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Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:33 pm
by Kath7
Ladeia3 wrote:Hmm, does anyone know if it was ever shown in the show Alex's relationship with his parents? For the life of me I can't remember them ever making an appearance on the show except maybe his dad in the camping trip and maybe for the funeral. Most of the fics I've read seem to favor making Alex's relationship with his parents a little strained but I can't remember if the show ever actually talked about it.
I actually think Alex had a pretty good relationship with his parents, although it is never stated straight out. His dad was amenable to coming along on the camping trip at the last minute. A lot of people use Melinda Metz's Alex's family sitch (the youngest of four boys) to justify his parents' kind of laissez-faire attitude. Basically, they're exhausted. But, of course, that isn't canon. We only see Alex's dad twice - once in Into the Woods and of course, in Cry Your Name. I think he is portrayed as fairly involved in CYN, being as he and Liz have a fairly intimate conversation, as though he's known her for a long time. I think, mostly, the Whitmans and their parenting style are up for grabs.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:06 pm
by StarGazing101
Well, I can't answer all your questions Deejonaise but the 2nd one I can.

2) Brody's usual lunch he ordered from the Crashdown was a Galaxy Sub w/pepperjack but no mayo.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:03 pm
by Kath7
Ladeia3 wrote:Okay another couple of questions from me... Don't ya just love me?? ;)

1) Does anyone know the timeline for Destiny?? (ie: Day of the week it starts or the month or anything like that.)

2) At any point on the show does it give any indication that the baby Tess had was Max's son other than from Tess saying so and Max believing he connected to the kid? (What I mean is, did I miss a part where they mentioned a DNA test or where they confirmed SPOT's parentage any other way besides Tess's word and Max's connection?)

3) Does anyone know how old SPOT was when he made an appearance on the show in 4AAAB and how long it was since Tess blasted off?

I think that's it for now. I'll leave you alone again. :)
1)Destiny takes place in May, 2000. Day of the week is never specified. We know it's May, due to a date Liz types into a computer in Four Square (which aired in April), which precedes it. The events of Four Square, Max to the Max, the White Room, and Destiny take place over about four days I believe. Transcripts at Crashdown would probably help with this.

2) There is never any physical proof (that I can recall) that the baby is Max's, other than Tess's word, and the fact that he connected with it (twice - once in Baby, It's You and once in Busted!)

3) Tess blasted off in May of 2001 and returned in May of 2002. The baby was apparently born in the summer of 2001 (I am basing this assumption on when Max connected with it in Busted!) If we guess July or August for the birth, that would make the baby about 10 months old in FAAAB.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 8:34 pm
by Kath7
There is never any indication that Liz's middle name is Elizabeth on the show. It is a fanfic convention I think. A lot of people also use Claudia, for her grandmother.

Alex's is, of course, Charles. Isabel's is Amanda (To Have and to Hold). As far as I know, we don't know anyone else's, although a fanfic cliché is to have Max's be Philip after his adoptive father.

As for friends and acquaintances: there was, of course, Tommy, Kyle's friend who helped beat up Max in LN (the one Kyle said was a good guy, and Liz disagreed, when they broke up). There was Vicky Delaney, with whom Kyle made out in Heat Wave. There were Isabel's two friends in Leaving Normal (according to TV tome, their names were Vanessa and Elaina). There was Maria's sort of friend in Monsters (the girl she talks to in the hallway about something or other - I think it was in monsters). Her name is Arlene. Alex seemed to have a whole crew of friends at various points in season 1, when he wasn't hanging out with Maria and Liz. There were also the three members of his band, the Whits, Marcos, Mickey and Chris (again, I have their names according to TV Tome).

Season 1 was the time when they seemed to have the most extraneous, normal kids hanging around. After Tess's arrival, the whole group became pretty insular. No wonder everyone thought they were weird. lol

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:50 am
by LizzyBug
From my personal research, I've discovered that the title "El Presidente" was never canon. The title "Senor Presidente" was used only once in Wipe Out. Has anyone else ever seen either one of these titles used in other epis?

Also, I have a canon question. What is Eddie to River Dog? I know that River Dog sent him to Liz, but why him? Why not someone else?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:48 pm
by TaffyCat
Deejonaise wrote:I've got two questions and a request.

1. What was the principal's name?

From Viva Las Vegas

MAX: (walking up behind him, and speaking in the principal's voice) Going somewhere, Mr. Guerin? (regular voice) Pretty good Principal Forrester, huh?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:45 pm
by Tasyfa
Deejonaise wrote:Okay, I've got another question. How did Max communicate with Larek? Did he just show up at random in Brody's body or could Max call to him if he needed him? I'd like to know if the communcation between him and Max was just one sided or if Max could call to him if he needed to.

I know that in Season 2 Larek just took over Brody's body at random but I don't know how it worked in Season 3 since I didn't watch most of it. Any insight on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Well, first off, it didn't happen in Season 3. Brody never appeared and no one mentioned Larek. :roll: So you would have missed it even if you'd watched everything lol!

At the end of Disturbing Behavior in S2 (the 3rd of the 4 Hybrid Chronicles eps), Isabel connected with Brody and invoked Larek. That was how they found out about the Gandarium. But Brody's heart stopped and Max had to perform CPR, apparently b/c the alien has to do some preparation to the human host's body before "possession." So yes, it was *possible* for Max to get in touch with Larek in an emergency, but extremely dangerous. Note that in the beginning of the next ep, How the Other Half Lives, Larek possesses Brody and joins Max et al in the Crashdown to discuss the situation with the Gandarium, as agreed during the previous ep when Brody's heart stopped.

Hope that answers your Q! :)
hugs, Tas

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:52 pm
by Kath7
Gioia wrote:Outstanding breakdown, Tas. I was looking up some of the specifics myself. :wink:

I guess the only other time we saw Larek in Brody's body was at the Summit in MITC. (Which is how they knew to get ahold of him through Brody later that season.)

- Gioia, who is impressed by the wealth of knowledge around here!
The other interesting thing? The two mentioned times were the only ones where we actually SAW Larek inhabiting Brody. And, yet, due to Brody's "abduction" story, he has clearly been possessing Brody for a while when Max first becomes aware that this is what has been happening to Brody while abdcuted. Why? How long has Larek been watching the podsters? And, if it's been a long time, why did he choose Brody, who might never have moved to Roswell? It's all very odd.


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:52 am
by Kath7
Ladeia3 wrote:Okay a couple more stupid questions...

Is it tv show canon that Agnes was a terrible waitress and overall bitch or was that just something that is used so much in fanfic that it became canon?

What is mentioned about Max and his daydreams of Liz growing up? I know that is almost always included in fanfic but I can't remember if it was actually show canon or not.
Agnes was portrayed as an irritating, unhelpful waitress in Leaving Normal. Liz was at the hospital with her grandma, and Maria was overwhelemed at the Crashdown by a dental convention. She was getting no help from Agnes at all (she went on a cigarette break at the most busy time), so Maria ended up asking Isabel for help. Agnes was in a couple more episodes I think, but I can't remember where off the top of my head (possibly the one where Liz makes the schedule - she was one of the unreceptive employees sitting there).

As for Max's daydreams, we only ever saw what they might have been like in the Pilot, when Max first connected with her. There was a scene of him as a little boy seeing her as she got off the bus, then there was a scene of him walking down the hallway at school and watching her laugh with Maria. I'm pretty sure that was it.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:16 pm
by TaffyCat
Lorastar wrote:Quick question: did Max and Liz ever say "I love you?" And if they did, did it occur before EotW? I know they were in love, but for the life of me, I can't remember when they declared it first.


I believe it was the van scene in Destiny, when they first officially declared their love for each other.