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Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.12, Pg.14 8/17/10

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:15 am
by dreambeliever

I want to say WOW!!! to dreamer19 AKA Kristin for her amazing banner...such a wonderfully creative person. Even though I already have a banner for this fic, I thought I'd show this one off too. I like them both so I'll just use 'em both. :mrgreen:

Natalie36 x2
mary mary

Thank you to everyone for the feedback and especially the bumps. The past month has just been so crazy. Things are finally starting to resume back to normal and I am slowly updating my stories. I apologize for making you all wait. :oops:

Chapter 12

Max stretched his legs out in front of him. Dusk was settling in and he looked up at the sky. The kids had gone in hours earlier, he wasn’t sure what time it was but he knew it was getting late.

Going back into the house, he sought out his mom who was busy on the computer.

“What’s that you’re doing there mom?”

Diane looked up to her son and smiled

“This here is what I call paying bills” She told him

“On the computer?” he asked

Nodding she continued… “Mmmhhhmm, Liz showed me a couple of years ago how to go online and pay the bills, this way I save stamps and gas money.”

“Wow..that’s…that’s great, real convenient. Times have really changed huh?”

“Yes they have son, yes they have. I wasn’t always this good at it. I swear it took Liz a couple of hours to help me set up all the accounts and figure out how to maneuver through the sites, but now I’m pretty good, even showed a few of my friends.” Diane told him, beaming with pride over her own accomplishment.

“So you and Liz huh? You’re pretty close?”

Diane studied her son, even before he had left he had been somewhat closed off, of course she now knew why but she wondered just what exactly he was getting at. Deciding that the best thing to do would be was to just be honest.

“Yes, yes we are Max. Why?”

Max looking slightly sheepish reached up and rubbed the back of his neck.

“I…I was just wondering how close you guys were really to her and well how exactly did you find out about…. us?”

“We are as close to Liz as we are to Isabel. I meant it when I said she was like a daughter to us. She is our daughter.”

Diane’s voice had taken on a slightly awed tone as she continued.

“We found about your alien status, by accident..” Diane looked intently at her son, “actually, she sort of had to tell us, it was about 4 months after you left and well one night I heard a strange noise coming from Liz’s room, your old room, the door was closed but I could see a faint glow from underneath the door. I opened the door and she was sleeping….about 3 feet off of her bed, levitating in mid air and there was a green glow surrounding her body. Well I sort of freaked. I ran down the hall to grab dad and brought him down the hall and showed him. She never knew we saw her, we just closed the door and speculated on our own. She never mentioned it, days went by and we noticed she was withdrawn and spending more and more time in her room. One Saturday we were all in the kitchen and she just zapped the tv, she blew it right up. We were all a little shaken up and after we calmed down she called Isabel out and then called Michael over and they sat us down and told us about that day at the Crashdown when she was shot and everything else.”

“What was going on with Liz?”

“We didn’t know it at the time, but she was coming into her powers. Green sparks would shoot out of her, they tried everything they could, she was blowing things up, melting stuff. She hadn’t even known she was levitating in her sleep. She was in a lot of pain and for awhile and we thought we were going to lose her..”

Diane’s voice cracked and her eyes misted over.

“We didn’t know what to do…Isabel and Michael they tried the stones, but it only seemed to make it worse..we thought she was… Liz remembered something Ava said about her being changed and that’s when we decided we needed Ava. Your dad called in a few favors and we were able to track her down in California. Isabel and your dad flew out to California and then brought her back. Ava was able to help Liz, turns out Liz was changing her body was digesting the alien cells or something like that, for details there you’re going to have to check with one of the aliens..I never quite understood it. All I cared about was, Liz was going to be fine, and she was. Ava showed her how to control her powers and a couple of days later Liz was as good as new. Even better because now she had alien powers and apparently more than Isabel and Michael.”

Max soaked up everything his mom was telling him, wincing at the thought of Liz being in pain.

Diane felt that she had given him a lot to digest for one evening and so she decided to change the subject.

Turning she tried to pull herself together and she began to power down her computer and spoke up to Max again after a few minutes.

“I have to go to a friend’s house for a couple of hours, before going to Liz’s tonight. Isabel’s apartment is on the way, would you like for me to drop you off and pick you back up?”

Max thought of Tess in her cage and of all the unanswered questions he still had.

“That would be great mom.” He replied.


Knocking, he wondered briefly if he should have called first.

The door swung open ….too late now he thought.

“Max, hey man, come on in” Jessie Ramirez told his newly acquainted brother in law.

“Honey …guess who’s here?” Jessie yelled out.

Max looked around the tastefully decorated living room…definitely Isabel.. he thought.

“Sweetheart, who is… Max! Hey, what’s up?” concern shadowed her face. “Is everything Ok?”

Max was quick to calm her fears “Everything’s fine….I just wanted to come over and catch up, without everyone around.” He looked uncertainly at his sister.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to go and check on something in the kitchen.” Jessie interrupted.

Max and Isabel watched him walk away, both turning back to each other as Jessie’s back disappeared around the corner.

“I’m sorry Isabel, I should have called first”

“Max. It’s fine. You’re my brother, there’s no reason for you to have to call first. Now come in and have a seat.” Motioning to the couches, Isabel made her way over to one of them. Max followed her, not knowing where to begin.

“I just wanted to see you, see how everything was.” He began

“Oh Max, I’m fine, everything’s great. Let’s see….after graduation we all went to UNM. I received my degree in business. A few years later Maria and I opened up our very own event planning company.”

Max studied Isabel closely. Her hair was shorter and darker. Small wrinkle lines formed around her eyes and mouth and she was a little thinner than she had been, but all in all she still looked the same. Her eyes, still bright with concern, met his.

Smiling he asked “You and Maria huh? I bet that’s fun.”

Laughing she told him “you don’t know the half of it, if it wasn’t for Liz’s refereeing Maria and I would have killed each other by now, especially when we first started out….talk about a difference in opinions.”

“How did you two end up in business together? Seems like an odd match, when I left, you two barely talked and now..” Max trailed off.

Smiling Isabel told him “Things change Max…you left and we all sort of…bonded over our grief, over Liz, over our circumstances. Teenage Liz was pregnant with alien hybrid twins, as far as we knew, the first of our kind, we were all a little confused, scared. All we had was each other.” She ended softly.

“I’m sorry I..” Max tried to apologize, feeling once again the guilt of what he had left behind.

“Max don’t. It’s okay. We got through it. I wouldn’t change a thing. We had some tough times, some sad times, some really bad times, but we got through them together and because of those times, we’re stronger than ever and I have a wonderfully large family. Every one of them is considered family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Max silently thought over what Isabel had said, it was true, this group did seem stronger. Isabel had gotten everything she wanted, she was successful, married had a very large family and their parents knew about them.

“Mom told me about Liz coming into her powers…was is bad?”

Isabel stared at her brother’s anxious face.

“Do you really want to know Max?” she asked him.

Max nodded slowly, never taking his eyes off her. “You know I do, Iz.”

Isabel nodded affirmatively and her mouth thinned, turning her head to the fireplace lined with framed pictures.

“She was very nearly close to death. Her powers were out of control, the pregnancy heightened her emotions, she blew up, melted and fried just about everything. We didn’t know it at the time but the babies were trying to heal her from inside the womb, only it’s not something that needs to be healed, so it would just cause her more pain.” Isabel’s eyes glazed over as she told Max everything about that time.

“I don’t understand? How come nobody knows what’s wrong with her?” Phillip looked around the room, packed with teenagers and his wife, all of whom were crowded around Liz now laying on the bed, green electricity shooting through her body.

“We don’t know what’s wrong, this has never happened any of us.” Michael answered, his eyes never leaving Liz’s painfully frail body

“We can’t just leave her like this, we have to do something.” Kyle spoke up just as Liz’s body began to convulse, green sparks zipping up and down her arms, her mouth opened and she let out a gut wrenching scream

Maria dropped on her knees next to the bed and placed her hand on Liz’s extremely swollen stomach

“Maybe it’s the babies…you know…maybe ‘cause they’re….” she didn’t finish, Liz reached out and weakly grasped at Maria’s hand, her eyelids slowly opened just a little.

“ need to rest…we’re working on this…we’re work..”

“A..Ava…find..her…she said… AAAHHHH” Liz suddenly screamed out then her body fell limp.

“Liz! Liz!”

“I need to check on dinner.” Jumping up off the couch, Isabel made a mad dash towards the kitchen. Max wasn’t oblivious; he had seen the tears starting to form in her eyes. She didn’t really need to check on dinner; she needed time to recompose herself.

Leaning back onto the couch he thought about everything she had just told him. A lot had changed. He had figured that once he left, Isabel and Michael wouldn’t keep up the friendship with the other humans, after all what did they have in common? But in reality it was the complete opposite. The aliens had grown much closer to the humans, and thinking of Jesse, Ava and Serena, they had even let in a few more. Remembering this morning’s kitchen incident, they were all now one big happy family.

Jesse joined him in the living room, taking a seat opposite his.

“Isabel is finishing up a few things with dinner and then we’ll be ready to eat. You’re welcome to stay for dinner.” Jesse, seeing that Max would refuse, quickly added “I insist. You’re Isabel’s brother and there’s so much more, I’m sure you and Isabel need to catch up on.”

Max merely nodded and quickly surmised that he liked Jesse. Jesse seemed like a good guy for Isabel.

“You’re right Jesse, I would love to stay for dinner. Thank you for having me.”

“No problem…you are family, and my brother in law, whom I’ve never met. I am sure there are some things that we can talk about.”

Nodding in agreement, Max figured he should ask about him and Isabel. “How long have you two been married?”

“About six years now.”

“How did you and Isabel meet?” Max wondered.

Jesse chuckled “We met about nine years ago, about a year after you left, actually.” Jesse told him, his mouth lifting into a small smile.

“Nine, that’s long. So you guys dated for three years before getting married?” Max wasn’t exactly sure but he was certain three years dating was lengthy.

“No we dated for two years before we got married, I asked her to marry me after the first year and we spent another year planning the wedding.”

“Did you know…about us when you married her?”

Jesse sighed, “Sadly no, but when I finally found out, everything seemed to make sense, even with Liz.”


“What do you mean ‘with Liz’?

Jesse glanced quickly around before he answered Max

“I’m sorry about that, I forgot you weren’t here and don’t know…” Jesse held Max’s questioning gaze. “I dated Liz first.”

Max felt like he had been punched in the stomach. Jesse no longer seemed like a good guy, in fact Jesse was seriously close to becoming the enemy.

The thought of Liz being with anyone other than himself, made his body quake with anger. You are mine. Yesss

He forced the feelings aside and tried to concentrate on what Jesse was saying.

“I met them at the Company summer picnic. I had just recently transferred here and I was, at the time working with your dad.”

Jesse began his story;

“Would it be okay if I sat here? Jesse Ramirez looked down at the two girls, one blonde and one brunette.”

The blonde girls’ hand stopped mid air and she glanced icily up at him

“No. Can’t you see we’re busy.” She had told him.

The brunette gasped out.


Jesse studied the two and wondered briefly who they were. They were completely different, one tall, blonde and curvy and one petite, brunette and feminine. They both seemed to be in possession of a baby each.
Identical baby girls, to be exact. He was about ready to turn and leave when the brunette spoke to him.

“Sorry about that, please have a seat; it is a get to know you picnic.”

Looking down into her warm brown eyes and bright smile he decided then and there he liked this girl and so he sat.

“I’m Jesse Ramirez. I just moved here about a month ago.”

“So nice to meet you Jesse, I’m Liz, she’s Isabel and these two are Zariah and Zierra.”

“Are you all sisters?” they didn’t look like sisters, but you could never tell.

Isabel snorted.

Liz frowned slightly and threw Isabel a look

“No we’re friends, good friends.”

Waving to the two babies he asked “Are they your sisters?”

Isabel snorted again

Liz looked at him and down to the girls “Nope these two are my daughters.”

“And my nieces.” Isabel told him then.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Jesse tried to apologize but Liz stopped him.

“It’s okay, I’m young, I know. It happens.”

He had spent the rest of the afternoon talking with Liz, and finally after a long while, Isabel also. He knew
they were young, both of them just finishing high school and getting ready for College. They were both eighteen going on nineteen and despite their ages Jesse had found himself enjoying their company. They were both very mature and responsible it seemed, especially for their apparent young ages.

With Liz, he found himself talking about life, politics and her favorite, science.

With Isabel he found they shared the same views on Law and even loss.

Both girls, he could tell had dealt with life experiences that seemed to make them stronger as individuals and had began to shape them into strong, compassionate women.

Deciding he would take the chance, he shifted a sleeping Zierra in his arms and leaned towards Liz.

“Liz, do you think it would be okay if I called you for a date?” he’d softly asked her.

Shocked Liz stared at him.

“Yes” Isabel answered for from Liz’s side.

Isabel had noticed Jesse’s actions all afternoon. He genuinely like the girls and he shared a lot of interests with Liz. Isabel knew it was time for Liz to get out, to start dating. Liz hadn’t dated at all. It didn’t help that she had been pregnant, but even then, out of the few that had asked her out, one, while she had been pregnant and a few more, after the girls had arrived, well Michael had scared them off. One boy, Jake, had seemed to make it past Michael had been turned down by Liz herself.

“Isabel!” Liz exclaimed.

Isabel just smiled to the girl who she had gotten so close to over the past year. The girl, who was now like a sister to her.

“Liz, he’s funny, he’s cute, he likes the girls and he has a job. What’s the problem?” Isabel exasperatedly waited for Liz’s reply.

“You do realize I’m sitting right here, don’t you.” Jesse jokingly asked, taking note, once again, as the two girls seemed to silently communicate.

“You know what? She’s right Jesse. You seem like a great guy and I would be crazy not to at least give it a try.” Liz cheerily responded.

“That was the beginning of our year long relationship.” Jesse told him

Max sat back, completely surprised. Liz had dated Jesse? For a year? She had only dated Kyle a few months and Sean a few weeks, even he himself, had only technically dated Liz for a few months. Here she had dated Jesse a whole year.

“Why did you two break up? You and Liz?” Hadn’t they dated a whole year, why would they break up?

Jesse studied Max briefly, how much should he say. How much shouldn’t he say? He chose his next answers carefully.

“At the time I felt that she wasn’t ready for such a serious relationship. She would disappear sometimes for days. I could tell she wasn’t always honest with me in regards to her whereabouts and I felt that she wasn’t committing completely into our relationship. I knew that I wasn’t first in her life or even second, she had the girls, the others, school and I could honestly be okay with being third or fourth or even fifth, but I felt I wasn’t, I felt like I was last. I always told her that her heart wasn’t into it.”

Jesse blinked and turned towards the wall, blinking several more times, he met Max’s eyes and continued.

“It wasn’t until later, after I had known about your Czech status that I realized what had been going on with Liz during our relationship. As for her heart, how can you give something you don’t have?” Jesse then decided he was tired of inflating Max’s ego and also the needing to somehow protect Liz he switched gears with his conversation with Max.

“If I hadn’t let her go, she wouldn’t be so happy with Troy right now, and I wouldn’t be so happy with Isabel. In the end we all win.”

Max had to know, he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t stop himself.

“Who’s Troy?”

Jesse grinned inside. Serves him right he thought. Let him feel a little jealous; make him see that if he wanted Liz, he was going to have to fight for her.

“Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.”


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.13, Pg.16 9/25/10

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:43 pm
by dreambeliever
[quote="Janetfl”]OMG TROY!!!! Oh now Max is certainly going to shit a brick over that one but then he shouldn't have left in the first place. [/quote]
LOL..this has definitely caught Max by surprise. Here's an update, please don't bring out the chains, Oh wait I might like that! :wink:
keepsmiling7 wrote:Diane and Liz grew so close.....she considers her a daughter like Isabel...
And now......who is Troy...??? Hope to hear more about him soon.....
and please leave Tess in the cage!
Diane does consider Liz to be her second daughter, more about Troy next....and yes will stay in the cage just a little bit longer...
LilLoucfer wrote:Yay! Great update! Go Jesse!!!! I'm glad to see that Liz's life has not been moping for Max all this time.
Liz hasn't been moping but like Jessie tries to point out, she has never fully invested in a relationship.
Michelle17 wrote:She has a boyfriend now? Hmm how does he treat her? Well i can't wait to see Max fight for Liz. Max really doesn't have anyone! What is going to happen to Tess? Please come back soon!
More about Troy coming up....and you are so true, Max doesn't really have anyone right now. Tess? She'll get what she deserves.
begonia9508 wrote:It must have been really hard for Liz, being pregnant and her powers developping in the same time, and not knowing what to do!
At least, she remembered Ava and it's great that they found her!
More about pregnant Liz will be unraveled throughout the story. I too am glad she remembered Ava, she has become an irreplaceable part of Liz's family.
coley452 wrote: ...... I think they need to back off Max just a little bit.

Yeah, they are all hurting and his leaving them alone to deal with all that they did sucks, but before the left for Antar everyone was fooled by Tess and Max's brain was just about mush with all of the warps that she'd inflicted on him. and that's not counting the underlying emotional trauma I'm sure he was still going through, that from his point of view, was catching the love of his life in bed with another man.

They all had there parts to play and they seem to be ignoring their part in the whole screwed up situation and putting it all on Max because he was "king" and had always been so in control. He didn't know what the hell he was doing, and the mindwarps certainly didn't help.

I know his current behavior, now that their back and he knows the truth about what Tess has been doing to him all of this time, seems like he doesn't care, but really I think he's still suffering from the decade of mind control that Tess's had him under. And because he's Max, they expect him to be over it all already, but he's just confused and he's getting an awful lot thrown at him at once.
And this attitude from Jesse:
Jesse grinned inside. Serves him right he thought.

That just pisses me off, it's like kicking a beaten down puppy with a broken leg just because he peed on the carpet. Doesn't matter to him the other issues that the puppy has or is suffering from, he did something he sees as wrong and ignores everything else just to try and punish him for it. grrr
Whoa tiger…lol firstly thank you for reading and for posting feedback, you raise some interesting points. The group does need to back off of Max some and they will, what will be pointed out throughout this story is that this group is not the same group Max left. They have all realized their parts from the past, but what Max hasn’t learned yet is that they have all learned to accept the part they played and have realized their mistakes and have moved on. Right now they just need time to absorb in Max’s return, years of fighting has hardened them a bit.
And you’re right, he is still suffering from the mindwarps and he is being thrown a lot at once.
Aat the risk of pissing you I feel the need to explain Jessie here, yes he’s married to Isabel but he was in a relationship with Liz, at one point he really cared for her and later found out that inadvertently Max was the reason for a lot of their problems, Jessie is speaking here with a tattered heart. He gets over it though.
Again, thanks for posting feedback, I love to hear everyone’s points of view

Timelord31 : Thank You

roswell4life:Thank you for reading and yeah, Jessie was messing with Max just a little.

mary mary wrote: Way to go Jesse!!! Give Max something to think about.....

Jessie is giving Max alot to think about.

BritttheDreamer wrote:Great chapter. Didn't expect the Jesse/Liz thing.

Yeah it just sorta just happened while I was writing it, I never really saw Jessie and Isabel hitting it off right away in the show and this way It throws these two together without them having to meet and fall in love so quickly.

AlysLuv: Jessie is quite the character here...thanks for reading

Natalie36: Hahaha...I didn't. :lol:

jojotheorange: :? Not too well.

zaneri1 wrote:Jesse said he was tired of stroking Max ego? When did he do that or anybody else for that matter?
Since Max got back everyone has been telling him off one way or another and warning him to leave Liz alone. Now that he know she has a boyfriend, he can stay out of her way as much as possible and still form a relationship w/his kids.
I think you may be turning me into a Max supporter? or maybe is just my mood :lol:

Hmm...Max supporter huh? I admit to no such thing. In jessie's defense he doesn't realize that Max doesn't realize, just how much Max leaving really hurt Liz, Jessie had never really met Max before and doesn't really know much of 'before Tess' Max. Everyone else is acting on a knee-jerk reaction to protect their own, even though Max is one of their own thay, as a group have stood by each other fighting for their lives...more about their time together on Earth will get revealed.

rosyrosy2882: thank you for reading and thank you for leaving feedback, it makes my day.

dreamerfiend wrote:Jesse is officially one of my favorite people. He's hilarious! :D Liz is dating someone! I hope we get to see this Troy sometime soon. I feel a little bad for Max but Jesse's right though he needs to fight for Liz.

You said it, Jessie knows Max and Liz belong together and he knows that Liz won't be so welcoming, he wants Max prepared to fight for her, and he will need to fight!

Lauren721 wrote:Love this story! Hope you will be able to post more soon! :-)

begonia9508 wrote:Hey! where are you???????? Bc I'm expecting and begging for an update!
lol...i'm here, i'm here... :mrgreen:

cupcake_55 wrote:...... for all we know Troy can be an awesome guy...i cant wait for the next chapter !!! :D

:lol: So's a little insight on Troy.

Thank you to everyone who left feedback and thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this story.

Some dialogue from Season 2

Chapter 13

“Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.”
“Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.”

The words played over and over in his mind, like a broken record. Even when he tried to think of something else, he couldn’t.

“Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.”

“Yes, Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.” Isabel spoke up as she reentered the living room, meeting Jessie’s eyes with a stern glare.

“I was going to tell you Max, I was just waiting for the right moment.” Slowly making her way towards Max she sat down next across from him.

“It’s okay Isabel, It had to come out sooner or later. I can’t believe Liz is with someone.” Disbelievingly Max shook his head.

“What do you mean; you can’t believe Liz is with someone? What exactly does that mean?” Isabel asked

“It’s dangerous. What if they find out or what if something happens or if the girls use their powers around him. It’s too dangerous.”

“Well than Max, I hate to break it to you, but Troy knows.” Jessie said

”Jessie!” Isabel screeched. “I was getting to that.”

“What?” Max roared, “How could he know? Jessie knows, mom and dad know, this Troy knows…how many more know?”

“Don’t you dare….you left Max and we had a lot going on, good thing we told mom and dad, dad finding Ava probably saved Liz’s life. Jessie knows because he is my husband, he has a right. Troy knows because he’s a good friend, a very good friend.” Isabel fiercely told him.

“Does Michael know that this Troy knows?” Max wondered, surely figuring Michael would never have allowed this.

“Of course, in fact he’s the one that suggested we tell him.”

“No, there’s no way. He wouldn’t willingly tell someone our secret.” Max shook his head.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked as soon as Liz, Isabel and Maria entered the house with sleeping twins in tow. They had just returned from a day of shopping and ice cream for the girls.

“Hold it spaceboy, what makes you think something is wrong?” Maria asked as she wrapped her arms around Michael’s neck.

“Liz’s face…she does that squinty thing with her eyes and her eyebrows get all scrunchie whenever she gets worried.”

Liz and Isabel looked at each other and then back towards Michael.

“It’s nothing Michael. We’re fine.”

“It’s not fine, now tell me what the problem is.” Michael stood and folded his arms over his chest and waited, turning his glare first to Isabel and Liz

Isabel looked questioningly at Liz, Liz didn’t waiver.

“Isabel’s right Michael, we’re fine.”

Michael turned towards Maria and waited for her to crack, he didn’t have long to wait.

Maria gushed out “Liz is gonna break up with Troy because he’s getting suspicious.” Maria quickly stepped behind Michael's side fearful of Isabel and Liz's reaction.

“Maria!” Liz gasped out.

“What? He was practically begging me to tell him.” Maria rebounded.

Isabel snorted “Yeah if begging has been changed, to glance your way, he didn’t even say anything to you Maria.”

“Yeah well I told you he’s a vibrator and he was sending me some pretty serious begging vibes.”

“He was not!”

“Was too...”

“Vibrator vibes…!”

“STOP!” Michael roared. The room suddenly quieted.

“Iz, Maria can you two lay the girls down, I need to talk with Liz.” Michael motioned to the sleeping twins, his eyes not leaving Liz.

“Umm yeah”

“Okay sure”

They murmured as they headed down the hall.

Michael and Liz squared off. Over the past few years they had done this before, often they had not seen eye to eye on things, Liz met his eyes and raised her eyebrow questioningly and waited, on this, she knew he would be the first to talk.

A few minutes later Michael began.

“What’s the problem with Troy Liz?”

“Nothing I can’t handle. There’s no reason to be worried.”

Michael stared a moment longer at Liz, thinking back on her failed relationship with Jessie he made a decision.

“You should tell him.” Michael said finally, unfolding his arms he walked towards the couch.

That had not been what Liz expected at all. Liz had prepared herself to listen to Michael accuse her of getting too close, of not being cautious…..what she hadn’t expected was this.

“Tell him what Michael?” she asked cautiously, sure that she misunderstood him.

“About us, about you…about Max.” Michael replied.

“What about us…?”

“For crying out loud Liz, you’re a smart girl do I have to spell it out for you?” Michael asked, clearly frustrated at her lack of understanding.

“I guess you do, because I’m pretty sure you’re not saying that I should tell Troy that you’re aliens and that my daughters are half alien and that I somehow have alien powers.”

“That is EXACTLY what I’m saying.” Michael said, waving his arms around as he switched on the TV, clearly not understanding why Liz was not comprehending what he was saying.

Just then Isabel spoke up from her and Maria’s hiding spot in the hallway.

“Michael, we can’t. It’s too dangerous…what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing is wrong with me. This is how I see it, clearly Troy is a nice guy, and he’s been around for what a coupla’ years…”

“Five…five years” Maria injected, joining the rest of the group in the living room.

“…five years..” Michael continued “we’ve all met him, he’s a good guy, Liz likes him…and if she feels like she can trust him, then hey, I say tell him. I trust Liz.”

Liz was taken back by what Michael was saying. Michael never trusted anyone.

“Michael…but what about….”

Michael cut her off “Look what happened with Jessie, we didn’t tell him and in the end you two broke up, it’s all good now cause he’s with Iz and well Troy he’s a good guy and you deserve a good guy Liz. Tell him the truth.”

Michael stared at her and watched as the many emotions played across her eyes. Over the years he had seen all of them on Liz’s face at one point in time or another. Hope…fear….loss…they were all there, reaffirming his decision. Liz deserved someone and if Troy was it then he would support her one hundred percent. His eyes softened as he spoke again.

“He’s a good guy, and if he doesn’t accept this, we could always kill him.” he said half jokingly half serious.

Liz met his eyes, silently thanking him for his blessing.

“Yeah I guess we could.” She joked with him as she reached out and grabbed him in a hug.

“Why would Michael allow Liz to tell Troy? It’s not like him.” Max said after hearing Isabel’s explanation.
Isabel shrugged “Michael figured that we all had someone, hell, by that time even Kyle and Ava were together, and he wanted Liz to have someone.”

“Why would Michael care if Liz had someone?” Max asked

“We all care Max. Liz has been through so much that we just want her to be happy, like we were.”

“Liz wasn’t happy?” Max asked

Isabel studied Max, she could explain to him, but words just weren’t enough. She needed to show him. Looking to Jessie, who smiled and nodded reassuringly, she turned back to Max.

“Let me show you…” she then reached out for her brothers hands and sent him flash after flash.

A young Liz crying in Max’s old room
Diane and Liz in the bathroom as Liz vomited into the toilet
Liz arguing with her parents as they belittled Max for leaving town, for leaving Liz pregnant
Pregnant Liz walking the halls of West Roswell as people whispered and pointed at her
Liz lying sickly and unconscious as green sparks crackled around her
Liz sweaty and tired as she gave birth
Liz tiredly getting up with the babies in the middle of the night
Liz studying at the dining room table as she fed the babies
Liz as she refused a boy’s date
Liz and Isabel crying over a picture of Max
Liz as she carried Michael towards the group at the old mine
Liz as she met with Serena and discussed Antar
Liz at the hands of Kivar
Liz fighting skins, blocking Isabel’s screams
Liz’s acceptance to Harvard
Liz as she told the group she was going to UNM
Liz crying over the break up with Jessie
Liz walking into the kitchen with a backpack and the twins

As Isabel sent him flashes and flashes of Liz at different stages over the past years Max began to finally understand what Liz and the others had been through, he began to understand why everyone was so protective of her. They had truly seen the Liz he had always seen, had always known.

Coming out of the connection he sat, awed by all that had just been revealed to him. He had never really thought about what the others would be going through after he had left. He just assumed they would continue to live normal lives, going to school, getting jobs…all the other human things.

He was shown a piece of Liz he had never known, a Liz he had never wanted to see.

He had seen Liz broken and defeated, not by Kivar, not by the skins. But by him. He had done that to her. His Liz, his beautiful vibrant Liz had become withdrawn, sullen. Seeing her like that in the flash he had barely recognized her. Her shiny soft hair…..had become stringy and dull, her bright twinkling eyes were hollow and pale, and her tanned olive skin had become pasty and lifeless.

How could he have done that to her? He hadn’t known then, Liz had always seemed so strong, so self assured.

Why had she let herself become that way.

How could his leaving could have affected her so?

So many questions, he thought again.

“Max, are you okay?” Max snapped out of his thoughts and looked towards Jessie. The man Liz had cried over. She had loved him, he had felt it. Liz had loved another man. Liz loved another man…and now there was Troy….

“Max” Isabel spoke this time.

“I’m fine…it’s just a lot to …” he didn’t finish. Isabel nodded.

“I know, I just needed to show you, for you to see.”

Liz drove the jeep down the streets of Roswell, tossing newspapers out to specific houses as she passed them. Sighing she checked her rearview mirror and glanced at the girls quickly. They were both sound asleep in their car seats.

Her mind wandered to the history paper that was due today. She was just about done, she only needed to hit print on the computer and put it in a report cover. She had wanted to do it last night, but the girls had been extremely playful and picky and hadn’t wanted to go to anyone but her.

She mundanely threw out another newspaper. She had been delivering papers for almost a year now, ever since she had left her parents. The paper route wasn’t ideal however it was perfect for her. She awoke every morning at three thirty, retrieved the bundles at the designated point and spent the next hour rolling and delivering them to the customers on her route. Most days she was back home by five am. This allowed her time to get ready for school, wake and feed the girls and get them dressed for Diane to watch when she went to school.

She made four hundred dollars a month, just enough to buy the girls pampers and other small things for herself. Whatever was leftover went to the bank.

Diane always told her she didn’t need to work, that her and Phillip would help financially but, she wanted to support her girls any way she could. She couldn’t rely on Phillip and Diane for everything.

Liz threw out another newspaper and then slammed on the jeep’s brakes as a man jumped in front of the jeep, waving her down.
Glancing again at the girls and then readying her powers, she slowed down for the man.

“Thank god. I have been waiting here for the past hour for a taxi and unfortunately none has arrived. I really need to get to the airport. Can I get a ride?” The young man looked hopefully at Liz. Liz studied the man, blond bangs swooped over his forehead, slightly hiding his sparkling eyes, Liz had never seen eyes quite that color before, bright blue with a hint of green, almost the color of Aqua. It reminded her of the beaches in Florida.

“A ride to where?” She asked suspiciously, he could be a skin, you could never be too sure.

“To the airport. I’m a Pilot and I really need to get to work.” That’s when Liz finally noticed his crisp uniform and his small hand carry bag.

“I can’t….” motioning to the bag of papers in the passenger seat “I still have a few more papers to deliver and then I have to go home.” She told him apologetically.

“Please I really do have to get to the airport. I’ll pay you. One hundred dollars.” He tried again

“That’s quite an offer, but I’m sorry, I still have papers to deliver.”

“I’ll buy them all from you.”

“That’s not how it works” Liz told him

“How many more houses…on your route?” he asked

“Umm about twelve..” Liz guessed

“How much longer will it take?”

“About another ten minutes or so…”

“Fine. I’ll pay you two hundred dollars.” He began moving aside the papers and getting in the jeep.

“Hey…hey…what are you doing…get out…get out.”

“I’m hitching a ride and paying you two hundred dollars for said ride AND I’ll help you deliver the rest. If we pass my taxi along the way, I’ll get out and you’ll be rid of me.” Liz bit her bottom lip and thought about this. With two hundred dollars she could buy the girls a new stroller, having started to outgrow their other one. The rest could go into her savings. She only had study hall for her first period; she could afford to miss that for today.

“All right, it’s a deal.” Putting the jeep in gear she restarted back on her route, pointing out which houses to throw the papers to.

“So you’re a pilot huh?”

“Yeah that’s me. I really do appreciate this. I don’t usually have problems getting a taxi, but for some reason this morning….” He trailed off, noticing Liz wasn’t really paying attention to him.
At the mention of the taxi Liz’s mind had conjured up another memory, a memory of herself waiting for a taxi to the airport.
“If you get in that cab our friendship is over.” His words seemed to haunt her.

How had he been able to treat her so badly?

“….and then the green martian said ‘take me to your leader’ “she heard the man say from the passenger seat.


“There you are…I was just telling you my story of when the alien martian man came in from outer space and demanded to see the President.”

Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, she played along. “Green huh? I always considered aliens to look just like us, walking amongst us.” she answered him

“You’re not a believer?” he asked her

“In aliens or in green aliens?”

“Either one”

“Are you?” she asked him, motioning to the last house.

“A believer? Yeah, I am. Do you think I’m crazy?” he asked again

“No, not at all.” Feeling the need to change the subject Liz asked him about his job.

“Like I was saying earlier before you twilighted out on me….”

“Twilighted out on you? What does that mean?” she asked

“Twilight….you know like the Twilight zone….you zoned out on me…twilighted.” He confirmed

“Okkaay. So you were saying.”

“I’m a pilot and this flight is important because my boss’s will be on this flight evaluating me for a promotion. So you see I cannot be late.”

“Do you normally take a taxi to work?”

“No normally I drive my car, but it went to the shop a last week, it won’t be ready for another two days.”

They had reached the highway by now and Liz glanced again to the still sleeping girls

“Are they yours?” he asked motioning towards the back seat.

“Oh umm yes.”

“Are you still in school?”


“What’s you’re major?”

“I’m still in high school; actually this is my last year. I’m a senior.”

“’re very young.”

“I’m eighteen now. But yes, I guess I am still young.”

“Do you plan on going to College?”

“Definitely, I have to be able to provide for my girls later and the best chance I have at that is college.”

“Smart too. Since you mentioned the need to provide for the girls, I take it their father is no longer in the picture.”

“No not their father, but his family is. They are a great support system for me.”

“That’s good, some don’t even get that.”


They drove in silence for a little while before he spoke up again.

“You like delivering papers? Is this the only job you have?”

“Do I like it? Hmm… I don’t like nor dislike it, it works for me and my life at the moment. I make a little extra money and I’m still able to attend school and spend evenings at home.”

“It does seem to be ideal for you.”

“It is, it’s convenient and works for me at this point in my life.”

Pulling up to the airport she slowed the jeep down.

“Where to?” she asked him

“Oh here already huh? Pull up there next to Americana Airlines” he gestured towards the large sign above.

Reaching into his wallet he took out two one hundred dollar bills.

“Thanks again for the ride, you probably saved my career.”

“No problem.” She took the money from him

He turned to make his way inside, stopping midstride he rushed back to the jeep.

“Do you drink coffee?” He asked her quickly

“Coffee?” She sputtered

“Yes, coffee. Do you drink coffee?”

“Yes I drink coffee.”

“Do you take cream and sugar?’ he asked again.

“Cream and sugar in my coffee?” she repeated

Chuckling he grinned “Do you take cream and sugar in your coffee.”

“Yes, yes I do.” She told him

“Great. Thanks again for the ride.” He turned and all but ran towards the terminal, stopping halfway to turn and wave at her.

Baffled Liz drove off.

The next morning as she passed his house she wondered if he would be there again, maybe needing another ride this time. But as she drove past his house and saw no one waiting, she tried to tell herself that it wasn’t disappointment she was feeling, it was relief.

A few days later she was surprised to find him standing in front of his house with two Styrofoam cups in hand. Slowing down and pulling up next to him she grinned.

“Need another ride?” she smirked out

“Nope not this morning. I’m off today.”

“So why are you out here?”

Climbing into the jeep he handed her a cup

“I thought I’d bring you coffee as a thank you for helping me out and I’ll ride along with you and help you with the rest of the papers.”

“I would think the two hundred dollars was thanks enough.” She told him but took the coffee anyways.

“Yeah well, it is. I also realized I don’t even know your name.”

Wincing as she took a sip of her coffee she swallowed before answering him.

“Liz, my name is Liz”

“Liz….I like it, short and sweet, just like you.” he flashed her a toothy grin and before she had time he asked her another question. “How’s the coffee?”

“A little strong, too much cream and not enough sugar. But since it was free, it’s great.” She told him honestly.

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

“Next time huh?”

“Yup, next time. You are officially my first friend in Roswell.”

“Okay, friend, what’s your name?”

“Troy, Troy Baskin”

Liz Parker stared at her reflection in the mirror and smoothed down non existent wrinkles on her crisp uniform Taking in a deep breath she headed into the hallway.

It was a routine she had done many times before. Making her way towards the kitchen she glanced up towards the loft where the two girls were studiously doing their homework. Zan sat off to the side reading a book. The sheer normality of the scene soothed Liz. She finally had all three kids together. Finding out that Zan was Max and Tess’s biological son didn’t matter to her. As always Zan was hers in her mind and he was here finally. Her family was complete.

“Zan, we’ll have to get you enrolled in school. We can go sometime next week.”

“Will he be in our grade mom?” Zariah’s voice floated down and reached Liz as she headed up the stairs.

“I’m not real sure honey but we’ll see what we can do.” Reaching the loft Liz made her way over to the three.

“What are we up to?”

Zierra glanced briefly away from her textbook and grimaced “Math..uuggh. Riah and I are doing Math and Zan’s looking at the albums.” Motioning towards the albums stacked on the table near Zan

“You’re looking at the photo albums Zan?” Liz took a seat next to Zan and peered down.

“Yeah, I just wanted to see some of the things that I couldn’t see in the dreams.” His blue eyes shining Zan looked to his mom. “I just didn’t want to miss anything.”

Liz wrapped her arm around her his shoulders “From now on you won’t miss a thing.” Leaning down she kissed the top of his head and as she pulled away she reached up and began ruffling his hair. Zan leaned back contently and resumed looking through the albums.

They sat like this for a little while before Liz heard the back door open and footsteps shuffling around.

“We’re in the loft.” She called out

Max followed Diane into Liz’s house through the kitchen door. As soon as he entered the home he was instantly comforted. The kitchen was open and spacious and a delicious aroma wafted around him. The honey colored cabinets coordinated well with the stone speckled counters and island. Greenery and large containers lined the tops of the cabinets. Over the sink sat an herb window and small fresh herbs bloomed on the ledge. Off to one side a telephone hung on a wall just above a small basket, holding envelopes, paper, pens and other small odds and ends. It was the kitchen of a family.

Max moved through the kitchen and towards his mom who now stood at the bottom of a staircase, looking up towards the second floor. He followed her line of sight. The scene before him stopped him in his tracks.

Years before, he use to imagine a life with Liz. What it would be like to be married to her to have children with her. He would imagine himself coming home from a long day at work being greeted happily by Liz his wife, 2.5 kids and a tail wagging dog, but all that imagining could not have prepared him for the sight before him.

Liz sat snugly on an oversized stuffed chair, one arm wrapped around Zan. Zariah and Zierra each seated near her feet heads bent over their books. It was a scene he had wished to be a part of for years. Something tugged at his heartstrings and the emotions washed over him.

His eyes settled on the small identical heads of his daughters and he realized that this wasn’t a dream, this was real and this was his family. Zan was his son, Zariah and Zierra were his daughters and Liz…well Liz….Liz was in his life and right now he would take that and he would cherish it.

“Troy is Liz’s boyfriend.”

He shook off the unwanted thoughts and focused on Liz as she made her way towards them.

His eyes landed on her dark high heels as they made their way down the steps, tracing her lean legs clad in dark stockings up until he reached the hem of her dress just above her knees, giving him a small peak at her curvy thighs. Continuing up he followed the navy colored fabric of her dress as it clung to her body and outlined her hips, he was immediately drawn to the gold shine of her buttons that swelled over the front of the dress, lingering a little too long at the sight of her skin at the hollows above, he followed her neckline up past her gold studded ears to her face.

Sucking in his breath at the sight of her, Liz Parker was and will always be strikingly beautiful to him. Her hair was pulled back into a familiar low ponytail, only now there were no loose tendrils for him to caress it was all pulled smartly back. Her skin was flawless, she wore the barest of lip color, a light pinkish tint adorned her cheeks but as always her eyes were what captivated him, her big soft brown eyes spoke volumes without the ability to speak. He listened as her eyes softened and glittered and just as quickly as they yelled to him, their tone dripping with ice.

She could feel his eyes assessing her and when they stopped for just a moment longer on her breast she thanked the powers that be that her uniform fabric was thick enough to hide the hardening of her nipples. No one had ever before been able to warrant a reaction quite like this from her, and never this fast.

Liz, LIZ! You have to look at me. You have to look at me.

No one of course but him, but that was a long time ago and she was a different person now. He had been a different person too.

“Liz, if you go, our friendship is over.”

Yeah, he had definitely been a different person. She hadn’t even known that Max. But didn’t you glimpse the real Max, the night he left? Had that been the real Max? She didn’t know and she wasn’t even sure she wanted to know now. The Max that stood before her now was definitely a different Max, this was a Max that had spent the past ten years on another planet…..with Tess.

She straightened her back and held her head high as she met his eyes, willing them to show indifference and as she met his golden orbs her heart jumped erratically in her chest, her pulse quickened, her breathing labored she had the faintest feeling she was on a roller coaster ride, right at the peak of the downward plunge that everyone on the ride, knew was coming, could see coming, yet, was never really quite ready for.

She did what she normally did on those types of rides, she swore to protect her heart, knowing it had to be strong enough for this ride and with all her might and strength she clamped down and held on tight.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.13, Pg.18 12/31/2010

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:47 am
by dreambeliever
Just in time for New Years! What a way to start the New Year, with an update. :lol: With that being said, one of my resolutions is to become a better updater. :)
I love reading the feedback and seeing everyone's different opinions. I want to thank everyone for reading and leaving feedback and the friendly bumps and also just to say thanks for sticking with me and this story. You all truly humble me. :oops:
I also welcome everyone new to this story and am honored for having you stop by.

I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful, prosperous, joyous New Year!

Chapter 13

“Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome onboard Americana flight 1776 with direct service to New York. My name is Liz and I will be one of your in-flight attendants. While we are here to ensure that you do have a comfortable trip with us today, we are also concerned about your safety. With that in mind, we ask that you take the Safety Information Card out of the seat pocket in front of you and follow along as we perform our safety demonstration.”

Motioning towards the screens, Liz prepared to personally demonstrate the use of the Oxygen masks. It was something she’d done for years and she could probably do it in her sleep. As she demonstrated along with the safety clip her mind began to wander.

Max was at her house tonight. She still couldn’t quite believe that he was back. While she was happy that Zan was now apart of her family, she wished that Max hadn’t come back with him. Not just Max, but Max and Tess.
Max and Tess. She really hated the sound of their names together.

“Liz, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Tess and me...”

She hated thinking about him, about them. But she couldn’t help it, it seemed like his words haunted her, everyday, something or someone triggered a memory and she could never shake it. It crept up into her mind and demanded an audience, it always did….

Realizing the safety demonstration was just about over, she prepared herself to begin her next announcements, just a few more and then she herself could strap herself in and prepare for takeoff.

“Thank you for your attention. We will be airborne shortly.” Liz finished up her pre-flight announcements and after checking a few more things and conferring with the other in-flight crew members, she heard the Captain’s announcement for in-flight to take their seats.

She usually loved this time of night, it’s one of the reasons she chose to be a flight attendant. fourty thousand feet up, looking out into the vast night, a few bright stars peppered the velvet sky, she loved this time of night. Her eyes automatically gravitated higher. She was used to looking up, for him, but he wasn’t there now, no, he was now below, on Earth, in her home. She hadn’t even had time to digest all of this. Quickly glancing at her watch, making sure it wasn’t time for the in-flight service, she knew she had another twenty minutes or so, she let herself absorb everything that had happened today, mentally running the events through her mind again.

Max was back

Tess was back

Max had been mindwarped by Tess

Although she felt for Max at having been mindwarped by Tess, she was also down right pissed. How could he not have known? After everything Tess had done. She killed Alex! True Max hadn’t known that when he left, but a part of her resented him anyways. He’d also spent the last ten years getting to know her, being friends with her, truth be told Max had spent more time with Tess than he ever had with Liz, hiding out with her.

Her heart went out to him at the last thought. He had been hiding, living in caves and grovels and she had known about it, but he had been safe and that’s why she had never had anything done about it. Serena had told her years ago about the King and his wife and son.

“The King shies away from our people. He lives to protect the queen and the heir.”

“They live in caves on the outskirts of the villages. No one offers them a home.”

“The people have lost all respect for him. He allows her to terrorize the villagers, she is unpleasant and rude, she thinks of herself as better and he allows it, he stands by and does nothing.”

Liz had believed it because that was the way he was when he left. He had been cold and hard and mean and he had stood by and allowed Tess to ease her way into their lives.

‘You pushed him to her’ she thought. She hadn’t actually believed that he would start a relationship with her.

“But she can't be you. Tess can never be you.”

She had been wrong, he had not only started a relationship with her, he had sex with her, before they, themselves had even had sex, what kind of soul mates were they?

Mentally chastising herself for her self- pity, she unbuckled her seat belt and began her other duties.


Max sat in a recliner in the corner of the living room, every few minutes he would glance up into the loft to see what the kids were doing.

His kids

His kids with Liz, well except for Zan, but as it seemed, Zan was already a part of this family. That part still baffled him, Zan had formed a connection with Liz not just any connection but the ‘hajait’ connection, the strongest connection for any Antarian child. Living on Antar for the past ten years he had learned a few things, not much, but one of them was that when a child is growing in the mother’s stomach he needs the hajait for protection, something similar to the human fetal sac, and apparently Zan had formed that connection with Liz.

Unbelievable….hadn’t he always thought that with Liz, anything was possible?

Glancing quickly up to the loft again his eyes landed on Zan’s worried eyes, who seemed to be in deep conversation with the girls, smiling gently he let his eyes wander to the two heads bent together with Zan.

All three were whispering now, every once in awhile one of them would glance towards them.

He glanced at his mother, napping comfortably on the couch, and then back up to the children.

He watched as one of the twins, he really needed to find a way to distinguish the two apart, stood and slowly made her way down the stairs towards him, a hesitant smile on her face, definitely Zierra, Zariah never smiled at him.

Zierra stopped right in front of Max, shifting from foot to foot, she shoved her hands in her pockets and set a pleading glance up to Zariah and Zan, the latter nodding her encouragement.

Max sat and waited, wondering what is was they were going to ask him…would they want snacks….maybe to go out and play, it was already dark out and he was pretty sure Liz wouldn’t allow them out.

“We were wondering if…” Zierra began cautiously

Oh God, what would they want, he really didn’t want to screw this up.

Taking in a deep breath Zierra began again motioning towards the other two “We were wondering if you wanted us to heal you.” she asked.

Caught off guard, Max looked back and forth to the loft and Zierra. They wanted to know if he wanted to be healed?

“Healed?” he asked

Nodding and getting over her initial nervousness Zierra explained. “Yeah, heal you. Zan said you get lots of headaches and stuff and we’re pretty sure it’s from all the mindwarps, it’s kinda how Uncle Alex died, ‘cept you’re stronger, mentally and were able to fight it longer.”

“You can heal me.?” He asked wonderously.

“If Riah and I pool our energy together, then yeah…we can.”

He briefly wondered if this was wrong, could his daughters really heal him. Were they strong enough? He needed to think about this. On one hand he really wanted to be healed, but could he do that to his daughters?

“I have a few concerns, do you think one of you could get your Aunt Isabel on the phone?” he asked, not wanting to make them feel bad, but desperately needing answers.

“You’re telling me that they probably won’t need a recovery time?” Max spoke low into the phone, not wanting to wake his mom, or alert the kids. Years ago, when he had healed the kids in the Cancer ward, it had taken him quite awhile to recover, his power and energy had been completely drained.

“Nope. We told you earlier Max, they’re pretty strong and if they think they can heal you no problem, then they can. This is Liz’s daughter’s we’re talking about and they know their limits, they wouldn’t suggest something they’re not capable of handling.” Isabel’s confident voice rang through to him. “And frankly, I think it’s a great idea, I can’t believe they thought of it before we did.” A hint of admiration shining through for her nieces and nephew as she proceeded to calm his fears.

Twenty minutes later he sat on the small loveseat up on the loft, Zan, to his right, holding his hand, Zierra on his left, holding his other hand, while holding her sister’s hand also.

Zariah stood in front of him, their eyes connecting and locking.

“Look at me and let your mind blank out…” her soft voice floated to him as he was swept into their connection. Images flashed through his mind and reaffirmed all that he had known about Liz and gave him insight into her a little bit more and opened the door to the minds of his daughters. Not able to distinguish between Zariah or Zierra’s memories he watched their life play out in front of him.

Once the connection was open, Zariah concentrated on repairing all the damage Tess’s mindwarps had done to her dad’s mind. Seeing the extent of the damage, she couldn’t believe that he was actually still alive.

The damage was extensive and powerful and Zariah also recognized that Max’s connection with Liz had helped to protect his brain tissue. As she worked she tried to ignore the images floating around in front of her, but it was hard considering it was such a jumbled mess. Everything Max thought to be true had been a lie, fake memories along with hidden real ones bounced around in head and Zariah worked to place something like a filter in his brain to help sift through the fake memories and bring affront the hidden real ones.

Zariah was well aware that her father could see her memories, she hadn’t wanted to open up herself to him, but Zierra and Zan had insisted, it was only fair after all if she could see his. She wondered what he would think of their life. Would he be disappointed that they hadn’t protected their mom more…would he even care? Would he be happy about their lives, could he tell that they were happy? More importantly could he see their mom as they saw her?

>>>>>>>Happy New Year everyone!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.14, Pg.20 2/17/11

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:52 am
by dreambeliever
Natalie36: Thank you
keepsmiling7x2: The healing process begins this chapter…. And no need to beg…can’t hurt though, right?
jojotheorange: x2 Thank you for reading and begging!
Alien_Friend: Max is about to discover a lot he didn’t realize had happened.
mary mary: x2 The healing is just what they all need, they are taking baby steps… I really need to get better tires…..right?
zaneri1: Yeah, Zariah especially learns a lot more than she wanted..
dreamerfiendx3: Thanks for sticking with the story.
Janetfl: Max will definitely get a clearer pic of what Tess is really all about.
OmegaRam1: More about Troy in this chapter.

mary mary , cupcake_55, dreamerfiend: Thank you for all the bumps…

Chapter 14

Zariah had to steady herself a little more as the onslaught of memories assailed her. Not only could she see all his memories, real and fake but she could also feel his emotions at the time of the memories. The images rapidly flashed in front of her and with that his feelings overwhelmed her. She tried to block the images and emotions and furiously worked to install the filter. She watched, as she finally connected the last of the memory filter, images immediately began sifting through. Smiling at her success she pulled herself out of his head and out of their connection. Releasing Zierra and Zan’s hands she stumbled back.

Max was the first to come out if it and even as his brain sifted through the memories he peered at his daughter, who was now desperately backing away from him, a small triumphant smile ghosted her face, her eyes wide and shock clearly visible.

His heart clenched.

What had he done? What had she seen? Momentarily regretting the healing he tried to go to her.
Getting up he took a small step in her direction “Zariah..” he said softly

“No. No stay away, …….stay there. Please..please don’t touch me.” She cried out. Turning she began to run towards the hall, feeling her siblings distress she called out. “I’m fine, it’s just a lot to take in. I ….I just need a few moments.”

Zierra understood this and calmly placed her hand on her father’s forearm. ”She just needs a little space dad. Just a little space, that’s all.” She told him soothingly.

Numbly he nodded and plopped himself back down on the loveseat, his eyes taking on a faraway look.

Zariah stumbled down the hall and to her bedroom, not stopping there she headed to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Tears fell silently down her face and she struggled to keep her block up against her mom, she didn’t need her mom to worry. Gasping for air, she waited until all the emotions subsided. Clear as day she felt them…his emotions. She had seen the first day of school and his instant pull towards her mom.

As the flashes came and went so did the years and she felt his yearning, his longing, his need for Liz. The day of the shooting, she had felt his panic and fear at losing Liz. She felt his love for her, there was fear, pain, sadness, hurt, jealousy and even anger, but through it all the most powerfully constant feeling she would get was love. Max Evans loved her mother with a passion she never knew was possible. The intensity of their love defied time and space, defied physics and just didn’t seem possible and yet it was there. Max Evans and Liz Parker were soul mates. Actual soul mates.

Aunt Serena had told her once before that when Antarians chose life mates they performed the joining of the soul ceremony, but to be true soul mates the connection had to be there and her mom and dad had that…in fact they had one of the strongest connections known. Most Antarians had only heard about a connection that strong, it was a myth…a legend and yet it existed. She didn’t quite fully understand it all but she could sense her parents’ connection, it was something like when you went to one of those carnivals and they always have the game…the strength tester one, the one where you have to pick up a large hammer and by swinging it and hitting the right spot, you sent a metal puck soaring up, if you were strong enough, the puck would hit the bell at the top, signifying how strong you were. The strength of most Antarian connections only went about half way up, yet Max and Liz’s seemed to hit the bell and then some.

As Zariah sat on the toilet, head in her hands, she struggled to accept these new feelings that were now a part of her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t strong enough…she was, it was that now she knew.

Most of what she had told herself about her dad over the years was wrong and she was struggling with this new information.

Standing up and walking over to the sink she leaned down and began to splash water on her face. She needed to get cleaned up and back out there, knowing her sister and brother were worried about her…not to mention her……dad.


Liz made her way through the busy airport, her black carry- on bag trailing behind her. Bidding her coworkers goodbye, she made her way outside.

Moments later, recognizing the small sedan as it pulled to the curb in front of her. The driver door opened and Troy quickly made his way around towards her.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Liz looked up just in time to meet his lips as he gently kissed her.
Pulling back he looked down towards her questioningly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, genuinely concerned.

She sighed and reached up and brushed his blond bangs out of his eyes.

“Nothing, that can’t wait until we get back home,.” She told him easily.

Nodding, Troy reached down and grabbed her bag and then proceeded to open the passenger door for her.

“I made dinner. Spicy chicken and rice, just the way you like it.”

Smiling Liz settled into the passenger seat for the quick trip home. They shared a small apartment together in Houston, it wasn’t much, just a studio above someone’s garage, but it was all that was needed. Most flight attendants and pilots often had what was called a crash pad. Those that did not live in the city of their airline hub rented a room from someone else, sometimes there were up to three people to a room. Most of them had homes and families in other cities and often commuted to work via the airline, however they were mandated to stay in town sometimes for days at a time and this is where the crash pads came into play. In the beginning she had shared a pad with others. Eventually she and Troy had decided to look for a smaller place together, one that didn’t need to be shared with others.

After dinner they worked side by side in the kitchen, cleaning up and as she reached up into the cabinet to put away the cups she finally talked about the one thing she hadn’t talked about to him.

“Max is back.”

He nearly dropped the plate he had been washing.

“Did you just say, Max is back?” he asked, turning his head towards her.

She plastered on a fake smile and nodded.

“Yeah, he came back yesterday…” Had it only been yesterday, so much had happened she just didn’t think it was possible that it had only been yesterday.

“He came back with Tess…and Zan.”

“Zan, your dream son?”

Nodding again, Liz slowly dried off the plate she was holding.

“So I guess this means Zan wasn’t a figment of your imagination, huh?” Troy asked her humorously, taking a moment to let everything sink in.

“How?” he asked. Years ago Liz had told him all about Max and Michael and Isabel’s ET status and everything that led up to where she was today. Just another thing that she loved about him, he was her friend before they had started their relationship.

Liz put the plate away and took a deep breath and began to tell him everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours.

Hours later as she sat on the edge of the bed, she felt Troy cup her chin and turn her head to look at him.

“I have to let you go Liz” Whispering he ran his hands though her hair.

Snapping her eyes to meet his, “What?.....No…Why?”

“Don’t you understand, I do, I always have…” Using his thumb he wiped away a solitaire tear that slid down her cheek. “Max Evans owns your heart….he always has, I was just the guardian until he returned.” He told her.

“But..I love you.” She whispered.

“I know you do, and I love you too, but this is how it’s supposed to be, this is how the story goes. The legend of Max and Liz…the Troy and Liz story has come to an end, and as much as I really, really want to be selfish and just hold on to you and never let go, I know I can’t.”


“It’s you’re eyes, love” Whenever you talk about him, or sometimes even when you’re thinking of him, you’re eyes get darker and shinier….they sparkle. He does that to you. It’s always done it before, and I’ve always ignored it, because he was gone….on another planet. But now he’s back and I’m not going to be able to stand by and do nothing. So before we all get in too deep, I think it’s best if I man it up now and let you go.”

“He left me Troy, he got another girl pregnant and he left the freaking planet, she was mindwarping him and he couldn’t even tell. I don’t love him anymore.” Her voice fierce with determination.

Troy bit back a smile at her words…positive more than ever that he was doing the right thing.

“Love….I know you don’t love him now, but if he’s half the man you fell in love with originally, it won’t be long before he starts winning you over again and I can’t compete with that, I won’t compete with it. I won’t be second best Liz.”

Liz gazed at him adoringly, god she really loved this man, but he was right, with Max back, Troy will always be second best, and he didn’t deserve that.

“Will you make love to me?” Liz asked as she slowly pulled away from the warmth and security of his arms.

“Will I make love to you? Will I make love to you?” he repeated feigning disbelief. “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Smirking he crawled towards where she had begun to make her way up their shared bed.

The lovemaking that followed was slow and sensuous, it was their goodbye.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.14, Pg.20 2/17/11

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:38 pm
by dreambeliever
Okay so I’m Baaaaacckkkkk. Sorry to have kept everyone waiting so long. I want to thank everyone who left feedback and bumps and again I am humbled that some of you are still interested, but also very glad :lol: . I will offer proper homage to those who left feedback, but for now I want to just get this chapter posted and give you a little something to read. :mrgreen: Thank you again for the feedback and bumps.


Liz knew she should be tired and yet she wasn’t. Up all night making love with Troy and then cuddling and talking until it was time for them both to head towards the airport for their morning flights. There was so much they had discussed, the girls, the Tess situation and Max. Her relationship with Troy had started out as friends and so there were no secrets between them Troy knew all about Max and Jessie, Max had been her first love and always her soul mate yet over the years her feelings for Max had been buried and suppressed and her relationship with Jessie had taught her how to love again and that her love for Max would always be there, but that she could love more than once. Troy had taught her how to trust again and to love completely. By starting out as friends first the relationship built up and Liz slowly opened up her heart to him.

As she offered beverage service in her assigned cabin, she thought again about her conversation with Troy in the early hours of the morning.

As her head rested on his chest she traced circles on his chest listening to his voice as he spoke.

“ You were never really mine Liz… I’ve always known it, I had hoped he would never come back and I could keep you forever but..”

Despite the somber topic she giggled and playfully slapped his chest

“Keep me! You make me sound like a lost pet.”

“Well you sorta were, a lost puppy, young, big brown eyes, deserted, and you even had a cold nose.” Reaching out to twitch her nose, emphasizing his words.

Gazing up into his soft blue eyes that had always mesmerized her by their unusual teal color her smile slowly faded and her face grew serious.

“I don’t love him Troy.”

“You’ve always loved him Liz.” His voice, now just as serious “You just buried it so deep inside you forgot that that love was there.”

“I can’t….”

“Can’t what Liz, can’t get along with him, can’t be friends? Because now that he’s back the twins deserve to get to know him and you’re gonna want Zan in your life, so Max will be a constant in your life.”

“I don’t know if I can DEAL with him everyday, knowing that he spent the past ten years with Tess and never suspected her of anything…I mean she is absolute evil and he never once suspected her of anything.”

“What was he supposed to suspect Liz, she gave him no indication of any wrongdoing, as far as he was concerned this was the woman who had given birth to his son and who was stuck in caves with him, what exactly was he supposed to suspect?”

Exasperated she threw her arms up in defeat “I don’t know…anything.”


“all right, all right.”

Reaching out to her he gently repositioned her on his chest and began to stroke her back.

“Here’s what I’m going to do, you, Max, the girls and Zan all need time together as a family, you need time to get to know one another, to get comfortable around each other and YOU need time to adjust to having Max back in your life. I’ll give you that time, but I’m still gonna be here and if Max hasn’t won your heart back, he’s going to have competition then, because you’re worth fighting for Liz.”

“What is there to fight for, I’m already yours?” She questioned him.

“Yeah, but you were his first.”

Pulling herself out of her thoughts she settled herself back in her seat for the landing and her thoughts quickly reverted to the Tess situation, what exactly should be done with her?

Max walked around Liz’s house, trying to get a feel of Liz and who she was now, as a grown woman, as a mother. He had been surprised to find out that there was even a room for Zan and apparently he had helped Liz and the twins decorate it, Zan and Liz’s connection still boggled his mind.

He followed the smells and found his mom in the kitchen making breakfast. She looked up and smiled as he entered.

“The kids will be down shortly so if you don’t mind, could you help set the table?” She asked him

“Of course, you don’t even have to ask.” He began to look through the cabinets and pulling out the necessary items, plates, cups, silverware. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Well nothing fancy, but I have scrambled eggs, spicy sausage and toast.”

“Mmmmm sounds and SMELLS delicious, especially the spicy sausage part.”

Laughing she said “Yeah, that would intrigue your out of this world senses.”

Hearing his mom speak lightly of his non human status was just a bit weird, yet it felt good and freeing. Smiling he began to set the table.

A few minutes later he could hear footsteps on the stairs and waited as they got closer.

He hadn’t spoken with Zariah since she had healed him and after seeing into his mind, he wondered what was going through hers now.

Zariah entered the kitchen first and sending him a brief smile she headed straight for the refrigerator.

Zierra and Zan entered together, both flashed him big grins.

“Good morning.” He greeted them

“Mornin’” They replied in union and then both broke out into giggles.

Looking back at Zariah, who was now placing a pitcher of juice on the table, he greeted her.

“Good morning Zariah.”

“Good morning.” She replied as she poured into the cups

It was a start, a small start, but a start, he thought. At least she spoke to him. He was still nervous and worried about what she had seen, but if there was anything he had learned about Zariah so far, it was that if she had questions, she would definitely ask, so until that time came, he would just wait.

Later that day, the same group reconvened around Phillip and Diane’s den once again. They had all agreed to meet here and Isabel and Maria had been the last to arrive, now everyone was present. Max studied the group and pondered what he had just learned. While waiting for everyone to arrive, he had found out that not only were Maria and Isabel partners in business but so were Michael and Kyle, a partnership that he would have never suspected, yet they were partners of a private security company. It was small they stated, but large enough for them, besides themselves they also had 8 employees. As surprising as it was, it also seemed to fit both their personalities.

Serena, he learned was also something of an entrapaneur, she was a full time house flipper, she bought, fixed up and sold homes. Keeping few here and there as investments. In fact according to the conversation, each of them had a few rental properties here and there.

Awed by these new relationships he glanced around the room again, this time his eyes falling onto his three children who sat huddled together near the fireplace.

“Liz, will the kids be staying for the meeting?” Surely they were too young

“Of course, Tess not only played with our lives, she played with theirs, her lies and mindwarps kept them from knowing their own father, kept Zan sick for most of his life, so they get to vote on hers too, it’s only fair.”

Presented with that retort how could he not agree?

Five minutes later everyone had settled in comfortably Isabel was the first to speak.

“So what do we do now, Liz?” She asked

Max almost laughed out loud, but didn’t. How many times had someone asked him that same exact question and now it would seem that Liz was now the new recipient to his most hated question. It was all so intriguing, the dynamics of this group.

Liz stood and looked around at everyone.

“Well I have a suggestion but I wanted to hear everyone’s ideas and then we’ll vote on the most logical and fair.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“So who wants to go first?”

“I say we kill her” Maria responded firmly and quickly

“I think we should leave her in the cage.” Zariah spoke up

“I agree with Zariah.” Kyle said

Ava turned to him, “You would. She killed people and mindwarped Max, almost to death. I say she dies too.”

“Death is a bit harsh don’t you think Ava?” Kyle questioned.

“No, not at all, considering what she’s done, considering what she’s capable of doing.” Ava stressed.

“I have to agree with Maria and Ava, Tess is dangerous and nothing is going her way and clearly everything is not how she wants it to be, she’s unstable and like a loaded gun off safety, who knows how long before she goes off again. Clearly she has no remorse and she cannot be trusted, I say we get rid of her now and never give her the chance to mess with any of our heads.” Michael spoke up again, his arm protectively around Maria’s waist.

“Okay, does anyone have any other ideas?” Liz searched the group.

“We could strip her of her powers and let her go into the world as a mere human.” Serena suggested.

“She knows too much about us and could leak the information to any of our enemies.” Jessie bounced back.

“Hmm.. Liz you said you had an idea, what is it?” Isabel once again turned to Liz.

“Well I was going to say we send her back to Antar in the Granilith, tell them of her crimes and let them deal with her, you know sort of like extraditing her back to her home planet for them to decide her punishment.”

“Yeah, but then we’d lose the Granilith.” Michael retorted

“True, but we’ve survived this long without it.” Serena volleyed back.

“Getting her off this planet would be a good thing.” Maria surmised

“Okay so we vote.” Isabel stated as she clapped her hands together

“Everyone in favor of extraditing her back to Antar raise your hands.”

Unanimously everyone’s arm went up.

Arm raised, Isabel looked around the room. “Well I guess it’s been decided then.”
