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Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:57 am
by A Rose Is True Blue
<b>Chapter 9</b>

“Miss Elizabeth?” Abigail called.

Liz rubbed the sides of her dress down once more before she stepped out from behind the changing screen. “Yes Abigail?”

“Did you want me to send out this note?” Abigail asked. She stood next to Liz’s desk and held a small note in her hands. Liz looked at the note and frowned. She recognized it as her paper, but she knew she hadn’t written a note.

“I didn’t write a note,” Liz said.

Abigail laid the note back down upon the desk, “Perhaps you forgot about it?”

Still frowning, Liz shook her head and turned around for Abigail to finish up her laces. It was possible that Liz had written a letter and simply forgot about it, especially with all that had been happening in the past few days. She’d never been one to sleepwalk yet she would swear that she’d fallen asleep in the chair beside the window, but she’d woken up in her bed. Her only explanation was that she’d woken up sometime in the middle of the night and moved, not fully enough awake to remember it.

“Will you be needing anything else, Miss Elizabeth?” Abigail asked startling Liz.

“I… Uh,” Liz sighed, completely frustrated. She wished that she could pack up her bags and go home. That, unfortunately, wasn‘t likely to happen. Liz swallowed and then forced a smile, “No, I don’t believe I’ll need you again until dinner, Abigail. Why don’t you take that time off? I believe I noticed a few handsome stable boys the other day when I was down there.”

Abigail blushed and smiled. “All right then, Miss Elizabeth. Thank you.”

As soon as the door closed behind Abigail, Liz headed for her desk. With a sigh, Liz settled comfortably and then picked up the abandoned note.


I came to your rooms last night in the hopes of speaking with you. Unfortunately, the hour was late and you were already asleep… in your chair. Do not be alarmed, I merely moved you to your bed, nothing more. I know, I said these two weeks would be spent with the both of us attempting to get to know one another, but due to urgent business I have to leave as soon as possible. I have strong doubts that I will be able to return to the party before two weeks are up. Be assured that I will find you once my business reaches an end so we can continue to further our knowledge of one another. In the meantime, I would strongly suggest you lock your door before retiring.

Until we meet again,

Your fiancée </I>

‘I would strongly suggest you lock your door before retiring.’ Now, she most assuredly would… if only to keep him from coming in! Although she wouldn’t have to worry too much on that front for awhile. Business indeed! Max, <I>Lord Colvister</I>, had just made the perfect excuse to get away from her. Honestly, like she was expected to believe he could not pry himself from his business for a week or two to get to know his fiancée! Could he really not spare the time? Or did he not want to spare the time? Liz’s frown deepened. She had asked Max not to spend time with any of his mistresses as he had asked her to not “encourage” other gentlemen. Yet, would he truly do as she asked? Despite being betrothed to her, Max Evans was ever the rake… nothing would stop him from living as he had been for years.

Throwing the letter down, Liz stood. Well if Max wanted to escape her to spend time with any woman he so chose then that was perfectly fine with her. If Max could break her rules, she most certainly could break his!

A knock on the door drew Liz’s attention. No doubt it was one of her cousins coming to escort her to breakfast. She looked down at her note and called out, “Hold on a moment.” Liz crossed the fireplace, the note still in hand. Reading it once more, Liz scowled and then threw it into the flames and watched as it burned. The edges turned to black and the note began to shrivel. If Max Evans thought she was going to be the perfect quiet wife he was absolutely wrong. Not only would Liz do whatever she wanted, she’d do it with a smile on her lips and hopefully drive him to run as fast as he could.

Liz crossed the room and opened the door with a sheepish smile. “Sorry I kept you waiting…” With a gasp Liz took a small step back into her room. Leaning against her doorframe ever so casually was Michael Evans. He grinned down at her, a wolfish smirk on his face. “No need for apologies. I don’t mind waiting.” His voice was husky and he stepped uninvitingly into her room.


Michael waved away Liz’s protests. “We are soon to be family, Liz. I give you leave to call me Michael, or whatever else you feel quite comfortable with.”

“What are you doing here?” Liz asked, quite rudely.

Michael, it seemed, noticed and smirked. “Alex and Kyle have sung your praises while I have nothing to say of you other than that you are ravishingly beautiful. Since it seems as if my brother has other… matters to attend to, I thought I’d take these two weeks time to get to know you.”

Liz ran her hands smoothly down the sides of her dress. “And you came up here to tell me that?”

“I came to escort you to breakfast,” Michael replied with a smile. Looking into his brown eyes, Liz thought she saw a gleam in them - although she wasn‘t certain of what. Michael held his arm out to her. Steeling herself, Liz straightened and gave him her hand, allowing him to lead her out of the room.

“So tell me… Michael, what is it you do?” Liz asked once her door was closed and they were making their way down the hall.


“Alex and Kyle have told me you aren’t interested in the family business.”

“Ah,” Michael smiled, “The younger ones aren’t interested in it either, if they forgot to mention that. Being the eldest, it falls to Max to take over the family business. It would be awful for him if he hated it, but he seems to enjoy it.”

“And what do you enjoy?”

Michael stopped walking to look at Liz. Confused, she looked up in his eyes to see them suddenly darkened. In a husky voice he replied, “I enjoy what every man enjoys.”

Liz lifted her chin. She could see the challenge in his eyes. This was the type of man her father, uncle and cousins had always tried to shield her and Maria from. He, along with the rest of his brothers was a rake and Liz was completely inexperienced in that sphere despite her dealings with Max. Now would be a perfect opportunity to learn more, and Liz thought back to her previous promise to herself - to send Max running in the opposite direction of her. How better to accomplish that then “encourage” his brother? Liz tilted her head, “And that would be?”

Michael grinned, “Freedom. Pleasure.”

<I>Pleasure</I>. The way he said it sent a shiver down Liz’s back. His voice was so like Max’s… for a moment Liz thought Max had never left at all. She looked up into Michael’s eyes, to meet his gaze. Slowly, she saw his gaze travel over her face and neck before reversing and locking onto her lips. His head slowly descended to her own, while his arms locked about her waist.

Liz pushed at his arms, but once his lips met hers, her hands froze. The kiss was soft and innocent until his tongue ran over her lips. She had no idea what she had just gotten herself into. She should’ve resisted, but she didn’t. His tongue was running over the insides of her mouth and it took her only a few seconds before she was kissing him back, meeting his tongue with her own. Her arms were suddenly around his neck and she pulled herself up to meet him.

It was nothing like kissing Max. With Max there were fireworks, and every part of Liz’s body just knew… that it couldn’t get any better. With Max she couldn’t think of anything, nothing else mattered. Liz hadn’t kissed many other men aside from Max. None had ever measured up to him, now Michael didn’t either. It wasn’t that Michael was a bad kisser. He was far from it… he was excellent. With Michael it was pure fire, pure passion. With Max it was all that and more.

“Oh Liz…” Michael mumbled the words against her lips before smiling softly and pulling away, “If only you had been betrothed to me.”

Liz’s eyes opened and she took a hesitant step back. “That-”

“Shouldn’t have happened,” Michael said. He placed Liz’s hand back on his arm and continued down the hallway, “Let me tell you about my ship.”


Liz debated about what to say to Michael. After their kiss he’d been completely cool and calm, as if the moment had never happened. Well, if he was determined to make it so there was no awkwardness between the two of them, then Liz should in fact be grateful. She was engaged to his brother, there was nothing that was to be done about that unless Max abandoned the betrothal, and the last thing Liz wanted was for there to be a rift between any of the Evans brothers… especially because of her.

“So, what do you think?”

Liz practically jumped in her seat. She turned to look at Grant, who was looking completely amused. She narrowed her eyes at her cousin and then tried to remember what the group around her had been talking about. Horses? Yes. Oh! A morning ride. Liz smiled, “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

Brody, another of Liz’s cousins grinned, “Fantastic! You’ll fetch Maria, won’t you? She disappeared so quickly after eating we didn’t get a chance to mention it.”

Liz blanched, “Yes, well… I’ll get her. We’ll meet you by the stables in half an hour.” Standing, Liz nodded to her cousins, Michael, Alex and Kyle. Before she had walked two steps she felt a hand grab her elbow, slowing her steps. She stopped and turned to see who it was.


He smiled warmly at her and motioned for her to keep walking, “I’ll walk you to Maria’s room. I haven’t had much of a chance to speak with her yet. You know how Nicholas loves to dominate her time.”

“You all love to dominate Maria’s time. So long as you’re with her, no other gentlemen can be,” Liz remarked. Pierce snorted, “Yes well, Nicholas more so than the rest of us. We’re only looking out for her you know. It’s what we’re supposed to do.”

“Yes, I know.” Liz’s reply was distant. Maria had only been looking out for her. Liz kept telling herself that, except she was still angry and upset. Maria was looking out for her, yet she would have betrayed her. Shaking her head, Liz tried to concentrate on Pierce. All of her cousins were fairly handsome but Pierce was the only who was incredibly so. An innocent miss, one whom had never had a conversation with him before, wouldn’t be able to remember a word he’d said after he’d spoken it. Liz was incredibly thankful she was related to him and the others.

“I’m thankful you’re practically already married off,” Pierce continued, “or else the others and I would have a hard time trying to watch other both you and Maria. You’re hellcats, the two of you.”

“It never stopped you before, my engagement I mean,” Liz said.

“Yes, well that’s because you’d never met Evans before. Now that you have, he can watch over you. If only we could get Maria married off…”

Liz rolled her eyes, “You know you don’t mean that. You and your brothers would much rather Maria living the life of a spinster instead of marrying.”

Pierce grinned, “Too true, Lizzie dear.”

The two cousins turned down a hallway. Content, Liz looked around at the paintings, smiling at the memories. Pierce tightened his grip on her arm causing Liz to stop and look up at him, curiosity in her eyes.

“Is something troubling you?” She asked.

Pierce sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. “It isn’t just me you know. Nicholas, Brody, Grant and Sean are worried about it as well.”

“Well that’s never good. What are the five of you worried about?”


“Oh,” Liz forced her voice to not sound so deadpanned, “What about Maria?”

“The day we arrived we found her in her room, depressed about something. Not that she would tell us much of anything, of course. She scarcely comes down now, and when she does she’s quiet… and you know that Maria is never quiet! We’ve been wondering what could possibly keep her so unhappy and-” Pierce cut off.

Liz bit her lip, guilt quickly rising in her. “And what?”

“You’re her best friend, Lizzie. You’ve got to know what’s troubling my little sister. It isn’t a man is it?”

Liz was too shocked to answer.

Pierce took Liz’s silence as if she was confirming his fear. “I knew it! Brody was so sure Maria was upset about something else, but you know how he is. He still sees Maria as the innocent girl who used to follow us around everywhere. Nicholas, Grant, Sean and I see the looks she gets though, and we’ve tried to warn her about the men of the ton but you know how she is! She flirts with men in front of us, as if to bait us and if one of them has taken liberties with her… well! Tell me who it is Liz!”

Liz had no idea what she was supposed to say.

Pierce continued, “When we tried to talk to her about what was wrong she just mumbled about men and their seductive charms. Of course you can see what we’d think!”

Liz sharply turned her head to look at Pierce and fought not to laugh, “Well, this appears to be completely my fault.”

At Pierce’s curious look she explained, “It’s my fiancé, Pierce - who’s been on her mind. I’ve been whining to Maria about him and how unhappy I was with our arrangement. Maria was trying to console me and I sort of bit her head off and told her that she didn’t have a clue how I felt. I haven’t apologized to her yet and she must think I’m furious with her and in turn she was probably upset with Max for upsetting me. I am sorry to have worried the rest of you so.”

“What about the ‘seductive charms’ bit?” Pierce asked.

“Oh that,” Liz scanned her brain. What had Maria been thinking when she’d said that!? “That was just something I’d told Maria. I was being a bit overdramatic.”

Pierce still looked unconvinced.

“When Max and I first met, he kissed me so I told Maria and made it a bit more dramatic than it was,” Liz grinned in spite of the situation… it wasn’t a complete lie. When she and Max had first met he <I>had</I> kissed her.

Pierce nodded now and was smiling. He began to walk Liz down the hallway once more, “Wonderful! We were afraid Maria had been compromised and well, now that she’s not I can rest easily… and the others will as well. Thank you, Lizzie dear, for putting my mind at ease on that subject. Now, as to what else is bothering my brothers and I-”

“There’s more?” Liz groaned.

Pierce laughed, “Last thing, I promise. Now, tell me how you and your fiancé are getting along.”

“We’ve only just met,” Liz replied, “and we haven’t had much chance to get to know each other yet.”

“Well, this would appear to be the perfect time, would it not?” Pierce waved his hand at their surroundings, “A two week house party, with only those familiar with both of our families.”

“Yes, that is what I imagined as well. Unfortunately, he was called away on business.”

“Hmm…” Pierce mumbled.

“Apparently it was very important,” Liz continued.

“Yes?” Pierce looked down at Liz.


“You aren’t making excuses for him, are you, Lizzie?”

“Of course not! I’m merely repeating the excuses he made for himself to me,” Liz snapped.

“So he ran, did he?” A look passed over Pierce’s face. It was gone when Liz tilted her head to see what it was. He smiled, “Nevertheless, that will be dealt with shortly.”

“Dealt with?” Liz questioned. “What do you mean-”

“Ah! Here we are,” Pierce knocked sharply on Maria’s door and then bent to kiss Liz’s cheek, “I’ll see you both in half an hour.”

“I thought you wanted to see Maria!” Liz said.

“Yes, well, I have to talk to my brothers. I’ll talk with her on the ride.” Pierce began to move away from Liz.

“No, wait!” Liz grabbed his hand. “Tell me what you’re up to.”

Pierce took Liz’s hand up in his own, “You are my favorite cousin, Lizzie. I am up to nothing other than making you happy.” His kissed the back of Liz’s hand, dropped it and pinched her cheek. “Be good.”

With that he was gone, leaving Liz to stare after his retreating back. She glared and then turned back to the door, wondering what was taking Maria so long. She knocked again. When still there was no answer she threw the door open.

Maria was facing the window, away from Liz. She moved her head to the side of the chair, leaning against it. “If the five of you wouldn’t mind, I’m busy.”

“Yes, well I can see that,” Liz said. She picked a pillow off of Maria’s bed and threw it at her cousin who turned in shock, at the sound of her voice. Liz plopped down on top of Maria’s bed and watched as the pillow she’d thrown hit Maria fully in the face.

“You were supposed to catch that,” Liz stated.

Maria blinked. Then, in a rush of action threw herself at her cousin. “I’m really sorry I upset you Liz!”

“Good, because I’m sorry I upset you in the first place… and then got upset with you for it,” Liz replied, “I know that you were only trying to protect me and I appreciated it, I was just too upset with being betrothed and not having the type of freedoms you have and I was too blinded by anger to see that you were only helping me.”

Maria was smiling, “I really was trying to help, you know. I didn’t want to see you hurt, that’s all.”

“I know. Do you forgive me for being completely wicked and moody?” Liz asked.

“Of course!” Maria grinned. She hugged Liz again, “I love you!”

“I love you too!” Liz smiled back and then jumped off the bed, “Now we have to get ready. Your brothers want us to go on a morning ride with them in half an hour and you have to be all smiles. They’ve been incredibly worried about you. They were sure that you’d been seduced and compromised by a man - whoever you were raving about. I’d assumed it was Evan and told Pierce that I’d upset you by complaining about Max and then snapping at you. He ran off to tell the others they were mistaken in their assumptions.”

Maria was frowning, “Raving about? What are you talking about?”

“The night that Pierce arrived. Last night. You were raving about some seductive man…”

Maria’s jaw dropped, “Oh! Oh, no. I wasn’t talking about Evan. I was talking about the <I>Viscount of Wilden</I>.”

Liz frowned as she racked her brain for who that was. After a few moments she looked up at Maria, “Who?”

Maria waved her hand in the air, “Michael Evans.”


Maria got up and walked to her closet, looking through her riding habits.

“What’d he do to you?” Liz asked. “He’s been perfectly friendly with me.”

“Yes, well that seemed to be his problem. He was a little too friendly with me, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I think I’m slightly confused. Pierce told me you haven’t been coming out of your room all that much. When did you have a chance to meet Michael?”

“<I>Lord Wilden</I>,” Maria corrected, “It was late at night and I’d heard a sound downstairs so when I went looking I ran into him. I could smell the brandy on his breath and he must of drunk a lot for he thought I was a maid.”

“How do you know he thought you were a maid?”

“His hands were far too wandering and he invited me back to his room,” Maria found a habit and laid it out for Liz, “Here, wear one of mine. We’ll be late if you have to go back to your room and wait for you to change.”

Liz took the habit and turned her back for Maria to undo the laces. “What did you say to him?”

“Who?” The laces were undone. Liz pulled her dress down and pulled the riding habit up instead, again turning her back to Maria, who did the laces up. Once done, Maria turned her back to Liz. Liz, in turn, undid Maria’s laces.

“Lord Wilden!” Liz finished with Maria’s laces and pulled the jacket of the riding habit on while Maria dressed.

“I slapped him, of course,” Maria pulled the habit on and then turned her back to Liz again, ignoring the look of shock and amusement on her cousin’s face.

“You <I>slapped</I> him?!” Liz gasped, pulling a little too tightly on the laces. She mumbled an apology and then finished the lacing.

“Yes, well… he seemed as surprised as you.” Maria pulled her jacket on, and then grabbed her boots. She sighed and then looked around for her gloves. “Drat! I can’t find them.”

“It’s all right. We’ll stop by my room, I have an extra pair of yours. I need my riding boots anyway.” Liz looked at the clock, “We’d better hurry. You know how your brothers hate waiting.”

“In that case,” Maria crossed her room and held the door open for Liz, “do you think that you have a hat that would match my habit?”

Liz laughed and followed Maria.

“I think it’s only fair to warn you that Lord Wilden will be coming on the ride as well.”

Maria scowled then shrugged, “It’s not as if I have to ride next to him. I’d much prefer riding with one of his brothers.” She muttered a curse, “I forgot to ask you! How did the meeting with Max go?”

“Oh, it went. He laid out a set of rules for me,” Liz opened her door as they reached it and then shut it after Maria entered. She searched through her drawers and then pulled out a pair of gloves. She handed them to Maria, “I’m not to ‘encourage’ any gentlemen until we are married. Once we are married I’ll have to give him heirs before I even think of becoming the mistress of another man.”

Liz took her slippers off and pulled her boots out of her closet. She sat down to put them on.

Maria, was cringing, “It doesn’t sound as if your meeting went too well.”

“It didn’t. I told him that I’d follow his rules as long as he followed mine,” Liz finished with her boots and began the search for her gloves.

“Brilliant!” Maria grinned, “What rules did you give him?”

“The same as he gave me. As long as I could encourage no one, neither could he. After our marriage, should he wish to have a mistress he can.”

“How’d he take it?”

Liz shrugged, “I doubt he’ll give up any mistresses he has or comply with any of my rules.”

Maria watched her cousin closely, “I see. So, you’re…”

“Not going to follow a single one of his rules,” Liz finished. She grinned at Maria, “He has no idea who he’s marrying.”

“So, then are you going to continue with Evan?” Maria asked.

Liz shook her head, “<I>That</I> was a twist I didn’t expect.” Straightening, she crossed to the bed where Maria was patiently waiting. She sat next to her with a deep sigh and leaned against one of the bedposts, eyeing her cousin to see her reaction, “It turned out that Evan Carmichael, was in fact Maxwell Evans.”

“<I>You’re joking</I>!” Maria said. Her emerald eyes searched Liz’s. “That’s <I>impossible</I>.”

“If only,” Liz sighed.

“No wonder he gave you rules. I thought that was a pretty strange topic for your first meeting,” Maria rubbed Liz’s arm in comfort. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’ve had a day or two to get used to the idea,” Liz’s gaze fell to the clock beside her bed. She groaned and stood up, pulling Maria with her. “We’re already late.”

Maria looked at the clock too and then quickly followed Liz to the door. “So, is Max going to be riding with us as well?”

“No,” Liz locked her arm with Maria’s. “This morning I found a note from Max. He said that a pressing business matter had come up and he had to leave immediately. He doesn’t think that he’ll be coming back within the two weeks we’re here.”


“And that he’ll accompany me to any events I choose to go to when I return to town,” Liz said.

“Do you believe him?”

“Yes. I think he believes that he has to keep an eye on me ever since he was Evan and I was Beth,” Liz gritted her teeth, “Ridiculous, of course.”

“No, well yes, that is ridiculous, but what I meant was whether or not you believed that he was leaving for business.”

Liz was silent for a second, “I don’t know.”

“When I was talking with Michael, Lord Wilden, I wasn’t at all sure. I’d had doubts ever since reading the letter though. It doesn’t matter, I never expected him to follow my rules,” Liz waved to Abigail as she neared the stables.

Maria waved as well and laughed as they saw the stable boy Abigail was talking to blush furiously and pull her inside the stables.


“It’s about time you two showed up!” Sean grumbled. He and Brody were closest to Maria in looks, while Grant, Nicholas and Pierce all took after Amy’s dark coloring.

All five of the DeLuca brothers were casually leaning against their horses while the three Evans brothers were leaning against the stable walls. Two mares were nearby.

“We’re late by merely five minutes,” Maria shot back. She shot the mares a disgusted glance and exchanged a look with Liz who was also eyeing the mares.

“Well, then, are you ready?” Michael asked, joining the conversation. He treated Maria as if they’d been friendly all their life, as if the incident between them had never happened. Liz noticed that that had been the same as he’d treated the kiss between them. She smiled and then approached the mare.

“Aren’t you a pretty girl?” she asked, running her hands along the mare’s mane. “Too pretty for me to ride.”

Maria joined her, rubbing her own mare. She grabbed the reins and began to lead her back into the stables, Liz close behind her.

“What are they doing?” They heard Sean ask, irritated.

“Mares!” Maria hissed with a roll of her eyes, “This was deliberate, you know that, right?”

“Of course.” Liz said. She spotted the stable master and beckoned him over with a brilliant smile, “Dackins!”

“G’morning Miss Elizabeth, Miss Maria.” George Dackins was an elderly man who’d been with the Parker family since he’d been a boy. His father had been the stable master before him. Liz and Maria treated him as if he was one of the family.

Maria gestured to the mare next to her, “As beautiful as these mares are, Dackins, I believe we’ll have to have Monty and Letty saddled. You don’t mind, do you?”

Dackins’ eyes twinkled, “I imagined as much. The sirs wouldn’t listen a’ course. They’re saddled and waiting.”

Beaming, Maria leaned forward and kissed his cheek, “You know us so much better than my brothers, Dackins.”

Dackins blushed and beckoned two stable boys towards him. The first took a hold of the saddled mares while the other went towards the back of the stables.

“We’ll wait outside, shall we?” Liz asked. Dackins gestured them off.

“It’ll only be a moment,” Liz said to the others, who were still waiting outside.

“Where are the mares?” Nicholas asked.

“Inside,” Liz replied, waving towards the stables.

“Well, go get them back so we can leave,” Nicholas demanded.

“Why? Letty and Monty are both here. We can ride them,” Maria’s voice was hard and defiant. Maria’s brothers glowered and scowled. The Evans brothers watched in amusement.

“You both shouldn’t be allowed to ride those beasts,” Grant stated.

“Well we are.”

“Aw, here comes my baby,” Maria grinned at the sight of Letty approaching. The stallion was big and black, his mane and tail long and brushed.

“<I>That’s her horse</I>?” Michael hissed. “The <I>stallion</I>?!”

“Yes,” Sean grumbled. “Bloody beast. He won’t let nearly anyone else ride him. They shouldn’t, not that anyone listens to us on that front.”

Letty snorted as he neared, as if laughing at the comment. Maria shot her brother an amused glance and rubbed Letty’s long nose affectionately. “They’re silly to even try to stop me from riding you, aren’t they?”

Letty stomped his hooves as if in agreement. Maria shot her brother a sweet smile. The stable boy near her gave her a disbelieving glance.

“You let her ride him?” Michael asked Nicholas.

Gritting his teeth, Nicholas moved on his own horse, “We don’t let her do anything. She has our uncle and father wrapped around her finger.”

Kyle moved forward to help Maria mount the stallion. She smiled gratefully down at him, “Thank you.”

Liz almost jumped in glee at the sight of Monty.

“There’s another one?” Kyle asked. “Good God.”

Monty was the exact same as his brother, except he had white spots towards the bottom of his four legs. He trotted towards his mistress and stopped obediently in front of her. This time, Alex came to help her mount. She rubbed Monty behind his ears and then grinned at the others. “Well, are we ready to go?”

“Unbelievable,” Michael muttered, throwing a disapproving look Maria’s way. She, in return, smiled triumphantly.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:01 am
by A Rose Is True Blue
<center>Author's Notes</center>
Look guys! I'm updating! WHOO! LOL.

Eve: Thanks for your feedback! And you are definitely right about the mission impossible statement! Can you imagine living back then?

I am a dreamer: All of the Evans brothers are rakes... but can you blame them?? They're all gorgeous! I'm so glad you're enjoying this. And, I'm working on the updating issure. Promise! See? I've already updated again. Pretty good I think! Thanks for your feedback!

aurorasky: Thanks for your feedback!

cherie: Yes, RL can be a major biatch... but what can you do?? Maria and Liz won't let the guys rule their lives... at least they'll try to stop them. ;) Thanks for your feedback!

BehrObsession: Max is going to be pissed, if and when he finds out about the kiss Michael and Liz shared. And, I can say with a lot of confidence that Max won't be running to his mistress(es) any time soon. If at all. ;D Thanks for your feedback!

roswellluver: Thanks for your feedback!

Gigo: YAY! You crossed over!! *tackles* Goonies should have an update soon. Thanks for your feedback! Glad to see you reading this, and sorry to see that it mde you late to read it!

Pegleg: Michael's actions will be explained later - promise. Thanks for your feedback!!

SarahWhitman: Hmm... well Liz will probably end up "encouraging" more than the Evans brothers... although she'll be "encouraged" plenty herself! Thanks for your feedback.

MissTinguette: Max will definitely show more interest in Liz, although you won't necessarily see that in this chapter.

Chapter 10

The beginning of the ride was considerably boring for Liz and Maria. Nicholas talked with Michael of the war with France, with occasional remarks from Grant and Pierce while Alex talked to Brody and Sean talked to Kyle. Liz and Maria, for the most part, were left out of the conversation.

Maria rolled her eyes and looked towards her cousin, “Aren’t you just ecstatic they invited us along?” She nodded towards her brothers. “So like them to keep us in between them and then ignore we’re even here.”

Liz looked over the company. Nicholas and Grant, as the elders, were at the front with Michael. Then, Pierce, Alex and Brody followed right before Liz and Maria. Behind them were Kyle and Sean.

“Do you think we could sneak away?” Liz asked.

Maria grinned at the idea. She looked back to glance at Kyle and Sean, then turned around with a mischievous laugh, “Oh yes.”

“I’ll handle Sean?”

Maria nodded, “I’ll deal with Kyle.”

Liz watched as Maria locked eyes with her brother. She asked him if he’d mind switching places with her, “I’d love to speak with Kyle if you don’t mind.”

Shrugging, Sean agreed. Maria moved towards the back, waiting for Sean to move forward next to Liz. When she finally moved in line with Kyle, she checked to see whether or not any up front had noticed. They hadn’t.

A grin crowding her face, Maria straightened and turned to Kyle, “So… tell me Kyle, how do you like Parker Hall?”


Liz waited patiently as Sean talked until he mentioned something she could use. She coolly interrupted her youngest cousin, “Rome? Why, Kyle was just talking about Rome to me the other day!”

She turned in her saddle to call Kyle, “Sean has just been to Rome, Kyle. Unfortunately, I have nothing to speak of on that subject and I’d fail to keep him entertained. You don’t mind taking my place and saving me from embarrassment, do you?”

Kyle grinned, “Not at all!” He turned to Maria, “We will continue our discussion later?”

“Of course,” Maria beamed at Kyle and watched in pure delight as Liz moved towards her, finally taking Kyle’s place.

“Well,” Liz laughed, “that went well.”

“Yes, I believe it did. Now, we should wait a few minutes to slow Letty and Monty down before disappearing,” Maria watched her brothers and the Evans. They were all deep into their own conversations. She pulled lightly on Letty’s reins as Liz did the same. Soon, there was a pretty good distance between the two girls and the group of men. As one, they turned their stallions and raced away, laughing as they went.

“I wish we didn’t have to sidesaddle!” Maria yelled, urging Letty on.

Liz sped Monty up as well, “If it weren’t a house party, you know we wouldn’t have to.”

The two stallions knew the land well. They made their way through a group of trees and down a hill. A few miles off there was a small pond with large rocks and trees surrounding it. Claudia had shown Liz and Maria the place when they’d been young. It was one of their favorite places in all of Parker Hall.

“How long do you think before they notice we’re gone?” Liz asked.

Maria shrugged, “At least one of my brothers will know where we’ve gone. If they don’t come upon us within an hour or two we’ll find them.”

“Almost there,” Liz said. She raced in front of Maria, squealing when Monty jumped over a small log. The scenery grew even more familiar until she finally saw the circle of rocks. She turned back to see Maria and Letty on her tail. She pulled Monty to the side, letting Maria catch up with her. Together, they slowed down as they neared the pond. Maria moved towards one of the rocks, easily sliding off onto it. Liz followed her example.

“Another reason I love this place. We need only step onto the rocks to mount our horses,” Liz pat Monty’s neck affectionately. She gazed around the lake and stopped at the sight of someone else. Maria had noticed her too. They both stepped off of the rocks and headed for her. She hadn’t yet noticed them.

“Isabel!” Maria called cheerfully.

The voluptuous blonde turned at Maria’s call. Isabel Amanda Valenti was a year older than both Maria and Liz. With long blonde hair, light brown eyes and a hour glass figure, Isabel was very much desired among the men of the ton and had been friends with Maria and Liz since they’d met at a picnic Claudia had held when they were mere children. Isabel had two sisters; one older, Kathleen Chelsea Johnson, recently married off to a much older duke and Serena Bethany Valenti, only just turning thirteen. Isabel’s mother, Michelle, was desperate to marry each one of her daughters off to noble, wealthy men of the ton. The offer for Kathleen had come before any other and the Baroness of Ravenshaw had leapt at the offer. Feeling it was her duty to her mother, Kathleen had accepted the proposal. Isabel, was determined to do everything within her power to not follow the steps of her older sister. She would not marry. It was one of things that attracted Maria and Liz to her - she wasn’t like the rest of the ladies of the ton.

Standing, Isabel grinned at the two, “I didn’t even notice your arrival!”

“So we saw,” Liz replied. She and Maria moved towards a few of the rocks where Isabel had previously been sitting. Isabel sat back down once Liz and Maria sat on rocks close to hers.

“What are you doing here?” Maria asked, “We would have loved for you to join us on the ride this morning.”

“I felt the need for a walk,” Isabel replied. She closed her eyes and leaned back to feel the sun on her face.

“We had to escape,” Maria said bitterly.

That caused Isabel to open her eyes.

“She is being exceedingly dramatic,” Liz pinched Maria. She smiled back at her friend, “We were being escorted by Viscount Wilden, Duke Evenly, the future Marquis Calverton, Viscount Johnston and the other sons of Count Reepham.”

It took a moment for Isabel to process the titles. Her lips formed an ‘o’ in understanding, “The Evans and DeLuca brothers. Many women would envy the company you keep.”

“Many women do keep their company.”

Isabel laughed. The topic of rakes and their ‘prey’ wasn’t one that was often spoken of in polite society, at least not by those who weren’t high enough up in society to be able to speak freely. Maria and Liz had enough high connections to easily say what they wanted, but most often, they didn’t.

“So you have met Lord Colvister then?” Isabel asked.

Liz succeeded in biting back a groan. Even when he wasn’t around, Max Evans managed to find a way into Liz’s mind. She shifted on her rock and gazed across the small pond. “Yes, we’ve met.”

“Can you picture yourself married to him?” Isabel prodded.

Liz frowned. She could picture herself married to Max, yes, but only because she’d had plenty of time to think of it all of her life. “Yes,” She answered honestly. “And no.”

“It’s a good match,” Isabel commented, “the Evans are highly respected, and the most well known family within the ton. My mother would happily marry me off to one of them, even if one was a second or third son, if for nothing more than the title.”

“What makes them even more desirable to the ton mamas is that each one has inherited land, property and titles from their uncles who have no other heirs. Bachelors, the lot of them,” Maria added.

“Yes, but the same can be said about your brothers,” Liz said.

Maria waved her hand, “It’s not the same. Nicholas is only taking over land that my father received. The others are very much second sons.”

“Technically Grant is my father’s heir,” Liz replied, “it’s the other three who are second sons and Grandma Claudia is going to leave each of them property.”

“She’s a Dowager Duchess, she has plenty to leave them,” Isabel said. “Not that any of them are planning on getting married anytime soon. Are they?”

Maria fell back onto her arms, “If only! Then, maybe, they’d stop following Liz and I to every function we chose to visit. You’ve seen them, Isabel, you know how they like to hover.”

Isabel laughed, throwing her head back. “Pretty soon they’ll only hover around you, what with Liz getting married.”

Considering Isabel’s words, Liz was determined not to let them get her down. It wasn’t Isabel’s fault that Liz had been promised off. In Isabel’s eyes, and that of the rest of the ton, the match was good… one of the best you could receive. Soon, everyone would be making compliments to Liz or around her. She’d have to get used to hearing them.

“The shipping business should keep them occupied,” Maria replied. “If not, I’ll look to you and Liz to save me from their company.”

“Of course,” Isabel readily agreed. She had grown up with the four Evans, and knew them well. While she knew Maria’s brothers, they had usually changed who was watching Maria so often that Isabel wasn’t able to spend time with each of them individually. From what she did know, they were, each of them, rakes.

“I’ll try,” Liz sighed, “Most of the time I’ll be busy with Max.”

“Was he riding with you this morning?”

“No, he had to leave on business.”

Liz saw the frown on Isabel’s face. Then her face seemed to clear as she looked beyond Liz. Twisting, Liz saw Alex emerge from the trees, Michael and Kyle not far behind him. Liz’s cousins soon appeared, looks of fury on their faces. Out of the corner of her eye, Liz saw Isabel lift a brow. Any other woman who was at the receiving end of any of the glares Liz and Maria were currently receiving would have shrunk back in terror. Instead, Maria waved and called, “What took you so long?”

Nicholas was the one who replied. He pointed his finger at Maria and Liz, “What the devil were you two doing?!”

“You think he’s mad?” Maria asked, turning to Liz and Isabel. She looked back at her brother, “Liz and I wanted to race so-”

So you took off without a by your leave?!” Nicholas shouted.

“Oh, he’s mad,” Isabel mumbled underneath her breath. Liz thought she saw her cast a look at Alex, and him return one but when she tried to be certain and look for sure the look was gone. Shrugging, she realized it must have only been the sun.

“We’re sorry to have upset you,” Liz said. Next to her, Maria snorted.

“The bloody hell you are,” Grant put in.

“You had us bloody well scared!” Pierce snapped. He ran a hand through his hair.

Looking towards Alex, Kyle and Michael, Maria waved to her brothers, “Are you like this with your sister?”

“She’s already married,” Michael growled, “and you both should’ve said something before wandering off.”

Liz and Maria exchanged glances. Maria spoke again, “Well the next time we choose to go somewhere we’ll make sure to consult with our bodyguards before doing so.”

“For now though,” Liz said, “we’ll just talk with Isabel a bit more and then walk back towards the Hall when we‘re done.”

As if seeing Isabel for the first time, all of the men greeted her. She waved away their greetings with a smile.

“We can wait for you,” Alex said, “if you wish it.”

“We’ll wait for you anyway,” Nicholas said firmly. “Once we reach the Hall, I’m going to talk with Father about you.”

If looks could have killed, the look Maria sent Nicholas would have him dead on the ground. Liz simply ignored their presence and kept talking with Isabel. If the next two weeks were anything like today, Liz was sure she would be able to handle it fine. Hopefully, Max would forget about her during the two weeks and wouldn’t seek her presence until their engagement party.

How hopeful and wrong she was.


By the time Max finished with the Masley case two and a half weeks had gone by. The party had ended a week before, but he’d ignored all calls he’d received unless it was related to the case. The Masley case was one of the biggest cases his father and he had received. Relatively new to the business, Max truly wanted to finish the case off as neatly as possible. He’d taken an extra day or two once he’d finished, to check everything over before closing it. Max merely wanted to spend most of his free day sleeping. That, it seemed, wasn’t bound to happen.

At nine in the morning, Max’s valet, Devin, rushed in to wake him up. Groggily, Max had woken up and dressed to find his mother waiting in the sitting room.

“Good morning, Mama,” Max bent to bow and kiss her cheek.

Diane waved for her eldest son to sit down across from her. She frowned at him, “Well, what have you to say for yourself?”

Max raised a brow.

“Is the case finished?”

“Yes,” Max replied. “My business is done.”

At that, Diane brightened, “Well! In that case, I expect you to be at the dinner and ball tonight at the Anderson’s. They’ve sent you an invitation, though I doubt you’ve been looking at any of your cards.”

“I haven’t had the time,” Max replied. He shifted in his seat, “Would I be right in the assumption that my bride to be will be attending?”

Diane narrowed her eyes at her son, “You managed to run from the two week house party, I seriously hope you aren’t complaining.”

Max sighed in exasperation. “It was business. I had to leave.”

“Nonsense! Your father could have handled it.”

“It was my case,” Max insisted.

“Fine,” Diane said. She pointed her finger at Max, “I expect to see you at the dinner precisely on time. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Mama,” Max replied.

“Good,” Diane said. She settled more comfortably in her seat. “You can ring for tea, dear.”

Max stood and walked over to the rope. Pulling it, he ran a hand through his hair again. His mother was going to be the death of him.

“How are the wedding plans going?” Max asked, once he sat back down.

“Wonderfully. After your engagement ball next month, Nancy and I will involve Elizabeth in the planning. That is if she will still accept you,” Diane eyed Max. “You left her barely even a day after meeting her. She spent most of the party with your brothers, and now knows Michael better than she knows you!”

Michael? Max sat up straight, “Did she and Michael spend a lot of time together?”

“He usually escorted her to breakfast,” Diane replied. “If not him, then one of her cousins. It would have been you had you not left-”

Before Max could reply, one of the maids brought tea into the sitting room. Max poured one for his mother and handed it to her. She stirred her tea and then took a hesitant sip. Putting it down she looked back up at Max, “We finally decided on having the wedding and reception at Evenly Manor.”

“Have you checked with Alex? It is his home after all,” Max said.

“Nonsense! Evenly Manor belongs to every Evans. Alex, darling, doesn’t mind at all. Especially in the case of your wedding,” Diane grinned.

Of course he doesn’t mind! Max rolled his shoulders, trying to loosen up. Each one of his brothers had constantly made fun of him for being engaged. Michael, had been one of the only ones who didn’t think Max would change any of his hobbies once he was married. If anything, he wouldn’t have to go to a mistress if he was desperate for a quick tumble, he’d only have to go home.

“Now, I have to go but,” Diane caught Max’s eye, “duke or not, Maxwell, if you don’t show up tonight or if you come even a moment late you’ll have to deal with me.”

Max grinned at his mother, “Now, Mama, would I disappoint you?”

Diane stood up, shaking her head, “I want you on your best behavior tonight, too.”

Max stood and took his mother’s hands in his. He kissed both of her cheeks and gave her a fond smile, “I’ll see you tonight in time for dinner.”

“Good,” Diane smiled and headed for the door. “By the way, you forgot to promise to behave.”

Max merely grinned and walked his mother to her carriage. Shaking her head, Diane gave Max one last look before closing the carriage door and waving him goodbye.


It’d been a week since the house party had ended and Liz had spent her time at every function she’d been invited to. Max had not appeared or sent her a note since she’d last talked to him. It seemed as if he had indeed forgotten about her, which for some reason, made her feel… empty inside when she wanted nothing more than to dance with any gentlemen who asked her, “encourage” any of the gentlemen who approached, and ever since she realized that her fiancé had forgotten her, she’d done just that.

The house party had gone by so quickly. Liz spent her days with Isabel, Maria, the Evans brothers and her cousins. She spoke with the other houseguests freely, and generally enjoyed their company. The Anderson’s daughter had just had a newborn baby, the Harding’s daughter was spending time in America with her uncle, and the Troy’s had just spent a few months traveling around Europe. For her part, Liz talked with all who asked her about her upcoming nuptials, as if she was incredibly happy with her upcoming marriage, if for nothing else than the sake of her parents who had left the house party feeling more comfortable with the arrangement than they had before.

When the end of the house party arose, Liz had made Alex, Kyle and Michael promise to at least attend a few balls with the others lest she, Maria and Isabel be forced to dance with the same men all night and keep boring company. They’d done as promised and more. Every ball Liz went to, she found at least two of the Evans brothers there, smiling, charming, and dancing their way through the ton. Maria, it seemed, forgave Michael for the incident at the house party though the two of them fought, teased or tried to get under the other’s skin constantly.

Liz hoped that all three of the Evans brothers would show up tonight. There was a dinner and ball at the Anderson’s that night, and because of the closeness of their families, Liz would be seated next to one of the Evans. Her chances were exceptionally better at not having to deal with tedious conversation if she had two of them by her side.

“Miss Elizabeth?” Abigail called.

Liz turned and smiled as she saw the diamonds in Abigail’s hands. “Abigail, you darling! Where did you find them?”

“In the jewelry box the Dowager gave you,” Abigail replied. She went behind Liz to place the diamond necklace around her neck, then turned her to put the diamond drops in her ears. Stepping back, she smiled. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you, Abigail,” Liz replied. She was wearing one of her newer dresses, a brilliant blue dress that clung to her figure. The neckline was low, lower than Liz had previously worn before, but nothing that would cause speculation and gossip from the older women of the ton, and the gossipmongers.

“Your parents are waiting downstairs,” Abigail announced.

“All right,” Liz said. It took her a moment to dab her perfume on her neck before she was sliding her cloak over her shoulders and climbing into the carriage.


There were only a few close friends of the Anderson’s who were invited to dine before the ball. Liz wasn’t surprised to see her aunt and uncle there, nor Isabel and her family. After greeting her cousins, who had all been keeping a close watch over Maria lately, Liz walked over to join the Valenti’s.

“Miss Parker!” Liz was greeted by James Valenti, Baron of Ravenshaw. She curtseyed to both him and Isabel’s mother. It was obvious where Isabel got her looks. Both Kathleen and Isabel shared their mother’s golden hair, and brown eyes. All three of the Valenti’s were tall, making Liz feel like a dwarf. She smiled and touched fingers with Isabel, their eyes meeting. Isabel rolled her eyes in her mother’s direction. Liz had to cough to cover up her laughter. Michelle was ever trying to marry Isabel off, while James Valenti was more than happy having his middle daughter living with him forever. He was a warm man, and Liz was more than happy that Isabel had his personality, and not her mother’s.

“So, Elizabeth dear,” Michelle smiled politely at Liz, “you must be overjoyed with the coming wedding.”

Liz reminded herself that screaming now, in front of all of her parent’s friends wouldn’t please her parents at all. She smiled weakly, “Yes, of course.”

Mother,” Isabel came to Liz’s rescue. Almost glaring at her mother, Isabel made excuses for Liz and herself before practically dragging her away. “She’s been talking nonstop about your marriage. No offense, Liz, but if I have to hear another word about weddings, yours in particular, I just might scream.”

“You won’t be the only one,” Liz assured her. She glanced around the room. Her cousins were with her aunt and uncle, her parents with the Evans… where were the Evans brothers?

“Have you seen Alex, Kyle or Michael?” Liz asked Isabel. She hoped that they hadn’t decided to not come tonight.

“They’re over there.” Liz followed Isabel’s nod. She grinned gleefully at the familiar sight.

“They’re practically hiding!” Liz said, looking closer. Aside from the legs of the three men, you saw nothing else. They were hidden in the shadows.

Isabel grinned, “They’ve been in that corner for over half an hour… ever since they got here and greeted everyone.”

When Liz and Isabel approached the three brothers they had their backs turned away from them. Isabel raised an eyebrow and then put her hand on Alex’s shoulder. Smoothly, Alex turned his head. When he saw her and Liz he smiled and visibly relaxed.

“Why are you hiding?” Liz asked. Michael and Kyle turned towards the two as well.

“We aren’t hiding.”

“Very well,” Liz said, “then why are you in the shadows? It’s polite to stroll, you know.”

Michael grinned, “We did stroll. Now, we’re just talking and waiting for dinner to start.”

“Which should be soon,” Isabel noted. The five talked for a few minutes before a gong was heard throughout the house. Alex immediately held his arm out for Isabel to take. She paused for a moment, looked up at him and then accepted it. At that, Liz was confused. Those two had been shooting glances at each other for the past couple of weeks. No one else seemed to notice them, of course, Liz had only been able to ever since that day in the clearing when she’d first noticed the glances they’d shot at each other.

Liz didn’t have much time to think on it before Michael was offering her his arm and leading her across the room. Everyone else was moving, and Liz and Michael were forced to wait in the room while the others left it. When there was finally space for Liz and Michael to move, Liz noticed that Michael wasn’t moving. She looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. “Michael?”

Michael wasn’t looking at Liz though. He was looking slightly across the room. She followed his gaze and her heart nearly stopped. Walking calmly through the crowd towards them was Max. When he was standing in front of them, he didn’t even acknowledge her presence. He nodded to his brother, “Michael.”

“Maxwell,” Michael replied back. There was a moment of tension between the two before Max was looking down at Liz.

“Liz,” he greeted. She bit her tongue to stop herself from coldly telling him he didn’t have her permission to call her that. His face showed no emotion, as he waited for some kind of greeting from her. None came.

“I can take it from here,” Max was saying. Liz was puzzled. Take what? She looked to see Max offer her his arm. Michael gripped her hand tightly before letting go. He bowed to Liz, shot his brother one last glance and then walked out of the room. Liz simply stood there, staring at the offered arm. She turned towards the door, with every intention of walking into dinner alone. Max’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. He pulled her back towards him, and placed her hand in the crook of his arm as he lead them out of the room.

Fine. Liz thought sullenly. He can escort me wherever he wants, but it doesn’t mean I have to talk to him.

Max was incredibly tense next to Liz. He looked down at her and said in a sharp voice, “I believe I told you not to encourage any gentlemen.”

Liz looked at him confused. She had encouraged gentlemen but Max had never been around to see it. Was he spying on her? Had Alex, Michael or Kyle spoken to him about it?

“That dress is not appropriate,” Max continued.

Liz looked down at the dress. It wasn’t appropriate? She narrowed her eyes, grateful that the dining room was coming into view. “I am afraid that I’ll have to disagree with you, Lord Colvister, on that front. If it was inappropriate my parents would not let me wear it.” Liz’s words were snappish and clipped. She fought to smile at Kyle, who was standing to the right of where Liz was supposed to be sitting. That could only mean that Max would be sitting on her left. She swallowed and watched as Max pulled out her chair for her, pushing it in as she sat down. Then, he sat next to her. Liz looked desperately around the table. Maria was across from her. Good. Liz reached for the champagne in front of her, trying to ignore who was sitting next to her. She had a feeling that the rest of the night was not going to go well.
