Page 2 of 5

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 4:22 am
by Maia
Hi everyone
thanks again for the fb. I really love reading what you´s have to say.

Part 10

As Max sat at the kitchen table, he was biting down on a piece of food when Liz walked in.
Max´s heart tightened seeing her, and by the surprise look Liz gave him, she hadn´t been expecting to see him either.
She looked simply beautiful.
But what Max couldn´t understand is why Liz was dressed up in a skirt that barely covered her knees, and why her hair was pinned up so that he could see the beautiful features of her face. Or why she was wearing make-up as if she was going out on a ......
Max couldn´t even force himself to think the next word.
Maybe there was some last minute family outing or something?
And if so why hadn´t anyone bothered to mention it to him?
"Liz" his eyes watched her every move as she went to the fridge and pulled a cola out.
"Max, hi" Liz couldn´t bring herself to look at him, it still hurt to much.
"Where are you going to"? Max asked feeling like an ass once the words had left his mouth.
"On a date" Liz sarcastically answered, waiting for a reaction.
Max slammed his fork on his plate, suddenly he had lost his appetite.
"Anyway what´s it to you what I do"? Liz take a drink from the glass.
"Your right, it´s none of my damned business" Max stood from the table, taking his unfinished meal to the sink.
Just then the bell rung.
Max and Liz both looked at each other.
"I´ll get it" Max rushed to the front door, wanting to see who was there.
"No Max it´s not neccessary" Liz raced in his footsteps, trying to reach the door before Max could.
But Max was faster than her and opened the door angrily.
There before him stood his biggest rival.
She was going out on a date with Jacob Roberts of all people.
Why didn´t she just rip his heart out.
Jacob stood on the doorstep, he could see that Max was going to do something, but Jacob wasn´t going to let Max put a damper on his evening.
Jacob held out his hand to Max. "Hey Max good to see you again" Jacob said honestly.
"Whatever" Max looked at Jacobs hand but refused to shake it.
"Well Jacob, let´s just get going, I´m sorry about Max´s behaviour. Just ignore him" Liz shot darts at Max as she walked passed him.
"Don´t go apologising for me Liz, I didn´t ask you" Max winced seeing Liz hold onto Jacobs arm.
"Max get over it" Liz shook her head in disbelief, before she pulled Jacob to go.

More that frustrated Max slammed the door, walking to Isabels bedroom he didn´t even knock as he barged inside.
"Whats up your ass" Isabel calmly lay on her bed, pretending to read through her book.
"You knew she was going out on a date with Jacob Roberts why didn´t you warn me"?
"I´m your sister not your secretary" Isabel nonchantly rolled over turning her back on Max.
"Don´t ignore me Iz. You know I can´t stand Jacob, and yet you knew Liz was going on a date with him".
"Well at least Jacobs not the type that is going to use her, or promise her things then go and sleep with someone else" Isabel sat up suddenly Max was really pushing his luck.
"No only I could do something like that" Max bit back.
Isabel watched how the fire from Max´s eyes left. She couldn´t believe this was the same riled up Max that was standing before her less than 30 seconds again.
"Max, Max I´m sorry. I shouldn´t have said that to you" Isabel stood from her bed when Max walked out on her.
"Max, Max stop please" Isabel chased after him, but he run into the bathroom locking the door.
"Max open this door" Isabel pounded.
"Just leave me alone" the tears started pouring from his eyes as he sunk to the floor below.


I have to go for now, I didn´t realise the time. Enjoy reading

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:48 am
by Maia
the continued post....

Sitting in Jacobs, Ford Liz smiled nervously over to face him, it was a pity that her evening had to come to an end.
Jacob had surprised Liz after Max´s outburst, then instead of having a bad date, Liz had actually enjoyed herself.
Firstly Jacob had taken Liz to Miguels, he had told Liz it was the new Mexican restaurant that had just opened in Roswell.
Liz really had no idea because her and Max were never able to go out on a date together, so she didn´t really know what was around there.
After eating tacos until she couldn´t walk anymore, they ended up leaving Jacobs car, then strolled hand in hand down the street.
When Jacob had first taken Liz´s had she had tentatively held onto his hand. His hands weren´t as soft as Max´s, Max had such amazing hands.

Then when Jacob lead Liz to a billiards room, she had challenged him to 3 games. After she beat Jacob everytime, he admitted that he had not lost the games on purpose, raising his hands up and admitting defeat.
At first Liz hadn´t believed him, but the way his dimples indented his cheeks, he was all too cute, and they had laughed over Jacobs billiard skills-or lack of them.
Then joining hands again, Liz and Jacob talked school, what were there favourite subjects, over ice-cream, over anything.
For the first time in ages Liz thought it was nice talking to a guy about normal things.
But then her thoughts went back to Max, nothing had been normal with him.
Now sitting outside her home, Liz mentally scolded herself, because she had had a really good time with Jacob, and she had been comparing him the whole night to Max.
Jacob wasn´t Max.
But Max had really hurt her.

"Liz why don´t I walk you to the door"? Jacob grinned, breaking the sudden uncomfortable silence.
"Yeah sure" Liz replied.
As they stood before the door, Jacob tenderly took Liz´s hand in his own.
"I had a really good night Liz" his eyes searched hers for a response.
"Jacob so did I. Thank-you" Liz bit down on her lip nervously.
"Do you think you would want to go out with me again"? he shyly asked.
Pausing Liz replied, "I´d love too".
The sides of Jacobs lips curled up into a smile, he was over the moon. She wanted to go out with him again.
"What about Tuesday"? unconsciously he squeezed Liz´s hand softly.
"Tuesday, I have cheer-leading practise after school on Tuesdays" Liz looked hopefully over to Jacob. "But if you like you could come and watch me, we could go out for a soda or something afterwards".
"I like the sounds of that, what time"? Jacob couldn´t wait to see Liz in her cheerleaders uniform.
"4.00pm". Liz glowed with although her stomach was doing flips.
"Four it is". Then leaning over Jacob placed a tender kiss on Liz´s lips.
She inhaled, pulling away.
"I shouldn´t have done that". An apologetic frown covered his face as Liz
"No Jacob, you didn´t..." then leaning forward, Liz closed the gap again touching her lips with Jacobs.
She tasted his sweet breath, and inhaled his fresh scent.
Then pulling away, Liz blushed.
"I better go inside then"
"Yeah OK, I´ll see you on Tuesday" Jacob watched Liz as she unlocked the door and walked inside.
"Tuesday" Liz didn´t want to close the door, but forcing herself she saw him smile one last time before her eyes were met with by the door.
"Oh my.." Liz leaned against the door, feeling the blood rush through her body.
She stayed like that for a few seconds before happily walking into the empty kitchen. Flipping on the light switch, Liz walked to the fridge retrieving a can of cola.
"So did you and Jacob have a good time", Max´s voice came from the table.
Liz almost dropped her drink as she looked over to see Max, his eyes were blood-shot.
"Shit Max what are you doing waiting in the dark"? Liz asked still trying to get her breath back.
Liz braced herself for another run in with Max.

still typing

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:19 am
by Maia
......continued from the last post

Dianne watched her son as he played with his cereal on his plate. It had only been 2 days since she had grounded him, but now looking at him even she was wondering if she hadn´t been to harsh in her punishment.
Dianne knew something was wrong with Max. She didn´t have to be a Doctor to see the dark circles that were under his eyes, at his sudden lack of appetite.

Dianne had never known her son not to eat. But since Sunday night, she had found on more occassions than one left-overs thrown out in the garbage. She knew it wasn´t either of the girls because like most typical teenage girl, neither of them indulged in pizza, or hot-dogs and the only person Dianne bought those sorts of foods were for Max.

But watching Max, Dianne also knew that whatever it was on her sons mind she had to know what it was.
Taking a seat next to him, Dianne asked. "Honey is there something you should be telling me"?
Bought back to reality Max asked. "What did you say Mom"?
"Honey I don´t want to appear noisy, but is there something that you want to tell me"? She placed her hand over Max´s much larger hand.
"Mom, you can´t help me on this one" Max apprehensively replied.
"But Honey if you just told me what was going on" she pleaded with her eyes.
"Mom, you can´t help me, nobody can help me, so just drop it would you" he angrily snatched his hand away.
Seeing the tears brimming in his Mothers eyes, Max felt suddenly guilty at being the one to put those tears there.
"Mom...I´m sorry it´s just, I can´t talk about it" Max was on the verge of tears himself. "I have to go or I´ll be late for school".

Later on that day.

"Oh I can´t believe it that was Jacob Roberts sitting out there" Tess screamed out in the changing rooms.
"I know, what´s he doing here"? Pam Troy asked as she pulled her uniform over her head.
Isabel glanced over to Liz, and how she was blushing.
"Actually Jacob came over to meet Liz, he´s going to watch our practice".
"Isabel" the muscles tightened in Liz´s face.
"Wow Liz, you and Jacob Roberts, he´s such a hottie, you go girl" Pam smiled over to her.
"What I would do to be in your shoes" Tess giggled as she pulled her hair into a pony-tail.
"Yeah Liz if it doesn´t work out between you and Jacob can you give me his phone number" Maria nudged Tess.
"What about Michael"? Liz raised an eyebrow at her.
"What´s stopping a girl from trying" Maria shrugged her shoulders.

This practice had gone alot better than Sundays training, Max thought as he pulled up from his run, leaning his hands on his knees.
Looking over to where the cheer-leaders had been practicing Max knew Liz would be over there.
"Ouch" the ball hit Max on the head. "What the fuck"? Max cursed looking at whoever had just thrown him the door.
"Keep you eye on the ball Evans" Coach Johnstone yelled at him.
"And watch your mouth, no cursing on my team".
Max grabbed the ball the jogged over the the rest of his team mates.
"OK now we´re going to practice the 20, 244, 21 move, get in your positions". The coach yelled at them.
Max positioned himself ready for the next move, glancing over to the cheerleaders again, then he spotted Liz, but now she was walking over to a guy, it was Jacob Roberts, then he watched as Liz ran over to Jacob and he kissed Liz.
"Oh fuck" Max winced in pain, as the ball hit him on the head again.
"Evans how many times do I have to tell you to keep your eyes on the ball! And what did I say to you about cursing! No get back into position".


That´s me for now, hope you´s liked that post

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:54 am
by Maia
Hi everyone, once again thanks for the fb,

I´m going to be following this plot line for awhile longer before things change again.

Extingman, after the bathroom scene, Isabel left him to sulk there, because he wouldn´t let her in.

The aftermath of the date will be explained in another part.

Part 11

"No Evans, no! Whats with you lately" coach Johnstone yelled in Max´s face. "I have the biggest game of the season coming up Friday, and my star quarterback can´t get his game together".
Max lowered his head down.
"Max you have to get your game back on the ball. Now hit the showers everyone", the ranting coach yelled to the boys.
Running up to Max, Kyle walked beside him.
"Shit Max your games really off at the moment", Kyle sympathised.
"I know" Max replied glancing over to where he had seen Liz with Jacob earlier.
Not seeing them, Max and Kyle walked in silence to the changing room, Max looked over to the car park, seeing Liz holding Jacobs hand.
"That fucking shit" he took off in a sprint.
"Hey Max, Max", Kyle yelled out to him as he watche where Max runaway.
"Oh I don´t like the looks of this" Kyle ran after him.

On reaching Liz and Jacob, Max swung him around.
"You fucking shit" he balled his hand in a fist, as Jacob by shear force released Liz´s hand.
"Thump"! Jacob lost his balance as Max´s fist connected with his jaw.
"You fucking shit", Max was already hovering over Jacob, pulling him up by his collar.
"Max leave him alone" Liz pulled onto Max´s sleeve, but she flew backwards as Max pulled Jacob to his feet.
By now Jacobs instincts were on alert as he stood up, he went to swing at Max, the punch connected and the two began sparring against each other.
"Hey Max" Kyle tried to pull him away, but Max ducked and he ended up being hit by Jacob.
"What the hell"? Isabel looked up as she went to open the car door. Seeing Max and Jacob fighting, she dropped her things, running to the fight scene.
"Max stop it" Liz called as she watched Jacob and Max fight, no sooner had Max wanted to hit Jacob again when strong arms surrounded him, pulling him away.
"Evans what the hell are you doing"? Coach Johnstone asked in anger.
Pushing Max against a car, he pointed a warning finger at him.
"You keep your butt there".

"Jacob your bleeding" Liz guided him over to lean against a car. "Let me wipe the blood away" she put a tissue up to his cut lip.
"What the hell is his problem"? A ruffled up Jacob asked.
Looking over at Max, she simply nodded her head.
"I have no idea Jacob".
Once things had calmed down, Coach Johnstone made it his business to ask what had happened.
With neither Jacob or Max daring to tell the truth, Coach Johnstone, said that he would ring up Dianne, then he banned Max from playing any games for the next 2 weeks.
Since Jacob wasn´t a student at Roswell West, Coach Johnstone took his telephone number down, and warned Jacob never to enter the school grounds ever again.
As Max saw Liz and Jacob drive away together, Max dropped his head knowing he had messed up everything completely.

Hearing the front door close, Dianne and Jeff waited until they saw Max walk passed the entrance to the lounge.
"Max, can you come in here. Your Mom and I want to talk to you". Jeff said sternly.
Max dropped his bag to the floor, pushing his hands into his pocket, he knew he was in big trouble when he saw the expressions on their faces.
"Yeah what did you´s want to talk to me about" his voice sounded strangely calm.
"Max, I just got a call from Coach Johnstone" Max shifted his weight from one foot to another, anticipating the repurcussions.
"He told me that today after your football training he had to break up a fight between you and another student. Is that true Max"? She sounded so deathly intimidating.
"Yeah it´s true", Max´s dropped his head to the floor.
"So why were you´s fighting then"? She asked unamused.
"I got I hit him" Max´s head hung dejectedly.
"You look at me, when you talk to me" Dianne reprimanded.
"What else do you want me to do"? Max snapped at her.
"Don´t talk to your Mother like that Max" Jeff spoke up.
"Your not my father you have no right telling me what to do" he shouted as the situation began to lose control.
"Max, I won´t listen to you talk to Jeffrey like that" Dianne pointed her finger at him.
"Why don´t you´s all just leave me alone, what the fuck do you´s care when it comes to me" Max´s emotions were so overwhelmed he really had no idea what he was saying to either of them.
"What are you on about Max"? Dianne looked confused at him. Hadn´t they provided him with everything he needed? She questioned herself.
"Why don´t you´s just leave me alone" the pented up anger rung out in his voice.
Then feeling his demeanor go down, he turned on his feet and ran out the door.
"Jeff, what just happened there"? Diannes concerned looked covered her face.
"I have no idea, but I´ll go after him. I talk to him man to man, and see what he has to say about today"
"Please Jeffrey don´t be to hard" Dianne began regretting what she had said to her son.
"Dianne, the boy has to learn sooner or later that there are things in life that he can´t do, and one of those things is that if he is angry with someone, he cannot go around hitting them". Kissing Dianne Jeff then said. "hopefully I won´t be to long", then he hurried out of the door.

still typing

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:33 am
by Maia
Once outside Jeff saw Max´s jeep still parked up. He ran to the sidewalk determining which direction Max had ran in.
In the distance the figure belonging to his step-son could be seen going around the corner.
Jeff followed in a rush, concluding that Max was going to walk through the park on Masons Drive.
Hurrying his step, Jeff turned the corner to see Max walk through the entrance of the park, so he began to run knowing that he had to find out what the matter was with him.
As Jeff neared Max, he called out to him.
"Max, stop! Max just stop would you".
Max walked faster, hearing Jeff call from behind, at the moment Max had no idea what he would say to the man if he caught up to him.
But as Max heard the pounding on the sidewalk he turned to face Jeff instead.
"What do you want? A fury covered Max´s brow.
"Max I just want to talk to you" Jeff precautioned himself to be careful with Max especially since he had no way to know how Max would react to his following him.
"Max, I don´t know what´s gotten into you over the last couple of days. This is totally out of character for you to go around hitting people" Jeff moved closer to Max, placing a strong hand on his shoulder. "Is there something you want to tell me son".
Max could see the sincerity in Jeffs eyes, but was speechless.

"Please Max, your Moms been worried, don´t think she hasn´t noticed how you haven´t been eating properly, she also knows that you haven´t been sleeping well". Jeff looked at his turn down head.
"If your in some sort of troube then, I can help you Max, is that it, your in trouble or something"? Jeff softened his voice.
"No I´m not in trouble" Max answered solemnly.
"Then what is it Max"?

Speaking in a hushed tone Max´s hand began to twitch in anxiety.
"She did something to me"
Jeff barely heard the quiet whisper that came from Max´s mouth, but he was certain he had heard the words properly.
"Who did something to you? Tell me about it Max".
Somehow Jeffs tone soothed Max he spoke on.
"Tracy she did something to me"
"Max your talking cryptic to me, you have to tell me the whole story". Jeff could see the shivers that ran through Max´s body, whatever this Tracy had done to him, it had more that effected him.
"She put something in my drink. After that I can´t remember anymore....when I woke up she was lying on top of me, my clothes were....".
"But Max didn´t have to finish his sentence for Jeff to realise what had happened to Max.
"Max, I´m sorry son, that I couldn´t to anything to help you." he said as he pulled Max into his arms.
Jeff guided Max over to a bench putting his arm around as the boy wimpered in his arms.
As they sat in silence Jeff in all his life had never thought that Max had been living through this sort of ordeal.
Wiping at his eyes, Jeff then asked. "When did this happen"?
"Friday night" he sniffed his nose.
"Why didn´t you tell me or your Mom about it"?
"Because I knew no one would believe me".
"What makes you think that"? Jeff patted Max supportively on his shoulder.
"You don´t understand" Max gathered his thoughts together catching Jeff in the eyes.
"What don´t I understand"? Jeff ventured on.
"I´m not that little boy Mom thinks I am. I have a reputation" he grimaced wondering if he really wanted to share anymore info.
"What kind of reputation"? Jeff had an idea where this was going to, but he needed to hear it from Max himself.
"Well lets say.....I get around, you know with the ladies" this was definately not the kind of conversation Max had envisioned to have after todays football practice.
"I know what that´s like, I was young too" he grinned, pleased that Max was opening up.
"So after Friday night I knew that no one would believe what had happened to me" he became lost staring at the ground in front of him.
"Max, I would have believed you. I know you Max, and your not the type of person who would go around saying those sort of things unless they were true"
"Really"? Max turned to Jeff, surprise at his submission.
"Really Max. I have known you for 10 years now, I have watched you grow up, I have helped raise you, your like the son I never had".
Max was taken back by his words.
"Jeff" Max said timidly.
"What is it son"?
"Can you not tell my Mom"?
"Max, I can´t do that, I have never kept anything from your Mom before, I´m not about to start".
Max knew it was unreasonable to expect Jeff to listen to him.
"Well then, you can tell her, but I don´t want to be there when you tell her". He sat up straight. "I just can´t see the look on her face when she finds out".
"I understand, c´mon why don´t we go home then. Leave everything to me."
Max stood trusting that Jeff would be there for him.

still typing

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 7:34 am
by Maia
Following Max inside the house, Jeff turned to him.
"Why don´t you go up and have a shower, just trust me OK"?
Max nodded, he was still wearing his training gear, but right now he couldn´t face his Mom.
"Go Max, I´ll take care of everything, after your´ve had a shower, why don´t you go and have a rest. I´ll call you when dinners ready".
Silently Max, walked depressingly up the stairs.
Jeff walked into the lounge almost running into Liz.
"Where´s he going to"? She demanded to know.
"Lizzie, I don´t want you saying anything to Max you may regret, now I want to talk to you, Isabel and Dianne".
"Is everything alright Jeff"? Dianne asked wearily.
"I don´t want to talk to anyone until Isabel is here. Where is she"? Jeff poked his head around the corner trying to see if she was in the kitchen.
"I´ll call her, I think she´s with Maria" Dianne offered. When she went to use the phone, Liz confronted her Father again.
"Dad, didn´t you hear what Max did to my boyfriend"? Liz said.
"I didn´t know you had a boyfriend Lizzie, I´ll talk to you about that afterwards" Jeff warned her that he was going to warn her about boys.
"Dad"! She said aghast.
Hanging the phone up, Dianne turned to them both.
"She said she would be home in another 15 minutes".
"Good then, and until then I don´t want anyone saying anything to Max".
Liz stomped off to the kitchen upset that it looked liked Max was getting away with everything.

About 20 minutes later, Liz moved back into the lounge when she heard Isabels voice.
Sitting on the couch, she pulled her legs up into her chest.
"Mom, Jeff what is this all about"?
Dianne gave her a confused look too, knowing as much as she did.
"Ask Jeff, I know nothing about this" she replied.
"Isabel I want you to take a seat, I have something to say". Ushering her to a seat Isabel sat down.
Jeff began to talk.
"On Friday night, something terrible happened to Max"
"Dad do I really have to listen to this", Liz stood as she thought to herself, yeah he got laid.
"Yes Liz your going to listen to this, now sit down" he was slowly losing his patience with her.
"Jeff what are you talking about"? A concerned Dianne asked.
"Lets just say, that at the moment, I am the only person that he has entrusted to tell...but one thing is for sure. It really messed him up".
"Jeffrey you have to tell me, I´m his Mother" she clasped her hand over her mouth.
"I will tell you, but not now". Jeff soothed her as he took her hand and kissed it.

Isabel rolled her eyes at the show of affection between Jeff and her Mom.
"But until Max is ready to share this with anyone, I do not want anyone in this house troubling him. He has enough to deal with at the moment. But I´ll say this once and only once, and this applies especially to Isabel and Liz. If any of you so much as upsets Max, you will have me to deal with"
"But that´s not fair Dad. You come home, and tell us we´re not allowed to upset Max, and yet he punched my boyfriend for no apparent reason".
"I know that Liz, and Max will apologise to your boyfriend about what happened today. But at the moment I want you girls to cut him some slack. Like I said, at the moment Max is dealing with alot of things, and I want you´s two to be as civil as yous can to him. Do I make myself clear"? He asked.
"Yes sir" Isabel and Liz chorused together.
"I said do I make myself clear"?
"Yes, so can I go now"? Isabel asked sarcastically.
"Yes you´s can all go now" Jeff knew he was asking alot from everyone.

Once both girls were gone, Dianne pulled Jeff by the hand into the kitchen.
"Now you tell me now what is going on with my son" she whispered looking into the lounge incase one of the kids walked in.
"Dianne, Honey I think you need to take a seat".
Leading Dianne to the seat, he pulled a chair out for her to sit in.

Liz stormed upstairs, passing the bathroom door, she heard the shower water running.
She thought twice about knocking on the door, to have it out with Max, as her memory went back to a time earlier, a few weeks ago, when she had walked in to find a naked Max.
Gulping she stepped back and went to her bedroom.
Slamming the door, she dialled the phone to talk to Jacob.
She had been talking to him for a little over an hour when a knock was heard at her door.
"Come in" she called out, seeing her Dad enter the room she said to Jacob. "Hey I think my Dad wants to talk to me, I´ll see you tomorrow then".
"Yeah good then". He sighed.
They farewelled each other, and Liz sat up properly on her bed.
"Dad you wanted to talk to me"? She patted a spot on her bed for him to sit down.
"Thanks" he sat at her feet.
Looking at the wall or the books on her desk, Liz looked everywhere but at her Dad.
"Ummm, so what did you want to talk to me about"? She flushed.
"Lizzie I know your a big girl now, and you may not think this is none of my business. But I didn´t know you had a boyfriend. Why didn´t you think to invite around home? How come neither Dianne or myself have met this boy yet"? Jeffs curiousity was starting to get the better of him.

"I only met him on Saturday Dad, and well we´re not really a couple yet, we´re really just starting to get to know each other" she admitted.
"Oh that sounds like a good idea" Jeff wondered what she meant by getting to know each other.
"I barely know Jacob, but he seems like a really nice guy. I just want to be sure that if I´m ready to commit myself to a relationship that Jacob is the right one".
Jeff secretly sighed inside, good she wasn´t really involved with him yet.
"As long as you know what your doing"? Jeff replied.
"Well I just want to be precautious before I commit myself" Liz went on.
"That sounds sensible" he agreed.
"I have too Dad. I´ve already had bad experiences in relationships" her thoughts went to Max.
"As long as he treats you right" Jeff stood seeing the obvious hurt in her eyes, sensing she was deep in thought.
"Yeah" Liz whispered.
"Then I´ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Liz why don´t you ask your friend around for dinner sometime" he offered.
"Thanks Dad". She smiled as her Dad exited her room.

After what Jeff had told her, Dianne had broken down. She couldn´t believe that anyone could have done that to her baby.
Leading Dianne upstairs to their bedroom. Jeff waited until she had showered then fallen asleep on the bed before he quietly left the room.
But waking up, Dianne reached for the lamp switch to see the time.
It was going onto 11.30pm, Jeff was snoring away peacefully in a deep sleep beside her.
Being careful not to wake Jeff, she slipped off from the bed. When Jeff had told her the news, she knew she was to much of a mess to talk to Max.
But doing the only thing she could next she walked quietly down the hallway, cautiously opening the door to Max´s bedroom.
Dianne watched as he slept restlessly, so moving inside she sat next to his sleeping form.
After watching him for awhile she couldn´t help but sweep her hand through his hair.
Startled Max sat up awoken from his slumber.
"Baby it´s me" Dianne watched the horror that had reached the back of his eyes.
"Mom" Max´s eyes brimmed with tears.
Surrounding him with her arms, she felt the tremors coursing through his body.
"Baby, why didn´t you tell me"? She cried feeling his head lean on his shoulder.
But he couldn´t answer her as he sobbed.
Dianne pulled him tighter to her.
"It´s alright Baby, Momma´s here" she rocked him in her arms.
"I´m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again".

Leaning against the hallway wall, Liz stood there motionless.
She had heard Max´s door open and thinking it was him, she went to talk to him determined to give him a piece of her mind.
But the obvious emotion in Diannes voice, and the sobbing she had heard emit from Max, left her stunned.
Liz knew there was something wrong with Max.
Why else had Dianne said what Liz had heard.
But as the memory of there argument on Saturday morning entered her mind, Liz questioned how much of what Max had said to her was true?
What was Max really hiding?
Hearing Diannes voice again, broke Liz from her thoughts.
Going back to her room, Liz knew that tomorrow she was going to talk to Max, but this time she was going to get the truth out of him.


I´ll see how I feel later, but if possible I´ll update again.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:11 am
by Maia
Hi everyone, thanks again for the fb!

I was pretty sure that everyones been hanging out for Max to reveal what had happened, funnily enough the opened up to Jeff. Also I recieved one question as to whether Liz and Isabel are friends? They are, and Isabels attitude had more to do with Max, and what he had supposedly done.

VeronicB, I noticed your fb on pg 14, I posted another part after your post, so you might want to catch up on that part first.

Abbs Buddy, didn´t mean to make you cry. I wasn´t trying to bring you to tears.

Thanks, Maia

Part 12

Entering the kitchen, Max raised her head as Liz walked in. Liz noticed how the red puffiness under her eyes, knowing what happened last night, she calmly greeted him.
"Morning Max", she even managed a smile.
Suddenly losing his appetite, he stood ignoring her.
"Look Max" she hesitated. "I wanted to talk to you".
"If this is about what happened yesterday to Jacob, I´m going to apologise to him". He passed her, placing his cereal bowl on the counter.
"No, I don´t want to talk to you about yesterday" Liz replied.
"Well what ever it is, can it wait. I´m late". He glanced at her.
"Yeah sure, whatever you say". The last thing she needed was to push him. And if Max wasn´t ready to talk to her about whatever was bugging him, she would be content and wait.
"I´ll see you at school" Max´s face remained emotionless, as he slung his back pack over his shoulder.
"See you at school then". Liz ignored his saddened demeanor, as she watched his back as he left.

After finishing breakfast, Liz went to her bedroom. Dialling Jacobs she listening to the tone until someone answered.
"Hello" she heard Jacobs voice.
"Hi Jacob it´s me" she smiled into the phone.
"Hey Liz, I wasn´t expecting to hear from you until after school". He said surprised that she had rung.
"Yeah well that´s what I wanted to talk to you about. Jacob somethings turned up, and I won´t be able to make it this afternoon".
Hiding his disappointment he asked. "It´s nothing serious is it"?
"Well it is actually" she sighed. "It´s a family thing".
"Oh, I understand" Jacob answered.
"But when I can, I´ll give you a call" she reassured him.
"If there´s anything I can do"? Jacob offered.
"No, really. I have to do this myself". Liz couldn´t tell Jacob, even if Max did tell her the truth.
"So I´ll wait for you to call then" he hoped that he didn´t sound to eagar.
"Yeah, I´ll call you" she noticed the time on her clock. "Jacob I have to go now or I´m going to be late".
"OK, I´ll see you another time".
They then farwelled each other, and Liz hung the phone up.
Taking a deep breath, she only hoped that Max wouldn´t push her away when she confronted him.

Liz´s day at school had been quite hectic, she had a pop quiz in first period, then in second period she had been given an assignment in English, she had seen Max all day and wondered if he was avoiding her.
When lunch-time came, she was becoming worried about him, and set out to search for him.
Finding him, she couldn´t believe he was the same guy that she had heard that morning crying on his Moms shoulder. He was sitting with his football buddies and seemed as if he didn´t have a care in the world.
But looks were decieving, and determined to find if whatever was bothering him had anything to do with why he broke up with her.
Approaching the table, Liz felt Max´s eyes watching her.
Catching a glimpse of his amber pools, Liz tried to look away, but there was always something about his eyes that Liz couldn´t control- the way he could pull her into his soul like she was the only person in the world.
Shaking the feeling off, she walked to him unconsciously being drawn to him like a magnet.
"Liz" his face become detached.
"Max, I was just wondering if I could talk to you"? Why did she feel like melting in his presence.
"It´s personal, will you talk to me or not"?
"Oh playing the role as big brother now" Alex slapped him on the back, him and the other oblivious to the chemistry between Max and Liz.
"When"? Max kept his attention focused on Liz.
"How about after school, I can meet you in the carpark" she suggested.
Max was unsure why Liz all of a sudden wanted to talk to him and still hadn´t responded to her.
"That´s if it´s OK with you"? This was harder than she thought.
Giving him the option to decide for himself, he agreed.
"OK after school in the carpark".
"See you then".
"Yeah see you then".
As she walked away, Max listened to the guys laughing over something Alex had said, still with some apprehension at meeting Liz.

still typing

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:33 am
by Maia
As agreed, after school Liz waited for Max by the jeep. School had been let out 15 minutes ago, she was about to leave, thinking that he wouldn´t show, when Max finally stepped out of the door leaving the building.

Nearing she clutched onto her books tigher.
"I thought you weren´t going to turn up".
Not replying he shrugged his shoulders and jumped in his jeep.
"Are you going to get in or not"? He asked Liz, starting the engine.
She moved into the jeep, before Max drove away.
"So where do you wanna go"? He asked.
"Ummm, I was thinking we could go to that place you took me out in the desert" she looked over to him.
"Liz do we really need to go there"? His face muscles tightened remembering what had happened last time they went out there alone.
"Max, I just don´t want any interuptions when we talk" she knew there were certain things to say and they definately didn´t need an audience.
"Whatever" he changed gear, driving faster.

They had been driving for 10 minutes now, and since deciding where to go, an uncomfortable silence had fallen over them.
Liz watched the scenes of the desert pass her, hoping they would get there soon.
Some time later slowing the jeep down, Max pulled off of the road, continuing the rest of the journey over the dusty desert.
As the jeep approached the cluster of rocks, Liz was greatful they were almost there.

Parking up, Max hopped out of the Jeep, leaning against the bonnet of his vehicle.
Liz followed him, standing across from him.
Peering up into the sky Max then asked.
"So what was so important that we had to come out here to talk" his eyes finally reaching her face.
"Max, I don´t know where to start" she admitted nervously.
"If that´s all you have to say to me now, get back in the jeep. I´m not going to stand here all day" he went to leave.
"Max no" she held onto his arm. "Please I have to talk to you". Liz just felt like falling into his warm arms, the same arms that....
"Then start" his voice become harsh as he become impatient.
Her heart dropped, "Max I know theres something troubling you, why can´t you tell me about it"? She hadn´t meant to sound deseperate, but at the moment her emotions were betraying her.
"What do you know Liz"? Max wearily asked.
"I know nothing, all I know is that I heard you last night crying in your Moms arms"
She saw the fire extinguish in his soft amber eyes.
"I´m not going to get into this with you" he turned from her, fighting the tears that were about to pour from his eyes.
"Max please" she pleaded holding onto his arm again. "Don´t push me away, please. I couldn´t live with that again". She wiped at a tear that had trickled down her cheek.
He heard the emotion in her voice, and for a moment he wanted to tell her, but he couldn´t.
"Liz whatever you heard last night is something between my Mom and myself, you had no right eavesdropping on our conversation". He turned to her the anger obvious in his voice.
"That´s the thing, it wasn´t a conversation, in fact I didn´t hear you say a word because you were crying Max, crying". The tears were falling now, this is not how she had thought things would work out today.
"Please Max, I can´t believe that you don´t want to be with me anymore, I can´t believe that after what we shared with each other that I don´t mean anything to you anymore".
Max was defeated, he couldn´t bear to see her cry, and to know that he was the one who put her in that state, he calmed his voice.
"Liz I can´t tell you what happened"? His eyes softened.
"Why not"? she begged to know.
"You won´t understand" Max slumped to the desert ground, placing his elbows on his crouched up knees.
Liz lowered herself to his side, entangling her fingers in his soft hair.
"Please Max, let me try". She whispered so faintly.
Max dared to look into her face, into her eyes. He felt her hand gently sweeping through his hair.
She persisted, seeing the unaccustomed hurt in his eyes.

Knowing he couldn´t hold back anymore he pulled her into his arms, and letting down his walls he cried in her arms.
Her heart tightened, kneeling before him the shivers that vibrated from his body, she was lost.
"It´s OK Max, I´m here", she leaned her head upon his head, her hand comforting him as she stroked her hand through his hair.
Her other arm, pulling him closer into her body.
"Liz" he managed to blurt out, he was in so much pain, but it felt good to be in her arms again.
"Max, let it out" she coaxed him on, knowing he was letting his pain out to her, his arms tightened around her, she leaned into him more.
As time passed and Max´s sobs began to reside, she tenderly placed her hands on the side of his face.
Seeing the tears that should have never belonged in those eyes, she gently wiped them away with her thumbs.
Leaning forward she closed her eyes as her mouth searched the soft skin of his face, her lips lingered there for a short second, before she drew back.
"Liz she did something to me" he choked out, wiping at his eyes with his hand, his mind was so confused his eyes bewildered.
For a moment Liz was scared for him, what did he mean?
Liz thought she was going to fold in, fearing the worst, but Liz knew she had to be strong for him.
"Max, what are you trying to tell me? What do you mean"?
She felt him pull away from her, so she held firmly onto his arms.
"Tracy she did something to me"?
Liz couldn´t get over the fear in his eyes.
"Tracy who, what did she do to you"? her voice sounded even calm to herself.
"On Friday night at the party, she put something in my drink.
The next thing I know, I woke up and she was lying on top of me" his eyes begged her for understanding. "She was on top of me, my jeans were undone...." he shivered, Liz felt the tremors, holding onto him she began to cry, auessing what had happened.
"Max I´m so sorry, I didn´t know". Her forehead leaned against his.
"I know" his voice crumbled before the next onslaught of tears come on.
When she thought her own tears were finally spend, she held his face in her hands.
"Why didn´t you tell me"? Liz asked in pain.
"I couldn´t tell anyone" he breath stuttered. "I didn´t think anyone would believe me".
Sniffling she said, "We´re get through this together, I´m here for you".
Max held onto her like she was the last thread of his life, sinking into her arms, his eyes closed as his head leaned against her chest, he could feel her heart beat against his ear.
"We´ll get through this Max, believe me" she kissed the top of his head.
"Believe me".
"I do" he replied feeling safe in her arms.
Liz knew there were alot more questions that she had to ask, but for the moment, knowing what this Tracy had done to Max, she let him continue to cry.
Not wanting Max to relive the horrid pains of Friday night again, she would give him more time, until he was able to answer all her questions. Then maybe time would heal not only Max´s obvious pain, but her own pain as well.

still typing

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 6:14 am
by Maia
It was later that evening before Max and Liz returned home.
After telling Liz the truth, he was in no state of mind to drive, so Liz drove the jeep back.
Parking the jeep up, Max sat still on his seat.
"Max stay there", going to the passenger side Liz held onto his arm.
"We have to go inside sometime, your Mom and Jeff most be going crazy with worry".
Max looked to her impassively, then allowing her, she guilded him out of the jeep.
Holding onto to arm, Liz lead him to the door, they had barely reached the steps when the door swung wide open, and a more than worried Jeff and Dianne stood there.
"Max, Liz where have you´s been? Jeff and I were sick with worry".
Liz held onto Max´s arm tighter.
"We went out to the desert", she paused.
Both parents looked at there childerens faces, there tear streaks were obvious, but before any of them could say anything Liz spoke up, looking over to Max for his agreement.
"He told me what happened"?
Dianne went to Max´s side. "Honey I´m so sorry" and she lead Max and Liz inside.
Closing the door behind them Jeff spoke to Max.
"Why don´t you go upstairs and have a shower, I´ll send Liz up to call you once dinners ready".
Max nodded with his head still facing the floor.
"It will be alright now Max, I´ll come and get you later" Liz released his arm reluctantly.
They all waited until Max had gone upstairs.
"I think we better talk alone while he´s upstairs". Jeff suggested.
Going into the lounge, Liz prepared herself for the talk.
Once seated Jeff asked.
"What did he tell you? Dianne and I want to know who this girl Tracy is"?
Knowing that they all had alot to deal with before Max could put this behind her Liz answered.
"He didn´t tell me her surname, only that it was at the party on Friday night".
"If I only knew who she was" Dianne let exasperated tone. "I would...", she began crying feeling helpless about the whole ordeal.
Just then Isabel came through the door, coming into the lounge she saw her Mom on the coach crying.
"Mom, why are you crying? What´s the matter with everyone here" she looked at the meloncholy expressions on everyones face.
"Isabel I think you better take a seat" Jeff said regretting what he would have to tell her next.

"I´m going to kill the bitch" Isabel spat, as she stood in horror. "Where´s Max now, why didn´t anyone tell me this earlier"? Isabel held onto what little control she had.
"Honey please keep your voice down, your brothers upstairs".
"I wanna know who this bitch it"? Isabel angrily said.
"Isabel we all want to know who this girl is, but striking out at her, is not going to help Max". Jeff could see the frustration on Isabels face.
"Besides Isabel, Max hasn´t told anyone who this Tracy is yet, until he feels ready to give names, we may be waiting for a long time". Dianne wished she could just get to the bottom of this.
Sitting down, Isabel mind went over all the Tracys they knew seeing if she could come up with some name, while the others talked in hushed tones.
As she tuned into the discussion again, Isabel waited until she could have her word.
"I´ve been thinking and the only Tracys I can think of that run around in the same circles as Max are Tracy Knowles and Tracy Hill, but I can´t see Tracy Knowles being the one, she´s not the type".
"Before we jump to any conclusions, I had a talk to Jim Valenti today, and he said that because Max didn´t report this straight away, we may come up with some more problems even if Max does admit who it was".
"Well I reckon it was Tracy Hill, that little slut has been after Max for as long as I can remember". Isabel abruptly stood up.
"But you girls have to promise us, that until it can be proved who it was, that none of you´s will do anything rash". Jeff warned them.
"But Jeff..." she went to debate.
"No Isabel you´s both have to promise us, for Max´s sake" he replied urging the seriousness of the situation.
"Isabel, Liz". He looked between the two girls.
"From my part, I won´t do anything yet, for Max´s sake. My only concern now is that we help him get passed this". Liz resigned her thoughts.
"For now I won´t do anything" Isabel said. "But don´t think I´m going to do nothing if I find out it was her".
"Isabel please" Dianne scolded her.

"Well if that´s the co-operation we are going to get from you´s for now, then I think we better just try to take one day at a time".
As Max sat quietly on the stairs listening he wondered too where everything would go from here.
Before anyone discovered he was sitting there, Max stood up walking quietly back to his bedroom.


I have to end this here for now. Thanks for reading.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 9:29 am
by Maia
Hi everyone

from the sounds of most of the fb that I have recieved over the last couple of days everyone is sympathesing with Max, which is understandable considering the circumstances.

Thanks for the fb everyone has sent me so far. I really appreciate it.


Part 13

As she lay in bed, Liz thought over the revelations of todays events.
Her heart really sympathesed for Max. No one should ever have to deal with what he had endured.
Rolling over onto her side, she knew she would find little sleep tonight, to much was going through her mind.
Liz found herself standing at a cross-road.
And admittedly she had no idea what to do.

Before Friday night, she had almost convinced herself that she was falling for Max, despite there relationship to one another.
Although questions of doubt had entered her mind when she first realised how attracted she really was to Max, he was able to make her believe that they did have a future together.

She had believed in him, so much so, that she had even considered sleeping with him. Something she had never done with anyone before.
But after Friday night, all her hopes of finding love had been destroyed.

Then after meeting Jacob, Liz had convinced herself that maybe all that she and Max ever had was an attraction to one another, and the only reason they had drifted together was because of the taboo of their relationship.

After a few meetings with Jacob, Liz had began to enjoy being with another boys company other than Max´s.
What she had liked most about Jacob was that if she ever ventured into a relationship with him, there would be no pressures of hiding their true feelings with one another, something she had had to do with Max from the first day.

Liz´s anger towards Max had spurred her even to the point where the very sight of him would make her wonder why she had even become involved with him in the first place.

But now with Max´s admission to what really happened on Friday night, had been something that Liz was not prepared for.
And thus shedding a new light on her situation.

She really liked Jacob. He was everything a girl wanted in a boyfriend.
Kind, considerate, funny and caring.
And although Liz longed for all these things, there things that Max had that she had never experienced with any boy before.
He was passionate.
In simple terms, Max was able to make Liz feel like she was on fire, whenever she was in his presence.
Max displayed a side of sensuality, way beyond his years.

Although Liz had not technically slept with a boy before, she had experimented.
The results were mostly disappointing, because when she had envisioned such an experience, she had expected the moment to be tender, something special and not the grabbing and clutching that she had endured.

Liz sighed, frustrated, not knowing what to do.

With Jacob, Liz would have security, something that Max was not in a position to give her at the moment.
With Jacob, he was stable, something that Max was not.

Max was, unbelievable, she thought a rue smile covering her face.

He was daring, so daring that he had came onto Liz, standing naked in their parents house.
He was unpredictable, Liz remembered how he had backed her up against the bathroom door, even though he knew his sister was downstairs.

Liz blushed as her thoughts consumed her.

If Liz continued to persue her relationship with Jacob would she being using him? She didn´t know. Would it be worth becoming involved with him. Perhaps so.
But in the end, there was something that still bothered her about Jacob.

Jacob was not Max.
No one could ever compare to Max.
Liz mused knowing what she would have to do now.
She would risk everything to be with Max.

Life with Max would never be normal. But then what was so great about


Sorry about this part, I couldn´t concentrate on it fully. Hope you´s enjoyed it anyway.