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Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.10 12/26/11

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:09 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 10

"Liz?" she heard a male voice call her name.

"Alex?" she inquired, afraid to hope.

"Yes it's me. Are you ok?" he said, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh Alex" she said, throwing her arms around him.

Everyone else in the room looked to each other for an explanation.

"Liz what happened, are you hurt?" He asked looking at everyone in the room with the same look of confusion.

"I couldn't find you, I thought you were gone" she cried.

"No, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," Alex insisted.

Alex held Liz for a few seconds more before she pulled back to look at him and gave him a bright smile when she realized he was really there.

"Liz," asked Max. His voice brought her back to the present and she realized where she was and her reason for being there. She touched Alex face one more time before stepping away from him and going to hold Max's hand.

"Liz what's going on" questioned Maria. "Is this about Future Max?"

"Yes and No," she replied.

"What the hell are you two yapping about" yelled Michael, feeling lost.

Liz told everyone the story about Future Max with help from Max and Maria.

"How come we didn't know about this sooner Maxwell? You're always keeping shit from us, and how the hell did Maria find out?"

"Michael," Liz admonished "He didn't know, I just told him last night. And I told Maria because she got upset when she thought I slept with Kyle and I needed someone to talk to so I told her the truth."

"So you tell Maria but not us" He yelled grabbing her arm "Who the hell do you think you are keeping these things from us."

Max pulled Liz behind him and came face to face with Michael. His jaw clenched and his fist tightened. "Stop yelling at her and you better not grab her like that again," he said between clenched teeth. All he could think about was how broken she looked on his floor last night and he wanted to kill Michael for even touching her.

Michael saw the menacing look in Max's eyes and backed off, knowing he was out of line.

"So why are you telling us now, what's changed?" asked Isabel.

"I thought that as long as you had Tess if she were with Max, she could help you defeat the enemy but future Max didn't know that Tess was a traitor. So his plan doesn't apply anymore."


"I said…"

"I heard what you said," Isabel cut her off. "Liz I know you don't like Tess but that doesn't mean she's the enemy," Isabel argued.

"Oh please like I just woke up one day and decided I didn't like her. All she's done since she came here is cause problems."

"Oh get over it Liz, so she wants your boyfriend, it isn't the end of the world…" Isabel ended abruptly when she realized what she said.

"Isabel," Max shouted

"Liz I'm..."

"Stop apologizing," Liz said in a deadly calm voice. "Look Isabel, I didn't come here to argue with you, I don't care what you think of me. You've made it absolutely clear that you have no interests in getting to know me, so why don't we just stop with all this phoniness once and for all. I'm in love with Max, so we'll work together when the alien abyss requires us to but otherwise you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

Isabel could only open her mouth in shock after Liz's outburst.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.11 12/27/11

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:49 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 11

"Look," Liz sighed. "I know you think she's your friend because she's a hybrid like you, but I'm telling you it's all an act. Nasadoe made a deal with Kivar for Tess to get pregnant with Max's son. He wants the heir and for her to bring you guys, the rest of the royal four back to Antar to be executed. And she's more than happy to go along with it. So you see, 'your friend' was going to bring you to your death just so she could sit on a stupid throne next to some narcissistic imbecile and play queen, and deliver your nephew to him so he can treat him like a puppet."

"What are you talking about; we don't even have a way home. And how do you even know all this."

"I was getting there" Liz snapped, more than annoyed with Isabel's interruptions.

"Tess is going to use Alex to translate the book. We were all going to think he's in Sweden but the whole time he was going to be in a dorm room in Las Cruces so he could use the quantum computer to decode the book. She mind warps him till there's nothing left of his brain to mind warp, and when he breaks out of the mind warp she kills him. So you see we have to stop all that from happening."

Everyone in the room fell in complete silence as they realized the reason for Liz's breakdown earlier when she thought Alex hadn't made an appearance at the meeting.

"Liz, did future me tell you all this?"

"What? No. I had a premonition."

"Babe, since when do you have premonitions?" asked Maria

"The other night I had a really horrible dream and when I woke up I realized that everything that happened in my dream started happening in real life. So I figured if all the insignificant stuff is happening than it means everything I dreamed about is going to come true too, if we don't fix it."

"So what stuff already happened like in your dream?" asked Isabel, dreading where their conversation was going.

"Like Tess telling everyone I had sex with Kyle and basically that I'm a slut. In my dream Vicky Delaney's the one who told me about it and that's what happened yesterday at school. And I felt so sick when I heard it that I ran to the bathroom and threw up, I already knew that the new rumor was going to be that I'm pregnant because someone heard me throwing up in the girl's restroom. And I knew that Max didn't go to school yesterday because in my premonition he was avoiding me too."

"Liz?" Max asked in concern, he didn't know she had such a hard day.

"I'm fine Max" Liz said going into his arms. "I don't care what they say about me, I only care what you think."

"Yeah?" he asked kissing her softly.

"Yup" she insisted smiling against his lips.

She pulled back and grinned up at him when he tried to deepen the kiss.

"I got that premonition for a reason. We need to stop all these bad things from happening. I already changed things by telling Max the truth about Future Max. Because that's when things really started going wrong in my premonition because it brought Tess and Max closer when he I were fighting. And you guys Nasadoe's alive, he isn't dead.

"What," everyone shouted in unison.

"It was a mind warp wasn't it" Michael asked feeling like an idiot.

Liz nodded her head and Maria said "I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted, all that crap about destiny."

"So where's Nasadoe, if he isn't really dead" Isabel asked.

"He's In New York with your dupes."

"Our what," Max wondered out loud.

"Remember Michael said there were eight pods? Well the other four are in New York. Lonnie, Rath, Ava, and Zan."

"Wow" said Isabel in awe. "Do we get to meet them?"

"In my premonition yes we did but it's not good. Rath and Lonnie killed Zan because he didn't want to go to some stupid summit with the other planets in your star system. So after they killed Zan they come here and Max goes with them to the summit and they try to kill him too."

"I don't understand, why would I even go to the summit with them Liz? That doesn't sound like me to just pick up and leave you guys to go off with some strangers."

"Well in my premonition you and I weren't getting along because of the whole Kyle thing, I hadn't told you about Future Max yet. I wanted to be friends but you said you couldn't be friends with me. So you left and you took Tess with you."

"Why didn't I go with Isabel or Michael?"

"Michael said it was a trap and you and Isabel weren't speaking. You had a fight, or at least you thought you did. Lonnie told you something about Isabel and then pretended to be Isabel when you confronted her about it. So you thought you were arguing with Isabel and Michael but it was really Lonnie and Rath. But you didn't know until it was too late."

"So they killed me?"

"No. Isabel helped me project myself to New York and I warned you to move out of the way before it could happen."

"Project yourself? I don't even know how to do that. How I could I help you do it?"

"You tried to dream walk Max to warn him but he was too far away so it wouldn't work and then Ava who is Tess's dupe said I could do it. She's nothing like Tess, she's rough around the edges but she's sweet too. If it weren't for her we wouldn't have been able to save you. I didn't understand how but she said I'm different now because you healed me. So I think astral projection is my power but Isabel had to help me because I had never done it before."

"What do you mean you're different? How is that possible? Can you do everything we can do?"

"I don't know. Nasadoe said your powers were human, just more advanced. My blood is still the same but somehow I have powers. I can't do everything you do. Dream Walking is your specialty, just like Healing is Max's. So I guess Astral Projection is mine."

"But you can see the future as well as astral project so that means you have two powers, we only have one."

"Well I don't know how to explain Isabel and Michael but you have two powers too. Remember your shield."

"Wait how do you know about that?"

"Max she can see the future of course she knows about your shield," Isabel said in annoyance.

"Oh. So what is Nasadoe doing in New York with the dupes?"

"He's trying to get Zan to mate with Tess since Max wont yet. He left Tess here to work on Max while he's working on Zan. He promises him a lift home. Except he's having a hard time because Zan doesn't care about going to some planet he's never been. That's why he doesn't care about the summit. Nasadoe thinks he can pass off Zan's child as the heir but it wouldn't work because he doesn't have the seal, Max does. It proves he's the true king.

"So is Zan good?"

"He's a little conceited and he doesn't trust easily but he's not bad like Lonnie and Rath. He and Ava are good. So we have to warn him when it's time for the summit. But first we have to worry about the harvest."

"What…" Michael asked.

"Remember when Nasadoe warned Max the skins were coming? Well they are. I guess he warned you guys because he needs you alive for his benefit. So anyways, they are skins like Whitaker. There's a whole town full of them in copper summit Arizona. Their husks are dyeing and so they're having a harvest. We need to kill their new husks first and then them that way if a few escape they won't live long because their husks can only survive for so long in this atmosphere. If we were to go to Whitakers office right now we would find a letter from the universal friendship league telling her if she doesn't contact them by a certain date her membership will be cancelled. It just means they will announce her dead. They'll have a funeral and everything.”

"Wait, Courtney's a skin. What about her?"

"We have to help her too. She's not bad, she's just not for king Zan; she thinks Rath should have been king. She's obsessed with Michael.

"I say we kill her" said Maria.

"Maria," Liz admonished.

"What? I was kidding," Maria whispered.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.12 12/28/11

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:13 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 12

"So what do we do?"

"We need a plan," said Max as he rubbed Liz's back.

"I say we go over there and just get rid of them."

"It's not that simple Michael."

"Why the hell not!" he demanded

"Because Michael we don't have room for any mistakes. We need to end this once and for all. That means destroying Tess, Nasadoe and the Skins, they are our only connection to our planet. Without them Kivar won't know where we are. Then, we can handle him on our terms."

"That's assuming they haven't already told him."

"They haven't told him" says Liz, giving Max a warning look when she felt his hand cup her bottom. "Roswell New Mexico doesn't mean anything to Kivar. He just knows you're on planet earth; he only knows the details once Tess goes to Antar with the granolith and the heir," She hitched when she felt his hand slip underneath her t-shirt caressing her bare skin.

The others gave her an inquiring look wondering why she looked so flustered all of a sudden.

"He gets the granolith?"

"Yeah, that's how Tess gets home" she said, holding back a whimper when his finger slid in the side of her bra teasing her breast.

"Shit!" Michael exclaimed making Liz jump back from Max looking at Michael wide eyed.

"What?" Max gulped.

"If Tess is really on Kivar's side and she knows where the granolith is than Nicholas and the others know too."

"Tess isn't working with Nicholas and the others." Liz sighed in relief. She thought the reason for Michael's outbursts was because he saw what Max was doing to her. She gave Max a look that clearly promised payback before distancing herself from him. Not standing so close to Max, she felt much more focused on the matter at hand. "As far as they know, Tess is one of you. They don't know that she's a traitor. There all after you guys. It's like a game to them. They've all got their own agendas. Nicholas wants the granolith and Tess wants a baby by Max. But the one thing they have in common is that they all want you dead. Kivar sent them at different times. Nicholas and the others were sent years after Nasadoe. First he sent Nasadoe and a couple other shape shifters to kill you all and confiscate the granolith, but they either got caught by the FBI or they died in the crash. Nasadoe's the only one we have to worry about."

"But I don't get it, why didn't Kivar tell them, isn't there strength in numbers. And I thought our ship crashed not theirs."

"Your ship crashed because your protectors were trying to avoid being pursued. The enemy crashed with them, that's the reason the government were able to capture Nasadoe, he was too weak from the crash to defend him-self. The others died including your protectors except for one but he abandoned his mission in favor of living on earth. Once he got you guys safely in the Pod-Chamber, he felt he did his part. I don't know why Kivar didn't tell Nicholas and the skins about Nasadoe's mission, maybe he just wanted to be safe, you never know if there's a traitor in your mist. So at least if one group was full of traitors, he could count on the other. It doesn't matter why he did it; it's lucky for us that he didn't because they're all after the same thing. They're just as power hungry. They don't care who suffers as long as they reap the benefits."

"So none of our enemies know where the granolith is besides Tess and Nasadoe? What about Kivar?"

"No. Their hiding it from him, I don't know if their just waiting to complete their mission or what. Maybe it's their way of making sure Kivar doesn't stab them in the back."

"So what did Kivar do with the granolith once he got it?"

"That's the weird thing guys, nothing. I don't understand what all the fuss is about if he doesn't even use it."

"So how did he destroy earth?"

"He sent a bunch of ships down here. I don't know how Nicholas survives but he does so we need to make sure he's dead when we kill them, otherwise he'll warn Kivar and that's how Nicholas finds out about Nasadoe's deal with Kivar. After that Tess started meeting up with him, we never saw him for a long time after that but we didn't know it was because we had a traitor on the inside working for them. "

"So how did we get rid of the skins in your premonition?"

"Tess killed them."

"What!" everyone exclaimed.

"I know…," she started.

"See everything I'm hearing points to Tess being on our side. She helps kill the skins and she didn't tell Kivar where the granolith is. How do we know we can even trust you? One minute you're just as clueless as the rest of us then all of a sudden you wake up and you have all this information. You disappear for a whole summer, and I don't know what kind of spell you put on Max but he can't seem to leave you alone no matter what you do to him. You've been all secretive lately. You slept with Kyle but then you didn't. Than you start spewing all this crap about a Future Max and were just supposed to believe you. And now all of a sudden you have powers, how the hell is that possible. How do we know you're not the traitor?"

"Michael!" exclaims everyone.

"What!" he booms "I'm not about to listen to all this crap and not question it, how do we know we can trust her."

The slamming of the door announced the departure of one of the group.

"Seriously Michael you can be such an ass sometimes," said Maria.

Before anyone could utter another word; chaos erupted. A fist connecting to Michael’s jaw had him stumbling backwards. He didn't even have time to recover from the first punch when Max came at him again. Next thing he knew he was sprawled out on the ground looking up at a seething Max.

"There is no question of whether or not Liz would betray me; I know her heart and soul. Liz is the one person I know I can trust. She's always been there for us. You can't trust her but you have so much fucking faith in someone we've known for less than a year. Let's not forget the first thing Tess did when she came here. She played games with our heads and she made me kiss her even when I felt no romantic feelings towards her. So next time you come to a conclusion, do me a favor and shut the fuck up.

Isabel stood between Max and Michael when she saw Max about to launch towards him again.

"I'm sick of playing games with you two,” Max whispered harshly. He looked his sister in the eye. “Don't make me choose because I guarantee you, you won't like my decision," he said turning away from her. He slammed the door shut and looked up to find Liz crying in the passenger seat of his jeep. She looked so broken and he clenched his teeth in an attempt to control his temper.

He opened the door of his jeep and turned her towards him. Stepping in between her legs, Max ran his fingers through her brown tresses, urging her to look at him.

"Max I swear I would never betray you. you mean so much to me," she whispered.

"Love," Max said cradling her cheek. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and tilted his head, searching her eyes. She gazed up at him and he wasted no time placing his lips on hers. They shared her a slow, sensual kiss. "I believe in you Liz. I already made the mistake of doubting you once and nothing good came of it. If there's one thing I know it's that I can trust you. Michael was out of line in there and there's no excuse for it. Liz, I want you to know that you mean everything to me and I will never let anything come between us again. I don't care about my planet or anything-else, you're my home Liz. I'll never leave you and I'll never stop loving you. From now on, everything I do will be for you, so that we can make a life together. You're my family, Liz."

"Oh god Max," she sobbed. “I love you so much.”

He kissed her tears away and held her to him. They held each other for a long time, both reluctant to end their embrace until the distant sound of a door closing broke their moment.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else? You don't have to go back in there."

"I'm ok now. This is too important; I'm ready to go back in."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she smiled up at him, clasping her hand to his.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.13 12/30/11

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:13 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 13

Max walked in the Motel room with Liz at his side, he held onto his loves hand as they made their way towards the other occupants. Sitting on the floor, he tugged on her hand lightly so she would sit between his outstretched legs. Liz leaned her head against his chest and sighed in contentment when she felt him clasp his hand with her own again. His other hand caressing her stomach under her shirt soothed her and gave her the strength to go on with the meeting.

She looked at each member of their group before her eyes landed on Michael and Isabel. "We're never going to beat the enemy if we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves. Michael and Isabel, I don't know what else I can do to gain your trust. Hopefully in time you guys will learn to trust me but I'm not going to kill myself over it. And I'm definitely not going to deal with you guys constantly verbally abusing me. If you don't like me, fine. I got over it a long time ago," she said calmly.

Everyone came to sit on the floor in front of Max and Liz, all silently agreeing to call a truce and work together for a common interest.

"Ok. So about the skins…"

The original group of six worked together despite their differences till midafternoon creating a plan to eliminate the enemy. Liz told them everything that happened in her premonition, answering any questions they had. Surprisingly their tactics for defeating the skins came easily to the group with Liz's knowledge of the skins location and how to destroy their husks. By evening, their plan was perfected right down to when they would arrive at Copper Summit. It wasn't going to be easy but they had faith that they could beat Nicholas and the skins.

"Now that that's taken care of, what do we do about Tess? We know what she'll do to us if given the chance," said Michael.

"I know, I've been thinking about that too" Liz sighed. "But can we really punish her for crimes that she hasn't committed yet."

"Liz you're too good of a person, I thought you'd be the first one to agree we need to destroy that bitch," exclaimed Maria.

"It just doesn't feel right," she stated.

"I say we get her before she gets us" Maria said, unconcerned about the other girl's welfare. "She's brought nothing but deceit and destruction since she arrived."

"I don't know" replied Max. "Aside from what she did when she arrived she hasn't given us any reason to kill her, so what kind of people does that make us if we kill her just because we know what she's capable of. I could never love her the way she thinks but I think she could have turned out differently if she wasn't raised by Nasadoe. From what we learned from Liz's premonition, the only think that may get her on our side is if I'm with her and there's no way that's happening. I choose Liz."

"She can't be trusted. From what Liz says happened in her premonition she was still going to betray you even after you stayed with her and planned to leave the planet for her," reminded Maria.

Everyone looked to Liz for confirmation. "Yeah," she said wearily. "I don't know what triggered it, maybe she could have been persuaded if she felt you were with her because you wanted to be and not out of duty but that's not how it happened. She looked like she really made up her mind when you kissed her and she had the vision of you kissing me goodbye before you came to her. We'll never know."

"Well, there's no way in hell I'm walking on egg shells around Tess for the rest of my life in a scared attempt to keep her from betraying us," confessed Michael.

"Why don't we just confront her" asked Alex.

"Because that's how the stupid people get killed in the movies," shouted Maria. "They decide to confront the psychos and talk it out instead of just killing them when they had a chance," she rambled on.

Everyone looked at her in bewilderment after her outburst. "Sorry, too much Lifetime" she whispered, bowing her head in embarrassment.

Marias antics brought a smirk to Liz's face that fell rapidly when she remembered Alex confrontation with Tess in her premonition that ultimately leads to his death.

Max felt Liz stiffen against him and automatically became alarmed. While everyone else discussed Tess's fate Max turned Liz to face him. "What's wrong" he asked in concern.

"Nothing," she denied.

"Come on Liz" he pushed. "No more secrets remember. We can tell each other anything. Besides, I have other ways to get it out of you" he smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

Liz giggled despite herself at the suggestive look on his face. "I was just thinking of what Tess did when Alex confronted her in my premonition" she admitted.

"Oh baby, that's not going to happen. Because of you, we can stop it. You're our greatest gift Liz, without you we wouldn't know anything" he whispered.

"What are we going to do Max," she whispered fidgeting with his shirt buttons. "I hate that I feel this way and I wish I could be stronger for you but I told you she scares me. If she had any-other power I would have no problem taking her on but the fact that she can mess with my head and I would have no clue its happening is scary. But I also know it's wrong to kill her when she hasn't done anything yet.”

"I don't know Liz, but we'll figure it out, together. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know Max, I trust you" she whispered, gazing lovingly into his eyes. She caressed his cheek with her thumb when she saw his face harden at the thought of Tess hurting her. She loved him so much she didn't know how to tell him her fear ran much deeper than that. She was afraid for him, of something horrible taking him away from her. Her arms wrapped around him and she clung to his shirt as her mind searched for solutions to their dilemma.

Max felt her bury her face against his neck and knew he couldn't fail her. He would protect her no matter what he had to do.

Isabel looked at Liz and her brother's exchange and wondered what they were talking about that brought the hardened look on her brother's face. She watched Liz look up at him from playing with the buttons on his shirt and saw his eyes immediately soften when she placed her hand on his cheek. She saw Liz hug Max and watched as his face transformed into a look of determination as he cradled her head in his hand.

She met his eyes briefly before he turned his attention back to Liz. "Let's get this meeting over with so I can take you out" he whispered.

"Ok," she nodded eagerly.

"Ok everyone, here's what we're going to do. We don't talk about anything we discussed today outside of this room to anyone. When we go home, even if you think you're talking to one of us you don't know that for sure so let's not mention anything. We'll only talk about this stuff in meetings which I'll arrange. So if a member in this group mentions something about this, chances are its Nasadoe or a Mind-Warp.”

"That's a good idea," Liz agreed. "She might be able to manipulate what we see but she can't force information out of your head like Nicholas. So be careful and just assume everything isn't as it seems.”

"Exactly," said Max. "As far as what we do about Tess, I have an idea but I don't know if it's feasible so let me think about it some more. Don't act suspicious guys. If you think you're going to give yourself away by acting funny when she's around than just avoid her."

"That's what I always do anyways," said Maria.

"Ok than meeting adjourned. We won't schedule meetings in person. When I want to schedule a meeting I'll tell Isabel and if you don't mind Isabel I would appreciate it if you dream walked everyone and let them in on the time and place," Max finished.

"No problem" Isabel said. "But Max, what happens if we learn something and we need to let the others in on it. Do we just not say anything?"

"Good question Isabel," Liz said. "Maybe we need to come up with a code for emergencies. Anyone got any ideas?"

"How about we just ask the person something personal that only they would know the answer too," said Maria.

"That's a little risky, but it might work. Tell you what, Isabel and Michael will come to me. Alex and Maria will go to Liz. We've all known each other for a long time so I think you know us well enough to know if something's not right. But just to be on the safe side no matter how urgent what you have to say is take a couple of minutes to make sure we are who we say we are. It won't help if you give the information to the enemy and it could just result in getting you killed" Max said, watching everyone's face to make sure they understood.

Once everyone seemed to understand he stood up and helped Liz to her feet. She yawned and leaned against him. "You sure you up for going out," he asked.

"Can we just rent a movie and watch it at your house," she asked as she stifled another yawn. "I'm sorry. I know you wanted to go out," she pouted.

"Hey it's okay Liz," he assured her. "I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you," he said honestly.

"Ok, good. I promise ill make it up to you" She said, snuggling up to his chest once more.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.13 12/30/11

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:59 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 14

Max and Liz walked in his house after a quick stop at the video store.

“Hey,” they greeted his mother as they walked in the kitchen.

“Hey” she replied, smiling up at them. “What are you two up to?”

“We’re just going to watch a video, mom” Max said as he gestured to the bag in his hand.

“Oh ok, have fun” she said, smiling inwardly. She couldn’t believe it, that’s two days in a roll that her son was spending time having fun and not sulking in his room or staying out all times of the night.

“You go in the living room. I’ll fix the popcorn,” she heard him whisper to Liz as he ran his hands through her long tresses.

“Ok,” she beamed up at him as he released her.

Max watched her walk back to the living room, his gaze never wavering.

An hour later Diane made her way into the living room with the intention of asking Max to set the table only to stop in her tracks when she came across the couple sharing a passionate kiss. She watched stunned as they held each other’s gaze for a
long moment before he leaned down to take her lips again.

She opened her mouth to speak when she heard her son’s voice confess huskily, “I love you Liz.”

“I love you too Max,” she faintly heard Liz reply just as passionately through the rapid beating of her heart.

As Max cradled Liz’s face in his hands and leaned down to steal another kiss from her he was unaware of his mother gazing at them with a bittersweet smile on her face. Opting to give the couple some privacy she tiptoed out of the room.

As she completed the task of setting the table, she wondered how her son and Liz got so serious. Their relationship appeared to have sprung out of nowhere when one day to her surprise, she was called to the principal’s office in reference to her son making out with the Parker girl in the eraser room. Since then you couldn’t have missed the attraction between the two. At first she was concerned that it was just about sex because she had never seen them together but when she saw the protective way Max shielded Liz from their parents criticism the morning after being out all night; she knew it was something more.

Diane wasn’t naïve, she knew they were intimate with each other if the noises she heard coming from her son’s bedroom last night were any indication but chose not to dwell on it. She figured that as long as they love each other as much as they seem to there’s not much that can be done about it besides cautioning them to take precautions. She had a talk with her son this morning about contraceptives and warned him not to have any more sleepovers with girls anytime soon. She was just glad that her husband was working in his study at the time and hadn’t witnessed their cries of passion. Izzy on the other hand was a different matter altogether. She seemed upset by the revelation which confused Diane, she couldn’t understand why. Liz clearly makes Max happy, so she didn’t see why his sister was so against their relationship.

“Max, Honey! Dinners ready,” Diane yelled from the kitchen afraid of walking in on another intimate moment between the couple.

The popcorn had long ago been abandoned, the movie forgotten as Max and Liz practically devoured each other. What started out as an innocent kiss quickly became a heavy make-out session with the couple spooned against each other; his hand inching higher up her shirt while Liz stroked him through his jeans as she waited in anticipation of his touch when they heard Diane’s voice break through their sexual fog.

“Damn,” they exclaimed simultaneously, reluctantly pulling apart.

Diane couldn’t help but chuckle when she heard their exclamations.

“Phillip!” they heard Diane call her husband down from his study as they made an attempt to make themselves presentable. “Dinners ready.”

Max chuckled when he noticed pieces of popcorn stuck in his girlfriend’s dark locks.

“What?” she wondered, grinning.

“Nothing,” he spoke tenderly, moving towards her to untangle the pieces from her hair. He smiled in adoration at how beautiful she looked right now; her tank rumpled and her silky locks tangled with traces of popcorn.

Liz gazed up at him, the tender look in his eyes making her heart leap. She kissed him in gratitude. "How do i look?" she asked. The last thing she wanted was to go infront of his parents looking ravaged.

After dinner, Max and Liz hung out in the Evans living room with his parents and continued to watch the rented movies. Of course this time they were forced to keep their hands off each other, so it wasn’t long before the couple fell into a deep sleep.

Hours Later Liz woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. “Hello” she yawned. “Mom? Yeah, sorry I fell asleep. I’m coming. Ok! Yes now,” she sighed.

“Max,” Liz said, stroking his face lightly. “Wake up baby.”

“What’s wrong?” Max asked, sitting up quickly.

“Nothing’s wrong” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “But you have to take me home, my parents are freaking out because I haven’t come home yet.”
“What time is it?” he asked, coming out of his sleep induced fog.

Liz checked the time on her phone and sighed “It’s only 11:30. I don’t know what their problem is; my curfew isn’t till 12:00. I’m sorry, I know you’re tired.”

“Hey it’s ok,” he assured her. “I’m fine."

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.15 3/19/12

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:06 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 15

At the entrance of the Crash Down a young woman was reluctant to let her boyfriend leave as she rained kisses all over his handsome face.

"I don't want you to go" she whispered, gazing up into his amber eyes from beneath her lashes.

"Me neither," he moaned, pulling her face back up to his and capturing her bottom lip between his lips.

Sighing in pleasure, Liz pulled him closer to her, opening her mouth wider for his invasion. "Max" she whimpered, tilting her head back as he trailed wet kisses down her throat.

Max cupped her bottom in his hands, lifting her up against the glass door. She eagerly wrapped her legs around him not wanting to lose contact with the part of him she craved more than anything at the moment. Arching her hips into his, she moaned into his mouth at the feel of him pressed against her so intimately. "Stay," she pleaded breathlessly when he parted his lips from hers. "You can come in through my balcony."

"I don't know" he said indecisively, running his fingers through her brown tresses. He groaned in frustration as he watched her nibble on her bottom lip. 'It would be so easy to take her right now,' he thought shamelessly. But then he watched as she gazed at him so shyly at the heated look in his eyes and he knew he couldn't take her this way. It would be their first time and he refused to taint it by letting it happen in her apartment with both of her parents just down the hall.

"Don't you wanna make love to me all night," she pouted.

"Of course I do," he smiled down at her. He watched the way her face brightened at his reply. Holding her face in his hands he confessed, "I want you Liz, don't ever doubt that. I just wanna love you without any interruptions, okay?"

"Ok," she nodded, cupping his face between her hands. "I'm sorry, I just love you so much and I wanted to show you."

"Hey, I already know you love me. When you give yourself to me I want it to be because you're ready, not just to please me. I'd wait forever for you, Liz" He whispered, placing a light kiss on her pert nose. She nodded in understanding, kissing him lightly before reluctantly letting go.

"So you won't come up," she asked sultrily, trailing her finger down his chest.

"I shouldn't…" Max trailed off, catching movement through the glass door of the Crashdown. "I don't think your mother would like that" he said, causing Liz's gaze to waver from his. She followed his gaze and registered the look of horror on her mother's face as she watched their interaction.

Wanting to rectify the situation; Max un-wrapped Liz's legs from around his waist and set her gently on her feet. "Goodnight Liz," he whispered softly.

"Goodnight Max" she whispered, standing on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek.

Max walked backwards to his jeep reluctant to release Liz's hand till the last possible second. "I love you" he mouthed. The tender look in his eyes made her heart beat so fast, she knew she couldn't let him leave without a proper goodbye. Tugging on his hand lightly she pulled him to her and wrapped her arms around his neck, capturing his lips with her own. "I love you too," she whispered against his lips.

Stepping away from him she held her hands behind her back to keep from reaching for him again as she forced her feet to move in the opposite direction. Upon entering the crash down she immediately placed her hand on the glass door not wanting him to go but knowing they had no choice.

She watched him longingly as his jeep disappeared into the night. Sighing softly she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation with her mother as she spun around.

Walking up the stairs she briefly wondered how much her mother had seen and contemplated whether or not she should just make a run for it. Shaking her head at her ridiculous thoughts she entered the apartment fully prepared to endure her mother's wrath only to come across an empty living room.

Tiptoeing to her bedroom, she closed her eyes in relief, leaning against the closed door. As her eyes fluttered open she caught her reflection in her full-length mirror. Running her fingers lightly over the passion mark on her neck she thought of Max and all the wonderful feelings he evoked in her. Granted they hadn't gone all the way last night but the things they did, god did she want a repeat. And to fall asleep in his arms was just the most incredible feeling in the world.

As she walked towards her dresser, Liz's relief was short-lived when she saw her mother walking out of her private bathroom. She quickly tried to cover-up Max's mark on her with her hair but she knew it was useless.

Refusing to show any shame for sharing herself with Max the way she had, she tried to face her mother head-on, resisting the urge to crawl under the covers and hide upon witnessing the accusation in her mother's eyes. "So, you and Max are seeing each other again," her mother asked none too kindly.

"Yeah" she admitted, gulping audibly.

"Since when," Nancy questioned impatiently.

"Since yesterday, ok," Liz replied a bit defensively.

Her mother's impatient tone turned condescending as she chastised her daughter. "Two days Elizabeth, two days and this boy is already giving you hickeys."

"Mom, Max isn't just some boy ok, I love him," she exclaimed.

"But for how long Elizabeth? A month? Two? Than what?" she snapped.

"No! Forever," Liz declared passionately as she blinked back tears.

"Yeah, Ok," her mother scoffed. " You've been moping around here for days, and I know it has everything to do with that boy."

"No," Liz denied.

"Don't try to deny it Liz, I'm not blind. He hurt you," Her mother said. "He hurt you and now whats happened? He wants you back and just like that you go to him?"

"You don't know what you're talking about. I hurt him too," she cried out, wiping at her tears angrily. "Yes I was sad because I wanted to be with him but he wanted to be with me too. He loves me," she shouted.

"What is going on in here?" her father asked, opening her bedroom door.

"Elizabeth, are you having sex with that boy?" her mother interrupted.

"Mom" Liz gasped in mortification.

"Answer the question Elizabeth" her mom said accusingly. "After what I saw downstairs I know you didn't fall asleep at Maria's the other night. Jeff, she's only been dating the boy for two days and already she's sleeping with him" Nancy said, turning to face her husband.

"How could you" Liz yelled, fixing her mom with an icy glare.

"Liz, if what your mom is saying is true I think you and Max should stop seeing each other for a while. You're too young to be in such a serious relationship."

"God mom" Liz screeched. "And you wonder why I never talk to you about stuff like this." Tears filled her eyes as she witnessed the disappointment in her father's eyes. "I love him dad," she pleaded with him to understand.

"That is precisely why she needs to stop seeing him. She thinks she's in love with him and so she does whatever he says. Don't tell me you haven't noticed Jeff. Those two are on one minute and off the next. They don't know how to leave each other alone. Every time they're together, she becomes this whole other person. She sneaks out of her room, lies and we never see her. You're not seeing that boy again," her mom decided.

"No" Liz whispered, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "You can't make me" she cried, raising her chin in defiance.

"Elizabeth," her mom gasped in shock.

"What!" Liz shouted, gaining confidence. "You heard me. I didn't do anything wrong. I won't stop seeing him. I love him and he loves me. We didn't do anything wrong. My curfew isn't till 12. I got here at 11:50. So I didn't break any rules. You can't make me stop seeing him just because you don't like what we do when we're alone. I'm not a little girl anymore, what Max and I do in private is none of your business. And for your information mother, we did not have sex. When Max and I do make love, it'll be our decision. You'll have no say in the matter. Just know this, we love each other and we will be together no matter what you or dad says" she said, walking towards her dresser. Retrieving a red camisole and white cotton boy-shorts she walked in the direction of her bathroom and slammed the door, effectively ending their discussion.

"Maybe we were too hard on her," she heard her dad say. "It's not like they robbed a bank."

"No Jeff. We weren't," her mom replied. "If you saw what I saw earlier, you would be sending her on the next plane to an all girl's boarding school. They were too familiar with each other…"

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.15 3/19/12

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:27 am
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 16

“They know something.”

“You said you had everything under control!”

“I do! They must be getting their information from somewhere else. I caught that bitch in my head last night.”

“Did she find anything out?”

“No, she’s just as clueless as ever. It just pisses me off that she even got as far as she did. I should have been able to sense her.”

“You’re the one who insisted on training them.”

“I told you, I thought it would make them trust us more. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m prepared now, it won’t happen again.”

“I called this meeting because everyone seems to have a problem with me using my powers on them, but it’s alright for you guys to use your powers on me?”

“What,” Max asked shocked.

“Don’t play dumb with me, I’m constantly getting crap about keeping secrets from you guys, but obviously you all know something I don’t, if you felt the need to go behind my back. If someone in this room has something to say to me, go ahead.”

Liz sat in stunned silence as she watched Tess's questioning gaze fall on Isabel. Obviously the other hybrid took it upon her-self to investigate her “friends” true motives. And judging by the wild look in her eyes, she was just as shocked as the rest of them at being found out.

“I’ve been dying to know,” Maria said. “Why are you such a bitch?”

Tess's gaze lingered on Isabel for a moment longer before she turned sharply to stare at Maria. “Why are you here?” she asked irritably. “And you,” her gaze landing on Liz, "shouldn’t you be with Kyle; he loves to sleep in on Saturdays,” she taunted.

Liz gave Tess a blank look to keep from replying the way she wanted. It wouldn’t do them any good for her to tell Tess what she really thought of her, now. Liz could barely conceal the look of disdain on her face as she addressed the other girl. How could a day that started out with all the Max she could handle, turn so sour? They’d spent all morning swimming and lying around on the dock of a swimming pond near Frasier woods before sharing lunch at a cute little restaurant they discovered on the outskirts of town. He cuddled with her, and they talked for hours. Up until now she had been positive nothing could remove the blush from her cheeks or dim the shine in her eyes.

“Look who’s blushing now,” he whispered as he nuzzled her hair.
“Well you are pretty cute,” she blushed hotly.
“Just a little,” she teased.
“Is that so,” he smirked, his eyes daring her to continue. She let out a childish giggle as she felt him trap her hands above her head. “Maybe a little more than cute” she whispered, meeting his lustful gaze.
“How much?” he mouthed, as he pressed his lips against hers.
“Hot,” she sighed against his lips. “The sexiest man in the world...”

“Don’t be ridiculous Tess, if anyone’s getting their lamp trimmed by Kyle, it’s you,” Liz divulged “playfully.” She watched in satisfaction as the blonds mind churned on how she could know about such a private joke. “Now if you could please stop being rude, we can have a real discussion. I asked Isabel to dream walk everyone in our group last night, to warn them of a potential danger.”

“What danger?” Tess asked nervously.

“Well, someone broke into my room yesterday and I thought it might be Czechoslovakian related, so I told Isabel to alert everyone without being obvious so we would be prepared. Did everyone else get a visit from Isabel last night?” Liz inquired smoothly.

“Yup,” everyone was quick to agree.

“If you’d quit being so paranoid and let Isabel in last night, she could have told you all that,” Maria said harshly.

“It’s over now,” Max played along. “Michael and I checked it out and it turns out it was some idiots from school trying to play a prank because of those stupid rumors you’ve been spreading about Liz.”


“Don’t act so innocent Tess,” Max said; turning the tables on her. “I shared something with you in complete confidence and instead of keeping it to yourself, you let your jealousy get the better of you and you blabbed to the whole school.

“Get over it Max, as if anyone believes any of that crap. It’s just something for those idiots to talk about until something more interesting comes along,” she admitted.

"You bitch!” Maria shouted. “This is someone’s life you’re ruining.”

“Dramatic much,” Tess taunted. “I’m outta here” said carelessly, as she grabbed her jacket.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.17 12/27/12

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:14 am
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 17

“Do you really hate me that much?” Isabel flinched from the question.

“She doesn’t know anything,” she defended.

“As far as you know,” Liz shot back. “At least before we had an advantage, now even if she is none the wiser; she’ll still be on edge. Every move we make, she’ll second guess.”

“Give her a break,” Michael said roughly. “We didn’t trust your acquisitions, so we looked into it."

“And what did you find out,” Max wanted to know.

“Nothing” Isabel replied. “She threw me out of her head.”

Isabel tried meeting her brother’s eyes. “I was hurt,” she tried to explain. “I don’t believe she would do that to us. I wanted to see for myself.”

“And what conclusion have you reached?”

“I- I don’t know.”

“And that is my cue to leave. Liz?” Maria asked the brunette.


“I’ll be in the Jetta.”

“Liz…” he interrupted.

“I have to go.”

“You’ll only be with Maria, right?”

“Totally, who else would I be with?” she teased.

“Liz, I-”

“Max… I was only kidding,” She gave him a playful shove against the Jetta. “Come here you” she pouted.

“You’ll call me?”

She nodded, brushing her lips over his.

“Liz…,” he stared into her gorgeous eyes. “Stay with me tonight?” He felt this overwhelming need to keep her in his grasp.

“Max, I can’t” Liz whispered. “Maria’s waiting for me.”
“Maria stop staring at me like that” Liz whined.

“Like what?”


“Liz, what happened between you two?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, just the other day you were going to sleep with pictures of him hidden under your pillow, and now I find out you’ve traded that in for the real thing.”


“When did this even happen?”

“Don’t get all hysterical on me” Liz soothed. “Max and I haven’t actually done it,” she confessed. “I mean, we want to, but it hasn’t happened yet. I guess the timings been off. We have no privacy and my mother has forbidden me from seeing Max.”

“Well if she witnessed anything like what I saw tonight, I don’t blame her.”

“That’s ridiculous, Max and I are hardly children.”

“Liz, just because you’re ready to let Max in your pants, doesn’t mean your mother is.”

“Well I’m not asking her to let him in her pants” Liz joked. “Just not to interfere when I let him in mines.”

“You’re so bad” Maria giggled.

“I just… I want him Maria, but it doesn’t have to be now. I could wait; I just, I want my mother to understand what I feel for Max. I wanna be able to talk to her about these kinds of things, but it never works out that way.”
“So he and you actually did that?”

“Well yeah” Liz blushed.

“How was it?”

“Maria!” Liz chided.

“Liz…” Maria whined. “I’m sorry I’m just, curious” she finished. “Weren’t you embarrassed even a little? Seriously, I would have been blushing all over the place.”

“I always thought I would be,” Liz conceded after a moment. “But it wasn’t like that between him and me. He made me feel beautiful and loved. In that moment, I felt like I could show him everything and he would never leave me.”

“What about now? Do you still feel that way?”

“When we’re alone, yeah” she said softly. “When we’re alone he trusts me completely.”

“What do you mean?”

“When he has me all to himself he trusts me but when I have to leave him, it’s a different story.”

“Because of Kyle?”

“Because of everything. I was naïve, I thought if we just talked about everything you know, put it all out in the open he would trust me again, but I can see that he doesn’t.”

“That’s not true Liz.”

“But it is” she said sadly. “Tonight I could have taken him up on his offer and stayed the night, but not like that. Not when he feels this way.”

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.18A 1/11/12

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:59 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 18 (Part A)

Max watched her from his perch on her bed. Her pale pink robe clung to her golden skin, and he wondered if he were to take if off her would she refuse him.

He was confused. Ever since he asked her to spend the night with him, they hadn’t been able to talk openly. Every night since, he’d come to her room only to find her asleep.

Her kisses were urgent, her hugs needy, and her smiles sad.

Something had changed within him too.
Tess sat at the counter contemplating her next move. He didn’t want her. The ill-tempered beauty found it frustrating, for she truly believed that if he gave her the chance to love him, she could change his mind.

“You’re awesome” Tess continued with false admiration. “I just don’t know many moms who would let their daughter’s boyfriend sleep in her room every night.”

“Excuse me?” the red head stuttered.

“Yeah” she said Nonchalantly. “I’ve been trying to convince the sheriff to let my boyfriend spend the night for like ever now. He still won’t budge. Maybe you could talk to him,” Tess asked convincingly.

Liz walked towards the boy with the hazel eyes.

They stared into hers.

He didnt trust her. It hurt deeply.

"Do you doubt my love for you?" she had to ask.

"Do you?" he answered.

"I know you love me," there was that sad smile of hers again.

"As do I."

"Is that not enough?"


She could feel him starting to withdraw from her. "Why not?"

"You loved me then too."

"I was stupid." She would never leave him. He had to know that.

"I need to know you wont do what you did before."

"Keep something from you?"

"No. I need to know you wont leave me."

She closed her eyes to keep the tears away. He kept punishing her. "I said I wouldn't." How could he not know?

"Those are only words." At the end of the day, he was only her boyfriend. There was nothing that tied them together. Nothing keeping her with him. All he had were her words. Words whispered in a moment of passion.

"I'm bound to you," she insisted.

"I want you to marry me."

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch18 (Part B) 5/26/13

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:30 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Authors Note: If you guys are still around, we ended with a proposal last time. I did revise some parts of Part A so read that first if you have time.

Chapter 18 (Part B)

Liz held her fingers against her eyes, as she forced the tears to go away.

Another night without him.

Another night of missing him.

Another night of troubled sleep.

Shedding tears in the dead of night.

She felt unstable, unbalanced, and out of control.

When would this feeling lessen?

When would the tears subside?

She dragged her hands slowly down her face, as the teardrops started to fall.

She shut her eyes against the tears

It brought her no reprieve.

For one moment, no more tears slipped from her precious eyes.

It only lasted a moment.

A loud sob escaped her clenched mouth.

Her hand flew to her mouth to muffle her cries.

He hadn't called.

Not last night, nor the night before.

And he knew. Had to know his indifference would hurt her.

Maybe that's what he wanted... to cause her pain.

She hadn't denied him their union because she had doubts. There were no more secrets. Nothing she kept hidden from him. It was like she told him. He was holding back. Afraid to give her all of him. She would never settle for half his heart. He needed to let her in. To give her his whole heart.

Liz smothered her drenched face with a pillow. Her loud scream was muffled. No one heard the anguished cries that spilled from the broken-hearted girl. Darkness overcame her- gave her the faintest feeling of passing out.

A sob that wasn't her own, made her sit up quickly.

If this were a movie, he would be here. Climbing up the latter, kneeling on her balcony, awaiting the moment she would open her eyes. Because he had to see her. So that he could tell her... so that he could tell her he loved her.

She gazed towards her balcony.

Nothing happened.

She shook her head in disgust.

When she felt stable enough to deal with reality, her hands dropped to her sides, as she stared up at the ceiling.

Liz looked around the room. It was then that she noticed the boxes crowding her floor. She swallowed nervously. Something was wrong.

She heard the cry again. A woman's cry. Her gaze landed towards the closet. There it was again.

She used the sleeves of his jacket to dry her eyes. But that sadness in her eyes remained.

She slipped off the bed, and took cautious steps in that direction. Her mothers eyes, so different from her own, collided with hers.

The red head looked into her daughters eyes with concern. Seemed to see the sadness she wanted to hide.

Liz shied away from her concerned eyes.

"Liz..." her mother went to reach for her.

Liz flinched from her touch. "This is about Max-" she stated more than asked.

Nancy seemed to pause for a moment. Than refused to meet her eyes. She placed a couple of freshly washed blouses in a suitcase instead.

Liz looked around her closet. Noticed the suitcase filled with her clothes. "What's going on?" Liz hugged herself protectively.

The woman didn't seem affected by her question. She continued to fill the suitcase with fresh clothes from a hamper.


Nancy made no move to answer her.

Liz could sense what was happening. Knew that she was being sent away. "Stop touching my stuff," she kicked the suitcase away in frustration.

Her mothers gaze found hers quickly. "Are you sleeping with him?" she asked calmly.

The brunette's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. "No," she whispered truthfully.

"Did he sleep in your bed last night?" the red head thought her dishonest.

"Of course not," Liz found herself wishing that had been a lie.

"Then you slept at his house?" her mother didn't seem to believe her.

"He and I haven't spoken all week," she said uncomfortably. "We're taking a break," she tried to convince herself that's all it was.

It wasn't over between them.

"It'll never be over between us. No matter what happens, you'll always be mine Liz. No one else's."

That's what he had said.

"You gave him what he wanted, Liz" her mother seemed sad for her. "He won't come around again. You have nothing left to give him."

The brunettes eyes blurred with tears. She felt damaged. Felt her heart shatter. Felt it break all over again.

She wanted to believe it wasn't that way between them.

That being with him that way meant more to him than that.

That giving him that part of her hadn't removed the spark from his eyes.