decided and no matter how wrong it was, it was my choice.

So when Max came to my house the next day. I felt sick as hell and couldn’t even look at him because I knew that if I took that chance and looked in his eyes I would cave. I hated myself then and still do.

So I lied to him, I told him I fell asleep on my parents couch when he told me he came to me that night. God I am such a fuck up!

I then told him that I was tired and that I would just see him at graduation the next day, that was of course was after he told me he loved me and that he was sorry about what he said.

After he left I took a long hot shower and tried to wash everything away – it didn’t work of course.

Now that I look back I couldn’t figure out exactly what Max meant that night after graduation when he told me that, the night before was the time in my life I didn’t love him, but now I do. See I had all the opportunity in the world to tell him what happened but I didn’t and if I really loved him I would have and accepted the consequences.

‘Ding Dong’ Well looks like Maria has arrived – can’t wait to see what she wants to talk about with me.

TBC…Okay let me know what you think... See you Wednesday!
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 17


“Hey Maria, come in, can I get you something to drink or anything?”

“No that’s okay maybe later, can I take a seat?”

“Oh yeah sure, let’s go into the living room.”

“Wow Liz, you have a beautiful house.”

“Thank you. So Maria, how can I help you?” After all I know she’s not here to discuss my home décor.

“Well Liz, there are some things we need to discuss.”

“Okay, like what?” Would she just get to the point already?

“First of all we still want Serena, it’s just…”

“Max.” I can come to that conclusion easily, gee I wonder why? Anyway back to Maria.

“Yeah, look he wants Serena but with her comes you Liz and that’s not your fault but Max is stubborn.”

“I know.” I tell her I know Max it may have been awhile but I still know him very well.

“Look Maria, I would like to help you out but there isn’t anything I can do, Serena isn’t even talking to me.”

“Really, I mean I thought you guys were really close, at least that’s the impression I got.”

“We are, were, look it’s complicated and I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fair enough Liz, but there is something, rather someone we need to talk about.”

“Why Maria? Why do we need to talk about a dead issue?” I have had a bad couple of days and if I have to go through everything again I don’t think I will be able to take it. But this is Maria, she doesn’t get the hint.

“Because Liz, there is unfinished business and unanswered questions that need to be addressed.”

“Maria, I don’t want to talk about it okay, there is no reason to dredge up the past. It’s over.”

“Liz, just hear me out because there is something I need to tell you first okay?” What is it now, I don’t think I could take any more surprises.

“Okay.” I tell her but for some reason I am getting a very unsettling feeling.

“First could I please have a glass of water and if you have some crackers, this morning sickness doesn’t seem to we wearing off.”

“Morning sickn…oh wow…you’re pregnant?” She smiles happily at me she is beaming, don’t know why I didn’t notice before.

“Congratulations, how far along are you anyway?”

“Oh four months but it feels like ten, wonder how I’ll be feeling in another two.” She says with a small laugh and smile.

“Well, I’m sure it’s worth it.” I smile back to her.

“Absolutely, it’s funny because I never saw myself as a mother but now I can’t wait.”

“That’s really great Maria, I’m so happy for you.” I truly am but it’s weird because I feel a tinge of jealously. I wonder if things between Max and I worked out, if I would have been a mom by now – oh well no sense on dwelling on what can never be.

“I will just go get you the water and crackers. I’ll be right back.” I head for the kitchen and quickly gather a drink for Maria and myself and a package of crackers.

“Okay here you go.”

“Thanks Liz.”

“So Liz, while we are on the pregnancy conversation mind telling me if you’ve ever been pregnant?”

I practically choke on my soda.

“Excuse me?” What the hell, how does she know – right, Max told her. Is there anything that man doesn’t tell her? Oh well can’t hide from the truth.

“You know Liz.”

“No Maria, I was never pregnant, I thought I was once but I was wrong.”

“Oh so, can I ask why you felt you didn’t need to let Max know?” Here comes the sarcasm I’m going to crack soon…pull out the straight jacket and haul my ass away. It has to be better than living in the real world.

“Maria,” I sigh

“I tried to tell him but by the time I got to him he already knew about Kyle and it all fell apart from there, I tried not to loose him and I didn’t have time to think about that, he was so mad and rightfully so but it happened so fast.

He left me at the field and I knew I just knew that was it, he hated me and he wouldn’t ever forgive me.”

“Yeah Liz, but you could have told him all this time, he has thought about it everyday since, he didn’t know if you were and didn’t keep it or anything! And that was not fair!”

She’s yelling now and I don’t blame her, so I try to help the situation but she starts talking before I have a chance.

“Then, you leave, no good bye, no fuck you Max, nothing. No letter, something, anything and that was wrong Liz.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” The nerve, god I know I fucked up, I don’t need the world reminding me every five seconds!

“No you don’t Liz! You left, you made a choice, you could have stayed, god you don’t know what you lost out on do you?”

“Yes Maria, I lost the best guy in the world.” I said with pure sarcasm, I can throw it around too.

“No Liz! You want me to tell you what you lost out on? A husband and children with one of the best guys in the world who was willing to look past what you did and marry your ass that’s what Liz!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I am more confused, must be her hormones in addition to the fact that Maria is talking in riddles.

“Come on Liz, Max worshipped you, tell me you didn’t know he wanted to marry you?”

“Yes Maria, I know that eventually, he wanted to, so what’s your point?” Why is she doing this? To make me feel like shit? Well she is succeeding.

“Liz, Max had a surprise for you, an engagement ring, Liz he was going to ask you to marry him. But you fucked that all up!”

Oh man did I ruin my life or what? I feel like crawling into a whole and dying literally.

“I know Maria, I know.” I am crying now but she is not taking pity.

“You were so selfish, you know that if would have just told him the truth while you had the chance…he was so in love with you that after your fight he went to your house the next day to try and work things out, but your selfish ass left already.”

What?! He forgave me? I can’t deal with this, all this time, I thought that, that last night was it.

“Oh so you finally get it Liz? It’s about time, how cowardly of an act was that, you just ran.”

“What the hell was I supposed to do?!” What does she want from me?

“Oh I don’t know maybe, tell the truth, he shouldn’t have had to learn that his girlfriend was a cheater from his best friend!”

“Wait, I always thought it was Kyle or someone else at the party?”

“No Liz, I walked in on you and Kyle at the party. And I gave you the benefit of the doubt and gave you the opportunity to tell Max and you didn’t!”

I fell against the wall and slid to the floor – I think I’m going to be sick. I get up quickly and run to the bathroom just in time.

I am crying so hard I can’t even breathe right – Maria followed me and is sitting next to me on the cold tile floor.

“Liz, God I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have come.”

“No Maria, I’ve been hiding for years and you are the first one to see past my bullshit and knows the truth, I know I messed up and I can never forgive myself. But I don’t need to be reminded every single minute by everyone around me, can you understand that Maria?”

“Liz, look I’m hard on you because of Max, you were young and confused but you can’t use that anymore, Max deserves better Liz, he can’t move on but maybe if you talk to him and give him the answers he needs, he can live his life and you can live yours.”

She can’t mean what I think she means, I’m not ready!

“What do you mean Maria?”

“I mean you need to let him go Liz and you need to talk to him soon.” There’s nothing left for me to say.

“Okay Maria, look I think I need to lie down, so I will call you after I talk to Serena.”

“Okay Liz, but think about what I said.”

“I will.” I tell her, right now I can’t think about anything but crawling into my bed and never waking up.

“Bye Liz.” She heads out towards the front door.

“Bye Maria.”

I thought I grew up, but after what Maria said to me, I hadn’t realized that I didn’t grow up at all, I ran from everything and everyone. Until this moment I was not ready to accept the consequences but now…

I know what I need to do…he deserves to be happy…even if it kills me in the process.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 18


I didn’t sleep at all last night, but I did a lot of thinking. First thing I need to do is beg Serena’s forgiveness, I don’t deserve it but I need her because she is the only person I have now. So I hop in the car and drive to her place.

I know she’s home because her car is parked outside her apartment.

“Liz, what you doing here?”

“Serena, could I talk to you? I just need a few minutes if that’s okay?”

“Yeah sure, come in.” Well I made it through the front door, so that must be a good sign, right? I hope.

“What do you want to talk about?” She asked in a voice that told me she really didn’t care either way what I talked about. And that hurts more than I will even admit to.

“Well there are some things you need to know. I know I haven’t been completely honest with you in the past but I want to try and make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

“I’m listening.” Boy she isn’t going to make this easy is she?

I proceed to tell her about everything; how I ended up sleeping with Kyle because of the argument Max and I had, and the fact that I left and didn’t tell him I wasn’t pregnant and also my conversation with Maria yesterday. I also told her how I found out Max was going to propose to me but most importantly that at that point he was willing to try but I was already gone.

“Liz can I ask you a question?”

“Anything.” I tell her I want her to see that I want to be completely honest with her.

“How did you end up sleeping with Kyle? I mean I know about the argument with Max but how did it happen?”

Here we go again.

“Well I ended up after I left Max’s house getting a call from Kyle, he said he was back and wanted to see me. I really wasn’t in the mood but then he invited me to the party that Max and I were supposed to go to, so I went. I got there and after a few minutes I was upset and he handed me a drink and another. Anyway, the next thing I remember is walking into his room…I think and then afterwards, I was so sick I ran to the bathroom and cried because I realized what I did.”

“Wait Liz, what do you mean you don’t remember, how drunk were you?”

“Pretty drunk because I couldn’t even walk straight. I never drank before so I guess I had too much and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I was so drunk Serena, that I had to ask him if he used a condom.”

“Liz was Kyle as drunk as you?” What is with all the questions, why does she like to beat dead horse?

“Um… no I don’t think so, why?”

“Because Liz, if he wasn’t as plastered as you then that would be called date rape.” Okay I’m really confused; I mean it wasn’t…was it?

“What, NO! Kyle didn’t rape me Serena, we were drunk.”

“No Liz, YOU were drunk, he was sober enough to take you to his room and put on a condom, that’s not drunk that’s horny.”


“Liz, I mean haven’t you ever thought about it?”

“No, why should I, I tried so hard to forget it.” I really have.

“Liz what he did was wrong, he needs to be in jail or something!”

“NO! Serena it was a mistake.”

“No it wasn’t”

“Look even if what your saying is right it doesn’t matter, it happened long ago and it doesn’t change a damn thing.”

“Liz you can’t let him get away with it.”

“Serena, please let it go, I’ll probably never going to see him again, so just leave it alone.”

“But …”

“Serena, leave it alone and promise me that you will never tell another living soul?”

“I can’t promise something like that!”

“Please, I am begging you…promise?”

“Alright Liz, I promise, but if you need to talk to someone I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.”

“Liz, I’m sorry…I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything but Serena I just…I need you. You are my best friend and even though I haven’t treated you like you are, I’m sorry and I promise I will never keep anything from you again no matter how small. I just…can you forgive me and not hate me?”

“Liz, I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, I was hurt but I understand you needed to face your demons and accept them for what they are. I forgive you Liz, but don’t ever lie to me again.” She said in all seriousness.

“I won’t.” I honestly tell her.

“I believe you.” She gives me a hug and I can finally breathe.

“Okay, I’m sorry but I have one more stop and then I’m going to head home for some much needed sleep.”

“Where you headed?” She questions.

“To let my heart go.”


“It’s okay Sere, I have to do this, it’s time, he needs this and I’ve been thinking about myself for long enough. I’ll call you tomorrow.”



“I love you, you know that right?”

“Yes Sere, I love you too.” I tell her with a small smile as I make my way out the door.



So after Maria left yesterday I stayed up all night just thinking about all the what ifs in my life.

But this morning I need to focus, I have a meeting with Michael in about two hours so I need to hop in the shower and get ready.

I’m just out of the shower when I hear the doorbell ring.

“Who could that be?”


Okay Liz get it together you can do this. I am so nervous. I’ve been sitting in my car for the past half hour getting the courage to face him. I knew where he lived, I’ve always known, it’s the first thing I did when I found out he moved here almost 5 years ago. I wonder what took him so long to get here?

I mean our plans were to move to LA together. He was going to start a company with the help of Michael and of course some funding from his parents and some bank loans. I’m so proud of him I wonder if he’s proud of me?

I take a deep breath and walk tentatively towards his front door. I am secretly wishing he wasn’t home. I lift a very shaky hand to ring the doorbell and hold my breath once again…I want to cry.


I have just enough time to towel dry quickly and put on a pair of boxers and jeans. I run to the door to open it.

To say I’m surprised is an understatement. Funny though the anger that once coursed through me when I first saw her again has completely deflated. And what I feel right now is an overabundance of anxiousness.

“Liz, what are you doing here?”

“Hi Max, um I just wondered if I could talk to you for a minute, I mean we could just talk outside if you want or I could come back if it’s a bad time…I mean I just dropped by…and um…”

“Liz, stop rambling and come in.” I can’t help it I have to smile she must be nervous. I tell her to sit down and she says,

“Your house is beautiful.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right back.” I ran to the laundry room to get a shirt and retuned to the living room.

“So what did you want to talk about?” I can only guess Serena.

“Well first of all, I just wanted you to know that if you want Serena she’s all yours and the songs, I know you don’t want them but regardless they are for her to sing Max. Please don’t deny her, her dream because of me, she deserves it, she’s worked so hard.”

“I know Liz and I’m not going to deny her. I was angry but we want her in fact I have a meeting with Michael this morning about it.”

“Good I’m glad.”

“Good.” I tell her but there is something else she wants to say to me.

“Is there anything else?” She doesn’t look so good.

“Well just one more thing and then I’ll leave.”

“Okay Liz.” I say taking a seat beside her on the couch. And look down into her frightened eyes.

“Well Max, I know that, I’m sorry, will not make up for everything I put you through, hell up until yesterday I didn’t know the half of it, but I am sorry I hurt you so bad and after talking to Maria, I know how you’ve been all these years and I wanted to tell you just two things.”

“Wait, you talked to Maria? When?”

“Max just let me finish please.”

“Tell me first.” I cannot believe her, I told her to stay out of it.

“Well um…she came to my house yesterday and basically ripped into me about everything I did or didn’t do, say or didn’t say.”

I will take care of Maria later but first things first.

“Continue.” I tell her now I really need to know what she’s going to say.

“Oh, okay, Max I was never pregnant, I never told you, but after I left your house I went home and took a test. Things just escalated from there and I never meant to not tell you.”

God the relief that I feel when I hear those words is indescribable. I feel overjoyed because to think that she might have been pregnant and didn’t keep it was something I have suffered with for all these years. I know that she is barely hanging onto her composure right now so she is quickly running through it as though she’s trying not to relive it. I want to ask her a million questions right now but what’s the point, it’s over. I got the answer I wanted to hear and that’s all I want from her. Right?

“Secondly once Serena is done with her album, I’m done, done with writing done with the whole thing.

I’ve decided I can’t hold onto you…us, because that was over a long time ago because of me and it’s not fair for you to have to deal with me. So once it’s finished, I’m moving back to Roswell, so you can live your life and never have to see me again.”

What? She’s leaving, I guess she has moved on, I guess I should too but why is she doing it for me? I have to talk to Maria right away.

I don’t know what to say to her, I can see the tears in her eyes, but if this is what she wants to let me go, why is she so upset? So I sit there in silence not knowing what to say or do for that matter. She takes this as her cue to leave quickly and quietly.

“Okay Max, I’ll let you go now and Michael has Serena’s number so when you’re ready you can call her and I’ll just let myself out.”

She heads to the door and suddenly stops and turns around to face me and say,

“Goodbye Max.”

“Bye Liz.”

And that’s it she’s gone again. I wish I had the strength to tell her to stay, but maybe it’s for the best.

I head to my bedroom and open my top drawer, I reach to the very back of it to grab hold of a little black box, and I pull it out and open it to look at the contents.

I fall back to my bed and shed more tears for the life I should have had but was too scared to go after.

TBC…on Next Post
Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Chapter 19


I get to the office about an hour late. I could seriously care less that Maria has called my cell phone at least fifty times.

Why did she feel that when it comes to me she needs to control everything, especially things that don’t concern her or have anything to do with her?

I love Maria like a sister and best friend, there isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for her but she had no right to talk to Liz behind my back – none.

“Oh thank god you’re alright!” Maria says then proceeds to pull me into a fierce hug.

“Sorry to make you worry, I just hand some things I needed to think about.”

“Oh, well what kinds of things?” Like she didn’t know… do you see what I mean when it comes to having to deal with something about me?

“Maria, I got a visit from someone this morning any guess who?”


“Come on Maria, you know damn well it was Liz. I can’t believe you talked to her without asking me.”

“Max, I’m sorry but the girl hurt you and continues to hurt you so, I set her straight.”

“Maria, what did you say to her?” I would really like to know because right now having to deal with this conversation and that fact that Liz told me she is leaving is just too much.

“Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.”

“Maria! Tell him.” This came from Michael, who up until this point has remained a bystander, which is all he can do when Maria and I get into it. At least I had one person in my corner.

“Well, I …I asked her if she was every pregnant and I told her that she should just let you go so you could be happy and that until she did that you couldn’t move on.”

“What?! You told her I couldn’t move on? Why…why would you tell her that, I confided in you and then you go and tell her?

Thanks Maria, you made me look like a groveling dog that can’t get past his cheating ex-girlfriend.”

“Well you can’t!”

“Maria, I have a girlfriend, I think I’ve moved past just a little.”


“Excuse me?”

“I said BULLSHIT! Look Max either you forgive her and move on or you forgive her and get back together, it’s your choice.”

“My choice? Wow, thanks Maria, it’s my life and I actually get a choice?

I mean for a minute there I thought I was going to get a chance to make an actual decision for myself. But since you have so conveniently put my life into a neat nutshell and given me two whole choices, I don’t know which to decide. I mean are you sure you don’t want to chose for me, after all you make all my other decisions?”

“Look Max, I know you’re upset but you need to calm down okay.”

“Okay Michael.” I do need to calm down Maria doesn’t need this stress.

“Maria, I love you I really do but did you ever think that I might want to live my life making my own decisions right or wrong?”

She sighs heavily.

“I know you do it’s just you have been hurt so much and I want you to be happy.”

“So do you think the fact that Liz told me that after Serena’s album is done, she’s going to move back to Roswell so that I can live my life and I’ll never have to see her again?” I fall back into one of the chairs.

“Yes Max, now you can move forward with Nicole, I mean she’s a great girl and you said it yourself she said that she loves you.”

“Maria, I think you need to give it a rest.”

“Michael, I’m just telling him the truth.”

“Maria.” I say as calm as possible because I don’t want to hurt her feelings, I know she means well.

“The problem with your plan is one, I don’t nor will I ever love Nicole, the end. Two, it broke my heart to see Liz and hear her say that she is leaving because…because that means she’s over me.

And I know I sound pathetic, but I can’t help it, everyday is a struggle to get up and go about my daily life without her. I know she fucked up and yeah maybe she doesn’t deserve another chance, hell I’m not even saying there is another chance, but I need to be able to decide that with her.

Because like it or not, she is still a big part of my life. I gave my heart to her over nine years ago and I left it with her, I need to see if I want it back or not. Despite everything that happened we had great times and even better memories so please don’t take that away from me, let that me my decision okay?”

“Okay Max, I’m sorry I will stay out of it from here on out.”

“Thank you Maria.” I get up and head over to where she is seated and embrace her and tell her I love her.

“I love you too Max.”

“Soo Maxwell does that mean Serena is a go?”

“Yes Michael, but on one condition, I get to tell her, I owe her that much.”

“You got it.”

“Can you get me her address I’m going to swing by there tonight before my date with Nicole?”

“Sure thing I’ll go get it man.”

TBC... Wednesday.