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Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:31 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Hey Liz,

What happened to TMWYW? well that's a good question and I'm wondering, too... I was sure I had left an AN recently but it was still moved to the dead and buried. :sad: ... guess I didn't and I'm already losing my mind Image... alzheimer runs in the family so I'm not utterly surprised :lol:

Now if you tell me that was one of my best fics, I'm almost afraid to ask what was the worst :lol: I mean, just before seeing your question, I was precisely going through it and thinking that I should probably ask for it to be completely deleted and come back with an edited version because god, that thing is just horrible to read... I mean seriously it hurt my eyes to go through it and I was like wtf every other second :lol: and I'm the one who wrote it, I can only imagine what someone who goes through it for the first time must feel :lol:

In any case, I can't tell you when but I plan to continue this fic... and I know I left it on a bad place, but I'll make up for that, I promise :wink: ... well, kind of :? ... I'm all the more frustrated with this fic coz it was my first one and I knew exactly where I wanted to take it, and beside that the next chapter is really partially done, I just need to find the motivation to start working seriously on it again and don't move from the chair till I'm done, but sometimes so many people ask for so many different fics (and I'm the only one to blame for that, I know :roll: ) that I just don't even know myself where to start to content everyone :roll: :sad:

Just know that when you see me posting a new thread of that fic on the CC board, that I'll be coming back with a new part :wink:

Thank You so much for your interest and for being a faithful fan :lol: (who's the boss in that fanclub you and Alana were talking about, btw? rofl :D )

Je t'embrasse très fort :wink: ... and C U soon!! :P


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:26 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Thanks, you too Michelle :wink:

The last chapter of Shower Reality is now up, and the story is complete so.

Thanks again to anyone who took the time to read it :P

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:46 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Hey guys,
just wanted to let you know that a new part of Before it's too late is out since yesterday now and that I'm working on the next one.

I should also start writing the sequel of Shower Reality, called Detention, around next week, so be tune.

Here is the banner already:


See you very soon guys :wink:


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:21 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Hey guys,

Just passing by to give you some news concerning what I'm doing right now or plan on doing soon concerning my fics.

Okay first of all, for those who haven't seen it yet, a new part of Family Lies has been posted yesterday... yeah I know , unbelievable :roll: I had to pinch myself as well :lol:

Secondly... I know I said that I would start Detention soon, but coming up with the next chapter of Family Lies after so long was so hard and took me so long, that I can't say I've gone very far with that one yet. :sad:

What's more, after a very interesting discussion on MSN one night, it came to my attention (than U Angie :lol: :wink: ) that some people might want to strangle me if I didn't put you out of your misery already on Before it's too late :lol: ... so after much thinking, I've decided to wait and really concentrate on Detention once I'd have reached the point in BITL where 1. you won't have to fear for Liz's life any longer and 2. you won't have to fear for Max and Liz's relationship anymore either... which should normally happen in what, maybe two chapters :? ... now how am I gonna do that?... am I gonna skip time?, am I as evil as some of you think I am? lol... well, that's for me to know and for you to find out very soon :wink:

Concerning the rest... I love Matthew's Haven :lol: so don't worry, I'm not forgetting about that one either... but if you don't mind, considering how I left you on Family Lies, I think I'll write a new part of that one before finishing the next of M'sH... yeah, as always, that damn thing is getting longer than what I had originally planned :roll: ...

And that leaves us with Not who they think... I know that some of you are still interested (thanks by the way :wink: ) so I'll see if I can finish the part as I work on the others as well, you know write here and there whenever I can... I honestly don't have much to do on that one... and let me tell you... Max is one hell of a dancer when he wants... even if he's slightly drunk... and Liz won't know what hit her :lol:

That's it I guess... so I hope you'll be with me for the ride... see U soon with BITL so :wink: ... and of course if you have any comment or suggestion... uh, reclamation :oops: :lol: ... feel free to answer here or PM me :wink:

Take Care,

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 8:33 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Sorry guys but I've been having connexion problems these last days so I didn't check my emails and didn't see sooner that some of you were feedbacking this thread.

To answer to this:
Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:Hey Beccay! wjen are you going to post in it's not too late?
If it's Before it's too late you're talking about, the new part should be out tonight or tomorrow night... I have a busy weekeend planned but I'll try to edit the part and post it before leaving tonight if I can. If I can't then I'll do it tomorrow when I'm back.

Concerning Detention, there's nothing new on that front yet, but I'll let you know when I start really working on it.

I'll try to update Family Lies very soon since I have most of the part on paper already, but I'll let you know more about that too.

Now for TMWYW, well it's a little more complicated unfortunately... as you know that one was my first fic and well, I can't say I'm really proud of myself on that one... I personnally think it's horrible to read but you already know that :lol: but I don't plan on giving up on it for all that... I just need time to reedit everything so it would be more to my liking :lol: (and I'm not even talking about all the gramatical horror I wrote or the incoherencies :roll: ) so be a little more patient with me on that one... I'll be back I promise... not sure when yet though :?

I'm gonna probably post a note very soon concerning a little something I've been working on when I'm having trouble with my other fics... I won't be posting it on this board until I'll be way ahead on my writing, but I'll like for some people to give me their opinion so I know if it's worth continuing or not... so if you're interested in 'testing' a new story for me, PM me and I'll send it your way as soon as I finish with the prologue. ... More news about that soon.

Well, that's it for now I guess... I'm gonna try and edit the new part of BITL now :roll:

Take Care

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:08 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
The new part of BITL is out :lol: see Alana you don't need to camp near the computer tonight :lol:

Got your PMs girls, i'll be answering to them tomorrow when I'm back... I have to go or my bro would have to wait a while before I'm ready... and since my car is dead :roll: I don't have much choice if I don't want to walk :roll:

C U Soon :P

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:28 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Just dropping a new banner coz I just couldn't wait any longer to show you guys... I looooove it so much and I'm sure you'll love it, too :wink: ... Thanks Angie, I just can't stop looking at it :D ... and believe it, it's definitely a good motivation... Max is gonna die, when he sees Liz in that bikini :twisted: :lol:


Alana, Anne-Laure, don't harass me just yet... this fic will be a one parter but I still have a lot to do on it before being able to post it :lol:

See you guys very soon :wink:


Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:33 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
hey guys :P

The new part of Not who they think is out... so go check it if you want.

I also wanted to let you know that I've been invited to the Dreaming among the stars authors' chat on Tuesday 12th, 6PM and that we'll be discussing Shower Reality... so if you have questions or comments about that fic or about the sequel I guess that's where you have to be :wink:

Hope to see U soon :P

Take Care,

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:09 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans

A new part of Before it's too late has been posted. The second half of that chapter should come in the following week, well, hopefully :) So be tuned.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:06 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Just dropping this here:
For Best portrayal of a child, Janelle in Before it's too late.

Thanks to those who voted for her... you don't know how much this means, I think that of all the awards one of my characters could have been nominated for, this one is really the one that warms my heart the most. You're awesome!

Well, if I'm not constantly interrupted today, you should have more news about what I've been doing these last few weeks by the end of the weekend... so stay tune :wink:
Spacegal17 wrote:Do you know when you will post Detention yet? i'm really hanging on the edge of my seat wondering when it's gonna be posted.
Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner :oops: ... to answer your question, I don't know exactly yet, but I hope that it'll be soon... I've been working on it a little here and there when I found some time, but don't worry, I'll let you know as soon as I have anything more concrete... the good news is that I'm off work in a few weeks, and that for almost two months, so I'll try to come up with at least the first part of that sequel in my first few weeks of vacation.

That's it for now... Thanks again guys :wink:


PS: EnDee, Ellie, Izzy, Kara, if you read this, I know that I still have to answer you PMs, but though I've been slow even in that department, rest assure that I will :wink: