LOST Season 6

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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by Earth2Mama »

April wrote:Those were cool. I read everyone's except for Jack's. Because I have a vehement hatred for him.
I know what you mean ... I can take only so much of him. I've never been a real fan of goody two shoe boys with God like complexes. :roll:

So many more dimensions to Sawyer ... so many layers ... I just want to keep peeling them back ...

O.k. :oops:

I think I'll stop now.

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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by Earth2Mama »

O.k. 4 mins. and the special comes on ... then the EPI! I'm going off line right now, but will back with my thoughts after it finishes.

REMEMBER - Before posting, PLEASE! Put a spoiler warning beforehand to let other's know so that they can skip forward or not.

Later my fellow Losties :)
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by Earth2Mama »

OMG!!!! :shock:

Just spent the better part of two hours watching, taking notes and talking to brother/mom in NJ about ... LOST!

Can I just say this - SO FRIGGIN WORTH THE WAIT!

This season will be it's finest!

If you do not wish to know what has happened, please skip over the rest of this post ...







From what I can tell, there are two parallel time lines occurring. For arguments sake, I'll call them - "What Could Have Been" and the other is "Where We Left Off".

Twenty of My Random Musings/Thoughts/Rambles/Likes/Dislikes of the Episode :

1. Locke & Jack talking in other timeline - could have ended up as potential friends, maybe even Jack helping him to walk again and not the way they ended up on the island. (What Could Have Been time line)

2. Boone! Ardst! Charlie! Rose & Bernard! All alive, although Ardst is still an ass and Charlie nearly overdoses and dies, then later gets arrested after they land in LA. Bernard made it out of the tail section bathroom & sat by his Rose. But, Boone - Alive! Liking that - a lot! Charlie's parting shot to Jack after he saved him - "I was supposed to die." Hmmm ... (What Could Have Been time line)

3. Kate and Marshall Ed and the escape from custody! Kate telling the ladies Ed just walked in and attacked her. She has him knocked out on the floor, she's taken his gun & jacket then escapes thru the airport. She proceeds to meet up with on an elevator - Sawyer! He helps her get, away after seeing her handcuffs, from the security guards on the elevator. Always the sucker for a pretty face :lol: (What Could Have Been time line)

4. Kate makes it all the way to the taxi stand and is spotted by Ed. She then hijacks a taxi carrying, but it's already got a passenger/faire ... it's CLAIRE! (What Could Have Been time line)

5. Kate and Jack's awkward meet on the plane near the airplane bathroom. :lol: That was just a comical moment. (What Could Have Been time line)

6. Did my eyes deceive me? Desmond! On the plane? WTF?! (What Could Have Been time line)

7. It appears that the island (along with the Others Camp and Dharma stations) are buried under the ocean! No island. No others. No Ben as leader. No pushing of button. No Desmond on island pushing button. Very interesting new world we've got going on here ... (What Could Have Been time line)

8. Juliet survives domb blast and being buried alive. Gang (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles) all struggle to get her out of the hatch that Desmond blew up. Break thru! They reach her. Happy reunion between Sawyer and his "Blondie", but ... only to see Juliet die in Sawyer's arms. :cry: (Where We Left Off time line)

9. Sawyer vowing to kill Jack (he words were - If Juliet dies, so does He!) one moment, then the next deciding he just really wants to see him suffer, as we all feel that Jack should (I really hate his God like complex :roll: ). (Where We Left Off time line)

10. Locke really IS dead, so the person going around in his body is ... The Man in Black! (Where We Left Off time line)

11. Jacob is dead - or is he? More on him in a bit. (Where We Left Off time line)

12. Miles talking to Juliet and having her answer - It Worked. But, what exactly did she mean by that? Because there are two time lines going on. Makes me wonder if she's currently "living" in one of them? (Where We Left Off time line)

13. Sayid needs to be saved and the only way is at the temple - Jacob's words to Hurley. Must also bring guitar case given to Hurley by Jacob. (Where We Left Off time line)

14. At temple - "Heavenly" or "Celestial" water pool should be clear, but look like one of the 10 plagues of Egypt! A cut hand that does not heal. A price to pay if Sayid is put into the water, but he is anyway. And it looks as if Sayid is dead :( (Where We Left Off time line)

15. Man in Black (disguised in John Locke's form) - I'm thining that he needed a body in which to inhabit that had no soul already occupying it. Hmmm ... (Where We Left Off time line)

16. Jin and Sun at baggage claim in other time line (What Could Have Been time line) and customs finds money (Lots of money) in bag. Hmmm ... I don't think Sun was the only one planning to run away. (What Could Have Been time line)

17. Ben looks horrified after killing Jacob and questions Fake Locke/Man in Black about why he was used? (reply - he wants to go home). (Where We Left Off time line)

18. Others questioning Hurley about Jacob, only to have Hurley tell them Jacob is dead and all hell breaks loose as they lockdown the Temple. (Where We Left Off time line)

19. Others now want to question Jack. What about ... ??? (Where We Left Off time line)

20. Sayid wakes up ... but is he Sayid or is he now - Jacob! If Man in Black needed a body without a soul, wouldn't Jacob need one as well to come back? Hmmm ... (Where We Left Off time line)

O.k. Quite honestly, I want to like the What Could Have Been time line, but it's much ... Much ... MUCH more interesting to see what happens in the Where We Left Off time line.

That's all I have right now after 3 pages of notes taken (yes, I'm actually nerdy like that - SHUDDUP! :oops: ). OMG!!! I love this friggin' show! The best! AWESOME!

What did everyone else think?
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by April »

Well, my thoughts don't go as in-depth as that. I just loved the Skatey moments and was happy that Jack got his ass kicked by basically everyone last night. :lol:

And even though I'm not a fan of Suliet, that was a heartbreaking scene. I don't blame her for asking for a kiss from Sawyer on her deathbed. I'd be doing the same thing.

But it's so SKATE. It's just so obviously Skate, and if anyone wants to debate with me about that, BRING IT ON!!!!!!
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by Earth2Mama »

April wrote:Well, my thoughts don't go as in-depth as that. I just loved the Skatey moments and was happy that Jack got his ass kicked by basically everyone last night. :lol:
I actually had to stop writing my notes during those parts. I felt bad for Jack (for all of 1/1000 of a second) and then I was cheering Sawyer on. The more blood I saw, the more violence I wanted. Yeah, I'm kinda sadistic like that :mrgreen:
And even though I'm not a fan of Suliet, that was a heartbreaking scene. I don't blame her for asking for a kiss from Sawyer on her deathbed. I'd be doing the same thing.
That was emotional ... again, it was like 30 seconds for me and then I started writing my notes again :lol: Hell, a kiss? Please - I'd ask for a hell of lot more than just a kiss. Yeah, even going towards my death, I'd want my last "happy" moment :wink:
But it's so SKATE. It's just so obviously Skate, and if anyone wants to debate with me about that, BRING IT ON!!!!!!
Well, last night episode definitely showed up that even in both time lines, Skate was destined to be drawn together. Then again, so were her and Jack ... but hell - I'd take a heat tension filled elevator ride with Sawyer over an awkward fumbling airplane bathroom meet with Jack any day!

April, if you need back up or reinforcements, just call on me sista! :D
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by jbangelo »

I enjoyed the "What Could Have Been" timeline, mostly just to see all the familiar faces! I was bothered, though, that Boone was there without Shannon. They're a package deal, y'know. ;) And also wondering what Desmond was doing on the plane? And then he was suddenly gone? Surely there is some significance.

The idea that Jacob is in Sayid's body didn't occur to me. I was surprised the no one questioned what the supposed consequences would be for healing Sayid. It seemed like that would have sent off some warning bells.

Juliet's death - :cry: I also wonder what she meant by "it worked."

I swear I have more thoughts, but I'm kinda drawing a blank now. :lol: I can't wait til next week. :D
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by April »

Okay, I'm going to buckle in tonight and prepare myself for some Skate angst. Gotta get through the angst to get to the sex. That's like a life philosophy for me. :lol:
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by Earth2Mama »

April wrote:Okay, I'm going to buckle in tonight and prepare myself for some Skate angst. Gotta get through the angst to get to the sex. That's like a life philosophy for me. :lol:
While I of course will be taking notes again :lol: I swear, my notebook is going to be filled by the time May comes around. But it helps me to make sense of what I've seen. :D

God, I really do sound like a nerd now :(
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by April »

I really truly admire those who watch Lost and try to make sense of it. Honestly, I wouldn't know what the heck is going on without spoilers.
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Re: LOST Season 6

Post by jbangelo »

I try to make some sense out of it, but I'm not that hardcore about the mythology. I mean, I want to know what is going on, obviously, but I think the real reason I love this show so much is the characters and their relationships and how they're all connected.
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