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Chapter 11

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:45 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
Hello Kiddies :D

I'm back with a treat for you all. I come bearinng an extra long, extra juicy part for you all. :wink: Its cut into two posts for length, so don't stop to soon. And beware of the language in this chap. Some people get so hostile sometimes. :wink:

Should I be nice and give you guys a hint? Um... No! Hee! Hee! You're just gonna have to read and find out. But I will say that the man is all over this chapter. Ok that's all you get. Now go read. :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 11
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

‘Why the hell does it take this girl so damn long to get dressed?!’

Zan sat outside the gym, waiting for Liz to finish changing. He leaned against his black Ninja 650 motorcycle, otherwise known as Betty, chillin with his ankles crossed, jacket hangin open, and his dark sunglasses down low so he could see betta. He was tryin to relax and be patient, but he’d been waiting at least twenty minutes for the girl to make an appearance. Glancing around the now empty campus, he sighed and shook off the thought to just go in there and get her.

The sound of footsteps and voices drew his attention. Zan was sorely disappointed when Pam Troy and Jessica Riley walked through the door instead of Liz. Both girls stopped in their tracks when they saw him. They turned and looked at each other with eager grins and immediately went into tramp mode.

Pam winked at Jessie, then tossed her head, causing her thick blond mane to cascade around her shoulders, and flashed Zan her most dazzling smile. Jessica licked her pouty red lips and let her striking blue eyes rake over him. He looked hot with his messy spikes and wicked shades, that barely there wife beater and black leather jacket didn't hide much of his hard body, and let's not forget that bad assed black motorcycle. She ended her perusal of him with an appreciative, “Mmm, Yummy!”

Zan rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses up to block ‘em out. He did not feel like dealin with no fake ass trick bitches. The girls sauntered over to Zan, swaying their hips and eyeing him hungrily the entire way.

“Hi, Zan,” Pam said running her fingers over Betty’s grip. “Nice bike.” She gave him a sexy smile and ran her tongue across her teeth enticingly.

“Yeah, can I have a ride,” Jessie said moving to sit on the bike behind him.

Zan’s already tried patience was growin thin. He put his hand in her face to stop her from defiling his ride. “Un uh,” was his grunted reply.

“Oh, please,” Jessie pouted prettily. She moved even closer to him and let her thigh brush against his. “Let me ride and maybe later I can return the favor,” she purred in a husky sensual voice. He looked the trick up and down as if he was assessing her goods.

“Nah,” Zan said disinterested and turned back to the door, still waiting for Liz. He wished she’d hurry her ass up.

“Come on, Zan. Don’t you wanna play,” Pam tempted, running her finger down his chest and loving the feel of his hard muscles underneath his wife beater. Zan looked down at the hand touching him.

“Don’t be touchin me.” He pushed her manicured fingers away from him, irritated.

Pam and Jessie’s pride was getting bruised by his obvious lack of interest. “What’s the matter, can’t handle both of us?” Pam challenged, giving him a haughty once over.

“Yeah Zan, are we to much for you?” Jessie piped in, copping an attitude.

Zan chuckled and finally looked at them really good for the first time. His eyes narrowed as he recognized Pam. “Wait a minute. Wadn’t you fuckin my brotha?”

Pam’s mouth fell open, she didn’t think Zan knew who she was. Max had never introduced her to Zan or any of his friends. Obviously she was wrong. Her mind raced trying to think of something to say to cover up her backstabbing behavior. “Um… well, he seems to have a taste for brunettes lately…” Regaining some of her confidence, she tried adding a little flattery. “While I was hoping to try something a little spicier,” she said lifting her eyebrow and smiling in invitation.

“What?!” Ain’t that some shit? He was sick of this bitch. “Bitch, step da fuck off!” They stood there stunned, mouths gaping like fish. Had he just said what they thought he said?

Zan was glad when he looked up and saw Liz finally walk through the door. He smiled to himself thinking the wait had definitely been worth it.

She’d let her hair down and was wearing a pair of hip hugging bell bottom jeans, that had patches of red, orange, and brown suede sewn all over them. Her long sleeved red tee had been sliced across the chest, exposing the creamy swell of her breasts. It was just short enough that her navel showed right above her low cut jeans.

Liz smiled when Zan stood and gave her an appreciative smile. She’d come out of the locker room a few minutes before and heard those sluts trying to seduce Zan into taking off with them. She’d stood behind the door and listened as the tramps threw themselves at him. At first she was worried he might take them up on their offer, but he’d blown them off with out hesitation. She was glad she’d waited instead of jumping to conclusions.

Pam and Jessie were pissed that Zan had dissed them so badly. They couldn’t believe that he’d turned down a chance to screw them both, but before they had a chance to respond to his outburst, he was up and walking away, totally dismissing them both.

Zan walked up to Liz and couldn’t help but glance down at her slightly exposed chest before looking back up into her eyes with a completely immodest leer, his mouth turning up in his trade mark half smile. “I like.”

His deep husky voice sent shivers running though her. Liz blushed from his obvious scrutiny and bit the side of her lip, looking up at him through her dark lashes. He loved that. “So, you ready ta go?”

“Yeah,” Liz nodded and took Zan’s outstretched hand as he walked her back over to his bike. Liz could feel the heated stares from Jessie and Pam boring into her as she settled in behind Zan. She decided to really give them something to stare at. “Zan?”

“’Sup?” He turned to look at her over his shoulder and she leaned in and planted a kiss next to his lips.

“Thanks,” she whispered. At his curious expression she gave a discreet nod toward the two sluttish Bimbettes glaring evilly in their direction.

Understanding filled his eyes, and he glared at her playfully before a conspiratorial half grin appeared. “Any time, Toots, but for takin so long, you owe me,” he notified her before putting the key in the ignition.

“Oh, Really,” she said as he started Betty up and revved the engine. “And just what is it that you want in payment for waiting so patiently,” she asked wrapping her arms around his waist. Zan didn’t answer, he just smiled and headed them out toward the parking lot.

As they pulled off, Liz glanced at Pam and Jessica. Hatred emanated from every inch of their bleached blond heads to their pink painted toenails. Satisfied, a triumphant smile lit her face.

West Roswell High Parking Lot

“Man, I can’t believe your still standing after that hit you took, Max,” Alex said amazed. He, Max, Michael, and Kyle stood by the Mustang waiting for Zan and Liz to show up. All of them were slightly in awe that Max wasn’t walking on crutches right now instead of standing here jaw jackin like usual.

“Yeah, Maxwell. I felt that hit up in the stands. There’s no way you’re not still feeling that,” Michael agreed.

It had been the last few seconds of the game and Max was running for the endzone. He was completely open. When Kyle saw Max was just yards from a touchdown, he threw a perfect bullet right to him, but just as Max caught it, two players from East absolutely demolished him. One hit him high and the other clipped his knees. When it happened the whole crowd went silent. The impact could be heard all over the stadium. To everyone’s amazement, not only did Max get up from that excruciatingly hard hit, he had landed inside the endzone still holding the ball, making the final score Comets 20 Novas 14.

"Guys, look who you’re talking about. You all know Max is some kind of alien with super power. He’s got like a force field or something. How else do you explain how he never gets hurt? He’s the man." Kyle laughed, punching Max in the arm. He was always messin with Max about how he never got injured and always came up with these impossible plays. There was no way he was that perfect naturally. He had to be from outer space or something.

“Hey, don’t let Zan hear you say that,” Max chuckled, laughing at his brother’s self-proclaimed title. He glanced around wondering how long they had been waiting for Zan and Liz to show up. “Kyle, what time is it, man?”

Kyle looked down at his watch. “Almost ten,” he answered with a helpless shrug. Max looked toward the side of the school he knew they’d be coming from, frowning. What could they be doing that was taking so long? He tried not to let his imagination get the better of him.

“Hey Maria,” he yelled out to the girls sitting in his jeep. “What was Liz doing when you left?”

Maria turned from the conversation she and Lonnie were having with an exasperated sigh. “She was drying her hair,” she answered giving him a pointed look, before turning back to Lonnie with a roll of her eyes. “God, can’t guys understand that it takes forever for someone with long hair to get ready. Geez, they just expect a girl to throw on any ‘ol thing and walk out the door. And do they appreciate the effort we put in trying to look good? No! They just compl-”

Lonnie saw this triad wasn’t likely to end any time soon, so she interrupted Maria’s rant before it went any further. “Maria! Finish tellin me what happened.”

“Oh, yeah… so we were standing there watching Max acting all bashful with Lizzie… Lonnie you should have seen them, they were so cute,” she gushed for a moment getting side tracked again. “Anyway, so they were like drifting closer and closer together the whole time, I just knew they were gonna kiss.” She stopped to think for a moment and frowned. “For some reason I don’t remember much of what they did after that… at least not until Liz came and rescued me from another public humiliation.” Maria actually blushed when she said this last bit, but still had a naughty grin.

Lonnie didn’t need details to know what she meant. Maria and Mikey’s exploits were well known to her, unfortunately. She rolled her eyes and tried to put everything Maria had told her into more understandable terms. “So what you’re sayin is, Liz’s got a secret that had her all happy and singin, and then a little later you saw her and Max about to kiss?” she asked trying to figure out if this new situation would make her covert matchmaking operation a little more difficult.

Maria watched Lonnie thinking about it all, and since Michael was still resistant to her sticking her nose in, she decided to ask Lonnie to help her get Max and Liz together. “So, are we going to get those two love birds together or what? I know all Liz needs is a little coaxing and she’ll see that she’s as crazy about Max as he obviously is about her.”

“What? No, Maria! She’s gonna hook up wit Zan.” Lonnie refused indignantly. Maria was shocked to hear this.

“Lonnie, come on.” She had to be playing with her. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No.” At Maria’s incredulous look Lonnie started to get slightly defensive. “Why would I kid about that?”

“Well, no offense or anything, but Zan and Liz just don’t look like they’d make a good couple. I mean, he’s so rough around the edges and Liz is so… not.” Her hands swirled around in front of her as she tried to find the words to say what she meant. “They’re good as friends and everything, but Max and Liz, they just fit. The way Max gets all sweet around Liz is really cute. He’s usually all jock like, but when Liz is around he’s like Mr. Softy. I just think they would be perfect together.” Maria finally just shrugged hoping that she didn’t hurt Lonnie’s feelings.

Lonnie figured Maria’s objection to Zan gettin with Liz had more to do with him bein a Punk than anything else. “Maria, Zan and Liz are almost as good friends with each other as she is with us. And her hangin out wit him… is good for him.” When Maria frowned in confusion Lonnie elaborated. “Haven’t you ever noticed how stand offish Zan is sometimes. He messes around wit us and all, but he don’t really like it here. He says the people are too intolerant. He misses New York. When he’s with Liz though, he don’t act like that. He acts normal, like he used too. I can see it in his face when he looks at her, he really likes her. They need to hook up.”

The sound of a motorcycle engine came roaring through the parking lot as Zan finally drove up with Liz. Everyone turned from their conversations and watched as the black motorcycle with its two passengers pulled to a stop between the two vehicles.

“We goin or what?” Zan shouted to no one in particular as if he’d been the one waiting for them the whole time.

“No, we’ve just been sitting here waiting all this time for the hell of it,” Kyle snapped sarcastically.

Max’s jaw tightened when he saw how close Liz sat to Zan, and as hot as she looked, there was way to much contact for his comfort. Her hair cascaded freely down her back and her shirt left her waist bare, exposing her curves. The jeans she wore hugged her hips, and where they had ridden down, he could see the edge of black lacey panties peeking out. She looked sexy as hell sitting there, but it looked like she was wrapped around Zan. His hips sat between her thighs and her chest pressed into his back as she wrapped her arms around his waist to hold on. Definitely too much contact.

Liz watched anxiously as Max just stared at them. What was he thinking? Would he be mad at her for still riding with Zan after their kiss? How was she going to tell him this was actually a date with Zan? G*d, how did she get into this mess? It was driving her crazy just sitting there thinking about it, she needed help. She tapped Zan on the shoulder.

“Hey, I’m going to go talk to Maria and Lonnie for a sec. I’ll be right back.” She hopped off the bike and jogged over to the Jeep.

“Lizzie, I told you those jeans would rock. Girl you look so hot,” Maria raved.

“Yeah and that top is definitely working for ya,” Lonnie smirked.

“Thanks.” Liz smiled enjoying the complements. “Hey guys, remember the situation with Max and Zan?” At the girls’ nods, she let out a big sigh. “Well it’s gotten a lot more complicated.”

“Uh oh, what happened now?” Maria knew Liz had been holding out on her, but what could have happened that was so bad?

“Don’t tell me,” Lonnie said figuring out what happened from what Maria told her. “You kissed Max right?”

Liz stared at her amazed. “Yeah, we kissed during Biology. How did you know?”

“During Biology?” Lonnie frowned. She turned questioning eyes on Maria. “I thought you said they was gettin ready ta kiss just before the game?”

“Oh, so that’s the big secret,” Maria breathed. A big knowing grin appearing on her face. “You go girl,” she said slapping Liz’s arm.

Liz rolled her eyes at her two nosey friends, who knew just enough about what was going on to be irritating. “Look guys, I need your help and I don’t have a lot of time.” She glanced over her shoulder and saw Max and Michael walking over to the Jeep and Zan sitting there waiting so they could go. “Oh, never mind, it’s too late now. Here they come,” she sighed.

Maria tried to soothe her friend’s worried expression. “Babe, we’ll talk about it when we get there, k.”

“Yeah, but now is when I need to talk to Max,” Liz said through gritted teeth and slightly nodding towards him as he walked up. Both girls’ eyebrows shot up surprised, they got the hint. Maria hit Lonnie on the arm. When she got the other girl’s attention, she pointed up at the nonexistent roof of the Jeep and raised her eyebrow in question. Lonnie nodded in agreement just before Michael hopped in the back seat with Maria. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss. “Hey, babe.”

Max walked up to Liz and smiled. “Hey, you look really nice.” He tried not to let his eyes stray to the slit in her shirt, but it was hard not to.

Liz blushed when his eyes drifted away from hers. She smirked thinking, ‘Geez, not Max too.’ “Thanks,” she answered, resisting the urge to cover her chest. “So, how are you feeling after that hit. It looked really painful.”

Max shook his head dismissing her worries. “I’m fine. It wasn’t that bad. Besides I couldn’t let a little hit like that keep me from dancing with you all night, could I?”

Liz smiled at his flirting, then glanced over at Zan. “Max, um… I need-”

“Hey Maxie, would you put the top up before we go. I don’t want my doo gettin messed up,” Lonnie interrupted, right on time.

“Yeah Max, please. After all the work that went into getting me looking this good, I don’t want it getting blown away before anybody sees it,” Maria chimed in.

Max turned to Maria and his sister, and rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He nodded to Michael, “Hey, help me get the roof out?” Michael grudgingly agreed and started pulling the leather roof out of the back, the whole time grumbling about high maintenance women. Max turned back to Liz, “What were you saying?”

“Um-” Liz started to speak, but was again interrupted.

“Hey, Liz!” Zan’s voice yelled out, getting her attention. She turned to see him waiting impatiently. “Let’s go already.”

She looked back at Max who was looking down at her with a resigned smile. He shrugged, “I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yeah.” She smiled back at him with a sigh, and lingered a moment longer before walking back over to the bike.

Max watched as she walked away, finally letting his eyes wander as he watched the sway of her hips and admired the fit of her jeans. ‘Damn!’ He turned back to the Jeep and found Maria and Lonnie both giving him knowing smirks. “What?” Max shrugged innocently.

“See what I mean, Lonnie,” Maria said, settling back in her seat satisfied.

“Hmpf,” was Lonnie’s only reply.

Zan had seen Liz talking to Max, and could feel the sparks between them all the way over here. Obviously Max was handlin his end of things better than Zan had expected. If he wasn’t careful he could see himself losin Liz all together. ‘Betta start handlin ya shit, boy.’

“Woman, you gon talk all night or are we goin to a party?” he asked when Liz made it back to the bike.

“What happened to Mr. Patient Zan,” she teased as she settled in behind him again.

“I killed him,” he grumbled and pulled out behind the Jeep and the Mustang as they headed out of the parking lot.

Continued in next post --->

Chapter 11 Continued

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:53 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
<--- Continued from previous post

‘G*d, this feels so good!!!’ Liz reveled in the feeling of the wind lashing at her and the pulsating roar of the engine as they sped through the dark streets. It felt like they were flying, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Leaning into Zan, Liz spoke directly into his ear,
“Faster!” Smiling mischievously, she rested her chin on his shoulder, and waited to see if he’d do it.

A wicked smile appeared on Zan’s face when he heard her request. She was diggin this. Who would have thought that Liz Parker was a speed freak. He smiled at her over his shoulder and yelled, “Hold on,” and with a flick of his wrist, they were closing the distance between them and the cars in front of them.

Liz grinned excitedly as they sped past their friends in the Jeep. She stuck her tongue out at Kyle and Alex, and waved bye bye, when the Mustang also fell behind. Laughing wildly, she was thoroughly enjoying all their shouting and everyone’s shocked faces. Now there was nothing in front of them but the open road.

Tightening her grip on the loops in Zan’s jeans, Liz rested her chin on his shoulder and just let herself feel it all. The world blurred by undefined, smeared like paint on a canvas. The wind lashed at her and whipped through her hair violently. She could feel the pulse of the engine surging through her, every cell in her body hummed with it. This was heaven.

The roar of the wind faded away as she became aware of Zan’s firm abs brushing against her fingers with his breath. She could feel the heat from his body warming her hands, and soon her palms were moist from the close contact. For some reason, Liz found this contact intimate. Feeling bold, she slid her fingers under the edge of his jacket and began slowly dragging her nails across taught muscles over and over. She smiled at his quick intake of breath, but didn’t stop her slow rhythm.

It was only a small reaction, but Liz loved that she’d caused it. Turning her face into the worn material of his jacket, Liz breathed in the smell of the soft leather that mixed with Zan’s own scent. He smelled warm and earthy, and absolutely delicious. Wrapping her arms around him tighter, she buried her face in his neck and hugged him closer, letting her hands rest lightly over his chest. She tried to memorize how he felt, this might be the last time she’d ever get to do this, just be free to feel him and be this close.

Liz imagined what might happen if things were different and she hadn’t kissed Max that afternoon. What would it be like if Zan had kissed her first? Her mind raced with images of the two of them locked in a passionate kiss. She wondered if Zan would have stopped when things got heated like Max did, or would he have taken things further. That thought sent a shiver through her, but her excitement subsided because she knew she’d probably never find out.

Zan was tryin to focus on driving and not let the torture Liz’s caresses were causin get them killed. He unconsciously slowed down as his buzz from flyin through the desert was eclipsed by the thrill of Liz’s hands on him. He’d gotten so distracted that he barely noticed when the other cars caught up or any of his friends’ taunting as they passed them. Did the girl know what she was doin to him? She was makin it hella hard for him not to stop right here and show her exactly what she was doin to him. The feeling of her tight body all around him and her gentle touches so close to his… uh, power source was about to drive him out his mind.

When she buried her face in his neck and hugged him even closer, he had to hold back a curse. All of a sudden his seat wasn’t so comfortable no more. He could feel her breasts pressing into his back, and one of her hands was resting on his chest, while her fingers absentmindedly stroked his piercing. Liz was gonna freakin kill him!

He felt her shiver all of a sudden, and wondered if she was snugglin so close cause she was tryin to stay warm. He grabbed her wanderin hand and threaded his fingers through hers, just to see if she was cold, he told himself, not to keep her fingers from wreakin any more havoc on his already over stimulated body.

“Liz, you cold?” he yelled over his shoulder. He felt her nod a little bit, but that was the only indication that she’d heard him. Zan looked around and saw a good place to pull over, he needed to get off the bike for a minute anyway. He slowed down and pulled off the road, and cut the engine.

Liz leaned back and rubbed her hands over her arms, trying to warm them a little. She looked around in the darkness, feeling slightly bereft now that the constant noise of the engine was gone. It was beautiful here. The sky was clear, and light from the stars and full moon shone down, casting everything in their ethereal light, while in the background the hills and mountains were silhouettes against the dark horizon. She was awed by the desert’s beauty.

“Zan, why’d we stop,” Liz asked, her voice sounding to loud in such a peaceful place.

“Yous cold, sweets. I felt you shiverin,” he said takin off his glasses and gettin off the bike. He pulled off his jacket and put the warm leather over her shoulders.

Liz slipped her arms into the sleeves, smiling gratefully at his sweetness. “Thank you.”

Zan thought she looked cute swallowed up in his jacket. The sleeves were too long, so she pushed them up so she could work on the zipper. Zan noticed her hair was trapped inside the collar. He liked seein it flowin down her back, so he slide his hands into the thick curtain and pulled it free. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulders and fell all around her, the moonlight made it shine like a dark waterfall. But the thing that really caught his attention was the look of exquisite pleasure that passed over her face when he ran his hands through it. G*d, she looked absolutely beautiful.

Liz had been doing a good job of controlling the butterflies she always got whenever she was close to Zan, but when he put his hands in her hair, it took all her strength not to moan. As it was, her eyes had drifted closed and she found it hard to breath as every inch of her body tingled. When she opened her eyes, she found Zan watching her, his intense golden eyes piercing in the darkness. Rough hands cupped her face, and after only a heartbeat of hesitation, he was kissing her.

Zan could only take so much, Liz’s perfect lips, parted and breathless, were beggin to be kissed. When she opened her heavy lidded eyes, he could see the desire burning in them. He couldn’t not kiss her right then, so he stopped fightin it and kissed her like he’d been wanting to do ever since he’d first seen her. All the pent up frustration he’d felt for Liz over the years disappeared the moment he felt her soft lips respond to his. Feelin her sweet kiss was better than he’d ever imagined, but he wanted more. He needed to taste her. His lips molded and caressed hers, coaxing her to open up, to let him in.

Liz was overwhelmed by everything that was happening. His smoldering kiss and her own desire had her spiraling. His fingers tangled in her hair as he consumed her. He nibbled at her lips, hinting that he wanted inside, she submitted and opened to his insistent demands. Her hands fisted in his shirt as he deepened the kiss, and she couldn’t help the quiet moan that escaped as his velvety tongue slipped between her warm lips. He teased and caressed her as he explored her sweet mouth. The pleasure his questing tongue created, had her feeling weak. With just one kiss, Liz felt like she’d melt right on the spot. She was relieved she was already sitting down, her knees would be useless.

This is what he’d always wanted with Liz, to feel her respond to him like this, to know that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Feeling her clingin to him and hearin the quiet sighs she made as he made love to her mouth, gave him immense satisfaction. Zan couldn't believe he was the one makin her feel like this. Liz was like the unattainable girl he'd always wanted. Feelin her respondin to him like this finally made it all real for him. Liz Parker was finally gonna be his.

Liz felt one of his hands slip from her hair and begin pulling at the zipper on the jacket. She was vaguely aware of the sound of a car passing on the road a few feet away, as he opened the jacket. She felt his fingers stroking the warm skin of her waist before he pulled her closer. When his lips left hers and he started kissing his way down her neck, she pulled back and looked at him unsure. They were sitting on the side of the road, out in the open, making out for all the world to see. Things were just moving way to fast.

He felt her pull away and it took more will power than he thought he had to tear his lips away from her soft skin. But when he looked in her eyes, he could tell that things were gettin a little to heavy. Liz wasn’t ready for this; he shouldn’t have taken it so far. But once he’d had a little taste, he’d wanted more. He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly one more time and rested his forehead against hers.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Zan asked breathing raggedly.

He ran his fingers through her hair as he looked intently into her eyes. Liz knew the desire she saw burning there reflected her own, and she couldn’t look him in the eye after his tender words. She didn’t feel beautiful at all. She felt like a liar, a cheat, and an whole lot of other ugly things.

Liz knew it wasn’t fair, but G*d, she wanted him, and not just as a friend, or even as something in between. She wanted him the way she’d wanted Max. And as horrible as it may sound, she wouldn’t take back moment of what just happened. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but she wasn’t going to lie to either of them.

“Zan…” she paused and looked into his eyes before just rushing it out, afraid she’d lose her nerve again. “I kissed Max, and I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you before, but I never got the chance, and things just-” He stopped her confession, placing a gentle finger over her lips.

“Shhh… Liz, we don’t have to talk about it right now.” He saw the confusion and worry she was feeling play across her face, but couldn’t really say anything to make her feel better until he and Max talked. “We should get goin, everybody’s probably wonderin what happened to us.”

He and Max needed to tell Liz about their plan. She was getting hurt by all this, and that wasn’t either of their intentions. They were just going to have to bite the bullet and hope she felt strong enough for both of them to go along with it. He climbed back on in front of Liz and started the engine.

Zan was ready to get going, but Liz hadn’t returned her hands to his waist or any other place on him she could hold on to. He looked at her over his shoulder. She seemed reluctant to be close to him, he could actually feel space between them on the seat that hadn’t been there before. What was up wit dat?

“You ready,” he asked her. Liz nodded and lightly held on to the loops in his jeans again. It didn’t feel like she really had a good grip to keep her from falling off. Zan hated that he’d made her feel so unsure all of a sudden with his cryptic interruption. ‘This shit’s gotta stop,’ Zan sighed to himself.

He reached down and pulled one of her hands from its tentative handhold, and placed it on his chest, just over his heart. “Hold on tight, Toots,” was all he said, and waited until her other hand slipped around his waist and joined the other. “Dat’s betta.”

He pulled them onto the road and took off toward the Soap Factory again, the whole time wondering what Liz would think when they told her what they’d done.

~ ~ ~

“Courtney you took so damn long to get ready it’s already almost 11:00. All the guys will have probably hooked up by the time we get there.” Pam was already pissed because of Zan blowing her off, if she didn’t get to hook up with somebody tonight because Courtney’s slow behind there’d be hell to pay.

“I couldn’t help it. My ass is bruised. Trying to get these tight assed jeans on was killing me,” Courtney pouted. “That bitch Maria is so dead when I see her.”

Pam rolled her eyes like whatever and Jessie tried to cover the snicker that was threatening to slip out.

“Hey, Pam what is that,” Jessie said pointing toward something off the road ahead of them.

“Oh My Freakin G*d!” Pam shouted as they passed a couple making out on the side of the road.

“Did you see them?!” Jessica yelled just as shocked as Pam. She tried to turn around and see out the back window.

“What are you guys yelling about?” Courtney asked bewildered from the back seat. She craned her neck around too, trying to see what they were making all the fuss about.

“That was Zan and Liz Parker back there making out on the side of the road!” Jessica explained in awe. “Pam, I thought she was with Max?”

Pam was trying to see the couple in her rear view mirror. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as the two figures diminished. “That slut! She’s screwing both of them!”

Jessica’s mouth fell open as she thought about it. “No way,” she said shaking her head. She couldn’t believe it, but it had to be true. They’d all seen Liz looking really cozy with Max Evans earlier, and now it was only a few hours later and she was lockin lips with Zan on the side of the road.

Jessica looked at Pam and saw the evil smile on her lips as she nodded affirming her thoughts. She looked at Courtney and they both shared and incredulous smile at this juicy news. ‘Little Liz Parker was fucking the twins.’

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next chapter is the party. :D

Chapter 12a

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:55 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
Well guys, I'm finally back with a new part. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback everyone. I really really appreaciate it. I am so so so sorry that it's taken me this long to post. I am only posting it now because I didn't want to make everyone wait even longer for the rest of it. My world has just suddenly exploded. A new job and longer hours, in-laws visiting, and believe it or not we are trying to find another place to move to. :roll: I hardly ever have time on the computer anymore. I am going through so much withdrawl. But anyway, I hope you all enjoy this part. There is more to this chapter to come. Oh and there is a little note at the end, so check it out after your done. Have fun guys.


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Part 12
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Max pulled in the first empty spot he found in the over full parking lot. Cars were parked haphazardly in every direction. It was nothing but an unorganized mess. He was glad they had to park so far away, ‘Now no one will scratch my beautiful baby,’ he thought, giving Bob’s dashboard a comforting pat. ‘Bob…’ He frowned thinking his Jeep just didn’t feel like a “Bob”. It was more like a Porscia or Pricilla, Bertha even, but Bob? Where’d Lonnie come up with that?

Lonnie watched Max pet his Jeep, and shook her head at her brother. “Max, would you quit pettin this damn thing. It’s just a car, it doesn’t love you back,” she admonished with a smirk. Max’s eyes got wide with mock shock as he gasped at her words.

“Don’t you listen to her, baby. I know you wuv me,” he said babying his precious Jeep.

Maria stuck her head between the seats in front of her, ignoring their banter. “Max, you should’ve turned back. They might have needed help,” she worried.

“Maria, Zan has his cell phone,” he said patiently. “If he needed help he would have called us.” Max’s gaze drifted to the road, his eyes searching in the dark for any sign of Zan and Liz. It was bothering him too that they were out in the desert all by themselves, albeit for different reasons. He looked over to Lonnie for support.

Lonnie sighed exasperatedly and looked skyward as if she were pleading for help from above. “Yes, for the millionth time, Maria! Zan can take care of hisself, and besides, if anything was really wrong Liz woulda called by now too. Don’t stress. He probably just stopped to look at a wild dingleberry or somethin. They’ll show up.”

Michael pulled Maria back on his lap. He kissed her forehead and tried to sooth her worries. “Don’t worry, babe. She’s all right. Zan’s with her. You know he’ll take care of her.”

Their words eased her mind a little, but Maria couldn’t stand the possibility of Liz being stranded out in the desert while she was laughing it up at some stupid party. What if they couldn’t get a phone signal way out here? She was about to bring up this point when a thought occurred to her. “Lonnie, what the hell is a dingleberry?”

Lonnie just rolled her eyes and sighed. “Never mind, les jus go, already. I wanna shake my groove thang.” And with that, she threw open her door and hopped out. She stood there waiting expectantly when she realized they were all staring at her as if they just knew she did not just say that. “Well?”

As commanded Max, Michael, and Maria all piled out of the Jeep. They all made their way over to the Mustang to get Alex and Kyle before joining the loud party that was already well under way. Thoughts of what Zan and Liz were doing out in the desert by themselves were momentarily forgotten as the music and atmosphere overwhelmed their senses.


Zan rode up to the parking lot and looked around. The whole area was filled with cars. He shook his head and chuckled.

“What?” Liz spoke up from behind. She’d been lost in thoughts about Max and hadn’t realized they’d stopped. It was inevitable. She knew sooner or later Max and Zan would talk, and then what was she supposed to say when Max when confronted her? She could imagine it now; ‘Oh Hi Max. Um… Yeah I do have the hots for your brother, and um… yeah we were just making out on the side of the road. Oh, don’t worry, I still want you too.’ Geez! She was going to lose both of them. She knew it. Zan’s voice brought her out of her pitiful misery.

“Max, said it was just supposed to be some guys from the team hangin out here tonight. Lookit all these cars.” A wry smile crept on his face when he thought about his brother tryin to talk him out of comin tonight. ‘Seems lil bro was tryin to bamboozle somebody.’ He couldn’t be mad though, he’d have tried the same thing. ‘Sneaky muthafucka.’

He spotted the jeep parked on the edge of the mass of cars, and drove up along side it. He shut off the engine and waited as Liz dismounted. When hopped off the bike and turned to Liz, she was standing there awkwardly, pulling on the hem of his jacket and looking down at her feet. He stood before her and tilted his head down trying to see her eyes. “Liz, you ok?” he asked. When she still wouldn’t look at him, he lifted her chin with his finger and saw the worry in her eyes. He let his thumb caress her lips before letting his hand fall. Her expression softened at his affectionate gesture, and she nodded, smiling a little.

“You wanna leave the jacket in the Jeep,” he asked.

Her eyes looked down at the bulky jacket she was wearing, trying to decide whether or not to give up the little protection it gave her. She shook off that silly thought, the only thing the jacket could protect her from was the cold. Not even a suit of armor could stave off the confrontation she was dreading. She finally unzipped the warm jacket, letting Zan help her out of it, and watched as he tossed it in the Jeep. She looked back up at Zan and wondered why he was being so nice to her, after all she had just told him she’d kissed his brother. She expected him to be pissed at her, not acting like a gentlemen.

Zan held his hand out to her expectantly. She looked at him for a moment, then just made herself ask him. “Zan why are you being so nice to me?” Her eyes searched his face trying to see what was really going on in his head.

Zan’s eyebrows shot up in confusion. “Am I supposed to be mean to you instead?” he asked with a confused chuckle.

Liz smacked her lips at him and rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean,” she said not quite meeting his gaze.

He gave her a dazzling grin. “I promised to be a perfect gentlemen tonight, and that’s what I’m gonna do.” He tilted his head to the side and quirked an eyebrow at her as he thought of something. “But, I can be naughty for ya, if ya want,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Liz gulped at the heat and mischief she saw in his eyes as he took a step closer crowding her personal space even more than before. Her eyes got wide as he leaned in as if he would kiss her again. His lips hovered above hers descending agonizingly slowly. Just as she thought those sensuous lips would reach there target, Zan stopped. “Nah, I think I’ll be good instead. A promise is a promise and all.” He straightened and took a step back, leaving a dazed Liz staring at him wide eyed.`

Liz let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and shook her head. She looked at Zan and saw the knowing smirk that now sat upon those dangerous lips. Her eyes narrowed as she realized he’d been teasing her.

Zan broke into a courtly bow and held out his arm for her. “Ma lady, shall we join the festivities?” He gave her his best snooty Englishmen accent. Liz smiled and shook her head at herself and his silliness. She wrapped her arms around his, and let him lead her to the party, but after a few steps gave him a mean punch in the arm for his trouble. An “Ow!” and a “Serves you right.” were heard in night air before their voices were engulfed by the sounds of loud music and laughter.


The heavy techno beat of the music reverberated off the steel walls making it feel as if the beat was pounding its way through her chest. The place was packed with people, most dancing wildly in the center of the room, and some stood along the walls talking to, or rather yelling at each other. The crush of people made the air warm, already Liz could feel her skin getting damp as they made their way through the crowd.

She looked around for her friends as Zan pulled her along, and noticed some of the whispers and looks people gave them as they passed. She and Zan were holding hands, it would be all over school on Monday. She gave a bitter sigh, remembering the pain she’d gone through after Sean told everyone that he’d slept with her. It had spread like wild fire that geeky little Liz Parker was a slut, and after all this time that rumor still followed her. G*d, she hated him.

Liz finally spotted Maria and Lonnie standing by a wall near the guys. She tapped Zan on the shoulder and pointed to them. They made their way over to the gang and Zan started talking to the guys and Liz hung back and went over to Maria and Lonnie.

“There you are, what happened to you guys? We were so worried,” Maria said, her concern showing as she slipped her arm over Liz’s shoulder and pulled her into a quick hug.

“Correction, you was worried,” Lonnie teased with a smack of her lips.

Liz smiled at their concern and lack of it. “We’re fine. Zan just pulled over to give me his jacket,” she told them, playing down what really happened, hoping Maria would leave it at that, cause god knew she was the queen of nosey.

“See, I told you there wasn’ nothing to worry about. She was all worried you was stranded out in the desert and would die,” Lonnie exaggerated, thumbing at Maria.

Maria barely noticed Lonnie’s dig, she was busy trying to judge Liz’s overly innocent expression. She knew Liz well enough to be able to tell when she was hiding something. “So what took you guys so long then? We’ve been here at least twenty minutes already.”

Liz glanced over to the guys standing around talking, her eyes lingering on the two that had been troubling her thoughts all day.

“Ok… something else did happen while we were gone.” She looked back at her two friends hoping they would be understanding and not judge her. She told them about her kiss with Zan and how they were supposed to be on a date tonight, and explained everything that had happened with Max. “You guys, I just don’t know what to do.”

She waited anxiously as Maria and Lonnie stood gaping at her, for once with nothing to say. Liz couldn’t take the silence any longer. “You guys, I tried to tell Zan about Max and me, but he didn’t want to talk about it. I know Max is gonna find out, and he’ll never speak to me again, and I couldn’t take that, and what must Zan think of me now.” She looked at them both hoping for something, anything. They both just stood there acting as if they were going to say something, only to stop and shake their heads.

Maria finally found her voice. “Liz, how the hell did all this happen and where was I when all this drama was going on?” Lonnie just stood there shaking her head and began looking slightly angry.

“That’s just it, everything just kind of… I don’t know… happened.” She struggled, still trying to figure it out herself. “Everything was cool, then he asked if I was cold and pulled over. We were putting his jacket on me, then the next thing I know…” her eyes drifted over to Zan as she spoke and she ended with a lame shrug.

Lonnie didn’t know whether to be happy that Zan was finally trying to hook up with Liz, or mad because Liz was messin with both her brothas. She watched Liz while she explained how she’d gotten into this predicament and tried to determine if Liz was really as bothered by it all as she seemed to keep sayin or if she was just playing games.

“Liz, you can’t do this,: she said shaking her head. “I understand you got feelins for both of ‘em, but you can’t be goin back and forth.” She glanced at her brothers talking to each other a few feet away. She couldn’t believe she was having to tell a girl not to play with their hearts. Of all the ironic turn of events… “Liz, you know my brothas like you, but you cain’t be messin with both of ‘em. Believe it or not, they do have feelings.” She looked Liz hard in the eyes to make her point. “Don’t try to be a player, Liz.” She looked at the smaller girl for a second longer, then shook her head again before walking over and dragging Alex out on the dance floor.


Zan walked up to his boys and was greeted enthusiastically, more so than he expected. Kyle bust out on him as soon as he walked up.

“Zan! You finally made it! I thought that hunk a junk konked out on you,” he said slapping Zan’s hand and patting him on the shoulder consolingly.

“Psh! Pleeease, Betty’ll dust you raggedy shit any day,” Zan replied contemptuously giving him a mischievous grin. He pounded fists with Michael and Alex receiving a grunted, “’Sup,” from both. When he looked at Max, he was surprised by the measuring glare coming his way. “Bra? Whasup?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“What happened,” Max questioned curtly. It had been eating at him knowing that Zan had been out alone with Liz for so long, and then when they came in they’d been holding hands. Max had wanted to snatch Liz away from Zan, but he’d have been a hypocrite. What had they been doing out there all this time? They’d been missing for almost half an hour.

Zan knew what his brother wanted to know, but it really wasn’t any of his business, well maybe a little of his business, but that thought was easily pushed aside. “What do ya mean?” He was playin dumb.

Max could see the mischief in Zan’s eyes and it irritated him. He was thinking about choking the answer out of his bull headed brother when a well wisher from the game came up and congratulated him and Kyle on their win. He smiled pleasantly and thanked the guy, then immediately turned back to Zan with a blank face, as the other guys chatted about the game. Zan chuckled at his brother’s flippin expressions. “Zan you know what I want to know. Why’d you stop?” Max asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

Zan was enjoying torturing Maxie. “Chill bra, you gon bust a blood vessel.” When Max’s jaw tightened and he looked as if he really would pop a vein, Zan gave in. “I stopped to give her my jacket.”

“It took all this time just to give her your jacket?” Max asked disbelievingly.

Zan looked around at the dancers and other partygoers, licking his bottom lip as he thought about how to answer. Finally he looked at a knowing Max and answered. “We kissed.”

Max knew it had to be something like that. He looked at Liz standing a ways off and tried not to see the image of her and Zan kissing in his mind. It hurt that Liz had kissed Zan after she’d all but staked her claim on him, but he tried to stamp down his feelings. They were intentionally putting her in a position where she would either choose one of them over the other, or she wouldn’t be able to choose between them, that was “the plan” after all. He shook his head inwardly; they must have been whacked in the head to think this would be easy.

Zan watched the emotions go over his brother’s face as he tried to deal with him kissin Liz. Finally Max nodded and gave him a small half smile letting him know he was ok. “We still cool, right?”

“Yeah, always,” Max answered without hesitation. How could his brother ever think they weren’t cool? He might get mad at him sometimes, but Zan was always gonna be his brother. They shook hands and Max pulled Zan into a quick half hug to make it clear. Zan was glad Max hadn’t gotten pissed at him. As long as they stayed cool wit eachotha everything would work out.

The DJ started playing a mellow tune, to give the crowd a chance to catch their breath. Zan recognized the song. He listened to the words for a minute and it reminded him a little of how he felt about Liz.

Darling baby
Got me going crazy
I can’t seem to get you out of my
You look so good to me gotta tell
Even my friends worry about me
Day and night I think about you
Don’t know what I go through to forget about you
I can’t say that I know much about you
Can’t say that you know much about me

He watched her talking to his sister and Maria, and shook his head at himself. He wanted to be cool and act like nothing ever got to him, but every time he looked at this little girl his heart sped up and his chest tightened, just from looking at her. His eyes closed for a moment as he remembered the feel of her lips, and the soft sounds she made when they’d kissed. Who was he kiddin, they’d only kissed once and he couldn’t go two minutes without thinking about tasting her. He opened his eyes again and watched the way her lips moved as she spoke to her friends, his attention drawn to the little flash of pink when she moistened her lips. He’d give anything to taste them again.

All I know you got me
All I know you got me
Speechless Speechless

He nudged Max, “Hey, this song remind you of somebody?” he said with a smirk. Max listened to the words and a smile crept on his face and he imagined himself saying these things to Liz. He nodded in agreement as the words chorused off of the dingy factory walls.

Now I’ve seen plenty girls in my
Like you I never had the pleasure
Before I get too far ahead of my
Heart says I need to be wit you
I don’t mean to be comin’ off like
I apologize if I’m being
But I’m really diggin on
And I’m hoping you feel it too

As the both of them were caught up in the words and music of the song, their eyes drifted to the girl that was causing all the crazy emotions that had them both acting so out of character.

All I know you got me
All I know you got me
Speechless Speechless

Any anger Max had felt melted away as his eyes took in the beautiful girl that could make his heart skip a beat with just her smile. He watched her bite her lip in the cute way she did when she was nervous, and had to resist the urge to go and make her stop biting the thumb she’d just brought to her soft lips. He wanted to take that thumb away and kiss the hurt he knew she’d caused. He sighed and shook his head as the image of her and Zan appeared in his mind again. If the only way he would get to kiss her and be with her was by sharing her with his brother, then… that’s just what he’d have to do. Cause he could not get to kiss those lips again. He’d just have to get over being so jealous. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but he would.

What I can’t figure out is
why it’s so hard for me to find
The right words to say to you
no matter how many words I use
Nothing’s good enough to
tell you
how I feel about you baby
Speechless by Musiq Soulchild


Liz felt like she’d been slapped. Never would she have imagined that Lonnie would think she was intentionally trying to lead on both Max and Zan. She felt the prickle of tears warming her eyes and closed them tight, trying to keep them at bay.

Maria pulled Liz into a hug and tried to comfort her friend. “Babe, it’s alright. Don’t let her get to you. You know she only said that stuff cause she’s their sister, but she doesn’t really mean it. You know that, right?” She pulled back to look at Liz’s face, trying to see what she was thinking. No tears had spoiled her make up, but Liz looked as if she may cry at any moment.

Liz took a deep breath trying to cool the heat burning behind her eyes. “My head knows it, but my heart still hurts.” She looked up at Maria, her eyes red around the edges. “Maria, if she thinks that… what if they think that too? What if they think I’m just playing with both of them? Maria, I would never do that. I couldn’t.” She closed her eyes and tried not to hear the little voice that whispered, ‘But you made out with Max, and then turned right around and did the same thing with Zan only, how many hours later? Isn’t that something a player would do? You could have told Zan about you and Max at the game, but you didn’t. Isn’t that something a player would do too. Doesn’t that make you a player Liz?’

She opened her eyes and looked over at the two young men that had her heart so confused, and her breath caught in her throat. Twin sets of amber eyes gazed back at her, and she was struck by the intensity she saw there.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I case anyone wants to hear some of the song Max and Zan were listening to, here is a link to where you can hear a clip of it. Speechless

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:42 am
by Dreaming In Purple
Ok I'm posting this little piddly bit of a part under protest, but I promised I'd post tonight. LittleHottie510 is blackmailing me into posting right now cause she said I was taking to long. :evil: Please forgive me if this part is lacking. Its continuing on from where we left off last time.

You best be posting that new part woman! :D


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Liz felt like she’d been slapped. Never would she have imagined that Lonnie would think she was intentionally trying to lead on both Max and Zan. The prickle of tears warmed her eyes and she closed them tight, trying hard to keep them at bay.

Maria pulled Liz into a hug and tried to comfort her friend. “Babe, it’s alright. Don’t let her get to you. You know she only said that stuff cause she’s their sister. She doesn’t really mean it.” She pulled back to look at Liz’s face, trying to see what she was thinking. “You know that, right?” No tears had spoiled Liz’s make up, but she looked as if she might cry at any moment.

Liz took a deep breath trying to cool the heat burning behind her eyes. “My head knows it, but it still hurts.” She looked up at Maria, her eyes red around the edges. “Maria, if she thinks that… what if they think that too? What if they think I’m just playing with both of them? Maria, I would never do that. I couldn’t.” She closed her eyes and tried not to hear the little voice that nagged at her, ‘But you kissed Max, and then turned right around and made out with Zan only… how many ‘hours’ was it later? Isn’t that something a player would do? You could have told Zan about you and Max at the game, but you didn’t. Isn’t that something a player would do too, Liz?’

She opened her worried eyes and looked over at the two young men that had her heart so confused. Her breath caught in her throat when twin sets of amber eyes gazed back at her.

In all the time Liz had known the guys she had never confused one with the other. Max and Zan were so different there was no way anyone would ever mistake them, but right in that moment, looking into their eyes, they looked so much alike it gave her chills.

Liz flushed feeling cornered. It was obvious that they’d spoken about her, so what were they thinking now? Would they both be angry and confront her about her two timing?

She looked to Max trying to see if he was angry, but what she saw in his eyes wasn’t anger. There was desire, possessiveness, and determination. Her cheeks burned and she swallowed past the guilt that was threatening to choke her, cause she also saw the hurt he was trying to hide. Her eyes fell from his penetrating gaze, because she couldn’t stand knowing she was the one that put it there.

She looked at Zan wondering how he was feeling about everything. When their eyes met, her skin flushed hot. She knew that look. He’d looked at her the same way out in the desert. There was no sign of anger or distrust, only hunger. His heated gaze roamed over her body leaving a trail of tingles everywhere he looked. She couldn’t stand the intensity of their attention and had to look away.

“Whoa!” Maria’s voice reminded her that her friend still stood there. “Babe, from the way they’re looking at you, I don’t think you have to worry about that too much. Damn! How come Michael never looks at me that way?” This made Liz smile.

She dared to glance over at the guys again and was met with a sexy grin and a knowing smirk, and couldn’t keep her own shy smile from touching her lips. She guessed Maria was right, maybe she had been worrying for nothing.

Just then, two girls out of the crowd stepped in front of Max and Zan effectively cutting off the girls’ line of vision. Liz frowned, ‘What did they want’ she thought looking the girls up and down.

One was not much taller that her with extremely short curly brown hair. She wore a bright red halter that tied around her neck and behind her back, leaving ample skin exposed for anybody to see. Her skin tight black leather pants clung to her curves accentuating her hips. The other girl was taller with strawberry blonde shoulder length hair. Her light blue sheer shirt did nothing to hide the black lacey bra she wore underneath, but Liz figured that was the point.

The girls smiled and flirted with the guys, touching them and leaning in close. They were very straight forward about what they wanted. Liz’s eyes narrowed as jealousy reared its ugly head. She wanted to go tell the skanks to back off, but just stood there watching as the two girls made very obvious attempts to lure her guys away. She smiled with satisfaction when she saw both of them shake their heads, politely denying the scantily clad girls. But they didn’t seem to take the hint.

Instead of going on there merry little way like Liz hoped, they began pressing themselves up against the guys and openly throwing themselves at them. Both guys glanced worriedly in Liz’s direction and tried disentangling themselves from the over aggressive girls. That’s when Maria went in to action.

“Oh no! Oh no no no no no! We will not be having anymore skanky women hanging around. I’m putting a stop to this right now.” She thought for a second then a sly smile crossed her face. “I know just what will cheer you up, Liz. You need to dance. Come on,” she said grabbing Liz by the arm and dragging her over to the scene.

Maria pulled Max away from the short brunette. “Max, go dance with your girl,” she said pushing him and Liz toward the dance floor, then turned her attention to Zan and the blond. “Michael already told me he wouldn’t be doing his rendition of the spaz tonight, so that leaves you Spikey. Let’s dance.” Zan looked at her with relief in his eyes. She just smirked at him letting him know he owed her one. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him away from the tramp in front of him saying a succinct “Excuse me,” as they made their way out to the dance floor.



Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:12 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
Hello everybody. Yall still out there :?: Sarah Marie was almost to the point of threatening me again so I had to hurry up and post. :shock: Happy Birthday girly. I hope it was fun. Here you guys go. Enjoy!


Max and Liz stumbled onto the dance floor after Maria none to gently pushed them in that direction. Both glared at her and her not so subtle orders, then looked at each other and laughed. Maria may have been blunt, but Max was grateful for the rescue. Besides, now he got to dance with Liz. He smiled at her and shrugged. “So, wanna dance?”

Liz smiled at him. “Well I guess we haven’t got much choice, do we,” she laughed. They moved farther into the crowd of dancers and had just begun moving to the beat of Britney Spears’ Toxic, when Sean Paul’s deep voice rang out “Jus Gimme Da Light!” All of a sudden Maria appeared next to them squealing. “Liz, its our song! Come on.” Liz and Maria both had huge crushes on Sean Paul. His sexy voice had inspired them to spend many hours learning the dances from his videos.

The girls stood next to each other and started rocking back and forth in time to the beat waiting for the change in the music they knew was coming. Then when the beat picked up, they both looked at each other with knowing grins and started winding their hips and bouncing to the energetic music, imitating the girls they’d seen in the video. They were having so much fun dancing with each other that they didn’t realize they guys weren’t really dancing with them.

Liz looked over and saw them looking kind of uncomfortable and out of place. She sighed and shook Maria’s arm to get her attention. She nodded in the guys’ direction with a mischievous smile. Maria understood what Liz wanted to do and they both turned to Max and Zan with the intention of getting them to stop being such stick in the muds.

“Come on, Max. Dance!” Liz prodded. She grabbed his hand and tried to get him to move with her. Max had this kind of lost and bewildered look on his face as he tried to keep up with Liz. He felt so self-conscious with his uncoordinated self, dancing with Liz’s fluid graceful movements. He let her show him how to move like she was and tried to match her steps. After a minute he started feeling better and was soon dancing on his own.

“Yeah, that’s it. Now put your hands here and roll with me.” She placed his hands on her hips and started rolling her hips. With one of her hands on his shoulder she let the music lead her movements. Max caught her rhythm and soon they were in perfect sync with each other.

Liz glanced over at Maria and Zan. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise when she saw that Maria had Zan rockin away and stompin to the beat. Zan could dance! Would wonders never cease?


Michael and Kyle still stood near the spot they’d found when they all first came in. They chilled in comfortable silence scanning the crowd as people danced and milled around. Michael kept his eye on Maria, watching her dance with Zan and Liz. She looked like she was having a ball. A little half smile crept on his face. Good, cause that’d keep her from trying to drag him out there.

Kyle looked around checking out the female contingent here tonight, hoping to find just the right girl to spend his evening with. He returned the smile of a cute brunette that caught his eye but quickly dismissed her as a candidate; to skinny. His gaze came upon a small group of nice looking girls and he paused taking stock of his choices. Scratch that one; to tall. Not her, those nails look lethal. Hmm, maybe the little blond. He was just about to make his way over to talk to the cute little blond, when someone moving through the crowd toward him caught his attention.

A pleased smile appeared on his lips when he recognized the tall red head making her way over to him. Vicky Delanie. She stopped in front of him, one hand on her mini skirt clad hip the other pointed at him as she stood glaring at him. “You got me grounded for the rest of my life, Kyle Valenti.”

Kyle knew he should feel guilty for getting her is trouble, but all he could see was those three little buttons holding her tight black shirt closed and that ultra, ultra short mini skirt. His eyes drifted over the black lace up heels to her bare legs and on up til he finally met her firey hazel green eyes. She glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest as she prepared to tell him off, but all that did was make her cleavage even more… cleavy. All his mind could think was, ‘Just three little buttons.’

“Kyle! At least look at me while I’m talking to you! Up here!” She snapped her fingers in front of his face, bringing him out of his haze. Michael snickered as he watched Kyle struggle to pay attention. Vicky looked pissed. Michael knew from experience that the only thing that could get Kyle out of this one was groveling, and a lot of it from the look in her eye.

“Vicky, babe, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I’d get so loud.” Kyle cringed as the words left his mouth.

“Loud! Kyle people could hear you down on the first floor! And you are the one that got off easy. My mom is on the warpath. I had to sneak out tonight just so I could come and cuss your sorry ass out. Why didn’t you tell them it was just a misunderstanding or something? You just sat there trying to hide you face the whole time.”

Kyle winced at the memory. He had just sat there feeling totally embarrassed while the Principal lectured them on their lack of moral values and the practices of safe sex. Vicky had gotten the worst of it because she was a girl.

Kyle shook his head cause he couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t make him sound even more stupid, so he stuck with the basics. “I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

Her head cocked to the side along with her hip, as she looked him over from head to toe. The most tired and disgusted expression he ever saw crossed her face. “You are so not worth it.” She was about to walk away when he grabbed her hand to keep her from going.

“Hey, I’m really sorry. At least let me try to make tonight fun for you. You snuck out and are dressed to kill. At least dance with me. Don’t let all that gorgeousness go to waste.” He turned on the charm, smiling at her and trying to look innocent so she’d forgive him. She rolled her eyes and sighed, relenting a little.

“Ok, we dance, and you so better make this night worth it, or I might just have to spread the word about your ‘little’ problem.”

Kyle frowned and was about to protest to that statement, but the glare she gave him shut him up quick. Michael finally busted out laughing when they walked out to the dance floor. Man, he had to tell everyone about this later.

He was still shaking his head and chuckling to himself when he felt someone standing next to him. He looked up and found Courtney Banks standing there with a wicked grin. The first thing that came to his mind was, if Maria saw her talking to him… Shit!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:32 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
Ok It's finally done and ready to post. I'm shocked myself. I thought this was the chapter that wouldn't ever get finished. Sorry it took so long. I hope you all enjoy it. A whole lot of hard work went into this one.

Sarah, I hope this gives you a good Zan fix, so we can get some Summer Lovin nookie. :wink:

I'm really happy that this story won the best UC award. It's really cool! :D Thanks again for voting for us. Ok on to the story. Enjoy...

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"Hey, Mikey G," Courtney said looking him over like he was an entrée she wanted to devour. Michael stood up stiff, and glanced over at Maria, knowing he was in dangerous territory. “Why ya standing back here all by your self, hot stuff,” she said moving in front of him to bring his attention back to her.

Michael held his hands up and backed up as much as he could, which really wasn’t much with the wall behind him. “Courtney, why are you talking to me? Maria’s going to get pissed. Just go away, before things get worse.”

She smiled at him thinking, ‘Babe, you have no idea how bad things will get.’

“Aww, Mikey, I’m just talking to ya,” she said, dismissing his worry with a smirk, then that evil smile of hers returned. “Can’t a girl talk to hot guy at a party,” she purred. Looking him over again, she moved even closer, crowding him against the wall.

Michael was going to just walk away and act like she was never there, but when he moved to get past her, Courtney stepped even closer, intentionally making their bodies touch. He looked over at Maria again hoping she hadn’t seen this. He grabbed Courtney by the shoulders, intending to physically move her out of the way, when she said something that struck him.

“Its a shame leaving a babe like you standing here all alone to go dance with another man.” She looked up into his frowning face with so much concern. “I’d never do a thing like that.” She let her eyes wander to his lips and smiled hungrily. “Un uh, no way would I leave a stud like you all alone.”

Michael pushed her away from him, putting her at arms length. “Chill Courtney! Damn!” He sighed in relief and frustration. Courtney was coming on strong and getting on his nerves, but for some reason what she said kind of bothered him. “What are you talking about anyway? Maria is just dancing with Zan.” The way he said it showed that he didn’t think of Zan as another man, just his friend. He crossed his arms and glared at her.

“Mikey G, don’t tell me you trust her with him. I mean look,” she gestured toward Zan and Maria out on the dance floor. “He’s hot! And he’s like the biggest dog in school.” She looked at Michael with disappointment. “See how they’re dancing? You can’t tell me you actually trust her not to want to get it on with him, or him with her for that matter.”

Michael glared at her with cool indifference. She was so transparent. He knew she was trying to make him jealous, and get him to break up with Maria. She was being so obvious. “It ain’t gonna work.”

She looked at him with innocent confusion. “What do you mean?” The malevolence in his eyes would have made most people back off and leave as quickly as they could, but Courtney wasn’t scared. She was going to get revenge for Maria humiliating her, and she knew Michael was just the way to do it.

“You’re trying to get me and Maria to break up. It ain’t gonna happen.” He looked at her disgusted. “Move on Courtney and maybe I won’t tell Maria about this.”

Courtney smiled at him as if she’d given up her rouse now that she’d been caught. “So it didn’t work?” She quirked an eyebrow at him questioningly.

He crossed his arms over his chest and stated with finality, “No.”

She shrugged prettily as if she was being a good loser, then that smile returned. “Oh well, then maybe this will.” She reach up and grab his face with both hands and kissed him hard, smearing her lipstick across his mouth. By the time he’d pushed her away it was too late, his lips were covered in red. There’d be no way he could wipe it all off before Maria saw.

On the Dance Floor

The thought of Zan being able to dance had never crossed Maria's mind, but it was totally unimaginable that he could dance better than her. Not only was this knucklehead keeping up with her, but he was showing her steps she’d never seen before. “Zan, look at you!” she laughed. “How’d you learn to dance so good?”

He smacked his lips and pretended to be disappointed in her. "Re-Re, you doubted Da Man?" he teased with a grin. She watched as he copied the dance she was doing, but added his own personal flavor to it. She just smiled and shook her head. “Zan, sometimes you just shock the hell outta me.”

Maria took a quick peek at Liz and Max, and smiled, satisfied when she saw how into each other they were. Liz was dancing hard and had started to sweat, but it didn't seem to bother her a bit. She moved her hips and body with the rhythm, the whole time staying in perfect synch with Max. Max stared at Liz like she’d bewitched him. He watched every move she made. From the look of things, her best friend was in for an interesting night. Especially if things went like Maria was hoping.

Michael was so wrong. Getting Max and Liz together was one of the best ideas she ever had, well that and wearing that sparkly gold top the night she met Michael. At the thought of her randy boyfriend, Maria looked over to where she’d left him, wondering how he was doing over there by himself. She had to strain to look over all the heads in the crowd, but when she found him her happy mood evaporated.

Was that Courtney’s slutty ass over there all over on her man?! ‘No fucking way! That bitch!’

Moving past Zan, giving him a quick, “I’m sorry, Zan. I’ll be right back.” she made her way through the crowded dance floor, keeping them both in her sight, as she pushed past people in the way. She thought she’d made her point clear at the game, but obviously Courtney was a slow learner.

Maria had only intended to get the skanky ho to slink off back to whatever trash heap she’d crawled out of, but when she saw Courtney grab Michael and kiss him. Rage crashed over her like a tidal wave. It threatened to strangle her.

Maria reached them just as Michael pushed Courtney away. Without warning she grabbed a handful of Courtney’s bleached hair, yanking her away from Michael. She began pummeling the poor girl’s face, each punch enunciated by her angry words. “Bitch, I told you!”

Michael was so shocked by Maria’s sudden appearance and her state of rage, that for moment he couldn’t move. But after seeing her beating the shit out of Courtney, he knew he had to step in before Maria beat the girl to a bloody pulp.

He grabbed Maria’s wrist, stopping her from landing another blow. “Maria, stop it! Let her go before you really hurt her!” Maria twisted her hand in Courtney’s hair, keeping a firm hold of her as Courtney struggled to get free. She yanked her arm free from Michael’s grip.

“Let go of me!” she yelled at him, turning her anger on him. She looked at him in incredulous disbelief. “You’re protecting her?! After what she just did?!” Maria looked down at Courtney, who was hunched over struggling to loose Maria’s firm grip on her hair. Her face was swelling and red from Maria’s punches. Maria pushed the girl to the floor and whirled on Michael.

“You fucking Bastard! You wanted her to kiss you!” She was pushing at him hard in the chest, tears starting to fall as her emotions overwhelmed her.

Michael looked around at the people standing around them watching the display with eager grins and morbid curiosity. He grabbed Maria’s wrists, holding them against his chest to stop her from hitting him any more. “Maria, stop! Everyone is watching us!”

“I don’t fucking care! How could you do this to me?!” Michael couldn’t stand it anymore. He had to get her to calm down, and with everybody around that just wasn’t going to happen. Taking matters into his own hands, Michael scooped a struggling Maria up into his arms and headed for the door. They needed to talk, Now!


Zan frowned as he watched Maria take off through the crowd. ‘Damn that girl’s moods is erratic.’ He sighed and laughed to himself, 'Of course she’d leave him standin there lookin like a scrub, while she took off to do… whatever she was doin.' He shook his head and was about to go see what was up with her, when he glanced over at Max and Liz. The moment he saw them, every thought he had just stopped.


Liz smiled at Max as he moved like he'd been dancing like this for years. He was smiling at her with a sexy grin and watching her every move. He was making her forget everything that had been on her mind. They needed to talk, but looking at Max, talking wasn't really high on his list of things to do right now.

The music blended into Beyonce` Knowles’ "Naughty Girl" as Sean Paul faded out. Liz got caught up in the music. The beat from the speakers was so loud, she could feel it pounding through her chest. She wondered what it'd be like to be the girl in the song. For just one night to stop denying herself, stop fighting everything she was feeling, and just let go. Looking into Max’s eyes, she wondered what he’d think if she did that.

The way he stared at her was intoxicating. His dusky gaze traveling over her made her feel hot. Steamy. She found herself hypnotized by it. ‘Maybe just this once.’ Sighing, she gave in, and let the music and the feel of Max's body moving with hers take over.


Max thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He’d forgotten all about his insecurities as Liz’s lithe body rocked in his hands. The feel of her brushing against him every time they moved had him breathing hard. She was sexy as hell, winding her hips in ways that made his mouth water. Every now and then, her body would brush against places that made him want to groan in pleasure. She’d started sweating and ran a hand through her hair, brushing it off her face, never missing a beat. She made even the simplest gesture look sexy. And she kept looking up at him with this sultry smile… She was killing him and he didn’t think she even knew it.


Liz swallowed from the sensations coursing through her every time Max moved. He gripped her waist and his hands slid under the edge of her shirt, sending shivers across her skin. Tingles thrilled her whenever his hard thighs brushed against hers. Her breath became labored when he pulled her close, closing the small distance between them. She felt Max everywhere, he was overwhelming. She turned around in his arms, hoping it would calm her overheating body. It didn’t work…

He moved in behind her, molding his hard chest to her back, and continued swaying to the slow sexy beat. Leaning in, he nuzzled the soft skin of her neck, breathing in her sweet perfume. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, because of how good it felt. Did Max know how deliciously sinful his breath felt on her sensitive skin? She let her head roll back, resting it on his shoulder, slipping an arm up around his neck. His arms slid around her waist, and she sucked in a sharp breath when he pressed himself firmly against her backside. Liz’s eyes snapped open at the unexpected feel of his hardness pressing against her, and found herself staring into another set of smoldering amber eyes.

Liz swore her heart stopped in that moment. Zan stood a few feet away watching them dance.


Liz was beautiful. Zan’s eyes roamed over her as she danced. Sweat had appeared on her skin from her dancing so hard, the hot air in the factory offering no relief. She breathed heavily from her parted lips, the swell of her breast glistening as it rose and fell with each breath. She ran a hand through her damp hair in an effort to banish it from her moist skin, but still she danced, as if she was compelled by the music.

He watched as she turned her back to Max, and saw every impassioned emotion that passed over her face. Her desire for Max was evident, as was her surprise at seeing him standing before her now. He saw the worry and uncertainty clearly on Liz’s face.

He didn’t know what to think. Liz and Max looked so perfect together, their bodies moving as one. The way they looked at each other, every emotion showing in their eyes… The heat between them was tangible for anyone to see. He’d found himself rooted to the spot and unable to look away from the moment he’d first seen them. Was there room for him in this explosive combination, or was he just deluding himself thinking Liz would ever want him the way she wanted Max.


Liz’s heart raced. Max was wrapped around her, making her body feel things that should be considered indecent in public… and the whole time Zan had been watching. A furious blush burned her skin, and it was all she could do not to pull away from Max right then. She stopped dancing and it caused Max to look up.


Max felt Liz tense when he pressed himself against her. He thought a little payback was in order for her teasing the last time she’d made him like this, but when she stopped dancing, he wondered if he’d gone to far. He looked up to see what was wrong, and realized she wasn’t focused on him any more. His eyes met with Zan’s intense stare and for a moment dread filled him as he realized Zan had been watching them dancing so intimately.

He’d forgotten Zan was there. Would he get mad after seeing them together like this? Or would he be able to deal with it and get past all this awkwardness?

Max felt the tension in the air and knew someone had to make the first move. Things could easily fall apart right now. He didn't want Liz to feel pressured to make a choice between them if an argument broke out. He started swaying again, urging her to join him, hoping she would see that he wasn’t going to freak out over Zan being there. He stared at Zan willing him to be ok with this. This was the moment they’d been waiting for. If they handled things right Liz wouldn’t be able to decide between them.

His thoughts were momentarily thrown off when he felt Liz start dancing with him again. He looked down and saw her looking up at him a little uncertain, then look at Zan. She seemed to come to some decision, and started dancing again, like she had before. Well, not like she had been before, because… oh…my…god!


Liz felt Max stop dancing behind her and cringed. Holding her breath, she chanced a look at him over her shoulder. He was staring at Zan with a slight frown. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but when he looked down at her with a small smile and started dancing again, some of the tension left her. She was relieved that at least Max wasn’t upset. Would Zan be ok knowing she had feelings for Max, or would this be what she’d been dreading? He put his hands back on her hips and tried to get her to move with him again.

She looked at Zan, worried he’d be upset and storm off, and half afraid he would say something they’d all regret. She didn’t want him to leave, but she didn’t know what to do? She couldn’t bring herself to end things with Zan earlier, and truly, she didn’t want to, but she couldn’t imagine ending things with Max either. She didn’t want to give up either of them.

They both made her do crazy things she swore she’d never do. With Max she felt sexy and shy all at one, while Zan made her feel mischievous and playful. She couldn’t imagine not being with one of them, but she didn’t know how to handle this situation. She couldn’t be with them both, but she couldn’t choose one over the other either.

She could see the longing and confusion in Zan’s eyes. Because of her indecision, Zan could be over there thinking of hurting his brother, or growing to hate her. Liz couldn’t stand the thought of any of that happening. She wanted to go to him, but at the same time she couldn’t tear herself from Max’s arms. Liz did the only thing she could think of, try to get Zan to come to her.

The song changed again, and Baby Boy started. Liz started swaying with Max again, getting the feel of the music. She watched Zan, hoping he would see that she wanted him to come to her. Her eyes locked with his, as she moved her body with the beat. She saw his eyes change from clear golden brown, to a dark burning gold she’d never seen before. It made her speeding pulse surge, seeing him look at her that way.

She felt the flow of the music and let the rhythm move her. She placed her hands over Max’s and began winding her hips again, urging him to follow. When she felt him moving to the rhythm she'd set, she let go and raised her arms over her head, just lettting her body rock. Zan’s eyes left hers, tracing her curves as he watched the sway of her hips. She smiled when he licked his lips and cursed, his hard stare moving over her body.

Closing her eyes, she ran her hands through her hair, moving more with the music. It felt so intense knowing Zan was watching her while Max’s hands were on her. Liz swayed to the beat, slowly working her body down Max's front, brushing every inch of him as she went. When she rose, she opened her eyes to look at Zan, then leaned back into Max, and began grinding her hips into him. She held Zan's gaze and spread her arms, inviting him to join her in her sensual dance.


Max almost cursed when Liz dipped down and began grinding her tight little ass against him as she rose. He ground his teeth, feeling his already aroused body harden. She fell back into his rhythm, and he slid his hands around her waist, pulling her flush against him as they rocked. The feeling of her body sliding against his was sweet torture. G*d he wanted her.

He stayed coherent enough to remember that Zan was still watching them a few feet away. He looked up at his brother, seeing Zan entranced by Liz’s perfect body. He could tell that Zan wanted to be over here with her, instead of just watching from a distance. Max watched as Liz opened her arms and moved her body enticingly. He was surprised; maybe convincing her to be with both of them wouldn’t be the complicated thing he expected. Max jerked his chin in Zan’s direction, gaining his brother’s attention for a moment. He looked at Zan, dropping his eyes to Liz meaningfully, then jerked his head slightly, indicating that Zan should come over and join them. He quirked an eyebrow and waited to see what he'd do.


A curse fell from Zan’s lips as he watched Liz put on a little show for him. He’d always seen the sweet innocent side of his girl. But he never knew how fucking hot Liz could be when she wanted ta be. He licked his parched lips, letting his eyes follow her tight body as she teased him. Zan wanted to touch her so badly. She looked so sexy bitin' at her lip and working her hips. The look in her heavy lidded eyes almost did him in, but when she spread her arms in invitation he couldn’t believe it.

Movement from Max made him look up at his brother. He’d almost forgotten Max was there. Liz was just fuckin his brain all up. Max was trying to tell him to come over too… damn, this was about to get interestin. He looked at Liz again seeing the desire in her eyes, and that was all he needed. He moved to stand before Liz, staring down into her eyes as she continued to rock. She looked at him with a slight smile playing at her lips, waiting. He ran his hands down her arms, lifting them to wrap around his neck, and fell into her rocking rhythm.


Liz had to bite back a moan when she felt herself sandwiched between two of the hottest bodies she’d ever seen. It was the most delicious feeling in the world having Max pressed against her back, every hard inch of him. And Zan had slipped a leg between hers and pulled their hips together, creating a tantalizing sensation that left her quivering. She felt like she would faint from all the sensations they were creating in her.


The three of them rocked to the hard slow beat, Liz captive between Max and Zan, both guys focused only on the small girl they’d only been able to dream about before. Max bent down to nuzzle Liz’s neck again. Reveling in the soft moan that fell from her lips, he slid one of her arms from Zan’s neck to rest around his. Liz’s eyes closed and her head lolled to the side, giving him more access to her soft skin. Zan’s hands, riding low on her hips, held Liz close against him as he slowly rocked his hips against hers. Liz’s breath came in ragged pants as the feeling from Zan’s hard thigh grazing her sensitive flesh mixed with the shivers from Max’s hardness pressing into her from behind. She felt as if she would explode any moment.

Liz opened her eyes, locking with Zan’s heated gaze. Slowly she slid her arm from around his neck, letting her hand trail over the hard muscles of his chest. Smiling mischievously, she drug her fingernail over the small nipple ring that protruded slightly under his soft shirt. The sharp intake of breath he took and the unrestrained desire she saw in his eyes made her feel even wilder than she already was. She licked her lips slowly, a sultry smile forming on them when Zan’s eyes were drawn to the movement. His eyes rose back to hers, asking for permission moments before he began leaning in.

The intrusive sound of a whistle shattered the spell the music had woven around them, and suddenly, the sound of laughter could be heard around them. All three looked up in surprise to find a small circle had formed around them and a crowd had gathered to watch the spectacle they’d created.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So, what'd ya think? :wink:

Chapter 13

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:02 pm
by Dreaming In Purple
I wanted to make sure to give a special thank you to Jinni for helping me with this part. She helped me get Michael right. Without her help he'd be all sweet and cuddly. lol

Ok now go read:

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Part 13
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The first thing Michael noticed after bursting through the doors of the old factory with a very pissed off Maria struggling in his arms, was the shock of cool air that hit his skin. Trying to maintain his hold on his unruly girlfriend, he looked around for a place for them to talk in private. There were people milling around everywhere. He headed for the far side of the building hoping no one would be there.

“Michael, you let me down now! God Damn it!” Maria pushed at him and squirmed in his arms trying to get free. She’d be damned if he was going to drag her around like some simpering little girl who needed a spanking. Every time she would almost break free, he would just readjust his hold and continue ignoring her.

Her initial anger at Courtney had lessened some, and now she was more frustrated with Michael being Mr. Neanderthal man than anything else. Who did he think he was picking her up and carrying her out kicking and screaming?

He’d just turned around the side of the building when she’d had about as much as she could take of him not listening to her. She grabbed two handfuls of his hair and bit him hard on the ear. She felt completely satisfied when he dropped her, trying to fend off her latest assault.

“Damn it, Maria! What’s the hell’s the matter with you!” He touched his ear tenderly checking for blood. He looked at her incredulously, wondering what the hell had gotten into her to make her act so fucking crazy all of a sudden. “I can’t believe you bit me!”

“Serves you right! I told you to put me down. How dare you force me to come with you anywhere!” She narrowed her eyes at him and poked him in the chest to make herself clear. “If I say let me go Michael, you better damn well let me go! Do you hear me?! I don’t care if the place was burning to the ground, you better leave me there if I say no!”

Michael backed away from her with each sharp poke, trying to control his own anger. ‘And she said I’m the immature one!' All her anger and pent up energy was focused on him now, but better she take it out on him than go off on Courtney again. He could handle it.

He knew she was right about pulling her out here, but he couldn’t leave her there acting as crazy as she was. The only thing that could have happened was things escalating and the cops getting called. He was surprised Courtney hadn’t turned on her the moment she’d let her go, but telling Maria all that wouldn’t make her calm down any.

“Maria, stop it! You’re right, ok?! I shouldn’t have dragged you out here. But you were acting out of control. I had to get you out of there before every thing blew up with, what’s her name.” Maria smiled at that.

“You’re lucky, Mikey G. If you’d of said her name I would’ve gone off on you again.” Her smile disappeared when she thought about Courtney kissing Michael again. She was still in shock that the stupid bitch had the nerve to kiss him right in front of everyone. She sighed and gave Michael a contrite glance. She knew attacking him was unfair. It wasn’t his fault. He’d only been trying to help her, not protect that slut.

“Space Boy, I’m sorry.” She walked into his arms and rested her forehead on his chest. “I shouldn’t have hit you. I’m really sorry, babe. She just made me so mad. I mean she was blatantly trying to steal you away from me.” Her hands clenched his shirt as she thought about it.

Michael held her close, and felt the tension ease out of her. He leaned back and made her look at him. "Maria you have to stop doing this. Every time another girl even looks my way you go off and get all out of hand. Why do you do that? You know I’m not gonna leave you. She wouldn’t meet his gaze and tried to pull away from him. Michael frowned and didn’t let her go. "Maria, you know I don't want her, right," he asked feeling panic rising when she started to withdraw from him.

“Michael…” She couldn’t answer. They’d been together for a year and Michael hadn’t ever cheated on her, but still she wondered why he stayed with her. They fought like they hated each other, but made love with such burning passion that sometimes she thought it'd consume them. She worried that when that fire cooled, so would their relationship. They couldn't last being so intense, and she’d convinced herself that when the sex didn't compensate for their volatile relationship anymore, he’d lose interest in her and find someone else. Why would he stay around if there were girls throwing themselves at him, and not pissing him off at every moment. He wouldn't and she wouldn't blame him.

“Maria! I can’t believe you think I’d cheat on you! You must think a whole fucking lot of me! I don’t get you!” He was fuming. How could she think that after all this time he’d just screw around on her. What did he have to do to prove that she was the only woman he wanted?

“Michael, no, it’s not like that. I mean… I..” She sighed and just gave up trying to deny it. “Ok, yes! Sometimes I wonder if you’d ever get tired of my craziness, and go find a girl that’s easier to get along with. But I know you wouldn’t cheat on me. I just don’t understand why you stay with me, when girls like Courtney Banks and Bridgette Wilder offer you sex without all the hassle and frustration you get from me.” She wrapped her arms around herself and looked down at the ground, feeling terribly vulnerable and scared of what he’d say.

She’d never admitted this fear to anyone and finally saying it out loud had her terrified that Michael would agree with everything she’d just said and walk away, wondering what’d he’d been thinking all this time staying with a crazy bitch like her.

Michael stared at her in disbelief. She thought he only wanted her for sex?! NO fucking way! “Ok, let’s get one thing straight right now.” His deep voice menacing with barely control fury, he closed the distance she’d put between them. He was angrier with her than he’d ever been. She could practically see the anger emanating off him. Maria’s eyes widened and she backed away from him right into the wall. Michael placed his arms on either side of her, leaning so their noses almost touched.

“I haven’t ever been with you just for sex. If I wanted that, you’re right, I could of just fucked some girl and could have saved myself a whole lot of headaches.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “You doubt me, Maria. I’m going to prove to you that I love you the only way I know how to make you believe it.” He captured her lips in a fiery kiss that stole her breath. Maria couldn’t withstand his intense probing kiss, and slid her arms around his neck trying to bring his body closer. He resisted her pull and broke the kiss, to her frustration.

He looked at her a long intense moment, wanting nothing more than to reclaim her swollen pink lips. “And the only way I know how to prove it to you is by cuttin you off.” Maria frowned in confusion.

“What? What are you talking about Michael?” She was confused by what he was saying, but seeing him all intense and fierce had turned her on, and she wanted to forget everything that had happened and get lost in another hot kiss. She leaned up and tried pulling him down for another kiss, but he pulled her arms from around his neck and took a step back.

“Michael, what’s wrong?!”

“I told you, I’m cutting you off. Since you think I’m only with you for the sex, no more sex. Solves that problem.” He gave her a smirk that showed just how pleased he was with himself. Maria rolled her eyes.

“Michael, there is just one small snag in your little plan.” He raised an eyebrow at her in question. “If I ain’t gettin any then neither are you.”

He just shrugged nonchalantly and shoved his hands in his back pockets. “I’ll survive. Question is, will you?” At her openmouthed glare, he smiled. “You seem to think I don’t really love you, Maria. I’m sick of you doubting me and going off on me because of your insecurity. I’m gonna show you that you’re my woman and I’d do anything to show you. Even if it’s making you go without this hot bod of mine.”

He grabbed her and kissed her again with that fiery touch of his, then pulled away and whispered roughly in her ear. “When I’m done, you’ll never doubt me again, Maria.” He pulled away, and reached for her hand. “Let’s go find Max. We’re going home.”


“Oh My God!”

Liz’s eyes darted from one face to another as the crowd of people began catcalling and whistling. She heard the random voice of some guy yell out, “Damn, girl! Can I squeeze in there too?”

“What the fuck?!”

Zan noticed the people standing around staring at them and wondered what the hell was so freakin interesting. ‘Damn! Ain’t these people ever seen two guys dancin wit a girl before? Geez!’ People were snickering and straight out staring. ‘These muthafuckas need to mind they own fuckin business…’

“Oh shit!”

Like he just woke up from a dream, Max finally cleared the cobwebs from his mind and realized all the people standing around were staring at them. He looked down at Liz, then traded a worried glance with Zan as realization of what he’d just done in front of about a couple hundred people hit him. He stepped back from Liz, wanting to kick himself for getting so caught up in the moment that he forgot where he was. How stupid could he be?! …And in front of all these people!

He was there when everyone in school had been telling rumors and lies about Liz. He remembered how devastated she’d been. People believed everything they’d heard and were treating her like shit. He could slap himself for putting her in that position again…

Liz felt her face burn as a wave of pure unfiltered humiliation overwhelmed her. All the whispering voices and disdainful glares gave her a horrifying sense of déjà vu. She couldn’t breath. It was all happening again. Everyone was going to be saying she was sleeping around and they’d start spreading rumors about her again. She couldn’t breath! She had to get out of here. She couldn’t deal with all the people looking at her. God, she had to get out!

Max saw that Liz was about to panic and started leading her off the dance floor. “Liz, it’s gonna be ok. Don’t get upset. It's alright.” She pulled away angrily and turned on him. Her stricken expression tore through his heart.

“No, Max! It’s not! You’re not the one they’re going to be calling a slut! You’re not the one whose going to be treated like trash!” She wrapped her arms around herself and turned to walk out the door. “Just leave me alone.”

Max was so frustrated he didn’t know what to do. She was right. People wouldn’t talk about him or Zan like they were the fucking scum of the earth like they deserved, they’d be congratulated. All the guys in school would be asking for details and wanting to know if they could hook up with Liz next. And the girls… his stomach turned thinking about how cruel the girls would be. It was all their fault and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it.


Zan watched Max lead Liz off the floor, and glanced around at the people that were still watching and whispering about what happened. He wondered why the fuck everybody was trippin? What was the big freaking deal? He shook his head and started after Liz and Max.

One minute everything was going perfect, then all of a sudden these nosey fucks were all up in their shit, fuckin everything up! He was never one to like a whole lot of attention, and these bitches staring at him was making him want to bust somebody in they ass. He started pushing his way through the crowd, pissed off and seriously frustrated.

On his way outside, he was passin these two guys and happened to overhear part of their conversation. He about snapped when he heard what this guy was saying. He had to stop himself from knocking the dude’s teeth out.

“Man, did you see that chick?! She’s a cheerleader, right? Dude, I bet she takes it in both ends.”

Zan was in the guys face before he could blink. “What the Fuck did you just say?!” The guy backed up, shocked to have a pissed off punk in his face.

“Dude, who the fuck are you?” He tried to gather his lost composure and bluster his way out of this unexpected confrontation.

Zan didn’t give the guy any breathing room. He stayed right in his face making the guy back up more. “I’m da fuckin man dat’s gonna kick ya ass if I eva hear you talkin about her like dat again. Ya got me, bitch.”

“Alright man. Chill! I didn’t mean nothing by it. I was just bullshitting man, alright?” The guy backed up until he bumped into the wall. He held his hands up trying to placate Zan and get him to calm down.

Zan stared him down a few seconds longer, then backed off. “Remember dat shit.” With that, he turned and walked off.

When he finally calmed down and made it over to Max, Zan had gained some understanding of why Max and Liz had freaked out so much before. This was small town, Roswell, New Mexico, not New York City. People didn’t take things like two guys bumping and grinding on a cheerleader in stride here like they would in NY. It wasn’t the norm. He had to remember he couldn’t act like he would have back home. People didn’t deal with it so well.

“Hey Maxie. Where’s Liz?” Max glanced at him then nodded toward the door.

“She needed some time alone. Which I don’t blame her for. Zan we screwed up big time. If we were trying to keep a low profile on this, that’s a wash now. Everybody in school is gonna be talking about the three of us.”

“Max, calm down. Nothing happened. If anybody starts yacking about it, we just squash dat shit.” Max looked at his brother’s over confident expression and shook his head.

“Zan, there isn’t a boot in the world big enough to squash this bug. But I’ll do what I can to keep it under control.” All of a sudden, Michael appeared through the door.

“Max, I need you to take me and Maria home now.” Michael looked anxious and slightly nervous. He was looking around through the crowd like he was trying to find someone.

“What’s up Michael? What happened?”

Michael sighed and scratched his eyebrow. He couldn’t look them in the eye when he told them this, cause he knew the reaction he was gonna get. “Maria got into an, uh… altercation with Courtney.”

“No fricken way! Is that what happened?” Zan suddenly realized why Maria had rushed off and left him on the dance floor.

“Yeah, and I’m taking her home before something else happens. She’s waiting in the Jeep now, Max.” Michael thumbed toward the door, and shrugged. “I’ll meet you out there, alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” Max turned to Zan. “Hey, Liz is really upset right now. Make sure she gets home safe, ok? Tell her I’ll call her later.” He hesitated then added. “We all need to get together and talk tonight, Zan.”

“Nah, I think we should give her time to calm down some first. She might not take hearing about what we done so well right now. Tomorrow. We’ll go see her tomorrow, aight?”

“Yeah, tomorrow,” Max sighed. “Just make sure you take care of her, Zan, ok?”

“Scouts honor,” Zan joked.


Liz was sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall outside the factory, listening to the music and laughter mix with the sounds of the desert. The crickets had the right idea. Live under a rock and only come out when no one else can see you. It was safer that way, a lot less chances to get hurt.

She heard rocks crunching under someone’s feet and knew her moment of solitude was gone. She didn’t look up. She could tell who it was by the doc martin’s. Zan slid down next to her but didn’t say anything. They just sat their in silence for a while looking out into the desert. After a bit, Zan finally spoke.

“You wanna go home?”

Liz didn’t really, but she didn’t want to stay here either. Home was the better choice of the two.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Aight.” Zan stood up and reached a hand out to help her up.

They walked to his bike in silence. Liz wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the chill in the air. When they got there, Zan’s jacket was sitting on the seat and the Jeep was gone.

“Where’s the Jeep?” she asked.

Zan scratched his eyebrow trying to think of how to answer. “Um, Max took Michael and Maria home.” Liz could tell he was being vague on purpose.

“Zan, what happened?” He sighed and gave up.

“Maria and Courtney got into it, so Mikey wanted to take her home.” Liz knew there was more to it than just that.

“In other words, Maria kicked Courtney’s ass for flirting with Michael, right?” she asked with her hands on her hips, getting angry because no one came to get her.

Zan tried to stifle a chuckle and failed miserably. “Um, yeah. You could say that.”

“Zan! Why didn’t someone come tell me what was happening? I’m her best friend, I should have been there to help her when she needed me.”

“Liz, she didn’t need your help. From what I heard, she did just fine all on her own. ‘Sides Michael was there, he got everything under control, and made sure she was all right. Don’t worry about it. You can call her and talk about it later. I’m sure she divulge all the dirty little details for you.” He rolled his eyes imagining the conversation between the two girls on the phone.

“Well, what about Lonnie? How is she gonna get home?”

“I talked to her, and she said she would ride with Alex and Kyle. She wasn’t ready to leave yet.”

“It’s gettin chilly. Here put this on.” He picked up the jacket and held it open for her to slip into. The playful mood they’d just been in sobered immediately. Liz turned and slipped her arms into the sleeves and shrugged the jacket on. She reached up to pull her hair free when Zan stopped her.

“I got it.” He slipped his hands into her hair again and tugged it free from the collar of the jacket. It spilled around her shoulders again, once it was free. Zan liked feeling the silkiness and seeing the way it shined in the moonlight. “I love ya hair.”

Liz felt the familiar butterflies begin fluttering again, and turned to look at him. Their gazes locked, and Zan felt the desire to pull her to him and taster her lips. He cleared his throat to stop himself from acting on his impulse.


Liz just smiled at him and blushed. “It’s ok.”

“I’m sorry about what happened in there too.”

“Zan, I don’t really want to think about that right now. We danced, it got crazy, it’s over. Let’s just move on, ok? I want to forget about it.”



He sighed and let it go. He got on the bike and waited for Liz to settle in behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and they took off back toward the city.

Liz didn’t want to think about what was gonna happened in school on Monday. She hoped that everyone would forget about it by then and nothing would come of it. It was wishful thinking, but one could only hope.

‘Just don’t think about it. Just don’t think about it…’ she chanted her mantra over and over trying to stay inside the cozy little place she’d made in her denial.

The comforting presence of Zan made it easy to pretend that everything was alright. She closed her eyes and laid her head against his back, listening to his heart beat. Her hands again began their familiar rhythm, stroking the hard muscles of his chest. Only this time she really wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing. She didn’t realize how her light touches and her holding him so close were affecting him. She was about to find out in a way that would surprise her.

Zan turned Betty off a little side road, and drove a little distance away from the main road. All the touching Liz was doing, and feeling her perfect little body clinging to him had been driving him insane. He’d already been having a hard time trying to recover from their little escapade on the dance floor, and after only a couple of minutes he couldn’t take it any more. He had to do something about it. He stopped the bike and popped the kick stand, then turned around and grabbed Liz by the waist. He lifted her up and sat her down, straddling his lap.

“Zaaan! What are you doing?!” Liz squealed in surprise from his unexpected actions. Her question went ignored, and before she had time to protest or ask again what he was doing, Zan’s lips crashed into hers. His hands slid into her hair, holding her, while his nimble tongue filled her moist mouth.

Once their lips touched Zan felt himself relax. He’d finally gotten his kiss. He’d been trying hard not to push Liz, because he knew she was stressing over stuff, but god he’d wanted to kiss her. To be that close to tasting her lips on the dance floor only to be interrupted by those fricken nosey assholes was killing him.

He may play with Liz, teasing her, but kissing her was one of his ultimate joys. Being with her made him feel whole. It was something he hadn’t ever felt before. Like part of him that had been missing was now there. But only when he was with her. He wanted to be with her more than he could explain. It almost hurt not to be able to touch her now that he’d had a small taste of what it was like to have her. He had to make her his.

Her protesting died down and soon she wasn’t fighting at all. Her arms had slid around his neck and she was returning his kisses with equal intensity. All the pent up sexual tension that had built on the dance floor was now spilling out between them.

“Liz, you drive me fuckin crazy! I can’t stand this! I don’t want to not be able to do this again.” His hands cupped her bottom, pulling her closer to him, and again he captured her lips in a firey kiss that set Liz’s pulse skyrocketing. Soon they broke apart, breathing heavily. Zan leaned his forehead against her's as he looked into her astonished eyes, and lightly kissed her lips once again.

“I want to be with you, Liz. Every time I see you I want to taste you. It drives me friggen crazy that I can’t. I can’t tell you how much I love your smile, or how you saying my name sends a thrill through me,” he sighed and closed his eyes thinking about how good it made him feel to hear her call his name.

“The way you laugh, the way you bite your lip when your thinking… I can’t, freakin stop thinkin about you.” He let his thumb slide down her cheek as he said this and again leaned in to give her another hungry kiss.

Liz was so surprised by his confession she didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t believe that Zan felt so strongly about her. She couldn’t deny that knowing that he really wanted her made her insides flutter. But she couldn’t forget how Max had sparked a fire in her as well. They rivaled each other with equal passion and intensity. She couldn’t choose.

She had almost been ready to choose Max, but now knowing how Zan felt about her and knowing how she felt about him, she couldn’t truthfully say that she wanted Max more, or that she wanted Zan more. She wanted them both. And she didn’t want to choose. She knew it was wrong for her to be this duplicitous but she couldn’t change the way she felt.

Liz looked at Zan’s beautiful face and let her finger trace his features. His eyebrows piercing, his long lashes, the curve of his cheek, his soft lips. “Zan, I want to be with you too,” She held his gaze knowing that this had to be said. “But, what about Max?”

Zan couldn’t hold her gaze. What he was saying to her right now was wrong. He was breaking Max and his promise without realizing it. He’d just been saying what was in his heart, but if he pressed the matter Max would get hurt. He had to back off right now and take back what had been said in the heat of the moment.

As hard as it was to do, Zan pulled away from Liz’s touch. “I’m sorry, Liz. I shouldn’t have done this. I didn’t mean to get to carried away.” He lifted her off his lap and sat her feet on the ground.

Liz was stunned. That wasn’t the reaction she’d been expecting. Maybe a little jealousy, but not a complete withdrawal from her? “Zan…”

He looked at her but didn’t want to say anything else that would make things worse. “Come on, Toots. Let’s get you home.”

Liz started him in stunned silence. How could he say all that to her and just act like it hadn’t happened? She was more confused than she’d ever been. Zan started up the bike and waited for her. Liz hopped back on and they rode the rest of the way home without any further incidents.

When they pulled up to the Crashdown, all the lights were off and it was closed for the night. Zan pulled around to the back and Liz got off to go inside.

“Liz, before you go… I know you said you don’t want to talk about it, but just know that you ain’t alone in this, ok? Ya friends got ya back. We ain’t gonna let some jealous bitches fuck wit you, aight?”

Liz couldn’t help but smile. What a sweet thing to say. Zan sure had a way of going hot and cold then hot again, for a guy who wanted to keep his distance.

“Thanks, Zan. I needed to hear that.” Liz looked at her door with a sigh, and started inside. “Night.”




Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:35 am
by Dreaming In Purple
Hey guys
Can you believe I'm back so soon??? Me either. lol I was just writing and all of a sudden realized I'd finished this part. It was a total surprise, but to you guys' gain. I want to make sure to give a big thank you to Jinni for her help in the last part. I forgot to give her credit before, and I'm sorry girl. She helped me with Michael's part and it made all the difference in the world. She's the bomb!

Ok no more chit chat. Go read:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chap 14
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“He-llo… Hey dad… yeah, I’m fine. I’m doin ok in school… naw, I’m stayin outa trouble. Cain’t find none to get into,” Zan laughed. “She’s ok… um , I don’t think she gon come… ok I’ll ask her.” Zan pulled the phone away from his ear and yelled out, “Ay Lonnie! Dad’s on the phone.” He waited listening for her response. He knew she wouldn’t talk to their dad, but he asked to make him happy. When he heard her shouted response he shook his head and sighed. “She said umm, she’s busy… Maybe she’ll talk later… yeah, I’ll tell ’er. Um, Dad I gotta go. You want to say hi to Max,” he asked making an excuse to get off the phone with his father. “Ok, hold on a sec.” He stood up and walked to Max’s open door and knocked to get his attention. “Dad wants to say hi,” he said handing Max the phone and left the room.

“Hi dad…” Max smiled at hearing his father’s cheerful greeting. “Yeah, every things fine. I’m doing really good in school… Yeah, we beat East yesterday…” Max smiled at the memory. “I got two. I thought I messed up my leg after the last one. Their Defensive Back hit me in the knee pretty good… It’s fine now… Yeah, I’ll take care of it… Um, yeah…” Max blushed a little and ducked his head. He hated when his dad asked about his love life. “There is one girl… no, dad. It’s not like that…” Max sighed and rolled his eyes. “Dad she’s a really nice girl. She’s not going to hold me back… Dad I don’t want to talk about this… I don’t know when. I don’t know what mom has planned for Thanksgiving yet… Yeah, maybe for Christmas… Ok, I’ll tell her… Love you too dad… Bye.” Max turned off the phone and let out a heavy sigh.

Why was it so hard talking to him. He always felt totally drained after having a conversation with his Dad. He tossed the phone on his bed and scrubbed his face with both hands, blowing out a breath. He needed to get out of the house for a while.

“Hey, Zan. I’m going to The Crash. I told Liz I’d stop by today. Want to come?”

“Yeah. That sounds good. I’ve been feinden for some fries anyway. Hey Lonnie, we going to The Crash. You comin?”

“Yeah,” She yelled from her room.

“Jeff is gonna ban you from there if you keep mooching fries off Liz all the time. He says, “That boy is a bottomless pit,”" Max imitated Jeff’s accented voice perfectly.

“I think he has the two of us mixed up there, Maxie boy. You’s the one that eats us outta house and home."

“It’s amazing you ain’t fat, Maxie!” Lonnie said catching up to them outside.

“Hey, I’m a growing boy.”

“Yeah, growin a big head,” Zan said hopping in the Jeep. Lonnie was cracking up in the back.

“Ha, Ha. Your not funny, Zan,” Max said, driving off the short distance to The Crashdown.

~ ~ ~

“Liz will you please stop moping around. Your bringing me down and I’m already feeling low cause I ain’t getting any.” Maria said sending a glare at Michael through the pickup window. He just smirked and blew her a kiss. Maria rolled her eyes, and turned her attention back to Liz.

“I’m sorry, Maria. I can’t help it. I just don’t want to deal with everybody at school. You didn’t see it. I just know Pam Troy and her bitch squad are going to make me miserable over this.” Maria gave her a hug and tried to reassure her.

“Sweetie, it will be alright. If they start saying shit, then... I’ll just… I’ll snatch that blond ponytail right off Pam’s head and she’ll be bald, and won’t come to school cause she’ll be called the bald headed booby ho, and no guy will like her and she’ll disappear off the face of the planet...” Liz covered Maria’s mouth and push her away.

“Will you be serious? My life is falling apart right now!”

“Ok. Looks like I’m gonna have to pull out the big guns.” Maria went over to the jukebox and popped in some change. The song Love Will Keep Us Together started playing and she whipped out her pen and started singing and bopping around the diner. The customers all started staring in shock, and smiling. Liz was mortified.

Maria started on the second chorus and went up to Liz, poking her playfully in the chest.

<center>“You, You belong to me now
Ain't gonna set you free now
When those guys start hanging around talking me down
Hear with your heart and You won't hear a sound
Just Stop, 'cause I really love You
Stop, I'll be thinking of you
Look in my heart and let love keep us together Whatever.”

Liz smiled, listening to Maria sing to her. Ok so her friends really would be there for her. But they were only a handful of people and there were so many evil people at school. Maria pulled Liz out of her tormenting thoughts when she pushed Liz out into the middle of the diner and shoved the pen into her hand.

“Oh my god! Maria, No!”

“Oh, come on Liz. It’s fun and it’ll get your mind off things. Just have fun.” Maria shooed Liz away and continued her own little show behind her.

Liz looked around nervously and smiled at the customers who had started cheering for her encouragingly. She lifted the pen and started nervously singing along with Maria as the song repeated.

<center>“Love, Love will keep us together
Think of me babe whenever
Some sweet talking guy comes along singing his song
Don't mess around, You got to be strong
Just Stop, 'cause I really love You
Stop, I'll be thinking of you
Look in my heart and let love keep us together.”

She and Maria were really getting into it and had the whole restaurant singing the chorus with them. They were bumping hips and singing to each other, completely oblivious to the three people that walked in the door.

Liz turned around and saw Max, Zan, and Lonnie standing by the door with their mouths hanging open in shock, and stopped where she was like a statue. Maria looked up at them, and shoved Liz to get her moving again. She grabbed Liz’s hand and started walking backward toward them, pulling Liz with her. “Come on, Liz…”

Liz finally realized that Maria was going to get them to join in, and smiled. She started dancing and singing again, and the two of them circled the trio. When they motioned for them to sing the chorus, Lonnie looked appalled and went to sit with Alex, leaving her poor brothers to fend for themselves. They looked at each other and both shook their heads.

Maria and Liz weren’t to be denied. They started on the second verse again and began poking at the guys getting them to back farther into the diner.

Liz poked Max in the chest. Maria poked Zan. “You, You belong to me now. Ain't gonna set you free now.”

The girls sang them all the way to their booth and just as the chorus started they pushed the guys into their seats, giggling and singing away. The whole café was really enjoying the show and were now clapping along and singing along with them. As the song came to an end the girls started pointing to people telling them to stop, and it ended with a loud off key chorus of I will, I will, I wills. Taking their final bows, the girls went to pick up their orders that were getting cold and went back to work. They got great tips that day.

Liz finally got back to the guys in their booth to take their order. “Hi, what can I get you guys,” she asked blushing slightly after remembering the day she’d had yesterday.

Max smiled at how cute Liz looked with her ponytail and antenna. He always thought she looked adorable in the awful aquamarine dress with silver trimming. On anyone else, it would have looked just horrible, but on Liz it was the cutest thing he’d ever scene.

“Nice show you put on back there. Practicing for the play again?” Max asked. Liz hit him with her order pad playfully and pouted. “No. It was all Maria’s idea. Her way of getting my mind of things, is all.” She glared at Max and pointed her pen at him. “You be nice or no more alien blasts for you.”

“Oh no! I promise I’ll be good,” Max feigned remorse.

“That’s better,” she said turning to Zan. “And what about you? Nothing smart to say about my singing?” She watched him with a raised eyebrow and waited.

“Hey don’t get me into this. I ain’t saying nothin that’s gonna jeopardize my fries. I’m the good twin here.”

“Good answer,” she smirked. Zan grinned from ear to ear cause he’d gotten on her good side and Max got in trouble.

“So the usual for the both of you?” Both guys nodded and Liz scribbled on her pad. “One cherry coke and galaxy fries, and one Alien Blast coming right up.” She sauntered off to place their orders, and felt both sets of eyes following her every move as she walked away.

“So what did Pops say to you to get you all stressed?” Zan asked his brother.

“He asked if there were any girls I had my eye on, and I told him just one. Then he went into his spiel about not letting some girl trap me into marriage at a young age, and to make sure to use protection at all times, and to think of my future. The same old bull he always says,” Max answered.

“I don’t know why you told him anything about Liz anyway. Just keep it short and sweet and he’ll be gone in a minute without any fuss or muss. I don’t get why you and Lonnie cain’t deal with him like me. As long as you stay in the shallow end of the pool he’s cool. Don’t get deep or he starts trippin,” Zan replied about their troubled relationship with their father.

“Yeah I know. But for some reason today I just wanted to share with him that I finally found the girl of my dreams, but he had to turn it into something dirty. I’m almost tempted to just not talk to him like Lonnie. It’d be one less stress I have to deal with,” Max said.

“I know what you mean, bra. But he’s our Dad. We can’t just turn our backs on him.”

“Why not, Zan? He did it to Mom!”

“Chill out, yo. I know what he did. We don’t need to rehash this shit again. Let’s just change the subject.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Max was still angry at his father for abandoning their mother and the way he was never there for them. He’d call and act like a concerned father with his lectures, but he was never there when it really counted. Zan acted like he didn’t care, but Max knew it hurt him too.

“Liz might be gettin off work soon, I think now is the perfect time to talk to her about everything. Ya up to it?” Zan asked trying to change the subject. Max let out a long sigh and watch as Liz made his Alien Blast.

“Yeah, I’m up to it.” He turned and looked at his brother with a serious expression. “You know, when you suggested this, I had no idea things would get this hard.”

“Who you telling. Man, I thought it’d be a breeze getting her to agree to it, but just getting to this point has been killer.” Zan looked over at Liz grabbing his order from the window and making her way toward them. “We gotta do this though. Even if she never wants to see either of us again, we gotta tell her what’s been goin on.” He looked at his brother, who was nodding in agreement as Liz appeared at their table with their orders in tow.

“Here you go, guys. Let me know if you need anything else, ok?” She was about to walk away, when Zan grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“Um, wait…” She turned back to them to see what they wanted.

“What’s up, Zan? You need something?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah, uh…” Zan was having trouble getting it out and looked to Max, who looked just as nervous as he was.

“We, um… need to talk to you for a minute, when you get a chance,” Max answered with a nonchalance he didn’t feel.

“Oh…” Liz looked back and forth between them and swallowed. ‘Here it comes,’ she thought to herself. “Yeah, ok.” She looked at the neon green clock on the wall and saw she was getting off soon. “I’m off in like 10 minutes. How about you guys meet me up on my balcony after I get changed?” They both nodded and she left to finish of her shift, the whole time wondering what they would say.

What if they wanted her to choose one of them? What if they both wanted to leave her alone after what happened yesterday? She couldn’t concentrate on what she had to do and went and asked Maria to cover for her for the last few minutes of her shift, and went upstairs to change.

Max and Zan were finishing their orders when all of a sudden Zan looked up at saw Lonnie lean over and whisper something in Alex’s ear.

“Hey, have you noticed your little sis has been spending a lot of time with Alex Whitman lately?” he asked in a leading way.

“Yeah. So, Alex has a crush on her. We already knew this,” Max said, wondering what the big deal was.

“Yes, but now it seems little sis is into him too. She all but said so at the game.” Zan smirked. He loved having something juicy on Lonnie. She was so secretive all the time, him knowing anything about her love life meant she was either not trying to hide it, or she was getting sloppy. He was leaning toward the not trying to hide it side. That meant she really liked Alex.

Max was surprised. Lonnie never talked about her love life. This must be a really big deal after all. “Hey, let’s go scare him a little bit.” Max smirked mischievously. Zan’s grin matched Max’s and they both got up and went over to where Lonnie and Alex were sitting.

Lonnie looked up at her bothers standing next to her booth and frowned. “What?” she asked impatiently.

“Maria said she wanted to talk to ya in the breakroom,” Zan lied.

“Why didn’t she tell me herself?” Lonnie asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask her?” She eyed both of them for a moment then saw Maria go into the backroom.

“Hey, Alex. I’ll be right back, ok?”

“I’ll be here,” he smiled. Lonnie got up and went into the backroom leaving Alex alone with her two brothers.

Zan slid into the seat across from Alex, and Max sat down next to him and put his arm around Alex’s shoulders. “Alex, how are things?” he asked.

Alex was extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden. “Fine, thanks.”

“I see you’ve been spending a lot of time with my sister lately. What’s up with that?” Zan asked.

“Nothing, really! We’ve just been talking about her playing the drums and stuff. Nothing’s been going on.” Alex got the distinct impression that he was being interrogated.

Zan leaned forward on the table so he could look Alex in the eye. He put on his mean face and played up his accent. “Yo, you screw up wit her, I’ma be da one you deal wit. Got dat bra?”

“Me too,” Max through in with a headlock and a noogie. They saw that Lonnie was coming back looking kinda confused and pissed off, so they got up and went to the back to meet Liz.

“She didn’t want to talk to me,” Lonnie said when she reached them.

“She didn’t? My bad,” Zan said with a smirk. She glared back and forth between them and just knew they’d been up to something.

“What’d you do?”

“Just kept Alex company while you were gone,” Max answered. “Right, Alex?” Alex put on a big fake smile and nodded vigorously. “See? Talk to you later.”

“Where yall going?”


The guys made their way into the breakroom and out the back door of The Crashdown. When they got to the ladder, Zan held out his fist to his brother. Max touched his own fist to Zan’s, and they started up to talk to Liz.


Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:22 am
by Dreaming In Purple
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 15
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Liz pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt, tossing her uniform in the hamper. She tried to concentrate on the menial things she was doing in the hopes of staving off the fear she felt lying below the surface. She was scared of what they’d have to say. She really didn’t want to go through with this conversation, but running away wasn’t an option. She’d take a deep breath and deal with it, whatever it was, knowing in the end she’d be ok. She may be heart broken, but she’d survive and move on. Sooner or later she’d get over it.

She told herself these things, but they weren’t any comfort. They did nothing to help her stamp down the cold ball of fear in her stomach. What was she really afraid of? Why was she feeling like her whole world was about to shatter. Just yesterday morning, she was trying to decide if the both of them were trustworthy, now she was acting as if her life depended on their next words. She shook her head and began brushing out her hair. She would not sit here and worry herself to death over nothing. She’d get through this and everything would be fine.


Max popped his head over the wall and didn’t see Liz, so he jumped onto the balcony and went to look for her in her room. A few seconds later Zan cleared the wall and was by his side. Max knelt down and looked in her window, and saw her brushing out that long beautiful hair of hers.

“She’s there,” he said. “She’s brushing her hair.” He reached out to knock on her window but hesitated and stood up. “Zan, have you thought about what to say to her?”

“Yeah, I thought about it a lot actually,” Zan replied.

“I have too, but now I don’t know how to start this conversation. What, do we say, ‘Hi, Liz. Nice weather we’re having. By the way, my brother and I are both in love with you.’”

The sound of a gasp came from Liz’s window, and they looked down to see her standing there in shock. The guys knelt down and Max opened the window.

“Liz, you heard me?” Max asked pained, knowing the answer. Liz just nodded and backed away, blushing furiously. She turned away from them and covered her face, trying her best not to let herself smile.

They both loved her? Liz was flattered beyond words, but knew that she was caught in an impossible situation. There was no way she could choose who she wanted more, and if that was what they wanted to talk about, she was in big trouble.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” she replied as they made their way inside.

“Liz, wait. There is more,” Zan said, climbing in her window and looking kind of sheepish.

“Let us explain,” Max said climbing in after Zan. The three of them stood looking at each other, none sure how to begin.

“Liz, Max and I have both really wanted to be wit you for a long time, but we promised each otha we wouldn’t ever try to be wit the same girl. So you became off limits to both of us,” Zan started.

“Yeah, so we both decided to try to be just friends with you cause at least that way we could be close to you,” Max picked up where Zan left off, moving closer and taking her hand as they talked.

“But after a while, we both became really um…,” Zan looked at his brother for the word that explained how they felt as he moved to stand before Liz.

“Unsatisfied,” Max provided, looking in her eyes.

“Yeah, unsatisfied with the arrangement, and we didn’t know what to do about it. You know cause if we broke our agreement and one of us started dating you, then the other would get hurt,” Zan finished, taking her other hand and rubbing his thumb across her knuckles.

“And if we continued the way we were going, then neither of us would ever be happy, because keeping our distance was hurting us just as bad.” Max paused and looked at Zan. “So Zan came up with an idea…”

Zan sighed as he prepared to tell her the plan they’d come up with that was already in effect. “Yeah, I kinda came up with a way that would solve our dilemma.” He paused and looked Liz hard in the eyes. “Promise me you’ll listen to everything we have to say before you react ok?” Liz, frowned in confusion and looked between them, but slowly nodded her agreement to listen.

“My idea was for us both to be wit you, Liz.” Liz pulled her hand away from Zan as it flew to her mouth in shock.

“Liz, remember the other night, at our house, when I kissed you? That was the day it started. I’d wanted to kiss you for so long that I couldn’t hold it in any longer,” Max confessed. And I’ve been floating on cloud 9 ever since.”

“And I’ve been the same since last night. I’d wanted to kiss you so bad, Liz,” Zan explained. “But the point is, ever since we stopped hiding our feelings for you, Liz, it’s the happiest we’ve been.

“You make me feel alive, Liz. Even if I have to share you with Zan for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t give you up. Liz, be with us,” Max implored.

“Being with you makes me feel like I’m home, Liz. I haven’t felt like I was home since I left New York, Toots. I don’t want to give you up. Be with us.”

Liz’s mind was reeling. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. No matter how much she may have dreamed of hearing these actual words in her fantasies, hearing them in real life was something totally different. She was torn between feeling as if she was the most precious woman on earth, and a total tramp. Two men were vying for her attentions at this very moment, and the only thing that kept crossing her mind was the fact that they must think she was the most gullible, most ignorant, most stupid woman they’d ever come across to do this to her. She pulled her hand away from Max and began pacing as she thought about it.

And here she thought they were going to be honest with her and have real conversation about the feelings that were obviously there between them. But to come up with, ‘Be with us.’ was just a pathetic attempt to get her to sleep with the both of them, and she wasn’t having it.

The guys could tell she wasn’t taking things they way they’d hoped, and Zan tried to calm the situation before Liz took things the wrong way.

“Liz, before you get angry at us, think about what happened between us last night.” Liz paused in mid step and looked at him. Yes things between the three of them were heated, she couldn’t deny that. It felt so good being with them both last night, but again they were both obviously playing with her. They’d known what they were doing, and had probably planned to get her in that situation. And now the whole school would be talking about how big of a tramp she was, and it was all their doing!

“Liz we were perfect together last night. The three of us just fit. Please don’t be angry. We just didn’t know any other way to make it work,” Max tried.

“You know what? Right now, I’m so disappointed in the both of you I can’t even look at you. I can’t believe you would do this to me! I didn’t want to trust you, but I talked myself into giving you both a chance, and then you play this stupid game on me?! Any feelings I had for either of you were wasted. Just go! I can’t look at you any more. Just get out!” Liz ran into her bathroom and slammed the door.

“Liz, wait, please. Just let us talk to you,” Zan tried at the door.

“Please, Lizzie. I promise you we’re not playing games with you. Just please come out and talk to us. Please… Liz?” Max tried also with no luck. They listened at the door and heard sniffling but nothing else.

“Baby, please don’t cry! Just come out and let us talk to you, Toots!”

“Just go away!” was the muffled response they got.

“Let’s just go, Max. She doesn’t want us here. Let’s just leave her alone.” Max nodded in sad agreement.

“Liz, I’m sorry. We weren’t trying to hurt you, ok? Just… know that, ok?” Sadly Max joined Zan at the window and they both looked at the bathroom door a second longer before climbing through and leaving.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 16

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:15 am
by Dreaming In Purple
Thanks for the bumps guys. Sorry for taking so long with this part, but life just got really busy all of a sudden. This part is kind of transitiony. If that's even a word. lol Things will get moving along soon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael was in the kitchen pouring cans of spaghetti sauce into a mixing bowl for the dinner special when Maria came in and pulled him into a hug. She turned her face up for a kiss and he leaned over half distracted and kissed her on the forehead. Maria pouted and let go of him.

“Hey, Space Boy, I was thinking tonight after our shift we could go to the reservoir and count the stars,” she said playfully, making it plainly clear why she wanted to go to the reservoir.

Michael paused what he was doing and looked at her out of the side of his eye. She was smiling mischievously and teasingly popped the first snap open on her uniform, allowing the curve of her breasts and her aqua colored bra to show. She leaned her hip on the table and ran her finger along his jaw, closing his open mouth with a pat. “So what do you say, Michael? We on tonight or what?”

Michael swallowed and closed his eyes, shaking his head. He was kicking himself now for promising not to have sex with her. He could be having a night alone with her out at the reservoir, but no he’d be here working overtime. Being gallant sucked!

He cleared his throat before he spoke and went back to what he was doing. “I can’t tonight. I’m working a double shift.”

“What? Michael I just looked at the schedule and you were only on for the midday shift today,” she touted.

“Yeah well, I asked for some overtime. I needed the distraction.” He kept working and tried to ignore the cleavage she was flaunting that was testing his limits. Was it hot in here, or was it just him?

“You needed the…” she paused with a gasp as she realized what he’d said. “Tell me you did not ask to work the Saturday night shift just to avoid me!” He shrugged and kept pretending to ignore her.

“Michael, I had plans for us tonight!” she whined, feeling more than a little hurt. All this distance he was putting between them was frustrating. At least when they were having sex she knew he wanted her.

Maria was steaming. “Fine! If you want to throw yourself into your work so much then here!” Maria snatched the bowl of sauce and poured it down his pants. “Have fun working your double shift.” With that she flounced into the breakroom, grabbed her purse out of her locker, and left the diner, leaving a very pissed off and relieved Michael in her wake.

Michael looked down at himself with disgust. The spaghetti sauce had run down his legs and pooled in his shoes. Very carefully he tiptoed out to the alley and tried to shake the sauce out of his pants. He was still trying to clean himself up when Max and Zan climbed down from Liz’s balcony looking less than happy.

“Hey guys. What’s going on?” He took in the sour expressions they both wore and made a wild guess. “I take it your plan didn’t go over so well with Liz?”

Max looked at him wide eyed. “What did you say?” He asked surprised. He looked at Zan in accusation, but Zan just shrugged, blowing off Max’s concern.

“What? Michael knows. I forgot to tell you. Chill,” Zan replied not really caring to have this conversation.

“So I noticed.” Max groused feeling peeved that Zan would just tell someone without letting him at least know about it.

“Hey don’t stress about it. I’m cool with the whole thing. As a matter of fact, I thought it was a good idea. Everybody can see there is something there with you guys and her. It just never crossed my mind before that both of you should be with her,” Michael said, trying to ease Max’s fears.

“Well that’s good to know now,” Max said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “It doesn’t matter any more anyway. It looks like neither of us are going to be with her after all.”

Max finally got over the shock of finding out that Michael knew what was going on and looked him over. He saw the spaghetti sauce everywhere and chuckled. “What happened to you?”

“My own personal girl problems,” he answered in disgust. “Hey, I need to go get cleaned up and get in a new pair of pants. Would you guys mind giving me a lift to my apartment?”

“Yeah, no problem. Just don’t get that stuff on my seats.”

“Let me run in and tell them I’m taking my lunch break.” Michael said going back inside to let Jose` know he was taking off.

~ At Michael’s Apartment ~

“So, what’d Liz say when you told her,” Michael yelled over the water.

“She wasn’t feelin it, man,” Zan said from the bedroom. He and Max were waiting for Michael to shower and change. Max was leaning against the bathroom door jam telling Michael what’d happened over the last couple of days, to get his opinion of the whole situation.

“Yeah, she kicked us out.” Max threw in.

“Damn, that’s harsh,” Michael sympathized. “So, what are you guys gonna do now?”

“She said she don’t want to see us, there ain’t nothing to do,” Zan said dejected.

“I can’t believe it!” Michael yelled in mock surprise. “The two players of Roswell High are gonna let one little girl defeat them both?”

“Man you know that shit ain’t real. Quit playing around, Michael,” Zan said loosing his patience.

“I know. I know. But I really can’t believe you guys are going to just give up,” he said shutting off the water. “Max toss me that towel, would you?” Max grabbed the towel off the rack and tossed it over the shower door.

“We asked her, she said no, what else is there?” Max asked, not daring to get his hopes up.

Michael toweled off as he thought about it. “Well, to me it sounds a lot like what I’ve been going through with Maria. You guys need to prove to her beyond a doubt that you’re sincere. It seems like she doesn’t trust you. You have to show her that your feelings for her are real.” Michael chuckled and shook his head at the irony of the situation as he stepped out of the shower wrapped in the towel. “Who would have ever thought that I would be giving love advice to you two?”

Max and Zan looked at each other for a moment, considering what Michael had just said. It was true, Liz didn’t trust them, she’d said so. And now if they left things as they were, they would lose even her friendship if they didn’t do something.

“So what do you think Zan?” Max asked.

Zan ran a hand through his spiky hair and stood up. “I think I ain’t in the mood to give up.” He looked at Michael expectantly. “What’d you have in mind?”