A Part Of You - AU M/L, CC ADULT - [Complete]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Itzstacie »

Chapter 40

9 months later

Alex strolled out into the back yard towards the ladies sitting there; Liz, Maria and Isabel sat outside with the kids while the guys helped Alex unload the moving truck. He and Isabel decided to move back to Roswell he was going to open his own software company and Isabel was taking a break from working.

He looked over at Xan who was playing with Mia and Mailey and smiled when he looked at his pregnant wife, Isabel was two months pregnant and neither could wait until they could become a real family; the baby was just the finishing touch.

Michael and Max walked to the back and plopped down in the chairs ‘what are you doing’ Maria said looking at Michael ‘I’m taking a break’ he said and the other two just nodded their heads. Maria laughed ‘you guys are such wimps, you have only been moving for an hour’ she said.

‘Look who’s talking’ Michael said ‘You ladies are just sitting here on your butts not doing anything’ ‘Hey’ Isabel started ‘I have an excuse’ Michael just shrugged his shoulders ‘that’s you, what about you two’ he said looking at Liz and Maria ‘I am doing something’ Liz started ‘I am watching my children’ she said smiling.

‘Same here’ Maria said, Michael looked over at the kids ‘Maria how many times have I told you not to let her crawl around on the ground, she’s going to get filthy’ he said getting up to go get her.

‘Michael, she a kid she’s going to get dirty’ Maria screamed and then turned back to the laughing group ‘god he drives me crazy, why did I marry him’ she started rambling ‘god the child gets one speck of dirt on her and he goes ballistic she cant even be a kid’.

The others just sat there trying hard not to laugh they knew Michael would change being a father but boy did he change, he went nuts when they first bought a house together he made sure everything was child safety, Maria had to put her foot down and draw the line when he wanted to pad her bedroom walls with padding.

He was just going way overboard, but they knew that little girl had her daddy wrapped around her finger, the same with Mia she had Max wrapped so tight if she said jump he would. Liz had to just shake her head he was so great at taking care of her.

Liz let him do just about everything, the one in the morning feedings, the diaper changing, she felt guilty and tried to take over some of it but he wouldn’t let her, so she didn’t say anything she knew he was trying to make up for not being there with Xan.

Michael came back over holding Mailey and sat down with her in his lap, he was running his hands over her making sure she was clean. Alex held out his arms ‘There’s my little M&M’ he teased. Michael growled ‘stop calling her that’.

‘What is wrong with m&m, it is her initials’ Alex said smiling, he knew it riled Michael up but he did it anyways ‘she’s not candy, stop calling her one ‘ ‘right I keep forgetting you aliens prefer recess pieces’ he said getting up. Isabel eyes got big and she tried to hold in her laughter.

The rest didn’t hold back Max, Maria and Liz busted out laughing and Maria held up her index finger ‘ET phone home’. Michael huffed ‘come on baby, we don’t have to listen to this’ he said getting up and walking away with Mailey ‘its only a joke, lighten up’ Maria said laughing.

Michael just ignored them and went inside, ‘That was a good one, Alex’ Maria laugh punching him in the arm ‘Hey well when you been hanging around you two for so long it grows on you’ he laughed.

“Xan be careful with her’ Max shouted as he watched Xan holding Mia up by her hands. The others turned to watch and got excited when she saw Xan step back away from Mia a few feet and Mia stood up on her own. “Max look, look’ she screamed.

‘I’m watching’ he said as he watched Xan put his hands out to Mia and she took her first steps, her first were wobbly and she almost lost her balance but Xan quickly ran up and caught her before she landed on her butt. He got really excited ‘did you see, did you see’ he screamed at his father and mother.

‘She walked’ Liz got up and ran over to her picking her up ‘my baby girl walked’ she bent down and hugged Xan to her ‘I think we have you to thank for it’ she said.

Xan got embarrassed and shoved his hands in his front pockets ‘Oh My God’ Isabel said looking at him ‘he is really his father’ she laughed. Max just laughed out loud ‘I do not do that’ he argued ‘OH Yes you do’ all three woman yelled out.

Max looked at Alex and he threw his hands up ‘you are on your own on that one, I cant argue there’ he laughed ‘your no help’ Max said. Liz walked over and Mia immediately put her arms out for her father, he smiled and put her on his lap and kissed the top of her head.

Michael came back out and sat down with Mailey in his lap and handed her a juice cup, giving one to Mia. Mia pushed it away ‘an’ she called putting up her hands out towards her brother.

She couldn’t quite say Xan yet so she called him an, and he answered. Max put her down and she stood holding onto his jeans for support ‘an’ she called again.

Xan walked over but stopped a few inches from her he put his hands ‘come on Mia’ he called to her. Her tiny fingers held on the Max’s bigger ones as he extended his hand and helped her walk, she batted his hand away and tried on her own she fell on her butt and started laughing.

Mia turned and crawled her way back up her father’s leg and tried again, after several attempts she finally reached Xan on her own and she smiled in victory as Xan bent down and hugged her.

“Mia’ Mailey called out and started squirming in Michael’s lap, he tried to still her until Maria slapped him on the head and took Mailey out of his lap and put her down.

She watched as Mailey repeated Mia’s actions and took her first steps as Xan called out ‘Come on Mailey, you can do it’. Maria squealed with delight ‘where is a camcorder when you need one’ while clapping her hands, Michael just leaned back and smiled that proud papa smile.

‘Xan is definitely going to be a ladies man’ Maria said laughing ‘already have to ladies flocking to him’ Liz just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Michael moaned and ran his fingers thru his hair when he watched Mailey drop her knees, like forget this walking thing, and started crawling on the ground ‘Go finish moving’ Maria yelled pushing at his arm ‘your driving me crazy’ ‘Fine’ he mumbled getting up, Max and Alex got up and followed.

‘God I certainly did not miss this heat’ Isabel moaned, Liz closed her eyes and sighed ‘I miss the mountains’ remembering how cool it was there.

“Speaking of mountains, how is old Pace doing’ Maria asked Liz shook her head ‘don’t let him hear you call him that, he is already swearing that he has gray hair.

‘They are doing really good Jace developed his powers Pacey said he is dominant with mind warping’ she stopped and chucked ‘he said he is worse than Xan was, he scared the poor maid into think there was a big rat in the cupboard’.

‘Xan was bad’ Isabel asked they never really talked a lot about him growing up, Liz shook her head ‘Understatement, he use to scare the crap out of Pacey’ Maria and Isabel just laughed.

‘You know, we need Kyle and Tess here then it would be just like the old days all of us just hanging out’ Maria said Liz and Isabel raised their eyebrow and gave her a look like your kidding right. “Okay add the children and not running for our lives’ Maria said waving her hand.

Isabel laughed ‘They like living in Florida, I talked to Tess the other day, she told me Kyle told her hell would have to freeze over before he came around one of us being pregnant again, so I don’t think we will see them for another couple of months’.

Maria and Liz started busting out laughing ‘poor Kyle I think we scared him into never having children’ Liz said. Isabel laughed ‘what was he said’ she changed her voice to mimic Kyle ‘I would rather be shot again, than have to go thru what I did with Maria and Liz again’ they all started laughing.

After about an hour they had enough of the heat and went inside heading to the kitchen, they decided to be nice and make the guys lunch.

Max walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass off the counter and filled it with water, he turned and around and leaned against the counter drinking.

Liz looked up at her husband who managed to lose his shirt somewhere in the process of moving She raked her eyes over his toned chest and down to his abs. Her mind quickly conjured up dirty ideas on what she could do on that counter top; She chuckled and bit her lower lip quickly putting her head back down.

Max choked on his water, as his mind was flooded with dirty images from his wife. “Are you okay’ Isabel said looking up at him. He waved his hand and patted his chest ‘just went down the wrong tube’ he lied looking at his wife. He could see behind her hair that was cascaded down covering her face, the evil grin she was trying to hide.

Max set the glass down and walked over to Liz bending down he whispered ‘you are evil woman’ in her ear then quickly kissed the top of her head and walked out.

Liz blushed and looked at Maria who looked at her with a raised eyebrow “WHAT” Liz asked reaching for a knife to cut the sandwich.

Later that night

Liz stood hunting in the fridge for something to eat; she was hungry but didn’t know what she wanted. The kids were staying by Diane’s and Phillip’s Max had convinced them that they needed some grandchildren time.

After dropping them off they drove home and he went to take a shower, moving Isabel and Alex into their new house winded up taking all day long, He didn’t think he would ever see the back of the truck with all the crap Isabel had.

After his shower he quickly threw on a pair of sweat pants and nothing else, the kids were not there and they weren’t going anywhere, he didn’t really care if his goods hung loosely in his pants.

Walking into the kitchen he stopped and watched his wife she stood there in front of the fridge with her eyes closed with her hand holding her hair up on top of her head while the other leaned over the door trying to cool off, he stood back admiring her after two kids her body still looked great and had no problems turning him on.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, Liz jumped ‘you scared me’ she yelped as Max begun kissing the back of her neck. ‘Sorry’ he mumbled against her neck ‘what are you doing’ he asked ‘I’m hungry but I can’t figure out what I want’ she said looking back in the fridge.

He took her arm and pulled her away, turning her to face him he started backing up to other side, she raised her eyebrow at his mischievous smile ‘what are you doing’ she asked ‘nothing, nothing at all’ he said in a playful manner.

Once his back was to the counter top he leaned back and pulled her into his arms, lowering his head he leaned in and ran his tongue along her bottom lip ‘I vaguely remember something about my wife and a counter top’ he teased.

Max wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter against his body, leaning in he covered her mouth with his, and she opened her mouth and let him have access as their tongues massaged one another’s. He broke away for some much needed air and stared into her glazed eyes ‘You are so beautiful’ he said cupping her cheeks.

Liz blushed ‘you say that now, just wait about forty years, you’ll be running away when I’m old and wrinkly’ he smiled ‘I don’t think so, we can be seventy and I will still chase after you, cane and all’ which caused her to laugh out loud. ‘I love you’ she said “I love you too’ he said leaning in to kiss her again.

‘Have I’ Liz started as she begin places sensual kisses along his jaw line and down to his neck ‘ever told you’ she moved down his neck and started descending down his chest ‘how much’ she stuck her tongue out and lick his nipple hardening more as she sucked it into her mouth. Max closed his eyes and leaned his head back moaning as felt his lower half waking up.

‘I love your’ she said as she worked her way over to the other exposed nipple giving it the same treatment ‘your body’ ‘mmmh’ was all he could get out, his body was going into overload from her touch. ‘And it is’ she said leaving his nipple and kissing her way down ‘without a doubt’ her tongue circling his belly button, then past his waist ‘only mine’ she said as she pulled his sweatpants off.

‘Only yours’ he gasped out as he felt her tiny hands take hold of his manhood and slip it into her mouth, tightening her lips around his shaft and began suckling on him, Max held onto the counter top as he felt his knees turning into jelly, he let one hand fall into her hair kneading it trying to bring her closer to him She kept her rhythm slow and steady until he couldn’t control himself any longer.

He reached down and pulled her pouty lips from his erection and in one swift move he turned and raised her on the counter. Max brought his lips crashing down on hers as his hands reached down to the rim of her shirt, he lifted her shirt only breaking the kiss to pull it off and toss it to the side and immediately brought his lips back to hers.

Liz moaned when she could feel his arousal against her wet folds, he left her mouth and bent down to take one of her pert nipples into his mouth. He immediately began pulling then releasing it, sucking it hard she arched up and into him.
As he moved to do the same to other one wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up enough for other one to pull her bottoms off.

As soon as he got them off he put her back down on the counter, she opened her legs to him as she felt the tip of his erection slide across her dark curls. As his mouth claimed hers again he thrust into her and pulled back out till just the tip was in her.

Liz wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as he thrust into her again. ‘Oh God Liz’ he called out as he felt her silk walls clenched so tightly around him. Liz wrapped her legs tightly around his hips holding him there while he continued to gently push in and out of her slick folds.

Liz felt so completely full as he slid in her, she could feel herself climbing to that height but couldn’t get there ‘Oh God Max’ she called out ‘please’ she begged ‘faster’. He grabbed hold of her waist with one hand and the counter with the other and started impaling her harder and faster.

He thrust into her trying to get deeper he groaned quickly picked her up grabbing her bottom, he headed for the table. ‘No’ she panted out ‘Kids..eat..’ she tried to get out; he yanked a chair out and sat down with her straddling him.

His hands grabbed hold of her waist as his lips attacked her neck, he started pumping her hard up and down on his cock. He felt himself grow harder inside her when they became engulfed in a glow and she climaxed hard against him.
She squeezed him hard between her legs as she felt herself falling, which caused him to go over the edge.

“Lizzzz….” He let out a strangled scream as his nails dug in at her waist, and he thrusted up into her one more time shooting his hot seed into her. She collapsed against him her head resting on the crook of his neck as he forehead rested against hers both trying to come back down.

After their breathing came back to normal he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his mouth by the thought he just had, Liz sat up and looked at him ‘what’s so funny’ she asked.

He shook his head ‘nothing’ he tried playing it off, not wanting to tell her. She raised herself off of him and went to retrieve her clothes ‘what, tell me’ she said.

He smiled ‘I was just thinking, don’t ask me why this popped in my head but I was thinking if we ever have our electricity turned off, we could just have sex your seal would give off enough light’ he said laughing.

‘Max Evans that is just so mean just for that I think we should stop having sex’ she said throwing his sweat pants at him, they hit him square in the face and he missed the teasing smile she had on her face as she walked out of the kitchen.

His laughing stopped abruptly and looked wide-eyed ‘I was just joking’ he yelled getting worried and got up to follow her. He met her in the hallway and saw the playful look in her eye ‘I think we should test that theory’ she said and pulled him into the bedroom.

Chapter 41

Ten year old Xan came storming out of his room ‘I’m telling’ he screamed running outside to where his mother and two aunts were at ‘MOM’ he screamed walking up ‘Look at what Mia and Mailey did’ he said throwing his pink G.I. Joe toys on the table.

Maria and Isabel tried to suppress a laugh, Liz bit her lip ‘calm down Xan and tell me what happened’. Xan rolled his eyes and sighed ‘Ryan and I were in my room playing, minding our own business Mia and Mailey came in and I told them to leave.

They said no they wanted to play, when I told them they couldn’t they did that’ he yelled pointing to his toys he walked up and placed both hands on his mothers cheeks and looked in her eye ‘Please control your daughter’ he said. Isabel and Maria let out a muffled laugh; Liz looked at both of them ‘sorry’ they both said.

‘It’s okay Xan, tell Mia and Mailey to come here’ Liz tried to calm him down. ‘MIAAAA, MAILEYYYYY’ he screamed at the top of his lungs ‘I could have done that’ Liz said looking at him. Mia and Mailey came walking out giggling.

Both stopped when they saw Maria raise her eyebrow at them ‘Mailey’ she questioned ‘it was her idea’ Mailey said jumping into defense, Mia rolled her eyes ‘thanks a lot’ she said under her breath.

“Mia why did you turn your brothers’ toys pink’ Liz asked ‘Because he is a moron and won’t let us play with him’ she said sticking her tongue out at Xan. ‘Mia’ Liz said in a stern voice Mia looked down ‘sorry’.

‘Mia I am not going to tell you again, you can not use your powers like that, now what is wrong with your room that you and Mailey can not play in there’ she asked. ‘My room is boring’ Mia said ‘well sorry your room is so boring, why don’t you and Mailey go watch a movie ‘Liz asked.

‘Fine, come on Mailey’ Mia said rolling her eyes and dragging Mailey by the arm ‘leave your brother and cousin alone’ Liz yelled at her ‘that goes for you too young lady’ Maria yelled.

‘See what you did’ they could hear Mailey telling Mia while they walked back in the house. ‘Isabel can you’ Liz asked gesturing to the toys on the table, Isabel picked up the G.I. Joe toys and turned them back green. Handing them back to Liz, she took them and gave them to Xan.

‘Here, now go play’ she said he took them and started storming back to the house ‘and no revenge, leave the girls alone’ she yelled ‘and tell Ryan I said the same thing’ Isabel said yelling. After he went back inside they just shook there heads.

The week after

Liz walked into her son’s room ‘Xan time to get up you have school’ she said as she moved towards his bed ‘don’t want to go’ he mumbled and turned on his side. “Xan get up’ Liz said pulling the covers back ‘no’ he hollered and used his powers to pull the covers back up.

‘I am tired of doing this with you every morning son, for the past week it’s the same thing’ she yelled and tried to yank the covers back down. ‘Mom just leave me alone’ he shouted under his pillow.

‘Alexander Maxwell get up right now young man before I get your father’ Liz yelled ‘Fine’ he yelled back throwing his covers off and sitting up ‘thank you’ Liz said walking back out of his room.

Max came out of the bedroom with Mia behind him ‘everything okay’ he asked looking in the direction of Xan’s room. Liz shrugged her shoulders and walked to the front towards the kitchen, Max followed behind her ‘Liz’ he asked walking up and putting his arms around her.

Liz sighed ‘I don’t know, he’s just I don’t know all week along he’s not acting like himself’ she said. Max kissed her forehead ‘I’ll talk to him on the way to school’ he said.

Max made sure Mia and Xan were sitting with seatbelts on in the back before pulling out of the driveway, driving down the highway he looked in his rearview mirror. Mia was sitting there bobbing her head to the music, while Xan sat there silently looking out the window.

‘Xan’ Max said turning his head real quick to look at him, he didn’t answer him so he tried again ‘Xan’ that time it seemed to snap Xan out of his trance ‘what’ he said.

‘Is everything okay’ Max asked looking in his rearview mirror ‘yes everything is fine dad’ he said then turned to look back out the window ‘cause you know if something is wrong, you can talk to me or your mother’ Max said trying to get the conversation open.

‘Everything is fine dad, just having some bad dreams’ he said as he continued to look out the window ‘bad dreams? What are they about’ Max asked. ‘Nothing’ Xan said ‘Xan’ Max questioned ‘everything is under control dad’ Xan said looking at his father then turned to look back out the window.

Max frowned something was definitely going on with his son; it was obvious that Xan wasn’t going to talk about it; question now was what do they do.

Later that night

Inside Liz’s dream plane

Liz was sitting out at the park, watching her children play on the swing sets; suddenly she watched the swing sets disappear and a thick fog roll in.

Time is coming

She heard someone speak to her but couldn’t see anything thru the thick fog ‘hello’ she called out trying to feel her way around ‘is anyone there’

You will have to choose

‘Choose’ she yelled ‘choose what’ she asked as she started to get worried ‘I don’t understand’ she yelled.

One for the other

She heard ‘enough with the cryptics, who are you’ she yelled getting pissed, the fog started to clear up and she found herself standing in the desert.

It has to be this way

‘Has to be what way’ she yelled ‘please I don’t understand’ the desert started taking on scenery and things started to take form.

only death can save him

The last thing she saw was the rock formation before she bolted up out of her sleep Liz sat there breathing heavy, the last three nights the same dream, the same words all ending the same way. Max jumped up out of sleep and noticed his sweat drenched wife sitting there holding the covers.

“Liz what is it’ he asked ‘I don’t know’ she said shaking her head trying to recall her dream she looked at her husband ‘Max I think something bad is going to happen’ she said. Max noticed her shaking and wrapped his arms around her ‘nothing bad is going to happen, just dreams’ he said.

Liz shook her head ‘no someone is trying to tell me something and Max it ends the same way standing in the desert outside the pod chamber’ she said looking at him.

Max pulled her closer ‘okay tomorrow I will get Michael and we will go out there and check on things okay’ he said. Liz shook her head and let him pull her to lay her head on his chest. Max laid there with one arm around his wife and the other on the back of his head.

His mind wondering first Xan now Liz, something was definitely going on and by the sound of it and the moods around the house something big and not knowing was the worst part.

Are you ready?

‘I know what I have to do’

Good boy I knew I could count on you


In two days


And remember what I told you

‘I haven’t said anything’

Just remember what will happen if you do

Xan sat up breathing heavy and looking around his room, clutching the sheets to his chest he laid back down trying to get back to sleep.

Chapter 42

The next morning Max and Michael drove down the highway ‘so why are we going out there again’ Michael asked looking over to Max ‘just want to look around’ Max said glancing at Michael then back to the front.

‘Come on, we haven’t been out here in years, and all of a sudden you want to look around what’s going on’ Michael said. ‘Okay Liz has been having these dreams, and it ends outside of the chamber’ Max said ‘great, we are wasting a better part of the day because your wife is having bad dreams’ Michael mumbled.

‘It’s more than that Michael’ Max said glancing at him ‘your not there to see her wake up covered in sweat, and shaking, its not only her Xan is having them to but he wont talk about it, he’s been acting weird all week long’.

‘Okay, okay I get the idea’ Michael said running his hands thru his hair, they drove in silence the rest of the way parking the jeep they both got out and made their way up the familiar rock formation.

Glancing around to make sure nobody was around Max waved his hand over the rock letting the familiar silver hand print visible on the rock, placing his hand on it the wall slid open and both slipped inside.

Letting the wall close back, they proceeded to look around ‘nothing seems out of the ordinary here’ Michael said looking at the remains of the pods ‘I want to check on the granolith’ Max said getting down and crawling thru the remains of Isabel’s pod.

Michael followed suit, once in the looked around the room, everything in tact where they left it, the granolith sat there with the light hum it always had. ‘Now what’ Michael asked crossing his arms, ‘ I don’t know, nothing seems to be out of place’ Max said.

‘We are just going to have to keep our eyes open’ Max said crawling back thru the pods. ‘My favorite past time’ Michael mumbled as they walked out of the chamber.

After getting home Max informed Liz that nothing seemed out of the ordinary and they would just have to keep their eyes open just incase.

Xan sat at the table eating his cereal listening to his mother and father talk, he glanced at Mia who was sitting there quietly eating her cereal.

‘I just wish I knew more about these dreams’ Liz said sitting down at the table ‘We will figure it out’ Max said looking up at her. Xan got up and put his bowl in the sink, then walked over to his mother ‘I love you’ he said and hugged her, Liz hugged him back ‘I love you too sweetheart’ she said.

Xan walked over and did the same thing to his father, then walked off to his room. Max looked at Liz ‘that was a little wired’ he said Liz nodded her head.

The next morning

Liz woke up early putting on her robe, she walked down the hallway cracking Xan’s door she peeked in seeing him still asleep in the bed she closed the door back and preceded to Mia’s room.

Opening the door she noticed Mia’s bed empty and the window open, getting a sinking feeling in her stomach she started calling out to her ‘Mia’ she hollered running into the living room. She wasn’t in there, after checking the kitchen she started panicking.

‘MIA’ she yelled running thru the house, Max came out in the hallway to his wife screaming ‘Liz what is it’ “Max I cant find Mia she’s not her bed, I have checked all over the house’ she started crying.

Max immediately ran to Mia’s room and started checking under the bed, in the closet, he noticed the window open, running to the window he looked out of it.

Max ran past his wife straight to Xan’s room ‘Xan get up’ he yelled Xan sat up rubbing his eyes ‘Xan have you seen your sister’ Max asked looking at him ‘No’ Xan said looking at him then looked down at his bedspread. Max noticed the look across his son’s face.

Max took his arms and forced him to look up at him ‘Xan if you know something, I need to know now’ he said, Xan’s eyes darted back and forth looking at his father ‘I don’t know anything’ he whispered.

Max sighed in frustration and got up leaving his son in his room, walking back in the hallway he walked up to Liz and put his arms around her ‘I am going to call the Sheriff, then call the others’ he said.

“Where could she be’ Liz started crying ‘we will find her’ Max reassured her ‘I want you to call Serina and the others too’ he said pulling back ‘why’ Liz asked looking confused.

‘Just to be on the safe side, I think its time they come back’ he said looking at her; she nodded her head in understanding ‘okay I will call them’.

Xan sat on his bed listening to his parent’s concern, getting up he walked to his window and looked out, he knew where she was, he also knew she would be safe, his sister was just a pawn and in two days the swap would be made.
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Post by Itzstacie »

Chapter 43

Max got up to answer the door for what must have seemed like the twelve time that day, everyone was there at his house talking about what to do about Mia missing.

Maria got up and put her hand on his shoulder ‘sit with your wife, I’ll get it’ she told him, he looked at her and nodded his head, neither he or Liz got any sleep last night.

Everyone was being really supportive and great, Isabel had tried dream walking her immediately after she hung up the phone with Max. She was able to get in to see a very scared Mia and tried her best to get her niece to give her clues to where she was.

Isabel could see she was unharmed and if didn’t know any better she was actually being treated really well, she was in a room with a bed and they had a table there with dolls. Whoever took her looked like they had been planning on this and wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

Mia couldn’t really give her to much, she just said that a man with yellow hair had been in talking to her and said that he was going to let her go home soon.

Isabel took it to mean whoever had her had blond hair, she relayed what she found out to Max and Liz assuring them that whoever had Mia was taking good care of her and not hurting her.

Maria answered to door to see Serina, Jake, Krista, Pacey and Jace standing there ‘oh thank god you are here’ Maria said letting them pass. Pacey immediately ran to Liz putting his arms around her, Liz finally lost control and started crying in his arms.

Pacey just held onto her tight whispering words of encouragement in her ears, he pulled back and extended his hand to Max shaking it. “Thank you for coming’ Max managed to get out, it was killing him inside and seeing his wife finally break down it was all catching up to him.

‘I’ll do what ever I can to help’ Pacey told him, looking around the room ‘where is Xan’ he asked as Serina came up to hug Liz ‘he’s in his room where he has been since yesterday’ Liz choked out. Pacey got up and started to walk back to his room

“Pacey’ Max stopped him ‘Xan has not been acting like himself, so if he seems a little distant’ Pacey stopped him mid sentence ‘Serina told me, I’ll talk to him he might open more to me’ he said then realized what he said ‘I’m sorry I didn’t meant to imply anything by that’.

Max just put his hand on his shoulder ‘I know what you meant’ as Pacey started to walk to the back “Hey Pacey’ Max called out Pacey turned to face him ‘I am really glad you guys are here’ Max said. Pacey nodded his head ‘We will get her back’ he said then turned around.

Pacey walked in to see Xan staring out his window ‘something interesting out there sport’ he said walking up and causing Xan to jump ‘whoa sorry didn’t meant to scare you’ Xan threw his arms around “Uncle Pace’ he said hugging him tight.

‘Wow what a way to get hugged’ Pacey said hugging him back ‘just missed you’ Xan whispered ‘missed you too’ Pacey answered back. Pacey pulled back and went to sit on his bed ‘how you hanging in there’ he asked watching Xan.

Xan shrugged his shoulders and went back by the window ‘you know we will find her’ he started, Xan shook his head ‘I know’ Pacey picked up the picture by his night stand and looked at it.

It was one of Max, Liz, Xan and Mia they were horsing around. Max had tackled Liz pulling her down on top of him and Liz pulled the two kids down, Maria thought it would make the perfect picture when she took it.

‘So anything you want to talk about “Pacey said putting the picture back down ‘no’ Xan said as he continued to look out the window ‘your mother and Aunt Rina told me you have been having some bad dreams, want to tell me about them’ Pacey said as he studied Xan.

‘It’s nothing’ Xan said he looked over at his uncle and then started to say something then stopped and looked back out the window. ‘You are just like your mother’ he said smiling Xan looked at him confused ‘you get that same look in your eyes, when you want to say something but don’t know how’ Pacey said.

Xan smiled a little Pacey patted the bed ‘come on, come sit down and tell me about it’ Xan looked at him for a moment then slowly walked over and sat down ‘Uncle Pace, have you ever kept a secret’ he asked. Pacey looked at him and was about to hit him with keeping this alien stuff secret but then just said ‘yes but sometimes its not good to keep them’ he said.

‘What if it was to protect someone you loved’ he asked ‘well sometimes what you think you are doing to protect someone might actually hurt them’ Pacey said looking at him.

He noticed Xan’s face as he bent his head down ‘and sometimes secrets led to other things’ Pacey said. Xan looked up at him ‘like what’ he asked.

‘Well when you keep a secret and its something big you tend to lie so no one will find out the secret, but then you have to keep covering your lies and it can get pretty bad’ Pacey said . ‘Do you understand’ he asked Xan, Xan just nodded his head yes.

‘Is there a secret that you have’ Pacey asked ‘when Xan made no movement he knew the answer ‘Can you tell me your secret’ he asked, Xan shook his head no.

“Is there someone you are trying to protect’ Xan didn’t answer instead he got up and walked back to the window. Pacey sighed and ran his hand thru his head, getting up he patted Xan on his shoulder ‘okay sport I wont force you’ and walked out.

Xan watched him leave; he wiped his nose on his sleeve then turned to look back out the window. Serina noticed Pacey’s frustrated face when he came back in ‘wouldn’t talk’ she asked.

Pacey looked at her then turned to look at Max and Liz ‘he knows something, but he wont talk I think he’s scared’ Pacey said ‘scared of what’ Liz asked shaking her head ‘I don’t know he’s protecting something that much I could figure out’ he said sitting down.

‘This is just great’ Michael said folding his arms ‘your daughter is missing and your son wont talk, can things get any worse’ he gripped out. ‘Michael’ Maria screamed noticing her best friend trying to stay calm ‘we don’t need your two cents right now’ she said.

‘He’s right’ Max said looking at his hands then standing up ‘Max what are you going to do’ Liz asked noticing the angry expression passing over his face ‘I am going in there and make him talk’ he said.

Before he could get moving Xan appeared in front of them ‘It’s time’ he said ‘time for what’ they all seemed to ask at the same time.

‘To get Mia’ he said ‘you know where she is’ Liz asked looking at her son like she couldn’t believe he was doing this. Xan walked up and pointed to an area on the map ‘She’s there’ he said. “How do you know that’ Liz asked ‘I just do’ he said walking back closer to the door.

‘He’s waiting we have to go now’ Xan said looking at his parents, Liz covered her mouth and looked at her son he didn’t miss the look of disappointment in his mothers eyes when she asked ‘you knew all this time’ Xan slowly nodded his head.

‘How could you do something like this’ Max said raising his voice ‘I didn’t have a choice’ was all Xan said. ‘Who has her’ Jake said trying to get back on the subject ‘He doesn’t want her, he wants me he will let her go once I am there’ Xan said ignoring his question.

Xan watched his father getting angrier and started to approach him ‘you are not going anywhere’ Max said stopping suddenly when he saw his son deflect his shield in front of him causing everyone to gasp out in surprise.

‘I have to do this, it’s the only way to get Mia back “Xan shouted keeping his hand stretched forward ‘you don’t understand what will happen if I don’t go’ he said.

Max never felt so bad in his entire life then he did right then and there looking at his son standing in front of him with his shield deflected protecting himself from his own father. Max put up his hands in surrender and started to slowly approach him ‘Xan okay you win’ he said as he inched forward.

Xan started backing up with his shield holding strong ‘It will be okay son, we will do this your way’ he said hoping it would be enough to take the fear out of his son’s eyes.

Max fought back the tears as he looked at his son looking at him like we was actually going to hurt him, it was killing him inside his own son trying to protect himself from his own father.

Max stopped in defeat and sighed walking back to the map ‘this is about five miles from the chamber’ he said glancing at back at Xan who released his shield but stayed close to the door.

‘I have a feeling we are going to need all of you’ he said looking at the others and pulling Liz close to him. ‘You know I’m in’ Michael said ‘same here’ Tess and Isabel said.

Kyle slapped his hands together ‘my day isn’t complete without a little alien tumble’ he said, Alex slapped him on the shoulder ‘you know I got your back’.

Serina stood in front of Jake and Krista ‘looks like we finally get to do our jobs’ Pacey stood up and walked over to Liz and Max ‘lets go get your daughter back and keep your son where he belongs’ he said putting his hand on Liz’s shoulder. The parents agreed to stay there and watch the rest of the children.

They drove out to the area and going over their plan once more they kissed their other halves and split up into five groups and got ready for action.

Max, Michael, and Jake walked slowly up with Xan safely between Jake and his father. Ducking behind some rocks they could see about twenty to thirty people walking around ‘This is never going to work Maxwell’ Michael said looking at the people.

‘No telling how many are inside that cave’ Jake said ‘I am not leaving without both of my children’ Max said firmly he looked down and could see his son was just staring off again.

They checked their watches ‘all right let’s go’ Max said taking Xan’s hand they stepped into sight and immediately people started shooting at them.

Liz tried to run out from her hiding spot but Isabel held her back ‘Look’ she said pointing, Liz looked up to see Max and Jake both with shields projected shielding them ‘we have to stick to the plan’ Isabel said ‘you go out there now, they cant protect you’ she said Liz nodded her head.

‘I WANT MY DAUGHTER NOW’ Max screamed out loud. After a few minutes a blond hair man appeared with a screaming Mia “Daddy’ she screamed and put her arms out.

The man held her tight and stood a few feet away with men behind him with looked liked some type of guns pointed at them ‘your highness’ was all he said.

Michael and Jake stood straight and firm on either side of Max and Xan as Max tightened his jaw ‘Khivar’ was all he said

Chapter 44

Khivar stood there smirking ‘let my daughter go’ Max ordered again ‘Now come on lets be reasonable, lets make a deal I will give your daughter back when I get what I want’ Khivar told him.

‘What do you want’ Max asked glaring at him Khivar smiled ‘it’s really simple I have something you want, you have something I want’ ‘ Is this about Antar,I don’t care about the damn planet, haven’t you figured that out yet’ Max said yelled.

‘You really are naïve aren’t you, I already have your planet and soon I will have the others with the help of your son’ ‘What does my son have to do with any of this, he is not a ruler’ Max argued ‘let me spell it out for you, Its about power’ Khivar said ‘and your son will have a lot of it’.

‘My son is not a weapon and it will be over my dead body before I turn him over to you’ Max yelled. ‘Oh come on now, do we really have to resort to violence, I know why don’t we let Xan decide’ he said taunting him.

‘NO’ Max said forcefully, he was so focused on what was going on in front of him that he failed to notice Xan running forward. Jake ran after him, catching the edge of his shirttail Xan turned around and looked at Jake he lifted his hand and Jake went flying back towards Max.

“XAN NOO” Max screamed and started to move forward, stopping when he saw two men cock their weapons getting ready to fire. Xan stood by Khivar’s side ‘see he knows where he belongs, he will be a great warrior setting fear into all those around him’ Khivar said.

Xan looked up at Khivar ‘let her go, I am here now’ ‘in due time son’ Khivar said as he placed his hand on Xan’s shoulder. Max watched as his son’s amber eyes seem to darken ‘your controlling him’ Max shouted ‘your doing something to him’.

Khivar just smiled ‘Xan where are the others hiding, I know they are out here’ Xan raised his hand and one by one he pointed the others out ‘shit’ Michael shouted ‘now what’ he said looking at Max as Khivars men forced the others out of hiding.

‘Bring those two to me’ Khivar ordered as Serina and Krista walked forward with their hands above their heads. Max quickly pulled Liz to his side when the others joined them. They watched at Khivar handed Mia to Krista then turned and grabbed Serina by the arm ‘I think I will keep you, might come in handy’ he said.

“NO” Pacey screamed trying to move forward but Jake held him back by his arms ‘Pacey I will be okay’ Serina yelled trying to calm her husband down ‘I love you’ she shouted ‘I Love you too’ he told her back.

Khivar looked at Krista ‘GO” he said pointing in the direction of the group Krista took off running with Mia in her arms “XAN” Mia screamed looking back towards her brother. “See I always keep my word’ he said. Michael glared at him ‘do you really think you are going to get off this planet alive’

‘On the contrary Rath, I don’t have to think I know I will’ Khivar said smirking ‘such a shame to see your still willing to stand by your so called king’ then taking one last look ‘you really are pathetic the royal four what a joke’ he said as he turned to leave with Serina in one hand and Xan in the other.

‘Mommy’ Mia screamed when Krista reached them, Liz quickly scooped her up ‘my baby’ she said checking her over and hugging her ‘Daddy’ Mia screamed as he pulled her up in his arms hugging her, he bent down and put her down then slouched down ‘Mia go with mommy’ he said ‘Max I’m not leaving’ Liz said.

Khivar stopped at the entrance to the cave and looked back then shouted something in antarian before disappearing inside the cave, the soldiers started firing their weapons in the direction of the group. Max and Jake barely had time to get their shields up.

‘There’s to many of them ‘ Tess screamed ‘Liz get out of here’ Max yelled ‘No I am not leaving’ she hollered ‘Liz please take Mia and get her to safety’ he pleaded. ‘Come on Liz’ Maria said dragging her by the arm back down the rocks. Once they got to the car Liz quickly fastened Mia’s seat belt then looked at Maria ‘your not coming are you’ Maria asked already knowing the answer.

Liz shook her head ‘my son and my husband are up there, I cant leave them’ she said the quickly bent down ‘Mia go with Aunt Ria, mommy will come get you soon’ she said ‘okay mommy, I love you’ Mia told her Liz brushed her hair off her forehead ‘I love you too’ she said as she quickly kissed Mia forehead.

‘Max is not going to like this’ Maria said as she walked to Liz ‘I know but I’m not leaving here with out the both of them’ she said ‘be careful’ Maria told her as she hugged her ‘you too’ hugging her back.

Liz watched Maria speed off, then quickly started her way back up the rocks, she spotted one of Khivars men sneaking up on the group from behind, looking around quickly she found a medium size rock laying there. Picking it up she quietly snuck up on him and brought the rock down on top of his head with all her strength knocking him out.

She picked up the weapon and looked it over, bringing it with her she found a full fledge battle going on. She could see
Max and Jake struggling to hold their shields up bouncing off lasers, Michael and Krista with their hands stretched forward firing bolts of energy, the others were ducking behind a huge boulder.

‘Liz’ Alex screamed when he saw her ‘what are you doing here, I thought you left’ Kyle said in surprise ‘I came back and look I brought a present’ she said smiling. “All right’ Kyle said taking it ‘we need more of these’ he said as he quickly ran over to where Max was.

‘Max isn’t going to like this’ Isabel said looking at her, Liz waved her off ‘I know, I know’ she said as she continued to watch. Max glanced at Kyle who was firing quickly picking off Khivars men ‘where did you get that from’ he asked.

“Present from your wife, she got it on her way back’ he said as he continued to fire ignoring the frustrated look that past over Max’s face ‘Damn woman’ he said ‘they never listen “Michael said as he continued to shoot bolts of energy killing enemies.

‘Hey I take offense to that ‘ Krista yelled as she killed another one of Khivars men ‘well you don’t’ Jake said smirking ‘watch it buddy, remember who you have to go home with’ she said ‘okay kids’ Max said then turned to Michael ‘come with me, can you three handle things here’ he quickly asked ‘go we are fine’ Jake stated knowing what he was planning to do.

Alex saw an opportunity to get to several dead soldiers laying on the ground quickly running to duck behind another boulder he made is way over and grabbed the weapons of the dead bodies then quickly made his way back handing one of the guns to Pacey.

‘Alex be careful’ Isabel said kissing him real fast ‘hey it’s me’ he said grinning ‘that’s what I am worried about’ she mumbled as he and Pacey made their way over to Jake.

‘We are going in’ Max said as he and Michael fought their way towards the cave, slouching down behind a rock close to the entrance Max quickly scanned the area making sure no one saw them.

Seeing the opportunity ‘Now’ he said as they took off running for the cave one of the enemies saw them and fired ‘MICHAEL” Max screamed as he watched Michael stumbled forward, quickly running he picked Michael up and ran inside the cave.

Michael grabbed his arm he sat down holding it ‘dam’ he winced in pain ‘let me see’ Max said as he pulled Michael’s bloody hand away. He was hit pretty bad in the arm the laser went straight thru leaving a nice size hole in his arm, Max placed his hand over it and concentrated on repairing his arm. He removed his hand after a few minutes, to see it looked like normal again.

‘Thanks’ Michael said putting his hand on Max’s shoulder, ‘NO problem’ Max said looking around he could see the cave was pretty deep ‘we have to hurry, no telling how far ahead they are, are you okay’ Max said looking at Michael.

‘I’m good’ he said getting up Michael noticed two more soldiers coming up on them he pushed Max out of the way and raised his hand firing killing both before they could fire. Max looked up in surprise ‘thanks’ he said ‘no problem lets go get your son’ Michael said helping him up.

Khivar walked at a steady pace pulling Serina and Xan with him ‘Your never going to away with this’ she said struggling against him ‘I believe I will’ he stated and kept moving forward. Serina looked at Xan who was just staring straight ahead.

They walked into an opening and Serina gasped when she saw a ship sitting right there in the middle of the cave. She started to struggle again trying to break his hold on her ‘Stay still’ Khivar snapped getting angry and tightening his grip.

‘Xan’ Serina started ‘Xan listen to me, you are stronger than he is fight it Xan’ “Shut Up’ Khivar ordered. “Fight it Xan, you can do it I believe in you’ she yelled ignoring him trying to reach Xan.

Khivar released Xan and pointed in the direction of the ship ‘Go, wait for me on the ramp’ he said and Xan started walking towards the ramp, he turned around and stood there making no movement s he waited for Khivar and Serina.

Khivar swung Serina around to face him ‘you just don’t know how to shut up do you’ he yelled as he slapped her in the face ‘ GO TO HELL” she yelled as she spat in his face.

Khivar grinned ‘you first’ he said as he proceeded to place his hands on Serina’s face, one quick snap he released her and watched her lifeless body fall to the ground.

Something inside Xan snapped ‘NOOOOOOO’ he cried out as he clenched his fists in tight balls and the ground around them all started shaking violently.
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Post by Itzstacie »

Chapter 45

Max and Michael braced themselves against the wall for support as the cave shook around them ‘since when does Roswell get earthquakes’ Michael screamed ‘I don’t think this is an earthquake Michael’ Max shouted.

Just then he heard his son’s cries echo thru the cave, “Xan’ he screamed and took off running at full speed. “Max’ Michael screamed running after him dodging falling rocks.

Max kept running ignoring Michaels screams and falling debris, he kept his speed up until he reached the middle and stopped dead in his tracks frozen looking down at the site below him.

Outside the others braced themselves as the ground shook underneath them ‘What the hell is going on’ Kyle screamed trying to make his way over to Tess and the others.

‘ALEX’ Isabel screamed trying to stand up ‘stay down’ he ordered as Jake tried to hold his shield up while trying to brace himself. “Kyle’ get back here we need you’ Jake screamed as Alex, Pacey and Krista continued fighting, they were winning but it looked like the enemies weren’t going to give up any time soon.

‘We need to get in that cave’ Liz screamed as she held on to the boulder ‘I think we have bigger problems right now’ Tess said as a piece of the boulder broke off.

Xan stood on the ramp of the ship protected by a red barrier, his eyes open, taking a closer look Max could see his son’s eyes were black as coal and he was silently chanting something with one fist still closed and the other outstretched in front of him, Max followed his direction and stumbled back some when he saw Khivar suspended in the air.

Michael caught up to him ‘What the hell’ he called out as he witnessed what was going on ‘Max your son is going to kill us all’ as the ceiling started coming down. As they started making their way down Michael spotted something lying on the ground.

Taking a closer look ‘Max’ he screamed ‘Its Serina’ Michael ran over and started checking her over ‘Max there is no pulse’ he said looking worried.

Max fell to his knees and quickly tried healing her but it didn’t work, he let out a silent curse as he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes back up and gently took his hand and closed her eyelids.

“Max we have to do something’ Michael screamed as the shaking started to get worse. Max looked up at his son ‘XANN” he screamed as Xan flung Khivar into the side of the cave with a force, his body fell to a slump on the ground. The violent shaking continued as Max tried to make his way over to his son.

Michael made his way over to Khivar, checking the mangle mess ‘he’s dead’ Michael called out. Max ran to Xan calling out to him ‘Xan’ he tried but his son didn’t answer, just stayed in the position he was in ‘Xan, its daddy’ Max called to him again.

‘It’s over son, if you can hear me its okay’ he tried ‘you are safe now, Xan please you have to stop’ he pleaded. ‘Son please you have to stop this now before someone else gets hurt’ Max moved forward somehow he was able to grab hold of Xan’s arms then it hit him the flashes.

‘Go to Hell’ Serina Screamed

‘You first’ Khivar yelled.

Taking Serina by the head

Serina falling to the ground

Xan screaming No

Xan’s breathing escalating

His eyes change, his fists clenched

The flashes ended and Max stumbled back some the flashes catching him off guard, he shook them off and made his way back to his son.

The shaking stopped and the shield came down, Max looked up and saw his sons amber eyes looking back at him confused ‘daddy’ Xan cried out before passing out in his father’s arms.

‘Guys do you feel that’ Tess said ‘the shaking has stopped’ ‘something is happening inside that cave’ Liz cried out. After the last guy fell to the ground, Krista collapsed from exhaustion into Jakes arms ‘Krista’ Liz screamed running towards them ‘she’s okay, she’s just drained’ Jake said kneeling down and letting her lean up against him.

Krista opened he eyes ‘I’m fine’ she said ‘I just used to much’. Liz looked at Jake she could tell he was just as worn out. They would probably all sleep for days after this ‘you rest here’ Liz told them getting up’ ‘NO’ they both said ‘we are fine, lets go we have to get to Xan’ Krista said slowly getting up.

Before they could descend into the cave they caught movement coming from within, ‘Get behind me’ Jake ordered as he threw his shield up the others raised their weapons getting ready to fire.

Liz was the first to see her husband come into view “Its Max’ he hollered as Jake released his shield Liz watched as he carried and unconscious Xan ‘oh god’ Liz yelled out as she feared the worst. Her stomach turned inside out when she saw the expression her husband wore on his face.

Her eyes shifted to Michael and she felt her knees weaken when she saw him carrying a lifeless Serina, she let her eyes gaze over to her best friend and she saw his face overcome with grief.

‘NOO” he cried out as he dropped his weapon and ran towards Michael ripping her out of his arms and falling to the ground with her as he held her.

‘NO Serina No’ Pacey cried out ‘oh god no’ as his heart shattered into a million pieces. Liz covered her mouth as Max made his way over to her, she looked at her son ‘oh god’ she started ‘He’s okay, Liz he’s okay’ he reassured her. She swept a piece of loose hair back against his forehead and thank god silently when she saw his chest moving up and down.

She kissed his forehead then turned back towards her friend as he clung to his dead wife ‘wh-what happened’ she cried out ‘Xan’ Max tried to get his bearings, knowing that a life was taken because of him was eating away at him. ‘Xan killed him’ he said as he met his wife’s eyes.

Liz looked down at her son’s sleeping form, he looked so peaceful sleeping in his father’s arms ‘Khivar killed Serina, then Xan killed him’ she heard her husbands shaky voice speak to her, she looked back up into his eyes she could see he was fighting an inner battle.

Her eyes drifted over to her best friend who was clutching his wife, and crying openly, she was confused, conflicted between wanting to comfort her husband and her best friend. Max looked at his wife he could tell she wanted to be there for him as well as Pacey ‘Go’ he told her and looked over at Pacey.

She followed his gaze ‘I, I he’ she started ‘its okay go, he needs you’ he whispered as he leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips against hers.

The others stood around silently comforting one another, their hearts heavily beating as the events of today waved heavily on their minds in the end they won the war, they defeated Khivar but he won the battle one of their own was gone, a friend, a mother, a wife and a solider who stood by her word and gave her life to protect another.

Liz fell to her knees wrapping her arms around Pacey ‘I am so sorry’ she cried out, he wrapped one arm around her waist grabbing her shirt in his fist as he felt like his own heart was going to stop beating, he looked up at her with tears streaming down.

‘Oh god Liz’ Pacey cried out ‘I cant do this without her, I need her’ Liz held him letting him sob in her arms, her heart was breaking. She came to love Serina like a sister; she was there when Liz needed someone the most and she stuck by her side.

Liz let her tears fall letting them mix with the ones of her friend as they fell to the ground ‘Jace, oh god, how am I going to tell him, how am I going to tell my son his mother is dead’ he continued to cry.

‘He’s never going to know how wonderful his mother was, how much she loved him’ Liz tilted his head to met her eyes ‘Jace will know, every day of his life, he is going to know how much his mother loved him. I'm gonna see to that. Ok?’ she cried.

‘I loved her so much’ he sobbed as she pulled him back to her hugging him ‘I know, I know you did’ she whispered as she gently rocked him, her eyes sought out her husbands and could feel the conflicting emotions turning inside him.

She could feel his pain on top of her own; she could feel how much he was blaming himself, how helpless he felt that he couldn’t save Serina. Liz closed her eyes trying to ease his mind as she was trying to comfort her life long friend at the same time.

Fighting with her own emotions Xan killed him repeated in the back of her mind, everything in her head was spinning out of control, her husbands turmoil, her best friends grief, her own grief, and her son how was he going to react when he woke up, was he going to be able to handle it, he shouldn’t of had to deal with that.

Taking a life with his own hands, her ten-year-old son taking a life would he ever get over that, Michael did it and it took him forever to get over it, would Xan blame himself like his father was blaming himself, would he be able to see that none of this was his fault?

Those questions played over and over in her mind, she wanted to scream at someone, anyone why couldn’t they just leave them all alone, why couldn’t they just let them live there lives in peace was it to much to ask for after everything they had been through.

‘Everything is disposed off’ she heard Michael saying breaking her train of thought ‘we should, we should get back’ he said running his hands over his face. He grabbed Alex and Kyle and had them help him gather up the bodies so he could get rid of them.

‘Pacey’ Liz whispered to him ‘we need to get back’ she said, he looked up and nodded his head understanding, he looked back down at his wife one last time and gently kissed her forehead letting his lips linger there for a few minutes.

He sighed ‘I will never forget you’ he whispered ‘I love you’ he told her one last time before picking her up and moving her to grave that Jake had dug. He laid her in and looked at the group ‘can you’ he said gesturing towards the grave.

Jake shook his head ‘I’ll take care of it’ he said as he placed a hand on Pacey’s shoulder, Krista came up and put her arm around his shaking body and guided him to the car.

Chapter 46

Two days later and Xan was still in a deep sleep, Liz sat by his bedside refusing to leave it in fear of something happening to him. Mia had come in several times just to sit with Xan, she would wind up crawling in the bed with him and just laying there next to him reading a book, or just talking to him.

Max tried to get Liz to come to bed and sleep but she wouldn’t budge; she was beginning to think something was really wrong with Xan.

Max tried several attempts to tell her it was okay, using his powers like that just took a lot out of him. Finally that afternoon he finally got her to get up from his bedside for a little while, throwing in the fact that they had a daughter to and she was neglecting her. Max hated to do it that way but he was afraid Liz was going to crazy if she sat there any longer.

The death of Serina was hard on everyone, Pacey went into denial, and Jace was so angry he blamed Max then blamed Xan for killing his mother. Jake and Krista both sat down with him and talked to him explaining to Jace that it was Serina’s job to protect Xan and she was doing exactly that when she died.

They explained to him how her death saved hundreds maybe thousands of people on another planet, their planet and she would always be remembered for her courage and bravery.

At first they didn’t think he would really understand with him being so young, but as they talked to him they could see that he was a lot smarter than they thought and by the end he was crying instead of yelling.

Jace apologized to Max telling him he was sorry for blaming him and that he would say the same thing to Xan when he woke up. Max told him he understood and he would make sure that Serina would be remembered here and on Antar for everything she did to protect the future King.

Later that night

‘RINAAAAA’ Xan screamed and sat upright, Liz and Max both bolted out of their bed and ran into Xans room. They got to Xan’s room to see him sitting up with his knees drawn up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them rocking back and forth.

Liz ran over and threw her arms around her son ‘Oh Xan’ she said as she picked him and put him her lap. ‘Its’ all my fault’ she heard him whisper lightly. She pulled him tighter to him ‘oh honey, its not your fault, none of it was your fault’ she told him while she started to gentletly run her fingers thru his hair.

Xan tried to push her away ‘no it’s my fault she’s dead because of me’ he screamed “Xan’ he heard his sister call his name from his doorway ‘go away Mia, It’s not safe I’m not safe’ he told her.

Liz looked helplessly at Max as he bent down and picked up his crying daughter ‘come on sweetheart lets go in my room’ he said trying to calm her down.

Liz cupped her sons face ‘listen to me Xan it is not your fault nobody blames you, it was Khivars he is the one to blame and now he cant hurt anyone else baby, I know you didn’t want to kill him but you saved the rest of us’

Liz continued rocking him ‘I know its scary and its hard to understand but baby you are alone and you will get thru this, mommy, daddy and everyone else is here to help you’ she said.

Xan quieted down as he listened to his mother soothing words. It still didn’t make a difference and he still killed someone what does that make him and what would people think about him. Would they see him as monster, someone that they should be scared of?

Several hours later Max came into Xans room and stood watching his wife and son sleeping. He quietly walked over and knelt beside his son, he pushed a strand of hair back on his head and kissed his forehead.

He pulled back to see his wife’s big brown eyes looking back at him, he smiled and whispered ‘hey’ she whispered back and slowly untangled herself from Xan’s grasp being careful not to wake him and motioned Max to follow her.

Once in the living room Max sat down on the coach pulling Liz into his lap ‘How is Mia doing’ she asked ‘she’s sleeping in our bed, I talked to her and explained what Xan was going thru and how didn’t mean what he said’ he said as he started playing with her hair.

“What about Xan’ he asked ‘he’s taking it hard, he just like you blaming himself’ she said, she started to feel his guilt ‘don’t she said looking into his soft amber eyes. ‘Don’t blame yourself, it isn’t your fault either’ ‘I don’t deserve you’ he whispered against her ear.

“Max you need to stop trying to take on the world by yourself and stop putting everything that happens on your shoulders’ she said ‘but I am responsible for them’ he said ‘they are all grown adults, you are not responsible for them the only ones you should have to worry about are those two children back there sleeping ‘she said.

“And you’ he added ‘no not even me’ she said looking at him ‘why do you love me’ he questioned, he didn’t know why he asked he just needed to be reassured ‘because you showed me your soul and I know the real you’ she said kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around her ‘I love you’ he told her’ I love you too’ they stayed that way for a while just holding each other Max finally pushed her up and stood up taking her hand ‘come on lets go to bed’ he said leading them to the back.

“Do you think Michael could talk to Xan’ Liz asked as they walked down the hallway ‘why’ Max asked ‘well he went thru this, I don’t know maybe he can help him’ she said ‘Ill call him in the morning’ Max told her.

The next morning Michael showed up and walked into Xans room, he was just sitting there staring out of the window ‘Hey Xan’ he said coming closer. Xan didn’t move Michael walked over and waved his hand in front of his face snapping him out of his little dream world.

‘Hey there’ Michael said again ‘Hey’ Xan whispered ‘how about going for a drive’ Michael asked ‘why’ Xan looked up at him ‘to get out, to talk’ Michael said ‘tired of talking’ Xan told him turning his head to look back out the window.

‘’Okay so we wont talk, well just drive’ Michael said ‘no thank you’ Xan answered, Michael rubbed his hand thru his head and stood up ‘okay didn’t want to do this’ he said.

Liz and Max watched Michael carrying a screaming Xan over his shoulder ‘be back later’ he shouted as he slammed the front door.

Thirty minutes later they were sitting out in the desert at the rock quarry. Xan sat down on a boulder and just started out over the horizon Michael watched him for few minutes then picked up a few smaller rocks and sat down next to Xan and started throwing them out over the cliff.

After a few minutes of silence Michael looked over at Xan “I want you to know I know what you are going thru’ he said ‘not you don’t ‘Xan snapped ‘yes I do let me guess you feel angry, confused, like you’re a monster that is not safe for anybody to be around you because you feel like you will hurt them’ he said.

Xan looked up him he described everything he was feeling how was that possible ‘how, how do you know’ he asked. ‘Because I was in your shoes, I killed a man a human before’ Michael said looking at him.

Xan looked at him ‘that’s your job’ he said ‘this was before I found out who I was, and its not my job anymore’ Michael told him ‘Xan looked at him confused and Michael took it as his cue to continue ‘when your dad and I were teenagers, a man a bad man took your dad and hurt him he hurt him a lot.

When we rescued your dad, it came down to either we get killed or the man did, I didn’t really know I could do something like that but I was so angry and wished he was dead, so when I raised my hand and used my powers I killed him’ Michael told him remembering back to when he killed Agent Pierce.

‘After that I felt just like you are feeling now’ Michael said ‘What did you do afterwards’ Xan asked looking up at him ‘I pushed everyone away that cared about me, I hurt your Aunt Maria really bad because I thought that they would all be better off without me’ Michael told him sitting down next to him.

“Then I realized that I was hurting myself, and making myself more miserable by doing that. You can’t go thru your life blaming yourself for actions that you cannot control, sometimes life deals us a rotten deal and we have to cope with it the best we can.

Life is not always going to be great and many times you have to make decisions in a quick haste and only hope that you made the right one’ Michael said looking at him.

He could tell he was getting thru to him so he continued ‘It’s okay to feel angry, or upset but you need to be angry and upset at the right person not at yourself. You had no control over what was going to happen and you need to keep remembering that’ Michael told him.

‘Okay’ Xan said feeling better than he did before ‘just okay’ Michael asked looking at him ‘I know that if didn’t do it then he would have hurt a lot more people’ Xan said looking up at him.

‘It will get easier with time’ Michael said putting his hand on his shoulder ‘ I hope I helped you some’ he said Xan nodded his head yes ‘it did’ ‘I am here if you feel like its getting to bad,, or you just want to talk about whatever’.

‘Thank you Uncle Mike’ Xan said hugging him, Michael hugged him back ‘no problem little man’.

Michael and Xan walked into the front door Xan froze when he saw Jace sitting there playing with Mia, he wasn’t ready to face them yet, he didn’t want to look in their eyes and see the blame that he knew would be there. Shifting slightly behind Michael’s leg to hide himself, he closed his eyes wishing he was somewhere else.

'Xan' he heard his mother say, he peeked around Michael's leg and looked at her 'Uncle Pacey is in your room, he would like to talk to you' she said.

He shook his head no 'its okay Xan I promise' she said looking at him. Xan sighed then started to make his way back to his room.

Xan slowly crept to his room shaking the entire way there, he opened the door slowly and saw Pacey sitting there on his bed, he had his back to the door but Xan could see he was sitting there holding Kermit the stuffed animal Serina had given him when he was a baby.

Xan walked in ‘Uncle Pace’ he said Pacey put up his head and shook it to clear out the thoughts that were running thru his head he slowly turned around to see Xan standing there with his hands behind his back, looking down and biting his lip while his foot swayed back and forth across the carpet.

‘Hey Sport’ Pacey whispered to him, one standing and one sitting both in silence unsure what to say, both afraid to make the first move.

‘It’s okay to hate me’ the words burned Pacey’s ears and floored his heart. He turned to look at the little boy standing there how could this little boy that was forced to become a man overnight think he could ever hate him.

Xan was the last person in the world he could ever hate. Pacey stood up and turned to face Xan, he cold his eyes trembling with fear and the tears sitting on the edge of his eyelashes threaten to fall but desperately trying to hold them in.

No words were spoken as Pacey sniffed and shook his head trying to shake away his own tears as he walked over and dropped to his knees and pulled Xan into his arms.

The two stayed liked that as time went by, each being the others life support for a few minutes, while the rest of the world carried on around them. Pacey pulled back and locked eyes with Xan ‘Not for one second I could ever hate you, so you push that thought right out of your head’.

‘But’ Xan started ‘No buts it wasn’t your fault, you did nothing wrong’ Pacey said looking at him “I love you, your aunt Rina loved you just as much as she loved Jace’ ‘thank you’ Xan whispered ‘No thank you’ he said Xan looked up into his eyes confused ‘Because of you I got the chance to experience ten years of love and will never forget that because of you I meet Serina’ Pacey told him.

A glittering light caught Xan’s eyes and he looked behind Pacey and watched in amazement as the light grew brighter and took on form.

“Aunt Rina’ Xan eyes got big as he looked past Pacey ‘what about her’ Pacey said with his back still turned ‘she’s she’s here’ Xan stuttered out ‘of course she’s here, she will always be with us’ he said Xan shook his head and pointed ‘no Uncle Pace she’s behind you’.

Pacey started at Xan while his heart started pounding hard in his chest, slowly turning his head he flew backwards taking Xan with him not really sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him. “Serina’ he barely whispered out. Before them there she was engulfed in a soft glow, you couldn’t tell if she was standing or lightly floating.

‘Pacey’ she smiled at him, Pacey ran towards her and threw his arms around her and tightened his grip when his brain registered that he could actually touch her.

“your squeezing me’ she laughed ‘I didn’t think I would ever see you again’ he cried cupping her face ‘I will always be with you’ she said running her finger down his cheek ‘there’s so much hi want to say to you’ he begin.

Serina gently put her finger on his lips silencing him ‘I already know’ then gently kissed him on the lips ‘How, what ‘he asked trying to understand how she was standing there before him. “I had to make sure all my boys were going to be okay’ she said looking at him ‘You and Jace will be fine, I know you will raise him to be the best he can be’.

‘Its not fair’ he said trying to fight the tears back ‘I don’t regret one moment of my life , please don’t regret yours’ she said ‘Never’ he said kissing her.

Xan stood there frozen watching Serina and Pacey Not sure what to do, Serina looked over at Xan and knelt down ‘Xan’ she said as she held her arms out. Xan slowly crept over to her and started crying ‘I’m so sorry, I’m sorry’ ‘Shh’ she said pulling back and looking at him.

She wiped the tears from his eyes ‘I am very proud of you, I knew you wouldn’t let me down’ but I did, I couldn’t stop him from hurting you’ he cried ‘I don’t blame you and please don’t blame yourself, he was an evil man who was greedy for power, you stopped him from hurting a lot of other people’ she said.

‘I love you’ Xan cried and threw his arms around her ‘I will always love you to, you are my special little man and I will always be right here with you’ she said placing her hand over his heart.

She gave him a kiss on the forehead and stood up giving Pacey one last kiss ‘I will always be watching you’ she said as she started to fade out ‘Wait please don’t go’ Pacey begged ‘I don’t have much time I need see one more person, I have to go’ she said smiling ‘I love you’ she told him one last time.

‘Goodbye’ Xan whispered smiling she cocked her head to the side ‘hey we don’t say that remember’ Xan just nodded his head and wiped his tears as he smiled bigger ‘goodnight’ she whispered and blew them a kiss before disappearing.
Xan and Pacey looked at each other and just walked over to the bed.

Pacey lay down while Xan curled up beside him and both just drifted off to sleep not saying a word but both saying a thank you to whoever gave them the chance to see her one more time.

Max walked Michael out to his car ‘Look I know things have been crazy the last couple of days, but we need to tell the others about what was down there’ Michael said opening the car door and turning to face Max.

Max sighed as he wiped his face with his hands “I know, call everyone and tell them to come here tomorrow night we will discuss it and see what they think’ Max said looking at him. Michael nodded his head and started to get in his car stopping he looked up at him “Uh, Hey Max’

‘Yeah’ Max said turning to look back at him ‘Do you know what your decision is going to be’ Michael asked, Max just looked at him ‘thought so’ Michael smiled knowing all to well what the answer to that question was going to be.

The next day they met at Max’s house everyone sitting around looking at each other wondering what was going on. Max and Michael stood facing the others just looking at the people around them. What they were about to tell the others they knew it would change their lives.

Max studied his friends and family, what impact would this make in their lives at first he wasn’t sure if his decision was the right one but one look at his wife and kids those thought flew right out of mind.

‘Uh’ Max said clearing his throat to get their attention, everyone turned to look at him ‘Michael and I need to tell you guys something, we didn’t say anything before because of ‘he said stopping for a moment ‘well because of everything that happened ‘.

‘Max’ Isabel said looking at her brother, he just looked at her then continued ‘in the cave that uh we were in’ he said noticing how everyone seemed to put their heads down like they didn’t want to remember. ‘There was a ship’ he said you could everyone gasp and movements come to a halt as they looked at Max and Michael.

‘A- A ship’ Tess asked wanting to make sure she heard what she thought she did ‘yes a ship’ Max answered ‘I know what all of you are thinking’ he said looking at them ‘and I want you to know that I will not make that decision for anyone’

‘’I am not a king, nor do I choose to be one’ he said “I am staying here’ ‘That goes for me to’ Michael said ‘Michael’ Maria looked up at him, he walked over and picked up Maliey putting her on his lap and putting an arm around Maria ‘But everything you wanted’ she started he stopped her ‘I have everything I want’ he said placing a kiss on her forehead.

Liz tried to hold the tears back as she sat holding her two children; she looked at her family that’s what each and everyone one of them was to her, no longer six teenagers bonded together by a secret but a family that looked out for each other no matter what.

‘Max’ this is what you waited for’ she stated as she fought an inner battle inside ‘you can go home’ she said then looked at the others ‘all of you’.

Max walked over and knelt down in front of her, cupping her face in his hand ‘you are what I waited for’ then he brushed a strand of hair behind her head and kissed her forehead. Bringing his arms around his two children he pulled them all in and looked her straight in the eyes ‘this is my home, you are my home’ he said as he hugged them.



Things over the years had been pretty much normal everyone working on getting their lives back in order. Max officially stepped down from being king with the help of Mr. Brady arranged for a summit to be held.

At first Max wasn’t sure about the idea and wasn’t thrilled about humans being used as puppets, but when Mr. Brady explained it was either that or go to Antar directly, he quickly choose the summit.

During the summit Max renounced his title as king, but before doing so he proclaimed Jake as his assessor to rule over Antar until the day Alexander Maxwell Evans was the age of eighteen, then it would be his decision on whether or not to take over as King of continue to let Jake rule.

The first thing Jake announced as king was that the granolith would remain on Earth under the control of Max and the others. Jake, Krista, Christopher and Mr. Brady returned to Antar using the ship that was in the cave.

Mr. Brady asked Pacey if he wanted to go with them saying that he was still part of his family and would love for his grandson to see where his mother came from.

Pacey declined saying maybe one day but right now he wanted to work on getting his life back. After a month Pacey moved to Roswell with Jace and the two started to rebuild their lives so that they could be closer to their kind.

Jace managed to catch up with Xan in school resulting them to be in the same grade, Jace turned out to be really smart and they bumped him up a couple of grades.

Tess and Kyle finally married and had a little girl who they named Serina Michelle Valenti, Pacey was moved by the gesture and excited to see Serina’s name being carried on.

Michael and Maria winded up having twins two years later both boys, Michael was beyond proud while Maria was happy but pulling her hair out at the same time both of the boys took after their father in every way.

Isabel and Alex were both doing great and happy she loved being a stay at home mom while Alex excelled in the software business making a ton of money.

Liz and Max continued on with their lives, not looking back to the past, It took a while for Xan to finally get over everything but with everyone’s constant love and patience he managed to let go of his old ghost and move on.

He still had the stuffed animal that Serina gave him as a baby and it sat proud on top of his bookcase next to a picture of him and Serina that was taken when he was two.

He and Mia became closer and Xan constantly watched over her helping her with her powers and being the overprotective big brother, they were more than brother and sister they were best of friends.

Max and Liz were stronger than ever and their love for each other only growing stronger each passing day, they both finally learned to relax and enjoy their lives together without constant fear.

Present Day Six Years Later

Xan and Jace walked down the halls of West Roswell High, starting their junior year ‘what class you have next’ Jace asked, Xan looked at his scheduled and groaned ‘my father, you think they would give me someone else being that he is my father’ ‘cant be that bad’ Jace laughed at him ‘don’t laugh you have him to’ Xan said.

‘Hey Uncle E’ Jace said plopping down on top of Max’s desk, Max rose his eyebrow at the young man ‘don’t you have class to get to’ he said pushing him off his desk.

‘Yea just had to come see my favorite Uncle’ Jace said joking, Max raised his hand shooing him out ‘yea, yea get your butt to class’ as he lead him to the door ‘okay okay, will see you in two hours anyway’ Jace said smiling ‘I look forward to it ‘Max said shaking his head lord help him he thought silently. ‘See you later Xan’ Jace said heading off to his next class.

Max looked at Xan ‘what’ Xan said staring at his father ‘nothing take your seat’ he said pointing to the back, Xan turned and walked away mumbling under his breath, Max just smiled and took his seat back at the front.

Xan plopped down on the stool and threw his elbow up on the table and rested his hand on his chin and started staring off into space. He continued to not pay attention to the people around him until a sweet smell of peaches tickled his nose.

He didn’t hear a soft voice asking ‘is this seat taken’ he felt a hand come down on his arm and he jumped knocking his books off the counter. He groaned and stooped down to pick them up the peach scent grew stronger in his nose and it was memorizing to him, he let his eyes rake over to the person that was standing in front of him.

Starting at her feet he could see little toenails sticking out of some sandals, and they painted a light pink color. He ran his eyes up the faded blue jeans and gulped when they noticed they hung low on her hips and could see a little bit of tan skin.

She had on a red spaghetti strap tank top that showed off a little bit of cleavage and his mind started going wild with imagination. He followed up and started in her brown eyes and felt the wind knock out of him as he stared at the angel in front of him, He found himself sinking into a pool of dark brown chocolate that was looking right back at him.

She smiled shyly at him and asked again ‘is this seat taken’ Xan couldn’t form a word he opened and closed his mouth several times, before finally nodding his head no.

She smiled bigger and sat down tucking a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear ‘Thanks Xan’ she said smiling, Xan sat down next to her and continued to stare he found himself wanting to reach out and touch her hair, run his fingers thru it to see if it was as soft as it looked.

He sat looking at her trying to place her, then it dawned on him ‘Cas-Cassie?’ he asked as he felt his heart beat picking up. She smiled and nodded her head.

“What are you doing here’ he blurted out, not that he minded when they were in sixth grade her father moved them to Boston after her parents had gotten divorced.

She laughed and it was music to his ears, playfully hitting him on the arm ‘going to school what does it look like’ Xan started at the spot where she tapped him on the arm, he felt his whole body heating up from that one touch.

‘Oh, UH’ he said getting embarrassed and his ears turning bright red by his stupid question, he looked at her pleasing secretly to understand what he meant to say but couldn’t seem to form coherent words right now.

Cassie figured he suffered enough and decided to let him off the hook ‘I just moved back to live with my mother’ “that’s great’ Xan said a little too loud causing everyone to turn and look at them.

They both put their head down and tried to hid their embarrassment ‘that’s really great’ Xan said quietly this time. She smiled at him and he felt his heart melting. “Maybe we can get together sometime and hangout’ she said shyly ‘you know to catch up’.

She felt her heartbeat pick up when she looked into his amber eyes and saw the sparkle there in them ‘yea, yea I would like that’ he said shyly as he scratched behind his head.

Max sat at the front of the class watching his son interact with the girl that seemed to have stolen his heart. HE saw himself sitting there in that seat seventeen years ago with the woman of his dreams who was now his wife forever more.

A smile formed on his lips when he thought history always finds a way to repeat itself. Turning his attention to the class he spoke ‘All right kids lets start this year out by assign you your lab partners’.
