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Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 2:41 am
by A Rose Is True Blue
<center><u>Author's Notes</u></center>

Hey guys! Well, this part isn't as long as I'd hoped it would be... I sort of felt that my humor was lagging in this chapter - sorry about that! :o| . Thanks a bunch for your guys' support! I really appreciated it! Hopefully the next part won't take long to finish up. I'm out on SUMMER! Yes!

<b>Biged:</b> Thanks so much for your feedback!

<b>Gigo:</b> Well, this chapter doesn't really answer your questions - mostly because I didn't make it long enough, I just wanted to get what I had out so that you guys had <i>something</i>! Anyway, the questions should be answered in Chapter 16! Thanks for sticking around! And for your feedback!

<b>Trude:</b> Thanks for your feedback! :o)

<b>Neo:</b> Thanks for your feedback, I loved your compliments. Really. :o) Thanks, and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!

<b>roswellluver:</b> Thanks for your feedback!

<b>Smac:</b> I'm so glad I made you laugh! And I'm glad that you like this fic! :oD Thanks for your feedback!

<b>Krista:</b> MY CHICA!!!! *tackles* Hey girlie, how's it going? I know what you mean about having no time. It's so crazy, isn't it!? Man! Gah, I definitely don't think you abandoned me (especially with all of your bumps, you are the Bump Queen.... you and Gerry) - if anything it's the other way around!!! Sorry! Love you!

<b>Gerry Carr:</b> I have never heard of that movie! It sounds kind of interesting though. I'll have to look into it! LOL, I love how you went off on a tangent. It made me laugh! Thanks so much for nominating me - you rock my world. :oD And thanks for the bumps!

<b>tabata:</b> Thanks for your feedback!!

<b>RiaRath101:</b> Thanks for your feedback and condolences! I appreciate it!

<b>Lindz:</b> *gasp* You would take me off sweetcakes status? Can you DO that?!?

<b>alienmom:</b> Thanks for your well wishes! :o)

<b>phyco352:</b> Thanks for the bump!

<center>Goonies Never Say Die
Chapter Fifteen

“How can you double your money?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look in a mirror.”

“Oh. Funny.”

“I thought so. Here’s another one.”

“Oh joy.”

“Is that sarcasm I hear?”


“Okay,” Kyle paused and looked over at Serena before sighing. “How can you make seven even?”

“Subtract one?” Serena guessed.

“Take away the ‘S’,” Kyle said, “but that was a really good guess.”

“So, are you telling me you two are going to sit here like bumps on a log and do nothing?” Maria asked. It had been over a half an hour since Michael, Alex and Max had gone to look through the tunnel and Kyle and Serena had sat down in front of the tunnel to watch the others. Plus, they both refused to separate.

“You know, I never understood the phrase ‘bumps on a log’,” Serena replied, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. She nudged Kyle. “Do you know what it means?”

“I think it means we’re useless.”

“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve been pretty amused by you ever since I met you. I don’t think you’re useless.”

“It’s only because you don’t know him,” Isabel said, distracted. Her hands searched the walls near Kyle and Serena. “Give it a week or two.”

“Thanks Izzy,” Kyle mumbled, throwing his arm around Serena. “She’s just jealous because she’s stuck with Alex and you’ve got me.”

“Yes, that is so it,” Isabel replied. She sighed and moved on to another part of the wall. “Liz, have you found anything yet?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Either you have or you haven’t. There is no in between,” Serena said.

Liz rolled her eyes and kept running her hands over the walls. “I bet if you two joined in helping us, then we’d find the way up a whole lot sooner.”

“Probably,” Serena replied, “but seeing as how I have a fear of heights and a fear of being pushed down a long, long, long, long drop,” Serena threw a glare in Isabel’s direction, “I think the best result would be for us to go through the middle tunnel so I’d rather not help in this particular search, okay?”

“It’s not like I would push you off this walkway. I mean, we want to go up there this time, not down. There‘d be no purpose in my pushing you. Now if you jumped instead, I wouldn‘t have had to push you and you wouldn‘t have a fear.”

“Thanks Isabel, I feel so much better,” Serena mumbled.

“As long as I helped.”

“While you guys are up and searching and everything… do you think you could look for food?” Kyle asked. The three looks Maria, Isabel and Liz sent him had him holding his hands up. “Forget I mentioned it.”

Isabel bit back a groan and instead, began to grind her teeth together. This was so ridiculous. She was stuck with a complete stranger, Kyle - enough said, and the two rich bitches. Granted, Isabel had to give them credit… they were much better than she thought they would be.

“Have you two found anything yet?” Isabel asked, her voice tired.

“No,” Liz replied, sounding defeated. “Maybe the others were right. Maybe we weren’t supposed to actually go up.”

“Then why would the symbols be there?” Isabel asked. She shook her head. “No, we definitely have to go up there.”

“Oh! Guys! Oh!” Maria was practically jumping. “I think I found something!”

“What’d you find?” Isabel was excited and grinning. “Show us.” She and Liz immediately made their way over to stand next to Maria.

“Well, I don’t know if it’s anything but as far as I can tell the rest of the walls are flat. Not exactly smooth, but flat with no indentations. Right here are five circles into the wall. Like… in the shape of a ‘v’ or something. And look,” Maria pushed in on one of the circles only to have to glow until she took her fingers away. “The same happens for each of the circles and they have to glow for a reason, right? Now, I’m guessing if we maybe press them all together, at the same time, something might happen.”

Isabel blinked. “Since when did you become intelligent?”

Maria ignored her. “Let’s all just try it at once, okay? I’ll get these two, Liz you get the two on the far right and Isabel, you get the one in the middle, okay?”



“On the count of three,” Maria looked from Liz to Isabel and then to the circles. “One.”

Isabel’s hand inched towards the middle circle and she could see Liz move her hands into position as well.


Maria moved her own hands closer. She thought she heard Kyle and Serena stand up to see whether or not it would work. She hoped it did.


All three immediately thrust their hands forward, pressing on the circles. For a few seconds nothing happened… then there was a pulsating beneath their fingers and a loud explosion rocked the walls, before all three were thrown onto the ground. Light burst through the circles, brighter than when Maria had touched them one at a time. There was a shifting noise, as if rock was being dragged along, and there was a loud scraping sound. It lasted mere moments before it ended and everything was quiet. Really quiet.

“Well,” Kyle finally said, “at least I didn’t do it this time.”

“Did it work?” Maria asked, slowly sitting up. “Are there stairs?”


At Isabel’s flat tone, Liz sat up. “You mean I got thrown onto my back for nothing?”

“Not one word, Kyle,” Isabel said, when she noticed him grinning at Liz. She nodded to the wall. “Not stairs, a ladder.”

“Thank God!” Liz fell back to the ground and covered her eyes.

“I think I’ll go get the other amigos… wouldn’t want them to miss out on all the fun and PMS-age.” Kyle smirked and ran from the room.

“’PMS-age‘?!?!” Maria snapped. “Like he even knows a thing about it!”

“He reads Cosmo,” Isabel stated, as if that explained it, and stood up. “Let’s start climbing.”

Liz stood up and waited, lending Maria a hand. Isabel walked towards Serena to do the same.

“What?” Serena asked. “Why do I have to climb it? Why can’t I be a bump again?”

“Get up.”

“You know,” Serena took Isabel’s hand and let her pull her to her feet, “you have a real problem with bossing people around.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… the guys tell me that all the time, but they don’t complain.”

“Isabel, no offense, but I think them telling you that you’re bossy, is them complaining,” Maria replied.


“God, I think I could spend the rest of my life here as long as there was an endless supply of food and drinks,” Max stated. He leaned back against the rock and closed his eyes.

“Me too. It’s quiet. It’s peaceful. No one screaming at us to shut up, move or dodge lasers, and no offense man,” Michael nodded to Alex, “but no Isabel either.”

“None taken,” Alex waved his hand, “although to make things fair Maria was the one dodging lasers - not you.”

“Hey,” Michael sat up straight, his brown eyes narrowed on Alex, “I ran after her!”

“Yeah, well, that makes you crazy and in a strange way, over protective and stalker-ish. Nothing to brag about, dude,” Alex shrugged and then leaned back.

They’d only walked for ten minutes before they’d come to this cavern. The ceiling was low, but the room was incredibly wide. There was only one other exit from the room and Michael, Max and Alex had decided to relax and let the girls search a little bit longer before crushing their hopes - besides they were perfectly content to relax in the room, despite the dirt.

“Do you really think there’s alien treasure?” Max asked.

Michael sighed. “I don’t know. The map seems legit, and it can’t hurt any… us looking for it. If there is treasure then none of us will have to move from Roswell. If there isn’t - we had a close to death experience. What’s better than that? Plus we rescued that Serena chick, right?”

“True,” Alex nodded, “but speaking of Serena… what do you think of her?”

“What do you mean? Like, is she hot?” Max asked.

“No. What do you think of her? I mean, she just sort of agreed to go with us, you know. And, like… run away from her family. Who does that?”

“A chick who’s family has locked her up in a room,” Michael replied.

“I’m being serious,” Alex said.

“Me too,” Michael said seriously. “Her family is insane!”

“Well, how do we know that? We don’t even know her family!” Alex crossed his legs and leaned forward. “For all we know they could be nice people.”

“Nice people who lock one of their family members in a room? For a long period of time!? With only deliverance of food and drinks?!” Michael shook his head. “Alex… these people are not good people. I mean… that Nicholas guy - he’s killed people!”

“Okay, so he’s not a cool guy, but Serena’s sister can’t be too bad.”

“Look, Alex, it’s cool for you to try and make them out to be good people who just… are a little bit psycho, but any chick who let’s her sister be locked away is seriously damaged.”

Alex held his hands up. “All right, all right… I get it. I just thought it was weird because we knew nothing about her.”

“Well, it’s not like we’ve really had the time to sit around and have a pow wow, getting to know each other,” Max stated.

“True, oh well, it was just a question-”


“Did you guys hear that?” Alex whispered.

“Hear what? Oh, you mean that loud bang that sounded like it came from the other room? Is that what you were talking about?! Of course we heard it!” Michael stood up, forgetting about the height of the ceiling.

His head connected with the ceiling at the same time that Max and Alex‘s hands closed about his legs. He groaned and moved his hands to his head and began to feel the floor fall from underneath him as his legs were pulled out from under him. He didn’t realize he’d hit the ground, face first, until he inhaled a mouthful of dirt. Coughing, he turned over onto his back and tried to glare at Max and Alex.

“We tried to help,” Max said.

“In the future, please stop yourselves,” Michael groaned. “Man, my head hurts.”

“It should. You knocked it pretty hard on that ceiling.”

“Oh, really? Here I was thinking it was a completely random headache!” Michael shouted.

“God, you’re cynical today.”

“Sorry, it must be the whole ‘I’m-trapped-underground-with-no-way-out‘ thing,” Michael replied sarcastically. He sat up to face the others, and his jaw dropped with what he saw. Kyle was crawling into the room with a really low ceiling. Kyle, smiling, was crawling into the room with a really low ceiling. Kyle, smiling and shirtless, was crawling into the room with a really low ceiling.

“Kyle man… where the hell’s your shirt?” Michael asked. Max and Alex turned to look at Kyle, not having noticed him before.

“Oh yeah… well it ripped on the way here so I took it off. It’s in my back pocket.”

“Whatever,” Max replied. “What was that big bang about earlier?”

“That was Maria, Isabel and Liz playing around with the cave wall. You know, I told them it was useless but they had to go and glow the place up.”

“Glow the place up? You don’t mean ‘blow’ do you?” Alex asked, anxiously. “Is Isabel okay?”

“What about Liz? Is she hurt? Is she bleeding? Is she still in one piece? Does she want me?”

“Uh, what tearjerker, three hour movie is that scene from?” Kyle shook his head. “Everyone is fine. The girls found a way up though so I told them that I’d come and fetch you guys.”

“You’re sure Liz is okay?” Max asked as he crawled out of the room. “And Isabel?”

“Dude, would you move your ass Max?” Michael snapped. “You’re whooped on Liz, we get it… news flash; we. Don’t. Care. Now go. C’mon, mush.”

Max, scowling, moved quickly from the room followed by Michael. Alex began to crawl forward, then stopped and looked back at Kyle.

“What?” Kyle asked.

“You didn’t rip your shirt on a rock did you?” Alex laughed. “You ripped it before you came in here, didn’t you?”

“It ripped on a rock!” Kyle insisted.

“Which rock? Max, Michael and I were fine.”

“Okay, so I ripped it by myself but Alex,” Kyle threw his hands into the air, “I’m a stud. I know it, you know it… but Serena is resisting my studly charms! Yesterday she was fine, now she’s all… weird. I had to do something to get her attention.”

“Oh, oh yes…” Alex broke into laughter and he continued to crawl through the exit, “this was the exact solution. She’ll totally notice you now… STUD!”

Kyle hurried after him, “Dude, buddy… you won’t tell anyone right? Hey, Alex! Wait up!”

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:53 am
by A Rose Is True Blue
<center>Author's Note</center>
Here it is! Chapter 16. Whoop. Enjoy!

Gigo: Well, the crazy traps is because in the Goonies movie, there were a whole lot of traps along the way and I wanted to follow that a little. Plus they're so fun! LOL. Thanks for your feedback!

Lindz: LOVE YOU!

roswellluver: Thanks for your feedback!

Biged: I'm glad I made you laugh! Thanks for your feedback!

Krista: *tackles* HEY YOU! How are you doing? :D I love you, you know! You're always there a bumping. You are too cool. (By the way, do you still need a beta?? I miss the funny quotes in your sig!)

Roswelllostcause: Thanks for your feedback!

Trude: And once again the quote queen strikes back! ;) LOL! You rock, thanks for your feedback!!

Gerry: Thanks for your condolences! Yeah, my dad is doing bunches better. You're the best!!! Thanks!!!

RedRoze68: You know, my little sister's name is Megan (although yours is spelled with an 'h'), LOL, just some random information for you. Thanks for the bump and I'm glad you found this fic! Hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for your feedback!

tabata: Thanks for your feedback!

<center>Goonies Never Say Die
Chapter 16

By the time Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex entered the room where the girls were supposed to be, the four girls were gone.

“Where’d they go?” Michael asked. He spun around the room. “Where’d they go?”

“They were right here,” Kyle said. He frowned. “Okay technically, Serena was sitting right there and Isabel, Maria and Liz were standing over there.”

“Yes, but where are they now?” Max demanded. “They couldn’t have just disappeared.”

“Apparently, they did!” Kyle said. “Maybe they’re invisible. You know, like in Harry Potter with his invisibility cloak.”

“Did he hit his head on the same rock that tore his shirt?” Max asked, staring incredulously at Kyle.

“He tore the shirt himself,” Alex looked around the room again, “there is no possible excuse for the way he is aside from some sort of birth malfunction.”

“They wouldn’t have gone back would they?” Max asked. He looked away from Kyle and looked around the room again. “I mean, they knew we were coming back.”

“Maybe they tried to follow us, you know? Maybe they got scared or-” Michael raked a hand through his hair.

“Isabel, scared?” Alex snorted. “Do you even know my girlfriend?”

“Unfortunately, not as well as you do,” Michael retorted.

Max glared at them both. “I don‘t know if you‘ve both failed to notice but Isabel just happens to be my SISTER, and these talks about how hot and desirable she is are really starting to piss me off!”

“Well, if you had an ugly sister we wouldn’t have these talks,” Michael slapped Max on the back.

“I GOT IT!” Kyle snapped his fingers. “They went up the ladder.” He moved his back against the wall closest to him, to look at the ledge opposite and above. When he saw nothing he slid along the wall in a circle, looking up as he went.

“Is this another Harry Potter reference?” Alex asked.

“Like I read the books?” Michael shrugged. “They were about some dude right?”

“Hence the title ‘Harry Potter…’” Alex looked at Michael strangely. “Have you lived in a cave? They rave about those books every year.”

“Well do they ‘rave’ about them when a hockey game is on?” Michael snapped.

“You know what I don’t get,” Max raised an eyebrow at Kyle, “is Kyle. I didn’t know he read for fun. He has all those magazines but he only looks at the pictures.”

“Give me a little bit more credit guys, I read all the stats of the Playgirls.” Kyle threw his hands in the air as he completed his circle. “I can’t see up this ledge. Can one of you give me a leg up?”

Max, Michael and Alex simply stared at Kyle.

“Am I the only one speaking English?” Kyle sighed in exasperation and shook his head. He pulled Michael, who was closest to him, towards the wall. In a stupor, Michael let Kyle arrange his hands as if in a cup, one hand on top of the other. “The girls went up a ladder,” Kyle put his foot in Michael’s hands. “They climbed up this wall to the ledge,” Gripping the sides of the wall, Kyle nodded to Michael to lift him up. “Now we have to climb up here to get them.”

“Why the hell didn’t you say that before?” Michael threw his hands into the air, dropping Kyle’s foot.

“I DID!” Kyle was swinging, keeping his hold on the ledge above him. “I really don’t like you as my booster anymore man! You are completely undependable.”

“I’m sorry. You should have said that they had discovered a ladder sooner, so we didn’t think you were crazy.” Michael went to help Kyle, who in turn swung out to kick him.


“I told you,” Kyle kicked out at Michael again when he came near him, “you were officially fired as my booster man.”

Alex moved to Kyle’s side and grabbed both of his feet. He pushed them up, making Kyle’s abdomen even with the edge of the ledge. He looked back down at Alex. “You know, for a skinny guy you really have a lot of strength in you. How much do you bench press?”

“Oh just get up!” Alex pushed Kyle farther. Kyle pulled himself up to see Serena grinning at him. She gave him her hand.

“Oh, how nice,” Kyle grabbed Serena’s hand (even though he honestly didn’t need it) and let her help him stand up. “Although, I gotta say it would have been appreciated a whole lot more if it had been offered when I was dangling off of the ledge!”

“Hey Kyle,” Isabel smirked, “why didn’t you just use the ladder?”

“I couldn’t find it!” Kyle threw his hands up.

“It’s sort of hidden,” Maria said. She looked him over. “Probably underneath your shirt.”

“No, that would be in my back pocket,” Kyle smirked.

“Hey Kyle, you loser!”

Kyle leaned over to look at Michael. “What?”

“Are they up there?”

“No, I’ve been talking to myself,” Kyle replied sarcastically. “Yes, they’re up here.”

“Liz,” Max called, “are you okay?”

Liz leaned over the ledge to see his face. She smiled brightly. “I’m fine. We’ve been waiting on you guys to come back.”

“Where’s the ladder?”

Liz pointed to the side. When Max went where she pointed, he felt the breaks in the wall.

“It’s right here guys,” he said to Michael and Alex.

“You first, Romeo.” Michael groaned when he saw how fast Max hurried up. “Pathetic.”

“Alex, you coming?” Isabel called. Alex grinned sheepishly at Michael and then climbed as fast up the ladder as Max had.

“This,” Michael began to climb up the ladder as soon as Alex had cleared it, “is my worst nightmare.”


The eight teens stood on the ledge. It curved around the room leading straight to a tunnel… one directly over the middle tunnel on the ground floor.

“So, was I right?” Isabel leaned over Michael’s shoulder to look at the map. He closed it. “Yeah, you were.”

“I knew it!” Isabel clapped her hands together and kissed Alex on the cheek. “In the future, can you guys just believe me if I think we should go an alternate way? I think this only proves I‘ll always be right.”

“You’re like the psychotic version of Monica from ‘Friends‘!”

Isabel glared at Kyle. “I forgot… how’d you lose your shirt again?”

Kyle kicked the ground and mumbled under his breath, shooting glances at Serena out of the corner of his eye.

“Look, are we going through this tunnel or not?” Michael asked.

Maria waved towards the tunnel. “After you.”

Michael pulled a flashlight out of the back of his pocket, and turned it on.

“Do you just randomly carry around flashlights in your back pocket?” Maria asked. She snatched the flashlight from his hand.

“We came prepared,” Michael replied. He took the flashlight back and turned it towards the tunnel. The ledge was only wide enough for one person, so the group would have to move in single file. Michael found Maria right behind him and the others waiting for him to lead.

“Hey, before we go through there or whatever, can we all just think about what that tunnel might possibly lead to?” Alex asked. “I mean there was the whole crawling through the vents thing… and then we got Serena, had to dodge her relatives, jump fifteen feet, dodge lasers, and climb up a ladder that blended in with the wall. It’s really, very possible that when we go through that tunnel there will be another surprise waiting.”

“So, what are you saying?” Isabel looked at Alex. “I want to keep going. I mean, I really want to, but if you want to turn back I will.”

“Well, if we turned back then not only would we still have no alien treasure, but I’d have no alien treasure and no Vespa. I just wanted to put the warning label out there,” Alex put his arm around Isabel’s shoulder. “I’m all for plunging into danger and getting shot in the arm again.”

“Good, so can we all go now?” Serena asked. “I hate standing on this ledge. It’s creeping me out.”

“You know, if you get really scared you can hold my hand,” Kyle offered, grinning cheekily.

Serena sighed. “You’re really cute, Kyle.” When the others glanced away from them, Serena reached out and took Kyle’s hand, smiling when he grinned at her over his shoulder.

Michael turned and ignored the others. He grabbed Maria’s hand behind his back and began to walk along the ledge.

“Michael,” Maria hissed. She kept her voice low so the others didn’t hear her.


“You didn’t have to grab my hand, you know. I wasn’t scared,” Maria said.

Michael pulled her along a little faster. “I know that.”

“So,” Maria poked Michael in the back, “does that mean you’re scared?”

“Hey, you are killing the moment of me showing my soft side,” Michael mumbled. They were at the front of the tunnel opening. Michael flashed the light into the shadows and sighed when all he saw was dirt. He could only hope that walking into the tunnel wouldn’t set off another trap. It was the last thing anyone needed.


“Shit! Watch where you’re going.”

“Maybe if you didn’t stop every two minutes I wouldn’t run into you.”

“Tess keeps stopping!”

There was a sound of shuffling above the two brothers again, and both of their eyes looked upward. Khivar moved first, following his wife. Soon after, his brother followed. When they reached a break in the vents, Tess pushed it out and looked down at them.

“This is gross.” Her face and clothes were covered in dust. She grimaced when she thought of even looking at her hands and knees.

“Well? Where did she go?” Nicholas snapped. Tess slowly turned her head to look at him. She glared briefly before looking back at her husband and answering Nicholas’ question.

“She went into our bedroom,” Tess said. She waved her flashlight into the vent. “The dust isn’t disturbed after the vent leading into our bedroom so it’s the only way. She must have gone into it, and then left. The closest room is the one straight across from ours.”

“Great,” Nicholas walked away from the two, heading straight for the room. Khivar waited behind to help Tess down. She pushed her hair out of her face and straightened, following Nicholas.

She didn’t care how long it took, she was going to find her sister, bring her back and apologize profusely for her behavior. Serena wouldn’t be mad. She never stayed mad at Tess before, granted this time Tess had gone over the edge a little bit by locking her in a room. It wasn’t Tess’ fault though! If she hadn’t of locked Serena up, Serena would have run straight to the local Sheriff and then not only would Khivar (and Nicholas) be thrown in to jail, but Tess would be too. She’d heard horror stories of jail from Nicholas, Khivar and her father and that was the last place she wanted to go.

“Hurry,” Tess called back to Khivar. She sped up and walked straight into the room. She looked around, not seeing Nicholas anywhere. There was another door that was open in the room. Assuming that Nicholas hadn’t bothered to wait for her and Khivar, she walked straight towards it. Before she crossed the doorway, however, she was hauled back by strong arms. She struggled with her husband. “What are you doing?!”

“There’s no floor in that room,” he snapped. “Nicholas probably didn’t even remember.”

Tess fought and yanked herself out of her husband’s grip. She took the flashlight and leaned over the doorway slightly, holding onto the frame. She flashed the light down onto the ground.

“Well, the asshole fell,” she reported, standing back up. “I doubt he hurt himself… much. What do you want to do?”

Khivar looked down where his brother was lying. He sighed and then moved away from the doorway. “I’m going to get some rope.”

“So I’m guessing we’re climbing down?” Tess asked. Khivar nodded and walked away from the room, never looking back. Tess shook her head and looked back down at Nicholas. He hadn’t moved. She frowned and yelled down to him, “HEY JACKASS!”

Still no movement.

Tess looked around for something, anything in the room. She found a hammer, a wrench and a screwdriver in one of the corners probably left there and then forgotten about. She wanted to grab the hammer, but decided to be a better person and instead grabbed the lightest of the three; the screwdriver.

“NICKY,” Tess called. She leaned further over with the screwdriver, dangling over Nicholas. “Seriously, dude… stop being a drama queen and wake up.”

Tess could have sworn Nicholas shifted a bit. When she still got no answer she positioned the screwdriver and then let it drop. She heard a scream, strongly resembling a female, and she saw Nicholas’ legs closed and curled up to his chest.

“And that, is why I won the fifth grade egg drop contest,” Tess said gleefully.

“Bitch!” he swore.

Tess laughed loudly. “That’s what you get for being an ass, Nicholas. Why didn’t you say anything when I called out?”

“Maybe it was because I had the wind knocked out of me when I fell,” Nicholas snapped.

“Well who walks into a pitch black room, anyway?” Tess leaned back away from the doorframe. “Be glad I was being a nice person and didn’t throw down the hammer instead.”

“Whatever, Satan!” Nicholas spat. “I can’t believe my brother actually married you.”

“I can see why my sister wasn’t interested in you,” Tess retaliated.

Khivar walked back into the room with rope in his hands. “Is he okay?”

“Oh, he’s just peachy,” Tess reached for the rope and tied it to the doorknob. Khivar nodded and then threw the rest of the rope down the room.

“You okay Nicholas?” Khivar asked.

Nicholas grunted. “No thanks to your demon of a wife. Can you toss me a flashlight?”

Tess immediately moved forward with hers and looked down. This time Nicholas was standing so it was a little bit trickier. Finally she let it drop, crying, “There you go sweetie!”

Half a second later, Nicholas’s nose was hit with a heavy object. “SHIT!” he cried. “Tess, damn it! That hit my nose!”

Tess tsked. “God, I’m sorry, Nicholas. You know, I just have the worst aim… I’m such a girl.”

“You’re such a bitch is what you are!” Nicholas shouted.

“C’mon Nicholas, she didn’t mean it.” Khivar said, making his way down the wall. “Her aim is just a little off.”

Nicholas scowled when he heard laughter from the room above. “Yeah… right.”



“Okay, who is that?”

“Who is that?”





“Stop touching me!”

“What are you talking about? I’m not touching anyone.”

“Oh. Michael!”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“Then who’s touching me?!”

“Someone turn on a flashlight.”

“Mine went dead.”

“We only have one flashlight?”

“No, I have one.”

“Then turn it on!”

“I’m trying.”

“How is this hard?”

“Okay, I got it.”

The tunnel filled with light. Alex grinned. Apparently he was the one to turn his flashlight on. The group looked around them. Kyle was holding Liz’s hand, Serena was rubbing her arms and glaring all around her - she’d been the one who was touched. Maria and Max were both holding onto each other while Michael was holding Alex’ hand. Isabel lifted an eyebrow.

“Damn!” Michael dropped Alex’s hand.

Alex began to rub it on his jeans. “Why’d you grab my hand?!”

“You grabbed my hand!” Michael protested.

“If anyone grabbed anyone here, you’re more likely to grab me!” Alex snapped.


“Yeah, that’s right. I’m a stud, pal. You just stay over there,” Alex moved closer to Isabel, who was trying so badly to not laugh.

“Yeah, Michael,” Isabel put her arm possessively around Alex’s waist, “leave my man alone.”

Michael rolled his eyes and pulled Maria away from Max. “What are you two doing?”

Max wasn’t listening. He crossed over towards Liz, who was still holding Kyle’s hand. She looked up as Max approached her and she smiled brightly, slowing his steps. She let go of Kyle’s hand and grabbed his. He seemed to forget being angry and just smiled down, in a dopey way, at Liz.

Kyle moved along the tunnel, as far as the light would go. Isabel was checking the rest of their flashlights to make sure that they worked. She pulled two batteries out of her back pocket for Michael’s and handed them to him.

“Wow, when you guys said you were completely prepared for this, you weren’t kidding,” Maria said. Michael smirked and slid the old batteries onto his hand. He threw them down on the ground. They rolled a little into the darkness and Kyle frowned.

“Michael, you shouldn’t do that… it harms the environment or whatever,” Kyle said. He followed the batteries, to pick them up. Only one of them was in the light. He snatched it up and put it into his pocket. He felt something in his pocket; something hard. Pulling he out, he grinned. A lighter. Flipping the cap, he ignited it and began to walk a little in the dark, searching for the battery. He spotted it and grinned. It was by a pile of rags. He grabbed it too, put it in his pocket and was about to join the others when curiosity got the better of him. He turned back to the rags, leaned closer and made his way along the rags. Hmm… well they really weren’t rags at all. They were clothes. Clothes that were attached to…

Kyle stared. His mouth dropped open. Slowly, he began to walk backwards, still staring at the sight in front of him. After a few seconds he was back in the light, although he had his lighter still held out in front of him.

“Guys,” he whispered. They didn’t hear him.

Kyle cleared his throat and tried again. “Guys.”

Serena looked up. “Kyle, what’s wrong?” That got the attention of the others who turned to see Kyle, pale and looking like he’d just seen a ghost.

“Guys… I just… you wouldn’t believe what I’ve just seen. God!” Kyle let his lighter go out. “Guys, I totally have just seen dead people.”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Kyle, could you please be serious here?”

“I am!” Kyle grabbed Isabel’s flashlight out of her hand. She struggled against him. “What are you doing?!”

Kyle lowered his head and bit down on Isabel’s hand. She shrieked and pulled her hands back from the flashlight.

“Dude-” Alex started. Kyle turned the flashlight on and swung it towards the place he had just walked from.

“Look!” Kyle insisted, his voice rather shaky. Slowly, the others followed the beam of the light. Towards the end of it, they saw a body. A body with a walking stick next to it, and clothes clinging to it. An incredibly dead body.

No one said anything, they simply stared.

“Is that… oh God, is that a real person?” Liz asked.

“A real dead person,” Michael replied.

“Oh,” Liz nodded, “okay well good you know, because that’s what I thought. I wouldn’t want to you know, freak out about it if it was a fake dead body.”

“Please refrain from freaking out,” Serena said.

“We’re going to have to step over the body,” Isabel said.

Liz looked at her, alarmed. “What do you mean? Why?”

“Because, it’s the way we need to go.”

“No, we need to go home right now,” Liz back away from the others.

“Liz, calm down-” Max said.

“Calm down?! Max! There is a dead person right over there and you want me to calm down? If we keep going I could possibly end up as dead as he is-”

“Technically, you wouldn’t be as dead as he is. Give it fifty years or so and you might look as dead as he is. You’ll need time to rot you know,” Kyle said.

Liz’s eyes got wide.

“Nice job asshole!” Maria hissed. She hurried over to Liz. “Liz… just relax okay?”

“I can’t relax. I’m going to die, Maria. DIE!” Liz fell against Maria, sobbing and mumbling about dying. Max tried to rub her back comfortingly.

“Well,” Isabel sighed, “glad we brought her along.”

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:35 pm
by A Rose Is True Blue
Hey guys! I know that this has been dead for quite awhile, but I've been really inspired to start writing it again, so I went through and re-read and re-edited all of the past chapters (which you can probably tell if you've read them in the past hour or so :wink: ) and I just wanted to let you know that I was working on Chapter 17.

Thanks Gerry Carr and Krista, for bumping this. I love you both! :D
