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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:35 am
by Applebylicious
Hey Linsey! I don't have much time to talk, but I just wanted to stop by and let you know how to join the Egroups! Just go to the DH website (you can click on my siggy to get there quick) and when you get there, click on Resources and Fun. Scroll down and there's different groups you can belong to! They'll send you emails regularly about DH news and such. It's really great, ooh, and make sure you specifically join Dark Hunter of the Month Club. Sherrilyn will send you an email each month featuring that month's "spotlighted" DH and there's sexy pics and facts about him! YuM! I'll be back and reply to the rest of your post later, okay?



Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 5:48 pm
by wild_child_uk
Have tou read the new DH book????? Sooo good, but i'm not sure it's quite as good as the others... hmmm??


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:34 am
by Applebylicious
Hi Sarah! Yes, I've read Talon's book! I thought it was wonderful! The only thing I didn't like about it was that it didn't have enough Kyrian in it! LOL... I fell in love with him in Night Pleasures! Anyway, I loved that we had a deeper look into Acheron's past and I enjoyed reading about all the new characters. I hate that we have to wait until December to read about Zarek, because I thought he was a particularly complex character and I can't wait to find out how he will react to falling in love, LOL! Glad to hear you like the series!


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:29 am
by Applebylicious
Hey, where's everyone? Jada? Sarah? HELLO??? LOL...



Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 11:50 am
by JadaLyn
Sorry hon,

Didn't mean to desert you! I did all the signups you told me about and somehow got signed on for the DH roleplaying...which is fine, except I was so confused when I started getting these stories in my box that made absolutely no sense because I missed most of them.

But enough about my confusion (it comes and goes regularly so I try not to let it interfer too much), we need to think up some good discusions from the last couple of books: Fantasy Lover through Night Embrace.


Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:31 am
by Applebylicious
Hey Jada!!! Ha ha, yeah, the same thing happened to me when I joined! I knew one of them was a fanfic group, but since I get them all together, sometimes I get confused! Have you seen the DHOTM for August? Yummy yummy! I can't WAIT for more of Wulf! But anyway... I agree with having some fun discussions about the books! So let's start with Fantasy Lover.

My general concensus on this book was that it was really well-written and the characters were very lovable. Before it was revealed, I had a hard time with the fact that Julian had already been married. I dunno, that usually gets to me because it brings up the whole, "Who do you love more?" question that the other person is always thinking, but never asks. You know? Maybe it's just me...

But after reading about what happened, I understood a lot better and can I just say, Wow! Julian had such a horrible upbringing... I felt like hugging him and never letting go! Such an awful past... I wasn't surprised that it was so hard for Grace to break through to him.

One question... since he is a demigod, does that mean that he would live longer than the average human being? Because that seems like it would have some repurcussions.


Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 10:53 am
by starlady
Hi, I was just looking through old reviews and found this topic.
I have been thinking about reading Kenyon's DH series and you guys just added more fuel to the fire. I imagine that you all are watching for her new release with keen eyes. I think it's to be release in March or April.

I just need to find all her books. They are tough to find. I like reading my series in order.

I'll come back after I have found them and read some of her stuff!


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 12:38 pm
by wild_child_uk
HOW RUDE AM I!!!!!!!!!

I haven't checked in, in ages! I don't know why..! I'm just a horriable horriable person! :P forgive me????

Ok Fantasy Lover... I love Julian because he sees the Graces beneath, if you understand me. He sees that she is a generally good person and falls in love with her. I hate books that go on and on about how attractive the herione and how much the guy loves her when she has been a complete bitch and he doesn't actually know her at all! Sorry little sidetrack rant!

He makes u hurt inside for him when u read about his life. I don't understand how he can still be such an amazing hero when he has been through all that. And yea before u say it, i know it's fiction but she has a way of thinking ... y'know what this could actually happen! :d

Grace had such a hard job of making him see that he was worth her attentions and he was worth a chance at living.. I did feel like just telling her to go away so that i could do instead but... never mind! ;)

Ok I can't actually wait till the new book is out!! So so excited!

Sarah xxx

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:57 am
by starlady
I just had to pop in and let you all know... I got her books!!

I just purchased all 4 of the DHunter Series! I won it on ebay!
I also got MacGregor's Macallister series and the Sea Wolves series!

I'm anxiously waiting for the books to arrive but I now have the books and get to the task of reading them!!

I'll come back when I have read a few.


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:07 pm
by Anniepoo98
Howdy all~

First of all, I have to let you all know that you are eeeee-vil for starting this topic. I wandered in here one day and started reading all of your comments on these books. So I decided to read one. And that lead to another... and now I've just gotta read the whole darn series. Grrrrrrr. :mad: (just kidding).

Now I'm hooked. I have just finished Night Pleasures and have put Night Embrace on order. I'm gonna be bad though.... I just bought Ride with the Devil, and since I'm gonna have to wait for the other book, I am skipping ahead and reading it.

I'll be back to let you all know what I think!
