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Re: Under Pressure [SPN XO, UC, AU, Mature] Part 10, 06/07/10

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:10 am
by MsPati
Hi everyone,

I'm really sorry it took me so long to get my butt back here to update. However, real life decided to be a bitch and was really annoying in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully, that's over now and I'll be able to update regularly again =)

Queen Fee - Now that's a relief *lol* I really thought I was the only one who found Bela's accent annoying ^^ I hope you'll like the new part
lizandzackfan - Thanks for the feedback =)
garcia88 - I just had to put that in there, I mean ... Liz >>>>>>> Bela, right? Glad you liked the last part =)
barbara87413 - Thank you for the feedback =)

And as always, last but not least I'd like to thank my beta ZansLove =)

The lyrics used in this part are from Oasis' - Wonderwall

Part 11: Wonderwall

“Dean, do you really think that she's gonna be there?” The doubt on Sam's face couldn't be any more visible.

“She's not gonna go back to Bobby. That’s my guess. If she's not there, I'm gonna turn the whole frickin' country upside down until I've found her.” Dean growled. He didn't want to discuss this. After Liz had left, he wanted to follow her immediately, but Sam had stopped him. Said she needed time to cool off and that she'd come back. Come back his ass. When she wasn't back the next morning, Dean had more or less dragged Sam out of the motel and into the car. They were going to Roswell. It was his only guess where she would go, but he had to give it a shot. He had to find her.

“Why are you so hell-bent on finding her, anyway?” Sam finally voiced the question that had been bugging him the entire time but that he hadn't dared to ask yet. “I've never seen you act like this because of a woman.”

“Because no woman was worth it before.” came Dean's reply while he kept his eyes on the road.

Sam looked at his brother for a while, studying him. He'd never seen him like this. Determined. Nothing could possibly keep him from searching and in the end finding Liz. While a part of him found this side of his brother scary as hell, another part was grateful that this side of Dean existed. “You're serious about her, aren't you?”

“As a heart attack. Always have been. I was never able to get her out of my head ... not for good.”

This was new, Sam noted. Dean never talked about something like this. Emotions. Normally he'd only tell him to shove it and call him Samantha. Liz, however, seemed to bring out something that Dean had been hiding for years.

“You wanna know why it’s so important that I find her? Because ... I'm gonna die, Sam. And ... I don't wanna die without having been in a relationship. The real deal. The no secrets kind of thing. The only time I really had that was with her and that was only for a few weeks eleven years ago.”

“That's not fair to her, Dean.” Sam said. He meant it. Although he wanted his brother to be happy, he knew that at the same time, it wasn't fair to Liz. She'd be the one left behind if they didn't find a way to get Dean out of his deal. She'd be the one heartbroken, as she had put it before storming out of the motel room the other night.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how

Dean slightly nodded. “I know it's not. And you heard her, she doesn't want it, she's afraid. But I have to try. I have to talk to her. Because I know that she still has some feelings for me. Otherwise she wouldn't have run off like that.” He only had to pray that he was right about that and that Liz really still felt something for him.

A sad smile crossed his face. “You know ... if we had been a few years older when we were passing through Roswell ... I would've asked her to come with me. Run away. Marry me in one of those crappy chapels and spend the rest of her life with me. I would've stopped hunting. Bought a house, the whole white picket fence deal with the two point five kids and the dog. I was in so damn deep that it scared me sometimes. But when she looked at me? All the doubt out the window.”

Sam looked at him, surprised at this revelation. Dean would've stopped hunting, rebelled against John? Because what he just said would have been a rebellion. It would have been similar to what going to college had been for Sam. “Let's find your girl.” Sam just said and looked out the window.

A day later – Crashdown Café, late evening

“Maria ... do we really have to do this? I'm not moping. I don't need ice cream and Oasis. I might start moping because of Oasis.” Liz complained.

“No, chica. You come here looking like hell and tell me that you've met Dean. You definitely need ice cream.” Maria answered while she sat down opposite of Liz.

“There's no reason to mope. So what, I've met him. We had sex, which was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.”

“And how was this a mistake? As far as I can remember, the guy is sex on legs.”

“It was a mistake because I was stupid enough to think that it would give me some kind of closure. It didn't. It ripped open these old wounds and dragged those stupid feelings back to the surface that my sixteen year old self had of him. But this is now and not 1996 and I have to get over it already.” Frustrated, Liz put her spoon inside the ice cream carton that Maria had placed in the middle of the table.

“I still don't see the mistake, Liz. You still love the guy. Don't even try to deny it. You always did. Damn, you dated Kyle and Max to get over Dean and it didn't work.”

“But I'm not going to sit around and watch him get dragged off by hellhounds in about a year! I can't do that, Maria. I just can't.” Liz objected.

She had broken the oath she had made to herself. She had told Maria what had killed Nancy and Jeff. She had told her that all the monsters weren't just the result of movie makers and writers. They were real. Along with the thing in her closet and the monster under her bed. Maria had taken it surprisingly well. She had only screamed her head off for about ten minutes. Liz had her bet on at least twenty.

“And what if this year could be the happiest of your life? Do you really want to throw that possibility away because your time is limited? Chica, I still remember how happy the two of you were back then. You could have that again.” Maria tried again.

“If you remember that, then you also remember the mess I was when they left. I knew that they were going to leave but still this selfish, stupid part of me hoped that they'd stay ... that he would stay. It didn't happen then and it won't happen now. Why would I want to experience that again?”

“Because you love him. You haven't been able to use Dean's name even once in this conversation because it would hurt you too much to actually say it. You're afraid that you're going to get your heart broken if you let this happen. Granted, you will get your heart broken, but then again, even if there wasn't this deadline hanging over his head, there could always be something happening to him. You don't exactly work regular 9 to 5 jobs where your biggest risk is getting a paper cut. But this is life, Liz. You have to take a risk. And even if you would work normal jobs, there are always risks of losing your loved ones. Accidents, sickness ... take your pick. Most people don't know when their time is up, but Dean does. And by telling you, he let you in. Because he wants you to be there.” Maria looked at Liz and felt bad as she saw the tears rolling down her best friend's cheeks. But she was right and Liz knew it. Sure, it was hard to say and even harder to accept, but it was the truth.

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
By now, you should've somehow realized what you gotta do

“I really hate you sometimes”, Liz sniffed and wiped her eyes to get rid of the tears, only to have them replaced a moment later.

“For being right?” A small smile appeared on Maria's face. She stood up, rounded the table and slid into the booth next to Liz. The last few days had been tough on her best friend and she wanted to help her, but Liz had to come to terms with everything on her own. She had to make up her mind how she wanted to deal with all of this. And no matter how much Maria wanted to, she couldn't intervene.

“And for knowing me too damn well. You know just what to say to make me doubt my decisions. Thanks, 'Ria” Liz added. She put her head on Maria's shoulder as the blond girl wrapped her arm around Liz’s shoulders. She felt like she was sixteen all over again, moping after the Winchesters left town. The girls sat in a similar position on one of the booths of the Crashdown with ice cream in front of them and Oasis playing in the background.

“What can I say? It's a gift.” Maria answered, causing a small smile to appear on Liz's face. It was a start. “So ... now that we've gotten over the whole me talking sense into you part ... tell me about Dean. Is he still as hot as he was back then?”

Liz couldn't help but laugh. This was ... 100% Maria. And she only now realized how much she missed it. “Hotter. However, he knows it and is about a million times as cocky as he was back then. That's why I decided to put him in his place when we met in a bar. He didn't recognize me. Huge advantage.”

“He didn't recognize you?! Did he go blind or something?”

“He later claimed that I had changed so much ... well, he's partly right. The Liz he knew didn't exactly wear over-knee boots and skirts that would've caused Jeff to pop a vein.” Liz had to give it to Dean, she really did change.

“Whatever. What did you do to him?” Maria wanted to get the details on how Liz had taken Dean Winchester's ego down a notch.

“I shot him down because he was bragging about how he was going to do me that night ... to his brother. And loud enough for me to hear him, no less. That earned Sam twenty bucks, by the way. Doesn't matter. I walked away after that and told them my name was Beth. I played pool and caught Dean staring at me the entire evening ... I might have put an extra swing in my hips when I walked around the pool table ... just to rile him up a bit more. He cracked and came over to me to try again ... and I pretended that I had already forgotten his name.” Liz recounted and couldn't help but laugh as she remembered the dumbfounded expression on Dean's face when she called him Ben.

Maria was in tears from laughing so hard. If only she could have seen it. “You are bad, Lizzie!” she finally pressed out in between laughs.

“Hey, he deserved it. I mean, like I said, he told Sam that he knew what he was going to do that night while staring at my ass, loud enough for not just me but everyone within 10 feet to hear.” Liz defended her actions.

“He didn't!”

“Oh, he did.”

“He really deserved it. You shouldn't have left with him that night, girl. Or you should’ve at least let him suffer a bit more.”

“Does leaving early in the morning count in your books? I mean, the only thing I left behind was a note saying how we should have a repeat of that night if we ever crossed paths again ... signed with Beth instead of Liz.” the brunette finished her tale, a smug grin on her lips.

Maria stared at her, open-mouthed. “That must have been a huge blow to his ego. I mean, from what you told me, it's the size of the entire state of New Mexico.”

“Are you kidding me? It's the size of the entire frickin' country!” Liz laughed.

Neither of the two noticed the door opening and closing or the two guys that had entered the café. Not until the slightly shorter one spoke up, at least.

“I'm hurt, Liz. I mean, really. My ego's not that big. Thanks to you, at least.” Dean said, his gaze fixed on the petite brunette that had stopped mid-laugh and was now staring at him.

“What ... when ... how?” Liz stuttered, unable to form a complete sentence. “How much did you hear?” She finally asked the least important question.

“Enough to know that I was right when I told Sammy that night that you were taunting me. Anyway ... I think we need to talk.”

Re: Under Pressure [SPN XO, UC, AU, Mature] Part 11, 07/17/10

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:23 am
by MsPati
Hi everyone,

I'm glad that you all enjoyed the last part. I realize that I'm again late for my weekly update (at least it's just a day this time, but still), but I hope that I can really get my butt here every sunday now that the semester's over and I've finally got a little more time on my hands =)

roswellian love - Glad you like it so far =)
ja.forster - Thanks for the feedback!
garcia88 - I hope you're in for a little argument, 'cause Liz isn't going to surrender without putting up a fight ;)
barbara87413 - I'm glad you liked the Liz/Maria interaction. There's gonna be a little more of that soon =)
Mel1307 - Thank you =)

As always, I'd like to thank my beta ZansLove. Thanks for the input on this chapter, it really did make the difference =)

The lyrics used in this part are from Queen's "Who Wants to Live Forever"

Part 12 - Who Wants To Live Forever?

Liz shook her head. “I don't think so. There's nothing ... Ow! Maria!” She exclaimed after her best friend had stomped on her foot, effectively interrupting her.

“What did we talk about again? With me being the voice of reason for once?” Maria whispered.

A sigh escaped her as Liz closed her eyes for a second. She knew that Maria was right. She also knew that she had to talk to Dean. She knew that it hadn't been fair to him that she had just left. However, she was afraid that she wasn't strong enough for this talk. The prospect of Dean dying had brought back memories of all the other loved ones she had lost over the years. And soon enough, he would be another one on that list. Not talking to him would maybe make it easier, would maybe let him fade back into being nothing but a memory of her days as a teenager. Maybe…

But then again, maybe she would beat herself up for the rest of her life and regret it if she didn't listen to what he had to say.
Another sigh followed. When did life become this complicated? She finally looked at Dean, who had been watching her the entire time. She had felt his eyes on her, making the hair in the back of her neck stand on end.

“Fine. We'll talk.” Liz finally said. She couldn't fight off the tiny smile on her face when she saw Dean let out a sigh of relief.

“You should go upstairs. The apartment still belongs to you.” Maria suggested. She had a feeling that there would be shouting involved and up in the old Parker apartment, they wouldn't have to worry about disturbing anybody.

“You're right.” the brunette agreed, although she wasn't all too happy about going back in there. She had her reasons for moving out in the first place. Liz stood up and walked to the back of the café. When she reached the green double doors, she turned around and looked at Dean. “You coming?”

The hunter nodded. “Sure. Sorry.” He followed her out of the café, leaving Sam and Maria behind.

“Did Dean just apologize?” Sam asked, his eyebrows raised. Liz really did a number on his brother's head. He had to give it to her.

Liz took out her keys and opened the front door, but hesitated before stepping inside. People she loved had died in there. Her aunt and uncle. It felt weird to be back here when they weren't here and never would be again.

“Liz? You okay?” Dean asked, bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked at him and noticed that there was something more than just confusion in his gaze. He was worried.

She made herself nod. “Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing.” After she took a deep breath, she crossed the threshold and walked straight into the living room.

Dean knew that she was lying, but he also knew better than to question her about it right now. Maybe he’d come back to it later, but there were other things that were more important at the moment. He closed the door behind him and followed her into the living room, taking a seat on the couch while Liz had curled up in one of the armchairs.

For a moment, they just sat there, staring at each other. Liz was the first one to break the connection.

“So ... what did you want to talk about?” She asked, after clearing her throat.

Dean couldn't help but smile at her question. Not smirk, but actually smile. “You know. Why did you just leave? Or ... let me rephrase. You left us back there like a bat out of hell. I think Sammy was afraid of you.”

Liz looked over his shoulder, suddenly taking a great interest at the wall. She didn't want to tell him. Didn't want to tell him that old feelings had reared their ugly head, making her freak out like that. However, she knew that she owed him an explanation.

“I don't think that Sam was afraid of me. I mean, come on, I'm like a midget next to your freakishly tall brother.” she tried to distract Dean. He laughed and had her hoping that it worked, but focused again a second later.

“Well, you're right about that, but that's not an answer.” he said, his green eyes fixed on her. “Why did you leave?”

“It was stupid. It doesn't matter, okay? Let it go, Dean.” Liz tried again, although her hopes that he'd really let it go were close to zero.

Dean shook his head. “I think I know why you left after I told you about my crossroads deal.” In fact, he didn't know. He only knew what he was hoping for.

“Well, if you know, then I don't have to say it, do I?”

“Yes you do.”

“No, I don't.”

“Yeah, you do.”

“How old are you, four?! Geez, Dean, get over it already, okay? I said it was stupid, leave it alone.” Liz was past being irritated by his behavior. She was approaching furious at a pretty high speed.

Dean saw her reaction and had to stop himself from smirking. That's what he had hoped for. Liz being furious certainly heightened his chances that she would spill her reason by accident. Or confirm his hopes. The fact that she was getting so worked up over it was more evidence for him that he was right.

“If it was that stupid, then I don't see why you can't tell me.”

Liz jumped out of her armchair. He just did it. He broke through that imaginary wall that normally did a pretty good job at keeping her anger at bay.

“Fine, you wanna know? I still have feelings for you, okay? Even after eleven fucking years, I still have feelings for you. That's why I left. Because you know what? I can't take being with you every day knowing that this goddamn literal deadline of yours is coming closer and closer!” She had taken a few steps away from the couch while screaming those words. “I just can't take it!” Liz said again before punching the wall in front of her. She felt her skin breaking and saw the blood coming out of the small cuts, but she didn't feel any pain. Adrenalin was a wonderful thing.

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us

Liz couldn't see Dean standing up and approaching her because she was still staring at the wall she had just punched. She gasped as she felt his hand on her shoulder, but didn't struggle as he turned her around to face him. She stared at his chest, afraid to look him in the eyes after her outburst.

Dean lifted his hand off her shoulder and placed his index finger under her chin, softly tugging it upwards to make her look at him.
“Was it really so hard? Saying those things? Because those feelings you were talking about ... you're not the only one who has them. Why do you think I'm here? Because I like getting screamed at? I'm not that masochistic, you know.” He lost the battle against the smile that now appeared on his face. His speculations had been confirmed, thank God. Otherwise he would've looked like the biggest idiot on the entire planet right about now.

“Yeah, it was. I also told you why. And why are you even here? Fine, I'm not the only one who got hit by a blast from the past, but why are you here, Dean? What do you want?” Liz wanted to look away, but Dean wouldn't have it.

“Right now? What I really want is to kiss you. But I think that'd only earn me a knee to the family jewels, so I'm gonna settle for you hearing me out. Okay?” He looked at her with those pleading puppy dog eyes. Idiot. He knew that she wasn't able to refuse him when he looked at her like that. Selfish bastard.

“Fine, talk. And by the way? You were right about the knee to the groin.”

Dean chuckled at her confirmation, but then he forced himself to be serious again. He didn't want Liz to think that he was joking, after all. This would be hard enough already. He wasn't good at this talking about his emotions stuff. But now he had to do it.

“Okay”, he started, before taking a deep breath. “You asked me what I want. To be honest ... I want you. I wanna be with you, Liz. I know that there's this deal hanging over my head and that our time is limited, but I wanna be with you. I know that it's selfish and Sammy said that it's unfair to you and he's right for once, but that's what I want. I don't wanna die knowing that I could’ve been with you for more than a month…if I had just tried a little harder.”

Liz wanted to interrupt him, but Dean put his thump on her lips, silencing her.

“So here I am trying. I wanna be with you. You're the reason I'm here. If there wasn't a deal, I'd still be standing here, more or less begging you to take my sorry ass back after leaving you before. I mean, I didn't do it on my own free will, but I left, anyway. And don't say that I wouldn't have to beg you if there wasn't a deal ... we both know that I would've found another way to screw things up. I always do.”

Liz bit her lower lip, fighting against the smile that wanted to make an appearance on her face at his last comment, but the corners of her mouth betrayed her.

“Damn it, Dean…why do you always have to make things so complicated? I ... I had my mind set on not giving in, no matter what you said ... and then you go and ... dammit! I know I'm going to regret this.”

Before Dean got a chance to ask her what she was even talking about, Liz put her left hand on his shoulder and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him. It took him a second to realize what was happening, but then he responded and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his body.

Liz put her right hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down, but she winced as she moved her fingers. Dean pulled away and looked at her, worried that she had changed her mind.

“What is it?” he asked.

“My hand.” Liz slowly removed herself from his grip.

Dean let out a sigh of relief and softly took her hand in his to inspect the damage. As far as he could tell, she didn't hurt herself too bad. The broken skin would heal.

“I could've told you that this was gonna hurt, you know.”

“If you even think about saying 'I told you so', you're not going to get any for at least a month.”

He couldn't help but laugh at her threat. Dean pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Empty threat. You wouldn't last a month. Now let's go and get your hand cleaned up.”

Re: Under Pressure [SPN XO, UC, AU, Mature] Part 11, 07/25/10

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:06 pm
by MsPati
Hi everyone,
and once again I'm a week late for my update. I feel like the worst updater ever :/ I'm really sorry that I've kept you all waiting.

behrstars - Glad you enjoyed the last part :)
garcia88 - Good, because there are a few coming up in future parts *evilgrin* I hope you'll like the new chapter
lizandzackfan - I just had to throw one of these rare moments in where Dean lets his guard down, at least a tiny little bit. Nice to hear that you liked it =)
Maiqu - Thank you!

Last but not least, thanks to ZansLove.

The lyrics used in this chapter are from "Brown Eyed Girl" by The Rolling Stones. And now: on with the story!

Part 13: Brown Eyed Girl

A few hours later

“This is completely crazy, you know that, right?” Liz asked, her head on Dean's chest as she listened to his heartbeat. The thought of how they had ended up in her old room flashed through her mind, making her smile.

Dean had taken care of her hand and bandaged it. She had watched him as he worked, biting his lower lip as he concentrated on what he was doing. As soon as he was done, she had found herself sitting on the kitchen table, his lips on her neck. At least she had been able to convince him to move this to her old bedroom.

Liz heard him chuckle, effectively bringing her back to the present. “What do you mean? Us going at it in here again? Brings back a lot of memories.” he answered, toying with her hair.

Although she couldn't see it, she could imagine the smirk that appeared on his face as he recalled those memories. She wanted to punch his arm, but he caught her hand before she made contact. Liz lifted her head and propped her chin up on his chest, looking at him. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she saw the smirk that was still in place.

“Don't you think you’ve done enough hitting for one day?”

“You know what? You're right.”

Dean looked at her surprised, but then yelped as she pinched him in the side with her free hand.

“This works just as well.” she added, matching his smirk with one of her own.

“You think you're smart, don't you?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist before pulling her upwards so they were face to face.

Dean's smirk grew as he saw the now surprised expression on her face. He let go of her hand and put his own on the back of her head, pulling her down for a kiss. Liz smiled against his lips before responding to the kiss. After several moments, she pulled back, slightly shaking her head at him. What did she get herself into?

“Now, what were you talking about before?” He asked, trying to look innocent.

Another roll of her brown eyes followed before Liz answered. “I was talking about this. Us. This is completely crazy.” The soft smile on her face told Dean that he had nothing to worry about. That she wasn't going anywhere.

“Then why are we here in your old bed after reliving some of those memories we made in here?” He asked.

“Because the loony bin hasn't called so far. Guess they didn't notice that I'm gone yet.”

“Well, let me tell you, you're the hottest lunatic I've ever met.” Dean said before softly pushing her on her back and rolling on top of her. “Now, what do you say we refresh some more memories?”

Cast my memory back there, Lord
Sometime I'm overcome thinking 'bout it
Making love in the green grass
Behind the stadium with you
My brown eyed girl

He wanted to kiss her, but Liz turned her head and his lips landed on her cheek.

“What?” he asked. Did he do something wrong? Put his foot in his mouth somehow?

“Dean ... please tell me that you didn't tell Sam to wait downstairs in the café.” Liz said, turning her head again to look at him.

Dean blinked, confused. “You're thinking about my brother now?” He asked, disbelieving.

“That's not the point! Dean, what did you tell him?”

He rolled onto his back, scratching his head. “I didn't tell him anything ... I think.” He couldn't remember if he told Sam to wait for him or not. Or if he told him anything at all.

“You think? Dean!” Liz stared at him. He couldn't be serious. For all she knew, Sam could still be sitting downstairs in the café with ... “Oh my God, Maria!” She struggled to sit up, her legs tangled up in the sheets.

Dean sat up and reached out to grab his jacket that had ended up on the floor. “Relax, okay? I'm gonna call Sam. No need to freak out.” He grabbed his cell phone and hit speed dial. After several rings, Sam answered.

“Dean? Do you know what time it is?”

Dean took the phone away from his ear and looked at the display. 2:38 AM.

“Were you sleeping?”

“Like any normal person would be. What is it?”

The older Winchester let the comment about not being normal slide. “Where are you, Sammy?”

“At the motel. When you didn't come down again after half an hour, Maria guessed that things were alright with you and Liz. Or that you killed each other. Anyway, she made me leave because she wanted to close the café and get home. So I came here because sleeping in the car didn't sound very appealing.”

“And you didn't think of ... I don't know, calling me?”

“I tried, Dean. Seven times. Then I gave up.”

“Okay, go back to sleep. See you in the morning.” Dean didn't wait for his brother to answer and snapped the phone shut.

He grabbed Liz around the waist and pulled her back onto the bed. She had gotten up and already started to put her clothes back on. “Just where do you think you're going?”

Liz looked at him like he'd lost his mind. She hadn't paid attention to his conversation. She had been too busy panicking.

“Downstairs? I can't believe I did that to Maria.” she answered, struggling against him.

Dean pulled her into his lap and kissed her, effectively shutting her up for a moment.

“Maria is at home, sleeping. She made Sam leave when we didn't come down to the café after half an hour because she wanted to get home herself. Sam said something about that she guessed that we either were alright or had killed each other ... well, Sam's not that reliable when woken up.” Dean shrugged, but Liz leaned back against him, chuckling in relief.

“That sounds exactly like Maria.” she said as she put her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She opened them again as she felt him starting to remove her clothes. “And what do you think you're doing?” She asked as she watched her bra land on the floor.

Dean really didn't waste any time, she had to give him that.

“I'm following the advice of my little brother. He said something about normal people sleeping at 2:30 in the morning ... and he was right for once.” Dean answered while he was busy opening Liz's jeans.

“I don't think that's what he meant.” the brunette answered before swatting his hands away.

“Hey!” he exclaimed.

Liz got up and nearly burst out laughing as she saw him sitting there, sulking like a little boy. Sometimes it was hard to believe that the guy in front of her really was 28 years old.

She sat down in his lap again after shrugging out of her jeans, now straddling him.

“Let me make it up to you, you big baby.” she said.

Dean wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her closer before swiftly turning around and laying her down again.

“Now that's my girl.” With a smirk on his lips, he bent down to kiss her, interpreting Sam's words the way he liked it better.

The next morning

When Liz walked down the stairs to the café, she was ambushed by Maria who dragged her to the sofa in the changing room.

“Were you waiting for me?” Liz asked, laughing.

“So you survived the encounter with Dean, I see. How was it?” Maria said, not bothering to answer the question.

“How was what?” Liz looked at Maria with mock innocence.

“Chica! You know what I mean! Did you have hot, angry, make up sex? I mean, that guy is sex on legs. How could you not have jumped his bones?”

Liz tried her best not to laugh, but failed miserably for two reasons: one being Maria and how worked up she got over the topic and the other being Dean, who was leaning against the brick wall of the staircase, a smug smile on his face. He was really enjoying this too much. Liz took a deep breath before she answered her best friend.

“Well, I wouldn't call it 'hot, angry, make up' sex ... I think 'him doing everything so that I take his sorry ass back' sex would be more fitting. And the sex on legs part? I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, but time could've cut him a little more slack. I mean, we both know what he looked like when he was 17.”

“Funny girl.” Dean made his presence known. He came down the last few steps and walked over to the sofa where the girls sat.

Liz shrugged and gave him an innocent smile. “I try.”

“Try harder next time. Or make fun of Sammy.” Dean complained.

“Somehow, I don't think he'd appreciate that.” She slightly tilted her head to the side while looking at him.

She didn't see it coming and let out a surprised squeal when Dean grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the sofa and flush against his body.

“Well, do you think that I like it when you make fun of me?” He looked down at her, one eyebrow raised.

However, Liz knew that she wasn't in trouble. She could see the mischief twinkling in the green eyes staring down at her.

“First of all, your ego can take the blow. And second ...” Liz trailed off while standing on her tiptoes so she could whisper the next words into his ear, “ ... I guess I'll just have to make it up to you.” She pushed him slightly away, smirking.

“Geez, get a room. Although, this answers my questions, chica.” Maria interrupted their little moment, clearly amused by the display in front of her. “By the way, Sam's out there waiting for you.” she added, giving them a pointed look.

“Thanks, 'Ria.” Liz said before grabbing Dean's hand and dragging him to the front of the restaurant.

Re: Under Pressure [SPN XO, UC, AU, Mature] Part 13, 08/09/10

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:11 pm
by MsPati
Hi everyone,

sorry again for the delay. I had two research papers to write and started an one-month intership with a local newspaper and things have been pretty hectic since day 1. However, I come bearing gifts - aka a new part. I don't know when I'll be able to update again after this, so I'm not gonna make promises to keep up a routine of some sort. Besides, I'm not sure whether I'm gonna continue this at all since the feedback's gotten less and less. But enough of the melodramatic speech, first things first:

garcia88 - Glad that you liked the part. And thanks for always posting feedback!
Queen Fee - Thank you :)
Maiqu - Glad you like it :)
Egyptian_Kiss - First of all: I'm really glad that you like it so far. As for Liz giving in so easily ... well, my excuse is that she knows her time with Dean is limited. So she got her act together and decided to make the best of the time she has left with him. This will show a lot more in further parts, just to give you a little heads-up ;) As for the emotionally exhausting bit ... that's gonna happen soon, as well. Though that's all I'm gonna tell you :twisted:

I realize that this part is some kind of a filler, but I think you could call this part and the next the calm before the storm of some sorts ^^
The lyrics used in the next chapter are from John Mayer's "The Heart of Life".

Part 14: The Heart of Life

Part 14: The Heart of Life

“Good morning, Sam”, Liz greeted him when they reached the booth he was sitting in.

The first thing Sam noticed were the joined hands of Dean and the girl he obviously was so crazy about.

“Morning, Sammy.” Dean mumbled while sitting down on the other side of the table, dragging Liz with him which earned him a faked angry look from the dark haired woman.

“Wow, how did you know that I was so exhausted from standing around that long? I really needed to sit down.” The sarcasm was evident in her voice.

“I'd say you're exhausted from last night.” Dean replied, trademark smirk in place.

“Yeah, punching that wall really took a lot of energy.” Liz deadpanned.

Sam watched the banter in front of him with an amused smile. As far as he could tell, his brother had met his match. Then Liz's words sunk in and he raised an eyebrow.

“You punched a wall?”

A sheepish grin appeared on her face. “I was frustrated. And angry. Those two don't mix that well, you know. And I couldn't punch Dean. Well, I could have, but I didn't want to.”

The older Winchester put his arm around her shoulders and drew her in closer. “See, Sammy? She loves me.” he said, grinning.

Liz looked at Sam, rolling her eyes. She did that a lot when she was with the Winchesters, she realized. “I pity the fool.” she simply said, but leaned back into Dean's embrace nonetheless.

Dean pushed her slightly away so he could look at her. “You speak A-Team?” He asked, the surprise that showed on his face also evident in his voice.

“Oh please. Do you remember Jeff? Of course I speak A-Team. He made me watch it when I was little ... Nancy always threw a fit.” Liz said, giggling at the memory.

Dean leaned back into the booth, pulling Liz with him. “I think I just fell more in love with you.” he mumbled into her hair when he pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Sam had heard him and even though he couldn't believe that Dean really said the l-word, he was happy for his brother. After all they had been through, Dean deserved to be happy. And he would do anything he could to prevent that this happiness would come to an end because of the deal that was hanging over his brother's head.

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good

“Aww, look at you, getting all chick-flick with your girlfriend.” Sam teased. He didn't want to put a damper on the light mood with his thoughts.

“Shut up, bitch.” Dean shot back.

“Jerk.” Sam retorted.

“Shut up, both of you.” Liz said. She pushed Dean's arm off of her shoulders, much to his dismay. Somehow she got the feeling that this – insulting each other – was their normal behavior.

“Fine.” they mumbled in unison. Liz raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment on it. She didn't want to provoke World War III.

“So, what's happening now?” Sam asked and broke the silence.

“What do you mean?” Liz answered.

“Are you coming with us again or are you going back to Bobby?” The younger Winchester clarified.

“I'm not going anywhere near Sioux Falls again anytime soon. I'm coming with you. But I'm driving my own car. I can only take Metallica for so long.” She said and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen into her face.

“Hey, I didn't hear you complain when we were on the road!” Dean exclaimed. In fact, Liz had bopped her head and sang along.

“What can I say? I'm in the mood for some Rolling Stones now.” she defended herself. “And I just don't like anybody else driving my car, so suck it up, you big baby.”

“You're like the female version of my brother.” Sam sighed while looking at Liz. Once again he reminded her of a puppy. If she had thought that Dean had the puppy eyes down to a science, Sam took it to a whole new level.

“Hey, I take that as an insult.” Liz replied. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stuck out her lower lip while leaning back into the backrest.

Sam couldn't help but laugh at the display in front of him. She took offense in him calling her his brother's female version and reacted just like Dean would ... that was an oxymoron if he ever saw one.

“Don't I feel loved right now.” Dean commented, an expression similar to that of Liz on his face.

Deciding against commenting on it, Sam just shook his head. Not his brother's female version ... right. “If you're finished, you could listen to what I found last night while I was doing some research.”

“Spit it out, Sammy, I don't have all day. What did you find?” Dean asked. After all the drama that had been going on the last few days, he was more than eager to work on a new case.

“A guy who blew his brains out in a church and another one who went berserk in a hobby shop, the cops took him out. Kinda sounds like demonic omens to me.” Sam told them.

“We should check it out. Maybe it's just two lunatics on the loose, but if you're right, we have work to do there. I think we should check in with Bobby first, see how he's doing with the colt.”

Liz stiffened at the mention of her father. She took a breath before answering. “You two check in with Bobby. I go to ...” she looked at Sam, waiting for the name of the village.

“Elizabethville, Ohio.” Sam helped her out. He could already tell that Dean wasn't too happy about where Liz was going with her suggestion.

“Okay. I go to Elizabethville and check the place out. If there's something going on, I'm waiting there for you. If it's really just two lunatics on the loose, we can meet halfway.” Liz looked at the Winchesters, waiting for there approval.

“You can't avoid him forever, Liz.” Dean just said.

Liz closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I can try. Besides, I'm just thinking practical. If there's nothing going on in Elizabethville, you don't waste your time driving all the way there.”

“Liz ... “ he tried again, but she cut him off.

“We're not having this talk right now, Dean.” There was a something in the way Liz said those words that made Dean back down.

Instead of arguing, he mumbled, “You and Sammy should find a club for people with father issues.”

Liz wanted to reply, but made herself keep her mouth shut. This wasn't the time or the place to talk about this. But she knew from her talk back at Bobby's that Dean was right and she really had some common ground with Sam when it came to complicated relationships with fathers.

“How about this: we go to Bobby and check this town out and you stay here and catch up with Maria?” Dean said, looking down at his girlfriend. His girlfriend ... that sounded weird, even in his head. He would have to get used to this term.

“You don't want me to go with you?” Liz asked, surprised. She hadn't seen this coming.

“No, that's not it. But from what Bobby told us, you haven't been here in half a year. So I just thought you might wanna spend a few days here, that's all.” he put his hands up in surrender. He didn't want her to think that he wanted to get rid of her.

Liz looked him in the eye, searching for anything that would give his words away as a lie, but she found nothing. And the more she thought about his suggestion, the more appealing it sounded. She really wanted to spend time with Maria, but on the other hand, she also knew that her time with Dean was limited. Liz closed her eyes for a moment. When did life become this complicated? When did things with Dean become so complicated? She wanted to be sixteen again - an innocent girl, head over heals in love with the new bad boy in town.

Sensing her dismay, Dean pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Hey, we'd be back in ... a week. Tops. And we could take a break from hunting after that. A holiday from the things that go bump in the night. Right Sammy?” He looked at his younger brother, hoping that he would agree. At the same moment, he realized that his old self would've never suggested something like that. Liz really did have one hell of an influence on him.

“Sure. But ... drop me off at Bobby's before you drive here. I'd only be in the way of your little vacation from the supernatural. And don't start disagreeing, you know that I'm right”, Sam said.

Liz shook her head. “Sam, no. You don't have to stay away.” She didn't want him to feel like he was standing in the way of something. She didn't want to take his brother away from him.

Sam smiled at her. “Don't worry about it. I've been on the road with this moron too long anyway. I need a break from him.” Her concern was cute, but unnecessary. And he could talk to the crossroads demon when Dean wasn't around.

“You sure?” Liz asked.

“Absolutely. Believe me, you’ll know what I mean after a few days alone with him.” the younger Winchester assured her.

“Shut up, bitch.” Dean said for the second time that day.

“Whatever, jerk.”

Liz sighed. It really was their normal behavior.

“Fine. I'll stay here and catch up with Maria and you go and have all the fun of kicking some demon's ass all the way back to the pit.” she agreed and turned to Dean. “And you call me when you’ve dropped off Sam and we'll meet halfway. But that doesn't mean that I don't wanna know what's going on in Elizabethville. Call me, Dean. I mean it. You don't wanna meet up with me if you don't call me before with updates, believe me.” she threatened.

Dean laughed and pulled her closer to kiss her. “I'll call and give you your updates, don't worry.” he said after pulling back.

Liz nodded, a smile slowly spreading across her face. “Okay. Then get going ... or I might change my mind and tag along.” she said.

Dean kissed her again before sliding out of the booth. “You're right. We should get this done ... the sooner we're gone, the sooner I can take that vacation. Hell, I really need a few days off.” he said. “Come on, Sammy, let's get outta here.”

Sam shook his head as he got up, smiling at how eager his brother was in his twisted logic.

Liz also stood up and hugged the younger Winchester, whispering “Look out for him.” into his ear.

Sam slightly nodded in response and smiled at her. Of course he would. He always did.

“Don't I get a goodbye?” Dean asked.

Liz rolled her eyes as she turned to him. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked him on the lips. “Bye.”

Now it was Dean who rolled his eyes as he put his arm around her waist and pulled Liz flush against his body before crushing his lips down on hers.

“That's a goodbye.” he whispered against her lips, his smirk in place.

Liz couldn't help but smile in return. “Then ... goodbye. Come back in one piece.” she added before pressing another soft kiss on his lips.

“I will. Don't worry about me.” He assured her before letting go of her.

Dean followed Sam out of the Crashdown and looked back at her over his shoulder for a moment, grinning at her.

Re: Under Pressure [SPN XO, UC, AU, Mature] Part 14, 09/21/1

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:46 pm
by MsPati
Hey everone,

I'm finally back with a new part. I'm really sorry that it took me what feels like forever to post this, but my life has been a real pain the last couple of months and I just didn't find the time to do this. I hope you can forgive me for the long wait?
I still want to thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate every single word you guys wrote!

On another note: I'm looking for a new beta. And since this part is the last beta-ed one I've got, I won't be able to post again unless I find someone ... no pressure at all ^^

The lyrics used in this chapter are from Sarah Blasko's "The Heart of Life"

Part 15: Hold On My Heart

“Wait ... let me get this straight: he goes off to fight some demon and tells you not to worry about him? Is he nuts?” Maria asked.

She and Liz sat in the living room of the old Parker apartment, pigging out with ice cream and chocolate while watching a movie Dean was sure to classify as a chick flick. A small smile appeared on Liz's lips at the thought. He'd probably ask for a knife to gouge his eyes out so he wouldn't have to watch “John Tucker Must Die”. She'd have to remember that ... Dean was bound to drive her insane at some point and she needed to punish him somehow, right?

“That's Dean for you. Of course he's nuts, what did you expect?” Liz finally answered.

“You've got a point there. I mean, from what I remember he never was one of the shy guys.” Maria laughed as Liz snorted at her comment, “okay, he always was cocky and way too self-confident for his own good, but the way he is now? Geez, that guy can't keep his mouth shut to save his life, can he?”

“You haven't even heard half of it.” Liz sighed.

“And what's with him calling Sam 'bitch' on a regular basis?”

Liz raised her eyebrow in question.

“So what, I eavesdropped, sue me.” Maria said, shrugging. She didn't feel bad about it.

Liz slightly shook her head, smiling at her best friend and how she didn't even try to deny it. “Honestly, I have no idea what that's about. I just filed it away as one more of his weird quirks and got over it. I mean, there are about a thousand of those ... and that's just what I know from my memories and the little time we've spent together so far. We're still somewhat in the reconnecting stage.”

“Reconnecting, huh? From what I saw earlier today, you're all in already, chica.”

“All in? This isn’t a game of poker, Maria.”

“Sure it is. And he's your king of hearts.”

Liz grabbed a pillow and threw it at Maria, who let out a surprised shriek before she got hit in the face by the soft cushion.

“You're insane, Maria.” the brunette said, laughing at the still startled expression on her best friend's face.

“Oh please. You call me insane? You've been rambling on about the guy the whole day!”

“I’ve done no such thing!”

“Oh, you have. How much he's been getting on your nerves, how cocky he is and how you so need to take down his ego a notch or two ... or twenty. Face it, Liz. You can't get him off your mind now that you made out ... up. Now that you made up.” Maria gave Liz an innocent smile that caused the dark haired woman to raise an eyebrow. If Maria thought she was going to buy the innocent 'oops I totally didn't mean it like that' act, she had another thing coming.

Thinking of him each day
When he is miles away
You know it won't serve you well
It's better for time to tell

Liz leaned her head on the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling, feigning to be lost in thought. “You know how you asked me this morning whether I had make-up sex with Dean last night? That doesn't even begin to cover it ... it was more like 'how the hell did I last so long without him' sex. And I'm talking about the amount of time that passed since we hooked up after meeting in that bar.” she said, before turning her head to smile at her friend innocently.

Maria's mouth stood open in shock at what Liz just said, but then the sweet smile on the brunette's face became a little too sweet for Maria's taste. “Oh stop making fun of me!” she mumbled and crossed her arms in front of her chest, causing Liz to laugh.

They were interrupted when Liz's cell phone started to ring.

Liz wanted to grab it, but Maria was faster.

“Oh look, it's your boyfriend.” she grinned before answering the phone. “Hello Dean.”

“Who's this?” came his confused reply.

“It's Maria. Liz is ... she's kinda busy at the moment.” Maria leaned away as Liz tried to grab the phone.

“Maria, give me my cell phone! Don't make me come after you!” Liz threatened and tried again to grab her phone, but Maria got up just as Liz went in to grab it, which resulted in Liz landing on her stomach.

”What the hell are you two doing?” asked Dean, chuckling. He had heard Liz's threat.

“Oh, this is just a little payback.”

“Maria! Give me the damn phone!”

Maria took off and Liz ran after her, chasing her through the living room.

“What did she do?”

Maria didn't get a chance to answer Dean because Liz tackled her down when she passed the couch.

With a triumphant “Ha!” the brunette grabbed the phone, shooting Maria a dirty look.


“Hey Liz”, he said, still chuckling. “What did you do to Maria that she felt the need to get payback for?”

“Nothing. I just made a little fun of her.”

“Are you out of breath?”

“Well, I had to chase her. She took off with my phone.”

“I sure would've liked to see that.” Dean laughed, which made Liz roll her eyes even though he couldn't see it.

“I'm sure you would’ve.” She paused for a moment. “Where are you? You couldn't possibly be in South Dakota by now without breaking the speed limit at least a hundred times.”

“We're still on the road. Sammy's driving right now. Grandma style.”

Liz heard the younger Winchester mumble “It's Sam.” in the background and she couldn't help but laugh.

“Do you always have to rile your brother up?”

“What can I say? It's part of my charm.”

“Yeah, right. Along with the bad pick-up lines and the cocky attitude.”

“You wound me.”

“Somehow, I doubt that.”

“You're going to have to make that up to me, you know.”

“I really wonder what you have in mind.” The sarcasm that laced Liz's voice made Dean chuckle.

“You know what I'm talking about, sweetheart. You, me and a motel room.”

“Dean!” she exclaimed at the same time as she heard Sam scold his brother as well.

“What? Just sayin'.”

“Yeah, and I'm just saying that you'll have to sleep on the couch of said motel room if you don't watch it.”

“Oh come on, you wouldn't do that.”

“You sure? Try me.”

“I'd love to try several things with you.” Liz could imagine the smirk on his face as he said that.

“Do you have to be so irritating?”

“Don't act like you don't like it.”

“Sure, I just love my men talking trash.”

“That's what I thought. So what are you up to?”

“Miss me already?”

“I started missing you the moment I walked out of the café.”

Liz chuckled when she heard Sam starting to sing, “Dean and Liiiz, sitting in a tree…” in the background and Dean's ”Shut up, bitch.”

“You realize how corny that line was, right?”

“And here I thought I was being romantic.” The sarcasm was evident in his voice.

“Sorry, you were just being an idiot.”

“Again, you wound me.”

“Get used to it.”

“So ... what are you wearing?”

“Dean!” Liz felt herself turn at least three different shades of red and inwardly cursed at him.

“What? I was just trying to change the subject.”

“By proposing phone sex with your brother sitting right next to you?”

Liz looked at Maria, who was looking at her with a mixture of shock and amusement. Great. At least one of them thought that Dean was a riot.

“When you say it like that, it sounds kinda kinky.”

“That's it. I'm hanging up now.”

“Oh come on. Don't be mad.”

“I'm not. But you are distracting me from Jesse Metcalfe's sexy body. So ... talk to you later.”

With that, Liz snapped her phone shut. She could imagine Dean staring at his cell phone and the mental picture made her burst out laughing. A few seconds later, her phone started ringing again. No surprise there. Liz turned her phone off and put it back on the table, feeling Maria's eyes follow her every move.


“Did you seriously just tell your boyfriend that you're drooling over some other guy?”

“It's not like he didn't deserve it.”

“He's so going to kill you.”

Liz shook her head. “Nah. He's more likely to wanna prove why he's just so much better than this other guy.”

On the road

Dean stared at his cell phone, shocked. Did Liz really just ...?

“Dude, what is it? You look like you've just seen a ghost for the first time.” Sam wondered what Liz could have possibly said to his brother to put that look on his face.

“Who the hell is Jesse Metcalfe?” Dean thundered.

“He played a gardener in Desperate Housewives.”

“And how long have you been watching Desperate Housewives now, Samantha?” Dean's teasing tone came back when he realized that this other guy was just an actor.

“Shut up, jerk.”
