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Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.11, Pg.9 7/13

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:45 pm
by dreambeliever
begonia9508 wrote:Wow! that was frightening and thrilling! :shock: :?
And Tess? She married Max only bc it was her way to be queen? What will happen when she will know that her worse enemy is the queen now? Is she going to stay with Max?
When Tess finds out she won’t be happy. Tess will find out, not soon though, it’ll be awhile yet.
mary mary wrote:He should be old enough to be her father at least, if not her grandfather. Remember Liz asked Max how they aged Antar...well, just how do they age?)
Kivar himself is cloned and right now he looks like a twenty something man. This will be explained in future chapters.... 8)

[quote="smilinghoney” I always wondered why Max couldn't tell that Liz was lieing. That he could really believe that she would do something like that to him. [/quote]

I always wondered also, it seems to me that on the show, it would have been very easy for Max to find out the truth, that has always been one thing that has bothered me. :roll:

Janetfl wrote: Great way to use the EOTW episode. I'm wondering how Max and Tess are going to react to this news. It's going to be interesting to find out if Tess will stay with Max now that she knows she won't be queen. She claims to love him so should stay, but I have a feeling that might not happen. Tess is out for what Tess can get!!!
Thank You the EOTW episode is an episode I love and hate, for obvious reasons. Tess won’t find out for awhile yet, but don't worry Tess won’t let you down. :twisted:
LilLoucfer wrote: I'm a dreamer all the way....but good God! How stupid is Max. I'm kind of rooting for Kivar at the moment. Can't wait to see what develops from the feelings that Kivar is developing toward Liz
I am a full dreamer too, but developing Kivar in a different light has always attracted me. Kivar and Liz…hmmmm.
Natalie36 wrote:damn, it does sound llike kivar is better for our strong liz. and yeah max did fail big time :shock:
LOL…yeah Max is a boob right now. :lol:
dreamerfiend wrote:Kivar is definitely falling for her. I wonder if Liz is gonna fall for him too.
I wonder?

cjsl8ne wrote:Great update! I thought you did a great job with the ceremony. It was very well thought out! Kyle was great. It's really nice Liz can travel back and forth. I'm sure Liz will soon need some breaks back on Earth.
Thank You, I had a hard time making the ceremony Royal and :mrgreen:

I know....I'm a big loser for not updating sooner. I humbly beg for forgiveness on my knees. :lol:
I can only say that I'll try to be better.

Thank you to everyone who left feedback, they are all very much appreciated.

Thank you to Sara who tirelessly beta's this fic...without her you guys would just get a bunch of words that only make sense in my

Chapter 11

The next sections will be brief and varied. I wanted to offer peeks into their lives over the next five years without dragging the story out too much.


“KYLE!” I yell up to the stage, while splaying my fingers out to indicate the number five. trying to convey to Maria that we only have about five more minutes until we have to go and see Kyle in the volleyball competition on the other side of the beach.

Maria yells back. “MEET….THERE….DONE!”

I understand that, she and Serena will meet us there when they are done dancing on stage. We had both communicated and not broken our current dancing stride. I turn my attention back to Jaq, my dance partner and smile. Moving to the beat of the music, I sway my hips and then turn. I dance like this with my back to Jaq and observe the crowd a little. I smile and think about my life this past year, remembering the day Kyle came back into our lives last year. The day my life changed forever.

“What are you doing here? How did you find us?”

“Maria called, said you had been kidnapped by Nicholas. Uumm said you needed help.”

“So here we are.”

It was Kyle Maria had called, and he came and with the Sheriff, too. By the time Kyle and the Sheriff had arrived to Boston, I had already been aligned to Kivar. They had stayed for a few more days and then it was time for them to go back.

“I’m not going back.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m not going back to Roswell. I’m staying here with you and Maria. You two are part of my family and I don’t want to go back.”

“But Kyle…your dad…”

“…Has Amy now, there’s nothing for me in Roswell. I was barely living before I came here. I… I can’t stand to look at Tess or Max right now, I go to work and straight home. I watch TV all night, eat TV dinners, I don’t go out, for fear of running into one of them. I just can’t…. I can’t look at Tess and not think about what I did to Alex. The truth is, even with all the alien ceremonies and, well, being surrounded by all of them, this is the most relaxed I’ve felt in a long time. Even before Tess came back I was off, trying to figure out my place in life. I’ve graduated, I’m eighteen and if you and Maria will let me, I’d like to come here, to live near you two.”

“It’ll be hard Kyle, I don’t want them to know where we are. No contact with any of them. It’s better this way. You’re life might be in danger, I... I… aahh… I can’t offer you protection, I gave full protection to Max and the others…you know that.”

“Yeah, I know…and I still want to be here with you girls, you’re my family. I missed you two all this time. I thought that, you know, I could cancel my membership in the I-know-an-alien-club, but it would seem that originally I signed up for a lifetime membership.”

Laughing I replied, “ So did we Kyle, so did we.”

“Okay, great, so I’ll just stay with you two, and I just want to say this now, please feel free to have girlie sleepovers, and walk around in your undergarments, and leave the bathroom door unlocked while you take a shower. No need to be embarrassed around me. Buddah has taught me self restraint.”

And so Kyle had stayed and had become part of our little family. Familiar arms reach around y waist and I feel him lean down close into my ear and whisper.

“We have to go….you know Ava would tear into us if we weren’t there to support her man.”

I laugh at this, knowing he’s right. Ava and Kyle began dating a few months back and are still going strong. I turn and follow Jaq through the crowd, knowing that Maria and Serena will catch up with us later at the competition.


The truth is that I’ve felt Max lately. Our connection was closed off, but I still have a feeling when it comes to him. And true to new Liz form, thinking about Max makes me want to try new things…to forget. Does it always work? No, not always but it helps me to temporarily numb the pain down and it’s easier to live. It hasn’t hurt to think about him in a few months. But I know I can never forget him.

I look for Ava near the front of the crowd. Spotting her waving her arms excitedly, we make our way through the crowd.

Yup, spring break in Panama City Beach is exactly what we needed. We are, after all, college students. And this is what normal college students do, they go to spring break and party.


“Maria, I can’t believe you entered that wet T-shirt contest.” Liz laughs at her.

“Me? I can’t believe you danced on top of the bar!” Maria cries back.

“Oohh, I didn’t hear ya complaining, Maria, when she pulled ya right up there wita her.” Ava jumps in.

“Hey, I didn’t hear any of you complaining. Besides by the time the song ended you were all up there.” Jaq laughs as he joins in on the friendly teasing.

“I know…..dat was the most fun I had in a bar.” Ava thinks jovially.

“Yeah and the way the people kept throwing us money!” Serena exclaims.

“Strippers, that’s how strippers earn their money.”

“Kyle, we’re not strippers, and anyways with all da money we made it was nice to buy the bar a round a drinks.” Ava tells him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Yeah…and then on the beach, during the MTV Spring Break show…can you believe they pulled Serena and Maria up on stage to dance?”

“Yeah, girl, Serena, you were rockin’ it with them up there.”


In Roswell a telephone rings…

“Maxwell, turn on channel 54 now.” Click…

Max stares at the telephone receiver in his hand.

“Michael is getting weirder every day.” He says out loud to no one in particular.

He turns to channel 54….MTV, why would Michael want him to watch MTV…they were showing people dancing on the beach..lots of young people.

Why did Michael think he needed to watch this? He was getting ready to turn it off when suddenly the camera panned to one of the dancers on stage…Maria.

Maria was there on stage dancing in a bikini. If Maria was there, Liz would be there too, but this wasn’t really Liz’s scene.

He studies Maria some more, she seems to be friendly with another blond, taller than her. The two of them are dancing and laughing, just then he watches as Maria yells something to someone off stage…he follows Maria’s eyes.

There in the crowd, brown hair swishes. The camera moves away.

No..shit..go back.. he waits as the camera pans to the singer on stage and then back into the crowd. He waits with baited breath, as it slowly scans the audience.

Slowly, the camera creeps to one area, slowly, slowly, and there she is…

He can only see her from the back, but he’d know her anywhere…He watches as her hips sashay, her arms raised up above her head, her hair swishing back and forth.

Turn around…turn around…turn around…and then, as if she heard him, her body spins around and he catches sight of her smiling face.

He searches her eyes. Even through the screen, he can see her eyes, twinkling with pleasure, yet he can see a hint of sadness.

Her beautiful full lips turn upward, and then her mouth opens slightly and she laughs.

He watches as two strong arms appear around her waist from behind. Something twists in his heart. She momentarily looks up into the guy’s eyes as he leans down and whispers something in her ear. She smiles brightly and nods, and then he guides her away from the crowd.

Max watches as the camera scans the crowds again and it goes back to Maria a few more times. He sits there until it ends, waiting, waiting to get another glimpse of her. But she never reappears. She left with that guy.

The guy that Max could never be…..he wants to be the one on the beach dancing and holding Liz. He wants to whisper in her ear and hear her laugh. He wants to do all those things…but he knows he can’t. He doesn’t have a right to anymore. He is married… Tess.

He watches as the television advertises the location. Florida.

Is she living with her Aunt? Is she attending school? What is she doing in Florida?

His eyes roam over the crowd, who are all mainly young, about his age.

That’s what kids his age do, they go to the beach during spring break. This is normal. She seems happy enough, she has Maria and that guy.

Her life is normal, she is away from the alien madness. Any thoughts Max had of looking for Liz died in this moment. She’s living a normal life and he would let her have it. She deserves it.

He sighs and stands up to turn off the TV, before making his way back to the bedroom. It had been a long day and he has a full day of work tomorrow. He needs rest.

That night he would dream of Liz in her little red bikini and making love to her on the beach.


Isabel slowly lowers herself in front of Alex’s grave.

“Hi Alex. Michael told me today that he saw Maria and Liz on TV.”

“They were at a beach in Florida…..seems like they were having fun.”

“There’s no need to worry. I’m sorry, I don’t know exactly where they are.”

Isabel feels a little guilty about this. She still lived in Roswell, a town where all of their human friends had been born and raised and still had family. And they were gone, seemingly chased out of town because of them.

Alex, dead because of them, because of Tess.

Liz gone because of Tess and Max.

Maria gone because of Tess and Michael.

And Kyle gone because of Tess and Max and, well, all of them.

The common factor in them all had been Tess. Every time she thought about what went wrong in their lives, Tess seemed to be in the forefront of everything.

She knows Tess isn’t completely to blame. Everyone had played a part, but it was Tess’s selfishness that stemmed most problems. She hates Tess with a passion.

Max had thought that she hated Liz in the beginning, but it’s not that she hated Liz, she had felt threatened by her relationship with Max.

But she hates Tess. She knew that if Tess had only asked Alex to decode the book, he would have gladly done it.

That’s the way their group had been- Liz, Maria, Alex even Kyle. All of them would have done anything for us. They had all laid their lives on the line for them.

They had never really done the same, always worried about being caught.

She could remember twice when they had truly helped, the time that Max had saved Liz, and the time Max had gone to rescue Liz from Nasedo.

Hell, even that had been their fault. Imagine having to rescue your girlfriend from your supposed protector.

Isabel sighs again and timidly plucks away the weeds around Alex’s grave.

The only time they had helped was because of Max and Liz. Max had saved Liz that day. She and Michael were furious because of it. But now….she wished they were all back in her life.

Max…..she doesn’t even know her brother anymore. He is so closed off nowadays…when she thought about it, it had started with his search for his son.

He began to go off on his own, neglecting family, friends even Liz.

No wonder Liz left, and Isabel had told him so the day he found out Liz was gone. Isabel had been the one to tell him.

“Max, I don’t understand why you’re doing all this for her. She killed Alex.”

“I’m not doing this for her Isabel; I’m doing this for my son. We can’t just turn our backs on him, on her.”

“I can.” Michael simply stated.

“You may be able to Michael, but I can’t. I won’t.”

“Then you’re dumber than I thought, Maxwell. Do you remember what she did to Alex? What that did to Maria and Liz? I do. I held Maria in my arms as she cried at her best friend’s funeral; I remember the pain it caused. What about Isabel… you remember what it did to her? And Liz, I remember Liz’s pain. She was the one hurt the most, by all of us. Do you remember Max?”

Isabel sat and looked between Michael and Max. Michael was right.

“Of course I remember Michael, but what can I do? I can’t physically hurt her and she did say she didn’t mean to kill him. I’ve accepted this.”

“I haven’t.” Michael walked out, the windows rattling lightly as he slammed the door.

“Didn’t mean to kill him…..didn’t mean to kill him?! So freaking what!” I yelled out.

“It doesn’t change the fact that she still killed him, Max.”

“Iz, you…you understand why I can’t hurt her don’t you.” He had pleaded with her. “She’s linked to my son and I can’t take the risk. I’ve already let Zan down once, I won’t do it again.”

“Max, I understand why you think you can’t kill her, what I don’t understand is why you let her hurt us. Why you let her back into our lives, your life. All of us. I don’t understand why you feel the need to get an apartment for her. I was going to wait until you asked and honestly, Max, I thought you would have asked me this like a week ago, but obviously things are…things are not what I thought and I was upset at first….but now I can’t be.”

“Isabel, what are you talking about?”

“Let me ask you first Max, what does Liz think of you helping Tess, all this time? Spending nights at the pod chamber, with her. Apartment hunting? What did she say about this?”

“Liz? What does Liz have to do with this, why are you bringing her up?”

“I just want to know what she thinks of all this. You guys are together, I just wondered how she felt about her boyfriend spending time with the mother of his child, who also happens to be the murderer of her best friend.”

“Isabel you don’t have to worry about Liz, she understands that I need to be there for Zan.”

“Does she?? Well what did she say, when you told her you’re spending your nights at the pod chamber, or that you’re apartment hunting for Tess, with Tess? What did she say?”

“She said….oh….uumm…well…I haven’t really talked to her about all this yet. I’ll talk to her.”

“Max, when was the last time you talked to her?”

“The last time? I talked to her…..ummm….”

She watched him searching his memory trying to recall the last time he had spoken to Liz. Unbelieveable, she thought.

“I am floored Max, you’re spending your nights with Tess, looking for apartments for her and you haven’t even told your girlfriend, and not just any girlfriend, but Liz. Honestly Max, what the hell were you thinking?”

“All right Isabel, you’re right. I should have gone to Liz before to talk to her, to explain what’s going on. I just haven’t had the time. I know that I need to, I will….I said I’ll go talk to her today.”

“You’re too late. No wonder why.”

“What, what do you mean?”

“The funny thing is I expected you to come to me and ask me about her, oh I don’t know…a week ago. Eight days Max. Tess has been back eight days and….and….you didn’t even notice Liz has been gone for all of those eight days.”

“Gone…what do you mean?”

Reaching into her purse, she pulled out an envelope and handed it to him.

“Here Max, she left this for you. The night she left, she left it at mom’s.”

“Whe…when did she leave?”

“The night Tess came back. I guess she knew. I can’t believe you, Max! She’s been gone a week and you didn’t even notice. No wonder why she left. I was upset at her at first, I thought you’d know right away and when you found out you’d be devastated. But I was wrong. You hadn’t even noticed her gone; you’re too wrapped up in Tess.”

“I am trying to do the best I can. I have to be there for Zan. He’s my son, Isabel. Did you just want me to turn my back on him?”

“Of course not, Max, but in doing so you’ve turned your back on everyone else. You’ve already lost Liz.”

“Where is she? I’ll go and explain…she’ll understand.”

“Really, Max, really? You didn’t even notice her gone. You haven’t even seen her in a week. Hell, Michael realized that night that Maria was gone.”

“Maria. Maria left with her?”

“Yup. Now you know why Michael is so angry. I….I know you need to be there for Zan, I know this, I just wish you would have done things differently. I’m glad you have your son back, Max, really I am. I am so happy for you. It’s just that what you’ve lost...I was never a big Liz fan, but I can’t deny that she loved you and that she doesn’t deserve this, you don’t deserve her. Honestly, Max, every night at the pod chamber, apartment hunting?”

“Isabel, I have to stay with them at night, to ensure their safety. What if Kivar comes and attacks? I won’t allow anyone to hurt Zan, and if that means I have to protect Tess, too, then that’s what I have to do. I don’t like it, but I’ll do it, if it means keeping my son safe. And where is she going to go? She can’t go back to the Valenti’s, she has nowhere to go.”

“And whose fault is that Max? If she wasn’t an evil, lying, killing bitch, she might have a place to stay.”

Isabel returns to reality and finishes cleaning off Alex’s grave, before standing up and brushing off her pants.

“I’m sorry, Alex. I’m sorry we hurt you and Liz and Maria,” she whispers out before walking to her car.


Tess is furious…. stupid Michael.

She had watched Max watching that stupid show. At first, she hadn’t been alarmed, but then she saw Liz and she was livid.

How dare she? What the hell was she doing in Florida? Probably ran back to her aunt. She looked like she was having fun.

Which only pisses Tess off even more. Yeah, she’s married to Max, has his son. But hell, Tess wants to have fun, and, well, Max isn’t fun.

Liz was supposed to be balled up in a corner somewhere crying over Max, licking her wounds. The thought of that happening had got her through some bad days.

But nooo apparently Liz had dropped Max, like hot coal and was spring breaking it up on some beach in Florida.

And on MTV. She wanted that. Dammnit, being married to Max wasn’t all she thought it would be.

She thought Max would be strong, caring, loving, romantic. Hell, she had seen him act that way with Liz.

But no instead he’s quiet, withdrawn and tolerable, dependable. He pretends to be here, but she knows his heart isn’t into it. But she doesn’t care. She will make him love her.

She will just have to try harder, she decides. She loves being married to Max, it’s just that she thought being married to Max, that she would be more accepted. Instead everyone ignores her, Isabel, Michael, even Jessie. The Evans are polite, but not overly friendly.

Her only friend is Max, and that isn’t saying much.

Kyle and the Sheriff had left town months ago and when the Sheriff had returned a few days later, by himself, she had asked him about Kyle’s whereabouts. He had simply said that he had moved and hadn’t wanted his whereabouts to be known by anyone. But she wasn’t just anyone, was she?

The only ones left of their group are the aliens. All the humans had left, moved away, or like Alex, were gone.



When we arrive back in Boston, Kivar is waiting for us in our apartment.

“Hi Kivar.”

“Hey Kev….you should have came wit us,” Ava told him. Her accent was slowing dying.

“Yeah Kivar, we missed you.”

I walk over to him and give him a hug.

“Did you?”


“Well I am sorry I missed that, but I had some very important business to take care of.”

“So are you ready to tell us what kind of business? Riiigghht, business that you can’t tell me about,” I say playfully. I know it wasn’t ‘Royal’ business. We always take care of that together. Briefly I wonder if Kivar hooked up with someone.

“Actually, I can tell you now,” He replies mischievously.

“I’ve been talking to Rusty for a couple of weeks now and while you guys were gone, we made it official.”

“What, you married him?” Kyle asks.

Laughing, he continues, “No, did you know that Rusty owned the whole building? The bar, the restaurant, the store, the old garages and the apartments above them all?”

“Yeah, we know he does.”

“You said owned..”

“Hmm..?” he looks at me, his blue eyes twinkling with humor.

“You said owned, not own, but owned, as in past tense.”

“Aaah little one…that’s right. I just bought it off of him,” he says smiling, and holding up a ring full of keys.

“Bought what, the bar?” Liz asked him

“Not just the bar…all of them. The whole building. All the businesses.” Kivar told her matter of factly.


“You bought all his business, I didn’t even know he was selling.” Maria questioned.

“Actually Liz just bought them. And he mentioned it to me a few weeks back, he wanted me to get in touch with a Real Estate Agent, asked if I knew anyone. I didn’t, but I told him I may know a buyer.”

“What do you mean Liz bought them?” Ava asked him, her voiced hinted on border suspicious.

“The buildings and businesses were purchased in Liz’s name.” Kivar shrugged and watched Liz nervously waited.

“You bought the entire building for Liz?” Maria starts to hyperventilate.


“Why? Why would you do that?” Liz’s voice was soft, but even in a sold out heavy metal concert, he would still hear her. He would always hear her.

“Why not? I can. And the businesses will keep you busy here on Earth, and I’ve heard you several times offer suggestions for the operation of Rusty’s and Patty’s next door.”

“But why?” She questioned again, not quite understanding why he would do this.

“Because it will make you happy and your own business is an investment. And I wanted to do something for you.”

“I’m speechless.” Maria says fanning herself

“That’s a first.” Kyle chuckles. “Maria Deluca rendered speechless.”

“Kivar, I don’t know what to say. It’s too much. I can’t accept it.”

“How about thank you…..that’s always a good start and besides, I can’t take it back, the deal is done everything is in your name already.”

“Liz, SAY THANK YOU.” Maria blurts out.

“Thank you…Thank you..” Running over, I grab him in another hug. Pulling away I look around and then back to Kivar.

“I need to go and say thank you to Rusty, oh my god.”

“He’s gone, little one, he left while you guys were gone. Said that he hated good byes and he would like to say goodbye via email. Said his heart couldn’t take saying good bye to all of you.”

“He….left already, where did he go?”

“He moved to Germany, to live with his daughter and her family. He wanted to retire, to spend time with his grandson.”


“Liz…are you sure?”

Am I ever sure about anything nowadays?


Definitely. Today of all days I needed to get my mind off of Max, off of a lot of things.

“Hold on…..this is going to be great.”

Greater than being shot and brought back to life? Cause that’s what happened on this day three years ago.

Sitting in the passenger seat of Kivars’ modified Mazda RX8 we wait for the scantily clad girl to drop the bright red cloth.

My eyes sweep the crowd all around me, the different groups cheering for their favorite.

I turn my gaze to the car to my right and look at the driver.

He grins back at me and I watch as his car rolls slightly up to the makeshift starting line.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a bright red blur.

Engines roar to life…

The inescapable sound of tires squealing…

The smell of burning rubber…

Hundreds of cheers…

Instantly, I am propelled back into my seat.

I watch as the long line of people cheered as we fly past.

Buildings fly past in blurs.

My over heightened senses are on full alert this time. I can hear the cheers of the crowd. I feel the wind weaving through my hair like a lover’s caress.

The smell of burnt rubber fresh on my nose…

The lights of the city skyline zip past me in whirls… Too fast…

It’s exhilarating……freeing.

I hear another engine approaching from the left.

Snapping out of my brief trance, I watch as Kivar skillfully maneuvers his way through the course at break neck speed.

He is focused on the road.

I lean over and peek at the speedometer- 190 mph.

Oh shit! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. 190 mph and yet it feels like nothing.

Then it’s over. We slow down to a large crowd, people run over to congratulate Kivar.

The guys slap him on the back in congratulations.

Girls throw themselves at him. That is nothing new, everywhere we go on Earth, girls flirt with him.

He’d had several girlfriends over the past five months. True to his word, he’d never taken the company of someone alien. The alien community was too small, he’d kept his word and respected me as his Queen.

I turn to leave him with the ladies draped around him.

He reaches back and grabs my hand.

I look up at him questioningly.


I hear his voice in my head.

I nod.

That’s all I can do, I am still feeling the after-effects of the race.

After the alignment we had learned that I can communicate telepathically and we had used it often.


Later, after the crowd has dimmed, we stand near my car, quietly observing those around us.

She had been quiet for awhile now. I think to myself, I can’t sense what she’s feeling. Had she been afraid? Does she think I’m juvenile, does she think less of me?

“Teach me.” She wants to learn how to race, she wants to fly.

“What? No, absolutely not.” I know what she’s talking about, I can see it in her eyes.

“Kivar, please. I was sitting in the car with you and when we were driving, you know, it just felt….it was great. I felt so… so… so free.”

She gazes off into the distance, her eyes studying something far off.

“I want to learn how to race,” she says to me.

“No, it’s dangerous.” Why would she think I would allow it?

“So is being the Queen of an alien planet, but hey, I don’t hear you complaining about that.”

She half shrugs one of her shoulders and sends me one of her sexy million dollar smiles.

“Liz, it’s just too dangerous.”

“Kivar, you know that my senses are like multified. I can see farther than you, my reflexes are faster and my hearing is better. I have better senses than you. This is perfect for me. And with the right teacher I can be good. I know it.”

“Multified? Liz, that’s not even a real word. Aren’t you supposed to be the Queen of Antar and a college student, and here you are making up words?”

I try to tease her, hoping to change the subject. Doesn’t work.

“Please…please ….pleeeeaaasssseee.”

Man, I’m a goner. I know I would do anything she asks.

“Fine, fine, but if you crash and burn, don’t say I didn’t tell you so, and I’m not calling anyone to come and heal your sorry little ass.”

“Did you just say that my ass is little?” Liz answers me flirtatiously.

“Yes. I mean you’re little so obviously your ass will be little but considering you are so little, your ass is perfect for your size.”

“Oookaaay so if we’re done talking about my little ass, can you teach me how to race and that screeching sideways thing.”

“Drift?” I ask aloud.

“Yeah, I think that’s what it’s called.”

“Firstly, never ever say “screeching side thing” again. Okay, you drive that little red car there,” I say, pointing to the red car parked twenty feet away.

“That’s not your car,” she tells me, obviously wondering what car I think she’s going to use.

Tossing me keys I reply nonchalantly, “It is now.”

“What do you mean?” She looks at me with a confused expression.

“I mean I won it tonight, so now it’s mine.”

“You won it, you won it? Legally?”

“Yup. I have the signed ownership papers right here.”

“Oh wow, you mean you like won it when you won the race?”

“Uuhh huuh. Well, that and that other car and about 7G’s.”

“You won two cars and 7 thousand dollars. How is that possible?”

“Okay, see, when you race, well, you’re racing to win. There is an entrance fee that you have to pay into the pot. The money then gets distributed to the first and second place winners. Sometimes when they’re feeling confident, people will race for pink slips, the ownership to the cars. Winner takes all.”

“Oh, um, wow! Okay, so what are we waiting for? Teach me!” She squeals and runs over to the little red car and hops in.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.12, Pg.10 8/08

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:10 am
by dreambeliever
mary mary wrote:Hey, I'm beginning to think that Max did Liz a great big favor by screwing up. Looks like Tess got the dirty end of the stick and Max can just help her clean it up.
Lol…Liz has learned how to overcome her issues and move forward. Max and Tess are getting exactly what they wanted.

keepsmiling7 wrote: Can't believe how studpid Max is to think Tess is linked to his son......She has been controlling Max forever.....Will Max ever wake up and realize the truth...???.
It will be awhile yet for Max to get a clue..don’t hold your breath.

begonia9508 wrote: keepsmiling7 wrote:This is such a jumbled up mess of people now......the biggest problems was of course Tess!
Can't believe how studpid Max is to think Tess is linked to his son......She has been controlling Max forever.....Will Max ever wake up and realize the truth...???.

I couldn't have said it better!....
Max has bored his own grave! ... I'm really disappointed of Max in this story for forgetting Liz and even not knowing she took off!
Thinking the way she did, Tess is certainly going to go out looking for others men....
Loved how Izzy dealt with the gerbil!
For this to work I still wanted a little of Season 3 Max here, where he’s searching for his son and neglecting Liz and the others. It will take him awhile to get his act together.

Yeah…..Isabel is great!
Natalie36 wrote:she is gonna be a hot rod mama

dreamerfiend wrote:and the furious meets roswell...i like it. Lix is gonna be great at racing

I am really liking Kivar he does so much for Liz but what is with the taking of everything. that seems a little suspicious. Him buying the whole building and putting it in Liz's name was nice but i'm a little skeptical about the way it happened. I dont really believe that the guy went off to germany and just didnt want to say goodbye to the girls. I think there's more to it than that and Kivar just isnt saying.
You’re right. I actually wrote this in, after a weekend of Fast and the Furious replays with my teenage son. The light bulb went on and I thought ‘This would be another great thing for new Liz to try.’ So here you have it. Kivar...there's no ulterior motive he wanted to do this for Liz...rusty will make an appearance later.

LilLoucfer wrote:Okay....last time I stated that Max was stupid....I still have not changed my mind. He went overboard with the Zan and Tess thing. not notice that the love of your life has been gone a week!!!!!!!!!! I can't blame Liz for leaving and I'm glad Isabel understands why Liz left and stayed away. I do feel bad for Michael and Isabel but 'karma' is a bitch....they kept humans at an arms length and eventually pushed them to a point where they left.

Glad to see that Tess got burned seeing the life that Liz has! Can't wait to see Tess' full reaction when Liz is revealed to her as the queen. Liz got everything Tess wants/wanted.

I'm really enjoying the interaction between Liz and Kivar whether it be friendship or possibly love at a later time
Ooohhh such insight. :wink: You are absolutely right about the aliens and the humans…as the saying goes ‘you never what you got until it’s gone’
Liz and Kivar…hmmmm wait and see.

Dziumka wrote:bump!!!!
Ask and ye shall receive…lol. :lol:

Thank you to everyone who left feedback. I really do appreciate it and they really do motivate me.

I am so sorry everyone this had been a crazy month for me. Classes, my teenager’s 16th bday, work training. At one point I was going like 18 hours a day…whew. Glad it’s all over now. I am slowly getting back into my stories. Sorry to just leave you all hanging. :oops:

Here we have a few more peeks into everyone’s life….hope you all enjoy.

Just a quick rehash…..Liz and Kivar have aligned she is now Queen of Antar. Max and Tess are married. Kyle has stayed in Boston with Maria and Liz and is now dating Ava. Everyone is trying to lead normal lives in Boston. Liz now owns the bar and has learned how to street race. Hope this helps.

Chapter 12

Songs are: Bow Wow ‘ you can get it all’ and Cyndi Lauper ‘Girls just wanna have fun’

“So there’s this girl in one of my classes and she’s a regular here.”

Maria leans on the bar top and talks to me as we both wait for Serena to finish making our drinks.

I look around the bar; I hadn’t done much to it since I took over the ownership.

I want to do more, I just don’t know what. I need something fresh, hip, fun but timeless. My eyes roam the dance floor.

“Liz. Liz. Are you even listening to me?”

“Yes Maria.”

“Okay so then she tells me that she went on a couple dates with Kivar.”

I perk up a little bit and turn my attention back to her.

“Mmmmhmmm” Did that sound disinterested enough? I hope so.

“Apparently he told Jenny that he wasn’t looking for anything serious and that he was waiting for someone.”

“Oh yeah…did he say who?”

“Yup, he told her he was waiting for his Queen.”

Gasping I look Maria directly in the eyes. Who just stood there nodding.

“He said what?”

“His Queen Liz, he told Jenny he was waiting for his Queen. And then Jenny went out with him a couple of times….hoping to try to…I don’t know change his mind or something, but then when she started to talk about having a serious relationship supposedly he broke it off or something like that.”

Serena having finished making their drinks had caught the tail end of the conversation.

“That’s not the first time. I’ve had girls in here ask me about him all the time. They say whenever he hooks up with a girl he tells them he’s not looking for serious and he’s waiting for his Queen.”

“Why would they even want to be with him, after he says that?”

I ask out loud. Do girls really just want flings? They were nuts.

“Liz, have you taken a good look at that man? He looks like freakin’ Brad Pitt. Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to hook up with that?”

She’s right..he does look a lot like Brad Pitt, just better. I had asked once why he wasn’t older and how he looked the way he did.

He told me that this was actually his second cloning, once he realized how old the Royals were…or more importantly Villandra, he had himself recloned to be closer to her age and then he had the scientists on Antar speed up the cloning process.

And it was worth it….

Finishing her story Maria motions to the dance floor.

I look back onto the dance floor where Kivar is dancing with some girl.

His back is to us but, Maria is right, he was sexy. Tonight he’s wearing a red V neck fitted T shirt and blue baggy jeans with brown boots. The jeans curved over his tight ass, I let my eyes linger a few seconds….

Kivar quickly spins around on the dance floor and locks eyes with me.

He strides towards me, his blue eyes clouding with desire.

He stands inches from me, bracing both his arms on either side of me and onto the bar he looks me in the eyes.

I felt that. He communicates.

I blush and quickly divert my eyes to the now interesting floor.

Don’t be embarrassed, Liz.

He cups my chin in his hands and turns my face up to his.

I want you, Liz. I know you don’t think we can make this work….I know you’re still vulnerable, just know this…I want you and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready.

He stares into my eyes and opens up his connection with me.

His desire for her coarses through her body like water breaking down the dam.

His eyes soften. Knowing things were getting serious he lightens up the mood.

In the meantime feel free to have all the sexual fantasies you want about me, you’re allowed. You are my Queen….just remember to share some of those fantasies with me.

Smirking he watches me blush again and look at the really interesting floor.

“Dance with me?” the mere sound of his voice stirs a desire deep within me.

“I’m working” I tell him.

Maria having witnessed the heated and tender exchange speaks up.

“I’ll watch your tables Liz, go on.” Some friend she is.

Kivar reaches out for my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

Ava watches it all from the DJ booth and quickly throws in a song just for us.

He leads me to the middle of the dance floor, his eyes never leaving mine. His blue eyes boring into me…into my very soul…comforting me…caressing me…amazing.

Gently raising my arm up and around his neck he slowly glides his fingers down my arm.

Uh, uh, uh, got me like woo-hoo
When I think about you
That's the first thing that come to my mind
I'm like woo-hoo baby, you can get it all
You can get it all, you can get it

I shiver at his mere touch.

Wrapping both his arms around my waist he pulls me close.

Woo-hoo, when I think about you
That's the first thing that come to my mind
I'm like woo-hoo shawtie, you can get it all
You can get it all

He moves our bodies rhythmically with the beat, grinding his hips against mine.

I sway my body in motion fluidly with his, circling my hips closer to him. I don’t think I just feel and do, and what I’m doing feels good, it feels…right.

I know you heard my reputation
You don't think I would ever do right by you
You think that if you and I was in a relationship
I would never be true

With one hand resting low on my hip, he uses his other to reach around and stroke my lower back. I instinctively lean in towards him.

You think that anything I say is straight gang
And to me you're just another new name
But what I'm tryna tell you for every man
There's a woman that'll make him change

The heat blazes through my skin where he touches, feeling his desire for me I spin in his arms and brace my back against his chest, and shimmy to the floor and back up.

And I believe you the one that'll make me
But any time I try to show you you shake me
I know I make it real hard for you to take me serious
But baby girl I am

I hear a deep moan from within his chest, and as I flush my body up against his, I can feel him hard there….for me.
Knowing he desires me in that way ignites a feeling, heat flushes through me.

And I ain't stoppin' right here, I'ma keep going
And I'm gonna make sure everyday that you keep knowing
Whether if I have to send you flowers
Or talk to you on the cell phone for few hours
I'm yellin' like

Letting the music guide me and his raw lust fuel my dancing. I spin around and face him, looking up at him through hooded eyes I sensually gyrate my hips and raise my arms above my head.

We got a serious, serious bond
And when we kick it we have nothin' but fun
I feel a whole lot of L O V E between you and me
Even though we still young

I feel him reach out and trail his fingers down my arms….scorching my skin with every touch.

My eyes follow his as he leans down, his eyes dropping to my lips.

Subconsciously I flick my tongue out and run it across my lips, tilting my head up, I can feel the heat of his eyes dancing on my lips and my eyes.

Our eyes lock and I move my head towards him, he leans in lower and I feel his warm breath tickle my nose……


I feel my body being spun around and as I turn to face the intruder, I hear a growl escape Kivar’s lips.

Growl? Did he just growl?

“Kiesha, what’s up” Liz asks the waitress breathlessly, willing her heart to calm down.

“Okay girl, now you know I am pro-woman and all, buuuttt it’s almost the end of the semester and I need new books for next semester.”

Kiesha, a Boston native, is a med student at Harvard Medical and in her last year.

“So these guys over at table seventy eight are pulling their money together and you know on the price list, there’s that shot the ‘Bungee’ and there’s like a misprint.”


I answer her remembering that I needed to have a new drink list printed up. The drink of topic, cost ten dollars, but somehow got printed as one thousand dollars. Rusty had said the printing company had somehow left off the decimal. He had never bothered to have them redone.

Looking at Kiesha’s mischievous face, an uneasy feeling creeps into the pit of my stomach.

“Weellll….I sold it….”

“Kiesh we’ve sold it before, it’s not exactly a favorite, but we..”

“For a thousand dollars!”

Raising her voice slightly barely able to contain her excitement.

She hops from one foot to the other.

“What! No you can’t! It’s ten dollars Kiesha. We can’t rip people off like that.”

I cried out running my hands through my hair.

“No wait Liz, there’s uumm..a ….catch and well I already talked with Serena, Maria and Ava and they said as long as you were game, they were in.”

“In on what game?”

“Not a game….a dance.”


“Yup..a dance. One dance.”

“One dance?”

“Mmhmm…just one.”

Kiesha stands and waits for me to figure it out, I know she can see the wheels in my head working overtime. She knows just when I figure it out. Watching as recognition dawns on my face and then watching, said face twist into disgust and then morph into contempt.

“We. Are. Not. Strippers. We. Will. Not. Dance. For. Them. Like. That.”

Between clenched teeth I force myself to maintain a civil tone.

“If they want that sort of entertainment there’s a bar over on…”

Kiesha rushed to cut me off…

“No no no, they don’t want that kind of dance, just a regular dance, you know…like a line dance.”

“A line dance?”

“Oh my god Liz, where is your brain? Yes, a line dance. The rest of us discussed this and we figured we could split the money. You know..a hundred for each of us and the house gets five hundred.”

Hoping the cut would entice Liz a little more.

“Wow..umm okay and you’ve already talked to everyone else?”

Nibbling on my bottom lip, I frantically try to think of a good enough reason to say no.

“Yup yup, they’re all for it.”

Liz looked behind Kiesha and inwardly groaned at what she saw.

Ava stood there grinning holding two thumbs up, Serena was punching the air and jumping up and down and Maria was clapping and doing her happy dance.

Worried I ask “What song?”

“Don’t worry Liz we’re gonna play that one song we always play when we close up…and do our dance. That way we’re all in sync.”

Kiesha dragged me away from Kivar and onto the center of the dance stage where the others are already making their way.

“I cannot believe the shit you guys get me into.”

I mutter under my breath, but secretly I am just a bit excited. I knew the song and all five of us were really good. We would play the song after closing every night and had even made up a routine to go with it and in reality they were pretty good.

We position ourselves on the dance floor.

Maria and Kiesha up front. Liz, Serena and Ava staggered behind them.

I close my eyes and breathe deep.

Hey…you’ll be fine little one.

My eyes fly open and I seek Kivar out. He is standing near the bar smiling reassuringly at me.

The music floats out.

This is it Liz….you can do this…you can do this.

I come home in the morning light,
My mother says "When you gonna live your life right?"
We're not the fortunate ones,
And girls,

I breathe deep and move my body to the music. Even to myself my movements feel stiff, forced.

Look at me…look at me….

I look up into his warm eyes.

Don’t worry about anything else…just look at me, I’m the only one here…focus on me.

I nodded, we do this song almost every night and there were times when Kivar had been there. I’ve danced in front of him before without any problems.

Of course we were just dancing for fun then.

They wanna have fu-un.
Just wanna have fun.

I focused on him. I’m able to block out everyone and focused on him alone.

The phone rings in the middle of the night,
My father yells "What you gonna do with your life?"
You know you're still number one,
But girls,

I glanced quickly at the other girls, they were all in step and all of them have big happy grins on.

They were enjoying this! Liz thought.

They wanna have fu-un,
Oh,girls,just wanna have
That's all they really want.....
Some fun....

I stepped my foot forward and shimmy once…twice…now pop the hip.

When the working day is done,
They wanna have fu-un,
Just wanna have fun....

Feeling more confident I let my eyes wander over the bar.
Some of the patrons had gathered around the dance floor and with raised arms they are cheering us on.

With a grin I looked back to Kivar. He stands there and like a King amongst commoners and beams proudly at me.

I put a little more oomph into the next few moves just for him. No, not for him really….

They want,
Wanna have fun.
Wanna have

Some boys take a beautiful girl,
And hide her away from the rest of the world.
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun.
They wanna have fu-un.
Just wanna have
That's all they really want.....
Some fun....

Suddenly a blinding light flys past me, people screamed….that wasn’t the same kind of a scream I had heard earlier. The crowd runs around frantically. Another flash of light swished past me. Instinct kicks in. I throw my shield around myself.

Looking around I see Serena already firing back blasts. Ava’s also trying to throw out a few blasts while shoving people out of harm’s way, which is difficult with all the screaming bystanders.

I look around, there are too many people, too many bodies. I cant figure out who the enemies are.

I feel someone grasp my arm.


I stretch my shield further to include Maria and we slowly make our way to Serena and Ava who are now standing in the middle of the dance floor, firing out blasts.

I drop my shield in an attempt to help them.

A large blue shield suddenly reappears in front of me just as I send out a blast. I looked around and noticed Kivar, now on the second floor, sending me his shield.

Use my shield Liz. It’ll keep you protected and allow you to blast out.

What will you use?

Don’t worry about me. Now can you telecom with Ava..have her mindwarp the crowd.

I reach out to Ava.

Ava can you hear me?

I look over to Ava and notice that she nods slightly.

Okay. Now make your way over to me and get behind the shield. Do you think you can mindwarp the crowd?

Ava nods and slowly begins making her way over to me.

Okay Liz…on my way.

Reaching out to Serena, I try to assess the situation.

Serena…can you hear me

Yeah Liz what’s up?

Well Kivar is up top. Can we try to get together, back to back. I have Ava getting ready to mindwarp the crowd…as soon as that happens I would like for us to be together so that we can split the room in half. You take one side, I’ll take the other.

Got it…on my way

Ava reaching my side yells to me.

“What do you want me to mindwarp them to think?”

I yell back to her

“Umm….. let them think it was a lighting malfunction. Possibility of a fire. They need to leave. Now.”

“Okay boss.”

Serena now reached us. Serena and I stand backs to each other and each facing a half of the room. Ava who was working on the mindwarp, stands between us along with Maria.

I had ended up with the left side of the room, and skillfully throw out blasts.

The crowd having thinned out, I can now tell who was attacking.

All of a sudden a large blast blankets the bar. The ground and walls shake.

One man instantly surrounds himself with his own shield.

Eyes instantly sweep to the origin of the blast, like the first snow of the season clouds of ashes rained down on the room.

There on the balcony both palms out, stands Kivar, his eyes black with anger.

“ Fez, how dare you attack my Queen.”

The one solitary man drops his shield and speak.

“It’s allowed.”

“That may be but it’s wrong. She’s my Queen and executor to the Alliance”

“She’s not my Queen and I’m allowed, she’s not chaperoned.”

“Get out of my face before I kill you.”

To prove his point Kivar sends him another powerful blast.

Fez fends it off with a quick shield.

“No need to be so touchy Kivar. I have a right. She understands that I hope.”

Turning to look directly at me, he continues.

“No hard feelings right? It’s just business.”

Kivar stands back and waits, completely comfortable and trusting that his Queen will undoubtedly get her point across.

“Just business!? Just business!? You fucking tried to kill me and my friends. How is that ‘just business?’ You go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and tell them I won’t continue to allow this.”

“Like I said…it was just business. You should have expected this.
I won’t be the last …..everyone will try. Some want it really bad. Me I just thought I should give it a try.”

Without hesitation I, slowly stalk my way over to Fez. Stopping inches away from him I look up at him. He stares at the cold hard glint I now present in my eyes. Swallowing he tries to take a step back, I follow.

“You tried and failed. And now you let everyone know, come at me or my friends for our lives and they will be sorry they even thought to try. I will not bow down to these amateurish, mediocre attempts on my life. I am the Queen and I will stay the Queen.”

Kivar makes his way to my side.

“Fez the only reason why I am letting you go is to send the message. Attack the Queen and I will not hesitate to decimate your life. That is not a threat it is a promise.”

Kivar and I stand together now, Kivar standing tall and proud slightly in front of me, offering me the protection of his body, I stand head held high determined and fierce. The both of us looking majestically united.

Here stands two leaders, a King and his Queen.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.13, Pg.11 9/15

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:11 am
by dreambeliever
Begonia9508: Thanks for enjoying the story enough to read it again. Now that Liz is Queen and has given her protection to the Roswell pod squad she goes un protected and is open for a take over. Don't worry, Kivar will keep her safe.

Keepsmiling7: I hate it too...I always felt that Max was the type of person with some old fashioned values and this would be a Max like thing.

Dziumka: She does doesn't she....more Kivar Liz moments soon, not this chapter but soon. Thanks for sticking with the story. :)

Dreamerfiend: I too was holding out for Max, but sadly it's not happening right now.

Pandas2001: Sorry... here's something for you....

True...Kivar gives Liz exactly what she needs. Max does have to prove himself, but he won't be here yet. Thanks for reading.

mary mary: I too have fallen for Kivar....sigh... legally Kivar cannot put a stop to the 'open season' however his point will get across, Kivar style. Thanks for reading Ginger.

Thanks Jan, yes, Kivar does seem to be very good for our Liz, hope to keep you still interested.

Jojotheorange: lol....I think Liz agrees with you.

Cjsl8ne: Thank you! Hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Jojotheorange / Dziumka / begonia9508:
Thank you for the bumps, I really needed that...thanks :)

I am just coming back from a vacation and will start back up with the updates, sorry I left you all hanging....

A/N : UC are forewarned

Chapter 13


Today is my two year wedding anniversary. As I drive home I remember to stop by the florists and pick up the order I called in a few days ago.

While I’m picking up my fresh bouquet of Pink Tulips, I can’t help but notice the large bouquet of White Roses sitting just to the right of my order.

Is it a sign I wonder?

A sign that I should be picking them up instead if these? Once again I am reminded of Liz Parker. The love of my life. My soul mate. The girl who had stolen my heart like a thief in the middle of the night.

My chest tightens.

A day seldom goes by that I don’t think of her. Living in Roswell still, there isn’t much that doesn’t remind me of her. I solemnly thank the cashier and make my way back to my car and continue home, where my wife, my destiny is waiting for me.

Garnering my own self pity, I allow my thoughts to think back over the past two years. After Tess and I married, we moved in together, I was able to finish out High School and get my diploma. Due to her disappearance Tess was unable to go back and finish,,.. but she did, with a little motivation from myself, go back and get her GED.

That summer I began working for my dad as a researcher and when fall came I enrolled in some law courses at the local Community College. I continued to take classes part time while still working. I had finally decided to become a Paralegal. I thought about becoming a Lawyer but the schooling would have just been too long and hard. I had a family, a son to think about and I needed to be able to support them. I finally received my Associates Degree and was officially a Paralegal.

We had discussed Tess getting a job early on, but then decided we couldn’t take the risk of anyone finding out about Zan. He was 100% human but we wanted to be sure. So in the end we decided Tess would be a stay at home mom.


Zan was a little over two years old now, but something was hindering his growth.

Not physical growth, physically Zan was normal, according to all the books he’d read. His height and growth were where they were supposed to be. Zan would read silently, or look at the pictures, Max wasn’t sure exactly, Zan would draw, even play like regular two year olds, the only difference was he never spoke and very rarely smiled. Zan reminded Max of the boy Samuel, that he had met years before, while he was still searching for Zan.

Samuel had had Autism, is that what Zan had? He didn’t know, would he ever know? All the books I had read stated that in all other aspects Zan was fine.

He had scanned Zan many times and could never find anything physically wrong with him.

He drove up the driveway. Pulling up next to Tess’s silver SUV. She wanted a new one but at the moment they just couldn’t afford it. After her return they were able to retrieve her SUV from the house that Nasedo had when they moved here. Apparently the house was in Tess’s name and after apartment hunting for awhile and coming up empty, her and Max had decided to move into Nasedo’s house. The house was paid off and they only thing they were responsible for were the utilities and maintenance. It had been quite a house for a young couple barely out of High school, and in the beginning even paying the utilities seemed to be a struggle.

After parking I sit in my car for a few minutes while I try to gather the strength to go inside.

Normally it’s not too bad but today, today there were constant reminders of her.

First he had awoken this morning with a raging hard on, after having had erotic dreams of her. After showering and dressing, he found Tess in the kitchen making him breakfast.

Waffles with fresh strawberries.

“Cause I know how much you really like strawberries Max.” She had smiled at him.

If she knew why he liked strawberries so much, she probably wouldn’t be so nice. And so he’d sat there across from his wife, all the while his inner thoughts tormenting him about a time years ago in a kitchen with fresh strawberries.

“What are you doin' here, Max?” She looks back at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“Well, I have orders from my planet to take over the Earth.”

“Besides that.” She takes my breath away.

“I want to make sure we can still be friends.”

“Yeah. I mean, we are.”


“Why wouldn't we be?”

“We really haven't been able to talk since...that night.”

“Max, people do a lot of dumb things when they're drunk. Anyway, I understand.”

“And we're friends?”

“Yeah. We're friends.”

“Just friends?”

“Yeah. We're just friends.”

Liz started to turn away from him and tries to leave, I grab her and take her in my arms, I begin kissing her on her mouth, her neck. I urgently lift her on the table, my hands running up her le…..

“Is that okay Max?”

“I’m sorry what did you ask Tess?” I ask as I shake off my thoughts of Liz and trying to will my growing manhood to calm down.

Mud. Mud. Mud. I repeat in my head remembering Michael’s advice from years ago.

“I asked if it was okay if we skipped going out tonight and just stayed home and watched a movie?”

“No problem Tess.” I tell her automatically. I rise and get ready to leave for the day.

Leaning down I kiss her on her head before reaching over to Zan.

“I’ll see you later sport.” Pinching his nose, I lean down and kiss his forehead. Zan just looks up at me with his honey eyes.

At work during lunch we were all prepping for a big case and someone had ordered lunch to be delivered.

Imagine my surprise when a young brunette girl in a certain uniform delivered our lunch.

She wasn’t anything like, Liz, didn’t even look like her, but just seeing brown hair in the teal uniform had set off the memories and my hormones afire.

He’d had to quickly excuse himself to the restroom where he had to splash his face with cold water to calm him and his manhood down again.

Now, on the way home, the White Roses, her favorite.

Sighing out of his thoughts, he ran a hand through his hair. Grabbing the flowers off the passenger seat he made his way inside.

Zan ran over to him and embraced him in a hug. He lifted him up in his arms and carried him over to where Tess was waiting.

“Happy Anniversary Tess.” He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

Dinner that night was spaghetti, one of his favorites. Tess had turned out to be a really good cook. He enjoyed all her cooking, a far cry from his time at home.

After dinner that night they had settled on the couch to watch a movie, something with Angelina Jolie in it. He thought about the resemblance between Liz and Angelina.

Petite, thin frame, long brown hair and just like that he was back in Liz land.

His mind had been somewhere else throughout the rest of the movie.

After the movie they went to bed. His need had been building up all day and just as he had a few times before, he reached out to Tess. She was always willing.

When he and Tess first started having sex after their marriage, he had been curious, he had wanted to explore different positions, different ways to pleasure each other, something…….. anything to get him more in the mood.

When Tess had first come to town he had found himself dreaming about her, fantasizing about her, he’d even been attracted to her physically.

But now, he felt nothing. Tess was pretty in her own way. She just wasn’t what seemed to turn him on. He’d found that it usually took a little something extra to get him in the mood.

At first she had been willing to try different things, he had gone down orally on her and well only have relied on books and movies he had been expecting to taste something like sweet nectar, what he got was…….not.

He didn’t even know how to describe it, but still he had continued and when she had reached her orgasm, he couldn’t have been happier to be done. Maybe it got better? He had thought. Only it hadn’t.

One day she had finally agreed to go down on him and that was nothing he expected either. After listening to other guys talk, he thought he would have been totally aroused at seeing her down there, but he had found he had only cringed as she bobbed her head up and down, her teeth slightly nicking him here and there, and finally after what seemed like forever he had finally come....and only because he had finally pictured a certain brunette’s head and when he’d emptied his seed, Tess had began to cough and had spit up.

Definitely, a mood killer.

He had felt so bad he never asked her to do that again. Once he had asked if they could try doing it with him in the rear and she had indignantly told him, that was how animals mated and she was not an animal. So they just stuck to the basic mission style and if she was feeling frisky, she was on top.

Tonight though, he needed relief. He leaned over to Tess and began kissing her neck slowly making his way down to her breasts taking her breast in his hands he leaned down and sucked. He heard her moan. His hands traveled over her body. He slipped his fingers inside of her and began to build up a rhythm. He leaned over and took her other breast in his mouth. Feeling she was ready for him. He removed his fingers and positioned himself over her body. And quickly thrust in her.

“Max..oh yes Max..”

He thrust harder, his body begging for a release nowhere to be seen.

“Oh yes..yes… harder… honey….yes… oh… yes Max.” and then she came. He watched as her orgasm hit, her face distorting to a grimace.

Whenever they had sex he never dared to say anything. Once In awhile to get the job done he pretended it was Liz. Don’t get me wrong, Tess isn’t ugly, she just didn’t always appeal to him. She wasn’t his other half and sometimes that’s what his body needed, craved the most, to feel complete. And tonight was one of those nights.

He looked down at Tess, already asleep and slightly snoring, he then made his way to the bathroom. Tonight he hadn’t wanted to picture Liz. Tonight was his anniversary and it just seemed wrong to be making love to Tess, but think about Liz.

He closed and locked the bathroom door and hopped in the shower where he proceeded to visualize he and Liz that day at the crash down kitchen, only this time he and Liz did more. His mind begins to drift away….

He’s suckling her shoulders, his hands slowly making their way up the bottom of her uniform.

He reaches down and grabs himself.

Her moans begging him for more. He can feel her mouth nipping at his neck, her hands grazing under his shirt. His fingers reach her panties and he pushes them aside as his fingers make their way inside.

As he imagines this he starts to pump his hands faster.

He needs to taste her, to try her sweet fruit, he drops to his knees and pulls her body closer to his face pushing her skirt farther up, he shoves his head between her legs. Desperately he inhales all of her, right before he sticks his tongue out and feasts. He eats like a starving man. She tastes so sweet, his Liz smells and tastes like strawberries. He nips at her, his tongue dancing over her folds. He finds her clit and nibbles softly.

No longer able to stand on his own. He leans back against the cold hard tiles and uses his hand to pump himself faster. The water dances off his skin in a sensual, teasing manner.

He senses her body tense up and knows she’s close. He quickly licks faster edging her to completion. She finally flies over and as her juices come spilling out, he looks up and sees her head thrown back in ecstasy. Her lips slightly parted her eyes closed. Damn she’s so fucken’ sexy right now. He has to have her. He quickly laps up everything and swiftly and with no effort he releases his cock from his pants and he’s now pounding into her. He leans down and claims her mouth. He can feel them both nearing and he picks his head up to watch her. He hears her calling his name, enticing, calling him to his own completion.

“Oh yes, Max …oh yes…feels so good.”

And in Liz land Max always calls out to her.

“Liz…baby, fuuck you feel good baby..yes…. take me all in.”

His pumps are faster now, his dream rhythm matching his real life hand thrusts.

“Liz …you feel so good..yes..oh baby…you’re mine…yes.” I cry out to her. And then she opens her eyes and I see her beautiful brown orbs heated with desire and I’m undone.

He had been building up to it all day, his release came fast and swift. His juices come spilling out all over his hands and dribbling down the shower drain. And he unconsciously softly whispers out....



Lizzz…she thought she heard her name being carried through the air. Shivers ran through her body and she felt oddly aroused.

Looking to her left she looked at the guy in the neon green Acura Integra next to her. He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at her.

‘Disgusting jerk’ she thought to herself.

She looked to her right at the Purple Mitsubishi Evo.

Looking at the driver,

‘Now he was cute.’ Sensing her eyes on him, the dark haired driver turned and met her gaze.

He wickedly grinned at her.

Sexy…she puckered her lips and blew him a kiss.

The guy reached out and grabbed at the air kiss and brought it to his mouth, flashing her a grin he turned and revved his engine.

‘Show off.’

A shadow appeared at her window. She peered into a pair warm blue eyes.

“Here’s your lucky hat Liz” Kyle tossed her the black ball cap. There was a cartoon picture of an alien printed on the front along with the phrase ‘Got Powers?’

Ava had given it to her during her first race, which she had won. Now she wore it to every race.

Inching her car to the makeshift starting line she adjusted her ball cap.

She flipped on her music, leaned her head back, and breathed. Taking the next few minutes to relax she began to reflect on her life these past two years, a lot had happened.

Recently she had started to realize that she had feelings for Kivar. He’s let it be known to her that he had feelings for her, serious feelings, but something has been stopping her from entering into a relationship with him. It wasn’t anything he’d done, in fact he had been great. She remembered their most recent talk on the subject of their relationship;

“Give us a chance Liz. Allow me to prove to you how we were really meant to be together…’s destiny.”

“I don’t believe in destiny.”

“Then explain to me how out of all the galaxies, of all the humans, in all the worlds just how we both came to be here together at this time.”

“Cosmic punishment?” She shot out, they had this conversation dozens of times before.

“Liz…. I love you. That’s not going to change and when you’re ready for me, for us, I’ll be here.”

“And what of all the other women?”

“Gone. Just say the word, Liz. If you give me a chance, you’re it for me. There won’t be anyone else. Give me a chance and I’ll give you the world, hell I’ll give you several worlds…...say you’ll be mine Liz and I’ll give you Utopia. I'll never let you down Liz.”

Then he had leaned into her and gently took Liz’s chin in his hand and turned her head up to look at him. Intently meeting her eyes he vowed,

“I love only you, little one.” He whispered, slowly lowering his head to hers .

His mouth covered hers in a demanding, yet gentle kiss. His tongue slipped over and caressed her lips, before the final plunge into her mouth beginning their sexual dance.

Just when her body had turned to a mass of quivering Jello and the electrifying jolts swept through her body, he swiftly broke away.

When she had felt the rush of cold breeze over her face, where just moment before his heated kisses were burning her body up, she opened her eyes up to him and found him gazing down at her with desire shining brightly through his eyes.

And with a victorious smirk he said, “Just say the words little one and I’m yours.”

And with that he turned and left her standing in the middle of the bar dazed and amused.

Coming out of her thoughts she decided tonight was the night. She would open her heart to him tonight. She was tired of closely guarding her heart. She had once felt like someone’s everything and she wanted to feel like that again. She wanted to love, to be loved. She wanted to be someone’s everything again.

What she felt for Kivar was completely different from what she had felt for Max.

Max had made her feel special, beautiful.

Kivar made her feel sexy as hell and wanted.

Max had set her up on a pedestal and when she’d fallen he turned his back on her.

Kivar also put her on a pedestal, but with Kivar, if she fell, he caught her.

He challenged her, boosted her self confidence. Around Kivar, she felt she could be and do anything.

He loved her, she knew it, and she’d known it for awhile now. She just hadn’t been ready.

True to his word he’d never dated another alien. Only humans. It hadn’t phased her one bit. She’d watch as he would flirt and talk with other women he met at the bar. Sometimes he left with them and sometimes he didn’t. It had never occurred to Liz to be jealous or upset. She’d known the score from the start. Even when he first told her he loved her he’d been honest.

“I love you little one. But you’re not ready, I know. But I won’t sit around like a lovesick puppy hoping you’ll throw me a scrap of love. I. want. You. And until you want me too, which will happen, then don’t be upset if I see other women.”

“I won’t be.” was all that she’d told him.

And it hadn’t bothered her at all. She could feel the love he had for her, she felt secure with her place in his life. Until she was ready for him, she had no say in his life. He never passed up an opportunity to let her know she was loved and that when she wanted him, he was hers completely. She had appreciated the honesty and she understood, men had urges even aliens and he was going to satisfy those urges.

Now, she was ready. Lately she was craving more…, she needed more and she knew Kivar was waiting for her, wanted her. Despite all the dates and flirtatious behavior he always came back to Liz. She hadn’t expected to feel something for him, it had just sorta happened.

Grinning she focused back onto the race. Looking around she saw that all cars were in position.

She watched as Ava, tonight’s flag girl walked to the front of the cars. Ava’s hand shot up for the countdown.

Three…..Liz gripped the steering wheel in anticipation. There had been a time in the beginning when she had been nervous……… not now.

Two……now she reveled in the feeling, the excitement encasing the air around her, teasing her senses.

One……the flag dropped and Liz snapped into race mode and all her senses went on alert.

Slamming her foot onto the gas pedal, she took off. The smell of burnt rubber and the squeal of the tires surrounding her, overwhelming her senses.

She rapidly stepped on the clutch and shifted gears with ease. Her own body coming alive with the race. Every sense she possessed waking up.

Her eyes scanned the road anticipating and expecting the oncoming twist and turns, carefully watching out for the other cars.

Her hands caressed the steering wheel and gear shift, smoothly and expertly moving the two, both moving in rhythm with the other in a well coordinated dance.

The smell of the Octane swirled with the burnt rubber and hints of acid metal, anticipation and fear stroking her nose teasingly.

She heard the excited chatter and cheers, as well as the roar of the engines on the other cars. She had learned to judge the distance of a car by the sound of their engine, and right now, she was still way in the lead. And from the sounds of things the closest car was still about a good ten feet away.

She licked her lips in anticipation and tasted the sweetness of her lip gloss blending with the saltiness of sweat.

And then finally her sixth sense kicked in and she briefly reached out and felt the mood of those around her. She felt the excited and cheeriness of the crowd. She could feel the edginess of a couple of the drivers. She let her senses, her body guide her.

She looked down at her speedometer 170 mph and climbing. She shifted gears and sped up some more.

Her adrenaline rushed kicked in just as she hit 200 mph and then ………..she was flying.

In her car at this moment nothing else seemed to matter. She was flying through life, through Earth even. Racing reminded her somewhat of the time, after prom when her and Sean had lane walked the bowling alley. When she slid she felt like she was flying…..floating, like racing. She could leave everything behind her. There was no alien planets, no queenly duties, no Max and Tess, no school, no bar. She was simply Liz.

The finish line fast approaching just up ahead and Liz knew she was in the lead, she knew she had won this race and as she sailed past the finish line and began to slow down,







She slowed down enough to do a victory drift, a 360 degree spin, just before parking and making her way to claim her winnings. Ten thousand dollars and another car.

Jumping out of her car she ran up to a screaming Maria, Serena and Ava. They embraced and began their traditional victory dance/hug where all of them embraced in a tight hug and jumped up and down singing…

“Oops I did it again…Oh baby, baby, Oops!...You think I'm in love that I'm sent from above I'm not that innocent….”

All four girls sang…completely off cue and laughing.

Kyle watched on in amusement waiting. After a few minutes Liz broke away and ran to Kyle grabbing him in a hug.

“I won….I won”

“Was there ever a doubt?”

“Never. And for you Mr. Valenti,” she reached into her pocket and peeled out two thousand dollars of her winnings and handing it to Kyle.

“The best damn mechanic this side East of the Mississippi.”

“Only East?”

“So how many cars did you win and which ones?”

“Well. I technically won six cars, but I bet them all for one car.”

“One car?”

“Mm hmm”

“What kinda car?”

“That one, pointing to the silver Honda HSC”

“Oh my god, that’s…that’s..”


“That’s like…wow”

“I know and I’m giving it to Ava…it’s perfect for her and I saw her admiring it a few weeks back.”

Kyle wrapped his arm around Liz's shoulder and together they walked over to the other girls.

Liz walked with Kyle back to Ava, Maria and Serena a smile on her face. Life was good, she had just won another race, after the changes and with a new theme the bar was doing really well, plans for the rest of the businesses were in progress, school was going good, there was no current intergalactic wars, no one was trying to kill her at the moment and tonight she was going to get her man. was good, she was without a doubt....deliriously happy, for he first time in a very long time.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.13, Pg.11 9/15

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:28 am
by dreambeliever
cupcake_55 - I just love new readers :D firstly thank you for reading and a bigger thanks for leaving FB. I have to say that you pegged max exactly, right now he is trying his hardest to do responsible things and be mature but he still has alot of growing up to do. Thanks again for reading. :mrgreen:

mary mary-Actually Liz's night will go mishaps. Thanks for tuning in.

jojotheorange x2- Again, thank you for the bump, it just so happens you have impeccable timing, I just polished off this chapter..Can't believe I went a whole month, sorry about that :oops: Thank you for reading and for sticking with me. As for Liz, you got no worries all is good for her for a bit longer.

Natalie36- LOL, yeah Max and hand are very friendly, contrary to everything Liz is doing alot of growing up, a little more about that in this chapter.

LilLoucfer - :oops: Thank you....I agree, Max's life is a little depressing, Liz has learned to deal with the past which apparently Max hasn't learned yet. Kivar is exactly what she needs. :wink: Here's more of Kivar and Liz...

AlysLuv -yeah..yuck!lol thanks for leaving FB hope you enjoy the next chapter. :mrgreen:

begonia9508 -You pose a good question, would Kivar still want her? Hard to say...but I like to think so. Zan's illness is a mystery that we won't find out about for a few more chapters...sorry :( Here's a little more of Kivar and Liz. :D

keepsmiling7 - Me too...thanks for reading

dreamerfiend- :D Thank you for giving the couples a chance, well Liz and Kivar at least. Max and Tess...ehh. Liz has a very good support system, which has enabled her to become the person she is becoming, she'll surprise a little bit more...thanks for tuning in and I appreciate the feedback. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 14


We wait for the Marshal to bring in the next local. Today is the ‘Trials’. Once a month Liz and I sit and are presented with concerns from the locals or to hand out justice for those who commit crimes. This is not a practice I enjoy, to put it frankly, it was boring and mundane and before aligning with Liz I handled these days with great trepidation. However since the alignment I’ve found that Liz is extremely good with these matters. I usually sit back and let her handle the claims. Only including my opinions when asked or when I feel strongly of something.

In the beginning Liz deferred to me with all claims, however she began to realize I agreed with her on everything. So, she soon stopped asking my opinion, knowing that if I disagree, I will let her know through our connection.

I am quite content to sit and observe my Queen in her role. I don’t get many opportunities to observe her in this role and I try to take advantage of these days when they present themselves.

She’s softhearted and cautious, she’s also smart, astute, intuitive, and compassionate and those things have enabled her to excel as Queen.

I watch as she studies the man in front of us. Something flickers through her mind. Familiarity, uncertainity. I get these feelings from her through our connection. She recognizes this man and yet she’s apprehensive for some reason.

“Please rise.”

Her soft voice tells the man. She extends her right hand to him. This is an Antarian custom, a ‘shamin’ which is meant to show respect for the Queen. The Queen extends her right hand and the individual bows and is to bring the Queen’s hand to their forehead briefly.

This was a regular occurrence before, however Liz is less formal and has never asked anyone for a shamin. I wonder why she seeks it now.

I continue to study them as the man performs the ritual. Her eyes gloss over and I recognize it as the look she gets when she is receiving flashes.

It dawns on me that she’s using her empathic abilities as an excuse to touch him. Touching people generates flashes and premonitions.


Liz looks down at the man kneeling before her. Who is this man? Why do my senses recognize him? The man looks up and meets my eyes briefly. I watch as his eyes flicker with contempt, hmmm interesting he harbors hate towards me….he reaches for my right hand and brings it to his forehead. Those few seconds were all I needed for the flashes to begin.

Several flashes flit through my mind before I receive a final flash, my death, by the hands of this man. I know him, I recognized him immediately from the first flash.


I watch as he remains kneeled, head bowed down. I quickly glance to my right to Kivar. If someone were to look at him right now you wouldn’t be able to tell from his stoic features that he was concerned, but I know, I feel his wory for me. He’s studying me, waiting, our connection is open and I know he feels my sudden fear. I open my mind to him, waiting for the opening, he pounces:

“What is wrong?”

“I know this man; he is Nasedo, the shape shifter. The protector of the Royals”

“I thought he died?”

“I thought so too.”

“Do not worry little one. I am here for you.”

“Sir what is your business here again today?” I hear Kivar ask from behind me.

“Your Majesties, I come to ask assistance.” The man responds, still kneeling head bowed.

“I don’t believe we can help you Nasedo.” Kivar replies his voice firm and controlled

The man jerks his head up, surprised.

“You know who I am?”


“How long have you known?” He sneers at Kivar

“That doesn’t matter. State your business Nasedo and do not forget that we could have you killed. Impersonating a trader, shape shifting for the crown is against the bylaws.” Kivar told him, his voice taking a slightly deeper tone, a sign that he was growing angrier.

“Where have you been all this time Nasedo? They said you died?” I ask.

She had seen little after the initial flash. The big shock had been finding out who this man really was, that he was still alive and what he was planning next.

Laughing he spat, “I can’t believe you are the queen. I mean I already knew it. But I didn’t think any of you would ever figure it out. And now, here you sit on the throne as Queen and with Kivar. I guess I made a deal with the wrong person.”

“What are you talking about? What deal?” trying my best to control my emotions, I need a plan.

“What the hell? Why not?” He mumbles to himself and his eyes take on a faraway look, before continuing “I made a deal with Ava…..Tess….before. Once she was Queen she was to align herself with me and then I would be King of Antar.” Bitterly he looks back towards Kivar.

“I was ruler; you would not have been able to Align with her at the time.” Kivar reminds him.

“Oh we would have let you rule for a short period and then you would have been killed and the Queen would need to realign herself, this is where I would have stepped in.”

“She would have had me killed?” Kivar bellows out slightly shocked.

“Don’t be so surprised Kivar” Nasedo mockingly tells him

There was more, she knew, he was hiding something “Why you? She could have anyone, why you.”

“Ava wanted to be Queen, there was no way Zan would have noticed her without me. I arranged for her to be at Demetrius rock that day, I shape shifted into Larek and arranged for Zan to be there that day, for him to notice her. Later she altered the real Larek’s memories so he would think he remembered that day. I arranged the introductions. I was her way in. Once in, she had to do what needed to be done to become Queen.” Nasedo turned to her finally meeting her eyes, they locked eyes for a moment each remembering what was lost to them, for Liz, it was a love, for Nasedo, it was a future.

“And what was that?” She prodded some more

“I don’t know. That wasn’t my agenda. I kept up my end of the bargain. Me dying, that was a mindwarp and everyone fell for it. Max is just so naïve, so trusting, but trusting of the wrong people, isn’t that right Liz?” He jeered at me “He trusted Tess almost from day one, yeah there were a few bumps in the road, but in the end, he still trusts her, doesn’t he? More than he does you?” It wasn’t a question, it was words that were meant to hurt and they had Liz had felt them penetrate into her heart, he was right, Max hadn’t trusted her, but he had trusted Tess completely. She needed to stay focused, it was coming.

“Anyways…..Tess felt that Max was becoming weak, too human. We hatched the plan for me to die in hopes that with me dead, Max would step up into his role as leader as a King and also be reminded that there were people out there that could kill them and that they needed each other that they belonged together.” Disdain lacing his eyes as he glanced at Liz, before he continued on “Didn’t anyone wonder why, if I had made a deal with Kivar, did one of the skins kill me? I didn’t think of this until after I was supposedly dead and I thought for sure you or Max would have it figured out. But for some reason, nobody questioned it. So I shifted into different people and led my life. I still lived in Roswell, I just pretended to be someone else, I have my own plans.”

Liz studied the man before her, incredulously she wondered how much more they didn’t know. There was so much they had been told that were lies, this man, their protector, was nothing more than a greedy, self absorbed, selfish person and the lies that were told to them would forever leave a mark in their lives. Unknowingly her heart went out to Max, he was in a wat an innocent bystander, while everyone around him tried to control him, tried to make him do what they wanted.

Isn’t that exactly what you did, when you pretended to sleep with Kyle? Didn’t you take away his choice? Force him to abide by your own personal agenda?

I didn’t force him to develop feeling for her, to sleep with her…to create a child with her.

The guilt washed over her, it was something she had to learn to accept, she had played her part and she would have to deal with those consequences.

Nasedos’ voice forced her out of her thoughts.

“When I kidnapped you that day, when you kissed me the first time, I sensed the seal in you. It was faint, but I knew it was there. I tried again at the fair, to kiss you, to get you to align with me, but I was met with resistance. I didn’t understand that, I figured since you loved Max so much, those feelings would carry over in the kiss towards me as Max, we would be aligned but that didn’t happen. So I figured maybe I was wrong, that you didn’t have the seal. That maybe I was sensing only the after effects of the Kings’ healing, I guess I wasn’t wrong. Why is it I wonder then if you are the queen, why was I unable to align myself with you?”

Because you’re an evil person and because I could tell you weren’t really Max, she shuttered at the reminder of the images she had seen when she had kissed him.

“I guess you’ll never know” I tell him.

“You know?” Nasedo asks as he continues on…. “There were rumors, that there was a Queen, That Kivar had aligned himself with the Queen and then I wondered who. I asked Tess but she didn’t know either, she hadn’t heard.” Silently he contemplated on what ifs.

“Why are you here Nasedo? What do you want?” Attempting to change the subject, she didn’t want to talk about Tess, she didn’t want to talk at all anymore. Time was ticking, it was near.

“I thought you would’ve figured it out by now….. I want everything.” Spreading his arms open wide, grinning.

“I recognize you, you were here last month. You are pretending to be a trader. You shifted into this man?” Kivar, had been silent the whole time, trying desperately to keep from ripping the alien before him into shreds. Sensing early on that Liz wanted answers from Nasedo, he silently stood by and let her seek the answers she desperately seemed to need.

“That’s right, Hasul of Webol. At your service your highness. ” He bowed mockingly .

“You …..he was suspected of hindering a trade line. Why are you here today?” Kivar clinging to his last piece of propriety, demanded.

Liz looked to the Marshal awaiting the answers.

“Your Majesty, he has commandeered more trades. He will not allow the lines around Webol to be used.”

“Why Nasedo?”

“It’s simple really, I want to cause a disturbance within the Kingdom. My plan would cause enough of a disturbance for the new Royal Unity. I figure any decision you choose will make you out as an oppressor, a dictator a tyrant….choose one. But now this is better, knowing it’s you, you won’t hand down a punishment, you’re too lenient for that, which will bode well for me. Once word gets out, others will commit crimes, knowing of you displeasure to enforce punishments the Kingdom will turn to Anarchy and you may very well be banned, killed, shunned….again, take your pick.”

“Nasedo, do you not see? You share trades with Kruush, Kruush trades with Heron and so on. If the trades are tampered with then the other is unable to trade and if this happens what then, Webol trades alternative energy sources if Heron did not get the energy sources they are unable to produce Valkies. Valkies are needed by the other planets to maintain life forms on different planets. It could quite possibly lead to an intergalactic political fall out.” Liz exclaimed enraged that this man, this alien standing before her was so selfish, to ignite possible war just so that he could have what he wanted.

Nasedo shrugged off her comments.

“Exactly and it would all fall back on you, because you were either too lenient with me or not strong enough to make me stop.”

Liz watched as his eyes quickly darted to his left and the barest hint of a signal was communicated to one of the guards.

This was it, what she had seen in her flash, bring it on scumbag, she was ready.

Vibes of victory and deceit bounced through her body and she knew they were coming from Nasedo. Rising to her feet, she readied herself.


His husky voice penetrated her thoughts

“I’m fine Kivar, I just need to touch him again, something is amiss I need to see. Don’t worry.”

She reassured him, there wasn’t time to explain.

Making her way slowly to Nasedo she stood directly in front of him, turning her head up slightly she met his cold eyes, staring intently she searched. Moving her feet slowly she moved to his side and entwined her arm in his. Startled he looked down at her and his eyes quickly darted to the guard again and just as quickly back to Liz. Nervousness….

“Nasedo, come closer to Kivar let him see the man who claims to be the fall of our Kingdom.”

She steered Nasedo towards Kivar and waited.

A few brief seconds was all she needed to receive the flashes. Spinning away from Nasedo, she threw up her shield towards Kivar, before turning towards the guard. Just as swiftly, Nasedo threw out an energy ball towards Kivar merely missing him by milliseconds and instead his blast bounced off of Liz’s shield and ricocheted throughout the room.

Simultaneously Liz threw out an energy blast to the guard while barely dodging the blast the guard had thrown her way .She watched as her blast reached its mark and obliterated the guard. Dust crumpled to the ground.

With the grace of a cat she turned and gathered as much energy she could in those few seconds and aimed a powerful blast towards Nasedo, right before she threw up her own shield. She watched in fascination as Nasedo’s own blast hit her shield and then exploded into tiny sparks.

She stood awed as her blast captured Nasedo, briefly their eyes met through the small light show as his body shattered into ash.

Ashes floated around them, she weakened enough to drop both her shield and Kivar’s. Once released Kivar ran to Liz.

“Little one. Are you okay? You didn’t get hit anywhere did you?”

His hands ran over her body searching for any sign of bruising or wounds.

“Kivar I’m fine…not a scratch on me.” She half smiled to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she laid her head on his chest.

“Liz, did you see…. in a flash what he was planning on doing?” he whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

“Yes.” Was all she could muster ….“Kivar I need to… to be alone.” She lifted her head and looked up at him.

“It had to be done. Liz.” She heard Kivar’s thoughts in her mind. Pulling away from him she turned.

“Liz, don’t do this to yourself. It was self defense, you or him. You did what you had to do”

“Did I…did I really?” she cried.

Was there something else that could have been done? Could she have saved them and still not have killed him?

“I just killed someone….I’m a murderer…”

Hearing her thoughts Kivar spoke up.

“Of course not, he was going to kill you. It was you or him Liz.”

She closed her eyes.

“Everyone please leave the Queen and I for a few moments.”

Kivar demands, not ask…Leaders did not ask they simply made their wishes known and they were followed.

When the door was closed and only the two were left in the room. Kivar went to Liz, capturing her chin in his hand he turned her head so that she held his gaze.

“The Alliance looks to you, to make fair and firm decisions for not only our planet, but for all the planets in the Alliance as well. Nasedo was purposely hindering the trade lines and sabotaging others. The other planets suffered because of this. You must stand firm. I am not being cruel, mean or evil. I am simply trying to make you understand that others will prey on this and think of this as a weakness. We cannot allow this. You have to be firm and strong. We must be firm. We cannot allow others to take advantage of us.”

Is that what she did? Allowed Nasedo to try and take advantage of her. What about Max? Had she allowed him to do that to her also?....always being weak, too lenient.

She thought about what Kivar had said about Nasedo and realized he was right. It dawned on her then that every decision she made here were decisions that, good or bad, had consequences for nine planets, billions of people, human and aliens.

Again she reached out to him. He was her rock, he forced her to be strong, he had brought out qualities she didn’t even knew she possessed. He brought out the leader in her, his queen. She had always been able to formulate a plan and see that plan through but this was so much more. So much more was at stake.

“You’re right Kivar. I cannot allow others to see me weak. Too many lives are at stake.”

She reached her hands up and adjusted her hair and smoothed out her clothing. Adjusting the crown on her head, she glanced gratefully at Kivar.

“Thank You. I’ll be fine now. Please let the others back in.”

She gracefully made her way back to her throne and sat back and waited for the trials to resume.

Unbeknownst to her through some of the other guards, word had gotten out that their queen had held firm and strong. The tale of the shape shifting protector and the swiftness for which she had rebounded and defended not only herself but her king also, had spread throughout the Kingdom and quickly thereafter to other planets. Loyalty for her rose through the planets.

A newfound respect had been formed from the people for their queen. Those who at first did not believe that a human was sufficient enough to be their queen had quickly found themselves changing their minds for one Queen Elizabeth Parker.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.15, Pg.14 10/25

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:01 pm
by dreambeliever
begonia9508 wrote:Normally lineage comes from blood but in Antar it's more who has the Seal I guess...
For the queen, it’s about who has the seal, If there was King he would have precedence, however since the king(Max) was overthrown Kivar holds possession of the throne.
keepsmiling7 wrote:Too bad Max/Zan trusted the wrong people.
I always felt that in the show the aliens did trust other aliens too easily, they were more wary of the humans (in the beginning, Liz, Maria, Kyle Alex) than they were of other aliens (Tess and Nasedo).
L-J-L 76 wrote: Will Max and the others find out about Liz?
Don't worry, Max and Liz will reunite soon
jojotheorange wrote: That is something I always wondered to on the show, since Tess was evil did she mindwarp Max into believing that Nasedo was dead.
I never did accept the way Nasedo died on the show the form he took was just too commercial and so every chance I change it…lol :wink:
mary mary wrote: As for Kivar, he just keeps growing and growing in my admiration I just hope that Liz doesn't hurt him too badly
Kivar is growing on me too, you should see this next chapter…. :mrgreen:
Natalie36 wrote:great chapter can't wait for more
Thank you
dreamerfiend wrote: I wanna see Kivar and Liz get together first.
I really wanted to explore Liz and Kivar’s relationship but due to the length of the story I couldn’t quite get everything in, so we will see only snippets into their relationship, good snippets though. In fact this chapter has a good glimpse into their relationship. :wink: :lol:
OmegaRam1 wrote: One of your poster brought the question up, if Liz wasn't the Queen would Kivar be that interested in her. From what I read so far in your fic I must say I don't think so. Yes, he is doing all the right thing, but I still have that doubt that if she wasn't the Queen and at the same time getting something out of it he wouldn't give Liz a second thought.
I must say you definitely got my attention, but still a die hard Dreamer, too old to start changing my preference
OmegaRa1 you kill me…lol don’t worry Liz kicks ass soon. As for Kivar liking Liz w/out the queen status, it is something Liz herself has questioned and luckily for you it is brought up in this chapter. Enjoy and thank you for reading and leaving FB.
OmegaRam1 wrote:Hey Dreambeliever
I have one more request from you and that is pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase no surprise spam baby
between Kivar and Liz my poor heart won't be able to deal with it.
You have no worries there, no spam baby, despite what is looks like I too am a dreamer through and through… :lol:

I thank everyone who takes the time to read and hugs to everyone who leaves FB. I really do appreciate each and every one of them.
:oops: :lol:

Chapter 15

Present day ………….

“Larek we need your help. I need to call a summit meeting. Kivar has kidnapped my son and I’m willing to abdicate the throne… do whatever it takes to get my son back. Tell Kivar I will do whatever he wants I just want my son back.”

“Zan has been kidnapped by Kivar? Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure damnit, why the hell do people keep asking me that?”

“Max it’s just that well Kivar kidnapping Zan, that’s uumm…that’s well I don’t know what to call it but it’s not possible that..”

“It is possible for god’s sake and you are wasting time. Now go and tell Kivar that I am willing to make the trade. Just tell me when and where, and my son had better not be harmed either.”

“Okay Max, I’ll get back to you.”

Max relaxed some and thought about his conversation earlier with Cal

“Are you sure it was Kivar?”

“Yes Cal, now what are we going to do about it?”

“Your highness, I seriously doubt that Kivar has kidnapped the kid. Why don’t you look elsewhere..”

“Dammnit Cal I know it was Kivar, now I need your fucken help. I order you to help me find Zan.”

“Sorry Max, there is a new Royal Unity at the throne, I now take orders from the Queen and only the Queen until I am reassigned.”

“There is a Queen?”

“That’s the rumor, Kivar has a Queen, a very pretty Queen too, and very nice, the people seem to like her.”

“So you’re not going to help me?”

“Not a snowballs chance in hell. Told you before I hated you and now I don’t have to take orders from you.”

“Please at least tell me where to look, is there anyone I can ask for help?”

“Well I could tell you you’re probably barking up the wrong tree, but you’re too much of a stubborn asshole to believe anything I say. Look for Larek, he could arrange a meeting with Kivar.”

At the sound of the ringing telephone, Max snapped out of it and just as quickly snapped up the receiver, the caller didn’t waste time with pleasantries, this wasn’t a social call, this was business.

“There will be a summit meeting in three days, you are to go to Boston make your way to the old airstrip, there you will be given the invitation and directions to the summit.” Larek informed Max.

Boston…this was it….Max would again meet with Kivar.


“Do we know anything more?”

“No your majesty, we’ve sent out all our feelers and all our scouts, no one knows who kidnapped the boy.”

“Fine, but keep searching, someone knows something; someone must have heard or seen something. Remember to keep this quiet for now. I don’t need an intergalactic freak out.”

“Yes, your majesty” the guard turned away from his Queen and exited the room. Liz watched him leave. Sighing she wondered what the hell she was going to do. Max’s son Zan had been kidnapped and he thought Kivar had kidnapped him. She had gotten word from Larek this morning, Max wanted to meet, he was willing to abdicate the throne to get Zan back.

He didn’t even have a throne to abdicate, but he didn’t know that. He was still the King, but in name only through his bloodline, the power was all in the queen and through her aligned.

Who the hell had kidnapped Zan? None of the planets within the Alliance would attempt it. Zan was chaperoned by Antar. Everyone knew that. No one would dare kidnap him…yet they had….who? Liz wondered.

The Doffe was still in effect. Peace was integrated between all the planets….who wanted Zan? And why Zan? The only way to become the ruler of Antar would be to get rid of her first, so who would want Zan? Ideas tumbled through her head. Was it even alien related? So many questions and yet no answers… of yet.

Upon hearing the news from Larek, she had immediately launched a search party. Larek…he had turned out to be a good friend of hers. Larek had warned her that Max was adamant about the summit meeting. He strongly felt Kivar was behind the kidnapping. She had instructed Larek on what information to relate to Max.

Max was coming to Boston. She didn’t quite know what to think. He would have to find out. There was no way she could hide the fact that she was Queen on Antar and Kivar her aligned.

Did she still love Max? Yes….. always would. Was it the same love she had for him years ago……no. Max was her first love. But she was no longer in love with him. She would never have known the difference years ago….love was love right? Not anymore, she was a different person now.

She had once loved Max with everything she had, yet he had ripped her heart out and danced the Macarena on it.

She wasn’t blaming Max for everything. She played a huge part in their fall out. It had taken her awhile to come to this realization and at one point she had felt guilty for pushing Max to Tess but now she was wiser. She hadn’t pushed Max to Tess, she had pushed him away and had simply left him alone to follow his destiny….one night she had coached Tess but after the failure of that plan, She had never tried again….she didn’t need to. Max had gone willingly. Did it really take one skimpy black top to make Max notice Tess? She understood his reasons, he had felt alone, he was hurting, he had been at odds with everyone, she understood that, even accepted that reasoning, but she didn’t have to like it and she didn’t. If that was the way he wanted to deal with his problems, fine, that was his prerogative, but don’t expect to be forgiven, don’t expect others to act like it’s no big deal and learn to deal with the consequences. Hence, Zan and Tess.

What had she done really? Slept with Kyle, while they weren’t even together? Push him away? That was it. She couldn’t believe the things Max had done to her.

And he had the nerve to protect Tess from us…after she killed Alex. Max was never the same after Tess initially came to Roswell. She didn’t blame Tess either, not completely.

Truth was Liz had made mistakes…..Tess had played a huge part and Max had made mistakes too. They all had been wrong at one point or another. Her and Max just weren’t meant to be together. They, as a couple weren’t strong enough. She had lost faith in their love and he had lost faith in her. Things happened, people were hurt and in the end she had lost faith, trust and respect in him.

Now years later and she has learned to accept her faults, she even recognized her own shortcomings, of course that might have something to do with Kivar calling her on them, smiling she thought about the first time he had forced her to face one of her insecurities a few years back….

“You can’t control everything Liz.” His eyes boring into hers as he slowly made his way towards her. “We’re in this relationship together; you can’t just decide to end the relationship.”

“Kivar, I can’t…Lonnie was right” holding her head high she met his gaze, ‘don’t look away Liz, stare him down’ she told herself.

“Lonnie’s a psychotic self absorbed bitch and she’s dead.”

“So because she’s dead, you think we can be together now. Is that the only reason why?” her voice trembled, her voice, her hands…she was trembling everywhere. This was something she had always feared deep down when she started her relationship with Kivar, did he already belong to someone else?

“No, it’s because I love you. I loved you before she came here and now that she’s dead, I still love you. You can run Liz, you can hide, but I will catch up with you. If my love scares you, then good, fine, it just means that this love is worth fighting for, and I will…fight for it, because I love you, and even if you don’t think so, you’re worth it.” Stopping directly in front of her, she tore her eyes away from his and watched his chest, rise…fall…rise…fall, it was oddly soothing to her.

Raising her eyes back up to his beautiful blue ones, she sucked in her breath at the intensity of his gaze, his eyes bore into hers, the passion, the desire the love that radiated from them once again ignited a burning desire within her, feelings, emotions, desires she hadn’t even known she had flared up at the mere glance, he did this to her, he always did. She needed to stay focused; she couldn’t allow his passion to consume her.

“Would you even love me…still, if I wasn’t the queen?” blinking away the longing in her eyes she challenged him.

Watching as he brought his strong hands to her face and cradled her cheek, his thumb caressed the contours of her jaw line, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, her lips trembled. Unconsciously she snaked her tongue out and wet her lips.

A low deep moan filled her ears and tenderly he slid his fingers down her face to her lips.

“No, I probably wouldn’t love you if you weren’t the queen,” sucking in her breath she attempted to look away but he wouldn’t let her, he held her chin in his hands, his thumb softly grazing her lips. “let me finish Liz, No I wouldn’t love you, because I probably would never have met you, I would never have had the chance to meet you. But because you are the queen our lives were thrown together, because you are the queen I was given the chance to meet you, to know you, to love you. So yes I’m glad you’re the queen, because if you weren’t we would have never met and I wouldn’t be so completely, utterly in love with you.” Brushing away the tears that were now rolling down Liz’s cheek, he wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

“I wouldn’t be traveling through the galaxy looking for your ass, just because that psychotic dupe told you that she and I shared a great love and that our love would never survive. She was wrong, what Vilandra and I shared was a long time ago, we’re different people now, and what I had with her was nowhere near as exhilarating. I love you Liz, I love that it took you awhile to get over Max, because that means to me, that you love fiercely and passionately and I want that love. I want you to love me just as fiercely and just as passionately.” His voiced hushed as he leaned down and feathered soft kisses along her cheek and when she closed her eyes briefly, he planted small kisses on each eyelid.

“I love how I can read all your emotions in your eyes, I love your determined spirit, I love how you protect those you love, better than you protect yourself, I love how when in the face of danger, you hold strong, I’m strong Liz, I know this, but you give me the courage to be strong, you give my life meaning and I can’t do this without you. You infuriate me, you consume me and you don’t even know it. I should be at the conference right now, but no, I’m here, trying to make you see reason and if I have to drag you back with me, I will. This I will not yield on, you and I belong together, I love you and I know you love me too and I’m here for the long haul.”

Leaning his face closer, she felt his warm breath tickle her ears, her body shivered and when his hand began to stroke her arm, she felt her knees weaken with every word he spoke and hearing his next words, filled with love, her whole body quivered.

“You can run and I will chase you, you can hide, I will seek you, if you leave me, I will wait for you, you can’t push me away, because I’m yours, my heart beats for you and only you” bringing his face back to hers his eyes blue, rimmed with desire, sparkling with love, held hers, lowering his face closer, deliberately slow…closer closer, she felt his breath brush her lips “We’re amazing together Liz on Antar, on Earth, in politics, in love….” He dropped his voice huskily “in bed, we’re amazing together.”

Her pulse quickened, the thudding of her heart was drowned out by him, he took over her body, everything about him burned through her. His heart beat next to hers, his need flowed through her, his love comforted her, his desire ignited hers.

Capturing her lips in his he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and when she parted her lips slightly, allowing him sweet access he gently captured the back of her head, fisting her hair in his hands, he tilted her head, allowing him better access as he deepened the kiss.

Liz shook off the memories, her now hardened nipples, proof that Kivar could still awaken desires within her, and he wasn’t even here. A rippling of desire wafted through her, feeling her needs he had sent his back, thoughts of a passion filled night promised through their connection.

Chuckling she focused back on reality, right now she attempted to work on the books for the bar, needing to take her mind off of the missing boy, unanswered questions rolled around in her head, thoughts of Max invaded her mind.

She had worked hard in getting over him, in realizing her wrongs and his, it had been years since she had really given him much more than a passing thought and now he was headed straight for her. Six years…she hadn’t seen or heard from him in six years. She had people watching over them, but she never oversaw it herself. That part of her life was closed…or so she thought.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.16, Pg.16 1/21/11

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:16 am
by dreambeliever
mary mary x2: Lol… thank you for the FB, yeah Kivar and Liz work well together.
jojotheorange x3: I love them too…as for Zan, he’ll get some help soon. As for checking your email…well thanks for the notes…they are exactly what I need to get me going a big helping of ORANGE juice!(aacckk corny I know, but seriously thank you!)
begonia9508: I plead the fifth! Can’t get anything by you can I?
keepsmiling7: Liz has learned to accept her own faults, she really has done a lot of growing up.
L-J-L 76: LOL..again you leave me wanting to tell you so much, but then that would spoil it.
Natalie36: Oooh yeeeahhhh!
LilLoucfer: As much as it pains me to say this but Kivar has been really good for Liz over the years.
Janetfl: Nope no mindwarping here…Liz fell for Kivar and she fell hard!
*RebelBaby85*: thank you for tuning in and for posting FB, I love having new readers.
OmegaRam1: Lol…ass kicking will come soon, just a couple of more chapters….
Lauren721 x2: Thank you for the friendly bumps…it’s exactly what I need to get my butt going.
dreamerfiend: Thank you for staying with this stoy…it means a lot.

I want to say thank you to those who have stood by the story, words cannot express how your FB and friendly bumps make me feel (something akin to giddy…excited…pleased…humbled! :oops: ) So again thank you all for taking the time to read.

Okay, everyone please don’t shoot me! I really did not realize it took me so long to get this chapter out. I’ve changed it about a dozen or so times…did I want the Max and Liz reunion to be explosive? Casual? Aaaahhh. I couldn’t make up my mind. Finally I decided this was the best it was gonna get. The idea was to leave you wanting (just like Max) hope I achieved it.

Chapter 16

“Max everything will be fine. You’ll see.” Tess hollered from the adjoining bathroom of Isabel and Jessie’s guest bath.

Max watched as she used her powers to change her makeup, trying to decide on a look for the evening. Why the hell did she need to put makeup on anyway?

“I don’t see how you can be so calm about this. Our son is missing Tess.”

Tess popped her head out of the bathroom and looked at Max.

“I can be calm because I have all the faith in you. I know you Max and I know you’ll bring our son back safe and sound.”

For what seemed like the millionth time Max felt guilty for not loving Tess the way she wanted to be loved. She was always supportive of him. He didn’t know what he had done in his previous life to deserve her loyalty.

Standing by the window he looked out at the street below. He, Tess and Michael had arrived here in Boston a few days ago. Isabel and Jessie had been living here for a few years and they were staying with them. Zan had been missing six days. Six whole days. Max felt powerless, useless. His eyes misted as he thought about that day.

“Max…Max you have to come home. Zan…he” Tess cried into the phone.

“Zan? What’s wrong with Zan? Is he okay?” Max had yelled back into the cell phone as he hopped into the jeep.

“Max just come home…”

“He’s gone….Kivar and Nicholas they took him. I tried…I tried to fight them off by myself….I couldn’t….I couldn’t keep them from taking him.”

As soon as he came running through the front door, Tess had thrown herself into his arms.

“I couldn’t keep them away Max. It’s my fault. It’s all fault.” Max looked down at his wife of six years. Her hair was messy, her clothes were rumpled, and there were several bruises on her arms. Guiltily he swore he would do whatever it took to bring him back.

He failed Zan, he failed Tess. He had made a promise to himself that he would protect them and he hadn’t. He was a failure. He had let them both down again.

Maybe if he had been home…..but he wasn’t and Zan had been kidnapped. Angrily he headed out the bedroom door. He needed air.

“I’m going for a run.” He yelled over his shoulder to Tess, slamming the door behind him.

Tess poked her head out the bathroom and quickly ran over to the window. Watching Max’s departure. Exercise was Max’s way of letting off steam, which was just fine for her. She loved looking at his naked toned body. Zan being kidnapped had been one of the best things to happen to them she thought. Oh, she knew she wasn’t supposed to feel this way but it was the truth.

Tess knew Max was feeling guilty. The morning Zan was kidnapped Max had been out at the old radio tower. He went out there a lot, almost every weekend. She didn’t really know what the significance was; she knew that they had found one of the orbs there. For some reason though Max liked to go there…a lot.

It was just one of the many mysteries of Max and yet another one of things that pissed her off about him. He never opened up to her. She wasn’t stupid, she was second best. She knew that.

The night Liz Parker left Roswell she had taken a big piece of Max with her. Did it bother her?….sometimes, but not really, Nasedo had taught her to block human emotions, and she had. But there was one emotion she couldn’t ignore. Desire. She desired Max, she desired to be Queen and she always got what she desired…..just ask Liz Parker she thought smugly.

Grinning Tess went to find clothes for that night. They were meeting someone to get instructions and the invitation for the summit.

Max was going to make a deal with Kivar to get Zan back. She would attend the summit also and offer her advice, just like last time. And Max would listen to her. When it came to alien matters he usually let her take control. Kivar would be in for a big surprise. She hadn’t forgotten the way he had cast her out, threatening to hold her as prisoner.

She was going to make Kivar pay.


The instructions were to go to an abandoned airstrip. Jessie knew where to go; he vaguely remembered a small airstrip, hidden in the Mission Hill area of Boston from his childhood. He and his father would go there sometimes and play with their remote control cars.

Max didn’t like the situation at all. They were in an unfamiliar town, meeting at midnight in unfamiliar abandoned turf. And much to his dismay, everyone was in attendance. He had argued for Isabel, Jessie and Tess to stay back, to at least have half of the Royal Four behind in case it was a trap, but then Tess had pointed out that if there was an ambush, they were stronger together…four square and all. So with resigned reluctance Max had finally agreed, too tired to argue with her or Jessie anymore. He just wanted Zan back.

At 10:45pm all five of them silently filed out of the house and into Isabel’s large SUV, they began their ride to the meeting point. From the backseat Max turned and watched as the city whizzed by, he didn’t believe in God but he sent a small prayer up to whatever gods to watch over them, praying he wasn’t leading his family into a trap, thereby getting them all killed. What other choice did he have? Kivar had kidnapped Zan and this was the only way.

Jessie turned off the main road onto a bumpy side road. Looking ahead at the long dark road Max tried to calm the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, he tried to ignore the ……rumbling? Even though he was headed to the unknown he began to feel oddly calmed.

“It’s okay Max, we’ll get him back safe.” Tess’s voice broke through his train of thought.

Jessie took another turn and followed the curve of the road.

They had planned on arriving early to assess the area and form an emergency plan, in case of an attack, what they had anticipated was a dark empty abandoned airstrip, but what was expected and what was in front of them were two entirely different things.

“What the Fuck?” Michael exclaimed from the third row rear seat, behind Max.

Tess’s hand appeared on his knee and gave a small squeeze, sparing her a quick glance Max tried to gage her reaction, she sat eyes wide, mouth slightly open and disbelieving staring straight ahead. Clearly not expecting the sight that met them.

Max’s eyes scanned the area, the abandoned airstrip was jam packed with hoards of people and the place was lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. Everywhere people strolled about, laughing playing, talking. Various music blared from different areas, groups were formed and gathered around and everywhere you looked there were brightly colored cars, some with neon pulsating lights shining from various parts of the car. Trunks and hoods were propped open for inspection.

Right in the middle of it all an area was cleared and five cars were lined up side by side. Max watched as one girl stood about fifty feet in front of the car lineup, raising a white cloth high above her head before quickly dropping it. Before it even hit the ground, tires squealed, engines roared and smoke billowed around as the cars took off.

“It’s a street race” Isabel finally said. “I’ve heard some of my classmates talking of it. I never imagined it was this big…” she trailed off looking around, awed by the event.

“What the hell do we do now Max?” Michael asked gruffly. “Where exactly are we supposed to meet?”

“I don’t know” Max said thoughtfully, trying to think. He had just assumed the place was vacant and if anyone else showed, that was who they were supposed to meet up with.

“You don’t know…that’s just great Maxwell.” Michaels said tersely. Looking out the window he let his eyes roam over the cars.

“I think we should get out and wait outside.” Max responsed. He was beginning to pick up a strange feeling, like he was being watched. A warmth spread through him, he turned and tried to inspect the crowd, searching for a familiar face, any face..the hairs on the back of his neck stood, he waited for Jessie to maneuver into a parking spot before he quickly got out of the car.

“Max wait..” Tess whined as she jumped out of the big SUV.

“Don’t you feel it? There’s someone here, I feel it.”

“Sorry Max, I don’t feel a thing”

Isabel and Tess quickly shook their heads in agreement with Michael. They felt nothing.

It seemed another race would soon start, as there were a couple of cars inching their way up to the makeshift starting line.

Michael took notice of this and whistled in appreciation at the cars lined up.

“That people is a Porsche 911 turbo…” pointing to the orange car, first to the lineup “..and that…that is a Mitsubishi Eclipse…the next one there..that’s..” narrowing his eyes some before he spoke again “VW GTI..”

Max focused his attention on the last car making its way up to the lineup. He didn’t know why, but something was drawing him to it.

Michael finally motioned towards the car. “The last one there is a Lotus Elise” Michael stopped talking and stared appreciatively at the last car, it was yellow with silver racing stripes right up the middle of the hood.

From their location Max couldn’t tell who the driver was, he could faintly make out the outline of a dark colored ball cap. He watched on as the driver from the next vehicle jumped out and made his way out towards the driver of the Lotus. He narrowed his eyes and studied the man, from what he could tell, Max had never seen the guy before. The guy finally ran back around to his car and hopped back into the driver’s seat.

The scantily clad girl made her way back up to the front of the cars, once again raising her white flag above. The crowd quieted, as the cloth floated to the ground, tires screeched, the smell of burnt rubber floated in the air. As the cars sped off, the area erupted into cheers. Flinching slightly at the sudden onslaught of noise, Max once again felt that he was being watched. He turned and studied the crowd, looking for anyone who raised awareness within him.

No more than twenty seconds later, tires squealed and the crowd parted quickly. He turned just as it dawned on him. The cars were headed straight for them, the yellow Lotus in the lead. Hearing Isabel gasp, he felt Tess grab onto his arm, there wasn’t enough time for them all to dodge out of the way, there was only one thing to do, he would deal with the consequences later.

Raising his arm he waited, ready to activate his shield, just as the yellow car turned sideways…the faint sound of tires screeching, he breathed in deep and began to activate his shield, the car skidded to a stop inches in front of them.

“Holy Shit!” Michael growled

“I think I nearly peed” Max heard Jessie yelp

Max let out the breath he was holding, but before he could turn his attention to the driver, he watched as the other cars made their way towards them and then they too turned sideways and screeched to a halt one by one, right next to each other. It was precise and exact.

“Oh my Gawd” Isabel exclaimed.

“Fuck” Tess sputtered from his side.

If he wasn’t so dammn relieved he might have appreciated the way the cars came to a coordinated halt, but right now he couldn’t appreciate it, right now he was just relieved he didn’t have to activate his shield, didn’t have to expose them….to think he had been so close.

“Fuck” he muttered, mirroring Tess’s sentiments. His eyes quickly darting back to the driver of the yellow Lotus.

His eyes nearly fell out of their sockets, his jaw slackened slightly. He knew that the others hadn’t recognized her yet, he also knew that it wouldn’t take them long. Jumping out of the driver’s seat was Liz Parker. She looked somewhat different but Max knew it was her, he would know her anywhere.

He watched as she made her way towards a man, who then handed her some papers and what looked to be a wad of cash. Smiling she put everything in her pockets and lifting her eyes up, she locked gazes with him.

All he could do was simply stare. She had been out of his life for years, he watched as her brown eyes sparkled, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly and she smiled at him.

“Is that Liz?” Jessie asked.

“I never knew..” Isabel muttered

“Parker?” Michael questioned

“Why the hell is she here?” Tess cried as she squeezed onto his arm tighter

But Max didn’t hear all this, all he could focus on was Liz. Liz as she slowly walked towards him, smiling.

Before he could really study her, a hand reached up and grabbed the hat off of her head. Brown silk cascaded down her shoulders. He itched to touch it, to see if it was as soft as he remembered.

He was snapped back to reality by Michael’s raspy voice. Normally he wouldn’t have paid any attention to Michael, but it was the one word filled with so much emotion and Max couldn’t ignore it.


Max looked around and noticed that Liz was now encompassed by a small group of people.

He recognized Maria and Kyle immediately; she was also surrounded by the same guy who had gotten out of his car, right before the race.. A boyfriend maybe..?

But there were also two other blondes with her…Tess and another tall blonde.


His eyes quickly snapped to Tess at his side, still clutching his arm.

Not Tess…Ava..what he hell was she doing here…with Liz of all people.

He was so lost in thought he hadn’t realized Liz and her little group were now standing directly in front of them.

Clearing her throat, he watched as she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.

“Hey Max.” her eyes met his, “Umm Michael, Jessie, Isabel, Tess…so…hey”

“Hey Liz, so who’s your friend?” Tess asked, motioning to the guy next to Liz.

“Oh umm..everyone this is Jaq and you guys already know Maria, Kyle, Ava and ..” Pointing to the tall blonde “And that’s Serena.”

“So Liz, did we just see you get out of the driver’s seat of that Lotus?” Michael asked, his eyes darting repeatedly back to Maria.

Liz turned slightly towards Michael and gave him another one of her smiles.

“Yeah…Queen Bee is mine” Liz said, referring to the yellow sports car.

“Wow Liz…you like beat all those guys.”

“Yeah” her voice now soft.

Turning to Max she continued.

“What are you doing here Max?”

I’m just about to tell her when suddenly out of nowhere, Kivar appears.

“What the fuck?” I growl out.

“Aaahhh Zan” Kivar let his eyes sweep over their intire group, in one quick glance.

“Max, my name is Max” I remind him firmly.

“Hmmm..Max” Kivar started.

“Kivar.” I spat back.

My eyes dart behind Kivar and I watch as Liz begins to walk away, with her small group. I wanted to go after her so bad. But I knew I couldn't he wasn't here for that. He was here to save his son. Liz Parker had walked away from him and the alien abyss and he wasn't going to bring her back in. I glance back to Kivar, who is now standing there, smirking.

“I believe you came for this…” His deep voice was now seriously getting to Max.

He tried glancing back to Liz, but she and her little group were gone.

He looked down to something Kivar was holding.

In Kivar’s outstretched was a ring a very large ring.

“This is your invitation.” Kivar told them. “To the summit, everything you need to know is in here.”

And just like that Kivar spun and began to walk away. Throwing a quick glance over his shoulders he smiled and met Max’s glare.

“See you there…Max.”


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.16, Pg.19 A/N 7/24/11

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:53 pm
by dreambeliever
Okay...firstly I want to say thank you to all for the feedback and the not so friendly :oops: bumps :lol: They are all much appreciated. I know it's been awhile since I've posted and I'm truly sorry and on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness :wink: I'm doing the happy dance that some of you still read this and check back, which of course is why I am posting...can't disappoint anyone 8) or at least I'll try not to. So for all you 'deliriously' faithful readers and's an update. Try not to stay mad at me too long and hopefully you're not disappointed. I am posting Chapter 17 and it's a bit short, because the prologue catches up here, but I promise you won't have long to wait.

Thanks again for all the feedback and bumps. :D

Chapter 17

Max sat and stared at the back of Jessie’s head as they drove through the streets of Boston, they were headed back to the house and all was silent in the SUV. Tess sat next to him, her arm hanging on to his. Isabel and Jessie were up front and Michael sat behind them.

No one had said a word since the meeting at the airstrip. There was so many questions that he didn’t even know where to start. Liz, Maria and Kyle were all in Boston? How long had they been here and why were they here? Liz raced cars, the last thought was more surprising then everything. Liz would never do anything so dangerous, so flamboyant, not his Liz.

She’s not your Liz anymore Max…he had to remind himself.

A voice broke him out of his thoughts. “Well, now we have the invitation, Kivar is in for a big surprise.” Tess stated, blatantly not bothering to mention the others they had run into…people who had been friends…family…loves…glancing quickly at Michael, Max stirred in his seat, unconsciously pulling away from Tess.

Isabel however would not ignore them “I didn’t know that Kyle was with Liz and Maria, and Ava…. that’s a surprise.”

An old feeling washed over me, a feeling of familiarity and completeness, a feeling I hadn’t felt in years.

“Turn, down this road.” Max demands of Jessie.

Jessie didn’t question Max and with calming swiftness he sharply turned the corner.

As we drove down the street, the feeling inside of me becomes stronger and I feel the invitation in my hand begin to pulse. I look down and notice that it is slowly beginning to glow brighter and brighter as they drove down the street. Noticing the luminous colors and rapidly beat, the ring came alive.

“Slow down” Max barked out.

Hearing Max’s firm voice, Isabel turned in her seat upfront

“Max…” she breathed her eyes transfixed on the ring.

“What? What’s going on?” Jessie asked, not taking his eyes off the road

“The invitation…the ring…it’s glowing….and floating.” Isabel said, wonderment filling her voice. It had been years since she had seen any new alien type technology and she was just as awed as Max.

Tess’s voice broke them out of their trance, “It’s giving us a sign, showing us the way.” She said knowingly. It was a Royal Invitation, she had seen Khivar send some out during her brief stay on Antar years before.

“A simple address would have been fine.” Michael grunted while rolling his eyes.

As the SUV crept down the street, the ring hovered about six inches above Max’s lap and as they drove by a large brick building, the ring began to suddenly spin.

“We’re almost there.” Tess exclaimed excitedly

Looking out the window Max makes sure to take note and memorize the names of the businesses around, restaurants and small shops lined one side of the street, turning to the other side of the street he notices a brightly lit sign “skool yard” it read and judging by the line to get in, it seemed to be a hot spot tonight.

“skool yard…some of the guys at work are always talking about that place, say it’s really cool.” Jessie commented. “I remember it from years ago, use to be a bar named ‘Rusty’s’, heard the new owners completely turned it around.”

“Really wow, I’ve even heard of it from some classmates, it’s a pretty popular club.” Isabel mused.

“Ooh a club..we should go, tonight. Max, can we go?” Asked Tess just as the ring began to pick up pace. It whirred furiously around and I glance up quickly at the establishment directly in front of us.

“Playground” The sign reads bright above the large glass double doors

“This is where we meet, tomorrow night.” I say out loud with strong conviction.

“I think we go now Maxwell.” Michael said, his head popping up from the last row. “I mean, the thing is glowing and spinning out of control.”

“No. Not tonight, it’s not time.” Max said confidently.

“How do you k..”

Max cut Michael off “I just know, ok.” Max said. He didn’t know how to explain it but he just knew they weren’t supposed to go tonight, this he knew, it was a feeling he got, he just couldn’t explain it and with his son’s life at stake, he would not let anyone begin to tell him otherwise.

“Tomorrow…the summit is tomorrow.” He said with finality as his eyes lingered on the building just a little bit longer, as they drove away.


‘Playground,’ the sign says. The neon lights illuminate the sidewalk, bustling with passersby, even this late at night. Looking to the left, I see that most people are entering the familiar club next door. I look back to the building I’m headed into, and think back to the last meeting years ago, held in an abandoned warehouse in New York, and I wonder if the council has moved up in the world. I feel a hand grab mine. It is Tess, my Bride and Queen from my past life and the mother of my child in this life. Sighing, I allow her to lead me to the entrance.
We enter the brightly lit lobby area where there is a perky teenager smiling from a counter area in front of us. Definitely different from the last time. Is she the emissary? The council chose a teenager as a host?
“Good Evening,” I hear, as she approaches us. I don’t care; I haven’t really cared much about anything lately. The only thing that has mattered to me is Zan, my 7 year old son. I hear the girl ask Tess a question, “Mature…..or PG…?” What the hell? Catching pieces of what she’s asking, I peer into a large room behind her and see a large restaurant of sorts, pool tables sporadically centered throughout the room. Dinner tables and booths fill the other areas. The place is packed. I see different groups, some playing pool, others hanging around laughing, drinking, still others just enjoying their dinner. I spot groups of friends, couples, different clusters of people. The place must be nice. It looks like a good way for people to unwind on a Friday night. Normal people. I wasn’t normal. I would never be normal. Nope, I wasn’t here to meet friends, I was here for an alien summit meeting. Nope, I will never be normal. Sighing, I focus back to Tess and the girl.
“…invitation only..” the perky girl is still talking to Tess.
Tess elbows me, “Max. Max!” Her voice is louder now.
“What?” Pulling my gaze away from the happy-go-luckies I look down at Tess.
“The invitation- she wants to see the invitation, Max.” I look over to the perky girl. She’s still smiling and nodding her head slowly. I reach into my pocket and pull out the large platinum ring; it’s the size of a ladies bracelet. The girl takes the ring from my hands and walks over to a wall next to a stairway, where she places the ring in a small indenture and turns. Click. The wall slides open to reveal an elevator. She pulls out the ring, hands it back and motions for Tess and I to get in, which we do.
Just before the doors close, she straightens up and ever so lightly bows and meeting my eyes she whispers out respectfully, “Your Majesty…” the wall slides shut and we begin to gravitate up.
What the… does she know me… is she a host…who is she?
“Well, that’s more like it. This is so much better than that time in New York. Did you see the way she bowed to us, Max?”

I don’t have time to answer her before the elevator stops and the doors swish open again. We step out onto plush tan carpeting. Looking around, there are olive green walls and matching striped chairs lined up against a wall off to one side. Directly in front of us stands a rather stocky looking man, early thirties, slightly shorter than myself, maybe 5’8” or 5’9” with short black hair and grey eyes. He’s wearing a navy blue business suit and looks to be guarding the wooden double doors behind him. Tess and I stop a few feet in front of him. Nothing is said as he reaches behind me, and with a wave of his hand, the V shaped constellation of my seal is projected in front of us. He’s the emissary. He proceeds to repeat the process on Tess and nothing happens. He waves his hand again. No Seal.
“I’m sorry, but she must wait out here.” The emissary looks to me directly.
“What?!” Tess cries incredulously, “I am the Queen…in fact who do you think y…”
I interrupt knowing Tess will only screw this up. “She is the Queen of Antar. She has the same right as I do to attend this meeting.”
“I apologize, your Highness, however she does not carry the seal. I am unable to allow her entrance.”

“Well, she is the Queen, and my guest. I will not attend without her.” Please let her in. If you don’t, I will never hear the end of it.
“No, she is the former Queen. Antar has a new Queen.”
So the rumors were true. Antar had a new Queen, which could only mean that Khivar had chosen a Queen.
The man begins again apologetically, “I’m sorry to hear you will not be attending. Please allow me.” The Emissary proceeds to escort us back to the elevator.
What? Are they seriously not going to allow me entrance simply because Tess does not carry the seal? I need to attend this meeting. My life, my son’s life, my future depends on the outcome of this meeting.
“Sir, she attended the last summit with me in New York, what is the difference now? She is my guest. Will they not allow it again this time? She is with me and I am the rightful King.” I try again. I need to be in this meeting. I will do it with or without her.
“No, you listen to me. I am the Queen of Antar. Whoever is on the throne right now is an imposter. Let me in and we’ll prove it.” Tess states, trying to speak with authority, but only sounding whiny.
“The Queen is already inside and she has passed the test. SHE carries the seal that you do not.” The emissary replies rather curtly, seemingly annoyed with Tess’s behavior.
I turn to Tess, “Tess, maybe you should wait out here I’ll go in and see wha…”
“Like Hell,” Tess screeches. “It is my right to attend this meeting. I am the Queen, for Christ’s sake, they should be listening to me. I could have them all punished for this.” Tess cries, raising her voice rather loudly now.
Just then, the double doors open and out steps another man, mid twenties sandy blond hair, cold blue eyes. I study the man, narrowing my eyes on the man. Judging from the smirk and the aura that I’m feeling, I know this man. Khivar.
“Arthur,” Khivar says with authority, “what is the commotion; we are ready to begin and we are already late.”
The emissary turns to Khivar and bows slightly, “Your Highness, I apologize, however Tess would like to be in attendance.” The emissary says, rather apologetically to Khivar.
“You were not invited, why are you here?” Khivar directs his questions rather rudely to Tess. I watch as Tess’s eyes flicker with something, betrayal, anger?
“I’m the Queen of Antar, I don’t just want to be in attendance, it is my duty to be here for the people of Antar. I demand entrance!”
“Hmmm…Tess, it would seem that you are unaware that Antar currently has a reigning Queen. You are the former. You are no longer. Let me discuss this with the Queen, it will be up to her to allow you entrance.” Khivar turns and disappears behind the doors he entered from moments before.
I turn to Tess. “Tess, you could have just waited.”
“Max, it seemed to have worked. I’m going in aren’t I?”
“We don’t know that..”
Tess starts again, effectively cutting me off midsentence“…and besides I am the Queen. What right does this other woman have to call herself the Queen? Just because she is Khivar’s whore, doesn’t mean she’s the Queen. I have a right, a duty to attend this meeting!” Tess exclaims.
Khivar comes out of the room once again and addresses Tess.
“Well, it seems it is your lucky day, the Queen has allowed you entrance. However, please remember, you are a guest, a spectator. Respect that, or you will be asked to leave.” This time turning to me, he states, “Max, she is your guest and you will be held responsible for her actions. Now follow me, you’ve already caused us a delay.”
We obligingly follow Khivar into the room.
Tess and I enter the large room. Centered in the room sits a large conference table and chairs. A couple of people are already seated. Upon our entrance I watch as Larek in Brody’s body, makes his way over towards us. Extending his hand, he reaches out to shake mine. “Max, glad you could make it. Tess, hello.”
No one else seems to want to share in exchanging pleasantries. I look around and see Hanar. Wasn’t that her name? She was at the meeting in NY. I also see another lady sitting across from her. Standing off to one side deep in a conversation stands another lady and a man. Jaq? He’s the one that lost against Liz last night. Making eye contact with him he raises one eyebrow at me in a silent acknowledgement. My eyes continue their assessing of the room. Towards the back of the room at what looks to be the head of the table, stands another man along side Serena and Khivar. Hmmm, Serena and Khivar… She’s standing with Khivar, is she the new Queen? I wonder if Liz and crew know about this. The three of them stand side by side, their stances rigid. Moving along, I see another man and two ladies standing near the refreshment table.
“Please everyone, let’s begin. Most of us have limited time in our hosts.” Larek speaks as he makes his way to the table. “Max, please have a seat.” Larek motions to a seat at the other end of the table. The seating arrangement mirrors the meeting in NY.
Larek waves his arm motioning to a small loveseat off to the side, “Tess, please have a seat.”
“I’ll sit next to Max.” Tess firmly replies beginning to make her way towards me.
“No.” Larek answers in an equally firm tone. “I know that Khivar has already told you, you are a guest and guests do NOT sit at the table. Now, if you’d like, you may stand behind Max.”
Realizing that there is no room for negotiation Tess gives in. “Fine. I’ll stand.” Larek merely nods, and acknowledges the group that had been at the refreshment table, now making their way to the table.
“Sero, you remember Max. Max, Sero, and this is Roz and Fes.” Pointing out the two ladies that were with Sero. Introducing the couple that had already made their way to the table, Larek begins again “Jaquard and Beqa, this is Max.”
“Hello again Max.” Jaq offers a friendly smirk. Beqa nods her acknowledgement as she pulls out her seat.
“Oh you already know each other.”
“We met last night.” Jaq states, offering no explanations to Larek.
Larek not waiting for one, moves on. “Okay then…Over here we have Draicon, Serena and, well, you already know Khivar.” The man known as Draicon glares at me. I wonder what his problem is? Serena meets my eyes, but does nothing to otherwise acknowledge me. Khivar merely nods and grins.

Everyone including myself, except Khivar, Serena and Draicon are now seated at the table. I hear Khivar clear his throat, “Max, Tess..” Khivar’s voice booms out within the room. I watch as Khivar, Draicon and Serena all step aside and make way for someone who had silently been standing behind them. I start to feel the blood rush to my head, shivers run down my neck and body. “…..I don’t believe you’ve met the Queen of Antar, Elizabeth.” I watch as Liz Parker, the love of my life, steps up and takes her place next to Khivar, as he intertwines his arm with hers. Everyone bows their head as a sign of respect to the Royal Couple, everyone except a very surprised Tess and me.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.17, Pg.20 A/N: 11/3-

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:26 am
by dreambeliever
To all the know that I love you all and appreciate all the feedback and bumps you have all given me, I really appreciate those of you who have not completely abandoned ship. At this time I will not specifically offer individual comments to those that left feedback, pretty much because I have seriously neglected this fic lately and am truly ashamed of myself. But I do wanna post this next chapter for everyone and say thank you again for following this story and your feedback and bumps are truly inspirational.

Chapter 18

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tess shouts from behind me, I flinch a little at the sound of her voice. I had been sitting here for the past minute, swearing to myself that there was no way I could have heard Khivar right, because it had sounded like he had said that Liz, his Liz, was Khivar’s Queen. But that was impossible.

Tess’s voice brought him back to the situation and without knowing it, he began to shake his head.

“…this…that can’t…no.”

His eyes had never left Liz’s and he had to give her credit, she never once wavered over the past couple of minutes, she held his gaze.

“Not a chance in hell.” Tess screamed again, this time she began to move.

Within a matter of seconds, a shield appeared around Liz and Serena positioned herself to attack.

Larek shouted just then, “Wait, wait she’s not going to fire!” jumping up and in front of Tess, who was now rooted frozen slightly in shock.

Serena spoke this time, “Don’t do that Tess. Don’t make any sudden movements unless you want to get blasted.”

Tess regained her composure and glared at Serena. “Who are you?” She asked.

“Serena of Antar, second only to the Queen.” Serena told her proudly.

“Well, I think we all need to sit down and have a nice long chat, shall we.” Khivar’s voice rolled out and he motioned towards the chairs, his arm gently guiding Liz to a seat.

Liz tore her eyes away from Max’s. God, how she wished that there was another way to tell him, but this was the only way, just like a band aid, just get in there and rip it off, quick easy and fast. Grimacing she thought about the pain band aids inflicted when you did rip them off.

Settling into her seat, her eyes glided over all the occupants at the table before finally landing on Max’s again. She chose to ignore the hurt and confusion she saw lingering in his eyes. There would be time later, to explain. Right now there was business to tend to.

“Max of Antar, you have requested this summit, what business do you wish to discuss with the members?”

Her voice floated over him and caressed his skin, excluding last night, it had been so long since he had heard it and he briefly shut his eyes and reveled in the sound, it made his heart sing.

“Max?” Concern laced the edges of her voice as she spoke to him again. He opened his eyes, meeting her questioning ones.

Zan, he thought, he was here for Zan.

“Zan. Khivar and Nicholas kidnapped Zan, my son, and I’m here to bargain for his release.”

As soon as the words were out of his mouth the room erupted into pandemonium. Everyone began to shout at each other, Sero jumped up and began to pace as he spoke.

Max could not make out conversations and could only hear bits and pieces and none of it seemed to make sense at all. He looked around the room at the chaos and noticed that Khivar, Liz and Serena were the only ones not talking. Except it looked like Khivar and Liz were communicating amongst themselves. No words were being spoken, but Max could just see the looks between the two and this made him angry. He didn’t know why, he had yet to analyze what he was feeling, he just knew, it wasn’t good.

“How much are you planning on telling him?” Khivar’s voice floated through her mind.

“Everything” She replied, her eyes seeking his for strength “Someone is behind this and we don’t know who, but we need to get to the bottom of it, so he needs to know everything.”

“Everything?” A small smile gracing his lips, before concern for her took over. “Are you sure little one? I’m okay either way but..”

“Khivar, We all need to work together to figure out who’s behind this and, they need to know the truth about everything. I love you and I know it will come as a shock to him, but I’m not ashamed of our love and I will not hide it.”

Khivar’s eyes danced in appreciation for her and he forced himself to keep from caressing her like his body was screaming at him to do, knowing that it would just be to much at the moment and it certainly wasn’t appropriate right now, in light of their company. Sighing he resigned himself to sending her bursts of love through their connection.

Liz felt the waves of love Khivar was sending her and knew just what he was going through, she herself was having a hard time of keeping her emotions under control, when all she really wanted to do was lose herself in the comfort of his arms. This was gonna be hard, Max could not have know how much upheaval his words would cause, but Liz knew and she had prepared for it.

Sitting a little straighter, she quickly looked around the room before bringing her fingers up to her mouth.

A very loud shrill whistle vibrated off the walls and around the room.

The room abruptly quieted and everyone turned towards Liz.

“Everyone, please control yourselves.”

The others began to straighten themselves up and Max noted that some even looked a bit chagrined.

“Now we need the full story before we speculate on anything. Max here, is about to tell us why he thinks Khivar and Nicholas kidnapped his son.” Liz turned towards expectantly.

“I saw them, Khivar and Nicholas, they came to my home and kidnapped Zan. I tried to fight them off but I was overtaken.” Tess started, from her position behind Max, her eyes boring into Khivar’s.

Max had immediately picked up on an uneasiness that had settled over the small group as Tess spoke.

Liz looked up into Tess’s eyes and had to control herself, this was the first time in years that she had seen the girl, well woman, in years and although her urge to kill Tess had dimmed her hatred for the insipid girl was still there.

“I don’t understand..Zan is supposed to be chaperoned.” Hanar asked, her eyes darting around the table.

Tess baffled “He was, I was watching him.”

“No, I mean chaperoned…cha-per-oned” Hanar looked to Liz and Liz merely nodded slightly.

“He was.” Tess said again “I was there, I said”

“Who would do such a thing, to breach the Doffe, that would…that could, cause war.” Roz said somewhat dismayed.

Max had been watching and listening and soon realized there were things that they did not know and although his instinct were telling him to blast Khivar a new one, he knew there was more going on and if he wanted a chance at getting his son back safely, he needed help. He needed these people. Khivar would get his due and all would be revealed he knew.

Clearing his throat he spoke up. “There seems to be some kind of miscommunication, what exactly do you mean when you said that Zan was supposed to be chaperoned?” He asked Hanar.

He watched as Hanar looked to Liz questioningly and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Liz nod her head.

“What I mean is, because of the Doffe and the Alliance, Zan was chaperoned, under the Queen. He was protected, and should not have been touched, to do so would be a direct breach of all the Alliance represents.”

“There is another Doffe?” Tess asked, surprised “How did I not know of this, there hasn’t been an enforceable Doffe in over sixty years.”

“There was no need to inform you, you are not the Queen.” Khivar answered her.

“And why is that, Khivar?” Tess volleyed back.

“What is a Doffe?” I cut in and ask, my eyes automatically seeking Liz for the answers.

“The Doffe is an agreement amongst planets, just like a peace treaty.” She told him

“And this Doffe is supposed to be chaperoning my son, protecting him? Is it because he is the heir?” He asked again, trying to understand.

He heard someone snort.

“No, actually it is the Alliance that chaperons Zan.”

“Actually it is because of the Alliance that he is chaperoned, under the Queen, not because he is the heir, because he’s not.” Larek answered.

“The Alliance is…”

“The Alliance is the big kahuna, they are a group of elected representatives from every galaxy, every planet, that gather and work to keep peace amongst the worlds.” The woman known as Fes told him.

“We actually currently have the largest Alliance in history, every single planet is represented, and that’s why we were surprised to hear that someone had kidnapped Zan. That would mean someone was going against the Alliance, against the Doffe, that someone wanted to create a war.” Sero answered.

“Not just someone…but Khivar and Nicholas supposedly.” Beqa reminded everyone.

All eyes went to Khivar.

Khivar put his hands up in mock defeat. “It wasn’t me.”

Liz spoke addressing Tess. “Tess, you say you tried to fight off Khivar and Nicholas, are you sure it was them, it may have been a shape shifter?”

Tess guffawed “Liz I grew up with Nasedo, I know the difference between a shape shifter and the real deal and I spent time with Khivar, lived with him, I know how he feels.”

Liz glanced around the room, trying to assess how much Tess’s words had affected the occupants. Judging from the speculative glances, quite a bit, she guessed.

“You know I didn’t Liz, you believe me right?” Khivar’s voice once again floated through her mind.

“I know, I can’t even believe you would question me” Her eyes darted quickly to him, lovingly.

“I just…I just wanted to makes sure.” Khivar told her hesitantly. At that moment she knew how much this was bothering him, it was in his voice, Khivar had never been unsure of himself.

“Aaaww baby I know, it’s just, it looks bad. We’re gonna have our work cut out for us.”

Liz then reached under the table and squeezed Khivar’s leg in a small attempt to reassure him that it would be ok.

“Okay, so it wasn’t a shape shifter, then who?” Jaq asked the table.

“I’m telling you it was Khivar and Nicholas.” Tess firmly stated again.

“Tess, Nicholas is dead.” Larek informed her.

“What?!” she screamed out. “How did I not know this?” She again asked to no one in particular, which was good because no one seemed inclined to answer her.

“Tess, you’re not the Queen and therefore nothing needs to be run by you.” Liz said to her.

“We thought Nicholas was dead once, who’s to say that he is now?” Max asked

“I say. He is definitely dead.” Khivar replied

“But, he could..”

“I say because I killed him myself six years ago.” Khivar met Max’s eyes unwavering.

Tess again guffawed “He was your second, you wouldn’t kill him.”

“He was and I did.” Khivar’s words were short and firm

“Maybe you just thought he was dead.” Max had noticed a slight change in Khivar’s demeanor when talking about Nicholas and knew there was more to this.

“No. He was definitely dead, I made sure of it.”

The whole room was entranced in the conversation, of course all the occupants had heard about what had happened that day. Khivar had wanted the word spread as to what would happen if someone tried that again. But everyone soon realized that Max and Tess had not known, had not heard the story.

“Why?” Max breathed out

“He disobeyed me.” Khivar responded

“He hurt Liz.” Jaq supplied from his end of the table. “He disobeyed Khivar and hurt Liz.”

“He what…how…when?” His eyes immediately swooping back to Liz.

“It was a long time ago and I’m fine now.” Liz told him, bringing the situation at hand back she asked the group, “Can we think of anyone who may want to stir the peace?”

“I’m telling you it was Khivar.” Tess again yelled out.

“Why in the world would Khivar want to kidnap Zan?” Liz asked her incredulously

“To gain access to the throne, to rule.” Max said, glad that they were getting back to the real problem. “I’m willing to abdicate the throne and give up my claim, if Zan is returned to me safely.”

Sighing Liz rubbed her head, this was going to be a long night.

Looking up she spoke directly to Max again.

“Max, I really hate to tell you this, but you no longer have a throne to give up.”

“I’m the King, I don’t understand.” It wasn’t as if he really wanted to be King, he didn’t. But right now being King was his only option, his only bargaining chip here.

“On Antar, the Queen is more important, and whomever she aligns herself to is King. I am the Queen and I have aligned myself to Khivar, thereby making him King and the only one with any claim to the throne. It’s why it’s ludicrous to claim that he kidnapped Zan, he’s already the King, and he’s already my King.” Liz spoke out soundly. There was just no way around this and to be honest she almost didn’t care, she was with Khivar, she loved Khivar, he had been there for her and she would not hide their relationship.

“You aligned with her, HER? How dare you? She’s a HUMAN!” Tess's voice screamed out. Her body trembled with anger.

Khivar had had enough, how could anything be discussed if Tess was just going to scream and undermine all that was going on, but when she finally had the audacity to even try to insult Liz, that was the last straw.

“That’s it, this meeting is adjourned. Max, if you want any chance at saving your son, you’ll come back when your wife can control herself.” Khivar stood and directed Liz to a door in the back of the room and without another word, they left with Draicon and Serena following.

“Well, that went well.” Jaq spoke as he rose to leave.

Larek approached Max, who was still sitting in shock.

“Max, let me give you some contact information, for when…when you want to meet again.” Larek tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and scribbled on it, before handing it over and then leaving.

Tess reached out and placed her hand on Max’s shoulder, this had been an unexpected surprise and she needed to think.

Max was thinking pretty much the same thing, they had learned an awful lot today and were really no closer to finding Zan.

“Max, call Isabel and have them come get us.”

Max nodded and pulled out his cell. After hanging up, he sat and waited for them to arrive, there was a lot that needed to be said.