Shifting Realities (AU,A/I,MATURE) [WIP]

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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Chapter 10: Part One

Post by Mt Gazer »

hello Dear Readers.

I hope the holidays went well for you. And as promised it is January and I have returned.

I would like to take the time to respond to your feedbacks first...

Roswellluver: As we look at what happened with Future Max’s visit. One thought comes to mind, Isabel is going to need a lot of luck to make everything work out right.

Trude: I can’t say too much… but I loved the Good bye/ Goodnight line as well. But I love it more from Alex. It would be just like him to take her mind off of the fact that she was saying “goodbye forever” but instead getting her to focus on what was before her; A chance with him in another timeline.

SarahWhitman: I hope I cleared your confusion with that e-mail.

You are welcome for the hints/explanations/ secrets. I love my readers. I hope to avail myself to you or any other reader who may need my help.
Yes you are most definitely right when you said that Alex will be alive. She is going back to him.

Neo: I can’t promise that I won’t cliff you again, but… I truly think you will like this next part.

Kittens: Hi, welcome to the story, your name seems to be new to my thread. Yes, Isabel is definitely going back, but the question is where, how far?

Rose is True Blue/Erin: Well I cliffed you to this point, she is en-route to the past. But sing away, because another chance at their relationship is exactly what they are getting.

Now that Isabel has gone back and you shall soon see where… I can’t fully give you answers on what I plan to do with Tess! I’m still working out my “Tess angles.”

NewYorker18/ Keri: Thanks for stopping in to read it, and wow, cover to cover so to speak, thanks…

Now is the other dimension the same?? She really has to be prepared for anything, Alex kind-of hinted that it could be different.

Ian K.: My E-mail responder… So you actually thought that it might be a time travel story, or at least had hoped that it would. I’m impressed. Very good job, keeping up with it.

Tess/Ava, yeah, Tess has been out of the picture for sometime, and her imposter was the one who killed Alex.

And this is to all you Stargazers out there… If you love A/I, I truly think you’ll love this chapter. ENJOY!!!

A/N… I have a banner for my story, it was created for me by Kay, Stargazing101, (last I knew)… I’d love it if you went and checked it out, at the beginning of this story.

And to you Kay… Thank you so much for accepting the challenge. :D It is absolutely perfect. I love it. :D (kisses you on the cheek.) Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.


One other note, The dream has been placed into bold italics as always, to distinguish it from the music. And there are two songs used in this part.


Shifting Realities

Chapter Ten: Part One

Revisiting the Past

Isabel’s body jerked, and the world went instantly dark, as she crumbled to the floor; having experienced an overload to the system, she passed out. The glass of water that she had apparently been getting slipped from her grasp and hit the floor with a CRASH!! SPLATTER! Water spread everywhere over the surface of the floor, wetness slowly seeping into her clothes, which she didn’t realize as she lay there. She was momentarily incapacitated and was unable to move; as Isabel slowly regained consciousness, the world hazy and unclear, she just lay there staring at the ceiling, blinking in confusion. And she realized that it was her kitchen ceiling… ‘I’m home, literally,’ she thought, in her addled state. She re-closed her eyes to fight off an overwhelming sensation of lightheadedness. CRUNCH, slosh, CRUNCH, slosh!!! She heard footsteps on the broken glass, and she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a face leaning over hers, her vision bleary from a headache; she was having a hard time making out the features. Isabel blinked as he spoke…

“Izzy, God!! Iz are you ok???”

He helped her to sit up. “Isabel you scared me! What happened???” Max demanded.

She mumbled weakly, “I think I passed out.”

Max had been worried about his sister after the alien secret had been inadvertently revealed to Liz. So when he heard the glass shatter in the kitchen he ran in to check on Isabel. He saw her lying on the floor and his heart skipped a beat. There was broken glass that lay at her side, and water that had splashed everywhere. After he had helped her to sitting, he noticed that she looked dazed, her eyes seemed unfocused, and her hands were trembling, violently. “Yeah, I’d say so.” He replied to her comment of passing out. He concernedly helped her to stand up, and as she righted herself and stood holding onto the counter ledge for support; Isabel remembered having heard the glass shatter and so a few moments later she bent over to clean the mess. Max wondered what was going on with her; as she didn’t seem to be very rational, if that was a good way to describe it. He once again pulled her to standing, motioning her to forget the glass.

Beside the fact that she had found herself flat on the floor, and she was now barely standing, Isabel realized that the time-travel must have worked and she was still experiencing lingering effects of her journey. Her hands were trembling and she couldn’t seem to still them. Also she was a little disoriented, as well as still feeling woozy. And Max was staring at her, with his hand on her back keeping her upright.

She was slowly realizing everything that she was feeling, a piece at a time, as if she had short-circuited and the switches were being reset individually. But the biggest realization was, the fact that she found herself in her own body, her essence having traveled back and connected with her younger self. Thinking about this, she then realized that Future Max, whom she had barely recalled learning about, must have been a mind-warp or something else… He had a physical body to return to, so if it really were Max, he would not have appeared as his older self. Perplexity crossed her face as she thought about this, and then another thought, if Future Max were not real, then he would be something to fix or even avoid altogether in this time-line.

‘Time travel is a bitch.’ She reasoned, hoping to never experience anything along its lines again… ’I feel like I was just pulled inside out and hurtled through space to be rearranged, turned right-side out and dropped off inside myself.’ Thinking about the events as they seemed to feel at the time, ‘Oh Yeah! I think I was.’ She sarcastically thought. Then she smiled to herself about the one main reason she had done this in the first place. ‘It’s a small price to pay for getting Alex back, and fixing everything that went wrong before. Alex is worth it though.’

Because of the broken glass on the kitchen floor, and the fact that Isabel did not seem to be fully functioning, Max did not want to have anything else happen to her and so he pulled his sister to safety. “Come on Iz. You’re ok! I know this is really hard on you but you’ll be ok.” He grabbed her trembling hands and looked her in the eyes.

Isabel took in the sight of Max before her and she knew in that moment that she really had succeeded in her journey to the past, because she was being observed carefully by a younger version of her brother. He seemed relaxed, innocent, almost carefree, compared to the brother she had just left behind; the brother who had just had his world shattered with murder and betrayal in what would be less than two years into the future.

She couldn’t help herself; she threw her arms around his neck and held him, her eyes misty. “Oh! Max.” He pulled out of the embrace and looked deeply into her soulful brown eyes and tried to read the emotion that was playing in them.

“Iz, we’ll get you through this OK? Come on lets go sit you down or something.” He led her to the table. “Maybe its time you talk about it…don’t hold it in anymore. You’re trembling…” Max tightly held her hands in his as they sent little spasms into his arms. “I don’t think you should deal with it alone, let me help.” She stared at him curiously, “This is obviously bothering you, Isabel, more than you let on.” Max continued to speak reassuringly to her, which served to confuse her even further. He looked into her eyes trying to send all the comfort he could. “I heard you get up earlier and I heard the glass crash. I knew that you were at the end and that I needed to be here for you, I never expected to find you passed out on the kitchen floor!” he stated in surprise.

Looking around , I don’t like what I find.
Is this for real or have I lost my mind?

‘What the hell is he talking about?’ she wondered silently. So she decided to play along with whatever was apparently going on, “Yeah Max, maybe I should. Just talk about it and I’ll share when I’m ready.” She sighed, “You’re voice has always had a soothing effect on me, when I am going through things.” The tone in her voice led him to know that she had said as much as she would, there was finality to it. ‘Hopefully I can get answers without revealing anymore questions, like time travel, or where I just came from.’ She thought wryly, as she chewed nervously on her lower lip.

Max started, “When Liz got curious during that day in Science lab and tested my cells, I got nervous.”

Isabel thought, ‘Liz wasn’t shot?’ Confused by the turn of events, ‘…he would have started with that if it had happened. Oh! Boy!’ She bit her lip harder.

“I ended up revealing our alien status when she dragged it out of me,” Max continued… She kept it from Maria for like a week, but that girl is like a bull-dog when she gets an idea in her head. Maria finally made Liz spill what she was trying to hide, and she ran screaming from the place. But you remember all this I’m sure…”

Isabel stared at him and nodded. Her head was actually starting to feel more normal, it wasn’t like a weight on her shoulders anymore.

“Anyway,” Max still was recounting the events of their life and waiting for her to discuss them, “there was that day that the jeep broke down and Maria gave you a ride. Remember using your powers on her car?” He laughed a little at the thought of what Isabel had done to Maria that day. Isabel really hadn’t meant any harm to the girl; she was actually trying to repay the favor and to help her out. Isabel smiled, remembering exactly how freaked out Maria had become, resulting in them crashing into the back of Sheriff Valenti’s Ford Explorer.

“Bad Idea Iz!” stated Max seriously. She just looked at him uncertainly, with her head tilted to the side, she wasn’t expecting that.

“Maria told Valenti.” Max shook his head; “the guy is watching you like a hawk. He talks to anyone who comes into contact with us.” He squeezed her hands, “But you already know all this…”

‘Actually, none of this played this way in my reality.’ Isabel surmised.

Where did the old familiar landmarks go?
I don’t know (where did they go?)

“Isabel,” Max continued, “Of course you’re shaking, you’re like his main target.”

‘I’m his main target?’ her head raised up in question, ‘Maria actually told him? And I’m the one being followed?’ She shook her head in disbelief. ‘This is not how it is supposed to be,’ she sighed to herself.

Have I left them far behind?

“What about Alex?” The words left her mouth before she could stop them. ‘Shit! Can my brain slow down here?’

“What about him?” Max asked.

“Does he know?” Her brain was still running ahead of her mouth.

Max replied, “I don’t know if Liz told him or not, but do you really think we ought to tell another human?” he looked at her sadly. “The way he stares at me makes me think he’s heard something; he acts a little uncomfortable when we are around.” Max stopped to shake his head. “So far this isn’t going well. I know Liz is ok with it, considering she figured it out and all. And Maria is starting to come around, especially after the things you did to her, but should we really involve any others?”

Isabel watched her brother; she really did not know how to answer his last question, it was more than likely rhetorical anyway.

Max continued to unfold the events of their life since Liz had discovered the secret. “It was incredibly stupid to have him exchange his blood for mine with Valenti tailing us, and apparently Ms. Topolsky as well. But I do know that it would really give the FBI something to study if he hadn’t. So I guess sometimes we have to do the less dangerous thing.”

‘Story of my life,’ she remarked silently to herself.

“We owe him something for taking the heat like that, don’t you think?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I guess so.” She quietly replied, but to herself she thought, ‘I know what I owe him personally.’

I’m just a stranger
Looking for an information source

Max looked deeply into her eyes and touched her hand, “I know you’re scared Iz. Valenti was questioning Alex today, about his involvement with us, not that he can reveal much, because Liz has kept him out of the loop… “ He nodded reassuringly. ”Add to this the fact that Alex discovered that Topolsky is an FBI agent.” Isabel smiled slightly, thinking ‘Well at least things are pretty much the same.’ Max’s next words caught her completely off guard, “At least we have the upper hand on that one, and we can just watch her. She doesn’t know that we are on to her…” Isabel found herself momentarily choking from swallowing wrong at that piece of information.

My indicators
Say I went a little bit off course

“He managed to get all her files running normally before she re-entered the room.” Max continued when he was sure his sister was ok again. “He took a huge risk hacking into her system like that.” Max stopped to take a deep breath and let it out slowly and emphatically. “I hate this! We have the FBI in our school, watching us/ you, and you, Isabel; You’re more scared than I’ve seen since you were little.” He was very concerned for how his sister was doing, she had not said anything and they were supposed to be discussing it.

‘When I’m with Alex I’m the least scared I’ve ever been.’ She thought to herself, ‘and I think I know where exactly I’m at in this new/old timeline.’

‘This reality is getting weirder the more he speaks... The good thing is that they are all just observing us, nothing to fear because of no silver healing handprints. This might be OK. I’m the least threatening of all of us.’ Isabel thought to herself, hoping that she was accurate in her assumptions. She really had no way to know what she would encounter; major events seemed to be playing out with different twists. She smiled to Max, returned the grip on his hands and said, “I’m going to pay Alex a little visit.” She noticed that her hands were hardly shaking anymore. ‘I guess a little temporal disturbance messes with the balance, my equilibrium was off for a short time there, but I’m definitely feeling better.’

I’ve got this feeling
I’m a hundred- million miles from home

“See you in the morning, Max.” She stood to head towards her room.

“No Isabel! You freaked Maria out so bad she told Valenti. You’ve got to stop walking into people’s dreams.” Max ordered her.

“Not Tonight!” She declared. ‘Definitely not tonight.’ Then she thought to herself, ‘I get my dream-walk with Alex. My most treasured memory, well besides our first kiss, and prom…but I digress.’

And that my heart has crashlanded
In another time zone.


She went up to her room and closed the door, giving it a small lock with her powers. She didn’t want to take the chance that Max might intrude.

This was her night; she knew what was going to happen and she was not going to miss it. She changed out of her wet pajamas into her red satin ones, the same ones she had been in the first time she had attempted this dream walk. Isabel smiled to herself and looked over at her clock. 2:10am. ‘I must have been getting a midnight drink when I interrupted myself,’ she laughed, thinking on the prior events of the last hour or so.

“Shoot, I left a mess of the kitchen. Mom’s sure to notice it. Oh Well! I’ve got a ‘date’ with Alex.” She said to herself happily.

Looking around the room she realized that her younger self did not have any pictures of her beloved. “I’ve gotta use that dorky yearbook picture,” she remarked, as she scrunched up her nose. “And I definitely have to remedy the no picture problem.” She looked over at her vanity table and smiled, knowing the perfect spot for a photo. She slid down under her covers, making herself comfortable. Hugging the yearbook tightly to herself, she then opened it up to the ever-familiar page with Alex Whitman staring back at her. The page was crisp and unmarred unlike her copy of this book in the other time-line, which was so accustomed to this page being opened that it fell open to it automatically. First, she ran her hand over the cool satiny smooth paper. Next she held it to her lips as she gave the page a small kiss, right over his visage. Isabel whispered lovingly to the picture, “I’m back.” Then she touched his image while a wave of familiarity rippled under her finger causing her eyelids to become heavy as she drifted immediately to sleep, with a satisfied smile on her face.


Isabel found herself in Alex’s dream; she in her pajamas, and he in his regular everyday clothing, following him down the school hallway past the rows of lockers that lined the walls into a nearby classroom, where she sat down on a large teacher’s desk at the front of the room.

The back of the classroom had been transformed into a ballroom, the walls had been covered by a lavish, softly draped, silver lame’ fabric; and white bare-branched trees decorated with tiny white Christmas lights, or pillar candles on stands were strategically placed around the perimeter of the ballroom creating an elegant and dreamy environment for a dance, a waltz. Alex was sitting at the table waiting for his date…’Me’… she thought happily. ‘And tonight it will be.’

As he was about to place a CD, which he had pulled from his breast pocket, into the player, a live band appeared, and the singer, Monique Powell, walked over to him and gently removed the CD from his hand. She gave him a smile and a nod as she said, “We’ll take it from here.” Stepping to the right side of the room the band stood in front of the silver lame’ backdrop and prepared ….As this was the cue for the music to start Isabel knew it was also her cue to become ready.

She walked over to where the dream version of herself was waiting on the periphery of the fantasy and took over. “Tonight, I’m not observing”…she said to herself, “I’m living it.” Isabel used her powers and transformed herself into his “dream Isabel” where she found herself dressed in a beautiful knee-length red dress with floral accents and black velvet banding running along the top, with black spaghetti straps. Her long blonde hair was flowing freely and was gently curled, while the left side was swept up and held in place with a small clip.

Alex was decked out in a black tuxedo, with a white shirt and black accents.

He thought she was stunning. She knew he looked great already, because she had always wanted to relive this dream. The first measures of the song played out.

“Hello Alex,” she said, while her head was cocked to the side and her hands were on her hips.

Alex sincerely replied, “Hello,” his voice deeper than usual.

“Thank-you for inviting me.” Isabel smiled.

“My pleasure,” he answered as he took her hand and kissed it, preparing themselves for a dance.

The lyrics were sung out in a clear manner, as they danced for a while; she twirled into him. He dipped her, brought her back up and they continued the dance side by side.

“You really think of me?” Isabel asked while gazing into his eyes.

“I think that underneath that beautiful exterior is an even more beautiful interior.” Alex spun Isabel out to the side and twirled her back into him. “But I have a feeling that not too many people get to see that interior do they?” They were now face to face, she with her hands on his shoulders.

The music swelled and undulated as they looked at one another.

She quietly responded,” No, they don’t,” while looking directly into his eyes, as they slowly danced.

“Cause it’s too scary to show who you really are. You can show me.” He said genuinely.

Her eyes sparkled with hope. “I can?” Isabel questioned softly, as a gentle smile graced her lovely red lips.

Gazing into her gorgeous brown eyes, nodding, and gently smiling, he replied, “Yeah!”

Isabel continued to keep her eyes on Alex as she gave a slight toss of her hair. And she trustingly found herself drawing ever closer to him during their dance. It was almost as if a magnet were pulling them together at the same moment.

So let me in
Oh! Please tonight

Edging into each other’s space until their mouths were just inches away.

Don’t let this end
I will fall.

The instrumental portion of the song played as violin, cello, and guitar all converged and crescendoed, melodiously playing out.

In her previous timeline, this was the point where she had awakened, happy inside and confused beyond reason. But knowing what he was dreaming about, she didn’t want this dream to end, so she leaned in and returned the kiss that he was initiating. Placing her arms around his neck, forearms draped on his shoulders, she locked herself in a passionate embrace, as they poured all their love into one another, with that kiss. Isabel, especially, poured all the pent up longing and desire into it that she had not been able to express since his demise in the previous timeline. They stood on the dance floor reveling in each other’s love while they passionately kissed for quite some time, nibbling on each others lips, as the minutes seemed to become hours, and time seemed to stand still.

They both came up a short time later gasping for air; awakening from their shared dream.

Alex’s blankets and sheets were entangled at his feet and he was gasping, “I- I just kissed Isabel Evans; p-p-passionately.” Alex stuttered to himself.

Isabel was smiling broadly, “Now that’s the way a dream-walk should work. Finally, I got to kiss him, and share all the love I have in my heart for him.” She deeply and dreamily sighed, “It’s just a dream; I can’t pass any flashes on to him. I can sleep a happy woman tonight.” She looked upwards with a beautiful smile, “By the way, whoever is watching over me, and brought me back to this night; I know you must know how important it is to me. Thank-you so much.” She uttered it like a prayer, but not really knowing if it was. Isabel rolled over and fell into a deep sleep, for once having happy dreams of Alex…she, reliving the dream-walk.


Music: Crashlanded by Crumbacher ~ vs. one
Excerpt: Let Me In by Save Ferris
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Post by Mt Gazer »

First off, I love each and every one of you, and I thank you for reading. I will be handling feedback a bit differently this time…
Normally I respond specifically to each and everyone of you… I will respond to some directly this time, but since the feedback generally landed on one of three things, I felt that I should just respond to the things instead.

So if you responded to the dream-walk:, Roswellluver, Neo, SarahWhitman, Trude, and Kay:

Isabel desperately needed this night to: One, show her that not everything has changed. Two, Alex was right, this Alex does love her, and Three, she needed it for her, this was when she started to notice Alex… Hey, about the kiss, she knows how to take advantage of the moment… and I truly believe she needed it. Why relive a dream-walk if you can’t change the way the dream ends??? :roll:

And did you notice that they switched “roles?” last time it was she who awoke happy and confused, with an almost kiss… this time it was he who woke in the same state… but having kissed Isabel. :shock:

To those of you who commented on the altered reality: NewYorker18, Trude, TrueBlue/Erin, and Kay:

Alex in the past knew more than he let on didn’t he??? I think he handled it very calmly for her, knowing that it could be radically different, he just stated simply, “Things might not be exactly the same as you remember them.”

So when she gets back, the question she could be screaming is, “ALEX, IS ANYTHING THE SAME???” :mad:

And she will have to just see if it will all follow in this vein from here out…

To those of you who specifically landed on the Valenti/Maria change: TrueBlue/Erin, Kay:

As stated in my very first disclaimer…Twists and turns abound… Maria telling Valenti was one of those. (I couldn’t resist… I was watching my absolute all time favorite episode.. “Monsters,” and I had this brain strike… Maria told him, and this chapter began to be put together.) I already knew that there were going to be changes, that was just when I started to discover what they were. As any writer knows, the story writes itself sometimes. And we as the authors have to take that ride.

Slayer: I will have to say that she is most definitely in her new reality, permanent. This one, though different, has recognizable elements, if she journeyed again… well; we wouldn’t want to obliterate everything familiar would we???

Stargazing101/Kay: I will respond to your comment about Max and Liz… basically they are the new Alex and Isabel, (the way we knew them), slow and gradually letting the relationship progress.

Parker Evans: Welcome to the story.
I’m sorry to hear about how your dad died, I find it interesting; we never know just what will touch another person. I hope I did this justice, and I hope this wasn’t too hard to read after that.

Ian K.: My E-mail responder…
I don’t know if I ever saw that episode of Farscape… But I do agree, this does seem to be following in an “unrealized reality” pattern. Hang on for the ride.

There are two songs used in this chapter. The first is by Avril Lavigne and the second is by Save Ferris.

Shifting Realities

Chapter Ten: Part Two

Revisiting the Past

The next morning…

Isabel entered the kitchen and found her brother Max waiting anxiously for her. She realized that he must have cleaned up the broken glass from the night before; pointing to the floor she said, “Thanks.”

“No problem Iz. How are you feeling this morning? You were pretty out of it last night; you had me really scared.” Max looked at her with concern.

“Yeah, yeah that was pretty scary, to have no control like that. But I’m fine today, everything is normal. I feel perfectly fine.”

Max pressed her about dream-walking Alex. “So did you try?”

“Yeah.” She smiled in response.

“I want to know why you did that after everything we talked about last night, and how dangerous things have gotten. I just can’t believe you did that.” Max was still pressing for answers and he was unhappy at how she disregarded their safety to get her own answers.

She shrugged her shoulders as she sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. “Liz couldn’t control the guy. I needed to know what was going on in there, especially after everything that has happened recently.”

Max started to walk over, “So what did you find out? You were able to get in right?”

She smiled to herself, “Yeah, I got in alright.”

“So what was his dream about, we gonna be safe?” Max asked nervously.

‘How do I even tell him how safe Alex is?’ She started to blush when she thought of the events of the dream-walk.

“Well?” He pressed for further information.

“Oh yeah,” she kind of mumbled, “It was kind-of confusing, ‘the first time around.’ He’s a complex individual,” she turned away from him and stared at the top of the table, “with a lot of complexities.”

“Iz, are you ok?” Max asked, concerned over the way his sister was acting.

“Yeah Max, why?” Isabel asked a little flustered.

“Because you look flushed, like your blushing. And after last night, I’m really worried about you. Maybe you should stay home and rest today or something.” He reached out to touch her head to see if she felt warm to him.

“I’m fine Max; it’s the heat ok?” She lied, as she swatted his hand away.

“Isabel? Is there something you want to talk about? Did something happen while you were in there?”

“Look,” she stood up and he forced himself to follow, ”I can take care of the Alex situation. I saw what I needed to see, which is, out of all the people involved, I’m the one that can control him.” A slight smile crossed her lips and a mischievous glint registered in her eyes. “With just a little old-fashioned charm.” She gave a short nod to emphasize what she was saying as she turned to walk away.

“You sure?” Max asked cautiously.

“Yes I’m sure,” she stated confidently.

“You have everything…” Max was cut off.

… "Under control, yes.” She turned and headed down the hall.

Max stared after her and a look of confusion crossed his face, he was not sure what Isabel had seen in Alex’s dream but it had most definitely affected her. The question though, was that good or bad? Isabel seemed nervous, and flustered if those two terms could even be used to describe her. Normally, no they could not, but today they seemed to fit. He just shook his head and then proceeded to ready himself for school.


Isabel spent some of the morning observing Alex to see if he was approachable. During one of the passing periods, she headed towards her locker, 720, and as she made her way over she remembered that in her sophomore year in the other timeline, she had locker 312. ‘Interesting,’ she thought, ‘I have her/my younger self’s memories, and they are perfectly integrated with my own.’ As she leaned into her locker headfirst, she moaned to herself, ‘I’m in my sophomore year again. I was a couple of weeks from graduating. Now I’m doing this all over. And its not like I can get better than an A. Oh Well, at least I’m in school with Alex, beats the alternative I could be living right now.’ That thought cheered her up immensely, repeating her life or not, she was about to see Alex. And seeing how locker 720 was nearer the vending machines, she made her way over to the passageway to await Alex’s arrival.

Alex had just taken an orange soda out of the vending machine by its top, he sighed as he flipped it in his hand catching it by its base. His dream last night was so wonderful and perfect, but he knew that there was no chance that it would ever come true, or even partially true. Isabel Evans was the leader of the popular people, and he was essentially the leader of the, well, not popular people to put it nicely.

Alex turned from the vending machine to find Isabel, wearing a blue tank top, which showed off her well-endowed chest, watching him.

“Hey Alex,” she stated, when he noticed her.

He started to smile broadly at the thought of her talking to him, “Uh, Uh hi,” he stammered in response.

“You look good today,” she crooned, leaning in to unbutton the top button of his collar.

He asked looking down to check out his clothes. “I do?” When he brought his head back up she shyly nodded and smiled.

“Oh- oh thanks!” He mumbled.

Isabel put on a playful flirty smile as she spoke to him again, “So, tonight that party that everyone is talking about? You interested?”

“Oh, yeah, that? Wanna Go?” Alex asked.

Isabel stood there dumbfounded for a second, ‘He’s asking me? So not my reality,’ before she realized Alex was waiting for her answer.

“Isabel?” He questioned. “Did you hear me? Well?” He couldn’t believe that he had just come right out and asked her, but if his dream self could be confident around her, he had to try at least once right? She probably was about to turn him down anyway…

“Sure, that sounds like fun,” she kind of mumbled out.

‘She said yes, oh my god!!! Stay cool Whitman,’ “I’ll meet you there at 8:00, is that alright with you?” He asked even more confidently than before.

“Yeah 8:00, its good…” She was slurring and staring at him. ‘I just said yes to a date with Alex, but not only that, he asked me! What is going on??? Did last night’s kiss have something to do with it?’ She wondered to herself as she just stood there a little bewildered at the turn this had taken.


A little later that evening the Evans’ parents were preparing to leave. “Kids,” Diane Evans stepped into the living room, “your father and I will not be home for the night. Try to keep everything in one piece ok.” She teased them.

“Ok bye, Mom. Where will you be?” Isabel asked.

“We have an overnight business trip in Clovis, we’ll be home tomorrow though, alright?” Diane answered her. “Bye guys.” She gave them each a hug and kiss and followed her husband out the door.


After her parents left for the evening, Isabel spent a long time getting ready for the Rave. She had been sequestered in the bathroom for the past 20 minutes just working on her hair, without using her powers, she wanted to do it right.

Max was getting annoyed with the amount of time she had been spending in there “Come-on Iz. How long can it take? You act like you’re getting ready for a date. If you were though, he’d be picking you up, like I’m waiting to do with Liz. So! Hurry it up!!!”

‘I am getting ready for a date, and I’ll look perfect,’ she surmised to herself. “Max, Image is everything, and I have to impress my public,” she shouted out through the bathroom door. “Just give me a moment.”

(Cause) I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect

She exited a minute later looking stunning in a sparkly, sequined red top with shoulder straps, and wearing a red skirt. Her make-up was impeccable and her lips were done in a deeper shade of red, her blonde hair curled and hanging loosely upon her shoulders. As she stepped into the hallway she heard the high-pitched sounds of a guy’s whistle of admiration. “MAX!” she drew out his name, “stop it.”

“Who’s the lucky guy?” Max teased when he saw her.

“No guy,” she lied. “It takes awhile to get dressed when impressing an audience. I’m going to wow them walking in.” She said haughtily.

“Hope it is worth it, you spent long enough at it,” Max quipped back.

“Oh! It is, it most definitely is.” ‘And my audience, of one, will be stunned. I love you so much Alex,’ she thought to her self while slapping her brother playfully on the shoulder for his comment. “You can watch the reactions for yourself,” is what she actually answered him, while cocking her head to the side.

Cause I know you’re worth it
You’re worth it

They drove over to the Parker’s residence and Max picked up Liz for what could be considered their first date. Max was still in a state of shock that Liz had agreed to go out with him. I mean he was a professed alien after all. Everyone headed out to the Old Soap Factory to the rave.


People were milling around dancing and some punks were getting the sound system ready to blare the music, and to kick it into overdrive.

The music started pumping louder through the speakers..

Alex was standing against a post, looking around for the object of his desire, it was a little past 8:00pm and she had not yet arrived. A few seconds later in strolled Isabel, Liz and Max. Alex could only focus on Isabel. His eyes lit up, and he started to grin.

Max saw the look he was sending towards his sister, and thought to himself, ‘Maybe not wowing them all, but Alex sure is impressed.’


“Alex, Hey!” She responded, while walking over to him. “Hey you look, you look great,” she said while reaching to undo his top button on his dark blue shirt collar for the second time that day.

I’m tugging at my hair
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows

“You too, you know, I like the way you look in red.” Alex replied in response.

“I know you do,” she purred back.

He gave her an interesting look in response to her statement.

Isabel took control of the situation. “You wanna go someplace?”

“Go- Go someplace?” he stammered back.

“To talk,” she looked directly at him.

“Oh talk, sure, sure,” he said, trying to backpedal.

She grabbed his hand and they started to find a more secluded spot that would be conducive to talking. As they ducked under some pipes and made their way into a back part of the factory Isabel spoke to him, “You’re a really, really good guy Alex.”

“Oh thank you, Isabel, Thank you”, he answered, a little surprised at what she had just said.

“No really! Most guys are just disgusting animals whose sole purpose in life is to try to maul me,” she said to him while they sat down, as she took his hand in both of hers. “But you’re different,” she said as she gave a definitive short nod to emphasize her point. As Isabel held his hand in both of hers, she stroked it and looked at it, marveling at the warmth of life that was emanating from him. His hands were warm; he was radiating warmth with every breath. He was alive!!! It was then that she realized just how much she had truly missed his warmth, his ‘aliveness’ since his death. She shuddered at the memory, realizing how lost she had been without him. Isabel wished that she could just throw her arms around Alex and hold onto him for dear life, but in this new timeline it was too early in their relationship. Alex would not understand, and she could not risk scaring him away.

Alex noticed her shiver, and pulled her tightly to him to warm her up as he answered her previous statement. “I am?” he sounded surprised. “I mean I am.” Realizing that he had just ‘mauled’ her, although in a good way, he quickly released her and pulled back.

She smiled and slightly nodded, leaning back into his arms.

“Yeah. Oh Yeah. I just don’t see you that way Isabel.” He caught her eye and made her slightly embarrassed. “Not that I wouldn’t want to,” he stumbled through his confession, really wishing he knew how to properly word what he was trying to say… it didn’t seem to be coming out quite right.

I’m staring at my feet
My checks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head

“I think I know how you feel.” Isabel said smiling at him.

“You do?” Alex was puzzled.

“Yeah, which is why I think that I can trust you.” She sincerely stated.

“Trust Me!” He remarked with a confused expression.

“Yeah, we all can. Max, Liz, all of us…” she started.

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?

Alex pulled back seemingly hurt and angered. “So that’s what this is all about!”

“What?” It was Isabel’s turn to be confused.

“You met me here to find out what I said to Valenti?” Alex got up and started towards the opening.

“Alex…” She tried to say more while shaking her head, but he wasn’t paying attention to her any more.

It don’t do me any good
It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you
What’s on my mind

“Oh how I could I believe that you’d actually be interested in me? I’ve been such a fool. See you later Isabel!” Alex stated angrily, as he stormed off.

“Alex, wait! Where are you going?” She pleaded. Last time she was in the exact same position, she had sat there confused and alone. This time, she decided, it would not play out the same. “Alex?”

If ain’t coming out
We’re not going anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care

“I’m not leaving, I just don’t know what to think right now. I need some fresh air.” He shot back from a distance away.

Even though he had said he wasn’t leaving, Isabel had to make sure…she followed him at a distance and realized he wasn’t anywhere near the parking lot. ‘Typical Alex, always jumping to conclusions, before receiving all the facts.’ she thought to herself. ‘He just needed time to get him self-together.’ Then she berated herself quietly, “Why didn’t I try a different approach tonight, knowing it went this badly last time. Because I really don’t know what else to say to him, I’m telling him how special he is, and he twists it. Also I promised my Alex that I would do things the same way.” ‘This happens every time, apparently.’ She thought to herself. “Oh well!” As she was thinking through these things; he was pacing and collecting his thoughts; so she let him continue and to calm down before she approached him again.

Yes, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say

“Alex, what were you talking about in there?” she tried, as she placed a hand on his shoulder tentatively.

He shrugged it off, as he shook his finger in her face, “Isabel, I never knew how low you were. But this, this seducing me to figure out what I might have said to Valenti, this is low, even for you.” He was still angry.

She would have to try hard to convince him otherwise. “Alex, that’s not what I did. I do want to know what you said. But not like that. Never, like that.” She grabbed his hand and looked directly at him, “You don’t think you have a chance with me? I’m here aren’t I?” She looked at him pleadingly, begging with her eyes for him to pay her attention. “I don’t go where I don’t want to be.” She flashed him a flirty smile. “You asked me to meet you tonight, I’m here, we’re in a public place, and I’m with you. But I don’t want to be here anymore.” She shook her head.

“So you’re leaving?” He shot back, ”You’re not even going to explain this?”

“No, I’m not leaving.” ‘I just don’t want to be here anymore,’ she thought, remembering the last time Sheriff Valenti had held him and Liz for questioning. That time however, he only suspected Max, he couldn’t prove that anyone had done anything. This time apparently he knew of the things done to Maria’s car and the dream-walking ability. She had to get everyone out of there, if this night was going to end right. She was watching in the direction of the factory and had momentarily forgotten that she was talking to Alex.

“So what are you doing?” Alex was still trying to get an answer.

Turning back to him she said, “I want us to go somewhere else. You know, to talk still? But I need to let Max know that I’ll be with you. Come on!” Isabel grabbed his hand and dragged him back inside, before he even knew what she was doing.

She found Max and Liz was nearby. “Max, do me a favor ok?” she came up to her brother.

“What’s up?” he replied.

“Take Liz and leave here early. Go have fun, somewhere else. You know if the cops get called it wouldn’t do us any good to be caught here, know what I mean?” She gave him an innocent tilt of her head.

“I didn’t even think of it Iz, Thanks. What about you?” Max looked at her curiously.

She still had hold of Alex’s hand “Oh, Alex and I will be together. He’ll take me home.” Alex just turned to stare at Isabel, his expression one of pure shock. ‘She really did want to be with him didn’t she?’ He didn’t know what to do with his thoughts.


As they were driving away she started to get more personal, “I need to talk to you about a lot of things,” Isabel told Alex. “But I want another ‘date.’”

“A date?” he asked. “When? Where? Dare I ask why?” he laughed nervously.

She replied that she wanted it tomorrow, and all she wanted to do was to go to the park. He accepted that she had a plan so he said that it would be a date. He was really hoping that the night was not over and that they could spend some more time together, he wasn’t ready to take her home, but he would have if that were where she wanted to go.

Alex then asked Isabel what they were doing next and she answered that she was thinking about it. ‘Thinking about it, that doesn’t necessarily sound good.’ He reasoned to himself.

Isabel started to look through all the music that was in Alex’s car. ‘It’s not here,’ she complained to herself. “Hey Alex, do you have any other music in the car?”

He was a little surprised by her request but he quickly answered, “Oh! I just have one more CD, it’s in the player, don’t know if you’ll like it, but I love it. It’s the disk, Modified, by Save Ferris.

‘Yes, Yes, Yes! He’s got it.’ She was so excited. ‘This will work,’ she thought as a plan started to form in her head. She had him drive her to a deserted, for the evening, parking lot. She wanted to be completely alone with him.

“What are we doing here?” He asked as they pulled in. He was nervous and unsure of what she could possibly be thinking, and she wasn’t talking.

“I said I wanted to be with you right?” Isabel answered.

“Yeah?” Questioned Alex.

“Well I wanted complete privacy.” She smiled to him as she motioned to the outside of the car. “Can we get out of the car please?”

“I’m sorry, right of course.” He helped her out, and she smiled at what a gentleman he was.

They stood facing each other on the driver’s side of the car after they got out.

She again smiled to him. “Close your eyes please,” she stated.

He obliged her and she proceeded to run her hand over him, using her powers to transform what he was wearing into the tux and ensemble from the dream-walk. Then she ran a hand over herself, transforming everything about her into Alex’s dream girl. She flicked her delicate hand toward the parking lot planters and the trees were instantly twinkling with tiny Christmas lights. Then she ‘turned on’ the car stereo, in reality she was playing it with a touch of her powers so as not to drain the battery, and the Save Ferris song started to play. ‘Its time to let him in, I promised that I would.’

He cocked his head curiously, as the first strum of the guitar rang out. ‘Let Me In?’ The strumming continued joined by a cello, violin, and drum. He let the music wash over him as he kept his eyes shut.

I've been watching you and all you do
For quite some time
Knowing all the ins and outs of you
I should’ve known what was on your mind

She took his hands and said; “Now you can open them.”

But all the world is spinning round and round
Inside my head tonight

He did, and the sight of her in that dress was amazing. Then he realized
That he was in his tux. “What? How?” He looked around and saw the trees. “Isabel this is impossible!” He was a little nervous and he backed up from her a bit, where he found himself against the car, a frightened expression was slowly creeping upon his face, as he realized she was coming nearer him and he had no method of escape.

‘Gosh Alex, calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.’ She thought to herself.

I will fall into the darkness
And I fear I will never see the light

“Shhh! Relax.” She whispered, leaning in closer to him and putting her finger to his lips. “Just enjoy.” She touched his hand gently, “I promise tomorrow it will all make sense. If you can wait that long.” She looked at him innocently. “But for tonight, dance with me please,” she continued to whisper. “I need you to hold me.”

So let me in
All that I wanted from you
Was something you'd never do

“Isabel this doesn’t make any sense, it really is impossible. I must still be dreaming, yeah that’s got to be it. This is one of those dreams within a dream isn’t it?” She didn’t answer him, but Alex finally read the need in her eyes. “I guess it doesn’t matter.” He held his arms open for her. She graciously accepted the offer, and he stepped away from the car as he led his beautiful date into the first steps of a waltz.

So let me in
Oh please tonight
Don't let this end
I'll Fall

Time stilled for them as they danced for a couple of hours, yet it barely seemed they had begun. They were so enraptured in each other.

Through no light the darkness seems to be
So very strong
How does one alone against the world
Find the strength to carry on?

They danced the night away in each other’s arms, gazing longingly into each other’s eyes. After awhile Isabel just rested her head against his shoulder and enjoyed the closeness, and his warmth, his special Alex-ness. She closed her eyes getting lost in the music that was playing and his presence.

What happened to the way we used to love
It seemed as though life had just begun
But now that love has come and gone to fade away
Like the setting sun
Cuz' you won't let me in

It reminded her of the prom, the last time she got to be this close with Alex.

All that I wanted from you
Was something You’d never do
So let me in
Oh please tonight
Don’t let this end
Cuz’ I’m starting to fall
So let me in

After awhile, a long while, he spoke, “Isabel, What just happened?” She replied, “I made our dreams come true.”

Music: Things I’ll Never Say by Avril Lavigne
and Let Me In by Save Ferris

"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Chapter 11, Part One 1-22-04

Post by Mt Gazer »

Feedback time... Thank to all my readers for this wonderful experience...

Roswellluver: Isabel needs to talk to Alex, but what is she going to say? And how is she going to say it? What will possibly convince him that she isn’t crazy??? :roll:

Trude: Yeah I think one of my favorite scenes from Heat Wave, besides the dream-walk, was when she and her brother had that little discussion in the morning. I had to use it.

Yes, Alex really is throwing her familiarity for a loop isn’t he??? When he “mauled” her. After he realized what he had done and that he had just instinctively pulled her to himself, he quickly released her so he wouldn’t be thought of as one of “those guys.”
Precious isn’t he??

But she needed that dance as much if not more so than the previous night’s dream-walk. And the date the following day should be very interesting indeed. :wink:

SarahWhitman: So you said that part was “Beautiful” huh??? :oops: I got a lot of that as a descrioption this time.. it seemed to be the general consensus, that and speechless.

:oops: Gosh Guys Thanks :oops:

Neo: You wrote..
I have no words.... This is brillant Stargazing goodness at it's best.
Thank you so much :oops: you made my week. That compliment was so cool, and to think I’ve never done any writing before… So where is it going next???

Stargazing101/Kay: See above, response to Trude… I love the complex individual thing too.

Yeah, the little scene in the car as she figured out what music he had was cute in its own way… She has to find that song, she has to find it now, (she better not create it) and he cannot know what is going on.

Reven Eid: WoW!!! Another newcomer to the story, welcome. :wink:

Isabel really does have a lot to tell Alex doesn't she, how is she going to make it even sound reasonable and not the ramblings of some lunatic???

Parker Evans: Reliving Heatwave was very important for her, it relaxes her stresses about everything altering. It was a way to ground her solidly into this new reality.

I definitely will be continuing, this thing though it may not look like it now, is HUGE!!!!! Thats why I said there is a lot of twists, turns, and surprises in store.


A/N... Real Life calls and I must answer... what this means is that I will most likely not be posting weekly anymore. But most people don't have that luxury, so its no big deal really. I did, but no longer do.

I will try to post as I stated in my very first disclaimer... every 2-3 weeks at the latest. If I have been notifying you of updates, I will continue to do so.

My 3 3/4 year old son is not yet potty trained, nor does he have any desire to do so, but this battle needs to be fought and won, and I need to start minor educational preparation with him... Wish me luck. His name is Caspian


Once again, I have dreams and music, There are two songs this time. I will do the dream in bold italics as always, and the songs in regular italics...


Shifting Realities

Chapter Eleven: Part One

Letting Alex In

When they arrived home to her porch later that night, they both longed to kiss each other good night. But Isabel knew that there was no telling what flashes might pass to him, and she did not want to take the chance of sharing anything disturbing. So she thanked him for a wonderful evening and awkwardly hugged him. A couple of tears escaped her eyes before she could stop them.

It was not unnoticed by Alex. “What’s wrong?” He asked tenderly as he stroked her cheek and wiped away the tears.

“Nothing,” she lied, softly shaking her head. ‘ I’m having trouble accepting the fact that I just spent a couple of hours dancing in your arms, but I’m still mourning you.’ “I wish to kiss you,” she said softly, as she ducked her head with her admission. “But I’m not ready yet.”

“When you are, I’ll be here,” he said softly as he lightly tipped her head back up by his fingertips. He gently took her hand and raised it to his lips, never letting his eyes leave hers and planting a soft kiss on it. “This will have to do until you are ready for more?” She was gazing deeply into his eyes and finding herself getting lost in them.

“May I kiss your cheek, or is that too much?” He wanted to kiss away the tears that he noticed were trickling down. She quietly nodded. And he leaned in to place a very soft kiss on her left cheek, and then he stroked away the tears he saw there. He let his hand rest against her cheek, and she just leaned into it, holding it there, never wanting to let go.

‘Isabel is confused. She hasn’t been this close to anyone, has she?’ He thought to himself. ‘She must be partially scared of what to do, not that I have any experience in this area myself.’ He chuckled slightly.

“Good night, Isabel. I had a lovely time too. Call me if you need anything, OK?” Alex sensed that there was more to her silence than she was letting on.

“I will,” she said so softly he barely heard her. “G’ night.” And she turned and went into her house.


You don't remember me, but I remember you.
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you.

Around 3:00 am she took him up on his offer of calling if she needed anything. Yeah, she sure did, nightmare recovery. She had just spent the most wonderful evening in his presence, but her dreams that night, born out of her previous reality, unceasingly tormented her sleep. After the third time of waking up in a cold sweat and gasping for breath she called him.

But who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do.

“Alex?” she whispered.

He became instantly awake, “Isabel, what’s wrong?”

She tentatively asked, “Did you really mean I could call you if I needed anything?”

“Of course,” he answered gently, wondering just why he was awakened so early. “What do you need?”

“I need you to come over here.” She choked out.

Alex hesitated for a moment, “Now?”

“Please,” she said with a quavering voice, holding back her emotions.

“Ok, I’m on my way.” He assured her. “Just let me get dressed real quick.”

They hung up.


‘What could be the matter?’ He wondered. ‘She almost sounded broken up, like she was on the verge of crying.’ “Is this part of the Isabel Evans that no one ever sees? Am I ready for this?” He asked himself these and other questions as he made his way over to the Evans house.

He pulled into the driveway and noticed that she was waiting for him. She had already opened the door and was standing there waiting for him to join her.

“Hi Alex,” she whispered very softly, when he came to the door. “Come with me please. I need you.” She took his hand and led him to her room, and then she locked the door, normally, without using her powers, once again hoping to keep Max out.

They sat down on her bed; he was nervous, this being his first time in the room of a girl that he liked, alone. ‘But if the way she was acting on her porch earlier was any indication, I know that she must be as nervous as me.’ So he stilled his nerves and knew she called him over for a particular reason, though unclear at the moment. “So what made you call me and made me rush over here at this early hour?” He asked, pulling her into a hug.

“Nightmares,” she whispered, “again.”

“Really? How come you didn’t ask anyone else for help?” He questioned.

“They would never understand. I have them every night, and this has been going on for a month at least now. I just needed you, tonight felt so good in your arms; I just thought maybe you could hold me some more. Maybe they’ll go away if you’re here.” ‘Considering they are about you.’

He asked, “Do you want to talk about them, Isabel?” While holding her hand and sitting closely beside her.

She replied, “No!” rather abruptly, then shaking her head she repeated it a bit more calmly. “No, no I don’t.”

They sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes, a tense nervousness in the air, “Can I ask for a favor though?” she finally spoke, quietly.

“Other than chasing the boogie man away?” Alex tried to lighten the mood.

Isabel shot him a look that said, ‘Don’t do that now!’

“Sure what?” He tried sensitivity again, as he held her closely against his left side.

“Will you hold me until I’m asleep? I want to go to sleep with my head on your chest, I want to listen to your heartbeat.” She was snuggling against his chest already, fingering the cotton of his t-shirt, as she ran her fingertips lightly and absentmindedly on his upper body.

“I guess,” he stated hesitantly. He was nervous, what was she doing, and what did she want? Was she trying to seduce him? She had said earlier at the rave that she did not have those intentions, and she had seemed so confused and nervous when he had brought her home. But now she was asking for him to sleep with her, at least in a way she was.

“Thank-you.” Isabel whispered, relieved that he would oblige her seemingly very forward request.

Neither of them had ever been in the position they found themselves in next, tightly holding on to each other and sharing a bed. He lay a little rigidly, not wanting to make any sudden moves, for fear of touching, well, anything he wasn’t supposed to.

Cuddle up close
Lay on my chest now

She snuggled into his side, her head against his heart and her hand resting on his chest, so she could feel his breathing. She needed to hear his heartbeat, and to feel his breathing; it meant that he was alive. ‘It will quickly become my most favorite sound. Alex is alive!!! I had to journey to him, but he is ALIVE.’ It was the most soothing sound she could think of and before long the soft rhythm of his steady beat and the gentle rise and fall of his breathing lulled her to sleep.

Listen my heart beat's coming down
If you get tired you close your
eyes now

But even being in Alex’s presence did not make the dreams completely cease. Every now and again, she would sniffle, or sob a little. Alex, refusing to sleep so that he could watch over her, felt a little tug at his heart in these moments. “Gosh Izzy,” he said while smoothing her hair, “I wish I could do something. They must be bad to have you crying in your sleep. You poor thing.”

And then she screamed… “NO!!! Alex, No!!!” As she started to thrash around, “NOO!!” He noticed the anguish written all over her face and the fact that a few tears escaped silently was also not lost on him.

“My God! They’re about me. What is she dreaming?” Alex was horrified, ‘This can’t be good,’ he thought.

Unable to awaken her, he grabbed her up tight. He held on to her hands, his arms encircling her waist and his head against her shoulder. He made sure that she was secure in his arms. “I’m here Izzy, I’ve got you. It’s going to be ok.” He whispered as he pulled back her hair, and tucked it behind her ear. They fell asleep together, he, holding her protectively to make the dreams go away.

Awhile later her dream began again…. Alex’s grey Toyota sedan was driving down the highway going about 70. All of a sudden, very unexpectedly he swerved into the oncoming traffic. A semi-truck on a run from a nearby town was traveling in the opposing lane. The resulting crash ended with one fatality; that of the driver of the sedan, as the front end crumpled and the sound of twisting metal filled the night air, while the car flipped onto its roof. Isabel struggled in his grasp.

The next scene was at the Crashdown as Maria shrieked, “NO!!!” and ran to embrace Liz as she started to cry. Sheriff Valenti stepped in from the back. He was very sullen and somber, his mood changing the happiness that a moment before had pervaded the small family restaurant. He held his hat in his hand as he solemnly stated, “There’s been an accident.” Everyone found themselves standing and waiting for the rest of the bad news. “…. dead.” Isabel’s head thrashed side to side as she tried escaping the terrible news.

Outside the county morgue the teens all gathered to watch the van that carried Alex’s body arrive. Sheriff Valenti momentarily detained the coroners and led them inside the building. Max approached the doors of the brown coroner’s van, and went inside. Isabel was standing with the group and talking about what was transpiring. “He’ll need to use his powers to open the doors. He’ll take a deep breath and put his hand on his chest and bring him back to life…. Max will jump back and the whole wagon will shake a little.” The scene never changed, the wagon never shook.

Max very slowly climbed out of the van as Sheriff Valenti exited the building. They both walked over to the group and the sheriff told the kids to go home. At that moment the coroners went to the back of the van and wheeled out a body encased in a black body bag. Maria nearly collapsed. Liz looked stunned, and Isabel stood there registering the worst news she could possibly receive. Isabel choked out, “Max?” as she stared at him and then his hand. It was crimson colored from the blood that covered it. Grief, disbelief and unimaginable pain were only some of the emotions overwhelming ever fiber of her being at that moment. She slightly shook her head as she wordlessly turned and left.
Isabel in her sleep was shaking, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was still being held tightly by the sleeping Alex.

The way the dream played next was almost as if it were a video, the scenes choreographed for the optimal effect. Maria’s voice could be heard in the background mournfully singing Amazing Grace; as scene upon scene of a funeral played out. Pallbearers were seen carrying the casket, and a feminine hand was seen holding a single long stemmed red rose, and a folded note. The hand laid these on top of the casket as the shot panned up to reveal Isabel. She had laid the very first rose on it, and she was convulsing in sobs. As the song continued to play in the background the rest of the group were seen throwing their roses onto the closed casket. Someone scooped up a handful of dirt and rubbed it in their hands as it fell over the roses. Everyone threw on a handful of the earth. Isabel clutched Alex’s arm tightly around her middle as she slept, tears flowing down her cheeks.

The funeral long since held, the ground covered over, and a headstone in place, a lone solitary figure made her way sadly among the rows, on a route that she had already memorized, and she stared down to gaze at the ground. She kneeled, placing a bouquet of red roses into the cup and realized that Liz must have lately visited as well; she saw shriveled Daisies and wildflowers in the cup. She was surrounded by many headstones but only one held her focus. She plopped herself down completely before it as the tears started to pour out. She reached out to it, and touched the letters, in disbelief that this was all that was left of the person who held her heart, her soul, and her very existence. She was a shell of herself and life had no meaning since he had gone. Gingerly she traced the letters, once again memorizing the headstone and its every feel. Each was called into focus as she touched them, A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R.

The tombstone came clearly into focus as it revealed what was written.

Alexander C. Whitman.
June 21, 1983 – April 29, 2001
Beloved Son and Friend
“May your song always be sung"

Isabel collapsed as she kissed the grave marking, whispering, “I love you so much Alex. I miss you so much.”


Alex flew off the bed screaming in terror… “OH MY GOD!!! What the Hell?” Not even realizing that he knocked Isabel right to the ground. “I just saw my….” He was unable to say the word. “What the hell was that?” he was visibly shaking, “I gotta get out of here.” He ran out her room taking the steps two at a time in his haste to get out of the house as if the hounds of hell were chasing him.

When you wake up I won't be found

Isabel, in the meantime, found herself awakened abruptly when she was thrown to the floor in his haste to escape. She sat there stunned. “He saw in my dream, he ‘dream-walked’ me?” In her confusion she started to cry. “I didn’t know anyone could go in there.” She was sobbing intensely, partly out of fear and partly because she knew she had indirectly hurt Alex. She heard the sound of a car’s engine revving as it sped out of the driveway. Herself racing out of the house, she tried to catch up; but instead she watched as he fled, his car flying down the street, and quickly out of sight. Her heart broke yet again, Alex had left, and she was responsible.

'Cause I know baby
I know you're the nervous kind
With so much going on in your mind

Alex in the meanwhile could not escape the images that he had seen, and he knew that he had to get out of there. He had to leave and go think, and he needed to be alone right now. So he left for a while to go sort out his thoughts. After a very important initial stop he found himself at the edge of town in the park, sitting on the bench and looking longingly up to the stars and then the morning sky as the sun started to paint the morning with its glorious colors. Were there answers out there? He needed answers; should he continue running and protect himself, or should he return and help Isabel through her torment? He felt such a drawing to her, the only girl he ever loved, or even could love. He just looked to the heavens and weighed his decisions.

In the meantime, after Isabel had chased him outside, and discovered that he was already gone; she sank down to the floor of the porch crying bitterly, deep mournful, heart-aching sobs shook her body, as she buried her face in her hands and let her emotions lead the way. Even though this was a completely uncharacteristic public display of emotion, Isabel had no desire to return to the inside of her house, though still in her pajamas, but instead she continued watching in the direction he had last fled. ‘Would he come back?’ She was in pain, not her own personal pain though, she had hurt Alex, badly; and she didn’t know how to repair it.


He returned a long time later. He intended to only talk to Isabel and then to leave, what he had seen and discovered had terribly shaken him up and he was still in a state of fright.

She was watching him arrive, as she sat on the front steps. He came within her sightline and stopped, just standing there, watching her, his head tilted curiously to one side with a pensive expression on his face. ‘Has she been sitting out here the whole time? It was still dark when I left.’

She watched him approach and stop, blurry through her tears, and she realized that this was the moment she was dreading; she was either going to get him back or lose him forever. She lowered her face into her arms, which were resting on her knees, and started to sob, she couldn’t handle the suspense; it was overwhelming her.

She felt him come around from behind as his strong arms surrounded her and held her tightly. Her tears started to flow harder, at the thought that he had returned, to her, after everything. She reached out and grabbed onto them, overlapping his arms with her own.

“Alex you watched my dream.” She said quietly, not wanting to upset him anymore. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I don’t even know how you got in there.” She shook her head sadly. “I never wanted you to see that, that’s why I couldn’t kiss you,” she quietly observed. She just sat there in pain, it choosing to be her most common friend as of late, and she buried her wet face in their arms as she cried.

“I’m sorry to make you cry, Isabel.” He soothingly said, into her ear as his chin rested on her shoulder. “I really freaked out when I saw that… But I can’t handle seeing you crying. I’m still scared to death. Ok, maybe that’s the wrong choice of words,” he chuckled. “But this is really messing you up isn’t it?” Alex kissed the top of her head, as he pulled himself out of the embrace. He came around to sit in the front of her, looking up at her, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. Her head was still down; she wasn’t looking at him... “Isabel, I-I don’t want to ask,” he hesitated, sighing deeply, … “but I have to... Is that how I’m going to die? Is that the future? I went to the gravesite when I left here, I know exactly where it should be, because one of the other stones around it belongs to my great aunt. I recognized her name as you sat next to mine in that dream/ nightmare/premonition, whatever you want to call it. I don’t know if you understand, but the next person to die in my family will be buried there, where my headstone was. Am I next Isabel? I don’t want to die.” He was panicked, but still looking directly at her, working to hold his composure.

‘Oh God! He must think I’m some kind of freak. He actually went to check it out. He’s going to hate me.’ Isabel was absorbed in her fearful thoughts as she felt something.

Alex gently raised her head with his fingertips so that he was looking directly into her tear-filled eyes. “Isabel, can you see the future?” His eyes were misting. “And is that mine?” he asked as his voice quavered in fear.

She shook her head and stated directly, “No! I can’t…. that’s how you died. Well, not even that actually.”

“Excuse me, how I DIED?” He pulled away from her, “I’m right here, Isabel.” He stood up and started pacing.

“You have to trust me here Alex,” she stood up and grabbed his hand, forcing him to stop. “I guess we add this to the things I needed to share with you today list.”… She was imploringly staring into his face. “Alex you died. Believe me, my heart shattered. I just realized what you meant to me a couple of days before it happened. I dream of it nightly and it plagues my daylight hours as well.” She was hoping that he could handle what she was revealing. “But I found a way to repair it, I came back for you. I mean time-travel back. So No! This isn’t your death, I won’t let it be and I’m never letting go of you again.” She led him back to the porch where they could sit down and talk…

“Wow! Ok, this is really hard to believe,” Alex spluttered. “Time-Travel?” He started to ramble… “It’s just a theory… no one has yet made it work…. Well, Maybe not… except for you! Because if I died, everything I saw this morning is your memory, somehow… and the gravesite really was mine… but there is nothing there except for grass.”… Then he definitively stated as he shook his hands in front of him for emphasis, “Aliens in Roswell would be easier to handle than this, Isabel.” He sat there against the wall of the house knees drawn up, and his arms resting loosely on them, thinking aloud through everything that he had “seen” that morning.

Isabel sat next to him, her hand touching his arm as she let him work through everything. ‘He came back… he came back to comfort me, though he saw it all.’ She was amazed that Alex was sitting next to her. ‘What you don’t know,’ she chuckled to herself as she thought of what he had last said.

“How? Maybe not the right question. Why?? Yeah, Why?” He stumbled, looking for the right thing to ask.

Isabel crossed in front of him and knelt between his legs. He watched as she lowered herself down and they were pretty much eye level. She planted her hands on either side of his face and looked deeply into his eyes. “Because I love you and we need to be together.” She stated emphatically. And that was it; she didn’t try to kiss him she just stared into him.

“Ok, there’s obviously some history that I don’t have with you.” He looked at her in shock. “You just said you loved me?” Alex couldn’t quite figure out what to make of everything.

“Yes, Alex,” she said nodding as she smiled at him, “Girl loves boy type love. She started to shake her head… “No! More than that.” She placed her hands on his shoulders, “ Woman loves man type of love. Commitment, bonding, forever type of love.” She nodded, that was what she wanted to say, and then she realized the way he was staring at her in utter shock and that she was rambling. “Are you lost yet???” She asked him innocently.

“I think sufficiently so. Yeah.” He teased. “You really mean everything though don’t you?? You really came back for me.” He looked at her curiously while she slightly nodded her head as she bit her lip. He seriously joked, “I am the recipient of the first person who ever managed to travel time? …” he said while pointing to himself in disbelief, as he raised his eyebrows in question. “Whoa, this is… monumental, you know?”

“Yes, Alex I know.” She said so softly he strained his ears to hear the words.

“You gave up everything you had to come back to save me?” He asked, realizing the sheer enormity of her confession.

I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.

“No! Alex.” She shook her head, “ I came back to save you because I lost everything I had, when I lost you.”

I have to be with you to live, to breathe...
You're taking over me.

‘Wow!!! And I thought I loved her!?’ Alex reasoned to himself.

Once again looking deeply into his eyes, she stated, “You’re mine, Alexander Charles Whitman, now and forever.” She smiled demurely at him as she said, “We ought to head inside and get breakfast, as I have a lot more things I need to share with you, today… This was just the very beginning,” she added as she saw his puzzled look. “But we need to eat first. I’m starved.”

He held her hand, smiled at her and remarked, “Yeah, nightmare recovery tends to leave one famished doesn’t it?”

She shot him a look, ‘Shut up’… “Live them,” Isabel mouthed sarcastically.

Helping her up, he pulled her into an embrace and whispered into her ear, “Thank-you. I love you too.” The young couple went indoors, to fuel up for the next part of the day.


Musical excerpts: Taking Me Over by Evanescence
And Universe by Savage Garden
Last edited by Mt Gazer on Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
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Shifting Realities Chapter 11:Part 2

Post by Mt Gazer »

A/N #1... Potty training is going remarkably well. We haven't worked on the messy end of it yet... but my son is starting to get a concept of the need to go and for that we are extremely thankful. Not bad for only one week of working on it.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes and luck sent to us in this regard, it is much appreciated.


Now for the feedbacks. I love to respond to you guys. Thanks for this fun.

Roswellluver: I feel it was quite important for Isabel to let Alex know what was going on concerning where she came from. She would have softened the blow with “the I’m an alien speech” first however, and then worked into it. But the dreams changed that…

Trude: Alex is there for his friends Plain and simple. Izzy wanting to be his friend and more, well she is top priority on the friend list. If she needs him even at 3 am, then so be it, he is there.

SarahWhitman: Yes, Alex has done well with everything so far. You said he had quite a day, did you mean MORNING??? They are only headed into the house to eat breakfast as the last chapter closed.

It will be quite the DAY by the time it ends though.

It was quite a chapter to write, but it has been mostly complete for sometime now. I was just finishing with last minute revisions and very minor changes. I’m transferring your good writing vibes to other places where I need them more, and believe I have places in mind… Thank you. LOL!!!

Slayer: It was sweet for her to call Alex with her nightmares, but really who else did she have? They are from her past and the only person she can possibly reveal that to is him. He took it pretty well though.

It really must be weird to have Isabel professing her love when just a few days ago, she didn't speak to him at all. But as you shall soon learn, he has reasons that he took it in stride so well.

The "I'm an alien" speech is coming soon.

Neo: You got lucky, I’m not going to just leave you hanging, on that part anyways…. Thank you for enjoying the “aliens in Roswell” line. It would be just like Alex to joke about a thing like that though. It was in one of my later revisions… I could just hear him working through everything and then blurting that out…

NewYorker18/ Keri: Isabel has only begun to tell him the secrets, this will be an INCREDIBLE day and one they will NEVER forget, even when old and grey, and grandchildren surround them…

CreativeNickname: So you think that Alex is handling everything better than you'd be able to huh??? Lets see what you think about the rest of the revelations then... (and thanks for the potty training advice.)

Ian K.: My E-mail responder… I seem to get into the heads of my characters literally. I think that it is important to know what they may be thinking or feeling at different points. There will be many more thought processes in this chapter as more things are revealed, will Alex be able to handle it all?? We shall see…

And how will things change, now that the differences are known. Continue to read as the answers are revealed.

And to my new reader K.K. (Sorry, I don’t feel like writing out your whole “name”)

You have definitely read and absorbed this as you went along… thank-you, that’s a major compliment.

Isabel is in her new reality, she will not be making any more trips, these side-effects are drastic enough. If she were to travel she could end up who knows where, and with who knows what as the reality… at least she has a semblance of familiarity here.

I told the readers before, but since you are new, I took the characters the show gave us and expounded on them. And now that I have a clean slate, I hope I do this justice, and that you continue to stay along for the ride. You may get upset with characters and my portrayal of them, yet again, but just wait, I do have reasons and plans for every single thing I do. Not one line in this fic hasn’t been well thought out.

Reasons behind the actions may not always get revealed, but I’ll let you into Maria and why I think she told Valenti in this time-line.

But it is in this separate line because, none of my readers know why I specifically did so… And the reason I am giving this small insight is because I am not sure it will ever be written in…. if it is, well you all know the logic behind it now. Here is why besides the fact that I needed things changed and I knew that was a big one.

Maria told Valenti because her empathy/sympathy hadn’t yet been drawn on. Liz had discovered they were aliens by sheer accident in science class, but without the healing, the secret did not seem so strong… In the actual show she thought about what it was like to be them and placed herself into Isabel’s shoes and therefore protected her. Here, the Sheriff talked about unusual things, as before, and she just said ended up explaining the things Isabel did to her car and about the dream-walk. She was terrified.

How much has Isabel actually grown up, I think the true test is this,,, will she be able to forgive Maria?

And back to K.K. sorry to diverge like that, but Isabel was just trusting that her Alex, as he sent her back, was right and that this one could handle everything that she had to say… Recall he told her to connect, and that she needed him.

A/N #2, this one pertains to this chapter.

There is no music, but I have flashbacks and dreams. So as always they are in bold Italics....


Shifting Realities

Chapter Eleven: Part Two

Letting Alex In

After quickly changing her clothes, Isabel headed into the kitchen, determined to be her normal self, Alex would see how she really ate, and she wouldn’t be trying to hide it. He followed her in and leaned with his back against the counter, his arms folded across his chest, and deep in thought. She stole a glance from her vantage point inside the refrigerator as she pulled out the vegetables and worked around him, and she thought that he was absolutely adorable in that contemplative state as his brow furrowed a bit, his hazel eyes scrunched up slightly, and his mouth had a slight frown to it. She was ready to kick herself for all the times she had let him go in the past. Isabel decided that dwelling on those thoughts would not be very conducive to the business that must be attended to that day and so she decided to include this Alex in everything, starting with their breakfast. “Do you like eggs?” She asked him.

“Oh! Eggs?” Alex looked at her curiously, his mouth taking on the sideways smirk it had when he was puzzled. “Yeah, why?” His thoughts were clearly on everything else.

“Because I was thinking of making some,” she said slowly, emphasizing each word, and trying not to laugh at how long this was taking. “You do want to eat, right?” She stared at him.

“Oh yeah, sure. Go Ahead.” He still was inattentive, but noticing that her crying had completely ceased. ‘How does she do that?’ He wondered. ‘Just another mystery that is Isabel, I guess.’

“Alex!” He noticed that she was now holding two eggs in front of his eyes, “How do you want them?” He heard her ask very slowly. And then he realized that she must have been trying to get his attention for sometime, to actually be holding them in front of him.

‘Oh, however,” he still couldn’t focus.

“Please come sit down here,” she said leading him to the table, by his hand. Isabel realized that he just couldn’t make simple decisions right then, he was too inundated with everything that had happened in the past several hours to handle them. It was obvious that he was still trying to work through everything.

She let him sit at the table while she proceeded to work on breakfast. First she chopped up some mushrooms, tomatoes and green peppers, and then she grated some cheese. And for herself she chopped up some spicy hot peppers, as well. Then she mixed the ingredients into cracked eggs, in two separate bowls, so that the hot and spicy one would be hers… She made his first, scrambling everything together, and then she made hers, spicy. The final thing she made was hashed browned potatoes on the side. She served the breakfast to plates, and threw a couple of slices of bread into the toaster. Isabel didn’t cook that often in the mornings, so she really did not have much practice with making breakfast, but she wanted to be a good hostess, because she did have a breakfast guest after all; and she was trying to make a good impression on him, especially after scaring him half to death. She owed him a least a good meal for all his trouble.

Isabel pulled the glasses out of the cupboard and got out the orange juice. Then she made another trip to the table with the condiments, ‘This will prove to be interesting,’ she thought. She took the meal to the dining room and set it before them. Isabel sat down beside him, and poured him a glass of orange juice, and then she poured her own, carefully adding the right amount of Tabasco sauce, until it had a deep coral hue. He noticed. She wasn’t sure he’d notice anything; he seemed to almost be in a trance. He had been staring into the kitchen the whole time she made breakfast, but their eyes never met, his weren’t focused on anything.

“Isabel, what did you just do?” he asked incredulously.

“Poured juice, why?” she tried to divert the questions before she was ready to divulge everything.

“Not the juice, Isabel, the Tabasco sauce?” He pointed out her glass and then watched her as … she drank it, and smiled at him. He gulped hard, shaking his head to clear his mind of what he had seen, or thought he had seen. He took a few bites of his food and decided to not look her way for a second, what she had done was just, odd.

The gleam on her thin golden bracelets caught his eye while he watched as her hand reached out to grab the jam, and then it reached for another jar…. Looking up partially to watch her, he found himself observing her next action with extremely rapt attention, as his fork poised in midair, he sat there motionless, watching her every move. Isabel was putting jam on her toast, with something equally unusual, horseradish. She took a bite. He again asked the previous question. “ Isabel what did you just do?” And then before he gave her a chance to answer he asked, “Isabel, are you feeling alright? You just put horseradish and jam on your toast, together,” he shuddered, “and Tabasco sauce in your orange juice??” He tilted his head to the side and looked at her very concernedly.

“I’m fine,” she answered, taking another bite of the toast. A shy smile played at the corners of her mouth… and she ducked her head momentarily.

He just stared at her. ‘I don’t think she is,’ he reasoned to himself while they resumed eating and he returned to his ponderings as he focused all his attention on his plate.

They continued to eat their meal in silence until several minutes later, when Max interrupted them. “What’s wrong Iz?” Max asked, staring at her toast.

Alex was curious now. He looked up from his plate.

An innocent expression on her face, “What do you mean Max?” Isabel tried to play dumb.

“Horseradish… Iz,” Max pointed out the odd ingredient, “What’s going on?”

This was too weird; Alex was on the edge of his seat. He thought he’d try something though, “I don’t know if she’s feeling well Max. She ate it without thinking, after putting it on her toast.”

They both shot him a look. He shut up. ‘Lets see what is going on, since I’m definitely not a part of it.’

“Where’s the chocolate, Iz?” Max questioned her.

Shrugging her shoulders, “I couldn’t find any, so I had to put it with jam. I don’t like it as much.” Shaking her head, “It needs the chocolate.” She stated matter-of-factly.

Alex’s eyes went wide at the thought, ‘Yuck, either way, disgusting! With jam or chocolate, that’s just… gross. Horseradish by itself is nasty. With ‘stuff,’ I think I’ll be ill.’ thought Alex. But he was curious beyond words, because they seemed to understand this dietary quirk. And they were having a semi-private conversation. So he settled in to watch.

“Why now?” Max looked directly to Alex, and then back to his sister. “Iz, you only eat it when you’re really stressed, what’s up?”

“I had some nightmares last night and I needed to calm down,” she replied.

‘How does he figure into this?” Max asked while looking very pointedly at Alex. Alex threw his hands up in mock surrender.

“Oh! Alex, got me through them.” Isabel turned to Alex, whispered and winked to him. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks.”

When breakfast was finished and everything was cleaned up, Isabel told Max that they would be gone for the day. He dragged her aside and whispered forcefully, “Be more careful next time. He watched you eat. It wasn’t normal.”

“Thanks Max, bye,” she responded while grabbing Alex’s hand and leaving the house before Max could begin to interrogate her any further.

‘I really did need some chocolate.’ She thought to herself as she let out a large sigh while they walked to Alex’s car. ‘I really am stressed, I’m about to let Alex all the way in, and I’m not fully sure how I’m going to do it.’

Meanwhile Alex was making a mental note,‘ She calms down with chocolate and horseradish; I need to find her some… After those nightmares and what she has already been through, I want, no need, her happy.’ He made his decision…

“Hey let’s go the store, and get some snacks before we go spend our day at the park, ok, Isabel?” Alex asked, hoping that she would be alright with the request.

“Anything I want?” she questioned him almost shyly.

“Yeah,” he smiled, “chocolate and horseradish even.”

They went and she picked out chocolate fudge cookies and a small jar of Wasabi mustard.

‘At least I can share the cookies,’ he thought.


Then they went to the park, where they settled into conversation, while sitting on a secluded park bench, far from others.

“Ok, Alex. You know I came back for you,” Isabel said while dipping her cookie into the jar. “And you know that your friends are keeping secrets from you.” She ate the cookie. “I can answer everything.” Her hand was reaching inside the bag again, “I’m just not sure how to start.” Bringing her hand out of the bag she said, “Cookie?” as she offered him one.

“How can you eat?” he said while shaking his head no, “We just had breakfast?”

Shrugging her shoulders and answering in an irritated manner, “Comfort food Alex, I’m stressed remember?” She then softened, “This is how I calm down.”

He nodded his understanding, “The beginnings always a good place to start….” he responded, to her previous statement.

Looking at him curiously and then shaking her head, she paused before continuing… “I want to ask you a question, one I’ve always wondered, then and now, if you know what I mean?” Alex smiled in understanding. “Why me? I am flattered that you like me so much… but there has to be a reason. Really, I know why guys don’t get close to me… I don’t let them. But you, you can have anyone; yet you never date, you just wait for me. Why??” She ate another cookie she had been dipping during her spiel.

“Hmmm… I guess it’s finally my turn with a confession, huh?” Alex looked at her, as he gently placed a soft finger on top of her hand, “I know, I’ve always known.” He gave her a smile.

“Known what?” she asked, thoroughly confused with his answer.

“I had a dream when I was like 12. Isabel, I saw our wedding. Events like that make things seem obvious, you know?” She stared at him incredulously, while mouthing the word “Events?” Alex saw her confusion and decided to allay it. “That’s not all, when I was 15, I dreamed of you giving birth. We were having our children, twins.” He sighed, “These are not your normal teenage dreams. These are real, and they must mean something.”

She stared at him even harder, the deer trapped in headlights type of expression all over her usually composed face. Alex was worried that she was about to black out, her face had gone completely pale, ashen, and her body seemed to be growing heavier by the second, as she slightly swayed in her seat. Isabel dropped what she was holding, the jar shattering on impact spewing wasabi everywhere, she did not even seem to notice. ‘Oh my God! Did he say twins?’ It was the only thought going through her now almost completely blank mind. Alex reached out his hand and placed it on her shoulder, hoping to break her out of the trancelike state she seemed to have entered.

“Isabel, you don’t look right.” She kept blinking while staring at him. “Are you ok?” ‘Oh god! She’s getting up, she’s leaving…’ His eyes watched as she departed. ‘You idiot…’ he mentally chided himself… ‘Why did you tell her that? Of course she’s leaving.’ Alex remonstrated himself as he shook his head… ‘Even if you know something like that…you don’t tell her… not on the first ‘date’ moron…’ His head dipped lower as he thought through his horrible date disaster.

In the meantime, while Alex was dealing with his thoughts on the situation Isabel was dealing with her own. She had stood up after his confession and started to pace a wide path, keeping Alex in sight but not standing near him. After awhile, coming back into his view, and noticing the surprised look on his face as she reappeared, she stopped directly in front of him with her hands behind her back.

He lowered his head again, but kept watching her cautiously. She seemed to be thinking, ‘Probably how to end this date nicely.’ It was Isabel’s m.o. to only date a guy once or twice and then to move on…. And Alex was sure that none of them probably scared her with reality on those dates. He steeled himself for the next words that she was probably going to utter, as he continued to stare at his lap.

Isabel paced with her hands behind her back in small strides in front of him. She was working up the nerve to talk to him about what he had said. It had startled her most definitely, but after having him end up in her nightmare, she didn’t know if this was the best thing to ask. She had to, it was the only way she could think to get answers, and so she went for it…. The words that left her mouth were something Alex wasn’t expecting to hear, especially after what he had just told her.

She stopped sharply in front of him, her hands still behind her back, and she quietly, almost timidly, asked, “Alex, would you be able to remember them?” His head shot up to look at her, surprise written all over his face.

“Of course,” Nodding furiously, “like I said, they are real. They never faded like dreams do. I can remember them vividly. Why?” Alex was now the one confused, ‘Did she actually want to discuss them?’

“Because, I want to see them, I want to connect with you and just observe. I know, I’m asking a lot, after this morning, but you are the one in control. It’s your decision, ok?” Isabel tentatively stated. She seemed nervous, he thought.

“You really think you can? See them I mean?” He watched her curiously. ‘How in the world is she going to do that?’

“I have to try.” Isabel responded, as she sat back down next to him. “Hold my hands, and look into my eyes…lets connect first.” They were simultaneously hit with a flash of her on the porch from earlier that day, when she was crying and he wrapped his arms around her. She broke it off, before any more flashes could start. “Ok, we connect easily.” She pondered out loud. “Alex are you ok with that? I know you don’t know what’s going on; I need you to be ok though. If you aren’t, we won’t do this.”

“Yeah, fine Isabel,” he reassured her, “What next?” he let her take control.

We’re going to do that some more, but close our eyes and touch foreheads. I just want you to recall the first dream, I’m going to go in and watch, that’s all…it should only take as long as your dream was. Are you ready?” She tenderly asked, as he nodded in response.

In Alex’s mind Isabel saw a small but happy wedding party. Her family and friends from the previous timeline were there and everyone seemed very happy and relaxed. She was a radiant bride and he was an especially handsome groom.

They were sharing their first dance as a couple, to what else? “Let Me In.”
And then the dream revealed a surprise; in a far off corner her mother was holding a baby girl, an infant. And his mother was holding an infant as well, a boy. Alex was tremendously happy she could tell as he recounted his dream.

Isabel started gasping for breath. Her stomach was cramping. No! That was her womb, those were her kids from her flash, and she felt drawn to them. She broke it off and just stared at him, unmoving, essentially paralyzed and frozen to the spot.

He watched her reaction, silently, before he spoke. “Did you see it?” She nodded mutely. “We make quite the couple don’t we?” Alex was smiling broadly while he asked this, unaware of the children in the dream. They really weren’t that obvious…Isabel and Alex were definitely center stage. And if you weren’t taking in every detail, you’d miss them.

She nodded dumbly, again, afraid herself to see the next dream. But she had to. She bit her lip. “Are you ready,” he asked? She silently nodded again, and this time they connected immediately; the moment their hands touched.

She was instantly pulled into his recollection, Isabel was lying on a bed…struggling for breath, panting. Alex was holding tightly to her hand. He was reassuring her, “You’re doing good baby. You’re almost there. You’re doing so good.” Alex was repeatedly wetting her forehead with a cool damp cloth. She was in intense labor. Then her physical body felt a contraction. ‘What the hell?’ The dream continued…. until she was delivering her first-born child… a girl, and then after a few more minutes of labor, a boy.

Isabel was in labor, in the present. She was feeling minor contractions, and as her dream-self experienced them, so did she, though not as intense. Her breathing was labored and she was crying, silent tears. She could not remember ever connecting to a dream so vividly; that she actually felt it or experienced it, much less one that wasn’t her own… She forced herself out of the connection, and only then realized that her body had been reacting to the dream. She was literally feeling it. Her womb was drawing to those children in a way that frightened her. ‘What was going on??’

Alex was staring at her as she quietly processed everything going on in her body. Silent tears were running in rivulets from her watery brown eyes, he noticed. Wondering what she was thinking, Alex just stared at her gently, until she gathered enough courage to speak. The words threw him off guard.

”WHO ARE YOU?” Isabel jerked her hands out of his as if she had just been burned, and she leapt from her seat in a likewise manner. “NO!” She stood there shaking her head, backing away from him as if she were in fear, her hand was up slightly as if to indicate stay away. “WHAT ARE YOU?” Her face bore a mask of undisguised fright, “I gotta go.” The tears had just started to flow harder as she turned away from him and ran, not knowing where, just away. She had to think, and definitely not in his presence.

“Isabel, don’t go.” Alex pleaded. She was already gone.

“Ok, what did she see?” Alex whispered to himself as he watched where she made off. “Duh!” he said smacking himself on his forehead with his palm, “She saw herself give birth,” He mouthed sarcastically. ‘It was too real… this date is over, I mean she might have come back in time for me, but after that… I mean it’s one thing to tell her I know we are meant to be together; it’s another to actually ‘show’ it to her. Though I’m not quite sure how I even did that… but regardless, I scared her off for good…’ Out loud he said, “Great first impression Whitman… just scare the girl off.” He sighed dejectedly as he collected her things, all of them, including her purse; he had to find her, at least to return it all. She definitely had left in a panicked state.


Isabel ran until she could run no more, finding herself a short time later at a tree, in the far opposite end of the park, and leaning her back against it for support, as she panted and tried to regain her breathing, from her sudden exertion.

She thought on the events in the dreams.

Isabel had felt actual labor pains, she realized, when she was in the throes of the birth dream. Her arms wrapped protectively around her stomach, in an unconscious gesture, in response to the contractions she had just been experiencing. Isabel slid down the tree, her knees drawn to her chest, as her hands continued to hug her womb. She lowered her head as far as it would go; Isabel was so confused, the tears kept coursing down her cheeks, unrelenting.

What about the children she had just seen? She was wondering. ‘The power, the tangible energy, that was radiating off those children, there’s no way they were fully human.’ In both dreams she had been drawn to the children, she could feel their energy signature. They were hers, her babies, and they were powerful. ‘More than any of us,’ she thought. ‘Who are they and, why are they so important? I know that I also saw them during our first kiss.’ She sat there trying to figure out their importance and how Alex tied into everything, when all of a sudden realization hit her like a thunderclap, “They are why I came back.” She swallowed against the lump in her throat, as she found herself gasping for breath, while the revelation seeped its way into her brain. “I need to have these kids.” She shook her head slowly, “We need to have these kids… I absolutely need to have Alex’s kids. Oh My God!” The tears started to flow more fiercely, ‘I need to become a mom, and they’re calling to me, drawing me, across time even. What am I supposed to do?’ She thought to herself.

“And we were so young in that dream, I doubt we were out of our teens,” she said very softly but shakily, the tears, still falling. As she then noticed her unconscious gesture, protecting her abdomen, she just shook her head in disbelief and cried out, “I need Alex, Now! I just need him to hold me, to make sense of this for me. I can’t do this alone.” She continued to shake her head, incredulously, while she placed her forehead on her palm, as it rested on her knee.

Isabel didn’t realize that he had followed her shortly after she ran, she was too upset for him not to. Alex had been standing near her tree listening to her work through everything; and he was processing it as well, but when he heard her cry, “I need Alex,” he reached her side instantly.

“I’m here Izzy. I’m right here.” He said pulling her up to him and smoothing tear dampened clinging strands of hair off her face. “I know, that was frightening for you.” Looking intently at her, her cheeks were wet from her crying; he just gently stroked her tears away with his thumbs… “I don’t even know what all you saw, but it sure did shake you up. Are you ok, Isabel? I’m really sorry that I showed you that…”

Throwing her arms around his neck, and gripping him almost as if in an act of desperation, Isabel clung to Alex and sobbed, burying her face in his shoulder. She didn’t even know why she was crying this time. Her emotions had gotten the better of her and she couldn’t hold in the tears. ‘Leave it to Alex to bring out my emotions, I haven’t had it together since his death.’ She reasoned to herself.

“Alex,” she whispered in a shaky breath, after a few minutes of intense sobbing, “ I need to have your kids…” Isabel cleared her throat as she continued with words that would more than likely force him to leave her… and she really couldn’t blame him if he did. “And I think it’s sometime soon, in the next couple of years or something.”

‘Oh my God!!! Who’s seeing things now????’ he did not know what to make of her ‘hysterical ramblings?’ But she was so upset that something must have been causing her to feel this way… He hugged her tightly, not really knowing how to respond, but willing all his strength into stopping the shaking her body was involuntarily going through.

“I’m so scared, Alex, but I have to do this.” Isabel mumbled into his shoulder.

Alex in typical fashion jumped in with both feet to assuage her pain, not quite realizing what he was saying, and yet at the same time, knowing it was the right thing to say. “No! You don’t, Isabel, We do.” He stroked her hair, as she kept her face buried in his shoulder. “I guess we need to have this family. ”You will never be alone in anything like this.” He kissed her head. “I’ll always be here.” To himself he thought, ‘How good can my life get??? Me? Alex Whitman? I get to be the father of Isabel Evans’ children? That’s just so cool!! I mean what are the chances???’ Alex smiled to himself. “Don’t cry ok? Please Isabel, we’ll get through this, and we will be alright. I promise.” He spoke soothingly while he continued to stroke her hair as he let her cry and think in the safety of his arms.

She just let him hug her as they stood there in each other’s presence. Things would never be the same, they were too important to mess up. Everything they did from this point must be done carefully and in precise timing, she knew, she just understood that these things had a proper season. And speaking of proper seasons; she finally knew how to finish revealing all her secrets to Alex, the thought hitting her as she silently absorbed everything, in the security of his arms.

Her crying subsided, she finally spoke again, though a little hoarsely. “Alex, I need to take you somewhere. When we’re done, I will answer every question. I hate this place; I only go if necessary, for any reason. I’ve had nightmares from here. I really don’t like it. But pain seems to be the order of the day, or more like my life, who am I to disappoint it?” She laughed sardonically at her disclosure.

“If you don’t like it, we don’t have to go,” he wondered aloud trying to make sense of her previous statement.

“They say without pain, you can’t heal right?” He nodded, “Well I must need a big dose of it, because I have so much healing I need right now,” shaking her head, “and I need you to be with me through it. Can we go?”


Walking to the middle of town, hand in hand she on his left side, they finally came upon the place she dreaded. The UFO Center. It was ironic to her, she thought, that her brother actually worked there, but that might come in handy for getting in.

“This is it.” She squeezed Alex’s hand for support and he returned the expression. “Lets do this,” she said out loud, more to herself than to him, as she steeled her self for what she was about to do.

They went inside the big double doors of the place that held all her secrets, not that anyone in Roswell knew that aliens lived among them.

She saw the curator, Milton, and started to charm him. “I really have something I need to show my boyfriend in here. I don’t want to take the tour though; I will probably be here something like 10 minutes. I really don’t want to pay for the whole tour if I don’t need to.”… she was giving him an innocent, demure look. “I was wondering if we could just come on in?”

The curator looked her over, and replied, “Evans right? You’re that Evans kid’s sister?” She nodded, smiling to him. “Sure why not, must be perks to being related to someone who works here. Don’t stay long.” Milton watched her with a pensive expression on his face as she led the young man inside.”

“Thank-goodness, I really didn’t want to have to pay money for my nightmares,” she mumbled to herself. Not so softly that Alex could not hear it though. He chuckled to himself in response.

They walked in silence to the first place she stopped, a display of the famous 1947 Roswell Crash. She just stood there staring at it, holding his hand, a somber expression creeping upon her face.

‘I’ve seen that expression before,’ he thought.

Thoughts were racing through her head, in this timeline, she didn’t know who they were or why. But because she had come from another reality, she knew they were from Antar and trying to stop a war. They were made to be the warriors in this intergalactic conflict. She just stared at the scene; it was more alive in her mind than the still display she was standing in front of.

Alex released her hand and stood back to watch her, something seemed strangely familiar and he was trying to work it out. Realizing when he had seen that, his mind started to replay images from his childhood.

Alex was something like 8 or 9 years old. His parents had just moved to Roswell to be nearer to his grandparents. They were taking in the sights of the town and had happened to stop at the UFO Center for a tour.

Isabel, meanwhile stood transfixed on the spot.
The vision of herself as a young girl, about 9 years old, in a red shirt with blonde pigtails, was playing out in her mind. Her parents had brought them to this place one day and her life changed irrevocably, from that moment on.

Alex was remembering:
A little girl with a red shirt and blonde, French-braided pigtails, with tears flowing silently down her cheeks as she stood there.

Isabel kept remembering:
Young Isabel was in turmoil. She realized that she wasn’t human. That she was part of that crash, and she was orphaned to this planet. She was scared, but she didn’t want to speak, so the tears flowed silently.

Alex’s memories continued:
Young Alex was watching the little girl, her parents never noticing that she was crying. He wanted to go give her a hug, but instead stayed by his parents, observing her from a distance.

‘Wow!’ He thought, ‘What’s next?’

“Can we go to the next display?” Isabel quietly asked him, startling him out of his reverie. He nodded silently, and proceeded to follow her over to the alien autopsy display.

He was not prepared for what happened next.

Alex was again pulled into an observation of his memories:
Young Alex was still watching the beautiful little girl as she reached out her hand and touched the alien on the table. Her tears became hysterics, and she could not pull out of what had transpired when she touched it. She fell to the floor sobbing, screaming, “NO! NO!” Repeating it over and over, becoming more and more hysterical by the second.

Her father leaned in to her, “Isabel, you need to get control right now. You are making a show of yourself.” She was somewhere else in her mind, she never heard him. Young Alex watched as her father finally apologized for his daughter and carried her forcibly out of the center.

Alex remembered something that he never recalled from that day:
Then he heard his dad utter something, as she was being carried out, His dad turned to his mom and said very softly, “I think we found the Princess.”

He, young Alex, just watched that little girl and a couple of tears slowly made tracks down his cheek as he watched in the direction that she had been carried out. Couldn’t her dad see that she was in pain, and that she needed comfort? He could, and he really wished that he could reach out and give it to her. But she was gone.

At the same time as Alex was recounting his day at the center, Isabel was receiving flashbacks as well.

Young Isabel after realizing that she was part of the crash, walked on slowly, dragging her feet as if she were going to her execution. Her family made their way to the alien autopsy display. It made her feel funny, yet she was inexplicably drawn to it. Her small right hand reached out of its own volition and touched the alien and she was transported…
A white room without doors or windows!
Cutting…dissecting…torturing…studying…. Her people from her planet. The humans hurt them. They would hurt her too if they ever found out. The fear of being discovered overwhelmed her suddenly and she fell to the floor sobbing hysterically. “NO! NO!” It being the only thing she repeated, any other words may reveal too much she realized. She never heard her father trying to take control, she just remembered being forcibly carried out. She was an alien, an orphan, and she didn’t belong anywhere. She had never felt more scared or alone in her entire life.

Isabel stood there looking at the display. Her delicate hand once again touching the alien and tears flowing silently down her cheeks, bracelets clinking together on her wrist, as her hands were slightly trembling. Isabel could not move, seemingly rooted to the floor.

Alex noticed the tears and then his brain did a remarkable thing, it superimposed the image of hysterical young Isabel over her teenage, current, crying self. “Oh My God!” He breathed out shakily. “It’s her. It’s Isabel,” he whispered to himself. ‘Oh my God! She’s not, is she?’ he was in shock. ‘I’m in love… with… a girl… from the stars?’ he slowly processed his thoughts.

He remembered back a few moments and his brain superimposed the younger silently, crying Isabel over the solemn, somber current image of her that had sent his brain into recalling the past.

He whispered quietly into her ear, “You ready to talk? I think I understand.” He grabbed her trembling hand, “Let’s go, now,” and he pulled her away from the place that had revealed all the answers to him. She willingly let him lead her away, Isabel hadn’t relived those moments ever and she was a little numb.

"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Shifting Realities Chapter 12... 2-5-04

Post by Mt Gazer »

First off, I have a question for everyone, and it is this??? Why does Everyone think Alex is an ALIEN??? Why would his remembering one thing his father said years ago automatically make you think that??? And how could he be when his blood work was traded for Max’s, and apparently there wasn’t anything abnormal with it? Things to think about…

Roswellluver: Intense the flashbacks were, but informative weren’t they?

Trude: Alex is there for his friends Plain and simple. Izzy wanting to be his friend and more, well she is top priority on the friend list. If she needs him even at 3 am, then so be it, he is there.

Alex was very sweet to get her the required food, wasn’t he? That would be (as my three old would say… Gisgusting. DISGUSTING) inedible in my opinion.

And just why did he have those dreams so young? I think it was so he knew who he belonged with because she was an aloof, haughty, princess. And she could be a very difficult prize to attain. And the only way of coming close to attaining it, would be to have a heart of gold, inner strength of steel, and completely accepting of all she is, and does.

SarahWhitman: Thanks for all the compliments wow…The fact that you commented on my writing though (blush) that really made my week. I work very hard to get it to convey what I want it to. And as I mentioned a few weeks back I have a very difficult time with descriptions…

I was hoping the bit about the twins would have someone remembering back to the other timeline, since this is most definitely what Izzy is doing. But wasn’t it a severe shock that Alex knew everything before that first kiss.. Read response to KK.

So I leave you with questions upon questions with answers … eventually.

Reven Eid: Thanks for the compliment, and for continuing with the story. This is the final piece from that day.

Neo: So! You are shocked about the twins I take it, or more like the fact that they have to have them? What is their importance, and how does Alex fit into everything? I ask you what she was asking herself while leaning against the tree.

Stargazing101/Kay: I hope the real-life rat race works out ok for you and that you get some breathing space soon. I’m sure a girl as smart as you will do ok on the SAT’s and other things.

If I were Max, I’d be a bit wary and confused too if all of a sudden my sister had a boy for breakfast when she’d never had a “boyfriend” before.. and notice she isn’t trying to hide anything from him?

So! You liked Isabel connecting to Alex’s previous dreams huh?
I’d never seen it done before and I knew it had to happen so I went for it.

I told you and everyone else that twists and turns abound. And I told you that this was highly original. Now are you thinking that I meant it??? LOL!!!!

Slayer: The fact that Alex figured out what she has to say, though neither is aware of what the other saw in their memories there… will definitely make it easier to grasp when she actually says, “Alex, I’m an Alien.”

Your quote from an e-mail
I really loved that you had Iz realize how lucky she was that Alex waited and was always there for her even when she pushed him away, when he could have moved on and been dating other people
I want her to realize that his motivation is and always has been her...

As to most of your other questions, stay tuned for the answers… they will come in time…

NewYorker18/ Keri: Why are they both drawn to the children? Actual drawing, so far only she is. He just had dreams that were essentially foretelling the future. But as she learns everything, so shall you.

Ian K. My E-mail responder… So it appears as if I am taking this in different directions and yet working within prescribed boundaries huh???

Do Alex and Isabel have a destiny to fulfill? It is really looking as if this just might be the case, isn’t it?

Thanks for the compliment (blush) I’m doing the best I can with this.

And to my new reader K.K. (Kzinti Killer)

You are right I have no fathomable idea who or what the Kzinti is. (2-3-03. Ok I know now, thank-you… )

Read my response to Trude as to why he had the dreams so young.

I agree with you, it definitely blows holes in the “destiny claim” for sure. That and a few “revelations” from “questionable sources” really screwed them all up. What was the real truth? Can Isabel ferret it out this time?

Hang on for another long feedback, you give me a long one and I give you lengthy in return.

This is how I view Isabel: She is a strong woman who knows her mind and what she wants and she knows how to get it. But that is her alter ego. She is also very vulnerable, a scared girl and a follower. (Quite a few of her lines on the show give us this insight.)

If it comes to her human wants, she’d bowl anyone over who got in her way. But inversely when the alien things were called into question she always followed.

I.e. The summer of destiny after they all learned the truth about themselves, Liz left Max, and Michael left Maria. She kept dating Alex. But Destiny weighed heavily especially since her family was falling apart and no-one could make the relationships work and so she followed suit, and split up with Alex. But she hates to be alone and so she went with Grant.

Why did she spook so easily in the park? Take those things into consideration and add this to the mix, I think this should explain her bolting.

Her world keeps getting turned upside down.
Alex’s death and the subsequent discoveries about it. His knowledge about things as he sent her back in time, recall he made her promise to have the kids. But it was in their first kiss that they had the flash of them… recall also he told her that as well when he sent her back. But if time plays right, that discovery won’t happen until at least their first kiss… and in the other timeline that was at least a couple of months away if not more. So the fact that he has seen the “truth” in a dream really threw her, because the dreams happened years prior to now, in either timeline.

And I also think that her humanity is in full force, it took her awhile to find it as you also alluded to in your fic, but she did come around to it, reasons being?

After learning about Vilandra and discovering how Alex was killed, her humanity was brought into line. No longer is she invincible (Vilandra), or impervious/impenetrable (Alex). She can be shaken and shaken she was.

I really don’t see her as playing games with Alex, I do see her as doing everything she can in her power (quite literally ~ pun intended) to get him back into her life, but all the revelations that came with that have her running scared. This guy is not necessarily her other Alex, though they share the same DNA code, and he can bolt at any given time. Everything she is doing this day is done with a measured cautiousness and fear.

She most definitely wasn’t playing games with him when he entered into her nightmare, which was completely unexpected for either of them. And the way I see it, she has approached this day from the nightmare on with a knowledge that this may not work out. She can lose him, very easily. And she is fully aware that she may truly end up alone, and this time she would know it because a half of her would literally be absent. She has felt like this since his death anyways. So I don’t see it as playing games so much as letting him in and letting the chips fall where they may in the aftermath of the disclosure.

As you can see they belong together, so I couldn’t let her hold all the trump cards with the time travel/ alien revelations, so there had to be something that would shake her world as well. They are equally shaken, and equally confused now. From this point on, they are in this thing together, regardless.

But as I was saying earlier about her opposite personalities… I think we are going to see them come into line together... Isabel knows what she wants… ALEX, she won’t let anything stand in her way. And this strength that was specific to her human side, now needs to encompass her entire life. She has a lot to discover and piece together, especially if everything they were told before was false, which she doesn’t know if it was or wasn’t. In her own way she is kind of ‘the leader’ now. She knows a lot, and has a different perspective to view it through.

I have been informed that one word in this next section could be considered a racial/ethnic type slur. I pulled the dialog straight out of "Heatwave" when Liz told Alex about the alien trio, and adapted it to fit these circumstances. No Slur or Slam is intended.

Shifting Realities

Chapter Twelve

Um, Alex… I’m An Alien…

“Where to?” He asked her tenderly when they got outside. “It looks as if we have a lot to talk about, things have been very interesting today, and I think we both need to discuss it, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she replied. “We can go anywhere you’d like,” She looked at him for direction as she stood there blinking. “I’m a little numb, and I don’t really care,” she replied flatly.

“Are you hungry? We could go to the Crashdown;” he motioned across the street, “or we could back to the park, if you just want to talk?”

“Let’s go the park,” she nodded, in reply.

“To the park it is then, I guess you still do want to talk,” Alex looked at her carefully and she just nodded as she bit her lip.


They made their way back and sat down to another discussion on different secluded bench. There were so many more things to say.

Isabel began, “Do you know why I took you there?” Her hands were resting in her lap, as she nervously twisted the bracelets on her wrist…while she bit her lip. Isabel was not ready for any type of physical contact with Alex, they had been through too much today and she just needed to discuss it. She was staring at her bracelets as she twisted them while she said, softly, more to herself, “I needed to see it again…. I needed to gather strength to find a way to tell you….” She swallowed hard and then sighed dejectedly. “Do you even know what I want to tell you?” The moment of truth was here, it was time to speak; she bit her lower lip and stared beyond her lap at the ground, this time twisting her hair nervously around her finger, while she realized that she was rambling, or at least making no sense.

‘Actually, I’d like to talk about that. Were you at the UFO museum in the late summer of 1992?” Alex asked looking at her, as he gently placed his hand on her back.

“I think that’s when we went, why?” She replied, confused.

“Isabel, when you were there, did something happen to you when you were looking at any of the displays?” He questioned carefully.

“Yeah, Why?” She let her hair that was currently wound around her index finger fall into place as her hand dropped to join the other one, palms flat in her lap, and she turned to look at him, imploringly.

“Because I think I remember you. You were in a red t-shirt, and you’re long blonde hair was done up in French-braided, pigtails, with red ribbons to match. Am I right?” He asked looking directly into her eyes.

She breathed in a shaky breath, “Yeah, that’s what I was wearing. How do you know?”

“I saw you, then. But today, I remembered you. You panicked when you touched the ‘alien;’” he whispered the word, “on the autopsy display. Something happened, I remembered wishing I could just hold you and make all the fear go away.”

She was staring at him incredulously and in complete shock for the umpteenth time that day. “You remembered that today??? So did I," she mumbled to herself.

“What were you frightened of, that day? Something had you so scared, don’t be afraid to tell me, I’m here, and I’m listening.”

“Of being different,” she replied quietly. “Do you know what they did to us, them, the others that were in the crash? I was living it and I was feeling it. I couldn’t help going hysterical. I was hoping to never be found out. I hadn’t really known until that day how ‘different’ I really am.” She spoke softly and brokenly.

“How different are you?” Alex quietly asked, although he had a pretty good assumption that he already knew her answer.

Turning to Alex, she took his hand, looked into his eyes and whispered, “ I’m different in a way that scares people, and if they found out, my life would be in jeopardy. I’m not from here, actually we’re not from here.”

“Where are you from?” He asked gently.

She slowly made a fist and extended her index finger upwards.

He decided to prolong it, “Wyoming?” he asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

She raised her pointed finger higher, it was now level with the top of her shoulder.

Alex continued, and said laughing, “Canada? So?? You’re Canucks who cares??” He winked at her, he was having fun making her squirm, but he was ok with what she was going to say that he felt the need to rib her a little. The day probably held a lot more serious moments.

Isabel finally raised her finger so that the tip of it was level with the top of her head and she looked up, whispering, “Antar. But only I know that. Max and Michael, and myself in this timeline didn’t really know anything.”

“Antar huh? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it.” Alex joked a little more trying to put her at ease.

“You are the one who figured it out.” The tears started to flow down her cheeks as she thought of her Alex decoding the book under extreme duress, and eventual loss of his life. “Ok, I don’t want to talk about that, way too painful.” She shook her head to rid herself of the tears. With a short nod she continued, “So, I will answer what I knew in this timeline…we didn’t know who we were and we didn’t know why we were here. Eventually we discovered that we were hybrids, alien DNA mixed with human DNA, and recreated into humans. Only our cells and blood is different, everything else seems perfectly human.”

“Tell me what you saw, that day, what it did to you, how did it change you, learning those things about yourself?” Alex tenderly held her hand while asking.

“I learned all about the crash, I knew we were involved but I wasn’t sure how we figured in.” She squeezed his hand. “It was the autopsy table…he, the guide, was going on about having a terrible secret you can’t even share, and mine was hitting me in the face.” She sighed deeply, “I became the people that they, I guess you could say, ‘the bad humans,’ hurt. You know, the people from my planet? I felt it Alex….the knife, the torture. I was there, in the room where they had them. I don’t even know how, it was so many years previous to then.” She bit her lip and stared at her lap. She could only imagine how all this sounded, and in a moment, surely he would reach his limit and bolt. So what he said next surprised her.

“You seem to actually live dreams and memories, if today is any indication,” he said. “So that makes sense that you felt it.” He smiled lovingly. “What did it do to you, personally, Isabel?”

She let out a large, weary sigh, that bordered on being tremulous, as she came to terms with herself. “I became a different person.” She answered. “I no longer could let anyone in so I shut down. I strived to become ‘normal’ as I poured myself into making shallow, but popular friends, who only care about how they look.” Leaning in closer she said in an irritated tone, “They never get close enough to ask any personal questions, so there is no fear of the secret being revealed.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But that day, I received a non-verbal message from my father, I guess, is how it played out.”

“Your Father? How??” Alex asked.

She continued, “I never was going to lose control again. No one would ever see me cry… I would never make a public spectacle of myself or cause any attention to be drawn to my brothers or myself. I had to protect us.” ‘Doing a wonderful job today! Iz.’ She chided herself mentally. “My dad was ashamed of me, he dragged me out of there when he couldn’t get me to calm down. He apologized for me. I was so different I couldn’t even tell him why. Maybe he wouldn’t understand.” She trailed off as the tears once again started to flow.

“You love your parents a lot don’t you?” He asked. She nodded. “Did they ever know about you?” He asked her softly.

She started to cry harder, “Right before I left, the day before. And that was only because I couldn’t get through anything else without them knowing… losing you kind of brought it all to a head.”

“Oh sweetheart, how did it go?” Alex’s heart was aching for Isabel and that she never had felt safe enough to share her secret in her past timeline.

“They loved me Alex, they supported me… they didn’t care.” The tears flowed freely as she sat there with her face in her hands, remembering how supportive they were, and how her father had sworn to protect her and to never let her be hurt again.

She felt Alex draw her into a very close hug, and he kissed her forehead. She leaned into his shoulder, but she fought her tears. Taking a deep breath, and calling upon years as the Ice Princess, she banished her tears and let her persona lead the way as she pulled out of the embrace, and held onto his hands.

Pound the sands of courage
Reach for clouds that cover the foam
Dance with bold expression
Leaping from silent abodes

Taking a deep breath, Isabel started to explain everything…”It’s been said that Isabel Evans is the ‘Ice Princess,’ don’t think I don’t know what people call me. I know the moment she was born. It was that day, the afternoon at the UFO Center, when I shut down all ties to my emotional side. And for the most part the façade worked and had everyone fooled…. but there was one person…who broke through…and who I hurt beyond belief.” Isabel struggled to hold her composure.

Face the wild commotion
Free restraint and struggle no more

“Do you want to tell me about it?” Alex tenderly asked.

“It was you, Alex. I never knew what to do with you.” She shook her head. “You only wanted in, and that was a place no one went because I didn’t allow anyone there. She sorrowfully sighed, “You could always tell that there was more to me than met the eye, and you were so determined to figure me out that you scared me to death. I continually ran from you. I treated you like; forgive the expression, ‘crap.’ Actually those were your words, though, after one of my flights, my biggest mistake...” She paused to reflect, taking a deep breath.

Let the moon raise all that
Dwells in the tides of your core

“You know, I thought that I loved you, from the first moment I saw you.” Alex kissed the top of her hand. “Of course, you always were the one for me Isabel. I can’t be with anyone else, you’re in my heart, and I don’t think there is a way to remove you.”

Isabel smiled at what he had just said.

“I knew you were more special than ‘of this earth.’ I just somehow knew.” He pulled her away so that she was looking directly at him. “I wish the girls had not kept this from me… I think I could have handled it better than even they did. But at least I know now, right?”

Isabel nodded.

Alex started again, “Now this next question, I’m warning you ahead of time, is probably going to send the tears flowing again…but I really need to know.” He looked deeply into her eyes to convey his seriousness. “I’ll be here for you to cry on, I’m expecting it. OK? Let the tears go Isabel, if you feel the need. Don’t be ashamed, you have been through so much; sometimes you just need to ‘FEEL.’ I’ll be here to let you do that.” He looked at her almost sadly. He could feel her pain and if she let herself feel it too, he realized that she would be crying in his arms shortly.

Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to
Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to feel

She bit her lip, not really sure what he was thinking, and not really wanting to find out. She looked sad already, and a little apprehensive. Isabel just waited for him to ask it.

“What was our relationship like, the other me? Why did you come back?” He asked softly while gazing directly into her eyes holding her hands in his, and softly rubbing the tops of them with his thumbs.

She sighed deeply, nodded to herself and started in, “When I first encountered you I knew you were different, I always knew what you thought of me… and I wished you would just stop.” She shook her head at the memories of how she had treated Alex repeatedly, sighing deeply again, a frown forming on her perfect lips. “So I pushed, hard, to make you stay away from me. I knew what you thought but because of continually conflicting emotions in myself, I shunned you,” she paused, “sorry,” Isabel paused again, “like the plague.” She laughed sardonically for yet another time that day. She gave another deep wavering sigh, “You terrified me and you made me question everything. So the more you tried to get close, the harder I tried to make you go away. The populars thought I acted that way because of different social standings...Yeah whatever.” She huffed. Shaking her head, “I was cruel, heartless, and mean. I’m so sorry.” Isabel swallowed, “It was never you, never. It was always me.” Her voice was broken with tears. Many memories flooded over her… as Alex reached out his hand to gently wipe away the falling tears. She remembered to her chagrin all the times she had shot Alex down, and the pain she always felt when she did so. He never had seen it, he was usually so hurt that he would leave, and she would assuage her own pain, which was always self-inflicted.

“Oh Izzy.” He sniffled a little.

She shook her head as she continued, “I used you at times, and I outright rejected you at others, but all the while I was drawn to you. I was falling in love with you and I didn’t even know what was going on.” Her voice was taking on a shaky quality. She swallowed again. “Add to this, we didn’t know who we were or why we were here, or if relationships with ‘humans’ were even possible, and you can understand our confusion.” As Isabel wiped at her nose gently with the back of her hand while she sniffled, he started to look through her purse for a tissue or something and finding some, he handed it to her. “It felt wrong and confusing, and I hate emotion because of who I turned myself into.” Her lips quivered, “I run from emotion, except when I allow myself to be alone, where absolutely no one can see.” ‘Except for right now...’ “Anyways the one thing you did was brought out my emotional side, our relationship was all emotion. You caused me to shed my Ice Princess persona, to feel… to care… to love...” She started to cry a little more, but forced herself to continue, while dabbing at her eyes with the tissue.

Weep, sigh, laugh, cry
Flee from the snares that wish to deny how you feel

“Alex, you meant everything to me.” She spoke in a choked sob, “You changed me, and made me a better person. You showed me what love was and is.” She drew in a shaky breath, as her lips quivered.

Hope, live, love, yearn
And feel, feel what you long to

“And that’s why I came back, to you. I can’t live without you.” She was overcome by sobs, burying her face into his chest as she allowed herself to cry. He pressed her head to himself and held her tightly, and as she buried herself in his strong arms and comforting presence, her emotions spilled over into his clothing, and his soft-cotton t-shirt, became soaked in one specific area, the spot where Alex was currently pressing her. … “I need you in my life.” She pulled back so the she was looking at him again, swallowed thickly, and shook her head forcing herself to go on. Her voice barely above a whisper as she choked out, “My world ended the day you died, my heart stopped beating, and my life ceased…. I’m just so sorry it took so long for me to realize you, and everything you were to me. It took too long and I lost you… Please forgive me Alex. And know I love you. I’ll always love you.” Isabel couldn’t continue speaking because the tears were streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall. She had lost all composure and was bitterly sobbing, so he embraced her against his chest, once again, letting her feel her pain and come to terms with her emotions so that she could feel the hurt and finally heal.

Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to

‘Wow! She had an interesting relationship with my other self, but she definitely loved him.’

Isabel sobbed into his chest for a long time, as she finally was able to reconcile all her emotions and to tell Alex what he meant to her. It was one regret from her past timeline…that she never told him how much he meant to her…. that she loved him.

Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to feel

“Isabel, I still have more questions if you can continue…” he asked her cautiously after it appeared she had calmed down.

“Mmm Hmmm!” She murmured, “What else do you want to know?” She whispered in response.

“Alex not wanting to hurt her anymore, but really needing to understand things just asked her, “What happened to you when you went into my dreams this morning? You ran off, and next thing I know we’re talking about having a family. It seemed to confuse you, but at the same time it seemed to make sense to you, can you explain that?”

“I saw them before,” she stated, “in our first kiss…the other Alex.” She blinked in remembrance.

“Saw who, Isabel?”

“The same children, the twins.”

“Ok, That explains the birth dream reaction, sort-of…but why did you react to our wedding?” he was confused.

‘I don’t want to tell him this…’ “Because they were there Alex…if you look in the far right corner our mothers are holding them. It’s them, a boy and a girl, and nothing ever changes.” She shook her head knowing what would likely come next… she bit her lip.

“We are going to have kids before we get married?” Alex’s voice rose, “Isabel, I don’t think so,” he said authoritatively… She winced as his voice rose to her, she was right, that was exactly how she expected him to respond.

Isabel took his hands and looked solemnly and directly into his face, “Alex,” she stated his name to convey the importance of what she had to say. “There is a timing for them and they must be born.” Her eyes were misting again, ‘Please understand Alex… please don’t leave me…’ Her fearful thoughts spurred her onward. “I guess we will have them when we need to, and I must have them at that point, even if we aren’t married.” She smiled apologetically, almost sadly, “I’m sorry. It is very important. I don’t even know why, just that they are.” She sighed, again, “I guess it’s time for another confession. I was in labor today, I felt contractions, and my breathing was ragged…. talk about feeling dreams. It scared me. But it’s not that…they are who I came back for. You are my mate, you are their daddy, but they returned me to you. Not them specifically, but the need for them.”

Now Alex was the one staring incredulously. “What!?” He ruffled his hair. “That doesn’t make any sense at all.” His voice was still raised.

“About a month ago, I was so broken over your loss, that I was practically catatonic. Anyway one day, about a ‘week’ ago, she made air quotes around the word. “I was remembering us, and our first kiss, and I remembered getting a flash/vision of us with our children; the same ones Alex. That night, however, something changed, I knew that I needed to have them…and you were gone… and I had to find a way. I also knew that you were taken from me deliberately, and I had to solve it.” She nodded.

“Wait a minute Isabel, it was an accident. Nothing deliberate. I saw it in your dreams this morning, remember?” Alex was thoroughly confused by what she was saying.

“I only am glad that’s what you saw.” Isabel said emphatically.

‘You’re glad I saw that?’ he thought to himself.

“Once I learned everything, all became subject to my nightmares. At least you saw that. You could have seen what really happened…” Isabel continued, agitated.

“What do you mean?” Alex was worried, “And just so you know, I really hate talking about the subject of my death, and we seem to land on it often today…”

“Alex you were murdered, by another alien. Liz and I solved it, by following a string of clues you left. And I don’t want to talk about it either.” Isabel said forcefully.

‘I was murdered? No wonder she is hurting so much over his loss.’ Alex rationalized. He almost didn’t hear Isabel continuing.

“The children though, I woke up that next morning feeling drawn to them. I reacted, kind of like today, not labor, but protectively rubbing my stomach. It was all subconscious, I didn’t even know I was doing it, but my mom ended up thinking that maybe I was pregnant. So I guess it was obvious. Kind of like today. Since we’re on the subject, can I ask you a question about the dreams Alex?”

“Sure Isabel, what do you wanna know?”

“When you saw them, what did you see or feel rather?”

“I feel happy, ecstatic, you know, I’m a husband or a daddy, depending on the dream.” He smiled remembering how he felt in them and how he had felt when he first had them.

“Anything else?” Isabel questioned.

“Like what Isabel?” he was puzzled at what she might be asking.

“Power, energy rather? I felt them in both dreams because I could feel their energy signature. It was drawing me to them, literally. I felt it in my womb Alex. I want to have your babies.” Her voice descended to the level of a whisper, “I need to. I’m even thinking now…but the timing wouldn’t be right.” She shook her head quickly so he wouldn’t get worried. “But if my womb is drawing me this strongly, it’s coming soon. My… our… children, are stronger than any of us, aliens that is, and there is a reason for their being. I just don’t know what it is.” She sighed as she sat there thinking silently and working out what she was explaining.

Alex was in shock to say the least; he just let her talk her way through her explanation because he could say nothing to add to the situation.

“It figures”…she mused out lout, “You get the dreams and I get the interpretations of said dreams. You had the dream, and I had the feelings. If that doesn’t say we’re connected, I can’t think of anything else. I asked to see them, you shared them, and I felt them.” She shook her head but smiled peacefully. Isabel then looked down at her stomach, and this time consciously placed her hand on her womb, she felt self-conscious doing this in front of Alex, but at the same time a yearning, it felt right. She rubbed it a little and said very quietly, “I’m going to have your babies and I’m going to be a mom. Alex, this just feels right. Are you ok with this?” She bit her lip; any moment now he could go over the edge… how much information was too much information? She closed her eyes and just stood there lost in her own thoughts… never expecting what he did next.

“I’m fine with it Isabel.” Alex, felt a drawing to her womb as well, he wanted to touch the future home of his children. He felt a little self-conscious as he asked, “May I,” he faltered, really not knowing how to ask her this, she was most likely going to run again, “put my hand on your stomach, too?” He quietly mumbled in a rush. Isabel nodded, and they both were thinking that this was getting weird, too weird. As he reached out and touched it, placing his hand over hers, they had a simultaneous flash, of two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, playing in the park.

They smiled at each other and said, “Our kids!”

“I think that covers about everything, I’m starved,” said Isabel. She wanted to get away from any more personal revealings… Alex was ok with everything so far, but who knows if he could handle anything else… and she was aware that she still hadn’t shared about her journey back to him or the important things her Alex had shared as she left.

“Want to go to the Crashdown? I’m sure we can get dinner there,” offered Alex.

Isabel nodded, “Yeah, it’s been a long emotional day. I need to eat.”


They walked in the door, hand in hand, walking closely to each other’s sides. Almost as if they were joined at the hip as Maria would put it.

Liz and Maria’s mouths fell open when they saw them, in this relationship.

Leaving Isabel in his usual booth, soon to become their booth, Alex noticed the girls staring with their mouths open in astonishment. Walking over to them, he said while smiling broadly, “We need to talk. Come over to our table.”

They came over, and he put it as succinctly as possible.

“I know everything”… he pointed to Isabel…. “I know about it all. And by the way, meet my girlfriend.” He gave Isabel a loving smile, which she shyly returned.

“What did she do, turn herself green or something?” Joked Maria, looking at Alex and standing on his side of the booth. Isabel made her very nervous, but she wanted to know how he learned everything.

“Could you?” He turned to look at Isabel. They hadn’t really discussed unusual abilities. He knew that they must have some because of her mentioning the children in his dreams being more powerful than any of them.

“No Maria, I didn’t turn myself green, or Alex either,” Isabel joked back. “We tried this primitive human form of communicating, called talking. Ever heard of it?” Isabel quipped back.

“Yeah,” Alex responded dreamily, “we talked for a very long time today”…he mumbled saying the words slowly, as he held her hands across the table and gazed into her eyes. “I doubt she has any more secrets,” he slurred out. He was feeling drawn to her, as he leaned in to her closely, he whispered, “But we have our own don’t we?” Giving her a knowing smile, and softly kissing her cheek.

The girls knew that this was a private moment and left them alone.

“ He just called her his ‘girlfriend?’ Did you see them? He wasn’t even talking to us, he was answering us, but staring at her?” Maria observed.

“Yeah, and look how close they are? What kind of secrets do they have? You don’t think they did “anything” do you?” Liz answered her.

“Alex? Come on Liz, who are we talking about here? Isabel is the Ice Princess, her and Alex? …Never. At least not for awhile,” Maria corrected the petite brunette.

They watched in the direction of Alex’s table for a while wondering silently about the events of the day that brought those two together.

“Could you make yourself green, I mean if you wanted to?” Alex asked her curiously.

“God No!!! Not green, that would make me an… alien.” Isabel burst out laughing at her little joke…

“And I don’t suppose I would want to be seen with an ‘alien’ now, would I???” Alex joined in her merriment. At least she had a sense of humor about her self.

“Why would I want to? It’d be too ‘personal,’ don’t you think?” A serious look crossed her face, but there was a twinkle in her eyes… “Maybe pink… ” She replied, a huge grin played upon her face as she started to laugh at the absurd thought. “But do you remember last night, in the parking lot?”

He nodded his head. “ How could I forget that Isabel?” Alex reached across the table with his right hand and placed it in her left. “That was our ‘first date?’

She smiled warmly remembering it, “I made our dream come true, Alex.” Her left hand joined their hands in the middle of the table as she covered his. “And the night before? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss Isabel Evans?”

Alex felt warmth slowly rise into his cheeks with her question, and he ducked his head as he silently nodded his admission.

“How was it then?” she flirtatiously asked him, raising her eyebrows in question.

He looked up and stared at her in puzzlement, ‘If she’s asking me then she knows… what does she know? … What is she asking exactly?’ Alex asked himself these things to try to understand the mystery that was Isabel, sitting in front of him.

“That was me, I was there in your dream.” Isabel now was the one ducking with her admission. But she kept watching him, though her head was lowered.

Alex’s eyes went wide with the information while a huge grin played upon his mouth, as he just stared at her. “But I thought you weren’t ready for a kiss last night, and that was passionate.” He rolled his eyes as he dove in to embarrass himself completely, “And I’ve never been kissed before; of course, waiting for you tends to make me inexperienced. “ He cleared his throat. “But I know that was an intense kiss by any standards. Isabel?”

“I can’t, in the waking hours, because I don’t know what you might see. I really don’t want to cause you any more pain…Kissing us is different, we share images that are resident within us. We call them flashes, because they come rapidly and are very brief. I know what my life has been consisting of for the last month or so, and I know that those images may come up. I am protecting you.” She sighed.

Alex listening to her every word, couldn’t resist his next question, “In the waking-hours…so would we be able to share, ahhmmm,” he cleared his throat, purposefully, “more passion in the sleeping hours?” he asked mischievously, as he raised his eyebrows seductively back.

In the meantime the girls were standing back at the counter watching the young couple with growing fascination. Maria grabbed Liz’s shoulders and said, “They’re flirting Liz… I don’t know if they are aware that is what’s going on… but they are flirting.” She was dumbfounded to say the least.

“No kidding Maria, but look at their faces,” Liz pointed out, “they know.”

Then they looked at each other and asked the question they would probably never get the answer to. “What is going on? What happened with them?”

Liz answered, “We’ll probably never know. It’s obviously very private.”

And Maria countered with, “Yeah… but its perfect. They are sooo cute together? Don’t you think?” She was met with Liz’s quiet nod.

Isabel had a response of her own to Alex’s ‘suggestive comment.’ “ALEX!” she said, in perfect feigned shock, as she smacked his arm playfully across the table. But she lowered her voice to a whisper and said, “We’ll see,” as she gave him a covert wink. “But I take things very slowly; I have, shall we say,” as she searched for a way to put it, “a lot of ‘trust issues.’” Pleased with what she came up with, “I do want to get closer to you though.” She said getting out of her seat and rearranging herself. She then sat on his side of the booth, and wanting what she always felt in Alex’s presence, safety and contentment, leaned back against him. She laid her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. They had discussed everything and the day had been long, and eventful.

And to let her know how ok he was with everything, he ordered her an orange juice, though it was dinnertime, and turned it dark coral with the addition of Tabasco sauce… “I guess that explains the interesting foods.” He laughed.

She laughed too and said, “No, I think that would be another discussion.”

Music: Feel by Michelle Tumes vs.2

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Shifting Realities Chapter 13

Post by Mt Gazer »

Feedback Time! I Love This!!!

Roswellluver: It was a very poignant Alex/Isabel scene wasn’t it? If only all their moments could be so sweet and comfortable… The story continues…

SarahWhitman: So you said we were getting somewhere but you had questions and they would be??? And which answers do you now have?

Yes I can see Alex staunchly telling her that they would be married when they have their family, and so I say check out the feedback to Slayer.

As to the baby thing, she has realized that there is a proper time and season for them, When is it?

Stargazing101/Kay: Yes, the only proper way to end this crazy day was for them to sit down, talk, and pull apart everything.

Liz and Maria were too cute weren’t they? But if you think about what has been transpiring lately, they are absolutely bewildered about the turn of events that just took place.

To all readers: As to the friends scene at the Crashdown, there is something that all readers must take into consideration.. and it is this… Remember the changes Isabel returned to. How would the Isabel in this timeline react to Maria… and Liz? Wasn’t someone a bit out of character?

Slayer: Alex did fine with the knowledge of becoming a young parent, but he most definitely has his reservations…

But the thing is this… By accessing his dreams, she told him where in his dream to look/search for their mothers holding the “grandchildren.” If he checks it out he’ll see them for himself… This is something he showed her, she did not conjure this up…

The real question is this? How accurate is this information? Aren’t dreams subjective… but if so, why was he dreaming all the details so minutely down to kids before wedlock?? Things to think about….

And yes I loved his never been kissed speech, rolling his eyes and diving into embarrass himself completely… that takes a lot of guts for a teenage guy to admit, but he thinks he’ll be safe in sharing it with her… she’s shared some intensely personal things with him in the course of the day as well…

NewYorker18/ Keri: That talk they had was a very necessary event they had to work it out, at least somewhat…

I think their flirting is adorable in any timeline…

Liz and Maria must be absolutely dying of curiosity…

K.K. (Kzinti Killer): I’m curious here? What blanks am I filling in, and which ones are vexing you???

As to becoming young parents, she has discovered that there is a proper season for them. Lets hope that it is still off a ways right?

And in feedback the very first time she read it, Trude had a comment that perfectly described the situation.
another big thing for Alex to accept: being a teenager father before he's married ... I'm sure he's already dreading telling their parents about the babies when the time comes LOL
Talk about a dreaded conversation. But if it truly is the future that he has been shown, there must be a way. Right?

I loved your description of Alex… repealing the law of gravity LOL!!! I crack up so hard every time I read it….But it describes the situation so perfectly, I doubt even I could say it better.


I placed a lot of individually bolded words into this chapter for emphasis.

A/N This chapter demanded to be written the minute I had posted Chapter 10, Part 2.. Which all of you will recall as the parking lot dance. The moment it was posted I knew where we were heading, and it was a departure from what I had thought was the next chapter. Which is preliminarily written.… It took a couple days to formulate my thoughts and then what I thought would become a small part to an existing chapter, became a large chapter of its own… here it is…. “One Random Act of Lunacy…” Recognize where the title could be from? It’s an Isabel line in some Roswell episode.

Most people were blown away with the dance that they did not catch her public display of powers. Good Job Kay. And I have to make a small nod to Kay/ WinterNymph87 ~ Stargazing101… for being the only one who mentioned a hesitancy with it…
I was a little surprised that she used her powers so openly, but I understand why, but it still caught me a little off guard.
This is an excerpt of feedback from Revisiting The Past: Part two

So now lets continue with the story....

Shifting Realities

Chapter Thirteen

One Random Act of Lunacy

At school on Monday, December 6, 1999, the Monday after the Rave, Isabel and Alex as well as Maria and Liz, were separately discussing a few things before school began. The girls were wondering just what had happened that weekend that had made Isabel and Alex so close and especially why she had joked with them, even momentarily. To them it had seemed that she seriously disliked Liz ever since she had discovered the secret. Isabel seemed to distrust her. And then Maria, Isabel’s actions against her could only be described as hatred. If looks could kill, Maria would have died a million times over by now. So the two girls were extremely puzzled by Isabel’s actions at the Crashdown on Saturday, she had seemed so... Normal... The only thing they could figure out that had anything to do with it was Alex. Just maybe it was Alex’s influence somehow, and she had let her anger slip away for a moment, because she was with him… Maybe they had talked in depth about all the relationships and group dynamics. They wished they knew what had happened between them to relax Isabel, and to have her even giving Alex a second thought.

Alex and Isabel were discussing their newfound friendship/relationship. Alex took Isabel aside momentarily when the bell rang and just told her that he would never forget Friday night. They smiled in remembrance and each headed into their respective classes, watching each other for a moment as they departed.

Sometime in the midday as Alex and Isabel sat in the only class that they shared, 5th Period English, a knock at the door interrupted the lesson. Mrs. Jatzman, a middle-aged woman with blond hair and a respectable sense of style, was the kind of teacher that reminded you of your mother as opposed to being the type of teacher that was a tyrant. Her gentle nature came through in everything she did She strode over to her door casually and opened it.

In the hallway was a person who made every teenager at West Roswell sit up and take notice. The class collectively straightened in their seats and started to wonder why he was there. All except for two students whose hearts seemed to choose that moment to relocate into their stomachs. Mrs. Jatzman kindly said, “Alex Whitman and Isabel Evans, please gather your things. You are being asked for.”

Alex looked up as his heartbeat started to race, his mouth went dry, and his palms started to sweat on their own accord. Isabel Evans was experiencing a similar reaction, for standing at the door was the Principal and with him was the town’s local Sheriff, James Valenti, Jr. The sheriff seemed very solemn and serious, his eyes were hidden behind his mirrored sunglasses, his face was expressionless, and his stance was very stolid. He motioned for them to come out. The rest of the class started to whisper in their surprise and confusion, and they all turned to watch the drama unfold.

Maria straightened up in her seat, and panic was etched on her face. ‘What did Alex do? Why would the sheriff want to talk to him about anything? How is Isabel involved? … I hope she didn’t hurt him. If she did, alien powers be damned, she’s gonna have to deal with me.’ She looked over to Alex and mouthed his name in question.

Alex caught her concern and shrugged his shoulders. Gathering his things together, Alex hesitantly got out of his seat and made his way to the sheriff. On the opposite side of the room, Isabel was mirroring his actions as she also gathered her belongings. Twenty-three pairs of eyes watched every move; from them getting out of their seats, until the classroom door shut behind them. Then all but one pair of eyes turned back to the front when the teacher resumed her lesson.

Maria could not concentrate and was still staring at the door, the last place her best friend had just been. She couldn’t wait for this period to be over. ‘I have to let Max and Michael know that the sheriff took Isabel out of class. She glanced at the wall clock… Ok! I have only 15 minutes more of this period. I don’t fully like Isabel… I don’t think… But what did she do to Alex? She better not be playing any of her mind-games… But I don’t think it’d be fair to not let anyone know what is happening.’ Maria was a mess; on one hand she was worried, very worried for her friend. On the other, they were the only three in this class together and she had to let the others know what was up. She hoped class would quickly end… because then she could get to Alex and maybe figure out what was going on.


Outside the sheriff looked over the two teens slowly and deliberately, but they could not tell what he was thinking, for his eyes were still hidden. Isabel caught a glimpse of her fear in his glasses and she did not like what was reflected. Her eyes had gone wide and she looked to herself to be on the edge of a breakdown. In reality, Isabel had perfected the art of how she appeared so well, that her nervousness wasn’t evident to the untrained eye.

After his calculated perusal of the teens he said, “Follow me,” and expected them to obey. The heels of his boots clacked out a rhythm on the hard flooring.

“Are we in trouble Sheriff?” Asked one very confused and extremely worried Alex Whitman, as they made their way down the hall, his jeans rustling as the legs brushed together, and his wallet chain slapping against his leg. Isabel’s heels matched the rhythm of the sheriff’s but with a softer sound. She was walking on the front of her foot, whereas the sheriff made a point of his heel making direct contact with the flooring, the sound a little disconcerting.

The sheriff answered, “I think that is yet to be determined,” his boots resounding on the floor with a firm stride, as they turned the corner and walked down the stairs to the front of the school. They stopped in front of the Principal’s office near the staff lounge. “Sit down and wait here,” he ordered Isabel. Then pointing to Alex he said, “You, come with me.”


Alex had no choice but to obey. He followed Sheriff Valenti into the staff lounge, which had been vacated for the purpose of questioning the teens.

“Lets discuss the events of Friday night. Have a seat.” Said Sheriff Valenti while pointing to the other edge of the long table. He placed one foot on a chair as his other leg was still standing on the ground and he casually draped his arms on his bent knee, while he waited for the young man to situate himself. On the nearest short end of the long table, a T.V/VCR combo television set had been set up.

Alex gulped and obliged the request, as he walked to the opposite side of the table, and eased himself down onto the hard plastic chair. The sheriff had just talked to him on Thursday as well, but then Alex knew nothing. This time he knew everything. His heart was racing in his chest as if someone had turned on a metronome to it’s highest rhythm, and he gripped at the chair’s edges with his slippery hands; all he could think of was that this was somehow tied into his ‘date’ with Isabel. And if they were talking with him, Isabel was most definitely next. He hoped he would not say the wrong thing, and that he could protect her in any way possible. Sheriff Valenti was scary enough to a normal teen, but to one with a secret, he was likely terrifying. Alex really hoped not to spill her secret.

The sheriff stared at the young man through his glasses, which he never took off, as the mirrored surface continued to catch the light. He straightened back up and proceeded to question him about a tape that had come across his desk during the weekend from Everson’s Security. They had been watching the establishment that Alex and Isabel had parked in front of due to string of robberies there a couple of weeks prior.

They continued to discuss the events on the tape.


In the meanwhile, Mrs. Jatzman had realized that she lost the attention of her class the instant that the door shut behind the two teens. Everyone was whispering amongst themselves and trying to figure out just what could possibly be going on. A couple of the classmates sitting the closest to Maria tried to ask her if she knew anything… but she didn’t. Mrs. Jatzman glanced at the clock, listed off the homework assignments, and dismissed her class 5 minutes early. There was no point in trying to teach any further.

The moment class was released; Maria tracked down Isabel whom she found looking extremely nervous and waiting in front of the Principal’s office. Maria decided to have it out with Isabel. She went straight up to the taller girl and accusatorily pointed her finger right in her face, “What did you do to him? Alex has never been in trouble with the law before. You did something… Sheriff Valenti is questioning him.” She pointed at the door, which Alex was behind. “It’s his hobby to scare teenagers. But you had to have done something to make Valenti choose Alex….”

“Maria,” Isabel tried to remain indifferent, “I don’t know what its about. Really. I didn’t hurt him… I’d never hurt him.”…She paused, as she thought to herself, ‘I won’t hurt him anymore, but I have most definitely done my share of that already.’ She refocused on Maria. “I know what you must be thinking.”

“Oh! You know what I’m thinking?” She hissed, “Oh that’s right. You can get inside people’s heads…” The petite blonde had her hands on her hips as she sarcastically started in to give Isabel a piece of her mind…

“Maria, enough.” Michael stepped in and pulled the smaller girl away from Isabel. He took her a distance away, and he whispered where no one could hear anything, “You’re lucky that many people are accused of playing mind-games, but you nearly said too much. I know Isabel, and she didn’t hurt Alex. She won’t hurt anyone.”

“But…” Maria tried to protest.

“But nothing, Isabel has always been terrified of someone like Valenti knowing the secret. Now he does, and she is being followed. Put yourself in her shoes.”

“But, Isabel…”

“…is scared Maria. And when you spilled her secret to Sheriff Valenti, you spilled ours, Max and mine’s as well... Valenti simply hasn’t realized it yet. But I guarantee he is watching anyone who Isabel is associated with, including Alex. And if something unusual ends up happening with any of us, we’ll be immediately in his sights just as much as she is.”

“But Michael, you’re not her…” Maria protested. “You’ve never threatened to kill me, or to hurt me… she’s dangerous,,,”

“I’m more dangerous than she is… have I ever done anything to you? To my little Pixie girl.”


“Maria, I care about you and so I had to realize you did what seemed best, at the time, when you were being pressed for answers. But Isabel doesn’t have anyone she likes like that; she never has because she’s always hiding. We all were, if it weren’t for your nosy little scientist friend we wouldn’t be in this situation. Isabel is not happy with Liz either. Has she hurt her?”

“No!” Maria sounded defeated.

“And she won’t!” Michael whispered emphatically. “Isabel is not dangerous Maria, but scared to death, yes. Why don’t you take a good look at her?” They looked over to a sight that tugged on Maria’s sympathies if even a little. Isabel was biting her lower lip and chipping at her nail polish with the thumb of her opposite hand. And if eyes were the windows to the soul, the girl was feeling many conflicting emotions at the same time. Maria could clearly see a measure of fear, as well as resolution. Isabel was preparing herself for whatever was to take place. Michael added, as his heart hurt for the girl he’d considered a sister all of his life, “She’s about to be questioned, and we don’t even know why. I doubt she does.”

“Michael?” Maria questioned, something he said a moment prior hit her brain. “Why are you more dangerous?”

“My powers are forceful, explosive, and currently uncontrollable, when I use them…. She can enter dreams, that’s it... And we all can molecularly change stuff. Isabel is giving you as good as she’s got in the hatred/mistrust category. Give her a chance to regain herself Maria… and after today, whatever Valenti wants, it might still take a while.”

“Michael, I’ll try, for you… but…” Maria’s words were halted…

Knowing he had no other way to control Maria’s rambling Michael leaned in and kissed her. A passionate, stop all thoughts in their tracks, sort-of kiss. And then he dragged her back to the reception area.


Isabel was now tensely tapping her feet and twirling her hair around her finger as she bit her lower lip. The nail polish had been chipped away and she had started in on another nervous mannerism. Her face bore a worried expression and her eyes were slightly scrunched in concentration. Isabel was nervously watching in the direction of the room where Alex was, and staring at her lap, alternately. All the while avoiding her brother’s stare. Max was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed on his chest, watching her as if she would change appearances if he looked away. It was unnerving her completely.

After discussing the tape, and the events of Friday night, a very shaken Alex stepped from the inner chambers and made his way out into the reception area in front of the Principal’s office.

As Isabel heard the door open her head snapped up to look at Alex. He looked spooked, scared. Isabel’s breath caught in her throat, ‘This is not good,’ was screaming through her mind. She sighed very deeply and then swallowed forcefully. ‘Time to run.’ Was also screaming through her mind, but she knew she could not.

She stood up and walked cautiously over to him, placing her hand on his arm. “Alex?” He pulled her hand from his arm, looked in her eyes and shook his head jerkily. Isabel noticed that his eyes were glistening and tears almost sprang from her eyes at the intensity of the moment. She bit her lower lip hard to bite back a cry, yet a small whimper still escaped her throat. She looked into Alex’s eyes and realized that the two of them were speaking without using words. He was worried for her, and she could read it. Sheriff Valenti had told him he could not discuss their talk with Isabel until of course he had a chance to question her as well, and so Alex was trying to distance himself from Isabel.

Sheriff Valenti stuck his head out of the door and said, “Miss Evans, I’d like to talk to you now.” Her heart slammed in her chest, as her head turned to look in the direction of her waiting doom. She gave Alex a lingering look as she walked away from him.

He slowly mouthed the words, “Good luck,” as she made her way into the inner room, watching him until the sheriff closed the door behind her. She then turned her attention to the sheriff standing before her. She wanted to run, she wanted to cry, she wanted to get out of there; instead she turned to the sheriff and calmly pretended nothing was wrong, “You wanted to see me Sheriff?” She asked in a manner that belied everything she was feeling.


Alex after watching Isabel disappear behind the closed door then looked up to see the confused looks of his best friends, Liz and Maria. “Alex, what’s going on?” they asked him as they ran over to give him a quick hug. They had finished the class period and were waiting in the reception area as support.

“You’re ok right? She didn’t do anything to you, did she?” Maria was on the warpath. She was ready to fire first, ask questions later.

“No! Maria I’m fine!” Alex said forcefully as he hugged her back. He also noticed the very agitated demeanor of Isabel’s brothers. Max looked quite upset and he mouthed the words, “What’s going on?” Alex shook his head, ‘No’ as he wisely decided to not speak of anything pertaining to the matter until Isabel was done with the sheriff. Now it was his turn to alternately stare at the door, floor and her glaring brother. He stepped into the hallway where he began to pace, his long legs taking large strides as he rhythmically tread the hall, while keeping an eye on the staff lounge door.

Max stepped out with him, “What happened Alex?” He asked. He wasn’t sure what to make of the whole situation, and was hoping to get some answers soon. His sister was being questioned by ‘The Law,’ and he could think of nothing worse.

Alex stopped his pacing for a second and looked at him, “I think Isabel will have to explain it, I really can’t. And I don’t want to talk about it right now.” He averted his gaze and returned to his prior activity… pacing, and alternately watching the door, floor, and Isabel’s brothers. ‘God! I hope she’s ok.’ The panicked thoughts racing through his head, ‘Valenti is definitely on to her.’ “Door... Floor… Max? Door… Floor… Max? Let’s stop looking at Max.” He shook his head; he didn’t like the way he was being watched by Isabel’s brother. “Door and Floor is ok.” Alex was talking himself through his mundane activity, anything to keep his mind off the rapidly increasing and building fear that was coursing through him at the moment. It was one thing being questioned, but it was another knowing that Isabel was now being questioned. He was very concerned for how she was doing currently. ‘I really hope she is handling this ok, I never meant to put her in trouble...’ Alex was breathing deeply trying to get himself under control. He stopped his motion for a few moments as his eyes began to sting, and he leaned himself with his back against the wall as he rubbed at his them with his thumb and index finger, he was looking for a discreet way to not show off how panicked he was for Isabel... He had gone beyond worrying about himself.


Meanwhile inside the lounge, Sheriff Valenti started to discuss the same matter with Isabel.

“Miss Evans take a seat.” He pointed to the seat that a few moments earlier had been occupied by Alex. A quick mental note as she eased herself into it let her know he was very nervous, the sides of the chair were damp where he was obviously gripping with sweaty palms. A quick flash hit her brain. She saw Alex a few minutes earlier, the sheriff questioning him as he sat in this very place, “Why were you out there Alex?” He demanded as he was pointing to the TV screen. “What did she do? What are you involved in?” The flash ended and Isabel wished that she knew what he had answered. She jerked unconsciously and blinked in surprise at the intensity of the emotions she had just observed. ‘Wow!! I got a flash off of his fear….This is really not good.’ She wiped her hands on her lap and swallowed hard, placing her hands crossed on the table’s surface in front of her. ‘Oh My God! Alex was scared, and it still wouldn’t be wet if he had ever relaxed.’ She straightened up and looked every inch in control and indifferent. Inside she was as terrified as Alex obviously had been. Seeing that flash had caused her own fear to surface.

The sheriff grabbed a video-tape off the table in front of her and held it up near her face, “Do you know what this is?” He forcefully asked.

“It appears to be a video-tape sir?” She questioned.

“That’s right, it is. And do you know where I got this tape from? Or what is on this tape?”

A very confused Isabel, just looked in his direction and answered clearly, “No sir, I don’t.”

“This tape,” he placed it into the VCR, “was brought to my attention this weekend by Everson’s Security. It was taken on late Friday Evening, very early Saturday morning, past curfew, and it seems to have some interesting content.”

“Why am I being questioned? What does the tape have to do with me?” She had a feeling she already knew the answer. Her mind had already worked out the times in question to her little midnight dance.

“Why don’t we watch and see?” He turned on the tape, pointing out the activity on the screen as he narrated it.

“Late Friday night, December 3rd, a 1990, grey Toyota Corolla Sedan was seen pulling into the parking lot of Chloe’s Chic Boutique at 10:25pm. It was carrying two people, the driver, a young man, and a passenger, a young woman.” He showed the car pulling in. “It came to a complete stop and the occupants sat inside for a couple of minutes, apparently doing nothing. As you can see the license plate of the car is very visible, here.” He pointed to a specific frame, “So I ran a plates check and it is registered to one Charles and Gloria Whitman; good upright standing citizens of this community.”

‘What does this have to do with me Sheriff?” Isabel asked, knowing full well where this was heading…

“Don’t play games with me Miss Evans!” He exclaimed.

“Sheriff?” She tentatively questioned.

“What were you doing there? Were you using it as a distraction so that you could rob the place?” he pressed her.

“No!” She answered back.

“Watch the next frames closely, Miss Evans.” She had no choice but to do so, “10:30 pm…The young man you were seen with is apparently wearing different clothing than when you arrived.” He pointed to the screen, “That is not the unusual thing though. Is it?” He demanded as he pointed to the screen, which he placed on pause. Isabel could see her hand over Alex’s torso and the fact that he was in a Tux on the top and still in his Baggies on the bottom was not lost on her; obviously it wasn’t lost on the sheriff either. Isabel gulped. Then he turned on the tape again, “A few seconds later you are also in a different dress.” He pointed to the once again paused screen.

Her mind started racing for any logical explanation she could give that would throw him off the scent… ‘My hand was touching Alex, but it wasn’t glowing, it only looks like I am touching him… so the sheriff knows I’m involved but he doesn’t exactly know how. Thank goodness these cameras don’t capture absolutely everything.’ She remembered that Max had informed her that she was being tailed.

He continued with his questioning…”Did you, somehow, use your little magic act to set up a diversion for the cameras so that another accomplice could sneak into the store from the back and rob the place?” Sheriff Valenti asked her forcefully.

“No Sheriff. I didn’t do anything wrong, did I somehow break the law? Are you going to arrest me?” Isabel realized that she had no way out; so talking to him directly seemed like her best plan.

“It appears I have nothing to arrest you for.” The sheriff leaned in closely, back in the position he had been in when Alex first sat down, “The store wasn’t broken into and there is absolutely no evidence of tampering or vandalism anywhere on the premises. If I arrested you, without a cause,” he straightened up obviously frustrated, “your parents would have you out in an hour. Explain the next thing on this tape to me.” He turned their attention back to the video, and hit play once again.

“10:31pm there are now lights in the trees, where there were none before. And as you can see, it is now very clear that you are the young woman on the tape. He pointed to the screen, as well as Alex Whitman is the young man. Tell me what happened… What did you do? You did not stop there to rob the place. It was never touched. You did not commit any indecent acts on the premises; you didn’t even make out, which is weird enough in itself… What were you doing there?’ He demanded.

“Dancing,” she answered quietly.

“Yeah, I can see that.” He seemed deflated, “And that appears to be all you did, except the unexplained lights in the trees, the clothing changes of you and the young man and then 2 ½ hours later, the sudden disappearance of the lights from the same trees.” He fast forwarded the tape and pointed that out as well. “And then you departed, everything left as it was before.” He ruffled his hair with one hand as he walked in front of the screen for a moment, obviously thinking, and obviously puzzled. “Miss Evans, can you explain this to me??”

“No Sheriff, I can’t.” Isabel bit her lip.

“Miss Evans, you’re a really smart girl, but I’m smart too. And this is now the second unexplained incident that you have been involved with in a short time. The first was an eyewitness account, from a Miss Maria DeLuca, but nothing can be proven from that encounter. This one you are directly involved, with a confirmed identity.” He straightened up and looking every inch the local law he stepped in closely to her, “I will find out what the truth is,” he exclaimed sharply, “ I will find out what is going on, you can count on it. Be forewarned, you are being watched closely Miss Evans, its just a matter of time before I catch you in the act.” He placed a manila file in front of her, “It would do you no good to try anything, I have a file going with every unexplained thing you do. So now that we know where we stand with each other you are not being detained today, I have no further questions and you may go.” He pointed to the door.


She nodded dumbly, and slowly stood to leave. Her knees felt weak, and as much as Sheriff Valenti ended up being an ally in the past timeline, that was not the case now, and she was truly being tailed. She remembered back to a time when he scared her to death… and realized that this was the version of Valenti she was apparently dealing with again. She wasn’t completely terrified of him because of the fact that he still could be a potential ally, but then again all of that was centered on Max healing Liz. Everything could be indirectly traced back to that date. But she was also not comfortable around him either. She was feeling nervous and cautious. And in the meeting she had felt terror, but some of that was sharing Alex’s fear. She really did not know what to think of Sheriff Valenti, nor how he would work out in this timeline… none of the things were in place to turn him into an ally. She realized that it was one of those things that would just have to play itself out, whichever way it went. Isabel walked out the room very quietly, her head down, her eyes starting to sting.

Alex was by her side in an instant, “Are you ok Isabel?” He placed his arm around her shoulder and drew her in tightly to his right side. She mutely nodded. Alex could feel little tremors carrying over into him. ‘God! She’s scared.’

Max was next, “What happened Isabel?”

And that was followed by Michael asking, “What did he want?” as he stared at the door from which both of the teens had emerged.

“He wanted to ask me some questions.” She said softly from her position of security, her head resting sideways against Alex’s shoulder, her hands gripping his left arm to steady herself.

“About what?” Max pressed further, very concerned for his sister.

“Friday night after the rave. Alex and I did something… I’m sorry Max”…she apologized, it was the only thing she said. She was apologizing for what she had done, too many people wanted information right now, she was on the verge of breaking down, and it was too much for her at the moment. “If you don’t mind I’m going outside. I need to think.” And with that she pulled out of Alex’s arms and turned and walked briskly out the front doors of the school. She was shaking from the adrenaline coursing through her veins and she needed to walk it off.

Alex was ready to follow her out but Max stopped him, and said, “I’m not sure if I trust you.” His arms were folded across his chest as he addressed the taller young man.

Liz and Maria heard this and immediately jumped in to defend their friend.

Maria went right into his face, and said, “You don’t trust Alex?! He’s the most trustworthy person there is. If there is someone not to trust it’s your sister.”

“Yeah, we don’t know what’s going on Max… but they both talked to Valenti. And neither looked very good when they came out. Did you notice that Isabel seemed pale and subdued?” Liz had quickly analyzed everyone’s state of being and was trying to run interference.

Max looked at Maria directly, “I don’t trust either of them.” And he continued with his logic, thinking back on the events of the past weekend, “My sister is just not right around Alex…. she’s reckless. We are going to have to finish this discussion after school somewhere else.” Max leaned in and whispered directly to Alex. “This is too public.”


“Alex what happened?” His girlfriends dragged him aside, one on each arm, matched looks of concern on each of their faces.

He wanted nothing more than to ease their worry, but his own was pounding an erratic rhythm in his chest. “Don’t get worried, everything is fine.” He reassured them. ‘Lets hope I can seem convincing to them. I’m lying here. I have no idea if anything is fine, and I know Isabel isn’t.’

“Yeah, but you still didn’t say what.” Liz pressed, her question interrupting his thoughts.

Alex smiled to his two lifelong friends and stated, “After the rave Isabel and I went dancing… but some things happened that shouldn’t have. Valenti wanted to know about them. I gotta go outside, I’m as shaky as she is. I’ll explain it more later, after we’ve discussed it more.”


After school the three aliens and Alex all met at the quarry to find out what had happened earlier that day. Isabel was silent and it was driving Max crazy, but she really did not know how to tell him what had happened. It was her nervous mannerisms that were getting to him, she was biting her lip and wringing her hands together, as she paced, causing little scuffling sounds under her feet as they skimmed the hard packed earth. Isabel’s eyes shone a measure of fear.

Max was also pacing, waiting, his anxiousness growing by the second… He finally turned to her and in the presence of all, he demanded, “What the hell happened Isabel? What the Hell did you do?” He was extremely worried now.

“I took Alex dancing,” she replied as a slight smile crossed her face, and confusion crossed Michael and Max’s. ‘Dancing?’ Isabel stopped her movement and just stood there looking at her brother.

“Why would the sheriff care about that?” Michael asked.

“What aren’t you saying, Isabel? And what did you do?” Max pressed further.

“I used my powers.” She whispered, not really wanting to speak out loud.

“And somehow Valenti found out about it? How? You’re usually careful,” he looked pointedly at Alex with a look of wariness. Michael was closing the distance between them.

She said very quietly, “It got caught on tape,” as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“IT WHAT!!?” Max exploded in her face, each word enunciated very emphatically. Isabel flinched. WHERE WERE YOU?? He demanded angrily as he backed away, he realized that he was yelling at his sister and she seemed scared. He didn’t like what was going on, but he didn’t want to hurt her further so he waited for her answer.

“I made sure there was no one around,” Isabel swallowed back her fear…” we went to the far end of town to a deserted parking lot. I didn’t know there were security cameras out side. I’m sorry Max… I know that I need to be careful, and I thought that I was. I’m sorry.” She crossed her arms over her chest and turned to face the water, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. Seeing Max’s disappointment was causing her heart to ache. And she now knew exactly how Michael always felt under Max’s scrutiny. ‘This time it is me who makes a stupid mistake, and I get to face the wrath of Max, not a fun place to be. Poor Michael.’

Alex walked carefully over to the very agitated Isabel and placed a gentle hand on her arm. Isabel’s head turned to meet him sharply, and in a perfect haughty ‘princess mode’ she uttered, “What? What do you want?” Realizing it was Alex but still in her mood, she whispered harshly, “I blew it ok?”

Alex quietly said, “Why don’t you tell them what is on the tape? Let them know what you did, Isabel.” Then he placed his arm around her shoulder, turning her to face the waiting eyes staring at them. He continued to keep his arm around her shoulder for support.

“I made a romantic night,” she swallowed, and then she faintly smiled. “I changed our clothes, and lit the trees with tiny white lights. And then we danced for a couple of hours, that’s all that happened. The problem, and what Sheriff Valenti is fully aware of, is the clothes changes and the lights… its on tape. I’m sorry.”

“How did you change your clothes?” Max asked with one eyebrow raised in question.

‘Oh shit!’ Instantly she remembered, ‘This is something they are yet unaware of, Nasedo taught us when we rescued Max out of the White Room. Right now, we have no idea what our powers really consist of, nor how to use them.’ “We can molecularly change anything right?” She pressed her brother, while all the while noticing that Michael was leaning into their conversation very closely. “Well,” She paused, “I discovered that we could change our clothes with a pass of our hand as long as the energy connects between us and the fabric, and we have an image in our mind of the end result. We can actually alter anything in this same manner.”

“Show me!” Max demanded. And a curious Michael nodded his agreement.

‘Better to oblige ‘King Max’ than to get into a discussion of how I figured it out, because that’s what he’ll ask me next.’ So she nodded, “On me or Alex?”

Max could not believe what she was asking but he decided that Alex would be the better choice as a human, and unable to influence it in any way.

“I’m not closing my eyes this time, ok?” Alex looked at her and grinned.

“Whatever!” The young Princess declared as she shrugged her shoulders. She pulled out of his embrace and turned to face him, imaging him in a cadet blue, long sleeved, button down shirt, with the buttons done all the way to his neck. Firmly using the photograph in her mind, she ran her slightly glowing right hand down his front and the grey pullover t-shirt that he was wearing was instantly transformed. She smiled and leaned in to unbutton the top; hugging him briefly she whispered “Thank-you for being so understanding.”

Michael said what everyone was thinking very clearly, “Holy Shit! Could you do that to me???” He liked to see things to believe them, and feeling them was even better yet.

“Sure,” And she proceeded to change his sweatshirt into his favorite Metallica T-Shirt. They all watched as instantaneously the long sleeves, traveled up his arms and ended at his elbows, the colors of the fabrics morphed as well.

“No Shit!” He exclaimed once again, as he ran his fingers over the well-worn fabric. He loved this shirt, and was shocked to find himself wearing it.

Isabel gave him a warm smile, and then her face darkened, as a storm of emotion crossed it. She turned toward Max and barked out, “Don’t even ask, you will likely end up in a state you don’t want to be in publicly. And since there has to be something to alter, well… let’s just say, you wouldn’t want to be arrested for ‘Indecent Exposure’ now would you?”

Alex snickered at the visual imagery that instantly popped into his brain, and then not wanting to think of that he laughed to himself. ‘Ok, this girl’s got fire. Note to self. Don’t cross Isabel, results won’t be pretty.’’

“Ok!” Max said a bit dubiously. “So, we just learned a bit more about ourselves… we’ll have to experiment with that sometime later to see just how useful it is to someone other than the fashion queen.” Max haughtily nodded to Isabel. “But that doesn’t change anything… what were you thinking? Valenti is already watching you. You put us in even more danger Isabel.

She countered, “Look! I said was sorry.” Her arms were once again crossed on her chest and she tossed her hair back in annoyance, as she faced off with Max.

“You’re sorry Isabel?” He snorted, “You think that’s going to take care of this? You broke the rules, Isabel …and that’s all you can say??” He pressed his palms to his temples as his anger flared, and he breathed heavily as he pulled himself back into control. “Remember the rules we made! We all made these together.” He was running his hands through his hair. “The rules are to keep us from being discovered, and to keep us alive. You changed everything Isabel.” He exhaled a very deep, very frustrated sigh.

“Yeah you did… Its time to go… we’re leaving Roswell. We always knew this day would come.” Michael jumped in to the discussion and decided that the time for them to run had just arrived on their doorstep.

“No one is leaving Roswell,” Isabel stated. “And besides, where would we go? This is all the home we have.” Isabel was trying to defuse the situation.

“Roswell is not our home, Isabel. It’s not even in the same solar system.” Yelled Michael as he turned towards the jeep and started to make his way to it.

Isabel knew that whatever she would say would most likely add to the mess than to correct it, but she started in, running over to catch up to him… “Calm down Michael…” she reached out her hand to touch him. “If I run, then I look guilty… but guilty of what? I didn’t do anything.” She shook her head and looked from one brother to the other as she continued to explain her position to them. “Valenti would get even more suspicious, if we all just disappeared. I am the only one who he is following. He has nothing on either of you guys… so if you ran, then he would know something was up, and he wouldn’t just suspect me anymore. They walked back over to where Max and Alex were. “Look.” Isabel continued, “He already said he’s watching me. That’s it! And he said that to my face. I’m still here, and I’m still standing. I am the only one of the three of us on that tape, and I didn’t get arrested.” She looked over at Alex and said, “We, didn’t get arrested today… and I’m not running. I’ll use a human phrase here, ‘Face your fears.’ That’s what I’m doing… I’m not leaving, and I’m not running… I’m living my life, right here, right now. So lets all just relax… this will all be ok.” She looked concernedly at each of them in turn again.

“Well you better figure out how to make it ok, because we are now in trouble here.” Max had listened but his fear factor about what threat Valenti posed was so worked up, that he still was blaming Isabel, as he ran his hands in a frustrated manner through his dark hair.

“Max,” Alex stepped in to defend her, shielding her with his body. “Isabel admittedly made a mistake, she said she’s sorry… Back off! She’s been through enough already.” ‘You have no idea how much, nor why she needed that night so desperately. She probably wasn’t thinking of security cameras…just getting close to me again. My Poor Isabel.’

Max turned to him directly, in his anger and said, “Back off?” His tone indicated that Alex had overstepped his bounds, “I seem to think you are a part of this," he paused, stepping into the taller boy’s space, arms crossed against his chest. “A large part,” he took in a deep angry breath and released it, “and I already said I don’t… trust you… with my sister… around.” He let out a slow, angry sigh. “She uses her powers without a thought and is reckless. We can’t take chances like that. I don’t like your influence.” Max eyes narrowed as he slowly spoke each word. He was staring Alex down in intimidation as he continued his diatribe; “Isabel never was like this before Friday. What she did to your friend Maria’s car was not public; no one can prove it one way or the other. She usually uses her powers, as she would say, ‘recreationally.’ And never where they could put us in danger. She knows better than that.”

In his anger he then turned on his sister and pointed his finger in her face, “I told you not to tell him Isabel! Do you recall me telling you that we should not involve any other humans?” Max was glaring at her. “ So what did you do after that? You ‘dream-walked’ him, against my wishes, and then you went on a date with him,” his voice was rising with each word. “Where you used your powers, PUBLICLY!!!!” Max was once again yelling at his sister in his frustration. “Did you… take a leave… of your… senses… Isabel?” He demanded through clenched teeth. And then he turned away from her for a moment, Talking and thinking to himself before he started back in, “To begin with I can’t believe you told him everything.” ‘But after Saturday, you probably had to, something alien happened no doubt.’ He was thinking of all the weird events that took place since the rave, and Isabel and Alex seemed to factor into all of them. “Well so far this isn’t working out right.” He turned back to his sister who was now standing closely to Alex’s side for security’s sake. So he addressed the both of them. “You told him on Saturday,” he pointed to Alex. “Its only Monday and the Sheriff has already linked the two of you together on Friday. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that we are definitely in trouble here!”

Michael was in disbelief at what was going on. He couldn’t handle watching Isabel be reamed by her brother in this manner. So he started looking for a way to do damage control to the situation. “Ok, I could break into the sheriff’s office and get the tape. Then there would be nothing…” In his agitation he started listing off their options, when Isabel interrupted him.

“No! Michael, The sheriff isn’t doing anything… the tape has its origin somewhere else, and the sheriff wrote it up as well, he has a file on me…. Not to mention you’ve already broken into his office once before… I have to think he is fully aware that one of us had, when we had the key to Atherton’s house in Texas.” She was quickly matching up memories from both timelines and realizing that some things had remained the same. “We won’t be breaking in...”

“I just don’t believe this!” … Max could not get over what Isabel had done, he was angry, scared for all of them, and perplexed, and in his aggravation was yelling at his sister, “One random act of lunacy, Isabel, and it gets caught on tape…” Max threw a rock into the water in his frustration. “HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!!??” As he turned back to her his eyes were blazing with anger..

Alex had had enough of the treatment she was receiving from her brother… he saw the looks Max was shooting at his sister and he knew he had to do something quick, deciding that he had not finished what he wanted to say, he was going to finish, “Max!!” he went straight into his face. “It was a mistake… Ok!! I realize that for you guys it was a big one… but Isabel has apologized and she is very sorry. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Now LET IT GO!!! This is going to be ok.”

“Humans,” Max scoffed, his eyes never leaving the taller young man.

“Excuse me?” Alex countered. Max seemed to have said that word as if he were speaking of a lesser creature.

“Humans, “ Max continued… “You can make mistakes. “Max turned away for a moment to think, this guy was really aggravating him, “But…” he turned back to the young man standing at Isabel’s side, “But Alex!!! ... I really don’t think you understand.” He pointed to Isabel. “We can’t make any,” Max motioned between all of them. “It is the difference between life and death. There is nothing easy about our lives. She’s put us in danger, plain and simple. I don’t think you understand.” He said harshly, “Between her and Michael, we are never going to make out of here alive.”

Hearing Michael’s name brought into Max’s frustration was the final straw for Isabel, “That’s enough Max!!”… Isabel jumped in. “Michael is not in any way part of this. I know he broke into the UFO center to get the paper on Atherton.” Her words were tumbling out of her mouth in rapid fire, “And he “kidnapped” Maria, and other things. But this was my doing… I’m the one on the tape. Can we just drop the subject?? … Valenti is not doing anything, and he’s not going to. I know I have to be even more careful and I assure you I will, she retorted. “Valenti is watching us, but that’s nothing new. I’m sorry and I’m done discussing this with you.”

She turned to the young man next to her… “Take me home Alex.” She demanded.

“No problem.” He nervously laughed.

“Isabel!!!” Max’s voice rose in warning, “we are definitely not done talking…”

She kept walking. Ignoring ‘King Max’ and his angry tirade, she could have blasted him at any moment, she could have done many things, but the problem was that those powers were all learned after Nasedo turned up, and she shouldn’t have those abilities right now. Anything she would do would only draw more attention to herself from Max. And she certainly didn’t any need more of that.

“Damn it,” Max yanked a rock from the ground and hurled it over the edge into the waiting water below. “DAMN IT!!” He flung another rock.


When she got home the front door closed harshly behind her. SLAM!!! She headed straight for her room avoiding her mother’s questioning of whatever had her so riled up due to the way she entered the house. Then another SLAM!!!! Was heard. This one shook the windows in their sills. Diane stopped everything she was doing and marched straight up to her daughter’s room.

“Isabel Amanda Evans,” she demanded, while knocking forcefully on the door. When it opened Diane launched into her daughter, ”What the hell is going on? What is wrong with you? We don’t slam doors around here, and you know that. If you are upset, you find a civilized way to deal with the person who has angered you.” Then noticing the look on her daughter’s face she softened and went into the parent as friend role, “Now would you like to talk to me about it?”

Isabel appeared defeated, she let out a big sigh, and rolled her head on her shoulders to ease the tension and then she looked at her mom, “Nothing is going on that I can share with you. I’m sorry. Max and I just had a big fight…. Things might be tense around here for awhile.”

This concerned Diane because her kids usually did not take to destroying the house when they were angry. “You two need to work it out and make-up.” She stepped into her parent role.

Isabel really did look defeated, she rolled her eyes and answered her mother, “Tell that to Max... I don’t think that’s likely to happen for a few days at least.”

“Honey,” Diane Evans reached out her hand and touched her daughter’s arm, “Can you talk to me about it at all? This seems pretty serious… what with you storming up the stairs and slamming every door you encounter. Talk to me, what’s it about???”

‘If this were my other reality I could fall apart in your arms right now and be safe, but you know nothing about us… and Max is having some severe control issues, so…’ her thoughts segued into her speech, “No I can’t talk about it. Just keep my brother away from me.” She pointed inside her room and went back inside shutting the door properly this time, behind her.

Ten minutes later the front door slammed again, causing Diane who was cooking dinner to jump as the sound startled her. ‘Max is home.’ She thought to herself. She headed out to the living room to lay into him about the door.

Max took one look at his mother and said, “Don’t talk to me… “ and headed upstairs to Isabel’s room.

“We’re not done.” He shouted through the door. He was met with silence. He tried the handle, locked of course. He used his powers and opened it.

She jumped off her bed as he burst in, ‘I thought I locked that!” She stood facing him off, her face thunderous.

“You did. Now come-on we’re going to go talk.” He grabbed her arm.

“I don’t think so;” She shrugged him off. “I told you I was done discussing it.”

“Fine,” he ground out, “we won’t discuss that anymore… but there is something else we will. And I don’t think you’d want Mom to overhear it,” mouthing the word ‘Alex,’ “so, come-on. Lets go.”


She followed him out of the house and got into the jeep with him where she proceeded to ride in silence with her arms firmly crossed against her chest, her eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched. They went to an out of the way place where they could raise voices if necessary. Michael was waiting for them.

She took one look and rolled her eyes. ‘Alien Mafia, here we go again.’ Isabel thought disgustedly to herself, “Great. What do you want Max? You dragged me out here, so talk.”

“Its easy Isabel. Let Alex go. You are too close.” Max gave his edict.

Michael jumped into the conversation, “Yeah, Max told me of all the things the two of you have been involved in the past few days and I agree with Max… you’re careless. … Maybe its not Alex’s influence, but if we separate the two of you we might be able to figure out what is going on. And fix it. Letting go of Alex seems like the best thing Isabel.”

‘What are they talking about?’ Isabel was confused but it was not time to play that card, “Ok! First this does not concern either of you two. And you each are dating a human... why can’t I?” Isabel tried to appeal to logic and whiny sister all in one.

“Sheriff Valenti? Parking lot??” Michael countered.

She rolled her eyes in response. ‘I am never going to live this down, wait till they find out about my past life… V’landra. Oh Yeah, this could be really fun….’ Isabel thought sarcastically to herself.

Max continued in his leadership, “So its easy Isabel… just say goodbye to Alex. It’s not like you have been together that long… the rave… same as Liz and me. So you’re done.” He said it like it was so simple and so final.

“Excuse me?” Isabel turned to her brother who had most definitely crossed the line, “Are you forbidding me? To see Alex??”

Max thought about her question for a moment and then nodded, “I guess it looks like it. Just until I know you’ll be more careful. Maybe you can try again in a couple of months. I just don’t trust you around him, and I don’t want to see anything happen to you or to any of us, including the human friends.”

Isabel was outraged, and bewildered all at the same time. “I can assure you Max nothing will. I can also assure you that I haven’t agreed to your little ‘solution.’ Why don’t you try trusting me without making me prove anything first? I’m going to be with whom I want. I like how I feel when I’m with Alex, as you and Michael do with Liz and Maria. That has to count for something... they’re his best friends… and they seem to trust him… please trust me the same way? Please???” She was really hoping whiny sister was the way to play this one.

“Ok! Isabel if you won’t let him go, then I’ll watch you.” Max said.

She laughed derisively, “You, Valenti. Whatever. I’m never going to breathe without permission, am I?” Isabel tuned out her brother who was ranting on about her disregard to their safety and turned inward to her thoughts on the matter. ‘If I weren’t so mad I’d find this quite humorous, I remember when Michael and I got mad at you for saving Liz. Now it seems as if I’m the one who did the “Act of Lunacy.” My Gosh! Buddha Boy was right, Karma finds you wherever you are and comes back to bite you in the butt, hard! I guess right now Max and I are a strange inversion of ourselves. Well, this is going to be an interesting twist on my life, for the second time. At least nothing will be boring. Tense maybe, but not boring.’

She tuned back in when Max used her exact line from when Tess had arrived, “You brought this on yourself Isabel. You’re the one who “fell in love, ” told him all our secrets, showed him your powers and compromised our very existence.”

As he said this she couldn’t help thinking, ‘We are most definitely related. He’s using my lines on me… And as I thought before, I now know, I am in a Karmic Joke. God! I miss Kyle already. This timeline he is only a dumb jock. And if nothing alien ever screws up his life, he may never become Buddha Boy. I’m gonna miss that.’ She quickly shook her head to get out of that mindset and listened to Max again….

Max turned to Michael and said, “All of us need to be even more careful alright, at least for the time being, absolutely no use of...”

Isabel cut him off in annoyance, “I know… We know Max!!! No Powers... We got it, loud and clear…we’re not stupid.” Isabel made a motion of tapping herself on the chin with her fingers in the shape of a V and then in one continuing motion flipping her hand around to hit herself in the forehead with the back of the same two fingers still in the V form. The configuration of American Sign Language for ‘Stupid.’

Michael entered into the conversation, “So we’re not leaving, we’re not running, and Isabel isn’t letting go of Alex? Is this about clear? Isabel I still agree with Max…. You need to let go of Alex, at least for the time being… but since you refuse… Lets get back.” He really did not know why Max had dragged him into this particular conversation, it was more between the two of them, and so he really hadn’t had much to interject.

“Take me to Alex’s!” Isabel ordered.

“Fine.” Max narrowed his eyes at her as they made their way to the jeep.


Max dropped her off, not waiting around to see if someone was even there, but luckily they were; and she went in to Alex’s house. Once in the safety of his room she started to pace, while fighting back her emotions, as his mother appeared at the door.

Mrs. Gloria Whitman gave a couple of short knocks to the door frame and entered with a glass of water which she handed to the obviously distressed young woman standing in her son’s room.

Isabel thanked her and made her way to the window seat where she sat down tentatively and drank it slowly while trying to regain her composure.

Gloria took the glass and left the room, closing the door behind her so that Alex could address his friend in private.

He sat down beside her and studied her gently. She looked up and realized that she was once again staring into the eyes of the person who meant the most to her. Her face started to crumple, as angry tears gathered in her large brown eyes. She was safe here, he had seen her emotions before, and so she let go of all of the anger and frustration and pain of the day as Alex gathered her into his arms while her hot angry tears started to flow. And sitting on his window seat, she discussed everything with him, in the privacy of his bedroom, and the security of his arms.

"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Shifting Realities (Chapter 14 Part One) 2-26-04

Post by Mt Gazer »

This is part one... but I had to split it into two parts due to it's length. You'll find the next part in the post right after this.

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Events up to and including The Balance


A/N: To all who were confused by my portrayal of Max in the last part I have this to say. He was not really out of character.

But Max in that part was seriously out of sorts… Isabel is the one who now twice has alerted and aroused Sheriff Valenti’s suspicions. Max is scared to say the least and is acting out. The roles have been reversed, and Isabel and Max now seem to occupy each other’s past roles.

This is another important thing to remember: Max is controlling.

In the Episode Toy House, Liz and him were in a discussion about this very thing. He accused Liz of sounding like Isabel, and calling him controlling. Liz countered with and I quote
Max take a Psyche Class, because you are controlling.
He proceeded to raise his voice to her after that. And that is canon show.

Before I ever wrote him into the last part I made careful study of him. Isabel is not the only one who feared Valenti. Max just reacted to the bad news a bit vocally… like a guy would.

Now before I lose readers because you are upset with my Max, I ask this of you: Did I leave him a jerk in the past timeline? Or did I redeem him? Max needs time to come around, he’ll have his moments, but I can assure you he will come around. That is all I can say. If I didn’t leave him a jerk, before, I most definitely will not again. Hope that’s ok with you guys.

Mt Gazer


Now on with the feedbacks

Trude: But as one who read the books I think you’ll understand why I chose him the way I did. I had to make him scary, that’s what 17 year old Isabel knew of him.

I had fun with the clothes alteration scene. But the girl really knows how to think on her feet, instantly remembering that was the trick Nasedo taught them as they rescued Max from the White room. At least she was able to cover quickly.

You are another one who caught it, the roles reversed. Max is losing it BIG TIME. And being a guy, it isn’t coming out as indifference, but true anger. They guy is very scared, for his sister firstly, but also for all of them. And it is not lost on him that Alex is now also being observed… but his main concern is Isabel.

Roswellluver: I full heartedly agree with you; Max does need to calm down, but he really does have every right to be upset. The question is how long will it take and what will it take for him to do so?

SarahWhitman: I am so sorry you are bewildered by Max’s behavior. Read the author’s note at the top and also, read the ones to Trude and KK.

Neo: First off on the issue of Max, read my author’s note and responses to Trude and KK.

That videotape could be her undoing. That is a frightening thing to have happened, that’s why I feel so bad for how fearful Max is currently. He can’t even comfort his sister and let her know it’s going to be ok. He doesn’t have that assurance in himself. So she’s comforting him? No wonder she falls apart in Alex’s arms at the end.

And I’d have to say, that next to A/I, M&M are my second favorite Roswell couple. I only hope I do them justice throughout this. I hope to do everyone justice.

There is one thing to recall… This happened after the rave, when M&M had one of their breakups. It is still the same occurrences that have happened. I just center on A/I. Michael kissed Maria to shut her up because he didn’t know what else to do and that always works. But they aren’t necessarily a couple right now. But thanks for saying I did great with them. It means a lot to me.

Ian K. My E-mail responder… To understand Max read my author’s note that starts this section. Max is very explainable, also read the feedbacks to the other readers. I seem to cover it quite a bit… LOL!!!

The Valenti quandary… Poor Isabel knew him as a friend. But this version of the same person definitely did not seem to be that. He threatened to track the poor girl down.

So far the circumstances are not lining up for him to become an ally.

And of course our favorite couple? How shall they proceed from this point? We shall see I guess.

K.K. (Kzinti Killer): This feedback shall be short and to the point as opposed to my lengthy let you in on all my secrets ones… RIGHT she says sarcastically. LOL!!!
Thank-you for being another of the people who understood that the roles were reversed. You got it and got it good. I think you described it better than anyone anyway.
You are right the roles have reversed, shall I say it?
THE REALITIES HAVE SHIFTED… (this is only the beginning of this)
So how long shall this stand-off between brother and sister last. I ask this? How long was Isabel wary on the show? HMMM????

Catjh2001/Cat: Welcome new reader to the story. I see you also understood the Max/Isabel change. Isabel sure did realize it herself didn’t she.
As to the rest of your questions? Everyone else is wondering the same. LOL!!!!

I have included two songs in this section and as always they are in regular italics. I have placed the flashback scene into bold italics to distinguish it from the music.

Shifting Realities

Chapter Fourteen: Part One

Finding the Balance

Alex was sitting in “their” booth at the Crashdown. “Theirs,” he couldn’t believe it. Not only did he have a girlfriend to share the simple joys of life with, like a particular booth in a favorite restaurant. But he had the girl of his dreams, actually of every guy’s dreams. Isabel had shared some very surprising things with him during the past few days, but most surprising to him were her feelings towards him. Well technically, another version of him, but he was the younger version of that person so…. He let that thought fade as he watched her walk in. A broad smile crossed his face, he couldn’t help it, life was good.

Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way

Isabel Evans owned a room the moment she entered it. Everyone knew when she arrived. She couldn’t help it; she was a royal princess from another world. Grace, poise, and importance just emanated from her very being. She smiled a very relaxed smile when she saw him though. And then she shyly headed over to the table. “Hi!”

Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems

“Hi Isabel. I ordered you a cherry coke, hope that’s ok.” He said pointing to the waiting glass on the table.

“Thanks. How did you know that is what I like?” She said as she slid into the booth opposite him to her waiting soda. She leaned down and took a sip. She shuddered and added Tabasco sauce to it as she watched him curiously.

“Sorry, I need to actually watch how much you put in for next time.” He apologized. “But really! You’ve gotta be kidding me about how I know what you like. Right?” Alex laughed.

Isabel was confused. She just questioningly looked at him.

“Isabel, years of watching you let me know more about you than you can imagine. I know that you look extremely good in red, you were even wearing it the very first time I saw you. You bite or suck in your lips when nervous. You also do little things with your hands when in the same state. You drink cherry coke, well all of you seem to like it. And the list goes on, but some of those little quirks are in full force right now, and if I want to keep my boyfriend status, I’d probably better shut up.” He teased her as he realized that she had ducked her head and started to bite on her lower lip as she played with her hands.

The fact that he was telling her about her little traits made her all the more self-conscious and she did not want to look up at him for she knew that she was blushing furiously and she didn’t know how to deal with that. So she kept her head down until she felt the heat dissipate from her face.

I know I felt like this before
But now I’m feeling it even more
Because it came from you

“I’m sorry, if I made you nervous. I’m not real good at this dating thing, not much practice.” He said laughing.

Then I open up and see

“Dating, I’m a pro. I suck at relationships, not much practice.” She teased him back.

The person falling here is me

“Sure sounds like we were made for each other.” Alex quipped.

“Doesn’t it?” She laughed. “I guess we’ll learn on each other.” Then as she sobered up she said, “Thank-you, for accepting me.”

A different way to be

“I won’t even bother to understand where that is coming from. You’re welcome Isabel. I can’t imagine why I wouldn’t.” He smiled at her. “Could I order us some lunch or something?”

“Yeah, and I’ll go freshen up for a moment.” With that she slid out of the booth and made towards the restroom.

Maria made a beeline for Alex the moment she saw Isabel leave.

He ordered their meal before Maria started to ask questions. “Ok! Talk to me here. What is up with you two? I mean I keep seeing you with Isabel Evans?? And like I know you’ve had a serious crush on the girl since you learned that girls don’t have cooties. So spill already.” Maria wanted information, which she wasn’t about to receive because Isabel had returned to the table. Maria eyed the taller blonde warily as she let her slide into her seat.

Maria could not help but think of the circumstances that had befallen the two of them when she offered Isabel a ride, the afternoon Isabel’s car had broken down. That day in her car unnerved her, and she wasn’t sure what she thought of Isabel. But after rear-ending the sheriff’s car and her apparent nervousness, that’s how Valenti got her to talk. Maria realized in retrospect, that talking to him might not have been the best thing. Ever since that day, he seemed intent on tracking the poor girl down. After that bad episode, Maria had taken to watching Isabel from a distance, and decided that she wasn’t always what she seemed. She could be so gentle, almost loving, when she was with her brothers. And Maria knew Isabel would tear anyone apart who even tried to hurt them, she was like a mother bear with her cubs. So how could a girl that was so protective, also be so aloof and snobbish? Maria just figured there had to be another side to Isabel.

And then there was Alex. He liked Isabel, a lot. Maria wouldn’t want to stand in his way if he ever got a chance to go out with her, which seemed to be happening, and she wouldn’t want to hurt him by not being able to be friends. So she decided that she would continue to work into the girl’s good graces. She would keep trying to be a friend. She understood why Alex liked her, there was just something about her that drew you in, and if you could get past that harsh exterior, there was a friend waiting inside. There just had to be.

Maria smiled nervously at Isabel, but stood in such a way that she could bolt if necessary.

Isabel smiled back and said, more for her own amusement, “So. How about some fries?” Alex tried motioning to her that he had already ordered something, but she seemed intent on the conversation she was having with Maria so he let it play out.

“Fries.” Maria’s nerves got the better of her, remembering an almost exact incidence when they had this discussion previously. “Great, great choice. Really.” She gulped out nervously.

“Thanks.” Isabel answered. And then she started to laugh, a true heart-felt laugh. “Haven’t we had this discussion before?”

Maria stared at her, somewhat dumbfounded; Isabel was actually trying to engage her in a conversation? ‘What was going on with the girl, did she take a blow to the head?’ Maria’s lightning quick mind was racing with these types of questions. “Yeah, I think we did.” Maria responded, “How did it work out again?” She gasped suddenly, “Oh! I’m so sorry…” Maria anxiously apologized when she realized her slip of tongue as she licked her lips and swallowed. Her right hand slid up to scratch her neck on the opposite side. This conversation last time had lead to Valenti tailing Isabel, as if he didn’t have any thing better to do.

“Its… ok… Maria. Really.” The taller blonde stressed each word slowly as she calmly turned to look at the nervous, shorter blonde directly. “I understand, and I’m not mad at you. Maybe I was, I really was, but I put some time behind it and I’m ok.” Isabel awkwardly tried to assuage Maria’s discomfort while she held her hands clasped on the table in front of her as she sucked in her lips and watched the petite girl. “Not to mention I’ve had my own run in with him this past week, that has absolutely nothing to do with you, which I’m sure Alex already told you about.” Isabel lamented. Alex was watching them as he nodded in understanding. Maria nodded in response as the two girls eyed each other cautiously, neither wanting to make the first move.

‘Put some time behind it?’ Alex couldn’t help wonder if this whole conversation was based in Isabel’s past. He thought that it was an interesting choice of words she used, and she had seemed so quick to forgive. Yet less than two weeks ago she was staring at Maria with disdain anytime she came within a few feet of any of the aliens. Which made an uncomfortable situation for Maria and Michael, who really did like each other. They had taken to ignoring Isabel’s looks some of the time, or doing things behind her back for some of the other. So Alex also understood Maria’s nervousness when talking to Isabel. He just watched with fascination at the way the two were silently interacting. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, they all were subconsciously holding their breath and weren’t even aware of it.

Maria excused herself and headed into the kitchen to put in their order. She let out the breath she had been holding while she leaned against the wall for a moment as she got her breathing back under control. She was confused and surprised about what had just happened.

Alex turned to the center of the table and asked Isabel to explain everything.

Sighing she started in… she told him the broken car had happened in both timelines apparently and so had her ride with Maria. But in this one Maria ended up spilling the secret when Valenti pressed her. She went on to describe some of the other changes as well, from how she understood them. Isabel, after telling him of some of the altered reality, continued to tell the story of her car ride with Maria that they were both recollecting, and how that truly was the beginning of her friendship in her past.

Alex just listened to her, trying to absorb more alien related information. As he listened, he realized that Isabel had liked Maria as a friend and would be disappointed if she could not work out that relationship, so he decided that he would try to give them opportunities to get to know each other.

When their lunch was over, they each headed to their respective homes, there were things they each had to do.


That evening; Max, Michael, and Isabel were all discussing the symbols on a sheet of paper that Michael had found in Max’s notebook earlier that day; before Isabel had met Alex for lunch at the Crashdown. They were meeting in Max’s room.

Max went on to explain that he had drawn it from memory from his trip to River-Dog’s cave. He lamely tried to explain that he wasn’t sure if it meant anything.

Isabel had forgotten, until this past week, just how much Max always wanted to be in control of everything when he was younger. She remembered that they had a pretty good relationship in her eyes. But here he was showing just how much he actually did on his own. Exactly like he accused of Michael of doing, and after last weekend when she came back in time, her as well. He had hid that paper from them for a few weeks now.

She shook her head, “Max, of course it means something! Why else would we all recognize it? It’s just like the pendant, we found. It must be our language or something; somehow it feels familiar. I just can't seem to remember how to read it.”

Michael and Max then launched into a slight altercation about keeping secrets and doing things without thinking. Max brought up the fact that they were being watched, and everything else that was happening to them.

Michael got offended and accused Max of saying that he would go out and do something stupid. And Isabel realized that once again, she was sitting in the middle of one of her brother’s fights. ‘Some things never change.’ She thought wryly to herself.

Isabel tried to diffuse the situation by telling Michael, cautiously, “I'm sure Max had his reasons, Michael.” ‘None the which, might just be because he wants to control the situation.’

Michael got even more agitated and turned on Max, “Yeah, But he couldn’t trust me with that, but he could trust Liz…”

“She was there, she went without my approval at first, and so the second time … I was… Oh!... Why am I defending myself?” Max was trying to explain how he came to be out there at all, and how Liz just happened to have been the first of them to venture out there. “This is exactly why I didn't tell you.” Max then outright accused Michael of taking matter in to his own hands, ”Because you would jump to some wild conclusion and go off and do something crazy without even telling us. I didn't think that was particularly wise with the FBI following us around, not to mention Valenti.”

Isabel turned to her brother, remembering exactly what had happened last time, he would go on a date with Liz and Michael would head out to the reservation. Michael hated to be ordered around. She sighed, “You should have told us, Max. This involves all of us. We all want know to what it says…”

Diane Evans called to Max, “Max, Honey? Liz is here.”

And just like had happened previously; they had the resulting discussion about Max and Liz going out, though it was only their second date.

Michael was still a bit nervous for Max because Max had always liked Liz and she was the one who found out the secret due to some dumb school experiment, in his opinion.

Max turned to Michael and also stopped to look at Isabel. “I'm leaving, I’m running late. We'll all figure out the questions we want the answers to, and then we'll go back to River Dog together, ok? Please, Michael. Leave it alone for right now.”

Michael ground out angrily, “Fine. I'll wait.”

As Max headed out he said, “We'll talk when I get back.”

Michael then turned to Isabel and asked her what she thought was a ridiculous question the first time, and so she knew it was this time, “Think he tells Liz stuff he doesn’t tell us?"

She was so frustrated with him that she just answered, angrily, “Oh, please. You're one to talk. What do you and Maria talk about? I’ve seen the way you two are together.”

So he threw in something she wasn’t quite prepared for, “And what about you and Alex? The two of you are joined at the hips, even though you aren’t claiming to be. At least I'm smart enough not to get attached. I can walk away from anybody if I have to.”

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'm not gonna let your guy’s mistakes keep me from finding out what I need to know. The two of you have your humans, and don’t seem intent on letting them go, you even more than Max. I have no idea why you went so crazy for Alex this past week. Could you honestly walk away from him if the need arose? Me? I haven’t forgotten that we really don’t belong here. I’m gonna find out everything I can about this other alien and where we are from, and then, I might even be outta here. No attachments, the way it’s always been."

Isabel groaned out in frustration, “Oh, Michael, you promised. Please wait for Max. We’ll all go together.” Isabel was tempted to stop him from going. She did not want to go through Michael getting sick again, or the potential of losing him, last time it was extremely close. And as she was about to completely stop him, a memory from the last timeline halted her in her tracks. She quickly remembered Alex’s warning right before she left in the granolith, and she realized that she would just have to let Time, run it’s course.

“I promise I'll be as trustworthy as Max, or you last weekend, when you just felt like telling Alex everything...” Michael paused as he climbed out of Max’s bedroom window.

She sat on Max’s bed shaking her head, ‘Now we get to deal with Michael getting sick.’ He was on his way to the reservation, he wanted answers and he didn’t feel like waiting around for any of them.

She grabbed the sheet of paper, which luckily Max had left, and decided to meet Alex for dinner, or a late snack, or whatever you wanted to call it at the Crashdown.


Isabel and Alex were making idle chitchat as they sat in “their” booth.

Maria came up to them and offered to take their orders. When they were done looking at the menu, they ordered.

Alex said, “I’ll have my usual. Will Smith, Saturn rings, and an extra order of U.F.O. Fries.” He looked at Isabel, “You won’t mind sharing with me, right Isabel?” She shook her head. “And I’ll have orange soda.”

“Um Alex, I have never seen someone who likes orange soda as much as you, so it breaks my heart to inform you that the orange soda machine is down.” Maria pouted. “Care to settle for something else?” She grinned. She was enjoying this way too much.

“No orange soda, what will I do?” He made pretend parched motions, and then dying; as he slumped into the booth, head on table.

“Alex!” Isabel intoned that she was embarrassed, but as he abruptly sat up he did notice a sparkle in her eyes, and a sly smirk.

“Root Beer please Maria.” He threw in. “And for you Isabel?’

“I’d like the Spaceship Taco Salad please, with extra Tabasco. Cherry Coke to drink. Thank-you.” Maria wrote down their orders and left.

“I can’t believe I eat this stuff,” Isabel laughed. “Spaceship Taco Salad, Tossed Alien Salad? Heavens no… Don’t toss them.”

“What about Blood of Martian Smoothie?” Alex joked.

“For me Alex, the thought is almost vampiristic, or cannibalistic. Not that the smoothies aren’t good. It’s the thought of it.” She laughed wryly. “These names are pathetic, who comes up with this stuff?”

“I’ll have you know that Mr. Jeff Parker works hard to come up with these menu titles.” Alex laughed. “ I should know, seeing I’ve watched him before, on the meal you ordered actually. His thoughts drifted back to a time about three years earlier when he and Liz were sitting at a stool listening to Jeff Parker work out his ideas. They were both happily downing Blood of Martian Smoothies while Jeff thought out loud.

Hey you two, what do you think?” Jeff asked. “I’m adding a taco salad to the menu and nachos, but you know it’s got to have some alien themed name. The salad is in a fried shell, so I was thinking of Crashed Spaceship… but then what could I call the nachos? So? Ideas?”

“I’m sure anything is fine Mr. Parker.” A younger, higher voiced Alex Whitman answered. “No real alien would ever eat here.”

“Yeah Daddy. No offense,” chimed in the diminutive younger brunette with short brown hair. “But if they were to show up, I think this place would freak them out. Especially your alien over there.” Younger Liz pointed to the weird display at the front of the counter. It was a glass encased alien light that hung just above the end of the counter. It was one of Jeff Parker’s newest additions to the décor and he really liked it.

Alex added, “Yeah. If I were an alien, that would seriously freak me out. It’s like it’s in a jar. You know, what the government probably did with the ones that were in the crash.” They turned to stare at him, and Jeff Parker just shook his head at the odd logic of his daughter’s best friend. “If of course the crash was real.” Young Alex raised his hands in surrender, and then went back to slurping on his smoothie.

At that moment, three young teens in stepped through the door. The tingling bell above the door announcing their arrival. Alex noticed them and turned to watch.

They slid into a booth and one of them immediately set to watching Liz Parker. Another one, a tall female, started teasing him. “Come on Max. We know why we’re here; it’s the same reason every day. Liz Parker.” She mocked him. “I want to go to the mall, I wanna go shopping. Not watch you make goo-goo eyes at someone you’ll never have a chance with. So lets eat and then you’re coming with me. I’m not taking the bus alone, and Mom couldn’t drive today so…”

“Yeah. Good luck with that.” Teased a younger Michael

Alex realized his thoughts had wandered and laughed at the irony of the whole discussion that day. And why would he remember them walking in, and not just the scene with Mr. Parker??… Because; he always watched Isabel. Always. Alex smiled at her, and did not share his memories instead he continued, pointing over to the seat at the counter where he and Liz had been sitting. “He thought of calling it a crashed spaceship salad, but decided the crashed spaceship, was better used to describe the nachos.” He laughed nervously as Isabel leaned in closer to Alex to give her full attention, wondering what was going to come out of his mouth next. Forgetting who his audience was for a moment, not really his audience but her origins, he went on describing the nachos. “You know, parts… debris… crash-ed?” Alex realized a bit late what he was saying as he watched the look on Isabel’s face; slightly amused, tinged with a curious horror. Her hands were folded beneath her chin as she hung on his every word. He bit his lip and stared at the tabletop for a moment, while his finger traced little designs on its top. He did not want to look up. ‘Ok. Whitman. That was not smart. She was part of that crash. Redeem yourself moron.’ He finally looked up with an apologetic expression. “I know… speaking of pathetic...” He rolled his eyes. “But even more pathetic, is the way the town celebrates the crash. That’s gotta be hard on you.” ‘Sympathy. Yeah that’s good. That shows you care.’

“It is.” Isabel replied softly. “It’s like seeing ourselves, or at least our relatives, dying. But sadder, that’s what a lot of people really do think of extraterrestrial life. They think its scary, that we are dangerous, and to be eradicated. Kill first, ask questions later. We three were so lucky to have found you three. You’ll protect us regardless. Thanks Alex.” They continued with the idle discussion as they waited for the meal to be served.

“Hello charming couple. Here is your food.” Maria showed up with a tray on which were their orders. She turned to Isabel first.

“Maria, what’s up… you are unusually cheerful today?” Alex noticed his friend’s good mood. Isabel chimed in, … “and I know its not Michael, not after last weekend at the rave.”

“No, it’s not Michael.” Maria placed Isabel’s salad in front of her, and the plate of fries in the center of the table. “Extra Tabasco is already on the salad as ordered, but if you need more, you know where it is,” she pointed to the display of condiments on the tabletop.

Maria turned her back to Isabel as she placed Alex’s meal in front of him. She winked and whispered, “I’m happy for my friend.” Then she looked at the two of them, refreshed their waters and said, “Enjoy your meal. Let me know if I can do anything else.” Maria went back to her duties, and to the center counter where she could watch the dining floor, but in particular her best friend and Isabel.

As Maria had pointed out the condiments Isabel’s hand was already reaching for the sugar packets. She knew not to ask for sugar on her salad from the cook, or to put it on in front of Maria. But in front of Alex? He’d probably choke for a moment or turn away until she was done, pretending as if she hadn’t done that. He handled her comfort foods ok. She opened one packet, and sprinkled it into the salad after Maria left them alone... Alex both choked and then ignored her while staring at his plate and taking a large bite of his burger, until she had mixed it in.

After taking another customer’s order Maria went back to watching the unusual couple as she still did not know what had transpired between them, exactly, besides the dance in a parking lot. But somehow, during the week since that magical night, they had become almost a fixture. Maybe not boyfriend-y/girlfriend-y but a fixture nonetheless. Even though a week earlier Alex had called Isabel his girlfriend and she had not disputed him.

Alex and Isabel ate for awhile in a companionable and relaxed silence. Just enjoying each other’s presence.


While Alex and Isabel were at the Crashdown, Michael had headed out to the Mesaliko Indian Reservation on the outskirts of Roswell. He had met up with Eddie, a Native American who invited him to partake of a spiritual cleansing ritual. Michael was determined to talk to River-Dog and this seemed the only way to get close to him so he went in.


Max and Liz had gone to Senor Chow’s for Chinese food while they began the process of dating each other. This was essentially their second date, the first being when he took her to the rave.

The longer they were there, the more restless, agitated, and fidgety Max became. He just could not relax the entire evening. It was starting to irritate Liz and so she finally just asked him what was wrong.

Max started in, “I got into a fight with Michael right before I came here with you and I just have this feeling that he has gone off and done something stupid. If he has, I really need to go find him.”

“What do you think he has done Max?” Liz asked concerned for her newfound friend.

Max acted as if Liz hadn’t even spoken to him. “If you wouldn’t mind I want to end this date and go get him. I’m sorry. This is not what you are supposed to have to put up with on a date. But our lives are not normal, and once you figured that out you exposed all of us. So, I really have to be extra careful in situations like this…”

“Max, where do you think Michael went?” Liz pressed a little harder.

“He went out to River-Dog’s. He saw the symbols from the cave wall on a piece of paper today. I drew them from memory. He got really upset at what he thought were secrets I was keeping from him. I really am just trying to keep us all safe. But if he is being true to Michael form, he ignored my warnings and my telling him we would all go together and he went to River-Dog’s tonight, without the rest of us…. He’s Michael, he would do something rash and un-thought out like that.” He answered as if it explained everything.

“You want to go?” She stood to leave.

“Yeah I need to; I’ll drop you by home first I guess.” Max paid for their meal, and they got into the jeep and continued the discussion.

“No, I mean do you want us to go out there together?” Liz let him know that she would be with him for the duration of the evening.

Max was surprised. “You’ll go with me?”

“Of course,” Liz replied. “I kind-of became part of your alien life when I discovered your secret inadvertently. I know how much Michael and Isabel mean to you Max, and I know you want them safe. Now, Let’s go get Michael.” Liz then decided to let him have it a bit about how he treated them, Isabel and Michael, in her estimation. “And then lets talk about not trying to control everything someone does. People don’t like that Max… You might not be aware of how normal people handle things, so I’m telling you. Isabel is in good hands, I know what she did scared you… but its going to be ok… everything will be fine Max. Have some faith in the ones you love. I think more than anyone, they know how important the secret is, and they would never intentionally put any of you in danger. You’ve been hard on Isabel this week, not that she’ll tell you that, but the way she is hanging out with Alex, you can tell she is avoiding you. And give Michael some space; he just might surprise you by not doing the very thing you expect him to do. Trust them Max.” Liz pointed out.

“Are you saying this is my fault that he is out there?” Max was taken aback and a little upset that he had brought Liz with him.

“No Max, of course not.” Liz reasoned. “But it looks as if with Michael’s home life and your leadership of all of them, he doesn’t like to be ordered around.” Liz continued her lecture. “You are all the same age; treat him like an equal, Isabel too. Though she apparently does a little better with your demands, or ignoring them. She and Alex still hang out together, though I know you are wishing they wouldn’t. But come on Max, you and Michael have me and Maria, Isabel is with Alex. He is her friend; I guess ‘close friend’ would be a way to put it. He won’t let anything happen to any of you. He is probably the safest guy ever to discover your secret.”

Max shook his head. Liz had no idea how much he had to protect them, especially with Sheriff Valenti watching his sister. He quit talking to her.


To Be Continued in the Following Post....

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Second half of part one

Post by Mt Gazer »

I had to split part one into two posts due to its length... never encountered that before :lol: So this is part b of Part One Sorry for the Inconvenience.

Mt Gazer




In the meanwhile at the Crashdown, Alex had stepped out of his and Isabel’s booth and had gone to the counter in the center of the restaurant to talk to Maria at her request. There were only a few patrons left and she had some time to kill, so she wanted to talk; she wanted answers. Alex placed his tall, lean, frame on one of the barstools as he faced Maria. His elbow perched on the counter while his hand propped up his chin. He gave her his direct contact.

Maria was watching the restaurant from behind the counter, however, so she was able to survey everything going on. She turned her attention to Alex… “So Alex?? Really? What happened between you and Isabel? I mean, this is the girl of your dreams and the two of you have been inseparable since the rave.”

He shook his head, straightening up for a moment as he answered, “Maria, if I had anyway to explain the last few days I would. But I have a feeling like I am caught in some extremely long and bizarre dream and I have a strange notion that I will wake up at any moment; probably screaming because it is not real. There is no way any of this can possibly be real. I mean, here we are going to the age-old question ‘is there life out there beyond our solar system?’ And I can answer it, you know? Yes there is. I’m ‘dating’ an alien! Really how ridiculous does that sound?” He gave an incredulous shake of his head.

“Yeah, Well I can understand that. The first few days were tough for me too.” Maria sympathized with her lifelong friend. “Isabel did stuff to my car that wasn’t humanly possible. I mean she waved her little Samantha/Genie/Alien hand over the air conditioner and it blew stronger than a hurricane; or try this, playing the sound system like it was a symphony hall. All with the wave of her little ‘green hand.’ But the thing that freaked me out the worst is when she went into my dream to ‘observe’ me, and talk to me. That really scared the shit out me Alex; you know what I’m saying?” Maria seemed a bit nervous. “Has she ever done anything like that to you, gone into your dreams I mean?”

A look of extreme contentment and pleasure crossed every visible surface of Alex’s face as he answered dreamily, “Yeah! She did, she’s amazing!”

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore

“Amazing is not the word I would use to describe it buddy.” Maria smacked him playfully with the palm of her hand to force him back into reality. “Freaky, yes; But not amazing. Alex? Are you even listening to me?” She tried to get his attention; snapping her fingers in front of his face. He barely noticed. It seemed that he was lost in sneaking a quick peek at the object of his affection.

Isabel noticed it too and quickly ducked her head so that he would not catch her staring in his direction.

They’ll come true, impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

She raised a hand to her mouth to stifle a soft laugh at the display between Alex and Maria.

“Speaking of weird things going on Alex? Are you getting any sleep? You nearly fell asleep in Mrs. Jatzman’s English class, twice this week, and once in Mr. Singer’s geometry, you actually did. And you’ve been most definitely ‘off’ during chorale. You seem tired all the time.” Maria reached out the back of her hand and felt Alex’s forehead, and then so as not be so obvious she brushed his hair back. “Liz and I are getting worried about you. Are you getting any sleep Alex?”

“Yeah I guess I have been more tired. I didn’t know it was so obvious. Sorry.” Alex shrugged his shoulders. He was more tired, but he really couldn’t do anything about it.

“Does it have anything to do with Isabel? I mean you said she went into your dream, and I know it took me a couple of days before I could peacefully sleep after that.” Maria immediately jumped to conclusions.

“No it’s nothing like that.” Alex chuckled. “… I’m just dealing with some… recurrent nightmares. You know, disturbing things really, that I don’t have any answers for…” He let his thoughts wander for a few minutes on all the things going on his life, Isabel, nightmares, the fact that aliens existed, and he was dating one… he snapped back into reality, tired brains seemed to wander more easily he mused.

Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way

He turned back to Maria to ask what he really wanted to understand, why Isabel was interested in him, any version of him?

“Maria, what does she see? I mean this is absolutely unbelievable, me, Alex Whitman…computer geek…ok? I’m with Isabel Evans, Goddess of the sophomore class. What does she see? What can she possibly see in me? I mean she can have anyone, why me?” Alex asked.

Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
’cause you’re a dream to me

“Alex please, you really need to get a hold of yourself here.” Maria grabbed his shoulders and forced him to take a couple of deep breaths. “I don’t think Isabel likes you,” she said, dragging out the word likes.

He interrupted her, “I knew it. The dream is over. This was all some cruel joke to see how far I could fall isn’t it? And you’re in on it. I can’t believe this; my own best friend would be so cruel with my emotions. … I knew she was too good to be true. I knew stuff like this didn’t happen to guys like me.”

Dream to me

“Alex, really! Your paranoia is kicking in.” Maria teased him. “You never let me finish before you lost it. Calm down, ok and listen to me, just look at me, nowhere else.” His eyes were still flickering from her intent gaze, noticing it she continued, “Just look in my eyes Alex.” She grabbed his face and forced their eyes to make contact, holding his chin captive with her hand. “What I said was, ‘ I don’t think Isabel likes you’.” This time she used air quotes around the word ‘likes,’ with her fingers to emphasize her point. “She is watching your every move as if you would disappear/vanish if she turned away.” He wanted to check it out for himself, and tried to turn his head, but Maria still was holding onto it. She ordered, “Keep looking at me! What happened between you two Alex?” Very pointedly she asked, “What did you guys do?” Maria touched his left shoulder with her right hand and with her left hand, pointed subtlety to Isabel who had resumed her gazing of Alex after the last time he caught her watching him. “Look at her.” Maria whispered.

He slowly and discreetly turned around and caught Isabel’s shy smile. Then Isabel turned her attention to her manicure, playing it cool. The Ice Princess had left the building, and in her place was a shy teenaged girl in love.

Alex grinned broadly at her display and turned back to Maria who had a dreamy look on her face and was resting her head on her hands while leaning into the counter. She sighed, “ I don’t know what you did to her Alex,” Maria said wistfully, as she grabbed a nearby kitchen towel. “But the girl is completely in love with you. You must have special Mo-Jo that works wonders on an alien girl.” She smacked him playfully with the towel. “Anyways she can’t take her eyes off of you, I think I made my point clear. She is not going to let you out of her sight, any idea why?”

“Wha- What?” Alex’s head snapped back to attention. He had barely heard any of the last things Maria had said, he was still thinking about how shy Isabel appeared and how discreetly she covered for it. But she really did like him. All of a sudden something Maria had said a few minutes earlier struck him, something about him vanishing if Isabel couldn’t see him and he breathed in a gasp. “Oh my God! I gotta get back to her. Thanks Maria.” He slapped the table and hurried back to the booth he shared with Isabel.

Maria was more confused about the two of them than ever with Alex’s little departure. “No problem Alex, glad I could help.” She carried on an imaginary conversation with herself.

Isabel looked at him a little puzzlingly, as he slid back into the booth opposite her, especially when he apologized. “I’m so sorry to leave you alone for so long Isabel. I didn’t mean to.”

“Huh? What are you talking about Alex?” Isabel gave him curious look. “Maria called you over, you talked to her. Problem?!” She shrugged her shoulders as she said, “She wants answers. I would too with everything going on. But is she ok with us as an ‘us?’ I don’t think she likes me much.” Isabel said very softly as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and stared at the tabletop.

Alex grabbed her hands gently as he looked at her face. “It’s ok Isabel. We’ll all be ok in this situation. I think she can handle ‘us.’ Can I look at the paper you brought with you?”

She spread the paper between them and they talked for a while about the symbols and what it could possibly mean; while she explained about the fight her brothers were having concerning it. Then she looked deeply into Alex’s eyes and said something that she knew was going to cause them both pain.

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

“Alex, you know I love you more than anything right?” Isabel questioned.

He nodded, not sure he liked the tone of her question. “Yeah, of course.”

“Well I do.” Isabel continued slowly. “And I love being with you, but,” she moistened her lips as she figured out how to word what she wanted to say.

‘I knew it; there’s a but. I could hear it in there.’ He sighed, “But what Isabel?”

“We can’t be a couple right now.” Isabel said it, and then she clarified what she was saying. “I don’t mean we’re not one, I just mean what it looks like.”

“Isabel what are you trying to say?” Alex asked, a bit nervous to hear the answer.

That green eyes
Yeah the spotlight shines upon you
And how could anybody deny you

Isabel further tried to explain herself. “I’m not ready for ‘public dating’ yet. Michael as well as Max, especially Max, can’t cope with it. My ‘friends’ at school, loose term ok?… but anyways, I’m really not ready to deal with them.”

He looked intently into her face. She looked right back with the same intensity. “Isabel, you’re not breaking up with me right?” ‘I don’t think she is, but I have no idea what she is saying.’

“No. Not at all.” ‘Oh poor Alex. He’s worried that I might not want to be with him.’ “Alex right now I need us to look like friends and nothing more. You haven’t been living my week with Max, he’s gone crazy over this whole thing. My parents are curious, and I fell for you way too fast for there to be any realism or logic to it. They are watching me and I’m getting looks from all sides. I hate being the center of attention.” She groaned.

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter
Now I met you

“Now Isabel,” he said somewhat condescendingly, “we both know that’s not true, I know you like everyone to look at you.” He tilted his head as he continued. “ You toy with people, Isabel, and I’m sure you spend at least an hour in the mornings on your make-up so that you will get noticed.”

“True Alex.” She agreed with him. “But you said ‘getting noticed,’ I’m talking about how I hate being the center of focused attention, the kind where people stare at you and talk behind your back…. That’s the kind I’m not ready to cope with. And if we are ‘officially dating,’ that’s exactly the kind I’ll be dealing with. From Max, Mom and Dad, school peers, etc…”

‘She has a plan, what is it?’ Alex asked, “So what do you want to do Isabel?”

“Be ‘Best Friends’, in public and ‘more’ in private.” She added flirtatiously, giving him a promising smile.

Alex thought of letting his ideas be known. “Ok, to be honest, I’m not happy you feel the need to hide our relationship….”

“Alex…” she interrupted, her expression was one of hurt.

“And I’m not done, let me finish.” He interjected in the midst of her interruption.

‘Ok. Go ahead.” She acquiesced.

“But, Isabel, I understand your need to hide it.” He let her know he would side with her. “Since it is not the timeline you just left, you have been thrown back into your,” he paused to think. “… What did you call it, ‘Ice Queen?’ role.” He asked.

“The title is Ice Princess. And everyone calls me that.” She shook her head.

“Right. Right... Ice Princess.” He said dismissively as he waved his hand in a ‘whatever’ gesture. “I can honestly say that I am glad that ‘I’; well… some version of me anyways, melted you. You were not pleasant two weeks ago, and I guarantee, if she could see you now, she’d want to kick your ass, for telling me everything.” Alex laughed at the thought.

Isabel giggled. “It’s true she would. I used to be her, so I know exactly how she would handle things.”

Alex dove right in, “So on that note, she would be more than uncomfortable with dating me right?”

“Yes Alex.”

“So seeing how you are no longer her, but are pretending to be her; you don’t mind dating me, but are pretending to mind, to keep up appearances, would this be correct?”

“Yes Alex.”

“So you are still mine right?” Alex went for the kill. “You’re not going to go find another guy the minute you walk out of here? I mean the ‘Isabel’ that I watched and admired from afar, never talked to a guy this long...” He informed her of the way she acted.

‘Yes Alex, I’m still yours. And No! I’ll never go out with another guy again. I’ve already done exactly that in the past timeline.” She turned her attention to the suddenly very interesting tabletop.

And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

Still staring at the table she murmured, “You don’t want to know how badly I treated you, really you don’t.”

“Isabel, I want to know everything about you and you know that. So what are you saying, you left me and dated someone the next minute?” Alex cautiously asked.

“Very close, but worse.” Isabel said, ashamed. “I flirted with him while you were still sitting with me. I dated him right after.”

“Ouch!” Alex exclaimed. “You really did earn your title of queen of the cold, didn’t you?”

“I told you wouldn’t like it.” She said softly.


“Why what?” She asked.

“Why did you do that, and when did you? And how did he react?” He looked at her lovingly, letting her know that he would handle anything she said. “There had to be a reason. Even you aren’t that heartless.”

“How do you think he reacted?” Isabel said curtly. “I lost him, forever.”

“But you went to prom?”

“Yeah, we were starting over. Here’s the thing, I didn’t want him in because we weren’t supposed to be with humans…”

“What? I’m not sure that makes sense, care to elaborate?” Alex waited.

Isabel started explaining some of the hard moments from her past timeline. “The day we learned about our destiny, it really messed us all up. I tried to stay with Alex all summer, but I finally couldn’t. The guys had left their humans, and we were supposedly sent with our mates so we were all very confused. Any ways we all ended up a little crazy as we let go of the people who made us feel secure.”

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

“Go on…”

“I got scared of my destiny and essentially ran from Alex. That is when it went really bad.” She took in a breath and continued. “Alex was always my closest friend, from the moment of the rave onwards… I could tell him anything and usually did; he made me feel safe, protected, and cared for. I just was scared to death of a real relationship with him because he would know all of me.”

That green eyes
You’re the one that I wanted to find

Continuing, “The human/alien relationships seemed doomed to failure, so I tried to not have one. Alex would do absolutely anything for me as a friend, and he always hoped to be ‘more.’ I know he was never happier than when we were, because I was never happier either. But it was too confusing to deal with.” Isabel sighed.

“So what happened?”

“I started to date this geologist, a decent looking older man. Alex wanted in, all the way into me, it was his goal and he was persistent about it. He terrified me, as you well know. But this guy was safe for dating, very safe. He would never get in; I would never need him to be. He didn’t know anything about me, and had no clue about the alien mess that was/is my life… so I flirted with him, and superficially dated him. He made me feel good, beautiful, and admired for who I was outwardly, not inwardly. I was being shallow, my cover for when things get intense. And believe me all that stuff about our destiny was intense.”

“Again, tell me what happened, how did you lose Alex?” ‘I don’t see the relation.’

Isabel said softly, “He couldn’t handle me dating this guy. His feelings were so hurt. And there was a time I thought about taking him back, but I didn’t… Now you can hate me.”

And anyone who tried to deny you
Must be out of their mind

“You didn’t do it, why?”

Isabel’s memories of her birthday came flooding into her mind and as she remembered, she kept talking. “I found out some stuff about myself that was really horrible, and I couldn’t deal with it. I shut everyone out. EVERYONE.” She looked at him sadly. “Alex left to go to Sweden shortly after, probably to get me out of his heart. I wish that actually had happened, it wouldn’t be as horrible as what really did.” She said mournfully.

“You wish he got you out of his heart?” Alex asked, confused.

“Not quite… I wish he really had been in Sweden. But instead he was under some mind control to decode some destiny book… I hate that word. And that is right before he died.”

“So you think it’s all tied in together?” He reached out to cover her hand with his own.

She reached out with her free hand and covered his. “I think that I left him vulnerable by not being with him anymore.” She looked directly into his eyes. “He’s you… honest, caring, and giving. His/Your best traits were used against him, and it ended up killing him.”

“I’m sure you weren’t responsible for that.” Alex tried to comfort her.

“Alex I partially am. And I will always know that. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” She stared at the table again. ‘If I am with Alex for at least an hour I end up spilling my guts. What is it with this guy? Why do I do this to myself?’

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand

Alex raised her chin with his fingertips as he looked into her eyes. “You seem a little down now, and I certainly don’t want to add any more pain to what you’ve already been through so I’m going to change the subject here. I’m just a little curious about your origins you know?” he smiled lovingly. “No matter how sophisticated your race is; how could you possibly just take on human form? What are your people like? How can they just create people?”

“ I don't know.” Isabel shrugged her shoulders. “We really don’t remember anything of there at all. When we came out of these pods, we looked just like normal 6-year-old kids. We've never been anything but what you see. We’ve never had green skin, or any other color. Never had antennas. We have emotions, which you are fully aware of,” she rolled her eyes. “We feel pain, and we probably have more questions about ourselves than you do. And just because I came from the future, doesn’t mean I have all of those answers. As far as we know, we're just as human as you are, Alex.”

He questioned her a bit more. “You said your planet was called Antar. I can’t say that I have ever heard of it before,” he teased. “But they certainly can’t be human; so how do you explain yourself? You were mentioning things about energy when we connected with my dream. You know the one in the park? That doesn’t sound very human to me…”

Isabel gave the only information she knew. “Actually Alex, we were created to be human. The human brain is capable of everything we can do, we were just engineered to be several thousand years ahead of the modern human race, that’s all. But no matter how advanced we may seem now, we still have to fit into the current ‘system.’ This is where we live; this is who we are. We can’t do anything else.”

“Well,” he smiled at her. “I think you fit just fine with me.”


At the same time that the conversations were taking place in the Crashdown, Max and Liz were out at the Mesaliko Indian Reservation.

Liz had been waiting in or around the jeep while Max had gone over to the tent where men seemed to chanting and performing some kind of ceremony.

Max peered in and River-Dog motioned for him to take Michael out of there. Max had to enter the tent to get to him. Michael shrugged him off and refused to budge; he practically ignored him. Max, hating Michael’s insolence, realized that the only way to even be able to communicate with him was to join him. He looked to River-Dog who motioned for him to take a seat and to be quiet. Max joined the circle of men on the inside of the tent, took off his shirt and settled in. A bowl of water was passed to him, which he drank from.

Both he and Michael found themselves coughing profusely when herbs or other ingredients were thrown unto the fire; it stung their eyes causing them to water. And it burned their lungs; interfering with their breathing capabilities.

After a long while they were no longer able to stand it and so rushed outside where they fell into paroxysmal coughing.

Eddie, the Native American who had invited Michel into the sweat, clapped them on the back as he said laughing, "I told you it was intense."

They left shortly afterwards, Max, Michael, and Liz, who had waited outside the whole time, all piled into the jeep and rode back into Roswell.

Michael started to feel strange; in a way he had never felt before. He felt warm, hot rather, and he was starting to sweat profusely. His whole body felt weak. He moaned in distress and Liz turned back to look at him.

“Max, floor it!!” She ordered. “Get Michael back now, he looks sick.”

When they reached the Crashdown, it was shut down for the night. The only people lingering about were Alex, Isabel and Maria who were sitting in a booth conversing things.

Max and Liz barely struggled Michael through the front door before he collapsed face forward unto the Crashdown floor.

“Oh My God!!! MICHAEL!” Isabel exclaimed as she leapt from the booth, Alex was right behind her, and Maria held back a bit. Isabel knew what had happened. ‘Damn, he went!’ This reminded her of the last timeline. She knelt down on the floor and took his head into her lap as the girls brought over a glass of water.

He drank it and his fever seemed to subside. He wanted to go home and was not willing to be fussed over in any way by Isabel or anyone else.

Isabel observed that Max seemed a little disoriented himself and so she took control. “We are all leaving NOW!! Alex, need a ride?”

He quipped, “What I really need is a sedative,” as he reached up and scratched his head with one hand. But he walked out with them and rode home. As Isabel dropped him off he asked to see her the next day at the UFO Center. She agreed and the next day was planned.


As she was walking down the stairs of the center to a waiting Alex he said, “I know you hate this place. But I just wanted to show you something, It’s right over here.”

“Yeah,” she responded curtly. I do hate this place, it gives me the creeps, as well as nightmares when I was younger. Lets make this quick ok?”

“No Problem. Its just one thing,” Alex started to walk toward a display. “You did bring the paper with you right?”

“Yeah.” Isabel covertly pulled it out and they studied it before they spent some time analyzing the Machu Pichu display. The writings were similar in some respects, but in many others were different. The Machu Pichu display seemed more cuneiform and triangular, while the alien writing was a mixed conglomeration of many techniques. It was triangular in some respects but was much more circular and swirling. It was almost pictographic as a good way to explain it.

Isabel folded the paper back up and placed it back into her purse, recalling the conversation from the first time she and Alex were studying this, she stated, “Forget it, Alex. It’s not the same. Don't you think we've checked all this stuff out? Do you really think spacemen came here thousands of years ago to reveal everything to cave men? Of course not, it's just a ridiculous rumor like those crop circles and the rest of the lies people tell to make a buck. Just let it go, ok?”

He observed her for a second but she seemed adamant, and the writing though similar in some small respects, was definitely different. So he dropped the subject and thanked her for humoring him.

Hearing commotion in the outer room and seeing everyone rush into to check on it Isabel grabbed Alex’s hand and started to shove through the crowd. “Its Michael” She stated.

“What? How do you know? Oh! You sense him right?” Alex asked as she jerked him behind her.

“No,” She looked surprised; “I’ve already been through this. It was the first time any of us ever got sick.”

A crowd was gathering and obscuring their vision. But a bunch of different voices were heard from within the group. Someone said, “He looks really sick.” Another voice said, “Oh my God! Is he having a seizure?” Yet another started to pull out a cell phone and said, “We need to call 911, we need to get an ambulance.”

Max and Milton raced through, Milton was shocked that it was Max’s friend that had broken in not too long ago and he demanded to know what was going on.

Max, at hearing the call for the ambulance went straight to work covering for Michael. “ No! No ambulance, he gets really bad migraines. Really bad. I’m just gonna take him home and he’ll be fine.” He placed his shades on Michael’s eyes to hide them; they had started to go white as if his whole cornea was covered with a cataract. The iris seemed to have turned a cloudy blue color, odd considering Michael as well as Isabel and Max’s eyes were brown.

At that moment Isabel rushed in holding onto Alex’s hand, “ Oh God. Oh, my God, Max. What’s wrong with Michael?”

Max ordered them to help him get Michael out of there as quickly as possible. Alex and he supported Michael, ushering him into the jeep. Max took a leave of absence from work for the remainder of the day.


Not knowing where else to take him, but knowing they couldn’t take him back to his horrible foster father, they took him to the Crashdown and entered in through the back door. “Girls we need your help, NOW!!!” Max insisted, as he and Alex draped a practically unconscious Michael between them. They were each supporting one of his arms on their shoulders, as Michael’s feet dragged listlessly on the ground.

“Oh my God Max, what’s wrong with Michael?” Liz asked.

Isabel jumped in and tersely replied, “How should I know? Nothing like this has ever happened before.” ‘When in reality I know everything, I just can’t say it.’

Max questioned, “Liz, We need to keep him someplace safe; can we keep him here? We really can’t think of anywhere else to go, and with your parents away, this was the best we could think of.”

She replied, “Yeah just take him upstairs to my room, he’ll be fine there. We’ll make sure the front house is ok and we’ll be up in a second.”

Once they had Michael on Liz’s bed, Maria having instructed Isabel in how to use a thermometer, she took his temperature and remarked that the thermometer only reached 112. She was not sure what exactly that meant.

Liz’s eyes went wide and Maria went into her mothering mode and suggested that everyone get ice and towels to cool him down. Liz shot a look of concern toward Max who shook his head and found her desk chair to sit down in. He had a headache that had been growing in intensity as the day wore on and was starting to feel un-well himself. He wondered what exactly was going on, both to him and to his fellow pod-mate Michael.

Isabel stood vigil over Michael while Alex remained at her side ready to help out in anyway possible. Max shook his head jerkily to try to stop it from spinning; he felt as if the whole room was revolving. When shaking it did not alleviate the feeling, he placed it down on Liz’s desk. Everyone was attending to Michael and no one really noticed his state.

Michael, over on the bed started to chant something. Liz and Max’s heads jerked upright, that was the chant they were doing during the sweat the previous evening. Max’s head went to its previous position; the room was stiller and calmer that way.

Isabel asked, “What is he trying to say?”

Alex first noticed Max was slumped over Liz’s desk with his head down, and then leaning over Michael, while wiping his forehead with a cool cloth said, “I don't know. It sounds like some kind of chant. Michael, can you hear me? What are you trying to say? What are you trying to tell us?” Alex shouted a little louder, “Michael! It's me, Alex and Isabel is right here too. Please let us help you.”

Michael opened his eyes and sat bolt upright. His eyes had completely turned a cloudy white. He answered one word, “River-Dog.” And then he fell back unto the bed with a thud, utterly unconscious.

Max stood from the desk rather abruptly shaking his head in disbelief, as he held onto it to steady himself. At the same time Liz gasped and crossed over to where Max was now standing. He was half slumped over the back of her chair. Liz concerned herself with how he was doing. “Max, how are you feeling?” She reached out and touched his forehead, realizing that he was spiking a fever. “Max you have a fever as well.”

Isabel turned around to look at Liz and Max; she could not believe what was happening. ‘Both of her brothers were sick?’ She hesitantly asked, “What’s going on Liz?”

“Michael went out to the reservation last night,” Liz answered. “Then Max cut our date short and went out to get him. They both partook of some Indian cleansing ceremony. Maybe it made them sick. Alex check Isabel’s forehead to see if she is ok, we have no idea what is going on or why they are sick.” He did as he was told and thought that Isabel seemed perfectly normal.

“Both of them were in it Liz?” Isabel asked wanting to make sure she had heard Liz correctly.

“Yeah. Michael was out there longer, but I don’t know how much longer he had been in the sweat before Max arrived, so that may account for why Max is only really starting to get sick now.” Liz reasoned.

“Yeah it could be that.” Isabel said. “Or it could be the fact that my brother probably felt bad last night and this morning as well but he won’t tell anyone.” She gave her brother a direct glare, “Which, if I know Max, is more likely the case. He wouldn’t want to worry anyone.”

Max shrugged off Liz’s hand and said, “I’m fine. I’m going out to the reservation; I’m going to go find River-Dog and see whatever has happened to us. Lets go Liz, if you want to come.”

Isabel shot out, “See what I mean?” She gave Liz a look as if to say, ‘You take care of him and bring him back.’ Liz responded with her own look of reassurance. And Isabel, knowing that her brother was being cared for, redirected her focus back to Michael.

“Give me the keys Max.” Liz snatched them from his hands. “You are not driving.” Liz grabbed a sweater, and they headed out the door, and out the back of the restaurant.


Musical Excerpts: Dreams by The Cranberries and
Green Eyes by Coldplay
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 145
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Post by Mt Gazer »

Feedback Time: I love this!!!!

Roswellluver: With Max and Michael both sick, what will we do? What is going to happen next? And it was a very good thing Liz was so attentive to how Max was feeling, and she snagged the keys from him.

SarahWhitman: Well with the boys both sick, how will things work out on the healing end of things??? Will there be enough energy, with two in the center? We shall see.

NewYorker18/ Keri: Max really does have some control issues doesn’t he??

Yes I must agree with you, the timelines have dramatically altered…. What else is going to go wrong???

PhoenixFlamez: Hi new reader. Thanks for taking the time to absorb this. I’ll bet you are bogged if you read this cover to cover so to speak. Wow!!! Thank-you. So I’m sure you are fully aware that this is large and filled with lots of hints and surprises. What do they lead to?? Read-on.

Trude: Maria nervous was great wasn’t it?? The Ice Princess really had her sweating for a moment there. What was Isabel’s intentions? Maria realized though that she was ok, and in her own way attempting to communicate.

As to your question of when she thought of taking Alex back… it’s most definitely not canon…. But in my head after I see the way she looked at him and laughed when he stripped for her birthday… She had never been so happy in her life… If the big V’landra mess wouldn’t have come up I’ll bet she would have worked herself back into Alex’s life. How could she not???

But the V’landra thing came up and the rest as they say is history…

That is until history gets changed. :wink:

Slayer: It’s great to see you again.

Slamming doors in Chapter 13 was great wasn’t it?? Typical teenagers.

Poor Alex is right… he feels as if he is in a surreal world, that none of this can be true… its too out there… Ya Know??

And even though they have been through so much this week, he’s still waiting to wake up.

As to the you hope I continue to write statement… Lets just say I intend to keep up this story until shall I say it? This Epic NOVEL is completed. LOL!!!

Creative Nickname/Kristina: Maria and Alex conversation over everything was so cute wasn’t it??? She really let him know that Isabel loves/likes him… now she herself is seriously curious.

As to informing you of a new part by e-mail… it’s my pleasure. It’s the least I can do for my readers when you take the time to read and to feedback me.

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating: Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Events up to and including The Balance

A/N: In this part I have a scene with some visions, there is no music and the visions are placed in regular bold...

Shifting Realities

Chapter Fourteen: Part Two

Finding the Balance

Isabel knelt down next to Michael and grabbed his hand in hers. The fact that she had been through this before did not help to ease her worry any. Max hadn’t gotten sick that time. She whispered to Michael, “I am so pissed right now that I could kill you. But I won’t. I need you Michael; you have to pull through. I need you and Max, what will happen to me without you?”

Alex came behind her and rubbed her shoulders soothingly. He asked her quietly, “This changed too? Huh?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Max never went out there to get Michael. Michael almost died.” She was whispering. “This time now they are both sick. God what am I gonna do?” She shook her head disbelievingly, she just couldn’t fathom how Max’s control issues had actually made him chase Michael down. “Healing Liz seemed to be good for all of us,” she paused to think. “Max seemed to control us a little less, I guess.” She gave a deep, reserved sigh. “Well, we are not dealing with that scenario. So much is different, that unless major things play the same I am truly having a second run at this. There are unknown variables at every turn, again.” She wearily shook her head and again sighed deeply.

Alex listened to her voice her feelings and answered reassuringly. “Michael obviously didn’t die then, and they won’t die now. We’ll see a way through this. Ok?” He planted a kiss on the top of her head. And then he asked why she didn’t tell her brothers about the time travel and instead she just relived things, altered versions of things no less.

Isabel hadn’t really thought of it, she was just doing what needed done, as her other Alex had said to her, “You are one of the strongest people I know… If it needs to be done, you'll do it Isabel, no matter what the cost… I know I can rely on you to work this out.” She remembered the circumstances when he had spoken this to her, right before she went to the University and solved his murder. She found her eyes tearing up as she thought of her Alex.

And as she was thinking of these things, she grabbed his hands almost in a panic, and looked deeply into his eyes, her own glistening. She pleaded, “I can’t Alex. Too many things that aren’t supposed to change… would, because they/we would know everything, and there are a multitude of things they/we would avoid doing or similarly that would be done that aren’t supposed to. We can’t act like we know all the questions and the answers as well. You know the questions are and were a part of our life, making us who we are. We can’t live without pain, or the mystery of our origins. We can’t make it all go away. We can’t know everything, trust me… I have to do this, for Alex, and for us. You don’t know how important it is…” Her eyes were still pleading for his understanding.

Alex gave her a confused look, and so she filled him in on her departure and the warning her Alex gave her, and the promise she made to Alex to keep herself and all of them safe by essentially ‘playing the game the same way.’

He hugged her tightly to himself as his hand stroked her hair. And he asked, “Ok. Then I guess you have to do this alone??” She emphatically nodded. “Let me know anything I can do to help you through it alright?”

“I will.” Isabel nodded in her assurance that she would be relying on him. “Rather than telling you my whole other life, I’ll probably fill you in on changes as they happen, like today. Or I’ll let you know what is going on as it happens, if it remains the same. If I even can.” She pulled out of the embrace and went to sit vigil by Michael’s side again.

Alex stood there dumbfounded by the girl that just spoke to him. She was so strong, her Alex was right. And then realization started to dawn on him just how much she truly had given up to return for him. He walked back over and stood behind her. It wasn’t in her past that she had lost it; it was in this new present. Isabel now had to deal with an altered reality, and she was entrusted with a secret that she had to hide from those who mattered the most to her. But he thought if her Alex had confidence in her ability to do it, then he would do whatever he had to do to enable her to do so. He rubbed her shoulders supportively as he thought through all these things.

They agreed that he needed to assist his friends so he went downstairs and helped out with whatever he could for a couple of hours while Isabel just sat with Michael. There was nothing else she could do. When Alex’s duties were over he came back and rubbed Isabel’s shoulders supportively again.

Around an hour later, he heard a soft rapping at the lower portion of Liz’s bedroom door. Maria was gently kicking it with her toes as a form of knocking, her hands obviously full.

Alex crossed over and opened it for her. She came in carrying a tray on which were two plates of food for her friends. She had brought a deli- sliced turkey sandwich with all the fixings, chocolate cake, and fruit to each of them as well as Cherry Coke for Isabel, and Root Beer for Alex, his second favorite soda. She also had brought a couple of packets of sugar for Isabel, in case she wanted it on the sandwich. Her little addition to the salad had not gone unnoticed the night before. Maria would just accept the weird quirks. Maria also was no longer dressed in her uniform; apparently they shut down the café early, or had gotten extra help.

“You need to eat,” Maria said, handing a plate to Isabel. “Here.” The bottle of Tabasco was shoved into her open hand, “I don’t know how much you like so…”

Isabel nodded, “Thank-you.” And then she whispered to her caring ‘friend.’ “And instead of sugar on a sandwich, its molasses, or jam. I don’t need a lot and it’s somewhat spreadable.” She giggled. “And Max and Michael can’t stand it like that, too sweet if you can imagine. Well they don’t like yogurt with extra sugar either, so… I guess I like stuff really sweet. Sorry, I’m rambling, I must really be nervous. I never talk this much.” She quickly went silent.

“Yeah, Thanks Maria,” said Alex as he sat down at Liz’s desk with his food. He started to eat, while turned sideways in the chair to watch Isabel with concern the whole time. It was apparent to him that though she had been through something similar, this was still taking its toll on her. She set the plate of food down forgoing the thought of eating to keep her vigil over Michael, and in proxy, Max as well.

Isabel was leaned over Michael holding one of his hands in both of hers. He started to chant something and then he bolted upright into a sitting position gasping for air and starting to seize violently. Alex dropped his sandwich as it was halfway to his mouth and raced over to help hold Michael down until his body stilled. It was an unnatural, rather palpable kind of stillness that permeated the room at that point.

Maria sat down on foot of the bed as she looked from Michael to Isabel and back again. Then she spoke to Isabel, “I care about him too you know?”

Isabel answered, “I know you do. But Max and Michael are all the family I have and I don’t know what I would do if I lost them. We’ve always had each other.” She swallowed back a few tears that were rising to the surface. “Liz said that Max had a fever when they left, and I can’t help but wonder if it is like Michael and last night. God! I’m so worried.”

“It’s ok Isabel. They’ll be ok.” Maria was working to reassure her newest friend and herself at the same time. “You are not going to lose them. I won’t let that happen.”

Alex comfortingly sat down next to her and held her shoulders in an embrace. “They’ll be ok Isabel.”


Meanwhile out at the Mesaliko Indian Reservation, Max and Liz had waited a good portion of the day to see River-Dog who was unavailable.

Eddie had told them that they were no longer welcome, and that Michael had been tested and didn’t pass, and other things such as that. Max’s headache had gotten to the point of severe throbbing, and had manifested itself into extreme dizziness, and he was burning with a fever. He had lain down on the front seat of the jeep as the symptoms began to magnify themselves. Now he knew how Michael had felt. And he couldn’t help but realize that Isabel was right, he had been feeling ill last night and had not vocalized it to anyone.

Liz was mopping the sweat off of him with unfortunately, her sweater, the only thing available in the vehicle.

It had turned dark awhile before River-Dog showed up. He peered into the jeep and woke the sleeping Max, shaking his shoulder gently. Max was trying to alleviate the pain any way he could. River-Dog motioned for them to follow him. He and Liz helped walk Max out the distance out to the cave, and as they neared the entrance, Max fell to the ground convulsing, his eyes going white.

Liz fell to his side and whispered, “Oh Max. Oh My God!” ‘Just like Michael.’ Liz thought.

River-Dog came beside her and carried him into the cave the remainder of the way and laid him on the hard packed earthen floor. He said to Liz, “I know you care for him, but you cannot help him now. You must go get the other,” referring to Michael. “I’ll watch over him,” he said while pointing to Max. “You don’t have much time, you must bring him here.”

Liz grabbed the keys out of her pocket, very thankful that she had driven over so she was familiarized with the jeep enough, and she headed at break-neck speed straight into the center of Roswell.


She raced up the stairs into her apartment, it was disturbingly quiet as if everyone had gone home, or God forbid, someone had died. She quietly made her way down the hall slowly pushing open her bedroom door. The room was eerily silent and the sight that met her eyes was appalling.

Michael was lying still on her bed and was covered completely in what could only be described as webs. White thread-like filaments covered his entire body, it was as if he had spun a cocoon around himself. Liz found herself gasping in fright.

Maria looked up, from the opposite side of the bed and said rather dryly, “Thank-God you’re here.”

Isabel, noticing Liz was alone was overwhelmed with panic. “Where’s Max? What happened to Max? Why isn’t he with you?” She demanded while really fighting back tears this time.

Liz shook her head, still in a bit of shock, “He collapsed at the cave and his eyes went white just like Michael’s did earlier.”

“Oh my God!!” We’ve gotta get out there now.” Isabel jumped from the bed.

Alex came over from Liz’s desk and picked Michael up. Isabel helped to support whatever weight he couldn’t carry. And they all made their way downstairs and out the back to the waiting jeep. They piled inside and flew out of Roswell as if flames were hot on their trail and they had to race to keep ahead of them.


They repeated the carrying of Michael with Liz leading the way to the cave when they got there.

River-Dog had prepared a healing circle on the ground around Max. He was lying on the ground in the center of what could only be described as a five-spoked circle; it looked kind-of like an enormous wagon wheel. He motioned for them to lay Michael beside Max in the opposite direction, pressed against one another, their sides touching.

Max was unnaturally still, the same stillness that had preceded Michael’s spontaneous webbing.

River-Dog started to explain a little of his knowledge of the aliens to the one who remained and the humans with her. “The man who lived in this cave when I was a boy was not like us. Some of the elders of my people believed him to be an evil spirit, so they decided to test him. He was invited into the sweat, just like I invited your friends. His reaction was quick and severe. Within a minute, his eyes were white, and he developed a fever. It took the symptoms longer to show up in your friends. That's why I dismissed them at first, even though I knew this one was not from here.” He pointed at Max. “But I had to let him in, because the other one,” pointing to the web-covered Michael, “would not leave and they were disrupting the sweat. But when he fell sick in front of me, I knew we had to get the other one here as well. I knew that he was another visitor.”

“That's an interesting thing to call them.” Maria said wryly.

River-Dog answered her, “Well, that's what he called himself. In my language, the word is ‘Nasedo.’ So that's what I called him.”

Isabel asked, “Did you know Nasedo well?”

“I saved his life. After the sweat, he ran out into the desert. And we were told not to follow him. But I was a boy, I was curious and I did not listen. I found him in this cave, dying. He had to trust me with his secret so that I could heal him. That was when I learned of the alien identities and that there were even more of you.” He looked up from his crouched position on the ground where he was doing something to Max and Michael to look directly at Isabel.

She asked “And now you'll do the same thing to heal them? Whatever you did then.” ‘Will it work for two people at the same time? Will there be enough energy?’ She wondered worriedly to herself.

“I'll try,” River-Dog replied. “But I'll need the help of all of you. Healing requires energy. The more we have, the faster we heal. Now everyone take your place in the circle. There's a line for each of you leading to the center.” He pointed to the ground. They all noticed that Max had formed a strange whitish color about him. The webbing was beginning.

Alex stepped up first and Isabel followed him. Next Liz found a place and then Maria. River-Dog completed the circle.

“Back when I helped Nasedo, he gave me these stones. They're from his place. They are from wherever you are from.” He said looking at Isabel, as he placed them gingerly into her hand. He could tell she was worried. “He said that his body carried the same energy that's in these stones and it’s called The Balance. He said that the heat from the sweat disrupted it in some way, making him sick. The same thing happened to them.” He pointed at the two inert figures on the ground.

Alex asked, “How do the stones work? What do we do?”

River-Dog replied, “Hold the stones until your energy activates them. And The Balance should be restored.”

“And what happens if you don’t?” Alex cautiously asked.

“They’ll die.” River-Dog stated looking directly at him.

Liz gasped and Maria’s eyes went wide. Maria said, “So, let’s get going.” ‘I am not losing Michael right as I found him.’ She thought to herself.

River-Dog cautioned them, “Nasedo warned me, though, there was a risk. The Balance can pull you in. It's a force that can change both your body and your mind unless you navigate it properly. Now, clear your mind... and drink from the bowl. Don't change the way you feel about your friends, and you'll come out on the right side.”

Maria cautiously peered into the bowl that River-Dog was carrying. “What’s in it?

“Water.” He answered. “It’s something in common with all of us. When we drink from the same bowl, we begin the connection. And we all must be united in order to combine our energies.” Alex took the bowl first and after taking a drink then passed it to Isabel who in turn passed it to Liz who then passed it to Maria and then lastly to River-Dog. River-Dog then led them out in a Native American chant, as they closed their eyes and focused all their thoughts on the two ill young men.

As Max and Michael lay on the floor the group that remained combined their strength and energies into healing them. As their eyes were closed they were all allowed a glimpse into the paranormal where the normally unseen things were made clear. Isabel saw the colors of her friend’s auras as they haloed their bodies and she was comforted by the sight. She remembered these from the previous timeline before everything had become so terribly messed up. Each had a color unique to them that in a way symbolized who they were and what they stood for. Isabel had always thought that the humans had beautiful colors…. For she and her brothers had a strong, shimmering, radiant white aura that emanated energy, if energy were a tangible thing to be seen.

Liz’s Aura personified balance. A deep rich burgundy reflected her honesty, and inquisitive, insightful nature. She was the one always seeking a road of peace, and a way to solve problems.

Maria’s aura shone out like a beacon, drawing you into her strength. She was fiercely loyal and protective, and her color of sapphire blue radiated this vitality, and honesty.

Alex’s aura reflected his steadfast faithfulness and undying strength; he held fast like a rock. And his was the one she loved most, it was unlike any she ever recalled seeing, though each human did have something uniquely them, and she had not seen too many auras to compare it with. Alex’s aura glittered and shimmered much as if it were created of the finest gold dust, as if it were a tangible thing and could be breathed in it was so fine. But it was not solid, and it wasn’t only gold. It was like the gold was suspended in a translucent, whitish colored form around him.

River-Dog’s wisdom and age was reflected in a honey colored hue of light amber.

And as Isabel’s brothers lay very ill on the floor, their auras had gone nearly transparent, and Isabel could tell how ill they were by how little energy was radiating off of them.


The moment Max and Michael’s bodies touched, as River-Dog led the participants in the healing, Max and Michael’s minds were transported to another time and another place.

As Max stood and looked around at the odd terrain; he realized that Michael was standing with him, and they were back to back. A whistling wind swirled all around them, occluding most sound. It was as if they were standing on a revolving platform watching a movie at a theater in the round on a 360-degree screen. The images they were receiving traveled around them in a methodical order.

Max found himself observing a battle, though the location did not seem Earthly, for lack of any other way to describe it. The young ruler in charge of the battle seemed cavalier and unconcerned with the casualties around him. It was almost as if he wasn’t concerned for the people in his charge. He walked among the victims of yet another useless war, and just shook his head. The ruler’s back was turned toward Max so he was unable to see who it was.

Another young man came into focus, only this person appeared to look a lot like Michael. He bowed low before his ruler. “Your Highness, we need to strategize, and come up with a plan. He has plans to bring down the Royal House. He is already working on it from the inside.”

The young ruler said, in a voice that seemed hauntingly familiar, “General, I don’t know where you get your information, but you are to proceed as I have ordered. He shall not succeed. I am the king as the generations before me and my offspring shall also be. We will always be the ruling house.”

The General protested. “And have another massacre like this?” The young General pointed to the bloodied battlefield. “You need to plan. He is building resources against you by the droves. Some of our own feel that he would make a better king. Please reconsider Your Majesty.”

The scene revolved around them and now as Michael observed what Max had just observed, Max was receiving a new vision.

The young King, who bore a strikingly similar resemblance to himself, and his General were in a conference about what to do about the current crisis their world was in; and they were coming up with another battle plan. The cavalier your ruler nimbly tossed a shiny coppery colored coin into the air as he sighed, ‘Such is the life of power.’ The coin spun and flipped and danced its way back into his waiting hand, landing on his palm with the royal seal of Antar facing upward. He made his decision, “Send in the regiment from the North,” he commanded.

“Your Majesty, if I may speak, deciding entire armies fates by the toss of a coin is a very rash move indeed. We need to plan for this attack. We can’t rush in. We need to stabilize or we will be destroyed, and isn’t our first priority to save her?” The young General was practically begging his superior to try something different.

The ruler turned on him and said, “I’ve made my decision, I’ve heard your counsel. Now do as you are commanded. There are always casualties in a war.”

The scene changed again, this time Max realized that not one of them remained standing. They had been slain by the enemy. Everyone he loved had perished in that battle.

Once again the images were altered. Max saw them as children breaking out of the pods, and how Michael was the first to escape. He had an innate distrust of everyone, even his own family. He went and sat on a rock and watched them. Young Max reached up and outward as he extended his hand to Michael who, eventually in a gesture of goodwill reached back towards Max’s.

Another shift. They once again found themselves in an odd environment, it was definitely earthen this time, but the symbols from the cave wall were raised upon the ground. They were standing in the midst of them as far as the eye could see. Standing shoulder to shoulder, together they observed the symbols that lay beneath their feet. Then they were staring at the V-Constellation in the night sky. It shifted back to the symbols on the ground, and out of the corner of their eyes they detected another presence, that of a young woman, also similar to their age.

She came into a blurred focus and was a distance a ways from them, but even though the focus wasn’t clear, they could tell that it was Isabel. Her energy matched theirs. A radiant white, shimmering aura of energy haloed her outer form.

She was dressed very regally; wearing a long flowing white gown that conformed to the very shape of her body, every curve was accentuated, and she was breathtakingly beautiful. The material was delicate, light and iridescent. She almost looked ethereal. Upon her head was a small golden colored crown or circlet of some type, and she was pointing to the symbols on the ground as if she were trying to reveal something to them. But the only sound they could hear was the whistling of the wind that continued to encircle them. She stood with one hand on her stomach, her gently bulging, but noticeably pregnant stomach, and motioned for them to follow her with the other.


Isabel felt it as her friends started to pour their strength into Max and Michael because their auras altered with the thoughts being sent her brother’s way, and while they held the rocks in their hands they began to glow with the energy inside.

Maria’s sapphire, took on brightness, and became a stronger blue, a bright, royal hue.

Liz’s burgundy brightened and emanated a magenta hue.

Alex’s gold became more solid and less of a glittering, sparkling essence. Alex you could say had gone ‘solid gold.’

Isabel’s became radiant, glowing and illuminating as if the energy had transferred into incandescent lighting.

And River-Dog’s deepened into a mellow, richer golden amber. Almost a topaz color.

The connection had formed and each could see the other’s auras and essence, and could feel the love being sent to Max and Michael.

The Balance started to be restored to the ailing boys as a visible glow began in their chests as if being lit from the inside out. Their white auras strengthened, and began to regain their substance and to lose the transparent quality as they firmed up.


The scenery in Max and Michael’s minds dramatically changed at that moment and they knew that they were somewhere in the middle of the Roswell desert, standing in what appeared to be a giant circle with five lines, or spokes coming out from its center. Their friends were all standing on the outside perimeter of the circle each at the beginning of a spoke.

Isabel walked up to them first; she embraced each of them individually, a very tight hug for Max, that lasted for a few seconds, and then a tight hug for Michael with a kiss on his cheek.

Next Alex stepped up to them. He clasped each of their hands in a handshake and threw the other arm around them in a hug. It was all done in typical guy fashion.

Maria followed Alex; she threw her arms around Michael’s neck and gave him a very close hug as well as a not so chaste kiss. Then she gave Max a hug that signified friendship.

Liz was the last to step up of the friends, and she embraced them together, not individually.

The scenery changed yet again as they found themselves the three aliens, walking away hand in hand, as young hatchlings newly emerged from the pods, Michael in the middle. And then again it showed them in the same formation as their current ages, walking away knowing that they were a joint unit. A family.


As the balance was restored, a hairsbreadth away from the boys fully regaining consciousness, the group was fully linked, including Max and Michael, and all were transmitting thoughts and feelings into the joint connection, that were received by all the members. It felt as if they were in a united hug as each aura brightened with an intensity right before it tamped down to its normal form. And they no longer could transmit thoughts or share feelings along the joint bond.

Max and Michael opened their eyes and started coughing and sputtering as they regained consciousness, and tore off the webbing. Max had begun to cocoon while he lay there before the energy balance started to be restored.

They sat up, looked at each other, and smiled a look of understanding and shared secrets. Reaching out their right hand to each other, they each helped the other up. Then they dusted off the remains of their unusual trappings.

Isabel ran over and hugged them both, but she also slapped Max’s shoulder as she stated in a hurt tone, “Don’t you ever do that to me again. I was so scared. God Max. Just let some things go. OK?” She picked some of the webbing out of his hair, and turned to Michael and brushed it off his shoulders.

Alex standing slightly beside her, said to them, “Its good to have you back in the land of the living. You gave us all quite a fright. I really don’t know what would happen to Isabel if she lost you guys.”

And with that Isabel turned and left the cave to be alone with her very angry and offended thoughts.

“Talk for a minute,” Alex directed them, “I’ll go see what’s up with Isabel. Hopefully I can encourage her to come back inside.”


He ducked outside, “Isabel?”

“Go back inside Alex.” She ordered him.

He stated in a concerned tone, “You already know that even if it is not in my best health to be near an angry alien woman, that I’m not going to let you go through things alone. We are together now, so that means you rely on me when things get stressful. Like you’ve been doing. But I am your boyfriend, and I care about you.” He was slowly and carefully walking over to her the whole time he was speaking.

“Go inside Alex,” she warned him. “I’m so pissed right now, that I could blast a hole straight through that cave, incinerating everyone and everything inside. LEAVE ME ALONE!!” She ground out angrily turning to look at him. He had stopped advancing on her and just stood watching her. Her eyes were flashing her anger.

He cautiously kept inching his way towards her. Finally reaching her, he touched her shoulder very gingerly. She flinched at his touch, but she didn’t resist it.

He couldn’t help it; he looked down at his abdomen and started to examine himself.

She stared at him quizzically as he said, “Nope. Don’t see any holes or blast marks. I think I’ll be ok.” She shot him a look that merited the phrase, ‘If looks could kill.’ He gently took her hand and guided them to a place where they could converse alone.

Alex looked her right in the eyes and asked why she was so angry with them.

“It’s not just them; it’s also you. It’s all of you guys. You almost left me alone; all alone!!” She ground out as she turned away from him, her arms tightly held across her chest in an angry stance.

Alex just wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into an embrace, easing her head down upon his shoulders.

He realized that here it was probably a week since she had returned in time to be with him, but that she had dealt with his death for the entire month prior to that, and the wounds were still healing. So not only was she recovering his loss and the subsequent re-finding of him. But she had just nearly lost the other most important people to her, her brothers, her family.

“First, I’m right here Isabel. Look at me please.” He forced her head up to look at him, with his hands firmly planted on the sides of her face. “I won’t say I wasn’t dead, because to you I most definitely was…. but you came back for me and I’m right here in front of you.” He looked deeply into her eyes as he slowly stated, “I’m not going anywhere. And secondly; we didn’t lose them, your brothers. WE all worked together and used to healing stones to revive them. They are fine, and they are waiting for you inside. Everyone is ok.”

She said, “I know all that. It was just the thought of going through all that over again…”

Alex stopped her short as he said, “You don’t have to Isabel. I promise you’ll never be alone again.” He extended his hand for her to take if she so desired. “Lets go figure out what happened to them ok? Humor me; I wasn’t there last time, even if you were.”

She took his hand for comfort and he pulled them back inside the dimly lit cave.

Michael looked up as Isabel entered, “Hey! Where’d you go? Are you ok?”

She stared at the ground momentarily as she quietly answered, “I was scared when I saw you both so sick. I just don’t know what I’d do without you guys. You’re all the family I have.”

“Sorry Iz,” Max apologized. “I guess we did kind-of scare you. We’re really sorry.” Max gave his sister a tight hug, and then continued, “But the interesting thing is that we went somewhere in our minds and we saw things. Some of it, actually most of it, didn’t make much sense. But…”

Michael interrupted him, “Give me your rocks.” He collected them from everyone and walked into an adjoining room in the cave. It was the room that had the alien text written on the wall. He started to place the stones into the recessed holes in the wall next to the undecipherable writing. They began to glow as the last couple of rocks were inserted.

Max pointed to it and said, “It’s a map. Come-On.” He led them all outside and pointed up into the Roswell night sky towards the Aries constellation and shining overhead in the night sky was the V-constellation, they only thing they knew of their home. The friends all stood in a semi-circle staring up at the only link to the alien’s origins, and all except for two of the members of the group did not even know the name of their home planet.

Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."
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Mt Gazer
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Living in my own mind!!!!

Post by Mt Gazer »

A/N: Before I start may I say that I appreciate each and every one of you. And may I ask you to keep my parents in your thoughts and prayers. They received some very bad news this week, and they need a good out-come... this has potential to destroy their lives. I don't know how this will affect my computer time as of yet, but I'll keep in touch as well as I am able. I am sorry that I am being vague, its just I don't know what to say. Just keep my family lifted up... thank-you so much. Rhonda

Disclaimer: I in no way own the rights to Roswell or anything related to it. All rights belong to Jason Katims, 20th Century Fox, Regency Entertainment, etc… I am borrowing their awesome characters, and including my own.

In this part and parts to come I am borrowing some scenes, and I will borrow direct dialog and use altered dialog at times.

Title: Shifting Realities

Author: Mt Gazer

Category: CC/ AU?

Rating:Teen+ eventually higher

Spoilers: Events up to and including The Toy House


Shifting Realities

Chapter Fifteen:

The Misunderstanding

A month or so after Isabel had returned, she was met with her next ‘past disaster’ that she was determined to repair. Her dad was out of town on business for the week and so it was just her mother and them. One day earlier in the week, her mother had been preparing dinner while Max did his homework in the kitchen. As Diane was bringing a large pot filled with water back over to the stove it knocked over a bottle of cooking oil. The oil slowly made its way along the back of the stove until it met with the open flame and ignited into a massive fire, leaping upwards and scorching the ceiling. The accident was unforeseen because she never knew that the oil had fallen.

Max had been there and witnessed the whole event, and when he heard his mother scream, he pushed her out of the way and put out the fire with his powers, making up a lie on the spot about dumping a pot of water on it.

Sheriff Valenti had heard the report of the fire and so had stopped in to check on things and because he was secretly observing Diane Evan’s daughter. Maria had seemed quite upset about Isabel Evans tampering with her car in an unnatural way that day a few months back, and then Isabel just recently also had that unexplained occurrence in the parking lot.

Isabel hadn’t been home yet when the accident occurred, so she was briefed on it upon her arrival. She and Max were discussing it in his bedroom. “Max what are you trying to say? Something could have really happened to Mom? How bad was it?” She was concerned over the situation.

Soft strains of music were playing in the background. Max only listened to this when he was upset, and he was. He was sitting in his chair with his feet on the foot of the bed deep in thought, and brooding.

“It was pretty close, Iz.” Max answered his sister’s worry.

“What exactly did you do Max?” Isabel was trying to get him to tell the truth, she had already lived through this scene in her past. “What did she see?”

“I really don’t think she saw much. It happened pretty fast and she was so shaken I doubt it registered at all.” Max answered, not giving any details.

“Ok!” Isabel replied still hoping he would offer more information.

Then he asked, “Do you know who stopped by after it happened? Did Mom tell you anything? About…” he paused, very nervous to tell his sister what happened after the fire. Her eyebrow went up curiously. Max continued, “About um… Valenti?” Isabel turned to look directly at him as she walked over and sat down slowly next to Max at the foot of his bed. “Apparently the fire tripped off the security system and he stopped by to check things out.” He thought darkly, ‘I think he was checking us out as well.’

“What did he say Max? Did he say anything about it??” She put her hand comfortingly on his leg. “Did Mom say anything? Did Valenti seem suspicious?” Her questions were coming rapid fire. ‘Of course he is. But at least we aren’t dealing with the silver handprint and the unexplained healing, other unexplained things; yes however, we are.’

“I was here, I watched the whole thing from the living room… I think Mom is his next project. He kept looking at her weird. He actually wasn’t wearing those glasses. Must be a code of ethics or something among adults; near us, he doesn’t dare to remove them. “ Max inferred.

“Ok what do you mean by project? … He’s gonna tell her about us? Me?” Isabel was concerned, she let out a deeply frustrated sigh. “Speaking of codes of ethics, Max we could tell her first, then she wouldn’t have to get it from him.” Hope was shining in her eyes as she tried to sway her brother’s thinking very gently.

“No Isabel. You really think he’ll do that? We’ve decided on this as a group already, I really don’t think we should tell her.”

She sighed and decided to ‘play the same game’ for a time longer. “You’re really upset, this is bad.”

“I’m not that upset Isabel!”

“Oh really,” she countered. “You only listen to this CD when you’re really upset, its your comfort; like mine is food even you won’t touch. But I hear your music playing and I’m going to leave you with your thoughts, maybe, just maybe, please think about telling her ok?” She left the room before he could respond to her last statement.


Tuesday evening, the day after the fire:
Isabel went into the living room where her mom was watching videos of their younger days. Isabel was about to go to the school’s basketball game. But before she could leave her mom started to ask her questions about Max.

Max had seen his mother watching the videos of their childhood as he left for the game… he did not want to deal with anything ‘alien related’ nor his mother at that point. Things had been getting crazy ever since Liz learned who they were. So he just wordlessly left.

Isabel kept trying to fend off the questions Diane insisted on proffering about Max. Diane had asked about why he was so private and his secretiveness… All her questions not only pertained to Max but also to Isabel. And Isabel did not want to worry her mother so she kept answering to the best of her ability. Diane wasn’t backing down. She pulled her daughter closer into the center of the living room.

And she kept questioning, she wanted answers and she wasn’t about to let the issue drop. “Honey. Sit down with me and watch something.” Diane turned on the tape and showed her when they were younger that Max had apparently healed a bird with a broken wing. “Isabel, I don’t know if you remember that. It was shortly after we adopted you. But after that fire yesterday it all came rushing back to me. What happened on that tape?” She pointed to the paused screen where the bird flew away and Max just stood there in awe. “Do you even know honey? Is there anything else unusual about your brother that you might know, or may have noticed over the years?” Diane stopped the rapid-fire questions as she looked at her daughter directly.

Isabel sighed as she returned the intent gaze, knowing that it would probably be construed as a non-verbal answer and she asked, “What do you mean by unusual, like what exactly?” Isabel answered, knowing full well what her mother was asking. ‘Mom has gone into search mode. She’s looking for answers, and I don’t think she’ll be put off as easily as Max would like to think. I definitely need to get him to see my side this time.’

“I don’t know,” Diane kept her daughter’s focus, “anything, unexplainable… like the bird…” Diane kept pressing, watching Isabel curiously.

‘I can explain everything any one of us does. I don’t think this is our problem.’ But she answered, “Mom what’s this all about, really?”

“Oh! Just forget it!” Diane got up, and looked at her watch. “Oh Honey, I kept you… I’m sorry… you’re late to the game.” She shook her head so as not to worry her daughter, “I guess that fire really did shake me up. Maybe I’ll call your Dad and just talk to him about it, something to calm down. I’m sorry. Get going, have fun.”

“Yeah,” Isabel sighed, “OK!” Isabel wished that she could alleviate her mother’s worries right then, but she gave her mother a hug and remembered her sweater, keeping her cool this time, she headed out the door. Isabel determined to try a few more attempts with Max first, before she took matters into her own hands.


A little later at the game Isabel walked in with two of her ‘friends’ and as they came upon Alex she asked for a place to sit, so he scooted someone out of his way and cleared a spot for her.

Alex smiled to her and made a little comment. So welcome to the bleachers; glad you decided to be a bleacher bum, games going on, so come enjoy yourself.

For a short time they watched the game until she decided to talk to her brother…. She reached for Alex’s hand and instinctively gave it a squeeze because she needed reassuring.

“Are you ok?” He asked when he felt the contact.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to talk to my brother about something.” She whispered.

He noticed that she did not seem overly enthusiastic about what she was going to do and so as her ‘boyfriend’ he decided to avail himself. “Do you want me to come along?”

“No! I don’t think that would be a very good idea. I’ll be right back.” She whispered to him as she squeezed his hand again and left.

He knew something was up because of the way she was acting; he quit watching the game and instead centered all his focus in the last direction he had seen her go. He wanted to be ready to step in if need be, so he was waiting for her return.

Isabel and Max found themselves a more secluded place to talk and she told him how Mom was thinking he had secrets and about her watching the video earlier. Isabel was stressed and pressing Max to understand what they were up against. “Max, it was like she was watching the video for something. She made me watch it with her. She is asking all kinds of questions, about it and more. We have to deal with this Max.”

“What do you mean by deal with it? How?”

“Look, Max. I know that we all made an agreement not to tell anyone, even her but… she’s searching Max, for answers, for understanding … We have to… ”

At this point Michael interrupted them, he had seen them leave and had eavesdropped on the whole conversation. “Have to what Isabel?” he said as he bit into his carrot that he was holding. “What if your mom finds out? It’d only be a matter of time before she told the wrong person.”

“She’s an adult… I think if our friends can keep quiet most definitely an adult, our ‘mother’ sure could.” Isabel was trying to persuade the two of her brothers logically.

“Just relax ok Michael,” Max interjected and then looking pointedly at Isabel he finished, “No one’s telling anyone, anything.” The look he sent her read, ‘especially not you.’

Isabel thought, ‘That’s one time it didn’t work, I have a couple more to go. Then Max will know that he doesn’t control me. I don’t want to force his hand but I may have to yet.’ She watched as her brothers made their way back to their seats, and she went into the hall to get a drink from the drinking fountain before she headed back into the gym. She went back to the bleacher and slid in next to Alex. She looked depressed he thought.

“Didn’t go so well huh?” He asked.

She sighed, leaned closely into him and lifted his arm to put it around her shoulder. ‘I really don’t care who sees us together right now,’ she thought to herself. Her friends were sitting directly to the left of him, and she was on his right, she knew that her action would be noticed by them.


The next night, she arrived home to find that Max had been painting over the scorch marks on the ceiling and he and Mom seemed to be in an intense discussion. It was rather late for anyone to be up, but then explain why she was just arriving home from a “private date.” She was all dressed up; now Isabel made it her habit to get dressed up when she went out to the mall or wherever so she knew that no one would really question her attire. But in reality she and Alex had taken in a late dinner in the next town over. Her mother only knew that she and Alex were together somewhere; and since her parents knew he was her closest friend, and she had made that abundantly clear when he dropped her off the weekend of the rave, so her mother thought nothing of it. Isabel listened in to their conversation from the front entry hall, not yet making her appearance known… it seemed that Max and Mom were discussing Sheriff Valenti’s second visit. He had apparently stopped by again earlier that day. As she leaned into the hall she thought, ‘He’s nothing if not persistent. He did this last time as well.’

“….Well,” she heard her brother’s voice explaining to her mother about the fire, “I saw those flames and I guess the adrenaline just took over. I raced over to the stove and grabbed that pot of water that was there and I threw it at the fire. That’s all I did.”

“It was a grease fire Max,” Diane said incredulously. “The sheriff stopped by today to give me this pamphlet… and the thing is, and I’ve read it over and over… and I still can’t make any sense of it…. it says right here,” she opened it up and pointed out the passage in question. “Water doesn’t put out a grease fire. It makes it spread.” She turned to her son and put a gentle hand on his arm, “Now I know that you saved my life, and you put the fire out somehow. And for that I am so grateful… but I need to know Max? What did you DO?” Max’s lips were tightly pressed together and his stress level began to rise, he did not have anything to say to his mother that would appease her properly.

Isabel sensing her brother’s discomfort at being in the line of fire and not ready to divulge any information, chose that moment to make her presence known. She stepped into the kitchen where they both were talking. “I’m home. I thought I heard voices. Why’s everyone still up?”

Max saw her and noticeable relief crossed his face. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out the front door stating as they left, “We need to talk, now.”

Diane was puzzled to say the least.


They drove to an out of the way location out by a factory where they could speak in private. Max had filled her in on things on the ride over.

Outside of the jeep, she once again worked on her only mission concerning this event. “Operation Convince Brothers.” She sighed as she talked to her brother. “Max. The more time we spend doing nothing about this, the more time it gives Valenti to make Mom curious about us. Us, Max. Remember he is already watching me? Mom is watching you. That’s both of us, now. We’re in trouble and we need to do something about it… They both know something isn’t right and that all is not normal with us. How long do you think it will take before they figure it out on their own? Mom is already starting to work on it.” She was pleading with him.

“What do you suggest Isabel? What do you want to do?” Max knew what her answer was; she had been pushing for it all week. But he thought that maybe he could dissuade her.

“Tell her the truth Max.” She tried reasoning with him. “Look I understand how you and Michael feel. I really do.” She gave him a slight smile, “And I used to agree, but things have changed, and gotten out of hand, and our friends are kids like us…. What if we need real help? Wouldn’t it be good to have an adult on our side?”

“Isabel, we said we would never tell anyone, and I still think that’s our safest recourse.” Max reasoned back. “Look our friends knowing has made the situation crazy, we can’t tell anyone else, too many know as it is.”

“But I’ve always wanted to tell her, every day since they adopted us. I’m her daughter, and a mother and daughter are supposed to have a special bond; mine’s broken because of this stupid secret, I can’t even have a relationship with my parents... I don’t know how much longer I can keep lying to her Max. I said, LYING... we aren’t just hiding our identities anymore, we are lying about them. I want to tell her. Please hear me…” Isabel’s eyes were pleading as her heart ached for her brother to understand her.

“Isabel, do you really want to cause Mom to lose her ‘family?’ She thinks that we’re this perfect family, two parents, two kids… if you took that illusion away from her don’t you think it would destroy her? We’re not real kids, we’re not human. You’d crush her Isabel.” Max continued to argue on the side of omission.

“Max you seriously don’t think she’ll quit loving us if she knows the truth, do you?” She shook her head at the absurdity of the idea. “That doesn’t even make sense, Liz, Maria, And Alex seem to be staying at our sides. ‘Thinking of Alex, some more than others,’ “these people are only our friends,” ‘and possible mates,’ “they aren’t our parents who have raised us. I think Mom can handle it. I don’t know, maybe it would even bring us closer as a family.”

“And Isabel, I’m thinking that we will never know the answer to that question. If she never knows then she is safe, and she can have her family and be happy.” Max stated assuredly.

“Happy?” Isabel questioned. “I didn’t just hear you say that.” She shook her head at her brother’s denseness. “She’s not happy Max. She knows you are hiding something, and she’s ready to ferret it out.” Isabel kept on holding onto the upper hand. “She’ll figure something out Max, she will. Please just think about this and realize Max, this isn’t just your decision. You are deciding for everyone, me, Michael... though I know he sees it your way, yourself of course, and Mom and Dad. Not one of us gets a say in this. You know we could always leave if they didn’t want us. We’ve always talked about the possibilities of leaving when things got intense anyways, so its not like we’d be losing anything there. It’s not just your decision.” She was speaking in raised tones.

“I know that Isabel.” He answered.

“You do? Really?” She countered, “I don’t think you do.”


When she arrived home from that altercation with her brother, even though it was quite late she slammed the door, ran upstairs to her room and slammed that one as well. She threw herself angrily onto her bed thinking all the while about how to change his mind this time around. There was one more incident to go, in her opinion, and at that one, he got very angry with her. ‘He might again, but even more than before,’ she thought to herself wryly. ‘I am not living through that AGAIN! That final incident between just us will never happen. I’m changing this one, and if it breaks my promise to Alex to keep things the same... so be it. Max is not giving Mom that stupid toy house with no explanations. I’m not going to let him break Mom’s heart again, or mine in the process. I refuse to live through that again.’

Max slammed the door right behind her; he shouted out, “Isabel. We’ll talk tomorrow… GOOD NIGHT!” And then he stormed down the hall to his room and slammed his door behind him.

Diane just rolled over in her bed sighing, a lonely tear made its way slowly down her cheek. Her kids seemed to have been at odds with each other on and off for the past month. She wasn’t going to bother to chew them out at this late hour about the doors being slammed. She had heard occasional rounds of that during the past month as well. Things always seemed to escalate between them after Isabel had been with Alex. Diane thought he was a nice young man, a great best friend, and he certainly had tamed her daughter. But Max seemed to dislike him for some unknown reason. And sure enough, Isabel had been out tonight as well. She pulled her husband’s pillow from his side of the bed and held it over her face, sighing wearily and frustratingly into it. ‘I’ll talk to one kid at a time and try to get to the bottom of this by the end of the weekend.’ She had had enough and it was going to end, even if she had to force the truth out of them. She replaced the pillow and leaned her head into it, falling asleep with the most comfort she could derive in her husband’s absence.


The next morning before school, a Thursday, Isabel was getting ready for school and was using her powers to test different shades of lipstick looking for the right one. Her mother startled her with a couple of knocks to her doorframe… and she quickly grabbed the tube of lipstick and started to apply it normally.

“Isabel, I didn’t mean to startle you, but I need to ask you something,” she came behind her daughter and placed her hands on her shoulders and leaned her chin on one of them. “It’s something important, and I know that I usually don’t discuss this with either of you, I wouldn’t want to hurt you… but, I just don’t have a choice any more. Baby Girl? What do you remember before Daddy and I came into your lives? You were 6 years old; there must be something you can remember from your life before us.”

“Well...I really don't remember that much, Mom.” Isabel pulled out of the embrace and shook her head.

“But what do you remember?” Diane pressed. “Surely there is something, anything… Isabel. I’m sorry if this is a sore subject, I know when we found you it was not under the best of circumstances, but can you remember anything of where you were before that? I need to understand something, anything... Honey.” Isabel sat down on the foot of her bed and dove into an emotional memory.

‘Yep! Mom’s in a question and interrogation mode. Max you don’t stand a chance.’ She turned to her mother and started to share from her heart, something this mother had never heard her do. “Mom, this might be really hard for you to understand, but I have no memories before you guys. I really don’t. The earliest I can remember is when your car drove up. And I wished I could have stayed with you. Remember how hard I cried when Child Services removed me from your arms? I was clinging to your neck and they had to literally pry me off, I cried too in the orphanage, but I couldn’t talk, so I couldn’t tell anyone that I wanted my Mom, the nice lady who took care of me. You. And then I remember how happy I was the day you came and picked us up, you were wearing a yellow sweater and it looked like the sun. I thought that you were like the sun, all warm and bright and comforting.” She gave her mother a smile. “My life, well Max’s too, but especially mine, began the day you took us home, the day we all became a family. You are the only mom I know. You are my Mom.” Isabel knew that she was choking up and her mother likely was too, so she ‘Iced’ it. Giving a furtive glance at her watch she said, “ I gotta go, love you.” And she gave her mother a brief hug and left for school.

Diane stood there in her daughter’s room wondering just what had happened to her children before her and Philip. Neither could remember a thing and they had known nothing when they were first found. That could only lead her to think it was something horribly traumatic, and that her children had blocked their memories. But that did not sit right with her either because they were completely blocked. Someone would have remembered something of the two of them; they could not be that closed off. Diane was curious and concerned. She noticed that Isabel seemed to be the weaker link, because Max wouldn’t talk to her, his mother. So Diane decided she would keep talking to her daughter. She realized that the discussion she had just had was the most Isabel had ever opened up about her life. And it hit her, “Something is not right with either of them. I’m thinking something is up with Max, yet I have the shallowest daughter imaginable. That was her most open moment ever. Even as a child. What is wrong with my kids?” She sighed and went about her day.


Friday, after school had let out for the weekend, Isabel, Max and Michael all went out to the quarry together to discuss the situation about their mom. They discussed the fact that she had watched the video of when Max had healed the bird as a small child and they had met with Michael’s usual distrust of anyone.

Isabel was once again involved in trying to get them to listen to reason….”Guys think about this ok? Wouldn’t it be good to have an adult on our side as well? We already have our friends. She would be the best adult to have. I mean God! She’s our mother Max…”

Michael stopped her, “Isabel, she is not your mother. She is not related to you in any way. Know that.”

She looked at Michael as she shook her head and said, “Well, I don’t know about you but my life began the day she found us. She gave us a home and everything we ever needed or wanted, she is the one who makes my nightmares go away.” Isabel thought back to the last timeline and how she would have never made it through Alex’s death if it weren’t for her mother… “You have to realize that she is the only mother we’ll ever have.”

“You don’t know that Isabel,” stated Michael. “There is someone out there, they sent us here, and you don’t think they abandoned us do you? Someone from our home will find us and take us back.” Michael reasoned.

“Michael,” Isabel placed a gentle hand on his arm, “you seem to have forgotten one thing. It crashed, killing almost everyone on board except us, and maybe that person River-Dog was talking about. We are being raised human, and as such we have human families. I’m glad I was adopted. I love my mom…. so can we please reconsider this?”

“What are you saying, Isabel, that we tell her? You really think we should do this?” Michael was staring at her.

“No! She isn’t,” Max interrupted.

“Max. Let me speak for myself.” Isabel ground out.

“Look Isabel, we are not telling her alright. Just stop this little crusade you are on to tell our mom the secret. It’s not going to happen.” Max exclaimed.

“Stop speaking to me like that.” She hissed.

“Like what?” He demanded angrily.

“Like you’re the final word on everything. You did it two nights ago as well. I just want you to listen to me, to really hear me on this.” Isabel was clenching and unclenching her fists at her side.

“I didn’t say I was I was the final word.” Countered an offended Max.

“You don’t have to.” She said angrily. “ Max, just listen to yourself.”

“No!” he protested, turning to his sister, “You listen, Isabel. Michael’s right. She is not our mother. We are alone here. We always will be. Stop pretending it is different.” Max ordered her.

She launched in with another round of logic, “Why are we pretending with our mother, but we just let our human friends right on in? Why is that Max? Hypothetically speaking here, what if we were to marry and mate with these humans. One. We wouldn’t be what you called alone. And Two. It would be different; they would be pretending to be in a “normal” relationship, as would we. But, it looks like that is what is going to happen. We’re almost grown and we’ve never even encountered another alien. We are all there is, and all that I trust, that’s for sure. And Max,” she stated his name for emphasis, “we already are not alone. And we can have it as normal as possible by letting people in, Mom in this case. We already have our human friends and they are completely trustworthy. Our mother would be too.”

“Isabel, I don’t like this,” interjected Michael.

She ignored him and continued, “And if you really want to speak about being alone, think about it from my perspective. I am the only girl in this mix. You two have each other. But I need female influence in my life. I love my mom, and I intend to keep her. I’ve always wished that there were another alien girl out there for me to have as a best friend. But I really think that now I trust only us, our friends, and my family. So I want to tell my mom.”

“Isabel,” intoned Michael, with a low growl in his throat.

“I know you don’t like this, Michael,” Isabel said putting her hand on the arm of the boy she considered to be a brother, “but it will be ok, you have to see that.” And then turning towards her other brother she stated, “We need our mother Max. The secret is causing us to lose her. I can’t lose her, I need her.” ‘If my dreams, flashes, Alex’s dreams are any indicator, I really need her. I’m going to be a mom myself in the next couple of years and I really need someone to go through that with me.’ Isabel reasoned the last thought to herself as to one reason why she really needed her mom in her life.

“Isabel we are not telling her and that is final!!!” Max’s voice was raised and insisting.

“We’ll see Max!” She hissed back in response.

He grabbed her arm and forcefully spun her around until they were face to face, he held her wrists tightly, not letting her escape. “What do you mean Isabel?!” He said in a low, forceful manner.

She struggled to break free of his grasp. “I said, We’ll see. I have my own life here and I am going.” She continued to struggle.

“Don’t do anything stupid Isabel; this is for all of us, for our safety. I’m not that worried about what Michael will do anymore… You are the one who is so determined to tell people the secret that it’s going to put us in danger.” Max was logically reasoning with her, and it was not having the desired effect.

Michael jumped in, “ What if you tell the wrong person Isabel? It could get us killed. What if Valenti figures it out, from something you said to the wrong person?”

She was still struggling in Max’s grasp, as she turned to look at Michael, “I won’t tell the wrong person. I won’t.” She stopped her motions and held his gaze firmly as she stated her assurance.

So Max decided to work off her logic and show her the error of her ways, “How do you know who is the wrong person Isabel? Ok! Say you do tell Mom, then she is also in danger, do you think our friends are safe now that they know everything? You wouldn’t want to be responsible if anything happened to Mom or them would you? Isabel, if Mom learns the truth, she’ll tell Dad… and who knows where it will go from there. The rules are there for our survival and protection; everyone’s, not only ours… At least I know that Michael is still till trying to keep us safe. You? I’m not sure who you are anymore, I feel as if I don’t even know you. Doesn’t our safety even matter to you Isabel? It sure doesn’t seem to. At this rate you are going to get us captured, or worse yet, killed.” Max was still trying to get her to understand the logic in not telling Mom, it was for everyone’s safety.

She was reeling from the impact of his words. She wanted to rationalize the situation out with him but the fact was she felt as if she had just been sucker-punched in the stomach and she was gasping for breath, her eyes were misting. She felt as if her brother had turned on her and he was hurting her, crushing her with his words. She was not going to let him see how miserable he had just made her feel. “Our safety means more to me than you could ever know.” She said angrily. “Bye Max!“ She said forcefully as she finally wrested her self free from his strong grasp.

“Where are you going Isabel?” Max furiously ordered.

“I have no idea,” she hissed back, ”but rest assured it is away from you, and somewhere else. God!! You can’t even listen to reason.” And with that she stormed off, she was pissed! She was so upset that she took the jeep and left Max stranded at the quarry. Michael would probably have to get Maria to rescue them, but she did not care.


Isabel drove aimlessly around Roswell for quite some time before she pulled the jeep up to a curb and idled the engine.

She just sat in it composing herself for what about to transpire. She wasn’t even aware that it was still running. She looked up finally and realized where she had driven to subconsciously. ‘It figures…Why not?’ And with that she shut off the engine, got out of the Jeep and headed slowly towards the house. Stopping she paced for a while on the sidewalk to gather herself together, her hands were alternately being wrung, crossed in front of her, or held together behind her back. Nothing she did with them felt comfortable. She just couldn’t seem gather her nerve to walk up to the porch.

When the daylight's gone, & you're on your own

In the meantime, someone had heard the jeep idling outside in the street and looked out of the living room window wondering what she could possibly want, and also wondering why she was pacing. Thinking to themself that she looked upset, and that this could not be good, she was watched until she began to step up the walkway leading to the house.

Isabel took in a shaky breath and finally headed to the front door. She was about to knock as the door opened and she found herself falling forward and being pulled into strong, comforting arms. He pressed her head to his shoulder. “Oh! Alex.” She just clung to him, tears falling.

And you need a friend, just to be around

“Shh! It’s ok, it’s ok.” He soothingly whispered. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he pulled her away so that he could look into her eyes as he wiped away a few stray tears. He also realized what he had just called her and realized that they really hadn’t worked out any terms of endearment and hoped it would be alright with her. He moved them onto the porch, and reached behind him and quickly closed the door to his house, so that his parents wouldn’t get suspicious.

“Max!” she answered her face clouding over with a storm of emotions on the horizon, her lower lip quivering. “ I can’t even talk about it.” She forced herself to gain composure as she took a few deep cleansing breaths and forced herself to regain control on her emotions. “I really need you right now.” Sighing she asked her next question. “I’m going to ask you something my Alex said to me, and I just want you to answer if it will be the same. Ok?”

“Sure, what is it Hon?” He said tenderly. ‘I really need to lay off these before she slaps me.’

“My Alex,” Isabel started, “he was so sweet, but he had said that he would do anything for me.” Alex smiled at her. “He was talking in terms of protecting me at that point, but I took it to mean just his general being, you know?”

When she was talking he had started to nod his agreement, “Of course, Honey, anything. I suppose you have something in mind?”

She nodded and looked directly at him. “I need you to go to my house with me and be with me the rest of the day. It’s going to get interesting. I don’t want to do this alone so please be with me. I really need you.” She was looking at him, her eyes were clouding over with unshed tears. He could tell she was once again on the verge of crying.

‘Wow! That’s two I really need you’s since she got here. This must be important to send her into my arms like this, where anyone can see us. Not that I’m complaining.’ Alex thought to himself.

I will comfort you, I will take your hand

“Lets go.” He placed his hand on the small of her back and reached for the door with the other. “Mom, I’m going to be at Isabel’s,” he yelled in through his front door. “Call me if you need me I guess. Bye.” He shut it and guided her to the Jeep where she climbed into the driver’s seat, and he the passenger. They started to make their way off of his street. She had not even made it onto the main street, but was still pulling out of the residential areas, before some of her unshed tears chose to make their appearance. She swiped at them with the back of her hand as she drove.

“Pull over,” Alex ordered her. She obliged him not knowing why. “I’m going to drive, now give me your keys.” They both looked at the ignition and started to laugh.
“Let me guess?” he asked teasingly. “You were so upset you started it without them? This is definitely a first.” He giggled as he shook his head. “Ok, anyway keep the engine running for me will you?” Alex was still laughing as he got into the driver’s side.

“Why are you driving?” she queried, looking at him.

“Because you are obviously upset about something your brother did to you, and I really don’t want to get into an accident because you are looking through your tears. I don’t know how easy it would be to replace blood for the second time, especially female blood.” he teased. “I’m able to drive, it is my JOB to protect you, and I really think you need me to OK?”

“Thanks Alex.” ‘Wow! He can be so assertive sometimes. I like this.’ Isabel thought to herself.

She allowed the tears to flow a little more as Alex finished the drive, then she took a couple of deep breaths, shut the tears off, repaired her make-up with her powers, smiled to Alex, and got out of the jeep.

“Hon, you need to turn off the car for me here,” he said grinning while pointing to the still idling engine. “I don’t think I have the manual for alien induced transmissions.” His eyes were shining.

How she had missed his wacky humor. It felt so good to be listening to his banter. This felt right, and hopefully so would the next thing she planned to do. But first she placed her hand over the ignition and it glowed momentarily as the engine kicked off.

“Remind me to use keys when I take you home.” She teased.

Alex nodded, and then grabbed her hand to stop her, “Before we go in, what are we doing? You said you needed me, you know I’ll do anything for you, and I thought it best to get you away before my parents saw you in that state. But what are we doing?” he asked earnestly.

And I'll pull you through, I will understand

Isabel replied steadily… “Defying Max!! This is something I should have done a ‘long time ago,’ if you know what I mean. I am about to let my mom in on everything. You know, ‘everything,’ and I just need the support. The alien stuff ok,” And then she whispered very quietly, “Not necessarily the time travel stuff. Only if that ends up coming up.”

He smiled supportively, “You are so brave…I love you so much.” He grabbed her into a hug, and sent all his support that he could through the connection. “I don’t suppose I could give the girl a good luck kiss here could I?” He raised an eyebrow, as he thought to himself that it was worth a shot.

A small frown played upon her mouth, “I’m sorry Alex. I don’t know why, but I’m not quite ready for our relationship to go to that level. I really don’t know why.” Inside she was fighting her hormones screaming, ‘just kiss him you know you want to. You’ve held him off for a month.’ But she was secretly seeing how close they could get with out being physical. She was trying to have the same relationship she had with her other Alex, minus all the confusion and heartache. As much as they were an item, in private, he was her best friend, especially in public.

Seeing the look of disappointment on his face, she kissed him on the cheek and gave him a smile that promised more, so much more, when she was ready. “I’m sorry I’m not ready yet,” she apologized after kissing his cheek, and wiping away the lipstick mark with a burst of powers.

“Don’t be… you’ve been through a lot.” He leaned in to give her a gentle kiss on her cheek. “I’m just glad that I’m the one who will get to experience it when you are.” He returned her smile. “So milady, shall we go?” He took her hand in his arm and escorted her to her front door; guiding her through with his hand on the small of her back.

They entered into the house and Isabel called out for her mother. Diane came out from the back and smiled warmly at the two. She had recently arrived home from work at Evans and Associates Law Firm, and she had not yet been able to change out of her business clothes. “Oh hi Honey, hi Alex.” He nodded. Diane Evans’ noticed their contact and how they were standing very closely together, he with his arm around her shoulder, and she smiled to herself. ‘It’s about time. I think I like seeing Isabel with a young man. He must be special; he’s been over here more than once already. Ok… He practically lives here. Of course she says he’s nothing more than her best friend. But maybe she likes him as more than that.’ Diane however, after thinking these thoughts could not help but notice that something seemed amiss, Alex almost seemed protective, and his shoulder seemed damp, most likely from where someone must have been crying. It wasn’t that noticeable, but she was taking in everything about the kids. “Would you mind if I changed my clothes real quick?” Diane asked, having a sinking feeling that she would not be able to, and that something was wrong with Isabel.

And you know that...
I'll be at your side

Isabel responded while shaking her head, “Mom,” she swallowed, her hand resting on top of Alex’s on her shoulder. “You need to sit down.” She pointed for them to adjourn into the living room. Isabel bit her lip before continuing. “I really have something I-I-I need to t-t-talk to-to you about.” She stammered out as she shook her head, she could not believe how nervous she was, this was the one thing that she had always wanted to do and she was quickly losing her nerve; she was actually stammering. ‘Get it together Iz,’ she told herself. “I know this really might not be the easiest thing to hear after all the talking you and Max have had this week… But…” She drew in a shaky breath, and fought back the tears.

Alex guided her to the couch where she could sit. The two teens settled onto the couch and she tightly squeezed Alex’s hand for support. And he moved in very closely next to her whispering comforting things, with his forehead pressed against her temple, and his arm securely around her shoulder. “I’ve got you, you can do this right?” She nodded silently while biting her lip. Alex then removed his hand from her shoulder and used it to grab her hand, which was now resting on his leg. He held it between both of his.

I'll be at your side
There's no need to worry
Together we'll survive

Diane’s eyes went wide at the scene before her, as she leaned forward in her seat towards the couch where the teens were sitting, she kicked off her shoes beside the chair and settled in for what she could tell was gearing up to be an intense conversation. She was already starting to become worried.

Isabel looked at her mother pleadingly and said, “I hope you’ll understand, I really hope you’re ready to hear this. Mom… I have…” shaking her head. “No it’s more than just me… we have,” thinking of Max, “a really big secret that I- I really just need to tell you.”

Alex squeezed her hand as he felt hers starting to tremble. He said softly, “I’m here, you’ll be ok. You are doing just fine.” He planted a featherlight-comforting kiss on her head.

Diane was watching the two teens carefully, she realized that they were together in whatever they had to say, and Isabel looked like she was ready to fall apart. Alex was being extremely protective, and calming Isabel’s fraught nerves. Isabel’s unspoken nervousness was shouting through all of her little mannerisms, and her actions caused fear to strike her mother’s heart.

I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone
And you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

Diane did not miss this exchange between them and how her daughter seemed very nervous, fragile almost... ‘Oh dear Lord! NO! First Max has something going on, now Isabel.’ She started to rethink her joy from a few minutes prior when she thought it was good that Isabel had found a nice young man. All of a sudden she remembered overhearing Isabel in her room once during the past few weeks and she recalled what had been said. It was right after one of she and her brother’s many fights, Isabel had been irate with Max about something, and she was angrily working it out to herself, Diane remembered the words she heard as she passed by her daughter’s room on the way to her own… “I made a mistake... but that’s no reason to forbid me from seeing Alex.” ‘Oh God!!!’ Heading Isabel off at the pass, she jumped to her own conclusion, and started to speak to her daughter. “Isabel, first of all. I want you to know that I love you. Nothing you could ever do will make me quit loving you. Ok? Nothing will ever stop that.”

If you make mistakes
You can't let me down

“Ok,” her very nervous daughter answered, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Diane then leaned in even more closely, “Now tell me the truth, you aren’t, are you?” She asked cautiously.

A look of confusion crossed Isabel’s face. “Aren’t what Mom?” Isabel was a little puzzled.

“You aren’t here to tell me bad news are you?” Diane appeared nervous.

“I think that depends on how you take it.” Isabel calmly answered, her eyes pleading for understanding.

A momentary flash of anger crossed her mother’s face, as her voice raised, “How I take it?” Diane leapt from her chair. She was ready to throttle the young man who was sitting so closely to her daughter, but she knew that they were all just going to have to discuss the situation rationally. She paced as she got herself back into control.

Diane’s tone was not lost on Isabel who suddenly didn’t want to continue with the conversation. Her mother’s voice was actually raised to her. She bit her lip and stared at her lap. Alex placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side securely, his free hand resting on her upper arm. He was watching Diane.

Alex leaned in to Isabel and quietly, but not so quietly that Diane wasn’t able to hear, said, “Ok Izzy. It’s not going so great right now; but you have to remember that this is a major shock, and something completely unexpected.” Isabel nodded silently. Diane’s anger kindled hotter. She wished Philip were here to put this boy into his place. Then he continued, “I didn’t do so well when I first discovered it, remember?” He then whispered softly, “I kind-of went screaming from the house...” Isabel chuckled to herself.

I will still believe
I will turn around

Diane crossed over from the chair where she had last stopped to think and knelt down next to her daughter, she swatted the young man’s hands off of Isabel. He moved a bit further down the couch so that just the two of them, mother and daughter, were in direct contact. Taking Isabel’s hands into her own, her anger dissipated, and compassion in its place, she quietly addressed her daughter, whose head was cast downward. “Isabel, sweetie,” Diane said as she reached out and tucked Isabel’s hair behind her ear, “this is your life we are talking about here.” Diane appeared concerned for her daughter, and she stared at Alex with a look of contempt. He continued to watch her, trying to piece together what she may be thinking about the whole situation.

“I know,” Isabel, said quietly as she felt compelled to go on, though she really didn’t want to, “I really do need to talk to you about my life.” The next thing she spoke was overwhelming to her mother, and left Diane saddened. Isabel still hadn’t made eye contact with her mother, but she took a deep breath and decided to continue, looking up she said, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, like this, ” she looked directly into her mother’s eyes and swallowed hard as she continued, “I think I’m in trouble, I need your help Mom.” She sighed dejectedly. “Max will be furious if he knows I told you, but I can’t keep it in anymore.” Isabel looked a little hesitant and bit her lower lip again, as her eyes averted downwards, again.

“Max knows?” Diane questioned.

“Yeah?” Isabel stated somewhat perplexed.

Diane let out a long reserved sigh at what was transpiring before her, “When did you talk to him about it?” Diane’s voice hitched, and she struggled to hold back her own emotions, as she stood from her place beside her daughter and walked away, ‘Why would she tell him first? I don’t think she trusts me anymore than he does. What can I do for my kids?’ Pain at not being considered by her children as one to share problems with was emanating from Diane’s very being. ‘A little late, others were told first, but she did come to me, on her own.’ Diane sighed and paced on the floor trying to collect her thoughts. She knew she had to keep her emotions in check or Isabel would follow suit and crumple like a piece of paper.

Isabel answered her, “I just left him at the quarry and he was very angry with me for wanting to tell you.” Her voice softly wavering as she took in a deep breath.

“How long Isabel?” Her mother seemed worried.

Confusion once again crossed Isabel’s face, “How long what, Mom?” She asked; her head still down, unable to figure out what her mother was trying to ask.

Diane stopped short in front of her daughter, “How long were you planning on keeping this a secret?” She demanded.

Isabel mumbled out almost inaudibly, “Not too much longer. I just can’t hide the truth anymore. I can’t handle you not knowing.” A few tears started to slide down her cheeks of their own accord.

“Oh my God Isabel!!” She added sharply, as she carefully continued, “You know, honey, secrets have ways… of revealing themselves. You didn’t want to wait until then did you?” She asked rather forcefully, her hands on her hips, and staring down her daughter.

Isabel didn’t notice her mother’s gaze, she just shook her head slowly as she mumbled out “No!” ‘What Max did has done exactly that.’ She thought to herself.

Alex’s eyes went wide as he fully realized what Diane had been thinking this whole time, ‘Oh my God! This is so funny. We are on such different pages.’

And Isabel, realizing that her mother was becoming angry, thought that maybe Max and Michael were right, maybe her Mom couldn’t handle it. In the other timeline, after Alex died, sure, anything was possible then, but there was no catalyst to this one, not really. The fire, but in the last timeline Max had somehow avoided telling mom the truth and they still had a good relationship. She started to think to herself that maybe she shouldn’t have tried to change this situation… and maybe she should have left it the same. It wasn’t going good, and now she was half-way through explaining it... The only thing she hadn’t done was actually come right out and say, “I’m an Alien.” That was next… Isabel still was staring at her lap.

Diane was towering over her, arms folded across her chest with a very stern expression on her face, waiting, for an explanation, and keeping Alex away from her daughter with just a look. Isabel, feeling the tension in the room, was starting to feel overwhelmed as she went to grab Alex’s hand, feeling along the couch trying to make contact with it; and panicking because he was all the way at the other edge, and was not returning the gesture. She closed her eyes as she sat there, bringing her hands into her lap, as she readied herself to finish with the discussion and to take the final plunge. But something happened first…

Alex startled everyone with his response. He started to chortle, a strange strangling noise coming from the back of his throat. He was really trying to hold it in, keeping his mouth tightly closed, but his shoulders were shaking from the silent laughter, and his control was rapidly deteriorating. He knew that Isabel wasn’t going to catch her mother’s thoughts; for two reasons. The first, she had never been remotely intimate with anyone so it was the last thought on her mind. And the second was that she was so nervous about just spilling out the truth that she was trying to state, that she probably wasn’t even aware of her own name. He couldn’t help it, he tried hard, but the sound escaped his mouth in an explosion of audible laughter. And the more he laughed the funnier it seemed, until he was finally in the throes of a hysterical fit. He held his sides as he guffawed; falling off the couch he was laughing so hard.

Isabel’s eyes flew open in confusion… and she and her mother turned to stare at him. Isabel, playfully but with all intent, slapped him. And she said, “Alex, please, I need your support.”

Diane was extremely puzzled by his behavior, she looked at her daughter and pointed to the young man rolling on the floor while she said, “I wasn’t expecting that, as a reaction.”

“Neither was I.” Isabel was now completely befuddled. She stood up and joined her mother. Where was she to go with this conversation? It seemed to not be going according to plan at all now.

“Well I guess he’s ok with it?” Diane queried while watching Alex on the floor. He was still uproariously laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke ever. Neither of the Evans women could figure it out. They just shook their heads and continued.

“He’s more than ok with it, why wouldn’t he be?” Isabel questioned back, trying to continue without him. “ I didn’t tell him that long ago and he had no problems with it.”

“Really?” Diane asked incredulously.

Isabel smiled reassuringly at Diane, “Alex is an amazing guy, after I told him, he didn’t run away screaming, well he kind of did, but he came back.” Isabel was thinking of the dream that he had somehow entered, and how using it as a starting point she was able to reveal all the alien secrets to him. She smiled to her mother again as she looked over at the writhing Alex. She shrugged her shoulders. “I actually think it brought us closer.”

“Closer?” Diane choked out, words almost inaudible. She swallowed hard, at that information, and looked at Isabel. Diane was puzzled at how these two young teens could be so calm in such a life-changing situation.

Isabel smiled as she nodded her head, “Yeah!” She placed her hand on her mother’s arm as she stated directly, “It strengthened our relationship.”

Alex was still laughing, but he was overhearing the conversation, and with the last turn that it had taken, the train-wreck was in full effect. He realized that he would have to dig, for lack of a better word, Isabel out of the mess she was in, and he would have to do it immediately. “Isabel…Honey…hold on a second there,” he called from his position on the floor as he forced himself up. He came over to her, “Please… just meet me …in the kitchen.” …He was still giggling. As he bent down to whisper in her ear, “Now!”

She heard him, looked at her mom apologetically and headed towards the kitchen.

“Baby,” he said when she arrived, “you two are having two entirely different conversations, at the exact same time.” He looked at Isabel and started to laugh, while shaking his head in disbelief.

“What is so funny Alex? I’m about to smack you, again. This time much harder if you don’t get it together.” She was annoyed.

Once again, he stood facing her, shaking his head, and serving to anger her more. He was telling her she wouldn’t… he spoke, “No Baby, I think you’re about to join me.” He laughed some more. “We haven’t even kissed yet, but… she… thinks you’re… pregnant.” Staring at Isabel’s angry and now confused expression served to render the situation hilarious and as hard as he tried to maintain a hold on his emotion, he couldn’t, he leaned over the counter, slapping it with his palm he was laughing so hard. He continued with his hilarity.

“You’re kidding me right?” She thundered, “Where ever would did she get that idea?”

Alex quirked a raised eyebrow as he started, “Trust me, Izzy.” He said grabbing her hands and looking deeply into her eyes, “Your mom has no idea what you are trying to tell her, so think about this from her perspective. What is the hardest thing any teenage, well human teenage, daughter has to tell her mother? A sly, embarrassed smile crossed Isabel’s face as her eyes went wide in understanding. He nodded in response, moistening his lips for a moment, “And the way you were nervously holding onto my hand, biting your lip, and the other small things she noticed, she jumped to conclusions. It’s too funny Isabel. There’s absolutely no way, but she doesn’t know that.” He was struggling to keep from going into hysterics again. And he looked at her, as he shook his head disbelievingly. “And what was that last thing you told her? … Honey, I had to get you out of there when you said it strengthened our relationship.” Alex gave her a look of mock incredulity, “Really?? What were you thinking?” His laughter erupted harder. “Honestly, Iz, what do think she’s thinking now with that as the last comment?” His laughter became contagious when she saw the absurdity in it and soon she joined him.

“Oh …my gosh! Alex… we’re in so… much trouble... here.” She started to laugh as hard as him and the two of them were incapacitated for a short time.

Meanwhile Diane Evan’s sat in the living room wondering just what exactly was going on. She was hearing the melodious sounds of Isabel laughing. Her daughter was so serious usually that her laughter was a rare treat to the ears. But she couldn’t enjoy it because her daughter was in trouble and needed her. And the two of them seemed to be in denial, or something was the only thing that she could think of that would make them so crazy.

After awhile they emerged from the kitchen, holding hands again, trying to keep straight faces.

“Mom, we need to talk… Still.” She couldn’t help contain her laughter as she stared at her bewildered Mom, so she just blurted out, before the next fit of laughter escaped… “I’m not pregnant.” She paused for effect as she rolled her eyes at the thought. “I’m an alien.” The look on her mother’s face made it impossible to keep from laughing, and at that point even that seemed funny, so she gave into it and made her way beside Alex over on the couch. He was ‘gone.’

‘What is wrong with these two?’ Diane wondered. “What did you say Isabel?” She thought she had heard her daughter wrong.

“I said,” She tried to clear her throat, “I’m an alien. Umm…I always have been. I’m so sorry.” She could not help but see the humor in the situation, and the look on her mother’s face, and the terribly mixed up conversation, it all just added to the funniness of the situation and she found that she was laughing too hard to contain herself.

Alex knew it was time for some of his famous Whitman wit, and that one of his types of horrible jokes would go over great right now. So he choked out over his hilarity… “ Mrs. Evans, aliens, little green men, whatever, do exist in Roswell.” He nodded. “They are your children.”

And with that the two teenagers were gone. The laughter erupted from them and they went over the edge. Isabel had slid so far down that she was sprawled the entire length of the couch; her head was rolling side to side in Alex’s lap and she was writhing in hysteria, occasionally kicking the armrest. She was holding her stomach with both hands from laughing so hard that it hurt, and tears of laughter were running down her cheeks. It was the first time she had ever let herself go in this way, and it actually was all new sensations to her. Sure she had laughed, but never so hard.

While Isabel let herself go, it made Alex laugh all the harder as he watched her shed years, upon years of stress with that act of release. He slumped over her laughing himself as he let her get it out of her system.

Diane honestly could not remember a time when Isabel had ever seemed so at peace with anything, and she had never seen her let herself go in that manner. She followed suit as she found herself laughing at the irony of Alex’s statement, and the sight of them just enjoying a good laugh, put her to ease so she joined them.

It was a very long while before anyone was able to speak again, but when they could, amidst moments of collective tears or laughter, Isabel got the reassurances she knew she needed. Her mother loved her, would have if she were pregnant, and did even though she was an alien. And all things were ok in her world.

They discussed everything except the time travel, but especially Sheriff Valenti and his suspicions, and Max and his reactions to everything. Isabel honestly could not remember a time in her life where she felt happier or more secure.

Her mother enfolded her into a huge embrace and said, “I’ll always love you. You were meant to be our children. I wish Max could be here right now. But thank you for standing up to him and telling me what you needed to.” She gave a short mocking laugh as she looked over to Alex, shaking her head. “I wonder just how long the other conversation would have continued if Alex hadn’t clued in to it. I really am sorry Sweetie.” Diane stated a bit embarrassed.

“Don’t be Mom. I love you. I’m glad it went like that; I was able to laugh. That was the first time I ever let go like that. Talk about a stress reliever. I was crying on the way over here I was so upset with Max, and so scared of telling you. I needed it to go like this and I can’t really think of a better misunderstanding. Thank-you so much for being ok with it. I really do need you, and I’m glad you’re my mom.” She hugged her again as she smiled broadly.

Alex couldn’t help but notice how happy she was; she was radiantly beaming. He had never seen Isabel look like that except for his dream of their wedding. He was so glad that he had been able to be there for her on the biggest day of her life so far. He stood back smiling broadly, feeling the love between Isabel and Diane, and Isabel’s grateful relief that her mother did really love her. In spite of everything.

“I love you sweetheart,” Diane stated while still hugging her.

“I love you too Mom,” Isabel answered her.

“Honey, I’d like to talk to Alex alone for a minute if you don’t mind.” Diane stated she pulled out of the embrace and led Alex into the kitchen.

“Now Alex, I am so sorry, I owe you a big apology. I really thought that the two of you were going to say she was pregnant. And I just didn’t know what I was going to do, if that had been the case, and I’m very glad we don’t have to find out.” She looked at him understandingly.

“Me too Mrs. Evans. Now I can assure you, that her safety is my number one concern. I am not going to lie to you, I love your daughter, I always have. So she will always be in good hands with me.” He smiled and started to chuckle a little at the thought that went through his head. “And just so you know, I was laughing so hard because of what you were thinking and how far from the truth it could be, they are diametrically opposed. Mrs. Evans, Isabel and I haven’t kissed, we’re best friends.”

Diane gave him a look and said, “Riiight,” she said in a drawn out manner, “Sure you are. Alex I’m not blind, I’ve seen how she is around you.”

He continued with that thought, ”Now, I do hope to be more than her closest friend someday, but I’ll wait until she is ready. This alien thing sure makes them closed off.” He laughed. ‘I hope I’m convincing enough, Izzy won’t even tell her parents about us, and I’m certainly not going to be the one to spill all her secrets. I want her trust more than anything.’ “Mrs. Evans … she claims she is not ready for a relationship like that. So when you were thinking she was pregnant, you caught me so off guard, but Isabel is a girl whom I can assure you is pure. I hope that puts your fears to rest.”

“Thanks Alex. I trust you with her and you make her so happy. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her so relaxed. Thank-you.” She gave him a quick hug. Now I know that I’m going to have to deal with my son, soon, whenever he finds his way home.” She laughed at the thought of Isabel stranding him out there. “Take Isabel out of here for me ok? Go on a date, or something.” Alex’s eyebrows went up, Diane responded, “I know ‘best friends.’ Whatever you are Alex, go, be normal and have a good time, you deserve it… and I think she’ll really enjoy it.”

Alex walking out of the kitchen with the biggest grin, said to Isabel, “Grab your keys,” he winked and she laughed to herself. “Let’s go out. Let’s do something fun, with nothing alien in the way.”

And with that they left the house to an evening of being normal teenagers.

Musical Excerpts: At Your Side by The Corrs[/i:6779a
Last edited by Mt Gazer on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". ~author unknown

Karar Renkenberger
1 lb. 2 oz.
"Too beautiful for earth."